jessfandrawer · 3 months
Idea #2 (watching Jin during training) + Idea #4 (passionate kiss against a wall) @vampirella-1990
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I gave her tonfa. I hope that's okay.
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torveiglyart · 24 days
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I saw a comment/tag on one of my lasts posts that said ‘dual bayard’ and actually it’s still just the one bayard that splits into two. Hope this visual helps! (As well as new angles of the lion pommels).
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smbhax · 30 days
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Yoko Kono - G Troops gang
Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.24: Last Bronx - Tokyo Bangaichi (PS2)
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bbtin · 1 month
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Hibari's got a case of TT--tonfa temperament. When he starts to get irritated those things magically appear in his hands.
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cutecuttlefish · 6 months
The sword of the day is the tonfa.
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The tonfa is a club originally used by the people of Okinawa, in Japan. Like many weapons, it originated as a tool, or rather part of a tool. The traditional origin story is that it was developed from the handle of a millstone, used for self-defense after other weapons had been confiscated by samurai. There is some debate regarding the weapon’s origin, though, and although it is most heavily associated with Okinawan martial arts, variants can be found in China and Southeast Asia as well.
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hopefulpeacestudent · 9 months
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 10 months
Lena in Remnant Headcanon - Weapon
I've been thinking about what Lena's weapon would be. Her semblance would do a lot of fighting in big fights, but her aura isn't infinite, and everyone else has weapons in addition to their semblance.
I was a little jealous that Ruby already claimed the scythe, since it would have complemented Lena's plant abilities well, but I think I've found an adequate substitute.
The tonfa!
Bladed tonfa, to be specific. Something maybe like the below, but cooler.
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I think it would be dope. I definitely feel like a hack and slash weapon would suit her in this role, with this semblance, and this would give her a lot of flexibility in movement and striking.
What do you guys think?
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radwolf76 · 5 months
My Hero Forge 2.0 Creations — Running in the Shadows Edition
So, as cheesy and sometimes problematic the Shadowrun franchise is, there's just something fun about blending fantasy Tabletop RPG tropes like elves and magic into a cyberpunk dystopia that keeps bringing me back.
Ended up making a version of one of my longtime Shadowrun NPCs (from back when I GM'ed in the 90s) in Hero Forge.
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mcphotovirtual · 8 months
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hectoromnis · 2 years
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Moi, après avoir reçu des coups de matraque pour avoir été arrogant avec un ami dominant
Me, after being beaten with a truncheon for being arrogant with a dominant friend
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mitergearart · 1 year
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Weapont design for uni! Based off Japanese Tonfa! The nightwhip, a gun specifically designed for pistol whipping! Fun stuff
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leblancminion · 11 months
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smbhax · 30 days
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Ken Kono - Red Eye
Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.24: Last Bronx - Tokyo Bangaichi (PS2)
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bbtin · 1 month
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Future Hibari holding onto bits of tonfa with no fear as he soon disappears.
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lostgalaxylee · 1 year
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Spirit of the Mantis!
Green is a student and the youngest member of the team. He is constantly learning, both in his studies and on the battlefield. His sense of nobility makes him seem naive. But it's his noble heart and strength of his will that makes Green the perfect addition to the team.
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orcabouttown · 1 year
I have received my trimonthly like that has reminded me I have this blog, so I will do what I set out to do on day one - inform the masses about meat I have consumed and weapons I like.
Currently doing a vegan thing, so let’s call this Exotic Weapon Thursday!
Ever wanted to combine offence and defence seamlessly? Ever wanted to feel like you had a tibia made of wood? Ever thought, “I sure would like to massively overcomplicate my next battle with this clunky but aesthetic accessory.” ?
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Then you, my friend, need the tonfa!
See, on the weeb ass shit scale I’m not actually a huge fan of the katana. Sure, neckbeards gave it a bad name and dramatised the shit out of it, but it is still a solid weapon so to speak.
No, for me the ultimate weeb ass weapon has to be the tonfa, solely due to the origins.
The traditional origin story of the tonfa can be attributed to the struggles of the Ryukyu islanders - approx. 400 years ago Japanese samurai invaded the Ryukyu chain of islands and confiscated all weapons of the islanders to ensure subservience.
Why they did this I have no clue, maybe the people on those islands had cool shit.
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So the islanders improvised weapons from mill handles, essentially just prying them off the mills and turning them into batons. Simple but effective huh?
Let’s examine the actual usefulness of the tonfa.
Aesthetic? Yes, it looks cool as shit when twirled around and gripped, like a super long dick.
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Effective? Kinda. You can block like a son of a bitch, sure, but attack? A blunt object, swung with ineffective force in a lethal showdown?
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Worth the time? Well, as Thorin Oakenshield demonstrated with the aforementioned shield, the tonfa model can have its benefits. It makes for a good improvised shield in tight quarters, where deflection can buy crucial seconds in a battle.
As an offensive weapon I can’t recommend it, frankly the only offence it’s capable of is how it makes me feel to see it used as a weapon.
Now, that’s my time, I’m off to fry some Quorn nuggies and rewatch The Raid, and if you’re reading this frankly you’ve clearly struck the bottom of the barrel. I say push on through, just remember to stay hydrated and have a healthy snack of your enemies entrails.
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