#tol ov
anarzaabloodladen · 1 year
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Team Extreme if they were in TOL
Drew all of these on the plane since I had almost nothing better to do.
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squirrelwrangler · 2 years
Was telling my friend about how this week has been watching others play through the third Ace Attorney game and how one of the secondary pairings is almost insulting in how absolutely tailored to my tastes it is and now I was obligated to put it into a fusion Silm fic.
A brainstorm later and I have some more ridiculous angst involving Houseless fea and prisoners of Tol Sirion and some new characters to have roles in the Ghost Aegnor and Gorlim Buddy Cop drama that will strengthen that stretch of plot. And more angst for Consael, Aglar, and Faelineth. And an explanation for how she survived the Fall of Nargothrond and avoided capture unlike Faelindis or Finduilas. But most of all, I get an angsty nearly blind widower hellbent on tracking down Sauron for revenge even though he has no chance of doing anything against the weakened Maia with the ghost of his Noldo ranger lady love following him demanding a healthier coping method while herself refusing the call of Mandos.
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heirofdragons · 1 year
Metal playlist for THE metal bois™
So. Since I’ve been musing about songs lately, and the silmarillion has two of the most metal characters to ever exist in literature, I decided to put together a bunch of songs that make me think of them. So here’s the (mostly) metal Morgoth/Sauron/angbang playlist that no one asked for 🤘🏻✨
Ov Fire and the Void by Behemoth (Melkor)
River of Fire by In this Moment (Sauron in Numenor)
Empire (let them sing) by Bring me the Horizon (Melkor / war of wrath)
Counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums by A Perfect Cricle  (angbang / seduction of Mairon)
Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer by Behemoth (Melkor)
Father of the Wolf by Amon Amarth (Sauron / tol in gaurhoth)
Knives by Bullet for my Valentine (Melkor in valinor)
String Theory by Les Friction (angbang)
I Miss the Misery by Halestorm (angbang)
Half God Half Devil by In This Moment (Annatar)
Requiem by Avenged Sevenfold (angbang)
In the Eye of the Storm by Arch Enemy (Melkor)
The Reflecting God by Marilyn Manson (Melkor)
Shepherd of Fire by Avenged Sevenfold (Annatar / Tar-Mairon)
Skoll and Hati by Amon Amarth (angbang)
Black Enemy by Morgoth (angbang)
This Means War by Avenged Sevenfold (Melkor)
Familiar Taste of Poison by Halestorm (angbang / seduction of Mairon)
Masterpiece by Motionless in White (Sauron)
Pain Remains III: In a Sea of Fire by Lorna Shore (Sauron)
The Kill (bury me) by 30 Seconds to Mars (Melkor)
Snakestate by Morgoth (Sauron / fall of numenor)
(then of course there’s the whole album Nightfall in Middle Earth by Blind Guardian for a complete silm muiscal experience)
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aengusnatureking · 2 years
What's the point of worrying? Forget it, have fun.
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{Francia, bosco Tols, palazzo degl'alfar silvani - 30 aprile 113 E.N}
I bagliori stellari comparver nell'opaco ciel primaverle, velato da timidi aliti vaporosi i qual abbracciaron il ligneo palazzo degl'alfar silvani, tetratro dell'appena sciolto conclio a cui fu convocata la prode squadra valchirie, trepitandante d'iniziar l'indomani a cercar veritate tra l'ostil confusione umana; nell'attesa i francesi offriron una stanza ai pellegrini ove ristorarsi.
I palagi degl’alfar silvani son costrutti con intelletto, grazia e ragione così, al secondo piano, non fu difficil trovar la camera degl’ospiti in cui v’eran una coppia di letti: il maggiore era sovrastato da grazioso baldacchino di velluto verde alla cui vista le valchirie fiondaronsi, balzellando ridacchiavan spintonandosi in attesa ch’anche gl’altri due le raggiungessero ma quella sera Cernunnos fu attratto dal secondo giaciglio, più ristretto tuttavia contornato di morbidi cuscini tenuemente dipinti.
Non troppo offese per tal insolita preferenza le tre fanciulle s’abbandonar al sonno donando silenzio alla stanza nella qual mescevansi gl’aromi stagionali colle fragranze di vaniglia provenienti dai biscotti offerti dalle creature liete.
Mal monarca n'era intenzionato ad accostar ad essi il labbro poiché assorto nell'osservare la luna che, com'insolita piuma, salia anziché discender lasciandosi de retro frammenti di stelle; sol quand’essa vanì dalla finestra si ritrasse nel giaciglio ove il castano sedea, questi liberò gl’angoli della bocca dell'ultime briciole dei dolci vanigliati e si concesse attento sguardo sovra il musico aiutato dal traballante lume delle candele rimaste accese a causa del proprio irragionevol timor del buio.
La ferina creatura riposava sul fianco destro, le braccia piegate sull’ossuto torace, la schiena pallida mostrava ecchimosi giallastre che macchiavan la pelle costellata di cicatrici; cotal turpe visione strinse il tener core d’Enebro il qual si trattenne quanto più potè dal farl’intender: non volea che respiro troppo pesante si rompesse in singhiozzo chel sire avrebb'audito poiché non stava affatto dormendo el cubano n’era ben conscio.
Gli s’appropinquò stendendosi anch’egli trai cuscini.
“Enebro, stellino, qualcosa non va?”
Flautata e flebile la voce d’Aengus l’accarezzò; il druido il vide voltarsi, inclinar la testa ed abbassar l’orecchie; egli negò col capo e chiese il permesso al silvestre sire d'esaurire la distanza tra loro.
“Mi spiace tanto, papi.”
Gli confidò locando il capo sulla scalena spalla altrui.
“Per cosa?”
“Per questi.”
Affermò sottovoce avvicinando le dita agl’ematomi del musico che sussultò; che fosse di sorpresa o spavento non l'indovinò ma tosto ritrasse la mano poggiandosela, innocua ed in vista, sull'apice del ventre.
“Sapevo ch’indossavi quel mantello per non turbarmi. Avrei dovuto dirtelo prima.”
Il dir del druido suscitò immane confusione nell'abitualmente composto ed ordinato cerebro del folletto, la sua premura prevalse sul cercar risposte.
“Non ci pensare ormai è passato; sto bene non preoccuparti per me… Più tosto, senti come son morbidi questi cuscini.”
I grandi occhi del druido volserosi ai tessuti constatandone l'effettiva sofficità; ei verificò financo che ogni qual volta la discussione riguardasse le condizioni del sir ei svicolava immantinente, troava sempre il modo di distoglier attenzion da se stesso/ spesso invitando al divertimento/ troncava sul nascer qualsivoglia slancio in merito la sua condizione ed infatti anche quella sera ciò avvenne: il musico riprese a verbiare.
“C’è qualcosa di molto più importante che ti vorrei ricordare.”
“Che cosa?”
“Sono fiero di te.”
Ciò sussurrato levò lentamente la manina a sfiorar l’altrui viso pieno e morbido il cui possessor socchiuse le palpebre distenendosi, apprezzò la freschezza dell’altrui derma, la dolcezza colla quale l'accarezzò e si trovò sollevato nel contar sul supporto altrui eppur non riuscì a rilassarsi, continuava a rimuginare e ripensare; talvolta gli parea che fosse impegnato in duello col paterno monarca: ad ogni stoccata ch'ei tentava, ad ogni passo che compiva p’accostarsi all'intimità altrui, corrispondea immancabilmente una parata e l'aggiunta di novello diversivo ed Aengus era dannatamente bravo in codesta danza di favelle tanto da somigliar a rocca inespugnabile, inviolabile.
Il silvestre sire s'aggrappava alla sua logica e rifuggiva l'emozionalità propria celando financo l'ipotesi di vulnerabilità eppur il druido era persuaso ch'essa esistesse, ignorava a cosa corrispondesse tuttavia poteva immaginarla: il sir non volea esser cagion di turbamento discorrendo o mostrando sintomi di sofferenza ma volea anche allontanar la possibilità d'esser colto preda della stessa, esser visto inerme, indifeso.
Così come egli avea orrore in ciò ipotizzava che pel sir potesse esser il medesimo eppur il cubano n'avea timor delle proprie fragilità quand'era col folletto poiché certo d'esser protetto.
Perché Aengus non facea l'opposto?
Non si sentiva al sicuro con lui?
Non si fidava?
Eran questi quesiti ch'Enebro si ponea in certe sere in cui il sonno lo fuggiva eppur le risposte facean lo stesso.
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444namesplus · 7 months
abl aci acr age aid aki ala all als alt ami ana ann ant ape arc are arm ato aun aur aut avi awa axi bab bac bai bak bal ban bar bas bat bea bec bee bel ben bes bet bia bik bil bin bir bit ble blo blu boa bod boi bol bom bon boo bor bos bot bou bow bra bre bro buc bul bum bur bus but buz caf cag cak cal cam can cap car cas cav cel cen cha che chi cho cit cla cli clu coa coc cod coi cok col com con coo cop cor cos cou cov cra cre cro cub cul cur cut dal dam dar das dat daw day dea deb dec dee del dem den des dia dic die dir dis div doc doe dol dom don doo dos dov dow dra dre dro dru dua duc duf duk dul dum dus dut eac ear eas eat ech edg edi els env epi eur eve evi exa exi exp eye fac fad fai fak fal fam far fas fat fea fee fel fil fin fir fis fiv fla fle fli flo flu foa foi fol fon foo for fou fre fro fuc fue ful fun fur fus gai gal gam gan gat gav gaz gea gen gif gil gir giv gla gle glo glu goa goe gol gon goo gor gow gra gre gri gro gul gur hai hal han har hat hau hav haw hea hee hei hel her hid hig hik hil hin hir hol hom hoo hop hor hos hou hug hul hun hur hyp ico ide idl ido inc inf int iri iro isl ite jac jai jak jan jav jaz jea jee jil joe joh joi jok jos jum jun jur jus kee kem ken kep kha kic kil kin kir kis kit kne kni kno koh kyl lac lad lai lak lam lan las lat lav law laz lea lef len les lev lie lif lik lil lim lin lio lis liv loa loc lof log lon loo lor los lou lov luc lum lun lur lus mad mai mak mal mam man mar mas mat may maz mea mee meg mel mem men mer mes mic mik mil min mis moc mod mol mon moo mor mos mov muc mus myt nai nam nav nea nec nee nes new nex nic nin nod non noo nor nos not nov nud nut oat obe odd odo oka onc onl ont ope ora ott our ova ove pac pag pai pal pap par pas pat pea pec pee pes pic pie pik pil pin pip pit pla ple plo plu poe pol pon poo pop por pos pou pra pre pro pul pum pun pur pus qui rac rag rai ram ran rap rar ras rat rav rea ree rel ren res ric rid rin rio rip ris rit roa roc rod rol roo rop ros rub rud rui rul rus rut sac saf sag sai sak sal sam san sav sca sco sea see sel sem sen sep sex sha she shi sho shu sic sid sig sil sin sit siz ski sla sli slo sna sno soa sod sof soi sol som son soo sor sou spa spi spo spu sta ste sti sto suc sui sun sur swa swi tac tai tak tal tan tap tas tax tea tec tee tel ten ter tes tex tha the thi tho thu tic tid tie til tim tin tir tob tol tom ton too top tor tos tou tow tra tre tri tro tru tub tuc tun tur twi typ ugl uni upo urg use vai var vas vei ver ves vet vic vie vin vis voi vot wad wag wai wak wal wan war was wat wav way wea wee wel wen wer wes wha whe whi who wid wif wil win wip wir wis wit wok wol woo wor wra yan yar yea you yua zer zin zon zoo
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Sun[day] 23 October 1836
11 3/4
No kiss ver[y] fine sunny morn[in]g and F[ahrenheit] 60° now at 9 a.m. br[eak]f[a]st fr[om] 9 to 9 40/.. - A- [Ann] d[i]d h[e]r Fr[en]ch –
all (exc[ept] the cook) w[e]nt to ch[ur]ch Lightcliffe - and Rob[er]t Mann ca[me] to ta[ke] ca[re] out of doors – w[e]nt
d[o]wn to him at 10, and st[ai]d out walk[in]g all ab[ou]t till ca[me] in at 1 – ment[ione]d the pit oppos[i]te the intend[e]d back
Lodge – ord[ere]d ab[ou]t the Lodge r[oa]d – w[e]nt to the Lodge - then al[on]g the f[iel]ds look[in]g for large old roots of large trees
to ma[ke] up the Lodge-r[oa]d br[ea]dth w[i]th - then to the meer - and saunt[ere]d ho[me] by the walk – Ga[ve] Rob[er]t 2/.
for his civil[it]y in com[in]g to look ab[ou]t and keep off trespassers whi[le] all serv[an]ts were away
and ask[e]d him to dine w[i]th them – ca[me] up to A- [Ann] f[ou]nd h[e]r at lunch[eo]n (a lit[tle] rice broth) - she
h[a]s at Mr. Jubb’s and my req[ue]st tak[e]n to lunch[eo]ns ag[a]in for the last few days - out of sorts about the
dinner bell ringing   because I thought it the kitchen maids place to ring it for our dinner as
well as the servants A-  [Ann] thought the footman ought to ring for us    I let A- [Ann] come round
again gradually as we walked always best to take little notice of her being out of sorts gave
her about a glass and half of Malmsey Madeira on coming in and left her in good humour
and lain down – walk[e]d w[i]th A- [Ann] in the walk fr[om] 1 3/4 to 3 5/.. then at 3 1/4 left h[e]r lain d[o]wn
on the bed (for an h[ou]r) and ca[me] to my study and wr[ote] all the ab[ove] of today till 3 23/.. p.m. fr[om] then to 4 50/.. r[ea]d
a lit[tle] of the alph[abe]t of Electric[it]y and wr[ote] and cop[ie]d ‘Let[ter] 1 p[age] to ‘Mrs. Bull, 3 Friargate, Derby
‘P[o]st p[ai]d’ to go tonight sor[ry] that in conseq[uen]ce of my a[un]t’s d[ea]th I h[a]d been so long in ans[werin]g Mrs. Bull’s let[ter]
(rec[eive]d on the 14th inst[ant]) hav[in]g no long[e]r any gr[ea]t tie at ho[me] h[a]d made s[u]ch a diff[eren]ce in
my arrange[men]ts I h[a]d determ[ine]d to gi[ve] up the th[ou]ght of engag[in]g a h[ou]sekeep[e]r at pres[en]t - Mrs. B-  [Bull]
to let me kno[w] wh[a]t I am indebt[e]d to her, and I will pay her thro’ the Yorks[hire] dist[ric]t b[an]k –
the h[ou]sem[ai]d and groom kno[w] their work and can do it well – disapp[ointe]d in the f[oo]tman who is
on[l]y ver[y] tol[era]ble - at 4 55/.. (in 25 min[ute]s) A- [Ann] and I r[ea]d al[ou]d to each oth[e]r the who[le] of the ev[enin]g
serv[i]ce – r[ea]d a lit[tle] mo[re] of the alph[abe]t of electric[it]y – dress[e]d – din[ner] at 6 1/2 – coff[ee] upst[ai]rs – r[ea]d
tonight’s pap[e]r - A- [Ann] r[ea]d Fr[en]ch – ver[y] fine day F[ahrenheit] 51° and fine moonlight night now at 9 1/2 –
fr[om] then to 10 1/2 r[ea]ding alph[abe]t of Electric[it]y – ha[ve] r[ea]d in the court of today the first 83 p[ages] of this interest[in]g lit[tle] vol[ume]
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mcdannowave · 3 years
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“What’s my line?”....”I don’t know. I know my line”
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everyothermouse · 3 years
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Warmin up those traditional doodle muscles to start school on Monday :P
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violetkatgrove · 6 years
me seeing slenderman in videos
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me seeing slenderman art
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There are none yolks here, meye friends. Eye love beink porpl and tol and yelling “Weh” at all ov my closest compatriots!
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anarzaabloodladen · 2 years
"I sentence you to the pit."
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molefall0 · 3 years
Tiktok Pasta Recipe With Cream Cheese - Lifeless Or Alive?
Creators like Cape Lions have amassed large followings by sharing original music over TikTok. Some top manufacturers in USA like Lisa B Jewellery. Danielle Cohn is the popular Model, Youtuber, Tiktok Star and Instagram Star from USA. Cohn also works as a cheerleader at lots of the popular sporting events organized around the nation, in her free time. Principally everybody who likes posting movies on TikTok ought to use it so as to get free followers for TikTok and free fans for TikTok in addition to free likes.All features of TikFameTok - Fans for TikTok free & Free TikTok likesFree fans for TikTokFree followers for TikTokFree likes for TikTokHow TikFameTok works - Followers for TikTok free & Free TikTok likesOur app matches customers collectively so its simpler to search out each other with a purpose to carry out TikTok observe for comply with / TikTok like for like so you'll be able to improve your TikTok fans & TikTok followers & TikTok likes with out a problem. The best way the app works is so simple.
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Otherwise, you won’t be in a position to sign up/login to the app. As a Tik Toker, everybody wants to increase his followership and views to change into widespread on Tit Tol for this objective folks search for a different app to increase their followers and views on their videos. Get followers on TikTok then I coated two set up strategies for you. Beneath him there's an administration unit headed by a Deputy Director who's assisted by two Assistants. Know precisely who you’re trying to reach to take maximum benefit of those targeting options. You won't even really know the way you’re going to generate profits, proper? She moreover wants to make tiktok recordings. Switch her singing recordings. You won't need to stress over arranging all the recordings - Collab remembers for application devices to match up the components together. She runs a well known youtube channel where she transfers enjoyable recordings.
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nirnrave · 4 years
another dovahzul lullaby
tumblr user @boethiah​ posted one of these many a moon ago, and it inspired me to make my own! it was fun playing around with dovahzul’s “grammar” hfglkdfhlkg
Ton krah felniirre laat nunon gein getiid Haalle do laag fen dein hi fod rovaan Hahnu do briisevu, fariik dahik maltiid Daar lein tol mu voth hind wahlaan
Daar leinu los lovaas, los rot med du'ul. Hi ofan mu unslaad razaan Zu'u hon tul hiliil, wah hokoron mul Ahrk wah hin mandro daan.
Fod tiid bo fod vopraan kent, ov: Zu'u fen ni sarein, ni saraan Lokaali(, zu’u) fen hi ontzos mahlov Ko vesey ahst oblaan
A thousand cold winters last only a second The hands of sleep will keep you safe as you wander Dream of dawn's beauty, precious for its transcience the world we created with hope/a wish
This world of ours is a song, is a word like a crown You gave (gifted) us an eternal beat (rhythm) I still hear your heart, strong against enemies (against enemies strong) And against the doom of your drum. (your drum's doom)
When the time comes to have to (must) wake up, trust: I will not hesitate, not/nor wait My love (, I) will once more embrace you In a kiss at the end
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idkyouyet · 4 years
tobbszaz regenyt olvastam mar eletemben. legtobbjuk szerint a szerelem az univerzum mozgatoja. minden sebunket kepes begyogyitani, es szerelemre van szuksegunk a tuleleshez. Darcy-tol Hills Cliff-ig minden hos szerelmest bolondnak hittem. ugy gondoltam a szerelem fikcio. csak konyvek elnyutt lapjain letezik. azonban minden megvaltozott, amikor megismertem az en Elizabeth Bennet-emet. egesz addig nem hittem, hogy egyszer engem is teljes valomban magaval ragadhat egy masik ember. kezen fogott, es kivezetett a sotetbol. megmutatta, hogy barmibol is van a lelkunk, az ove s az enyem ; egy.
nagyon sajnalom.
kerlek bocsass meg nekem.
egyszer azt kerdezted, kit szeretek a vilagon a legjobban.
| After |
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woollyslisterblog · 5 years
1834 April Saturday 19th
Ver[y] fine morn[in]g F48° at 6.55 – one goodish one last night – br[ea]kf[a]st at 8.15 – my fath[e]r tol[era]ble – yet looks ver[y] poor[l]y – out all the morn[in]g saunt[erin]g ab[ou]t the walk – walk[e]d acr[oss] the f[iel]ds to Godley and b[a]ck by Redbeck houses and Wellroyde ab[ou]t 3 – Dr Kenny h[a]d call[e]d as a fr[ien]d to see my a[un]t – told Mar[ia]n he nev[e]r saw the sore look worse? Gangrenous – 48 h[ou]rs m[i]ght ta[ke] my a[un]t off – saw my a[un]t bef[ore] and aft[er] for a few min[ute]s –
Miss W-[Walker] tir[e]d – lay d[o]wn fr[om] ab[ou]t 3 o’ clock to 3.45 – and I sat by latterly asleep as well as she – p[ai]d the workm[e]n – Miss W-[Walker] and I in the walk ag[ai]n till 5.30 – Dawdl[in] ov[e]r 1 t[hin]g or another till din[ner] at 6.15 – Coff[ee] – Miss W-[Walker] won 2 gammons and 2 hits ag[ain]st my one hit – had queer letter sent for the bearer to the door and told him angrily to bring no more such and told Thomas to turn him out said he brought it from a James Holdsworth mill owner, Shawhill- Mar[ia]n ca[me] to us for n[ea]r an h[ou]r – then with my a[un]t (m[u]ch bet[ter] tonight) for 1/2 hour til 10.10 – ver[y] fine day F
AL still getting thrashed by AW in the evenings and also some shenanigans with a letter writer to her trying to stir up some trouble.
From the oblique reference here, it is difficult to find out what form the “queer” letter took; whether its motivation was political or personal.
At that time, with the enactment of the Reform Act, a forthcoming general election, no doubt the political landscape was in upheaval. However, looking at the Holdsworth family which then was headed up by James’ brother, John Holdsworth, they appear Anglican and Tory. James, though from the family of mill owners, does not seem himself to take an active interest in the family business.
If the driver then was not political then the letter might have implied some sort of criticism of her relationship with Miss Walker since she had recently arrived at Shibden to stay. Otherwise, it is also possible that it was yet again another mischief-making letter directed only at AL herself which she was accustomed to receiving.
Anyone with other Liddington books to hand might be able to throw light on this.
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trubblemakr · 5 years
i stupidly fell in love with my bestfreind. and he knows. i a girl fell in love with my guy best friend. withc everyeone but me really saw comming. but the thing is my best frend isint really the best guy to be in love with. hes hansome and had this bad boy apparence =, and when were talking hs sweet af to me, but he has a reputation. and not l a good one, everyeone keeps telling me that being with him is stupid and that i shouldent do it because all thats gonna hppen i im gonna get hurt, that hes gonna get bird of me and not leave me just like every other guy ever has. peope tell me hes gonna use me for a little while make me believe that he oves me and then once i give him hat he wants hes gonna leave, i keep gitting tols that he is gonna look at me as another knotch in his belt and no matter what i do i cant stop thining about that even though i should, he has been there to pick me up after so many othe guys have thrown me away and broke me down, he has been there multiple times to pick me up and put me right back on my feet after someone hurt me. hes m best freind, hes been there for me for the last year no matter what fights weve had we always ended up friends again and we talk every day and he tells me that he loves me and that m bueatifull and that even if he could change anything about me he wouldent becaue he thiks im perfict and amazign and he tels me all the time hat hes so happy when hes holding me in his am and i want more than anything to not be scared of gitting hurt by my best friend who is now my boyfreind i want more than anything to know that he is mine and only mine. and no matter how many imes he tells me hes not gonna hurt me i still get scared, it donet help that he disent txext me for hours at a time and when i get upse about it he blows it off like its nothing and im over reacting and maybe i am. maybe i shoudent care, but ive erd alot about him scheeting and sleeping with everyeone and i really cant be just another notch on his belt. i cant do it but can loose him. he knows me hes the ony person that staed my friend after m ex broke up with me. hes the only person that hasent thrown me away, he has lost other girlfriends becuse he wouldent stop talking to me. so i wish more than anything i could jut stop being scred tha hes gonna leave me because i relly just wanna fuckng be happy.
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