#to gain power bc to them she is an object to be used to gain power
jiyoos · 2 years
saw someone said the w*tcher books were bad bc the author seemed s*xist how do you miss the point so bad
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violetasteracademic · 2 months
Azriel x Elain Bonus Chapter vs. Nesta x Cassian Bonus Chapter
Hello friends! What a lovely day for another text based side by side comparison. Today we are focusing on the parallels between Nesta and Cassian in their bonus chapter and Azriel and Elain in Az's bonus chapter.
The Nesta and Cassian bonus chapter has been published by Bloomsbury and easily found with a quick google search! It is called Wings and Embers.
This is in response to a comment I received on my TikTok video where I shared the same slides as my previous post comparing Mor and Az to Elain and Az, which is that Azriel only lusts after Elain. I could write a dissertation on the depth and slow development of their friendship and deep connection (Azriel staying up until three am listening to her plans for the garden, Azriel body checking Feyre out of the way so he could be the first to wish Elain a Happy Solstice, Azriel helping her with those cute potatoes and setting the table for dinner, his shadows preparing to strike when Elain's character is insulted and called boring [lol it's almost as if Sarah hears the negative things readers say about a character she loves] and so on.) but the easiest way to tackle the *lust* issue is to take a peek at the bonus chapters side by side.
Wings and Embers:
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That is a h*rny man. Violently h*rny.
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Nesta, in response to her own h*rniness, literally thinks Cassian has used faerie magic on her to make her feel things. Teehee. Cassian is also worried over how insane he is acting, how making a move on Nesta could disrupt the delicate balance of the inner circle.
There are reasons to not move forward with this mutual pull they feel to literally rip each other's clothes off in that exact moment, and it ends without them giving in to the desire to kiss.
Now let's compare to Azriel and Elain:
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Breath catching, hands shaking, secret gifts exchanged in the dead of night.
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They are going farther than they have ever gone after more than a year of brushing fingers and exchanging looks.
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He is having some steamy thoughts, and her arousal drifts up to him. It is 100% mutual!
Both bat boys are described in their respective bonus chapters as thinking it was wrong or stupid to be making a move on one of the Archeron sisters, and not caring:
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And both are described as being willing to beg on their knees:
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I think what we are seeing here is an indication of the theme and tone for the upcoming romance. Cassian and Nesta are fiery fighters, with a million reasons why they should avoid their feelings. Azriel and Elain are full of quiet dreaming and angst and pining, with a million obstacles in their way.
But every character, in their own way, is struggling to control their desire.
Ultimately, bonus chapters are just that: bonuses. You don't have to read Cassian and Nesta's bonus to get an understanding of the relationship between them and the tone of their romance, nor is a bonus needed to understand the dynamic between Azriel and Elain.
I love Gwyn and am not discounting her presence in the bonus, of course I think most of us on the Elriel side simply perceive it is an additional show of her hidden powers. I am NOT team evil Gwyn, but we have already seen Koschei use Eris to lure Cassian and Azriel near to the crown to gain control over them. If Gwyn does have hidden lightsinger powers and she were to be put under the control of the Crown, she is a perfect character for Koschei to get his hands on as well to be used for luring purposes. This is reflected outside of the bonus chapters as well, with Nesta's powers having a reaction to Gwyn. It is not only seen in the BC, it's an *extra* moment. Gwyn is going to play a role in something, I have no doubt!
Gwyn also was in proximity to a piece of the cauldron for many years of her life, and only characters who are made or bearing made objects (Nesta and Azriel) are having these reactions to her. I think that will prove relevant.
I hope you all enjoy, and happy waiting patiently (or impatiently) for the book announcement!
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fairytale-poll · 7 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Cinderella’s ball goes badly and she kills a town. What is there not to love?
Carrie is a horror retelling of Cinderella, look it up it's true
She killed her evil stepmother and stepsisters (technically they "adopted" her as slave labor and the narrative treats her as the villain for this but tbh out of all the things Cinder has done, this was the most justified)
She's my wife and I love her and she's also evil but it's okay
She does cool fire stuff and murders people but I think that can be forgiven
I love her. Jkjk uhm she's really cool and while a lot of people say she's an evil Cinderella she's more like a Cinderella who never gets saved and has to save herself. And she's so super cool and charming and a genius. And she kills people sometimes but it's okay because she's very very sad and I think more people should care about her.
Cinderella as a villainess! What if Cinderella wasn't saved by her fairy godmother and instead murdered her step-family and joined an evil witch terrorizing the world? Cinder Fall is a dangerous villainess who has helped topple kingdoms and will do anything to gain power.
This propaganda is just going to be me listing all the ways she fits her Cinderella allusion. Like all of the characters in RWBY, Cinder is an allusion to a character from fairy tales/legend/etc. In her case, CINDERella. She's one of the earliest and most important antagonists, although at first there wasn't a whole lot to connect her to the Cinderella story besides some surface-level references(her name, her superpower being the ability to create glass objects, that one part of the dance arc where she infiltrates a communication tower and has to be back to the dance by midnight when she transforms into a dress), but in the later volumes the Cinderella aspects to her character become way more clear. (spoilers for later parts of the show here on out) People have summarized this way better than I am about to, but basically: She came from an orphanage and was adopted by a wealthy family from from another kingdom(a mom and her two daughters), but was really only adopted so that she could do servant work at the prestigious hotel they owned. The "prince charming" in her story wasn't a romantic interest, but a huntsman(someone who fights the monsters in the world, a career all the main characters go to school to become) who frequents the restaurant in the hotel. He sees her being mistreated and secretly trains her so that when she's 17 she can apply to one of the combat schools and leave her "stepmother and stepsisters." Like all the villains, though, she's like a version of her allusion where things went wrong, so instead of being whisked away by "prince charming" to his world, she ends up in a position where she kills the "stepmom" and "stepsisters," "prince charming" tries to bring her in for murder bc it's his job, and she kills him too. Now a child with nowhere to go, she gets picked up by the main villain, Salem, who acts in the Cinderella allegory as the "fairy godmother" who uses magic to give her "freedom." Except the magic is a parasite monster that gives her certain abilities, most importantly the ability to take the powers of a very select kind of person that Salem needs. This "magic" also has a time limit like the dress and the carriage, except it's the fact that it's a parasite that's slowly consuming her. Cinder thinks she wants these powers because if she's powerful, she can secure her freedom, but has yet to see that Salem is just using her, making her the new "stepmother" in her story(she came close to realizing this, mentally comparing Salem to her "stepmother," but then turned around and threw herself into her quest for power even more). Some people also compare the other characters in Salem's inner circle to a new set of "stepsisters," especially with how none of them like Cinder and wished her good riddance during the period of time she was missing and possibly dead, and that there's subtle competition between all of them for Salem's approval, similar to how siblings can be with a parent. Some people have also said it's possible that Neopolitan played the new "fairy godmother" role during said time where Cinder was on her own, because Neo was able to help Cinder a lot with her illusion powers, including using them on an airbus("carriage"), which was also the scene where Cinder got her outfit change for the new arc. There is also a part in the Atlas arc where she lets the General know she was in his office by leaving a glass chess piece on his desk(like the glass slipper that Prince Charming identifies her with), when she fucked him over earlier in the show with a computer virus with a chess piece logo.
Literally explicitly based off cinderella yet somehow people were shocked when her backstory involved basically being a child slave to her "stepmother" and abused by her "stepsisters". She put up with their abuse for years until they finally crossed the line then she snapped and killed them. But now she's still being manipulated by another stepmother figure. She seeks power because she thinks it will give her freedom. She can shoot fireballs. She has the most outfit changes of anyone in the whole show. She's a poor little meow meow and a girlboss.
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sophsicle · 5 months
I just read what’s up of the girl who ate the gods and I need to ramble/ scream about it so I thought who better to say it to than the writer
First of OH MAY GOD I LOVE IZT SO MUCH the concept and the characters chosen for each role is *chefs kiss* and as someone who is doing a class in classics I’m absolutely feral about this
Okay, Pansy is giving me such strong Evelyn Hugo vibes that I’m dying,,, like the control she has of her entire world and of the people around her using their desire of her and the way she turns their wants into her own power is so Evelyn coded that I can’t even cope. Her saying that it wouldn’t be a chore to fuck Theo was so beautifully framed, like the fancy myth-y language being undercut by the (objectively) crude ‘fucking’ was genuine art. She literally orchestrates an entire war for motives unknown!!! And I feel pity for her even while feeling simultaneously that she could (and would) step on my face and I would thank her for it
Ariana really thinking that she was there to marry harry is actually breaking my heart :( the very first time Hermione questioned why she was there I thought ‘we’re missing an iphegeneia, aren’t we?’ But even then it still killed me that she died (AND that Albus killed her too like her own brother- which mirrors canon in such a beautiful and heartbreaking way oh my god) and she feels so young too. And also the parallels between her and pansy make me want to scream. Like pansy knows her own power/ use is a cruel one and uses it to benefit herself, but Ariana believes that her use is a soft one, then discovers that hers is a cruel one too but due to her naivety she dies and cannot use it. And the way that the only time we as readers actually hear her speak as as she unknowingly offers herself up for death is the most beautiful, saddest thing ever
Hermione!!! She already seems so clearly suited to Pansy in behaviour and attitude (girls in a mysogenistiv world who gain power despite it)(girlbosses) and yet also so different, and yet the same again. Like pansy uses other peoples physical desires to get what she wants,  but Hermione doesn’t. But then Hermione uses harry and the people she loves to keep Albus on her side and to keep her home safe and in the end she’s using what Albus wants to get what she wants, just like pansy.
And she’s so pragmatic too like she is fully embracing/coping with the brutality of her world to keep the power she needs. Also her and lily were so fascinating because they feel so similar to me even if Hermione can’t see it. Hermione, harry and Ron being friends too but with a shifted dynamic into this mythological setting where the stakes are shifted feels so perfect and I want to scream
I also love love love that this is pansmione centric bc the idea of a sapphic ship in a setting of mysogyny and warfare makes me so so happy
I have thoughts about Ron and harry too but I think I already commented them (? I have no memory of anything I say so maybe I did, maybe I didn’t)
(Also side note does the title mean we get to meet any gods bc I love the idea of gods interacting with mortals smmm)
ANYWAYS I loved this so so so much it was genuinely incredible, best thing ever, I want to eat it, etc. Thank you for writing it!!!!1 <333
eeeee!!!! yay i love this fic!
Pansy is my Helen redemption, I feel like she is always portrayed as being a pawn or being some lovesick, naive, little girl who is too beautiful for her own good, but her story is hardcore, like first of all, of all the famous warriors and heroes who go to Troy and die, she lives, and I feel like people don't give her enough credit for that, for the political maneuvering that goes into it, also the fact that she is raped by a god when she's just a kid, i think she is way more jaded than people usually write her, also if you read the iliad it is like 90% her and hector just shitting on Paris, I fully believe that she runs away with him because she thinks Troy is her best bet of defeating her piece of shit husband, so yeah, Pansy is very cut throat and very scheme-y and always has an ulterior motive, which is gonna make the relationship that will develop between her and Hermione super interesting
part of what made me want to write this au in the first place is how well i feel like Dumbledore, Aberforth, Harry and Hermione fit these roles, and all the parallels that you can make with canon and how much you can play around with the "chosen one" narrative that harry potter and the iliad are a part of.
i also love fitting female characters into this super masculine story and i also like just not explaining it, like obviously there are some gender politics going on with Pansy, but like, Hermione is a commander and a king and it's just like, yup, that is how it is.
I do want to throw some god stuff in there! (the founders will be stand ins for the gods)
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endcant · 2 months
bear with me bc i am drinking THC lemonade
whenever my “people shocked by me being interested in consumer aesthetics counter” ticks up by 1, i know that i have failed to express myself on the internet. i am obsessed with commercial ephemera. it’s not that i like it… it’s something deeper. something… worse? better? something more embarrassing, at least.
the only time i’ve ever done psychedelics my profound realization was that i really, really enjoyed going to target. i like the lights. i am always commenting on the products and whether i think they are on trend or off trend for what i understand the target demographic to be. i love nothing more than to watch someone pick up an object, briefly imagine their life with that object in it, and then either put it in their basket or put it back on the shelf. even moreso when i’m watching a friend shop. even moreso when we can only window shop and that friend starts explaining to me what they would do with the thing if they had the money to buy it.
i studied american pop music history in college and i continue to study the history of bubblegum pop in my free time. i want to eventually write up a video or a series or something about the extended international history of teenybopper bubblegum pop. i am trying to learn music industry jargon old and new in my target languages in an attempt to gain access to information about these things that i can’t access in english alone.
i read early 2010s posts about how minimalism was the only morally righteous visual style with rapt fascination. i had a vaporwave phase exactly one decade ago. my friends in high school would bring me arizona green teas because they knew i would find it aesthetic. my advanced painting teacher hated it because i kept painting pale minimalist watercolor pieces that looked like 90s waiting room wall decor. my dream at the time was moving to santa fe and becoming a fine artist.
i was a proto-cottagecore blogger before cottagecore was named. i have well over 100 blogs, considering i hit 96 at some point during my previously mentioned decade-ago vaporwave phase. i do not bother to count anymore
as a young child, i used to go to the store almost daily with my parents and look for unfamiliar packs of gum so i could assess their packaging, flavor, and concept. i *really* cared about this. i got into this because i was given free packs of 5 gum and orange mountain dew at the halo 3 midnight release.
i learned HTML from neopets and i used to code gaiaonline themes and put them up on tektek. they sucked really bad btw.
i spent around 2 decades looking for the source of a single image of an anime river angel i saw on quizilla because she meant so much to me as a child about the power of what mere images could be only to find last year that the artist now draws hentai on pixiv and their art quality is now quite rushed. i think about this regularly when i think about creators i have idolized, and i don’t know what it means to me, but it feels like valuable information.
last night i couldnt sleep because i kept wanting to get on my phone to look at ancient greek vases on jstor
the worst part is i feel that the way that seeing ONLY consuming-or-not-consuming as the primary way to interact with the world is a serious mental roadblock for people in capitalist society. i think that consumer identity is a tool often used to warp the minds of citizens. i think that if i could go back in time and strangle edward bernays i would. i think that it is meaningful that american society has generated dozens of terms for “someone who is stealing or misusing a cultural signifier, or otherwise engaging with a culture or subculture under false pretenses/without doing due diligence/without participating in proper cultural exchange” over just the past couple centuries and that seeing and acknowledging the cycle is essential for anyone working in the arts
ive spent the past couple years reading up on historical art movements since industrialization to see how other art workers have dealt with their jobs being mechanized away, and ive decided to choose to value myself as a human animal who gets to experience the process of making things with my human animal body.
i am compelled to play piano when i drink red wine and i feel that i’m a fundamentally superficial being in function, but i can be more in purpose. like a poster. like a mask. like someone screaming so hard on stage that you believe them. that you look behind you to see what they are screaming at. i think in symbols and colors front and center, with verbal background chatter like an ever-tuning radio, and i am frustrated when people don’t understand that i am speaking my mind when i show them what i’ve made.
i care about aesthetics a lot. consumer and otherwise. it just so happens that i live in a capitalist society wherein the market attributes value to certain aesthetic information, which generates conversation about what certain images mean, what gives them value, what detracts from their value, what they are responding to, what responses they require in turn. but anywhere, anytime that there is a conversation about aesthetics, i want to be there.
i have always loved to perceive and to make, since the earliest stories anyone has to tell about baby cave. if i lost everything that makes me who and what i am right now, i believe i would still care about aesthetics. if there is anything left for even a cell of my body to experience, it would want to experience it beautifully and enjoy it deliciously.
happy 420
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blueskittlesart · 2 years
ooo i’m here for another google doc essay thesis on all the zelda trans narratives <33 lol cited sources and everything (if you have time of course, i love reading all of your headcanons on loz)
god. okay this is every mainline game ive played (excluding sequels with the same characters) except skyward sword because i forgot about it at first and now im tired. here
Basically the entirety of oot is a super-intense wartime coming-of-age story, dealing specifically with the trauma of losing one’s childhood to war/being a child in wartime. Any coming-of-age can be easily analyzed through a trans lens imo, but oot lends itself particularly well to this reading.
For the first nine years of his life, link is told that he is a kokiri. He spends all of his childhood trying desperately to fit in with the kokiri, even though he and the kokiri he grows up with can tell that he is out of place somehow. When he leaves the forest and grows up, it clicks into place that he was never kokiri. And it HURTS. He was lied to. But he suddenly finds himself BELONGING for the first time, among hylians. One of the most impactful npcs in the series is, imo, malon, who link bonds with, feels connected to, and who GROWS UP just like him. She is a representation of everything link gains by leaving the forest. The chance to grow up, and the chance to be among people like himself and understand for the first time who he truly is. 
I don’t think i have to explain the subtext i'm getting at here. Replace kokiri with gender-at-birth and you have yourself a trans story. 
There are also, of course, points to be made about link’s lack of bodily autonomy throughout the story and his reclamation of it in mm. Link is, in the eyes of basically every adult in oot, a pawn to be used to win a war. He is something to be molded into the shape THEY need him to be. This is a common conflict in loz--the hero NEEDS to be the hero, and so he is given no room to define himself otherwise. 
Again. Do i have to explain the trans reading of this?? Adults who feel entitled to you for whatever reason refusing to let you define yourself in a way that doesn’t appeal to them, and viewing you as an object to be shaped into THEIR perfect image. Classic trans kid experience. 
Zelda i think is even more obvious because she literally physically transes her gender in the game. For no reason. A female ninja would have been fine. Female ninjas exist in this world. Impa is the obvious example. Zelda became a boy because he wanted to be a boy. This is factual, canonical story. I dont even NEED to go on but i WILL because i can.
The subtextual reading of trans zelda is even more fun imo. This is a kid who grew up functionally powerless. She KNEW ganon was going to destroy hyrule but she could not make adults hear her, and when things went wrong it was her fault. Sheik is, in many ways, a rejection of zelda. She does away with the ancestral name denoting wisdom because she was not wise enough to save her kingdom from ruin. he chooses sheik instead, a name derived from the historic guardians of hylia, and by extension hyrule. he reclaims the power he lost by, again, defining himself where he was never allowed to before. 
Personally i consider oot zel to be nonbinary and use she/he and the names sheik and zelda interchangeably. I really love the idea of a kid who grew up with so little control over anything in her life taking it all back and then deliberately fucking with some established rules anyway, just as a little show of power now that he has it. It’s what she deserves. 
A LOT of my reading in this is totally rooted in subtext/analysis rather than actual canon material. If you haven’t read my analysis of alttp in my analysis doc i suggest you do bc some of that context may be needed to explain what i say here, since alttp is an older game so there’s much less actual canon characterization to go off of. 
There is a moment in this game, once you have gone through several dungeons and claimed the master sword and fought the secondary antagonist twice, where link is transported into the dark world. A mirror dimension in which his human form is distorted into a form that “reflects his inner self.” He looks into the mirror and he does not recognize the person looking back at him. 
The form he takes is a rabbit, which is, in my opinion, a reflection of his inner fear and the fact that he doesn’t want to be a hero. This link is a young boy who basically loses the only family he has and is then instantly thrown into the midst of a conflict he doesn’t fully understand. 
There are two points to be drawn from this. The first is the distorted self-image revealed in the dark world, which. The connection to transgenderism should probably be obvious from here. I’d say looking in the mirror and not quite recognizing yourself is a near-universal trans experience. 
The second is that, although this game is much less obvious about it, this link is in a very similar situation to oot link, in that he has been thrown into a conflict he doesn't understand and doesn’t really have any stake in, in order to be used as a pawn to win a war. (worth noting that if we follow the timeline, oot link has to DIE for this game to happen. They never fucking learn ig) so we have a repeat of the same situation in which link’s autonomy is taken from him by adults who want him to be a hero. Ive already explained the trans reading of this. You get the idea
Im skipping zelda in this one because it came out in 1991 so zelda is barely a character. Shes trans because i say so. Next 
Twilight princess did not do very well on a multitude of things. We all know how i feel. HOWEVER. There is something to be said for the fact that when link approaches people in wolf form they recoil in fear and disgust. And he canonically doesn’t expect this. It disturbs him. He KNOWS these people. He’s still the same person inside. Nothing has changed for him except the way he looks. But now no one will so much as look at him. 
To be quite honest. The wolf form was a bit of a thematic L in my opinion. I don’t think it had much narrative purpose and my best guess is that it was there to give tp a “brand-new fun gameplay” draw. But the fact that everyone is TERRIFIED of you was a good choice imo. I wish it had been followed through on thematically but I digress. There is transgenderism here. When you go back to your hometown and nothing has changed, as far as you’re concerned, but people avoid your eyes now. You haven’t changed, not really. You just look a little different. But the people either hate you or don’t recognize you now, and in some ways you’re glad, but in other ways you feel… alien.  
Zelda also isn’t a real character in this game but it doesn’t get an excuse because it came out in fucking 2006. We knew women were people by then guys come on. Anyways shes also trans because i say so. I dont feel like thinking about twilight princess any longer lol sorry
Im going to start with zelda/tetra here because i have a lot more to say about her lmao
Tetra is a wild, loud, stubborn, angry pirate. She is the exact opposite of what your average hylian might imagine a goddess-blood princess to be. She’s rude, she’s volatile, she looks out for herself and no one else. This is an image she has curated. But she is also kind. She lets link on her ship when he begs her to help him save his sister. she slips him a good-luck charm before he storms the fortress. She takes aryll home and never asks for payment. She is a pirate, but she does these things that seem so strangely… at odds with herself. I think a lot of her tough exterior is a curated image, for the benefit of her crew, yes, but also herself. If she is stubborn and loud and angry and unlikable then she is less likely to get hurt.  
Tetra learns who she is, and she is suddenly a new person, a different person. She’s zelda. And she’s so CONFUSED. She tries her hand at being a princess. She sits and waits patiently for her hero to come back to her. But in the end, she can’t even do THAT right. Things go wrong again, all because of her.
During the final battle of this game, zelda fights alongside you with the bow of light. I believe this was one of the first games in which she does this. 
This is a nonbinary narrative. Tetra tries so hard to fit into one box or the other, princess or pirate, but can never quite master either. During the final confrontation, though, she finds a happy medium. She is kind, wise zelda, in her regalia with her hair untied, but she is also stubborn, angry tetra drawing her bow to fight alongside link. She will not be defined. 
she/they tetra ftw lol. anyways
Wind waker link honestly has much less textual evidence for me than like. Any other link because imo wind waker is almost completely a clear-cut coming-of-age. It’s very easy to read (almost) any coming-of-age as a trans narrative but much less easy to actually explain that read. 
My stance kind of boils down to this: link has a clear-cut arc of growth in this story from a weak, inexperienced kid into a soldier who is capable of taking on ganon. This arc is kickstarted by him leaving home and no longer being confined by the limited perspectives of the people he grew up around. Unlike other links, this one doesn’t have too much pressure on him to be a hero. In fact, I would consider his growth into a hero to be framed very positively in this game as it gives him the agency he lacked at the beginning. This is an interesting departure from most other games in which link lacks a lot of agency. 
Basically, i think that while most other games can be read as kind of… tragic trans stories, about the struggles of not being allowed to define yourself, etc, wind waker link is the story of a kid who is finally GETTING to define himself. It’s more similar to Majora's mask in that way, in that this kid has already HAD the chapter where he’s confined to other people’s expectations and is now beginning to break out of it and reclaim his own identity. 
Jesus. God almighty. Okay
Like. not to keep beating a dead horse but this link is the most obviously negatively affected by the expectations and perceptions of those around him. He explicitly goes mute BECAUSE he knows people expect him to be a hero above all else, and it will be easier to conform to that expectation if he keeps quiet. This poor boy is so terrified to be imperfect, to be something that hyrule might not like, that he SHUTS DOWN. he is essentially nothing BUT what hyrule wanted him to be, because he never allowed himself to be anything else. 
I have already explained the trans read of this. Reread ocarina of time’s segment. Holy SHIT. he is so transgender. Also he’s 5’2 and has shoulder-length hair come on
Side note but i think botw is cool because it explores BOTH facets of the usual loz narrative (lack of agency/reclamation of agency) within the same game, while most other games go for one or the other. When link loses his memories he is FORCED to define himself, as he has nothing to go on anymore, which is a reclamation of the agency he had lost pre-calamity. Essentially pre-calamity is the oot segment and post-calamity is the mm segment of the narrative. It’s cool. Anyways
Zelda. GOD.
She is not the daughter her father wanted. She knows this. She tries SO HARD for SO LONG to be the daughter her father wanted. But she can’t. She will never be good enough in his eyes. Eventually she gives up on doing exactly what he wants. She hopes she can win his approval in other ways, with things she is good at. Things she CAN do right. But it’s never enough for him because all he sees is the daughter he wanted. The daughter she should have been. He doesn’t care that she can’t. He only cares that she Is Not. she knows she will never win his approval but she keeps trying anyway. 
Do i really need to explain this. Babygirl you are so trans gender
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U still doing rbb headcanons? If you are, can you do some updated host headcanons (bc they are prob outdated since s3) or just terabrite headcanons please 🙏 🥺(I need more rbb content istg ) ( I am not mentally well /j)
Hello yes I do in fact have RBB headcanons for you :3
I'm going to have to put this under a read more as it's a lot (and it's mainly ramblings about powerset headcanons bc I have THOUGHTS on that) so strap in.
Hosts in general:
The hosts, who were originally human, basically got ‘blessed’ / ‘cursed’ (depending on how you see it) by their respective concepts and now both represent / are possessed by / basically are those concepts. They each have differing opinions on what happened but one thing’s for sure - they’re now wielders of Agility, Healing and Truth respectively
Each of the hosts have 3 different types of powers, with a different spread for each, and these powers often correspond to the powers of their weapons:
Powers that act on themselves
Powers that act on others
Area of effect powers
Some of these powers are passive (unconscious, happens all of / most of the time) but most are active (requires conscious activation)
They can use their powers without their respective objects, but it is a lot more effective if they do use em
They get funky particle effects when they use their power (as well as their hair and eyes glowing, especially with overusage - they've still got human bodies, so they do have their limits!)
If the sword gets cracked they get physical ‘cracks’ on their skin (same with the instruments, probably?)
Though really the instruments only got powered up as a response to their gaining powers, as opposed to the swords giving them the powers
They can fuse their swords giving one of them combo abilities/moves while the other temporarily loses their abilities
I haven’t really thought of these combo moves yet, but I think DJ and Russo would give some level of super-intelligence, DJ and Sabrina could do rapid healing and perhaps even evolution / power boosts?
They tend to avoid doing this as it’s very disorientating for the host that loses their powers and exhausting for the host that gains one and let the Battler wield/fuse the decoy swords (see my old headcanons for an explanation on that) instead. It only happens if one of the hosts is compromised and it’s an emergency.
Yes they did make the megasword yes it went poorly for all involved (they can wield concepts, but their bodies can barely wield one, let alone 3…)
They’ve got a ‘Power Trio’ dynamic, following the expected roles (with some subversions)
DJ acts as one extreme: he’s the Superego / the Blue Oni / the pessimistic one
Sabrina acts as the middle ground: she’s the Ego / the Purple Oni / the reasonable one
Russo acts as the other extreme: he’s the Id / the Red Oni. / the optimistic one
Atypically however, DJ despite being the Blue Oni is more suited for combat whereas Russo as the Red Oni is more suited for intelligence
This sliding scale of intensity comes up a lot for them, with Sabrina almost always being in the middle with DJ and Russo being two extremes
S3 Specific:
This one differs depending on people so I’ll say it anyway: Russo and the clone in S3 (Recoded) are different people, Russo took the clone’s place at the end of the FB
Sneaky self promo, that was all explored in the GOSSIP animatic
Originally JP wanted to kidnap and replace Sabrina for Maximum Angst Power (bc DJ would’ve probably lost it if his wife went missing or started acting odd) but their clone of Sabrina (the Great Woman) failed and went berserk, so since Recoded worked they kidnapped Russo instead
They’re actually quite lucky they kidnapped Russo over Sabrina, because if Russo was in a similar situation to DJ and Sabrina during S3, he would’ve just walked right up to ‘Sabrina’ before ‘she’ could ‘go missing’ and proceed to use his powers on ‘her’
This actually happened in the Swap AU with DJ in Russo’s place
DJ Monopoli:
Passively has super-speed, super strength and super endurance (sword), actively can hover just a tiny bit off the ground (dynamic dashers)
He can also absorb / give energy out to others, either making them tired or giving them a boost in energy
He doesn’t have an area of effect power,,,but we’ll see if/what S4 gives him (I’ve seen people suggest portals so?? Maybe those??)
His powers tend to take the form of green electricity, which he can use to his advantage
This isn’t set in stone yet, but I’ve been toying with the idea of DJ having robotic legs, because constantly moving at superhuman speeds while still having human legs is kind of rough on said legs
(Don’t worry, he’s not the only member of the RBB cast who has replaced their legs.)
The easiest to get angry out of the hosts
Isn’t as good at getting his point across than the other two, so is willing to over explain things so people get what he means
The Fighter, and will usually be the one to attack any threats and do the physical combat, as well as acting as security if there are no current eminent threats.
This is how he ended up forced to dance by Albert when Albert broke into the studio during S2 - he was the first wall Albert had to break through, and Albert used most of his power on him
If he’s not with the other two doing Host Things, he’s probably in the music studio doing…music things
Also the most fashionable of the hosts, surprisingly enough. His wardrobe is filled with suits and he has little to no casual clothing.
Passively heals herself over time and can actively heal others wounds (from the sword)
Can also actively reverse said healing by opening old wounds (or just straight up attacking them, but that’s booooring. this is from the cyber shredder), or can use her powers to act as a painkiller / soothing mechanism
She can make a ‘healing dome’ where everyone in the area heals just a little bit quicker / is soothed
Her powers tend to take the form of purple plus-shaped particles
The Mage, the healer and planner of the group, but she would much rather be out there fighting monsters and doing the tough stuff
She’s still a really good fighter because of the fact that you can’t easily make a dent on her, she’ll just heal herself up
She’ll drop everything to make sure someone is safe and uninjured, but she’ll be mad about it! And will endlessly lecture the injured party because “STOP TRYING TO ATTACK THE ROBOTS WITHOUT ANY WEAPONS”
Strangely enough, is the scariest out of the hosts. No one knows how she pulls this off, but she just does
(It’s probably because her powers relate to people’s general wellbeing…whether that’s good or bad.)
The most paranoid, and the quickest to panic over something going wrong. She does her best to stay positive in the face of change, but she shows her weaknesses now and then
If you look at her you’d think she listens to lofi and pop. Nope, heavy metal
Somehow still doesn’t know the Great Woman exists
Passively has Truth Detection (different to lie detection - he can’t tell if you’re lying without actively using his powers on you, but he can always tell if you’re telling the truth), and can understand all languages
Battle Life SMP readers - that last one will be relevant soon!
Actively has Lie Detection, limited mind reading and mind control - said control is more effective over robots (hence, Robotic Resonators), but he can do it on people. It takes a lot out of him if he does though, even if he is using his Resonators
Area of effect power being able to reveal/see anything hidden in a room (sword)
His powers take the form of blue ‘dot’ particles as well as anyone under his power’s effect eyes turning blue
The Thief, the one who works in intelligence. He can’t stand for himself on a battle field, he’s extremely physically weak - but he’s very good with people, and even better at interrogating them / getting information he needs out of people
Simultaneously a mom friend and the stupid one
Theatre kid
Can accidentally be a little bit too positive, and is (ironically) prone to ignoring the darkness of a situation at times
If he does realise a situation is dire though, he will get serious fast.
You don’t want to see Russo when he’s angry.
A little self conscious, but he’s better at dealing with it than some people (cough cough Kreek cough cough)
Has referred to the RBB participants as his kids. No one will ever let him live it down (and it’s not like Russo wants them to, they are his kids thanks very much)
He’s quite self conscious about the whole ‘getting kidnapped during S3’ thing. He blames himself for it and is overly apologetic about it, despite none of it being his fault
Enjoy :3
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Cringe is dead have a jojos oc.
she's not just a jojos oc but that is the world I'm throwing her into at the moment.
Her stand has the ability to change the forces acting on an object, but is limited by amount of force, which is spread across all objects her stand is affecting.
Long nerdy explanation of her stand powers under the cut.
I swear im not a physics nerd, but I do use cad software and suffered through forces in a level maths so I do find this interesting as fuck. Mainly cause its a stand, this shit can be dry as fuck. I'm also not giving a numerical value for her pool of force she draws from bc fuck maths. I just thought a stand that is basically the fusion 360 move tool or that can manipulate those arrows on force diagrams would be cool
Objects she is affecting are either actively controlled, which she can constantly affect the forces on and move, which is inside her range, or have been controlled, where she has changed the forces acting on it, but it is outside her active control range, where she no longer can directly control, but still is affected by the forces she changed.
E.g. she can make an object rotate around her arm because it's in her active control range, or she can make it go away from her at a certain velocity and once it exits her range she can not change it, but it will continue until it hits something or air resistance stops it.
Its main uses are stopping projectiles aimed at her and allys, as well as launching them.
But isn't it? Yep. One issue- stands can only be defeated by other stands [i need to reread part 5 and look closer at how mistas stand works cause they r kinda similar. cant remember if his bullets when used by sex pistols can affect stands] and her stand affects objects. So while she has great defensive and offensive capabilities, she can't defeat a stand, only it's user. At best she can knock back a stand, but her controlled objects do a fraction of the damage when attacking other stands.
Her strategy is to get a close range combat stand to fight the stand while going after its user. She is also extensively combat trained and skilled with weapons even without her stand, so she is much more likely to engage in combat herself with a stand user.
She normally uses her stand to throw projectiles, her throwing knives at first, but ball bearings or bullets work even better. She also uses it to stop incoming projectiles, either by controlling them, or using something she controls to collide with them.
her stand spends almost all of the time summoned but in the weird exactly where the user is double image type thing. bc her stand is skinny af and doesn't have 'skin' [the stand is made up of arrows and spheres mostly, spheres instead of joints and arrows instead of muscle/bone. haven't drawn it get but i have an idea] it isn't that visibly noticeable even to other stand users. it can go outside of her, but doesn't most of the time unless shes feeling really safe, or needs to have active control over something to far for her to reach [e.g. putting her stand in front of a bullet so she can stop it hitting a teammate] as it has few close range combat ability's, and she doesn't want to die herself.
Her active control range is about a foot from her stand, which she keeps summoned but inside her at most times. This means she needs to be very near the objects to control them, but the effects last outside of that range, meaning while the area in which she can actively control objects is small, the distance she can move an object is based on how much force she uses on it, making her overall a long range stand.
Her stand has great potential, with at least two evolution's, one where she gains the ability to 'preprogram' the object with her stand, telling it what forces to apply when, as oppose to just applying them at once, and one where her stand gains sub stands [like killer queens sheer heart attack], so instead of having to be withing a distance of her stand, she can send out these smaller air-born stands to affect objects while still controlling them, massively increasing the range at which she can actively control objects.
When her stand evolves into having satellite stands, she can sacrifice her active control range to send one off so she can actively control an object from further away. These satellite stands are parts if her stands body, the parts that create her range [visually they are the sphere that make up the joints], so she can spread it thinner or leave part of her defenseless.
her stand evolves sub/satellite stands after she is forced to chose who to protect between multiple people, when her 'shoot all the people holding the hostages at once' idea doesn't pan out. [her weakness is machine guns and multiple hostages. she cant deflect all the bullets and she needs to protect herself or one of the hostages but all of them are to far away for her to cover more than one and if she dies then there's no point deflecting them bc they would die after she dies]
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foolshoujo · 4 months
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@miskick reminded me about the health check, can we talk about the health check let's talk about this bc iku/tsuki is sooooo unslick if you know right. i know, you know.
so that whole deal doubles two fold, with the very clear intention of iku/tsuki( who all things considered so far in reload, & i may have to double back to this depending to strike this out or expand on it, has def been a proper worker bee for kiri/jo corp like while he doesnt outright say it its more properly implied that a lot of the reports, support, study, etc are for him as a researcher tasked as the liaison for ki/rijo to watch over sees. thats the whole reason hes no doubt the chairman bc he has to be the guy who keeps the former test site under lock right ok ) abusing his place of power & responsibility to run tests on the mc because he fucking knows they are the key to awaking the prince & summon nyx. it also serves as the convenient way for u to run home late so that u can have that moment w/ ta/kaya but its not about him rn & thats like metagame shit kjsfdha
anyways i find this fascinating because it does come from a place of concern. the constant use of persona does strain on the body just like the dark hour strains on the body. realistically it's smart to have a routine check up & the fact that ikutsuki waits so long to really push this, even if the order is from a legit higher up source & not him specifically as it is vague as to why( even mitsu/ru is like UHM ?? we have to do WHAT which was a hilarious red flag that this was most likely ikuts/uki vs kirij/o u feel me, u get it. ), seems very hmMM to me. it most certainly feels like to me at least a way to sneakily do a proper once over to the mc both to properly try to find some clue as to the whole multiperso/na bit & also again, iku/tsuki knows the mc is harboring the 13th shadow. like the mc's check up is long too, like its implied these were like an hour or so at most for everyone else a standardized fitness & probs a few psych evals but nothing heavy ? no doubt there is probably some medical equipment to examine one's persona thats off screen lore nonsense but still. my point is why was the mc's check up so long, why did we suddenly have to do this ? hmm ? ikuts/uki, i see you i see you workin for ur own gain.
&& like im right, literally look at what he did to the hundred kids in the persona program ki/rijo ran. he was head of that ! he was the one behind those cruel experiments, testing, & behind the drug strega uses & distributes to shi/nji. two words, one name: min/azuki sh/o. like iku/tsuki is just using the same methods in different ways to get the scientific data he needs to fuel his objective.
all of this to say is he's suspicious. i'm most certainly taking this & adapting it into my canon, however i think while mi/nato's check up is norm---- mina/ko's has an issue, the power of the 13th shadow as it now is stronger thanks to the several full moon shadows now rejoined with it overloads most if not all equipment attached to min/ako. technically this would be in the form of ph/aros within min/ako lashing out against a threat he can't understand. the two of them are symbiotic, they are also not stupid. mi/nako has been uncomfortable around ikuts/uki since the start. like something in the pit of her stomach just twists & turns if he's too close or she's alone with him. all of mi/nako's tests turn inconclusive & she leaves for the day, late with the events to run into tak/aya happen as they would in reload bc i like that thats fun & not at all traumatizing to mi/nako who is also violently uncomfortable around revolver jesus complex. however as she's leaving & gone, ik/utsuki has a fucking meltdown within the room he used to look at the results, lashing out in a rare moment of lost composure. in a way he can tell the shadow hosted within her metaphorical womb wants nothing to do with him, with the plan to summon nyx. all this does is make things worse. all it does is aid in the severe escalation toward the night on the observatory where he plans to sacrifice min/ako personally. i've gone into both that night & how i view iku/tsuki as obsessed with mi/nako almost viewing her akin to a saint for death & the fall here & this sorta of scene & reexamination of it really just adds to it.
uhh hey lol hi whatup
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The last chapter is very intriguing because until now, i thought anthony was trying to save the children -and put the adults in chaos- but then he killed a child. What is he TRYING to achieve?
(Also agreeing he was creepy and gross. I had my suspicions when he did this to barbara bc hes likely already an adult so...yikes)
*note i don't know japanese so i only saw the raw's images, i may be missing context
Before last chapter, I had three different Anthony theories on rotation, based on his canon behavior and what each of those scenarios would mean for the story thematically, though I personally never assumed he shared Kate's goal of saving all the children and defeating the adults. Luckily for me, one of them turned out to be true! I was actually quite fond of my "Anthony's evil in a similar way to the adult shadows" theory, and since I spent way more time than I probably should have thinking about it, I think I have an idea of what he's trying to achieve.
My points being:
I posted about this before with examples, but Anthony's behavior is oddly similar to that of adult shadows. This indicates that despite their vastly different places in the hierarchy of the manor, they have similar moral values, or lack of them
As you said yourself, he just killed a child. Even if his plan somehow includes freeing the human children, it's clearly far from Kate's goal of saving everyone. He was quick to kill off Maggie as soon as she outlived her usefulness to him
Anthony has the habit of putting himself in a position superior to other people. Kate has allies and friends, Anthony has pupils. Even Anthony's initial behavior of telling Maryrose not to undo anyone else's brainwashing is telling: as one of the only unbrainwashed living dolls, he had a clear advantage over every human in the manor except Rosemary. He could easily undo somebody's brainwashing in secret and manipulate them like he did to Maggie, something that would be much harder to do if everyone regained their senses. Maggie clearly saw Anthony as the perfect savior, and even stated that he could be the manor's master in the future. Lewis goes as far as refer to "Christopher" the same way shadows are thaught to refer to the Lord Grandfather
Based on this, my bet is that even if part of Anthony's plan involves saving some of the children, that's far from his main goal. His main goal in my opinion seems to be gaining power, just like every adult character we've met so far, the difference being that as a human, he can't simply climb up the social ladder the conventional way and needs to hide in the walls (or the sewers, idk for sure where he lives. At this point i want it to be the sewers).
That makes for an interesting villain, doesn't it? As an unbrainwashed human in a system that treats humans like objects, you'd assume he'd be all for destroying the oppressive system, you'd assume he'd be an ally, you'd assume he'd want to save everyone. If it turns out he's completely okay with what the manor stands for as long as he personally raises to power, throwing all or most of the human kids under the bus, now that's scary and honestly quite realistic.
About the creep factor... yeah. After reading the scene with Barbara, I got a weird vibe too but I still gave him the benefit of the doubt. I thought sure, he's doing that to get Kate to trust him, but who's to say he also didn't think that was the only way to save Barbara's life? Surely those aren't mutually exclusive, right? Maybe he cares about her since she was Christopher's friend. Also from the flashbacks we get that they can't be that far apart in age, Barbara's just short and stuck in the children's building, so most of the creepy vibe I got was from the fact that he was impersonating a dead person, which again I was giving him the benefit of the doubt for... only for Maggie to go as far as to call Anthony her prince out loud before he leaned down and caressed her face looking like a sicko in chapter 164. The more i think about it the worse it gets to be honest. Gross.
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”Fiyero...didn't need to be the Scarecrow. Fair enough to that one, since it was clearly planned and a major part of the story (though it casts a shadow over his bond with Dorothy in all honesty) but Boq as the Tin Man? Give me a break.”
so funny that you mention this bc in the original wicked book (idk if you’ve read or not), they were all separate characters. I think the musical had to combine them since it only has so much time.
I have the book at home but I have not finished it. I have however seen spoilers for it. It is a lot darker than the musical adaptation, they really toned down a lot of elements. I think one interesting change is that Nessa’s disability is different. In the book, she was always able to walk but she was born without arms and she never gains them. This was changed to her being a wheelchair, likely because there weren’t many actresses without arms.
The fascination with limbs and the absence of them is a curious motif in Oz. Maybe it's just reflective of how so many of these characters aren't based on "real people" but are instead objects - like tin woodsmen and scarecrows. But there's definitely a section in the original book where there are people who break apart where they fall over, freaking Dorothy out, but they're mostly just annoyed because it's a hassle to put themselves back together again. I remember that distinctly. I also remember the little china girl in "Oz, the Great and Powerful." Which is a decent enough movie, though Mila Kunis' role is...odd. I'm also thinking about the severed heads from Return to Oz. Maybe it's just that detaching parts from people is spooky and Oz is spooky.
On the other hand, I think the change to Nessarose was plain and simply inevitable. Like, yeah, finding an actress without arms is difficult, but also, seeing a person without arms is less common than a wheelchair user and people are much more likely to react with confusion or...less savory emotions. (Which is their problem but the point still stands.) A person without arms doesn't strike the immediate chord of "pity" that a wheelchair user does and I think pity is what they were going for with Nessa. Also, also, wearing the Ruby/Silver slippers and that enabling her to walk? That just works really well. They affect her feet cause they're on her feet. It also gives us a demonstration of their power which we mostly don't get in the original story despite what an important macguffin they are. It would be a lot more difficult for them to depict the slippers growing new arms for Nessa onstage.
I've not read the book. I had it at one point, but I can't seem to find it now. Shame, because it was on my "to read" list. But I'm not surprised it's darker than the play. Oz books are always darker lol.
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kokomatdoroshi · 3 months
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wyd when an otherwise harmless confrontation with your gf's other gf becomes a bloody standoff incited by some fuckass walmart brand cthulhu freak and ultimately ends in your death ? 🤨
and wyd when you miraculously come back at the hands of some obscure entity that acts like they don't want anything from you but deep down you know that everything comes with a price; especially these crazy abilities you suddenly have? 🤔
Meet Zar!
Zahara "Zar" Hawthorne
pronouns: she/they
age: 18
dob: December 17th, 2005
death date: January 1st. 2023
resurrection date: January 8th, 2023
orientation: biromantic, aegosexual
general fc: amandla stenberg
starkid fc: tiffany williams
facts n things:
was That Girl™️: popular cheerleader, but nice enough to have a plug in every clique; in the top 10 of her class; had the perfect girlfriend, etc. etc. very sweet girl, just had the worst friends
was (and is) deeply strange by normie standards. hangs out in graveyards and develops parasocial relationship with some of the tombstones. has a serious fascination with life, death, anatomy, bugs, the supernatural, etc.
initially kept that shit to herself bc it's social suicide—total grounds for being a nerdy prude. dying changes ur outlook a bit, though. release ur inhibitions, feel the rain, etc, etc
can be very blunt and outspoken. despite being well meaning and friendly, she'll sometimes say things without thinking but they always apologize as soon as they realize she's stuck a foot in her mouth. all but abandoned her peppy sunshiney half after coming back. she's still in there, somewhere. but it'll take a lot for them to fully trust someone enough again
so, what happened?
their gf's other woman, who I'll name Lou for simplicity, got her to come out to the ol' Waylon place so they could "talk"
many things lead to many other things and an "intimidation" attempt turns into a murder attempt, with Lou being under the influence of Wiggly
ruh roh! snapped out of it, Lou is in a panic and decides to call the mutual gf for advice
mutual gf is the worst person ever, actually. instead of turning Lou in, she helps her cover things up and they dump Zar's body deep in the Witchwood Forest
but wait, there's more! Zar's not quite dead and eventually succumbs to a combination of their wounds and the freezing January night
but not before weakly calling out to somebody, anybody for help
seven days later and She Has Risen! with the help of a currently undetermined entity, but renewed life comes with a price and, in order to live, Zar must do their bidding
it's not all bad, though. they don't ask for things super often (but when they do, there's absolutely no objections. ever.) and have been super helpful in both Zar's revenge plot and honing her newly gained abilities. sometimes she uses her powers for good tho
anywayy, Zar dropped out of Hatchetfield High after being murdered—fair tbh. who needs a GED when you can work at the seedy occult store in town and also be an immortal witch of ambiguous moral standing 🤷🏽‍♀️
but tbh - at the end of the day, they're still just a 18 year old girl. imagine all the cringe 18 year old quirks and throw them into a vat of powerful murder gremlin soup. that's Zar
(after)life goals:
get revenge ✅
join smoke club ✅
resurrect the Victorian Dandy whose grave she hung around the most—they had a tryst in the afterlife and are saur in love 🔳
go on a tour of all the most haunted places in the world 🔳
see Gossip, Babymetal, and MCR in concert 🔳🔳🔳
Zahara and her story draw heavy influence from Jennifer's Body, Lisa Frankenstein, Poor Things, every other goth horror queen and a myriad of tropes I really enjoy. they're my manic murder goth girl, but she's so chill if you're cool 😌
Pre-Death Pinterest
After-Death Pinterest
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americanrecord · 6 months
u totally should nott have told me u like answering these kinds of questions lol bc u set me offff 😭 i just have so many!! like this rewrite is genuinely the thing i’m most looking forward to and i’m not kidding))) since we’ve already talked abt the boys..fuck the boys…the girls are where it’s at!! inez and val’s relationship, is it gonna be any different? how are the altered personalities going to mesh/interact? so fun! love, always
omg girl, that's what i used to all day, everyday, on my old blog until like the beginning of this past summer! i love talking about the writing, characters, etc <3 and it always tickles me to know that people care enough to ask. i do feel like i know enough about my universe at this time to answer most things too, whereas a lot used to be shrouded in mystery back on the other side of things.
but, anyway, fuck the boys fr. this is true, i only care about the girls. as for inez and val's relationship, it's not too different. i would say they actually retain some of the most similarities. the plot rises and falls the same way for them in book 1 as it did with the og. but their dynamic is a bit different. firstly, not that it impacted too much, but i did drop valerie's old crush on inez, solely because i didn't really want to have two pairs of best friends with romantic (requited or not) history. it would feel repetitive and not as special, and dean and lex's past relationship definitely impacted an overall plot to a greater degree. so that "having a crush on inez" void in val's past was just filled by an ex-gf who's mentioned from time to time and may or may not make an appearance later on.
other than that, let's see...
well, firstly, inez does gain what i believe was my biggest grievance with maintaining the character of jill: a backbone. she retain's jill's know-it-all sense, but it's infused with a certain confidence (stubbornness) that jill lacked. she doesn't keel over when told, and while still a kind-fronting person, she does have that mean streak that is backed up by her ability to hold her own. it just makes her more of a difficult presence when valerie and lex get going, because she not only objects, but really means it (there is also a bit better of context surrounding her feelings on lex) and pretty much does everything in her power—too much—to try and interfere with their relationship in the name of "knowing what's best for valerie." and we all know how valerie feels about people who think and act like they can make decisions for herself better than she can.
valerie, on the other hand, has softened a considerable amount. i really liked where she ended up toward the end of the original work, where she was very sensitive and introspective, so i sort've worked my way back and implemented this from the beginning. i thought it was much more realistic a characterization for somebody with her type of trauma, and it's also in line with her [currently undiagnosed] OCD, which in general has her pretty tense and vigilant at almost all times. her obsessions and compulsions mostly start out revolving around the fear of contamination, and that combined with her deadly catholic guilt just keeps her very particular and maybe not the easiest to get along with unless you're willing to put the effort it. not many people are. inez is one of those people, however, so she's quite protective over her and is very in tune to all of her various needs, maybe to the point where she's not ready to accommodate the idea that somebody else is also down to be the same. valerie also suffers from chronic loneliness due to her night shift and initial isolation from the music sphere, which inez does not (she's friends with everyone in the band and even other bands sans lex at the story's start), so that also contributes to their eventual explosion. valerie is lonely and finds lex/wants connections beyond the one she has with her best friend, and inez is super protective over her and doesn't realize that she has what valerie wants (romantic/sexual/platonic connections galore). i think it makes sense that valerie ditches the moment she senses that rapunzel/mother gothel thing she felt with her mother with inez.
THAT being said, they're still besties despite their clashing work schedules, and they do recover by the end of the story. details to be seen in the story itself... <3 i mostly think these character differences make so much sense and still thankfully create a similar dynamic. valerie spent her whole childhood being repressed so that she's sort of internalized that docility and struggles to like, break from it? which is what makes lex so exciting, and then inez—who, while free of a traumatizing childhood, did grow up with four other siblings and was frequently talked over/reduced to the "baby sister" so that she wants to make sure her voice is always heard and essentially does just that. whether or not she's right isn't always what's important (sometimes she is), it's just that she can be a bit stifling with valerie's freedom in book 1, which is a lesson she has to learn. (where valerie then has to learn that sometimes people looking out for you has a purpose and they're not just doing it to do it.)
see, the best thing about rewriting is having the whole story in ur head already so that you're not just sorta winging it as you go and hoping the pieces connect. now, i can actually defend the plot and the characterizations, and they feel so much more cohesive! i love them, and i love their new versions more than i do their ogs <3 they feel even realer.
so, thanks for asking! and please know that i will accept every question always. i clearly love talking, and i love distractions from my boring ass internship even more. also -- if beta-reading the rewrite is something you're interested in, let me know! it would probably be the quickest way to see it because who knows what the battle of publication will look like! just message me or something if so <3 i think i have room for one more!
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ferrocyan · 5 months
6.55 thoughts I LIKE WUK LAMAT :D they made her for me. they know i've been missing my wife yda ("yda") since arr and went we got you man. here's a genki girl for you. thank you writers i love you
the justification for our coming to tural and meddling in politics is . it smacks of "we're sidestepping the problematic aspects now no need to think abt this too deeply" in my opinion. but i'm not.. opposed to it? it succeeds in making me not feel dread for dawntrail, i guess. i'm actually pretty excited to see where the story will go
like straight up going "we're not the colonizer here, we're stopping a potential colonizer from gaining power so it's ok to meddle in this foreign nation's politics!" is. lol. "these people like it when foreigners meddle bc it means their leader knows how to do international relations" lmao even. well i am a stormblood lover at heart and my instinct is to go ok cool let's go on the adventure then
back to wuk lamat. she's not really all that, is she? despite all the bluster and her status. i think the devs have put a lot more effort in the cutscenes this patch and you really get the sense that she's in over her head here. i like that tbh. a weakling who nevertheless chooses to tank is a novel concept for me, i'm so into it. wuk lamat feels like a synthesis btwn "yda" the false identity and lyse the real person underneath, they took the traits between these two and made them into one girl. my perfect waifu. there will definitely be differences btwn wuk lamat and lyse (the lack of her immigrant narrative, for one) and i'm excited to have another flavor of my favorite girl
and then there's... the scions. i am beyond happy to see that estinien's journey to tural is just him having seen the east and north and south.. ok let's go west. KING. my beloved hobo i'm so happy for him. urianger and thancred also look to be having a good time, good for them, have a great time with your thing fellas. y'shtola has been unseen? at all? is she sitting this expansion out without a word, damn unexpected for the poster girl innit? though as for the one who is sitting out with a word. hmm. hmmfhphfhgfhdgshfh sorry. sorry for my schadenfreude. but this is a very, very funny way to go for g'raha. i thought the funniest thing the devs could do was "somehow zenos has returned" but this is so much fucking funnier. oh my sides. g'raha doesn't deserve this, probably (though i have been feeling that he's a bit redundant now, sorry to his fans) but if i'm getting krile in his place i sure as fuck won't complain lol. but then there's the twins. yeah i guess they do have to join us. for the first time ever i'm not happy about alphinaud being included. his character being turned into a garlemald simp is just. ugh. i have nothing objective to say abt that i just do not want it
well whatever. with this setup i'm hyped to see the scions divided and possibly fighting each other. my prediction is that the miqo'te machinist in the poster is koana-niisan and he's the one who hired thancred and urianger. which might leave the mamool ja guy as the one with imperial ambitions whom we must stop. err that would be a bad look... i sure hope not. my dread for dawntrail might be coming back
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tvrningout-a · 10 months
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honestly if you come to bronwyn with an interesting favor to ask of her, she's gonna be like... a bird with a shiny object asdf she's been around so long that anything that breaks away from the norm is a blessing.
also! it's not unusual for people to come to her for stuff that doesn't actually require making a deal with her. like in her bio, the traveler asks her to heal their sister, and bronwyn only gives them a price when they ask for one. this is bc she gives them a potion -- she doesn't have to perform any magic, do some risky task, etc. that sort of favor she will gladly do for free bc tbh, it's a selfless favor to ask for and it's so easy to fulfill.
deals are used mainly when the spell that bronwyn has to cast requires more than the power she holds, or when the favor is something risky ( like protecting a sorcerer's family ). deals are only necessary to ensure she has enough power or to ensure she gains what was promised. so if your request is something relatively simple? odds are that bronwyn won't actually make a deal with you, or she's going to give you simple, harmless conditions. basically, you'll get help from her for free bc she's nice like that <;3
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valfeathers · 9 months
hiiiiii i was catching up and saw the Soldedad drawing you posted a little while ago and 🥺 so so excited to have more magi scura lore if you're up for it !!
what are retainers, is the name from a power / object they'd have or a function ? would they hunt down Sol because of their use of magic, their potential crimes, or because of something linked to the scorch maybe ? are Cyril and Lucius retainers ? (based mostly on their "bad guy" status elknr but also because Cyril studies arcane magic... possibly scorch related ?)
reading back a little i realised Odette has the same markings on her hands as Agnis, is she also affected by the scorch ? what does it do ? Corvid is the only one wearing full gloves from what i can find, is he hiding scorched hands, did he die from it ?
if i could read correctly the letter is from Junipero, did he leave it somewhere only Sol would find because he trusts they're not dead ? does that mean he wasn't implicated in the incident and potential death cause, or is he on the run ? (is he ok ? u_u i hope so)
i'll stop now bc i could go on All Night XD you draw such stunning pieces and i feel so so many emotions each time, thank you so much once again for sharing your wonderful art !!!! take care <33
more questions!!!! yippee!!!! I listened to my sol & jun playlists the entire time i drafted these to really get the vibes i was after lol
i’m unapologetically using this post to dump some worldbuilding content and some redesigns for a couple of characters (cough cough odie) plus i get to share some june & sol tidbits which… i love them… i think of them always,, they are my pride and joy honestly 
as i wrote this i realised that i’ve barely touched on how the magic system works,, so as a brief preface for this post all you guys need to know is that
magic and magic use are extremely taboo in this world. the laws surrounding magic use are… extremely convoluted and ever-changing, but being an open magic user in this world is an experience, leading most magic users to go out of their way to hide away their abilities. 
 while it is most common for mages to be born with their powers,, people born powerless can strike a deal with one of the world’s gods to gain certain abilities. this is incredibly rare, though, as seen above, most people born without powers would really like to remain that way. only six known people in the main story have made one of these deals. Those who have succeeded in making these deals are known as ‘patrons’. 
oh! and it’s theorised in-universe that every mage is descended from a patron in one way or another. people have been making these deals for thousands of years so at this point, being born with or without magic is left entirely up to chance. how exactly this inheritance works is still heavily debated, and some of the more controversial scholars (ie cyril) dedicated years of research to figuring out the origins of magic, to little success. 
now onto the questions!! art + lore below <3
what are retainers?
retainers are essentially a large and elite group of soldiers in this story’s world, hailing from the nation’s capital. as the story progresses they gain more and more power and influence to the point where, at the point in the story when this piece would take place, they could be considered the main enforcers of the law. which… guys. they suck. needless to say they are the worst, and one of the main groups of antagonists. 
i specifically named this group “the retainers” because of the group’s almost pathological collective desire to keep possession of their own power and influence. opinions on these guys in-universe are… very different depending on who you ask. if you were to ask sol their opinion on the retainers their blood would boil on instinct. needless to say they aren’t a fan, and hell, i wouldn’t be either! 
would they hunt down sol because of their use of magic? their potential crimes?
both! they do NOT like sol!!! partly due to sol’s status as a social contrarian and open magic user, and partly because their continuous survival makes a complete mockery of the group’s authority. sol has been in trouble with the law since they were a young teen, although they didn’t get mixed up with the retainers until falling in with the corviday gang. regardless, by the climax of the story the retainers are desperate to finally capture them and put an end to the chase, but no such luck. believe me though, sol’s name is on file somewhere in the capital and their face is plastered onto many a town’s notice boards and lamp-posts. not to mention the massive bounty on their head, or the ‘wanted dead or alive’ disclaimer written in bold on each and every poster… they’ll be fine. totes. i could talk about bounty culture in this world forever but i’ll spare you for the moment!!
so, about sol’s magic… remember earlier i mentioned those patron guys? and how in the modern main timeline there are only six? …yeah, sol is one of them. to go on about sol’s godly sponsor would extend this post even further so all i’ll say is that (on brand) they managed to strike a deal with this world’s god of the sun & the hearth, which was a whole thing since their late family worshipped that god (something something ‘sol reconnecting to and embracing the past they tried to bury after returning to their chosen family and realising they don’t have to be alone anymore’) but i digress anyways!!!! (i love sol) (i think of them constantly) anyways!! though!!! 
at this point in the story magic is not technically illegal, but using any magic abilities to attack capital officials and retainers very much is. which… sol totally did that. they did that, with several witnesses, out of necessity mind you, but this already biased military only used the incident to further turn the public against them. 
are cyril and lucius retainers?
the short answer is no for cyril and (technically) yes for luci!!
cyril is an elite academic scholar who works closely with high ranking officials in the capital city, which means he comes into contact with the retainers’ commanding officers often. their jobs do not overlap much though, since cyril is moreso focused on well, academics as opposed to the more hands on tasks that the retainers are subject to. 
as a side note, you’re right about cyril having some connection to the scorch! he isn’t afflicted with it, don’t worry, he’s collaborating with the chief alchemist and the city’s doctors to investigate both a cause for the disease as well as possible treatments & cures. 
luci, however, is both a high-ranking city official and the adoptive son of the big bad™. So he has quite the influence over the officers, should he choose to use it. although technically a retainer on paper, he often is only assigned to smaller, covert missions, the mortality rate of which is honestly impressive. rumours abound when it comes to luci, some soldiers claim he posesses a rare and deadly kind of magic. 
odette & agnis’ hands?
funny story actually! odie’s hands have since been un-blackened and her ears un-lynxed. I decided against lynx people being a thing in this story i’m afraid,, nowadays her hands are just permanently stained with either charcoal or paint from her various projects! not scorched (good for her!!) (cyril nags her constantly about ‘just buying gloves! it isn’t that hard!’ but odie refuses to suffocate her hands like that.)
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corvid, luckily, isn’t scorched either! he’s fighting fit, he dies from just… good old fashioned murder, poor guy :( 
as for agnis, though… i think it’s time i talked about the scorch a little bit. 
so the scorch is sort of a big long love letter to various bits of zombie media that i was obsessed with as a kid, coupled with the sharp teeth and bloodlust of vampires, with the treelike markings of a being that is intrinsically linked with nature itself. how? hmmm… we shall see. 
rumour has it that the scorch first originated centuries ago deep underground, miners accidentally disturbing a strange root system deep beneath the earth. it’s a disease that is highly unpredictable, capable of turning anybody into an unrecognisable and feral monster. 
the disease is spread through the bite of a turned scorched one, patients, after turning, are afflicted with the uncontrollable urge to attack and maul those unaffected. those who survive such attacks have about a one in ten chance of turning. some recover, albeit scarred, and others succumb later to the poisonous effects of the bite. unfortunately the third option is the most common.. as the years passed, the problem persisted until it reached the capital, then and only then did research begin in earnest. 
the disease normally spreads slowly, once again the speed of the disease’s progression once a person is turned seems to be, well, random. some lose all control in mere weeks, others, like agnis, get years.
the research on the condition is still in its early stages, although the retainers and their employers seem to be very interested in just how this ancient affliction works. that doesn’t bode well. 
junipero’s letter?
you read correctly, the letter is from him! you’ve hit the nail right on the head i fear,,, i couldn’t have said it better myself! They did leave the letter for sol to find,, and in the letter is a gentle reminder that junipero has faith in sol’s ability to not get themself killed, and reassurance that he isn’t worried. 
the incident that leads to sol’s Extra Wanted status happens pretty much right after they get their new powers, they are confronted by, well, the head retainer. their boss, if you will. his name is tempest. and a group of his men. he does this for reasons honestly unrelated to anything sol actually did, tempest has unfinished business and the person he is looking for, corvid, has been dead for like two years at that point. the encounter goes south quickly and sol escapes after injuring some of their attackers and lays low for a couple weeks. this whole encounter makes sol’s life quite a bit harder for a loooong while, considering they end up having to work with tempest’s wife later on but that’s another story for another day. at this point in the plot, doing what sol did is practically a death sentence, and if they weren’t in danger before they definitely are now. 
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one thing i want to mention, though, is that june was sort of implicated in sol’s ‘cause of death’ since the retainer ambush & sol’s fake death are two different events, one of which (the fake death) happening before the story starts and the other (retainer attack) happening closer to the end of the story. 
the absolute shortest retelling of sol (& june’s) false death is that they (and also pandora) kind of destroyed a dam, caused a fair bit of damage in an attempt to flee a crime scene and the public, after hearing about that whole debacle, accepted that the two probably drowned together. needless to say the retainers get the shock of their lives when they get word that nope, sol still isn’t dead yet. this isn’t the last time they ‘die’ in this story either, but i’m getting way ahead of myself.and that story is how june winds up on the retainers’ radar, not for his work as a literal hitman, but for being in the area when pandora broke a dam. he didn’t even break the thing! he was just an accomplice. injustice, honestly.
speaking of june!! sol and june have been through a lot together, this isn’t their first brush with death, alarmingly enough. and although the two weren’t together when sol was confronted by the retainers, these two have experience escaping dangerous situations and he knows, in his bones, that sol is fine. that they have to be fine. sol returns to june (also the protags) shortly after the piece and they get to reunite again and all is well (briefly)! give them a break, i say, like i’m not the writer.
a final cliffhangy note is that… june is on the run, but not just from the retainers.
aand that’s it!!! the dystopian aspects of mgsc really jumped out this time,, i think it goes without saying this story can get DARK. thank you for the kind words at the end there, that my work evokes anything at all is all i could hope for hehe! i’m so glad people like sol & junipero,,, i love them so so much i can’t even find a proper english phrase to describe it.
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