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cowboysandunicorns · 2 years
Well, since my last post blew up a bit, I figured it’s time for the long-awaited sequel, in a series I like to call:
Why The Lion King 2019′s Realism Sucks Too, Actually
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Such Realism. Wow
Now, when it comes to The Lion King 2019′s visual flaws, there is a lot to talk about. From it’s overly-sanitized greenscreen scenery, to the uncanny locomotion, to the positively nightmarish expressions:
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But today, I wanted to focus on one specific area. And that is TLK19′s Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Feet.
Now, when it comes to trying to create something that looks “realistic”, I find it helps to reference well... Reality. So before we begin, I want you to first acquaint yourself with this tasteful handmade collection of lion feet:
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Its not weird unless you make it weird
Seriously, don’t just scroll past this to get to the next image. I want you to take at least 2-5 minutes just to look at this picture, and remind yourself of what a real lion looks like. Put on your favorite song, close your eyes, and imagine a blissful reality where The Lion King 2019 does not exist.
Now regrettably, we must exit this imaginary world and return to the hyper-realistic nature documentary known as the Lion King 2019:
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oh no
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oh dear
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I know, right?
Now, what exactly is wrong with these pictures?
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1.) The toes are too bony and overly-defined
At best, they look like dog or wolf feet. At worst, they look like fingers, skeletons, sausages, or dinosaurs.
You can see the difference in the comparison down below, between a wolf (left), the remake (middle), and a real lion (right).
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The lack of fur and connecting tissue on the feet only contributes to this issue - making the anatomy flaws more noticeable, and overall looks very creepy.
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2.) The legs are too skinny and oddly proportioned, often making them appear bowlegged or off-balance.
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This combined with the small, bony feet makes them look more like hyenas or pit bulls than an actual lion. Seriously, if you just looked at the bodies alone, would you even be able to recognize them as lions?
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Answer: No. (But feel free to use this Wolf’s Rain base free of charge)
3.) The limbs (particularly the front legs) are robotic and weightless, and do not move in a natural way
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His foot is supposed to be off the ground in this shot, for the record.
It’s like they animated the body, legs, and paws completely independently from one another, with no regard for how the different muscles would actually interact with one another in real life.
Here is a real lion for comparison:
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Notice how the toes are already turned and outstretched, before they even touch the ground. See how the weight falls onto his other shoulder, and the muscles tensing in it’s back leg as it prepares for takeoff? The paws should be leading the motion, not just added as an afterthought.
Now, let’s return to the remake again:
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His legs don’t even look connected to his body, much less the ground.
Thanks, I hate it.
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4. The limbs lack bones, and bend in the wrong places.
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help I think his leg is broken call an ambulance
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It hurts just looking at this.
I must re-iterate: lions are not dogs.
While I suppose a lion could theoretically walk on their tippy-toes like that, lions tend to weigh an average of 300-700 pounds, as opposed to a wolf’s 70-120. And unless they’re trained ballerinas, putting their full weight on their toes like that would likely be very painful.
The weight distribution should rest closer to where the “ball” of your hand or foot would be - not the actual toe bones themselves.
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I wasn’t sure if what I was saying made a lick of sense, so here’s an attempt to illustrate:
At the same time, friendly reminder that lions are not bipedal, and the “heel” should not be touching the ground when standing.
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5.) The claws are always visibly protruding, and look way too small and delicate
It looks like they’re wearing SoftPaws. Thanks, I hate it.
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6.) The legs bend, twist, and distort in confusing and unnatural ways.
This is the part I find particularly infuriating. Mr. Jon “ooh, we can’t have pretty skies or expressions or eyebrows or red fruit or a monkey holding a stick because it’s too ~unrealistic~ uwu” Favreau over here.
But then he has the lions constantly do shit like this:
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Or this:
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And this:
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This might be the worst shot in the whole movie. it looks like Sarabi got possessed by a vengeful ghost and is about to use her weirdly human hands to tear Simba apart like a KFC drumstick
but no, obviously I am the fool, and I just don’t “get it”. i love realism that comes at the expense of art. i love corporate nostalgia. i love the lion king 2019, my favorite part is when the motion lines turn into a FUCKING ASTERIX
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Such realism. Wow.
Anyways, that about wraps this up, thanks for listening, and I...
Wait a second.
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the fuck
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Well I need some time to emotionally recover from this, so see you next century for part three - where I’ll be covering either the lighting, the cubs, or the stampede sequence. Whichever I can finish first.
Okay, that’s all for real now, goodbye everyone I’ll remember you all in therapy
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wreckham · 1 year
I hate how useless Nala became in TLK 2.
Like in the first movie she was brave enough to travel away from her homeland to find help, was a strong voice of reason for Simba and wasn’t afraid to call him out on his refusal to return claim his role as king, and was a fierce fighter.
I’m Simba’s Pride…she just occasionally showed up to tell Simba “Hey relax man, Kiara’s gonna be fine.”
Like as soon as she popped a baby out she instantly became a generic Supportive Wife and Mom ™.
hello anon you are correct and i wrote a mini essay about it. thesis: nala hasn't been good since the original film
so. aside from the typical furry milf lust, lots of tlk fans love nala bc of the personality traits she has? she's brave, she's playful, she's a smartass, she's strong emotionally and physically, etc. the reason we get to see all this stuff is bc she's the protag's best friend/obligatory love interest. nala exists throughout all drafts of tlk's script, but she's most important in the final one bc she was condensed down to fill several specific roles: she's simba's sidekick, confidant, and loyal supporter all at the same time. the story of the lion king cannot be unaltered by nala's absence
in the first movie that is lmao gottem
we've already established that tlk2 was uh. Messy. for many reasons. rushed production, lack of forethought, few resources, ya get it and ya feel it. to this very day fans complain about how they wish they knew more about kovu and kiara's childhoods, or nuka's relationship to his brother, or the main villain's relation to the previous film's main villain goddamnit reeee. the writing knows what it wants to give us (why else would nuka's death be framed as so tragic despite the fact that we don't really know much about who nuka is as a person outside his submission to his mother?) tlk2 knows what it wants to give us, but it doesn't deliver
so i figure nala is just another casualty to this trend lmao. she was watered down to her barest essentials so as to remain recognizable, and she's in the movie in the first place bc fans expected/wanted her to appear, but none of the writers actually considered what her role(s) would be now. like, okay, she's always been supportive and kind, but that was towards simba as a friend and partner. what about her relationship to her daughter? how does she feel about the outlanders, her former pridemates? why is the womancat who fiercely scolded sense into ferris beuller's fursona unwilling to stand up for her kiara's emo softboy bestie?
and then nala's barely in tlk3. and then she's even less worth the screentime in (what ive seen of) tlg. and she was such a flaccid, pointless nothing in tlk2019
if i was in more of a tumblrina mood today (give me a few edibles more and i'll get there teehee!) i'd go into this also potentially being a misogyny thing, but i feel that's kinda obvious bc its so common in fiction. like, oh cool, another great female character loses all but a semblance of her previous aspirational traits bc she's a married mother now! the directors said >implying lionesses don't belong in the kitchen topkek
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miss-bvnny · 11 months
Call of The Wild (2019) thoughts
-Good movie. Really liked that on. Been waiting and wanting to see that one for a while and it was very worth it to finally watch it
-The cgi on the dogs and wolves was not nearly as bad as you were all whining and screaming that it was actually. My working theory is that it was simply ten times as expressive as TLK2019 from a few months earlier and we'd all been brainwashed by Jon Favreau's terrible sin
-REALLY good soundtrack
-Dan Stevens Villain was great just because he was so unsettling and I dreaded knowing he was inevitably gonna pop up again, so he WAS a good villain...but VILLAIN SLED DOG was fucking funny and 10x better im sorry. They combined Steele from Balto and Hopper from Bugs Life into one and called it a day god bless them for that
-The humans didn't feel the way humans usually feel in recent live action disney movies. IDK how else to explain it but this and Togo feel like they broke the mold.
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grimconversations · 5 years
Three years ago: chatting with my neighbor/teacher who was a consultant for facial expressions on the live action lion king remake and hearing him get frustrated that they didn't understand that it was important to have them emote.
A review of the movie from today:
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Guys maybe u should have listened to Gary when he told you this
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sahind · 5 years
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The Lion King (1994) dir. Roger Allers & Rob Minkoff
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nazrigar · 5 years
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“I wouldn’t DARE challenge you... again...”
AKA one of my favorite changes to the original was that in the remake, it’s implied that Scar got his scars from Mufasa, rather than an outside force. It makes the conflict between the two feel more personal. So while Jeremy Irons’ Scar is still the iconic one, I appreciate the new one for having a Scar that’s less “Straight-up Evil Uncle” and more “Resentful Brother”.
It’s VERY experimental in nature, as I’ve never done a true Orange/Blue contrast in my art before.
Hope it meets your expectations, @nerdyfansblog @carrieasagiri @shelbysplace!
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meghansbest · 5 years
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July 14th 2019 || The Duke and Duchess of Sussex greeting crowds during the European Premiere of the 'Lion King' in Leicester Square, London.
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torysdrawingstories · 4 years
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Disney Drawing Challenge
Day 8: Favourite Villain
  Who doesn’t like a sassy lion? I just LOVES how Scar’s mood is through the film and his plotting and scheming and planning is what made him one of the most successful villains in Disney. 
   His song is also one of my FAVOURITES, which is one of the reasons why I didn’t like the 2019 remake of TLK, make or break for me if the villain and just... no LK19.... No.
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champawattigress · 5 years
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the lion king remake was completely worth it
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still going on about little mermaid but can we TALK about how good “under the sea” looks in the trailer? i had NO hope for that considering how they absolutely massacred “just can’t wait to be king” but oh my GOD. it’s COLORFUL and BRIGHT and things are MOVING and it’s like. PRETTY??? tlk2019 could NEVER
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pugcrumbs · 5 years
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It’s 2019 Scar with some essence of the original 1994 design in mind. 
I did the same for Aladdin and Jasmin, if you wanted to check those out, too.
Anyway. I’m hype.
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nicodemuslily · 5 years
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Scar 2019: “Simba, what have you done?
Simba 2019: The stampede. I... snif !
Scar 2019: Off course! But, how, you, the son of the king, the prince of Lion Earth, Mufasa’s descendant, my brother, the son of my parents, your father, Sarabi’s husband… blabla…
Scar 2019: Blabla… the heir of the throne killing the king, a son killing his father… blabla… incomprehensible… blabla… if you haven’t been there… blabla…
Scar1994: Kill them!”
Here is what I’m thinking about the remake of TLK. 
I’m a huge fangirl of the 1994 version, I know every second of this movie and the new one is such a shame. I can spend hours talking about all the things that goes wrong in the new version, so I won’t say more.
The new Scar is such a chatter-box in the 2019. He makes infinite speeches. Soooo boring. 
And if you think that they look emotionless, it’s because they are. Real lions don't have the many facial expression of the animated ones.
Well, long life to TLK1994!!!
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augustdementhe · 5 years
I gotta talk about The Lion King 2019 Scar.
And not just aesthetically.
You know what I missed most from the new TLK?
Simba and Scar.
The animated version made it clear— with no explicitly stated exposition, and all of three short scenes with them together in Simba’s youth— that Simba loved his uncle, and hung around him fairly often.
The way Simba visits him on his own time, and climbs and flops all over him, and Scar’s sardonic tolerance and missable (to a kid) sarcasm over what would have been the equivalent of lion years, until he put his plan in motion--that’s all GONE in favor of ‘Fuck off kid, ya bother me’, and Scar just happening to be near where the beetle Simba chased landed.
Like...assume Simba did immediately fuck off and go play with the other cubs in TLK2019 like Scar told him to. The rest of the movie doesn’t happen.
TLK90s doesn’t have that problem. Scar was explicitly known by the hyenas, and had been friendly with them for a long time. If Simba didn’t visit him that day, the plan still happens somehow. He has influence over his spotted friends, and his nephew, and now that Simba’s allowed to wander off without an apex predator adult, the plans can go into motion even if the elephant graveyard exploration doesn’t pan out.
TLK2019 only has Scar making plans with the hyenas that day. He meets them THAT. DAY. AND what’s worse, you put Nala in danger for all the STUPID lyrical changes they made to the castrated version of Be Prepared, they STILL KEPT THE LINE ‘Meticulous planning,  Tenacity spanning, DECADES OF DENIAL...’, when clearly this plan and also the alliance was being fucking improvised on the spot.
It made 2019′s “It’s our little secret” so...hollow. Why keep this line? Where would this conspiratorial nod and wink even come from? This Scar and this Simba don’t even hang out!
And what was so tragic about Mufasa’s death scene in TLK90s was the way Scar was going out of his way to be a stone cold dick to a little kid that literally went running to his arms for comfort.
Like he took the time to go down there and fuck with Simba’s head right before he was supposed to die knowing full well this child loved him, and wanted his company.
It made all the evil and malice so much HEAVIER.
TLK2019 wiped all that away.
It added a few interesting things to Scar’s character—holding food and the wellbeing of all the other lionesses over Sarabi’s head if he can’t get her in bed, where he got his scar and why he’s always separated from the rest of the pride because of his fight with Mufasa, but ultimately, what it took made for a less villainous villain.
Gonna do a rundown about my disappointment with the hyenas as well.
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wolpard · 5 years
Lion King (2019) thoughts.
Don't know what really counts as a spoiler since, as what has been said often, it really was a scene-for-scene remake with some minor changes in dialogue (usually jokes, or additions), and one tiny plot change that didn't really effect the movie at all and it almost seemed like a waste (imo). Note that this post spoils any changes + additions made.
TLDR; It’s the same film just duller with some new jokes.
All the original (so no "Morning Report") songs did make it into the film, plus one original song which happens when Simba and Nala are running back to the Pride Lands to challenge Scar. Though "Be Prepared" is hardly a song, and it sucks ass.
Speaking of Scar and "Be Prepared," Scar's line delivery and character acting was just plain bad. I don't know if I was comparing it too hard to the original, but he dragged out every line and whenever he lied to Simba it felt really half-assed coming from Scar. I don't know much about Chiwetel Ejiofor's other roles, but regardless I think we was a poor fit for Scar. It almost seemed like he was bored with the role.
I don't know what happened with James Earl Jones, but his line delivery as Mufasa was a lot less impactful and emotional in this version.
In terms of positive voice acting, Zazu, Timon, and Pumbaa were all entertaining. They all at least had several pretty damn funny lines that weren't in the original (Timon lets Pumbaa say "farted" during Hakuna Matata and they make a meta joke about it). Donald Glover also made a nice Simba. I feel like I would have enjoyed Florence Kasumba as Shenzi more if they actually bothered to give her proper screentime.
Notable changes: 
-Scar does not already work with the hyenas, he starts working with them after Simba and Nala wander into the Elephant graveyard and fail to kill them. He already knew it was their territory and purposefully encouraged Simba to go, he just hadn't conspired with the hyenas before doing so. This does not effect the rest of the film, which I think seemed like a waste (especially with Shenzi's character, who was seemingly set up to take a bigger leadership role, but never did and is tossed aside for the rest of the film). 
-Nala leaves before Simba to go back to pride rock. 
-Simba, Timon, and Pumbaa have a number of nameless animal friends that hang around them in several scenes (and even eventually come to Pride Rock).
-Timon and Pumbaa sing "Be Our Guest" instead of do the hula to distract the hyenas, which I think was a good decision.
-They cut out one of my FAVORITE pieces of dialogue from the original. This. In fact, Rafiki doesn't even have a stick until the very end of the film, where he brings it out to beat the hyenas with it.
There really was a lot of issues with conveying emotion in this film. Just like I feared, it was really hard for them to put emotions on these animals. There were some tiny curling lips to convey smiles but it really wasn't much. Mufasa's death scene was not emotional at all. (I felt really bad because @poketin and I were trying to hold in laughter when Simba screamed after Mufasa was pushed off the cliff, because it just showed a tiny lion screaming with motion blur, and we could NOT take it seriously.)
I couldn't tell if I was looking at Nala or Simba when they were cubs and it only showed one of them in a single shot. Same goes for any of the adult lionesses. I also couldn't tell who was who during the final battle between Simba and Scar during a lot of the action scenes.
The actions a lot of the characters did felt lousy in comparison to the old film. There wasn't a lot of energy present for a lot of it, notable when Simba and Nala are wrestling as cubs and Nala keeps pinning Simba. "Pinned ya!" No you didn't??? You just slowly rolled him over on his back? You're not even on top of him.
The hyenas looked awful. Why were all their faces bald?
Rafiki also looked really weird and I feel like they didn't even bother to look at actual mandrills as reference. His anatomy is just SUPER off and they didn't even give him a butt. He had a butt in the old version, is it really that much of an issue to slap on some blue skin?
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Pumbaa straight up changes species in his "when I was a young warthog" flashback. More like "when I was a young wild boar even though they aren't native to sub-Saharan Africa," because that's what they used instead. Is it really that hard to just google search what a baby warthog looks like?? Was it not "cute" enough? Or did they REALLY just use that fake "baby warthog" image that was going around for a split second without double checking it? I don't get it.
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I know why they did it, but hyper realistic animals walking around with 0 genitalia is so funny to me.
A giraffe eats Simba's shed fur and shits it out before it gets to Rafiki.
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sahind · 5 years
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The Lion King (2019) dir. Jon Favreau (x)
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