i-am-beckyu · 10 months
Just out of Reach, but Never out of Sight
AWWWWW YEAH! HERE SHE IS BOIS!!! THE LOOOONG AWAITED CHAPTER 3!!!! I have reread and changed this so many times but finally I’m happy with it and ready to move onto the next part!!! (there are so many bits I’ve written and cut and pasted into different parts for future chaps it’s not funny lol) As always, thank you to @a-xyz-s for beta reading and your feedback! (love you!/p)  And thanks to Brick and Squishy for help on some earlier chapter issues! Thanks besties ❤️ Anyways, ENJOY!
Chapter 3
chapter 1, chapter 2 cw: general fear, panic and anxiety, fear of death, child abuse/neglect, comfort and allllll the fluff!!!! word count: 3692
Disclaimer! This story is based on the characters of the Dream SMP and not the real life content creators. Anything that occurs in this story is purely fiction and should be treated as such. Thank you.
Phil smiled fondly from his place in the bedroom doorway, as he watched his eldest give Tommy the small cow plushie. 
How could one little boy be so endearing? 
He thought back to that afternoon when he’d first found the young boy. It had been a simple day at the office. Nothing out of the ordinary, just the usual paperwork and filing he couldn’t do at home. It should’ve been a simple walk home too, but when the sound of heavy breathing had caught his ear, he hadn’t expected to turn and see a kid with messy blonde hair running straight towards a street light. “Hey kid, slow down!” He had tried to warn, but the kid seemed too lost in thought and charged forward anyways. “Hey wait, stop!! You’re going to hit the-“ 
He didn’t even get to finish the sentence before a loud thunk echoed into the air, as the kid crashed into the pole, causing them to backpedal from the impact, and down to the ground. He rushed forward crouching down to be eye level with the kid and quickly began to look them over.
“Are you alright mate?”
The kid's head snapped up, blue eyes meeting his own, widening at the acknowledgment of his presence. 
 “Ah, mate? You with me?”
As if a switch was flicked, the kid frantically scrambled back with a loud scream, a look of pure terror painted across their face. 
Phil’s heart ached at the sight.
 “Hey, hey it’s alright. I’m not going to hurt you.” He said, hands up placatingly so the kid could see he meant no harm. 
The kid curled in on themselves as their breathing began to grow irregular and shallow.
“Shhhh shhh it’s okay! I need you to take deep, slow breaths for me. Can you do that?” Phil asked, coming closer. 
 The kid took a few sharp breaths in, presumably trying to do as he had asked.
“In for 3, out for 3.” he instructed, as he began to rub the kids back up and down to help time their breathing.
The kid flinched at the initial contact, but didn’t shy away.
“There you go. You’re doing so well mate.”
 Slowly, the kids' breathing began to even out and as they focused on regulating their breathing.
“My name’s Philza, but you can call me Phil. What’s your name?”
 The kid tensed slightly at the question, but immediately melted back into Phil’s touch as he continued to rub their back. How adorable.
“T-Tommy.” The kid –Tommy said shakily.
It took a few minutes to fully calm Tommy down, but eventually he settled enough to find out why he had been so focused on running. That had been a mission in itself to get them to open up about it, but he had managed to find out that Tommy was lost and was concerned about losing something important. 
 What that thing was, Tommy wouldn’t say and had started to hyperventilate at the mention. He had quickly reassured him that he was okay and that he just wanted to help, inviting him to come back to his place where he could better do so. 
 It was slightly worrying how quickly the kid had agreed to coming home with him though... 
 Tommy even almost seemed eager to go when Phil mentioned that he lived only a street over from where they were. From terrified to willingly to follow a stranger was uh, interesting to say the least. 
 And the way they acted coming home; staring at objects with so much wonder and intrigue while adorable was concerning.
 Who knew where this kid had come from to act like that? 
 He would have to worry about contacting Tommy’s guardians if he had any later. Kid had been through enough and needed the rest. He smiled as Wilbur closed the door quietly to the Guest room, noticing the fondness in his gaze as he turned and made his way back to his own room. In the morning, he’d introduce Technoblade to Tommy and hopefully get him to open up some more. Then they’d be able to get a better run down on the kid and what the best course of action would be.
At least that’s what he thought they’d do…
 Tommy felt different when he woke up. 
 The last thing he remembered was falling asleep on something really soft, holding something really fluffy.
 Huh, Strange. 
 He doesn’t remember his bed being this nice.
 Slowly, he peaked an eye open to find himself in what appeared to be a plush cave. 
 Well this was the weirdest dream he’d ever had.
 Figuring it was a dream (because what else would this be), Tommy began to search for an exit. Might as well explore whatever dreamworld he was in while it lasted. 
 It took a bit, but eventually he spotted a sliver of light creeping in from a crevice above and made his way across the weird, uneven surface. It was far too soft to try and walk across properly, as his feets just kept sinking down with his weight. Not to say he didn’t like it, it was just strange to be on so much uneven ground.
 Geez dreams are weird. 
When Tommy reached the crevice, he began to climb up finding the side wall was actually some kind of nice fabric. Pity he couldn’t have fabric like this in reality. A bed made from this would be heaven! 
 But upon breaching the surface, it was only then that he realised where he was.
 He glanced around at the ‘not cave’, realisation hitting him with the sight of the light green bedding from the guest room bed. But what really grabbed his attention was the cow plushie resting in the middle of the messed up pile of sheets. All the memories of the day prior came rushing back full force.
So that part hadn’t been a dream. He really had talked to the Human Beans. 
But then that would mean…..
Tommy patted himself over, up and down, even pinching himself to check that he was in fact awake. 
 He was back to his normal size. 
3 whole glorious inches of pure normal TommyInnit.
But how? 
 He was sure that he was going to be stuck Bean size forever, but here he was. 
 Tommy’s head spun with a million questions. 
 What if growing in size was a dream and I’m just waking up? But I have the cow plush which means I was given it. But maybe I did succeed in getting it, and I just left it in the guest room? But the bed sheets are messed up so clearly someone has slept in here so why would I be here now?
 Trying to shake the growing list of questions in his head, Tommy tried to focus on the things at hand. He would worry about what had happened later. Right now he needed to get back home.
 He made his way to the side of the bed closest to the wall, and stared down. 
 Hidden in the corner behind the bed leg, was a tunnel entrance. The tunnel itself led to his home, just tucked within the corner wall of Wilbur’s bedroom right next door. It would be difficult without his equipment, but he could get down in mostly one piece. 
 Maybe… Steeling himself, he turned around and began to slowly descend down the side of the bed, before momentarily stopping and climbing back up. 
 Well he couldn’t just leave the cow plush behind! Not after all the trouble it had caused from his maybe real-not real dream. 
 It really needs a name. Henry sounds nice. 
 After ‘gently’ dropping Henry down to the floor, Tommy was about to resume his descent down before suddenly the sound of someone approaching made their way to the guest room door. 
 Tommy knew those pretentious footsteps anywhere.
“Tommy, are you up? Dad’s made breakfast.” The muffled voice of Wilbur drifted through the closed doorway.
Well that answered it then. 
 Definitely NOT a dream.
“Tommy? Are you awake?”
Tommys’ heart pounded against his chest. 
Oh Prime. They knew he existed. They actually knew!!!
“Tommy?” Wilbur knocked again, concern lacing their voice.
They can’t know. You’re dead if they know.
“Tommy? You okay in there?”
Get back to the walls.
Run Tommy. He’s going to enter and then he’ll see what you are. 
“Tommy, I’m going to come in on the count of 3 okay?”
 Tommy dropped to the floor behind the bed leg just as the door opened, his heart pounding in his chest as he gripped his shirt to try and ground himself.
 “Tommy? Tommy where- Tommy are you in here?” 
 With bated breath, Tommy slowly peaked his head out to get a better look at his situation. Of course all he could see was Wilbur's stupid fancy shoes (seriously? It’s like 9am and he’s wearing those pretentious shoes at home?) but more importantly, he could hear the panic rising in Wilbur’s voice at his sudden disappearance.
 “Dad- Dad, the kid’s gone!” 
 Tommy watched as Wilbur frantically ran out of the room to find Phil. 
Oh Prime he’d made him worried. He’d F***** made Wilbur worried about him…
No. No this was for the best. 
 He needed to leave while he still could. Especially now that he’s small again. Him staying would be nothing but more trouble for the Crafts. 
 “What do you mean he’s gone?” Phil’s voice trailed to Tommy from the kitchen. 
 “He can’t have just disappeared.”
Oh f***. Now he’d made Phil worried too.
“Wilbur, did you check all the rooms? He couldn’t have just left?”
The panicked footsteps of Wilbur returned and Tommy watched with guilt rising from his gut as Phil’s green slippers walked past with Wilbur's shoes by the guest room door.
 “But what if he left during the night Dad? It’s not like he can’t unlock the window with the keys still in the lock?”
 “I doubt we would have slept through that mate. If not us, definitely not Techno.” The concern in Phil’s voice seemed to increase with every word.
 He- he was, making them more worried. 
 Like really REALLY worried about him. 
 But, they just met? They shouldn’t care like that? 
 Not for him anyways… right? 
 He’s just some dirty street kid in their eyes, which isn’t entirely wrong but surely Beans don’t just care for people like that? Well maybe they would for other Beans but for Tommy? He’s not even the right size for that to be even slightly true right now. 
 If they found him in his weak, small helpless Borrower form, he’d be done for!
And if things couldn’t get worse for the Borrower, that's when Tommy felt it. His entire body began to tingle with an unfamiliar sensation and suddenly, he felt himself growing. 
“S***, S***, S***!” 
 Tommy was sprinting to get out from under the bed as he felt himself growing in the cramped up space. He’d barely stumbled forward before hitting his head with a thump beneath the bed's wooden frame. 
 “What was that?” 
 Tommy’s blood froze as the set of footsteps thundered down the hallway towards him. He scrambled back as far as he could, cupping his hands over his mouth to muffle any unwanted noises escaping himself as the green slippers reappeared in his vision; exasperated breathing filling the eerie silence. 
 He remained completely still, as Phil presumably scanned the room before the elder let out a sigh and moved towards the door. 
 Tommy let out a breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding, as he watched the retreating shoes leave. 
 That had been close. 
 Too close…
 ‘It’s okay, Phil didn’t find you. I’ll just stay here and wait till they all leave and work out how to shrink again and then-’
“Hi mate.”
Tommy shrieked in surprise, hitting his head on the bed frame in the process. 
 Phil was down on the floor looking straight at him with concerned bright blue eyes, a hand up in surrender and an amused smile. 
How had he not noticed him get down on the floor?! 
 He’d just watched him leave for Primes sake!
 “Woah woah, it's alright Tommy just breathe.” 
 Tommy scrambled back as far as he could. Even though it was cramped, he was still small enough Bean size to put a little distance between them. 
 “Stay away from me.” He growled, trying to mask his fear in attempts to make the blonde leave. 
 Even though he had meant to leave, in the Beans' eyes, it had appeared like he’d tried to run away. If he came out now, he’d probably be punished for trying to pull such a stunt. He didn’t want that…
Not from Phil.
“Tommy shh, shh. It’s alright. I’m not going to hurt you.” Phil tried to soothe, crawling ever so slightly closer.
 “Stay back.” Tommy spat, pushing further against the wall. 
He could feel where Henry was squashed against him and his enlarged limbs with the wall. He felt bad for the little plushie, but that was far from his concerns right now.
  “Why didn’t you respond when we were calling for you? We were so worried you’d left.”
Worried, he’d left? Really?
“Normally when you help someone out, they respond when someone knocks to let them know breakfast is ready. Not have the host worry about their guests' whereabouts and find them hiding beneath the bed.”
 Tommy kept pushing himself further into the corner and his wall entrance. 
 He knew it. 
 He’d f***** up. 
 Phil shouldn’t have even found him! He didn’t mean to grow again, he just wanted to get back in the walls. But then they’d have been worried anyway and now Phil was pissed at him for not responding and being under the bed and now-
“Tommy- Tommy breathe. It’s alright. You’re not in trouble.”
 The confused look on Tommy’s face must have said it all, because Phil explained.
 “Tommy, it's okay. You’re not in trouble for doing any of that. I was just worried, okay? Wil and I both were. We thought something might have happened to you and we wanted to check you were okay.”
 Tommy took a shaky breath in and stared at Phil. There was a chance he was lying, but it was hard to believe from the gentle smile the older man was pointing his way.
“Would you mind if I join you?” Phil asked timidly. “I can stay here if you prefer, I’d just like to talk.”
 “Dad! Dad! Dad! He’s not anywhere in the house he’s- uh… why are you on the floor?” 
Wilbur. Right. 
 He’d managed to worry him too hadn’t he? 
“Wilbur, could I get you to wait outside for me? Kinda in the middle of something here.” The man said, turning his head awkwardly to presumably look at his son. 
 “Is he - under the bed?” 
 Tommy could only imagine Wilbur was pointing down at him from where he stood with a stupid look of confusion on his face. He rolled his eyes at the thought.
 “Yeah he’s fine. Just, can you give us a minute?”
 Without another word, Tommy watched as the obnoxious brown shoes retreated from the guest room, the door slowly closing after with a soft click. 
“So about joining you under the bed?” 
Tommy drew his attention back to Phil. 
 Phil really didn’t seem like he was going to grab him and pull him out and punish him or hurt him if he came under. Not that it mattered even if he didn’t. 
He wouldn’t be escaping any time soon as it was in his current state…
  With a timid nod, Phil’s smile brightened ever so slightly and he crawled his way under the bed. There certainly wasn’t enough space for the grown man to do so, but regardless he stuffed himself under, joining the boy in the cramped space.
“You know, Wilbur and Techno used to play hide and seek in here all the time.” Phil said as he tried to get situated.
 “This used to be one of their favourite hiding spaces until they got too big to hide under here. I’m surprised I actually made it under here at all.” he said with a chuckle.
 Tommy bit his lip. 
 The sight of Phil was rather funny. If anyone were to look at the scene from beyond the bed, it would be a rather silly sight to see the grown man attempting to fit, but Tommy couldn’t help but linger on the thought of the twins playing hide and seek. 
 He’d never been allowed to join in such games with the other Borrower children. Or when they had let him, he’d always hide, but never be found. It got to a point where he wouldn’t even try to hide to just have someone find him.
 It became pretty clear they had no intentions to do so.
“You alright?” Phil said, breaking his thoughts. “Something you want to talk about?”
 “Uh no no I’m fine. Just thinking about something unimportant.” 
Me, he thought bitterly.
“Okay well I was coming to invite you to breakfast but if you’d prefer to stay here we can. I’d just like to get a better idea of helping you get home and find that thing you were after is all.” 
 Phil watched how Tommy’s face perked up at the mention of food but deflated when it came to home or talking about what he was after. Maybe he’d run away from home, trying to get away from a bad situation? But then again he was after something, so that could mean anything. 
At least food seemed like an in with Tommy.
“How about we start with where your parents are, yeah? I’m sure they’re worried about you.” 
 “Ain’t got any.” Tommy stated flatly. 
 “They abandoned me when I was a baby.”
Phil didn’t miss how blank Tommy’s face was at the statement.
“Are you staying with anyone else at the moment?” 
Surely someone had been looking after this child? 
“I had some people looking after me for a while, but they kicked me out when I was 13. Been looking after myself ever since.” Tommy finished with a shrug, as if the information shouldn’t be surprising. 
 But judging by the horrified look on Phil’s face, that clearly hadn’t been the answer he’d been after so he was quick to add,
 “I don’t need anyone! I’m a Big man and waaay more capable than you can imagine Big Man. Been looking after myself for the past 3 years, easy peasy.”
“You’re 16?” 
 Tommy shifted nervously under Phil's disbelieving gaze.
3 years. 
For 3 years this child had been on his own. Tommy didn’t look anywhere close to 16 years old. He knew he was skinny and malnourished based on appearance alone, but for 16 he was way worse than what he first thought. Maybe he was lying about his age? He looked like he could be 13, maybe 14 at most now, but clearly he had not been doing okay if he could see his ribs poking through his shirt. Perhaps not eating stunted his growth?
“Do you- have you had somewhere to stay?” Phil asked hesitantly. He didn’t want Tommy to run off if the reason he was on his own was because of past potential abuse.
 “I do. I’ve switched houses a few times and I’m currently in this nice place at the moment.”
 Tommy paused, looking away almost shamefully before continuing.
 “Though I’m not sure y- um my, uh- neighbours will want me around when I go back. They probably think I’m a pest like you do right now; wasting your time under the bed.”
 “Oh no no Tommy! I don’t think that at all!” Phil was quick to reassure. 
 “You’re not a pest! Who the f*** ever told you you were?”
 Tommy looks away in shame.
 “Tommy look, you just got spooked waking up in an unfamiliar setting right? We didn’t mean to frighten you. We just got concerned when you didn’t respond. I don’t mind being under the bed if you feel safer here.”
 Phil watched as Tommy took what he said in, the gears turning in the blonde boy's head. Phil had to suspect that something had to have happened to him more than just getting kicked out of home if his first instinct was to hide.
 “You’re not mad that I hid?” Tommy asked timidly.
 “No, not at all. We just want to help you get back home and find that thing you were trying to find yesterday.”
 Tommy relaxed a little at this but not completely. There was still some uncertainty in his gaze but Phil didn’t want to overstep.
Baby steps Phil. Baby steps.
“I’m sure whatever it is we can help you find it. Maybe if we call your neighbours they could come-”
“NO.” the boy snapped, eyes wide, but just as quickly reeled back as he realised his outburst, instead reiterating himself.
“Uh I mean, no. No, there's no point calling them. I don't have their uh- names to call.”
Phill blinked at him.
“...sure mate, it’s fine.”
“Besides,” Tommy continued.
 “I know my way back to them once I get to um the- the park.” 
“Oh that’s not far from here. We can take you back there after breakfast if you like?” Phil offered with a small smile and something sad behind his gaze. Not that Tommy noticed as he mentally slapped himself. 
“Oh um, thank you.” 
Did Tommy feel bad about lying through his teeth? 
 Yes. Yes he did. 
 But he couldn’t exactly tell Phil that he lived in his walls and that he, Wilbur and Techno were his neighbours. But lying and saying he can get home once he’s taken to the park? 
Now he’s going to be taken to the park, AWAY from his actual home! That’s exactly what he doesn't want to happen!!!
“Well how do you feel about some breakfast then? I made waffles.” 
 “That would be nice, thanks.”
How does he keep getting into these situations?
ANNNNNNNNNND! THAT’S A WRAP ON CH 3!!! LETS GOOOO Thanks for reading to the end if you did. I really appreciate it and hope you enjoyed <3 I used so many italics..... but even though this took ages to get out, I’m really happy I took the extra time to get it just right. No idea when I will update it next but keep your eyes peeled for meme snippets. This is now going to be a thing thanks to @rosewriting-ao3 (I’m stealing your idea ❤️❤️❤��)
TAGLIST: @local-squishmallow @brick-a-doodle-do @justarandomsloth @veryfunkycheesecake @munchkin1156 @kayla-crazy-stuffs @da3dm @eiscreme135 @orchid-harmony @the-tiny-lurker @colossal-red  @giant-tinygoodtimes 
Tag list post here if you want to be tagged for future updates <3
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
Techno wrap for the year
(what do you mean it’s February—)
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All my Techno designs for my AUs. Or the more interesting ones, limited space and all that.
From left to right:
Human in hoodie is from Mandatory Family Reunion
Fancy dark cloak is from Lord, what fools these mortals be!
Retirement outfit is from Golden Apples (Gilded Atrophy)
Large one with tusks is from Fault
Glowing is from Lighting Lanterns to Bring You Home
Child with sword is from The Lambs Wolves Wear
I was going to do a goofy interaction page but life got fast again so.
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risingsunresistance · 2 months
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no that's exactly what it's like, you're right
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phil & kristin’ youtooz are droppin on the 25th and there’s tiny techno 💛 sbi 💛 & fundy tiny phil and awwww
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natelia-aldelliz · 1 year
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OH MY GOD is that a background ???
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2-sleepy-for-this · 5 months
poll results
hey guys! So as you can see on the last post, it looks like I’m writing tadc g/t! I’m about halfway through writing a fic so far and the base is… tiny! Jax really not having a good time during hide and seek (unintentional fear play)
I think I’m also gonna start writing little 700 word one shots for y’all (sbi or tadc) so if you want one ask me with a prompt!
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rainystressed247 · 1 year
Can i just say i am so grateful and happy that we have you, do you know how difficult it is to find someone who likes SBI, dream, AND ranboo at the same time??
too hard.. so thank you so much for existing. Love all your work 💝💚🖤🤍
Awww thank you so much for your kind words!!!
I know it can be hard sometimes with how the fandom acts but I do find it easier to just enjoy what you want to enjoy (and create what you want to see). There is always someone out there who will enjoy the same thing as you do and don't let the hate get in the way of what you enjoy!
Here! Have a piece of sunshine to brighten your day!
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maple-leifarts · 5 months
arc 7 part 2 *vibrates excitedly*
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medlarmeadows · 1 year
Imagine villain!emduo where they do some kidnapping along with other villainy things. But Techno and Phil have differing views about how to knock someone out while kidnapping them. Phil's an expert at potion making and prefers to use his potions to render someone unconscious (think like chloroform). Techno prefers to just knock them out the old fashioned way - using his fists. When Phil asks why, the conversation goes like this:
Phil: Using my potions are way easier, why bother with your fists?
Techno: Do you know how harmful those chemicals are to the body?
Phil, in disbelief: So you can bash a man's head in but draw the line at drugging? God forbid the Blood God gives his kidnappees chemical poisoning.
Techno: Bruhhhh
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totallynotbat · 2 years
Naga Phil AU: Chapter 1 Unknown Father
Warning: Swearing, Brief tickles
Original AU belongs to @cyncerity, who gave me the okay to write this story. 
This is one of my favorite chapters to write. ITS FINALLY HERE AFTER MONTHS OF ROUGH DRAFTS.
I’m not gonna lie I didn’t like the first chapter I wrote of this series, so I rewrote it!
Mmmmm, here comes the angst.
Relationship is platonic!
Wilbur thought his father was fine, he was probably being attacked and knocked out possibly. 
He was walking around the forest home, only running into a couple of mobs here and there. When a small squeak got his attention, feeling something latching onto his ankle. 
He looked down, seeing Philza Minecraft, his father, tiny, and a fucking naga.
Now the two were heading out of the forest, Phil latching onto Wilbur’s hand, his head hung down low. 
“We will find something to help out.” Wilbur said softly, Phil looking up with a small smile. 
The two headed out of the forest, making their way over to the spawn area. 
Phil lifted his head up a bit, seeing Tommy and Techno out in the distance, his smile brightened up a bit. 
“There they are!” Phil called out, Wilbur chuckled at his father’s excitement, picking up the pace from a walk into a small jog. 
“Techno! Tommy!” Wilbur called out. Tommy hearing his brother, his head turned; a glimmer of hope in the child’s light blue eyes, that almost looked a bright cyan. 
“Will!” Tommy responded quickly, clamping his hands together into fists in front of his chest. “Please tell me you found him!” 
Wilbur chuckled a bit. “Yes, yes I found him.” 
Tommy eyes looked down along with Techno, seeing the tiny avian…naga? Who waved awkwardly to his nonbiological sons. 
Phil moved his wings a bit, flapping them a bit towards Techno, the piglin holding a hand out, which Phil landed on the palm carefully. 
“Wilbur.” Tommy turned to his brother, the beanie wearing man looking at him with a confused look. 
“Why the absolute fuck is he so tiny?” Tommy held his hands in a ‘boi’ position. 
“That’s how I found him.” Wilbur said. “He said that it could be from a potion.” 
“Well now we got someone who is targeting him.” Tommy deadpanned.
“I didn’t say that Toms.” 
The two continued arguing, Techno sighed wanting to not deal with this, Phil also sighed, having to be the father figure again.
Phil flapped his tiny wings, stopping in front of the two arguing men. 
“Boys!” Phil called out. “Look, I know you all are confused and worried. Believe me I am too! But don’t argue about this!” 
“He’s right.” Techno jumped in. “We can find a cure or something at home or the cabin.” 
The two men agreed, Techno and Phil going over to Technos cabin, opening the door to the warm room, him placing Phil on the table. 
“I’ll be back, stay safe.” Techno said, walking up the stairs. 
Phil smiled, when a small growl caused him to turn around, looking up, seeing Steve, Techno’s polar bear. Phil moved back a bit, worried if Steve would eat him or attack him. 
“Uh…hey boy…” Phil stuttered. The polar bear lowering his head, leaving Phil to look at his eyes, the polar bear began nuzzling Phil’s sides.
“Eep! Hehey!” Phil giggled, as Steve knew that meant happiness, he continued, sniffing around Phil’s neck. 
“Steve! Stop! That tickles!” The tiny naga squeaked, squirming as Steve moved his nose around his pointy ears and neck. 
“Alright boy! Cut it out!” Phil giggled, rolling onto his back, the polar bear sniffing his stomach and sides. “Get off, quit sniffing me! Hahahaha!” 
Steve stopped, resting his snout on Phil, the blonde patting the fur uptop. “Thanks boy.” 
“Right Phil, I found a few books. They might help out.” Techno walked down the stairs, seeing Steve and Phil and proceeding to take a photo with his phone. 
Techno held out a hand, Phil latching on waving goodbye to Steve before Techno plopped him on his shoulder. 
When the two arrived home, Phil flew over to the counter to try and get his surroundings of the house. When he cracked his head to the sounds of loud stomping.
A fucking giant bird, was behind him. 
“Heh heh, nice bird?” Phil nervously moved over onto his back, his tail moving around steady. 
The bird cawed before grabbing his tail, Phil screamed as he was dragged across the counter, trying to call out to his boys. 
Phil struggled upside down trying to get free, he felt his breathing getting faster, a loud ringing in his ears.
“Hey! Shoo! Get off of him!” 
Phil’s vision was blurred as he felt himself being let go and dropped down, landing into the palm of one of his sons hands, something being wrapped around his body.
Before long he felt himself being put in a small cabinet, a heated area above the stove, small beanbags and blankets were scattered around the room. A heating lamp on the other side, a tiny mattress placed on the corner. 
Did the boys make this for him? 
Phil tiredly slithered over to the nearest beanbags, arranging them in a way around the mattress, he plopped himself onto the mattress, nuzzling his way into the blanket, seeing a white cloth bandage around a part of his tail. 
Phil grunted as he got up onto the nightstand for Techno and Wilbur’s room. He was shaking, being not used to the coldness of the house, wrapping his arms around his body, not like that helped, considering he was now cold blooded for the time being. 
Phil hopped up onto Techno’s bed, slowly crawling onto Techno’s chest. Smiling at Techno’s small chuckles from the nagas tail slithering across his body. 
Phil curled up onto the piglins chest, Techno’s heartbeat calming him down, his body heat warming him up a bit. 
He didn’t know what to do. Not unless he wanted to be nearly dead again.
Techno and Wilbur woke up groggily, Wilbur ears perked up, he swore he could hear a fly or something, looking around and seeing a tiny little dot in the corner of his eye. 
Looking over and seeing Phil, hanging on for dear life around Technos shirt collar.
“Techno!” Wilbur called out, pointing to the man.
“Woah!” Techno held out his hands quickly scrambling, the naga falling into his palm with a small thud. 
“Phil?” Wilbur said, walking over and sitting on Technos bed side, looking over at his father.
“How’d you get in here?” Techno asked. “Weren’t you in the cabinet?” 
“I was.” Phil smiled. “I don’t know how I got here, must’ve sleptwalk or something.” 
“Oh okay, if you say so.” Wilbur said, walking out of the room to start his day. 
Techno sat up a bit, before looking down at Phil. “You’ve been distant from us the past few hours, is there something wrong?” 
“No…not really…” Phil mumbled. 
Techno knew Phil enough that was a lie. Phil looked down at the glare Techno gave him.
“I just…I’m not used to being this small, I know you guys can take care of yourself but…I just feel useless…I nearly got killed.” Phil sighed, turning his head away from Techno, the piglins heart breaking a bit, small voices in the piglins mind tempted to give the naga a hug. 
“You aren’t useless, you never were, but I get it, your tiny, and we will find a cure for this, there’s no shame in asking for help.” Techno smiled, Phil turning his head back. “Besides, you look adorable in this size like Wilbur said.” 
Techno silently moved his finger across Phil’s neck. The tiny naga yelping and falling onto his back from the strength of his finger, breaking into a fit of light giggles. 
“Tehehehechno!” Phil giggled, as the piglin continued teasing the skin. 
“Ehehehehahaha!” Phil squeaked as Techno trailed his finger across Phil’s sides.
“Naw, the little naga is still sensitive.” Techno cooed, scribbling across the black wings. 
“GHEP! HEHAHAHA! TEHECHNO STAHAHAP THAHAHAHAT THIHIHICKLES!!!” Phil squealed, attempting to push Technos finger back. 
“Oh I’m aware.” Techno smirked, going a bit lighter on the small feathers.
“Tech! Ehehe!” Phil giggled, flustered. 
Techno moved his finger towards Phil’s stomach, smiling at the giggles from the tiny naga. 
“TEHEHECHNO! AHAHAHA!!” Phil screamed. 
Techno leaned in and blew a raspberry into Phil’s belly, moving around to amplify the sensations. 
“Okay okay, I’ll be nice.” Techno said, lightly tracing his nail across Phil’s sides. 
Phil’s laughter was loud but for Techno Wilbur and Tommy, it was tiny and squeaky and at the size he was, it was reasonable, still fucking adorable.
Phil’s giggles continued, small squeaks escaping, as he tried moving around in a small attempt to escape. 
Techno stopped after a few, removing his finger. The tiny naga squeaks dying down. 
“You good?” Techno asked. 
“Yeheheah…” Phil said, smiling. “Thank you.” 
“It was no problem. I’d do it again if you feel down.” Techno smirked, wiggling his finger across the avian nagas neck, smiling at the small giggles he got in response.
Phil smiled, but he damn well knew the true reason behind him moving over to his sons room, biological and non.
He felt more safe then ever before, near his sons. Near his family.
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scatterbrainedart · 1 year
The most haunted guy at the grocery store fr
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Based on a not yet written scene from a fanfic I’m working on
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i-am-beckyu · 1 year
Just out of Reach, but Never out of sight
Okay okay okay! This is gonna be my first ever multi chapter story so fingers crossed I actually keep up with this but I really hope you guys love it as much as I do! Thank you to @a-xyz-s for proof reading <3
Chapter 1
chapter 2 , chapter 3,
cw: abandonment (its touched on but nothing major I think), general fear, panic and anxiety (ya know standard terrified borrower), fear of death, word count: 2611
Disclaimer! This story is based on the characters of the Dream SMP and not the real life content creators. Anything that occurs in this story is purely fiction and should be treated as such. Thank you.
Alone. That seemed to be a common thing for the Great Tommyinnit. He was abandoned as a child when the colony found him, rejected by his peers when he lived there and now outcasted. So as stated before: alone. He knew why no one wanted him around, but it didn’t mean it didn’t sting any less. From the moment he was brought to the colony, he was always told there was something wrong with him. For one, he's a lot smaller than all the other borrowers and is the opposite of quiet, stealthy, and ya know: good at borrowing. But he tries his best to please everyone anyways.
A borrower is quiet; never heard and never seen and well, Tommys’ always had quite the larger than life personality. He practices to be a good borrower, helping out where possible, doing all the right things. But still, no one wants him around and more often than not shun him. He never knew his parents so he didn’t know what that ‘thing’ that made him different could be, just that whatever it was meant no one wanted him around. He tried to be a good Borrower, he really did, but more often than not, found himself surrounded by disaster. “You’re too little.” “Not strong enough.”,  “Annoying little shit”, “Wrong”, “Useless Child”, “A mistake”; things the colony told him every day despite everyone avoiding him at all costs. He was an orphan anyways so why should he hope that would change anything?
It never really surprised him that when he turned what they thought was 13, (since no one knew how old he actually was) he was given a hook, a bag and told to get lost. So Tommy did as told and left. He wandered the underground tunnels from the colony for a long time before coming upon a human town. That was 3 years ago, and since then, he has been through 7 different homes. All different reasons. 2 were infested with rats, 1 had young children that were just too risky to live with, another 3 had cats that always knew how to find him (stupid felines and they’re stupid good noses) and the last one had another borrower family living in it, and just like the borrower’s at the colony, told him to get out. That one had been the worst. Not only had it been the first interaction Tommy had had with anyone in years, it was also just another blow to remind him that no one wanted him. Which led to now. He’d been traveling for weeks looking for his forever home. He was sick and tired of having to pack up and leave after just settling. He didn’t care how long it would take, Tommy would find the perfect house and stay. Nothing was going to stop the Great Tommyinnit! He’s a big man, not some scrawny pipsqueak like everyone says. He’ll show the colony. He’d make it and be the best borrower ever!
Finally, after scouting the 5th house that week, Tommy found it. This house was inhabited by 3 Beans. The Crafts: as Tommy discovered from his reconnaissance. There was Phil, a tall Bean with blonde hair similar to his own and his two sons Wilbur and Technoblade. From the bit of bickering he’d heard from the two Beans, apparently they were twins, but Tommy found that hard to believe when Wilbur had soft looking curly brown hair, and Techno’s (as his family called him) was bright pink! Now how Techno was born with pink hair he didn’t know, but surely anyone with hair that was pink had to be a Wrong-in. The family were quite the rowdy bunch and while normally 3 humans such as these would be a no go house, but Tommy was drawn to them. It wasn’t the familial love he could feel radiating off the 3 or anything that drew him in. Nope! It was strictly that the walls were pest free, cat free and that all 3 Beans ticked all the boxes for simple borrowing. Definitely no other reasons. It had taken some time, but soon Tommy was set up within the Crafts walls. He’d chosen to settle near Wilbur’s room. Out of the 3 Beans, he was the messiest and easiest to borrow from without items being noticed as missing. He’d managed to borrow a really nice shiny red plastic thingy called a guitar pic for a crawl through door because of that, but also because Wilbur did something that very few Borrowers got to experience. He played music. Playing music was such a rarity in Borrower society. Too loud and too much risk of being caught, but here Tommy could listen as much as he liked. He didn’t know any of the songs Wilbur played, but he loved them all. Especially the ones when Wilbur used what was called a guitar. The man’s voice was just so soothing and often Tommy found himself falling asleep to the melodies. When he wasn’t listening to Wilbur, sometimes Tommy would be in Technos’ room. It was risky as Techno was the most observant of the 3 Beans Tommy had come to find out when he had been setting up his room. He had wanted the knife bit of this thing called ‘utility knife’ and almost had it if not for the man coming back and immediately coming over to inspect it as if he knew it had been touched. That had been a terrifying experience, but Tommy liked the man’s quiet demeanor. There was a spot on the bookshelf that Tommy could perch on and was able to read along with the books that Techno read whilst remaining hidden. It was hard at times with the font so small and looking down from up on the shelf, but when the books had pictures, Tommy would just stare for hours at a time or until Techno finished the book. And of course then there was Phil. Phil never did anything too over the top. Most of the time, he was just doing paperwork, but the man was kind and often Tommy would just hang out in his office while he worked on fixing equipment, enjoying the comfortable one sided silence. 
Yep the Crafts were perfect and Tommy loved that he had found a good house. But it still wasn’t quite right. He tried not to, but he envied what the Crafts had. They were a family. They ate together, watched movies together, went out together. They had each other for comfort and Tommy? Tommy had them from a distance. He could only watch. No matter how much he wanted to be a part of their family, it was impossible. Not only that, it was also terrifying. They were HUGE! Tommy had seen Beans before, most around Phil’s height, but Wilbur and Techno? Tommy was sure they were giants among Beans! No matter how badly he wanted to be a part of what they had, the overshadowing fear of what they could do to him if found outweighed his wants. It would be all too easy to squish his insignificant life out of existence. They could grab him, squeeze him, hurt him, experiment on him, make him a pet; the list goes on and on. And that’s just not a risk he’s willing to take. Even if he remained alone forever, at least he was alive…
It was supposed to be a routine borrowing trip. Tommy often borrowed during the night time hours of the early mornings to avoid the 3 Beans. They never seemed to go to sleep at a good time and someone was almost always at home during the day, but he managed. Tommy had just finished up a supply run to the kitchen when he spotted it. It shouldn’t have interested him as much as it did but on the counter was a brown and white looking stuffed animal keychain. A cow he vaguely thinks back to when he had been in a child’s nursery whilst scouting for a good house. The cow keychain was about an inch in size. The perfect size to cuddle with for a borrower such as himself. And it was right there. All he had to do was run straight across the counter, un-attach it from the keys and take it home. It wouldn’t take long… So leaving his previous borrowings of the trip from before and two hooks behind the safety of an electrical socket, Tommy crept out and over to the cow keychain. It was sticking out slightly from a bag lying on the counter filled with paperwork and many pockets, but Tommy paid it little mind as he set to work getting the cow. He had just about worked the plush off the chain when he heard it. The sound of a door creaking open as thundering footsteps began to make their way down the hall. No no no no. Not now! He almost had it off the chain! In a last chance effort, Tommy tugged at the cow to come loose. Thump, Thump, thump, the sound of footsteps getting closer. F***, F***, F***! Giving up on his prize, Tommy dove into an open pocket of the bag and shuffled his way inside. The sound of a light switch could be heard flicking on, as light flooded the opening of the bag. Tommy stayed deathly still. He couldn’t be caught, he just couldn’t! He heard a few more things turned on and moved about as the Bean began to get ready for the day. Phil, Tommys mind supplied with how the man sometimes had an early shift start. He didn’t know how long he stayed frozen for before the world suddenly lurched upwards, and he was flung to the bottom of the bag. He gripped on tightly to the pockets fabric as Phil began to walk, his eyes scrunched firmly shut. They walked for ages to what Tommy assumed was Phil’s work before the bag was eventually set down again, whilst Phil began his work shift. He didn’t know how long he was in the bag for, but it was a nightmare. If he didnt find a better place to hide soon, Phil would find him. But Tommy couldn’t will himself to leave the bag either. He was in the Beans world now and if he left, he may not make it back to the house! No, the best option was to try and blend in with the fabric and pray that Phil would finish work soon so he could get back in the walls. But there was a slight issue with that. At the bottom of the bag was a hole. Not a hole big enough to lose anything large like a phone, but big enough that if not careful, Tommy could slip through. Every time the bag was moved, Tommy gripped on for dear life. If he let go, he’d fall through. It was a miracle he hadn’t fallen out on the trip there in the first place.
Finally, after what felt like lifetimes, Tommy heard Phil packing up for the day to head home. It was a miracle that he never seemed to need anything in the pocket Tommy was in. Maybe the Bean knew about the hole? The bag was suddenly opened once more and Tommy gripped the fabric tightly as his world was thrown about once again, and then just as quickly the bag was closed as Phil began to make the journey home. Just like the trip there, the walk back was an antagonizing long one. Tommy was sure his arms were just about to fall off from how tightly he had been clinging to the fabric, but he couldn’t let go. Surely it couldn’t be much further and he’d be able to escape back to the walls? But luck was not on Tommy’s side. His arms were burning from how long he’d had to use them for and he was exhausted. He wanted to curl up and fall asleep, adrenaline from his initial panic leaving him tired. His eyes felt heavy and slowly he found himself releasing his grip on the fabric, as his eyes fluttered open and close battling to stay awake. Suddenly, Tommy felt himself slipping down towards the hole. As his legs began slipping through the hole of the bag, he shocked himself awake as he tried to grasp back onto the fabric. At the last second, he clasped onto the few loose threads of fabric that he could reach, effectively managing to stop himself from plummeting to the ground below. Tommy’s eyes shot around wildly at his surroundings. He was in the open. Dangling out of the bag. Holding on for dear life. Desperate to get back inside, he tried to start climbing back inside. But without his hooks for climbing like normal, it was extremely difficult. Especially with the world constantly moving. He gripped the fabric’s edge like a lifeline, desperate to stay on, but his weight on the already frayed edges was not strong enough to support his weight and began to unravel further. It wasn’t long before the edges had frayed enough that Tommy was now dangling by a few single threads. Please! Just hold on a little longer! We’ve got to almost be there! Just a little more! Don’t break! Tommy pleaded internally. As if his thoughts had summoned it, the thread snapped, and Tommy was hurtling down towards the pavement. He landed roughly but was otherwise okay. He’d have a few bruises but that was the least of his worries. He snapped his head up, eyes searching desperately for the Bean. “No.” Tommy let out in disbelief. “No, no, no!” The borrower gathered himself up and started sprinting. Adrenaline coursed through him, panic and fear driving him as he raced after Phil who was getting further and further away. If he lost sight of Phil, he’d never get back home! He couldn’t lose him! If he did, he’d never see him or Wilbur or Techno ever again! Even if they didn’t know of his existence, even if he’d only watched them from afar, Tommy just couldn’t lose the life he’d built for himself! They were the closest thing he’d had to a family bond in his entire life!!! He ran after the Bean, not caring for being out in the open as his own thoughts plagued his mind. He screwed everything up back in the colony for being small, being weak. If only he was faster, stronger, bigger! Yes, that's it! If he was bigger he wouldn’t have slipped out of the bag! He’d be able to catch up! He wouldn’t have been seen as different, wouldn’t have been alone! If he was just bigger, he could catch up he could- Suddenly, Tommy slammed harshly into something causing him to back peddle and fall to the ground. He’d been so focused on keeping up with the Bean, he hadn’t been watching where he’d been going. Tommy touched his head and let out a groan of pain from the impact. “Are you alright mate?” Tommy snapped his head up to the familiar voice, eyes blowing wide at the sight before him. Phil was looking directly at him, a concerned look on his face. But that’s not what Tommy was shocked at. Oh no. Because instead of a giant Phil looming over him like he should be, he was eye level with the Bean crouched down before him. Tommy looked around wildly at his surroundings that had magically shrunk and then at himself; realization hitting him like a bullet train. The world hadn’t shrunk. He’d grown.
AHHHHHHH I HOPE YOU ENJOYED!! This chapter was more of to establish the world building for Tommy’s life. Please if you have any questions about the au, hit me in my ask box!!! I can not wait to get the next part out!!!
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nomsfaultau · 8 months
If I had a nickel for every time Fault!Tubbo was presumed dead, I'd have 35 cents. Which isn't a lot but it's like really weird that it's happened seven times.
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rainydaygt · 2 years
there’s a distressing lack of ninjago g/t content. i haven’t found a single fic and only one artist that stopped being active like two years ago..
im gonna make a repeat of the fnaf sb stuff and be the one to take one for the team at this rate
i mean, i’m already writing a fic about it (that ill finish if i can catch up on comms)
sorry for my ramblings here’s a little redraw that shows quite a bit of improvement over the one year difference
content warning dsmp characters :P (technoblade y philza)
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2021 v 2022
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 2 years
Do you have plans to introduce the SBI in any AUs?
Hmmm- I actually don't know, I might but at the moment I don't think so
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