I know people have different opinions about Mew and him letting MewGulf fans know that it was all fanservice. Could he have expressed himself better? Absolutely. But the bottom line is that he is exposing, without any ambiguity, the realities of fanservice. I hope him being vocal serves to make fans who ship actors obsessively smarter and also over time changes the Thai BL industry. I hope other Thai BL actors who have experienced the harm of being shipped with their co-workers support him. As actors’ and fans’ attitudes towards shipping actors changes perhaps the monetary incentives for these companies will also diminish and they will stop requiring shipping as a marketing tactic. It’s harmful to fans, the couples and in the long term the companies who push this fanservice.
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equal-play · 7 months
Spanish Women's Soccer Ignites Change
Players have fought tirelessly, defying stereotypes and demanding change. The struggle of Spanish players is a pivotal moment in the ongoing battle for women's rights in football. Why did it take so long for their voices to be heard? 
Since the 2015 World Cup, they've been vocal about their concerns, enduring exile and relentless criticism. It wasn't until the federation president openly kissed Hermoso on the lips that the tide started to turn.
Recognize the bigger picture: women's issues are linked. Challenge the system that enables their oppression and its defenders.
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As a single full-time mother of 2 and full-time employee it is difficult to describe the frustrations and struggles that come with raising two adolescents alone. On top of the daily challenges this world continues to throw our way obstacles that shouldn't exist. The world my girls are growing up in is completely different from the one I remember and it breaks my heart. It's hard enough on them to grow up without their father but to face the cruelty of this world is unfathomable for children. There is no reason my kids should be worried about people having guns at school or being kidnapped on the street while walking home, but this is the world we live in. When will the world wake up to notice the people around them? When will they take their faces out of their phones to look up and notice someone else? Someone in need of a meal or even just an encouraging word. I believe in God but the church that I follow is myself and the words God gives me or someone else for me. We, people, you and I are the most powerful church. Why? Because there is nothing more encouraging than words directed at individuals from the source. Even for those who don't believe to hear the things that people have overcome to gain success whether in business or life is the best way to help others believe in themselves. Everyone talks about making the world a better place, but fail to realize it's not the number of people you help or make an impact on that counts, each person is living in their own world, so therefore wouldn't changing or impacting one life help change the world around us? It's time to stop ignoring the lost and forgotten, it's time to take a stand for your neighbor. The biggest satisfaction should come from watching others succeed, if we were all to help each other grow how much more would the world change? If we just stood still for a moment to hear someone else, what impact could you have? All these shootings could have been prevented from gun control bur most importantly could have been prevented if someone had listened and paid attention to the individuals who carried out these senseless acts.
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lildante · 2 years
A Government by The People
A Government by The People
For The People.
Article One
       When did our government stop being “of the people” and become a corporation?
Far too long we have had career politicians holding seats for profit over the interests of the American People. No longer do the interests of the constituents that these people represent matter. Our system of government has turned into a “for profit” organization.
We have our representatives making three times the median income of the general public, yet the people struggle maintaining the necessities we need to live. We have impoverished people working multiple jobs just to merely get by.
We have a taxing system that increases the wealth of the rich, and keeps the working class struggling to make ends meet. Taxes are meant to build and maintain our society, yet we spend so much on foreign aid. Should we not take care of the people of our society before helping other societies?
We have a voting system of all or none when it comes to the electoral college, making it so not every voice matters. Presidential candidates only need to win a few States to secure their win because we give the entire States vote to the majority of the people of that State. 
So how can we change it? Is it too late for our society as we see it? Is there anything that will save our Great Nation?  I believe we can recover and become Great again. We need to return how we run this Country to The People as it was meant to be.
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To begin with we need to make our representatives equal to the people. Why is it we pay our representatives so much more than the people they represent? The average income of a politician is $175,000 per annum with a yearly cost of living increase. The median income of the people is roughly $68,000 per household annually, and we are paying representatives almost three times the amount that a two income family makes. We need to adjust our representatives salaries to reflect that of the people. We should have people who wish to take office do it for the good of the people, not for the exuberant payday. Representatives should make no more than that of the median of the people they represent.
Taxing of the lower and middle class has also gotten out of hand. We tax the people based on their income, yet many fall below the median of their area. We allow the wealthy to “donate” to themselves through an organization they have created for themselves. We need to make our taxing system work for all. I believe this can be accomplished by using the median of an area to regulate what percentage one pays for taxes. The median should be a base point as the minimum owed, and as wealth increases over the median then so should the taxing.
Having a median based taxed system would also be beneficial to all. If we would tax wealthy businesses and corporations instead of allowing frivolous deductions to lower their tax penalty then they would look to the employees to increase the median of the area they do business.
The People’s money is spent so carelessly with no oversight. We have some citizens who have turned a career into the welfare system. This system was made to help people in hard times not to let individuals abuse the system and be taken care of by the working class. We need better regulations of what constitutes hardship.
We need to stop spending so much on foreign aid until we aid the people of our own Nation first. Our tax system was made for the people of this Nation not others. Our Nation collects $500 Billion a year and yet we have citizens who can barely afford a place to call home.
We need to regulate how donation deductions work as most of the wealth is just passed around between the different organizations owned by the wealthy. We need to regulate that these donations are actually being used for the causes that should be deductible instead of just paying salaries of members of the organization. Political donations should not be deductible. No “charitable” organization should be given a tax exempt status unless it is truly for a necessity of the people. 
We have organizations given tax exempt status who do nothing “charitable” for the People of our Nation. We have organizations that collect donations and pay themselves a hefty salary to which 1-3% actually go to the cause they collect for. If it truly is a charitable cause why would one keep a majority of it for themselves?
We also need to reconfigure the banking system in this Country. The people who place funds into the banking system to gain a mere percentage, usually under 1%, of what banks are making with our money. Banks charge anywhere from 5%-23.99% with the funds we have placed in their care, through loans and other profitable ventures. Is it fair that the American People’s money is used to gain profits for the institutions? 
Along the lines of banking we also have the great credit reporting agencies, which allows for exuberant interests to be charged by their perspective of responsibility to repay. Why is it that it is only monies borrowed that show the ability to repay? Does someone's rental payments not give some insight into the ability to pay a mortgage? Why aren’t these payments a factor for credit worthiness? We need to fix what and how things may be reported on the basis of necessity, which should be a factor into credit worthiness.
Our Presidential voting system is something else that needs to be repaired. We have a win all take system with the electoral college. if the State is majority for one candidate over the other, then that candidate wins the entirety of that electoral vote of that State. Why should the minority of those States vote not matter? The electoral vote should be divided as that State is divided. This would lead to a more precise choice of leadership by the majority of the people. It would cause candidates to look at the Nation as a whole over just key states that would secure a win.
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We also have certain positions which can or are a lifetime position ranging from representatives through re-election and Supreme Court Justices who are appointed by not the People but by the President at the time. We can not allow members to be able to hold a position of power for as long as they see fit, this should be upto the people.
We need to also restructure the Criminal Justice System to make sure when laws are broken the penalty is based on facts and evidence not by the “net worth” of the individual on trial. Along with the penalties to be the same across all individuals breaking the law without outside “personal” factors coming into play.
But how would we as “The People” change how the system already works? This Nation has been divided by too many wedges pushed on the people. We are segregated by so many different aspects in this Nation that we have a hard time seeing how to become one as a People. We are divided by Race, Party affiliation, Gender, and even sexual identity. They have pushed for us to be selfish in our own ways, through the media, to blind us to the corruption that is going on around us.
We need to put aside our differences and truly watch what is becoming of this Nation and the corruption that is guiding it. We need to be one voice so that our “leaders” will hear us. One way to do this would be to refuse to pay taxes, claim allowances with our payroll departments to stop having our tax prepayments made and make them understand we are done paying for the demise of our great Nation. Let us start holding their paychecks for failure to do the jobs they have been hired to do. We need to come together as one and show them, we need change. 
I  know we have countless other matters that we need to fix to bring this Country back to the Nation it once was. This could just be the start of the peaceful revolution that we as The People of the United States need to start before we no longer have a say in this Nation. It will either lead to change for the better or the next revolutionary war.
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It's time for change,
It's time for us to grow, right now it is more important than any of us really know!
To make the world great again we must free ourselves from hate, before it is too late.
So be prepared to spread positivity, and not spread fear. So together we can protect everything that we hold so dear
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ccnegus · 30 days
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egemenmustafa64 · 2 months
Unlocking the Signs: Is It Time to Say Goodbye to Your Home Sweet Home?
When the thought of selling crosses your mind more frequently, it's not just a passing whim. It's a sign of readiness to embark on a new adventure. Pay attention to those moments when you find yourself browsing listings, imagining a different view from your window. The urge to explore what's out there is a natural part of growth. Don't ignore the signals nudging you toward change; they're guiding you toward your next chapter. Your home served you well, but it's okay to crave something different now. Embrace the excitement of new possibilities waiting just beyond the horizon.
Egemen Mustafa Şener
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advancebiofuel · 2 months
Nitin Gadkari just dropped some serious knowledge on hydrogen as the next big thing! Check out the video and see why he's so excited
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sanctusbuilders · 6 months
Are you ready to transform your living space into the home of your dreams?
As the clocks fall back tomorrow, let's move your home forward. From design to construction, we've got you covered.
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lapiscare · 11 months
Just a Carer
Knowledge, Dignity and Compassion, these are the values at the very heart of Lapis Care, your local domiciliary Care provider, who continue to raise the profile of care.
Our new Registered manager, Lena LeMesurier has taken the reins and is continuing to deliver the high standard of care, that you would expect from an award-winning care provider. Our Director, Liz Blacklock, has been given a chance to focus on changes that are desperately needed in the care industry and awareness of the professionalism of care.
Recently appointed as a Director of National Association Care and Support workers (NACAS), Liz is creating professional relationships with Care England, Championing Social Care and even visiting the House of Lords in order to change the public perception of Social Care and its workforce. In doing this, we want to implement the registration of ‘Care Professional’s’ as the legal title for a ‘carer’. No more “they’re just a carer”.
Everyone has been, or will experience, care at some point in their lives, even if not for themselves but for family or friends.
Carers should be known worldwide as professionals. Their work involves completing a person’s whole day, from washing, dressing, medication, food preparation, socialisation, organisation, cleaning and so much more. The physical and emotional strain for a carer is tough and the pure passion and empathy that is behind the work they do is outstanding.
No matter who you are, our health is something that we must look after and unfortunately is often out of our control. A carer will step in at some of the hardest parts of a person’s life, to make things easier and help them continue the best quality of life. However, for years a negative stigma has been formed around the care profession and we have heard it too many times, ‘Just a carer’. Lapis Care want this to stop.
In order to make a change locally we have to initiate changes nationally. This is the time now to make difference and spread the awareness and acknowledgment of ‘Care Professionals’.  
If you would like to join this professional Care team or benefit from the services we provide, please visit us at www.lapiscare.com or call us on 01489 890016.
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thecpdiary · 11 months
Tour Wrap-Up
I have been mentally struggling since the beginning of the pandemic, I'm not going to lie. But around a year and a half in, and I found myself struggling more and more mentally, to come to terms with the pandemic, its handling, while sinking more and more into a deep depression.
So, I once again took to writing about the pandemic. Just putting some of the chapter headings together was enough to pick me up, to feel less mentally challenged. The more I wrote, the more I wanted to highlight my struggles with mental health, what I also saw as misgivings and an injustice of how the pandemic was being handled and just how much I was being affected. Three years in and with mental health now at critical levels, none of us have scathed the pandemic well.
The following reviews conclude my tour for Survival: The Covid Years - Time for Change.
After reading both of Ilana's previous books I knew I didn't want to miss this one. In this book Ilana shares her physical, mental and emotional challenges through the Covid pandemic. Everyone had their own very personal experience of the pandemic. For someone who really struggled mentally, with overwhelming anxiety throughout the pandemic, I knew reading this book would help me. There were times throughout the book where I found myself really resonating with Ilana's experiences. I had a really bad experience of Covid at the very beginning of the pandemic which then gripped me with extreme fear for my health and the health of my loved ones. Not everyone understood why I was feeling or behaving in certain ways and at times that was something I struggled with because I didn't always feel I could explain my worries and anxieties. Reading this book has helped me validate some of those feelings, the ones that I didn't understand or couldn't explain.
This is such an important book for mental awareness month, this month. It shares positive steps which Ilana took to help her with some of challenges she had to endure. She encourages the reader to explore their own thoughts and feelings of their experience and how it affected them so they can heal from some of the trauma. We know Covid is not going anywhere so everyday we are learning and adapting our lives to live with it, each one of us will be able to do this at a different pace to one another. Just remember to show kindness, patience and consideration for others. This is a must read for anyone needing help, advice or just being able to read about someone else's journey of the pandemic. Know that you are not alone.
Thank you to @literallypr and @ilanaestelle_author for having me on this book tour and for gifting me a copy of this book in return for an honest review.
Rhianydd Morris
This is an amazing book about a memoir of someone life dealing and coping with Covid. It deals with her disability illness and anxiety how she managed. Her shielding experience her mental health her anxiety. About going out wearing mask and dealing with everyday life. I like these types of books I find them interesting read.
If you care about your mental health, you'll want to read this book. It's not just a book for me, it's for everyone. It's a book that will bring understanding in the world's history. It's also a book that can bring you acceptance and unity.
Thank you to @literallypr for the successful book tour.
For more inspirational, book reviews and blogs, please check out my site https://www.thecpdiary.com
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mythreefold · 11 months
Moving Forward
It’s happening! We are down to the final days. It’s so bittersweet, but it’s a completely welcomed change. We are so ready to move forward. I am hoping that this move will be exactly what we all need as we continue moving forward into the future that we deserve. I’ll admit it’s been an emotional roller coaster. Honestly, at times I still think I’m jumping head first into the future and forcing…
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edealpz · 1 year
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Time is Precious use it wisely!!!! Happy New Week!!!
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buniquexoxo · 1 year
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ʟɪꜰᴇ ɪꜱ ᴍᴏᴠɪɴɢ ɪɴᴄʀᴇᴅɪʙʟʏ ꜰᴀꜱᴛ ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ʜᴀʀᴅʟʏ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴜᴘ. ᴍʏ 2023 ɢᴏᴀʟꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ʜᴀᴘᴘɪɴᴇꜱꜱ✨, ᴛʀᴀᴠᴇʟ🌄, ᴏᴠᴇʀᴀʟʟ ʜᴇᴀʟᴛʜ 🪬 ᴀɴᴅ ꜱᴘᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ ᴍᴏʀᴇ Qᴜᴀʟɪᴛʏ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇᴅ ᴏɴᴇꜱ ᴇꜱᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟʟʏ ᴍʏ ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛ ɴᴇᴘʜᴇᴡꜱ❣️ꜱʜɪɴᴇ ʙʀɪɢʜᴛ ʟᴏᴠᴇʟɪᴇꜱ! ʙᴇ ᴀ ɢʟᴏᴡ ɢᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ʟᴇᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛʀᴀɪʟ ᴏꜰ ꜱᴘᴀʀᴋʟᴇ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇᴠᴇʀ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴏ! ~ᴘʜᴏᴛᴏɢʀᴀᴘʜᴇʀ 📸 @savvyboudoir #throwback #model #goals #sparkle #newyearnewme #timeforchange #gogetter #shine #modeling #travel #familyiseverything #health #photography #photooftheday #2023goals #2023 #bye2022 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm3TJKPucmH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ziarising · 1 year
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#mindsetmotivation #newyou #newyear #timeforchange #selfspeak #motivación #motivatorsofinstagram #motivationalquotes #igwriters #writersofengland #writersquotes #lifestylecoach #lifedecisions #lifestylechanges #positivethoughts #positivechanges #mentalhealthsupport #selflove #selfcare #womenempoweringwomen #peopleempoweringpeople #selfempowerment https://www.instagram.com/p/CmwiEk1KApr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jwhitelondon · 1 year
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New Moon in Capricorn this morning followed by a beautiful golden sunset……….,. The day after the Solstice…….. So much light is pouring in right now…….. Make the most of it……… These few days either side of the Solstice & the New Moon are a big push forwards to new beginnings & new pathways….. Start setting those intentions…. Start planning & preparing for all the new things that this new light & energy are going to bring……. Look up to the skies & dream & believe………. #solstice #newmoon #newmooncapricorn #capricorn #newbeginnings #dream #lookup #hope #change #intentions #resolutions #newyear #timeforchange #astrology #meditation #zodiacsigns https://www.instagram.com/p/CmhsqS_DDJi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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