#tilly you're so sweet we love you
arthursfuckinghat · 3 months
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"You fancy a game of dominoes?"
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nightmarist · 8 months
Some Zevlor Things —
EDIT 12/2/23: Added a few more things
A fellow Tiefling Hellrider, Tilses, is with him in the caves acting as his bodyguard. He sometimes calls her Tilly.
There is one bedroll in the caves shoved off in the far corner with a book titled "The Devil You Know: An Autobiography" - not sure if it's his personal writing or if he's reading it, either way it adds to the flavor of his of his tiefling pride (and/or anguish).
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It reads:
Have you ever had a god change your blood? It is a horrifying thing, even for those who may desire it. Yet few tieflings wished for Asmodeus to claim their bodies, only be given no choice in the matter. It is not as if we were well-loved before the archdevil's gambit. Our people have always struggled against the notion of 'devilkin', as if a single drop of infernal ichor inescapably corrupts. How amusing, when so many others willingly sell their souls to fiends, yet their culture as a whole escapes the blame. By what method can we redeem ourselves, when the crime is not ours? I would drive a blade into every warlock that aided Asmodeus' damned ritual, but personal vengeance cannot undo the will of a god, much less one as slippery as the Lord of Lies. When every passerby thinks you a thief and heretic, it is deeply tempting to become one. (cut off) The only thing that has stopped me is knowing Asmodeus wants nothing more than for all of us to fall from grace.
Around the his table are Invasion Plans for Elturgard, Traveler's Guide to Baldur's Gate, Traveler's Guide to the Sword Coast Vol IV: The Risen Road (which aligns when he tells you earlier there are gnolls on the road), and "Front and Center: a Thespian's Memoir" that reads:
"... in fact, the greatest joy of my life hasn't been acting, but becoming. When you choose a character to play, you don't just wear a mask - you take a little bit of their soul for your own. Whoever you are in your heart of hearts, if only by the faintest note."
Zevlor aside I think this is a sweet quote for the player and player character relationship <3
Dialogue in the Caves:
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Zevlor: I Hardly need a bodyguard, Tilses. This isn't Avernus. Tilses: No sir. At least the monsters there looked like monsters.
Tilses: Commander— Zevlor: Just Zevlor, Tilly. We're civilians now, remember? Tilses: With respect, sir — being a Hellrider is for life. They can't take — Zevlor: They can, and did. Avernus changed things — best we get used to that. Tilses: ... Yes, Zevlor
Tilses: The Watch or the Flaming Fist? Zevlor: Pardon? Tilses: When we get to Baldur's Gate. Where are we enlisting? Zevlor: I'm done soldiering, Tilly. I'd like a clean start. But go with the Watch. You're too honest to be a mercenary.
Zevlor: No word from the scouts, yet? Tilses: No sir. But if there's a clear path past the goblins, they'll find it. Zevlor: Yes, of course.
in the Chest there is a bronze goblet, 46 gold, and a battle-worn blade. On his person he has his gloves (Hellrider's Pride), an apple, a camp supply pack, and the key to his chest.
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The blade says:
A fine by well-used sword. It seemed to have once belonged to a holy order, but the indication of rank and patron deity at the hilt have recently been filed down.
The gloves' flavor text says:
A waft of sulphur emanates from this proudly-kept piece.
Celebration at the Camp:
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"I should be out there, talking with them. In... Just a moment, maybe." "Is this everyone? Our numbers have grown so few..." "No more. I can't afford to lose any more of them." "No. Let them have fun. I'll be ruining it come morning anyway."
Mindfayer Colony:
Things he mumbles in the Pod:
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The pod will show you his memories of Elturel:
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After saving Zevlor, I forced myself to pick the "mean" options just to see how it goes.
If you tell him its his fault tieflings were imprisoned in moonrise, he says:
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If you tell him "Do yo have a right to ask?" when he asks about the tieflings:
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He doesn't argue with any of your remarks except one, when he says "For a moment I welcomed it" and you tell him "For a moment until you realized your reward would be a tadpole" he corrects you:
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If you tell him if he wanted power he should live up to his own ideal:
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If you tell him to get out of your sight:
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When you tell him it's not his fault he was enthralled:
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If you tell him "Fine. Good luck, Zevlor."
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If you say you could use another blade in the fight to come:
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At the Netherbrain:
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(smiling <3)
"The journey has been brutal, but I stand here a Hellrider once more, and I would die a proud man if I died this day."
I know it's a Soldier thing to be proud to die for a cause but it still makes me worry for him given his background so far <:]
If you click on him, he has two unvoiced lines:
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if you pickpocket him at this point, he'll have the same items on him as before (in this save he has a carrot instead of an apple for me).
His stats at this time: (Steeped in Bliss is from one of my items)
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Post Game (Patch 5)
I don't know if there are other permutations of this letter, yet, but this is what I received:
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I hope my penmanship has improved somewhat in the past months. When I first stumbled into this city, I shook so badly that I could scarcely hold the soup the priests pressed into my hands - let alone write and thank you as you deserve. It is only when the city itself began to shake that I felt my hands grow still. Along with the other veterans sheltering at the temple - discards of Elturel's 'unworthy' legions - I watched that monstrosity rise over the city. We felt no fear. Only anger. Disgust. Purpose - and with it, power. I do not know what oath we cling to now, or how long it will last - but we shall use it to ensure that this city will not suffer as Elturel did. Whether it wants us or not. It is more than thanks alone I owe. No words can make amends for what I did to my people, but that is as it should be. More come to the temple every day to aid in the relief efforts, and if I am permitted to work alongside them, then I am content. Come and see us, when you can. Zevlor
It's interesting — if not bitterswet, tragic, and inspiring — to hear that Zevlor and other Paladins regained their Oaths via pure, stubborn devotion to saving people when it began to look as bad as Elturel.
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cowboyfromh3ll · 7 months
Ik you said resquests are close but my oh my, I'd love to see your relationship/sex hcs for the GIRLS
Relationship/Sex HC For VDL Gang Girls
Thank you anon for requesting something with the girls. Also I didn't include Sadie bc I wrote for her already previously in another post
Warnings: smut
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Mary-Beth Gaskill
Very affectionate and loves showing you off
Lowkey writes short romance stories about the two of you but uses different names
Loves asking for your opinion on her outfits
Very shy with her writing but allows you to read em
Tries to recreate scenes the romance novels she reads with you
Plays with your hair and tries to style it for you
I can imagine her making flower crowns
Is so lovestruck, she definitely believes y'all are together FOR LIFE
I just know she reads smut in her books
She'd probably ask to try out a few of the things she reads about
Comes off as docile or vanilla but would be surprisingly kinky, huge expiramentalist
Bottoms for sure
Would unintentionally grind into your face or shove you in while eating her out
High pitched moans or gentle mewls
Squirms and moves around a lot, just cannot sit still for the life of her
Karen Jones
She'll put on a tougher front but she needs a lot of reassurance
Very sweet in private
Gets flustered with PDA but still does it with you
Loves it when you hold one another closely especially around the camp fire
She'd become very vulnerable with you
Especially when she's drunk
She'd feel as though you're the only person who can see the real her, and that just makes her feel even more in love
When she's unable to take care of herself you do her hair for her
Asks to dance with you randomly
As we saw in-game, cries during sex
Feels extremely vulnerable during the act, but instead of sadness it's more of an overwhelming feeling of love that brings her to tears
Super clingy, holds you close during
Wants to stimulate every sense, bascially smothering you
Loves kissing all up and down eachother's bodies while fondling and just holding
Also enjoys hand holding during sex
Likes to start off gentle but things get progressively wilder
Tilly Jackson
She's a playful, yet altruistic lover
Puts you before herself all the time
She could be bleeding out while you have a papercut and she'll insist they tend to you first
Constantly fixes things for you or just generally takes care of things just so you don't have to do them yourself
I hc that whenever she falls asleep on you she drools A LOT
Because she gets really relaxed
Likes sitting along rivers and lakes with you and feeding ducks or skipping rocks
Super short so she's gotta go on her tiptoes to kiss you; constantly cranes her neck to look at you, even gets taller boots
Like in other aspects of your relationship, a giver
She knows just what you want, and is more than happy to provide
I feel like she'd be real skilled with her tongue and hands as a result, skill born out of practice
Kinda likes riskier sex so she'll opt for more scandalous locations or situations
Y'all could be doing chores together and the next thing y'know y'all are sneaking off behind a nearby tree
I feel like she'd top, but she's down to switch
Abigail Roberts
She's a good, honest woman
And she's got standards for her lover
Constantly has your back, and is very patient with you as you two grow with eachother
Constantly encourages said growth and improvement in oneself
Loves seeing you put effort into improvement or work!
She just wants a calm, stable life, so if you're able to provide that for her, even if little by little, she'll be happy
Very affectionate with you, one of her favorite things to do is to sit down and have deep, intimate conversations with one another while chilling
Doesn't care how many or mundane dates are, as long as the effort is there
She's got demands, and they will be heard
Loves recieving head, or being the main focus of sex as you provide for her. Will hold your head in place
Likes telling you what to do, definitely a dom hehe
Into kinkier stuff so maybe tying you up or even spanking
LIVES to see you cry or to embarass you
She'd probably make you bark for her
Will top or bottom, doesn't matter to her as long as she's taking the lead
Likes passionate sex so she takes her time with every detail, especially foreplay, rather than speeding things up
Molly O'Shea
She falls HARD
The most lovestruck, romantic girlfriend ever
Writes love poems for you
Likes it when you show eachother off
Her favorite types of dates are when the two of you go out together and try new things
Like a new restaurant, a new spot, a new show, etc
Cue that meme of one girl sitting on another's lap while she does her makeup
Yeah that's her
Loves asking for your opinion on her makeup, greatly values your opinion in general
Constantly tells you she loves you, gets sad if you dont say it back
Will ask you to be gentle but like rough passionate sex
Moans loudly and shamelessly
Definitely a pillow princess, this is cannon
She'd communicate lots with you about what she likes and what she wants you to do
In a modern setting I feel like she'd wear lingerie or sexy outfits for you
Probably likes roleplaying
Also a huge expiramentalist! Likes trying next and exciting things, including in the bedroom
Susan Grimshaw
This woman keeps you on your toes constantly
Probably a little high strung but it's easy to tear her walls down!
Good at setting and respecting boundaries, while also reminding you of her own
Knows the time and place for affection, so when y'all are working, wants to keep it to a minimum.
But during down time, loves to dance, talk, kiss, and play games together
She's super hardworking and she loves real hard
Good at grounding you and keeping you in check
Like many things in her life, puts so much effort into the relationship and will never let you down or make you feel neglected.
Like Abigail, has demands that will be known
Though she'll make sure to pay special attention to you as well and not just focus on herself
I feel like she'd like to be called mommy LMAO
Loves taking care of you and the name during sex would definitely do things for her
She has lots of experience so you'll always recieve the most mindblowing orgasms
Has like a mental map of your entire body imprinted into her mind at this point
Also hands, I feel like she'd be into anything hands
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cowboydisaster · 1 year
The Fire In Your Eyes
part VII: horshoe overlook iii
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pairing: Arthur Morgan x fem!reader
word count: 15.2k
summary: You and Arthur take Lenny to drown his anxieties at the saloon, and it ends up bring more trouble than you would have imagined. The gang finally deals with that O'driscoll, and Arthur opens up more about his past when Abigail asks you both to take Jack out. You meet a couple of threatening strangers.
a/n: highly recommended playing 'a quiet time soundtrack' when you get to the bar scene. This chapter was so fun to write omg. Lots of set up in this chapter, along with plenty of fluff, angst and more talking about our feelings. You're still in denial, Arthur is opening up, its a whole thing. P.S. if you aren't sure who Nils is, just google him on yt. Please please check the warnings before you read! beta read by @margowritesthings <3
warnings: Violence, gore, blood, attempted/implied mention of SA, its very brief and we kill him hehe, wanted to add the tag just in case)
hotlinks: TFIYE on AO3 & official series playlist
taglist: @margofiore @mrsarthurmorgan7 @woman-with-no-name @tillith @luvliewriting @pine4pple-b0i @photo1030 @dudsparrow
series taglist: @catnotbread @chxosangxl @globetrotter28 @justalittlerayofpitchblack @fruittiest-of-loops @randomidk-123 @heyworld-whatsup @btsiguess-kpop
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“Okay, pick a color. We have pink, red, orange or white.” Marybeth asks, excitedly weaving her fingers through your hair, neatly braiding it. You smile, glancing over to her basket of wildflowers. 
“How about white?” You suggest, looking at the assortment of flowers in her basket, eyes honing in on the pale white jasmines and baby’s breath.
It's a warm evening, with golden light peeking over the mountains as the sun begins to set. You had ventured down the hill towards the Dakota River with Marybeth earlier, and she had picked from a patch of wildflowers, bringing home only the most beautiful specimen. Tilly and Karen sit around on the ground next to you, and you chuckle as the three girls giggle and gossip. 
“Marybeth, you oughta do me next. I can’t be goin’ out on the town with hair like this.” Karen jokes, and Marybeth lights up, excited to share the time with you girls.
You bite into an apple, crunching and savoring the sweet flavor as Marybeth braids your hair down your back. You glance into the mirror, the one Marybeth stole from Arthur’s shaving station, noticing how much your hair has grown since you’ve joined the Van der Lindes. She ties the bottom of the braid with a little white knot, smiling as she plucks some white flowers from her basket. 
“You’re gonna love it.” Marybeth sighs, eyes sparkling as she begins to tuck the stems into the creases of your braid, leaving little white flowers embedded in your hair. She’s missed a few tiny pieces around your face, and they fall down, framing your cheekbones. From across camp, sitting outside his tent like an overseer, Dutch keeps his eyes on you. You ignore it, purposefully refusing to meet his glance. 
You glance around, people watching as Marybeth finishes up her work. On the other side of camp, Uncle is wasted, Strauss is scribbling away in a journal, and Abigail is having a hushed argument with John. It's all so normal. 
"I heard Abigail and John yellin' again this morning." Tilly tsks, shaking her head with a sigh, glancing to their tent. 
"What about?" You ask, eyebrows pulled together. Marybeth releases your braid for a moment, allowing you to turn towards the girls. 
"The usual." Karen bites, irritated by their bickering, and Tilly elaborates. 
"Well John ain't exactly been… a great father to Jack." 
"John's an ass. Jack only wants his daddy, but he knows his daddy wants nothin' to do with him." Karen explains, scowling in the scar-faced outlaw across camp. 
"Poor Jack…" You frown, familiar with the feeling of being unwanted. 
"How does Abigail do it all?" Marybeth asks, pulling and perfecting your braid and the flowers lined in it. 
"No idea." Tilly mumbles. It grows quiet for a while as you all get lost in thought. You think about what Arthur had said, just a few weeks ago, about his son, and you sigh. 
"Done!" Marybeth chimes and you smile at her as she holds Arthur's mirror up, letting you see. She's done a beautiful job, leaving the braid tight enough so it won't fall out, but loose enough for it to be beautifully messy and comfortable. The little white flowers are an intricate touch, just enough of them to add dimension to your hair without overpowering it. 
"Marybeth, it's beautiful!" You say, smiling sweetly at her before reaching into your satchel. 
"For your troubles." You whisper, winking as you slide her a candy bar. Marybeth's eyebrows pop up in surprise as she takes the little sweet, tucking it into her skirt. 
"Thank you, Marybeth." You say, standing up and stretching your knees. You address the other girls then, nodding to them. 
"I'll return this to Mr. Morgan, thank you for your good company." You say, taking his stand mirror from the ground and walking away from their wagon. Arthur's tent isn't far, and within a few moments you stand outside his covered wagon, placing his mirror back down on his designated shaving barrel with a hum. 
A throat clears behind you, startling you as you whip around to find the source. 
"Stole my mirror, huh?" Arthur jokes. He's standing in front of his wardrobe, wearing only a pair of jeans as he digs through the clothes in search of a shirt. He's looking down in the chest, and you swallow thickly, watching the muscles flex as you blush.  
"Yeah uh, well Marybeth took it to do my hair. I'm just bringin' it back." You mumble, running your finger along the barrel lid to distract yourself. 
At the mention of your hair, Arthur looks over at you. His eyes wrinkle with crows feet as he smiles, a little warm grin. The white flowers frame your face, and you look up at him with those eyes. He's sure you've fallen from heaven, looking as innocent as a lamb. How deceiving, because your temper is anything but. 
He comes toward you, still shirtless, though he holds a deep blue patterned shirt in his hand. 
"You uh," Arthur nods to the white flowers that crown your hair like a halo. "Your hair looks real pretty." Arthur says, pulling the shirt over his arms before buttoning it up. 
You huff, pulling one of the flowers out and dropping it to the ground.
"Marybeth." You explain, just as hooves sound out like war drums from the outskirts of camp. Without a second thought,  your hand rests on your holster, prepared for the worst. You jog towards the camp entrance with Arthur just as Lenny gallops through the trees on Maggie, both out of breath. Lenny practically throws himself out of the saddle in a panic, and Maggie rears up. 
“They-! They got Micah!” Lenny hollers, running towards the two of you. 
“Arthur! Star, Dutch! They got Micah, they got him in Strawberry. They nearly lynched me!” Lenny yells, hands resting on his knees.
You rest your hand on his shoulder, making sure he's okay, as you all try to catch up. 
“What is going on?” Dutch asks, striding out of his tent and straight up to the three of you. Your braid flips over your shoulder as you make sure Lenny is steady before letting him go. He takes a breath, calming down before continuing as Dutch joins. 
“It’s okay, son, breathe.” Dutch pats the younger man on the back.
“They got Micah at the sheriff’s in Strawberry, and there’s talk of hangin’ him.” Lenny explains, and you raise an eyebrow, unsure of what the problem is then. Arthur seems to be sharing a similar train of thought as he mumbles under his breath. 
“Here’s hoping.” Arthur bites, and Dutch looks at him with a comically shocked face. 
“Arthur.” He scolds, as if disciplining a dog, and you snort. 
“Micah deserves to sit in that jail for a while. Let him get nervous, let him rot a little more, it’ll do him good.” You point out, leaning down to strike a match of the bottom of your boot. 
“She’s right. You know my feelings’ bout him Dutch.” Arthur warns, voice low and you nod, lighting a cigarette. 
“He is a fine man. But she’s right. He’s brought this on himself. Go get him in a few weeks, Me and the lady’s faces are plastered all over Blackwater, it’ll have to be you, Arthur.” Dutch explains, and Arthur groans with a sigh. They continue their bickering, and you leave them to it, walking over to where Lenny sits at the wooden table. 
“You okay?” You ask, sitting on the table, placing your boots onto the seat of the chair next to Lenny.
“Yeah, just shaken up. I hate ridin’ with Micah, it’s like he loses his mind.” Lenny whispers, eyes far away as he shakes his head. 
“Yeah… I seen it too.” You mumble, scowling. Arthur and Dutch wrap up their conversation, and then Dutch walks over to the two of you. 
“C’mon kid. We’re gettin’ a drink, Dutch’s orders.” Arthur chuckles, and you slide down from the table, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. 
“I’m comin’ too.” You chime, following the two boys to the hitching posts. 
“Maybe just one or two will calm my nerves.” Lenny sighs, climbing back up into Maggie’s saddle.
You pet Athena, giving her a mint as a peace offering for taking her from the hay before mounting up. 
“We even allowed to go in the saloon after all that ruckus you caused?” You ask, raising an eyebrow at Arthur. Lenny turns in his saddle to look at you for a moment before spurring Maggie further into the evening. 
“What trouble have you boys been causing now?” Lenny directs at Arthur, hollering over the sound of cantering hooves. 
“Nothin’ much just some good n fair bar fightin.” Arthur says, downplaying the situation. 
“Ha! Yeah, Arthur, just some friendly punches. How much you wanna bet that the windows’ still broken from your ass flyin through it?” You holler, and Arthur laughs, crossing over the railroad tracks into town. 
“It’s all done with now, and at least nobody died.” Arthur points out to which you nod. Good point.
You trot up the main road, pulling your horses in front of the new Blacksmith building. Typically you would just hitch in front of the saloon, but the bar must be packed tonight because horses line the street in front of Smithfields. You jump down from Athena, petting her neck while looking at the new building in front of you. There's some light inside, a candle or two, and an ‘open’ sign on the front door. Outside two men talk, one wasted. 
“Y-You open mis-” he hiccups, “Mister?” The one man asks, a plain looking feller. But the man he is talking to, presumably the shop owner, is a small man with small features and a big white beard. He wears a red beanie hat on his head, and his face is bright red. 
“Okay…” The peculiar man says with a strong accent. Your eyebrows draw together, and you chuckle. Maybe he doesn’t speak english. 
“I need a hammer… you see I'm building’ a house, buildin’ a house down the road..” The drunk man slurs, barely able to keep steady as the smaller, foreign man grabs the drunkard's arm, pushing him inside the shop. 
“Okay!” The small man says, and you laugh at his oddity. You remember Hosea telling you about this shop owner, and the strange little things he sells in his shop. 
“Star? You comin’?” Arthur asks, and you turn around, realizing you’d been eavesdropping on the strangers. You turn back to the shop for a moment, eyeing its peculiarity before sheepishly turning back to Arthur.
“I'm gonna go check this place out for a minute. I’ll be over shortly.” You smile, looking towards the shop excitedly, remembering that you have a little cash from your box on you. Lenny rests against a beam under the porch of the general store, out of earshot from you and Arthur’s conversation. He only knows that you’re both doing a whole lot of talking and not a lot of drinking. 
“You two comin, or what?” Lenny hollers, and Arthur gestures towards you. 
“We’ll catch up, just give us a minute.” Arthur yells back, following after you towards the shop entrance. 
“I’ll start a tab.” Lenny chuckles, walking up the sidewalk towards the bar. 
“You need somethin’ from the blacksmith?” Arthur asks, holding the door open for you as you step inside. 
“No, just wanted to look is all. Hosea said there was some more stuff in here than tools, the man likes to work metal into all kinds of things.” You say at a volume so that only Arthur can hear you. He nods, and you take in the shop. The little building is split into two sections. On the right, the bigger section, all sorts of home made tools hang from nails in the wall, for sale. There's hammers, screwdrivers, bits, and all sorts of other things that you don’t care about. You glance to the left side of the shop, and your eyes light up. Shelves line the wall, and the little foreign shop owner sits on the checkout counter beside them, swinging his legs. The shelves are lined with hand crafted metal cups, decorations and jewelry, anything one can think of. He has little metal spoons, crafted and twisted beautifully. There are necklaces, belt buckles and rings, none of them resembling another, all unique. Your eyes light up, and Arthur watches you with a sweet smile as you run your hand down the expanse of one of the shelves, taking everything in. A few other people mill around, looking as well.
“Arthur, look at all this.” You gasp, bewildered by the handcrafted, intricate things that this odd man has made. Arthur walks with you, falling into pace as his spurs click against the floor. He’s mesmerized, alright. But the trinkets on the shelf have little to do with it. The flowers in your hair, the excitement on your face from such a small pleasure, the stars in your eyes that shine brighter than any night he’s ever seen. 
Arthur steps away, walking towards the other side of the shop as you come up to the accessory section. Particularly what catches your attention is the hat accessories, and you pick a few up, wondering what they might look like on your own hat, back at camp. Then it catches your eye. A smaller hat accessory rests closer to the back of the shelf, and with your eyebrows pulled together in concentration, you pick it up. It's a piece to be added on the side of a hat, a small bundle of feathers, bound with twine and wrapped in beautiful, coiled metal. But what catches your eye is the teal agate, embedded into the metal that wraps around the bundle. It’s a color you've seen time and again. A throat clears behind you, and you turn, meeting eyes of the same teal. 
“Ready?” Arthur asks, not noticing the little gift that you’re hiding behind your back. You nod, glancing at the older shop owner for a moment. 
“Yeah I’ll be right over, but first could you… could you give me a minute?” You ask, and Arthur nods, looking a little confused or worried. 
“Sure. Everythin’ alright?” Arthur asks, and you nod. He steps back, tipping his hat to you lightly before walking out of the shop. With a breath, you pull the accessory back in front of you.
The agate is the same color as Arthur’s eyes, and you look over the gift with great fondness. No because of the accessory itself per se, but because of the man you’re going to gift it to. Holding the feathered accessory up to the light, you gasp, seeing almost unnoticeable stars stamped into the fine metal. You want to give Arthur something new for his hat, something that he can use to make it his own. Damn his father, and the fear that Arthur feels every day, wondering if he’s turning into the bastard. You want Arthur’s hat to be his, something he can pass down to his children or whomever one day with good memories, not bad ones.
With your mind made, you walk up to the shopkeeper. 
“How much for this?” You ask, placing it on the counter where the man sits. He hops down, not saying a word as he walks around the other side of the counter. He takes a piece of paper from under the register, writing some things down in a language you can't understand. Then, he opens the cash register and looks up to you. 
“Ja, Okay.” He says, holding his hand out for you to place cash into and you chuckle, sighing. 
“You?- Alright mister.” You chuckle, reaching into your pocket and pulling out a five dollar bill. A man, leaning against the wall laughs, filling you in. 
“Yeah, that there is Nils. He don’t really talk much, he understands though. A Norwegian fella, not even sure he speaks English, but he’s a damn good smith.” The man says, picking up a belt buckle and looking it over.
“That he is.” You hum as Nils hands you back a few odd cents.
“Names’ David Geddes.” The informant smiles, reaching to shake your hand. “I work with Nils here. He’s helpin’ me to build a ranch up in West Elizabeth.” Mr. Geddes says, releasing your hand. You smile, hearing that northern West Elizbeth is beautiful territory.
“If you’re ever in the market for tools or land, you know where to find us.” Mr. Geddes smiles, and you nod, knowing that you’re never going to need either of those things. You keep it in mind, though.
“Thank you Mr. Geddes, pleasure to meet you. You as well, Mr. Nils!” You smile at both men, giggling as Nils says ‘okay!’ when you walk out the door. Proudly, you place the little gift in your satchel. You want to wait until the perfect time to give it to him. Smiling, you walk past the few shops towards the saloon. You can hear the music from outside, a pianist enjoying himself on the keys, probably drunk as a skunk. You were right earlier, the window is still smashed out from Arthur being thrown out of it. 
You push the saloon doors open, walking in just as a man was walking out. Your shoulders hit off each other, and you scowl deeply at him before moving towards the bar. A loud game of poker is being played at the table, with drunk, laughing players. Working women linger about, draped over chairs and men, waiting to be taken upstairs for the night. You squeeze past the people, slipping onto the bar beside Arthur and Lenny, with Arthur in the middle. 
“Boys.” You greet, waving down the bartender. The saloon is loud, and you have to yell over the music to hear each other, even with the close proximity. 
“Now just one or two. Right, Arthur?” Lenny asks as he clinks his bottle against Arthur’s.
“Course, just a drink.” Arthur responds, tapping his glass against the counter before taking a long swig. 
“Hey!” You yell to the bartender, irritated. He doesn’t pay you any mind, and you huff. 
Jumping up onto the bar so that your stomach is on the counter, you grab a bottle of whiskey from behind the counter. It’s nearly empty, and you groan. Arthur shakes his head as you slide back down to the ground. 
“I don’t plan on staying too long.” Lenny reiterates, and you nod, tapping your fingers against the bottle to the rhythm of the funk music. 
“Me neither.” You say, swallowing the little bit of drink left over before tossing it over the counter.
Another man slides onto the open space of the bar beside you. He’s already been done in by the drink, eyes glazed over with red cheeks. Arthur keeps an eye on him, not too comfortable with the way this man is looking at you. 
“Hey- Hey miss?” He asks, and you turn to him. Arthur watches it unfold as you bat your eyelashes, and at first he’s confused as you look up to the sleazebag with doe-like eyes.
“Yes, mister?” You ask, twirling your finger around your hair. 
“Can I buy you a beer?” He asks, smiling like an idiot. You smile, resting your hand on the man’s chest. Ah, a pocket watch,right in his vest pocket. You feel the outline of the fine metal through his shirt, and you smirk.
“She likes whiskey.” Arthur bites, not seeing your scheme playing out. You elbow him lightly, and his eyebrows pull together. 
“Hey, Hey a beer for this fine woman!” The drunk man calls out, and as he leans over the bar to pay the tender, you sneak your fingers between him and the bar, gently pulling the chain until the pocket watch emerges from his pocket. Very content, you slide it into your pocket, smirking up at Arthur. He looks bewildered, amazed, as he laughs, elbowing Lenny and filling him in. 
“For you, m- m’lady.” The drunkard says, handing you a beer. You take it, no trace of a smile on your lips as you slide it down the bar to Lenny. The drunk man scowls angrily, slamming his fist down on the counter.
“What the hell?” He asks, face turning red with anger. You smile, leaning against the bar, acting as if he doesn't exist.
“This what a feller gets for bein’ nice?” He huffs, and you bite your tongue, slipping your eyes closed to quell your rage. Arthur orders a whiskey, and places the glass in front of you. 
“Tried to tell you partner, this lady likes her liquor.” Arthur chuckles, toasting another glass with Lenny. You swirl the glass in your hand, sipping from it while putting all your attention into not killing this man. 
“You owe me!” He yells, spittle flying. Even Arthur tenses at your side, pointing a threatening finger to the drunk. 
“Shut your mouth, buddy.” Arthur warns, and the music grows louder, more intense, as does your grip on your drink. 
“Or what?” The man laughs maniacally, sizing you up and down and concluding that you wouldn't hurt a fly.
“Leave this idiot alone, he ain’t worth it.” Lenny interjects, always the voice of reason. The man laughs at that, turning to you three like he's an old friend. 
“Leave me alone? Well people been leavin me alone for nearly ten years! I say that's their loss, I’m a great guy, bought this bitch a drink-” The man rambles on, and your shoulders set, eyes glazing over as a rage fills you. You slam your drink against the counter, spilling most of it before grabbing that damn idiot by the back of his collar. You slam his head down onto the bar in one swift motion, and it cracks. Sparing him no time to recuperate, you tear him away from the bar, dragging him towards the door where you literally kick him through the saloon doors.
Lenny whistles under his breath as you come back, wiping your hands on your jeans before picking your glass back up. 
“Where were we, boys?” You ask, turning to the men. 
‘Clink, clink, clink’ is all you hear as bottles and glasses continuously toast against each other. You’ve lost count of the amount of drinks you've been handed, or stolen off the bar. Arthur laughs loudly over the music, a contagious sound that has you and Lenny giggling like fools. You feel good and warm, a buzz running through your veins and filling your head with a fuzzy cloud.
“You want another one, Arthur? Star?” Lenny asks, laughter dying down as he waves to the bartender. 
“Sure, we’re already here!” Arthur hollers, words slurred as you nod your head.
“Yeah but first, I- I gotta go play that piano!” You holler, picking up your glass and dancing your way down to the pianist. 
You sit up on top of the bar, laughing so hard that you can barely breath. You don’t remember what was so funny, but it sure was. You slap your knee, cackling at something with Arthur. Lenny’s laughing too, leaning down against the bar to stop from falling over. 
“You! You are a hilarious feller, Arthur Morgan!” You snort, taking a big long swig from your bottle. You think it's whiskey, but you're not sure. It doesn’t even burn anymore, just going straight down.
“Arthur!” You call, grabbing his biceps to shake his attention. He jumps, startled, and then laughs. Being on the bar has you sitting a little taller than him, and he looks up at you with a dumb expression. 
“You ever-” You hiccup, “-had a dog?” You ask. It's a very serious inquiry, and you need to know. Arthur’s brows pull together as he thinks, and it looks kind of painful. 
“One time… bout a million years ago.” Arthur squints, dead serious, staring at the wall behind you. You erupt into a fit of laughter, smacking the outlaw on the shoulder. 
“What the hell is a million years?” You ask in between chuckles. The music is loud, the mood is good. The sun has set, and more patrons have joined the saloon.
“I don’t know, but I bet it's at least a thousand.” 
You nod, concluding that he’s probably correct on that account. You turn to your right, right where Lenny was sitting, to ask him his opinions on the matter. 
“What about you Lenny? You ever-” You stop, dumbfounded when you realize he’s not there. Surely he was just a second ago. 
“Lenny?” You ask, turning your head around to find him. 
“Oh no.” Arthur mumbles, looking around as well. 
“Arthur, he's disappeared!” You yell, panicked, but Arthur grabs your waist, pulling you down to the ground. Once you're down from the bar, Arthur keeps grip on your hips for just a moment longer. 
“We’ll find him, don't you worry. If anybody can come back from disappearin’ it's Lenny.” Arthur explains, and you nod. That makes sense. 
“Should we split up?” You ask as Arthur leads you to the center of the saloon. Arthur nods, stumbling lightly as he pulls you through the crowd. 
“Yeah, youse smart. We can cover-” Arthur burps, chuckling deeply for a moment, “We can cover more ground if we split up. I’ll go upstairs.” Arthur explains, and you nod, pushing past people. 
“Smart thinkin. I’ll go upstairs too.” You say, following him up. 
“Good plan.” Arthur approves, stumbling up the staircase while pulling you behind him. 
“LENNY!!?” Arthur yells, looking around for your lost friend. You see lots of people, but you don’t see Lenny, least you don't think you do.
“Lenny!?” You mimic Arthur, chuckling as he pulls you around the fenced in overhand that overlooks the bar downstairs. 
“There you is!” Arthur calls, and you look around until you see him. Lenny is leaning on the little fence, trying to balance a glass on his nose. 
“Whatcha doing?” You ask, both confused and amazed. Lenny laughs, swaying so as to not drop it from his nose. 
“I- I don’t know!” 
The glass falls, and Lenny tries to catch it but his delayed reflexes do him in and the glass falls down the overlook, shattering onto the saloon floor downstairs. You all laugh like it’s the funniest thing in the world, doubling over as you try to breathe from cackling. 
Then somehow you all have more drinks in your hand, and you’re toasting them together, cheering loudly. You don’t even know what you’re drinking, but it sure goes down nice. Lenny hooks his arm under yours, and you do-si-do, tripping and stumbling and laughing like you’ve never laughed before. Arthur switches spots with Lenny then, hooking his arm under yours and dancing around. But Arthur lacks Lenny’s grace, or maybe he’s just more drunk, and halfway around the circle he accidentally trips you, sending you straight to the floor. Your drink smashes against the ground, and you lay on the floor for a while, arms and legs spread out as you chuckle. 
Arthur pulls you up, nearly falling over himself, and then you all lean against the railing with more drinks. 
“Arthur why ain’t you never married?” Lenny asks, and Arthur’s mouth hangs open as he thinks. 
“No one would have me.” Arthur sighs, a pathetic, sad little noise. You slap him on the back, trying to encourage him. 
“Whaddya mean no one would have you, Arthur everyone wants you! Hell I’m sure you had ladies lined up round the block back in the day.” You say, and he nods, thinking it over.  
“Well maybe, but I did not see them!” He responds, toasting his drink to yours. 
Arthur jumps up and down, stomping against the floor with his arms flailing. 
“I’m doin’ it!” He screams, earning multiple annoyed glances from other patrons. 
“You sure are! I- I don’t know what you’re doin’ but it’s somethin!” You yell back, laughing. 
Then suddenly you’re sitting on the poker table, legs swinging over the side. You’re not even sure how you’ve gotten here, but your head is so fuzzy and relaxed you don’t care. Arthur stands on the ground, in between your knees looking up at you. 
“Why ain’t you never sweet on no one?” You ask, fingers tracing stars on his right shoulder. Arthur’s hand rests on your thigh, and he looks up at you, confused. 
“Karen said you- you didn't like girls. I mean- Karen said you didn't like any of the girls in camp. They're all beautiful, young n kind, why haven't you gone sweet on em?" You ask, drunkenness loosening your lips and releasing some of the questions you've been holding back for ages. 
"Well I am sweet on someone, dumbass." He says, laughing and you slap his shoulder lightly. 
"Who?!" You holler, eyebrows pulled together in confusion. He's not sweet on anyone that you can think of, but you can't really think right now. Arthur's hand gently squeezes your leg before he backs away, downing the last of his beer. 
"You're funny, y'know. Askin all kinds of questions, but I can't even think right now." Arthur's lips form a little confused pout, "least I don't think I can…"
"Yeah, you're right that's a lot of thinkin'." You say, nodding your head. Arthur comes back forward, placing his hands on the table on either side of your legs.
"It's easy thinkin' bout you though. That's somethin' that don't make my head hurt." Arthur whispers, fuzzy eyes transfixed on the pout of your lips before they trail up to your sparkling eyes. A blush creeps over your cheeks, and you slide down from the table, sneaking under his arm towards the bar. 
"Buy me another drink Mr. Morgan!" 
You cackle, leaning over the bar sometime later. The sun has long since set, but you have no idea what time it is. Arthur's on one side of you, and you look over to where Lenny- 
You look over to where Lenny used to be. 
"Wait, where'd Lenny go?!" You slur your words as the room spins, flashing all sorts of different colors. 
"DAMMIT LENNY WHERE YOU AT BOYYY-" Arthur yells, slamming his drink down on the counter.
"We gotta find him, he's probably lost." You conclude, looking around the room. 
"Yeah or maybe he's stuck someplace." 
You wander around, losing Arthur as you yell for Lenny at the top of your lungs. You can hear Arthur yelling too, and you giggle. Lennt must have vanished, like those magic shows in the city. 
"Leave the kid alone, you goddamn animals." Arthur growls, and you turn to see him walking down the stairs. Lenny is standing up on the bar, yelling at a group of men in front of the bar. The man in front of the bar, who Arthur was yelling at, turns towards Arthur. 
"And who might you be?" The man hisses, growing irritated with you all. Arthur looks mighty confused for a moment, and you stumble towards the scene playing out. 
"They call me Arthur, n' people who don't call me Arthur? Well I guess they do not know my name." Arthur whispers, chuckling. 
"What-?" The other man asks, and you stride right up to him, punching him straight in the nose. 
You line kick, arms intertwined with Arthur's and Lenny's, hoisting your legs up in the air with a bunch of other people, you laugh carelessly, dancing away. 
Then you're not dancing- you're laying on the staircase next to Lenny and Arthur, drinks in hand. 
"I gotta piss." Arthur says, tapping your knee before standing up. 
"You should probably do that. You can't drink more if you ain't peed." You explain, and Arthur frowns, thinking. 
"Really?" He asks, and you nod. 
"It's true Arthur! I read that once. I- I think I did anyhow." Lenny chimes in, and Arthur runs outside. 
You sit with lenny for a while, feeling light as ever, drinking your fill and then some.
— ??? —
"I got a quesstionn…" You say, pressed up against the wall by Arthur's hands. 
"Hmm?" Arthur asks, eyes heavy as he tries not to fall over, arms bracing themselves on either side of your head against the saloon wall. You're outside, and the walls buzz from music and banter. 
"I probably don't know an answer but… but I'll try." Arthur says. 
"Back in Colter, in Horseshoe durin' that storm, up in the hills in your tent… why’d you do all that?" You ask, a sense of clarity overcoming you even though you're drunk beyond help. Arthurs' trying to think back, but his head hurts. 
"You- you laid with me, held my hand till I fell asleep. Why'd you do that?" You ask as Arthur's hands slide away from the wall, down to his belt. It hits Arthur then, all the things he'd done, things he knows he shouldn't have done, but couldn't stop himself from doing. 
"I- I don't know. Guess… you was sad. I wanted to make you feel better." Arthur mumbles, eyes downcast. You smile, buzzing. 
"Did it work? Do I make you feel better?" Arthur whispers. His voice is low and deep, that familiar, gravelly tone. You smile up at him as one of his hands comes back up to the wall beside your head, trapping you in. 
"You make me feel great, Arthur. Real great." You breathe out, veins pumping with adrenaline as Arthur leans closer in towards your face. His eyes are dark, pupils blown and you can smell the whiskey on his breath with the proximity.
"I bet I could make you feel even better, Star. I could make you feel lots a' things." He growls, eyes trailing from each of your eyes to your lips. You laugh, pushing him away from you lightly. 
"Well maybe! But you can’t beat me at poker for shit!" You laugh, pushing the saloon doors open and walking back inside. Arthur follows behind you, laughing all the same. 
"You seen Lenny?" He asks, looking around. 
"Dammit!" You curse, pushing through the patrons of the saloon towards the steps. You grab onto Arthur's hand, dragging him along with you. 
You see a few doors there, and thinking Lenny might be hiding in a room, you push one open. You gasp, laughing loudly as you open the door on a man and a woman having intimate relations. You laugh, apologizing as you swing the door shut, but Arthur screams.
You turn to him, chuckling and confused. 
"You n-never saw a naked woman before, Arthur?" You ask. He looks like he's just seen something traumatic as he points a finger towards the door, rubbing his eyes with his other hand. 
"That weren't a woman." Arthur bites, the image of Lenny riding Lenny burned into his mind forever. But you're clueless as to what he's just seen.
— …..?—
You laugh uncontrollably as Arthur pushes that man from earlier into the pig's water trough. He dunks the man's head under one more time before tossing him to the ground. You leave the pig pen, oinking and wheezing with laughter. 
"I'm a- a police!" Arthur laughs, slipping in the mud as he jogs after you, down the main street. 
"I'm gonnaa get'cha!" He yells as you run down the road, sliding and laughing. 
"YOU CAN'T! You can't get me, HA-" You scream, running towards the stables, jumping over a fence, tripping and falling into the mud.
"Fuck!" You yell, unusually colorful language for you as the sheriff and a deputy approach you from the road. 
"Hey! You two, come here!" Sheriff Malloy hollers, jogging after you. Arthur picks you up from the mud and slings you over his shoulder. 
"Arthur! They're- they're gonna get us, we gotta run!" You yell from his shoulder as he bolts, slipping and sliding. 
"WE'RE AMERICANS! YOU'LL NEVER CATCH US ALIVE!" Arthur screams into the night, approaching a mighty high fence. 
"Yeah, we got RIGHTS!" You yell. 
Arthur tries to jump the fence, but he's so drunk, and with you on his shoulder he doesn't even come close to clearing it. The fence breaks as Arthur lands down on it awkwardly, and you both land in the mud.
— — — —
The light hurts your eyes as they flutter open, and you squint, head throbbing. Everything hurts, your head feels like it's been filled with lead and if you move too quickly you know you'll throw up. You finally come to, and realize you're laying on a wooden bench. Arthur is laying on the floor next to the bench, awake but not moving. Then you realize where you are. 
You spot the unmistakable metal bars, and you groan. 
"Arthur, what did we do?" You ask, not remembering an ounce of the previous night. From outside of your shared cell, Sheriff Malloy stands up, grabbing a cup of coffee from a percolator. 
"Well the typical stuff for folks such as yourselves: harassin people, causin trouble, bein loud and breaking shit. But you also waterboarded a fella within an inch of his life, and stole a pig, this man here carried it around half the town oinkin and causing a ruckus. Although it sure was something to see, I don't appreciate being pulled outta bed with the wife at five in the damn morning." He says, taking a sip from his coffee before sitting down in his seat, propping his feet up on his desk. You look around, wincing from the movement. 
"Well where's Lenny?" You ask as Arthur groans loudly, holding his stomach as he sits up on the bench beside you. 
"Only brought in the pair of ya." The sheriff shakes his head. 
“However you two managed to drink that much without passin’ out or dyin’ is beyond me.” Sheriff Malloy whistles, shaking his head.
Arthur stands up, slowly walking over towards the front of the cell. He reaches into his pocket, pulling out a bill fold before handing it through the bars. 
“Should be enough to cover our bounties, and some extra for your troubles.” 
Sheriff Malloy takes the cash and stuffs it into his pocket, silently grabbing the keys off of his desk.
“Go on. Get. And how about layin’ off the hooch for a while?” The sheriff asks, and you nod. He doesn’t need to tell you twice. You and Arthur walk out of the jail scot free. As soon as you’re out of the building, you lean against the wooden support beam, heaving. 
“Shit, I’m sorry.” Arthur winces, pulling your now very messy braid behind your shoulder as you throw up. You cough, wishing you were dead as the sunlight burns your eyes, killing your already throbbing head. 
“Here.” Arthur hands a rag from his satchel down to you, leaning on your knees as you clean yourself up. 
“Just one or two, huh? Jesus-” You take slow, deep breaths, trying not to puke again. 
“You even remember what the hell we did last night?” He asks, and you shake your head. 
“Nothin. I remember nothin.” You admit, standing up from the beam. Arthur hums, he remembers it all.
“Come on, let's get you home, you need a lie down.” Arthur groans, feeling like shit as he whistles. Luckily somehow, the horses stuck around and they trot up the main street.
The ride back to camp is very quiet, and very slow. Neither of you push your horses past a walk, not wanting to sicken yourselves even more. The silence is comfortable, a mutual understanding that opening your mouth to speak right now would be too much, and you just need to lie down and feel sorry for yourselves. Upon arriving at camp, you find Lenny is there, passed out in the grass next to his bedroll. You dismount Athena, groaning as your feet touch the ground. 
“Here, take this. It’ll make you feel better. I’ll go make sure Grimshaw doesn’t give you any trouble.” Arthur mumbles, handing you a glass bottle of tonic. 
You take it, quietly thanking him before dragging your heels to your tent. You’ve never been this hungover in your life, you’ve never had reason to drink so much. After closing the tent flap to prevent any extra light from coming in, you drink the whole tonic and flop down in your bed, groaning. 
— — — —
You wake up, about twelve hours later, to the sounds of maniacal laughing and screaming. You groan, sighing and covering your ear with your pillow to drown out the noise. It proves futile as the screaming and crying continue, and you figure you should probably go check it out. You get up from bed, mood sour as ever,  but you’re feeling a little better. Pushing the flaps open to your tent, you’re met with the pros and cons of living with twenty people.
“Mornin” Arthur chuckles, eyebrows raised at the state of your hair. Your braid is half fallen out, and the few flowers that have managed to stay in your hair are wilted. You groan, rolling your eyes before pulling the band out from the bottom of your braid and finger brushing the flowers out. 
“What's got you so sour?” Arthur asks, looking fresh and cleaned up. He's washed up, taken a bath and trimmed his beard. He looks good, and you look like you just barely escaped a natural disaster.
"How the hell are you even awake right now, let alone bathed and cleaned up? I'm pretty sure I still got puke on my shirt." You sigh, re-braiding your hair neatly, but loosely. Arthur takes a sip of his coffee. 
"I can actually handle my whiskey." Arthur jokes, "Go back to Valentine, buy a bath." 
"Firstly, I don't think you can, considerin'  what happened last night. And on account of the bath, I can't. I don't have enough cash." You sigh.
"A bath is only a dollar, thought you had some cash on you?" Arthur raises an eyebrow as you roll back on your heels. 
"I did. I spent it." 
"On what?" Arthur asks, sure that he'd paid for the drinks last night, except for the ones you stole.
"Just a little present, it ain't much." You smile, sighing and gripping his hand to pull him into your tent. You lead him through the tent flap, pulling him along by his hand.
"What're you doin, woman?" Arthur chuckles as you pluck his hat from his head. 
"Don't make fun of me. I saw this yesterday, n' it reminded me of you." You whisper, pulling out the hat ornament and attaching it to the rope band on his hat, on the left side. 
Arthur watches on fondly as you attach the little accessory. A warm feeling spreads through his chest, knowing that you'd thought of him. After you've finished, you hold his hat back out to him. He takes the hat back with a shocked expression on his face, and you're worried he doesn't like it, so you rush to reassure him.
"If you don't like it, or think it's dumb- maybe this was stupid I just, it reminded me of you, and-" You ramble, stopping to prevent further embarrassing yourself. 
"It's perfect." Arthur smiles, looking down to the agate, feathered ornament, dappled with little stars that remind him of you. He means it. The little decoration is perfect. The teal agate matches his eyes, the imprinted metal ensures that you're with him all the time, as if you don't already linger in his mind 24/7. He couldn't have picked out something more perfect if he tried. The accessory is fashionable, a fancy and intricate piece to add to his hat, and he's excited to wear it.
You blush, smiling happily as Arthur fondly runs his finger over the accessory before placing his hat back on his head. You lean up, adjusting it correctly while on your tiptoes. 
"You carry a lot of bad memories with this hat," You whisper, thinking of Arthur's father, "Figure it's about time you make it yours, start makin' some good memories with it." You explain. 
"It's perfect, Star." Arthur all but whispers, and you sheepishly nod, blushing. You’re proud of the little gift, and Arthur is shocked by the thought you’d put into it. 
“Looks real nice. You needed somethin’ to match those eyes.” You nod up to his hat as he leads you out of your tent. He opens his mouth to speak, but much to your growing annoyance, he is cut off by another yelp from across camp.
“Goddamnit, what is happening?” You groan, nodding for Arthur to follow you to the source. You’re ready to beat the hell out of someone, irritated and hungover. You stomp towards the scout fire where the screaming and yelping comes from, with Arthur following behind you.
The scene in front of you is nothing short of insane. That O’Driscoll from Colter is tied up to a tree. His pants have been pulled down to his knees and you make a point to avert your eyes from his… nether region. His bare quads scrape painfully across the treebark as he fights to get away from Dutch. Your eyes boggle when you see Bill come around the corner of Dutch’s tent with a steaming red pair of gelding tongs. 
“What are you idiots doin’ to this poor feller?” You gesture to the O’Driscoll, wincing at the way he shoves himself further into the tree to avoid Bill’s eager tongs.
“We’re takin’ his balls!” Bill laughs maniacally, looking all too pleased at the idea. He snaps the tongs a few times for good measure. Your jaw drops a little, and your eyebrows draw together in a mixture of shock and confusion. 
“They’re only balls, boy! You probably weren't using them anyway!” Dutch chuckles, slapping Bill on the back.
“You’re- You’re ‘taking his balls’? Really, Bill? What the hell is this, a farm? Get out of my way. Someone please pull his goddamn pants up.” You sigh, ordering the men around. Bill just looks at you for a moment, but you glare at him, and remembering how hard you can hit, he obliges. You sigh, bracing your hand against your nose as Bill drops the tongs and fixes Kieran’s jeans. Then you push past Bill, shoving him out of the way to take his spot in front of Kieran. The O’driscoll is terrified, shaking like a leaf on the tree as if you’re about to torture him. You eye him over curiously before turning on your heels and looking at the men before you.
“What exactly do y'all want outta this feller?” You question, making a plan to get some answers that doesn’t involve castration. Your hands rest on your gun belt, tapping the grip of your revolver in thought. Dutch’s eyes grow dark as he spits something onto the grass. 
“We want Colm.”
Turning back to Kieran, you eye the boy up and down.. He’s a weaker looking fella, the kind you would have stolen off of back in Tumbleweed. He’s terrified, and you know he’ll do anything to avoid a beating, including giving up his old pal, Colm. He’s surely hungry and thirsty. They’ve only been giving him enough water to stay alive, and you don’t know if he’s eaten. 
“You hungry mister? Thirsty?” You ask, watching as tears fall down the O’driscolls mud-caked face. He frantically nods his head up and down. 
“Oh yes! Yes please, please. I'm so hungry, I- I’m so thirsty, miss.” Kieran whimpers, and you nod. Without another word you push past Arthur, Dutch and Bill, straight to Pearson’s wagon. Arthur looks at Dutch, tossing his hands up lightly before following you. He comes up to your side, watching as you dip a metal cup into the barrel of water. Arthur lightly grabs your elbow to get your attention.
“You sure about this? He could be playin’ you.” Arthur warns. 
“Yes, I'm sure. You wanna help? Get me your map.” You say, leaning over the table to grab a piece of salted venison from the table. Arthur isn’t sure about this plan, but he trusts you. He nods, taking his map out of his satchel before following you back to the tree. 
“You.” You nod to the O’Driscoll, and he nods frantically, terrified of you, but glad that you’re not approaching him with some torture device. 
“Y-yes ma'am?” Kieran whimpers, and you hold the deer and water up. 
“You want this?” 
Kieran nods, and you raise an eyebrow. 
“Good. Point me to Colm n’ you can have it.” You give him an ultimatum, knowing that he would rather deal with you than the boys any day. Kieran nods, flinching as you pull your knife from its sheath. You hold it up in front of him for him to see. 
“Try anything, and this’ll be lodged in you, okay?” You warn, moving behind him before cutting him free from the tree. Kieran winces, rubbing at his wrists once he’s free. Dutch and Bill look irritated with you, but you pay them no mind as they file away. Arthur has laid his map out on Pearson’s table, just as you’d asked him to, and Kieran rushes towards it. The O’Driscoll eagerly leans over the map, following the roads with the tip of Arthur’s pencil before stopping and circling a small area north of Valentine. 
“They’re holed up here. It- It's called Six Point Cabin, and Colm will be there. It should be easy, they’ll all be drunk and asleep if you go now.” Kieran offers, looking past the horizon where the sun is starting to set. You look at the circle on the map, then up to Kieran. He has many reasons to lie, but you dont think he's loyal to Colm. You don’t think he’s dumb enough to lie to you either. But… just for good measure, you grip onto the collar of his shirt, threateningly. 
“If this is a lie, or you’re leading me into a trap, I will let this sick bastard take your manhood. You hear me? All. of. It.” You threaten, pointing to Bill behind you. The O’Driscoll frantically nods his head, audibly gulping at your promise. Quickly, you release him from your grip, dusting his shirt off a little from where your iron grip has left wrinkles.Once he’s been thoroughly threatened, you turn to Arthur, trying to ignore the sickness in your stomach as you hear the starved man gulp down all of the water, and tear into the venison..
“Good! Now that that's settled, John, Arthur, you’re with me. The three of us should be able to get this done quickly.” You tell the men, who are standing in a crowd behind you. John is wide eyed, shocked, but of course, Arthur isn’t. With a smirk, you pace through the wet grass towards Athena. Everyone mounts up and rides out pretty quickly, not wanting to waste another ounce of the limited daylight. 
“When we get here, we should do it quietly. Arrows, knives. There’s no reason to start shooting if we can take them out quietly, one at a time.” Arthur yells over the pounding of Balius’ hooves. He’s right, doing this quietly will give you the best chance of getting to Colm before he can run.  
“I agree. John, you know how to use a bow?” You ask.
“Ha! Little Johnny Marston over here can’t shoot a bow. Not that I should be surprised, he can’t do much of anything. Can’t even swim.” Arthur pokes, chuckling in his saddle at his own stab. 
“Oh shut the hell up you big bastard.” John counters, irritated as usual. It's quiet for a bit as the three of you enter Cumberland Forest, moving into a single file line to fit on the narrow trails. 
“How’s your leg holdin’ up?” John yells up to you. Instinctually you trace the scar that's hidden under your jeans.
“It’s fine now, healed up nice for the most part.” You chuckle, hollering back, “How’s your face?” 
“Ugly as always.” John chuckles.
“Hey, quiet, I think we’re close.” Arthur says back to you both, slowing Balius down to a trot. You all grow quiet, trotting the horses into the woods and hitching them off of the trail a ways. After dismounting, you offer Athena an oatcake for her work. The boys wait as she finishes it, and then you grab your bow from her saddle. Arthur and John crouch behind a fallen log, and you get down, coming between them.
“That bastard weren’t lyin’.” Arthur whispers to himself, shocked. 
The camp has one large cabin surrounded by various tents and wagons. Campfires scatter the place alongside a decent number of drunken idiots. Most of the O’Driscolls have retired for the night, snuffed out their lanterns and hit the hay. Some of them voluntarily went to bed, others passed out, completely wasted. A few O’driscolls with greasy hair and green bandanas sit around a campfire, not far from where you’re all perched. 
“Arthur?” You ask, waiting for some instruction. You and John both look to him as he formulates a plan, getting a headcount of the O’Driscolls and peeking around for other vantage points. 
“Okay we take out the ones at the fire from here. I count four. I'm good with knives, so I'll take two and you each take one.” Arthur grumbles, pulling out two throwing knives from his satchel. You’re curious if he has the skill to take down two so in such quick succession. If he’s just a split second late, the O’Driscoll will alert others. Glad that your job is easy, you grab your bow from your shoulder, steadying it in your hand as you squint to aim for one of the awake O’Driscolls. You exhale, releasing your hand just before the arrow lodges into the man’s chest. Within two seconds the other three men fall, thanks to John and Arthur. 
“Good job with the bow.” Arthur whispers, and your breath hitches in your throat when his hand squeezes your elbow with a small, proud smile. He doesn’t miss the hitch of your breath, and unbeknownst to you, he blushes, removing his hand from you and shaking his head. John looks over to Arthur with a raised eyebrow and a chuckle. Oh, he's gonna chastise Arthur for that later. Rolling your eyes, you glare back at the boys.
“Stop foolin’ around,” You hiss, “We sneak in and look for Colm. I'll take the cabin. John, go see what's worth stealin’ from their tents, but don’t wake anyone up. Arthur, cover me if I need it, please.” 
With that you stay crouched, jogging off in the direction of the cabin. You have to step over the sleeping men, and be extra careful not to wake them as you go. Colm better be here. If he’s not, you'll hand that O’Driscoll straight over to Bill tied with a ribbon. You gave him a second chance, and by god, he’d be a fool not to take it. 
Approaching the cabin, you take a quick glance through the windows. The glass is very dirty, and even squinting through the dirty glass, you can't see much. There's no light emitting from the cabin, so you assume its empty or everyone is asleep. 
You quietly step around to the front porch, hoping that this isn’t one big waste of time. Your spurs click ever so quietly with every step as you approach the front door. You lean down a little, readying your bow in case someone jumps out.  Just as you reach out for the door handle, you hear a sharp, quiet whistle, one that you’d recognize anywhere. Your head snaps around and you spot Arthur down a ways in the middle of the camp. He leans his head down a little, warning you to be safe before he gestures to your bow and then to his knife. Despite the fact that hes signaling you without speaking, you know exactly what he’s saying. 
He's telling you to put your bow away and pull out your knife instead, you curse yourself, realizing that you’d neglected to use your head. You need two hands to pull the bow, and opening the door leaves you vulnerable. The knife is a better option. You nod to Arthur in thanks, and swing your bow back over your shoulder before grabbing your hunting knife. You pull it out of its sheath, readying it as you grip the door handle.  You hear a loud grunt from the camp, and as you snap your head over you see that one of the O’Driscolls had woken up, and Arthur knocked him out. You need to hurry.
 With one hand gripping your blade, the other turns the door knob. You push it open quickly, holding up your knife in defense. It's pitch dark inside the cabin, and it takes a few moments for your eyes to adjust as you step inside. The cabin is pretty standard, across from you is a fireplace, a large table and some bedrolls laid out. You step further into the cabin and find two half-empty bowls on the table. They’re filled with some sort of mushy, brown looking stew, and they’re still steaming… 
You connect the dots too late. By the time you whip around, the men who were hiding in the shadows of the cabin slam the door shut so you can’t escape. Your eyes grow dark, and you back up as they step towards you until your back hits the far wooden wall. The two O’Driscolls are tall. They could be twins, black hair hidden away by bowler’s hats, green scarves around their thick necks. They repulse you. 
“Get back you bastards, ‘less you wanna end up like your sorry friends.” You threaten, holding your knife up in warning. The bigger one chuckles while the smaller one slides a chair under the handle of the door.
“Oh, Gabe, she’s a fiery little thing.” He says with a sickening, greedy grin on his lips. You hear Arthur try the door knob, cursing that it’s locked. 
“Anyone touches a hair on her goddamn head I’ll kill the whole lot of ya!” Arthur yells from behind the door. You can hear him dropping his weapons, and you know he’s going to try to kick the door down, but he won't be able to with the chair. You’re on your own.
“She’s a little one. She’ll be easy to handle,” The other man says before directing his attention to you, bringing up his knife and running it along the jut of your cheekbone. Your knife is in your hand, hidden behind your back as you come up with a plan to take them both down. You know his threat isn’t empty. You know what the O’driscolls have done to women, proudly, with no shame. You’ll be damned if you go down without a fight.
 “Hey, sweet thing, is that your man out there? Cause I want him to hear what we're gonna do to y-” You take a deep breath before plunging your knife into the man’s throat with a roar. Blood shoots out from his jugular, spraying all over you. Just as quickly as you had inserted it, you tear it out, and he falls to the floor, clinging to his neck. The sound of flesh tearing sounds through the room as you aim for the second man. Just as you bring the knife down towards his chest he catches your hands. You can hear the loud, angry thumps and screams of Arthur trying to beat the door down, along with his string of threats and curses towards the O’Driscolls. Shots ring out from around you, presumably you’ve woken up the entire O’Driscoll camp and now John is dealing with them. You struggle against the man for a while, as you try to push the knife down into him, and he tries to turn it around. Arthur gives up on the door, instead running around the side of the building to smash in one of the windows. He doesn’t know what's happening, he can't see who’s winning this fight, or what's happening to you, all he knows is that you’re struggling and yelling. As the glass shatters, you hesitate, letting your guard down. A painful sting slices along your abdomen, and you glance down to see that the man has cut your stomach through your shirt. It’s not very deep, but it could have been.
“You goddamn bastard!” You hiss as the O’Driscoll backs away. He smirks, watching you struggle. Arthur wastes no time jumping through the shattered window before running and tackling the O’Driscoll to the ground. Arthur starts beating the O’Driscoll, knocking chairs and items down, and after he gets a few punches in, Arthur smashes the mans head against the wall, killing or knocking him out.
“Colm aint even here!” You seethe, holding a hand against your stomach to ease the sting. Arthur looks up, seeing you covered in a spatter of blood. Immediately, he rushes over to you. 
“How much of this blood is yours?” He asks, running his eyes down your shirt until he sees the tear in it. 
“Not much of it, I’m fine Arthur, just a scratch.” You sigh, looking down at your destroyed shirt, “Shit.” 
It was a good shirt, and now it’ll be joining the burn pile when you get back to camp. You groan,  realizing you’ll have to ride back to camp like this. 
“Is John okay? And where the hell is Colm?” You ask, pulling up your shirt a bit to look over the cut. It’s just over the lip of your jeans, not deep, but a few inches wide. You won’t need stitches, thankfully. 
“Johns fine, lootin the camp now, and who knows where the hell Colm is.” Arthur says, eyes fixated on the bleeding patch of skin in between your jeans and shirt. 
“You think that boy Kieran set us up?” Arthur asks, making a mental note to buy you some poultice, considering how much you use it. 
“No. He’s not that stupid, or that brave. Don’t think he wants to lose his balls just yet.” Arthur chuckles. He motions for you to follow him out, but you raise your finger up signaling him to wait. 
“All this, and we ain’t gonna rob the place?” You ask, and Arthur watches as you climb over the scattered items and corpses. As if you knew exactly where it was going to be, you walk up to the chimney, reach into it and pull out a wad of cash. Quickly, you run your fingers through the folds, counting six hundred dollars. Arthur huffs, forever amused by you, especially as you walk towards him and then stop. You turn on your heels, looking up to the double barrelled shotgun resting on the mantle, and with a satisfied hum, you strut right over and pluck it from the wall. 
“Okay now we can go.” You say, walking past Arthur with a smile, soaked in blood. 
“Whatever you say, boss.” Arthur mumbles, whispering the last part before you glare at him .
— — — —
You’d stopped in Valentine on the way back, breaking off from Arthur and John to take a bath at the hotel. You’d taken your time, using almost every bath soap and oil just to try them out. Each one smelled so good, it was well into the night before you’d finished. It was a refresher that you needed, and deserved. With a new hundred dollar bill in your pocket from the job, you’d rented a room for the rest of the night, and then bought yourself some new clothes in the morning. You picked out a nicer outfit than usual, a dark burgundy shirt, over the shoulder styled with ruffles on your arms. It’s beautiful, and fancy, something you’re not used to. You tucked the shirt into a new pair of black jeans, and smiled contentedly in the mirror before braiding your hair down your back and heading back to camp. 
Much to your surprise, Arthur convinced the boys to let Kieran live, and to keep his manhood. Now as you peel potatoes next to Sadie at Pearson’s table, you watch him talk to and pet Athena with a small smile. Sadie follows your gaze, scoffing. 
“You should have just killed him. Can’t trust any of those damn O’Driscolls.” She hisses, garing daggers at the man, causing him to tremble lightly as he feeds Athena a mint. 
“He ain’t hurtin’ nothing. Sides, same thing could be said about us.” You point out, and Sadie doesn’t argue back, but she shakes her head in disapproval. You haven’t seen much of her since meeting in Colter. She’s kept to herself, hid amongst the shadows and cried herself to sleep most nights. You can see her bottling up, hardening. She’s turning into you 
You look up, drawn out of your thoughts to see Abigail smiling down at you. There is a subtle redness to her eyes that indicates she’s been crying, and your eyebrows draw together in worry. 
“Everything okay?” You ask, standing from your seat and dropping your knife to the table. 
“Could we talk for a minute?” She asks, a hand sheepishly toying with a piece of her hair. 
“Course… What’s goin’ on?” You ask, smiling back to Sadie in an apology before following Abigail towards her tent. 
“Well, it's the boy.” Abigail says, biting on her nails as she leads you into her A-frame. Before the flap falls closed, you glance out of the tent to see Jack playing with a toy horse. He seems fine, just playing as children his age do. You look at her, confused, as she sits down on the corner of his tent. 
“He’s real sad, Star.” Abigail exhales, tears forming in her eyes that she pushes back, “John don’t- John don’t really care about him like a father should.” Abigail sighs, and you move to sit on the open space beside her.
“Arthur’s always been there for Jack, even when John left…” Abigail says, and you make a note to ask Arthur about it, you don’t recall hearing of John leaving.
“I'm sorry to ask, and I know it’s unfair to, but could you or Arthur take him somewhere, or do somethin’ with him? He looks up to you both so much.” Abigail explains, and you place your hand over hers, nodding. You can’t imagine how she does it all. This life is an unkind one, and raising a child amidst it? You’re sure it's tough. Your heart aches for Jack, and you understand the pain of wanting to be loved by a father that chooses his life over his kids.
“Of course, Abigail, I’d be happy to. I miss Jack, haven’t gotten to chat with him in a while.” You explain, and Abigail smiles bittersweet. 
“Thank you so much, I’ll owe you.” 
“Nonsense, you don't owe me nothin, this’ll be fun. Let me find Arthur, we still have some time before dark.” You respond, pushing the tent flaps open before walking out. The sun is just beginning to set over the mountains, and you reckon that you have a few hours yet. You manage to find Arthur carrying a bale of hay across the camp, and he drops it to the ground in front of the horses. 
“Ride with me?” You call to him, and he looks over at you, pausing for a moment to take in your new shirt, and the neat braid running down your back. 
“Course, always.”Arthur says, entranced by the way you look in the dark red blouse. He debates telling you that you look beautiful, but decides that it would sound odd, so he coughs awkwardly and follows you. 
“Where we goin’?” He asks, dusting some hay splinters off of his hands. 
“That's up to you, mister. We’re takin’ Jack out.” You say excitedly, leading him towards the boulder where the boy sits. Arthur watches as you sort of skip along, smiling to himself. 
“How about fishin’?” Arthur asks, and you stop dead in your tracks, turning around to squint at him. 
“You gotta take a lady and a child out for fun and you wanna fish?” You ask, lost on his decision. But Arthur looks pretty excited, and you can’t help but laugh. 
“Well sure, fishin’ is fun.” Arthur defends, covering his heart in mock pain. 
“Yeah and so is dysentery, are you serious?” You huff, chuckling with a shocked expression. Arthur looks at you like he can’t fathom why anybody would think fishing to be boring. 
“Fine, we’ll go fishing, but you gotta do something that's actually fun with me later.” You chuckle, approaching Jack. He’s playing with a wooden horse, a sad little frown on his face. 
“Hey buddy, do you like fishin’?” You ask him immediately, kneeling down to his level. He looks up to you almost offended.
“Aunt Star, fish are smelly! I hate fishing!” He says, looking up to you with drawn together eyebrows. 
“Well we’re goin’ fishin, so go get your pole off of Uncle Hosea.” Arthur says, and Jack sighs, stomping off towards Hosea’s tent. 
“Arthur Morgan.” You chastise, looking at him with an open jaw. 
“What? It’ll be good for him, he’s practically the man of the house now, considerin’ John’s contributions-” Arthur starts, sarcastically and you swat his chest to shut him up.
“Go get on your horse with your damn pole, I’ll meet you over there.” You sigh, waiting for Jack to come back with his little pole. You smile sweetly at him as he jogs back towards you, a grumpy little frown on his face. 
“I don’t even know how to fish that good, but at least I get to stay up past my bedtime!” Jack says, handing his pole out to you, “Can I ride with you? Uncle Arthur’s horse looks scary…” Jack mumbles, looking at the huge black stallion with trepidation. You chuckle, thinking that Athena is definitely more of a force to be reckoned with, but you trust her. 
“Sure buddy, c’mon.” You nudge him towards the horses with your hand. Arthur has the horses all tacked up, and is tightening the last cinch on Athena’s saddle when you approach him. You climb up into the saddle first, sliding back as far as you can against the seat, and then Arthur lifts Jack up with a groan, placing him down right in front of you. 
“You got a spot picked out?” You ask, turning Athena towards the trail out of camp while Arthur mounts up. 
“Yeah, head down to the Dakota, there's a nice spot down by the bank.” 
Per Jack’s request, you lope down the slope towards the river. You make sure to keep Athena at a very slow, steady pace so that Jack doesn’t lose his balance. Athena seems to be aware of the fragile life on her back, and takes extra soft steps. Jack giggles the whole time, a belly aching laughter as he hangs on to the horn in front of you for dear life. He’s upset when you have to slow down, but grateful for the fun that it was. 
“Here should do.” Arthur says, pulling Balius off the road. He’s chosen a spot in the river with a deep pool off the bank, a nice spot. The grass comes down almost to the water, and wildflowers and big rocks scatter around the area, creating a perfectly peaceful resting spot. It’s a perfect place to read or chat, but of course you’re here to catch fish. Arthur dismounts, coming over and lifting Jack down from the saddle onto the grass. You follow, and both of the horses step aside to munch on the sweet grass. 
“Either of you know how to fish?” Arthur asks, hands resting on his gun belt. You and Jack both shake your heads and Arthur nods, moving firstly to Jack. You stay quiet, watching on as Arthur adds a worm to Jack’s hook. He shows Jack how to do it, and then gets him cast out into the water. Despite his predisposition to fishing, Jack seems rather proud of himself 
“Real good, Jack!” Arthur smiles, patting Jack on the shoulder. You conclude that he must have been an incredible father, it all comes so naturally to him. Jack looks up to Arthur, so proud of himself, and your heart aches for the whole situation. 
“Now, when you got a bite, let me know. We can reel it in together.” Arthur says, nodding to Jack before coming towards you.
“I think I’m gonna sit this one out, Arthur” You chuckle, and Arthur nods. 
“Fair enough.”
Jack waits for a long while next to Arthur, and both have their backs faced to you as you sit in the grass behind them. You pluck some pieces of grass from the dirt, and then bored, you grab your little journal. Arthur and Jack talk about nothing and everything at the same time, waiting for something to bite. Eventually, Arthur gets a catch, and he shows Jack how to gut and store it, and then they’re back to waiting. The whole process is a bit mind numbing for you, and your attention is focused solely on the pages of your journal as you update it. 
New horses, new blacksmith, and a newfound sobriety after the other night. Lots of things are changing, and yet lots remain the same. It's a confusing thing, and I find myself so caught up in between what I should do and what I want that I fear it’s breaking me in two. Honestly, its getting harder to tell the two apart any-
Your pen stills, as you look up to where Arthur and Jack stand. You’re sure you heard what he’s just said, but still you find yourself analyszing it. 
“Y’know I taught another boy to fish once.” Arthur says quietly, head turning towards Jack. Jack looks up at Arthur with his eyebrows drawn together, mirroring exactly your expression. 
“Lenny?” The boy asks, and Arthur chuckles, recasting his line. 
“No, not Lenny. This was long before I even met Lenny. Hell, before you was born too.” Arthur sighs, recounting just how many years it's been. Sometimes he’s grateful that his life doesn’t require the modern calendar. The passing of time would be far too painful if he was more aware of it. Jack’s confusion turns to excitement, as he once again misinterprets Arthur’s words. 
“Oh! What is his name? Could I meet him? I’d like to have a friend…” Jack says, not quite old enough to understand the passing of time, and the growth of children to adults. He’s never been around other children before, and you can’t blame him for his naivete. Arthur’s head dips down, and a bittersweet smile tugs at his lips. You watch on, connecting the dots with an ache in your heart. 
“Nah, don’t think you’ll be able to meet him, buddy. He woulda liked you though, was only a few years older than you.” Arthur whispers, swallowing thickly as a fish tugs on his line. He doesn’t even bother to reel it, staring blankly across the river, lost in thought. 
“Oh. What happened to him, Uncle Arthur?” Jack asks innocently, pulling on his rod too quickly while trying to attract a fish. 
“He passed away.” Arthur mumbles, and the night grows silent save for the buzzing of frogs and the quiet splashes of water. Arthur gives Jack a few more pointers, but after a bit, Jack is tired of fishing, and he sets his pole down, yawning as he walks over towards you. 
“I’m bored now.” Jack states, sitting beside you while plucking a few wildflowers from the grass, “Maybe I’ll make a flower necklace for momma.”
Smiling at the kid, soothed by the sounds of Arthur’s pole splashing in the river, you lean back against a boulder, looking up at the night sky. It’s still early, and streaks of orange and red paint the sky alongside dark blue. It’s a beautiful night, and even though its early, you can still point out a few weak constellations. 
“What are you looking at, Aunt Star?” Jack asks, curiously tiptoeing towards you with a bundle of flowers in his hand. He plops down right beside you, sitting against your waist as he starts to weave the flower stems together. Now Arthur is the one eavesdropping, pole dipping into the water as he listens to you and Jack’s conversation. 
“Oh, the stars, I guess.” You chuckle, thinking that you find yourself answering that question with the same answer frequently. But you just can’t help but eye them, they’re so beautiful, so free. Jack yawns, leaning his head against you as his fingers slow down on his little project. 
“You like looking at stars, don't you?” Jack asks, eyes never leaving his flower necklace. Arthur chuckles, asking you the same question in his head. They seem to follow you like a trail, leaving star-shaped kisses on your heart. 
“Yeah, I do. I think they’re fun to watch. Aren’t they just beautiful?” You ask, watching as the whole sky twinkles and flickers. Jack nods, yawning again. 
“They sure are.” 
You watch them for a while, occasionally glancing ahead to watch the slopes of Arthur’s back as he packs up his fishing pole, retiring for the night. After everything is all packed, he starts to make his way towards the two of you. Jack snores lightly against you, and surprised, you look down to find him asleep. Arthur smiles at this before sitting down against the rock at your side with a groan. He rests against your side opposite of Jack, and as he takes his hat off, dropping it to the ground, your hand reaches out to rest over his knee. 
“Y’okay?” You ask, turning your head to gauge his eyes. Arthur’s eyebrows draw together, and he nods. 
“Sure, why?” 
“That must have been hard to talk about.” You nod towards the bank, recalling Arthur’s memory to the conversation about Isaac. Arthur sighs deeply, removing the weight of the world off his shoulders as his hand covers your own on his knee. 
“It’s gettin’ easier.” He admits, but his eyes are far away, lost somewhere decades ago. 
“Tell me about him.” You invite, leaving the decision up to him. You won’t be upset if he chooses not to talk about it, you understand isolation better than most. But if he chooses to open up, you’ll be there. A supporter, a friend, an ear, whatever he needs. 
“There’s a lot to tell…” Arthur huffs, squeezing your hand lightly. 
“We got time, if you’re comfortable.” You whisper, hand instinctively running up and down Jack’s sleeping back. Arthur nods, tongue darting out over his lips for a moment. He’s never told anyone the full story before, but as he looks into your warm, familiar eyes, he knows he can trust you. 
“About fifteen years ago we was stayin’ in this town, we were there for a while,” Arthur toys with your hands, avoiding your eyes, “Got to know this waitress, god- she was just a kid, only eighteen at the time… Eliza was her name. We had- well it was nothin’ special, just someone to spend the night with. First time it happened we were both drunk, both hurtin’. Then everytime I was in town I’d stop by her place.” Arthur shakes his head, disappointed in his actions, “It was wrong, but we were young and stupid and lookin’ to feel somethin’ other than hurt I guess.” Arthur whispers, a crease in his forehead from the way his eyebrows are drawing together in pain. You squeeze his hand gently, letting him know you’re still present and listening before he continues. 
“One day, after we’ve been doin’ this a while, I rode up and I just knew somethin’ was wrong… Said she was pregnant, said it was mine.” Arthur brings his knee up, resting his arm on it as he recalls memories that he has spent years shoving down, “I knew it was. I didn’t know what to do, I was so lost, Star. I knew I wanted to do right by her, so I made sure she had enough money so she wouldn’t have to work no more…” 
You lean your head against Arthur’s shoulder as he runs his thumb over your knuckles. You’re terrified of the end of this story, and you wish there were something you could do to ease his pain.
“I wasn’t ready to be a dad- not in the least. I had no role model worth a damn, and I was so afraid of turnin’ into my daddy…” He whispers, and your eyes glance to his hat on the ground, and the new accessory adorning it. 
“But then he was born.” Arthur chuckles, a little huff at some good memory in his head, “He looked just like me, and he was growin’ so fast.” Arthur has a joyful smile on his lips, but it dies out the longer he stays silent, thinking about the next chapter to Isaac’s life. 
“I stopped by when I could, always brought him somethin’ from my travels… He’d get so excited when I rode up, Eliza was always hollerin’ after him for runnin’ out the house.” Arthur whispers, an ache in his red eyes.
“I taught him how to write, how to draw, even how to fish and ride. My lord, did that kid love horses.” Arthur huffs a chuckle, “Boadicea especially, she was just under saddle then, a handful of years… He named her- named her after a queen from one of the books I read him. He liked history too. He was such a good kid, Isaac. Smart like his momma and stubborn as all hell like his daddy.”
The smile from fond memories fade away, and are replaced by an old pain. One so deep that you know you could never attempt to reach the bottom. His hand shakes lightly, encased over your own, and he swallows thickly, looking down at his lap. 
“One day I was goin’ back like always, but this time I had a real big surprise for him. Saved up for a long while n’ got him his first pony, a chestnut like Bo, his favorite… I rode up the trail, it had been about a month, soon as I got up the path I saw two crosses out front and I just knew.” 
Tears trail down your cheeks, and you squeeze Arthur’s hand. It’s all you can do to let him know you're here, feeling this with him. He knows. You’re here, and that's more than enough. Jack is still blissfully asleep in your arms as Arthur finds the strength to continue, unshed tears in his eyes that he won’t allow to fall.
“Found her daddy, he said some gang had come through. Robbed n’ killed them for ten goddamn dollars,” Arthur inhales deeply, and that tear finally falls as he whispers, “And Star- his grave plot was so small. He was there and then he wasn’t, and poor Eliza. She deserved so much better than that, than what I provided, they both did…” Arthur regains his composure, hiding his face from you as he sniffs and wipes the tear away. 
“I fell hard into the bottle after that, didn’t come back up for a long while.” 
Arthur looks over at you then, and at the sleeping boy in the crook of your arm. You’re shocked, speechless, and hurting for a loss that you never had to grieve. The trauma that Arthur’s gone through, the loss, and he still gives so much, he has such a big heart and yours aches for his.
“Arthur I- I’m so sorry.” You breathe out, tear tracks running down your cheeks, “I’m so sorry you’ve had to carry that alone.” 
Sitting in silence for a few moments, offering eachother little glances and touches of support, a question pops into your head. 
“You a religious man, Arthur?” You ask, looking up to him from against his shoulder. His eyebrows pull together, not expecting this question as he shakes his head. 
“I don’t know, not really.” He explains, having heard a lot about church and god, but never having actually listened, “Why, you believe in all that?” he asks. 
“I believe that some way or another, we all get what we deserve in the end, whether that be redemption or mercy or suffering. And kids? They gotta be granted somethin’ good.”  You mumble, thinking about it all. Arthur purses his lips, placing his hat back on his head as he looks down at you. 
“N’ what about folks like us? What do we deserve?” Arthur asks, looking at your intertwined hands. You could have pulled away by now, but you haven’t. You sigh, contemplating his loaded question before coming up empty handed. 
“I don’t know.”
Arthur nods, holding your hand up to exaggerate the fact that you’re holding his hand, pressed into his side. 
“What are we doin’ here, Star?” Arthur finally asks, a question that has been on his lips for a while. You bite your lip nervously, looking at your intertwined hands before pulling yours back, and placing it over Jack’s sleeping form. 
“It’s nothing, Arthur.” You say plainly, anxiety panging in your chest at his directness, and he sighs. 
“Is it?”
“Arthur, stop.” You warn, wanting the conversation to be over. You don’t want to talk about this, not now, not here. 
“Why do you keep closin’ up on me?” Arthur begs, having just poured his heart out to you, and you can’t manage to speak to him about anything. You don't speak, eyes purposely avoiding Arthur as your cheeks burn red. You want to cry, to scream, to tell him everything, but you can’t. You can’t because people you love get hurt, and people you love hurt you. Arthur sighs, watching as tears pool in your eyes. He’ll wait. 
You’re about to wake up Jack, to take him back home. Just as you start to move, a pair of horses trots down the road, pulling off the bank where you sit. Arthur is up in a second, confronting the people riding up in the night. It happens so shockingly quickly that you don’t even have time to ask questions. Jack stirs awake, confused and sleepy as you shove him behind you. 
“Good evening! I’m Agent Milton, this is Agent Ross.” A man calls out, climbing down from his branded chestnut morgan. His uniform is identical to his partner’s, stamped with a damning Pinkerton Detective Agency seal, and you gasp. 
“Mr. Morgan, and you,” The bald man, Milton, looks to you then, scowling, “I hear they call you Star now, right? Though it’s not the name on the bounty poster, is it?” He chuckles, humorless. Then, he gestures to Jack hiding behind your legs. 
“I’d ask if he’s the both of yours, but you ain’t been riding with these degenerates long enough.” The agent nods to you, as you fume.
“Tell me, Mr. Morgan. Did you coax this poor woman into joining you? Did you tell her all about your philosophy? Your code? Or was that all old Dutch?”
“What do you want?” You hiss, ready to kill these men. Your hand has flickered to your holster more than once, but you hesitate, not wanting Jack to see. 
“We want Dutch. You give us him and we'll clear your names. You know what they say about a king-less monarchy, hmm?” Ross says. Arthur steps forward then, feigning innocence. 
“We ain’t seen Dutch, not in a long while.” Arthur explains, but Milton chuckles, shaking his head. 
“Yeah that’s what Mac Callander said too, before I shot him, it was really more of a mercy kill.” Milton hisses, and your jaw falls. Arthur is filled with rage, hands clenched tightly as he holds back for Jack’s sake. 
“He didn’t talk though, don’t worry.” Ross chuckles, walking back towards his horse. 
“You best think over our offer, you’re running out of time.” Ross hisses, climbing back onto his horse. 
“Have a good night, kid. You don’t got many more of them.” Milton addresses Jack, and you shove the boy behind you as they gallop off. 
“Arthur-” You exhale, shocked and terrified. The Pinkertons have caught up, and if they’ve chased you this far, you doubt they’ll ever stop.
“This ain’t good. We better get the boy home, talk with Dutch. He ain’t gonna be happy about this.” Arthur says, low with a dark edge. Nervously, you watch them ride off. 
“You think we’re gonna have to move again? We just got here.” You exhale, emotional at the thought of leaving. This is one of the first places you’ve felt at home in a long time. 
“I don’t know. C’mon, we’ll get Jack back and see.”
— — — — 
Dutch isn’t worried about the Pinkertons. No, he's furious. He sees it as some personal stab at his ego. Your eyes roll, sitting beside Arthur outside of Dutch’s tent. 
“I don’t think you understand, Dutch, they know where we are. They killed Mac.” Arthur growls, trying to get Dutch to see reason. But Dutch’s mind is clouded by delusions of grandeur. He believes he can win the fight against the agency, and you think he’s a fool. 
“They’re testing us, son. They’re pushing us. They think they can herd us? Me? They’re wrong. We are NOT abiding by the rules to their twisted games. We are staying here!” Dutch yells, and Arthur sighs, begging  Dutch to cut his loses, but the man is insistent. Arthur tries to speak, but Dutch cuts him off, placing a hand on his shoulder. 
“Son, in the morning I need you to go get Sean. We are not losing anyone else.” Dutch orders, then he moves towards the fire where John is. You and Arthur share a worried glance before following him. 
“John! Gather what you need, we are HITTING THAT TRAIN!” Dutch calls out, smiling brightly as if his master plan is falling together, “Watch them try to control this crew. We’ll hit their bounty hunters, hit their train in the same goddamn day. This is going to be beautiful.”
Your stomach turns as you recall Dutch’s orders about needing your level head on the robbery. You have a bad feeling about this train, a real bad one. But as John and Arthur start packing to head in separate directions tomorrow, you realize that there’s no way out of it. You’re a van der Linde now, and you follow his orders.
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blvckentropy · 5 days
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*Richie takes a deep breath*
Richie: Hello ladies
All: Hello
Richie: I want to start out by saying you all look absolutely stunning
All: Thank you!
Kierra: But why we all here?
Thalia: Wasn't there a winner?
Richie: Yes....this decision took a toll on me, so much I almost ran from it. But knew that wouldn't be fair to either of you
Richie: I can't make this decision w/o getting this off my chest
Richie: Kierra, you are amazing inside and out. I really enjoy spending my time w/ you especially. Any sim would be lucky to have you in their life and I'm lucky to have you apart of mines
Thalia, I felt a connection between us the moment I saw you. You took my breath away with your beauty, I still have trouble talking to you without getting sidetracked
Andrea, even though you're not on my team. Something about us makes sense. I felt like I was betraying my brother in some way, but he made it clear to me today that he wants the best for me. And I think that's you
Richie: Unfortunately, I can only pick one you. But can't deny what my heart wants. This girl feels right in every type of way. The longer I'm around her, the more I see my future with her. And hope the feeling mutual...
Richie: Andrea, I may stumble over sweet phrases, yet my heart sings only for you. Tell me your heart beats in time with mine, for I cherish the moment I fell under your spell
Andrea: Me? OMG are you for real?!
Richie: Yes, I am but I hope there's no hard feelings ladies. I feel guilty
Kierra: Don't be, though it hurts a little, I seen the way you two look at each other. This was a great experience. I can't wait to have something similar
Thalia: Same. I think at some point it was clear that connection was mostly physical, from both parties but I don't regret a moment. Congrats to you two
Richie: Thank you, I appreciate and cherish the time we had as well. I wish the best of luck to you both.
He holds out his hand towards Andrea
Richie: What you say Andrea, do you and Ms. Tilly want to spend forever together?
Andrea: *laugh* I thought you never ask sweet cheeks
Andrea: How long you practiced that speech handsome?
Richie: You hate it?
Andrea: Never but I have something else on my mind
She grabs his face for a long smooch
@foxsimthings Thank you so much for Thalia. She a stunning sim and was a hoot to have. She kept me on my toes especially every time she interrupted the other sims 🤣 She was very delightful to have and I'm honor to have this experience w/ her 💛
@invisiblequeen Your girl came close and ngl I was rooting for Kierra from the beginning (no shade to the others). Unfortunately, when she caught Rich w/ Andrea, her bar took a hefty toll. But I loved every bit of her. She was definitely what you describe through and through because there was not moment she wasn't gardening and around those animals lol She may have not won the battle, but she won the house. I think I'm leaving it in good hands 💚
@havenroyals CHILEEEEEEEEE! this girl right here.... I literally have no words yet so much. She was a gem to tell you the truth. She and her hat (Ms. Tilly) had me on the ropes lmaooo I never smiled nor laughed so hard in my life. She really had me enjoying the game like gameplay wise. It's one thing, I thought she'd would hit it off with one of the boys but to have them both and a side piece! I don't think I could have written a better love triangle/throuple. You guys don't believe me when I say I really did nothing! She came in and made her own rules. I placed her R-bar on zero twice and she always managed to fill it halfway with Richie. It was sealed at the start, I tried to sway her, but she wasn't going. Anyways, thank you again and congrats! I think Richie got his hands full. *last bit is for Drea 💀*
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Tiffany Valentine relationship headcanons
Jennifer Tilly is my queen, leave me alone
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Tiffany is canon as bisexual, also I usually write GN reader, so anyone can read <3
Our living dead girl would want a S/O that is sweet, and shows their love to her, she went through so much bullshit with Chucky and after seeing the couple in Bride of Chucky, she'd want love
If you're affectionate she'd love that, same with clingy people (cough cough me)
She'd want control of your relationship, seeing as she liked Nica because of the control
If you were a killer too you have these little dates where you just murder people lol
About music, she's a metal queen and her ROB ZOMBIE INTRO WAS SO IMPORTANT TO ME!!
Respect her, in fact respect anyone you're in a relationship with, they'd like you more 😘
Watch movies with her omg if you just sat around watching romance movies with her, AHH
She loves it when you give her random kisses, and hugs
Would wake you up at night for random fast food dates
Now, leave bc we're doing some NSFW headcanons and we all know I suck at stuff like that
She's a dom, definitely just wants control over everything
She has handcuffs, ropes, dildos, vibrators, and if you're into knife play, knives
She's loud. I want her to be loud. THE VOICE OF JENNIFER TILLY BRO WHO CAN RESIST?!
Prolly just sends pics of her cleavage randomly throughout the day
If you're DTF she is anywhere anytime
Likes to degrade you but she's also huge on praise randomly giving you compliments throughout
Would go to the lake by her trailer and go skinny-dipping in the middle of the night with you
She's open to anything
THREESOME WITH CHUCKY?! If you're down she is!
Just imagine eating her out...
So happy this is the only account linked to this email or I'd never get a job lmao
Okay I may post again tonight love y'all
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chezzabellesworld · 5 months
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A little bit of spice a little bit of upgraduating s upgrade you upgrade you I'm gonna upgrade you as Beyonce said every Virgo did you know Beyoncé the Virgo? Yeah Beyonce's Virgo you know you start one yeah and Jay Z's Sagittarius girl Virgo Virgo Virgo one of my favorite signs of all I love your sense of humour I love the way you see the world for a different Collider scope I love the way that you can be very family orientated I love it that you can be so adaptable in a virgo's mine Jesus fit sweet innocent viral victim but in reality sorry girls you are not mostly cheated on I'm sorry guys women and that doesn't make you bad it makes you whatever it is or not to that side of you I'd be that victim side of you the Virgin side of you that you had enough of and you just want to escape because the thing with Virgo is is a caught straight off the path for too long that wasn't the game they were put here for they were put here to achieve their course they have to that's who they are but you also gotta remember them mutable sign and the mutable signs on it's reliable as the other two we know six and Cardinals they innocently but they don't want to be Trust they don't want to feel like they're not in control right that's I and they have to be the one who in control of that life which I totally get I totally get that people. Rule by Mercury you just absolutely love to learn learning is almost a form of sexuality to you learning about someone else is another form of sexuality to you you really want to get in there I know everything about everyone and be a human lie detector, which you can be you have that ability and you have the ability to put people at ease even if you do look put your nose down upon them don't think the people don't notice outside of you because we do we really do and like I said just own up to us to make you who you are completely honest with who they are comfortable and anyway if you're being criticized for a burger remember their friends sizing themselves and she wanted to play schools all the time and it was really fun and she similar trials you are too I want every girl that's why I always use Guardians here strong and know who they are
You are the big sister that nobody had you are the big sister that people did have you are that sister who protects and it's like a lioness more than the Leo you're here to pick up the mess who's here to pick up yours? Anyway Virgo women your God's gift your own angel crafted never forget that when I praise these Praise You Praise You. Now let's give some examples of famous virgos or Virgo placements first Jennifer Coolidge the ultimate MILF Who, ironically can't have kids full stop then we have another iconic Jennifer Tilly look her up kids if you're too young she plays Bonnie's voice in family honestly your job prospects are endless you could be a voice actress you could be an actress, you could be a singer you could be a reader you could be someone who teaches people, you love to read and learn more about different events likes to Scorpio which is a sex tile to your sign you can learn way too much about other people without them even knowing you know all these stuff about them that's why I had so big it's full of this is what I believe in you virgos. Some more famous here are your people who are famous virgos Zendaya, Cameron Diaz, beyonce ,Keke palmer,
Blake lively all powerful female forces ...I love girl power. .....
Now I'm going to give you some characters in programs who I get feel give strong Virgo energy Bernadette from The Big Bang theory , debbie Gallagher uk ,finally Gallagher us , monica in friends .keep giving us your light virgo .and know that the sky in the limit . The last picture on the slide is you when nobody is looking haha. Xxxxx
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thedroneranger · 10 months
The Drone Ranger's Be Kind Rewind ⏪ colourfulsuitwonderland Edition!
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A rec reblog series dedicated to the fics that we love so much, we've re-read them!
@colourfulsuitwonderland's Rewind is here! We've got some creator's yet to be mentioned and a few classics!
While we continue to churn out amazing new content, let's be kind and rewind to look at some of the OG content we love! And don't forget to reblog when you re-read! Continue to show your comfort fics and favorite creators some love. It helps keep the fresh content coming :)
Let's keep this going throughout the summer, so if you're interested in participating in the Be Kind Rewind, message me. The more, the merrier!
If you want to know when a new Rewind drops, join the tag list, and check out previous Rewinds!
fics below the cut (listed in alphabetical order by title)
‘cause you care, and i swear that i’m here, but i’m there it's gettin’ harder to hunt me down, Bradley Bradshaw, @gretagerwigsmuse The way this fic made me so soft for Bradley, but also made me sad with how reader feels in reaction to events that happen :( Straight to the heart!
Dream a Little Dream of Me, Bradley Bradshaw, @wkndwlff Another cosy read! Some lovely interactions where Bradley has a doggo 🥹 and some of the lines about Goose and Carole?? Oh my. Reader and Bradley have such a sweet relationship.
Late Night Bus Rides, Jake Seresin, @waklman This was another difficult pick! Tilly has so many great fics, and I love them! This one is Olympic Swimmer!Jake x Reader. I picked this one because I love Grumpy x Sunshine and this is also kinda cosy but also relatable! And it was so atmospheric too, I felt like I was on the bus and had to keep quiet haha.
Like I Can, Bradley Bradshaw, @sometimesanalice This has such cosy rom-com feels and I love it! I pictured everything that was happening on the page and it played like a film in my head and it’s such a comfy read. Bradley’s so protective and lovely.
Love to Lie, Bradley Bradshaw, @ddejavvu INCREDIBLE! Oh my. I don’t want to spoil anything, because it needs to be experienced,  but it has all the emotions and I love it. Genuinely got upset when this finished, I looked forward to it every week! :) 
Made with Love, Tom Kazansky, @topguncortez I’m in love with Tom Kazansly being a baker! Everything flows so nicely and the angst is gently layered! Like a cake Tom would bake! 
Relief, Tom Kazansky, @topgun-imagines This is such a calm and soothing fic, such a chill and lovely read and a situation I don’t normally read Tom in. I love it!
The Boyfriend Experience, Bradley Bradshaw, @notroosterbradshaw My Rooster origin story! I was originally a Jake girlie and then I happened to come across this one and I loved the trope and thought I would check it out and ahh fell right in love with Mr Bradshaw. In a way this fic kind of changed my life, because now I’ve written fics for him and read so many too! It’s honestly such a delight to read and both fun but also sad. Very Bradley. I love it. 
the one where they go camping, Bradley Bradshaw, @ofstoriesandstardust OKAY SO I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH! It has a bit of everything! The angst is there and so well written and also a trope I really enjoy to read. One of the other reasons I love it,is because it is so immersive! There’s a whole world and I feel like I’m the one going away with my friends! Very relatable, as are all of Ky’s fics!
The Trial Run, Bradley Bradshaw, @jupitercomet I genuinely felt stressed trying to pick just one thing by Bugs! All of their work is so so good! I’m going with their current series of The Trial Run! It hurts your heart and makes you fall in love at the same time! So excited to see where it goes!
Creator's note: I truly could go on. There are so many amazing fics in this fandom and here are only a few <3 Please don’t think I’ve left you out if you’re not on here!
Creator’s Own
A Forgotten Birthday, Bradley Bradshaw You were really looking forward to your birthday party and for Bradley to meet the rest of your family. Until Bradley isn’t able to make it and completely forgets about it being your birthday in the first place. 
Creator's note: I wasn’t sure what to put for this one, so decided I’d put my most popular :) I’d never had anything come close to this amount of notes before, and I feel so lucky. 
Tag list and friends: @petcr3 @desert-fern @Sagittarius-Lovewitch @mygyn @sweetwhispersofchaos @horseshoegirl @the-annoying-fan @dingochef @moon42flight @thecitysgraveyard @ereardon @roosterforme @cherrycola27 @galaxy-of-stories @taytaylala12 @malindacath @violyn20 @awildewit @potato-girl99981 @shanimallina87 @blue-aconite @djs8891 @linkpk88 @furiousladyking @daggerspare-standingby @princess76179 @jstarr86 @hecate-steps-on-me @darkheartcherry @soulmates8 @roosters-girl @dempy @roosterisdaddy36 @hangmanscoming @s-u-t @mavrellover91 @chicomonks @averyhotchner
A kind reminder, this is a 18+ blog. While not all stories in the recommendation list are 18+, please respect boundaries and do not interact unless you are 18 years of age or older.
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waklman · 1 year
Tilly my lovely writer,
you absolutely can't imagine how I love your work. You are so talented and I can't stop reading your stuff. I'm so obsessed with Fake It, you gave Jake such a special personality, omg I LOVE IT. So sad that you suffering fro. I writers block, don't stress yourself, we love you.
Because of my very (un)healthy obsession with Fake It, I've got a lot of ideas for these two idiots. Hear me out, imagine this whole fake dating is stressing Princess so much and one day the bitch friends of Jake's ex saying to her that she's just a consolation prize for Jake and she will never be worth it or enough for him. Hurt to no end and an migraine incoming she goes home only to have a bsd argument with Jake. Shhr snaps at him and he also says something hurtful (like "no wonder that you're just have a fake boyfriend"). Of course Jake instantly regrets his words but his best friend is hurt. Alone in her room she cries herself to sleep only to wake up hours later with a raging migraine. Imagine Jake finds her nearly passed out in the kitchen, one time more realizing how important she is to him. He takes care of her. Worried Jake, protective Jake, care taking Jake that's what we need
first of all, i love you too & thank you so much for this sweet message because, really, i needed to hear that, i’ve felt so awful for not being able to update fake it (i know i shouldn't but it happens). anyways, this felt so nice to write bc i wasn’t struggling with it, so here is worried jake!! i know i had two other requests for this in my inbox as well, so this is also for those two anons :)
Jake doesn’t hate. 
All his life, he was told by his mother that hate was bad for the heart. That hate had no rightful place in his growing body. But, in the midst of his underwhelming teenage angst, Jake Seresin secretly concluded that his hate should be reserved for one thing, and one thing only—and that was making you cry. 
So, when you came barging into his room, hysterical and teary eyed over some stupid thing some girl said about you two, Jake had no intent of making you cry. It was just that, he could barely get a word in when you were mindlessly repeating it back to him. 
That girl has her head on backwards if she thinks Seresin actually likes her, he’s only sticking around because he feels obliged to. I feel sorry for him, I’d go ballistic if my parents picked out my friends for me.
Frustration spread through his body like a virus when you kept cementing that it was true, accusing him of agreeing with it too. And that’s when the worst thing he ever said to you came out his mouth this evening. 
If you want to fucking believe that you’re so unlikeable, then maybe it’s true. Maybe you are.
The moment the words fell off his tongue, you immediately went quiet, giving him a glimpse of what it looked like when he made you cry.
At that, Jake hated himself more than anything. Jake hated that you looked more hurt than you did when you originally stalked inside, looking for his assurance. Jake hated that he had to listen to you sob for most of the night, alone in the bathroom with the door shut. Jake hated that you might have taken what he said out of anger to heart. That you believed you weren’t worthy of being liked, especially by him.
Because if anything, that was far from the truth. 
And Jake couldn’t let you fall asleep tonight like this, not when he knew you always punished yourself by not tending to the migraines you got from crying. 
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“Swallow it please,” Jake lets out a guilty breath, watching your throat weakly bob when you take down the Motrin he eased past your lips.
Seated across from each other in the bathtub, Jake’s frame struggles to fit in the confines of the porcelain, more than yours does—but he pushes the discomfort away, because you’d been sitting here for hours while he was laid in his bed.
And maybe it was because Jake had tiredly pleaded outside the door for a hour before coming in or maybe it was because you watched him struggle to fit himself in the tub with you just so he could mouth feed you some ibuprofen, but you lurch forward—knocking the wind out of him in a desperate hug. 
It takes all of Jake’s self restraint to not fall apart when you slot yourself between his legs and gently rest your chin on his shoulder, letting him feel you again. 
With a tight throat, he forces himself to speak. “I’m so fucking sorry, princess.”
When you sniff in his ear, Jake pulls you closer against him, cushioning the side of your head so it doesn’t hit the bathtub faucet. “I didn’t mean it. God I—I really didn’t fucking mean it,” he starts, voice already shaky. “I don’t want you thinkin’ that I only stick around because our families are close.” Jake swallows when he feels you move a hand to softly scratch at his nape, comforting him through this.
“I know,” you whisper softly, trying to ease the tension in his body. “If you did, you wouldn’t pick a fight with your sisters everytime they claimed me as a roommate when we stayed at hotels,” you let out a hoarse giggle, throat still sore from crying. 
At that, a small smile settles on his face. “I also let them put makeup on me so I was allowed in the girls room,” he adds. 
“Yeah, exactly. You just like me that much, you loser.” Your mouth stretches into a wide smile, cracked lips burning as it does. Finally, Jake lightens up, laughing at your little jab. 
“I just like you that much,” he repeats.
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scarfacemarston · 7 months
Abigail Roberts A-Z Fluff Prompt
The rest are found through here. E - Ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Breakups are always awkward, but she has had some experience with it - just not in conventional ways. As a sex worker, some clients would fall in love with her, and she would have to carefully and gently break it off.
She was professional but kind about it. You never know how people are going to react. She ended her relationship with John in the epilogue completely devastated. It was an act of finality that was the result of a woman at her wit's end. However, once John won her back, there was no way she would ever leave him again unless he went back to his old ways.
If it's someone outside of John, she would be quiet and keep it together the best she can. It comes off as a little "professional" sounding, but that is her way of trying not to fall apart or making it messier than needed. She'll say her piece and then wish you the best, and that is that. 
F - Fiancé (how do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
As mentioned before, she never expected to have a real family after everything she went through. She thought John would be her chance, but those dreams were dashed until chapter 3. It's definitely something she's craved, but after John, she felt like no one would want a "used-up single mother." If it was an OC/Sadie, they would have to take a lot of time to earn her trust, but once she did? Head over heels, ride or die. She fantasized about the family with John, and it was a dream when it finally happened. However, I think it would happen quicker with a different partner because of less baggage. She definitely wants to get married, whether it's formal or a Boston marriage, if she's with a woman.
G - Gentle (how gentle they, both physically and emotionally?) Canon Abigail is very strong. We see her in Chapter 1 hauling John to the wagon with Charles's help………she takes at least ⅓ of the strength. She also can tack by herself, as seen in the epilogue. I would also imagine she has some strength from carrying Jack around all day. HOWEVER, if we're talking about physical touch, she is very gentle, ----but lord behold, if she needs to prevent you from going somewhere, she has a freakishly strong grip. Jack and John know this very well. She gently pats people on the shoulder or gives the lightest of touches on the back in a soothing way. 
Emotionally - she is a tough woman who doesn't like to wear her emotions on her sleeve - despite that, she still manages to show her depression and anger when she doesn't want to. However, this is usually in extreme circumstances. She is a tell it as it is a person like Molly, but she is very tactful in how she speaks. She is also gentle with Tilly but also tries to help her see things she didn't see before. She is extraordinarily gentle with Sadie and Jack. She tries to with John, but she is very insecure about it, considering how often she's rebuffed.
H: Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Abigail is definitely a hugger once she knows you. She gives tight, bone-crushing hugs. The type where you're like, "How does this slight woman have this much strength!" They're warm and safe. She especially gives them when she's excited. See Jack in chapter 4, Arthur and John in chapter 5, and Sadie and John in the epilogue. I'm pretty sure she's also given Charles a bone-crushing hug. She's just so full of joy when she's hugging someone she cares about. However, they can also be sweet and tender, especially with people like Jack, but he's not the only one. She'd do the same for her partner, depending on the situation.
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faye-writes-stuff · 1 year
could you do a double life pearl x reader where the reader meets pearl for the first time right after Martin left her and then the reader comforts her and all? sorry if it's too vague, also any pronouns are fine :) if you don't want to write it thanks anyway!
lowkey been writing this for months, i simply don't have the motivation to finish it but here's what i have
i could probably manage a paart 2 if wanted but here we goooo
this took to long to write, sorry m8
Character: skrunkly skrimblo Pearl<3
Pronouns: They/them
TOF: full length??? unheard of
Tw/Cw: idk, attachment issues? cat named Doorknob,
character count, not including this: 4,238 HUH????????
You were always the oddball of the group, Having no set soulmate, unlike everyone lese. But oddly enough, you could see everyone else's soul strings. But that's fine, you're fine. You don't need anyone, you were perfectly happy alone, totally. No lonely nights at all, no wishing for a forever ally. Totally.
Everything was going well, you were sitting comfortably in green, on your second episode. You were out collecting wood when you heard- sniffling? Well, that's odd. Who would be crying in a dark forest in the middle of the night? You, perhaps foolishly, wandered towards the soft wails, anxiously awaiting seeing who it was as you neared.
And oh boy, were you shocked to find the Pearlescentmoon sitting against a large dark oak tree, you could only think. What happened?
Did someone hurt her? Poor thing. I mean sure, you've only seen her a few times, and spoken to her even less, but that didn't make her any less of a person. From what you knew of her, she was a hardy soul. Her string was wrapped tightly around her, in a big tight ball, almost painful looking. She couldn't see it of course, or feel it, but it was there tying her to someone. You wondered who.
You stepped off of the fallen log from which you were standing, and waved your torch forward towards the woman, successfully startling her.
"U/n! Oh my, you scared the daylights out of me. Well I guess night lights now." Pearl yelped, then chuckled at her own joke. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, and please, call me Y/n" You started softly, as to not scare her away. "I heard sniffling, and couldn't help but worry, are you alright?" The girl on the floor stiffened at this, "i- um, I'm all alone Y/n, everyone left me. I'm just so tired and I don't know what to do."
You were shocked to say the least, and a tad intrigued. What had happened to her? Questions for another time, you supposed, and blurted the first thing that came to mind. "Why don't you come back to my place? It's nothing special, but I have hot food and a comfy couch?" She looked at you for a moment, contemplating. She sat there for a while, her face contorted with shock? Disgust? Hatred? All three? Well great, now she probably thinks your a weirdo.
After what felt like an hour, (it was only 2 minutes) she said, "i'd like that very much U/-Y/n." You smiled, "Lovely, follow me." After you helped her to her feet, the two of you started to make your way towards your home. Hidden behind a waterfall, just out of sight, it would be difficult to spot with the naked eye. And made from stone, so basically impervious to fire. You stood silently listening to Pearl's 'oohs', and 'ahhs', as you both watched the waterfall parting.
Saying a quiet hello to your cat, you walked towards your kitchen area before stating, "I'm going to make steak and potatoes, you can sit on the couch, or wherever you like." Confused at the Aussie's ;ack of response, you look over to see Pearl on the floor, with your cat Doorknob. (my future irl cats's name) It was kind of sweet, seeing such a strong and usually lively woman, on the ground cooing at your kitten.
"Pearl, are you alright?" You questioned, hoping the cat wasn't being too rowdy. "Oh, yes I'm fine, your cat is awfully cute, what's it's name?" Said feline was already purring loudly, watching Tilly peer over Pearl's shoulder. "Uh- her name is- promise you won't laugh" Said brunette nodded her head insistently. "Her name is Doorknob", "D-Doorknob? Said the taller, shortly before dissolving into giggles.
"An old named her-HEY it isn't that funny!" Bit back the shorter of the two. "Foods ready anyways, come eat." Y/n said, a tad salty that Pearl was paying more attention to the cat over themself.
"Oh, I also made some extra for Tilly, i didn't know if she'd like it so I made some chicken too." Said dog was already running towards the smell of food as you put down an extra food bowl for her, next to Doorknob's.
"I honestly don't know what to say, Y/n, thank you." The blue eyed girl said, after a few moments of silence. "Pearl, your always welcome here, I enjoy your company."
"Thank you Y/n, maybe I'll have to come visit just for myself, instead of because of a problem I have."
"Well Pearl, I can't wait for that day, but for now, lets enjoy our food while it's hot."
"I'd like that"
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12timetraveler · 1 year
Do you?
Valentines day has struck the Van der Linde gang. Reader hasn't worked up the courage to tell the man they love how the feel, so Valentine's day is a little lonely.
For @rdrevents Valentine's giveaway, I got to write for @cainbutnotabel
Also have this horribly cheesey little photo edit
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I hope you enjoy! Happy Valentines day!
Despite the crisp February weather, the gang were all in high spirits. 
It was Valentine's day, and the young romantics of the gang were celebrating, even if they didn't have a special someone to celebrate with. They were all gathered around the fire, listening to Javier play. Karen sat in Sean's lap. Mary Beth, 
Tilly and Jenny danced with anyone who would dance with them. 
Jack was a particular favorite to dance with, the girls making sure the toddler was included in the fun. Until he went to bed, that is. For once, his parents weren't fighting. John had picked Abigail a small bouquet of wildflowers (and weeds, but it was the thought that counted) and the two were sassing each other in that flirtatious way they did in moments of peace. 
Dutch and Molly sat in their tent, whispering and giggling to each other. They were probably the most sickly sweet couple of camp. Watching them flirt felt like spying through the keyhole in a hotel door. 
Across camp the older and more cynical members sat, drinking beers and reminiscing about Valentine's days passed. Susan, Uncle, Pearson, Swanson, Strauss and Hosea. They told stories of lovers from bygone years, laughed at the romantics of the gang and the ones trying to be romantics for the sake of a quick romp (like Micah or the Callander boys). They placed bets on which pairs would eventually wander out to the treelines or ride into town. 
Arthur had started the night with them, but to no-ones surprise he eventually wandered over to the other fire, letting the others pull him into the celebration. He tried to hide it, tried to keep that dark stoic exterior up. But you could tell he was enjoying himself. Though he danced with the girls, you could see him eyeing up Charles at every opportunity. 
Where did you fall? Well, though you could be a bit of a romantic, you didn't have it in you to join the others around the main fire. You'd hovered for a bit before Hosea and Susan beckoned you over to join them around the table. You'd been given a seat, given a beer, and easily included in their conversation.
You were not old  nor particularly cynical. It was just hard to celebrate a day about love when you yourself were feeling a particular sting of loneliness. You had quite the crush on a certain gang member. But you wouldn't dare tell him. You were certain there was no way he'd feel the same. 
All week as the day approached you'd considered spilling your secret to Hosea. You knew he'd never be cruel, even if he rejected you. But you just couldn't bring yourself to do it. Not knowing if he felt the same about you seemed easier. At least you had a little hope mixed in, not knowing how he felt. 
So you spent the evening with the elders. 
"You been awfully quiet," Uncle's voice grabbed your attention, pulling you out of your thoughts. "Tell me, have you ever been in love?" 
"In love... No. Not really. I've been sweet on people before but never in love. I've never gotten that far," You said, twirling the base of your bottle around on the table.
"Yeah yeah we all know you're sweet on Hosea," Uncle chuckled. You and Hosea both balked a little at that; you out of fear, Hosea out of disbelief.
"I highly doubt that," Hosea scoffed before you could say anything. "Why'd they waste their time pining after an old fool like me?" he chuckled, flashing you a crooked smile. 
"You know, for a wise old man, you really are blind," Uncle laughed. 
"He's right, Hosea," Susan piped up. "I've seen the way they look at you," 
"I have to agree," Strauss added plainly. "I've seen that look too," 
"Yeah. They look at you like Swanson looks at a bottle," Pearson teased. 
"I rrrrrresent that," Swanson slurred. "But they do ssssseem t'look at you quite a lot," 
Oh God you wanted to die. You could feel your face heating up, could hear the amused giggling from the rest of the table, except for Hosea who seemed locked on you. 
"Don't worry," Susan laughed, slapping your back. "He's been looking at you just as much," 
"That's true," Pearson chuckled. "I doubt he's read a single word of his morning newspaper since you joined the gang. He always gets distracted by you," 
Hosea's gaped, looking very much like that trout he brought into camp the other night. For a moment he looked like he was going to protest, to claim it wasn't true. But then he met your gaze, and his expression relaxed some as his hazel eyes met yours. 
"...Do you?" You asked hesitantly, afraid this was all some cruel joke. Hosea gave you a gentle smile, leaving you warm and tingly feeling. 
"Yes," he said, and all the air escaped from your lungs in one huff. "Yes, though these fools make me sound like some perverted old man stalking you. Which I am not. At least I hope I'm not," he gave you a crooked smile. "But I've... I've been sweet on you for a while now," 
You grinned widely at him. He looked so silly just now, a distinguished older man confessing his feelings like a young man would. It was something he shouldn't have to do at his age, but here he was all the same.
"And you?" He asked quietly. "Are they right about your feelings too?" 
You sucked in a breath before nodding. "Yes. I'm..." You laughed. "Most days I feel like an absolute fool for you," your face was still hot with embarrassment, mostly that this was the way he found out, and the fact that you had an audience. 
"I feel the same," Hosea chuckled. "I wanted to say something. Nearly did at least a hundred times. But I never thought... I never even dreamed that... That you could," you'd never seen the silver-tongued man so tongue tied before. It was adorable. And knowing it was all because of you made it that much sweeter. 
"Neither could I," you admitted. You exchanged lopsided grins. 
"Would you, em..." Hosea cleared his throat. Oh my god, was the older gentleman blushing? "Would you care to take a walk with me?" He asked. "I think we are long overdue for a talk," 
The others wolf whistled as you stood and walked beside Hosea pit of camp, away from prying ears. You knew what they thought this "talk" would be. But it was just that. The two of you weren't going to just jump in. You both wanted to know where exactly the other stood. 
You did not spend Valentine's day in Hosea's bed. Nor up against a tree or on the forest floor or any of the other ways some of the others spent their nights. But in the weeks and months to come, oh you spent plenty of time making up for it. 
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The Dreaded Question - BarclayPierce ( Andy x Nica ) Drabble
Inspired by two fluffy prompts by @creativepromptsforwriting
2 - "Have you thought about what present you want?" "You're enough for me."
15- "Sweet of you to think of me." "I always think of you."
Notes: This is pretty much just BarclayPierce and birthdays, enjoy :)
Tags: @losersclubisms @series-thoughts
It was that time of the year when people would start overwhelming him with that awkward question. Andy didn't use to care that much back when the sources for it were reduced to only three people. It used to be either Kyle, his mom or Mike, but things changed for good out of sudden and his social circle grew exponentially. He enjoyed it, but sometimes having the attention of so many people on him was exahusting.
Devon, the Wheeler cousins, the Cross sisters, the Ray Tilly twins with their GG doll and even doll shaped Jennifer Tilly were asking the same question over and over in turns. He never knew what to say. The last time he was completely sure of the answer he was six years old and it ruined his life.
Having so many people caring for him was a blessing and a curse. Nica was the onlyone who wasn't pushing the topic and it was a relief, but it putted him in a crossroad. She was facing a similar situation, but he wanted to do good for her and craved to know her answer to that same dreaded question.
" So, your birthday is coming… Any ideas on what I can get you?"
" Tiffany's head on a pike." Nica replied in a cheerfull tone. " Junior has some amazing design concepts he practiced on the Chucky heads."
She was joking to avoid the ask, it wasn't hard for him to see why.
" That's a gift that will not look nice in a wrapping. Maybe we can make it holes to place a few candles. "
The sole mention of that and the subsecuential mental image she got made her laugh histerically. He made her laugh and that was her cackling, perfectly distinguishable after being forced to hear Chucky's in her voice for so long.
" How about you?" She suddenly asked him ríght afterwards. " Have you thought about what present you want?"
Andy dropped the answer without hesitation, still a bit intoxicated by the reminder of her laugh.
" You are enough for me. "
He was direct, the only reply he gave to that question that wasn't a vague mess loaded of annoyance, and she smiled.
" Don't let the kids hear that or I'll end up packed in a giant box for you. " She kept the mockery going. " I don't want any more doll treatment, not even kidding. "
Both had good reasons to be fed up with any sort of doll metaphor, but hers were even worse, so he felt the need of over explain himself.
" I can only be accused of wanting to give you special treatment in the shittiest time of the year because i am a fucking hipocrite, but i care for you."
More than what he would express, he loved her and was ready to give her all the nice things he would usually reject for himself.
" Sweet of you to think of me. " Nica thankfully commented, seeking to reassure him.
As if she should have any doubts on the amount of time his mind would regularly spend on her.
" I always think of you. "
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taegularities · 7 months
ive just finished reading a book that shattered my heart into infinite pieces and i am not even joking a bit. i knew that the book was as good once i started crying and tears never stopped. i think 70% of that book was me crying. now i have swollen eyelids lol. i never cried so much over something since i watched Hachiko the movie. like real sob, sounds coming out from my mouth, the real hurting package thing :(
now i need another book as beautiful as this one. and i don’t think i would recovered from this one yet. she even mentionned one direction’s songs to describe the relationship between the two mc. i am fucking torn. oh btw the book is « a thousand boy kisses » by Tillie Cole. have you ever heard about it?
have you any recommendations? also i am debating myself to buy a kindle. although i do like the idea of paper book, idk. i spend most of my nights reading ff to be honest but since last month i can’t find any that is why i switch back to « real » book again. although i think i missed a lot of your series too i have to read them.
that made me think, is there any books that made you to start writing? how did you find telling yourself that you wanted to write? would you considered it as an hobbie or a passion? pardon me if you had already answered those questions in the past too. in that book i’ve read, author was talking a lot about passion and made me realize that besides piano - i am unfortunately not really into it anymore - i don’t have any. like isn’t it beautiful to say that we had something to hold on, to escape? i miss that..
i talked a lot today lol i am so sorry. oh and if any of your followers as any book recommandations (not ff too), i take!!! 🤎
oh gosh, babe.. have you recovered from it yet? i know that feeling so well. some stories just stay with us and are hard, if not impossible to forget. i know it hurts, but i'm also glad you found a book you could enjoy the way you did. i haven't heard of it, by the way! but just googled it, and it sounds beautiful. soulmate au :(
i wish i could rec stories, but i think it's genuinely been years since i read a proper book. i know 'me before you' and its sequel made me cry :') definitely get that kindle if you've been reading a lot these days! i do prefer paperback, too, but i get the appeal of an e-book.
yeah, honestly, that's gonna sound extremely mainstream, but books that made me write were john green's stories, the novel 'every day' by david levithan and (okay, don't laugh pls lol), but ed sheeran's songs. there's beauty in all those – a lot of talk of love and the stars, of soft and sweet things. which is probably why my writing ended up the way it is today? but i've always written tbh… i enjoyed reading and at some point, i started a random ass story back when i was 13 or so (it was horrible) and then wrote my first stuff in english when i started this blog. i wanted to try it out. play with words, see if i'm any good at it? and yeah, now i'm kinda in love with it and trying to be better every day <3 so i'd say it's both a hobby and a passion. truly an activity i enjoy the most.
it's beautiful to have something like this, true. i hope you find your passion, too <3 and tbh, i'm so grateful you asked all that? bc i love talking about these things.. like what, you're actually interested in me and getting to know me?? i'll blush lol :') love you <3
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chaithetics · 10 months
helloo bestie how are you? i'm curious anon who missed kendall's birthday chapter because i was so busy but hey lucky i'm here today because i really missed reading porce and stewy <333 (about that chapter: i still can't believe in the audacity of a random man hitting on porce with stewy literally next to her BUT not everyone has a husband like hers so it wasn't a concern try again!!! and kendall being an asshole what a surprise..)
but let's talk about now and how it was so beautiful and so cute and how i never want to get pregnant or have kids but i felt like i had just given birth and i liked it lol a baby with stewy hosseini? PLEASE I clearly and totally could change my beliefs for this 🥺 roman being.. roman, i confess i laughed because he's such an idiot but it was so real i'm sure he would actually say it in the show lmao and imagining him making that same joke when jonathan was bigger, at a dinner like "I think you old enough to know the truth" and everyone please don't 🤦🏻‍♀🙄 logan showing some love?? omg?? for a baby?? but lol I know it's real because I've seen people who don't have a good relationship with their parents but parents just love their grandchildren, guilt? I don't know but at least it wasn't bad and shiv, yes no one expected her to show up or send a card and I'm sure she was mad for not giving her first grandchild to logan but whatever, at my house we don't care about her!! and finally CONNOR IS THE BEST BROTHER, I love him and I'm happy to know he's going to be a great big uncle <33 anywayyy, sorry for so many words but I don't know how to sum it up and I like to praise when I really like something ahjxsisk aaand watching this chapter of jonathan's birth i was curious to know more about tillie <3 her parents planning her, did it "accidentally" happen or was she planned? finding out it's a girl, telling jonathan he's going to be a big brother, telling his family.. 😭🥰😭🥰 ok enough hahaha congratulations on another amazing chapter and have a great sunday! <333
Hello lovely curious Nonnie! I'm a little bit tired and sore with period pain. How are you?! Hey, missing Kendall'a birthday just means that you got a 2 for 1 special for fic reading haha! Aw that's so sweet that you missed them!
This is so sweet and honestly same! 🤣 I've never gone through that and I personally don't plan to so I was googling random stuff to make sure what I knew was true. I've been to hospital before and know what that's like but I have no idea what it's like being in a hospital for childbirth, let alone at what would be a fancy, super private hospital. Buy Stewy and Jonathan are cuties, I can confirm.
Aw, I'm glad it made you laugh! Like you said, it feels like a very gross Roman thing to say. I like to try and make the characters as realistic to the show as possible and I've gotten a bit of positive feedback on that about Roman which I really appreciate. I hadn't even thought about that! I feel like he'd maybe something like that when he's a young toddler so he's verbal but wouldn't get it/remember it. But it would be more of a joke he'd just tell adults about (going to give him some emotional maturity points there lol).
Yes! That's what I was thinking of! There's definitely a phenomenon of abusive parents being much nicer to their grandchildren in comparison to how they treated their children. I don't know if there's a term for it, I'm sure there is one in psychology? But anyway I think that very much applies to Logan. Also I don't know if I'd say it's Logan sharing love and if so it's definitely not a genuine or healthy love. We know there's the thing about the bloodline and how Logan feels about that and is with Sophie and Iverson. I think that him showing up was solely for like confirmed proof that his bloodline "had been passed down" and that's what Porce had done "good" of and why he thanked her. We know Logan doesn't view his children as serious people and he doesn't take any of them seriously from the very first episode. There's this whole thing going on about all of his sons being failures and something being wrong with them and then Shiv always being held back by her gender. I think in a way he's also hoping for grandchildren as like a reset/worthy successors.
No haha. Nobody expected that from Shiv. Tom would organise a gift basket that he put far too much thought in with an interesting card and Shiv would lift her hand to just sign her name with an eye roll. I think she'd look down on it and see it as Porce sealing her fate as nothing but a mother and wife (similar with Caroline). Connor is nuts but he's a very sweet older brother, he'll be the most doting uncle and his nephew and niece will adore him!
Don't apologise! These asks with questions are such a nice change and breath of air from the asks with requests, which I'm so grateful for but are definitely a bit overwhelming at times. This also really touches me to know people care about my work so much that they think about it and take the time to come up with questions and send them to me. I love it and I'm always happy to answer any questions!!!! Thank you! I adore you so much!
These are such great questions! I think I'll explore them more in another fic similar to this Jonathan one but for Tillie! Thank you for those ideas! I think she'd maybe be "casually planned", is that a term?! But Jonathan would be close to a few years old and they'd think now wouldn't be a bad time to have another so they wouldn't be putting pressure on it but it wouldn't necessarily be an accident. If that makes sense? I think telling Jonathan could be sweet and quite funny. Despite being good at sharing and a polite little man he's used to being an only child and because his cousins are all older he doesn't quite get pregnancy etc. I think they'd have to explain it to him a few times and read some books to him on that. I could also see something silly happening like his uncle Connor asks him if he's excited to meet his baby sister and Jonathan innocently says it's not a sister but an alien in his mum's tummy and Roman finds that absolutely hilarious and makes some more affair jokes. But when Jonathan meets his younger sister he's very happy and excited!
Thank you so much lovely! When i posted that it was that late that I think it was technically Succession Monday for me already haha! I hope you had a great Succession Sunday and Monday! Thank you so much for the praise and questions, I adore you and will start writing those Tillie questions into a proper fic soon, so thank you!!! Thank you so much Curious Nonnie, you're the best! 💗
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Hi love, pretty sure you're requests are open (if not just ignore this) n e ways what about Inarizaki with manager who's like intimidating (i've been told i am intimidating lol) and very sarcastic, much Tsukishima Kei vibez cuz that's basically me😃
Just like how would our boys react, very curious and take your time btw don't have to rush it, do it whenever you feel like :D
Oh my gosh Nat, it's literally my honour to write this for you. You can request anything, anytime, and you'll be a top priority (ily<3)
Inarizaki with a tsukkishima-ish manager.
Specially dedicated to @sunasthing <3
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So first of all, if you think that's gonna stop the boys from simping over you, you've got it wrong 😖🖐️
The boys would literally take it as a challenge to get your softer nature out, especially Atsumu.
I GENUINELY think he'd find it really hot whenever you snap back at him, or tell him off. (maybe he's like Nishinoya and Tanaka in that sense 🙄)
Constantly pesters you, and although you don't give him a reply often (because he's annoying as fuck), if you ever acknowledge him slightly, he WILL flirt with you.
Beware tho, even if he comes off as flirty and charismatic, he's literally just a dorky small baby and genuinely wants your attention because he thinks you're the coolest person ever.
And if you're ever nice to him, you can best bet he'll replay that moment in his mind before sleeping EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT.
Y/n, earlier that day: don't get hurt. I don't want to have to deal with anyone on this team being injured
Atsumu at 3 a.m: s-she cares about me 🥺🥺
I think Osamu would vibe really well with you. He's not annoying, he's really really chill, and he has a pretty sharp tongue himself.
Judges people as an attempt to make you laugh, and he sees it as a personal victory if he can get you to crack a smile or smirk. He just doesn't make a big deal about it, unlike his twin xD
Osamu: y/n look at that guy. he's totally crushing on his brother's best friend, could he not be more obvious about it??
Y/n: *cracks a smirk* yeah, it does seem so.
Osamu, internally: ✨v i c t o r y i s s w e e t✨
He also cooks for you pretty often, and even if you protest against accepting it, you'll usually find a bento hidden in your locker or bag.
He knows you might not accept it straight, so he finds other ways to get it to you. Osamu actually thinks of you as a cooler sister that he says "he'd trade Atsumu for"
In general, the twins are the life of Inarizaki and although they're sometimes annoying, they mean well and it's plain to see that they love you.
Kita loves how smart and analytical you are. I've said this before, I'll say it again— Kita thinks brains are sexy 😤
Especially when you call the team to give your insights about their opponents, or give them ideas on how to improve their play, Kita is literally there like “I'm so glad she's ours”
Because you would be a dangerous asset to other teams, and Kita is the most thankful that you're with them.
He's also a really good leader and although the two of you don't have heart-to-hearts or conversations like the twins, you know he'll ALWAYS be there for you.
Like once, it was raining and practice was cancelled, so you decided to wait in school until the rain subsided (because you didn't want to get wet), and our sweet Kita searched for you in every single classroom until the finally found you and walked you home. That's just the dynamic you had with him
He also often checks up on you, even when it's unrelated to volleyball. Have you done your homework? have you ate breakfast this morning? although you're usually sarcastic with the twins and most of the other members of the team, you can't bring yourself to do so with Kita.
The respect you guys have for each other is unmatched and that's probably why you're such a golden duo in Inarizaki. The leader and the analytical manager.
And now Suna. I think Suna would be the member you have the deepest bond with. you truly allow him to see who you are inside, and he does the same. You guys really just click.
It started with him complaining about Atsumu, and slowly progressed into you letting Suna be the only member to have physical contact with you, but only when the others aren't looking.
Sometimes, if you guys are the only two people in the gym, he'll nap on your lap or lean on your shoulder.
If you didn't already know, like everyone else in Inarizaki, he has a crush on you 😖🖐️ like damn you thought Atsumu had it bad? nah, Suna has it the worst.
He literally asks his little sister to let him practice braiding her hair, just so he'll be perfect when he someday asks to do yours.
But he always chickens out because he's scared you'll say no 😭😭 he's internally very shy, okay? 🥺🥺
He's literally your best friend. You guys have study sessions together, anime nights, literally anything, he's right there with you. The rest of the team are literally not aware of how close the two of you are.
Until one day, Atsumu tries daring you to kiss Suna on the forehead, and instead of flat-out refusing (like you've done before when he's dared you to kiss him, or Akagi) you shrug and gently kiss Suna on the forehead, causing Suna to smile and ruffle your hair.
The rest of the team is just shocked.
Atsumu: what is this FUCKERY?? is y/n literally WILLINGLY touching someone ??¿¿
Y/n and Suna: *smirks*
Atsumu, close to tears: okay
But the rest of the team soon accept you and Suna have a pretty special bond, and that you're genuinely softer when it comes to him.
You don't snap at him much, and as they've noticed, Suna has started being more brave about leaning on your shoulder or sleeping on your lap.
Of course, the rest of the team (with the exception of Kita) is jealous. But hey, they just don't have Suna's charm, okay? xD
You make Suna want to try harder, and he's way more motivated to give it his all in every single game. Mostly because he wants you to be proud of him.
He definitely has a nickname for you, but he will only use it when he's sure you guys are alone. And in return, you call him "Rin" which makes his heart flutter 🥺🥺
Now onto Aran !! Aran is a softie who (like Kita) respects you a great deal. He'll fend Atsumu and Osamu off if he senses you aren't having a great day.
He's also pretty good at giving you your space but he checks up on you every once in a while if anyone is bothering you.
Although he's shy about it, Aran actually comes to you when he doesn't understand a homework question. You're super smart and he knows you won't make him feel bad about not knowing.
And it makes you feel happy to know he trusts you, so you help him as best as you can. It's a little secret of yours that the other members don't know about.
It especially lights your day up when he gets a good grade and whispers a silent "thank you" to you in class.
In return, will help you with anything you ask for. No questions asked.
And now, last but not least, sunshine Akagi!! I think he's a total Hinata Shoyo, so he might annoy you a bit at first because of his bright personality.
But deep down inside, you love how easily he gets people to smile and slowly find yourself warming up to him.
And Akagi is really determined to get you to smile (at least once a day) so he cracks the corniest jokes or makes puns.
It has become a thing between the two of you, where Akagi tells you a joke a day, and you rate it out of ten.
Gone are the days when you found him annoying. And now, even if you won't tell him outright— you really do think he's one of the brightest people in your life.
Additional headcanons
CHEERING YOU UP— whenever you feel quieter than usual, or a bit more sarcastic, the boys immediately know something is wrong and rush over to make you feel okay. Literally, it's almost like they've abandoned practice. And eventhough you tell them to get back to it, they refuse to leave until you're feeling better. Suna usually gives you a hug and kisses your forehead, whilst Akagi cracks jokes. Then, (and eventhough you protest) Atsumu lists off all the things you should love about yourself, whilst Osamu buys you ice cream (food is, after all, the best cure for anything). Aran is literally ready to HUNT the person who affected your mood down, and kill them, whilst Kita is literally just holding him back and making sure things don't go overboard. Even if you aren't fully cheered up by then, you'd have laughed a whole lot and know how much they care for you, so honestly... how could you stay sad?
REACTING TO YOU TELLING THEM OFF— Suna is literally just meh about it. He can't take you seriously because he's a dork who thinks he's not included in the list of "idiots" (but no Suna, u mf, you ARE included -_-). Atsumu thinks it's hot 👀 (as I mentioned above), Akagi is genuinely upset/ready to sob and vows to do better. Kita is proud of you for telling them off before he could do it (Kita is not included in the "idiots". How could he? he's PERFECT 🖐️). Osamu and Aran have similar reactions, because they end up apologizing and try to change tactics and do better.
HOW THEY'D ACT WHEN YOU START DATING SUNA— (because this is honestly inevitable, wbk 😭❤️). Atsumu would be jealous. Petty and would call Suna "pretty boy" every chance he gets. Leave him, im sure he'll get over it 🥺🥺 Osamu is pretty jealous too, but he'll never show it and focuses instead on your happiness. Kita approves, and honestly thinks you're a good influence on Suna. Aran is protective of you, and would literally gun Suna down if he ever hurt you (but he won't. Suna loves you, he'd literally jump down a cliff before ever hurting you 😤🖐️) and Akagi is cheerful as before, but extra glad because you seem to smile a bit more often (and Akagi loves your smile).
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I took a lot of effort on this <3 hope you like it, bae !! Taglist— @dai-tsukki-desu @sunasthing @k-sakusa-old @tilli-san
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