#thomas jefferson fluff
ratsnu · 4 months
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When your husband/political enemy won’t stop watching tiktoks at max volume at ass crack in the morning
… also, thomas with his hair up is something that can be so personal
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dorkszn · 3 months
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— letting you do their hair
— thomas j, alexander h, and phillip h x gn reader, john laurens x masc reader
+ black coded reader for thomas and john! modern-ish au!
✩ he loves letting you do this hair. sometimes you don’t even have to ask, he’ll ask you.
✩ he only trust you and his parents to wash it and take care of it
✩ you style it a lot for him and eliza loves it
✩ tender headed as fuck
✩ if someone flirts with him in public, especially if they bring up his hair, he’ll just go on and on about you
✩ “oh my hair? yeah it’s nice, ain’t it? my (s/o) did it. Aren’t they so skilled?”
✩ you teach him how to braid his hair and style it the way you do so he can do them himself if there’s a time you’re not around
☆ watching your favorite shows 🤝 washing and drying his hair
☆ he is so protective of his hair. like he’s the only one allowed to touch it
☆ so obviously it took you a lot of begging and convincing but he eventually gave in
☆ he’ll make snarky comments and act like a baby when you first wash his hair or attempt to style it but a little pop with the comb gets him to shut up
☆ he almost fell asleep the first time you braided his hair, but he likes to pretend it never happened
☆ so embarrassed to ask you to wash his hair and you can’t help but tease him for it
☆ after a while, he had you braiding his hair once a week for an extra curl
☆ you guys have matching bonnets
☆ he will literally call James mid hair session and just start talking about the government with him
☆ he was very skeptical about your products but eventually they become the only thing he uses
☆ he was genuinely surprised when you asked him to do his hair
☆ he hadn’t had anyone to do it or take care of it for years, especially since his mother passed
☆ “you’d do that for me?” he’d question, genuine shock on his face
☆ and it takes all of both of you to not start crying when you do take care of his hair
☆ the first time you washed it for him was the most relaxed you’d ever seen him
☆ it was the most loved he’d felt for a while
☆ then there were times were you just played in his hair
☆ whether we was working or just watching tv, you were putting silly little styles in his hair. and it he loves it. he thinks it’s adorable.
☆ some mornings, he ask you to put his hair up for him or slick it back for him just so he can have the best start to his day
☆ his hair was very first thing he asked you to do when he came back from war
☆ scalp massages >>>
☆ they’re one of the only things that convince him to leave his office, just for a little bit
☆ after he meets you, he refuses to do his hair unless you’re away on a trip
☆ he whines and pleads, making an excuses on “how you do so much better” and “how loved it makes him feel” while giving you kisses
☆ but if you’re truly tired, of course he’ll give you a break
☆ you came home once and found him wearing your bonnet/durag
☆ you also do most of his haircuts
☆ he doesn’t mind his hair growing out but he knows it’s getting too long when you start beating him while play fighting
☆ to him if you’re winning, his hair is messing with his vision and it’s a “handicap”
☆ definitely gets popped with the comb everytime you do his hair
“john, could you turn your head just a little bit?” you question, your frustration already growing. he couldn’t help but tease you constantly, it was in his nature. he slightly turns his head with a small smirk on his face, knowing he was pissing you off.
“john, don’t play with me right no—“ you cut off your words when john grabs you by the waist and pulls you in and onto his lap. his hand gripping the outside of your thigh to support you as you straddle his legs.
“this angle good enough for you?” he asks, giving you his typically stupid grin. you can’t help but softly smile as you look at him, your previous anger from before leaving.
“t’s fine, i guess.” you shrug before going back to attempting to cut his hair.
“see? why let anyone else do my hair when i can have you do it for free and get a lap dance at the same time?” he says nonchalantly, continuing to scroll on his phone. his free hand caress your thigh and slithering back to ass.
“john, i swear you’re going to wake up bald one day.”
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maelstrom007 · 1 year
"The Neighbor"
Pairing: Alexander Hamilton/Thomas Jefferson
Summary: After Alex and Thomas have sex for the first time, their neighbor comes over to check in on them.
Word Count: 1.3k
Tags/Warnings: Jamilton, Mentions of Sex, Post sex cuddles, Cuddling, Embarrassed Thomas
A/N: AO3, This is a direct sequel to "I'll catch you" and is part of the Jamilton Drabbles series.
Masterlist: Here
*Do not republish my works to another platform without credit and permission from me*
Alex runs his fingers through Thomas’ curly hair as they lay together on the bed. Thomas is passed out on Alex’s chest, and Alex is filled with a warmth he can barely describe. Thomas’ gangly arms and legs are wrapped around him like an octopus, but he knows he wouldn’t even dream of escaping his cozy embrace. He watches him breathe deeply, and can’t help but wonder how he ended up deserving this mans love.
Alexander gives a yelp of surprise when Thomas’ doorbell rings and clutches his chest, feeling his rapidly beating heart. He waits, hoping whoever is out there will go away.
Groaning, he covers his face with his hands, praying the annoying asshole out there gets bored and goes away.
The person out there is so impatient they ring the doorbell before the sound is even finished and Alexander has had enough . With a huff of annoyance, he tries to pry himself out of Thomas’ embrace. The other just grumbles and pulls him in tighter with a sleepy, ‘Let it ring’ before he’s back to snoring loudly. Like hell he’s gonna let it ring. He’s going to show this asshole who’s boss. Managing to untangle himself from Thomas, he rolls out of bed and quickly puts on a pair of Thomas’ pants he found lying around. They’re slightly loose on his hips, enough for them to sag slightly but not enough to fall off. Rolling up the hems, he doesn’t even bother putting on a t-shirt as he heads out of the room. Suddenly, a pair of arms wrap around him from behind and Thomas is resting his head on Alex’s own.
“Really?” Thomas drawls, putting his full weight on him. It seems the man has managed to slip on a pair of pajama pants while he wasn’t looking, and he sighed as Thomas tried to pull him back towards the bed, bribing him with kisses to the neck.
“Yes really, I’m about to punch whoever the hell is out there.” he replies, forging onward towards the door even as Thomas follows, arms around his waist and his full weight against his back.
Once he reached for the door he yanked it open, ready to curse the ever loving hell out of the person behind it, when his words died in his mouth.
On Thomas’ porch, stood a little old lady.
She was grinning up at them, all wrinkles and mirth, and held a small wicker basket full of waters bottles and what seemed to be oatmeal raisin cookies.
“Why hello there boys!” She said, voice crickety and high pitched with age.
Alex just stared at her wide eyed, “Um. . .hello there.”
“You must be Alexander!” She said, holding her hand out for him to shake. He did after a moment's hesitation. “Thomas has told me so much about you!” He felt Thomas tense behind him as he presumably recognized the lady standing in front of them. “Quit hiding from me Tommy! I can see you ya know!”
“Howdy Annette,” Thomas said with a resigned sigh.
“You know about me?” Alex was intrigued.
“Oh of course I do sweet heart! Thomas here comes over for sweet tea all the time and he just can’t stop goin on about ya! It’s quite sweet really.”
Alex smiled, “Is that so?” He nudged Thomas with his elbow and all Thomas did was made a flustered half remark about how he didn’t go on and on about Alex thank you very much he is quite sure he’s talked about other things too.
Annette grinned. “So I was out in our shared garden and I heard you two having sex and I just popped over to make sure you guys were well hydrated!” Alex nearly choked, did this old lady really just? “Y’know it’s really important to always drink lots of water before and after sex!” She was unfazed, smiling as if there wasn’t a care in the world and that this was a totally normal conversation normal people had. Alex grinned, he liked this old lady. Thomas on the other hand, seemed to be mortified since he kept trying to hide in Alex’s hair or shoulder.
“That’s really sweet of you!” Alex said, taking the basket from her.
“Oh don’t worry about it dears! It really wasn’t a problem. Y’see, I know from experience water is very important!”
He heard Thomas groan, “Really Annette this is more than kind thank you so much I’m sure you must be going-”
“No please, I want to hear this story!” Alex said, grinning. He felt Thomas pinch him in retribution, but the mortified noises Thomas made as the old lady told her story was more than worth the pain.
“Well, it was a hot summer's day in Virginia, and me and Nathaniel were just going at it! Why, at one point, we had been going at it for so long I got dehydrated and passed out! They had to take me to the hospital and everythin it was so embarrassin. Just wanted to make sure that didn’t happen to you two sweet hearts! Please, you two are welcome to come over and chat if you’d like.”
Deciding to save Thomas from more embarrassment, “Thank you for the offer Annette, but I think we really must be going. We’ll be sure to stop by some time though!”
They made their farewells, and as soon as the door closed Alex burst into laughter, “That’s your neighbor?!? My god I love her!”
“I can’t believe you encouraged her,” Thomas muttered into his hair.
“Come now, it can’t be that bad,” Alex said, turning around to face Thomas.
A steely look crossed over the other's face, “Alex. She knows my mother.”
Alex paused, “Oh shit.”
Suddenly, he could hear a buzzing noise from Thomas’ bedroom before a shrill voice called out, “ THOMAS KIPLING JEFFERSON ANSWER YOUR PHONE THIS INSTANT” it repeated itself several times and Thomas tipped his head back and groaned.
Alex raised an eyebrow, “Kipling? What was that?”
“Kipling’s my middle name. And that’s the ringtone for my mom, she insisted I keep it that way so I don’t ignore or miss her calls.” He muttered, before disappearing into the bedroom and returning with the phone against his ear.
“Does this mean I get to call you Kip?” Alex stage whispered, receiving an eyeroll in return. He took it as a maybe.
“Hi ma,” Thomas said, and Alex could tell he was trying to be as chipper as possible. It was not working. “Look I know how you and dad feel about me so please just-” Thomas paused. “Wait you, you what?” Alex watched, intrigued as the conversation continued. “I, wow, ok. What changed your mind?” Cautious hope spread across Thomas’ face, and he could imagine what the conversation was about. Soon a large grin blossomed on his face, “I, thank you ma, I love you too. See you soon. Bye. Ok bye. You can hang up now ma. Alright, love you. Bye.”
“So?” Alex said, bringing Thomas close once again.
The grin was still plastered on Thomas’ face, “She said she’s glad I’ve found someone, and that they want to come up this weekend to meet you.”
“Ooooooooooooooh! I get to meet the parents!” Alex said, grinning happily. “And it sounds like they’re excited to see me?”
“Considering they’re southern conservatives through and through, I think them asking to meet my boyfriend is proof enough they’re excited to meet you.”
They stayed like that for a long while, holding each other close.
“God I love you,” Alex murmured into Thomas’ chest. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”
He felt Thomas squeeze him tighter, “I don’t know what we did, but it feels to me like we’re two puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly.”
“So eloquent” Alex teased, poking Thomas’ sides gently.
“I’ve had my moments. Now stop trying to tickle me, come back to bed. I wanna keep cuddling.”
And Alex let himself be led back to bed, curling into Thomas’ warmth, feeling himself slowly and surely become whole once more.
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hamilfan · 2 years
Hamilton fic recs 2
Jamilton themed <3 fluff and angst, no smut this time
Five years since the incident. Five years of a using a cane. Five years of being beaten. Thomas Jefferson just wants a break. What he does not want is Alexander Hamilton butting in. It might be what he needs.
Alexander is forced to see Jefferson home after the man's surgery. He expects Jefferson to be pissed about it when he wakes up, but he gets a reaction he doesn't expect.
When Alex has to bring Philip to work, he and Thomas discover that they both have something in common: they lost their love. They form an unexpected bond and connection about this that grows into something more.
A medium burn with parental feelings about Philip and flowers.
For a moment, Alex lets himself forget about the curse, forget about the way his life has been torn from his hands. Forgets about Jefferson, and how he's supposed to hate him, and simply lets himself be held.
Cursed to be forgotten, cursed to be forgotten… the lesson Alexander has learned is to never piss off a witch. And it seems that the only person who remembers him is the one he'd most like to forget.
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the1laff · 11 months
Just posted “Not Gonna Pull Any Punches”, the newest chapter of “Hellfire and Rhinestones” lowkey starting to cringe at the title, rip
It’s around 1.4k, a little fluff and then a bunch of whump and angst. Depictions of violence, go read if you wanna, then you can yell at me…
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brights-place · 4 months
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Trollex X Rapper! S/O
Pairing: Trollex X S/O
Warnings: Lots of Fluff
A/N: Okay my first ever thought today to get me distracted was listening to music so I just shuffled some songs form one of my playlists and a rap song was playing while I was writing and I was like ‘Oh shit I gotta write this!’ Now here we are!
- Trollex with a Rapper! S/O YIPPEEE it was so fun to write this
- When you first met Trollex asked you all about your genre listening to how you explained everything and told him that a rapper is a musical poet technically your job was blending rhythm and rhyme to express stories, emotions, and ideas. They craft lyrics, hone their flow, and perform with energy that captivates audiences. Rappers often reflect on personal experiences or societal issues, becoming voices for their communities like what you did
- He couldn’t stop being interested in you after that and get pulled in more when you rapped into the microphone to show him an example with an random beat he gave
- He can’t help but raise a brow at you sometimes when you rock up to the studio and wait for creativity to strike, usually spending all night to work on your music he gets worried sometimes and tells you to relax and have some fun with him at the Techno reef Parties
- He would definitely make beats for your song and let you freestyle your way with the music he had given you.
- He love sit when you rap especially when you insult someone in an rap battle he finds it funny to see your smirk or smile
- He loves when you write and perform some of your rap songs or hip-hop music.
- He hates how your genre was criticised though sometimes… scratch that he hates when anybody discriminates and insults someone’s genre or music (it’s technically their race in Trolls)
- He loves you with all his heart but can’t help but notice how you and Prince D would vibe to hip hop together and rap he’s jealous of your bond since your technically in the same music genre even if your appearance was different your genre was the same
- Trollex though loves when you share your earbuds/headphones with him to show him some New rap songs or hip hop music you enjoy fucking falls in love with you all over again
- He had tried rapping once since you begged him to do it he was good like REALLY GOOD
- That mother fucker was good at it… not as good as Bruce though that man could go off (Bruce is VA is the guy who played my favourite character in Hamilton Marquis de Lafayette and Thomas Jefferson. NEHGEHE)
- He glows and has an bigger smile when you praise him as he quickly tackles you into an hug and snuggle into you which leads up to you holding him close to your chest and rubbing his back as he sleeps on your peacefully
- Trollex can’t help but admire how you hold your mic and go off at anybody or just have fun with it
- He loves how you send out messages through your rap speaking up and talking about issues and your own experiences while on stage.
- You know how I said he makes your beats? Well you also come by to his place and surprise him with an rap you wrote out of boredom without realising and asked if he could help make an beat for it
- he did and it was sold so fast 😭
- Trollex loves when you sing normally though even if you rap all the time he loves when you just sing in an slow pace and wants to dance with you slowly even if both of you were used to the loud techno and hip hop music
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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astralaffairs · 9 months
Don't mean to pressure you or anything but I really miss fotp and that last chap had me wanting to tear my heart open (TT)
If you're up for it, can I request for a short fluff abt mc and president t's marriage life? Or if you're still feeling villain-y, an angst will do! 😚
Hope you're having a fine dayyy, love all your works btw! 🫶🏻
astralaffairs villain era canceled. let me also refer u to late nights & speech writes for some president thom husband material
“And where the hell have you been?” Strong hands grabbed Y/N by the waist the minute she locked the door behind her, and she squealed, stumbling over the hem of her long dress as she was pulled into a strong body. Rough wool scratched her bare shoulders. “‘S late. A woman like you shouldn’t be out all on your own like this. Who knows what coulda happened.”
Her laugh was breathless as Thomas kissed her neck, his stubble harsh against her skin, and her hands came to cover his as his arms wrapped around her waist. “Oh, please. I don’t think I’ve left the White House in the last 72 hours; I’m not exactly looking for trouble.”
“So why’ve you been out all night, hm?” He nipped at her earlobe, but she rolled her eyes. “Who’ve you been with all this time, sugar?”
“That Russian ambassador who did not want to hear that I have an early morning tomorrow,” she said dryly. “This is the worst part about state dinners. All the old men in the room still talk to me like I’m their young prospect rather than a peer in government who’s here as my job.”
“They’re all goddamn relics; don’t let ‘em get to you,” Thomas said. “They’re dinosaurs, and they’re gonna be dead in a few months, anyway.”
“At this rate, they’ll also be running entire countries when they’re on life support,” Y/N grumbled, and his laugh was sardonic.
“‘N they’re still gonna be tryin’ to hit on you when they’re hauling oxygen tanks around here behind ‘em.” He turned her around in his arms, and her drained expression made him frown. Her eyes looked empty. “‘M sorry you don’t get the respect you deserve at these events, though, sweetheart. Wish there was something more I could do."
"I don't expect you to be able to end all sexism in government, believe me," she said, reaching up to loosen his tie. "Doesn't help that they all see you as the ultimate guy's guy, though. Thomas Jefferson, the good all-American trust-fund baby who loves steak and baseball."
"Maybe I'll eat some tofu 'n take up figure skating," he suggested mildly as she slid her hands under the collar of his blazer, pushing it down his shoulders. He withdrew his arms from her waist for just long enough to shake the jacket off, discarding it on the chair by his desk in the corner. "I've always thought there was a whole lotta power in embracing the traditionally feminine."
"Sure you have," she scoffed. He grinned, taking a step back toward their bed with her in his arms as she started undoing the knot in his tie. "You regularly smoke cigars with foreign heads of state to celebrate national alliances. You're the epitome of the boys club."
"Hey, I smoke the cigars with women holdin' office too," he defended. She slid his tie out from the collar of his shirt.
"You're truly a feminist icon." The words were ironic as she pulled his button down out from where he'd tucked it into the waist of his pants, walking him back toward their bed all the while, and he raised an eyebrow.
"You're talkin' a whole lotta mess for somebody who's trying to undress me."
"You're not putting up much of a fight." She raised an expectant eyebrow, looking him in the eye as she undid his belt buckle, and when he pulled her close, she slid her hands up his chest. She fiddled with the top button on his dress shirt as he guided both of them through the final few steps between him and the foot of their bed.
"'N you're awful lucky I'm not." As he sat on the edge of the mattress, she stood between his parted thighs as he pulled her dress up her legs. "You just came home from a long night of work, 'n all you wanna do is objectify me? 'M a whole lot more than just a hot body, Ms. L/N."
Despite his words, when the hem of her dress was high enough for him to slide his hands under it, he pulled her onto the bed with him, straddling his lap as his hands ran up her bare thighs. She cocked her head to one side.
"You mean 'Mrs. Jefferson'?" she asked, and he grinned.
"Yeah, but I like it a whole lot better when you say it." He pushed her dress up her body until her hands covered his to pull it over her head, and although she didn't seem particularly concerned with where it landed, she suddenly felt very exposed in just her lingerie on his lap. His eyes didn't stray from her face, however. He pulled her closer by her bare waist, and her arms hung loosely over his shoulders. The open ends of his belt poked at her inner thighs. "Reminds all those Russian diplomats you're off the market."
"I have a feeling Nebenzya isn't trying to steal me away," she said, but Thomas shrugged. "With the way he talks about you, he might be hoping we're looking for a third."
"Unfortunately for Vasily, he wouldn't be at the top of my list," Thomas said, and Y/N's eyebrows shot up.
"Oh, you have a list, now?" she asked. He gave a lazy grin.
"Sugar, I've always had a list," he informed her, and she frowned. He kissed her downturned lips. "If we're working from the number one spot, though, we might have some trouble."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well, I've got a feeling John Adams wouldn't be too amenable to the idea," he said frankly, and Y/N's surprised laugh was closer to a scoff. "'N I don't feel like we know John Jay well enough as a couple, so that's not gonna fly, but inviting Lafayette just feels like it'd make things weird between all of us."
"Is your whole list made up of men?”
“‘Course.” His answer was immediate, but her skeptical gaze didn’t waver. He ran his hands down her thighs. “You already know you’re the only woman I got eyes for.”
“You’re so corny,” she said softly, running her hands down his shoulders to his upper chest. She picked at the buttons on his dress shirt. "Better tone it down before I get the wrong idea and fall in love with you."
"Now, we certainly can't have that."
"Especially not now. I'm too busy to take a lover, I'm afraid," she said, working down the buttons on his shirt to reveal his bare chest. "I'm just married to my work these days."
"'N you mean that literally, don't you, Madam First Lady?" He undid his cufflinks when she finished with his buttons, and he slid them into his pocket. However, he didn't take the shirt off despite her pushing its fabric down his shoulders. Rather, he took her hands in his, lacing his fingers into hers. "You're just a regular Mrs. America."
"You're really gonna stop me from taking your shirt off after you got me down to my underwear?"
"If I let you finish undressing me, it's gonna be a while before we get to sleep," he said, and she shrugged innocently. "We've gotta be up again in five hours. We both oughta get some rest."
"Being the first couple isn't nearly as sexy as I hoped it'd be." She sat back on her heels, resting her hands on his legs, and he gave her a tired smile. "Take the rest of your clothes off and come to bed, at least. I feel like I've hardly seen you all week."
"Right now, I'm all yours," he assured her. "Lemme get up 'n get some pajamas, though. Put on something other than a full suit for once."
"Just sleep without them," she countered, and he raised an eyebrow. "I like the feeling of your skin against mine. Just makes me feel more connected to you, I guess."
"You're adorable." He kissed her on the forehead, his smile endeared, and she could feel the heat rising to the tips of her ears as he leaned back to take his shirt off. After he did, though, he pulled her in closer, picking her up by her thighs as he stood, and she yelped, grabbing onto his shoulders. When he deposited her on his side of the bed, he undid his dress pants, taking them off before joining her on the mattress.
He crawled atop her where she lay on her back watching him, and as he dipped down to kiss her, one hand slid under her back, and she arched up against him. However, as he kissed down her neck, he unhooked her bra and leaned back to slide it down her arms. When he discarded it onto the floor, she was watching him with wide eyes, but he only kissed her forehead before rolling off of her and pulling the covers over them both. He reached over to turn off the lamp at his bedside.
"For what it's worth," he murmured as he wrapped an arm around her waist, and she rolled onto her side, letting him pull her into his body, "we've got plenty of time to sleep in on Saturday morning."
"Oh, yeah?" She rested her arm atop his, lacing her fingers into his.
"Mhm." He kissed the back of her shoulder. "So Friday night, you better not come home too tired."
"I'm gonna need all my energy for when I find you and Adams in our bed, huh?" When his hold on her tightened, his cold feet brushed against her shins, and she shivered.
"Not this time, sweetheart," he promised. "Once I get you alone, you better bet I'm not sharing you."
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laines-laments · 7 months
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・:*:・゚★ intro and masterlist
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・:*:・゚★ greetings and salutations
hii ! welcome to my blog, i'm laine !! i suffer from chronic teenage girl-ism and i fear i may never recover lolz !! my requests are always open as i am in constant need of inspiration, just send me an ask !! if you want to support me by funding my spending habits do so here !!
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・:*:・゚★ masterlist
♥︎ - smut / mature
✿ - fluff
★ - angst
House, M.D
Gregory House -
Jame Wilson -
Lisa Cuddy -
Robert Chase -
Thirteen -
Be More Chill
Michael Mell -
Jeremy Heere -
Richard Goranski -
Jake Dillinger -
John Egbert -
Dave Strider -
Rose Lalonde -
Gamzee Makara -
Karkat Vantas -
Mituna Captor -
Sollux Captor -
Nepeta Leijon -
Cronus Ampora -
My Chemical Romance
Ray Toro -
Mikey Way -
Frank Iero -
Gerard Way -
Kobra Kid (Mikey Way) -
Jetstar (Ray Toro) -
Party Poision (Gerard Way) -
Fun Ghoul (Frank Iero) -
Alexander Hamilton -
Thomas Jefferson -
John Laurens -
Phillip Hamilton -
Sal Fisher -
Larry Johnson -
Ashley Campbell -
Travis Phelps -
Gonta Gokuhara -
Rantaro Amami -
Nekomaru Nidai -
Kazuichi Soda -
Sakura Ogami -
Leon Kuwata -
Kokichi Oma -
Mondo Owada -
Yasuhiro Hagakure -
The Magnus Archives
Jonathan Sims -
Martin Blackwood -
Timothy Stoker -
Elias Bushard -
Peter Lucas -
Jerad Keay -
Nikola Orsinov -
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid -
Law and Order : SVU
Olivia Benson -
Elliot Stabler -
John Munch -
Fin Tutuola -
Shinji Ikari -
Rei Ayanomi -
Asuka Langley -
Stardew Valley
Sam -
Sebastian -
Abigale -
Harvey -
Jeff the Killer -
Ticci Toby -
Eyeless Jack -
Ben Drowned -
Laughing Jack -
Repo: The Genetic Opera
Grave Robber -
Pavi Largo -
Luigi Largo -
Amber Sweet -
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Bubba Sawyer -
Heather Mac -
Heather Duke -
Heather Chandler -
Ram Sweeney -
Kurt Kelly -
Jason Dean -
Veronica Sawyer - how veronica would be as a teen mom (PG13)
My Hero Academia
Katsuki Bakugou -
Shoto Todoroki -
Izuku Midoria -
Touya Todoroki (Dabi) -
Endeavor -
Tomura Shigiraki -
Jin Bubaigawara (Twice) -
Lydia Deetz -
Beetlejuice -
Bojack Horseman
Bojack Horseman -
Mr. PeanutButter -
Princess Carolyn -
Diane Nguyen -
Sarah Lynn -
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icarus-has-falllen · 1 year
Master list
Stranger things
Gareth Emerson
reader gifts Gareth with his flannel
Steve Harrington
jealous steve harrington
reader gets vecna'd
Eddie munson
being eddie's best friend turned lover
Billy Hargrove
very short comfort fic
being billy's bestfriend from cali
reader has powers and protects billy
Artist reader
Nancy wheeler
none yet
Mike wheeler
ghost face!byler x reader
coffee shop au
Angst to fluff
Dustin Henderson
learning how to play DND
Lucas sinclaire
none yet
Max mayfield
none yet
Will byers
ghost face!byler x reader
Will finds out reader is trans
wheeler!reader having a crush on will
Jane "eleven" hopper
none yet
Fred Benson
very short kinda fluff
byers!reader introducing fred to their family
Chrissy Cunningham
none yet
Umbrella Academy
Klaus Hargreaves
family pt.1
family pt.2
family pt.3
family pt.4
Diego Hargreaves
family pt.1
family pt.2
family pt.3
family pt.4
Five Hargreaves
family pt.1
family pt.2
family pt.3
family pt.4
late nights and snacks
Allison Hargreaves
family pt.1
family pt.2
family pt.3
family pt.4
Viktor Hargreaves
family pt.1
family pt.2
family pt.3
family pt.4
none yet
Young!Nick Goode
being ziggy's bestfriend and dating Nick Goode
being ziggy's bestfriend and dating Nick Goode
Spider man (Tom Holland and Andrew Garfield)
none yet
Star Lord
none yet
Miles Morales
non yet
Scream (the original)
Stu macher
none yet
Billy loomis
none yet
Mickey Altieri
none yet
Sidney Prescott
none yet
Ethan Landry
none yet
Gravity falls
Dipper pines
none yet
Mabel pines
none yet
Stanford pines
none yet
Stanley pines
none yet
none yet
Bill cypher
none yet
Richie Tozier
none yet
Eddie Kaspbrack
none yet
Stanley Uris
none yet
Beverley Marsh
none yet
Bill Denbrough
none yet
Ben Hanscom
none yet
Alexander Hamilton
none yet
Thomas Jefferson
none yet
John Laurens
none yet
none yet
Angelica Skylar
none yet
Eliza Skylar
none yet
Peggy Skylar
none yet
Hercules mulligan
none yet
Aaron Burr
none yet
Ray stantz
none yet
Egon Spengler
none yet
Peter Venkman
none yet
Winston Zeddemore
none yet
Wednesday Addams
none yet
Xavier Thorpe
none yet
Tyler Galpin
none yet
Enid Sinclair
none yet
Star Wars
Luke Skywalker
none yet
Din Djarin
none yet
Han Solo
none yet
Anakin Skywalker
none yet
Miles Morales
Gwen Stacey
Hobie Brown
Pavitr Prabhakar
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 3 months
Okay, I need to rest, but I seriously need to ask...
Anyone here got any fic recommendations. Preferably ones with earth-shattering romance, and fluff, angst and so much cuteness... Happy endings only please.
I'm in a romantic mood, and the fics I'm scrolling through aren't doing it, so are my books.
And please not the brutal ones, I'm feeling maybe a few fight scenes. But not too much violence, with little to no smut...
And either Chris, any of his characters, Seb, Bucky, or Loki. Maybe Carter Baizen or Jefferson, and Thomas, I have a soft spot for them
I'm sorry that I'm basically demanding so much, I just need help finding a fic that'll best suit my mood, and so far, I'm having no such luck because I'm looking in the wrong places. And I trust y'all have some pretty good recommendations, so... I'm open to suggestions. Feel free to message, comment, reblog or ask your recs 😊 Thank you ❤️
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Okay, now I'm going to sleep 😅
Good night! Love y'all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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random-fandom-chaos · 3 months
PLEASE read!!
hi:) Welcome to my blog!! Here is what I’m trying out! Also. my asks can be used for memes and random things in your day you wanted to share. Not just my fandoms
Hi :) so I’m a veryComplicated person…AND, I’m going to TRY out writing fanfics…These are my hyperfixations (Currently)
characters (And fandoms) I will discuss (Like you can talk to me about them) and write for:
Tsams (The sun and moon show):
-Solar (NOT Solar flare…Srry :/ pls don’t hate me)
-(NEW and NOT Solars) Moon
-Lunar (Yes it can be romantic but Mild romance without makeout sessions or anything, Not with him…NO SMUT with him at least. I’m fine with the other characters having smut)
-bloodmoon (New and old one)
-KC (Killcode)
Pure vanilla cookie
-Clotted Cream cookie
-Dark cacao cookie
-Hollyberry cookie
-financier cookie
(YES, I WILL WRITE SMUT WITH ALL CHARACTERS EXCEPT LUNAR!!! [My older cousin does so so don’t worry she is of age to write it so don’t be afraid to ask and I don’t read it] Remember, i Lowley suck at writing and almost never use tumblr…Unless I’m bored and it’s the middle of the night but other than that I don’t really use it…SO WRITING THE FANFICS WILL TAKE TIME!! The only thing I won’t do is Ped0files or a Child x Adult romantic..Btw thanks to
and other fanfic writers (I forgot about your handles, sorry). I follow that Inspired me to start writing myself!!! Feel free to ask for fanfics, Even if you’re a fanfic write yourself-)
(BTW, if there are Typos please don’t judge me- I’m still a person! And VERY busy in school :/ SRRY IN ADVANCE!!)
I will do character x character
character x reader
(I forgot to add that!!!)
(and I forros to add another fandom…)
-Pearl (both the regular and drone!)
Btw I also just added:
I will write:
[older cousin will write]
also please ask!!! Please don’t hesitate or be shy as you can use Anon. Please even if others might find it weird you can ask cause I don’t find anything weird when it’s fandoms!!
(The TSAMS characters aren’t related!!! So yes you can ask to ship them! In my writing way so please don’t hate. Please just block and don’t report.)
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ares-writess · 2 years
Things I am willing to write!!
Character x Character
Character x Reader
Character x OC
Most AU’s
(basically anything that isn’t illegal!!)
- Sam Winchester
- Dean Winchester
- Castiel Novak
- Jack Kline
- Lucifer
- Crowley
- Gabriel
- Charlie
- Chuck (depends)
Grey’s Anatomy
- Meredith Grey
- Derek Shepherd
- Alex Karev
- Christina Yang
- Izzie Stevens
- Mark Sloan
- George O’Malley
- Callie Torres
- Owen Hunt
- Jackson Avery
- Arizona
- Alexander Hamilton
- Aaron Burr
- Marquis de Lafayette
- John Laurens
- Eliza Schuyler
- Angelica Schuyler
- Peggy Schuyler
- Maria Reynolds
- Thomas Jefferson
Stranger Things
- Steve Harrington
- Jonathan Byers
- Eddie Munson
- Robin Buckley
- Nancy Wheeler
- Billy Hargrove
- Vecna
- Any ADULT character
- Todoroki Shoto
- Katsuki Bakugo
- Kaminari Denki
- Aizawa
- Sero
- Monoma
- Shinsou
- Jirou
- Uraraka
- Etc…
The Turning (MOVIE)
- Miles (<3)
Seven Deadly Sins
- Ban
- Meliodas
- Diane
- King
- Gunther
- Elizabeth
- Merlin
- Howzer
- Gilthunder
- Naruto
- Sasuke
- Sakura
- Shikamaru
- Kiba
- Choji
- Kakashi
- Shino
- Kankuro
- Gaara
- Hinata
- Orochimaru
- Kabuto
- Neji
- Temari
Prodigal Son
- Malcolm <3
- Fiona
- Carl
- Lip
- Ian
- Mickey
- Steve
- Etc
That’s all I can really think of right now, but if you have requests for any unlisted shows/movies, don’t hesitate to ask!! ^^
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ao3feed-samfro · 2 months
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Maddie’s fan fiction recommendations <3
includes: Hunger Games, Criminal Minds, Marvel, Harry Potter, Stranger Things, Hamilton,
Key: 💋 - Smut, 🫂 - angst, 🧸 - fluff
Hunger Games
Finnick Odair -
Coriolanus Snow -
backwards reflection - 🫂
dirty secret - 💋
Peeta Mallark -
Katniss Everdeen -
nothing yet
Joanna Mason -
nothing yet
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid -
queen of hearts - 💋
sub!spencer - 💋
oh no - 🧸
Aaron Hotchner -
Emily Prentiss -
Bucky Barnes -
Wanda Maximoff -
Peter Parker 3 -
Couldn’t help myself - 💋
Harry Potter
Theodore Nott -
Lorenzo Berkshire -
Mattheo Riddle -
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington -
Robin Buckley -
Marquis de Lafayette -
Thomas Jefferson -
Alexander Hamilton
I’m aware my tastes are slightly odd but here’s different stories that I read and was like woah. Anyway, here’s a playlist (mostly Taylor Swift) of different songs I think you could listen to while reading. You can look at my about me page to see my other tastes :)
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ao3feed-snape · 1 year
The Room Where It Happens - The Night Of Broken Promises
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0LMGKyz
by Lola_Slyffindor
The Room Where It Happens but it's the death eaters planning a revolution against Voldemort.
Severus Snape as Alexander Hamilton Regulus Black as Aaron Burr Barty Crouch Jr. as Thomas Jefferson Lucius Malfoy as James Madison
Words: 4832, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Hamilton - Miranda
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Severus Snape, Regulus Black, Lucius Malfoy, Barty Crouch Jr.
Relationships: Regulus Black/Severus Snape
Additional Tags: Slight BL - Freeform, but it's not the point, Revolution, Pre-First Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), Death Eaters, death eaters are so done, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Oneshot, Regulus Black Lives, I don't know what the hell is this but I'm somewhat proud????, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, No Smut, Backstory, No Sex, Romantic Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Childhood Friends, Crushes, Tension, Unresolved Emotional Tension, Hamilton References, Hamilton Lyrics, Inspired by Music, Bad Barty Crouch Jr., The Room Where It Happens (Hamilton), Eye Contact, like a lot, Betrayal, Angst, Hugs
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0LMGKyz
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thenasoneshots · 1 month
Thomas Oneshot - (Y/n)'s Candy Store
Requested?: No
Prompt: None
Type of oneshot: Songfic/Fluff
Song Used: Candy Store - Heathers
Timing: Modern AU
Reader's Relations: Washington’s Daughter
Warnings: Swearing, implied Lams (John being a gay mf)
Other notes: Reader is seen as the ‘mythic bitch’ of the school. Being able to do whatever she wants because Washington is the headmaster (hehe)
“-and then I punched him in the face. Again. Like when is  he going to fucking learn that I don’t like him romantically?” I finished, banging my head on the table, the rest of the Hamilsquad sitting around me in the lunch hall, John on my left, Laf on his other side, Alex opposite me and Herc sitting opposite John.
“I wish I was you, (Y/n). I would-”
“We all know, you’d ‘kill to have a guy look at you the way Jefferson looks at me’. You keep saying it, John,” I interrupted him, patting his shoulder, “Don’t worry, if your crush doesn’t man up and tell you he likes you back, I’ll make him,” I continued, sending Alex the side eye of ‘I fucking know you’re bisexual you little fucker. Tell him’.
“(Y/n)... don’t look now, but I think we might have a problem… In the form of a magenta and macaroni-loving piece of shit.”
I rolled my eyes and lifted my right hand up to my face, hoping Jefferson wouldn’t be able to tell it was me if he couldn’t see my face. Unfortunately, it didn’t work.
“Well, hello there, Darlin’.”
“Fuck off, Jefferson. I’m not interested.”
“How did you know I was gon’ ask you out, Darlin’?”
I rolled my eyes, exasperated, before standing up, muttering a ‘watch this’ to my friends, “Are we gonna have a problem? Have you got a bone to pick? You’ve come so far in my books, why now are you pulling on my dick?” I asked, grabbing the cane he always carried around, using the head of it to bring his face closer to mine before pushign him away from me, “I’d normally slap your face off, then everyone here could watch,” I continued, using my hands to indicate the entire lunch hall where the majority of the school was seated, finishing off their lunch, most of the tables being cleared, “But I’m feeling nice, here’s some advice. Listen up, biatch!” I exclaimed sitting on the table my friends were seated at, “I like! Lookin’ hot buying stuff they cannot. I like! Drinkin’ hard, maxin’ Dad’s credit card. I like! Skippin’ gym, scaring her,” I sang out, pointing over to one of the random girls in our year, “Screwing him,” I continued, sending Laf a wink, considering our past hook-up history, it was fun, “I like! Killer clothes, kickin’ nerds in the nose!” I continued, hopping off the table and pretending to kick Jefferson in the nose.
“If you lack the balls, you can go play dolls, let your mommy fix you a snack! Or you could come smoke, pound some rum and coke in my Porsche with the quarterback! Woah! Woah! Woah!
Honey, whatchu waitin’ for? Welcome to my candy store. Time for you to prove you’re not a loser anymore, then step into my candy store. Girls fall at your feet, pay the check, help you cheat. All you have to do is say goodbye to Shamu. That freak’s not your friend, I can tell, in the end, if he had your shot he would leave you to rot! ‘Course if you don’t care, fine! Go braid his hair, maybe Sesame Street is on, woah! Or forget that creep and get in my Jeep. Let’s go tear up someone’s lawn. Woah! Woah! Woah! Honey, whatchu waitin’ for? Welcome to my candy store you just gotta prove you’re not a pussy anymore then step into my candy store. You can join the team,” I continued motioning to my friends, leaning on the cane I’d taken from Jefferson a few minutes prior, proving I was not planning to return it once I’d finished my fun by messing with him, “Or you can bitch and moan. You can live the dream or you can die alone. You can fly with eagles or if you prefer; Keep on testing me, and end up like her!”
At this moment, James came running up to Jefferson, seemingly out of breath, “Thomas, look! Dolley invited me to her party! This proves she’s been thinking about me!” (I hate being mean to Jemmy, but I couldn’t think of anyone else to use)
“Color me stoked!” I heard Jefferson mutter, proving he was still trying to get on my good side, knowing I’d been the one to send James the small note, me being able to imitate anyone’s handwriting.
“Woah! Honey, whatchu waiting for? Step into my candy store! Time for you to prove you're not a lame ass anymore! Oooh woah! Woah oh oh! Then step into my candy store!” I finished, posing whilst holding the cane in both hands (think the end of ‘What’d I Miss?’) before sitting down and finishing off my lunch.
“Okay, fine. Point proven. I’ll leave you alone.”
I had been sitting on one of the benches outside, taking in the summer air, when I heard muttering from behind me, “No, you tell her!”
“She’ll be more annoyed if it’s me!”
“She likes you best, John, you tell her!”
“What?! Are you trying to get me killed?”
At this point I got annoyed with the four of them ruining my peaceful break from the school day and stood up, walking over to them, “What are you boys muttering about?”
“John’s got something to tell you, (Y/n)! We’ll leave you in peace!” Alex shouted, pushing John forward before grabbing Laf and Herc by the wrists and dragging them off, leaving me and John alone.
“Listen, (Y/n). Please don’t kill me for this but… the thing is… w-we don’t want to be your friends anymore!” he sputtered, probably trying to get it over with as soon as possible. That was a dagger to my heart. I knew I was a bitch sometimes, but I didn’t realise it was to the point where it made the Hamilsquad scared of me. I nodded, trying to hold back the tears, “Okay, I understand.” I saw John breathe a sigh of relief as he ran off in the direction Alex had dragged the other two off in. I just returned to the bench I was sitting on and sobbed. Not caring any more.
“Fuck off, Jefferson. I’m not in the mood for you to ask me on another date right n-wait did you just call me by my first name?”
“Yeah. I’m sorry for always pestering you about a date, but that’s not the important thing right now. What is, is you tellin’ me why you’re upset. I've never seen you cry in all the years I’ve known you.”
“Because I didn’t have a reason. I should have known. I should have known those little pieces of shit were only being my friends because they knew it meant they could get away with any prank they wanted to.”
“Laurens just came over and told me they didn’t want to be friends anymore. No one likes me for me, they just like me cause of my dad, speaking of, I need to talk to him, if you’ll excuse me,” I spoke, standing up and starting to walk off, before I was grabbed by the wrist, “(Y/n), wait. Please don’t say that. I know one person who likes you for you.”
“Oh yeah? Who’s that?”
I just looked at him in shock, yes he’d been constantly asking me out, but I thought it was just because he was trying to get in my dad’s good books or something, “Y-you’re serious?” He nodded and brought a hand up to my face, wiping the tears from my cheeks, “Honestly. I swear on my life, I like you for you, not the persona you put up in school.” I smiled and placed a hand on his cheek, my eyes flicking between his eyes and lips, but before I had the chance to ask, I was beaten to it, “(Y/n), if you want to kiss me, you don’t need to ask.” That was all I needed, and I wrapped my arms around his neck letting the cane I’d stolen from him drop to the ground, as I felt his arms wrap around my waist.
“Wow… That was… Thomas, can I tell you a secret?”
“Hm, of course, (Y/n).”
“That was my first kiss.”
“H-how?! How can you never have been kissed before? You’re gorgeous,” Thomas asked, a shocked look on his face. I just sighed, “No one’s ever wanted to kiss me before, well not strictly true, I’ve never let anyone kiss me. Yes, I’ve had a boyfriend in the past, but I didn’t trust that he wasn’t using me for my father, so I never let him kiss me, and then he broke up with me…”
“I promise I will never do that to you, (Y/n). Ever.”
“What?! She’s giving him a chance?! I cannot believe this. I thought he’d never want to talk to her again if we broke her walls down!”
“That was your plan, mon ami? You broke her apart by making John tell her that we didn’t want to be her friends anymore, just on the off chance that Jefferson would see she’s ‘not as strong as he thinks’ and leave her alone?”
“Laf, this is not the time. Go and talk to her. You were her second favourite after John, who she’s never going to want to speak to again.”
--------------- BACK TO YOUR POV
I smiled sitting next to Thomas at lunch the next day, James and Aaron sitting opposite us, the former having forgiven me for my comments towards him.
“So remind us again how this happened,” Aaron asked, motioning towards mine and Thomas’ intertwined hands.
“Because Hamilton and Laurens and MASSIVE DICKHEADS!” I shouted the last two words, turning around and facing the two boys I used to call friends.
“We said we’re sorry, (Y/n)!”
“Sorry doesn’t make everything better!” I retorted, sending them both the middle finger.
“Thomas, stop, we’ll get caught!” I whined out as he pinned me against my locker kissing my neck.
“But I’ve missed you.”
“We’ve been away from each other for one lesson!” I retorted, giving him a quick peck on the lips, “I’ve got to get to History or else my dad will have my head.”
“Since when did you care about what your dad said, (Y/n)?”
“Shut up and kiss me,” I muttered, kissing him again, “Now, let me go and I’ll think about letting you properly meet my parents.”
“Okay, Darlin’,” he replied, standing up and letting me go with a final peck on the lips.
---------------------------END OF ONESHOT
I had no idea where this was going all I had when I started writing this was the ‘Candy Store’ idea, and then it spiralled into the reader not being as tough as she puts on.
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