#this thread is painful but i love it
aslyran · 5 months
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souredfigs · 2 months
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Of lovers burdened with glory and doomed since the beginning of time
Book mentioned: The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller/Song used: Achilles come down by Gang of Youths/Jujutsu Kasien 0 manga/Jujutsu Kaisen light Novel 1/Jujutsu kaisen manga chapters 78 and 236 by creator Gege Akutami/Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 , director Shōta Goshozono
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simplykorra · 1 year
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i'm really here...i'm alive
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astrangertomykin · 7 months
I truly honestly understand what the hell Ashton was thinking in that moment and cannot find myself to be mad at them. When you spend your life in pain already, there is no threat or fear of more. It's all the same, really. Especially when this way you could use it to help the people you love and, finally, make that pain worthwhile.
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tortellinigirl · 7 months
i think the adult relationship to the childhood dog is something that is so tender and heart-wrenching and important. you are the last vestige of my childhood. you are the sacred keeper of the memories i hold dearest, but you can barely see or hear me anymore. who do i become once you’re gone? where do i turn to remember myself? you’re the last one sitting next to me at the door of a childhood home that no longer exists, waiting patiently for the return of a family that no longer exists. where can i live when you, too, no longer exist? i can’t let go. please don’t make me let go. i know you’ll leave soon. i wish you didn’t have to. but she’s just a dog. her life is short and i will witness her death and i’ve known this from the beginning. i didn’t think it would come so fast. am i ready? have i become someone yet? have i become unrecognizable to her yet? does she still see the child i was? i’m still the child i was. please, don’t forget the child i was. please don’t take her away from me.
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torgawl · 5 months
this makes so much sense, i'm crying
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there's also this similar theory which is based on phantom parade's scene and the number of characters the censored line has that reached the same conclusion. everything adds up :')
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cinnamonest · 3 months
Hey queen kurapika not tickling your fancy anymore…
Oh don't worry I just change headers/bio characters every few months or so.
Although this one will probably stay a while since 1) I made it myself lmao and 2) Akechi is like my #1 boy of all time
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sualne · 5 months
Question why does law have uh skin discoloration....? In the modern au?
it's permanent scarring from Amber Lead Syndrome! in the au i want to explore stuff like disability and chronic illness, he's got nerve damage in the discolorated skin, his hair also got white patches but he dyes it to make it less obvious he's got ALS because of the everything with flevance.
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wingsofhcpe · 13 days
anyway if yall want something greek-mythology inspired to read, please pick up Threads that Bind by Kika Hatzopoulou. It's a post-apocalyptic fantasy romance (soulmates!) with lots of queerness in it, inspired by various mythologies but centered around greek mythology, with a greek-coded protag & cultural elements strewn across, and written by an actual greek woman who lives in Greece. It's also the first book I see by a greek author to be written & published in English/abroad first, and to go semi-popular on western reading circles.
we need more like this. please support her.
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denerturee · 2 months
Favorite movie of every Akatsuki member - Part 1
Thread 🧵
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Itachi - The Crow (1994)
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Deidara - Oppenheimer (2023)
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Pain - War and Peace (1956)
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Sasori - Pinocchio (2022)
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badlydrawn-brostrider · 6 months
TT: You're such a dick.
TT: Ignoring me all the way. Is there any reason.
TT: Notice me, senpai or some shit. I'm not gonna dress in anime school uniform for you to give me some attention.
BRO: Jesus fuckin' Christ, kid. No need to take out the schoolgirl uniform. Senpai's noticin' ya already, kinda hard not to when I'm bein' yelled at for no goddamn reason.
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BRO: Are all Hal's like this? You're like, what, the third I've met? All y'all come at me guns blazin'. Where's pony Hal, he was chill.
BRO: I've got kids to feed, smuppets to make, a gazillion fuckin' asks to answers. Can't notice every single goddamn splinter who comes my way. Sometimes I rather not have an existential crisis, thanks.
BRO: You've sure got my attention now, kid. What'dya want?
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lilacsongs · 6 months
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when  she  woke  up  to  the  message  from  him,  she  couldn’t  believe  her  own  eyes.  it  is  with  the  same  mix  of  excitement  and  nervousness  that  she  greets  him,  her  features  lit  up  immediately  as  emotions  dizzy  her.  he  looks  so  familiar  yet  different  all  at  once,  but  the  effect  he  has  on  her  remains  all  the  same.  “  —  hi.”  what  is  she  supposed  to  say?  “thanks  for  meeting  me  here.”  / @artisn
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mercurialskiies · 8 months
I need to talk into the void about the stuff i’ve read about Fragile Threads so far (because everyone I follow on the non-blue bird app hasn’t read it yet) since it came to my house early and I need to scream in a way that’s cohesive and also non-spoilery.
I just. I have so many thoughts.
So if you don’t want spoilers please don’t unravel this post.
I’m warning you.
Please do not click the “Keep Reading” tab if you don’t want spoilers.
You cannot hold me accountable otherwise.
Okay, if you’re reading this, I’m assuming you’ve sealed your fate on spoilers.
Good. Cool. We’re on the same page.
It should be noted that, in the five hours I’ve been reading, I just got to like, the second chapter of part three. We devoured two whole parts, which will be my main talking points here.
First thing’s first: I’m desperately awaiting more from Kosika and Tes. I really love their characters so far (more Tes than Kosika, because I’ve only seen that first chapter from her and Tes I’ve seen two). I want to know what it is about Tes’ sister (or, maybe, who her sister is involved with) that has Tes so absolutely terrified. Her character as a whole intrigues me and I’m excited to see how she interacts with everyone down the line (if she does).
Also, bonus points and shout outs to Tes naming her owl Vares. She’s just like me for real.
Second thing’s second: I really LOVE how so far the first nearly 150+ pages are a reunion for characters from Shades (which I think is really welcome if you read the Shades of Magic books first). Seeing Maris and Kell and Lila again was just REALLY nice, and I missed them.
Which, speaking of Kell and Lila, holy crap I missed them and their dynamic so much. I do very much love the growth they’ve gone through in the seven years from what I’ve seen. Lila, while she has some of the same traits (knife kleptomaniac), feels like she’s softened a little and Kell, while he has some of his sadboi traits, definitely feels…way more confident. Like, I’m talking LEAGUES more confident.
Plus, seeing them both function as Antari magicians is really cool, because Lila only really “grew” into her powers starting in AGOS. To see her using magic with proficiency is like “Wow”.
It isn’t the same for Kell, who, first and foremost, those flashback scenes to the months/early years after his magic was shattered hurt me so much, dude. Especially because like, magic was the thing he was valued for as part of the crown—his worth always lied in his ability to not just do magic, but wield it with ease and proficiency. He was always looked on as this figure of power.
I don’t blame him for being so afraid and anxious about what that means for his sense of self-worth. Especially considering that most, if not all of his worth, hinged on his ability to do magic.
I did like the little analogy that Lila gives him, though, about the swordsman who learned to use his other hand to fight (implying that Kell can still fight, just with using other things instead of his magic—magic, whether he can use it or not, doesn’t define his worth).
But the other little thing I appreciated is that this, even seven years after the fact, is still something Kell struggles with. Using magic, Antari spells or otherwise, is still a fallback for him when his swords and knives fail. It isn’t something that just goes away.
Some other small things I wanted to note is just I love all of the little callbacks to the first series (Lila and Kell’s little “What was that for?” “For warmth.” exchange had me giggling and kicking my feet. They’re so whipped it’s insane).
Also, this would explain where the ring (in that one snippet that had me literally on the floor) came from. It’s not a wedding ring (like I assumed it was), but it’s a binding ring. Which, is almost kind of like a wedding ring, but without the vows. Plus, the fact that Kell mentions he only wears two for the people he loves most (his girlfriend and his brother) made me 🥺
Some things for these characters never change.
And I’m excited to see the rest of it and meet the newer ones.
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plsleafmelon · 3 months
all my sinners do is breathe in his direction and he goes so trigger happy like jfc the moment i see someone boutta clash w him i go full defense mode like u just see that whole bar full of evades yeah thats me fighting him
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rad-hound · 1 year
I started playing MGS 5 recently, and while I struggled a little with it starting out, since I’ve only been exposed to the “ugly-duckling” hack-n-slash MGS game instead of the broader, more common espionage/sneaking genre. 
But I eventually got the hang of it! Now every headshot feels like a pat on the back. Wish I could have kept the Honey Bee, though. That shit was fire.
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Found the wolf puppy in one of the missions, now he’s on my base. :) So bwebwe... 🥺🥺🥺
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Some of the achievements I got. I also made Mother Base pink, because uuweeee kawaiiieeieeee! ~ (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥ ~
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Also, honorable mention:
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oathofpromises · 6 months
"i honestly don't even know who you could possibly be referring to." (Erenville and Hiroto, about Stella? 👀)
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As he leaned against the pillar, Hiroto fixed his gaze on Erenville. How long had it been since the viper detected a shift in the others’ behavior? The gleaner was growing closer to Stella, which shouldn’t be such a surprise, considering how many people adored his sister. Yet it was clear that the gleaner cared more for her than just as friends. From the way ‘Erenville’s eyes would linger on her form a little longer than anyone would consider a friendly glance.
It was not his nature to meddle in such affairs, but it was clear that the gleaner needed a gentle nudge to take action. Sighing Hiroto, reached up and ran a hand through his white hair taking a moment to recall the image of this morning. A’atahni laying in bed next to him with Tsuru snuggled in the middle. He wasn’t sure what they were quite yet, but it was certainly more than what either had imagined. It was part of the reason Hiroto felt the need to step in a bit. His sister was pretty oblivious to the gleaners’ affections, or if she was aware hadn’t taken the steps to move things beyond friends. That slight hesitation, he realized, might be both of them feeling nervous to confess what was so clearly laid out in front of them. He crossed his arms and turned to face Erenville as the other walked past him.
"Alright, are you going to acknowledge what I can clearly see in your eyes, or are you going to allow someone else to swoop in and win her heart?"
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Hiroto had always been aware of the various glances that many people directed towards his sister. She was a beautiful and talented young woman and her role as the Warrior of Light only added to her allure. One thing that caused the older Caelum concern was the knowledge that some of the attention she received was purely because of her title, rather than a genuine interest in her as an individual. Which was wholeheartedly one thing he could relate to with his sister. Some individuals exhibited a self-centered mentality, as they were only concerned with satisfying their own wants or taking advantage of others. Not that he believed Erenville was anything like that, but that protective side of the viper couldn’t help but be cautious.
After all, how many would eagerly seize the opportunity to claim they were romantically involved with the revered Warrior of Light. Hiroto's stomach twisted at the thought of his sister being taken advantage of, a painful reminder of the times he had experienced the same. From one-night stands to various missions that task the Viper with using his captivating charm to lure unsuspecting people into their tragic fate. It wasn't a source of pride for him, and the mere memory of his past brought about heartache.
'i honestly don't even know who you could possibly be referring to.'
So, Erenville was going to resort to that strategy? Pretend as if Hiroto hadn't just witnessed him staring longingly at Stella's retreating figure or the soft smile that spread across Viera's face as the two engaged in a lengthy conversation.
“You think that is going to work on me? Clearly, you care a lot about my sister, but something is stopping you from taking that leap. Before you say that, it’s none of my business. Let me say one thing: Stella is my sister. The last thing I want is for her to get hurt. She has been through plenty, as you are already probably aware..Look, I am not trying to force anything, but if you care about someone that much..don’t let them go. I almost lost someone I cared about recently because I allowed my fears to consume me. Don't wait or someone else will snatch her away."
Hiroto's hand gradually tightened into a fist, his eyes glancing down towards the ground. How many times had he let his past dictate his emotions? To instill in him the belief that any semblance of happiness in his life was merely a deceitful charade. Shaking his head, the Viper walked up to Erenville before placing a hand on the gleaner’s shoulder.
“I am not forcing you to speak until you are ready, but…you know how popular my sister is. There are already a few others also looking at her just as closely as you are. Don’t lose what you have.. if it’s worth fighting for.”
Again, Hiroto's words seemed to encompass both the current situation that Erenville was facing and his own personal circumstances.
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