#this play was inspired by that book if i remember correctly
do-you-know-this-play · 6 months
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discluded · 1 year
I just realized that the porsche in the book was probably like kinn’s type? Cos they initially imagined a korean actor to play it right.. so apo being called to cast is really sus lol
I have never read KPTN and according to people who have, it's better for my brain that I haven't 😂
According to Reliable Sources, apparently Porsche wasn't Kinn's Type™ because Kinn's type is pretty and novel!Porsche wasn't pretty. But Apo is very pretty so obviously that wouldn't work 😁
Okay since I have a minute now:
KinnPorsche Casting: The Lore
First posting (one version) of the casting story for everyone to set the stage. Thanks to @lorddio for helping me find this one again and MileApo Safe Place for translating as always. it's got a very special part that needs highlight 😉
But setting the record straight(ha!) about the basics:
Mile was Kinn's face model, and purportedly many elements of Kinn were based off of Mile's public image (very importantly: wealthy heir to an important Thai family)
In the variations of posts about Mile is Kinn lore I've seen, this was the specific photo that inspired Daemi's Kinn. He reposted it around the same time his casting for KPTS was announced (this was reposted Dec 2020) but if I remember correctly from scrolling back in his feed, it was taken when he was 24-25 years old.
As anon mentioned, and Apo mentioned in the clip above, Daemi chose a Korean actor as the face cast for Porsche.
However, he was contacted and specifically invited to audition for the role of Porsche. According to Apo, he didn't even read for any other characters
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Those are the basic public facts we can agree on. But of course there's more going on behind the scenes! There's actually a lot going on here so I'm going to break it down for each actor, starting with Mile because that might set the ground for some of what happened with Apo.
Admittedly some of this is my opinion or interpretation, so take it with a grain of salt and use your own judgment! Again, the above facts are what is probably known and agreed upon.
Casting dates (a clarification)
First of all, there's a couple of confusing things going on with the dates, which I actually didn't highlight in the last post about it, but was exposed by the Facebook posts.
The first Facebook post dated October 1, 2020 talks about how the audition process has started and the first round will go on to October 3. The second post is from October 4 and then lists the dates of the auditions for October 10.
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Now, October 10, the "official" audition date is (1) The day Mile and Apo were both fast tracked through auditions and (2) met again. I don't think anyone on the English side of fandom has noticed this or at least publicly talked about this discrepancy so I'm bringing you hot news (that I've been sitting on and not sharing lol)
It is worth pointing out that this is supposedly the photo below is of their first kiss from the auditions, and they're both wearing different clothes, so. I'm guessing the fast tracking was actually for the first round of auditions between Oct 1-3, and then the kiss was Oct 10.
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Anyway, they sat next to each other and Apo talked to Mile first, regardless of if it was the same day (likely not, in my opinion)
There's also a couple of different photos of them together at audition.
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Notably, in the first they're sat in uh, waiting area chairs. There's a different clip of Apo sitting behind Bible, so I'm guessing this is before Apo talked to Mile and he had noticed Mile while sitting in this area and went to talk to him.
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The moved together down the line to the audition room, I think?
where Sprite interviewed them:
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Also based on this last photo they switched sitting order at some point while waiting to audition
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Mile's casting
So aside from the fact Mile visibly went to auditions, there is a rumor with some basis that Mile was pre-cast as Kinn. Probably soft confirmed by Mile himself.
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I'm just going to close the loop on this discrepancy too: I think Mile was an invited audition/casting in the same way Ke Huy Quan was invited to audition for for Waymond Wang. Mile did audition. He was likely get the role because he was so preferentially invited by the authors and was the basis for the character.
Clearly, Ke Huy Quan won an Oscar and Mile won a GQ breakout actor award, so in invited casting, even for seemingly "unimportant" roles, it doesn't speak to an actor deserving or not deserving the role based on of acting skills. Mile also was cast as the main character Bohn in My Engineer in 2017 before turning it down; he clearly has some acting chops and can win lead roles.
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In academia, often times internal postings will open for tenure track positions with a preferred candidate in mind; but due to rules these postings are made public and sometimes an outside candidate will blow the preferred candidate out of the water in terms of quality and get hired instead.
Which is to say there could have been another actor that ended up impressing more in auditions as Kinn even with Mile being preferred, or another actor pair that seemed more suited for Kinn and Porsche.
The other thing auditions do is allow for actors to screen test chemistry. So finally, Mile actually going through the casting process allows him to screen test a for a pairing partner. Which brings us to...
Pre-cast Preferred casting rumor credibility: 10/10
Apo's Casting
Play Mastermind.mp3 by Taylor Swift
Once Twice upon a time, the planets and the fates And all the stars aligned You and I ended up in the same room At the same time
Okay if you didn't catch it on the first watch...
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Mile, what the heck is that expression. 😂😂😂
Again, Apo was invited to go to casting specifically for Porsche and only for Porsche. Apo has never acted in a BL before going to audition for KPTS, so the question begged who invited him and why?
First of all, Mile has made it clear that he was a fan of Apo's acting work and followed his career after they met in the gym. He's also made it clear he had the world's biggest crush on Apo. Look how excited he was to talk about working with Apo and how handsome he thinks Apo is in January 2021 (like 3 months after they met again!)
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If Mile was the preferential Kinn cast and he didn't have an pairing partner, it would make sense to ask him if there were any actors he thought he might work well with.
I'm not entirely convinced Mile engineered for Apo to get cast or anything. Apo's acting career and skills stand on their own and I think their insane screen chemistry speaks volumes about why they were cast. But as for who made the request to Apo's manager ... hm 😏 Maybe we'll find out one day.
Mile Phakphum - Mastermind.mp3 rumor credibility: 6/10
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Show Me Yours | Matty Healy [46]
chapter forty-six, act six: be my mistake
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December 25th 2017
It takes Tommie forty minutes to stop staring at the front door as if he’s going to walk right back through. When she finally does leave the hallway her gaze settles onto the wrapped gift still untouched. 
She’s sitting criss crossed under her green Christmas tree with Button on one side and Allen the other.
The wrapping paper has little dinosaurs wearing cowboy hats, which upon further inspection she realises have been drawn on by hand. She tears it open, then folds it neatly and places it to her side. Her eyes tear up, her thumb traces the leather. 
It’s her book. 
Her lyric book she thought lost forever sits right there in her hands with a blue post it note on top.
‘ Don’t worry, I didn’t punch him, Ross did (again).’
She giggles to herself as she takes the post it note and slots it inside to a page in the middle of the book, the one with the first ever draft of her poem ‘show me yours’.
Beneath the old brown leather book is a very similar one. The exact same book instead this one is a dark green colour.
She flicks open the first page and finds a note has been drawn on the inside cover.
‘The day that I met you I started dreaming. Now I write them down if I remember in the morning
-Yours, Matty’
A few pages have been written on, he writes on one side of a double page then leaves the other blank so she can fill in her own thoughts or change what he has written.
They’re songs. Songs he had written in rehab. About her. For her. She’s not sure yet.
Her eyes scan the pages as she flicks through them all, taking note of the titles scribbled in red ink.
Inside your mind Love it if we made it Be my mistake Sincerity is scary If it’s not with you Mine In love Sometimes About you Playing on my mind
She reads them all. Over and over and over. She only adds to one of the songs he’s written. 
She finds inspiration, she writes. She writes a lot, poetry which turn into songs and songs which become poetry. She finds herself finishing songs from her old book that she’d begun writing years ago. Love songs she’d tried to write about Caleb seem to fall together with a new inspiration in mind.
Even in the breakup songs she finds ways to reference him in some way.
She can’t help it. There’s a piece of Matty in everything she does. Not just in her writing, she finds herself gravitating towards clothes of hers that he’d once touched. Like her old The Stone Roses shirt he wore once, or the flannel shirt he’d always ‘borrow’ when he came into her room. She buys his favourite brand of tea bags and stocks the fridge with his favourite pop. She listens to his favourite artist and hums a few tones lower to match his usual pitch. She reads books he had recommended and watches True Romance over and over because she can still picture his happy grin as he mimed the words along to the cinema scene. She finds herself stroking the freckle on her collarbone he once kissed. Touching the part of her hairline he would rest his lips against when he held her close. She finds herself thinking of him. Consumed by him. It’s Matty. It’s always been Matty.
She doesn’t stop writing. The words seem to flow out of her unlike anything she’s ever experienced before. Her hand cramps and even then she continues on with ink stained finger tips delicately turning white pages.
She shifts the book from her knee to the coffee table and as she does something falls out from the back of it. Shuffling awkwardly across the floor and raising the heads of the two dogs who watch her, she reaches for the small photograph.
A smile stretches her lips. It’s of the band a few weeks after she first met them. She was young at the time, thirteen maybe if she remembers correctly. Matty is standing directly behind her with his hand on her shoulder and his chin on her head. She’s smiling so big. She misses it. She misses the band. She misses her boys. She misses her Matty.
July 30th 2007
“You’ll be fine.’
Her cousin's words do little to help sooth her nerves as she clutches his hand. “They’re my best mates,” He continues on as he holds the door open for her, “They’ll love you as much as I do.”
“I’m not sure, Ads.”
“It’ll be fine.”
He promises as he opens the door. Three sets of eyes are on her when she enters and she pauses at the doorway.
It’s the tallest one with a buzzcut that comes to her first with a smile. “Caroline?”
“Tommie.” She says quickly.
“I’m Ross.” He tells her, then with a hand on her back he guides her further into the room to sit on the small two seater they have. 
Before he can settle beside her the space is taken by the long haired guy, he throws an arm over her shoulder and places the other in front of her for her to shake. “I’m Matty. Hann tells us you can play guitar, wanna be in the band?”
Ross shakes his head and pushes Matty away from her by his forehead, “She’s like ten leave her alone.”
“I’m not… ten.” She says quietly. 
Matty shrugs, ignoring her quiet comment, “Well, let her decide, Ross.” He turns back to her then, brown eyes looking right through her, “Would you?”
She shrugs, “I don’t know.”
“Leave her alone.”
The third guy who she hasn’t learnt the name of yet drags him to stand and pushes him away, Ross takes Matty’s spot while the guy in the beanie offers a shy smile. “I’m George.”
She nods back to him and lets her eyes go back to Matty who’s rocking back and forth on his feet, “I’ve always said having a girl in the band will do us better.”
“Better how?”
He sighs dramatically and Adam shoots a sharp look to George, “Really? You want him to give his whole speech again?”
George shrugs innocently as Matty clears his throat, “First of all, a girl can hit different notes than me, having one to harmonise-”
“Matty.” Ross interrupts, “The girl’s just got here. Let’s leave her alone, eh?”
He rolls his eyes then turns them back to Tommie, “Favourite song?”
She looks back to Adam, already hating her cousin for forcing her to meet his friends, “I don’t know, um.” She looks around at the walls of the little pool house they’re hidden away in. There’s posters and instruments all lying around, the floor is covered in wires and through a barely covered glass window she can see the pool. “I like that one of the new Arctic Monkey album.”
“Which one?”
He nods in thought, “Alright. Sit back, relax and enjoy, Thomas. We’re gonna blow you away.”
He ushers the guys up and Ross leans towards her, “This is him trying to convince you. Don’t give in, he’s pushy but he’ll give up eventually.”
Looking back, Tommie’s glad he didn’t give up.
She clutches the photo to her chest and leans back against her settee with a sob of solitude. 
With tears in her eyes she crawls across the floor to her sofa and grips her phone. With shaky hands she lifts it to her ear as the phone starts ringing. 
“Can you come over? Please. I just-” She niffles and rubs the back of her wrist against her nose, “I really need you right now.”
@thereisaplaceintheheart, @indierockgirrl, @sofaritsalrightt, @julezs-bl0g, @eaglestar31, @sophinthealpss, @noacfemcel, @if-my-heart-bleeds, @befrwime, @fallingforel, @sexorchocolateorpillowsorclouds, @3terna15unshin3, @1975sophie1975, @thesocraticjunkiewannabe, @littlesoldierelleora, @procrastinatinglikeapro, @beatr2x, @byyourside28, @plantinghobbies, @sinarainbows
-let me know if you want to be added :)
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avatarkv · 10 months
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I know when someone dies, they’ll never come back. But after Neteyam was gone, he never really left immediately. He always visited me in dreams— played with me like always. To me, he never really died. It didn’t feel like that at first, or maybe I just didn’t really understand.
I don’t know how many days it has been. I stopped drawing sticks at home because it was getting obvious and cramped and the pages of my book is growing thin. I can’t count it with my fingers, even with my sibling’s combined! I tried to draw on leaves, but I keep losing them.
I am scared of forgetting.
I am forgetting what Neteyam smells like. I don’t want to, so I try to gather his necklaces and other clothings for myself and I tuck myself to sleep along it. In the morning, dad looked at me funny and yelled—maybe it’s because he doesn’t want us to touch his things or because he doesn’t know how to talk to me anymore. Dad has been distant and cold, but I don’t blame him. Like Lo’ak, sempu is just as hard on himself. He thinks what happened on the ship was his fault; he thinks he failed as a father.
It’s odd because he still has us three.
I don’t know how to explain that his scent is dying without saying his name, because if I do, he stares at nothing and I can’t get ahold of him. It’s like he drifts to somewhere far, somewhere where he can’t hear me. I miss my dad, I miss when he played with us. I don’t think he loves me as much as before anymore. Things changed and I don’t know how to handle it.
I let him take his things again and maybe for the better. I don’t want it to smell like me. I want it to still smell like him. Maybe I’ll have to just borrow it sometimes.
I am forgetting how Neteyam sounds like. I don’t hear his voice correctly in my mind now, so I grow frustrated every time. I try to cover my ears, but it just isn’t the same anymore.
Even my dreams of Neteyam are a blur. Like he was nothing— like he was never truly there. Maybe he got tired of visiting, maybe he doesn’t love me as much anymore. I wonder if this is what death truly is. To forget someone.
This family is breaking and it’s all your fault. I know life is borrowed, but did you have to take him away so soon? Please, great mother, give him back to us. He was my brother first— he was my mother’s son before you. I don’t know the softest way to say that you took away my friend because all I feel is grief and grief is ugly, you might not like the words that I would tell.
I miss Neteyam and I don’t have the words to express it. He didn’t die on that rock. He died today. I can’t remember him anymore.
He died today.
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mauve here! this is the last of this series, i really enjoyed writing it ;’( poor tuk-tuk. i can’t even imagine how she’s feeling after losing neteyam especially that i read somewhere that she looks up to him like a second father. also decided to repost this to tell everyone that i might post the next chapter of every corner of this house is haunted a bit bit late because i’m feeling under the weather and i don’t feel so good mentally. i will be emptying my inbox tomorrow morning though! read everyone’s sweet messages and i really appreciate it.
again, this series is inspired from the book "the scar" by charlotte moundlic!
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shitwillnotbegiven · 1 month
Hi! This is the third time that the antis took to sjm’s Pinterest board to down play Elriel. If I were them, I wouldn’t trust SJM’S Pinterest board, seeing as how it was made 8 years ago. It’s funny how mor and Azriel was on there. Elucien was on there as well. And then the Gwynriels took to her Pinterest board thinking that the mermaids on there were eluding to SJM doing a retelling of the little mermaid featuring Gwyn and Azriel. None of those three examples of what’s on her Pinterest board align with the direction the books are taking. And I think it means something, that SJM ditched her Pinterest board inspo after acowar was written.
Do you think I am on to something, that the antis need to stop reciting everything on SJM’S Pinterest because it doesn’t align with the books.
Looking at Sjm's pinterest is fun and all, but they don't erase the books. Sjm used it as inspiration, but that's about it. Some things may be used in the books, and some may not.
The same way they can take some pins and say the couple they ship is endgame, Elriels can do the same 🤗 :
Look at this Elriel coded pins Sjm saved back in the day 😍 (Sleeping beauty theory, i love you 😘) :
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If you look at Sjm's old posts here on tumblr, you'll see that she shared a lot of Chaolena art. Did that mean they were endgame ? No 💞. She enjoys her readers' artwork, so unless she puts the built-up in the book, i will not worry about what other people say 😊.
One thing i find very funny is that some of the pins that they shared, aren't really Eluc*en coded 😆.
This one, per example, is clearly Vassien :
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"Especially not with Lucien on the continent, hunting that enchanted queen. A bird of flame … and a lord of fire. I wondered if they’d found each other yet."
Acowar - Chapter 47
And the way they shared the Blodeuwedd pin without even understanding the implications and similarities with Elain and her arc is absolutely hilarious 😂 :
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Blodeuwedd, the goddess who chose another instead of the man she was made for 😱.
Talking about the mermaid pins, they were in the Stories Kernels board, not the Acotar one, if i remember correctly, and that board was used for all of her series. If we pay attention, Tharion is much closer to a little mermaid retelling than any other character in Sjm's books.
Apparently, this was one of the pins in said board, and im my opinion, this is very lightsinger coded 👀 :
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“There are lightsingers: lovely, ethereal beings who will lure you, appearing as friendly faces when you are lost. Only when you’re in their arms will you see their true faces, and they aren’t fair at all. The horror of it is the last thing you see before they drown you in the bog. But they kill for sport, not food.”
Acosf - Chapter 32
All in all, i am enjoying all the effort they are putting right now because they know the end is near and it's not looking good for them.
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vettelinyourarea · 1 year
kid in love - oliver bearman
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genre: fluff
warning: english is not my first language
word count: 799
inspired by kid in love by shawn mendes
definitely a shorter fict, but i had a lot of fun writing it.
feel free to give me a feedback!
and i know that we just met
and maybe this is dumb
but it feels like there was something from the moment that we touched
Ollie met you for the first time through a mutual friend. He remembers that moment very clearly, as if it just happened five minutes ago. It was in the small bookstore you family owned. And no, Ollie is not the biggest reader, but he surely spends a lot of time in the bookstore just so he could talk to you.
He still remembers how soft your hand was when you shake his hand for the first time. Olli was not a believer of ‘love at the first sight’ or anything of that sort, but he surely felt his breath got taken away when he first hear your voice saying his name.
“Hi Ollie, nice to meet you.”
the way you’re lighting up the room
caught the corner of my eye
we can both sneak out the back door
we don’t have to say goodbye
it was a few months after Ollie got introduced to you when he finally gather up some courage to ask you to hang out. The first time he went out with you, he insisted that it wasn’t a date or anything like that. Well, he tried to convince himself that anyway.
He invited you to go to the aquarium after he noticed how much love you have for sea creatures. Listening to your ramble about them makes himself happy even though he doesn’t understand much.
Ollie can confirm that the moment he saw your eyes lit up when you entered the aquarium area, that was the moment he finally admitted to himself that he had fall for you, hard. The way your eyes sparkled underneath the aquarium light makes him unable to look at anything but you. The way you smiled and thank him for taking you there makes Ollie realized he never wants to say goodbye to you at the end of the day.
“Do you want to go grab some dinner first?”
maybe i’m just a kid in love
maybe i’m just a kid in love oh, baby
if this is what it’s like falling in love
then i don’t ever wanna grow up
Okay, maybe it was a bit of an exaggeration when he called you to be the best thing that ever happened to him in his whole entire life. Afterall, he just turned 18 a couple of months ago. But that doesn’t mean what he said wasn’t true.
For Ollie, falling for you comes naturally. He loves everything about you. He will listens to anything you said even though he doesn’t understand any of it, he will watch over you anytime, he would sacrifice anything in his life if it meant you’re living happily.
Both of you are just two cluelessly in love. But oh, how much Ollie wish not to grow up if this is how it feels to be a kid in love.
if you’re feeling kinda crazy
turn down the lights
we can take our time
do whatever you like
Ollie also remembers the moment he asked you to be his girlfriend. It was midnight, you were reading a book while he finished his essay. He remembers the soft music playing on the background and a couple of scented candles lit up on the kitchen counter, making the scene feels very romantic.
“Can I be your boyfriend?” he had asked, mentally scolding himself right after. Because who the hell said that? He had thought
“What?” you asked, pretty surprised by his sudden outburst. How could you not? You were literally shoving down an entire bowl of popcorn into your mouth when he asked you that, seemingly out of nowhere.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” he finally asked correctly with a blush coloring his cheek.
You don’t need to be asked thrice and a full confession to accept him.
you make me feel like i got it all
and you make me feel like i’m just a kid in love
you make me feel like i got it all
and you make me feel like i don’t ever wanna grow up
Being in a relationship with you is way better than what Ollie had ever dreamed of. You are always there for him. You were there when he finished his F3 season. You were there when it was announced that he will be joining F2 for the next season.
Ollie is also there on every step of your life. He was there when you graduated high school. He was also there right next to you when you opened your offer letter from your dream university
With you on every step of his journey, Ollie was sure that he will always be a kid in love and how he wish to never grow up.
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holdinbacksecrets · 1 year
hmm vacation with bf! jk!! 🥰
i wrote this while rewatching in the soop, so that’s the inspiration
♡the idea of flying somewhere is cute, but going on a road trip would be 🥺🥺
♡you pack the day before and ask jungkook to fold your t shirts because you still can’t figure out the sorcery he applies to their cotton. he chuckles at the sight of your awe
♡you baked the monster cookies your mother used to make for family road trips. the aroma filled your apartment and brought tears to your eyes. nearly two decades have passed since you last enjoyed them
♡you leave around 1am, drive through the night, and roll the window down to watch the stars. he ruffles your hair, cooing over your cuteness and love for the night sky
♡as 4am approaches, he tells you to sleep, but you’re worried “my job’s to keep you awake” “i’ll wake you up if i’m feeling tired. how does that sound?”
♡instead, you’re woken at 9am because he stopped for snacks, understandably so. your monster cookies are far from what he’s craving
♡you drive for a while so he can eat, and jungkook is quick to take control of the music. you miss his adoring smile while admiring you in the driver's seat and tracing the moles on your skin with his eyes. your entire body relaxes as his melodious voice fills your ear. “the first time you sang for me, i fell asleep in your living room.” “i remember that. knew i loved you then.”
♡talking about anything and everything. topics you never expected to land on come up, and your heart skips a beat when jungkook mentions engagement rings, wondering what diamond cut is your favorite, guessing correctly that you want a colored stone
♡the first week of your vacation will be spent in the countryside as jungkook has spoken so highly of his time there with his members. you naturally wanted to experience it too
♡after settling in and unpacking, the two of you walk to the small town to buy groceries for the week
♡you crouch down outside the shop to greet a cat with a reverberating purr. you could spend hours in that very position, admiring the furry friend with kind eyes and grey coloring, approaching a trance of comfort when jungkook calls your name
♡it rains that afternoon. the two of you sit out on the front porch; your head rests comfortably on jungkook’s shoulder. the serene quiet is interrupted when you ask what he’s thinking about. you’re curious what it’s like for him to be still. you’ve asked before, but the fascination finds you again. your curiosity lingers before blooming like floral spring
♡spreading a blanket out on the cool grass that evening after dinner, listening to the sounds of little critters drowned out by the city’s loudness and apartment living
♡falling asleep after a glass of wine— you’re a lightweight, but jungkook wakes you up because he knows how you feel about brushing your teeth before bed
♡jungkook wakes up so early, and you find him shirtless on the dock painting the view. you sit behind him and wrap your arms around his waist, resting your cheek against his bare back. his fingertips brush your hand. you kiss his skin
♡you brought ingredients for hot chocolate and start your day with its sweetness instead of your usual coffee while jungkook looks through the fridge and sings the options
♡going on walks together, loving the breeze and the way it collects the aromas of wildflowers, rich dirt, and the subtle notes of jungkook’s body wash
♡playing twenty questions and giggling whenever one of you catches a subtle lie from the other. eventually, one of you slips and misses a skewed detail “the only punishment i can think of is doing the dishes, but you love to.”
♡you brought your most prized possession: a vintage polaroid (and a new scrapbook). hours of the trip were spent creating a book of vacation memories with handwritten notes and cute stickers from the bottom of your bag
♡a sentimental conversation late at night, talking about recent battles with anxiety because sometimes reality crashes down on you so hard, but it’s damage is swallowed by the fast pace of life until you slow down again
♡tracing morning dew on the bedroom window while your opposite hand smooths the soft strands of his hair. jungkook’s cheek is pressed into the pillow. his lips are parted. you begin to hum as the rain starts again, feeling peaceful, hoping it stays, and knowing it will as long as he’s with you
♡watching movies in the living room you haven’t seen in ages, singing tunes, and playfully showing off remembered choreography from your youth choir’s performance of under the sea
♡packing your things. seven days passed in a blink, but the city you're soon to meet makes it easier to leave. "goodbye house. goodbye fireflies. goodbye clear sky. i'll see you again soon beyond the clouds."
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eahmusical · 5 months
Okay a couple questions (you don’t have answer them all):
How long is the musical going to be?
Is it just a singular musical or is it like each different arc is an act?
How is it going to work when you get a cast, are you going to have locals from where you live do it or is it an open cast?
Are the costumes going to be show accurate?
Are the majority of the songs ensemble, like just everyone kind of moving the plot forwards or are there lots of slow down time solo songs?
And which characters get solo songs?
What are the ships (that you’ve revealed so far)?
Are there any plot/character changes (that you’ve revealed so far)?
Are you buying rights or how does that work?
Are you featuring more guys or just sticking with the like 5 named guys in canon?
I know you’ve said you’re taking inspiration from the show as well as the books but which books? I assume the Shannon Hale ones but there’s like 20 other book as well.
Along with that is Bella sister going to be mentioned?
1 and 2: I’m HOPING for it to be two acts, but I’m getting a bit nervous with narrowing down the script because in reality at the moment we have… enough pages for three. 😅
3. Also hoping for an open cast! We’re set in Texas, but one of our writers and actors is moving across the country soon… but 100% determined to come back, so I’d think anyone could join in!
4. This is what we’re currently discussing!! There’s a short divide on whether it should be screen accurate or vibe accurate, like Apple wearing golden sandals and Briar wearing stones like in the books. Still, I’m totally set on the costumes being wicked. We won’t let that down.
5. Oh, there are a TON of plot-moving songs at the moment; the opening is the princesses arriving to school up to the Legacy rehearsals, The Day Ever After is a whole song, all of getting the pages back and curing Giles is a song, the games in Dragon Games… etc. But there are plenty of slowing down songs, too! Usually involving Apple and all her messy business she has to deal with lol.
6. The first truly solo song is Raven’s, Legacy Day. I’m so proud of that song, and I can’t wait for everyone to hear it fully. Briar gets a song if I remember correctly, and Apple… well, she’s pretty dependent on other people to get her happiness that all her songs are duets.
7. I’d love to share, but that’s a surprise ;)
8. For the most part, Legacy Day and Thronecoming are exactly the same, plot wise. Spring Unsprung gets mixed in with Way Too Wonderland which gets mixed with Dragon Games as well, and True Hearts Day elements are sprinkled in throughout. Basically, act 1 is screen accurate and act 2 we go a bit crazy. As for characters, the biggest ones are that Darling is included a hex of a lot more, and Cupid has kept her Monster High style and slang.
9. We plan to not make ANY money from this, AKA free admission and soundtrack download, and that will keep us out of… most trouble. We have plenty of legal nuts in our families that are dealing with the other parts.
10. Oh godmother I’m kinda hoping to feature as many characters as possible… we definitely have the Charming brothers, Hunter, Hopper, the Grimm brothers, the male narrator, Alastair, and I’m hoping for Chase… but also, we’re 100% down for AMAB actors playing female characters. I would go crazy over a drag or trans Cheshire Cat.
11. Shannon Hale! Mostly the first book.
12. Hoping for it. Plenty of characters that we may need to cut down mentions of.
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cannibal-nightmares · 1 month
everything everything is so awesome im glad someone i follow also likes them <3 thats all sorry i just love music
Never any apologies on my page 8D I can ramble about music incessantly, so thank you for your ask; I'm so glad to hear the same that you like them, as well! I've not organically met anyone in person who has heard of them, only friends who've discovered them through me or the wonders of finding shared-interest-mutuals on the internet. "Warm Healer" was my first Everything Everything song I had heard back in 2016-2017ishh; the tone of the polyrhythmic bass guitar INSTANTANEOUSLY hooked me in for good, then their interesting lyrical narrative was swift to follow suit... Also let's not ignore the madness of the fantastic cover art of "Get To Heaven," my god the colors, the design, the lines, the figure... And then, of course, the subconscious love for Radiohead (unknowing this was an element at play until around the release of "Re-Animator" when--to my knowledge--the band was more upfront about their inspirations and it all suddenly made sense).
Before the release of their lyric book, "CAPS LOCK ON," I had a list of B-sides and rarities, including stuff from Modern Bison, which featured Jonathan Higgs and Jeremy Pritchard from EE. On the list was/is "Wizard Talk," which has to be my favourite Everything Everything song on two points: Firstly, as much as Higgs loves to bend and snap vocal capacities with unimaginable peaks of falsetto + fast vocal cadences that leave their music uncategorizable to genre (and etc...), "Wizard Talk" is--in my opinion--unlike anything they've ever put out stylistically. "His voice sounds like he's playing marimba runs," I have repeated to friends over and over and over again, begging people to listen to this song. And then, secondly, comes the profound lyrics of this song. EE loves to play with elaborate metaphors to dance around politics, the state of the world, and social narratives, but "Wizard Talk" feels emotional on a level beyond their common frustrations, especially having been such an early track from the "Man Alive"(?) era, and also in contrast to the stark emotionality of "Re-Animator." Idk man. It hits hard. It's sad. It's hopeful. It's beautiful. You feel the character's defeat and his acceptance in that the hope he seeks is, will be, and always has been abstract in nature while he has spent so much time looking for a concrete and tangible handle to hold onto. It feels like their most vulnerable glimpse at what Jon really has to say. That song has meant a lot to me for a long time, so I am glad EE finally released (some of) the extras from "Man Alive" in the Deluxe re-release.
Ah, anyways, the B-side archive. Something something something, if I remember correctly, there's a few songs missing from the Man Alive deluxe release and even "CAPS LONG ON" is missing a few songs. I won't be cross-referencing this information right now, I'm in bed. Regardless, I will say that a song or two off of the re-release are completely different recording takes and mixes which I find of intruige (again, only if I remember correctly, I think it's at least "The Kids Are Obese" but dooonn't quote me on it..)
Anyways, what else... I've done a ton of art based around EE, some of which is lyrically inspired, others of which are direct tribute art to the band (including a piece to "Magnetophone"!) They're currently sitting at my third-most listened to band of all time, according to my LastFM page. I love them so very very much and I'm so glad you do, too; I hope your ask could maybe inspire others, as well ^^
Can't ask me anything about music and expect a short answer, heh, I still have so much more to say about EE. I am very passionate about music.
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audreydoeskaren · 1 year
Hello Audrey
I'm almost sure you were talking about the origin of cheongsam at one point, how scholars are not sure it comes from manchu fashion, contrarily to popular opinion, and I can't find it (I'm sorry, I looked... Your tumblr is well organised, but I still couldn't find it)
Do you remember what post it was?
Oh sorry I can't really remember either, I mentioned it in the 1930s post and also this book review but there might be some other instances.
To recap, the origins of cheongsam/qipao are genuinely unclear and there could be multiple sources of inspiration. If I remember correctly, amateur fashion historians speak of two separate garments named 'qipao' from the 1920s: one a long coat inspired by Manchu women's robes popular in 1921 but disappeared quickly afterwards, and another an unrelated one piece dress of a similar cut to contemporary aoqun popularized around 1925-6. The latter is what became the cheongsam of mainstream women's fashion we're familiar with.
I think even if the idea of a one piece long dress with side slits was taken from Manchu women's fashion, the cheongsam of popular Han women's fashion differed much too much from contemporary Manchu women's dress to claim any affinity whatsoever. The cheongsam also didn't 'descend' from Manchu women's robes in the way many popular history narratives frame it, in that there was no direct lineage and Manchu women played no role in the creation of it.
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sea-owl · 1 year
So I’ve been reading a lot of villainess isekai novels and Portia came to mind. Imagine a modern day business woman, who after a car accident find herself in the world of Bridgerton, her favorite book series, a 12 years before the start of the first story as Baroness Featherington. Except the Featheringtons are the villains in this universe! Portia was a harsh woman who picked on her third youngest for her weight and would force her daughters to wear horrible colors! The two oldest would pick on Penelope constantly leading her to cling to the Bridgertons greedily while starting a infamous column that nearly ruined people and (I was inspired by all the posts hating on Penelope) with Penelope is later executed for her Whistledown exploits and Portia banished! Oh heck no! Isekai!Portia quickly takes charge of this family, leading them from ruin while also guiding her daughters along firm but more lovingly. As a result Prudence and Phillipa don’t bully Penelope and she’s more comfortable in her own skin. Portia also makes sure her daughter doesn’t meet the Bridgertons to avoid her death flag and Penelope instead befriends Phillip Crane (who Portia also takes under her wing as Phillip would commit suicide in the books down the road due to his trauma). If she hopes Penelope and Phillip will end up together given their closeness, that’s no one’s business now is it. Still, she breathes a sigh of relief when Daphnes season starts with no sign of Whistledown and as her family flourishes, Portia is content to watch her girls thrive and be a loving family. Until Penelope turns 21 and debuts and she watches flabbergasted as Colin bypasses the woman he is supposed end up with (the heroine of his book!) to sign her daughters dance card, TWICE!! Cue Portia trying to keep her daughter away from the Bridgertons to avoid her death, with a very uninterested Penelope who just wants to read in peace without this weird man attempting to gain her attention.
You know, villainess Isekai oddly fits Portia. I like this idea.
Um so this is a long post. I accidentally went a little overboard and I’m on mobile so no read more. Sorry. 
So, here's what I'm thinking:
After the birth of her fourth daughter Lady Portia Featherington had woken up with memories of her life before she was Lady Portia Featherington.
In her life before she was a successful, but lonely businesswoman. She had wanted a family, children of her own, but life had not played those cards for her. At 30 years old Portia's past life had ended in an accident.
It was strange her new life and the world around her reminded her of her favorite book series, Bridgerton. Portia was a sucker for a good romance series and having all the leads being from a loving family certainly added to its charm. The other family though, the ones written to be the darker and used as the villains more often than not in the books. Portia thought it was a bit unfair how the author made them so static and one dimensional compared to their Bridgerton counterparts. Some parts of the fandom believed the author held a weird grudge against them. What were their names again?
"Lady Featherington, your daughters are here to see you and the baby," a maid announced.
Portia felt herself sit straighter, daughters. She had daughters in this world. How many? At least three, maybe more? The maid has used daughters as in plural, and she had just given birth to another. Portia could feel a smile growing on her face.
"Please bring them in," Portia said.
The maid looked slightly startled but did as asked. Three redheaded girls were shuffled into the room. If Portia remembered correctly the baby in her arms was Felicity, the oldest at 11 was Prudence, next was Phillipa at 10, and then at 7 was Penelope. 
Portia focused in on her third daughter. The little girl folded in on herself, her baby fat cheeks flushing red. Penelope, this was her daughter Penelope. Why does she look so scared? No little girl should look like she has more insecurities than she does years-
The pieces fell together. 
The reason this world reminded her of the Bridgerton series so much was because they are one and the same. And Portia Featherington was one of the villainesses. 
For reasons unknown to the readers in the series the mother of the Featherington family was cruel to her daughters, especially to her thirdborn. There was some members of the fandom theorized it had to do with Lord Featherington leaving her spurned and possibly in massive debt. She had verbally broken each daughter, successfully turning them into villainesses themselves. The older two, Prudence and Phillipa, took majority of their frustrations and anger out on their younger sisters. Penelope and Felicity turned their cruelty on the ton. They worked as a team, befriending sisters from the most beloved family in the ton, the Bridgertons. Once they secured that Penelope put her gift for writing to work by creating a gossip column sheet that told everyone’s secrets, no matter how big or small, using full names, and was purposefully written to ruin lives. With one word they could turn the whole ton against each other. It went even so far as to expose the secrets of the royal family. No one suspected the darling friends of the Bridgertons though. 
Well until book four where Colin Bridgerton had exposed Penelope as the gossip columnist Lady Whistledown. At the end of the book Penelope is executed, and Felicity had escaped until book seven where she goes head-to-head with her former Bridgerton bestie. Portia herself is sent to live in exile, while it is unknown what happened to the older two. 
Portia looked over all her daughter once more. No, she will not let them become that. 
As soon as she was able to Portia had moved her daughters out to their country home near the border of Gloucestershire and Somerset. Best to get her daughters away from the main setting and heroes of the series for as long as she could. She’s gonna fight tooth and nail to make sure her daughters are alive and happy. 
From their country home Portia began to put her business skills to work by first righting the accounts and then taking a look at some new business deals. Portia winced at how little money her family actually had, apparently those fandom theories were not far off.  The husband she left in London certainly had a gambling problem. She can fix this though. 
Penelope, who was now eight and not as afraid to come near her mother, watched as she stood on her tippytoes. “Mama what are you doing?”
“Looking over the accounts sweetie. I’m thinking about investing in a new deal and I want to see how much money I can use. I am also making sure I am choosing the right business partner.” Portia picked Penelope up and sat her on her lap. “Do you wish to help Mama?”
Penelope nodded; eyes focused on the papers in front of her. 
Portia picked up the list of names. “Remember darling, picking the right business partner is just as important as picking the right deal.”
About a week later Penelope came rushing into the house dragging behind her a boy about two years older than her. “Mama! I have a new business partner!” Penelope told her proudly. 
“How wonderful darling, you must tell me. But first, who is that young man behind you?” Portia asked. 
The boy, who could be no older than ten, blushed, and ducked his head. Honestly Portia was just surprised to Penelope dragging him around. She’s still so shy around new people. 
“Hello, I’m Phillip Crane,” the boy said, barely above a whisper. 
Of all the people her daughter could befriend in Gloucestershire she had chosen one of the Bridgerton villains. Sir Phillip Crane was the main villain of the fifth book. After the events of book four Eloise Bridgerton is sent out to the countryside to visit her cousin Marina to help her come to terms of her former best friend psychologically terrorizing the ton. Uknown to either of them, Marina’s husband had been driven insane years ago by his father’s abuse, and now uses poison to make sure no one ever gets as mad as the former Sir Crane ever did again.
The young boy in front of her now though, the shy thing that wouldn’t look her in the eyes was not that man yet. Maybe she could help him too.   
“Would you like some tea Phillip?” 
As it turns out the two met in the meadow that Penelope likes to collect flowers from. Phillip had ran there to escape his drunk father and just so happened to bump into Penelope. Both their shy natures took over at first, until Phillip couldn’t bare the silence anymore and picked up one of the flowers Penelope dropped, spouting off every fact he knew about it. 
“Phillip knows a lot about flowers Mama!” Penelope said excited. “He can help me make good flower choices!” 
Portia smiled at the blossoming friendship.  
Later on the new friends were playing in the library, and Portia was feeding Felicity. 
“Lady Featherington, a Sir Crane is here,” Mrs. Varley said, notes of disgust in her voice. 
“I will see him in the drawing room,” Portia said. “Thank you, Mrs. Varley.” 
Portia debated putting Felicity down, but then decided she rather see that man squirm. And squirm he did. 
The current Sir Crane couldn’t look Portia in the eye, though she wonders if would have been able to at all with how drunk he was. “You wish to what?”
“Take Phillip in as my ward. If the rumors are true, you do not wish to raise him. You can focus on his older brother to become the next Sir Crane.” 
“And why would you want the brat?” Sir Crane hiccupped.
Portia gave a lazy shrug. “I’m a businesswoman, I like to invest.” 
Penelope is twelve when she drags another new villainous business partner into the house. This one helping with good choices when it comes to art. Her name is Sophie Beckett, she is currently sixteen and she is the villain of the third book. Born as an illegitimate daughter of a lord, her stepmother had forced her into a life of poverty. Sophie found she much rather live a life of thievery. This Sophie has currently only stolen one ring that she offers to Portia in exchange for a job. 
Portia gains another ward. 
A year after taking Sophie in Portia makes a new business partner of her own. 
It was a lazy morning for the Featherington household. Phillip and Penelope were teaching six-year-old Felicity to read. Her youngest sat between the two as they go over the words in the book. Sophie sits across from them working on her needlework. Prudence and Phillipa were laughing as they practiced one of their dances. 
Portia was going over her correspondences when a thought hit her. She clapped her hands. “Children!” 
All of them looked up. 
“Today during tea we will have some guests joining us.”
“Who is to join us, Aunt Portia?” Sophie asked.
“Lady Sheffield and her two daughters. She’s recently moved to Somerset and would like some help with possible business connections.” 
To the family’s surprise a Lady Mary Sharma and her two daughters had arrived for tea. The family of three had recently moved to Somerset from India after the death of Lady Sharma’s husband. Mary had thought it would be the best move since while Kate was technically out in society the family needed to gather the necessary funds to have a chance at a London season or two for when both her and when Edwina is of age. “Sadly, not everything can be new at the moment,” Mary said. “The seal I currently use still has my maiden name on it.”
Portia nods in understanding. It had taken her years to finally get her finances in proper order after her deceased husband almost sent them into debt. “And I will gladly help you where I can.” 
The two women spent going over some of the best choices for Mary to invest. Once in a while one of Portia’s brood would call out a suggestion. Kate had alternated from between the two groups. Portia glanced up at her as she came to back over. 
Kate Sharma, the villain of the second book. Of all the villains Kate was deemed one of the most dangerous right next to Penelope. The main difference being that Penelope played the long game, while Kate caused as much destruction as she could in the shortest amount of time possible. Spurned by a father who could never see her more than an extension of his dead wife, and always compared lesser to her half-sister, Kate grew up into a cold woman with a temper. 
The young lady that stood before her now though, was not cold, and appeared to having a loving relationship with her stepmother and sister. Portia wasn’t sure what started the changes already for her but keeping an eye one things couldn’t hurt right? After all she did like Mary and their children seemed to get along well. 
“Are you sure you don’t mind us staying with you during the season?” Mary asked. 
“It’s no problem at all,” Portia said. “Rent in London is expensive, and you’ll be able to bring the girls for more than one season this way.” 
While she may have made trips on her own for business, this was the first time since she left that Portia was bringing her whole family to London. Prudence and Sophie are 18 now and it is time for them to make their debut. 
Kate was also being brought to London earlier. Instead of 1814 where her sister debuted with her, Kate was taking this step by herself. Portia wonders how this change will affect things. She hopes it means the start to a few different endings than the ones in the books. 
Currently Portia, Mary, and their debutante daughters were at Lady Danbury’s opening ball. The two mamas watched their daughters. Prudence looked to be the only one excited to be there. Sophie was hiding behind the two girls, and Kate was acting more like a chaperone than a debutante. 
“Oh Kate,” Mary sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. 
Portia chuckled. “Imagine how she’ll be once Edwina debuts.” 
Mary glared at Portia. “Please do not put that thought into my head right now.” 
Portia was about to laugh again when she felt a pair of eyes on her. 
“Lady Featherington.”
Oh lovely, Portia was wondering how long it was going to be before she ran into her. Portia had to stop herself from rolling her eyes before turning around. She smiled her business smile. “Lady Bridgerton, how wonderful to see you again.” 
The Dowager Viscountess Violet Bridgerton was more or less a rival to Portia, a sort of frenemy. Portia wasn’t quite sure how it started, though she feels like it was probably her fault, but there has been this tension between them for years. Even in her old life you could feel the tension through the pages, but that had been when Portia Featherington was Violet Bridgerton’s villainess foil. Portia isn’t sure what’s fueling it now, especially since Portia now had the habit of trying to avoid any interaction with the Bridgertons. If they’re never around one another then she and her family won’t be in danger from the book endings. 
“I hear you are back in London with your whole family this time,” Violet said. Her tone was overly polite, as if she wanted to say something else but social rules demanded she not. 
Portia responded in that same overly polite tone. “Just for the season, my two oldest have recently debuted this year, and I thought getting the others used to London before their own seasons would be wise. Your oldest daughter debuted this year as well, correct?”
Violet nodded. “Yes. Daphne is very excited.” 
Before either could say more one of the younger lords walked by, and Violet’s eyes narrowed in on her prey. Making her excuses the dowager viscountess snatches her daughter away from her three brothers to go make an introduction. 
Mary wrapped her arm in Portia’s. “I did not know if you two were to duel or kiss.”
“Mary!” Portia exclaimed. 
Mary laughed. “Can you blame me for thinking so? I felt as if I had walked in on newlyweds whose foreplay was fighting.”  
Portia swatted the arm that was connected to her’s. “That is probably my fault. I’ve told you before I was not the nicest lady before moving to the countryside.”
Mary nodded. “So, you have told me.” 
Three years later Portia finds herself smiling as she watched the now 21 years old Phillip and 19 years old Penelope dancing. Ugh these children are growing up so fast. Prudence and Phillipa have already married in their 3rd and 2nd seasons respectively. Sophie still chooses to stick closer to the now on the shelf Kate than dance with any gentleman. Which was fine by Portia, she understood Sophie’s fear of being at the financial mercy of someone else. If that means Sophie chooses not to marry and focus on creating images for scientific books than she was more than welcome to. Phillip and Penelope had just recently returned. Phillip had wanted to study different plants on a Grand Tour for his last year at university and offered to take Penelope with him. It would put Penelope a year behind in debuting but honestly Portia did find it be a better opportunity for her daughter and allowed. She probably should have sent a chaperone with but they have known each other for over a decade. And if they came and have decided to marry Portia would not be against it. 
That third daughter of her’s definitely gave her a heart attack though. Penelope was 17 when she was supposed to start writing Lady Whistledown. Portia had been on the lookout all season, but it seemed her daughter had not taken an interest. Well until about halfway through the season that is. 
Portia had just come downstairs for breakfast where she already found Mary reading over a couple pamphlets.  
“What are you reading Mary?” Portia asked as she sat down.
“There is a new author this year,” Mary said. “A Lady Whistledown-”
Portia chocked on her tea. “What!” She thought she had avoided this! Her Penelope was not like the Penelope from the books! She was loved, happy, and a confident young lady. She was not as alone as she was in the books. How could she turn to gossip writing? Portia scrambled to grab one of the pamphlets. 
“Oh that is the second story,” Mary said. She reached for another pamphlet and then handed it to Portia. “This is the one you want to start with.” 
Turns out the pamphlets all contain a short story with a larger story forming in the background of each pamphlet. All of them focusing on finding love, some of them adding a bit of scandal. Oh, there was still a little bit of Ton gossip snuck in here and there, but if one was not looking for it then they would miss it. Honestly it was such a creatve idea, and Portia felt so proud of her daughter. 
“I say, what are those Bridgerton boys doing?” Mary questioned, pulling Portia out of her memories.
Portia narrowed her eyes. The three eldest Bridgertons, Anthony, Benedict, and Colin, were all making their way across the ballroom towards the corner she last saw Phillip and Penelope head towards after their dance, meaning the others are there as well. 
Well, she had a guess what Anthony was about to do. Though she may be against it now Anthony did marry Edwina in the books. Portia is guessing that this event will still hold true, even if it was delayed by Edwina wanting to delay her debut a year so her family could gather more money for two daughters going to balls instead of one. 
That does not explain the other two brothers though. They had actually just bypassed the women who would have been their wives in the books. Maybe they are backing up their older brother?
What. The. HELL?!
Someone must have spiked that punch because there is no way what Portia just saw was true. But glancing at Mary’s face did not give Portia any hope with that concept. 
Did the Bridgertons ABC just ask the villainesses of their books to dance with them? Then they signed their cards twice?!
Portia locked eyes with Violet from across the ballroom, the later smirked and winked at her. 
Alright then, game fucking on. 
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these are a few of my favorite things (unfortunately not raindrops on roses and brown paper whatevers)
thanks to @thevagabondexpress and @ibrushmyteeth-donttellanyone (if i remember correctly) for the tag!
movie: i don't know. i don't really watch movies much. last one that made me feel something and still inspires what i do today is hacksaw ridge (saw it last 6 years ago and have to admit this may be Romantic Secondhand Appreciation but. i still think of it when i fight climate change. so it stays)
character: no character exists in a vacuum. i'm nominating all four merry thieves
animal: i know too much ecology to nominate a single one. i love all birds and large herbivorous marsupials as well as echidnas. guinea fowls (current pfp) really do reflect my personality a lot though
drink: smoothies. you can make them as delicious or as gross but healthy as you want. preferably both. no two smoothies are ever the same but rarely is a smoothie bad, they eliminate all the inconsistencies of fruit by simply pooling the sample pool together and averaging it out.
song: technically 2 songs but they're one track on the album so: has to go to outer space/carry on by 5 seconds of summer. creates such an atmosphere that goes perfectly with the story it tells, is terribly nostalgic, and ends in such an optimistic and encouraging way. tells of open ocean (did i once help design a space city with this inspo?) and the loneliness that's as if you're in space, longing for rain (i love rain okay you will see me in a raincoat taking photos of everything because it looks cooler when wet) just to feel something. longing for lost love. and the fact that through anything you can go on and life keeps going and you can survive it all but the way the (double) song sets it up you feel like you've gone on an adventure by the time you get there.
season: i love autumn and spring in equal measure for different reasons. i love brisbane winters when i don't have a 9-5 job but i also love sydney summers.
book: once you see it: 7 temptations of the western church by jeff christopherson. answering @tleeaves question from a while back (finally), have you done one of these? fully fangirled hard enough to message the author on facebook, we're somewhat friends now. but it tells the story of a bunch of different people from different backgrounds and uses narrative to drive its points, ending with them making something (i could talk about it for hours) that i long to emulate. while moving through organisations that embody these 7 temptations/mistakes and fail because of it, except they look exactly like the churches we know and yes. this is why they are failing in many ways if we just open our eyes to it we can do much better.
color: purple of some kind. maybe a darker purple?
hobby: all the things i do that connect me with nature and other people. from building recycled things for a purpose to taking care of birds to arranging poppunkrock songs for my viola and whoever else i play with to analysing the way fictional characters interact and applying it with real life people to canyoning (google it, it's incredibly fun) and hiking and rock climbing and of course designing civilisations for humans as well as other species
tagging (only if you want to of course): @completeanduttermess and @failempires and @what-ho-christopher-put-in
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tricksterrune · 10 months
Rogues playing DnD: Classes
I fully admit that this is based on my limited experience of DnD, mainly through season 1 of Vox Machina, The Gamers 2: Dorkness Rising and FrasierDnD Twitter, specifically this. I also used to play The Dark Eye from which I steal aspects. And WoW
for @belphegor1982
Piper: DungeonMaster
He brings them together. They call him a nerd for it, but it sounds like fun so they all join in. But while Piper is the most experienced as of now, he hasn't played since college and wasn't the dungeon master, he isn't 100% in control and improvises a lot. At first he tries to keep them on the story path but learns to relax and let go. He used to have a high level bard in college and frequently uses that character's relatives as npcs.
James: hmmmmm
In the Dark Eye there were classic fae changelings. Fae could take a child and leave a changeling in its wake. And you could then play as the child that was taken which grew up in the fae realm, learn magic and becomes fae-like (If I remember correctly). James would play a character but never actually clarify whether he was the original character or the changeling pretending to be him.
Or I go with my initial answer and say that he roleplays as someone who does not fit into the world of DnD (as I once played a whole quest trying to be Indiana Jones). Half-elf...alledgedly
Mick: Monk....now
Mick's character became a monk later in life and starts as a veteran character (is that a thing in DnD?). Which means that he starts stronger but his character is old. He'd be a Dragonborn because they look badass. He is always super-prepared and carries endless supplies.
Mark: Wizard, elf or human
I hc Mark as someone who likes reading and not just Mark Twain, who was overshadowed by his gifted brother who was into natural sciences. He probably loves fantasy books but never engaged as a teen, wanting to appear tough. He has big ideas but hasn't read the rulebook too closely, just stories and wants to be a wizard who can do everything, mainly throw fireballs at people. Piper has to remind him frequently that he can't do the thing he just announced he was going to do. "I cast Firestorm!" "Do you know the spell?" "No?" "What about your spell slots?" "My what?"
Roscoe: Artificer, human
He sticks to what he knows best so he essentially plays himself. BUT he has read the rulebook twice and has become a rule's lawyer. He often thinks outside of the box but sometimes gets bigged down by what the numbers say are possible and what's a good story. He'd try a peasant railgun.
Lisa: Rogue, tiefling
Skintight leather? Check. Awfully sharp knives? Check. Steal absolutely EVERYTHING? Check. Often gets the party into trouble with her antics. "Can I roll to steal the crown?" "Seeing as its currently on the king's head, he's looking at you and is surrounded by his royal guard....no." She'd play tiefling, sexy as hell.
Digger: Barbarian, half-orc or orc
Digger junior, his character's name, will fight everyone, drink everything and then fight everyone again. He is legendary in bar brawls. His secret goal is to be the brawler like no ever ever was. Fighting's his real test, drinking is his cause. Digger jr is Digger unfiltered which you'd think was impossible.
Len: Druid, elf
He was blackmailed into attending at first (but secretly has fun) and plays a druid, almost exclusively in bear form (assuming that's possible, I' drawing on my WoW knowledge). His favorite trick is making people think he's a regular bear and only reveals himself when it's funny. Has written a couple of bear puns, but is afraid to use them unless he's a little drunk.
Sam: Bard! And a woman!
Charisma, charisma and charisma! He needs everyone to know that he is the most beautiful lady of all the land. And his character doesn't get her hands dirty, she stays outside and keeps inspiring the party. In ideal circumstances anyway, she has mace (an actual mace) when things get tough.
Roy: Warlock, Tiefling.
Roy strives to become an eldritch entity himself, possibly by killing his patron. At least he's not giving up his soul. He draws the most beautiful character portraits between rounds.
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areas-of-fromsoft · 10 months
FromSoft cast of nonhuman characters are amazing
We get monstrous looking characters who are just the sweetest creatures ever
Like Iji and Yhorm, they're such good boys
They continued to upheld their noble,good morals even when they were probably subjected to extreme discrimination,if I remember correctly beasts like Giants or Trolls in FromSoft games are generally hated by the major populace cuz of their looks
Y'know what's so ironic and funny about these two? Trolls and Giants are generally depicted as big,brawn brained creatures with a pea sized intelligence in the common medias
But Iji was literally a war counselor, which is a position of a being with high intelligence, he worked for a royal family,the guy was reading a book when we encountered him which means he can fucking read
Yhorm was a literal lord,a noble title only given to those with great talent,committed commemorable achievements,owns and rules a specific territory
They sound very accomplished for an "old troll" and a "lowly giant"
Side note: Also apparently the giants in Dark Souls can turn into trees after they die, they're even eco friendly too,that sounds so wholesome
I think they're very inspiring as examples to marginalized groups. Sure you maybe considered lowly,ugly because of how you were born,but that ain't stopping you from achieving greatness
That’s a really lovely point!
The stories of the giants and trolls are very sad in dark souls and Elden Ring, I’m glad they go out of their way in the games to give you some information on the treatment/genocide/enslavement of them.
Going off what you said about the trees, I’m going to assume you haven’t played DS2, but in that you can use a few of the Giant Trees (their corpses turned to trees) to go into the past. You go straight into the time of the war with the giants. Unfortunately, you do have to kill them despite really not wanting to.
It does a really good job of (at least for me) making you consider if you’re really a “good guy” or not. Not sure if I could ever feel like I’m doing the morally correct thing when killing giants in these games.
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bbygirl-aemond · 1 year
Wanted to ask this question a long time ago: how old is everyone exactly? If Aemond in your fic is around 20, that makes Aegon and Helaena older too. And the children, Daemyra's children especially, all seven of them, what are the ages you go by? If I remember correctly, you moved Daemyra's marriage years according to the books rather than series, which also makes everything a little complicated. Can you clarify on the ages please, because I'm a little bit confused.
ooh yes i've been wanting to talk about this actually! i did fudge several of the ages a bit. inspiration came from the show ages (which are a bit nebulous at times), the book ages, and the actor's ages. i'll put a list of all of the main characters' ages below, but first i wanted to explain the justification for some of the larger changes:
aemond: i wanted him to be an actual adult, and to be irish twins with helaena (to strengthen the parallels between them and also for secret valyrian purposes); i didn't want to put a teenager or especially a minor in the mature poltiical and sexual situations i have planned for this work
daeron: i wanted him to be much younger than his other siblings, who are all only a year apart, to emphasize how distant he feels from them. also, aemond was canonically premature and it's not unreasonable that alicent would take a break from having kids after a difficult pregnancy. it also makes viserys more of an asshole for conceiving daeron in the first place since it risked another difficult birth
alicent: i wanted her a little younger, more like fourteen when she was married, to emphasize how awful viserys really was and how helpless she was in that entire situation
rhaenyra: i wanted her a little younger to make her baby daddy decision a little more sympathetic due to immaturity, and to leave more time for future children
daemon: i wanted a more sympathetic reason for his immaturity at the beginning of the series (his youth), to give him and criston more in common to emphasize the parallels drawn between them, and to avoid making myself sad by thinking about him dying 2+ decades before his family because he's old
baela: it's not mentioned that she and rhaena are twins in the show, and they're not played by the same actor the way the lannister twins were, so by the time i realized they were meant to be twins it would've affected the plot. baela has major big sister energy tho so i'm not mad about it
okay so all that being said, here are the (rough) ages that i imagine everyone to be as i write. you'll see that all members of the main triad have been moved closer to their irl actors' ages:
maelor: 2
viserys: 5-6
jaehaera and jaehaerys: 6
aegon the younger: 9
joffrey and alyn: 11-12
rhaena, lucerys, and addam: 14-15
jacaerys, baela, and daeron: 16-17
aemond: 21
helaena: 21 (she and aemond are irish twins)
aegon: 22
rhaenyra: 31-32
alicent: 36
criston and daemon: 41-42
i'm also trying to avoid explicit mentions of people's age for the most part, to leave everything a little squidgy. also if this conflicts horribly with either canon please do not tell me eye do not wish to know <3
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lettertoanoldpoet · 8 months
hej, since I loved all the books that you recommended me a while ago and I trust your taste, I'll try again. If I love listening to boygenius and to their solo stuff are there any other artists that you think I should listen?
hi!! first of all, that makes me so happy to hear. i’m so glad that you enjoyed those recommendations, it’s truly an honour to be trusted about something like this. (there’s nothing i love more than talking about my favourite music and books!!)
one of my all time favourite albums is silver tongue by torres, it’s a masterpiece, and if you’re into (sapphic) indie rock, i think this would be right up your alley. for the same reason, i’d also recommend valentine by snail mail.
if i remember correctly, the boys mentioned drawing inspiration from a song from flock of dimes’ album head of roses when they were making the record, and i think that’s an incredible, yet criminally underrated, album.
in the end it always does by the japanese house is one of my favourite 2023 releases, and if you like the boys’ music, you might like this album too.
there’s a lot of overlap between boygenius and muna fans, and maybe you’ve already listened to them, but if not, i’d highly recommend going through their discography - especially their debut album, about u.
if you’re into boygenius’ folk vibes, i’d really recommend songs by adrianne lenker, which is one of the most beautiful albums ever made, in my opinion. and if you’d like to listen to something more americana/country-esque, some of my favourite albums in the genre are expectations by katie pruitt (who also did an incredible interview with jb on her podcast, the recovering catholic), saint cloud by waxahatchee, and in these silent days by brandi carlile.
first aid kit is another band that i adore, i saw them live earlier this year and they were FANTASTIC. and if you’re a fan of female vocalists who do the most gorgeous harmonies, i’d really recommend them. especially their albums palomino and ruins.
i also just have to mention the national. i know they’re a major inspiration for lucy, jb and phoebe, and they’ve all played with them on different occasions (phoebe is even featured on some recent the national songs!). all their albums are masterpieces imo, and my personal favourites are trouble will find me and high violet.
finally, i also want to recommend tomberlin, samia and maggie rogers - all of whom i think are artists you might be into if you like boygenius.
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