#this one’s kind of more personal. not vent but just an exploration of the self
nokia7600 · 5 months
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Self Recognition Self Evolution
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copperbadge · 2 years
Having ADHD and Being A Little Punk Rock
So....a huge amount of the discourse on Tumblr around neurodiversity generally is just venting. Which is good, it’s good to vent and Tumblr is a good place for it. And I know that often, when venting, the LAST thing you want to hear is someone trying to offer help or solutions. So generally I keep my mouth shut unless someone is speaking to me specifically. 
But a while back I saw someone asking (rhetorically) about what people with ADHD wish their parents had known, and I had a lot of thoughts about that which I started jotting down. Reading the various ADHD tags, I also see a lot of teens and twentysomethings with ADHD who visibly have no coping mechanisms and no way of creating them. I don’t blame the kids, and it’s not some kind of personal failing on their part; they’re young, and nobody has taught them. But I look at them and I think, A little sideways thinking would help you out so much. Then, recently, I got an ask (thank you for the permission not to respond directly) that was full of feelings about not being able to process or communicate well, and feeling a lot of negative emotions because of it. 
So, maybe it’s time to just throw this out there. I want to offer some advice as Fandom Dad with forty-three years of being neurodiverse and exactly seven months of actually being aware I was neurodiverse. Which for once is actually going to be pretty helpful! Because I looked at the world and I assumed my own neurotypicality and I thought, well, okay, but fuck all that.
Allow me to explain.  
I think this can apply to a number of ways in which people are neurodiverse, but I have ADHD so that’s what I’m really speaking to here. With ADHD, there’s medication, and I strongly urge people to explore that option because medication is awesome when it works. But there’s also a lot out there about how to try harder, or trick yourself into doing something in a very neurotypical way, or use systems that may not work for you. I know; I tried some too, and the sense of failure, the sense of being an ongoing failure, is terrible. So I want to offer an alternative which has helped me a great deal, and may help other people with ADHD, particularly younger people. 
People of any age, but especially young people who have ADHD, should be made aware that it’s okay to suck at things, to struggle, and to fail. Even if you think you should be good at something, even if everyone around you thinks so too, it’s okay to just be garbage at it and to acknowledge that fact. But just saying “well I’m dumb and can’t do this” of course isn’t actually helpful, and harms you a great deal, because you are a living person with feelings and if you’re self-aware enough to notice, you’re also too smart to be calling yourself dumb. Acknowledging that you’re bad at something, and even acknowledging that you’d like to succeed at it, is only part one of figuring life out.
Part two is deciding what to do about it, and more importantly, how. 
I was always told I was smart, but I was told “You’re smart so you should be able to do this”, not “You’re smart, so let’s come up with a way around this.” I don’t think many people are encouraged to explore why they are bad at something, to understand their own brains and thought processes which cause them to struggle.
Decades before I knew I had ADHD, I had to figure out that one of life’s most important skills is not being able to creatively solve problems but to recognize when you have to. Anyone can sit around and come up with three or four ways to solve a problem, but it’s not actually often taught that you should also be aware of when this is needed. Often, when faced with a problem that is difficult to solve, we’re taught that our reaction should be the socially approved “I just need to try harder”. Sometimes that’s true, but usually it’s not.  
More often, when we feel that instinct, especially as people with ADHD, we should say instead, “I’m not going to try harder, that’s bullshit. I’m trying already. I’m going to find another way to solve this problem.” Trying harder doesn’t work, after all, when your own brain is fighting you.
So you stop and think, if there were no rules to the world, how could I do this? You don’t have to work smarter; a lot of my solutions could reasonably be described as “work dumber”. The point is to work differently in a way that helps you specifically. 
Stop trying to remember to take your keys when you leave the house and get a lanyard and hang them on the doorknob; if you lose them a lot, hang the lanyard around your neck when you leave the house. 
Stop pretending you’ll remember to scoop the litterbox every night and set an alarm that tells you to do it. Or don’t, that works for me but might not for you! Maybe you have to put the litterbox somewhere you’ll see it right before bed (I ALSO do this for the days I turn off the alarm and then promptly forget it happened). 
There are phone charging cords in every room of my home so that I never run down my phone battery, something that is mildly inconvenient to have happen but deeply anxiety-inducing to think about for me. And now I never worry.
The point is, don’t ask how you can do better at something, ask how you can make something easier for you.
Even rewiring your brain to ask the question is a learned skill, though. You have to consciously stop when you find something is fighting you and consciously think, how can this be easier for my specific brain? If we assume I am not stupid but am in fact fighting an invisible monster, how do I make the monster visible? 
Life became roughly 60% easier for me when I started thinking this way. Of all the tips for time management and list making and organizing and de-organizing you can try and implement, none of that is necessary if you know how to ask yourself, “How do I do this differently?” and come up with alternatives that suit your brain. 
Especially with neurodivergence, there’s no “one size fits all” when it comes to handling it, neurologically or emotionally. So I think that it’s important to be a little bit punk rock. Not necessarily in the way of defying authority but in the way of defying convention -- the ability to say “fuck you” to the Way Things Are Done and do one’s own thing is very liberating and healthy. You lose a lot of the benefits of creative problem solving if you’re also ashamed of the solutions. So I think the best trick I know of to succeed despite unmedicated ADHD is just to say “fuck you, there must be an easier way to do this.” 
I’m garbage at cleaning my home (I can say that because I’m not only calling myself garbage, I’m using “I’m bad at this” as a stepping stone to solving the problem, and then I no longer feel like garbage and can joke about it with a healthy ego). I vacuum regularly and do the dishes and such but like...I don’t scrub the floors or dust or wash out the bathtub. That’s part of why I do November Cleaning -- so that at least once a year those things, that I never want to do but always think I should do, get done, but only have to be done once and at a specific designated time. So now if the bathroom floor is a bit grimy in the corners I just think, “Ah -- that’s for November” and add it to my November Cleaning list. 
For my friend who struggles with communication, which is something I also used to really struggle with (and still do in some ways), one of my “make stuff easier” techniques for this was simply to...tell people.
“Hey, I tend to talk really fast when I get excited, so please tell me if I need to slow down.” 
“Sorry, I have some hearing issues, I may ask you to repeat something -- it’s fine just to do it slower, I don’t need louder.” 
“I’m upset and struggling, I need a minute.” (or even just “Hey where’s the bathroom?” so you can sit quietly for a moment and gather your thoughts. If you’re too upset to talk, it also helps to type them out, which I often do.) 
If someone tells me something I want to remember, I’ll get out my phone and say “Sorry, I’m still listening, but I want to write that down so I won’t forget it.” I do all my writing-things-down in Google Tasks, then once I’m somewhere quiet and private I review the notes and move stuff that isn’t actually “to do” to another list. Sometimes I’ll tell someone “I’m so sorry, you just said something and I totally missed it, but it’s important to me -- can you repeat it?” 
Most people find that kind of honesty, where you’re open about why you’re maybe talking at cross-purposes, really charming. It indicates that you think they are important, and you’re putting in effort to hear what they’re saying and respond to it thoughtfully.  
I hope this is helpful in finding ways around some basic problems, rather than through them -- that being able to stop and think “This could be easier -- how?” is something that people can internalize and make use of. Going around a mountain rather than through it might look like it’ll take more time and energy, but it beats trying to punch through granite the whole way there. 
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chickpea0 · 1 month
Going to be real for a sec, just thinking outloud because I know this is a safe place and I need to get thoughts out. Veeerry long! Not a vent just a brain dump. do not bother reading this unless youre really reallyyy into biographies lol this is literally 1,915 words
I'm stuck inbetween minds at the moment. I keep asking myself if regression, or dreaming, isn't really for me. I found agere and petre when I was very young, about 14; it piqued my interest because I'm a very curious person, interested in different lifestyles and ways to explore the self but I also think that because I was just coming out of childhood even though I thought my childhood had ended years before. I was just growing out of being a tween and at that stage in life, it's really startling going from childhood to seemingly adulthood overnight and it's quite natural and common for people to want to cling onto things when everything is being shaken up like that.
Intamacy with people, vulnerability and emotional closeness is always somethign I've struggled with and felt like it was just out of reach so the idea of allowing myself to be back at a stage where I was raw, authentic and less closed up was really really appealing. Plus, the idea of people understanding that and guiding me and just being around me would mean they *really* like me and they're not just there because they have to be, even though I've never had a caregiver though I have had like 2 online friendships where I could be baby around them which felt quite good but I never quite felt satisfied. probably because it was online and neither laster over 3 months. I'm practically always masking and the idea of being weird (I mean this without negative connotation) and expressive really sounded amazing. I have also always always always wanted to be apart of a community but I just never have. No clubs or hobbies that made me feel welcome growing up, no proper friend groups that made made me feel at home, I think I've been in a lot of fandom/online community spaces just because I wanted to feel apart of something though because I was never able to contribute it just felt like a one-way mirror.
So!! I find a lovely community like this! With a focus on mental health, togetherness, working through things and taking time to appriciate things, it's great! I love you guys! I can even make moodboards and little posts and I have a cg blog and a slightly bigger blog where I help boost creators on here. I have mutuals!!!!! People follow me!!! We talk on tags and comments!!! I feel like I have insider knowledge and experience because I've had a lot of oppertuinty to reflect on life and mental health and even on regression itself. But thing is I do not regress often at all. When I do it's for split seconds. When I'm really sleepy, when I'm allowing myself to be vulnerable, if I'm having a weird spacey day. I'm not sure if it's more dissociation or a sudden wave of emotion or what. I think I'm just generally an immature person some times. I haven't grown up yet, I'm only an adolescent. It's not something I want to force because forcing things like this, especially if it is dissociation, can be pretty bad for your brain. Age dreaming is a different thing though.
For me I'm between a rock and a hardplace. I do not feel like I regress organically enough to be on here nearly as much as I am. I'm so tense that I feel like I can't relax or open up enough to enjoy even age dreaming. Brainfog, sure! But it's not regression. I also do not want to edge too far and go into maladaptive nostalgia terratory. I feel, lately, like I kind of need to say goodbye and thank you to my childhood but it's over now and that doesn't have to be a bad thing. I think there's such a focus- everywhere online not just here- on "how good" the old days were. People making heart wrenching nostalgia edits with slowed minecraft music and ambient noise just to rake in veiws and to pull at your own heartstrings. It's natural to seek solace and yearn for something that was so familiar and safe especially at a time where not only is daily life changing for the individual but also for society at large. But rose tinted glasses are not accurate and can be dangerous. Nostalgia should be something that makes you feel light and refreshed. When you hear a song that you haven't heard in years and go 'oh! I remeber! I remember what my brain was like back then' and smile and move on. Maybe taking inspiration from it.
I feel like my nervous system is so fried that making any progess is really draining and proper healthy coping mechanisms never seem to stick. I also feel very isolated, having no irl friends at the moment and not having any purpose like education, work, volonteering, passions, whatever. These are all things I have experienced for well over a decade which is... obviously a very large chunk of my life so far. So I really do need something to fill my life with, a familer space with familiar ideals and stuff. You guys are great. You have such refreshing takes and it just feels so calm and kind here. At the end of the day despite feeling a bit repetative at this point for me, I do enjoy looking at life through this lense. This place has not changed much at all since I started my blog in 2021. It's honestly one of the most consistant things in my day to day life! God. even the streets are changing but it's nice to know I can log on here if I need some reliability.
And thing is, I don't know if it's related to my ASD or my trauma or lack of experience in the world or none of those but I just feel a few steps behind my peers. They are all acting on their life plans or getting out and being social or enjoying new relationships. And I'm perfectly fine taking things at my own pace and growing in my own way but I just don't fit in really. I genuinely feel like I'll hit my stride in my mid twenties or older. Not because I'll have more qualifications or be high up in a career, I just feel like that is when I'll really start knowing and feeling like myself. That's the age when people generally start to figure things out. Basically, I like it here because I feel like I'm in a more similar life state. my focus is on getting through the day and making my own steps. I'm fine as long as I'm growing even if I'm burnt out lmao. Healing for over a decade drains you and I feel like my mental capacity is so small at the moment because of it. Like. I can't pick up a book or a new hobby or a job whatever because ALL of my bodily, mental, spiritual, emotional energies are going into mending and stuff. I feel like a 29 year old preschooler lol. 5 o'clock shadow and a sippy cup. haha. I like it here because it's like easy mode. it's like a holiday for your brain.
I'm honestly not sure what the point I started off with was. I have sooo many thoughts swirling in my head. At the end of the day I feel so burnt out and like I said, with such a small bandwidth that I feel like even regressing or dreaming or even just thinking about it is too much. Like. I used to cope and regulate by imagining scenarios in my head, like fanfics in my brain when I needed a little comfort but now I just can't! I can't imagine myself with a dream job or in a fantasy world or kissing someone cute, I just don't have it in me. It's not like I'm super low or anything, I'm actually generally pretty stable at the moment. I think what I want right now is to not feel alone. I don't want a relationship per se, not sure if it'd be fair to start something with someone but having a nice social circle would be a big relief. I can't remember ever really... having that. I guess I'm esoteric, with a full plate. I had a nice group of friends in college for about 2 years but thats dead now, we got on each others nerves at the end. But it was nice while it lasted. Imaging having a caregiver or being one is one of the only ways I can barely scratch that itch of wanting to rely on someone. Like. It's so deep at the moment, wanting comfort and all that, that "normal" soloutions to that just don't hit hard enough. Like I could imagine having a really nice friend group but irl I would need to be in a healthy friendship for quite a while before it started fulfilling that need, so imagining someone coddling me like I am a child, like I am something to be cherished, not just valued but cherished, that hits harder. thats nicer to think about. also also also co regulation + company is something i really desire.
I feel like I am so entwined with this community, more than anything else these days. It's sort of got a grip on me. and i dont know how i feel about that. none of you guys know me. i have mutuals, nice mutuals and people who are in my notes but none of you actually know me. i think maybe this place is more of a fantasy than a reality for me. and that tells me i need to distance myself but what else do i have?
I've tried taking a break before, you might remember, it only ended up being a few months but it was nice to come back.
right thats basically it. I assume if you've made it this far, seeing as I'm not even writing to anyone I'm just emptying my brain, I assume you're a very curious person. Someone who likes to feel involved. Like meeee. If anyone has any advice or sage wisdom or anything you want to say at all, please go ahead. This post is basically a bunch of thoughts with little resolve. This isn't really something I want to bring up with my therapist because onneee, I'm embarrassed, twwwooo she has most likely no idea of what age regression this, in this context. like. the age regression they talk about in regard to mental and psychological contexts, its pretty different to all this. anyway. i have other things in therapy to talk about lol maybe one day ill bring up that i feel like a small child in certain situations but let her lead that conversation. ah so.
yeah like. yeah. hi. if this resonates, im glad you found that. yeah. yeahhh i dont know. i have a lot of stuff going on. nothing in my life is straight forward. hence the... want to simplify things. I'm really tired now, wow!
to conclude, I'm a baby not necessarily a regessor. I'm running on fumes. i have a weird relationship with agere and im very hot and cold about it. goo goo ga ga but also i want to be respected and seen as a capable adult. i need a hobby. i need to rest but blehhhhh.
Here's a puppy as a treat for reading it all
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rukia-writes · 8 months
RoR characters
Zodiac signs
Authors note: part 2 maybe??
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Aphrodite rules love and beauty which is closely tied to Libra ♎️. Air signs that have an eye for beauty, communication and charm.
Libras are ruled by Venus, the Roman equivalent of Aphrodite.
Aphrodite can also be tied to Taurus ♉️ an earthly sign associated with pleasure, comfort, and indulgence, radiating charm and magnetic allure.
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Hercules (RoR) can be associated with Leo ♌️
Hercules weapon is the 🦁 lion.
Also due to his personality of honor, justice, and strong love is closely linked to the sun Leo who are known to have big hearts and a love for being right.
Body part: As a matter fact Astrology signs have body parts they rule over and Leo’s represent the heart ♥️
Bonus: Leo’s are a fire sign and they tend to get along with: air signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini) and other fire signs (Leo, Sagittarius and Aries)
Another Bonus!: Leo men are known to be protective, generous, kind, and a little possessive. Loyalty is everything. They treat their partner like the king/queen. Signs a leo man likes someone is physical touch, so writers don’t shy away from having Hercules gently hold reader’s hand.
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Qin Shi Huang was born February 18, 259 BC (identical to his RoR counterpart) making him an Aquarius ♒️
Aquarius is called the water-bearer" but is still regarded as an air sign (not a water sign) and is the eleventh astrological sign in the zodiac.
Aquarius are known to be advanced, self-reliant, clever, quirky and optimistic. Qin displayed these characteristics numerous times throughout previous chapters. Definitely being optimistic when facing Hades and more with being clever in the end of his round.
Body part: Ankles. (No, I’m not kidding)
Bonus: Aquarius tend to get along with other air signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini) and fire signs (Leo, Sagittarius and Aries)
Aquarius men in love will behave like your best friend: he’s the guy you call when you vent or just have someone to talk to. He’ll make plans with you, movies, etc. so having Qin behaving like the best friend then turned lover wouldn’t be ooc. 🤍✨
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Hades is associated with a Scorpio ♏️
Hades is known to be the god of the underworld, which corresponds with the planet Pluto.
Scorpio, a water sign ruled by Pluto, correlates with the transformative and mysterious nature of Hades. Scorpios are intense and passionate. They also care deeply about the people they care about family, friends, lover(s).
Body part: Genitals. (No. I’m not lying)
Trivia: Scorpio is the eighth House of Emotional Bonds & Sexual Intimacy. 👀
More! Trivia: Scorpios are about loyalty and are known to get possessive when jealous. Don’t make the god of the underworld jealous.
Scorpio men also will let you know they like you by asking a lot of questions! Like, what are your dreams/goals. What’s your favorite activity? He’s not the man to play around (when it comes to dating of course) I would like to see Hades ask a lot of questions towards reader 😂
Scorpio is a water sign; they tend to get along with everyone (it’s just a matter of WHO they like) but they tend to gravitate towards Earth signs (Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo) and other water signs (Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces), they can also get along with air signs very well! (Qin is one for example)
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Ares is associated with Aries of course! 🤍🥹✨
Aries is the fiery ram 🐏 they are confident, independent and strong individuals. They like passion and like to explore.
Aries is a fire sign, just like Hercules, Passionate, independent, and strong. To add in, they also have big hearts. Unlike their sister Fire counterparts they have temper. (We haven’t seen this temper in Ares YET! And I don’t want to! He’s so sweet)
Also, the ram loves to win and to be number one — sometimes, at all costs. This means that Aries and OUR Ares will love praises and compliments. ❤️‍🔥
Aries get along with fire signs (Sagittarius, Leo, Aries) and air signs, (Gemini (He tries to get along with Hermes which is a Gemini), Aquarius, (Didn’t happen with Qin 🤣) and Libra.
Body part: Head.
Trivia: Aries men in love let you know they who they like, so I can see Ares being shy yet confident with his crush 💕
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chatlote · 6 months
Please. Share more info about the maruki adopts akechi au. IM INVESTED
Anything about the PT in this au? Would Akechi meet them? (Drama? Romance?)
Thank you sm for being interested! Theres SO MUCH I can say that I wouldnt be sure where to start so I will focus on the ones you did ask!
The phantom thieves are very much in this universe as well. And Akechi will join them eventually, he approaches them himself when he realizes that maybe Maruki isn't following through their cause properly. He requests them to change Maruki heart along with him for the sake of making sure the world the envision will truly be good. (Obviously this will all blow up into Akechi breaking out of brainwashing as they explore the palace)
I will copy a snippet of my notes about the fact that he is part of Shujin academy as well and how he Joker first meet! And reply to the romance question under cut!
"Akechi would be the vice president of the student council and has a general reputation of being approachable and kind and that venting about your problems to him always helps. He doesn't always use his powers it's just a general he Helps just by listening. The entire school is rumors of how kind and pretty is the counselor and his son. They might not look alike but everyone is like they are so similar it's so true this school will always be at peace with them. Then akiren charges in. And it's not like he brainwashed the whole school so rumors start, it's unpleasant and akechi won't have that its not their goal. He changes the person who started the rumors but that doesn't stop it and they can't make their plans too obvious he can't change everyone so he approaches akiren with the goal of knowing how he is doing if he should just change him into someone 'calm' and maybe the rumors would go away on their own. But he realizes akiren is … harmless and kind? There's nothing there to even rumor about. Maybe it's because akechi is there and he is pretending? He decides he wants to keep in contact he wants akiren to keep in touch to know if he will adjust well if he can give names if someone does something to him and funny enough akiren agrees in a similar reason of, tell me if there seems to be a big person that the students are worried about (so the thieves can change them) Basically they are each other new source of info for side quests. Also joker figures it out after kamoshida because the entire school seems to be Too Calm and Too Okay with what just happened. Something akechi slipped with Morgana there makes him realize Akechi has some powers too and maybe that's why."
As for romance, I'm obviously a shuake fan if you have glanced at my blog. Basically there would indeed be a endgame with the two of them but things are a bit more complicated than that. Because for Akechi to heal and accept himself after Maruki brainwash breaks, he needs Joker to not have loved his pleasant self. Unlike canon it's not like that's a version of him he was just pretending to be, it's a version of him that existed out of his control.
So basically while they have feelings for each other before it a bit, even though Maruki says he shouldnt (making this one of the few things Akechi has picked out of his own free will) and Joker mostly likes him as a friend. Their relationship mostly develops as in a similar way to Sumire Rank5-10, Joker spends time with Akechi figuring out together what 'Akechi' even is as a person, its been all 4 years since he has been under control, and now all he has is Anger and Sadness at his manipulation and forgotten memories that came back. Joker is the one who introduces him to competitive games like darts and shogi this time around. The most validating thing Joker does for Akechi is loving his anger more than his politeness in the end.
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varii-corvid · 8 days
Political Vent about Palestine. (Thoughts of Sh, trauma from witnessing atrocities from a distance, imposter syndrome, deprivation, self deprecation)
Tldr; I fucking hate feeling powerless to stop atrocities while having no job and no future and no respect as a disabled trans person and it's been driving me down some interesting but dicey paths
I feel so fucking tired of being a bystander to all the shit going down in palestine. I want to be an activist and fight for what is right while being aware of all of these issues, but I feel stuck at home without any ability to leave my home due to being permanently broke and lack of any real life experience and just general mental disability. I honestly thought of becoming another one of those martyrs for Palestine, but I knew my death would just be another number in a list and mean nothing in the grand scheme of things (Rest in power Aaron bushnell your sacrifice has pushed us to keep going). I don't currently have suicidal intentions but this is the kind of generational trauma that leads to much worse nonsuicidal self harm and self destructive behaviors in a lot of people including myself. I feel so powerless yet I love seeing all the pushback against these horrors. I could be out there in the world helping people fight for a better world, yet here I am getting kinkshamed and blamed for not having a job while being stuck being dependant at home most of the time. I feel like im not living up to my anarchist ideals to the fullest and being into submission kinks makes me feel worse about it (what happens during kink and what happens during politics are two separate worlds entirely tho and using power exchange as a political structure is a terrible idea). It doesn't seem coincidental that I started exploring hypersexuality and substance experimentation during one of the greatest atrocities of our current time. I needed escape from the physical world and self harming and doomscrolling. It doesn't help that AI techbros keep weaponizing their control over the job market making it nearly impossible for artists to sustain themselves leaving the vast majority of people out of a way to sustain themselves in a society that's been boiling us like frogs in a pot (metaphorically speaking). the fact that people still want to vote for democrats as a "lesser evil" keeps ignoring the fact that they are aligned in the Republicans goals for genocide, but are more insidious about their propaganda and political front. Democrats don't give a fuck about us or our wellbeing, they only care about their lobbyist' s funding and continuing the capitalist meat grinder death machine while promising us that some day we'll be able to grind others to a pulp instead of being the victim. Red or blue, they want to kill you.
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memesomething · 1 year
here are some dotpoints
you are allowed to make a post asking for affection (sometimes a good way to do this is just to ask for people to like your post to express affection - people are usually very willing to do this!)
“nobody wants to write with me maybe I should delete” might be how you feel, but posting it publicly on the dash simply does come off as a little manipulative. maybe try, “i would like some more interactions as i’m feeling a little discouraged at the moment, would anyone be interested in a starter?” or possibly asking others for starters, yourself! added benefit of having a more practical solution that you can make happen yourself, you are a great source of power to resolve things that make you sad
sometimes there will be people who post things you simply disagree with or are not on the same page about. it is always at all times totally valid to think, “i just am not going to do that, I don’t think it is worth the energy” and scroll on by, or block them. those are both good and readily available options
your roleplay partners generally want you to have a good time, the same way you want them to have a good time. if you can say ‘hey i am really enjoying this and i think [abc] might be fun to explore’, they will probably be glad you’re communicating.
if someone says ‘hey i’m really enjoying this and i think [abc] might be fun to explore’, you can say ‘no thank you’. No is a complete answer. there does not have to be an explanation attached
you deserve to feel safe in all of the spaces you occupy including your online spaces. it is your responsibility to curate your online space because literally nobody else is able to curate that space for you, but other people are often willing to participate how they can, and it does not hurt to ask. 
if you are unsure about something, it does not hurt to ask
in general, ‘it does not hurt to ask’ is a good rule. be prepared for the answer to be ‘no’ and to do what you need to do if the answer is ‘no’, you can’t control anyone besides yourself, but you are allowed to ask for what you want 
i know it is hard but be careful how you use your language to talk about yourself. being mean and self-insulting isn’t really funny, you deserve to think nice things about yourself. if you cannot think nice things about yourself maybe start by saying nice things, stuff tends to find a way in if you say it often enough 
i think it’s healthy to have one or two friends you can vent to about things. it is probably healthiest to start with, ‘hey, do you have space for me to vent a little/a lot rn?” but using your support network is what you’re supposed to do, if one person says no you can reach out to someone else!
often your support network is bigger than you think it is, you are always able to simply ask
be kind to one another
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xaharadesert · 2 years
MC Stood Up on a Date - Headcanon
Arcana Characters (Main 6) x MC
A/N: this one is for @baddrawingsandsadness! Please let me know if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes :) requests are closed while I catch up, but if you wanna send in memes or pics of cats, or literally anything that is not a request, go for it!
Note: MC is stood up by an ✨unknown citizen✨, and the LI is comforting them
He genuinely seems more upset than you are— scandalized, if you will
He makes this very apparent to you, as he decides he needs to lecture you about how amazing you are for a solid half hour
(He kind of looks like he’s going to cry)
Makes a joke about how if even someone as awesome as you gets stood up, then there’s no hope for someone like him
The self-deprecation is not appreciated, as you let him know
That helps him get back on track, and he vows to hunt down the person who stood you up
So you point out that he’s still not back on track
In the end, the two of you go out to The Rowdy Raven to have some fun of your own
By the end of the night, you’ve completely forgotten the worst part of your day
She looks exactly like the surprised pikachu meme when you tell her
It’s quickly followed up by the assertion that whoever dared to stand you up must be either an idiot, or dead in a ditch somewhere, because no sane person would ever do something like that to someone as wonderful as you
She’s pretty quick to move on from the topic though; she’s an optimistic woman, and believes that even the worst days can be made better with some fun
The two of you go out for the day, exploring the nooks and crannies of Vesuvia that you overlooked before
You find all kinds of fun and whimsical shops, and your pockets quickly fill with trinkets as your stomachs fill with exotic foods
The day is a whirlwind of chaos and fun, and by the end you’ll have realized that it was infinitely better than anything a traditional date could offer
You finish off the day laughing on Portia’s cottage floor with Pepi curled up on your lap while you tell stories
Well now that’s just illegal
Immediately offers to have his guards tracks them down
You decline, much to his disappointment
Honestly, his entire response to this event is just to complain and insult whoever dared stand you up
In his opinion, this is one of the worst atrocities ever committed
You’re one of his favourite people (next to himself, obviously), so if someone insults you, they insult him as well
And we all know what happens when Lucio is insulted
You’ll probably just try to get on with your day, but now you’ll be followed around by a whiny Lucio who just can’t let this go
Well, at least you know someone adores you
He doesn’t really know how to comfort you about this
I mean, on one hand, he knows he would be absolutely devastated if something like that happened to him, but on the other, you’ve clearly just avoided getting into what would have surely been a toxic relationship
So in the end, he just sits there and lets you vent to him for as long as you need to
Of course, at some point he does have to go do chores and such, so he just kind of edges his way out of the room
This doesn’t seem to discourage you, as you just follow him around while he does what he has to
Well, he supposes that’s fine
He’s not really listening, but whenever you seem to be getting really upset, he offers you an awkward pat on the back
He’s really not cut out for this
He sympathizes, he really does, but at the same time a small part of him is relieved that you’re not going on a date with someone he had been getting bad vibes from since the beginning
Don’t get him wrong— if you’re happy, he’s happy
But he also wants you to be safe
Of course, he’ll never voice his relief aloud; he makes you tea and listens quietly while you get your feelings out into the open
And when you’re done, he asks if you’d like to join him in gathering some spell ingredients in the forest
It’s a simple and peaceful task; it doesn’t force you to repress your emotions, but it lets you process them in a comfortable environment
If you want to vent while the two of you pick mushrooms, he listens; if you want to be distracted, he tells you all about whatever book he’s been reading; and if you want to take a break to bask in the sun together, then of course, he’d love that too
At the end of the day, things are pretty much back to normal
Even if it’s still just the two of you, you’re both comfortable and content with that
She’s genuinely astounded that anyone would actually stand you up
It just doesn’t make sense to her
Obviously she hasn’t been on a lot of traditional dates herself, but that just seems like something one should never do
She decides that, even though it wasn’t her fault, she was going to take you on a date herself (platonic or romantic, you decide)
She wants to show you what you deserve from a relationship, so she goes all out
From your outfit, to the entertainment, to the feast comprised of your favourite foods; every detail is taken care of
And at the end of the date, she takes you out to the garden to ask you how you feel; do you feel any better, having been shown how much you mean to her?
Even if the answer is no, that’ll only motivate her to do more the next time
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pansear-doodles · 11 months
Heard about a comic where Hunter tells her kid what to do when they have a seizure. It sounds cool, currently trying to find it.
Theres another ask in my inbox after this stating that youve found it. Always use my tags in my blog :) (though i havent had the comic uploaded in the other sites yet)
If you want to, i can longingly ramble about my thought process on making that comic. I know its short, simple, sweet and lighthearted, but for many things ive created for rain world, there is a meaning and story (as everything ive built around the fandom has always been self indulgence and vent art)
When i made that comic, i was sleepy as hell, promised myself to go to bed so i can work on my mass attack (surprise, i still havent done that today due to all-day school, tiredness and a 6 hour video slandering toy story 4 distracting me LOL), but ive randomly thought of the comic after making some cute sleepy doodles (that of which i wont reveal because many of these doodles are for self indulgent purposes(i promise you its all sfw for those skeptical because i just dont not want to flood my blog with similar drawings of hunter and artihunter kisses lol- im doing that all for myself at least!))
A simple doodle of hunter being a parent laying on the couch (because i was sleepy and wanted to project that comforting cushiony feeling onto this to encourage myself to sleep) but then it suddenly sparked to me that ive always wanted to explore a bit more on hunter's role as a parent now that its been long established that they are arti's spouse and chose this lifestyle.
To talk about a bit of my own personal experiences, I'm familiar with living around relatives who require medical attention and support, so I kind of wanted to put that feeling to arti's kids facing the reality that their new parent has some things that pushes them back at times health-wise. My dad is diabetic (and old- hes like in his midish 60s while im 21) and hes been having his struggles. He could not do some basic things like putting his socks on and putting on his shoes without the help from someone and generally has difficulty crouching and standing up. He has to take his meds often. It is hard to see him grow depressed and grumpier over the years, but being apart from him for college makes him realize that he misses and loves me.
My grandmother is old and i think she has alzheimers (my mom is not clear on this to me since i dont generally talk about these types of serious concerning subjects to her about her own mother). Sometimes she falls without almost no warning and has to be around someone to care for her in case that happens, and yet I recognize that despite these things, she is quite sassy and pretty insistent on doing some things herself (despite my mother recognizing the risks and yelling to her about them out of care).
My own mother, while our relationship is not perfect and while i recognize that most of her parenting stuff to me have negatively affected me for the long run, i understand that she is not a flawless human being and most of what she does to me and to my dad and grandma and to anyone shes close with- she does that out of care. She nags at my dad for shutting down business opportunities because of his anger issues. Nags to my grandma who does ignorant actions. Nags to me for- well- i have to admit that I can be lazy. But i can understand all the stress that shes going through- that she has to actively take care of so many people in her life (and i have not even mentioned my brother, who is a whole can of worms that of which im not going to detail, is included) and i sort of wanted to project some part of that stressful experience onto arti and her dynamic with the other characters.
There is some form of resolution to my mother's case though- is that she has a lot of friends who help and support her. Who light her life even when shes busy all the time and goes scampering back and forth. It eases one to know that my arti does have friends, and gourmand has been most supportive of him aside from his own wifeusband. (Which leads to that panel where gourmand is shown also helping hunter and that hunter themselves encourage their child to also ask help from others and not just from their other parent(though i am probably reading a bit too much on this projection since its also just common sense to ask any grown up for help in general haha))
But back on hunter themselves and the relations they have built on their children- you guys know I love Bluey, but not only does the show introduce to me so many lighthearted concepts and coping mechanisms, but it also portrays the relations between parent and child in a way that i find quite realistic and mature. And these kinds of portrayals teach me how to write this dynamic. Hunter is like a Bandit, but I would like to work around the fact that this is Hunter's first time as a full-on parent on a committed relationship, while also having to deal with their terminal illness.
I do not think Hunter would be *the* perfect parent, but I think they would actively try to be a good one at least, and they would understand that their kids are smart and can learn how to fend for themselves from passing on what they know (ESPECIALLY considering the setting... This is still Rain World after all despite its more forgiving nature). Its something i would have wanted as a kid growing up actually- my parents actively teaching me to prepare my future circumstances instead of leaving me to figure out most things on my own or parade me with rewards and decadence expecting good outputs from me to pay it off.
But if there is one thing that they have taught me as a child that suggested that hint that I am smart if they give me the knowledge and reasoning of: are those days when they have to work, leaving only me and my brother at the house alone. They would tell me to never open the door to strangers and I would follow that no matter what.
I think, at some point, hunter and arti would teach their kids something like that. Its a slope see. Theres this short comic ive read long ago i dont remember the name of but whose plot i remember vividly: parents in a level of a video game teaching their child how to jump progressively higher and farther until the child is able to jump high and far enough to reach the other side of a giant pit thats situated so closely to their home. Thats the type of thing id like to portray. Small steps to progressively larger ones. Being taught growing up.
Many of these thoughts seem random, and theres still so much to go on i could talk about, but it all boils down to my tism and connecting some of my personal experiences onto these characters, and experiences i wish I had growing up. I do not have disabilities (or at least i think so), but i have experiences around people with disabilities and I can understand how witnessing these kinds of events involving them can be a harrowing and worrisome experience, especially when its from someone you care about.
In all honesty, i was delighted to know that there exists a disability pride month when I logged onto tumblr one day and saw my first post talking about it. Yes! I did not know it existed before. And now i have and i am glad. Theres been lots of people educating me, outside of the fandom and over the years. I dont remember what and how i was before. My back memory trauma with someone in the past has fucked me over, but its better late than never yunno
Sorry for the long ramble and sorry for being quite dramatic. I hope my words are of some interest and in good faith to you.
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flightfoot · 1 year
I don't understand, why writing "revenge fantasies" is a form of projection that can be really harmful and that can't really be justified? These people are just externalizing they feelings without any real repercussions. I don't understand the "can't really be justified", they are literally doing nothing, so what they should justifie something? You think people just have to live with suppressed bad feelings and only externalize good feelings? So people just have sit down and suffer in silence until they hurt themselves or worse, take their own life?
This is the post the anon is talking about, if anyone's wondering.
It's better than actually committing the revenge or self-harming. Mind you, I don't think that the level of revenge fantasies or the way that that group tends to actively push for extreme vengeance as being not only something that is permissible, but is in fact the morally correct option above attempting de-escalation and understanding, is particularly helpful.
The bit about it not really being something that can be justified refers more to the way that the revenge fantasies in ML fandom salt have taken on a decidedly racist tone, with the way that Alya's targeted in particular, and just how baked in some really nasty stuff is into the Saltdom in general. It gets pretty offensive, and makes me think of the "Finn tries to sexually assault Rey so that Kylo Ren can beat him up" kind of racist fics I've heard about with the Star Wars fandom.
It's not like it's just a few people or like it's been a short-term thing, there's been this entire mindset and worldview that's sustained its own separate vengeance-based fandom these past few years and that has been re-enforced over and over again, which does make me fear that, say, the people deeply embroiled in the saltdom genuinely think that if you're in a position of power and you're pissed that like, your friend didn't help you to attack someone you hate to the degree that you'd like, that you are totally within your rights to abuse your power in order to set it up so they get sexually harassed, knowing that they can't do anything about it, purely for your own satisfaction.
In the beginning, I shrugged off the saltfics because I thought it was just a few people venting and that they'd get it out of their system, that they were just being written to explore a plotline, but that they didn't mean anything deeper. I've been in a lot of fandoms for a long time, and I've read all sorts of fics, even things with questionable content.
All these years later, with not only the fics, but the arguments I've seen pushing for punishment for people who simply doubted Marinette or fell for manipulation, I can't really say that it's just a bit of venting. I'm afraid that if I was one of the friends of someone who was advocating for Marinette to get to hurt anyone who got in her way, and I didn't agree to attack some random person they didn't like, that they'd turn around and try to make callout posts against me and try to dox me, while saying that I deserved it for not being a good enough friend to them, because that's the sort of argument I've seen pushed over and over again by the salter group.
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queenrei · 8 months
Let me start by saying, this is a Libra STAN account 🗣...I've always identified as a Scorpio (Tropical) sun, but ever since I finding out i'm actually a Libra (Sidereal) sun, I've been diving deep into learning more about Libra energy. I've always had a little interest in it, being that I was born on Scorpio-Libra cusp.
Scorpios may have a bad rep for their darkness, vengefulness, and secretive nature, but it turns out that Libras have it even worse 🙃 From the term "lying ass libra" to being labeled as shallow, fake, and two-faced, Libra's reputation is not great. Honestly, I get it and understand. I've definitely been guilty of all the stereotypes, and I've been actively working on correcting them as I grow/evolve. But I can't help but get frustrated by people's narrow-minded views (and that goes for all pop-astrology btw) to think that all people of one sign all behave the same way is nonsense...The sun is in it's detriment in the sign and as a Libra sun, throughout my life, I've felt a constant struggle between my true self and the expectations of surroundings. It's not about being fake or two-faced, but rather, I've come to realize that I possess a chameleon-like ability to adapt to any environment. I actually really appreciate this trait as it has allowed me to explore various experiences and meet new people due to my open-mindedness.
When it comes to being shallow or a people pleaser, it's actually deeper than it seems. Personally, I consider myself an empath, cliché as it may sound. Putting myself in someone else's shoes is my natural instinct. So even if someone annoys or upsets me, I can put on a nice face and keep the peace. Why? Well, first of all, I don't like upsetting people. But it's also a peace thing for me. Trust me, it's not just about being shallow or wanting to please others. It's about empathy and finding harmony. It's exhausting argue and go back-and-forths with people Sometimes, it's just easier to handle things with kindness. I know it's not the best approach, and it is one of my toxic traits. Not caring about people's opinion is a challenge, but I'm improving over time. I admire those who speak up for themselves, even if it leads to conflict. I'll get there. However, I also value my peace, so I'll always choose my battles wisely. One thing I've stopped doing is talking shit behind people's back after playing nice. It's not something I'm proud of.
Another point to make, and it might upset some people, but whatever. We have this reputation for playing both sides of the fence, which makes people think we're disloyal and fake. But the truth is, we can see things from all sides and look past the surface. Sometimes people will vent to me, but they get annoyed when I try to understand the other person's perspective or point out their own misconceptions. Then, will try justifying their delusions or getting mad at me for not taking their side. I'm done with it now. As adults, it's crucial to empathize with others before shaming/invalidating them. I'm all about playing devil's advocate, especially if it helps someone confront a harsh truth they need to hear. I used to bite my tongue, but now I couldn't care less. Especially when it comes to people close to me, honesty is key. No need to sugar coat things just to make yourself feel better. And I hope they'd do the same for me. That's what keeping the balance is really all about, in my opinion.
Ok my last & final thought is Libras are definitely not as shallow as some people think. I mean, seriously, have you ever actually tried to have a deep conversation with a one? When it comes to delving into the depths of our minds, it requires a certain level of comfort and trust. And trust me, my mind is always spinning, and it can get pretty damn dark. I thrive on deep conversations and can go for hours about a topic. I have a few people that I go there with, and even then I usually wait for that opening or invitation to go deep, and then it's off to the ocean floor we go. It's all about the vibe I get from the person. So, don't underestimate Libras, because there's more depth than you think.
Wow, i wasnt expecting to go in like that for my first post lol. This was in no way a sympathy call for Libras, but its been on my mind and i felt the need to let it out. I love all astrology takes so feel free to express your feelings/thoughts.
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xx-blueboy-xx · 2 days
More info on “Carve My Heart Out”? 👀
WIP Ask Game
So. This also has the note [Sam Study] in the title. And before I get into this one i need to give a few trigger warnings:
TW: Discussion of Suicide & Self-Harm + (Explict Under Cut) Child Abuse/Neglect (Explict Under Cut) Violance
Now that is out of the way!!
This fic is a one-shot, and really just would/is a deep dive into the realtionship I HC Sam having with self-harm and suicidal ideation (and a few attempts). As someone who releates to Sam on an incredibly deep level, and reconized some of the subtle signs of his struggles with these things: well...it was only natrual I would want to explore them!
So. Yeah!
The fic is/would be just comprised of a collection of scenes of Sam throughout the years depicting various times he has self-harmed or attempted suicide. I myself used to struggle with such things, and wanted to vent/explore these themes through him.
It is literally plotted/what is written to be all whump too, which, is fun. And it features some pretty heavy and explicit John's A+ Parenting.
Plus!! It features my personal headcanon of gay!Sam (with internalized homophonia and comphet)
It is very personal to me, but, yeah. Never got around to writting more than the first scene!
Have an excerpt!! HEED THE WARNINGS ABOVE!!
“Dad,” he says, regretting it the moment John looks at him as he opens the medical kit. “I - I think we need to take him to a hospital. That looks really bad. Like, super bad.” 
The older Winchester brother looks over at Sam, his green eyes filled with watery tears of pain that he won’t dare let fall. He will simply be lectured for that too. He tries to crock out some kind of reassurance but another searing stab of pain through his side as he breaths cuts his words off. He definitely broke ribs. Sam watches him take a strangled breath, as John merely is preparing the needle as he dips it into antiseptic. 
Sam grabs his father’s arm, “I’m serious Dad! He needs a doctor! I read-” 
“You and those damn books!” The tone in John’s vicious growl was his only warning before a hand struck him across the face. He felt the wedding band on his hand slice into his cheek and he stood there, stunned a little bit. He hadn’t moved back though as his cheek began to sting. His heart sank inside of his chest. Realization slowly began to sink into his body. John rather let Dean die than trust anyone who wasn’t a Winchester. Everyone else is a threat. The hospital would see the bruises on his brother’s body, unrelated to his injury. Would see the old scars. Would see the marks on Sam’s arms and wrists from being gripped in a vise. They would take them away. Break the family up. 
Sam swallows. 
He was an idiot. Dean needs them, not some stranger. Not some guy with a fancy degree. John only hit him for good reason. He had to. He loves him. Right? Right? Sam is jolted from his mind and shocked as he feels a cold needle being pressed into his hands, his father’s eyes are boring holes into him. 
“Stitch the wound up, Sammy.” John demands. The boy opens his palm, and he looks at the tool in his hand. He has no idea how. He has watched John stitch his own wounds though.
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blueeyeswhitegarden · 11 months
Day 15: Extra Prompt 1) Time Pendulumgraph @arcvmonth
For a lot of reasons, I'm not really into the assigned prompt for today. I just find the whole premise of devoting a day for salt in a month celebrating the series unappealing and unnecessary. I don't think that the fanbase really needs a day devoted for salt when that often feels like everyday. Not that there aren't valid complaints for Arc V or that I don't have stuff I wish had happened or were handled differently/better myself. And I can understand the benefits of venting out your frustrations with a series since I do that with pretty much every other series in this franchise, including the other shows that I like. Personally speaking, after years of dealing with backlash during and after Arc V's run, what enjoyment I could get from venting my issues about the show itself is minimal to nonexistent. I have more salt for the toxic part of the fanbase/hatedom for Arc V than for the show itself at this point. My main goal for this month has just been to have fun talking about Arc V and that's what I hope to keep doing with this prompt instead.
I'm more interested in the post-canon ideas since I think that there is a bit more to explore there than in the pre-canon, but I might save pre-canon ideas for another time too. I like to imagine that Yuzu was relatively comfortable dealing with being merged with her counterparts. She was still Ray within Arc V for awhile, so I think that allowed for her to feel the connection between her counterparts, so becoming one with them felt natural. It also helps that she didn't have the same kind of issues Yuya had in regards to having self-worth or self-esteem. It would take her longer to communicate more directly with her counterparts, but she could sense their feelings. She feels Serena's pride whenever she starts to duel, she feels more calm on windy days from Rin and she enjoys watching the birds more from Ruri. She gains some of their memories over time and because of their time in Arc V, it feels more natural to her as a result.
There are some conflicted feelings once Yuzu starts to regain more of Ray's memories though. She remembers how much she loved Leo, how she was willing to sacrifice herself all because she didn't want to lose her father and that is sharp contrast to how Yuzu saw Leo herself. Despite everything he did, I don't think she'd hate him, especially after learning more from Ray's memories, but she wouldn't see him as her father. Shuzo is her father. He hugs her every day and he'd practically cry in tears of joy whenever she comes back home. But Yuzu does start to feel some sympathy for Leo. A part of her wants to go tell him what she remembers from Ray, but Leo sealed himself back at Academia, determined to undo what damage he could by rebuilding it. He also doesn't think he deserved to go back to the family he abandoned. Yuzu has more support from Yuya, the only other person who could really understand her situation. After all, neither of them were technically even born. They are pieces of another person's soul, their reincarnations and their own persons all at the same time. She accepts these memories as precious treasures from her past life as Ray and continues to move towards her future as Yuzu with Yuya, Gongenzaka, Sora, Shuzo and all of their friends by her side. She reworks her deck to represent her other counterparts, including some Melodious Pendulum cards which would exist in the newly reborn Pendulum Dimension, and she passes the pro test to become a pro duelist. Yuzu enjoys dueling on her own, but she loves to perform right alongside Yuya in their tag matches. Both of their Entertainment Dueling skills are more polished as they perform together.
While I do believe that Shun is happier post-canon than fans tend to give him credit for, I also think that he would have some anger towards Dennis. After all, Dennis was the one who found Ruri and signaled the start of the Heartland invasion. But now he's in Heartland, teaching kids about Entertainment Dueling. They know that he's a former Academia solider, but they don't know he signaled the start of the Heartland invasion. Even though Shun know that Yuto and Ruri are still alive in Yuya and Yuzu, a part of him still blames Dennis for what happened to his hometown. He knows that if wasn't Dennis, it would have been another Academia solider and that Leo is the real cause of it, but he does have some lingering resentment towards Dennis. Kaito understand his feelings, but he also saw Dennis carding himself and he saw Dennis' duel against Yuya, so he is more willing to give him a chance from the start despite what he's done. Dennis himself also still carries regrets for what he did, knowing that he never really had the courage to make his own stance against Academia despite how much he truly wanted to keep performing, but he is happy that he's able to embrace his true self while trying to make amends for what he's done. While I don't think that Shun would consider Dennis his friend, I think seeing the impact he has on kids and his efforts to restore Heartland would eventually lessen his anger over time. He may not be able to fully forgive Dennis, but Shun is willing to try to move forward all the same. He knows that Heartland can't go back to the way it was exactly, but he can help to make it a better future at least. Both Shun and Kaito eventually agree to duel Dennis occasionally to help him with his Entertainment Dueling lessons as well.
Reiji is still reserved post-canon, but he enjoys his pro matches more, especially against Yuya and eventually Yuzu. Much like Yuzu, I don't think he'd hate Leo. There would be some complicated feelings there given his own abandonment issues and learning that Leo left his family to chase after the ghost of his half-sister, but Reiji knows that a part of him still cares about his father as well. It doesn't negate all of the damage he did, but it can be painful and confusing when you still care about someone also deeply hurt you. Even so, I think he'd accept these kind of conflicted feelings as well. Leo staying in Fusion instead of coming back home helps just because being back home as if nothing had changed would make them worse. He knows that the damage has been done to their relationship and that's okay. He has more friends now with the Lancers and he is able to move forward in this brand new world. He enjoys taking care of Reira as well. He wants to protect her smile and hopes that their sibling bond can be even stronger in her new life. He also gives her a teddy bear similar to the one Reira had earlier in the series.
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jackiezenauthor · 2 months
WIP questionaire (tag game)
self-tagged from @simonnebethel
I'll be using 'I only want a dragon' since it's the one I genuinely plan on publishing as soon as I finish writing and editing it.
What was the first part of your wip that you created? A personal vendetta erotic scene. More of a vent against a toxic romantic trope that I kept running into because of some ads. Wasn't planning to write the behemoth that it had since become, but guess what, I got curious about the characters, wrote it, so here we are... (+18 warning, also changed the names, if you're curious)
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be? Speaking Japanese by Shiny Toy Guns the story has nothing to do with japanese but the song itself
Who are your favorite characters you've made? Why? Chase because he's an absolute ointment for the heart. Made him as a temporary aid, but he decided to stay, and I couldn't say no.... Maya because she's an absolute brat queen and I wish she'd play more of a part in the story because she has so much fun potential, but maybe in part 2.
What other pieces of media do you think would share a fanbase for your story? well, shifter romance for sure, because the whole story is influenced by my absolute love for the genre, although mine's a bit far from the standard itself... I expect monster f*ckers to enjoy it as well, although I don't actually have scenes of the kind, I think... anything more mainstream.... maybe Twilight fans? tbh, idk, I'll need to think a bit more about this... hmm...
What has been your biggest struggle while writing? Concluding an arch. Things keep staying too unresolved, I think I'll have to restart writing it all over again with the new lore discoveries integrated, maybe then we can reach a satisfying part 1 ending...
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them! There are in the world, but not in the story per se. In the story, most of the characters can shift to different animals, so there's that, I guess.
How do your characters get around?(ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.) Cars and motorbikes, but there are busses, planes and such. Plus the dragon shifters can put a few teleporters around the world, but only they and their people hoard can use those.
What part of your wip are you working on? mentally preparing to restart writing it all over for the 2nd time, but rn still exploring the after-major-event wrapping up.
What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in? My friends are very into the worldbuilding and the crazy conspiracy behind it, but it's probably be the romance and erotica that'll draw the most attention, since that's what had me writing it to begin with XD
What are your hopes for your wip? honestly? It's gonna sound delulu af, but I hope ppl love the world I built so much that they start writing their own characters in it or even with the characters I already made myself. Might actually release full character sheets at some point, just to help. :)) Ah, and fanarts of any kind. I hope there'll be a lot of those too. Yeah, if people would have fun with my story I'd be absolutely delighted.
Tagging @whatwewrotepodcast @moonandris @laurasimonsdaughter and anyone else who wants to give this a go
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spiritshaydra · 10 months
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Howdy! I’m Spirit (or Spit) and I’m a self proclaimed artist that specializes in primarily science fiction artwork. My favorite things to draw and design are aliens, mecha, monsters, and critters of all kinds. For fan art, the main fandoms I make art for are Transformers, Fossil Fighters, Pokémon, and occasionally Star Wars. However, the VAST majority of my fan work is going to be Transformers. Specifically Transformers Prime. I’ve been deep in robot hell since 2015 and I’m showing no signs of ever resurfacing any time soon. 💀
I’m currently working on getting my bachelor’s in Geology, so my art posts may be sporadic. I love all sorts of forms of science! My favorites being Geology (of course), Paleontology, Biology (specifically Marine, evolutionary, and Astro), Meteorology, Oceanography, and Astronomy! I’m hoping to go into researching hydrothermal vent systems, the ocean floor, or really anything involving plate tectonics and volcanism. (I do hope to weasel my way into astrobiology eventually. And maybe even interning with NASA again in the future as space exploration regarding the evidence of extraterrestrial life is a huge passion of mine)
I also absolutely ADORE science fiction worldbuilding and speculative biology! I’d love to post more of my insanity regarding that sort of thing in the future, may it be wholly original work or not. (Spec bio documents and ref sheets on preexisting alien races from fiction for example)
Also, I’m always looking for more people to ramble to about similar interests, so feel free to reach out! I’m unfortunately also a very chatty person 💀
INSTAGRAM (Sketchdump)
I may presently be primarily a digital artist, but a good portion of my skills were originally learned through traditional art, with me fully making the switch over to digital back in the spring of 2020. So as a result, I tend to do a lot of things manually when I draw which is likely also why I usually take a LONG time to complete things. I do also dabble in other art forms such as cosplay and sculpture, but not as often as I’d like to. ^^’
iPad (all digital art created prior to 2020 was done on a shattered iPad with a finger)
(prior to 2019) Adobe Photoshop Sketch (it kinda sucked)
Copic Markers
Prismacolor Markers
Micron Fineliners
Posca Pens
Art Requests: Closed (However if I’m given a question or prompt in my ask box that piques my interest enough I’ll definitely draw it)
Art Commissions: Closed
Art Trades: Ask!
Regarding my those wishing to draw my OCs: Please do! I will love and cherish any art I get of my goobers, as it’s one of those things that absolutely brightens my day. I also have the tendency to try to pin whatever art I get to my wall so I can look at it for a burst of happiness. :,D
Generally, please don’t! If you do want to repost my artwork, please ask me before you do!
When reposting my work, be sure to:
Tag me in the image itself (when possible)
Credit me in the description of the post/bio in a place that’s easily visible. Not hidden amongst a bunch of tags and/or aesthetic emojis and whatnot. (Preferably by @ ‘ing me)
Do not remove or alter my watermark in any way, shape, or form.
Do not remove or alter my signature in any way, shape, or form.
Do not commercialize my work whatsoever.
#Spirit’s OC Vault
This is the tag I use for anything and everything involving the characters I personally have designed.
#Just Voyna Things
This tag is used for any artwork or content involving my Sona, Voyna.
#Real Spirit Refs
This tag contains all of my character reference sheets.
#My art
Self explanatory. It’s artwork I’ve created myself.
#Others art
Also self explanatory. It’s artwork made by other people.
#Spit takes
My ramblings.
#Weird Science
Any cool and/or funky posts involving science.
#Gift art
Art made for me and art I’ve made for others.
#Art reference
Self explanatory.
Take a guess.
SPITCORE 2 ELECTRIC BOOGALOO: It’s literally just my catchall playlist where I drop everything and anything that scratches my brain even just a little bit. It’s got a shitton of Muse and Nothing but Thieves on it. And it’s like over thirty hours long.
WOAH!! EMCORE!!: This is a playlist based on my OC Requiem that’s a combination of stuff I think fits her and songs she’d like. Take a guess which is which. It’s essentially angsty alt rock and metal, old fandom songs, things you’d find in warrior cats AMVs and flipnotes back in 2012, and the like. <3
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vitos-ordination-song · 3 months
It’s hard to have a stance in the middle of the quality of such a beloved and debated work. ‘Cause on the one hand, you have those who will hear nothing but praise for it, and on the other, there’s a kind of mindless backlash to frame popular works as overrated. I wouldn’t call LOGH overrated. Just, its diehard fans are overlooking some major issues.
It’s fine for a story to have limitations. “Plot holes,” wonky worldbuilding in places, etc. But as someone who’s read a lot of sci-fi, I found it to be full of anachronisms and questionable writing choices. I mean, why are the space imperials talking about Valhalla? We’re given no backstory for how this galactic empire came to have Norse religion. This is from a society which views Earth as a long forgotten backwater. Like??? There’s a lack of attention to materialism, like technology is just able to do anything; the battles feel more based on sea/ground combat than anything to do w space; the story will drop a huge bomb like “the first kaiser only allowed people of Germanic descent into the empire,” only to never explore the issue of race again; etc.
None of the above issues are enough for me to criticize the story really. I just view them as limitations. No one person, no creative team even, can create a perfect world in fiction. And there are really interesting things about it. For instance, I found all the history episodes compelling. The author clearly has an interest in history, especially military and leadership history. It’s fun to watch a story where the past is projected on to space. That’s not to say that the story does nothing original, and it does have harder scifi elements at times. Besides, there’s no reason that history can’t repeat itself on a galactic scale.
My issue really is with the ending. I’m not sure the promise of the first half was fulfilled. I’m still sorting through why, but I’d say the number one reason is that it feels too satisfied with itself. The story became cliched at the end—how disappointing! I mean, the Church of Terra was just there to be Evil and mess things up for the protagonists; there was absolutely no thought put into making that interesting. Every single character moment felt telegraphed. There was none of the tension and excitement of the first half. It was… corny? Maybe it was always corny. Maybe I just liked Yang Wen-li’s corniness better, lol. But his self-effacing nature kept the story from going full soap opera. With him gone, it was like, Reinhard’s just gonna keep being the same guy and then die, ok, and now Julian is a generic hero, complete with under-written girlfriend. So why did I watch to the end???
I’m venting but there was a lot I did like. I thought Reuenthal’s episodes were extremely well executed. I really only lost interest when it was like “the alliance and the empire have to fight again despite both sides wanting to talk.” It made Reinhard more boring to me that he was that predictable. And the show had never felt so complacent on the topic of violence. It’s just boring to be like, yep, we’ll end with the exact same values that we started with: might makes right. Ooooh Julian proved himself to Reinhard through combat. I guess if he died his opinions wouldn’t be worth anything???? When this was framed as Reinhard’s fatal flaw, a personal foible that led him to recklessly pursue Yang, I really enjoyed it. But I’m supposed to respect the character, right? Well what’s to respect when you always have the advantage and end up fighting a kid with way less firepower than you? I suppose you could say that Reinhard earned that right by fighting from a young age himself, but it felt like the story took a step backwards. I get bored of one trick ponies. Then it’s like “Julian gets Revenge for Yang by going on a murder spree” as if that’s also supposed to impress me. Cool, you created completely two dimensional characters for your hero to justifiably kill, you want a cookie for that amazing writing? In the end the story ended up being short-sightedly masculinist. But yeah I did enjoy it. Yang was the realest and I’ll love him forever. The rest of you hoes can go home.
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