#this movie upsets me
ennaih · 2 years
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Something In The Dirt (2022)
dir. Aaron Moorhead & Justin Benson
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I wish men had absolutely zero access to lesbians and lesbian content
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demi-pixellated · 7 months
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But I'm not so strong,
...And they're not gone
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freakadr0id · 2 years
I don't think I can get over this little moment with Donnie when they're trying to save Leo from the prison dimension.
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Our boy is PISSED. We've seen him upset and frustrated a few times throughout the show but this? This is pure rage.
Leo is the one Donnie has butted heads with the most throughout the show and movie. They argue and they tease each other, but at the end of the day, they love each other. I think we see the culmination of that right here, where Donnie is furious at the thought of losing Leo again and is determined to get him back.
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He doesn't even say anything here, which I think makes this more impactful since this is just another moment of raw emotion from Mr. "Emotionally Unavailable". It's such a small moment but it's an important one, especially for Donnie's character.
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annabelle--cane · 9 months
say it with me everybody: personal health is completely immaterial to morality, including mental health. leading a mentally unhealthy lifestyle (or what you perceive as a mentally unhealthy lifestyle) does not a bad person make. no one has to socialize, exercise, have healthy coping mechanisms, or lead (what you perceive as) a fulfilling life with fulfilling hobbies in the same way that no one has to go to the doctor to get a broken bone reset. both of those types of management of personal health are likely to be beneficial to the individual, but they are in no way moral requirements or debts owed to society. they do not actually say anything about a person's principles, personality, or actions towards others. additionally, people know themselves and their own situations better than you do. maybe a person judges that the physical and financial toll of going to the doctor outweigh the benefit of getting their bone reset, maybe a person just does not have the capacity to develop healthy coping mechanisms at this point in their life, and yes, maybe a person feels like they are totally fulfilled by "media based" hobbies alone and would feel no difference in their life if they picked up a loom. just like. let people be sick without accusing them of being representative of the lazy, degenerated state of modern society.
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voxmilia · 3 months
Oh Sklonda's righteous fury hits so hard, as a kid who WAS taken advantage of in many ways by her friends when she was in school, and whose mom tried to tell her they were being unkind and who didn't believe her until she got kinder friends
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golden-earcuffs · 11 months
I just want to reflect how much the Loki show ruined Loki as a character for me and how much disheartened I was with it.
I had always wanted a spinoff on him, which explored him more. And the Loki show did anything but that.
Do you guys remember how Loki was in Infinity War for like 5 minutes, yet Tom Hiddleston was at almost every media interaction the cast had? The same thing happened in the show as well. They used him to market the show, then sidelined him in his own show. I think that was unacceptable, because they used Loki as a bait to promote a character that I held no emotions for.
The argument that one does not like Sylvie because they “hate a strong female character/a character with complex arcs” is so pathetic. I don’t think I would’ve liked Sylvie even if she had the most elaborate arc in the MCU (which she doesn’t) because it just wasn’t meant to be about her.
I wanted to see Loki’s story, his journey, and if you take this moment to interject with the statement that “she’s Loki too, just different”, then I say that I wanted to see our Loki, the one who was broken when he found out that he was the monster parents told their children about at night, the one who had plethora of iconic dialogues while fighting the avengers, who was killed only for us to realize that he wasn’t.
Everytime I said that we needed a Loki spinoff before it was announced was not because I wanted new characters, it was because I wanted to see more of the character that was already there, very much beloved by the fans. I wanted them to explore his character in a deeper sense and maybe dip a little into mythology as well.
I think Loki was one of those characters that neither needed a love interest nor was ready for one. I don’t ship him with either Sylvie or Mobius, because it feels like neither of them genuinely like Loki for who he is.
Loki had far more compelling things they could have explored like his jotun heritage, his trauma from the time with Thanos and his magic that is the only memory he has of Frigga instead of his love life.
The whole show felt like it was written by someone who wasn’t the least bit interested in Loki and barely looked into him before creating his female counterpart.
It feels like a disrespect for the fans who were connected to Loki on an emotional level.
Why am I saying this now, after like 2 years since the show came out?
I don’t know, after hearing the news about season 2 releasing in October, I just feel so upset. Tired. I hate this show much because it made Loki so irrelevant to me. A sidepiece in his own show. He went around in ugly costumes and all the regal vibes I had from him just disappeared.
I still remember a time when Loki was on the top of my favorite characters, and I loved him so much. I still do, but I’m not sure if I’ll watch the 2nd season and my 13 y/o self would hate me for this.
I’ve gotten detached from his character and I hate myself for it because Loki was someone whom I adored more than anything else in the fandom world.
Loki is that one character who is loved by the fanon but absolutely despised by the canon.
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mrkgrl · 1 year
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Is it too early to hand out Teen Wolf movie stickers or---
Edit; I changed "boyfriend" to their names instead (I think the complicated feelings part makes more sense then tbh!)
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biblicalhorror · 14 days
Me when I don't like a movie: Ugh I can't stand when people say shit like "If you didn't like this movie, you just didn't get it." I understood it just fine. It was just a bad movie! People are so goddamn condescending.
Me reading bad reviews for Monkey Man (2024): None of you understood this movie at all actually
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cometblaster2070 · 1 month
the monster high x ever after high crossover movie will FOREVER be my roman empire.
like yeah we got the legend of shadow high and it was a really fun read, but i would've given ANYTHING to have a proper crossover special between these two franchises.
especially because cupid and boo york boo york have established that these two schools do exist in tandem with each other.
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we were genuinely ROBBED.
the only downside to this i can think of is that the movie was supposed to be in the style the mh movies were so like, the eah girls would've looked pretty fucking ugly, but that's not important.
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buttercup-barf · 1 year
The Mario movie was cute, best scenes are the ones with the bros just being. Bros.
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Peppino is their cousin. That's it, that's the funny.
And per tradition? I guess? Some more (unfortunately Mario-less) doodles under the cut.
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... Yeah. Twinsomnia again. These damn sibs are still on my brain. They're here to - Oh? Oh, Peppino's not a kid? They had the wrong address? Oh well. Might as well help him get through the tower!
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Something-something functioning as a single character, something-something throwing each other around, something-something basically Gus and Brick.
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Some more self-indulgent crossover'ish nonsense...
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Same mirror, same man, different time, different reflections. Shoutout to @/rascal-rose for the idea of young Peppino having curly hair!! I cherish him.
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And some wholesome stuff to top it off. (I feel like my handwriting is especially bad on the last one, so just in case, it goes "Buongiorno, ranocchio. Do you want the coffee?".)
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goldenrubygirl9 · 3 months
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Everything is fine
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kennyomegasweave · 1 month
People are having a lot of Big Feelings on here, Twitter, and Reddit about We Are and I am baffled at how this pure fluff show is inspiring such annoyance. It's just a cotton candy show. It's just a little fair treat and sometimes little fair treats just hit.
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And also like. How are you gonna be mad you went to the hallmark channel and there's a hallmark movie playing. lol
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theloopcrew · 5 months
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my thoughts on modern lupin
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What everyone wants to know is....will Shadow use a gun in the movie?
Well....they already brought back the Dark Rider and it's clear the Shadow game is very close to Jeff Fowler's heart. So I think he'll hold a gun at least once, however...
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Every time someone draws a weapon it's either a Taser, a tranq gun or some type of sci-fi energy pistol. The only exception is in the first movie when Wade nearly shoots Robotnik, we never see a regular firearm being used after that.
So we probably won't see Shadow using a realistic gun or rifle like in the 2005 game. It'll most likely be some sci-fi weapon like the ones used by GUN in the movies.
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beeprich · 5 months
genuinely lamenting the lost relationship between mike hanlon and his parents in every IT adaptation
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