#this is. basically just a vent but erm
please stay with me.
please don't leave me. please don't stop talking to me. please don't ignore me. please don't hate me. please don't tire of me. please don't find me annoying. please don't find someone better than me. please don't think i'm a bad person.
please stay please stay please stay please stay please.
it doesn't even look like a word anymore. but does my pleading still mean the same to you, my dear?
i'll never even think of leaving you. i'll never stop talking to you. i'll never ignore you. i'll never hate you. i'll never tire of you. i'll never find you annoying. i'll never find anyone better than you. i'll never think you're a bad person.
please let it be the same for me. please. i'll do anything.
but i'll continue to love you forever either way. my dearest, forever.
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meanbossart · 2 months
I've been loving the DU Drow as a companio asks, so I've got my own. I was wondering what kind of interactions he would have with the other companions.
More specifically, we know Astarion flirts with almost anyone (for his own reasons) and even sleeps with Bae'zel at the tiefling party if you turn him down as a player. So, since the Drow is in the group now, what would his interaction with Astarion be? Would Astarion assume him to be the strongest and best chance of survival if manipulated? Would Astarion try to sleep with the Drow the same way he would with Lae'zel?
(Regarding the companions in general) Oh I can easily see him and Shadowheart having some cute party banter, they'd poke light fun at each other and have a similarly "darkly dramatic" reaction to things. He'd easily be the most talkative with her, often initiating mundane conversations about stuff you find. I can see some dialogue between them triggering upon finding one of the many drink-stashes you come across where they discuss what they like best when it comes to wine - or what they think they like, at least, considering the state of their memories.
Gale would be eager to inquire him about drow and the underdark, and where he got his fighting prowess from, which would visibly annoy DU drow since he can't fucking remember anything LOL he'd comment about how he always thought male drow were supposed to be a little… Flimsier, prompting a response along the lines of "I suppose my mother must have fed me well. I do have quite the appetite for loud-mouths."
Gale's like :U my goodness. Point taken.
He might talk to Karlach about Avernus, being fond of the savage nature of it. He'd also ask her if "something's bothering her" and when she asks why he's asking, he comments on how she can never seem to be still for long LOL
If Jaheira joins the party later she takes an interest in him (I WONDER WHY) and they could also share a little friendly banter. DU drow ends up asking her things about Baldur's Gate and herself to fill the gaps in his memory, as well as her children. He expresses how, if he thought himself more fit for a father, he'd have some of his own. Jaheira tells him it's probably better this way.
The banter with Astarion would be pretty par for the course - a mix between being flirtatious in nature and a little passive-aggressive all at once. At some point he says he can't keep quiet about how he stinks of carrion - DU calmly tells him that it can't be helped, due to their circunstances, and that he has a pretty cadaveric perfume himself. Astarion gets offended and tells him he knows for a fact that he smells lovely - DU drow tells him those statements need not be mutually exclusive.
He'd also ask Wyll about Mizora and what it's like to be in her servitute, claiming that he "wouldn't mind doing her a few favors himself" and Wyll tries his darn best to brush that off.
Lae'zel picks on him about his, erm, unreliable state of mind and accuses DU drow of basically being a ticking-time-bomb. DU responds that he feels less like a bomb and more like a vent releasing a steady flow of noxious fumes - if that helps her sleep better at night.
He also snorts at Minthara's "jokes".
(Onto the second part of this already far-too-long reply:)
And I THINK SO, I think Astarion would take him for being more easily manipulated than Lae'zel and try his luck there instead.
Small detour: you know, I always thought it'd be neat if some of the companions formed relationships with each other if you didn't pursue them. We see friendships form but romances would be fun too - like Karlach and Shadowheart could get together if you didn't pair with either of them, and Ascended Astarion and Minthara if you happened to have that party configuration in act 3. I don't really see many of the others having that kind of chemistry, but I wouldn't want the whole camp to be in love with each other anyway lol just 1 or 2 other couples would make the party feel more autonomous.
So, in a world where that's a part of the game, I obviously would say they get together if you don't romance either (from a mechanic standpoint player still gets first dibs LOL) and that unlocks unique party banter and dialogue where you can ask them about it once per act and reveal the "status" of the relationship. In act 2 you get to comment about how they seem to "steal away" together often. Astarion implies they're obviously having sex, and that he's always wanted to "try a little drow - but a big one is even better". If you ask DU drow about it he keeps details and motivations to himself, but acknowledges that they have something going on. You can then tell him that you believe he's being used, and DU drow very nonchalantly says that "he's well aware", but that he isn't worried about it.
In Act 3, when you ask again, Astarion somewhat bashfully reveals that the drow grew on him, and if you press on about the topic he reveals that they haven't even had sex since act 1, they just do a lot of talking, as he sheepishly puts it. If you ask DU drow about it he's much more upfront in saying that they've become an item, and that he's very happy in Astarion's company.
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some-siren · 8 months
What’s puzzling to me is why people say Aziraphale’s French is bad, like-
No it’s not. It’s quite good even. Sure he has a thick (no really) accent but that’s about it. Everything he says to Justine is something you can hear in the streets, and it’s correct too-
Az: Euuh.. Bonjour Justine ! Euh, pardonnez-moi ! Euh, mais euhm... [Uuh.. Hello Justine! Uh, excuse me (formal)! Uh, but uum...] J: Mister Fell, I speak fluent English. I’ve been living here for fifteen years.
Az: Excellent. Excellent !.. Uuh, well erm. Bien (alt. Viens) ! Maintenant, j’ai une réunion de l’association de tout les (alt. des) commerçants de la rue, dont (alt. dans) mon magasin de livres — des! — des livres. Uh, je serais honoré si vous pouviez venir. Il y aura des vol-au-vents. [Excellent. Excellent !.. Uuh, well erm. Good(alt. Come!)¹! Now², I have a reunion of the association of all the (alt. of the)³ merchants of the street, of which (alt. in)⁴ my store of books — of the! — of the books.⁵ Uh, I would be honoured if you could come. There will be vol-au-vents.] J: Mister Fell, if it’s about the street traders meeting, I can be there, but only until seven, as we start to get really busy then. Az: Oh, merci bien ! Uuh, il est à six heures trente. [Oh, thank good!⁶ Uuh, it⁷ is at six hours thirty.⁸] J: Yes, six-thirty. See you there. Az: (incomprehensible) Au revoir! [(incomprehensible)⁹ Goodbye!]
¹ "Viens" (Come!) instead of "Bien" (Good, well) would be weird in this situation for a couple of reasons: firstly "Viens" is the informal form of the imperative for "venir" (to come), the form one would use with people one is close to — like friends or family —, which is in contradiction with the formal way he first addresses Justine. Secondly, while it could — emphasis on could — be "Viens" on a purely phonological basis (when I say his accent is thick I mean it), it isn't correct in this context, same as English.
² "Now, " is perfectly correct in English, but it is weird in French. "Maintenant" will most of the time mean "right now" in French, and it is no exception here. Therefore what Aziraphale says is grammatically incorrect, because it would suppose the object of the sentence (the association meeting) is either currently happening or is just about to start. Although don't get me wrong, it's a very minor mistake; the sentence is still entirely comprehensible.
³ "des" (of the; plural) is what I hear instead of "les" (the; plural). If he is indeed saying the former, then it is a grammatical error, because it would be like he is saying "a reunion of all of the traders". "tout" (all) expects a direct object after it (all what?) and "des", here, is an indefinite article, a bit like "some" in English, and induces an indirect object. On the other hand if he is saying "les", then the sentence is correct because it is an (definite) article introducing a direct object. It's slightly confusing to hear, but that's about it.
⁴ I am almost certain he is saying "dans" (in, inside of) but because of his (BLOODY THICK) accent it sounds like "dont" (which, in/of which). If he says "dont" his sentence is missing an indirect object. "Dont" is a relative pronoun (here referring to the subject, aka the association reunion) which induces a new proposition, so like a new part of the sentence, that here is dependent of the first proposition. Basically it needs a verb but it doesn't have one. Which is to say his sentence if he used "dont" should have been "dont mon magasin de livres fait partie" (which my bookshop is a part of). On the other hand, if he said "dans", his sentence is correct.
⁵ "of books — of the! — of the books", just as bad in French as it sounds in English. Aziraphale was right when he said "de" and wrong when he corrected to "des". I could not if my life depended on it explain why it's wrong but it is. Made me wince.
⁶ "Oh, thank good" sounds weird in English but it's quite a common (although slightly fancy and old-fashioned) figure of speech in French. It doesn't have a real equivalent in English and most of the time will be translated to "thank you very much" or "thanks a lot"
⁷ "il" (he, it; masculine, can take on a neutral gender) is referring to the reunion, which is feminine in French. Wrong gender, mate
⁸ "six hours thirty", is a perfectly correct and normal construction. We say "hours" in French, it's usually translated to "o'clock" in English.
⁹ An utterly incomprehensible pile of sound vaguely resembling "(au) revoir", only understandable thanks to context.
Ok I know it's not very flattering but like. This angel speaks great French, especially for someone who learnt the hard way. Like suuuuure her accent is terrible, but in that weirdly endearing way British people speak French (also I have heard WAY WORSE), so really we're giving her a hard time for no real reason
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daszombes · 3 months
i have zero idea how this ask thing works but hello !!
🫵you,, you have knowledge...on twisting roads,,,
this question has been bouncing around my head for an entire year now that he's turned 1, so i must ask you. this is very important to me.., (i like concepts like this. i am oddly weird)
in the animation bit of his log, TR is animated falling to the floor and breathing heavily (or doing a motion similar to such) as he looks up at the red holograms. my question is if him being this human/organic is true (i always thought so because it was greenlit by you—erm i mean daszombes). and if so, i've always wondered from where he breathes from. hidden vents near his neck? from the creases inbetween robotic part segments? is his lower face area made of some weird material and there’s a system hooked up behind it?? through his skin—pores even?? another some other way??? some of my ocs have little holes near the bottom of their antennae.,,
TR talks with a speaker ofc (maybe??), but he also sighs. and after the nerves grow out of his antennae the following logs get pained and kinda breathy??? that detail was probably to emphasize the agony but it didn’t seem like he did it before. my brain is doing somersaults thinking about the logic and how and why TR would breathe. how organic is he? golly does he have a little beating heart?? blue or red or some other color of blood?? is his skin silicon or flesh? a nervous system overriding can’t *give* you a respiratory system…???
if he doesn’t breathe then are you open to fan interpretations of him doing so? i understand there could be a whole ‘nother route of him just replicating the sound to just be more human-feeling, though.
sorry,,, i get really obsessed over concepts like this 👉👈💦!! i think its fun to write and i have a ton of ocs who breathe and stuff. makes em feel more human. and its fun to imagine. apologies for the mountain of words aha, i hope ur doin well!! 💛
IMO the iterators were programmed with a lot of basic instinctual behaviors from the ancients, simple things like how to use their hands or how to stand upright were sampled from ancient biology I'd imagine considering iterators are humanoid.
TR displays a lot of human-like mannerisms with the falling to the ground stuff, the way I explain it (besides just the classic "cuz its cool" which is the actual reason) was that the pain responses are rare for an iterator to experience, so they react like a human, clutching their abdomens despite that not helping at all, attempting to breathe despite not being able to, things like that. Of course, there is always the option that iterators do just breathe because they need to breathe, which is entirely possible.
I personally think the former option is cooler so it's what I'm going with, but also like... they could just breathe because they gotta breathe. In which case if they did have to breathe I would give them a small screen or series of holes or spiracles along the neck or jawline. I like iterators being insect-like so spiracles are kickass.
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moving-to-dreamwinged · 6 months
vent augh
i just erm. i just want them 2 treat me w like basic respect .. i’ve been having a rly bad week w irls and it keeps not getting better. i dont think they care like genuinely and i feel so stuck n sad and lost. it doesn’t matter if i’m there or not. they keep saying theyre gonna be all sad when i leave but i dont think they gaf at all w the way they treat me. im not even human to them , all my traits r just jokes they can make or flaws they can point out . im so sick of it :( i dont think they realize i have feelings … it might be selfish but i want to be cared for for once instead of always being the one to pick up the pieces… i dont think im gonna remind them when i go, if they get upset that they didnt get to say bye to me that’s on them. im not gonna text while im gone either, they can reach out. i really don’t think it’s worth always feeling so hurt all the time
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dirty-trash-mongrel · 10 months
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Hiya! I go by Mongrel here, but if you know me elsewhere you probably know me as I leik, Seawigs or Blue.
Other nicknames I accept are Cheshire and Cyn
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✵ She/They/It ✵ AroAce? Lesbian? The voices decide! ✵ Silly things distract me easily I LOVE BEING SILLY ✵ I love to draw, especially media-inspired things, but sadly I get art block easily ✵ I swear a lot (oops) ✵ I draw in Procreate, Clip Studio Paint EX, and MS Paint (erm help?) ✵ CHECK OUT MURDER DRONES AND RAIN WORLD AND LETHAL COMPANY GRGRGRGR ✵ I also like Wings of Fire, Deltarune, Pokemon, Hollow Knight, The Amazing Digital Circus, and Wandersong, but not nearly as much as the previously mentioned two. ✵ Socially awkward + Very self conscious, a great combination!
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Just, don't spam me, also heavy venting makes me uncomfortable
well, anything that doesn't generally fall under a topic about anything in my DNI list... or fetish or NSFW art requests... no thanks...
Ask box will stay open forever. And ever. Through when time stops. It'll still be open.
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I don't know, I have tags for certain things of mine on my blog because I thought it'd be silly
#mongrel behavior is the tag with all of my posts that aren't reblogs #alley scribbles is my art tag #critterville is my OC tag #dumpster bullshit is my random thoughts/ramblings/shitpost tag, guess just anything that's a text post
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✵ Homophobes/Transphobes ✵ TERFs ✵ Ableists ✵ Pedophiles ✵ Zoophiles ✵ Proshippers ✵ Prolifers ✵ LITERALLY ANY BASIC DNI
PLEASE FUCK OFF IF YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF ANY OF THESE! Also, please refrain from making SA jokes around me. Thanks
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glitchedsoftware · 1 year
erm srry 4 venting on here but idk i feel rlly shitty idk i actually cried 4 once today after basiclly finding out that some of my close and only friends dont like me anymore and basically kicked me out of their friend group this sound so dumb im sorry i just feel bored and sad now i hate this
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akut3gaw4kiss6r · 4 days
About me!! ⭐
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Hello!! The names Ryn.
My blog theme is black and maybe blue?
I am Malaysian, so my grammar might not be allat :(
I'm mentally, physically and emotionally unstable.
I do not feel comfortable sharing my age in this app, I'm sorry. But I can guarantee you that I am now over 18!
I'm just going to let minors read my blogs. Why? because I started reading and watching shits at 5. /srs
So if you are over 10, feel free to read my blogs!!
I write Smut, Comfort, Romance, and any genres!
I am in the BSD fandom, I will maybe write for other fandoms.
Please do know that I do not tolerate hates,as I am very, very oversensitive and would do unnecessary actions.
I love Cats!!
My top three in BSD? Of course it's Akutagawa, Atsushi and Ranpo.
Yea I know,very basic.
Requests open!!
Likes!! 🧠
As I said earlier, I love Akutagawa.
My fav Malaysian food Chicken cooked in red (Ayam masak merah), but most of my faves are Pizzas and Topokki. (I'm sorry I forgot how to spell it..)
Going out
being fashionable, and I love dressing up!!
my personal space,my privacy and my body.
I LOVE spicy food.
Please marry me if you like Akutagawa.
I mostly kin Dazai, Akutagawa, Atsushi and Ranpo.
I can draw digitally and traditionally!! :33
I love science,making theories and English
I love gore. Sorry not sorry
Dislikes 🫀
Erm I DISLIKE Dazai. Yea, I'm soooo different from others!! 😱😱
Please do not speak to me if you like children's romantically.
DO NOT. interact with my profile if you are under 10.
Please kill yourself if you dislike Akutagawa <\3 /hj
I hate vegetables.
Do not interact with me if you are going to fucking compare me.
Venting to me? No. because I won't give you any comfort or advice, I'm bad at doing those. (But do it if you can't handle it anymore,I'll try my best at giving you advices and comforts <33)
Sorry for being mean,alright? don't take my jokes too seriously.
I dislike people that says shit to other religions. Like wdym "Allah is my bf!!" "Jesus is my husband 🤭🤭" and things? Go kill yourself.
That's all!! 🪻
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(please he looks so hot)
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gongedtornado · 30 days
updated introduction cuz i’m cool like that.
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hiii welcome to my little hidey hole where i post art and scream all the time :3
be sure to scroll to the bottom or at least read the DNI + things i need tagged. thankssss
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you can call me any of the following: silas / yarida / goose / kazzy
i use he / it / any + neos. though please try to refrain from using exclusively they/them on me. not that i really mind but i like a bit of variation :3.
20 and mixed filipino babeyyy !!
artist and professional shitposter . you can count on me to start a silly little doodle as a joke and put in wayyy too much effort into it lol. you can usually find these posts under the tag #shartposting
I YELL AND SCREAM AND SWEAR A LOT. ALSO I’M NOT WELL IN THE HEAD. my textposts for when i scream is #kazzy caws. my more vent related tags will be under #kazzy complains. (feel free 2 mute that. no hard feelings)
PRETTY PLEEEEAAASE use tone indicators when talking to me. i can’t read tones past text for the life of me
i’m incredibly socially awkward and typically busy, overwhelmed, or generally burnt out. i promise i’m not ignoring you or hate you or any of that- i’m just trying to get by lol.
IF YOU NEED SOMETHING TAGGED DON’T BE SCARED TO ASK . i’ll obvs tag things like eye contact, g0re, etc.
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here’s more of my tags and whatever
#kazzy caws - text posts where i scream my thoughts into the void
#kazzy complains - text posts where i complain about shit
#kazzy scribbles - art posts
#shartposting - shitposts
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little shop of horrors
paper mario
plant related characters (ie: audrey ii, petey piranha, potbelly from msm, etc)
stone story rpg (PLEASE PLAY IT ITS SO GOOD)
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just some things i would prefer of they were tagged for the sake of my sanity. just use “silas don’t look.” or “sdl” work fine lmao
roblox doors game (more specifically the visuals pleeeeaase)
generally upsetting or uncanny images. especially ones with heavy eye contact.
knack (playstation game)
posts with transphobia in them
h*zbin/h*lluva content + anything v*vziepop related
i don’t feel like making a specific section for this one but here’s some other things i’d advise you to avoid doing around/to me. thaaanks
do NOT refer to me as “smol”, “smol bean”, a “cinnamon roll”. anything of that at all. (if it’s for a joke go for it, but dont make it repetitive or a habit.)
do not refer to me as a child either- especially if you’re younger than me. i might sound a little whiny here but it genuinely rubs me the wrong way and i actually just hate it all around. 😃 don’t treat me like a child- in fact just avoid infantilizing me. please
please don’t call me “sister” or “mom”. i’m being so serious.
don’t come into my dms if i don’t know you- asking for art requests and such. i’ll just straight up block you.
(trigger warning for s/a mentions here.) if you joke about s/a or find it funny to make fun of such- just block me. i don’t want you here and you disgust me and so many others. thanks
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i’ll also include the ask to follow below the dni stuff. dni/dnf will be red while ask to follow will be orange
basic DNI criteria
dream supporters
fetishizes trans/nonbinary people
ai ‘artists’ (lmao imagine not being able to pick up a pencil)
those who continuously use the excuses “it’s just fiction”, “it’s just a drawing”, and “erm it’s the internet. things happen” yall are annoying as fuck
She Who Will Not Be Named (you know who you are.)
YTTD (Your Turn to Die) fandom
those with the intentions of befriending for free art
v*vziepop dickriders.
under 15.
if i generally just get bad vibes from you, i’ll just block. lol
irls. how and why did you find my tumblr huh? huh? do you wanna fight. do you wanna go to the dennys parking lot and fight there? huh? weenie (/JOKE)
h*zbin/h*lluva enjoyers. current mutuals are fine- but if you wanna follow please ask me first. i likely won’t interact with you too much though srry 🙏
people with the names “clyde”, “nadia”, “aspen”, or “azzy.” im sure yall are nice people or whatever but its moreso for the sake of my sanity :3
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dms are usually open unless i specify not to dm me.
commissions are closed off for now
i don’t do art requests. LOL sorry
art trades are always good! i take a long while on them though. srry
tagging/mentioning in a post is fine. kinda the same rules with the dms.
rp is kinda ehhh. i kinda only do it with closer friends tyyyy
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okay cool you made it to the bottom thanksss enjoy ur stay lol
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the-skrunkle · 4 months
intro below the cut <3
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sideblog of @the-skrunkle so feel free to apply this there too c: stuff abt me!! i use she/her pronouns, they/them is okay too as long as its not used exclusively or for the majority because then it feels like its purposefully avoiding the alternative, obviously for ppl who dont know though that doesnt rly apply c:
im demi aro+ace! i also find relationships very cute in like shows and books and stuff (well um as long as they're done well..) despite finding them kinda gross and weird when they involve irl people (including actors...) sorry,,
um. i would talk about my interests but i feel like they're a bit random sometimes. ill like basically anything if i enjoy their vibes which is so vague that i dont think i can elaborate. i guess i like any creative works, in particular music and art!! (generic i know...) my favourite book series atm is skulduggery pleasant, my favourite show recently is saiki k and my favourite visual novel is starry flowers :3 i dont have any favourite artists though (musicians included). erm . . i like celeste!! i dont play it that often anymore but thats just because ive kind of been losing interest in games in general,, i still play it sometimes though. same with genshin but the main reason i like that is cus i like the characters a lot
idk what else im meant to say tbh- ill block people who's vibe i just dont really like, or sometimes if its just something i dont really wanna see and tumblr keeps showing me for some reason
oh yeah. since this is my blog for like. more personal stuff, there will be vents sometimes. sorry. ill tag them with #vent (or #mini vent if its something less serious!) so feel free to block that tag if you dont want to see them, thats totally ok!! ill also end up deleting them after i feel better so hopefully they wont randomly pop up too much - i might also use #not a vent sometimes for things that might be kinda negative but not actually venting!!
yeah thats kinda it i think-
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soeney · 8 months
erm intro post/ pinned post lol
i'm oak :3
19 and a full time student T-T
all pronouns
this is a vent blog so if u find it n don't like it pls just scroll away ty <33
tw subjects: 3at1ng d1sorder, $elf h4rm, su1c1d4l ideation, tr4uma, add1ction, mental 1llness i guess??
im fine w interaction/reposts etc but ig don't expect me to interact really im just here to use this as a diary basically lol
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sanini-panini · 1 year
i mentioned i was doing this oc ask game and some friends off tumblr threw questions at me but i thought i’d cross post here for funsies (part 3)
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
this is for all nineteen of them so. it's long.
jinal - she is so often asked to be the voice of reason that she doesn't like to appear overly emotional in front of other people. she rarely ever gets angry in public, and up until imprisonment, only a single digit number of people had seen her cry in person (kai, minerva, ridwan, silpa). that said, kai and minerva tend to be her sounding boards when she does need to vent.
haku - do you want the short list? because the long list is at least a thousand pages long. haku wears an assortment of carefully curated masks in public, all with the intent of getting other people to hate them. they play the part of the aloof seer, but no one cares more than them. you will have to pry this truth from their cold, dead body.
minerva - she hates showing any sign of weakness--including her soft spot for cute things. those closest to her know that she likes baby animals and small children, but she puts up a front most of the time. she would never admit that these things reminder her of ven.
ven - ven is all smiles in public. they'll never show when they feel hurt or angry or scared or any of the hundreds of other negative emotions. it's not that they push these emotions down forever--they just save them for later, when they can vent in private.
kai - he does his best to hide his past. he really doesn't need everyone knowing he was raised as a prince. some of this still peeks through in his formal mannerisms, however.
mateen - his anger issues :) or, more accurately, his tendency to jump to extreme courses of action at the slightest provocation. he's pretty good at redirecting himself now, but sometimes when things are bad, his old habits shine through.
ridwan - the chismosa side. they are, for the most part, a very particular individual with a fairly serious demeanor, but they are actually such a gossip like don't even get them started.
silpa - silpa actually doesn't have nearly as much self-confidence as she pretends to have. she knows she's the best there is at making gadgets and gizmos, but she craves reassurance when it comes to other things. luckily, ridwan and jinal have caught onto this.
felix - he spends so much time trying to be self sufficient and not bother the others, but he actually likes being coddled and taken care of. he'd never admit it, but mateen and ridwan are smart enough to see through felix's facade.
ilia - she has a bit of a stubborn streak and a hint of rebellion in her, but she's been raised to be straight-laced and reticent, so she hides these things away.
morgan - vulnerability. moving on.
peter - uhhhh. dude. do you want the short list? the long list isn't as long as haku's, if only because it's more situational. he's an open book in terms of his opinions, but he's always hiding his true motives--not because he is ashamed of them, but because he does not trust the others to stay out of his way.
juli - basically identical to the ven problem. he is always smiling in public because he doesn't want to bring others down with his negative emotions.
lian - similar to the kai problem. they were raised as a rich kid, and though they've tried to scrub this away, sometimes it pops out. they hate the elitism tied to their upbringing and prefer to approach everyone on equal footing.
joshua - ahahaha well. we could go with vulnerability. but the real answer is the anger issues. he thinks he's a monster, fueled by murderous fury, and every time he gets angry in public, it's a reminder of this ugly irredeemable piece of him that he cannot leave behind.
rae - erm. also the anger issues. not because his anger is uncontrollable--but because it would be inconvenient for anyone to realize that he is anything more than a mild-mannered novice lawyer with bad music taste.
karyme - the tumblrina side. her media archival work is all on a public blog, but i think if anyone found her personal ao3 account she would pass out. no one needs to know that she was a mod in a superwholock rp server as a teen.
dani - dani spends so much time being a de-facto leader in the group, but he actually... prefers to be silly and have fun. if the fate of the world were not at stake she would be one of the first to vote for hsm sleepovers and homemade sundaes, bc she very much did not get to have that growing up.
auster - hrm... i think auster has a sassy side to him that he just hasn't gotten to show yet. he has wisecracks running in his veins, but he won't use them unless he feels comfortable enough to do so.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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yellowhearther0 · 2 years
oh god monkaS
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popsugahpop · 2 years
The assuming conversation between Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles about the "unreleased songs of hs3" leaking.
*phone rings*
Louis: Hey Haz
Harry: *quietly whispers* hey
Louis: What happen, sweatheart? Are you having a bad day or something? Are you alright, love?
Harry: *still quietly* I cannot do this anymore, Lou. You saw the news right?
Louis: erm- *laughs a bit* sorry babe I didn't go to the Twitter for a while. Why? What happened?
Harry: Well *laughs wetly sarcastically* my new album's songs got leaked somehow now everyone is listening to them.
Louis: Oh my gosh, how- how- how did that happened??? The releasing date was just a month later! Who the fuck did that, harry?
Harry: Obviously someone from my team did it, still don't why and who but yeah it is what it is *chokes out a sob*
Louis: Hey hey take deep breaths for me, small and deep. Can you do that for me yeah?
Harry: *take small deep breaths slowly* *incoherent sounds about breaths coming up*
Louis: Yeah that's it, let it all out. I know babe I know how it would really feel
Harry: NO! YOU CAN'T!
Louis: .....
Harry: *sniffs* no you can't, Lou.
Louis: I am sorry I cannot feel what you are going through. But my heart knows you know.
Harry: *lowly* how so?
Louis: How so?*chuckles* cause I can feel your heart inside of mine since I was eighteen. In your highs and lows, in your bright green eyes phase to your dimlight shallowest sight, I had been there, I felt what you felt just like you do when it's me.
Harry: *blushes* Only you know how to make me all cheeky with those cheesy lines.
Louis: They are not cheeky. They are for you and they are true just like my love.
Harry: Now stop okay I love you. Sorry I shouted like that
Louis: Eh don't worry I love you too. You needed vent out your anger and used me for that so no big deal. I am glad that you are a bit okay now.
Harry: *sighs frustratingly* I don't know what do, Lou! Can you imagine!!! Them listening to my music where I am not even mentally prepared for it! It's before the due releasing date and *grunts* this is just not done!
Louis: Listen Hazza-
Harry: What if they don't like my music anymore? What if they think that my musics are showing what I am actually and they don't love me anymore? What if- what if- *silence* what if they hate me, Louis?
Louis: They would never and I would be glad of they did.
Harry: Why? Why would you be glad?
Louis: Cause you should not have such fans who will not love and adore you the real you, innit?
Harry: Yeah... But-
Louis: *raises eyebrows* But?
Harry: *sighs in defeat* no you are right actually. If they don't love the way I am then what is the point of all of these?
Louis: Exactly. I know it's a shame that they didn't get to listen to them in the actual due date rather they listened to the songs before that but let bygones be bygones right? We can't change the past. But we can smile around our present and future and tell the past to fuck off yeah?
Harry: Yeah. It's just- I planned a lot for the whole releasing festive and all these are just a waste. And we still don't know who did this.
Louis: I know babe I know you were so excited and whoever did this will not be spared by me don't forget!
Harry: Ok macho man Mr. 5'9 Tomlinson*dryly chuckles*
Louis: *jokingly pissed off* eyyy don't smirk on my teeny weeny muscles, wanker
Harry: *giggles* I love you and thank you.
Louis: I love you too.
Harry: *incoherent noises coming from bg sounds like Mitch* Louis just a second, hold on.
Louis: Okay
*after a while*
Harry: Yeah sorry about that, Mitch just told me something.
Louis: mhmm... What is it?
Harry: *excitedly* So basically many fans are not listening to the songs and waiting for the actual due releasing date and telling others also to do that and trending hashtags for that!
Louis: OH MY GOD! THIS IS INCREDIBLE. FUCK YEAH! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU HAZ!! they always surprise us with their incredible loyalty, don't they?
Harry: Yeah...
Louis: What happened now, you were happy a seconds ago?
Harry: Will they succeed at this?
Louis: *smiles himself*at least they did it yeah? They are conscious about your happiness and dedication to this album. Even if they did not, they tried their best and they are winners in our eyes.
Harry: Yep you are right. The fandom is too big to handle every single on of em. So I am happier than ever that they tried and stopped at least ten of others to listen.
Louis: Exactly bub don't get disheartened. We cannot change what already has been done okay?
Harry: Yeah, now enough of my whiney shits.
Louis: *laughs*
Harry: What about you? Huh? Wembley concert is coming!!!!
Louis: I am so nervous, Haz.
Harry: Listen here you incredible sweet creature right here
Louis: ok feisty pants!
Harry: No listen, YOU. ARE. SO. FUCKING. AWESOME. THAT. ONE. CAN. JUST. SIT. AND. ADMIRE. AT. WHAT. YOU. ARE. So never get nervous about anything. They are your fans which brought the ticket with tons of money-
Louis: Wrong! That's your concert then. Mine is quite cheaper whoop whoop
Harry: *eyes rolls* yeah whatever. What I meant was they buy your tickets to listen to your voice in your angelic poetic songs and also to see that heck of Greek god face damn they should be jealous of me to gatekeep such heck of a beautiful man.
Louis: Oh man!*blushes and groans* stop-
Harry: What! It's true!
Louis: Yeah yeah *snorts*
*to be continued*
Author's note: Hey guys, it's the writer that wrote the above not that much good dialogue (just for formality stating lmao). But the only reason was to write this dialogue was to aware the fans about the thing that happened recently. Harry's house songs got leaked. He mentioned a due date for a reason so idk if it was done deliberately or indeliberately. We don't know if it is even the songs of Harry's house album I mean they can even be the unreleased songs of his past albums. In any way, don't listen to them. We are not that desperate to listen his new songs that early where there are less than months than due date!!!! DON'T LISTEN TO THE UNRELEASED SONGS. PLEASE! Thank you for the Ted talk and hope you will like the above dialogue xx
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lunasblipsandblurbs · 3 years
Weed/ marijuana pt. 2
As the resident stoner I had a civic duty to the people for this part 2
Marcus Pike
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When Marcus finds out you smoke weed he kind of hesitates. He's always been a good boy and he's never taken any type of drug before. Sure he drinks but he's an F.B.I agent, they can get tested if they are under suspension. But he's not gonna make you feel bad. Heck he even tries it with you the weekend he gets his bi-montly test knowing he has plenty of time to work it out of his system. He all but becomes a melted little noodle stuck to your side as he rides out the high you two are experiencing.
Agent Whiskey
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Erm, yeah no. He is definitely going to get pissed off at you at first. Its just a bad knee jerk reaction to what happened with his first love. When you see him obviously so upset at you your hazey mind can't take it as you begin to cry your sorrys to him. That's gonna get him guilty pretty quickly, its basically legal all over the states now and he knows its not the worst drug out there. He's definitely going to re approach you sober and discuss that hes fine with you smoking. He just doesn't want to be around when you do it. It sucks but its a boundry his not willing to let go.
Dave York
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Oh my fucking god get this man a bong or something. Hes so still and tense its unsettling for most people. When he stumbles in on you baked out of your mind you can't help but die from laughing at his face scanning the coffee table putting all the peices together. Hes just gonna huff out and plop down on the couch with you, he works freelance anyways now, no piss tests pass him the pipe. And man does he really become a charmer stoned, so much so he seduces you into bed and you two have mind blowing high sex, the sensation even stronger due to your altered states of mind.
Zach Wellison
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I mean yeah he's down. He gets it prescribed for anxiety and PTSD already so hes always willing to share with you. He loves indica stands because it just absolutely melts his muscles to the couch, and he adores stuffing his face with you when you both get munchies.
Omar Assarian
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When he's on his off season, fuck yeah let gooooo. He loves to light up with you after a stressful day. He loves shot gunning he thinks its the hottest shit ever. He also loves to just get blazed and snuggle you down to nap with him.
Marcus Moreno
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Okay get him on vacation, and Missy with Anita and he's so down. He's fucking stressed as a single parent AND leader of the Heroics (who barley listen as is). So when you two have a romantic get away and you slip out some joints you can see Marcus light up like it's his first time smoking. He basically vibrates when you tell him its a hybrid. You two will end the night red eyed lounging against eachother in the jacuzzi in your room.
Maxwell Lord
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Again, someone please give this man a fat blunt. Bby boi is stressed and needs a breather. When he hears you come in for the night he sees you with a little wooden box and you offer him some of your stash since its a weekend night and Allister is safley tucked to sleep. He's gonna nodd but make you two step out to the balcony so theres no chance in a curious Allister wondering why it smells like a skunk. He's gonna end up feeling relaxed enough to vent to about his recent stresses of starting his company basically over but you just hold him close, helping him light the bowl and kissing his temple as he tries to hold in his coughs and high giggles.
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yeenybeanies · 3 years
A Little Lost
it’s star wars day!! what a fine day to have my heart torn from my chest with the clone wars finale :’) WELL THIS IS VERY OLD LMAO it’s been in my drafts since may 4th i did not proofread this & i probably will not do so until tomorrow EDIT i have proofread it & made my tweaks & it is Good To Go :>
star wars | rex & pomfree ( oc ) 
4,395 words
mild language warnings
reblogs > likes!! feel free to leave comments in the tags!! thanks!!
Breathe! Air and dust and dirt rush into his lungs. The clone jolts, consciousness returning like a punch to the face. If only it was a simple punch that knocked him out, though. That would have been way less painful . . ..
Soft grunts and groans fill the air as the clone trooper pulls himself from the him-shaped indentation in the dirt. He can still stand. He can move his arms and his back and his neck. Nothing seems broken ( miraculously ), but everything is sore regardless.
“ This is Captain Rex; can anyone hear me? I was––– ”  static. He looks down to the comlink on his forearm, all the buttons smashed and broken. Useless. He grimaces, then turns his attention to the surrounding jungle. Where is he? Where’s the ship? . . . Where is his helmet? A cursory glance at his immediate surroundings shows no signs of the blue-painted headgear.
Rex stands up with a final groan and takes a few steps, searching for signs of––well, of anything. Smoke, blaster fire, voices, tracks . . .. The ship was going down, and he fell out of it before it crashed. Surely it’s not too far off. He curses a little under his breath; the jungle canopies of this planet are too damn high and thick for him to be able to see anything more than a few feet away. The only option now, as far as he can see, is to start walking in the direction he thinks the ship landed in.
“ Hello? Anyone out there? ”  Even cupping his hands around his mouth doesn’t help his yells travel very far. The jungle is tight. It’s a hassle just to walk around. Rex grumbles as his boot catches on a ground vine for the umpteenth time. He hasn’t tripped yet, but––ack! Spoke too soon. Just seconds later, he’s snagged again, and falls forward, onto his hands and knees. Teeth clenched, the trooper slams a fist into the spongy jungle floor, allowing his frustration to vent for just a moment. How the hell is he going to get out of this one?
Calm. He needs to be calm. Getting mad isn’t going to solve anything. ( Blast, he sounds like a Jedi. ) Rex takes a breath and tugs his foot free yet again. He shifts himself into a crouch, runs a hand over his short, blond hair, and tries once more to assess his surroundings. In every direction, there is just more jungle. But––oh? He catches a glimpse of white amidst all the green undergrowth to his right. One brow raised, Rex pushes his way through the brush to investigate. He parts the vines and leaves and finds . . . yes! His helmet! At least something is going his way in this god-forsaken jungle. Rex leans forward to pick the familiar item up, silently praising that he managed to stumble across it ( literally ). As he brings it to his head to put it on, though, a startled cry makes him jump. Rex looks up to see a little . . . creature dangling from the helmet lip. It screams when it looks at him, and he yelps right back, immediately dropping both it and the helmet. The latter clatters to the jungle floor, but the former––unexpectedly, the former drifts down in a much more controlled manner, gliding on thin membranes––or perhaps clothing––between its arms & legs. It lands a few feet away and stares up at Rex, eyes wide.
What the hell?
Rex stares back for a long moment. It . . . isn’t running away. It’s not attacking either, though. It’s a curious-looking little thing. It looks almost human, though significantly smaller––maybe five, six inches tall at most. Slowly, tentatively, Rex kneels down to retrieve his helmet, though he doesn’t take his eyes off of the creature.
“ Easy now . . . ”  he says, hoping to placate any potential hostilities.  “ Not gonna hurt you. I’m with the Grand Army of the Republic. ”  Hell, he doesn’t even know if the damn thing speaks Basic.
“ You are a clone. ”  Ah. So it does speak. Rex blinks, a little surprised, but nods his head. The creature looks up, way up to the high canopies.  “ You came from the crashed ship? ” 
“ Huh––erm, yeah. Yeah, I, uh, fell out of it. Did you see where it landed? ”  A spark of hope flares up in his chest. This little critter might be the key to finding his comrades!
They shake their head––a gesture that nearly goes unnoticed due to their size.  “ Knocked me down from the top when it came through. Best way to see would be . . .. ”  They point up. This time, Rex follows their gaze, confused. 
The top? This thing was at the top? The trees have to be a couple hundred feet high! How could they have gotten all the way up there? So many questions flood the trooper’s mind, but he shakes his head. Focus.
“ I gotta climb all the way up there? ”  The very thought is daunting. ( Really, how could something so small make it up there? ) Rex gives the creature a disbelieving look, but they just nod right back at him.
“ It is the best chance, ”  they assure.  “ I need to go up too. It’s dangerous down here for us. I need to get back home. ” 
Rex narrows his eyes.  “ So what you really need is for me to take you up there. There’s no benefit at all for me. Just a waste of time. ” 
“ No! ”  The creature waves their little hands, alarmed.  “ No! You really can see! And it’s easier to move up there! ”  There’s obvious panic in their voice, but Rex isn’t sure if it’s because of him, or because he might leave them. He rolls his eyes and takes another look up the giant tree trunks.
One thing is for certain: he cannot see anything down there. Flares wouldn’t go above the treetops either, so they’d be useless from the ground. Rex contemplates, tossing the idea around in his head, and wrinkles his nose when he reaches a decision.
“ Alright. I’m going up there. I’ll take you too, but if this turns out to be for nothing, I’m gonna drop you back down. ”  It’s an empty threat––something the little creature quickly picks up on. They beam up at him, looking just elated. Rex dons his ( now unoccupied ) helmet and . . .––well, he isn’t sure if he should just grab them, or if he should go about carrying them some other way. Thankfully, they solve the problem for him. They’re fast; they race to his boot and scale his leg like it’s nothing, and then the rest of him, all the way up to his shoulder pauldron. He wasn’t expecting that, but . . . it works.
“ Right . . .. Hold on tight. ”  Rex pulls a blaster from his holster and attaches an ascension cable. The lowest branch on the tree before him is . . . still pretty damn high up. His grimace deepens; he isn’t sure that the cable is long enough to reach, but he takes aim and shoots. It flies out with a hiss, racing parallel to the trunk for a good few seconds before . . . yes! It just barely reaches  the branch’s underside. Were Rex a few inches shorter, he’s not sure it would have made it. 
One last check to make sure the creature is secure on his shoulder ( somehow they seem even smaller up close ), then Rex starts the climb. He has to pull himself up the trunk a few steps so he can secure the cable to his belt, but then he’s able to activate the wench that gradually pulls them up.
“ So. ”  Even with the wench, it’s still going to take a while to scale a tree this tall. Rex keeps his eyes upward, but he does nod slightly towards his company.  “ Got a name? ” 
“ Yes. I am Pomfree. My friends call me Pom. ”
“ Pom. My name’s Rex. You, uh . . . you said you live up in the canopies? How’d you get up there to begin with? ”
“ Oh, my kind comes from up in the treetops. We are many tribes that have always been up there. Those that fall to the floor . . . ”  Rex feels them shudder,  “ usually they do not come back up. It is dangerous. And impossible for us to climb so far. ”
“ No kidding . . .. ”  Rex isn’t sure he would be able to climb this thing without an ascension cable, let alone someone like Pom.  “ You can glide, though, right? ”
“ Yes, but . . . ”  they pull one of the membranes from their sides––Rex can now see from his peripherals that it is indeed clothing––and show a stitched-up tear, presumably recent.  “ I tore it on a branch in the confusion, and I hit my head shortly after, so . . .. ”
So that’s how they got to the ground. Rex feels a pang of sympathy for the little creature. He knows all about being thrown into hostile environments, but he’s a soldier. Pom, he imagines, is not.
“ Why are you here? ”  Their question pulls Rex from his thoughts. He shoots them a glance, a brow raised under his helmet.
“ Told you: I fell from my ship while it was––– ”
“ No––why are you on our planet? We are not a part of the war . . . are we? ”  There’s a twinge of fear in their voice––something Rex is, unfortunately, quite familiar with. This terrible war has ravaged many planets.
“ Erm . . . well, the Separatists have established a fort here, despite your apparent neutrality, so we’ve come in to deal with it. ”  That’s putting things a little lightly. He doesn’t really want to scare Pom more.  “ It’s pretty far from here, though. Don’t think you’ll be seeing any part of it anytime soon––if at all. ”  Hopefully. Civilian casualties happen, but Rex still would like to minimize them wherever and whenever he can.
His answer seems to calm Pom, if only a little. They look up the cable that’s pulling them along. They’ve almost reached the branch. Once Rex gets a hold on it, Pom moves to somewhere a bit more stable so the clone can have his full range of motion and climb his way up to the branch’s top. It’s easier said than done; the damn thing is thicker than Rex is tall. He nearly slips once, and gets both of their hearts racing. He does assure Pom that he’s okay and he’s got them, and manages to make it to the dorsal surface. Thank God the bark is rough and filled with handholds.
They’re not even halfway up the tree, though. Rex cranes his neck, looking up at the vertical distance still ahead of them, and sighs. The droop of his shoulders makes Pom scramble for a moment to maintain balance.
“ This . . . is gonna take a while. ”  Dismayed but determined, the captain readies his cable again, takes aim, and shoots for the next-nearest branch, way high up. It’s going to take, he suspects, at least three or four more cable trips to get up to where they need to be.
Pom is fairly chatty, full of questions. Rex answers what he can. Being an older clone, he’s a bit more aware of the universe around him, and of the nuances of the war. The little being watches him with those wide, curious eyes, soaking up all he has to say. It’s cute, in a way; Rex just wishes he had more to tell them than stories and news about violence and suffering. He’s sorry that the war has come to this planet.
Once they reach the underside of the second branch, the two rinse and repeat as they’d done with the first. Rex expels a breath bordering on exasperation as he looks upward. Only now are they about halfway up the gigantic tree. He notices that, at their current height, their surroundings look different than they had on the jungle floor. It’s brighter, if only marginally so. The foliage is comprised more of leaves and vines, as opposed to the heavy roots and trunks and ferns on the jungle floor. Rex pushes past a curtain of moss as he walks along the bough, searching for another spot to aim his cable.
“ Wait. ”  Pom knocks their little fist on the side of the trooper’s helmet.
“ What? You see something? ”  He does not like the sudden worry in their voice. Reflexively he rests a hand on the hilt of one of his blasters.
“ No, I hear . . . –––get down! ” 
Rex ducks just in time. Mere moments after their warning, a beast erupts from the foliage, its claws and teeth just barely missing his head. Rex crawls forward a few feet and twists onto his seat. Whatever it is, it seems to be only about half the size of a man, but it is mean. It looks like an alien cross between feline and reptile, and sports two sets of climbing arms and a smaller set of what appear to be prey-grabbing arms. He doesn’t get to observe much more of it before it launches at him, all arms outstretched. Rex falls backward, letting the beast sail over him again. He quickly flips himself over and jumps to his feet, ready to move, when a sharp cry brings his attention back to his passenger. The little being clings to his pauldron, legs flailing. Dammit. He’d nearly forgotten about them in the–––
“ Look out! ” 
Rex throws up an arm just as the beast reaches him, its teeth clamping down on his gauntlet. A few reach his skin, but he pays it no mind, much more distracted by the claws slashing at him.
No . . ..
The beast isn’t aiming for him; it’s aiming for Pom! The little one yelps and struggles to maintain their hold amidst the panic and the pandemonium. Rex shoves the creature off with a heavy knee to its gut and, without really thinking, grabs Pom. They squeak and struggle in his hold, but he keeps firm. He turns and dashes to put some distance between them and the creature while its still recuperating, his free hand aiming the cable launcher upward. There isn’t any time to pick an optimal branch; he selects one that looks suitable enough, shoots, and starts ascending as soon as it hooks in.
“ I’ve gotcha, kid, ”  Rex says,  “ that thing isn’t gonna–––augh! ” 
Sharp pains pierce the flesh between his armor. The beast jumped up after them, and has its claws dug into his left leg. With both hands occupied, the trooper can only curse and kick at it, quickly growing desperate to shake it off. It’s not interested in him in the slightest; it’s trying to climb him to reach Pom, now held as far out as possible.
Bastard. Rex grits his teeth and rams his heel into the creature’s face. His grip on the blaster is starting to slip; he needs to ditch this thing fast.
“ Pom, I’m gonna throw you, ”  he says. He doesn’t give the little one any time to protest before he launches them upward. Their fear-filled yell doesn’t sit well with him, but he’s left with one hand free to grab his other blaster. He shoots the beast in the shoulder, making it shriek out in pain, and pistol whips it right along its temple. Its claws unhook from his person, leaving it to fall a few feet and land bodily onto a branch below. It’s still alive, but stunned, and hopefully convinced to leave them be. Rex watches it for a second, then snaps his head upwards, eyes searching the foliage.
“ Pom? “  He doesn’t see them, which sends a pang of worry through his brain. They fixed the tear in their gliding suit; surely they managed to slow their fall . . . right?  “ Where are you, kid?  That thing’s gone now. Pom? ” 
The longer the silence persists, the more unsettled Rex grows. He stops his ascent and pulls himself up the cable enough to hook it to his belt, then looks down to the branches below. The creature is nowhere to be seen, but the same can be said for Pom.
“ Hey, Pom! Come on, kid! Tell me you’re alright! ”  What if they fell back to the floor? What if the thing ultimately managed to snatch them and run off? Dank Farrik, what if–––
“ Rex! ”  The tiny voice snaps his attention upward. Relief washes over him when he spots them perched atop a branch several feet above him. They jump, gliders spread, and drift down towards him. He meets them with both hands outstretched, giving them a platform to land on. Immediately he can feel the shivers coursing through their body. Another pang spikes in his mind. Carefully, he draws them nearer.
“ Pom, I––listen, kid, I’m sorry. I should’a given you some more warning. You alright? ”  Other than their pallid features, they don’t look any worse for wear physically. They nod, still shaking.
“ It’s––n-no, I am okay. I am just . . . I have never seen a grekesa up close . . . and I never want to again. ”  They pull their gliders in and sit in his hands, hugging their knees to their chest. Rex presses his lips together. It does make him feel a little better to know that his actions didn’t scare them so much as the beast. As a soldier, he’s faced things far worse than that  “ grekesa, ”  but he recognizes that he is both battle-hardened and far to big for most things to make a meal out of. Pom would be but a snack.
“ I’ve got you, kid. We ought’a keep moving before another one shows up. “  Were that to happen, he’d drop the bastard where it stands. Rex deposits Pom onto his shoulder where they quickly huddle up to his neck, and resumes their ascent.
Pom is much quieter now, but, after a few minutes, Rex feels their tension start to ease. A part of him wants to reach up and comfort them, but he’s not sure how he’d do that. What, would he rub their back or shoulder with his finger? Give them a little hair ruffle? How would he comfort someone so small?
“ Thank you, ”  they say, drawing Rex from his thoughts.
“ Hm? What for? ” 
Pom shrugs, though the gesture goes unseen.  “ For saving me from the grekesa. For helping me get back home. ”
A tinge of warmth fills the trooper’s heart. He shakes his head.  “ Don’t mention it. In fact, don’t thank me just yet; we still have a ways to go before we get to the canopy. ”
As they climb ever higher into the treetops, Rex takes note of the drastic changes in scenery. The difference between the jungle floor and the upper levels is like night and day––literally. While the floor was quite dark, at this height, there isn’t nearly as much foliage to block out the sunlight. Something as simple as a bit of sun has Rex feeling more optimistic that he’ll be able to see his fallen ship when they reach the top.
Once they reach their next branch, Rex pauses a moment and removes his helmet. He’s mindful of Pom as he does so, careful not to jostle them too much. He fishes into one of his pockets to retrieve a rations bar. All of this crashing and climbing and fighting with local fauna has his stomach growling. Before he takes a bite, though, he breaks off a piece and offers it to his companion, who gratefully accepts.
“ Shouldn’t be too much longer, ”  Rex says after swallowing down a few bites.  “ One more good placement of the cable and we’ll be up near the top. Any of this starting to look familiar to you? ”
Pom finishes off their piece of ration, then stands up on the trooper’s shoulder, one hand to his neck for balance.  “ Hmm . . .. Not really. I have never left the canopy before. But . . .. ”  They leap from their perch, gliders unfolding. They drift over to a cluster of leaves on a neighboring branch. Rex watches with one brow raised as they inspect the branch, looking for who-knows-what.
“ Aha! ”  They declare. They hold up a leaf that, to Rex, looks like any other dead leaf. He blinks, confused.  “ This is from my tribe! We must be approaching one of the lower villages! ”
“ That leaf . . .? ”  He tilts his head, still lost.  “ How do you know it’s not just . . . some leaf? ”
“ Because! ”  Pom jumps and glides back to Rex, who holds out a hand for them to land on. They hold up the leaf to him.  “ Each tribe grows special leaves that we graft onto trees to mark our territories. This one––see these? ”  they point to the veins in the leaf, which swirl in intricate patterns.  “ Over the generations, my tribe has designed this pattern and color. It is unique to us. ”
“ Uh hunh . . .. ”  Rex squints. Upon closer inspection, it does stand out. However, other than the color––a bright red to contrast the greens––he wouldn’t think anything of it. Then again, this isn’t his culture; he wouldn’t think to think anything of it.  “ That’s good news then. Means we’re gettin’ somewhere. ”
Pom beams up at the trooper. They scurry along his arm, back to his shoulder, and settle down for the continued journey. Rex finishes off the last of his ration bar, replaces his helmet, and takes aim at another branch. This one, he hopes, will be the last stretch. He clips himself in and activates the wench, thus resuming their ascent.
It doesn’t take long for Pom to point out more markers of their tribe. There are carvings and paintings in the bark, more clusters of leaves, and even a few abandoned homes––all of which would have gone under Rex’s radar were he alone. The more he sees, the more he realizes how resourceful Pom’s people must be to live up here.
The excitement and wonder come to a grinding halt, however, when the ascension cable lurches. Rex only has a moment to realize what’s happening before it comes loose. After a brief fall and an undignified yell, he manages to catch himself on a branch, hands clinging to the bark and legs dangling.
“ Dammit! Pom, are you––– ”  He looks to his shoulder to find it unoccupied. He isn’t given any time to process this, though. A sharp smack to the side of his helmet draws the trooper’s attention to his left, where he finds four little humanoids, each armed with a slingshot.  “ What the hell . . .? ”
“ Stop! Leave him alone! ”  Calls a familiar voice from up above. Pom drifts down, landing atop Rex’s helmet.  “ He is my friend! ”
The four beings pause, each of them looking shocked and confused.  “ Pomfree? Is that you? ”  One asks. All at once, they rush forward towards Rex and Pom. He has to stop himself from flinching as they scale his arms and shoulders. The one that spoke clambers up to meet Pom on his helmet where the two embrace. Rex feels . . . awkward.
“ We saw you fall into the dark beyond! ”  The one––Rex assumes them to be the leader of the group––says.
“ I did! I fell all the way to the floor, ”  they say.  “ I tried to stop myself, but I tore my wing and hit my head and then I woke up down there. This one––– ”  they pat Rex’s helmet,  “ helped me back up. He saved me from a grekesa too! ” 
Though he can’t see any of the little ones from where they are on his person, he can feel all of their eyes on him. Rex clears his throat.  “ Er, hi. I hate to break up the reunion, but do you mind letting me pull myself up? I don’t really want to stay hanging here. ” 
Pom is the first to disembark. The others are quick to follow. Once they’re all off, Rex hauls himself up to straddle the branch. He breathes a sigh of relief, and rolls his shoulders to work out some of the stiffness from holding himself in place.
All five of the little beings stare at him. Pom is the only one that does not look wary. Rex can’t blame them, he supposes. He clears his throat again.  “ Right. I am Captain Rex of the Army of the Grand Republic. It’s true, I met Pom down on the jungle floor. “
“ He is good, ”  Pom insists, though their companions do not seem fully convinced. They huff and approach Rex, frowning. They climb up onto his thigh and gesture to him.  “ Show your face. Let them see you. ”
With some hesitancy, the trooper complies. He pulls his helmet off and tucks it under his arm. This somehow feels even more awkward.
“ Look, I don’t want to cause you any more trouble than we already have. I’m just trying to find my squadron; Pom told me I’d have a better shot at seeing where they landed up here. Only fair I bring them up with me. ”
The four regard him with scrutiny, then huddle up to whisper amongst themselves. Every few seconds, one of them glances back at him before returning to the conversation. Rex grimaces.
“ Well, Pom, I think this is where we’re gonna have to part ways. ”  Gently, he scoops the little being off of his leg and sets them down on the branch. Before he can pull his hand away, though, they catch his thumb and wrap their arms around it. This, he realizes, is the closest thing to a hug they can share. He glances to the group, all of whom are staring at him again, then gently lets his fingers curl around their back.
“ Hey now, no need for any waterworks, kid, ”  he says, mustering a half-smile.  “ Glad I could get you back to your people. You be good now, alright? ”
Pom gives his thumb a squeeze before letting go. They take the leaf they’d kept from when they’d first found signs of their tribe and place it in Rex’s palm.  “ Thank you, Rex. I am sad I cannot do more to help you than wish you luck in finding your own people. ”
“ Don’t worry about it. ”  His half-smile grows into something softer, more genuine. Fingers close around the leaf, then he pushes himself to stand. The four new little ones retreat a few feet, and Pom joins them after a moment. Rex offers a small wave, then puts on his helmet and tucks the leaf into one of his pockets. He takes his blaster and launches his ascension cable to a higher branch.
Pom is home. That’s good. Now he needs to figure out how the hell he’s going to keep the war away from them and their people.
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ecoamerica · 1 month
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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