#this is so bad it’s okay whatever it’s fine. i hate being surrounded by incompetency it’s not that hard 😭😭😭😭
u guys my coworker just fucked upso bad and he doesnt even realize it
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rayofsunas · 3 years
s/o has a mental/nervous breakdown.
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A/n: hello everyone! I hope your day is going alright, and that you’re doing well 🥰 I recently hit 300+ folllwers, like Sunday morning, and omg, that was the best thing to wake up too 🥺❤️ thank you those new and old for following and taking a chance with my account and sometimes trashy works 🙃 I’m gonna make a longer post at some point saying my thanks and discuss what I plan to do to celebrate 300 followers. It would really mean a lot to me if you guys chimed in if you have any ideas, after all, this is a thanks to you and I want you all to be involved! also, if you saw my recent rambles about how a draft was deleted, it’s referring to this post... what I had written got deleted TWICE in the span of FIVE MINUTES. gosh I was so pissed, I almost screamed. mobile tumblr is not it 😔 but here we are. I hope you like this. I tried to write this three times.... 🤡 also, since I am not a doctor or anything, I put a link to possible symptoms/what a “mental breakdown” is, that’s in the warnings, just click the link, it helped with my accuracy. 
Summary: s/o has a mental/nervous breakdown.
Parings: Xiao/Reader, Scaramouche/Reader, Albedo/Reader, Childe/Reader (all fem reader)
Warnings: angst, mental breakdown (panic attacks, stress, anxiety, ptsd, hallucinations, insomnia) fluff, swearing, mentions of death, mentions of injury
Word count: 3.5k (whew after tumblr DELETING this draft twice here we are folks ;-;)
requested by @mintyhuening​ 
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he knew you weren’t okay at all
Xiao knew the moment you locked yourself in your house
at first he thought maybe you were just temporarily feeling this way, but as the weeks passed and you hadn’t come out, he decided maybe not
coming from someone who enjoyed silence and solitude he could understand the distancing part, but it had been weeks, and even he needed socialization, so why hadn’t you come out?
you spoke to him through the door a few times, letting him know you were alright
he didn’t believe that though, sure you were alive, but not alright, he was mainly checking for confirmation to see if you were still alive while he thought of a good way to approach the situation
he didn’t want to invade your privacy, but he also hated the fact that you wouldn’t come out, not even to see him
it was lonely without you, he concluded
even for someone who enjoy solitude 
you were a careful creature, but never this careful and cautious...
were humans always like this?
eventually, he couldn’t stand it, and did find other ways to get into your house
he grew antsy after pacing outside your door for days
he found you huddled in your bed, a heap of pillows and blankets surrounding you
you were shocked to see him when he’d sat down on the foot of the bed, causing it to dip significantly 
“How did you get in?” You snapped once you saw who it was. 
“I have my ways.” He said raspily. With a huff of annoyance, you were back to facing the wall, away from the Adepti. 
“It’s dark in here.” He announced matter a factly, looking around the nearly pitch-black room, windows and doors covered by sheets and hefty duty curtains. “It’s how I like it.”
“It’s not healthy.”
“I don’t care, go away.”
Xiao was starting to grow impatient surprisingly, he truly just wanted to help, why couldn't you see that?
“Being passive is not going to help the situation, please tell me what’s wrong.”
“Nothing, I’m just tired.”
He worried. If he said the wrong, would you push him away even further? If he said the right thing, would you even care? Did you want help?
Xiao moved closer to you, hand going to touch your leg, although it was underneath the blankets, you felt it and did have to admit the affection was comforting.
“Don’t do this to yourself,” Xiao said. “Your friends miss you, I miss you as well.”
Maybe if you weren’t cooped up here anymore, you would start to come around. The room and house all together were very stuffy, dark, and depressing, he despised it.
“It’s beautiful outside, come with me,” he'd whispered. “At least if you don’t want to be around people, could you allow me to take you to a secluded area?”
“The fresh air will do you good.”
You were thinking about it, you had to of been if you still cared. 
“Fine, mother.” He watched with hope in his eyes as you slowly rose from the bed, and began
The outside world was very very bright at first, enough to induce a headache. But you became used to it the more you were out.
Xiao stayed true to his word like you knew he would unless you wouldn’t have come. You were taken to a very secluded area, there wasn’t even a path or road to it, just green luscious grass, and crystal core everywhere, beautiful blue and orange ones; Anemo and Geo respectively. You weren’t sure where you were, somewhere between Mondstadt and Liyue, you assumed. 
The fresh air did wonders, Xiao had noticed. You seemed to open up. Telling him a little of the problem. You had told him about how life was just stressful right now, you hadn’t taken any commissions in weeks, spoken to any of your friends Mondstadt, hence why they had come to him, accusing him of kidnapping and brainwashing you. He was offended, nonetheless let them know that wasn’t the case. 
The ever so secluded Xiao would take you out more, slowly introducing you to crowds of people, and would still take you on daily walks to that secret place you now called your special spot.
It would take a while, he knew that, and you wouldn’t be comfortable doing everything that others around you did, maybe not for a while. He could respect that, as long as you allowed him to help and encourage you.
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being a harbinger was HARD, Scaramouche knew that, even if he didn’t admit it
admitting it was challenging, could lead to always being doubted or seen as incompetent. therefore, no one mentions how hard it is
he had been off doing his duties when he got news that you had lashed out at a few lower rank fatui on your team, resulting in you being called in to meet with The Tsaritsa... let's just say she went easy on you because you were one of her highest ranking soldiers, if not, she would've severely punished you
you were forced back to your sleeping quarters immediately to calm down, told to stay put until you could stop “lashing out like a child” as she had put it
you weren’t one to argue against The Tsaritsa, everyone knew that was common rule... so you walked back as calmly as you could without snapping at anyone else
when Scaramouche had heard how you acted, he was annoyed
the always so calm and calculated Y/n, lashing out at her fellow members? he couldn’t help but be annoyed, despite it being completely out of character of you
he had finished his duties relatively quick, wondering why you were acting so out of character 
when he got back, he found you in your sleeping quarters, pacing in front of the large windows near the furthest end of your room
you were still wearing your typical combat gear, though your hair disheveled and body language looking extremely anxious, he hoped it was not yours...
“What did you do this time?” Had asked the violet-eyed man, carelessly throwing his hat on your bed, lean arms folding across his chest.
No response. 
“Excuse me, I believe I asked you a question.”
A loud irritable huff.
“Be quiet for once in your life, Scaramouche.” You hissed, anxiously biting at your nails. “Sorry- I’m just trying to calm down, but my heart can’t stop racing.”
Scaramouche wasn’t the most in-touch person with his feelings, and out of all the harbingers, he was one of the more difficult ones to deal with.
Surprisingly, he had shut up, despite finding it difficult to hold his malicious comment back.  
“What’s wrong?” Your lover asked, more softly this time. 
“My mission today was... hard. I know you said it’s important for missions to just be a one and done; no hard feelings. And you know I’ve always been that way. But this one was different.” His eyebrows furrowed, his forehead creasing in annoyance. 
“I can’t help but think about what they did.” 
“Did you get what you went for? I heard you sought after information regarding that Knight, Aether.”
“Yes, but-”
“I’d call that a successful mission,” He stared intensely, casually moving to sit on the comfort of your bed. Of course, he wouldn’t take this seriously. “Any casualties?”
“None of our men, but-”
“I don’t see the problem.”
“There were children, three little children, and those idiots just slaughtered them.”
“Ah... I see.”
Despite stating he understood, he really couldn’t sympathize with what you were saying. Those children were enemies as long as they worked against The Tsaritsa. 
Your voice suddenly cut through the silence, staring directly into his eyes, “What if those were our children?”
“They weren’t.” Your eyes rolled at his comment. 
“But what if!” He rolled his eyes, mocking your previous action. 
“But they weren’t.” He mocked for a second time.  
“You’re not helping, Scaramouche!”
“You’ll never understand, unless you see what I saw,” He knew you were right to some degree, but even then would he feel bad? A mission was a mission after all.
“They were begging me to protect them, and the youngest, she would not let go of my arm and then the next thing I knew, they were dead.” You continued, left hand going to grip your right, he assumed to show him where and how the said girl had gripped you. You were still shaking, this time being closer, he noticed how bad it was. 
“They were pleading, I told them I would try my best, and then-” He had long ago stood, making himself present in front of you. His warm hands had grabbed your shaking ones harshly, ceasing the trembling momentarily. 
“Please, be quiet,” The sixth harbinger snipped. “I don’t like seeing you upset.” Although it sounded harsh, he was trying his best to make it sound how he felt, even if those feelings were minuscule towards this specific topic. 
“Although, I don’t agree with you about this particular concern of yours- I will do whatever you need to help you.”
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now, he may just be an alchemist, but trust me, Albedo sees the signs before anyone, he has some sort of familiarity with them due to his incessant reading
and it may have taken him longer to see the signs because of how busy he was, but he saw them
he was no fool to the likes of insomnia, in fact he knew it very well, often staying up very late into the night and morning, sometimes for days at a time
he was cooped up in his lab and it wasn’t as if his body wasn’t tired, cause hell he was, there was just s much more to learn and discover, his brain WOULD not stop, 
Albedo hadn’t known how long this had been going on for, but he was seeing signs now
ngl, he didn’t notice that you hadn’t been sleeping properly until one night he decided to accompany you in bed earlier than usual (It was three a.m, yikes), and found that you were awake still
you were lying still on your side of the bed, and if it hadn’t been for the fact that he reached over to kiss your cheek, only to see your eyes open, he would’ve assumed you were alright and asleep
“You’re awake?” The ashy-blonde man asked, sliding into bed next to you. 
“Can’t sleep.” You shrugged nonchalantly, scooting closer to him, seeking his warmth and comfort. 
“You should’ve come to get me, I would’ve come to bed earlier with you.”
“It’s alright, I peeked in to see if you were still alive,” You joked, he chuckled. “You seemed very busy.”
“Yes, but, I thought I told you to remind me when you need attention, I often get sidetracked and enamored with my work.”
“It’s quite alright, Albedo. As long as you’re sleeping.”
He hummed, whispering tired words of adoration in your ear. That carried on for a while, as long as talking about the day's work and whatnot, until you eventually questioned, “Can I play with your hair?” The gesture was sweet, and that did sound amazing right about now since he was on the brink of sleep, but just needed that little push. But weren’t you tired?
“Aren’t you tired?”
You sat up, climbing behind Albedo, gently placing his head in your lap. “I’ll go after you.” A soft smile adorned your beautiful face. “You need sleep, you stay up for Archon knows how long.”
He selfishly allowed his eyes to close and waited for sleep to accompany him while you began untangling his two braids and ponytail. You played with and braided his hair until he’d fallen asleep as you said. You stayed up the rest of the morning though.
Eventually, probably out of boredom, you fell asleep for an hour or two around five a.m. Though, unfortunately, you were back up before six. You busied yourself while Albedo slept, starting with cleaning his lab. Albedo often did not like people touching his books, paperwork, and findings, but after instructing you how to properly take care of his stuff, he welcomed your help with open arms, seeing as though his lab was ALWAYS in shambles from not having enough time to take care of things himself.
Albedo surprisingly woke up around nine, wavy hair surrounding him like a lion, you chuckled to yourself at the sight. “How did you sleep?”
“Alright, considering my sleep schedule is nonexistent a lot of the time.” You nodded, bumping shoulders teasingly. “How about you?” 
“Okay,” You said, immediately changing the subject. “I woke up early, so I cleaned your lab, I hope it’s to your likings, Kreideprinz.” You teased, bowing at the waist.
The alchemist waved you off, with a smile. “We’ll see about your organizational skills after you eat.” 
How had he known?
“You haven’t eaten yet, have you?” Albedo asked, heading in the direction of the kitchen.
“That obvious.” You wondered trailing after him. 
“You always wait for me, darling.”
“You look exhausted.” Albedo’s concerned voice cut in through the smooth Mondstadt breeze. You had been so distracted with the discovery in front of you, you hadn’t realized your boyfriend was staring directly at you. “When was the last time you slept?” He glanced back down at the discovery, still listening, but if you didn’t speak soon he’d be lost in his world again.
“A day or two, but-” Albedo probably got whiplash from how hard he’d snapped his head to face you, but now he was staring at you with features reading nothing but shock, cerulean eyes blown wide.
“I think your bad sleeping schedule is contagious.” You joked, trying to make the situation lighter-hearted. He didn’t laugh. 
Albedo was more serious this time, proving it when he faced you completely. “What’s been going on?” His voice was soft, but he was extremely worried. 
Nervousness built up in his lover's body. “Nothing! I just-” You sighed. Might as well tell him the truth, he’d coerce the answer from you no matter what it took. “It’s been harder to sleep after my injury from that ruin guard. When it hit me, I banged my head against the concrete, and ever since I guess it’s been hard to sleep.” 
“You could've told me sooner. I would have stopped everything and anything for you.” Yes, that was true, that was the problem though. You didn’t want to be coddled like a baby
“I know, I’m not sure why I didn’t... Naturally, I don’t want to worry you.”
He moved closer to you so he could cradle your face in his hands. “You can always tell me anything you know that.”
“I understand that. You’re a busy man so-”
“From this moment on, my work will be dedicated to finding a cure for you.”
You panicked, not wanting to stop his work for the likes of what you were dealing with. “What? Wait no-”
“You can’t stop me, darling. You take precedence over everything.”
Albedo made it his goal to do whatever possible to help you. Whether it be spending days in his lab making concoctions in hopes of creating something that could safely aid you with sleep. Or he’s in the libraries, reading all the books on the wellness and health of humans. He’s already on top of it the minute you expressed your concerns. In the meantime, he’s going to make sure he goes to bed with you much earlier, and won’t go until you do, to ensure you’re resting.
We love sweet caretaker Albedo.
(I understand insomnia can have other causes, not just a mental or nervous breakdown, but it’s kind of implied when reader hurt her head that she’s not well.)
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Childe is simply not going to know your not well, he just won’t, it’s not that he doesn’t care, it’s more so the fact that he has a hard time paying attention to anything other than his missions and duties, he does not want to slow down
you have to show signs or tell him to realize
he decided to take a break though, seeing as he did promise you dinner tonight. he told you it would be his treat, since he did have a bunch of Mora lying around that he simply had no other use for
he figured a nice dinner and trip to one of the nicer cities with more to offer would be nice, he would buy you anything you desired
it was nearing the time for dinner though, and the reservations had already been made, so when he was left waiting, let's just say he was irked...
if you didn’t want to show up, you would’ve told him, so maybe you forgot? he concluded that couldn’t be it
the last time he’d brought it up, two days ago, you had been so excited you couldn’t sit still nor stop talking about it
asking a few people around town if you had been spotted anywhere, some said you had wandered off to Luhua Pool, something about there being a myth about special healing properties within the water
now he was even more confused
one, you NEVER went to Luhua Pool, there was never a need to do so
two, special healing properties? why would you need that? were you hurt in his absence?
you were his family, and he loved his family more than anything, so if something was wrong, he’d do whatever it took to help you
he traveled from Snezhnaya to Luhua Pool in record speed
he did find you eventually, the sun was setting, but thanks to the glowing water he could make your form out easily
you were hunched over, in what looked like to be some simple greenish cloth dress, he couldn’t see what you were doing, and called out your name
no answer
“Hey, what’re you doing here?” The orange-haired teen asked, crouching down beside his lover to see what was wrong.
“Cleaning.” You had said. That’s when his dull blue eyes traveled to what you were doing, watching with a confused stare as you scrubbed at what seemed to be clean hands.
“Hmm, I see...” He couldn’t tell if this was a prank or not, you usually played along with his teasing nature. “Are you ready for dinner?”
“Was that really today?” Your head lifted, leaving your hands to momentarily hanging in the air, water droplets dripping off into the pool.
Okay... so you did forget it seemed, which did shock him seeing as though you were over the moon, less than seventy-two hours ago.
“Uh, yeah, did you really forget? That’s unlike you! I’ve learned women don’t forget anything.” He teased, hand going to his chin. You hummed, turning back to do whatever it was you had been previously.
The harbinger frowned. “Do you still want to go? We can make it if we’re fast.” You sounded like a robot, much like a ruin guard, he concluded. 
“I’m sorry, not today, I’m dirty...”
Childe couldn’t help but chuckle, “Dirty? Sweetheart, you’re cleaner than most people I’ve seen, what’re you on about-” 
“The blood, it’s stained my hands, can’t you see?” Even after holding your hands to show him, he saw nothing resembling blood. 
“Are you playing games with me? Sure, it would’ve been funny any other day, not today though-” 
“You don’t believe me?” You sounded hurt, but whatever was going on, he wouldn’t feed into these... false hallucinations. “The townspeople said the same thing, they called me crazy...” You scrubbed even harder at your hands, letting out a frustrated huff. 
“I don’t see anything, I’m really sorry,” He said gently, reaching into the water to grasp your warm hands in his, “But if you continue to do that...I will see the blood.”
Childe was not sure what was going on, maybe some sort of PTSD? Although, he wasn’t sure where it could’ve come from... you’re not a harbinger or fatui, or anyone that is engaged in battle, etc. so it didn’t make sense. Unless something happened that decided to resurface now. 
He immediately took you home, hand in his to keep you from further scratching your hands. On the journey, you often asked, “Why are you even touching me? There’s a lot of blood.” 
He didn’t want to have to feed into whatever was going on, worried he’d damage you somehow, and he didn’t want to make you sound crazy, so instead he said, “Because I love you.”
When you both arrived home, he’d immediately laid you in bed, saying you appeared tired before going to search for a doctor.
Child will see every and all doctors in Teyvat and will pay whatever amount necessary to figure out what’s wrong, that’s for sure. Doesn’t take orders from the harbingers (not like he was anyways) and opts to stay close to you at all times. 
He decided to keep his teasing to a minimum, though he found that sometimes things slipped out accidentally, he’d do anything in his power to help you.
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1.18.21, rayofsunas 
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Origin of a scar
Ship: Cody/Boil
Rating: G
My take on how Cody gets his facial scar.
AO3 link
There’s a reason why Boil is part of the scouting squad, that’s because he’s got damn good observation skills, something that he prides himself of having quite a lot. It’s good to have something to excel at when you have so many people who look the exact same as him, it makes him feel special, even though he’d rather die than admitting it to anybody.
Well, there is someone who knows about it, but that someone is Cody, so it hardly matters according to Boil, not because Cody doesn’t matter, but because he tells him everything.
From confidant to something much more, Cody’s role in his life has greatly changed since Boil has become part of the 212th battalion. One of the many things that he appreciates about Cody is that he’s a great listener, always letting Boil vent his frustration nodding understandingly, and even giving him some advice; most importantly, however, he keeps his mouth shut. He’s not like his gossiping brothers, who as soon as you tell them a secret will in return tell everybody else; he understands that one must keep himself entertained, but not at his expense, for Fett’s sake!
 Anyway, we were talking about his observation skills. They come real handy when they have to scout ahead, searching for any potential danger and traps that they can report to the main forces.
It’s a very important job, upon which many lives depend: a poor scouting job means that your entire battalion could die.
This is why Boil takes his job very seriously. He would never dream of letting his brothers down.
 Sometimes, however, even he can be wrong…
 They are about to set camp, but before doing that, Cody has sent Boil and his squad to scout around them, looking for any potential threat that could hit them while they’re at their most vulnerable.
As always Boil has led his squad with maximum seriousness, settling a perimeter around where the camp will be made, but something is different, however: maybe it’s his haste to get back, maybe it’s because he’s too tired, but he doesn’t notice that they are being spied. Nobody in his squad does.
When they come back and he gives Cody the okay to beginning the construction of the camp, he has no idea of the consequences it’ll have.
 Once everything’s settled down, they all gather around a fire.
General Kenobi begins telling a story about his time in the crèche and the clones listen, rapt by his words. Boil leans closer to Cody, ignoring Waxer’s teasing look - though if he continues he might just smack the fool. Cody notices his movements but he doesn’t say anything, he just smiles at him.
If they weren’t surrounded by the rest of the vode - not to mention their kriffing General - Boil would’ve kissed him right there in that exact moment, but he doesn’t. Some things must be kept private, no matter how little privacy they actually get.
It’s not so bad he supposes, being surrounded by the people he begrudgingly loves, though he has to admit that Cody’s closeness makes everything better.
He feels so calm and relaxed that he could almost fall asleep; actually, keeping his eyes open is becoming more and more difficult. Maybe he’ll rest just for a little bit, five minutes at most…
 As he feels someone gently shaking him awake, he realizes that it hasn’t been just five minutes; the fire is almost completely out and the number of brothers around has diminished greatly. Even the General isn’t there anymore.
There’s a hint of softness in the way Cody calls him to consciousness that makes Boil smile despite the fact that he’s being wakened up. Wait, if he’s being wakened up, however, then it means--
He immediately shoots up like he’s being burned.
“Sorry sir!” he exclaims immediately, like they actually were in a formal setting, which obviously isn’t true. If they were, Cody wouldn’t be chuckling like he is now.
“Boil, it’s fine. I just wanted to tell you that we should retire for the night, since you seemed tired,” he explains, barely containing his amusement. Boil groans, massaging the bridge of his nose, sensing the incoming headache.
“Please tell me everyone was away already when I fell asleep…”
Cody’s smile is telling. There’s no need for words.
“Everyone saw, didn’t they?” Boil sighs.
“If it is of any consolation, I forbade them from taking holopics.”
“I appreciate that,” Boil grumbles, though he could’ve done without this shit in the first place. Waxer is going to be insufferable for at least a week, if he gets oh so lucky.
Oh well, what is done is done and there’s nothing he can do to change it. Besides, even though sleeping against armor isn’t exactly the best - his cheek hurts - it wasn’t that horrible either, or else he wouldn’t have fallen asleep in the first place.
“Alright,” he says then, “So you were talking about retiring for the night?”
If Cody wants to go, who is he to say no? Besides, he’s gotten the message loud and clear that he wants him in his tent, which of course he’s not going to refuse - he’s not an idiot. Cody nods.
“Yeah. This was fun and all but we need energy for tomorrow,” he says then. He’s not wrong.
“Well, after you then, Commander,” Boil says, putting some emphasis on that last word.
Cody doesn’t take the bait, however, but he does begin to take a few steps ahead.
 When he turns towards Boil, however, his carefree expression immediately turns into an alarmed one.
“Boil! Behind you!”
He moves immediately, pushing Boil out of the way, then everything becomes black.
 When Cody wakes up, the first thing he notices is that he’s lying down, the second is that he’s not in the infirmary that they had set in the camp - they must be back to the Negotiator - and the third is that his head hurts so kriffing much.
Why is there so much noise around? Why so many voices? He’s so confused…
 When he hisses in pain, however, everyone falls silent. Now that Cody’s vision can focus again, he can see the aghast surprise of each and every one of the people present.
“Looks like our Commander is awake.” That voice belongs to Obi-Wan, who’s on Cody’s left. “How are you feeling, my dear?”
“Hurts;” is all Cody’s able to croak. At that, he feels a pressure on his right hand. He moves his gaze towards it, and he sees that another hand is wrapper around it, squeezing. He follows the arm attached to it, then the shoulder, and only then he sees it’s Boil. To say he looks bad would be an understatement; Cody wonders if he’s been here the whole time - he hopes not.
“Cody…” He sounds so sad that it breaks Cody’s heart to hear him like this.
“Sorry…” he replies, but whatever Boil was about to say gets cut off by Helix.
“Hate to interrupts, but I need to ask the Commander a few questions about how he’s feeling.”
“Sure, but can anyone also tell me what happened?”
 It was an ambush. Those damned commando droids.
One of them was about to slice Boil, and it would’ve succeeded if Cody hadn’t pushed him out of the way, getting hit in his stead.
“You got lucky that it didn’t get your eye,” Helix comments, “But I’m not going to lie, it’s going to leave a naaasty scar.”
That’s the last of Cody’s problems, to be honest. At least a facial scar will make him look unique; besides, it’s also a badge of honor: it means that he survived.
Still, he must’ve given everyone such a scare, not to mention that he’s missed the entirety of the mission, though it’s clear that it must’ve gone well.
 He turns towards Boil.
“You’re fine, that’s what matters,” he manages to say, only to be met by the mournful silence of his men, at least until Boil snaps.
“With all due respect, that’s banthashit and you know it, sir,” he says, conveying all these days’ anger at his impotence in front of Cody’s conditions in that last word. “If I was so incompetent that I didn’t think of moving away, then maybe I should’ve died!”
He’s not crying, but he’s close to it. He refuses however, because he doesn’t want to be seen like that by anyone, not even his closest vode, not even by Cody, actually, especially by Cody: he wouldn’t want to make him feel like he saved a crybaby.
Cody’s voice commands everyone’s attention. He’s so serious already.
“Don’t you ever say that again, that’s an order,” he begins, though his voice gets softer as he continues. “If our positions were switched, wouldn’t you have done the same? You and everyone else for the matter…”
Boil’s silence at those words speak enough for itself.
“I would be a very poor Commander if I didn’t take any chance I’d get to save my men, no matter how clumsy they are being at the moment. For the record, I actually find you a very capable soldier, but even capable soldiers need help from time to time.”
“Besides…” and now it’s his turn to squeeze Boil’s hand, “I would never let anything happen to you.”
 In the silence that follows, most of the vode present begin to leave.
“We’ll give you a moment,” General Kenobi says then, resting one hand on Cody’s shoulder. “Let us know if you need something.”
“I will,” Cody replies, though he thinks the General knows already that he won’t, because he’d hate to be a burden to anyone.
Still, he thankfully doesn’t mention anything about it. He just nods, then he leaves he, Boil and Helix alone.
“You’re stable, but I’ll be around in case of emergency,” the medic comments, then he turns to Boil, “You can stay but just for five minutes. After that you’re both getting some rest. Doctor’s orders.”
 With that, Cody and Boil are truly alone now.
“Boil--” Cody tries to say, but Boil’s on him immediately, cupping his face between his hands and pressing their lips together. This feels way better than just talking.
When they pull away, Cody feels dizzy, but maybe that’s just the lack of oxygen.
 Maybe it’s in order to duck under Cody’s gaze - he doesn’t want to be seen in such a distraught state, though he supposes he already has, hasn’t he? - that Boil closes his arms around him, burying his face in the space between Cody’s neck and his shoulder.
Cody, of course, returns the hug immediately. It feels so reassuring being in his arms. Now Boil can finally get his confirmation that this isn’t just some kind of prank, but it’s true.
“Just next time, Cody--”
“You know I can’t do that,” Cody interrupts him, knowing already what he was going to ask. Well, at least he tried.
“I’m just glad that you’re alive,” Boil mutters, caressing Cody’s cheek with one hand.
 They’re about to lean in for another kiss, when Helix steps up to Cody’s cot again.
“Alright, time’s up,” he says, “I understand your worry, Boil, but the Commander needs to rest now. You can come visit later.”
Disappointed by having his time cut short, Boil pulls away. He may not be happy about it, but he’ll still obey.
“I’ll be fine, Boil, there’s no need to worry,” Cody reassures him, managing to lift his spirit up, if only a bit.
“I’m counting on it, sir,” he replies, giving him one last peck on his lips before leaving towards the bunks, suddenly feeling very drained and tired.
Turns out he’s in need of some rest too.
 He still feels guilty about this whole ordeal, no matter what Cody says about it. It’s his fault that he’s now got that nasty scar on his face - it’s still dressed by bandages but he can tell already that it’s going to be rough to look at - and nothing will ever change that.
The only thing he can do about it now it to stay close to Cody and help him recover, besides also of course never make such a mistake on the job.
No, he’ll make sure something like this never happens again.
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quickspinner · 4 years
MLValentines2k20 8. Heartbreak
Sorry this is kind of depressing compared to yesterday’s, but thanks for all the love on that one, it made my day. I cheated again, taking something I’d already started and expanding on it for the prompt. I’m scared for Kagami and Luka in S4, ngl. 
It was a beautiful day for a picnic. The weather was perfect, the sun shielded by just enough clouds to keep it from being too hot or too bright. The brightly colored cloths and long buffet tables set out by the catering company were loaded with good food. Kagami and Adrien, wearing their first and second place medals, greeted guests and shook hands with bright but likely fake smiles. 
Luka sat with Marinette at the edge of one of the cloths, two empty plates beside them (real plates, not paper plates, which at least had the advantage of being too heavy to blow away before one of the service people lurking around scooped them up).
Apparently “a casual celebration in the park with just a few friends” was different when you were stupid rich. 
The band was nice, though. Not Luka’s usual fare, but he could appreciate it. Next to him, Marinette’s shoulders drooped. 
“You look tired,” Luka observed. Marinette sighed.
“I am, but I didn’t want to miss this,” Marinette answered, without the fake smile she would have felt obligated to offer anyone else. “I don’t want Kagami to think there’s any hard feelings. She has so few friends as it is. Most of the people here are here for Adrien.” She gestured to her classmates scattered around, chatting and occasionally playing  some of the lawn games they had set up.
Luka unfolded his legs and opened his arms, beckoning to her. “Come here.”
“I shouldn’t,” Marinette fretted, though she was already moving to climb over his leg and sit in front of him. “I don’t want them to think I’m bored.” 
“Nobody will question it if you’re with me,” he pointed out gently as she leaned back and settled against him. “They’ll just think it’s cute.” They weren’t dating, not really, not while her heart was so bruised, but people mostly seemed to assume they were, and if corrected, would shrug in a way that implied it was only a matter of time. He put his arms around her and joined his hands across her middle, making a cradle of his body so she wouldn’t fall over if she fell asleep. Marinette let her head fall back on his shoulder, fidgeting a bit until she found the hollow between his shoulder and neck. 
“I’ve got you,” he murmured by her temple. “Just rest, Marinette, you’re exhausted.” She sighed again, and he felt her relax into him, and smiled. He hummed quietly along with the quartet, as he watched the festivities go on around him, pretending not to notice the looks and smiles that occasionally came their way. 
He was mildly surprised when Kagami stopped at his feet. “Will it disturb her if I join you?” she asked.
Luka took a moment to notice how heavy Marinette was against him, how relaxed, and the slow, steady breaths moving his hands. “I don’t think so,” he replied with a small smile. “She was really tired.”
“Then she should have stayed home,” Kagami frowned. 
“You invited her,” Luke reminded her. “She knew it was important to you and she wanted to be here.”
Kagami seemed to consider that. “May I?” Luka raised his eyebrows. “Join you,” Kagami clarified.
“Sure,” Luka said, nodding to the ground beside him. “Pull up a patch of grass. Congratulations again on your win, I didn’t get a chance to say it before.” 
“Thank you.” Kagami folded her legs and knelt next to him, tucking her skirt around her legs and resting her hands in her lap, back straight. Very proper, Luka thought with a smile to himself. 
“Marinette trusts you,” Kagami said. There were times when her bluntness bothered Luka, when she made Marinette uncomfortable, but most of the time he appreciated it. Few people were as unapologetically themselves as Kagami, and he could respect that. She seemed to be waiting for a response.
He settled on, “I’m grateful for that.” 
“I need some advice,” Kagami went on. “I can’t ask Marinette, and I don’t have any other friends. Since you are her friend and she trusts you, and she is my friend and I trust her, I’m hoping you will extend your assistance to me.”
“I will if I can,” Luka agreed, already having an idea where this was going, but willing to let her get there in her own way. 
“It’s about Adrien,” Kagami said in a rush, her composure cracking just a little. “That’s why I can’t ask Marinette.”
“Good call,” Luka said, as evenly as he could manage. 
“It’s just...I’m confused about Adrien’s behavior. He acts as if he cares about me, but there are times when he seems...uncertain. Hesitant. Uncommitted.” She paused. “Do you have any observations that could help?”
Luka hid his smile in Marinette’s hair. “Well,” he said when he lifted his head, “That’s not really a lot to go on, but it’s normal to be a bit hesitant in a new relationship. You’re still learning about each other and neither one of you has been in a relationship before, so you’ve got a lot to figure out. It’s harder when you don’t have any experience because you have all these things that movies and books have told you are things that are supposed to happen in a relationship, and one or both of you might not be ready for those things. And that’s okay, whether you do or don’t do those things doesn’t make your relationship any more or less valid.”
Kagami shifted uncomfortably. “What does it mean if I’m ready and he’s not?”
Luka shrugged. “It could mean a lot of things. People don’t always follow the same path, you know? When you learn a new fencing technique, do you and Adrien always master it at the same time?”
Kagami frowned. “Are you saying Adrien is incompetent at romance?” 
Luka had to contain his laughter to keep from waking Marinette, but it was hard. “Not exactly. I’m saying everybody is ready for things in their own time, and there’s nothing wrong with that. You can either wait until he is ready, or you can move on and find someone more in sync with you. Neither of those makes you a bad person.”
“There is no one better for me than Adrien,” Kagami declared.
Luka raised his eyebrows slightly. “Then you’ll just have to be patient. It’s fine to let him know how you feel and what you want out of your relationship, but it’s not right to pressure someone into something they’re not ready for.” 
“But if he loves me, why wouldn’t he be ready?” It was the closest thing he’d ever seen to a pout on her face.
“I can’t answer that,” Luka shrugged again, shifting Marinette just slightly. “People have all kinds of reasons for that kind of thing. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter why. It’s not something you can decide for him. Like I said, whether you do or don’t doesn’t mean anything about your relationship, but if you can’t be okay with his decision either way, then you shouldn’t be in a relationship at all.”
Kagami blinked. “I don’t want to force him,” she said. “I want him to want to. I just don’t know why he—“ she faltered and looked down at her hands. “Why he doesn’t. We’ve gone on dates. We spend time together. I thought he cared about me, but…”
“He does care about you,” Luka assured her. 
“I want him to love me like you love Marinette,” Kagami said in her flat, blunt way.
Luka felt the flush run up his neck and had to look away for a minute.” That’s not something you can force,” he said at last. “If that’s what you want, and you think he can give it to you, then like I said, you’ll just have to be patient. He’ll get there, or he won’t. There’s nothing you can do to change it. Well,” he amended, “Nothing honest, anyway. You could try to change yourself, but what good is it to be with someone who’s not in love with the real you?”
Kagami said nothing, and the silence continued for a moment before Luka felt compelled to break it. 
“But, Kagami,” he said slowly, and he shifted slightly under his burden to turn and look her in the eye. “Don’t settle. It’s hard to remember sometimes feeling as strongly as we do, but...we’re still young. We still have a lot of life to live and a lot of people to meet. Don’t spend your life waiting for Adrien if it turns out he can’t give you what you want.”
Kagami twisted the family ring on her finger absently. “How long am I supposed to wait?” 
“You’re the only one that can answer that,” Luka sighed. 
“How long do you intend to wait?” Kagami asked, narrowing her eyes slightly. “And what will happen when you’re done waiting?”
“I don’t know,” Luka admitted. “I don’t really feel like I need to know. I’ll move on when it feels like it’s time. I don’t need to put a number on it, but it’s okay if you do.”
“You can’t make her depend on you and then disappear because you’re tired of waiting,” Kagami said, and her tone began to annoy him slightly, although he knew she meant well.
“I won’t,” Luka said, leaning his head back against the tree. “Whatever happens, I’ll be careful. I won’t let her get hurt if I can help it.”
“Good,” Kagami said with another threatening look. Luka resisted the urge to roll his eyes. She was trying. Overcompensating, but trying.
“She doesn’t blame you,” he said, though he was straying into none-of-his-business territory. “She’s trying to be happy for you. It’s part of why she came today, even though she was so tired. She wants you to know she’s still your friend.”
Kagami looked at her hands, her short hair falling forward just enough to shield her expression. 
“She doesn’t hate you,” Luka said gently. “I promise. She’s not mad at Adrien, either. She just wants you both to be happy.”
Kagami was silent for a moment before she spoke again. “All my life I’ve been surrounded by people who had their own best interests at heart. I was raised knowing people would use me if they could. My money, my family name, my connections. I was taught not to encourage friendships because they could only end in disappointment and hurt once the other person got what they wanted.” She drew in a deep breath. “I’ve never known anyone as selfless as Marinette.” Luka smiled, until Kagami added, “Except maybe you.”
Luka shook his head, looking down at Marinette. “I’m a long way from selfless. I’d do anything for the people I care about, but…” He shrugged. “I’m a little too cynical to do it for the world at large the way Marinette does.”
Kagami sighed. “Are we fools?” she asked bluntly. “Are we simply courting heartbreak?” 
“I don’t know,” Luka admitted. 
“Doesn’t it bother you not to know?” Kagami demanded. “What if all of this is just a waste of time and we’re both spinning our wheels for nothing?” 
“It might be for nothing,” Luka sighed. “Or at least, not for the thing we want it to be. But even so…” he looked down at Marinette. “I can’t think of it as a waste, you know. I mean, obviously I was raised a little bit differently than you, and in my family, we believe relationships can have value even if they don’t last forever. Friends, lovers, we learn something from everyone we form a bond with. Sometimes those lessons are painful but pain has purpose.” He shrugged. “I just don’t feel like I need to have all the answers. If things work out and we get to have something lasting, I’ll be overjoyed. If that’s not what happens, then I’ll just have to let her go and treasure the time we’ve had together. Why would I want to ruin those moments worrying about it?” 
Kagami just sighed in answer. 
“Just love in the moment, Kagami,” Luka tightened his hold on Marinette slightly. “If it’s too painful to do that then...maybe you already have your answer.”
“In the moment,” Kagami repeated absently, her eyes finding Adrien across the green. He happened to look up at the same time and waved, smiling brightly. Kagami’s answering wave and smile were genuine, though more reserved. “I guess that will have to be enough for now.” She looked at Luka. “Can I bring you anything?”
“No,” Luka smiled. “I’m good.”
Kagami cracked a smile. “For the moment?”
Luka chuckled. “Exactly.”
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miraclesnail · 4 years
A little bit of magic, a little bit of logic (and a whole lot of coincidence)
Summary: It’s not so bad growing up in Camp Jupiter. Sure, there’s little annoyances here and there: like, Octavian always glaring at him, him being stuck in the fifth cohort, his inability to learn Latin that well, his weird preferences for the Greek names over the Roman ones, and the most annoying of all, an itching, indescribable feeling that somebody is waiting for him. Somebody… which is ridiculous because he has nobody outside of Camp Jupiter.Or my self-indulgent AU where Connor grew up on Camp Jupiter while Travis is still on Camp Half Blood.
ao3 link
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aaaaaaaaaaand chapter 5 is finally done.
Chapter 5: I have to say, I am a pretty great friend.
Written for Writer’s Month Day 22: Summer
Connor climbs onto the ship not so gracefully and rolls over the rail onto the deck, sliding the grappling hook onto his belt. He surveys his surroundings. By the ballistas, Percy and a blonde are beside an unconscious body. In the middle of the deck is Jason, unmoving, — oh gods. Is he dead?! No, wait. His chest is rising. Jason’s okay. Jason’s fine — and another girl, conscious and tending to Jason.  
Nobody notices him yet despite his rather loud landing. If he hurries, he can bring this down without fighting a single — 
“Go! Get us out of here!” Percy yells and the blonde nods, standing up with speed and turning around. She freezes though when she sees him. 
Their eyes meet. 
Her eyes widen. She mouths a name. ( His name). A blast of icy cold wind chills his core (someone) (someone is waiting for him), but he pushes that thought away. 
Camp Jupiter first. Everything else second. Prove your worth and all of your problems will be solved. 
Connor uses the only asset he has, his slightly above-average speed, and takes off for the helm. The blonde follows after him unfortunately. 
He doesn’t want to fight. 
(You can still back out)
But there’s no other choice. There’s no backing out. 
He reaches the helm seconds before the girl will. At first glimpse, it’s obvious everything at the helm is handcrafted. The navigation system is… unorthodox. No traditional steering wheel. Just a variety of game controllers plus a dubstep keyboard and an aviation throttle all linked to several big screens.
The girl is nearly here. Make a decision, Connor. And make it fast. 
He lunges for the aviation throttle, but before he could push forward the girl screams that name again.
That name… that name sounds so familiar, even as it tears a hole in his chest. Travis… Travis… Travis is… Travis is someone important… someone he treasures. But that’s ridiculous. He never met a person named Travis before at all (Liar. Think harder.) 
No. Stop it. Camp Jupiter. You’re going to prove Octavian wrong, remember? Don’t you want to rub it in Octavian’s face? Don’t you want to rub it in all their faces about his success? Then stop listening to the voice and just do it, you loser. 
Connor grits his teeth, grips the throttle, and pushes it forward. The ship angles downward slowly. Not exactly what he wants to do. How does he lower the ship? Ah, whatever. He doesn’t have to bring the ship down. As long as he keeps it in place until the eagles could get here. 
The dubstep keyboard probably controls the ship’s cannons, oars, and mast. He stabs his dagger into the keyboard, flinching from the resulting sparks. The Wii remote he doesn’t have a clue as to what it does, but he jabs it with his dagger too. As for the monitors, he cuts the wires on the back and watches the screens turn black. 
Looks like they made a stop at McDonald’s before coming here. The soda cup sitting on the dashboard is half full and from the transparent lid, he can tell it’s definitely not water. Great! 
He’s about to reach for the cup when the girl pushes him aside with enough force to knock him to his back. 
“Crap. Crap. Crap. You couldn’t have made this simpler could you, Leo?” the blonde curses as she spends a second to stare at the controls in confusion before she finally spotted the throttle. That second cost her. Connor sweeps his foot on the back of her knees, watching her lose balance and hit her head on the dashboard. 
She glares at him and oh man, her glare?  It’s definitely enough to make him want to quiver in fear. But that’s something Octavian loves to poke fun at so he fires up whatever specks of courage he still has left and says, “You shouldn’t have attacked my home.”
“Your home?” Her eyebrows furrow. “Jason wasn’t lying. You’re really not Travis, are you?”
Connor clenches his eyes shut and wills the pain away with minimal success. Why does that name always do this? He doesn’t understand. His head… his whole body… it feels like he’s been shot and dunked in an ice bath. Fuck. He hates this. He hates everything right now.
“I’m not,” he starts to say, but the world spins dangerously. Don’t pass out again. Don’t pass out. Now’s not the time. “My name isn’t Travis. It’s Connor. I’m an only child.”
The girl hums. She probably doesn’t think he noticed her hand itching back up to the controls, but he sees it and he tackles her. Not that it did much. In seconds, he’s pinned on his back in a rear chokehold.
“Are you sure you’re an only child?” the girl grunts into his ears, tightening her hold. “We have someone who looks exactly like you back in my camp.”
“Sure you do,” Connor mutters and tries to roll around, failing spectacularly. But at least the girl is too occupied to reach the controls. If he can keep them this way for a while longer, then—
“Annabeth! We need to go!” Percy yells, running into view. “Terminus is firing up an attack and I don’t think this ship can withstand it.” 
“Kinda busy, Percy,” the girl — Annabeth — yells back, “I’ll hold him down. You get us out of here. Pull the throttle all the way back.” 
Connor sucks in a quick breath, pulls his grappling hook from his belt, stops himself from crying when Annabeth tightens her hold, and aims the hook at what he hopes is the dashboard. Annabeth attempts to snatch his weapon away. Or maybe she was trying to mess up his aim. Either way, the pressure on his throat lets up slightly and he elbows her hard in the side. She hisses in pain, pulling back more and Connor lets the back of his fist rocket back and hit her smack in the face. 
As she curses and clenches her nose, Connor rolls back up to his feet and takes aim again, focusing on the dashboard and pressing the trigger. The hook shoots forward. 
Amazingly enough, Percy notices the hook firing despite the barely noticeable gush of air released. He spins and swings Riptide down on the hook to knock it out of the way. But Connor kinda already knows Percy is that capable. He saw the guy fight. 
The hook fell to the ground, right next to Percy’s shoes.
Did he feel any guilt when he retracts the hook, the hook snagging on the shoe, and watches the son of Poseidon fall flat on his face?
No. Not really. His favorite boba shop was blasted to pieces because of them. This is just penance.
Connor stands and dodges Annabeth’s lunge, tossing the gun on top of her head. He runs to the controls, leaping over Percy’s groaning body, and grabs the soda cup again. If he pours it over the controls, it should fry the mechanics, shouldn’t it? If it doesn’t… two versus one isn’t ideal but all he has to do is hold them here long enough for Terminus to attack then boom. Goodbye ship. Hello Justice. 
Now isn’t that a familiar voice? Connor bites his cheeks, but he doesn’t let go of the cup. Pour it.
“Connor, wait.”
“... why should I, Jason?” Connor says. Pour it. What are you doing? 
Connor chances the second to glance up at Jason, standing with the help of a brunette and wearing an orange shirt. He’s not a friend. He let his Camp be attacked. He’s an enemy. 
Even still... 
“You’re hurt,” Connor states, watching blood trickle down Jason’s temple. “What happened? Did another brick get to you?”
Jason rolls his eyes as the brunette stares between them. “Yes, it was a brick just like two years ago. Funny, I know. Absolutely hilarious. We can laugh about this later but Connor, I need you to listen to me. Put down the cup.”
Connor raises it instead. “No.”
“Connor,” the brunette begins to say, voice calm. “Put down the cup. Let’s talk this out.”
For some reason, her voice just makes him all the more angrier. 
“No.” He pops the lid. 
“I know you’re angry,” Jason says, tone slightly hurried now, “I know you think if you stop us from leaving, they’ll accept you. But the truth is—”
“Angry is kind of an understatement, Jason,” Connor snaps.
Jason continues like he never talked. “Octavian and his lackeys were never going to accept you. You fought in the titan war. You defended it the same as any of us. That should have been enough. Doing this won’t change their opinion.”
(He’s right, you know.)
His vision swarms, hard blinking no longer working on curbing the nausea away. A hand grasps his shoulder and he knocks it aside. Somehow Jason stumbles to his side. More than anything in the world, Connor hates the concern on Jason’s face. It makes him feel incompetent. Worthless. Weak.   
“I don’t care about being accepted. You attacked us. You need to face justice.” His voice breaks towards the end. 
“It’s to save the world,” Jason states. His hand grips his wrist holding the cup. 
(Let’s leave.)
“The… world? Come on. You’re exaggerating,” he snorts, but he could feel his resolve crumbling.
Jason shakes his head. “No, I’m not. This is to save the world.”
(Let’s go east)
The pounding in his head isn’t making understanding any of this easier. He blinks hard again, rubbing the heel of his hand over his eyes. 
(And then you can finally find him.)
“The titans are rising.” (Leave)
“Me, Piper, Leo, all of us. We are going to stop it.” (Go east)
It’s happening again. 
“So please.” (Someone is waiting for you)
That dream. That woman with two kids in her arms. He can’t see their faces. He could never see their faces. But they’re important. He needs to see them again. He needs to find them. (East.) 
“Connor? Hey? You okay? Are you still there?”
When Jason places a hand on his shoulder again, he doesn't bother knocking it aside. He looks down at the controls, not believing what he’s going to say next. 
“It’s… really to save the world?” (Someone is in this world. Might as well let it be saved as you go east and find your—)
Jason nods and Connor’s chest tightens like a hand is squeezing over it. 
“I really, really hate you,” Connor says, pouring the drink onto the deck and stepping back.
The three fates appear behind Jason, wrinkly, old faces judging him and judging him hard. 
Yeah, yeah. My promise. I didn’t forget. 
“Wipe that smile off your face, Jason.” Connor scowls, bumping his friend’s shoulder as he turns around and walks to the rail. “You destroyed my favorite boba shop. When this is all over, I’m making you buy me as many boba drinks I want forever.”
The stupid grin doesn’t drop from Jason’s face. “5 boba drinks a month. I can’t afford to spend hundreds of dollars for your boba addiction. Hey, Connor, where are you going?”
Connor didn’t answer as he stops by the rail. He can see Frank as a dragon distracting Terminus down below. He can see Hazel putting out the fires on the sails. He can see he’s thousands of feet above the ground. Everybody is just a dot. The giant eagles are finally here and racing towards the ship, but they’re probably not going make it. 
“Connor?” Jason asks quizzically.
He steps atop the rail.
I can’t believe you gave up so easily . 
“Connor, get dow—”
And jumps down back to Camp Jupiter.
Out of the four seasons, Connor has to say summer is his favorite. It’s warm. It’s bright. It’s full of life. Going out of camp with his friends and visiting the sea lions at Pier 39 is his favorite activity to do ever. 
(And the summer atmosphere reminds him of someone. He likes summer too.)
Someone catches him as he’s falling, her cheerful voice telling him who saved his life. But Connor opens his eyes just a tad to double check, resting his head on the uncomfy armor. 
“Thanks, Gwen,” he mumbles. 
“You’re welcome, you idiot. Octavian was going to let you fall to your death, but I wasn’t about to let that happen.”
“Thanks.” It might have been better if he’d just fallen to his death though.
He listens to the eagles’ flap their wings, but they’re not going to reach the ship. Octavian’s cussing confirms Jason and the others are gone. He still opens his eyes though to see the tail end of the ship disappear into the clouds. The glares he gets from Octavian and the others are enough to make him squirm closer into Gwen’s arms.
“Don’t let them get to you,” she says to him with undeserved support. “They couldn’t even get on board the ship.”
“Gwen,” he murmurs, “I let them go.”
But she just says it's okay, smiling with her saccharine grin. “I kinda figured you will. Jason can make you do anything he wants. Don’t worry though. I’ll protect you from Octavian.”
Connor pouts. “No, he can’t.”
(Yes, he can.)
“Yes, he can,” Gwen says, her smile dropping in concern. “Connor, you should sleep. You look like you need it.”
(She's not wrong.)
Why don’t you just shut up?  
But that annoying voice of his is right. And he hates it when that stupid voice is right. It makes it so much harder to question its validity. 
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timeisacephalopod · 6 years
T’Challa/tony 35
(35- one of them trying to get the other one off of drugs au) Damn, you had to give me a sad one, didn’t ya? I had a little trouble coming up with a concept so hopefully this is alright! Featuring a lot of Killmonger because… I don’t know how that happened? And I flipped what I was initially going to do so uh… hopefully this comes out ok.
Tony looks at N’Jadaka and, oddly, they share a moment where they’re on the same page thinking the same thing. It doesn’t happen often thanks to the general anger N’Jadaka had towards… well, life and most things in it, but this is the kind of thing he and Tony had experience with probably in equal parts if with vastly different circumstances surrounding drug abuse in their lives.
It helps that Tony has been a drug addict himself though N’Jadaka hasn’t. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t know what to do though. “I’ve got this,” he says quietly and Tony nods, moving off to find whatever the hell T’Challa was on.
“What is going on?” Nakia asks, confused and scared.
“He’s gunna be okay,” N’Jadaka tells her. Its true but barely. Whatever it was he took it’s probably tainted, but he’s loopy, not totally fucked. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately in this case, Tony knows how to tell the difference.
“That doesn’t explain what’s happening,” Nakia points out and Tony finds T’Challa’s stash easily enough. Careless, he thinks, to hide it in an obvious place like the small Wakandan box he always seemed to keep close. For reasons Tony doesn’t want to guess at now but they’re past that kind of thing.
“He took something,” Tony says softly, “whatever this is something’s wrong with it.”
“I’m okay,” T’Challa mumbles in his native language. Its so garbled Tony only just understands it and he sighs, tossing at least one of T’Challa’s stashes aside and going to T’Challa.
“I know you are,” Tony says softly, carefully brushing his thumb over his cheek. N’Jadaka gives him a confused look, as does Nakia, but the reasons are different. Nakia knows what T’Challa just said and clearly didn’t understand Tony’s reaction. N’Jadaka is irritated that, once again, Tony seems to have more access to cultural knowledge that he doesn’t. It isn’t like Tony can help that though, or T’Challa really. This is all the result of someone else’s mistakes but T’Chaka isn’t in the country to blame so Tony gets the brunt of it.
“He said he’s okay,” Tony explains and N’Jadaka rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, you’re just fucking fine T’Challa. You’re only on bad drugs,” he says in a harsh tone. Nakia looks slightly offended at N’Jadaka’s comment but Tony knows his type. Maybe he sounds heartless and harsh, but its because feeling things is hard. And he feels so much all the time already.
“You’ll be okay too,” Tony tells him. Because he will- N’Jadaka is a survivor in ways Tony admires even if they don’t much get along. Or more accurately N’Jadaka kind of hates him while Tony mostly avoids him, though he holds a distant respect for him.
“What the hell do you know about me?” he snaps in his usual fashion.
“Mostly nothing,” Tony admits freely. “But I do know you’re tougher than you look.” Probably because he looks like an art hoe but Tony doesn’t tell him that. N’Jadaka gives him a dirty look and stands, giving T’Challa one last glance before looking away.
“I thought I was done with this shit,” he mumbles more to himself than anyone else and he walks away. Tony is sure he isn’t coming back, not for some time anyways, so he sets to work coaxing T’Challa into a chair instead of his place on the floor. Nakia helps and, strangely, defers to his instructions while he carefully arranges T’Challa into a more comfortable position.
“Why would he do something like this?” she whispers to him when T’Challa falls asleep. Tony makes sure to check to see if its a natural sleep or if he’s passed out and thankfully its not the latter.
“I don’t know, Nakia. But we should be be more worried that none of us noticed.” Tony, he’s never been subtle about addiction though he knows lots of people that are. That just makes things all that much more difficult to manage and monitor. They will manage though- between him, Nakia, and N’Jadaka they’ll ensure whatever the hell T’Challa is thinking will stop.
By the time T’Challa wakes up N’Jadaka is back and Tony is, god help him, in intervention mode. “The good news is that for once I’m not on the receiving end of one of these things. The bad news is that you are,” he tells T’Challa. “What the fuck?” he says in place of all the eloquent speeches he had planned in his head because real life isn’t a daydream.
T’Challa sighs, thankfully looking much better than he did a few hours ago. “I just need the extra focus sometimes and-”
“Then don’t do drugs, dipshit,” N’Jadaka snaps. “You had everything handed to you and you’re going to throw it away for drugs? Are you fucking kidding me?” he asks, shaking his head in disbelief. 
“I have it-” T’Challa starts but Tony cuts him off.
“Under control,” he finishes. “Let me guess- you also only use them when you absolutely need to, which you consider sparingly, and you think you’re not addicted. You’re preaching to the choir buddy, I used to be an addict so don’t pull that shit with me you’re smarter than that. What were you thinking?” he asks, his tone softer on that last bit. 
He sighs, sitting back in his seat and rubbing his temples. “I have a lot of responsibility and I just don’t have enough time in a day- this helps,” he says. 
Tony lets out a long sigh but N’Jadaka cuts him off. “You do drugs for Wakanda, really? That’s what you’re going with?” he asks, rolling his eyes. “You do drugs for you, don’t act like Wakanda has anything to do with this,” he snaps.
Its not exactly true, Tony can see it, but N’Jadaka isn’t exactly wrong either. “T’Challa you know how this ends, you literally watched it happen with me. You want that birthday party to happen to you except instead of a crowd of people in your house its a country you’ve failed? I get being under pressure and I get the loads of responsibility you have but you aren’t exactly in this alone. Talk to your Council, your mother, Nakia, tribal leaders, basically anyone. You don’t do drugs about your problems, T’Challa. Believe me, I know that better than most.”
T’Challa looks away, “I didn’t mean for this to happen,” he murmurs.
“Yeah, neither did I,” Tony says softly. “But you’re a lot stronger than I ever was, and you have a lot of people to help you. And we found all your stashes and enrolled you in a discreet rehab facility you’re leaving for in an hour.”
T’Challa gives him a dirty look, “really?” he asks, irritated.
“Get that ungrateful look off your face,” N’Jadaka snaps, “you’ve got more opportunities to improve than most people in your situation so shut up and take it.”
“Are you done?” Tony asks, giving him an irritated look.
“What’s that for?” he asks and Nakia finally rolls her eyes too.
“I don’t know why you think reminding him of his situation will help when that’s what got him here,” she says. “And you. Why didn’t you say something? We all would have helped.”
Tony already knows the answer but T’Challa responds helpfully anyways. “I didn’t want to look weak or incompetent,” he murmurs.
“And your solution was to be a drug addict?” N’Jadaka says. He opens his mouth to say more but Tony cuts him off, knowing something cruel is about to come out.
“Asking for help isn’t weak, T’Challa. Its what normal people do- its what good leaders do when they realize someone else might know better than them. No one would have looked down on you for that,” he says.
“He’s right,” Nakia throws in because she’d know better than him. “None of us want to see you fail, and absolutely no one would look down on you for needing help. So please take ours.”
It takes a few moments but T’Challa finally nods and they all look relieved, N’Jadaka most of all.
“You’ll be okay,” Tony tells him, “Nakia has already redistributed all the tasks you usually do so your absence will go smoothly,” he adds. T’Challa has to be worried about that and Tony doesn’t want it to distract him from recovery. And Nakia is frighteningly efficient, like Pepper but with martial arts capabilities. Tony finds her as impressive as he does frightening, but he also knows that T’Challa trusts her more than most everyone else so if he says she’s made sure his responsibilities are covered they are.
T’Challa presses his forehead to Tony’s. “Thank you,” he says softly.
Tony allows himself the moment, letting it sink in for a bit before he pulls away. “You’re welcome,” he says, taking a step back. T’Challa goes to turn around but N’Jadaka speaks first, calling him back.
“Wait,” he says, standing there awkwardly for a moment when T’Challa turns. It takes a few seconds but he eventually moves forward, hugging T’Challa tightly. “I don’t want to lose you too,” he whispers and Tony looks away from the moment. He doesn’t know if its because of how intimate it feels or because he’s about to cry but he gives them space.
“You won’t,” T’Challa assures him. “I’ll be alright.”
“You better be,” N’Jadaka sniffs. “If you think you’d ruin the country imagine what I’d do to it.”
T’Challa laughs, “well, you could always abdicate to Shuri,” he points out but N’Jadaka snorts.
“Hell no, I’ve always wanted to be a king. But I’ll just kick your ass to get the throne instead,” he says and T’Challa shakes his head.
“In your dreams, N’Jadaka,” he says, turning and walking into the facility.
N’Jadaka turns to Tony, “I don’t think he knows how good I am,” he says and Tony smiles.
“He definitely doesn’t, but if you could go easy on him I’d appreciate it.” N’Jadaka grins and Tony knows that’s definitely never going to happen.
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piermanwalter · 6 years
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Megatron’s Weed Dispensary: An Awful Fanfic I am Morally Obligated to Write
Because I noticed my grades weren’t good enough to get into my major, I issued myself an ultimatum: For every percent I get less than 80 for every class by the end of the school year, I will write one thousand words of terrible fanfiction over the summer, as suggested by random people online. You can send me your own unwritable prompts if you want, but bear in mind that the more requests I get, the shorter the stories, because I have 8000 words to get through all of them. (Total combined word count: 1889)
As promised:
Just as the first brittle rays of light shone over the horizon, the alarm went off. Megatron hauled himself out of the chair he shut down in last night while dealing with tax forms for too long.  Pouring himself a cube of energon, Megatron made his way downstairs to the storefront. His past self would probably hate him. Shrieking like a predacon and promising to tear the entire planet apart just so everyone could suffer as he had, Megatron knew it was his own weakness and incompetence had led to their defeat, and was prepared for death. The Autobots, in all their soft and cowardly ways, had let them live in their new society, making sure he was protected from anyone seeking vengeance for the war, albeit with a few restrictions. Some mercy. He would prefer to be rotting in prison, exiled to some tiny asteroid, publicly executed, or even be forced to become a gladiator again. Instead, the great leader of the Decepticons is reduced to managing microeconomics in a tiny narcotics shop surrounded by too many gawking idiots too frightened to enter his shop and actually buy something.
The few Decepticons that had survived the last battle were also doing about as well as he did. Not destitute, but not allowed any amount of power, which he supposed they deserved.  Soundwave works as a building electrician, granted the privilege of internal com reactivation for good behavior. Astrotrain joined one of the newly formed shipping companies. Knock Out became a broadcast host, getting all the attention he wants at the expense of reading out prewritten propaganda drivel. At least they weren't nearly as badly off as Starscream, who was last seen going to Earth to become a stripper or something and never spoke to them again. In the early days of their integration with society, the Decepticons constantly planned secret meetings and vandalized government property, but now, it had seemed that everyone got caught up in their mundane routines and completely forgot about their past lives.
Speaking of which, a seeker who had been nervously pacing through the crowd finally worked up enough courage to enter the shop. What was his name again? Nacelle. A low ranking grunt soldier who managed to survive the war by being overlooked. Now that the best fliers were dead, he finally had a chance to shine as a professional racer. Looking proudly down upon the Decepticon logo the flyer chose to keep, Megatron said, "Still have the mark? Good. What are you here for?" Nacelle cleared his throat in a long burst of static. "It's my fault. We had a chance and I blew it for all of you. I thought I could weave through without getting stuck and-" "What happened happened. It's all ancient history now. Don't let it bother you." The last battle was fought in a series of deep tunnels below Cybertron. The cramped spaces were barely enough to stand in, let alone transform and fly. There was nothing a seeker jet like him could do. "Hey. Um… Boss. I'm sorry, okay? If I wasn't-" "You could have gone to the big pharmacy, but you came here, and my life has gone to slag so hard that this action matters. Ha! You did good."
Nacelle started nervously chuckling, so Megatron had to throw his head back and guffaw as hard as he could in order to get the nervous flyer to laugh with him. Now significantly more cheered up, he said, "Hey! Because I got hurt in my last race, I just got my Level 3 insurance voucher approved! No more weak stuff for me." Nacelle peered greedily into the display cases. "I'll have two centagrams of crystal tetrathyllead, a bottle of uravorite-infused high grade, two octane-cookies, half a kilo-" "You idiot. Don't get yourself killed. You'd be better off following the doctor's orders. I recommend 85 kilograms of the good anticorrosives, not the diluted trash they pipe into you in hospitals, taken over the next six weeks. Pick the brand yourself."
Torn between extreme curiosity towards hard drugs and wanting to obey his leader, Nacelle anxiously shuffled around and took so long to decide on a bottle of Velocitron-synthesized DCI-4A that Megatron started to pity him. "You know what, I'll throw in one of these for free." He took out a case from under a desk and opened it to reveal tiny jars of even tinier gems ranging from ice blue to deep green. "A racer like you should know what these are." Nacelle was shaken from his panicky mood the instant he laid eyes on the little jewels. "Wow! Steamlights! I didn't know there were any of them left in the city! Most of us racers got scared off using them after Fireflight popped two in a row and crashed into the ground at Mach 3." Megatron carefully tweezed out one of the smaller steamlights, a tiny blue cylinder barely bigger than a basketball and dropped it in a vial. "This is amazing. But…wow. These things are super intense." Handing the vial to Nacelle, Megatron replied, "That's fine. If you can't deal with the boost and your turbines detonate midair, consider it the price of failing me in the tunnels. Don't use it until you have fully recovered." His plan of rebuilding Cybertronian society may have died valiantly, but Megatron was still going to look after his troops the best he could.
Megatron's good mood was almost immediately ruined by his next customer. Out of all the mecha to come through the doors, it had to be the Autobot poster boy himself, Ultra Magnus. Glitch. "Hello! I've been making rounds, checking up on the other Decepticons. I really am glad that you are all doing so well. It is a bit suspicious for a mech of my standing to be here, but here I am." After the war, Ultra Magnus, the ever-faithful soldier, had much less to do and had let himself go a little bit. His protoform increased in non-subspacable mass enough that gaps appeared in his armor, but not nearly enough to warrant Megatron's spark crushing insults.
"You morbidly obese son of a Yugo. The only reason I let you in my shop is to marvel at the medical miracle of your sustained existence." Ultra Magnus cracked a sickeningly genuine smile and said, "I'm sorry. I didn't catch what you were saying." The store made so much money off valuable goods that it could stay running from a single sale per day, so Megatron legitimately didn’t care about losing a potential customer. "I'll say it again in a way your idiot prototype cyberbrain can understand. You're a chunk and I hate you." Ultra Magnus was mildly shocked. "Well! I didn't expect you to overcome our mutual grievances this soon, so whatever you say is entirely forgivable. Also I met Shockwave today, and I'm glad to say he was very courteous. Do you want to know how he's doing?" "I can ask him myself. Go eat Optimus Prime's tailpipe. Maybe that's why you're so slagging fat."
"Don't act as though you are different from me." For a second, Megatron thought they were actually about to start fighting right there, then Ultra Magnus winked. "To be fully honest, being here to check on you gives me an excuse to gather a few treats for myself without being caught. You won't judge, right? I'll take half a kilo of hypervisco and three bottles of the ferroin Engex. Ooh. Baltic amber oil from Earth. I'll have fifteen liters of that too, thanks." Deciding that Ultra Magnus wasn't worth the effort to continue yelling at, Megatron measured out the orders and accepted the credits in silence.
Megatron briefly entertained the idea of contaminating all of his product with acid crystals and astatine, but decided against it. He might kill or sicken the slagger before he got caught, and then he'd spend a few centuries in prison, then Prime would argue to put him through another course of rehabilitation, then he'd be stuck in another dead end job under much higher supervision. Like it or not, this Primus-damned stall was all he had, and it mattered greatly to Megatron that he got to be his own boss, make his own decisions, and yell at as many customers as he wanted.
After Ultra Magnus left, the crowd outside thinned. It was getting dark. Nearly time to close. Megatron debated shutting the shop early before deciding to stay open in case a few late night partiers wanted to pick up something fun. Megatron was shaken from his daydream about what his legal consequences would be if he ate forty kilos of steamlights and went on a uncontrollable nitro-fuelled rampage when a minibot burst through the doors, vaulted over the counter, and grabbed a case containing sealed vials of concentrated Berserker Button. As bad as it was for the mighty Megatron to be robbed by a random mech, at least this meant he had something to do.
Leaping from behind the counter to the door in two massive steps, barely remembering to trigger the hard light door shield, Megatron unsheathed the energon blade from his wrist and turned to pursue the target. A pathetic weapon compared to his massive fusion cannon, but he was able to get it installed as a necessary tool of his profession. After all, it's not as if he was lying.  With his massive stride compared the minibot's short steps, the thief barely made it one block before Megatron knocked him to the ground with a flying kick, a bit of overkill for such a tiny opponent. The bot pulled out a beam pistol. Caught up in the thrill of the chase, Megatron nearly decapitated the little bot out of instinct. The blade stabbed into the ground a single meter away from his neck. Interrupted by a regular police patrol, Megatron was more than happy to surrender the thief to them. The little bot had been so terrified the random drugstore he robbed was staffed by none other than Megatron himself that he confessed everything. The Berserker Button was confiscated as evidence, and Megatron was allowed to return home to await further legal procedures the next morning.
Even after the leisurely walk back, his coolant lines still pumped hard, preparing for a death battle that will never happen. Megatron laid face down on the ground for a few minutes, waiting for the feeling to pass. Able to think clearly, Megatron figured that the legal procedures tomorrow would be formality more than anything else, considering the overwhelming evidence in his favor. He'd likely get reimbursed for the Berserker Button, then things would go back to normal. The case was at most going to take three days, barring some stupid Autobot-Decepticon rivalry showing up. Looking back, this was probably not the best day to spew horrible insults at one of the most influential figures of society. Either way, there was nothing Megatron could do about it. He felt a pang of guilt. In the past, he and his army would have bulldozed anyone who dared inconvenience him, and now he was acting like a regular civilian. Just in a day in the life of an ordinary mech. At this point, what did the last six million years mean to him or anyone else?                                          
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corvid-knight · 6 years
Demon Eyes - chapter 8
The "something" that Jake was working on turns out to be a full-out tarot spread, you find as you follow Dirk into the kitchen, Karkat and John a few steps behind. Most of the kitchen table is covered in carefully-laid-out cards, an arrangement that's more complicated than any of the ones you know. Then again, the subset of tarot spreads that you know only includes one or two; Bro stopped trying to get you to learn when he figured out that your predictions lacked the weird clarity that Jake's have always had.
When you come in, Jake's perched on a stool that's too high for the table, a thoughtful look on his face as he examines the complicated patterns he's created. He only looks up when Dirk puts a hand on his shoulder, glancing between Karkat and you for a second before a grin spreads across his face.
"There we are." He slides off the stool, tapping the card at the center before stepping over to give you a quick, much-less-stressful half-hug. "You've certainly gone through the wringer, haven't you Davey? You and your demon both."
"He's not exactly my demon." Jake's still half a head shorter than you, you realize as he steps away to take one more look at his tarot spread. Nice—you're not totally surrounded by guys who're taller than you. "His name's Karkat, by the way. I'm shit at intros, sorry."
"You're absolutely fine, don't worry!" He aims that bright smile at Karkat, who looks completely disconcerted at the hand that Jake holds out. "Jake English, at your service."
You seriously wonder if Karkat's going to accept the handshake or if you're going to end up privately prompting him. After a second, though, the demon grins (no sharp teeth, thankfully) and shakes Jake's hand, letting go as quickly as he can while still being polite. "I really fucking hope you don't say that to just any demon you work with."
"Oh gods no, I'm not as much of an idiot as this one—" a shove at Dirk's shoulder than pushes him a step closer to John and makes you want to tense up at the prospect of upcoming violence— "would have you believe. That'd be John."
"I'll kick your ass, English," John immediately offers. He slips behind Dirk as he says it, but the grin on his face reminds you that the probability of actual fighting here and now is really fucking low. "C'mon, come and get me—"
"Don't you dare start a fight in the kitchen." Okay, that voice is new. It's a lot like Dirk's (and a little like Bro's) but it's from behind you, where there shouldn't fucking be anyone—
You don't register your own movements until Karkat steps up next to you and slides a hand under your arm, pulling you out of the defensive crouch you've already fallen into. Shit, you're running your hands across your waistband, too, looking for a fucking weapon. One that's not there, thank god.
You're okay, Dave. Anyone who'd hurt you goes through me, and that's a lot fucking harder than it looks.
Without his steady voice in your mind, you probably wouldn't be able to just straighten up again, take a deep breath, and glance over at Dirk like you do.
Dirk just looks irritated and resigned. "Hal," he says with a calm that's probably deceptive, "get off the fucking fridge."
You look up.
The guy perched on top of the refrigerator looks kind of like Dirk. The facial structure is the same, but this guy's as pale as you are, other than red tracery that looks like tattooed circuit lines running from his temples down the sides of his face. His hair's white instead of warm gold, shorter and spiky, exactly how Dirk wore his a couple years ago, and his eyes are the same red you're used to seeing in the mirror.
Karkat tilts his head to one side, considering the guy on the fridge. "Okay, I'll bite. What the fuck are you?"
"Hal Strider." He shifts slightly, still grinning down at you. You don't think you've ever seen someone look so pleased with themself in your life. "I'd offer to trade information, but I already know that you're Karkat and you're a demon, and the one that has a certain family resemblance to Dirk and I would be Dave, right?"
You realize that that was kind of directed at you, and nod. "Uh...dude, I have no fucking clue who you are, okay?"
"It'd be amazing if you did." Hal shrugs and shifts his weight, just jumping off the top of the fridge and landing on his feet with all the weightless grace of a cat. Standing, he somehow manages to look more and less like Dirk at the same time. "I didn't exist last time you were around."
"Still don't really understand here." You have to look over at Dirk for help. Before he can do more than open his mouth, Karkat reaches out to poke Hal's shoulder experimentally, which Hal allows with the same faint smile that seems to be his resting expression.
"It's a golem," he announces.
"He's a shikigami," Dirk corrects with a sigh, rubbing at his forehead. "Sort of."
You have no fucking clue what a shiki-whatever is. Karkat, however, evidently does, because he immediately points out, "Shikigami don't have self-awareness or willpower, and this thing obviously does, so..."
"Pronouns would be nice instead of just 'this thing.' I'll answer to any of them, although I rather like the sound of 'he' and 'they.'" Hal smiles sweetly at Karkat, tapping one finger against the circuit-marks along the sides of his face. "Also, you're absolutely right; shikigami don't have free will. Not when they're created from inert material and a driving force, anyway. However. If you add a harddrive containing a sentient AI—that would be me—"
The look of confused horror spreading across Karkat's face is actually a little comical. "You can't fucking do that."
Dirk groans and shakes his head, rubbing his eyes with one hand. "Dude, you have no idea how much I wish that was an accurate statement sometimes."
"Anyway," Hal continues, just slightly louder, "if you add a sentient AI to the mix, as per said AI's instructions—"
"We all know you came up with forty percent of the plan, give it a rest already." Dirk's grumble and eye-roll suggest that they've been over this territory already.
"Dave doesn't know, so shut the hell up. You add the AI, as per said AI's instructions so you don't fuck it up like the incompetent meatbag you are, and a few steps later you have me." Hal spreads his hands in a gesture you recognize as an echo of one of Dirk's, smiling wider. "One superbeing."
"One freak of nature," Dirk corrects.
Jake laughs and shoves very gently at your cousin, wrapping an arm around him. "You love him."
"You might love him. I certainly don't."
"He doesn't exactly have to love me if he doesn't want to." Hal shrugs, eyes fixed on you with an unblinking intensity that's more than a little disconcerting. "Brothers fight, don't they? Unless it gets to be a little more than scuffling, you don't need to worry about us, English. And it won't get that far, now will it?"
"Not unless you do something especially asinine."
"Oh, I don't intend to." He's speaking to Dirk, isn't he? So why the fuck does he have to look at you like that?
Stop. I'm being fucking paranoid.
Except you look away from Hal and Dirk's watching you too. Jake's more focused on Dirk, but his eyes slide towards you when you glance at him, and away again as soon as he meets your eyes. Doesn't want to stare at me. Fuck. John's talking to Karkat, but there's a pair of excited blue eyes fixed on you too, flicking back to the demon every few seconds—of course John wouldn't care about staring, he was always honest about shit even when we were kids—so upon that further examination, everyone's looking at you, and that's...
That's not how shit's supposed to be. This isn't supposed to happen to me, you think, and hate the panicked edge the thought has.
Dirk's saying something and you have zero ability to focus enough to listen to it. Which is just as fucking wrong as you being the center of attention, you're supposed to fucking listen to him, fucking listen to Bro—
"Dave." And, maybe because he can tell you're a little past verbal responses, Karkat switches to words that go straight into your head, private and silent and weirdly safe. Dave, you know you're safe right now, right? That fucker's not here. It's Dirk, not your Bro.
Fuck. Yeah. You know that. Can't fucking think, man. And you make a deliberate effort to let him feel what you're overwhelmed by—like you're the only one worth looking at in a crowd, because you fucked up—
Karkat growls, loud and startled and deep, and Jake lets go of Dirk, and now everybody—other than Hal, who's still watching you thoughtfully—is staring at the demon. Which is just as fucking bad because they're hunters and you know what hunters do—
"Jesus fuck," Karkat growls, shaking his head. "John, right? And Jake? You both want to ask me shit, right?" When he gets a definite nod from the former and a slightly less emphatic one from the latter, he continues, "Open season on questions, as in I'll answer anything you come up with for the next—" Dave, how long?
Fifteen minutes. It's a number you pull out of nowhere, but it feels right, and Karkat slots it into his sentence without any discernable pause.
"—fifteen minutes, so long as you ask it in a different fucking room." He crosses his arms and scowls at John. "Fair enough?"
John's expression suggests that the deal is more than fair, but he just nods, grabbing Jake's wrist and all but dragging him into the other room after Karkat. The door shuts, and you're left with just Dirk and Hal.
Where the fuck is Hal?
"Calm down." Dirk sighs when he sees you glancing around, pulling out one of the kitchen chairs and sitting down. "He's on the fucking fridge again."
"Oh." The shikigami grins at you when you look up at him. When did he even get back up there? "Is it even worth it to ask you why?"
"It's an excellent vantage point." Hal shrugs.
"Try, 'I'm an asshole,'" Dirk suggests.
"Well, I can't argue with that, but we all know who I'm modeled on, don't we?"
"You guys are always like this, aren't you." You don't make it a question, and you don't look at either of them to see if they nod. If they're still staring at you, you don't fucking want to know. Instead, you sit on Jake's stool—which feels wrong; it's too tall and too isolated, too obvious—but you made the choice to sit on it and now you're stuck with that choice—and look over his tarot spread, mentally naming the cards you recognize as a way of calming down a little.
This spread is a mess, really. He's using the major arcana and (you think) the four royalty cards from each suit, but you don't see numbered cards from anysuit. Despite that, you're pretty sure there's more than thirty cards on the table, and you see the Tower at least twice. Which means more than one deck.
What the hell.
Of the layout itself, you can tell that it's centered on three cards: Knight of Swords and Knight of Cups side by side, with the Lovers card laid over and half-obscuring both of them. Beyond that, you don't know enough about the order or layout to read, but those three cards make a hell of a lot of sense to you.
"Jake's been drawing those two when he tries to read for you, the past few days." Dirk leans over to tap first Cups, then Swords. "You, and Karkat."
That feels backwards, but going by the meanings of the cards it really isn't. "So he's been reading for me."
"I asked him to, yes." When you glance up at him you meet honey-orange eyes that're too fucking familiar for you to not wince. "Why, do you count that as spying?"
"Depends on what you learned from it." You don't count it as spying, not really, but you need to know what Dirk already knows so you don't reveal more than you have to.
What the hell am I even thinking? I don't have to hide shit, there's no consequences if he finds out things Bro didn't want known... Well, other than your discomfort, maybe. Not that that matters.
Dirk sits back, watching you. "Jake didn't finish telling me about this one, obviously. But when he went over your past he got abuse, willpower put to bad use, increasing domination—"
You know which cards he's talking about. Out of the corner of your eye, you can almost see them light up out of the spread on the table. "Strength and the Magician, both reversed. The Emperor." It makes you shiver. You know exactly what Jake read as the sum your past—or, more accurately, who. "Bro."
"I didn't know you knew the meanings so well."
"Yeah. Can't get an accurate read on anything, but I know the cards."
"Ah. The Moon came up in most of the spreads—"
"Deception." There's other meanings, but that's the one you fix on. It's hard to keep your hands from folding into fists again. "He was a fucking liar, so that's accurate."
Dirk tilts his head and you think of Karkat. Stupid. "You're angry at him."
More than you're ever going to know. "He's dead. So no, I'm not."
"...fair enough, I guess. I might be pissed enough for both of us."
He keeps his tone calm, and you still want to flinch at the words. You don't do that, but you do look down at the cards instead of at Dirk. "Not really a reason for that."
"Bullshit there isn't." The twist of emphasis he puts in that is savage enough that you look up at him, hoping he doesn't see the unpleasant jolt of fear he just sent through you. There's no anger on his face, at least. "I knew him. I hunted with him—not alone, D never let Bro take me out unless he was coming along, thank god—but I knew how he was, we all did."
"Yeah, no. You didn't." He was worse, trust me. The cards are interesting, maybe if you look at the layout just a little longer you can figure out how it works, and if you look at it you don't have to look at Dirk...
"Dave," he says quietly, and when you still don't look up at him he keeps talking. "You know why we didn't cut him off after he killed that girl?"
"She was a fucking were. She killed—"
"It wasn't about her. Him killing her was fucked up, both how he did it and that he did it at all—she was a kid, she killed a couple fucking horses in her first change and we should've paid for the damages and gotten her settled with a pack, not let him get his hands on her and torture her to death."
Shit. "He told me she killed someone. Not some fucking horses..."
"Lying bastard."
"Yeah." The fact that you just believed him is worse.
"You know why we didn't cut him off?"
"D wanted you back." When you look up in surprise, Dirk nods. "Yeah. The whole reason he never ran Bro down and made him answer for that shit was because they made a deal—that bastard got to leave, go wherever the fuck he wanted, so long as he left you with us. Except when I finally got ahold of him after that last fight, he said you took the money he'd had on hand and took off. He said he didn't know where you went."
"I—" You almost did that, but not until a full year after when Dirk's talking about. The first time you woke up with Bro in bed with you, with your head fuzzy from the alcohol he'd bullied you into drinking the night before and your shoulder aching where his teeth had drawn blood, feeling more disgusting than you ever had in your life, you almost left him. Almost. But in the end? "I'd never. I couldn't."
"Yeah. I was an idiot to believe him, I know. I'm sorry, Dave—"
"Don't!" Fuck. That was louder than you should've let it be, and you can sense rather than see Hal shift slightly on top of the fridge—getting ready to attack you if he has to, to protect Dirk? You don't know. "Don't apologize for that shit, don't fucking do it, it doesn't help, it makes things worse—"
You look at him again and you can't fucking see him clearly—no, tears, not that, I can't fucking cry, I can't, I—
Karkat, please—
Something shifts. Something twists. Something in the center of your mind changes, and it's been changing for a while, hasn't it? Since the first time you felt the tingle of wards as you passed through them, before everything started. But this time you feel it adjust itself to what you need, just a little more, and it's terrifying to feel that but it's so, so relieving, because you feel him. You feel Karkat, and when you blink your eyes are clear again.
Unfortunately, it's John that you're looking at. Not Dirk. Holy shit, you try to say, but instead of that you feel your mouth shape the words, "Dave, what—" and it's his deeper voice that you feel in your throat.
No. His throat.
Too much, you think, or maybe he thinks it, but it's true either way. Too fucking much, go back, make it stop—
You're not sure whether it's you or Karkat who triggers the flip back. It doesn't really matter. You blink again and you're staring at the kitchen tile, which is a hell of a lot closer than before because you're on your hands and knees on the floor. The stool's overturned, knocked halfway across the room, and Dirk's kneeling next to you with one hand on your shoulder.
"Dave?" he asks, then, more hesitantly, "...Karkat?"
"Right the first time." Sitting up is hard, but you instinctively push Dirk away when he tries to support you. "Don't—don't touch me. For a sec. I need—" Karkat.
"Your eyes—"
"What?" Because you need Dirk to see that you're you, your eyes aren't the changing red of the demon's, you force yourself to look at him. Just for a second. Long enough to catalogue the confused concern on his face. Then you just close your eyes, cut off sensory input from that quarter.
"Did he possess you?"
"No! I—" I'm so fucked. Hunters don't do this shit. I'm a hunter, I can't do—whatever that was. "I. I possessed him? Dirk, I don't know—"
You bite down on your lip, hard enough to taste blood, before that last word can turn into the panicked wail it really wants to be.
"Dave, it's okay—" Dirk begins, and abruptly stops as the door slams open again. "Karkat, what the hell—"
"Don't you fucking block me from him," Karkat snarls, and you think you cringe.
Please don't hurt him, don't fucking hurt him, please—
"No one's getting hurt, Dave. I swear to you." Dirk's hand leaves your shoulder, and Karkat's replace it, one resting on each shoulder and giving you a comforting sensation of presence, for a moment, before he moves them up to press against your temples. "Open your eyes."
"Just for a second, okay? You just did something that should be really fucking difficult for a human, I need to make sure you're okay. Just a second and then you can do whatever you want." Karkat's voice is gentle and coaxing again, nothing like how he snarled at Dirk a moment ago. It's all right, Dave, I swear. Just look at me.
I'll cry, you warn him.
"Yeah. I know. That's okay."
You open your eyes. Thankfully—and somewhat surprisingly—your vision's only a little blurry; you can see Karkat's face fine. Dirk's sitting just being him, arms crossed and expression purposefully blank and unreadable.
"I'm okay," you say to both of them. That's not even kind of true.
"Shush." Karkat's thumb strokes across your cheek. It's a stupidly reassuring sensation. "You can close your eyes if you need to now. Nothing's fucked up structurally..."
You shut your eyes immediately when he says that, trying not to shake as you start thinking about how this looks. I did something. Something magic, the kind hunters don't use. With a demon. I'm so fucking screwed, this isn't—
"Dave. Dave, shush. Come here." His hands leave your face and you nearly panic enough to open your eyes. Then he slips an arm around your shoulders, pulls gently enough that you could definitely get away if you wanted.
Instead, you lean into him. We're fucked.
"We're not fucked. Dirk, tell him."
"I don't know what I'm supposed to be telling him," Dirk protests.
There's a very soft noise that you can't quite identity from behind you, and someone else's hand brushes against your hair. "Want me to do the talking, brother dearest?" Hal asks calmly. "I actually have some kind of handle on the situation here, which you don't."
"If you upset him more I'm kicking your ass."
"Fair enough. Dave?"
Words. Gotta have words. "Yeah."
"The talented are welcome here. Do you understand that? I can't tell what sort you are, but I can see the empath link between you and Karkat, and I'm assuming there's more—"
"Ah. There might be later, or maybe not. But that's an asset, do you understand?"
"It's not a fucking hunter thing—"
"Dirk's something between an artificer and a technomancer. Jake's a diviner, possibly one of the best alive. Rose—you remember Rose, don't you?—she's a witch, engaged to a vampire." Hal's hand rests against your shoulder again and just as quickly withdraws. "And you already heard what I am."
"We're not like him." This from Dirk again; when you cautiously open your eyes, he's sitting back on his heels in front of you. "Maybe he told you hunters were fucking bigots, but that's not fucking true."
"...yeah." Karkat?
Tell 'em I believe them. Can't talk. Mostly because you really are crying now.
"You don't have to, don't worry."
He starts relaying not what you thought at him, but what you mean, and you relax against him, close your eyes again, and really start to calm down.
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taemins-dolphin · 7 years
Professionalism (With Chen)
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genre: smut & fluff (teacher!au)
6k words
this is what happens when you’re trying to get over the crush you have on your boss and the universe hates you
The sun shines through the window, ready for the kids to go out and play for recess. Toddlers stomping their little feet under their tiny desks, excited to spend half an hour of their school time outside in the warmth and colourful outdoors of the dull walls.
You begin to use extremely advanced and random words just for the fun of it, wondering if one of these kids are even paying attention to you at all. You snort when you say flugelhorn and everyone stops to stare at you, they’re learning math, not music.
The wide eyes all looking at you with concern were honestly the cutest things ever, you couldn’t stop laughing.
“Miss, why are you laughing?”
“She needs a boyfriend.”
“Or a new one.”
“And babies!!!”
You laugh harder when the last one yells out babies with so much passion. They were being so good today; you should probably let them out to recess earlier.
“Alright, you guys. Let’s go to recess. But I need you to form two lines, you should be in your assigned spots.” You raise a hand over your head while the other was on your lips, shushing them so you don’t get in trouble for letting them out early.
It doesn’t work when the kids shout their happiness at the top of their lungs. You close the door and cross your arms, waiting for the murmurs to settle, like that ever worked out for you; you roll your eyes.
Once you got them to settle down, you open the door to find your boss, the principal.
“Oh. Hi!” Jongdae squeals, hand in a fist, ready to knock on your door. He clears his throat and puts his hand down.
“I was wondering if, and you don’t have to say yes or anything, I wanted to know if, and like its all business related, I was thinking about-” Jongdae trails on, fingers wrestling each other as he tries to speak. You think of how cute your boss is, but figure that it’s inappropriate and very unprofessional to have thoughts like that. But for the sake of your pleasure, you let him try to figure out what he’s trying to say.
“Okay. There’s a school meeting at 4, do you think you’ll make it?” Your boss’ eyes widen as he hears a high-pitched laugh coming from behind you, followed by an “Ewww, Mr Kim has cooties! Don’t go teacher!”.
“Jungkook-ah! That’s not nice! I’m giving you a red stamp for the week for being rude.” You point your finger at him, feeling bad for reprimanding a kid for joking around. This is the only part you hate about your job, scolding little kids.
The bell rings and all the kids run out of the door, slightly pushing you adults aside.
“Alright everyone, go on to recess!” You yell as they ran for their life. Turning back to Jongdae, you find that he’s watching you carefully. You hope he doesn’t find you too strict or too soft.
“So, could you, uh, come? It’s not really important, I mean, you don’t have to go, really. It was Chanyeol’s idea.”
“I’ll come. It’s in the conference room right?” You ask, with a small polite smile on, extremely professional.
“Yes! It is! That’s great! I’ll see you then!” Jongdae smiles widely, teeth brightening the whole school. He raises his hand completely comfortably. You hesitate to raise your hand. It’s only when Jongdae slaps his hand on yours lightly that he’s trying to give you a high five. Very unprofessional for a principal.
But very adorable for a boyfriend. You shake your head. You shouldn’t be thinking of things like that.
If someone ever asks you what you thought about the new principal, you would always, and honestly, say that he was unlike his orderly strict father. You like Jongdae as a person, he’s extremely cute when he’s anxious but that’s not the type of leader the administration needs and that irks you a lot. You might even say you had a tiny teeny crush on him.
Despite your crush, you still thought he wasn’t fit for the principal position. If his father was going to pick an heir to his position, he should’ve chosen Jongdae’s older brother. You’ve seen him once and you could already tell that he’s exactly like his father, the exact kind of principal you were looking for.
Annoyingly beautiful Jongdae piqued the hell out of your interest.
When you see him greet his friends, he’s totally aware of his surroundings, confident in the way he walks, talks, everything. All his mannerisms were all confidently shown.
Once he’d see you, he’d immediately put himself on the defense and become this really shy nerd which made you think that maybe you should tone down the amount of ‘hate’ on him so he understands that it’s not him that you hate it’s just him as a principal.
You wouldn’t want your crush to hate you for being too mean.
Jongdae suddenly receives a text from his cousin Chanyeol, letting him know that he needs to come home right away and he already let everyone know of the last minute cancellation of the meeting except for you. Chanyeol wants Jongdae to tell you himself, Jongdae pouts.
He only sighs, putting on his blazer and grabbing his things before leaving his office to go see you.
He must’ve left in too much of a rush when the janitor suddenly bumps into him and accidentally gets paint on Jongdae’s blazer.
“I’m so sorry Mister Kim!” The janitor squeals in surprise, grabbing the piece of cloth to run off the mess, only making it worse.
“Oh don’t worry about it, it’s the end of the day.” He says with that bright polite smile of his, comforting her. She apologizes one more time before moving on to work again. Jongdae sighs and takes off his blazer, leaving him in a white dress shirt a bit too tight for his taste.
As soon as he looks up from folding his sleeves up to his elbows, he finds a large amount of flowers covering his very tall cousin’s face.
“Hey my mom wanted to give these to your mom as a thank you for the dinner yesterday.” Chanyeol says quickly as if he needs to run away as soon as possible.
“They went out yesterday? I didn’t know.” Jongdae raises an eyebrow at the odd information. His mom was home all day. He knows this because she wanted to bake pastries for the whole day. Jongdae only shrugs as he takes the bouquet into his hands.
“Uh, yeah, they did. For a… thing. Anyways I have to go, you’re coming out tonight, right?” Chanyeol asks if he’s going to come to their friend Baekhyun’s birthday party at some club downtown. He might as well go if the meeting is cancelled.
“Yeah, I’ll see you there.” Jongdae puts up the bouquet as a farewell.
“See you!!” Chanyeol smiles widely before jogging away out the exit.
Class ends and you wait for all the kids to leave the classroom so no one forgets anything. At the end of the day, you always inspect the class, put up all the chairs that were still on the ground, dim the lights and close the door, locking it behind you. Before you even get the chance to walk out of the classroom, you turn around and suddenly face Jongdae holding a bouquet of flowers.
Surprised, you stutter something about forgetting a file in the class and run back inside, not looking back at the dejected face Jongdae is wearing at the sight of you fleeting.
He curses Chanyeol for not telling you last minute that the meeting was cancelled. Now he had to face you. He knows you’re not very fond of him. He shouldn’t have told Chanyeol anything about his crush on you. His cousin won’t stop teasing him. This would probably explain why he got flowers. It wasn’t for his mother; it was for you.
He dials Chanyeol’s number into his phone, ready to release all his embarrassing feelings to his cousin. A bunch of greetings hit Jongdae’s ear.
“Hey cousin! Something wrong with the flowers?
"Will you please stop setting me up with… you know??” Jongdae softly yells, certain no one else was at school on a Friday night. His hold on his phone tightens as Chanyeol chuckles.
“I said it was for your mom!” Chanyeol’s stuck in a fit of giggles. What kind of cousin…
“Then why are you laughing! You’re the one that said you wanted a meeting and now you’re the one to cancel it.” Jongdae is yelling at the phone like his life depended on it, not too loud so you don’t hear him. There’s nothing more he hates than being embarrassed. He’d rather not have you think he’s unprofessional and incompetent for this job than you already do.
“Chanyeol, I’m shitting bricks out here. She thinks I’m asking her out.”
“You say it like it’s a bad thing. It was a suggestion.” Chanyeol flinches at Jongdae’s whining that’s loud enough for Baekhyun to hear on the other side of the room.
“I’ll call you later.” Jongdae ends the call and hides his phone in his front pocket. He glances at the door of your classroom and hesitates to knock, his hand hovering over the door that’s been plastered with finger paintings done by the kids of class 102.
You’re probably waiting for him to leave so you didn’t have to face him. Jongdae finds the courage to knock on your door anyways.
You jump at the noise and gulp nervously. It looked like he was going to give you a bouquet of flowers and ask you out. What if they weren’t even for you and you overthought again? It was surely the latter. It had to be.
Whatever it was, you were certain you made the atmosphere way too awkward now.
Hurriedly, you pick up whatever looked significantly important to go with your lie. You open the door and find Jongdae smile hesitantly.
“Hi!” He squeals out accidentally. His hand quickly covers his mouth and he clears his throat. “Hello.”
“I was just going to let you know that the meeting was cancelled… Chanyeol solved the issue.” Jongdae says, sure of himself. He’s trying to convince himself that he’s telling the truth because obviously there was no meeting to begin with. Chanyeol made that up so he had to talk to you.
You smile awkwardly and tell him that it’s fine as you curiously gaze at the movements of his hand that hold the flowers. Jongdae sees you get distracted and points at them quickly.
“Oh uh, these were for my mother!” Jongdae tries to clarify that he was most definitely not confessing his undying love for you. He has to fight the hugest urge to just hand you the flowers because you’re so flustered you’re smiling uncomfortably he finds you so cute.
“Oh, well, um, I’m sure she’ll love them.” You say awkwardly, unknowing what to do after the short pause. He does say thank you between the awkward silence but it doesn’t help the situation. You thought he was going to confess to you. You were so stupid to think your boss would break the rules for you.
You stand in front of each other for a little longer before Jongdae’s phone rings and breaks the tension between you.
“I have to get this. Have a nice evening.” Jongdae bids farewell and walks away from you towards the long hallway. You bite down on your lip and turn to lock the door before leaving the opposite way to go home.
You stop in your steps and sigh before taking out your phone to dial in a number.
“Hey, wanna go out tonight?”
You haven’t been out in forever, being stuck with paperwork and all. You could almost say you lived at your office. Your roommate, Tiffany, barely sees you anymore. She nags you every time she catches you sneak in the apartment from work.
Tonight, however, is different. Actually, most nights ever since Jongdae had taken over, have been different. You’ve been going out more and more often. You didn’t necessarily go out clubbing every night. No, you went out for Taco Tuesday at the Mexican restaurant nearby, for Laser Tag Wednesday, and for every other activity you and your roommate could find.
She was enjoying every bit of the 'new you’ while you were suffering inside. Yes, you hated that Jongdae was the new principal of the school. But you still had to admit that you were head over heels infatuated with the man.
You had enough tonight. You thought he was confessing to you and that just wasn’t the case. It was so embarrassing. You need to erase that whole flower scene from your mind and the best way to do it is through vodka shots.
“Here’s to Principal Hottie and his beautiful face!” You shouted at the top of your lungs in annoyance as you passed your roommate her shot so you could party the night away. Thank goodness, it’s Friday.
You both clunked glasses before bringing the drinks to your lips and swallowing the liquid all at once. You feel the burn in your throat hit as soon as you didn’t have anymore to chug down. This was definitely going to hit you quick.
The quicker, the better.
“Two more please!” You demand the bartender who only smiles charmingly at your enthusiasm. She refills your glasses and adds two other shots.
“This one’s on me. Principal Hottie will be gone from your mind soon enough. Enjoy your night ladies!” She exclaims as she laughs off your principal joke. She must’ve sympathize with you how it felt to be on a one sided love affair.
“I like your new boss!” Your roommate yells out as she takes the two shots graciously. She releases a loud sigh of satisfaction before she decides to pull you into the large crowd of people dancing. As she drags you on the dance floor, you feel the buzz of three shots hit you all at once. How strong was this vodka?
“Let’s dance! Maybe you could find someone to release your frustrations on.” She winks as she pulls your waist close to hers and starts dancing against you. You sway your hips at the rhythm of her own. You feel a sudden rush of happiness come through you that you start giggling at the way your friend shouts out the lyrics right at your ear.
You’re having so much fun that you don’t even bother pushing the man dancing behind you. You shrug and dance with him, grinding your hips against his like they were meant to be there. Your friend only laughs and turns around to go find herself someone else to dance with. You shrug, you’re here to forget.
You move your hips to the beat and the man follows as well. When the song goes from RnB to some Rap, your ass starts to move by itself and pushes against the man’s crotch who doesn’t seem to mind as he rests his hands on both sides of your waist. The drinks were making you so confident. You were so ready to bring this man back home to your apartment.
You knew your roommate wouldn’t mind. This was your goal from the start. Forget about that stupid fake confession and find a new person of interest for your fantasies.
As the song changes, he turns you around and kisses you almost immediately. His lips were soft and tasted a lot like alcohol so you knew that you were both completely wasted.
“I want you. Let me take you home.” He mumbles against your lips. You can’t see him in the dark but you know that he’s looking down at you with lust that you can’t say no. You nod and take his hand willingly.
You glance back to see your friend waving bye to you and mouthing a call me before she resumes to dance with the stranger. You smile, hopefully she takes care and has fun too.
Your stranger suddenly tugs on your arm lightly, bringing you closer so your hip to hip. He gives you a light peck on your cheek and tells you that he ordered an Uber and it should be here any minute.
You giggle at the sudden affection and give him a kiss on the lips in return. Once you realize that you still haven’t told each other your names, you introduce yourself. He laughs, probably because he hadn’t thought of that either. He brings out his hand and introduces himself as Chen. You graciously take his hand and instead of shaking it like you’re supposed, something inside of you pushes you to bring his hand to your lips for a soft kiss.
You immediately shut your eyes cringingly until you hear laughter that reaches your ears like bells during the holidays. It was the most delightful laugh you’ve ever had; you made it your mission to make him laugh as much as possible.
“Come on, let’s go outside. Our Uber is probably out there.” He squeezes your hand and pulls you out of the club with a huge smile on his face.
The more you stared at his smile, the more you were seeing Jongdae’s face and how the two had the same sharp jaw, the same sparkling eyes and the same curling smile you only saw when he’s with friends. You frown, this night was meant for you to forget about him but here you were trying to find similarities with someone you’re probably going to forget about as soon as tomorrow morning hits.
You find a car pullover in front of you and Chen. Chen leans close to the window and asks if they were there Uber to which the driver nods to tiredly. Chen smiles politely and opens the door for you. Your eyes widen at the act. No one has ever held the door for you.
He enters right after you and you can’t help but stare at this perfect man. He was beyond attractive, he was polite, and he danced well. How lucky were you getting right now?
“What?” Chen chuckles at the way you’re staring at him. You look so surprised.
“Did I do something?” He asks curiously.
“No, it’s what you did do.” You scoot a little closer to him so you could lay your head on his chest.
“It was sweet.” You kiss him on the cheek and slide your hand over his thigh naturally. As if on cue, he sets his hand on top of yours and intertwines your fingers together. It felt all too natural and comfortable. What is this man doing to you?
“I’m glad you think I’m sweet.” He lays a finger under your chin and brings it up so your angled perfectly for his lips. You think about tonight and how you’ve only been receiving sweet kisses and not deep hot makeouts. You weren’t complaining. It felt nice for a change. Maybe, instead of a one-night stand, he’d be interested in a relationship. But who knows? Your drunk goggles may be fully on and he could’ve been the hugest dick ever.
Once you’ve arrived at his place, he couldn’t take his hands off you. At the lobby, in the elevator, and even right in front of the door. Gone were the sweet pecks on your skin and in came the warm kisses. He would kiss you everywhere, your neck, your collarbone, and even your chest. The closer you got to his apartment, the more courageous he got with where he was touching you. One second his hand was behind your neck, holding you softly in the palm of his hand, the next second his hands were groping your ass and pulling you close.
You felt his want for you through his pants and yours as well as you could feel yourself get wetter the closer the apartment was. By the time Chen opened the door, he had you strip out of your clothes and you were already naked at the doorway. You frowned as soon as you noticed he was still dressed. He laughed at your reaction and immediately undressed for you.
You bite down on your lip and sink down to your knees to find his dick hard against his stomach. You lick your lips before your tongue finds its place on his tip. You wrap your lips around the tip and start sucking while you flirtatiously look up at him through your eyelashes. Chen bites onto his lip and drags his fingers through your hair gently. You bob your head a little lower and then back up. He moans. You repeat, slower and lower every time.
Chen groans aloud as you stuff his whole cock in your mouth, licking and sucking him like your life depended on it. The slobbering sounds coming from your mouth turns him on so much, he’s forced to pull you up, kissing your lips hard and tasting himself, and stop you from making him cum any faster.
“You.” He stares down at you lustfully and hungrily. “Are coming with me.” Before you could say something that could possibly turn him on even more than he just turned you on, he’s grabbing onto your hand, pulling you into his bedroom.
You hear the lock click behind you and squeal as Chen practically tackles you onto his bed, covering your naked body with lots of kisses. He’s so in love with you he has to praise every inch of you. Chen’s lips finally get to your face, kissing your left cheek, your right cheek, your nose, everywhere but your lips. You whine, pouting your lips so he knows where to put his mouth. He chuckles, giving you a fat and long kiss, making out with you as he distracts you from what he’s about to do.
You moan, finally getting what you wanted. That is, until he slips his tongue into your mouth. Because not only does he do that. He swipes a finger across your wet slit, applying more pressure onto your clit.
You pull back from the kiss to look at him playfully. He wants to play like that?
As he pushes himself back onto you to kiss you some more, it’s your turn to slip in some tongue. And you don’t forget to add that extra spice to it, stroking his cock from bottom to tip, emphasis on the tip of course.
Chen groans into your mouth before his middle finger slides another swipe, staying there a little longer than before, teasing you as he forms circles on your clit. You follow his lead and do the same, spreading his precum all over his head. He adds another finger, alternating from doing circles teasingly dipping into you. You try to speed up your hands to get even with him but Chen has other plans. His mouth escapes from yours and lands onto your clit, his tongue flicking it as he fingers you at the same time.
He’s moving his body away from you, sitting up between your legs and taking out a condom from his drawer. You watch as he rips off the wrapper with his teeth.
“Will you do the honours?”
You woke up with a slight headache. You try to shut your eyes one more time to fall back asleep when you realized that you were sleeping with Mr. Perfect. You turn over, about to lay your head on his chest to cuddle, when you find the face of your boss instead. Your eyes widen at the surprise before you. This didn’t make any sense. You slept with Chen last night. Not Jongdae.
Either way, you shouldn’t be here if your boss was. You needed to leave. You got up quickly, looking for your clothes around the room. When you didn’t find any, you shut your eyes and tried to remember where you last undressed. Embarrassment rushed over you as you realized everything was probably at the doorway. You silently wished Jongdae didn’t have any roommates as you ran for it. In its almighty glory, your wrinkled up clothes lay there peacefully. You quickly got dressed and left the apartment in panic.
You feel your heart beat fast as you realize the mistake you have just made. You had amazing drunk sex with Jongdae, your boss. Your drunkass couldn’t recognize him. At least it explains why you saw similarities. You shut your eyes in embarrassment. Did he recognize you? You hoped he didn’t so he could just forget about everything and spare you the embarrassment.
A piece of you wanted him to tell you that he knew exactly who you were. You wanted so much for him to admit to liking you but you just knew that would be too good to be true.
You run out of the building and called for a taxi. You got in sadly. Chen was so sweet to you. He was a gentleman. You were treated so well. And the sex was so good, you pout.
You sigh, you were never so lucky. You really wanted this 'get over Jongdae’ thing to work but you’ve just made it worse by having sex with him. You’re never going to get that image out of your head.
Jongdae wakes up, expecting your sleeping face to be in front of him. His arm reaches out to greet you into his arms so he could feel you on his chest again. He frowns when he doesn’t feel your body next to him. He opens his eyes to see an empty bed.
He gets up alarmingly, throws on some boxers and immediately goes on a search for you. He looked all over for you. He checked the kitchen to see if you were maybe making yourself a cup of coffee, the bathroom just in case you were a shower in the morning kind of person, and Chanyeol’s room in case you had bumped into him on the way out. He checked every table for a note you might’ve left, letting him know that you had somewhere to go and you’d call him later.
He found nothing. You left him and you obviously did not want him. You probably took one glance at him and ran away. That was the only possible reason. You saw that you had just slept with the person you hated the most, your boss, and bounced.
Jongdae knew he should’ve used his real name. When he’s out, his drunk self likes to use his stupid nickname much more than his real one. He loved his name but when he was out, it just sounds so boring to him. Chen was his go to name when he went out.
He can’t blame you for not recognizing him. Hell, he didn’t even recognize you until you introduced yourself. That’s why he laughed. He couldn’t believe he was dancing with you, out of all people.
Jongdae’s just glad that Chanyeol isn’t home to make fun of him. He’s even more grateful that drunk Jongdae made the right decision to bring you to Chanyeol’s apartment instead of his home where his mother was currently staying for a visit.
What are you going to do on Monday?
You are going to see Jongdae, your boss, whether or not you’re avoiding him. And you are most definitely going to bump into him in the small primary school.
When you got home, you were not expecting your roommate to be sitting on the table, breakfast ready for one. You shut the door behind you and smirk.
“What the fuck? You said you didn’t know how to cook!” You throw your hands up in the air annoyingly. She told you she couldn’t cook. That’s why you’ve always made her breakfast so she didn’t have to starve. Who knew she was just being lazy?
“I… don’t?” She’s like a deer caught in front of headlights. She’s been caught in a lie and she’s trying to smile to make things less awkward.
“Fuck you! That’s a five-star restaurant meal! Gordon Ramsey would criticize himself for not being able to cook like you.” You yell at her, annoyed that she hid this gift from you.
“I’m sorry I hid it from you. It’s just that people get weird when I tell them I went to culinary school.” Tiffany pushes the plate near you for you to taste. You take her fork and pick at the food, shoving the pieces of scrambled egg in your mouth. You moan at the soft and flavourful eggs you had the chance of tasting.
“Oh my god, if you cook me this once a week, I’ll forgive you for all the times I made breakfast, lunch, and dinner.” You say as you chew down the food.
“Speaking of breakfast, lunch, and dinner, shouldn’t you be having the first one with that cutie from the club?” She raises an eyebrow suspiciously.
“Remember Principal Hottie?” You take a seat in front of her at the table.
“Who? I don’t recall that name for I have spent all night TRYING TO FORGET HIM FOR YOU. Why is he still on your mind? I swear to god if he’s the reason why you’re here and not there…”
“Cutie from the club IS Principal Hottie. I was too drunk out of my mind to see that. Also, he uses a stupid name outside of class.” You clarify before she loses her mind.
“So instead of forgetting about him, you sleep with him?” She asks sarcastically. She can’t believe she let you leave her for the same guy you were trying to forget that night.
“No! It was an accident!” You deny once again. Tiffany sees the hesitation in your face and decides to ask you another question.
“Did you like it?” She smirks as she sees your cheeks redden at the question. You definitely enjoyed it, but you couldn’t let her know that.
“No!” You yell out passionately. She looks at you in disbelief. “Okay. I liked it but it can’t happen again!”
“You dance all night with a man. You think he’s cute. The sex was good. AND he’s your dream man? What the hell is wrong with you!” She slaps your arm lightly as she realizes that you’re living every woman’s erotica fantasy.
“Nothing! I’m being professional!” You rub on the spot she hit you, trying to lessen the pain.
“He’s your boss. What’s he gonna do? Fire you?” She says as she rolls her eyes. You’re being over dramatic to her. She doesn’t understand you at all.
“Well I mean, no. But the school might! They could fire us both. I can’t lose my job.”
“Whatever. Don’t call me when you’re old and single.”
Jongdae cleans up the rest of the house in case you left any sort of evidence of your stay last night. If you wanted this to be forgotten, then it will be.
He needs to hide everything from Chanyeol so he doesn’t suspect anything.
Nothing. Nada.
“Jongdae hyung? Are you here?” Chanyeol asks as he enters his apartment.
Jongdae responds on the couch in his living room, alarming his presence. Chanyeol grins at this juicy information. The only other time Jongdae comes over this early is when he brings a girl over and his mom is in town, staying at his place. His older cousin definitely slept with someone last night.
“Why is there underwear on the floor?” Chanyeol jokes at the entrance as he takes off his shoes. Jongdae’s eyes widen in disbelief. He swore he cleaned up the doorway.
“Where?” Jongdae stands up to get closer to where Chanyeol was. He has to act like he has no idea. When he doesn’t see anything, he frowns at his cousin. “I don’t see it.”
“I was kidding. You’re so serious all the time. I know you came home with someone! Where is she? Did you tell your mom where you are?” Chanyeol’s arm wraps around Jongdae’s shoulders as he asks all the questions. It’s very rare for Jongdae to stay the night so when he does, Chanyeol loves to know everything.
“There’s no one!”
“Of course there is! You never come here at night unless you reeaaally need to. And you did, cause your mom’s here.” Chanyeol raises an eyebrow questioningly. Jongdae usually gives in the first time he asks. What’s so different about now?
Jongdae considers telling him. It would be nice to keep this secret with someone. He shakes his head. You wouldn’t want that. He doesn’t want you to hate him even more than you do.
“I can’t tell you.” Jongdae mumbles. He doesn’t like hiding secrets from his cousin. It’s so hard to keep them from him.
“Do I know her? Is that why?” But Chanyeol doesn’t give up so easily. He’s nosy as fuck and will not stand for secrets between them. Soon enough, Jongdae will be dating behind his back and Chanyeol won’t have time with his cousin anymore and he won’t even know why. That’s why Chanyeol’s motto is no secrets! Chanyeol gasps at a sudden epiphany.
“Was it the girl from the club?!”
Chanyeol gives Jongdae one look before Jongdae completely breaks down all the walls and spills everything. How he wanted to get a night out so he forgets about the flower incident, how he found you in the mass of people dancing, and how he only found out on the way out the club that you were in fact you. He even told his cousin that you wanted nothing to do with him after you found out who he was.
“Maybe she’s embarrassed.” Chanyeol defends you, justifying your depart from the apartment. He’s seen the way you looked at Jongdae. There’s no way you hated him with those looks. You definitely had a crush on him.
Jongdae doesn’t reply and listens instead. He wants to hear what Chanyeol thinks.
“She could think it’s unprofessional since you’re her boss and everything. You out of all people should know that a teacher staff relationship isn’t… good. You know, with the being biased thing.”
“So you think I shouldn’t pursue anything?”
“No. I’m saying you should try to understand why she left. It’s not because she hates you. It’s because of the rules. It’s up to you guys if you want to date and risk the consequences.”
Monday comes in a swift as if the universe wants you to face your problems. You really don’t want to but when Chanyeol comes by your office at 7 in the morning with your copies of the small math quiz you’re giving today.
“I saw your name on top so I thought I might as well get yours too.” Chanyeol drops the pile on top of your desk.
“Thanks.” You smile up at him and look back down as you try to review each of the students’ files before parent teacher day.
You’re surprised when Chanyeol is still lingering in your classroom, sitting on a poor student’s desk. These low budgeted desks can’t handle Chanyeol’s body.
“Can I help you?” You ask, raising an eyebrow as you see him get up to look at the children’s art pieces. Chanyeol immediately looks back at you expectingly as if he was waiting for you to say something.
“Yes! You can! It’s a small favour.” He gets excited and even jumps back onto the desk.
“How small?” You tilt your head, trying to understand why Chanyeol would come to you for favours and more so when you see a huge grin spread across his face.
“Very small! I need you to-” Chanyeol looks around your table and picks up a piece of paper and a pen. He starts writing random numbers and then writes down his name on top of the digits. He sticks out his hand to you, giving the sheet to you. “give this to your friend! I had to leave right after I made her breakfast.
"What…?” You stand up from your seat and look at the sheet and him confusingly.
“Your friend from the club? I don’t know her name but I know she came with the girl that went home with Jongdae and apparently that girl’s you! So would you be kind enough to hand this to her? Thanks!” Chanyeol smiles widely as he leaves you in a state of surprise. He felt sorry for letting you know that Jongdae basically told him but he couldn’t help it. When he saw the chance to see your friend again, he had to take it. He didn’t care if you and Jongdae had some unresolved issues. He had to be selfish for a moment. Besides, he won’t be telling anyone.
You sink down to your seat and drop your head onto your desk. Your professional reputation is officially over. If Chanyeol knows, then everyone probably knows by now.
You straighten yourself at the speed of light when Jongdae knocks on the door frame with that bright smile of his.
One word has got your legs wobbly and unstable, you’re about ready to sacrifice anything just to have him forgive you and come back to you.
chananyeol bong speaking: yay!! i finished something!! kinda.. i cut it short cause 6k is wayy too much for me lol i just wanted to write a cute teacher!au if i finish it completely maybe you guys will see the angst part.. ANYWAYS I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE IT <3
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solartranslations · 7 years
Unmei no Hajimari Episode 4: The Annihilation Force’s Fight
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Yuu: Today, I’ve officially been assigned to the Moon Demon Company of the Vampire Annihilation Force.
Yuu: Finally…. I can finally go kill vampires, Mika.
??? (Shinoa): Hey there Yuu-san, you’re early.
Yuu: Hm…oh, Shinoa.
Shinoa: The uniform suits you quite nicely.
Yuu: Really? You also ––.
Shinoa: Hehe, hehe….
Yuu: Never mind.
Shinoa: Shinoa-chan looks so cute in uniform, I could die~. Right? I know, I know. Yes, yes.
Yuu: Whatever you say, idiot.
??? (Mitsuba): Lieutenant Colonel Guren! I won’t accept this!!
??? (Mitsuba): Why am I being assigned to a squad full of rookies!? I’ve been in the Annihilation Force since I was 13!
Yuu: Hm? What’s going on….someone’s being noisy down there.
Shinoa: A new member? Let’s go.
Yuu: Uh, hey.
Yoichi: Oh, Yuu-kun!
Kimizuki: You’re late, stupid Yuu.
Yuu: Who are you calling stupid. Anyway, who’s that?
Yoichi: Ummm….
??? (Mitsuba): I would understand if I were to be squad leader and train these rookies!
??? (Mitsuba): But, you said that the squad leader would be that Hiiragi Shinoa who’s always laughing stupidly!
Guren: Hm? Oh, you’re all here.
??? (Mitsuba): Ah! There you are, Hiiragi Shinoa!
Shinoa: Yuup. I’m here, Micchan.
??? (Mitsuba): Ugggh.
Guren: Don’t fight, Shinoa. Mitsuba will be joining your squad from now on.
Shinoa: Of course I’m fine, Lieutenant Colonel. I’m an adult, so the whining of an incompetent loser is ––.
??? (Mitsuba): Gah…you little! You’re going down!!
Shinoa: Ahaha~.
Yoichi: A, a Demon Curse Gear!? …Shouldn’t we stop them?
Kimizuki: Just leave them.
Yoichi: Whaaa!? Um….
Guren: *sigh*…
Guren: That’s enough Shinoa! Mitsuba! If you cause any more trouble for me, I’ll throw you into an isolation cell.
Shinoa: Oh my.
??? (Mitsuba): Uh…sorry….
Guren: I’ll head to Shinjuku by a different route. I’ll explain it again before we part.
Guren: Anyways…. This is your new team member, Sangu Mitsuba.
Guren: The Moon Demon Company moves in the standard 5 person teams. If you run into an armed vampire with less than 5 people, it is likely that you will be killed.
Guren: The moment you leave the defensive walls, you will not fight amongst each other or take independent action no matter the situation. Understood.
Shinoa: And that’s how it is. Got it, Mr. Reckless.
Yuu: Ha, I can’t make any promises. If a vampire appears in front of me, even if I’m alone ––.
It looks like Mitsuba is preparing a kick….
>Do nothing
>Catch the blow
Mitsuba: Ha!
Yuu: …What are you doing?
Yoichi: Th, that was close. Mitsuba-san’s foot just barely missed Yuu-kun’s face….
Yuu: Not really. There’s no need to dodge a kick that wasn’t meant to hit.
Yoichi: Huh!? Really?
Mitsuba: …….
Mitsuba: Yah!
Yoichi: Y,Yuu-kun!?
Kimizuki: Don’t worry, he caught her kick
Yoichi: Oh, he did….that’s a relief.
Yuu: Hey, you’re Mitsuba, right. …Why did you do that all of a sudden?
Mitsuba: Hmm, good reflexes.
Mitsuba: Understood, Lieutenant Colonel Guren. Basically, I’m supposed to teach them.
Guren: So the problem child is going to teach….
Mitsuba: How am I the problem child!?
Kimizuki: Geez, so everyone’s going to be a pain.
Yoichi: Ahaha…if Kimizuki-kun thinks so, then it must be true.
Kimizuki: Huh? What’d you just say?
Yoichi: Ahaha…. It was nothing.
Guren: Anyways. Everyone here will be your teammates. Teammates are something greater than family. Protect them with your life.
Guren: Now I’ll assign you your first mission. First, go to Harajuku.
Guren: There is a settlement where vampires hunt humans and turn them into livestock. After destroying it and freeing the humans, head to Shinjuku.
Scene 2: Resume the Mission!
Yoichi: It’s amazing….
Yoichi: This is the first time I’ve been outside since being taken in by the Imperial Demon Army. But, this is….
Yoichi: Before coming to the regular classes, Yuu-kun and Kimizuki-kun went outside as guards, right?
Yuu: Uh, yeah.
Mitsuba: Ha, it’s stupid to be full of yourselves just because you killed Horsemen that were weakened from being near the enchanted walls.
Yuu: Huh?
Mitsuba: Actually, the monsters called The Four Horsemen of John get much stronger when they are more than 1 kilometer away from the walls!
Mitsuba: They’re completely different from what you fought! Losing focus for even a moment out here leads to death!
Mitsuba: Don’t break formation with pointless talk! Get serious if you don’t want to die! Amateurs!
Yuu: …Hey Shinoa. What’s up with her?
Shinoa: Ahaha~. Isn’t she so adorable? Now that she’s suddenly been entrusted with the lives of new recruits, she feels the responsibility.
Yuu: Hmm….
Yoichi: Oh, it’s Harajuku station.
Kimizuki: …The area of the mission.
Yuu: So, the vampire settlement is ––.
??? (Kirimi Yuka): Aaaaaaah!
Yuka: Help!!
Yoichi: Look behind her! That girl is being chased by a Horseman!
Yuka: *pant*…*pant*…help….help….
Yuu: She’s getting cornered! This is bad!!
Mitsuba: Don’t move idiot!
Yuu: Huh!?
Mitsuba: Don’t break formation!
Yuu: What are you saying! Are you joking!!
Mitsuba: Shut up!
Yuu: How can we call ourselves the Vampire Annihilation Force if we can’t save one kid!
Mitsuba: Quiet! This is a vampire trap! If we try to save her now, we could all be killed!
Shinoa: Micchan’s right, that girl is bait to lure us out.
Kimizuki: Bait? You’re kidding. Horsemen aren’t supposed to have any will, why would they obey vampires?
Shinoa: It isn’t obeying them. Those monsters only attack humans. It’s as if they are punishing humans for multiplying too much.
Yuu: That doesn’t matter! So what if it’s a trap!!
Mitsuba: We’re standing by! We’ll respond after confirming the enemy’s actions!!
In response to Mitsuba’s orders….
>Ignore them
>Stand by
Yuu: And we can save her that way!?
Mitsuba: …….
Yuu: Damn it…. Even if I have to be a decoy, I’ll save her!
Mitsuba: I said that we are standing by! That’s an order!
Yuu: Then you can standby by yourself!
Yuu: So that will save her?
Mitsuba: …….
Yuu: We stand by and watch…. If that will save her I’ll stand by as much as you want.
Shinoa: Whoa, Yuu-san.
Yuu: Shinoa, be quiet. I’m asking Mitsuba.
Mitsuba: I…can’t guarantee that.
Yuu: Ha, don’t joke with me. How can I listen to that order then? You can stand by yourself!
Yuu: I’m going.
Mitsuba: Don’t make me tell you again! We’re standing ––.
Yuu: I absolutely won’t survive by abandoning someone ever again!
Mitsuba: ––!?
Yoichi: Yuu-kun, wait!
Victory Conditions: Defeat all of the Four Horsemen of John
Defeat Conditions: All allies are defeated, the victory conditions are not met within 25 turns
Scene 3: I Won’t Abandon Anyone
Yuu: Are you okay!?
Yuka: Uh….
Yuu: I’m going to save you. …Definitely.
Yuka: ……..
Yuu: Don’t worry. I’m going to kill that monster right now, so you run away.
Kimizuki: Hey stupid Yuu, don’t run ahead by yourself.
Yuu: Kimizuki!?
Yoichi: We’re all here.
Shinoa: Of course it turns out like this~.
Mitsuba: …….
Yuu: Yoichi, Shinoa, Mitsuba. You’re all….
Kimizuki: Let’s do this, Yuu!
Yuu: Yeah!!
~*PLAYER TURN: Turn 1*~
Scene 4: The Vampires’ Trap
Yuu: Okay, we’ve finished them off.
Mitsuba: Idiot, don’t lose focus!
Yuu: What?
Shinoa: The vampires are coming, stay alert.
Kimizuki: Didn’t they just say it was a trap? Tsk…they showed up fast.
Mitsuba: Three of them….
Yoichi: Wh-what do we do?
Vampire: You’re using Demon Weapons. So you’re with the Vampire Annihilation Force.
Yuu: What about it.
Vampire: –– Hey, call for back up.
Vampire: We’ll capture them.
Kimizuki: Capture….
Yuu: Just try it!
Vampire: ––!? He cut open the ground with one swing.
Yuu: Ha, how’s that.
Mitsuba: That’s enough, Yuu. We’ll retreat.
Vampire: Ha, you livestock. There’s no way you can escape.
Yuu: Hah? What did you say just now?
Vampire: ––!?
Mitsuba: Yuu! We’re retreating!!
Shinoa: Yuu-san! This is enemy territory, we’ll withdraw before they call for reinforcements!
In response to Mitsuba and Shinoa’s advice to retreat….
>I’ll kill all the vampires here
Yuu: …Fine.
Shinoa: *Sigh*….
Mitsuba: …….
Yuu: Your lives are spared.
Vampire: ––!?
Yuu: I’ll let you go.
Vampire: …….
Yuu: Next time…I’ll definitely kill you.
Vampire: Don’t flatter yourself, human. Hey, we’re leaving.
Yuu: …….
Kimizuki: Hey Yuu, let’s go.
Yuu: Yeah….
Yuu: …No.
Shinoa: Yuu-san!?
Yuu: I’ll kill all the vampires. I’ll kill all the vampires that appear before me.
Mitsuba: Didn’t you hear what Lieutenant Colonel Guren was saying!
Mitsuba: From the moment you leave the walls no matter the situation, fighting amongst ourselves and independent action are not allowed!!
Yuu: Shut up. There won’t be a problem if I defeat them.
Mitsuba: Thinking like that puts the entire squad in danger!
Vampire: Hahaha…exactly.
Yuu: What’d you say?
Vampire: Foolish humans. You’ve lost your chance to escape. You’re already completely surrounded.
Mitsuba: Wha…!
Kimizuki: Damn it, we have no choice but to fight now.
Yoichi: But, there’s so many. 10…20…and more.
Shinoa: Even if we fought all out, there’s no way we would all survive. This is the result of your choice, Yuu-san.
Yuu: ….
Vampire: Will you let us capture you, or will you die here…. I’ll let you choose.
Yuu: Damn it…because of me, because of me this….
Game over
Scene 5: As Long as it's Over…
Yuu: …….
Yoichi: Mitsuba-san, there’s no need to hit Yuu-kun ––.
Mitsuba: Quiet Yoichi, don’t interfere.
Yoichi: …….
Mitsuba: What were you thinking, Hyakuya Yuichiro! Your actions put the entire squad in danger!
Mitsuba: We’re lucky they were vampires with second class armaments, but….
Yuu: …I know. You’re right. But I’m not sorry. We needed to save that girl.
Mitsuba: …….
Yuu: But, I know I’m to blame. If it makes you feel better, you can hit me as much as you want.
Mitsuba: …I hate people like you the most. People like you…get their entire squad killed.
??? (Yuka): Um…
Yuu: Hmm?
Yuka: Thank you for saving me.
Yuu: Don’t worry about it. We just did the right thing.
Mitsuba: You’re Kirimi Yuka-chan, right.
Yuka: Um, yes.
Mitsuba: It’s alright now. From now on the Japanese Imperial Demon Army will protect you.
Yuka: Okay!
Yuu: Wow, so you are nice sometimes.
Mitsuba: …….
Yuu: Wh, what.
Mitsuba: I hate you!
Yuu: Huh? Huuuh!?
Mitsuba: Hmph.
Shinoa: Well, Micchan has a lot in her past too, so please be nice to her.
Yuu: What do you mean by “a lot”?
Shinoa: …It’s about the squad that Micchan used to belong to.
Shinoa: When one of her team members was caught by a Horseman, Micchan ignored her superior officer’s orders and broke formation to rescue him.
Kimizuki: Kind of like a certain someone.
Yuu: Huh? Don’t butt in. …And?
Shinoa: Micchan’s attack saved her team member. But, she let her guard down afterwards.
Shinoa: Micchan didn’t notice the enemy’s counterattack and was in trouble. Her superior officer saved her but….
Shinoa: He took the attack instead of Micchan and couldn’t retreat because of his wounds.
Yoichi: …….
Shinoa: Her superior officer risked his life so everyone else could escape, but in the end…the entire squad except Micchan….
Yuu: It wasn’t her fault.
Shinoa: I agree. In that situation, there wasn’t anything Micchan could have done.
Shinoa: I don’t believe that the squad was annihilated because she broke formation either….
Yoichi: But…I guess that’s why Mitsuba-san is so particular about team actions.
Kimizuki: So basically she values her team mates. Hey, Yuu. Aren’t you two kind of similar?
Yuu: …Shut up.
Shinoa: I shouldn’t have talked so much, so this conversation will be a secret. It will absolutely remain secret, okay? Especially for you, Yuu-san.
Yuu: Why just me…. Uh, yeah…I got it.
Shinoa: Do you really? It’s really, really a secret, okay?
Yuu: I said I got it, geez.
Shinoa: Really? You really get it?
Yuu: So annoying…. If you talk too much, Mitsuba will find out we heard it from you.
Shinoa: Huh, no way, you’re so mean.
Kimizuki: *Sigh*…I don’t want to listen to this anymore. Hey Yoichi, let’s go take a bath.
Yoichi: Oh, okay.
Yuu: Hey, wait. Me too!
Shinoa: Everyone, we’ll have a meeting afterwards, so please gather outside the bath, okay.
Scene 6: Washing Up in the Bath
Shinoa: *giggle*. Don’t be shy~.
Mitsuba: Wha? Whoa, wait a minute!
Yuu: They’re so slow…are they done yet?
Yoichi: I don’t think they’re that slow. It’s only been about ten minutes.
Kimizuki: Yuu, you’re bath was too quick. Even if you’re trying not to waste water, being done in five minutes is….
Kimizuki: Did you even wash yourself properly?
Yuu: Course I did. That’s about ––.
Mitsuba: Ahhhhhhhh!
Yuu: Wha…what?
Kimizuki: I thought they were noisy, but they’ve suddenly gone quiet….
Mitsuba’s scream was worrisome….
>Go check on them
>Call out to them from outside
Yuu: We should go check on them. It’s way too quiet….
Yoichi: Huh? Yuu-kun, you’re going in!?
Yuu: Yeah, I’ll go check in on them.
Yuu: Hey Mitsuba, we just heard you scream, are you okay?
Shinoa: Oh, Yuu-san, can you help me for a moment?
Mitsuba: *muffled*!!
Yuu: Did something happen? I’m coming, are you okay?
Shinoa: Yes. Micchan is a little.
Mitsuba: *muffled yell*!
Yuu: …What are you doing?
Shinoa: Ahh. Yuu-san is unexpectedly bold.
Mitsuba: ––––!
Yuu: So…? What are you doing?
Shinoa: Oh? That’s an unusually flat response.
Yuu: I somehow expected this. But, I thought I would check just in case.
Mitsuba: Get out get out get out!
Yuu: Oh shut up. I would leave without you telling me. Just get out already.
Yuu: For now, call out to them from out here.
Kimizuki: That’s a safe choice from you.
Yuu: There’s no need to go in and check on them.
Yoichi: I guess it might be a trap.
Yuu: Huh?
Yoichi: Nope, nothing.
Yuu: ……? Well, whatever.
Yuu: Hey, Shinoa. We just heard Mitsuba scream, is everything okay?
Shinoa: It’s not okay~. We’re in big trouble~.
Mitsuba: Hey Shinoa! You…*muffled*!!
Yuu: Yeah…sounds like you’re okay.
Shinoa: Huuuh. We really aren’t okay~.
Yuu: Just get out here already.
Shinoa: Aww. Yuu-san, you’re so cold~.
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(CG only appears in option 1)
Shinoa: Ah~, I’m so refreshed.
Mitsuba: Seriously, Shinoa….
Yuu: You two are so slow.
Shinoa: It takes time for girls to bathe.
Yuu: Shinoa. Next time, we have meetings before baths.
Shinoa: Aww.
Yuu: Then finish in five minutes.
Yoichi: Yuu-kun, isn’t that impossible….
Kimizuki: Oh, shut up. That girl’s here too. Let’s start already.
Yuka: …….
Shinoa: Right. Then….
Kimizuki: We have a few things we want to ask, is that okay?
Yuka: …Okay.
Kimizuki: It’s about where the vampires that captured you are hiding….
Yuu: Oh…but, if you don’t want to answer, you don’t have to. If you don’t want to….
Yuka: It’s okay…. To thank you for your help….
Yuu: Don’t worry about thanking us. If you smile every day, and live well from now on, that’s enough….
Yuka: …Omotesando.
Yuu: Wha…!?
Yuka: Omotesando Station….
Shinoa: According to her, the vampires are keeping humans in the Omotesando subway ruins.
Shinoa: There are seven vampires. There don’t seem to be any nobles.
Kimizuki: Can I say something?
Shinoa: Yes, go ahead.
Kimizuki: What do we do about the captured civilians?
Mitsuba: We’ll ignore them for now.
Kimizuki: What!?
Mitsuba: We can’t afford to worry about anyone.
Yuu: …….
Mitsuba: What’s that expression for? If you don’t agree, you can go back to Shibuya.
Yuu: Who said I disagreed? If I can kill vampires ––.
Shinoa: Also, if the vampires are awake and armed, we will retreat.
Yuu: Huh!? Retreating again?
Shinoa: To be honest, since you can use the Black Demon Series, there’s a possibility that you will be fine.
Shinoa: At best, I want to kill all the enemies unscathed. But, if you act arbitrarily ––.
Yuu: I won’t. Killing them unscathed…. Huh, that sounds nice.
Shinoa: I guess there are no objections. …Then, please get some rest for tomorrow.
To be continued.
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coldsouls · 7 years
wow it's been two years since i last felt this horrible time sure passes when you don't feel like dying everyday i don't even know how to start this off alienation? yeah hell yeah i feel like i'm this specimen trapped in a cage at a zoo where dozens of people pass by me every minute every hour every day and look at me through a glass screen. it's like being surrounded by happy people who can't even understand how you feel, even when they try to and the effort is appreciated but it's just not the same as being understood. so how do i feel? i ask myself this more than i should, almost like it's manually integrated into my head that i should remind myself to be happy or at least act happy enough to forget about anything i'm unhappy about and i hate it, hate that it's not a natural thing to not be unhappy. why am i unhappy? that's what i want to know, this type of unhappiness doesn't stop in my head, it goes through my whole body and down to my bones until it makes me feel like someone kicked me hard enough in the chest to make me lose my breath and hunch over. it's like a constant pressure, a hovering existence that's always there and always manages to come back whenever i get home from being out with friends, whenever i hang up the skype call, whenever it gets too quiet. and what causes it? myself? maybe, maybe i just think too much about things but it's not that either. sometimes i'm just really amazed at how i always manage to deceive myself into believing everyone, even people i've never spoken to, all hate me and that my friends find me annoying and tiring and that my parents see me as a waste of space. it's easy to tell me to stop overthinking, stop thinking so much, but it's not that. how can i overthink things when nothing happened? the thoughts and feelings come and go, usually with little to no cause. and the worst part is that i know logically they don't hate me and my friends aren't mad (probably..) but i??just??emotionally react like everything in the storm i thought up was real???? i'm not sure if this makes sense but it's almost like in math class when you're trying to solve for the hypotenuse of a right triangle through using the pythagorean theorem and the theorem tells you it's 6cm long but your ruler measures the hypotenuse to be 3 and you know that the theorem can't give you a wrong answer but no matter how you look at it, the printed hypotenuse will always be 3cm. i can't find a way out of my thoughts even though i know how i feel is just a reaction to bad thoughts and it keeps happening lately and???i just?? don't know how to deal with it and i don't know if i should tell anyone or just let it get better by itself and it's just a huge mess??? not to mention all i can think about is how all my life i've been brought up based on the principle that i should treat others the way i want to be treated. in every situation ever the first thing i ask isn't if i myself, is happy with it; the first thing i ask is how i would want the other person to react if our places were swapped. and i've noticed that in the end, i'm always the one who's forced to be the bigger person, forced to deal with things i don't like, forced to be nice and laugh hurtful jokes about myself away, forced to do more for others than i ever do for myself. no one forces me, i force myself. and i would be lying if i ever said i don't get tired of it, but i do all this for others because that's the type of kindness i would want others to treat me with, except in many cases that's not what happens. so how much longer do i have to be the bigger person? when others ask for anything: for me to stay up longer so they can talk, to play games, to go out, to open a link... anything at all, i feel obligated to do for them and i feel bad refusing even when i really don't feel like doing what they wanted me to do. i find it so hard to say no even when it's an act of self care because i'm so damn scared of being called selfish. i cannot stand selfish people whatsoever and it terrifies me that i might be a hypocrite. perfectly normal things i see others doing would make me feel terribly selfish if i did them myself. i get called selfish by my mom whenever i do the tiniest thing for myself but then other times i get called a selfless fool because all i do is put others before myself. it feels like i'm in a maze and every direction i turn is the wrong way. everything i do is wrong and everything i like gets shit on by other people and i'm not someone who cares much for what others think, but when you feel like you're criticized for every.last.thing it's kind of a different story. i got a tattoo over old scars as a reminder to myself to love myself more and to stop hurting myself when i'm upset and that gets shit on. i get shit on for wearing makeup because "only insecure people need makeup" but like no? i can go out without makeup and feel perfectly fine.. i even get shit on for using apple products?? like yeah you're right it's such a small thing but it's a small thing that adds onto a list of a million other small things and i'm sorry i'm only human and there's only so much i can take. whatever, everyone has their own opinions but is it really necessary to voice them to me in such a way? when i disagree with someone, i don't even say anything bc i KNOW we all have our own thoughts so why can't people do the same for me? i can't make everyone around me happy, can't even make myself happy so why do i feel so damn pressured all the time, pressured to be enough for them, for myself. why do i always end up falling asleep thinking about how incompetent i am, no matter how good my day was and why do i still feel this terribly about myself. i'm not a robot and i can't kill off emotions as much as i want too. you're happy as a result of your own variables and i just learned to stop caring about stupid things, which is what ultimately made me progress from the dark and ugly pit i was down in before. i never killed any feelings, i just learned to manipulate them. it's easy to forget about someone or forgive someone for hurting me, but even today, the one thing i can't manipulate is how i feel about myself. a year ago i wasn't afraid of anything because i felt like i had nothing to lose but halfway through i just became tired of living like a robot; i had good people around me and they deserved more than what i gave them. so i slowly let them in and it made me feel more alive but then i began to have days of just hating myself and feeling like i was never enough. i know that i can't live feeling (completely) dead inside forever so i don't plan on pushing anyone away but i also wish this terrible feeling would go away. maybe i'll talk to someone. maybe i'll send a link of this post eventually. i don't know. it's hard to talk about what's bothering me. i mean when someone asks "what's wrong" you can't just be like "oh sometimes i want to kill myself bc i totally hate the way i am." but i guess this is letting things out, at least in writing. and if i do send this link to someone and they actually read the whole thing, well, not in a rude way but like wow i didn't expect anyone to care about me enough to get here so thanks..for wasting ten minutes of your life reading this dumb confession? don't need anyone to ask if i'm doing okay but it's nice having people care from a distance.
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willshowerthots · 7 years
The Misadventures of The Batfamily
A/N: Written in script form, an rp between my friends and I. A what if we were adopted by the batfamily, cuz why not. Fanfic, lots of crack, lots of angst (soon), We do not own the batfamily, because if we did we would not be doing this. I personally would have written Bruce veeeeery differently. *Whispers: If you guys only knew how we write Bruce the first few times, it was hilarious* Now then this is more for our enjoyment than anything, if you guys enjoy it, go ahead, if not well haters gun’a hate hate hate hate hate~ ^.~
Summary: When four half siblings wished to be a family and made a deal for it to work, they never thought that they would be adopted by the Batman of all people. Although it’s not as if being the charges of one Bruce Wayne is an easy thing, they also have to struggle with sacrifices they’ve made and conflicts that seems to arise at every turn… not to mention the already complicated problems the Bat Family currently have. An overly affectionate acrobat, a supposedly dead rebel, an insecure genius and a demon brat of many skills and pride.
Chapter 1: Shenanigans
A flash of bright light and suddenly four beings were thrown from the vortex, almost immediately the portal closed and the skies dimmed back to their normal midnight blue color.
Rafael: Ugh, well that was unpleasant. *shakes head and blinks at his companions.* Everyone okay?
Mikhael: I don’t feel any different. Sera? Israel? How do you guys feel? *runs his hands through his hair*
Israel: Man, that must’ve sucked. That hurts, somewhat. Oh well.
Sera: Something feels odd, but I doubt they're that important right now. *shrug*
Rafael: Great! Now that we’ve established that everyone is safe and sound. Where the hell are we? *glances around, blinks and looks down* Woah, it really worked? *Touches boobs* I’m a woman! Then that means… *Opens pants and looks inside* Ohh so that’s what it looks like!
Mikhael: Easy there bro, I mean sis. There are kids here. *summons a mirror* My power seems to be working fine here. But why do I look less Asian here… *breaks mirror*
Israel: What the Heck!!! *shields eyes with hands, traumatized forever*
Sera: *slaps Ray's hands* Stop that!
Rafael: Ow! What? Oh yeah ahahah kids, sorry? *smiles sheepishly* Do I look any different? Aside from the gender change of course. *Glances at Mika for answer, ignores the freaked out Israel*
Mikhael: Not really, except for those little things one would call hills. You’re still obviously an idiot though.
Sera: *sighs* I'll go find out where exactly we are.
Israel: MY EYES HAVE BEEN BURNED!!! *still panics like a smol egg tart*
Rafael: *side eyes Israel* Calm down smol Ray, everything’s fine. *glance back to Mika* Oh! Thanks, Mika! *hugs Mika tightly into her now big bosoms*
Mikhael: Let go of me you incompetent man, I mean woman. I’ll take care of this *proceeds to erase Sera’s and Isreal’s memory of that event* there. Better?
Israel: Huh? What happened? *blinks innocently*
Sera: Seriously, Mikhael? I can feel you poking my mental shields. *pauses for a minute  and blinks in confusion*… Oh, ha! My magic’s stronger here! You didn't account for that!
Rafael: NEVER! IWUVYOUUUU!!! *hugs Mika tightly*
Mikhael: I’m surrounded by idiots. *shakes head, tries to kick Rafael away*
Israel: Wait a minute! If you guys changed! Then so have I! *grabs Ray’s ‘bosoms’* Have I changed too, schwester?! *puppy dog eyes*
Rafael: *let’s go of Mika* Hmn, well yer hair’s gotten whiter and yer eyes changed colors from violet to blue, I miss the midnight black hair, smol Ray! *ruffles his hair and hugs him into bossoms*
Sera: GUUUUYSSSS READY YOURSELVES!!!!!! I'M BEING CHASED BY IDIOTS!!!!!!!!! *throws an illusion of a weak fire spell at them and causes a mild explosion behind the bandits? No Idiots* OK! I did not expect that!
Rafael: OoO Uhh… Shield me, smol Ray! *throws him bodily into the fray of burning men*
Israel: @w@ What?! Whyyyyyyyyyy?! Aadhjfnqkwenc.
Mikhael: Idiots. They’re all idiots. Why? Why must it be me? What did I do to deserve this. *freezes the idiots in their place*
Sera: Don't blame me! I had no idea that would happen! I expected it to be an illusion! I just wanted to scare them! *She sighs before throwing a very under powered, in her opinion, Blizzard spell at the Idiots in front of her*
Rafael: Cuz why not? 8D Yev always been the smarter one! >D Now then, my turn! *pulls out cane sword and unsheathes it to decapitate said bad frozen men*
Israel: *almost got his head chopped off* Be careful! Ya almost chopped my head off!
Mikhael: Rafael! Don’t put your brother in harms way. Sera! you need to have more control over your powers over here. Israel, well, don’t be an idiot, you’re overreacting.
Sera: Hey! I told you my magic is stronger here I didn't know if it would affect my illusions! *pauses* Oh wait I wasn't here when I said that.
Rafael: Tsk, such a pity, I would have wanted roasted pork for dinner. Oh well~ *grins toothily*
Israel: I’m not overreacting! You lot almost got me killed! *sluggishly sits on the ground like a child with his hands crossed over his chest*
Mikhael: So what do we do about the idiots? I mean, the dead idiots. *points to the pile of decapitated bodies*
Rafael: *shrugs* Cook em? Eat em? Serve em to the poor? Why not? Anything is possible.
Sera: Why you even kill them in the first place?!
Israel: OoO HUH?!?! I AM NOT A CANNIBAL! Well… not yet anyways. Are they tasty at least? *contemplates human meat*
Mikhael: Well, lets see. *casts a spell to “cook” the mangled bodies of the idiots* here we go, human stew. Do you also want some? You dark little shadow thing up there? I hear human meat tastes like chicken.
Sera: I ain't eating that. *grabs a peach from her bottomless bag* Thanks for helping me enchant this Mika! Hey Batsy! Do you want a peach?!
Rafael: *whistles* Amazing!  So that’s what cooked humans look like. Hannibal is accurate. Hey come join us, this looks like fun. *offer roasted human leg*
Mikhael: *nods at his little sister while stirring the pot of cooked meat*
Batman: *calls alfred* Gotham might have a situation.
Sera: Help me Batsy! These egg rolls are crazy!
Israel: @_@ My family is weird, help me mister bat sir! *whines pitifully*
Batman: *jumps down from the rooftop and lands in front of everyone in silence as he observes more*
Rafael: *Stares at Batman equally, then grinned and threw the roasted human leg at him* Hah!
Mikhael: *makes the pot of human meat disappear* Well, well, well. What do we have here? A grown man who dresses up in a weird bat costume that fights crime in the dark of night. There’s something you can’t solve with therapy. *casts a spell over batman's head*
Israel: *Runs and tackles Batman* Heeeeeeelppppppp meeeeeeee~ *whines like a dog* I dun wanna eat human meat! It’s icky and tastes like metal! It’s not even sweet!
Sera: *is still holding her peach as she runs to hide behind Batman. Glares at Ray and Mika .* Egg rolls *she muttered*
Rafael: Didju see that?! I threw the leg at him! He didn’t even blink! It’s like one of those british army men thing guarding the London Square! 8D *points at Batman with intrigue*
Mikhael: What my dear sister? Use your words. Also Rafael don’t provoke the man, bat, thing. He already has enough problems of his own. Like dressing up like a bat, and acting like a stalker, all the while wearing the word “creepy pedophile” across his forehead. *removes the spell*
Sera: You Egg rolls *still glaring* I will slap you both with leeks *is clutching Batsy's cape the peach core is thrown at Ray's face and summons tomato illusions to throw at both Mika and Ray*
Rafael: *dodges projectiles gracefully like the well experienced spy that he, well she is* I will continue to provoke the man, bat, thing! WAHAHAHAHA! I do what I want Th-I mean Mika! I shouldn’t mention that name, pop culture references aren’t a good thing with these time line things after all.
Israel: e.e showoff… *Clutching Batman’s face*
Sera: Stand still dangit *she glares more intensely* (If looks looks could kill Ray and Mika’d be dead by now)
Mikhael: I am standing still. *disintegrates whatever that is thrown at him without even raising a finger.*
Rafael: Ahahahah~ No can do, mi souer~ *Does dramatics flips and elaborate parkour moves*
Israel: Lil Ray, maybe you can stop? I dun think being angry is going to solve your problem. What is your problem by the way? *tilts head innocently like a pupper*
Sera: *Stares at Israel*
Batman: *eye twitch* ….. *what is this thing doing on my head* ….. *why is that thing dancing* ….. *why is this thing pulling my cape, what is it throwing* …..  *why is that thing just standing there, why is that not getting hit by whatever this thing in throwing* …..
Mikhael: You realize I can read your mind right? How disrespectful of you to call me and my “siblings” “things”. You’re one to talk. You’re an overgrown man wearing a batsuit.
Rafael: *dramatically clutches chest* Ouch! Thing, he used thing! So mean! I am a person! A human being, good sir! *makes dramatic noises worthy of an oscar role, or well trophy*
Israel: Hey! That’s mean! *punches Batman’s head* Ow! Your head hurt meeeeee! *whines*
Sera: Why am I a thing~!!!!! *pulls Bat's cape HARD!*
Israel: Harambe! URAAAA! *tackles Batman again and wrestles him*
Sera: Mewwwwwwwww!!!!!!  You’re crushing meeeee!!! >^< *flailing arms*
Mikhael: What do you think you’re doing to my little sister? *makes batman float in midair, releasing Sera* You stay there. *watches batman struggle to get down* Isreal! Behave! Look what happened to your little sister.
Rafael: *snaps* How dares you crush my lil Ray! *charges forward with all trap cards drawn and thrown, explosions erupted and pulls out his cane sword and tries to decapitate Batman*
Sera: hic-hic *sniffles *
Isreal: *whimpers like a puppy* But… But… I thought you were going to force feed me human meat… And then the mean man called me a thing. I didn’t mean to… *runs over to sera while crying and hugs her*
Nightwing: Wait! Stop! *drops down and intercepts the cane sword with his escrima sticks then pushes Ray away, falls on his feet with his hands up in surrender* We didn’t mean any harm, right Batman? *gives Batman a meaningful look*
Mikhael: First a man in a bat suit, now a man in a unitard. Great, just great. *shakes head in disgrace* maybe your boss should explain why he was spying on us.
Rafael: Tche right, he was crushing my lil Ray! *points to the still floating Batman, then whispers to Mika* Although you have to applaud him for even having the bravery or foolishness to wear said tights in public.
Israel: *still crying like a lil dogge* I dun care boutchuuuuuuuu *pets and snuggles face all over Sera, including tears and snot*
Sera: Stooooop Isra I will burn you to a crisp or turn you into a popsicle *still sniffling*
Israel: But you needed comfort! I’m trying to be nice! Because bruder said sooooooo! *whimpers and continues petting but stops snuggling, tears and snot still dripping down his face and nose*
Sera: Let gooooo you're disgusting!!!!!!! *teary eyed but not crying anymore*
Mikhael: Take care of your face *summons a handkerchief in mid air* Here, *summons another one for Sera*
Rafael: *Grimaces* Ew… *grabs the handkerchief and bodily wipes the tears and snot from Smol Ray’s face then Sera too*
Israel: *Sniffles* Thwankwyou.... *fiddles with the handkerchief* Sworry *snaps fingers and Sera instantly gets a change of clothes, looks at his feet dejectedly*
Sera: Thank you… *hugs him* I'm still not happy about the snot though.
Israel: Yay~ Boo~ *hugs and nuzzles his now clean face into hers*
Rafael: *smiles adoringly* Ahh ma babies~
Mikhael: Of all the families I had to be born into, it had to be this one. *sigh*
NIghtwing: Aww, cute. See B, they’re harmless!
Batman: I beg to differ. Look *shows Nightwing a video of the Hunter family killing and cooking some bandits*
Nightwing: Magic? Wait. Shouldn’t we call the League for this?
Rafael: *whispers to Mika* I think they’re talking about us? What do you think we should do about them?
Mikhael: No shit Ray. *facepalms* I’m not sure, should we kill them all?
Rafael: Hey! Language! Kids here! *glances at both Lil Ray and Smol Ray* I’m game for that. But then Lil Ray will try to kill us with her stare again. *groans*
Sera: *Turns to Nightwing and stares with “sad” eyes* cheep~ cheep~ cheep~ cheep~
Israel: *doesn’t care about what is happening around him, just satisfied with ze hug, nuzzles Sera some more* Baaa~
Nightwing: *stares* I’m calling the League, yep *Calls the Watchtower* Uh, hi? Superman? Yeah we have two kids here and two teens who seem to be metas? Yes I need help trying to make sense of what is happening in here because I have no idea what is happening and B refuses to talk any more than what he normally does. I know, just get here!
Rafael: O.o What the fu-heck? Almost slipped there.
Mikhael: You realize I can just as easily kill Superman and anyone in the League right?
Israel: Are we going to jail, schwester? Bruder? *looks up with big goo goo eyes* I dun wanna go there, there are many bad people there. *whimpers and clutches Sera tightly*
Sera: *teleports to Nightwing and tugs his arm lightly eyes pleading*
Israel: Ehhhh? Whyyyyy? *close to tears, making grabbing hand motions*
Rafael: Uh-oh. *Grabs Smol Ray and hugs him into her bosoms* There, there, lil buddy. *Sweatdrops, why did I become the mother like figure…?*
Mikhael: This is getting out of hand. *pauses everyone* Let’s just get this over with. *casts a spell over Batman and Nightwing to proceed as planned, and makes Superman forget he ever got a call while erasing any traces of a call being made to the Watchtower*
(Somewhere in the skies of Gotham)
Superman: What am I doing in Gotham? I need to get back to the Watchtower.
(Back with Batman)
Batman: Let’s just adopt all of them.
Nightwing: What? B you realize that these people aren’t exactly normal human beings right? Why would you want to adopt them? Aren’t we enough for you?
Rafael: I have no idea what is happening. *clutching Smol Ray with an incredulous expression*
Israel: *Gives no cares*
Sera: *tugs at Nightwing’s hand again*
Nightwing: *glances down at her* … Uhm… *doesn’t have an idea of what to do* B? *stares at Batman helplessly*
Mikhael: Carry her or die? *shoots Nightwing death stares* Pick your poison.
Rafael: *Snarls like a mother hen* That’s my little sister! Ya better not drop her!
Batman: I think you better do as your new siblings say.
Nightwing: @w@ What? What is happening, B? *bends to carry said child confusedly* new siblings?
Sera: Yay!
Rafael: *nods in satisfaction* Now what did you mean by adopting us? Mister tall dark and batsy? *smiles creepily*
Israel: Uh-oh, Schwester is mad! *raises fist in the air victoriously like an idiot*
Batman: Pancakes. Let’s go have pancakes, as a family.
Nightwing: WHAT?!?!?! @w@ *really confused now*
Sera: Double Yay!
Rafael: Hmn… *eyes Batman suspiciously* I have two eyes on you batboy. One foot out of line and kweeek! *gestures finger to throat*
Israel: DIDJU SAY PANCAKE? I WANT BLUEBERRY! *makes grabby motions again*
Mikhael: Let us proceed.
Nightwing: WAIT. WHAT IS GOING ON??? Is there even a pancake house open this late into the night, B?!
Rafael: I’m with you on this kid, but whelp, let’s just follow the children, yeah? *pats Nightwing’s shoulder empathically and nods head*
Mikhael: Everything is going as planned sister. You wanted a “happy” family right?
Rafael: Ohh yeah, sorry man. *pats Nightwing’s shoulder again* I stole your dad. Well technically they did, I dun want a dad. I already have one, he’s very much a better dad than well… that. *points to Batman*
Mikhael: This wasn’t my first choice either. Blame the stupid twin.
Rafael: Desho??? He’s such a… a… bat...
Batman: To the pancake cave!!!
Israel: Yay! Pancake cave! *wiggles and jumps from Rafael’s hold to run over to Batman and tugs on his cape.* Carry? *makes grabby motion*
Rafael: I… I feel abandoned… My baby… *internally screams*
Batman: *bends over to carry Israel* Let’s goooo! *flings his cape around idiotically* To the batmobile!
Israel: Yay~ batsy batsy! *pounds on batman’s head all excitedly*
Sera:I wanted batsy…. Oh well, I have Nightwing!
Nightwing: *facepalm* B… why…? What happened to you? *hands Sera over to Rafael* Then I better go to my Wingcycle. Catch you guys back in the… pancake cave… sighs. *shoots a grappling hook and swings away with style*
Sera: Nooooooooo
Rafael: *watches Nightwing ‘fly’ away with a deadpan look on his face* Of course I’d be unwanted… after all I’m not even in a unitard or hot muscley like him. *mutters bitterly* Indeed… pancake cave… is it really a pancake cave? Please tell me it’s not made of actual pancakes?
Sera: Nooo I want you too I just like Nightwing too
Mikhael: That can be arranged.
Rafael: No! Please don’t! I don’t think the children need an advance dose of sugar rush, Mika.
~End of Chapter 1~
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