#this is how i see cc's logging on post lore arc
chapinii · 21 days
rip q!pac it's so sad how that potion went wrong and you were possessed by the spirit of a 28 year old straight man who likes fifa
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leolingo · 7 months
(long post about purgatory and meta and rp)
sigh one thing ive been thinking is that it feels a bit unfair to see so many people complaining or doomposting over how purgatory affects the overarching qsmp rp story or how it ~interrupted arcs~ or is ~disturbing current storylines~ or ~narratively unsatisfying~ like. Sure. its a bit abrupt and most players were caught off guard because lore-wise it stems from the federation which means none of them were told about anything beforehand
but... its only been three days. maybe we could have a little faith? like idk ill be soooooo out there rn and say that maybe the admins did this now for a reason. maybe itll make sense later on. we already see lore repercussions with elquackity and his motives and all the nods to the eggs.
theres fair criticism to be made (when done respectfully) if youre mainly here for the roleplay but i feel like we sometimes need to remind ourselves that the qsmp storytelling is a VERY ambitious project. lmao. imagine being the writing team and trying to wrangle 20+ characters with distinct points of view and journeys on an ever-changing story because of the very nature of live rp. its practically IMPOSSIBLE to tie up every loose end neatly and at this point i dont think we should expect that. keeping up momentum with all plotlines must also be pretty hard, cc's schedules and outside factors like server programming and building and mod tweaking and all those meta elements considered and so on and so on
i DO also want the story to move forward and be cohesive and make sense in a satisfactory way. like i really do!!!!!!! but i try to understand that thats not ALL the qsmp is about. from the start quackity said the server wouldn't be exclusive to the rp aspect. it sure is that way right now, but thats because most of the active members are VERY passionate about roleplaying. thats a good thing! they have fun and its fun to watch and the experience is mostly good for everyone because it corresponds to their expectations to an extent
the thing about purgatory is that i feel like its a lot more meta than most people doomposting realize. it ties into the story, sure, but to me it feels like the sudden switch in environment and vibes and stakes isnt actually catered to the rp and thats FINE. like thats not what it exists for and thats fineeeeeee
pac for one has said he appreciates the event for the change of pace, though its very hard (lol), because regular qsmp was starting to feel a bit stale to him and he was kind of running out of things to do. THATS A GREAT THING! managing player engagement like that is awesome and sometimes necessary. YES, purgatory caters to a very different playstyle than what we're used to -- and thats one of its strenghts.
a lot of hispanic creators have also felt this!!!! roier, rivers and carre most prominently have been VERY excited about this event because its similar in format to a lot of spanish speaking events like mc extremo and such. a lot of these players are also not particularly interested in rp-ing and had not been logging on very often prior to purgatory.
even roleplay regulars like tubbo, fit and bbh have shown interest in purgatory for the competitive nature of the setting!!! thats cool too!!!! something different, new possibilities to play around with. thats what the events should be about. kudos to the admins and dev teams for attempting it in such a big scale. their effort shows and all the mechanics weve seen are really fucking cool
i love the roleplay!!!!!! its one of my favorite parts of the qsmp!!!!!! but its not ALL there is and it shouldnt be! non rp-oriented creators are also part of the project and deserve to have a little fun too -- not to mention a big chunk of the hispanic fan community that has blown up twitter with support bc what we have rn is similar to events they already love!!!!!!! im glad to see so many of them get excited again!!!!!!
at the end of the day, qsmp is a LONG long term project, and purgatory ends in two weeks. by the time its over, we can all choose to engage with it as we wish. it can be a big filler episode in your mind, if you want. it can be just for fun..... otherwise, if its not fun, your regularly scheduled qsmp will be back soon anyway :3 its fine to not like it, its fine to have something negative to say about it if properly tagged and not like. crazy entitled or blown out of proportion for what this situation is.
i just hope we can all manage our online experiences accordingly and avoid making things less enjoyable for each other. this is supposed to be fun
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a1t-alt · 2 years
I miss c!Ranboo...
I miss falling asleep during the mining streams and waking up to screaming or shouting or Tubbo and just laughing my ass off, then having to go back and watch the vod to see what I missed. I miss c!beeduo family and beeduo logging on in unison to protect their little dumb little stinky little guy (/lh /a). I miss getting excited for a stream only for Ranboo to go live with the lore screen, and getting so anxious I got sick- I miss the goofy lore, the stuff that happened after or in between the scripted bits. I miss c!Ranboo doing everything in his power to please everyone just because he couldn't stomach the idea of someone not liking him/ not feeling safe around him. I miss so many dumb things that I know we'll never get back. He's.. he's not getting revived, not how we might think or hope, I imagine.
Ghostboo is such an interesting character, and I adore his character flaws and mistakes and how he's portrayed. I love that he cares so deeply for Michael and has him safely kept in his- in c!Ranboo's home, in the Arctic. I love that he and Aimsey got close, and that he messed up their friendship in the stupidest possible way. I love that c!Tubbo loathes Ghostboo with a passion, because he's not c!Ranboo- he's not him.
I miss the lore streams.. and watching all the POVs to catch the little things you might not see otherwise. I miss getting so unfathomably motivated to make art over the smallest dumbest little details. I miss seeing so many people come together to tell a story that's so vast yet so we'll put together. I miss the nonsense. I miss the chaos. I miss cc!Tommy playing his heart out through his character, and cc!Tubbo being unsure and fumbling or!! being one of the most well played characters! I miss c!Sam, from before the prison, with c!Tommy. I miss Sam Nook and c!Tommy's healing arc. I miss when Phil and Techno let Ranboo move in, and him living in a tiny shack.
There are.. so many things that I'm forgetting, things I used to hold so close to my heart, things I want to see more of. But times have changed. People have changed. And that's okay! It's good- change and growth is good! I may not be certain on how I feel about the upcoming DSMP lore/ story (quite frankly, I haven't seen or heard much on it), I am excited to see people play again. I'm excited to see people start from scratch and build together again. I'm excited to see where people take their characterisations and how often they'll be on, how often they'll be making lore. I miss the Dream SMP, and how close it was to my heart and soul. I want to hold it as close as I used to, because it was one of the only things that got me through the last 2 years.
Sorry for rambling kings, I was just.. thinking, and needed to post on this <3
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simplepotatofarmer · 3 years
cc!techno roleplay appreciation*!
(*actual, not clickbait)
there's been so much negativity about techno's rp style that i just want to make a post of all the things i adore and appreciate
he has excellent timing. whether it's with logging in at exactly the right moment - the pet war, the red banquet - or speaking up at the best time - 'that's going to be a problem, dream' - or chat comments. honestly, the little moments that he pops in to make some quip in chat only to leave again are wonderful. they lightening the mood or show some insight to his perspective and i love it.
on that same note, it's really endearing to me that he so clearly watches his friends' streams closely enough to do that! he's invested in what they're doing, even when he's not actually involved.
he's extremely consistent with not only his style but his reactions and his character. that isn't to say his character hasn't changed but that he's always changed in a way that was consistent and made sense. he's given in character explanations as to why his character reacts the way he does in serious situations, stating that he deals poorly with them. it sets up the perfect reason for him to stick to his desire to keep his streams light.
again, on that note, his streams honestly are perfect for people like me who struggle with anxiety/ptsd. i can watch them without worry or concern that it might trigger me. i know exactly what i'm getting with a techno lore stream.
he still manages to keep up the suspense, despite being extremely consistent with his tone. it'd be easy to think that nothing bad will ever happen to his character but we've seen bad things happen. i remember being worried for both him and carl during the butcher army bit. when he gave his will to phil, i was honestly emotional and concerned for him!
he's great at visual roleplay and playing to the camera. techno's ability to pick the right moment to look at the camera/turn to the person he's talking to, is so so wonderful. it always adds a punch of humor or serves to highlight something important. both the birthday and prison stream are great examples of that! his looks back to his friends, showing how they're his support, the clear and deliberate focusing on important aspects of the prison so we know that he knows it's a trap without spelling it out. he sets up a ton of visual subtext and it's amazing.
his character arc is touching and well-written. it is absolutely heart-warming to see a character that entered the story to help others, felt betrayed and used and struggled with those feelings, who thought being alone was the only way to be safe, learn to trust his friends and be safe with them.
techno shows us how subtle changes and losses can be just as impactful as large and dramatic ones. techno's character has suffered losses and hurts and deals with those in a consistent for his character way. it's subtle but it's there. going off to the north, becoming a pacifist which was a complete 180 for him was great because it was a small thing but a realistic one to seeing your tactic fail. and his changes now are also subtle but impactful! starting the syndicate was a show of how he's changed. he never really spells these things out for us, but allows us to see it.
he has amazing lines that stick with you. i got into dsmp because of techno and specifically because of his 'i'm a person!' and 'don't you see what's happening here?' lines. they're poignant, they're always spot on in character, and they're always delivered so well. he has a great way of acting that is consistent to his character and style yet still hits you hard. 'for you the world' is said so softly and with so much affection that i honestly tear up thinking about it.
speaking of, his acting is just great. his slow deliberate laughs, the hint of panic when he's trying to stall in high pressure situations, the firm but gentle attempts at comforting others - 'healing's a long process, it's fine' 'it's okay, calm down, dream' - and the worry and fear that comes out when his friends are in danger (phil under house arrest, ranboo being trapped in the hole by bad). it's great and never seems out of place for his character!
he gives us so many insights into his character merely by the way he interacts with the world and other characters. it's honestly so refreshing to see a character that really just shows us what he's like through small actions. i love seeing those moments because they all add up to this big, complex picture. we get to see it all, from big moments like his speeches and doomsday to small moments like feeding animals and giving food to people and it's all just as important!
cc!techno, despite real life challenges, tries to include as many people as he can. hearing niki and puffy etc. talk about how he's always trying to include people was just so sweet. during the birthday stream, he kept focusing on niki and trying to give her attention and i genuinely thought that was great.
the writing for his character is wonderful. as a former english major and writer myself, i love the stories/arcs he writes for his character. again, it's always consistent and makes sense but it also serves as something different! it's a different perspective and style, a different type of a character, one that doesn't have large obvious changes, but does change and more impactfully, brings change with him.
as a long time RPer and DM, cc!techno is exactly the kind of rp partner i would want or the sort of player i would want at my table. he brings something different but easy to work with. he's happy to step back and let other people have their moments. he reacts in a way that's easy for others to play off of but also keeps things light which is helpful because rp can be high pressure, especially in front of such a large audience and live. his presence is comforting and i love when you can hear his friends trying not to laugh.
"i have a pickaxe and i'll put it through your teeth!"
anyway, as someone with adhd and anxiety, i just want to say i appreciate cc!techno and his roleplaying so much! it's comforting, it's easy for me to understand his tone, his emotions come through clearly without being overwhelming and he genuinely adds so much to the server and story!
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xpoolboy · 3 years
alright i saw a couple posts talking about the potential future (or non-future) of the dreamsmp so i'm gonna put my two cents in
while the dreamsmp is an amazing server, it was doomed to eventually dry out, and it's been heading that way for the past six months. basically since after the final disc confrontation, or maybe the red banquet. i predicted it would last no more than 2-3 years, because of the circumstances in which it was made and it's purpose.
first, it wasn't made to last. it was made for one or two streams for the dreamteam, and when tommy was added it expanded from there. at the start, tommy was the backbone of the smp, and while wilbur added in the roleplay aspect, tommy started the conflict and storyline aspect of it. he's what made it interesting and appealing to viewers. someone else mentioned this before, but i can't find the post so i'm just saying what i remember: after dream realized that people were growing from joining his server, he started adding people he thought had potential as content creators to give them a boost. however, as they grew and expanded their audience and got an audience of their own, they became less and less reliant on the dsmp for views. i think you can really see this through tommy's switch on videos on his main channel when he switched from posting edited stream videos of dsmp roleplay to his mod videos. he no longer needed to rely on dsmp content to get views and an audience, and therefore was creating less and less content on it because he didn't need to. when these creators get the big enough boost they need from the smp, they switch up their content to reach even more audiences. tommy hasnt posted a dreamsmp video since about 10 months ago.
in addition to this, i've noticed a pattern of how people tend to act when they're first added to the smp - for the first couple weeks or even months they'll spend every free waking hour on the server establishing themselves, getting gear, catching up to everyone else. then, they stop going on it as much and log in less and less as the novelty of "oh my god i'm on THE dream's minecraft server" wears off, this is especially shown in ranboo and foolish
thirdly, quarantine and when COVID was very bad ABSOLUTELY was a huge reason for the success of the dsmp and the activity on it. they could barely do vlogs because of restrictions (and outrage from fans if they didn't follow COVID protocols properly), hundreds of thousands of teens had excess amounts of free time to discover new creators, and most importantly: the cc's had nothing better to do than play minecraft all day. once the COVID situation improved, more opportunities to create new and different content were created. they'd been on the server and used it as their main source of content for many months now, and they either got bored of it or just wanted to try something new
fourthly, every minecraft roleplay server has an expiration date. none of them can last forever, and the dsmp was in a very particular situation that made it last over a year longer than most would. however, that situation is rapidly changing, and the creators are moving onto new content and barely logging into the server. while there might still be a bit of lore, it will most likely be to wrap up their arcs.
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murfeelee · 3 years
Weekend! Replies!
Man, what a week! My mood was already low, thanks to the Post+ crapfest, like omg Tumblr’s really tryna get people sued. But the cherry on top was the braincells I wasted watching the EA Play 2021 event, like I give a crap about Dead Space 4--WHERE TF IS DRAGON AGE 4, EA/BIOWARE!? Who do I kill?
simsmono replied to your post “C2077 Clouds INSP Set”
Thank you for these!!
cavernsofdarkness replied to your post “C2077 Clouds INSP Set”
Thank you for feeding my cyberpunk obsession one piece of cc at a time 🖤
You’re both very welcome! I’ll be so glad to be done converting from C2077; this is one of the hardest games I’ve ever converted from, ISTG.
simsdestroyer replied to your post “Check In Tag”
Lol!!!!!  Hilarious!!!
cavernsofdarkness replied to your post “Check In Tag”
I died at "and I still get people showing up on my front lawn" 🤣
I’m gonna be a freaking menace when I get old; I can tell.
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solori replied to your post “Check In Tag”
omg yessss!!! I DO WANT ts1-ts2 remake! that's literally my sims-dream 😍😍😍
IKR!? That would be the coolest thing ever--TS2 has aged extraordinarily well, considering it’s a 20+ year old game. All it needs is modern meshes/textures and graphics, and updated pop culture references--the gameplay is arguably better than TS3; its neighborhoods are pretty great; the lore is iconic, and the TS2 community is still thriving to this day. A TS1/TS2 remake would be the best thing for The Sims franchise, rather than making TS5. The Resident Evil 2 remake was outstanding. Unfortunately, Final Fantasy 7′s remake wasn’t all it was hyped up to be, and they took it in what many feel is the WRONG direction. So simmers would have to hope EAxis wouldn’t eff up and like, remove any of TS2′s features; just add to what’s already there (TS3′s CASt & Story Progression, TS4′s build mode, Freeplay’s venues, etc).
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pixelatedlawnflamingos replied to your post “TS4 to TS3 Strangerville CAS Miniset”
Thank you!!!!
catbrokensims3 reblogged your post “TS4 to TS3 Strangerville CAS Miniset”
Thank youuuuuu!! ❤💙💜
You’re very welcome! 🛸👽🖖
solori replied to your post “CQL/MDZS INSP - Gusu Arc Pt2c: The Gift  CAPTIONS...”
cuuute :D
Thank you! 🐰
nornities replied to your post “Farm Sweet Farm - Part 3 Nagron’s back in...”
Haha, the amount of sheep on my dash has exploded! That’s awesome :)
The second I saw those sheep I dropped everything I was doing. Freaking astounding work, creating a new animal completely from scratch. EFF EA, seriously! @greenplumbboblover​​ is THE G.O.A.T.! 🐐
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poisonfireleafs replied to your post “Farm Sweet Farm - Part 3 🐑🐐  Nagron’s back in...”
Such a beautiful farm. It reminds me of the farms in my country
Thank you! I’m pretending Aurora Skies is in Germany, but it really screams the Netherlands, Denmark, Scandinavia, LOL.
technicallyswagpizza replied to your post “Farm Sweet Farm - Part 3 Nagron’s back in...”
I need a goat horse in my life so badly
Same! Mules and tigons and zebroids are cool or whatever, but it’s high time natural selection created some satyrs and centaurs and fauns already; it’s getting boring.
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solori replied to your post “Farm Sweet Farm - Part 3 🐑🐐 Nagron’s back in...”
now we have your bunnies and sheeps. who need ts4 farm?? :D
PREACH! Greenplumboblover singlehandedly proved that simmers can create whatever the heck we want, given the know-how. I can’t wait to see what else the community comes up with (I want peacocks, just saying 🦚). It just goes to show that EA is lazy AF--ONE PERSON created a farm animal from scratch in their free time, for free, and I bet it didn’t take GPL 6 whole years to make them, the way it took EA 6 years to convert the chickens and cows from TS3 to TS4 for $40. 🙄 #EAYouSuck
solori replied to your post “Baby Dragons as Pet Birds - WIP Last year I...”
awesome!! :D
kosmokhaos replied to your post “Baby Dragons as Pet Birds - WIP Last year I...”
Ooooh that's so cool
doka-chan replied to your post “Baby Dragons as Pet Birds - WIP Last year I...”
What a nice idea ! :D
Thank you all! I hope I can figure out how to fix them!
rainyunknownllama replied to your post “Baby Dragons as Pet Birds - WIP Last year I...”
Maybe try making custom made bird cages to fit their bodies? Maybe that solve the size issue? Cool idea regardless tho.
This is actually a neat solution, thank you! Using even the regular log-perch would definitely look better, agreed. My main concern is the clipping when sims interact with the dragons though. They’re huge when sims hold them, and constantly clip right through their heads.
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Granted, even my bunny rabbits clip through heads when sims snuggle them, but it’s not 100% of the time (more like 75%, pfft).
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But my dragons are downright unplayable at the size they are, which makes no sense, cuz I didn’t resize the meshes at all! They snap back to their regular size in-between every animation, and I have no clue why, cuz all I did was swap the meshes/textures--this makes no frikkin sense. 😩
bbcopperdaisy replied to your post “Baby Dragons as Pet Birds - WIP Last year I...”
GASP! Oh NO you didn't!!! :D (Oh YES you did!!!) I want so badly to put my baby dragons somewhere other than the floor. (But yeah, those morphing bodies sure look freaky.)
I wish I didn’t! 😅 The eldritch horror is real, I tell you. (-‸ლ)
Happy simming!
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blockofbones · 3 years
What’s the trend about DSMP cc posts? I am curious and want to know your takes. Also, I think you’re really cool! Hope you have a great day!!
Ah! I have no idea when this was, so if it wasn't just sent to me I apologize, anon! Thank you for the kind comment!
Under a cut because I ramble
I won't write out the whole thing right now, but the gist of my thing with DSMP cc posts is related to George's absence. And yes, part of it is my bias to George, and part of it is that some people just don’t watch George, but it's also just frankly a legitimate thing. I have seen posts discuss DSMP characters and have this long long list that includes people who haven't logged on in months, or have legitimately no real lore, but wave away George's lore because they like the sleeping meme, or pretend that when George phases in and out of lore it doesn't count, even though he has some of the most consistent lore that has probably the best continuity from beginning to end and managed to make his absences fit within lore.
Seriously, if I never see the 'george was sleeping' joke again, I'll be happy. Mostly because it's old and tired, and I find it funny that multiple people have slept through things now but it's never mentioned. George turned that shit into a story arc.
And on a cc front, I just tend to see him absent from most posts discussing DSMP creators, like you'll have 2/3 dream team and everyone else under the sun, but George is just absent. And again, part of that is my George bias, but it's also just a general trend to exclude George. Also to exclude his contribution and importance to the literal existence of the DSMP, his personality, his relationships, his intelligence, his acting ability when he tries, his damn minecraft ability even. He was the first person in the DSMP. He has a closer relationship to some of the people on there than Dream does, but people consistently undersell his friendship or break him down to just the feral boys.
Also special shoutout to Ponk, who is consistently erased or written off in a truly astounding number of DSMP posts, and whose amazing lore is ALWAYS WAVED AWAY and it pisses me off to no end every time Tubbo says ‘no one is on the server is dead’ or people say theres no lore. PONK HAS NUANCED AND AMAZING LORE AND IS ON ALMOST EVERY DAY. He and Sam and Foolish have this slow burn love triangle.
I am so tired of this fandom discounting lore because it’s not from Wilbur, and doesn’t star the bench trio. Look, I like Wilbur. I like the bench trio (in smaller doses). But they are not the goddamn be all and end all of this server. It was there prior to them and there are so many story arcs that have gone on outside of them, and I loathe how their fans discredit that lore. I hate how the creators, however unintentionally, belittle the lore. Ranboo says no one is available but there are multiple people on that server on the daily. Puffy is literally on it every time she streams on her main.
Look, just. At the end of the day: Give some damn credit where it’s due, stop downplaying contributions by other creators, and stop diminishing them.
tl;dr: I’m old and annoyed and I just like my faves and want them to have recognition.
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