#this formatting will be the death of me
fayzart136 · 5 months
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Ulysses And The No-Good, Very Bad Day 30 Years
The Mechanisms albums are so much fun to make character designs for!
Design details pointed out under the cut
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iooiu · 1 year
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good to know all casey jones’ are the same
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foolsocracy · 11 months
With all the age discourse around Spider-Man Noir right now, I thought I’d compile parts of the comic that imply his age. I want to state that this pulling from his 2009-2010 comic run before the time skip, specifically the first volume. The spiderverse movie has taken a lot of liberties with the characters, so it is very possible that what Peters age is in 1933 in the comics is NOT what his age is in 1933 in the movies.
Peter’s age is not directly stated in his 1st comic run (I can’t speak for the 2020 ones because it has been a while since I read them, plus there’s like a 10 year jump). It IS however heavily implied that he is young. So much so that you can’t seem to go more than a page without someone referencing it.
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Like, these all happen in the same scene. The writers beat you over the head with it.
In this issue alone Peter is called both “son” and “sonny” once, “boy” twice, and “kid” 8 times. Outside nouns, he is also referred to as young, and when Urich brings him to The Black Cat, Felicia calls it “babysitting.” Urich also asks Peter if he is “allowed out after midnight” but after some research I can’t seem to find any evidence of NYC having juvenile curfews at this point in time, though they did exist in lots of towns in the late 1800s and early 1900s because of child labor laws. I think this instance is just Pete just being young and an adult being concerned about his well-being.
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It is also mentioned in this volume, and again in Eyes Without a Face (vol 2), that Peter wants to go to college in the future and is currently studying & saving up money to do so. This alone doesn’t necessarily mean he’s under 18 as there isn’t a max age to apply for college, plus Peter comes from a poor family during the Great Depression. It wouldn’t surprise me if he started college later than usual because of that (lack of funds & catching up due to not being in school/working).
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There is other evidence that does imply he is under 18 though— he’s too young to drink alcohol!
Spider-Man Noir Vol 1 issue 1 starts in January 1933 before jumping back three weeks to December 1932 where Ben Urich meets Peter Parker
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It is during December 1932 that he meets Felicia Hardy who owns the speakeasy The Black Cat. Prohibition is still in place and won’t be overwritten until a year later in December 1933. It is important to note that before Prohibition was instated, the drinking age in New York was 18 years old. That law is what the characters reference when they discuss drinking age. And most importantly, Peter doesn’t deny the fact that he’s too young to drink. He just snarks back in true Parker fashion
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This is the most concrete evidence there is towards Peter being under 18 in the noirverse. It can even be argued that Peter is under 17 with how easily Felicia picks up on the fact that he’s underage (and that she does so from a distance might I add, as seen in the ‘babysitting’ panel).
There is also a panel where JJJ refers to Peter as an “orphan.” By definition, an orphan is a kid under 18. This is JJJ, so this can be taken with a grain of salt as he loves good ol hard-hitting words. When people speak they don’t always use words by their exact definitions; sometimes if you’re young and your parents are dead, JJJ is going to label you an orphan even if ur a legal adult lol. But if you take this at face value it’s definitely another indicator that Peter is under 18.
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TLDR; Spider-Man Noir from his 2009-2010 comic run is most likely under 18, and can be argued to be 15-16+. If not that, then is definitely college aged or younger.
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valfeathers · 1 year
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girl boss + her serial killer
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luobingmeis · 1 year
anyways thinking abt the amount of people involved in jin zixuan’s death is gonna make me a little insane. like u have wen ning who physically did it. wei wuxian who lost control. jin zixun who planned the ambush. jin guangshan who gave the fucking order to kill wei wuxian in the first place because his son *checks notes* wanted his wife to be happy. the many other people in jinlintai who knew that the ambush was going to happen. and then jin guangyao. oh boy. jin guangyao knowing about the ambush, being involved with the hundred holes curse, hating jin zixun, and then sending jin zixuan to the site of the ambush like. buddy how many birds did u kill with that stone.
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starspilli · 3 days
seen a lot of people talking about fanon stuff specifically irt dc recently and i have to say i think it really comes down to a lot of people just… not caring about comics as a medium. which sucks imo! comics are such a unique and special format for storytelling and i really just think a lot of these stories or characters don’t hit the same when you divorce them from that context. which is where i think a lot of the stuff i’ve seen people talk about comes from… like sure you can look at panels posted online or read through a character’s wikipedia article and know all of the technical canon about them but i think that by not reading the comics you’re robbing yourself of smth very special... i really love when you can tell people who talk about these things have a real love for & knowledge of the medium and its history
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izzyhandswhore · 8 months
Thinking abt season 2 Izzy x Reader where after everything w Izzy’s leg Reader will sneak down into his room and just comfort him and hold him, just coddle him a bit bc he deserves it<//3
((I too am thinking about this :) Don’t ask me what’s going on with the format bcs I have no idea))
Comforting Izzy in Season Two, pre-Unicorn.
• It starts with you and the crew watching as Izzy painfully and drunkenly crawls down the corridor after sawing the unicorn’s legs off. It shatters your already broken heart to see him suffering like this, but you know any attempts to follow him would be futile. Then you feel the eyes of the crew burn into you next and white hot shame rubs through you. You should know what to do, you know Izzy better than almost anyone, you’re the one he lets in and cares about.. Or you were. With tears in your eyes, you simply walk away.
• You can’t sleep that night. You and the crew have started construction on Izzy’s new leg but your anxiety prevents you from being excited. What if he hates you it? What if you get it wrong again? Heart hammering, you get up. You can’t take it anymore, you just need to see him.
• Before you can even knock on his door you can hear him talking to himself. He’s drunk, obviously, slurring his words and cursing himself and Ed and the sea and any other poor fucker he can think of.. Though notably, you’re not included in his hit list. Knocking on the door just earns you a “fuck off!” but you persist. “Izzy, it’s me,” you call quietly. Silence follows. You let yourself in.
• The stench of alcohol hits you like a ton of bricks but you don’t care. You only care about the haggard, broken man who’s sat on the bed, glaring at you, swaying slightly despite the sea being calm. You start to approach. “Thought I told you to fuck off,” he spits, stopping you in your tracks. You only have to give him a stern look to take the wind from his sails. He averts his eyes like a naughty schoolboy and mutters, “what d’ya want?”
• You’ve brought him some warm water and a washcloth along with a few other supplies. He protests a little at first but eventually lets you strip him of his dirty clothes and gently wash away the grime he’s let build up. He closes his eyes and leans against the wall, head lolling a little as he focuses on your warm, gentle touch rather than his aching body for a bit. In his drunken haze he thinks about how much he’s missed this, how much he’s missed you. The words just won’t string together and come out somehow, making him feel more ashamed. He was supposed to be the one taking care of you, not the other way round.. Just how the fuck did it come to this?
• When you reach his leg he snaps to attention and grabs your wrist, holding it tight. You look up at him expecting anger but instead you just find shame.
“Don’t,” he grunts, “you don’t have to touch it.”
“I won’t if you don’t want me to,” you assure him, “but it might be good to just check it’s alright.. You know, after you fell earlier.”
He scoffs and automatically reaches for the rum again, letting go of your wrist. “Bet the crew fucking loved that..” he mutters, earning another sad look from you.
“They’re worried about you,” you tell him, “everything you did for them hasn’t gone unnoticed, you know. Everyone knows how much they owe to you, how much you - you sacrificed.”
A heavy silence falls over the room once more as he processes the information and you do your best not to get emotional. You can’t even imagine what Izzy’s going through, what happened between him and Ed behind closed doors.. You focus on carefully unwrapping the bandages around what’s left of his leg. A couple of stitches have split and are crusted with blood, but it’s nothing serious. You get to work cleaning and redressing everything. Izzy doesn’t even flinch. Whether he’s numbed by the alcohol or exhaustion, you’re not quite sure.
• When you’re finally done you pull back and dare to smile at him. You ask if he’s feeling a bit better and, though he sneers at first, he eventually nods and admits that he does. You even get a thank you.
• Then comes the awkward part. You and Izzy haven’t slept in the same bed together since Stede abandoned Ed. You want more than anything for things to go back to normal but you know that’s probably a long way off. You point out the obvious.
“You should sleep, Iz.”
He laughs and holds up the near-empty rum bottle. “I will,” he says, “eventually.”
You bite back a sarcastic comment and just sigh, pulling back the blanket and fluffing the pillow, willing to play this little pantomime for as long as he’ll let you. He grumbles something about you not being his fucking mother, but there’s no venom in it. He lets you guide him under the covers and finally put the bottle down. You perch on the edge of the bed, knowing now you really should leave, but you just can’t. You need to find any excuse, any reason to stay just that bit longer. Just when you’re about to give one, he reaches out and gently holds your hand.
“It hasn’t escaped my notice either,” he murmurs, eyes glassy and sincere, “how much you’ve done for me. Even before all this shit, back when we first met Bonnet, I -“ His voice breaks. “I was a fucking dick. And you stood up for me and I - “ He’s getting worked up now, shaking you to your core. You’ve never seen him like this. “I didn’t know this was going to happen. I didn’t know Ed - “
“Shh..” You hush him, squeezing his hand, “you are not responsible for that man’s actions, Iz. At all.” Anger seeps into your voice before you can stop it. “You didn’t deserve to be hurt like this.”
He just stares at you, his chest heaving with sobs that he refuses to let out.
You decide you don’t care to hesitate anymore. You kick off your boots and slide in beside him, taking him in your arms where he belongs. He doesn’t protest and just quietly cries into your shoulder, clinging to your shirt like it’s a lifeline. You stroke back his damp hair and pepper kisses along his forehead, assuring him over and over again that it’s all okay. No one’s ever going to hurt him like that again because you won’t fucking let them. You both know that in the life of piracy promises like that are fragile, but right now neither of you care. This is the safest he’s felt in a long, long time and he doesn’t have the strength to pass it up. Eventually his sobs dissolve to quiet sniffles and you feel his body start to relax against yours.
“You don’t have to stay,” he whispers.
You just smile and hold him even tighter.
“I know.”
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knifefightandchill · 1 year
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gallifreyanhotfive · 8 months
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autumngracy · 2 months
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Not me creeping up to the wordcount of the fourth longest book ever written
#A Reflection of Starlight#AROS#valvert#fanfic#writing#Hey I switched back to LibreOffice again after setting up my new computer#(RIP my old computer's installation of MS Office 2009)#And also my old computer in general as it is now giving me the blue screen of death upon boot#but ANYWAY#does anybody know how to make LibreOffice stop highlighting formatted areas? BC with Dark Mode it's highlighting white text#which makes it impossible to read my footnote and page numbers#Also I CANNOT believe this program was coded to be so that 'Ignore' and 'Ignore All' options only do so for the CURRENT SESSION ONLY#Like what in god's name???#I spent 3-4 hours reformatting AROS after converting it only to learn that all the 'errors' I told it to ignore just popped back#the second I reopened the document like jesus christ#Why even offer those options if it doesn't do it permanently for that document file#HHHHHHHhhhhhhHHHHHH#I then spent another several hours being forced to change the language formatting to French for all the French bits#JUST so it would stop underlining all of them in red#And there's no way for me to get rid of the underlining on things like cut off bits of dialogue#bc they are NOT proper words and I refuse to add them to my Dictionary (thus polluting it) just to get rid of them#Ugh#So anyway remember years ago how I joked about what if I accidentally wrote a fanfic longer than the source material itself#That being one of the longest books ever written (technically THE longest book ever written#if we're counting the FRENCH version of it and not the English translation#And yeah I know I technically split AROS into 3 books but that was only for reader convenience#It's still one book in my heart#And also because I think it would be REALLY funny to surpass Hugo's wordcount#Which is entirely plausible bc in English it was only about 531k so I only a little over 100k off and I think I can easily make that#with the material I have left to write but is already mostly plotted out
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yoi-incorrect-quotes · 4 months
Viktor, *pouting after an interview*: I thought more people would call me Viktor Nikiforov and I could correct them
Yuuri: I guess our wedding was pretty hard to miss since you proposed on live television
Viktor: :(
Yuuri: if you really want to say Katsuki-Nikiforov more, you could introduce yourself to strangers--
Viktor: Yuuri, you're a genuis!!
Viktor, running up to a random person on the street: hello, nice to meet you, I'm Viktor Katsuki-Nikiforov and this is my husband, Yuuri Katsuki-Nikiforov!
Yuuri: Viktor, wait, I was joking--
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your-alien-friend · 7 months
I don’t like that they killed Izzy, but I don’t think they did it for the wrong reasons like many others have said. But I also don’t blame them for feeling that way. Sure, the show is full of old, queer, kinky, disabled characters. But Izzy is the only one we get to see reckon with that in real time (besides maybe jim but that is done really quickly with minimal discomfort).
I’d argue he’s among the most important queer rep in the show because he does struggle with those things. Ofmd created a wonderful world where aside from little peaks of the outsiders views here and there, everyone is accepted. I love that and would not have the show any other way. It was so important for me to see people like me be treated as just… normal. But there does create a kind of dissonance with relating to those characters because we don’t live in that world.
That’s where I felt Izzys presence allowed them to excel in that respect. He let them paint a complete picture. Ed and stede remind me of my early teens, the discovery of an attraction that feels right in a way nothing else ever did, the sweetness of that first true love (along with the ups and downs of homoerotic friendships lmao). They’re the experience you have with another person. The crew of the revenge remind me of getting older and finding community, the safety and camaraderie and relief you get with that. They’re the experience you have with a community. But Izzy, he reminds me of myself through all these stages. He is all the self hatred, the misplaced aggression, the isolation. And then he gets to be the beauty, and acceptance, and levity that comes with truthfulness to who you are. He is the experience you have with yourself.
And that’s exactly why his death is so devastating. He was such a heavy lifter.
I think there’s also something to be said about Con O’Neil opening up about being a queer man himself and experiencing some of Izzy’s journey with him through the show, and perceiving him loosing that as well.
So yeah I think it’s a big loss that outweighs the narrative benefits. And I think we all have a right to mourn that. But I don’t think it’s fair to throw around all these baseless accusations at the creators. While there’s more nuance to why loosing Iz is such a big deal, this is undeniably not because of writers being against who he was. It’s the classic archetype for his character type, you sin, you make amends, you die. I do think maybe more input from queer writers could have prevented him not being fully appreciated outside of his ‘literary’ function, but that’s speculation.
I’m sad and angry too. But I’d rather focus on what we were given with Izzy and all the work Con O’Neil put in to fully flesh that out. Their story really is a monument to how community and fiction can change lives, and just how closely the two are intertwined.
And I’m grateful for what Izzy got to be. He could have easily been thrown away as the bad guy but instead he got to be so so much more. I’m glad we got to see that, even if his end wasn’t befitting of his journey.
Anyway rip Izzy Hands you were a real one and I’ll love you forever. Everyone else stop bullying David Jenkins I’m in your walls.
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gofrenchie · 1 year
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our flag means death + text posts (and a tweet!)
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etrosgate · 16 days
a death note chapter 1 vs episode 1 comparison
I think people tend to be under the assumption that the death note manga and anime are basically the same besides their endings and the foot washing scene, and thus generally interchangeable. Personally, i don’t believe this is the case. Though many of the changes are small things a casual viewer might not notice, to me these small changes add up to such a degree that despite being so similar, reading the manga and watching the anime are two very different experiences (not even getting into how the anime butchers the second half lmao)
For the record, im not against significant changes in adaptations. On the contrary, i find the oft-hated 2015 tv drama to be a compelling alternate take on the narrative (even if it often struggles in the execution of its concepts). Rather, this whole Thing is more of a documentation of the big and small changes made in adaptation, through the lens of my own extremely subjective interpretation of both versions.
the anime naturally makes many structural changes to the narrative so for the sake of consistency, i will generally be going through things according to the anime’s chronology. If i believe one of these changes has a notable effect on how the narrative comes across, i’ll mention it. I’ll try not to repeat things that are identical between versions, so naturally some existing familiarity with either version would be preferable
Let's Begin
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Light: this world… Ryuk: …is rotten
The anime takes the opening lines of the manga (which are spoken separately by light and ryuk, respectively) and gives light ryuk’s line, while light’s is then shared between both of them.
Though they are very obviously visually drawing parallels between the two characters in the manga, i think the actual sentiment expressed in their respective lines isn’t meant to be quite as connected as the anime portrays it. the role “boredom” and “morality” play in their respective motivations is pretty important later on in the chapter, so just keep this in the back of your mind for now.
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After light picks up the note for the first time, he puts it back down and starts to leave, dismissing it as a stupid chain letter. But once he thinks about the fact that it’ll supposedly kill people, he turns back (and goes back for it). This choice to go back is not present in the manga, he simply picks it up, laughs, and puts it in his bag without a second thought.
Though light laughs at it in both, in the manga the sequence in general feels lighter in tone compared to the anime (where light only takes interest in it Because it claims to kill). 
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In general, light comes across as more mature in the anime, in his facial features and behavior. Tragically, there is no “fwaah” 🥺
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It’s minor but Anime light entirely skips manga light’s rationalization of finding someone it’s “okay to kill”, though he does immediately rebuke himself for taking this so seriously
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This may just be up to translation differences but anime light seems almost eager for the death note to be real, while manga light seems to just want confirmation, and is much more distressed over the circumstances. Again, the anime leaves out light determining who to kill specifically in terms of who it would be “okay to kill”. And here he then doubles down to someone who “ought to die”, as the situation has gotten more serious
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It’s a small thing, but the anime completely removes this scene (the teacher is knocking him out of his thoughts of killing one of his classmates). It’s only notable to me in how it connects with the wider tonal differences between the versions of the story, and of how much less willing the anime is to portray light’s more mundane immature/human aspects
I'm not including pics but this sequence where light comes across a woman being harassed by a group of bikers is a lot more graphic, showing the preamble to sexual assault where the manga just implied it to be a possibility.
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This one is probably more subjective, but when light pulls out the note to stare at it and laugh a little eagerly, the anime’s delivery is really like. Obvious overt Supervillain laugh (even if it is fairly quiet). The manga comes across a little more….. Idc, childish? Immature? Not to mention the sweat on his face
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A small change, but in the anime there’s no disbelieving “a…[bold text] shinigami?”
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Anime light sweats at his initial meeting of ryuk, but it’s gone as he resolves himself. Manga light sweats and sweats and keeps on sweating through most of the rest of the conversation, the closed eye expression being one of frustration before he opens his eyes and resolves himself.
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In the manga, light’s hand trembles as he grabs the chair while getting up.
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With the context of the rest of this chapter/episode, these lines come off very differently to me. Anime light feels like he was only surprised by the sight of ryuk+jumpscare, and is wayyy more confident in this situation. That he has been waiting for ryuk feels like a true statement. But in the manga, it really comes off like he is pissing himself scared right now and is desperately pretending to be cool and lies about it to try and have some control over the situation
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The anime omits this hilariously awkward line, which really adds to the “light’s absolutely freaking out” of the manga
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Ugh, for such a little thing im genuinely kinda devastated that the anime just doesn’t have that look between ryuk and light. It makes the “most people would be too scared” feel so much less pointed. Light later says that there’s “some power that makes you want to use the death note” and i think this bit really drives in how truly abnormal light’s behavior is, even for people who willingly use the death note. 
Off topic but I Hate those “the death note has supernatural powers that makes you evil” theories i really do, it gets rid of everything interesting about the narrative, i’ll fight you. anyways.
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Again, the difference in composure. Anime light is still sweating over this, but overall way more “cool” than manga light’s heavily shadowed, serious expression and hunched shoulders
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Im so sad at how they’ve removed so much of this lowkey humor in the anime. Light’s awkward laughter is so funny and characterful to me, he is sooo internally freaking out…
i think the juxtaposition of dark shit with humor to be one of the big appeals of the manga, and one of the main reasons i find the anime pretty boring tonally. 
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They need to stop getting rid of light’s awkward bits, it really humanizes him
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Light has resolved himself to his mission, he proclaims it with a smile on his face, in both versions. (Manga light finally doesn’t have sweat on his face anymore)
But why is he doing all this? Ryuk even asks flat out in the anime. And what does light say?
Well this is where it gets really interesting… It is here where what i believe to be the single most significant adaptation change occurs. 
Light has two RADICALLY different answers.
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A childish, wide eyed smiling proclamation that “nobody will commit crimes anymore. the world will start to become a better place,” versus a serious “i was bored…too.”
once you strip away the cat and mouse games to reach the thematic and emotional bones of death note (the manga), i find it to be a story that is fundamentally a character study of our beloved beloathed protagonist light yagami. As such, i find Altering something so critical to who he is like this irrevocably changes the entire narrative. 
And the thing is, both sentiments are expressed in both versions, but come across very differently due to their contexts. 
←- right to left
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This first chapter has had some fairly major structural changes done in the process of adaptation. While the anime goes from light seeing the death note fall from his classroom window to meeting ryuk for the first time in chronological order, the manga has a timeskip in the middle of it. What did they skip? Light’s first time actually using the death note. So when ryuk later tells light that he dropped the death note for a human to pick up out of boredom, light responds that he was bored too… leading directly into a flashback of when he first used the note. 
In the manga, the juxtaposition of events leads us to read “i was bored too” as: 
“Light used the death note for the first time because he was bored” 
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In the anime, the same line is instead a direct answer to ryuk asking his motivation for becoming kira. Reinforced by following it up with a flashback to the immediate aftermath of light discovering that the death note truly works (+ his decision to become kira).
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Though not significantly different, i do find it interesting how the anime has omitted light considering getting rid of the death note and thinking that the second victim didn’t deserve death (then talking himself into accepting it). As a result, anime light’s rationalization of his behavior feels less personal, and has much less doubt.
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Again, the manga goes way harder into light’s emotional state, and doubts about this whole thing. “Just two, and look at me…” Also, no guilt blanket burrito in the anime ☹️
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Now back to the conversation with ryuk, the anime is very notably missing this line from light. Ryuk has never seen someone write as many names in the notebook in 5 days as light has, and light is not dealing with it well. He’s being flippant about it, but this little line is some of the most damning evidence that the guilt of killing people is actively eating away at him, and to a pretty severe degree.
Though anime light does bring up the same/similar lines about making the world a better place and having doubts about his mission, their place in his motivations has been significantly de-emphasized. The general change in light’s characterization seems to make him look much colder, cooler and more capable, at the expense of removing most of his humanity and a lot of the dimension to his character, particularly regarding his personal feelings re: being kira.
This wouldn’t be so much of an issue to me if (ironically) the anime had changed More in order to support its new direction (the shift in light’s characterization+increased emphasis on L as well as L and Light’s dynamic), but i don’t think it executed it very well. I honestly think the musical actually delivers on these specific goals much more successfully, but we’re leaving that for another post.
can you believe i wrote all that for one chapter/episode. Christ.
Anyways look at this loser who deep down knows he’s doing the wrong thing but chooses to just keep doing it.
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stuffedsand · 5 months
for the violence ask game: 8 common fandom opinion everyone is wrong about. for milgram. i know exactly what you're going to say i just want to see you go off again
Hiii bestie. You do know what I'm about to talk about. Yippee
Disclaimer that this whole essay is like. For fun and how I say things is ramped up to be funny. I don't mind if you disagree w me cuz like that's the nature of things! We disagree but we can get along.
Anyways short answer for people who don't wanna see the essay: organ harvesting theory. This is about shidou.
Idk how prevalent it is rn since not many people even talk about shidou but it was prevalent enough in June when I got into milgram that I believed it for a bit anyways the rest in under the cut cuz I'm insane sorrg
SO the main reason I think the theory is WRONG (hyperbole‼️) is because I just think it's unrealistic. Man works in a hospital in Japan. How would he pull it off. Scuff an operation bad enough to cause braindeath/death and I'm p sure they suspend your medical licence, if he participated in an organ harvesting operation pre-family-accident his case would then be black and white cuz he was doing it in complete sound mind with no regard for human life. Also it wouldn't justify the extreme reaction he's had to realizing, specifically, "what I've been robbing people of" (t1 voice trailer), and he wouldn't have as heavy a focus on the relatives' feelings and reactions. At least story writing wise it'd make less sense since it doesn't allude to anything if that's the end goal? Imo at least. Idk maybe this is because I really like tragedies in media. Also because it'd be a really disproportionately severe crime compared to every other direct murderer???? Like. We have strangled someone, stabbed someone, bludgeoning, bludgeoning, kicked someone to death. Organ harvesting looks cartoony in this context. It's also not a very prevelant issue in Japan iirc.
Also to prove my point further. If we use this theories the murders would be
Strangling, abortion??????, cyber bullying, stabbing, organ harvesting, toxic r/s, telling the truth (lmao), bludgeoning, bludgeoning, bludgeoning (minus weapon). Organ harvesting is goofy cuz it seems so.... Extreme,,,,,,,
ALSSOOOOO funny point. If he's not directly involved in his murder (as in, unintentional and indirect) that makes 5 direct and 5 indirect. Silly.
Also also his murder seems somewhat tied to how he feels about his job itself ("I wanted to contribute to society (about his career choice)/I had thought my work was a contribution to society", use of past tense) and to me it reads like hes disillusioned w his job esp since his reason for getting a highly sought after, high paying and high social ranking job is "I wanted to contribute to society". Doctors with that empathy can be affected by the death around them more severely and I think that's a fun topic to look at
I count this under "common fandom opinion" cuz it was common enough around June (whenyours truesly got into milgram) that I believed it. I mean I introduced shidou to my friend (hello clown) as "maybe Dr malpractice. Organ harvesting dude" and said friend (hello again clown) is also the one who's heard me bash the organ harvesting theory like 6 times at least now so. Yippee.
Take none of this seriously I just got off a plane and am so very eepy. If you like the organ harvesting theory good for you!!!!!!!💥💥💥💥💥 you do you bestie !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I literally do not think less of anyone who believes that theory I just personally dont lmao
#sand speaks#hiiiii bestie my silly mutual. youve heard this rant before now for it poorly formatted in text#i mean its better formatted than when i actually talk abt it cuz if i wrote it the way i originally did the points would not be organised#like at all. itd be so bad#anyways all of this is lighthearted i dont think less of anyone with different opinions i just. dont believe the theory at all#i like the tragedy thag comes woth it technhcally not being his fault but also kinda being his fault.#like maybe he had really bad manners towards relatives. or horribls bedside manner (youre in my way just die already“ like ok mr kirisaki.#dont say that to a comatose patient my dude. but yeah it can be argued that morally hed be in the wdong#or if he persuaded relatives to dknate patients organs. which is rude and also malpractice (coercion and taking advantage of ppl in vulnerab#and with his themes of lying (covers) i fhink it could wither be lying to relatives of patients OR. him seeing hsi work and the promise of#saving people from illness or death as a lie and a hoax becasye so many people died anyways despite those promises#anhwyas im insane about this man. characters with extreme worldviews entirely of their own making my beloved#like nothing told him to believe this. he just does and thats whats interesting to me#anywasy suuper sorry about the big essay and the many tags. i love this fandom#i have so much to say but so little phone battery. and mental battery its Zzzzzzzzz time#tell me if abything in here sounds mean or anything btw im too used to being mean as a jokiing thing so im worried ill offend someone
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spaceless-vacuum · 7 months
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Fandom‧˚。゚・° 。✎ Legend of Zelda
Pairing‧˚。゚・° 。✎ Yandere!Fierce x reader, Yandere!Hylia x reader
Word count‧˚。゚・° 。✎ 4462
Summery‧˚。゚・° 。✎ the Fierce diety is observing the battlefield one last time before leaving to meet back up with Link. While in his own, he senses another presence behind him.
Misc‧˚。゚・° 。✎ third person pov, reader is there but isn't as sassy as they normally are, mentions of death, yandere behavior, Hylia makes moves on the reader and Fierce is left watching
As the first rays of daylight touched the field it was clear the battle was over. Nothing left to do but care for the wounded and to pay respects to the dead. Soldiers on both sides had faced each other valiantly. Even the deity had to acknowledge their strength of will. No one knew which side would pull through as the victor- even as the battle continued into the late hours of the night.
Bodies of hundreds littered the ground. Blood painted the field crimson. It would stay for most of the day. Until someone or something came by to clean the place up and offer solace to the dead. The spirit of war had no words. The casualties were heavy on both sides. It was war- people died all the time. Maybe it was his fault for feeling so attached this time.
He had wanted to see this place in the light. To see if it changed anything for him. He hoped the light of day would clean away the wash of war. All it did was allow him more time to brood. For all it was worth, many of the people on the field would have assumed he didn't care. They died without knowing how long the deity spent in his vigil. Wishing for safe travels to each.
He had counted each life lost and recounted their names if he could. For those he could not, it didn't erase the pride he felt at their contribution. They all served valiantly. Each soul would return to where they came from, and he would not be there for it. It was common practice for him to spend his sigil in silence. It was for this reason that he disregarded the presence that emanated from behind him until they spoke.
“Who might you be?” Fierce was not in the mood to answer. He had never heard this person speak before. He knew who they were only by their touch which guided lost souls. Lifting the stain from each battlefield he observed. Even so the old god could never consider them someone he knew.
Your power sank into the earth like blood and washed away souls in a torrent.The weight of all those that hung to the ground were carried off. There was a lingering hollow in his chest- something that clawed at him until he grew angry. The show was over and there was nothing left for him to stare at. The bodies were left where they laid and the true essence of each person was gone.
“Oh? So Hylia’s honoured pet finally chose to make an appearance.” Whatever excuse for manners he had left the moment you acted. The fierce deity turned his head to look you in the eyes. Your name had reached his ears once. He couldn't remember what it was as he never had the chance to meet you. It might have showed, how little interaction he had with others.
Your reputation had left him with the discrete information of how you had been placed into Hylia’s service. He knew that you werent the one who cemented yourself by her side. Regardless you remained ever so faithful throughout the years. It was a cosy spot to be; many tried to curry favour with the goddess for greater strength. You had been placed at her right hand for years with little to note about what it was that made you stay.
Hislooked you over,his eyes catching on all sorts of points of interest. Your clothing was a single piece of fabric. A regal robe of black and red cast across your body. A golden belt tied around your waist pulled the cloth tight. Almost accentuating what was there. A pin in the shape of a rose on one of your shoulders kept the fabric together. The rest of the robe hung loosely around your body.
You had a slight frown. You were none too happy at his comment but didn't look angry. He would have been. Interrupting his vigil might have been your intention, but upsetting him was not. If Fierce took a moment to think about it he wouldn't have made a snide comment. Being here was part of your proper domain. It was you who should have been slighted at him loitering while you did your job.
You turned your head away. No longer willing to meet his gaze. The deity held his breath. Did the comment hurt you? The silence was too much, each moment grew more uncomfortable as Fierce couldn’t figure out what to say or do. Apologising would be a good idea but he couldn't think of anything to say. He wished he hadn't upset you.
The sudden wave of anger was in his nature. The time he spent alone was supposed to be his own. Observing before moving was what he did to come to terms with it all. It ensured his soul left as well as the others. Taking only the memories and leaving the rest behind him. His harsh words served no one and he would take them back if possible.
In truth you were having your own moment of contemplation. No one had ever referred to you as being Hylia’s own. Him calling you her pet was hardly earned. Was that what you were known as to him, or did he gain that idea from another? Not a bad position to be in all things considered. The jester is second only to the king, as they say.
If everyone else chose not to see that you and Hylia were equals then that was their problem. If they saw you only by how the goddess kept you by her side, that was their issue. As if all of your power was drained from the moment she ensnared you. What a stupid idea. You had no problem doing your job- even if Hylia kept you by her side.
You were bound to her. No use in trying to fight against something as set in stone as her will. Your life would always be tangled with her own. That wasn't something to complain about. You clasped your hand together in a diluted gesture. Passed down from the one you spent all of your time around. Fierce wondered if you noticed how you picked it up from the spectre of light.
You stood hands clasped, head slightly bowed, eyes closed in an act of pure devotion. The action seemed to suit you. Fierce said nothing. Catching even the slightest details in his mind for later. How gentle your hands looked held together. Against the blood stained battle of the past this was something he wanted to remember. To look back on just to see how you glowed in comparison to the light around you.
He let his eyes wander. Following the lines of the fabric that clung to your body from your shoulders down to your hips; where the fabric draped across them in a rather interesting manner. He knows he's staring. Your eyes are closed and there's no way you caught him in the act. Yet the warrior can't shake the feeling that someone caught him looking at you.
You opened your eyes and froze. A look of surprise played over your face. Something had caught you unaware. Whoever it was lurking in the shadows would have to pay for upsetting you. This was the second deity to be caught off guard in this clearing this morning and he figured he knew why.
Could that woman really not afford you some time to relax? She treated you like a pet on a tight leash. It was a shame you had no time without her. It was a crime to let you have no freedom. If you needed someone to fight for you… he let the thought go. He could not insult you by acting like you had no power of your own. If you had fought for your freedom you would have it by now.
The deity moved closer to you and as you took a step back he took another forward. Marching until your back was against a tree and he was hovering over you. His eyes lacked the cold exterior that he had for others. It was clear to him there was something more to you. A rare glint of the gem that laid beneath the surface. What was it about you?
He covered the ground between the two of you in three paces. He was tall enough that you had to look up as he towered over you. His demeanour was not intimidating. He wasn't forcing you to stand still, and you could still move away. You stared straight ahead. His armour gleaned and you could see a bit of yourself in its reflection. It was a miracle that it wasn't more damaged from the battle last night.
The blush lining your face was such a sweet look to you. You mutter an apology too quiet to hear. Fierce leans in desperate to hear you speak again. Something so soothing to the soul would come from your voice. He knows he needs to exercise constraint. He was far too close for a casual conversation and there was already someone watching from the bushes.
While the goddess still lurked in the shadows it would be best to make his motives unknown. He moved away from you and the tree. He didn't take a step back but he forced himself to not hover. The goddess of light stowed you away like a treasure, and he could see why. It was terrible of her to hide you away, but he felt like he understood why. There was more to you then met the eye.
If you weren't in her hands things would be different. As it stood there was little to worry about. You two would see eachother again. At the end of each battle he would have something to look forward to. He couldn't help but smile. If all he had to do to see you again was kill in your name he would gladly do so. Even if that wretched beast would only try to tear you two apart she could only do so much.
The beauty in the world was that you two could do this song and dance for forever. Doomed to meet again even if every other force in the world would stand between you. A will so defiant even the goddess herself couldn't force the two of you apart. He nodded and stepped away. It was better to cut that line of thought down, and quickly too. He couldn't pick a fight with Hylia in her own land.
There were people in this land who he was sworn to protect. This was her territory and he would show her as much respect as any. The best thing he could do was act as if she wasn't here at all, not until she chose to reveal herself. It was only the two of you now. His eyes met yours. He had to say something but all he could think about was how anytime you left would be too soon for him.
“What are you doing here?” His words were soft. He didn't want you to mistake his harsh use of language as another attempt to insult. He knew about you from the time he had spent around Hylia but he didn't know more than a story. Your past life was a mystery to him. What has shaped you into the person you were today?
“My dominion is death. Guiding souls to the afterlife is part of my duty.” Fierce had known that already. Your face lit up with pride and joy. You looked happy to talk about what it was you did. He knew now why Hylia held you so close to her heart. It was a shame she kept you tied up all the time. What was a songbird if kept in a cage?
“I did not mean to offend you. This is by right, your domain. I hope you do not mind having me here while you work. It is a lonely office to be tied to the dead. To spend our time together would be a mercy after all we've been through.” Forcing the words out was not easy. Fierce took your hand and placed a kiss on the backside of it. A correction for his rude remark and for not treating you with the respect for someone of your position.
“I think you're right. It can be… lonely when working with the dead.” It was trouble finding the right words. You hardly noticed the time passing anymore. After dealing with the loss of someone important to you, dealing with death everyday had its charm. Was there this same feeling in the deity? A separation from you and your peers that was as bearable as it was lonely? You loved your work. You never minded the way Hylia was always there, but there was a pit in your stomach that won't go away.
“If I had known you two would make such quick friends I would have introduced you sooner.” Hylia didn't sound too pleased. She had taken her time showing up. Her interruption was at the perfect time. No way the conversation between the two of you could return to normal. She had put a wedge and forced the two of you to put all of your attention on her.
Fierce and Hylia regarded each other. Trying to figure out what the other was up to. Hylia had the upper hand. She was the one who has any way of knowing how you act. Fierce was not as close to you as she was, you might try to protect her, or try to stand in the other's way. Hylia may be ready for a fight but he had the upperhand in that arena. Her real asset was knowing who you would side with if this went south. If anyone was going to make the first move it had to be her.
Hylia’s gown appeared to have a layer of chainmail between the fabrics of her dress. Her outfit could be excused. This had been a battlefield. He was wearing armour as well after all. Except Fierce was far past the point of giving the goddess a benefit of a doubt. She had no use for that. The battle ended hours ago and no one was here except for you and him.
The goddess stood poised for a fight. Her defensive posture was not ideal, and he could break it if he tried- but the arrows she would rain down would hurt you as well. If they fought here you would be caught up in the crossfire. Neither could make a move without the risk of harming you. He didn't have any plan of fighting here. He would defend you without hesitation; but Hylia was not your enemy, so she wasn't his.
“You should honestly know better.” Hylia spoke and in a flash of light acted against Fierce. One blinding flash of light later and everything went dark for Fierce. Hylia didn't move. She didn't have to. She trusted her spell would work. It was the same one she used against you after all. It wasn't difficult to push him back where he belonged. Her plan was to drain the deity of power without him noticing. He was so distracted by you he never knew what hit him.
Her aim was just as true as it had always been. Hylia never would have shown herself if she hadn't already been up to something. If he wasn't so drained from fighting last night she never would have attempted it- but he pushed himself too far. A modified arrow meant to revert him back. Like what she did to you when you flew too far from home.
You yelled. In a flash you were by his side. Hylia could wait for you to come to terms with it. He had no pulse anymore anyways. You dropped to your knees where he was standing just a moment ago and found… a mask. Lying there. The markings painted on the surface matched up to the ones on his face. In fact it sort of resembled his face. The carved wooden mask seemed to hum from inside. He was trying to say something but it was taking a moment for him to recover from the blow.
“If you want to go for a walk with him you can. He’s conveniently travel-sized now.” Hylia was enjoying her victory. The first friend you've made in a while and Hylia doesn't want you around them. You picked up the mask. Something about it was so calming. He was just like you this way. Silent, broody, and just waiting until he can come out again. It got you thinking. Just how many other people had been lost in forms like these?
You look over at Hylia. Despite her remark she looks calm. You clutch the mask close to you chest as Hylia stalks towards the two of you.
“What did you do?” You ask. A chill dances across your spine. A shiver from time lost having been trapped in an object. Hylia leans over and places a kiss on the top of your head. Kneeling behind you she leans one arm over your shoulder and gently plucks the mask from your grip.
“Don't act so smug demon. You never would have been allowed to have them." Hylia looks at the mask in her hands with disdain. He wasn't all there. Something in the mask stirred and pulled at power. He wasn't planning on remaining here long. He would appear out again if she didn't act soon. She could feel his smug satisfaction through the painted wood. The way he beamed with pride over being held by you. He was enjoying himself for too much.
“Why it’s to see you too, Hylia! It's been so long since we've last spoken. Oh I’m fine- and you?” Fierce spoke through the wood. He’d known Hylia for a while now. Knew her and her game well enough. Her feelings were hurt. Shed keep playing until she felt better. Hylia looked to you. Why would you want to be with such an arrogant man? Honestly if you wanted attention she would have been more than happy to supply. She loves you, what better way to show that than toshow you?
“You turned him into a mask?” You were shocked. The expression on your face was priceless. So sweet and caring. Hylia laughed. She couldn't help it. You were always so snarky and sarcastic so seeing you like this? Still speechless from what you saw. Had she put the thought of transforming him as well as you into your head?
“No no, not at all! He's been stuck in this form for so long, some old punishment from some other god, I don't know who.” Hylia patted you on your shoulder and stood up.
“Just like I am then…” You move to stand but Hylia trips you. She hooks one of her feet around your ankle. The mask in her hand flickers. Something angry shines in its eyes for a moment before disappearing. At a glance you can tell he's paying close attention. The two of you had much more in common than you originally thought. No wonder he's so drawn to you. Hylia swoops down to save you, catching you in a dancer's dip.
“No no…” The goddess speaks deliberately. “A mask is such a brutish form. You deserve so much better…” She enjoyed having you by her side but something in her enjoyed this game even more. Competing with someone was only fun when they made it so. She wasn't threatened by Fierce. Just as she hadn't been threatened by First. Jealous of them of course but she could usher you home if it grew too much. You were so sweet. Too kind to those who had suffered. You saw something like Link in him. Someone who gave up so much to protect others.
You had the fire of passion around you. A blaze that could warm any who stood close enough. Maybe it was wrong of her to fight with Fierce over that but god how she enjoyed toying with her lover. The demon could wait his turn or ask for permission to join in on the fun. She couldn't simply leave it at that though. It was too sweet of an opportunity to tease the two of you. Leaving you burning ever hotter only for her to whisk you away.
Competing with Fierce brought something out in her. She talked in a low tone, something that was practically a whisper. Begging your attention just to be able to hear her. She raised her left hand, to one holding the mask, and carefully used it to lift your chin up. Her other arm wrapped around your pulling you close to her chest. “If I were to turn you into something to wear it wouldn't be a mask. What would you prefer?”
Shivers run up your spine and she coos at your response as she kisses your vulnerable skin. She layers kiss after kiss along your neck. Slowly working her way up. Soon she's up to your ear where she whispers into it. The wooden mask holds onto you. Grasping at your conscience and you have to shield yourself from the touch of it. Hylia moves down to your neck and bites down, not hard, but enough to leave a mark.
Her hand not holding the mask moves down to the small of your back. Your face burns from heat. Fierce waits in his mask unsure of what to do. His ability to come outside the mask was dampened by Hylia’s magic but not enough to stop him. He could slip out, or he could wait to see if she would put the mask over you. If she put the mask on you he could take control, but that would leave him in Hylia’s arms.
Moving the mask she runs it over the top of your head and brings it down. Keeping the bottom of the mask away the top half rests against your face. This leaves Fierce unable to take control but aware enough to feel you. He can feel your conscious rest close to his. Something about the experience leaves him unable to control his thoughts. Hylia begins to lower the mask.
Just one more second- and before he can even control his anger the mask is torn away. Hylia threw the mask to the side. It landed in a pile of leaves a few feet away. The goddess got what she wanted in the end. She got you. He watches her run her hands along your sides before pulling you into a hug. You form phases out for a moment and she makes no effort to let go of the sword now held tightly against her chest.
“Just what am I going to do with you?” Hylia sounded happy, but you couldn't tell if she was talking to you or Fierce. You looked up and saw her blushing quite a bit. You've been drained quite a bit. Being put back in this form was always limiting. It was good that you already moved all the souls away or else you would be in trouble. As it stood there was little left to do. Your consciousness slipped away and you fell asleep.
Fierce can hardly control his anger. It slips out in waves of energy. He looks you up and down for any sign of distress. There was none. Now that you're a sword it doesn't feel strange to stare. You shine in the light of the goddess. He watches the black blade gleam red as the light hits it just right and wonders how it would feel to wield you in his hands. You’d certainly pair well with him. He'd have to look for you at the end of every battle, he wouldn't be able to rest without seeing you one more time.
“When will you send them down again?” Fierce asks, Hylia pretends not to hear at first. Turning you in her hands as she examines your blade.
“When do you think you'll learn your lesson?” Hylia asks absentmindedly. Playing the fool fit her. Fierce took several deep breaths and calmed down. You had been so close. For a moment he could feel your soul link up with his. He wasn't sure what he'd turn into if he transformed you into his vessel. He wouldn't try to, but the idea was tempting. Calm now Fierce thinks about Hylia’s question.
“For someone like that? I don't think I ever will.” Hylia sets the blade flat against her palm and checks to see if you are truly asleep- you are. She had been draining your energy the whole time she held you. Best to do it while you’re unaware. You'd never let her sleep if she tried it any other way. It took longer than she would have wanted. You were growing stronger.
“Please mind your manners. They're taken.” Hylia wasn't as angry as she sounded. Her and Fierce were on good terms. His actions here were harmless. She could allow him to see you again once in a while. It was just that the fear in her chest wouldn't leave whenever she saw you with someone else. Her actions this evening were innocent. It was meant to pull you close and show how you were in love. Maybe she had overdone it. She wasn't a fan of public displays but it felt nice.
Fierce felt a twinge of guilt. The goddess loved you. She would never treat you wrong. He was sure that however it seemed the lady of light loved you with everything she had. He could have been nicer and helped their alliance. That would have allowed him time with you so long as the goddess was happy, but it didn't feel right. You were your own person and could make your own choices. The people talking had no say in the life that was created for you.
He watched the goddess leave, taking you with her. There was nothing he could do. His mask was still on the ground. If Link didn't come by soon to pick him up he would leave this place himself. Without the magic Hylia was throwing at him it was much easier to support his own form. There was time to wait. He was determined to see you again and had an easy way to make that happen.
Killing was what he was made to do.
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