#this episode is deliciously heartbreaking
athousandbyeol · 6 months
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do you want it? i'll buy it for you. it's okay. even if you do, i can't see it. let it be with someone with good vision. it should be happier.
last twilight, episode 5, part 4 (x).
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hauntedfalcon · 2 years
I know we’re all in awe that the friend group survived the divorce but
which do you think came first: the Coramar-Seelie divorce… or Evandrin’s death :)))))))))))))
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mollywauk · 1 year
First season will end when Molly does, so we'll get that whole arc and maybe the rescue with Caduceus as well? But perhaps a cliffhanger ending
Beau & Keg!
Yasha alone quests may be more fleshed out like with Pike?
The "he's my boy" Nott speech and the Caleb vs Everyone tension of the first arc? Delicious
I didn't think we would reach Essek in the first season because he makes his appearance later in the campaign BUT he was in the trailer so maybe he will be incorporated earlier?
MATTHEW MERCER WILL VOICE ESSEK (please please please)
Animated Jester Sendings! I want to see the looks on their faces when she asks if they're pooping
Also hidden dicks on every frame that jester is in? Not even her necessarily drawing them but like little easter eggs if you pause at the right moment
Actually I do think it would be Funny if Caleb and Beau are having their angsty conversations and there's just a little Jester in the background drawing a dick
Fjord's dreams in animation are going to be INSANE I can't wait
I feel bad already for whoever has to animate Molly's coat but I will be screaming, crying and throwing up when I see it for the first time
The opening tavern scene animated has been my one hope and wish since the moment I watched the first episode and I probably will cry when I see it again
Caleb mudwizard Widogast with his bread hands
Caleb unresolved trauma Widogast lighting up their enemies and then going catatonic
(are we going to get Percy style flashbacks of his time under Ickythong? 👀)
The forehead kiss Molly and Caleb that will later re-ermege in the forehead kiss Caleb and Essek (in a later season)
We're gonna get Dope Monk Shit ANIMATED I could cry, Beau is peak character design and Marisha is peak storytelling with her fight scenes, they're gonna be so good
Nott trying to steal the reccomendation letter from Fjord and being caught by Molly is one of my favourite scenes from Cr2 I'm going feral
I just remembered that it'll likely end with Molly and now I'm scared, that's going to be heartbreaking when animated, I got choked up the first time I saw his coat swinging in the wind in the animated intro
I just have a lot of feelings about this announcement if you couldn't already tell
I'm being so normal about this
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boombox-fuckboy · 6 months
My name is already based on a podcast but that makes the challenge of finding a different one extra fun xD
Best you specified as if you hadn't specified I probably would've just given you The Magnus Archives. I'm so sure I've heard another podcast with a jar full of ashes but all I can think of is this one scene from:
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Breathing Space: A Sci-Fi Western Space Anthology
(Alt: Breathing Space Fading Frontier)
Sci-Fi (Space Western) • Anthology
Exactly what it says on the tin, a space western anthology that makes the most of every single word in that descriptor. All episodes are set in the same broad time in the same universe and you will hear tidbits and connections between these stories, as well as the delicious lore each builds. Some are feel-good, some are heartbreaking, plenty give commentary on the world we ourselves exist in, one is possibly the most fucked up piece of horror I've ever encountered. Also the theme song is, very good. If you don't like episode 1, stick along for episode 2 before you quit.
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sisterofficerlucychen · 2 months
I agree with the other anon, I predict Celina moving in. A couple of other random thoughts: Eric and Melissa are amazing! No way Chenford doesn't get back together, but I think it will take more than one episode, it will hurt and the pining will be delicious. This is honestly the only way I could ever see a break-up, Tim spiraling in self-loathing thinking she deserves so much better, knowing he's hurting her, but thinking she'll be better off. Love your stories!
i really hope so, it has so much potential lol.
omg 100000% ♡ i appreciate, admire, and love them so much. they're such amazing actors and i love how they breathe live into these two beautiful characters.
yes, yes, and yes. chenford is getting back together, it's just a matter of when. the breakup is literally just part of the storyline, one that's clearly hit it's climax and now we get to see the repercussions of it, individually and as a couple — from the look of the promo, they're both already spinning out, lucy as she processes with grey and tim as he flat out spirals.
from what they've teased in interviews, social media posts, etc., it for sure seems like it'll be more than one episode which honestly thank goodness. for it to be this much heartbreak making them get back together one episode later would be such a disservice especially if the point is to build on character development. like i'm so interested and invested to see how they come back from this because they will come back stronger.
no, for sure! like it makes so much sense that tim did that and why. i keep thinking about how he said "you deserve so much better" — in his eyes, he failed her. he knows he's lost himself and he's thinks he's pushing her onto a lifeboat to save her from a sinking ship, even if that's not true. the fact that he doesn't know if he can come back from it says it all. he'd rather hurt her now, have her deal with the heartbreak, and mend the pieces because in the end (in his eyes) that's a far smaller cost than to drag her down with him. it goes back to his "i'm trying to look out for you". he will never not look out for her even if it's not in the way she needs him to same as how he'll never not try to protect her. that's who he is. the fierce protector, her fierce protector.
this is gonna sound so cheesy but it's kind of like the "if you love someone set them free" quote because that's exactly what he did and they will find their way back to each other.
you're so sweet, thank you ♡
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copiouscouples · 7 days
Bridgerton - A Dissertation
Chemistry is subjective and that's why I love Bridgerton. If one couple isn't your bag, then there are others to choose from.
Personally, I've enjoyed all the seasons. I just love to see love unfold.
Season 1 was such a new animal. It was the novelty of it all. Nothing had been done like this before. You either had the adulterous, explicit, and/or violent sex scenes of Outlander or Game of Thrones or you had chaste Austen (which j'adore but still). There is no other show (even though there have been attempts) that combines the sweet romantic side of love with sexy times. And on top of that you have the costumes and the humor and the diversity.
Simon and Daphne's love story for me was so beautiful watching it simply because it was like they'd turned the historical romances I love reading so much into a tv show.
Season 2 I was so pumped for. The first 4 episodes were delicious. The looks, the stares, the verbal sparring, the passionate declarations, and almost kisses. Be still my heart. The wedding episode was a giant buzzkill. It ground all that momentum to a halt. Edwina deciding not to marry Anthony should've been a 5 minute scene max. That episode took up time when we could've seen them make progress on their relationship. After that, the plot did bounce back. Then, we got their love scene in the garden. I think the most apt description I've seen of that is that it was like a hot music video. It was fine and all, but I was wanting more. It wasn't rewatchable like the Simon and Daphne scenes.
Then Queen Charlotte came along and wowzers did I love that show on so many levels. It was gorgeously done, funny, sweet, heartbreaking, and sexy. George and Charlotte were a good couple but knowing their ending wasn't so happy definitely put an asterisk next to it.
Season 3 came along and at first I was a little indifferent about it for multiple reasons.
1) I hadn't been fully sold on Luke and Nicola's chemistry. It seemed too friend-like (which I know is the point but still). On top of that, there's their real life age gap. Luke N. is super attractive but I was envisioning someone older and more mature (because I know the books have Pen and Colin as older).
2) Friends to lovers isn't a favorite trope of mine.
3) I really wanted Eloise or Benedict's season to be next.
But oh my word, guys, I am really digging this season. Probably more so than even Queen Charlotte.
Things I Love:
Colin being the pursuer and driver of the relationship instead of Daphne in season 1 or Daphne/Edwina/circumstances in season 2. It's delicious to see Colin chasing Penelope. And yeah, she did ask him to kiss her but home skillet didn't ask him to show up at her house for a late night rendezvous. That was all him.
A less angry/bitter male lead. Colin likely has daddy issues too, but he is just more emotionally in-tune (when he allows himself to be) and doesn't take it out on others. He's sweet and lovable and a perfect cinnamon roll when he's not posing.
The Sexy times are back! That carriage scene was 10/10 - no notes. And it was sexy because of the feelings component. And we're getting more! I'm gonna pass out!
Even though I wish they'd hurry a bit and get them back to being friends, I do enjoy seeing the Eloise and Penelope friendship aftermath. I love seeing how much they care about each other despite being angry/hurt by one another.
That height difference, tho!
I feel like we can all take enjoyment from different couples and different seasons. We're all different and different tropes resonate with us. There is something to be enjoyed by all with Bridgerton.
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rabarbarzcukrem · 5 months
Black Rose Musical save me
So they're starting with Mikage's backstory? Interesting
Actually, I wonder how they'll go about showing that Mamiya was Anthy all along
Mamiya doing that quick spin with Anthy, and then Utena with Tokiko...
I love the "Burn" song, it does a good job at setting the mood for this arc
Ok we're getting a reminder of Utena's story and what happened in the previous musical
I love the way Saionji tosses his hair lmao. Cunty. And how he runs away with that pathetic "UaUaAaaaa!!". he's such a loser
I like how these musicals really want us to associate "the princess was wrapped in the scent of roses" not necessarily with Dios, but with Anthy. She appears every time this line is sung
Ooooh even during the "on the previous episode" part, Mikage and Mamiya are already watching everything from the shadows
Btw, Mikage's voice sounds really similar to the original in my opinion
The parallels between Mamiya and Anthy are so clear, "if you say so, senpai" = "if utena-sama says so"
Akio being introduced so casually when it's obvious that he's super important to the plot also reflects how it happened in anime
Utena/Anthy and Mikage/Mamiya parallels..Mmmm delicious
I looooove how the whole cast is gradually presented (one relationship by one) and then at the end there's Akio with Anthy. Such an amazing way to show the way all these relationships connect and mirror each other
This musical's theme song being about light, mirrors and never letting go of something that might seem like an illusion...huh...
The scenes simultaneously happening on the stage impact each other - Akio is talking with Utena in the tower, but at the same time pushes Kozue towards Miki. Only a stage adaptation would be able to portray it this way
Wait....No kanae?? :((((
Holy shit Mikage's songs have such a creepy sound with the choirs in the background
(Also Mikage pushing Miki, imitating what Akio did to Kozue)
The contrast between Kozue entering her Dark Era and Wakaba whining about exams lol. Isn't that a perfect encapsulation of the spirit of RGU. The tragi-comedy of it all
The choreography !!
I wonder if there's any significance to the fact that when the cast is standing still singing zettai unmei mokushiroku, Anthy is copying the dance moves of the supporting dancers
The fact that Black Rose duelists have the same skills as the members of the student council showed by having both of them fight Utena at once?? Clever
Also, power of Dios possessing the sword showed by Dios literally fighting alongside Utena
Shame that Kozue didn't do that dramatic falling on the ground thing after her rose got pierced
The egg being called "a cage of freedom". That's a nice way to put it
Saionjeans appears!!
I love shiori already
I can't remember, does Shiori call herself a prodigal daughter in the anime too? Either way that's something I'll be thinking about for the next few days
They did the blood sucking scene 👀 while Shiori and Juri's gay shit was happening 👀
Shiori thinking Juri was reaching for the boy, when she was actually reaching towards her...
Akio walking with the same posture as Touga did... HMMM
They even managed to keep the water motif !
Shiori's horrified expression when she sees her picture...The actress is too good
How did they manage to make them even gayer??
Shiori and Juri taking off each other's roses AAAH
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I love that Nanami consistently breaks the fourth wall, it's a perfect thing for her character to do
Wakaba screaming after being stabbed was so heartbreaking...
Akio throwing away that hair clip in the exact same way Touga did with Saionji's exchange diary. Once again: HMMM
Wakaba singing the lines from the first musical about the book she'd read, but this time with her voice breaking, on the verge of crying. I can't stand this
Saionji and Wakaba both singing about a prince on a white horse - Saionji mocking Utena by this, Wakaba actually idealizing Saionji. God, it works so well
Wakaba's duel broke my heart. The actress is so good at capturing the desperation and sorrow in her voice
For the first time Akio is implied to actually have been the one to give Utena the ring...and the way he grabs the supporting dancer and shoves him to the ground. He gives off such sinister vibes
The friendship song is both hopeful and sad because it proves what Akio said - Wakaba had her moment of happiness and specialness but then she had to go back to her normal life of the supporting character. And also because of the fact that while Wakaba and Utena keep singing, Anthy had to go meet up with Akio.. So even though it's heart-warming to see them spend quality time together, none of them really understand what the others are going through
This killed me
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"Do you have someone important to you?" And we see the duelists with their black rose counterparts
I almost feel like Mamiya in the flashbacks has slightly different mannerisms that the one in the present impersonated by Anthy.
Mamiya with the candlestick literally SITTING on the COFFIN
"Is (Saionji) going to waltz his ass back in here?" Lmaooo
Did I just imagine it or did Mikage slash Utena on her arm, similarly to how she injured his arm before the duel
Is "Imaginary living body" playing?!?!? Hell yeah!!!
Mikage actually seeing Dios helping Utena fight? Interesting! That's something I didn't expect
I loooove the curtain falling and revealing the projector. That's what I mean when I say that a stage adaptation brings the best out of this anime. There are so many fun visual things like this
I think this arc must have been incredibly difficult to pull off in this form, without being able to do quick cuts and transitions that could be shown in the anime. But they did such a good job! Actually, they kept surprising me with clever ways of adapting the themes of the show to fit this adaptation. I was constantly impressed
The last thing left to say is. PART 3 WHEN
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reviewdiaries · 10 months
Nancy x Ace and the riddle of knowledge in 4x11
The sweet smell of being right on the money, I love it. You know what else I love? The development in this episode. Because things in Horseshoe Bay have gone from suspicious AF to completely demented, and I am HERE FOR IT.
We finally have confirmation for why things have felt so off these last few episodes. And we’ve started to explore the jenga puzzle, if I remove this one thing - vanished as though it never existed - what else falls down? What other relationships and feelings change? Can they be pieced back together again?
Let’s start with my boy Ace, because I personally am really enjoying his storyline. Do I completely get where the frustration lies for those who would have liked to see more pining and curse breaking and TENSION? Absolutely. I too would have loved that, because Ace and Nancy serve up delicious tension for breakfast, and it’s a treat to watch it. But I’m also genuinely enjoying seeing what we’ve got, because it’s all about growth.
Ace has been given time and space this series to find himself and flourish. He’s fought through heartbreak, and yes, that heartbreak has been distorted, we know that now. Can feel the chiming sense of wrong wrong wrong, how his feelings towards Nancy have shifted, vanishing like smoke in the air. Memories and feelings erased until there’s nothing left but the bare bones of a friendship and an aching sense of something gone - reaching for his phone in the middle of the night before realising he has no idea why. Because suddenly he’s left with the sense of a relationship that stalled before it could start, an idle heartbreak, the feeling of throwing himself into work, into the next mystery, the next person who shows an interest. A tension under his skin that he can’t ever explain. But he’s found a job that he loves, he’s carving out his own space, learning where to prioritise, where the important parts of him lie, where they join together, and how to take up his own space in the world.
His sense of self worth is still battered, his issues with his parents rampant, but he’s starting to hold his ground, mark his own boundaries, find an inner steel we’ve not yet seen in him. He’s always been so quick to please, to try and do what others have wanted, and this episode we’re finally seeing him stand his ground. 
We haven’t ever seen his parents come into his space before, and we get that not once but three times in this episode. We see the tension and friction between him and his father (which we haven’t seen much of but was alluded to greatly in the first couple of seasons) and we see how his mother tries desperately to keep the peace whilst supporting her son. 
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GIF Credit @goodobservationshirley
I love this moment. Because Rebbeca is right. The Claw is absolutely Ace’s house, and that means that she and his father are coming to him to lead, they are stepping into his space and they are going to treat it as his, can acknowledge that it’s his, which is such a huge thing. Sure his dad is dismissive and thinks it’s going to go terribly, but that line is drawn. This is Ace’s space, and that means he is the head of the house.
As he becomes more preoccupied with his ghost he becomes less passive with his father. He stands up for himself, he refuses to be cowed by the disappointment, the expected failure. He does this on his terms. And yeah, he stumbles at the start, but he doesn’t let that phase him, he carries on, he leads. He steps into his own and it is such a joy to see. By the end of the episode we have that beautiful moment where his dad comes to tell him how well he did. And moments like this? They’re everything. The growth, the evolution of their relationship. The way they start to meet each other as equals instead of Ace cowering before his dad, it’s amazing to watch.
And then the confrontation with Nancy. Oh guys, they needed this. Sure, it’s about the ghost, not about them. How can they get this argument out when they don’t even remember their feelings for each other? But this is the first time that Ace asserts himself. Stop. I do not consent to what you’ve done. Stop. He never stands up to Nancy. Never holds space for himself, for his needs. The closest we’ve seen him come is 4x02 when he’s desperately pushing for her to tell him what he’s missing. But even then he doesn’t come out and say it, he doesn’t communicate effectively, doesn’t express himself. He acts the part of the spurned wife, veiling everything behind passive aggressive snark and stone wall silence. 
This is everything. This is beautiful. This is communication. Expressing what he needs, what he wants, and refusing to back down. This is everything that they have been missing. I’ve said it over and over and over this season, so much of their problem has been their inability or willingness to communicate openly with each other. And here, laying down the groundwork, is the first step. The first flag Ace is planting. A map of muscle memory for the next time he needs to hold his head high and say stop, no, this is not what I want. 
But as he starts to find those boundaries, Nancy is finding her sense of self eroded. She is floundering, desperate, panicked by the timeline she’s been thrust into, desperate now she knows there are too smooth edges where her memories have been stitched together. Suddenly she doesn’t know herself, doesn’t trust herself. What is her and what is what’s left behind when it’s been taken - the trip on the pavement versus the assault? What would she do, what could she possibly have deemed so bad it had to be removed? Because this Nancy, the Nancy with the pieces removed, she doesn’t have the framework of her love for Ace, the undying certainty that she would do anything for the man she loves, even tear herself to pieces with her bare hands and a handful of words whispered in the dark. She only has an aching sense of loss and a hundred shifting pieces she can no longer make sense of. 
So she goes back to the basics. Back to the handful of things she can hold onto, the facts of the case. Over and over and over as she spirals into panic and fear and the desperate certainty that she is broken beyond repair, irredeemable, lost and alone.
She knows the date. She knows the time. She knows the call log on her phone. The memories are gone but the facts are there. A handful of truths to hold onto and whisper to herself in the dark. We have seen Nancy at her best and at her worst. But even at her worst - lost in the depths of the Hudson name and sure that she can only be the worst version of herself, she knew her mind. Trusted her memories. Could hold onto the pieces of her that she knew to be true. But this, this is a violation that she knows is self inflicted. A scalpel precise removal of pieces of her she doesn’t even know to miss.
We now have a definitive timeline - Ace called Nancy after the boat trip, after the memorial, her hair still wet from washing buttercream icing out. There’s around twenty minutes between that and her going to call on the Sin Eater. And Nancy, because she’s shaken, she’s been given proof that she’s done something she can’t imagine ever doing, no longer trusts herself, no longer trusts what she’d do, what terrible atrocities she could commit. She goes to Ace and tells him that she thinks they are responsible for the Jane Doe.
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GIF Credit @whitefluffyyeti 
 But that doesn’t track, that doesn’t make sense. The Nancy we know and love would never try and erase a murder, cover up something terrible. She’d face it head on, hold herself to the same truth and justice ideal that she holds everyone to, because as far as she’s concerned she’s not special, she’s not above this. If she did something wrong she’d take herself to the police station and confess.
So that’s not it. 
But Nancy would also do absolutely anything for those she loves. Not murder, not hiding something like that. But she would absolutely run to the Yacht Club to erase something to save someone she loves, someone like Ace. It’s something time critical, otherwise why would she go there so quickly. She’s desperate. But it’s not something illegal, no for that she’d call Carson, get a lawyer involved, get it sorted out the right way. She’s not always stayed on the right side of the law - too many opportunities to show up the police when they can’t do their jobs, use her lockpicks, her sleuthing beanie. But if it was something illegal, something bad, something murderous, there is no way she’d erase it, she’d work on building the strongest defence possible, but she wouldn’t undo it.
I don’t believe it’s that they accidentally triggered the curse either. We’ve seen before, the Sin Eater erases the memory, it can’t undo the damage. If the curse were triggered, if Ace were doomed to die, the Sin Eater wouldn’t be able to do a thing to stop it.
So what does that leave? I genuinely have no clue. There are some great theories floating around about that night, about the Captain of the ship mysteriously cancelling, about the curse that Ace drops overboard. Something about that is off. And we can no longer trust what we’re being shown as viewers. Is what we see the truth? Or is it the altered version after the Sin Eater has removed it from the characters’ collective consciousness? Did Ace and his dad have a lovely bonding fishing trip or did something else happen? Did Nancy and Ace actually have that conversation as we saw it? Clearly not. But what have we had erased? What parts are missing? What jigsaw pieces are we going to be gifted to fill in to make the picture make sense?
My two cents, for what they’re worth - I don’t believe the ghost and the Jane Doe are the same. I think these are two things thrown together to make us think they’re the same. If the Captain theory holds true I’m willing to bet that they’re the burned corpse. But I think the ghost is the figurehead from The Governance. 
The Governance was stormed away from its original course thanks to the Aglaeca - thanks founders and your truly terrible treatment of women. Like I was in a storm. 
They then ripped the boat to pieces and left the figurehead as a protector of the Black Door, literally in the basement. The sky is gone.
The figurehead that has watched over as they tried over and over to merge the Sin Eater with the stolen children. There’s only one left.
She’s ethereal, not wearing the clothes she died in, but a white robe - like an angel, like a woman in white, like a being of magic. And Nancy Drew have been at great pains to point out throughout that there is a balance. Plugonia - plural, one doll for evil, one for light. What if the figurehead is not just a watcher, but part of the literal balance of the Sin Eater?
Now, @flythesail has done a truly excellent post exploring this theory which makes me feel much less like I’m going crazy connecting dots that aren’t there, and I highly recommend checking it out, because she does a fab job exploring the ideas of reincarnation that the writers are bringing into play this season, and makes a very compelling argument for this.
And once you start putting those pieces in, suddenly Nancy and Ace behaving as they are over the ghost and Tristan begins to make even more sense than memory erasure and heartbreak. And honestly, that’s not a sentence I ever thought I’d say.
But the thread has been found - how can you find a thread to pull when you don’t even know it’s missing waiting to be discovered? Against all the odds the photo, the timeline, it’s starting to emerge. And we know how Nancy gets once there’s a mystery. That desperate all consuming urge to uncover the truth, the light, the justice for a town steeped in darkness and secrets, for the people caught up in the web, for herself.
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tough-girl9 · 5 months
Do you have any Data fic recommendations from Tumblr or Ao3? Just curious if there are any you read that you’ve really liked. If so, share with the class ;P
I'm so sorry this has been sitting in my inbox for months. Let's just say that the last four months of my life have been...interesting...and I have been too tired to do much of anything sadly. But as to your question! Yes, yes, I do have a few recommendations of Data fics I've enjoyed.
Data Goes to Therapy by Captain Toad. As you can guess...it's about Data finally getting some therapy. It's a series of "missing scenes" following episodes like "The Offspring", "The Most Toys", and "Brothers" (aka the ones where Data needed therapy). It's sweet and cute, has great characterization of Data and Deanna, and is well written. Currently in progress.
Failsafe by Sourboi. Oh boy, prepare for the feels on this one. It's a post-"Brothers" one-shot with Data and the rest of the Enterprise crew dealing with the implications of Data's one-man take over of the Enterprise. It's contemplative and heartbreaking and soft and has great characterization of Data.
Maintenance by Humbae. This is a longer one-shot about Data's early days on the Enterprise and the origins of his friendship with Geordi. It's from Dr. Crusher's perspective and explains a bit about why she knows so much about Data's inner workings along with Geordi. It deals with the prejudice Data faces and the neglect and isolation he's received from humans, and it's both sweet and heartbreaking. As with the others, it has excellent characterization and is very well written.
It Never Happened Except That It Did by Spectre_the_Zombie. A sweet, sensitive handling of Data and Tasha's friendship after the events of "The Naked Now." I like to believe that they were able to discuss what happened, and this story gives the reader just that. Tasha gets some much-needed therapy and everyone is able to handle a painful, awkward situation like the professional adults and friends that they are.
Best Friends by Rowena Zahrei. A super cute and fluffy origin fic for Data and Geordi's friendship. Really great characterization and in character dialogue, and a short feel-good read.
And finally, a bonus Lore fic: Cursed Treasure by SoongTypeDisaster. Kivas Fajo is out of prison and wants revenge on a certain android, but the android he ends up capturing is not Data. In which Fajo gets exactly what he deserves and Lore is deliciously conniving, manipulative, and scary. Great characterization and wonderfully satisfying.
Thanks for the ask! Hope you enjoy some of these fics.
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ripplestitchskein · 1 month
Where do you see Stolitz being at the end of the season? I don’t know how much heartbreak I can take.
Oooh Nonnie I’d prepare for some ANGST but there’s nothing in the text to indicate it’s the bad kind imo. I feel confident that it’s gonna be that good productive angst that gets us places we wanna go, that we’ll flail about and be heartbroken about but not that Game of Thrones style pointless nihilist angst that is just for shock value or because the creators wanted a cliffhanger or a twist.
One of the things I find comforting about this show is the people making it are very much a part of fandom rather than corporate studios using general audience analytics or creators who are just there for a paycheck. The creative team of this show genuinely seems to care about these characters. I have a lot of anxiety about my hyperfixation ships so I feel you on the worry but it would be a huge waste of time and incredibly unsatisfying for the audience to change directions midstream. And the beauty of a cartoon is that even if the actors leave or people change out from the creative team as long as there is money and a drive to make it they aren’t beholden to the same logistics issues as a live action.
From a storytelling perspective it doesn’t make sense to reverse course and break them up forever. I’m not writing the show so I can’t tell you with 100% certainty but there are too many threads intricately knotted together and if they cut this relationship out the whole fucking show unravels. I’ve always said Stolas and Blitzo’s relationship was central in the first two episodes of the show, Stolas is how IMP does business, the 2nd episode was literally all about Stolas’s family drama and the show is about Blitz so it would take a lot of work to stop this train and still leave your audience satisfied at the end. Work that it doesn’t make sense to do. This is not a fanservice thing, like Stolitz is too popular or something like that, but a storytelling thing. It’s such a huge part of the show they can’t drop it in a way that wouldn’t drive the audience away, even casual viewers. And being an indie production they have to be very deliberate and careful with their choices, they don’t have the capital to be doing like two sample hypothesis testing with the story or trying out different threads. It’s just not feasible.
If the trailer did anything it was reinforce every assumption or speculation I’ve made, like I got so much dopamine from that fucking trailer. And all the speculation lines up perfectly with my episode deep dives and how I, as a writer and creative, understand the structure and narrative choices being shown. And I am SO PUMPED ABOUT WHERE THIS TRAIN IS HEADING. It’s gonna hurt but in the best way I think.
To answer your question, as far as the end of this season I am of two minds. Either Stolas and Blitz make the decision to start a relationship in S2 and S3 is them working through it during whatever trials and tribulations they are undergoing.
Or they are not together but we get a lot of delicious pining through S3 where they finally get together together and S4 is the working through the relationship season.
How I think it’s going to play out after a few days of rearranging things in my head:
Blitzø and Stolas are both excited and anxious about their upcoming rendezvous. Blitzø is doing sexy date prep and seeking advice from his bestie on sex toys. Stolas is drowning in anxiety.
Blitzø fucks up. Either he says something hurtful or embarrasses Stolas in some way, either about his royal duties or Octavia. I theorize that the issue with the Full Moon is Stolas’s fault and Vassago is the character who will bring that to his attention. Might possibly comfort him. Andrelphus and Stella are going to take advantage of the situation.
Blitzø tries to take it back, that’s why he’s reaching out but he’s denied.
In Apology Tour Blitzø tries to get back to their casual “If I ignore it it’s fine” status quo but Stolas is not having it. That’s the garden conversation where he’s serving so much cunt.
Stolas either defends Blitzø with his song at Verosika’s tour or it’s so heartbreaking Blitzø has no way to hide from it anymore. I also think Versoika herself will point out that Blitzø is treating Stolas quite a bit differently than he did her which also keeps him from shoving his feelings down.
I think at the end of this episode Stolas calls things off but Blitzo is now aware of how Stolas feels and how he feels. He is not ready to act on it yet.
Ghostfuckers I think will be primarily Millie and Blitzø. Blitzø will probably have to confront how he was when they first met, and other things like his mother and Barbie.
Mastermind is probably the CHERUB/DHORKS episode. I still think it’s probably a gag tbh. Like the actual episode is not about them at all because in my mind they are the Sir Pentious of HB. Like they believe they are this big bad but they just kind of fail and disappear and keep coming back as a running annoyance. I kind of think the real threat is maybe Satan or Andrelphus/Stella.
In one of three episodes, or at the end of Apology Tour something happens to Stolas. He is taken out of commission in some way. He loses his job, he is absent. I don’t think it will be his fault.
I think this will come into play in Sinsmas, which maybe very much like Seeing Stars where maybe Stolas promised Octavia something for the holiday or they had a tradition and he misses it because of being out of commission. She finds him with Blitzø who is rescuing him from Andrelphus. I kind of think Vassago will help him or tip him off that Stolas is in trouble. Octavia is mad and lashes out. That conflict I see going into S3.
Blitzø needs proof that he doesn’t fuck up people’s lives and right now the person who’s life is in the biggest shambles because of Blitzø (not like because of him but their involvement, you know what I’m saying) is Stolas. He’s divorcing, he might lose his job, his daughter is going to be pissed at him. Stolas will have literally nothing because of their dalliance. So either way I see no way that the breakup is permanent.
If they breakup for good that reinforces Blitzo’s fear he fucks up people’s lives. There’s no resolution to that conflict. Moxxie and Millie don’t have a lot of life problems related to Blitzø tbh, he’s creepy about their relationship but it doesn’t cause them strife only annoyance. Loona is fine too right now. Fizz and he have started reconciliation and Fizz out right told him he was doing well. Verosika is pissed and still a drunk last we see her but her career is taking off.
By having Stolas break up forever only reinforces the idea that you don’t get a second chance at love for Stolas (or a first chance), and says “Yeah, Stolas IS better off without him” and I doubt that’s the story they want to tell lol. On Stolas’s side it would be all kinds of fucked up to imply that parents can’t have romantic relationships because their kids are mad about it imo. That his only option as a loveless arranged marriage and continuing to lie to himself and the world. Like a child should be priority but parents are also fully formed humans with lives outside of their children and it’s not great to have a child throw a fit and the parent be like “Oh okay, guess I’ll just be alone cause my teenage daughter is sulky”.
Like the issues they’ve set up can only be resolved satisfactorily one way at this point, at least in my opinion. Whether that happens in S2 or later in S3 I still very firmly believe it will be a focus and we’ll get lots of little moments.
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queseraone · 4 months
You had this coming. Worst 5 Chenford Episodes of the Rookie. Tim and Lucy must interact. You reap what you sow 😈
And then to give you even more to procrastinate with—
5 missed opportunities that you wish the show would have done more with
Okay, let's dive into this.
My opinion on worst episodes is similar to yours - these episodes feel like a departure from the characters and from the development of their relationship, etc.
Hit and Run (4x08) - I do not like this episode for Chenford (and in general tbh). GENNY: When you were 7 years old, he dropped you in Griffith Park with a compass and made you find your way home. TIM: Which I did. LUCY: A Tim Test. (setting aside the overall UGH of someone doing that to a SEVEN YEAR OLD...) As if Lucy 'empathy is her superpower' Chen would make such inconsiderate comments about someone else's pain, especially Tim's?!?!??! No, no, NO. Even her conversation later with Tim where she says she's overstepping, but that his sister needs him... I get that, but Tim did not want to go back there. And the Lucy of the past and of nearly every other episode would absolutely not say that. She would respect and support Tim's choice, because it makes sense - emotionally, psychologically, etc. And if they really needed Lucy to have a conversation like that, it should have been with Genny, telling her to leave Tim alone and respect his choice. Ugh.
Mother's Day (4x21) - This makes the list out of my absolute HATRED for that fake proposal. Sure, the teasing earlier in the episode was fun, but the ending was AWFUL. There are about a million other (better) ways we could have seen Lucy having that sort of "aha" moment. Tim Bradford views marriage in high regard (again I go back to - this man was true to his vows with Isabel long after she took off), he's not going to PROPOSE as a joke. GRRRR
The Choice (5x04) - What you said, honestly. That Look™ as he's lowered down to the basement is !!!!!, but beyond that? Booooo, such an anticlimactic conclusion to this story arc. Certainly this was a byproduct of (heartbreaking) real-life circumstances, but the complete lack of closure to this arc for Lucy (and Tim) will be forever disappointing. And on top of the way it all played out, the brief exchange between them when they see Rosalind's body at the end? It's so devoid of any emotion or compassion on Tim's part (granted, we can't see his face as he says "she only seemed larger than life", but his subsequent line is all business), and it just feels so out of touch with the previous Chenford + Rosalind moments.
New Blood (3x11) - Again, big old ditto here, but yes, hated the way they portrayed Lucy as insecure and jealous of Barnes. (Seriously listen up everyone: Lucy has never ever been insecure about her appearance - nor should she be, she's a fucking babe.)
This is a tie between A.C.H. (4x05) and Long Shot (4x14) for the same reason. Both episodes have some fun moments, and are certainly not awful overall, but similar to Lucy's comments re: Tim's childhood/dad in 4x08, I hated seeing Tim spin Lucy's mom's comments/actions in a positive light ("Or she's just looking out for you, knowing how busy you are." and "Maybe she's trying to prevent you from making the same mistakes she did."). Sure, maybe he was trying to play devil's advocate or make sure Lucy was considering all her options or whatever, but it comes across as him siding with her mom. And based on how easily Lucy talks to him about this stuff, it's clear he's heard plenty about that situation in the past. Lucy's mom sucks.
Five missed opportunities, hmm, this is hard to think about on the fly...
I think it was a massive missed opportunity to have Chenford do the whole secret relationship thing (delicious) and then not have a reveal of the relationship. This show is light and fun, and there was major comedy potential there. I wish they would have explored that more. This is slightly related, so I'll lump them together - I wish we had a conversation between Tim and Angela after the reveal of Chenford to bookend the ones in 5x01 and 5x02.
Still can't believe they brought Chris back after the breakup just for lawyer stuff. I was more than happy to close the door on that character, but if they really wanted to bring him back, it felt like a missed opportunity to not have some interaction with Chenford and real closure to that arc.
The Emmett of the it all - I've been chatting with @goodgirlssayiloveyoutoo (Go read her fics! Do it now!) about this recently, and it's honestly such a bummer that the actor had to leave so abruptly. There was so much potential in that relationship - he was super hot, Lucy deserved to have a love life (!!!!), and it felt like such an opportunity to propel things forward and make something happen with Chenford.
This one is silly and stupid, but after Tim called LA CLEAR in season 2, I would have loved to see Lucy or Nyla or someone set his ringtone to Lady Marmalade.
I can't believe I'm relating one of these to 5x01, because that episode is a fave, but it's a bit of a missed opportunity that Hajek's crew busted into the hotel room so early. There was only one bed. Would have loved to see how they handled that (and just having more of them undercover in general). But that's a minor one overall.
And I absolutely positively wish Tim broke up with Ashley.
Oooookay wow this post feels super duper negative... which is insane because I absolutely adore this show and CANNOT WAIT for it to be back in 4 (!!!!!!!!!) weeks!!!!!!
Omg someone ask me some positive happy questions hahaha
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the-butler-did-it · 17 days
Having mixed feelings about the new episodes!
Because I absolutely do want to have fun and enjoy and just go on the ride – and I loved the campiness of The Giggle (spice up your life?? hello???) and Jinx was delicious in The Devil's Chord – but I am just having issues with the writing I think?
I haven't found all the words, but I think a lot of it just doesn't feel EARNED yet. Like, instead of having emotional dialogue that relates to our characters' development it feel kinda inspirational-poster-on-the-wall to show The Doctor Is Actually Emotionally Mature Now So You Better Love Yourself. And I know how much Ncuti can do!!
I think I'm just missing some depth maybe? Because Doctor Who IS campy and IS over the top weird the-worst-visual-and-special-effects-you've-ever-seen (sometimes I wonder how the episode where plastic Mickey says pa pa pizza is what hooked me) but it's also heartbreaking and loss and loneliness and hope. I once saw a video a where Peter Capaldi said it's fundamentally a show about death, because the main character keeps dying. Life, death, change, companionship, humanity.
I know I'm just rambling and this became way longer than intended but just! Ambivalence!!
Side note: Other than I think the songs so far aren't really my thing (again I think they could be written better idk hire Rachel Bloom or smth) I feel like the sound engineering is too clean kind of? Like it's too polished so it totally takes me out of the narrative because it's so clearly studio recorded and possibly slightly corrected in pitch
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Fic: Love is when you try to place it out your mind
A/N: For @lovesickfolly and based on their deliciously wonderful plot bunnies :) The title is based on Mona Lisa by Dominic Fike
Fair warning, as of writing this fic, I'm on episode 10 of the show but I'd been Tumblr-watching it while it was airing so I have a gauge of what's what. If there are some discrepancies with the details or whatnot, *handwaves* consider this a Canon Divergence?
As a whole, I hope I did the prompt I chose some proper justice. This fic is not betaed. Enjoy!
It happens a little like this:
Fang Duobing holds on a little tighter just to keep Li Lianhua from running away. Li Lianhua uses some sleight of hand to keep him at a distance. Fang Duobing falls for it but only for a moment, before he catches the corner of his sleeve, holding on just long enough to say, "I love you, I have loved you for the longest time. I can't live when you aren't near, yet I can't breathe when you are away from my side."
"You frustrate me, you drive me insane, but there's no one better for me. In this life, I want no one else. I've never had to beg anyone for anything but, please..."
"Fang Duobing, I think you've drunk too much tonight."
A gentle push at his wrist that he doesn't fight is strong enough to have him stumbling back. Hurt lances through his heart at the way Li Lianhua's dark gaze lifts and meets his own unwaveringly. Like two bottomless pools in a moonless night, there is little he can do but to listen to his heart break when Li Lianhua says, "I'll forget everything you just said. Bury this deep and never think about me like this again."
It ends a lot like this:
Li Lianhua leaves him behind without a second thought.
It has been a year since he last saw him.
It feels very much like this:
An ache in his heart follows him closer than a shadow, far more familiar than his own skin, settling deeper in his marrow than his own blood. He cannot eat, he cannot sleep. The best wine is tasteless, the finest dishes are ash on his tongue.
For the first month, he knows his mother spends sun up to sundown cursing the jianghu. It takes his youngest Aunt coming to his room to hold him by the hand as she'd used to do when he was little and ill from a bout of sickness, tearfully pleading with him to please, just eat something, just one bite, one sip of water, just do something instead of staying in his room like he'd lost all his will to live.
(if he only climbs out of bed because his mother and aunt threaten to bring this case up to the whole of the jianghu, if he only takes his first bite of food because they bring Fox Spirit to his side to comfort him, that's something for him and him only to know)
By the time the seasons change, his mother only kisses his cheeks in goodbye and tells him to take care of himself on the road when he leaves to roam the jianghu and carry out his duties to the Baichuan Court.
And through all that, the ache settles in like an old friend. His aunt says that heartbreak will take time to get over. Fang Duobing doesn't know if he wants to wait to find out.
He's probably cursed at this point, but there's nothing much to be done about that.
The first time he hears that Li Lianhua is back is half a year since he spilt his heart out and it is through gossip he overhears in a tavern in the middle of escorting a criminal. There's a twinge of instinct like a cut-off nerve ending that still feels sensation even when it shouldn't, to get up, ask those men where they heard such a piece of news and chase that man down by hook or by crook.
Instead, Fang Duobing takes a deep, calming breath, swallows down his mouthful of food, and takes another breath.
In the months after, it's as if he is seeing ghosts.
A glimpse of a lotus leaf hairpin on someone, the scent of herbs and fire on another, the sight of red ribbons floating in the wind. The touch of warmth on his wrist as he walks in a crowd. Despite all these, Fang Duobing trudges on. Smiling when he has to, laughing because he wants nothing but to put the frown off his mother's brow, joking when all he wants to do is scream that the withered and dying heart in him is so hollowed out that nothing matters.
Not helped is how the rumour of Li Lianhua's return was anything but an exaggeration.
Everyone seems to have seen him. Everyone but him.
The masters of Baichuan Court had a meal with him a week ago. Su Xiaoyong managed to corner him for tea a day ago and Qiao Wanmian is having him over for lunch in a week. Sometimes, if he comes back at the right time, he spies Fox Spirit's food bowl filled with his favourite snack that only Li Lianhua knows how to make.
He swallows down the bile and keeps trudging on. Pulls himself up by the boots and solves case after case, making an empty glory for himself. Runs himself ragged so that at night he can just fall into bed and sleep. It is a small bliss when he doesn't have to think about how Li Lianhua hates him so much that he won't even seek him out to show him just a glimpse of the hem of his robe.
What goes around comes around. Or so the saying goes, and no good deed goes unpunished. Fang Duobing would call it a relief when he slips up enough that a rogue swordsman can get an upper hand long enough to stab him through and through with a blade, pinning him up just enough that he can get away.
As the darkness takes him, Fang Duobing wonders if he can sleep this time without dreaming of Li Lianhua.
"You fool."
The ceiling he wakes up to is not his own. The bed he wakes up in is familiar in a way that makes his heart stutter and skips a beat in pain. He must have groaned because deft hands are quick to be at his shoulder to settle him down. Fang Duobing gasps. Gropes through the breathlessness at a thin wrist, looking up to meet eyes that watch him with undisguised worry.
"You con artist..."
Li Lianhua sighs, the corner of his lips twitching. "I probably deserve that."
"You absolute mother--"
"Hey, no need to bring my mother into this!" Li Lianhua laughs, trying to pull away, only for Fang Duobing to hold on to his sleeve.
"I..." He tries, licking his dry lips. Blinking rapidly, he looks around him. "Where am I? What happened?"
"You got stabbed. The fogeys at Baichuan Court brought you to me, telling me to help." Fang Duobing can taste the familiar acridness of rejection creep up the back of his throat. Letting go of the sleeve in his hand, he huffs a soft chuckle.
"So that's the case." Fang Duobing swallows thickly. "You're only helping Baichuan Court."
A silence grows and sits between them. Eventually, he hears Li Lianhua drag a stool closer to the bed. "Fang Xiaobao, look at me."
He closes his eyes, turning his face away with great difficulty. "My apologies Physician Li. I am sure this is a great inconvenience to you that I am here. Let me rest awhile and I'm sure I'll be well enough to leave by then. I do not want to bother you too much."
"You-- Fang Duobing, you fool, look at me!"
He pulls the covers over his shoulders. "That's not necessary--"
"Fang Duobing, look at me, please..."
The thread of pleading is thick in the syllables, and by the gods above, Fang Duobing has never mended his walls to protect him against Li Lianhua. So, he opens his eyes, slowly turning back to look.
And sees the red-rimmed eyes. Then sees the long grey hair that is a shade away from white. He sees the lines on Li Lianhua's face that have deepened in the year that they've not seen each other.
"Li Lianhua..." Fang Duobing starts, heart pounding like a war drum when he reaches out to run his fingers through his hair and finds that instead of pulling away, Li Lianhua is leaning in.
Pressing his cheek into the palm of Fang Duobing's calloused hand, he lets out a shaky breath, as if he is releasing all his worries in that one exhale. "I don't deserve you, Fang Duobing. I never have."
"You came into my life and you made yourself home like you've always been there. You didn't care for how much hurt I inflicted, you didn't care that I pushed you away. You stayed when all others left." Li Lianhua lifts his hands to keep Fang Duobing's hand to the side of his face. The curtain fall of his hair wraps itself around their hands, tangling black to grey on the bedspread. "Every time I tried to hide, you always knew where to find me. Every time I ran, you followed. You've bewitched me, body and soul."
Li Lianhua sighs, turning his face into Fang Doubing's touch. Giving into an impulse, he reaches out, ignoring the twinge of pain. Carding his fingers through Li Lianhua's hair.
Softly, he whispers, "Please don't say things you don't mean."
The hurt that colours the browns of Li Lianhua is tinged with regret. But with a blink, it is replaced with a steely determination that has Fang Duobing reeling when he barely has a moment to process how Li Lianhua swoops in and slides their lips together.
"Li Lianhua--"
He shakes his head, lips still pressed to the corner of Fang Duobing's. "I'm a normal man now. I have nothing to give you. Everything that you have loved about Li Xiangyi, everything that you idolised about the man I was, I am not that anymore. That's why I couldn't reciprocate your feelings that first time. I didn't even know if I was coming back. That's why I ran."
"And what's this?" Fang Duobing asks, the words tripping over themselves as they burn their way into the air between them. "Did you do all this because of, what? Guilt?"
Li Lianhua looks absolutely gutted at that. He shakes his head, eyes begging him to believe him. "No! Never! I... I came the moment I received word that you were injured." Ducking his head, he presses his lips to the jut of their joined hands. "I knew I couldn't stay away from you. I know now that I shouldn't have."
Fang Duobing lets himself process this. Sniffling a little and not fighting Li Lianhua when he smiles wetly as he wipes away the tears that make tracks down his cheeks.
"You hurt me."
"I did." Li Lianhua leans in again. This time, Fang Duobing moves back so that there is space on the bed for him to climb into.
"You really hurt me."
"I know, but if you're willing," Li Lianhua says, the light of the sun catching in the pale strands of his hair as he pledges. "I swear on everything good and true, on everything I have left, on the love you have given me, I, Li Lianhua will be good to you, will spend the rest of my life making it up to you for every moment you were hurt by me."
Fang Duobing feels himself smile genuinely for the first time in a very long time. Lifting his hand to cup at Li Lianhua's face, he rubs his thumb over the dark circle under his eye. "Liar. You can't promise me the rest of your life if we aren't married."
This sparks a gleam of mischief in Li Lianhua's eyes that curls something warm in his gut. Something alive that he wants to chase and pin down with joy.
"You did promise to take my name if I could bring a dead man back to life." Li Lianhua murmurs, plush lips curved upwards. "Haven't we been married since then?"
And really, who is Fang Duobing to deny that? Especially since he has the rest of their lives to figure it out.
The hurt isn't gone. Not by a long shot. But as Li Lianhua willingly takes strands of their hair, braiding them together with a smile before carefully kissing his shoulder and laying back down beside him -- the weight of him so very real, so warm to the touch, and here because he wants to be -- he can feel the space where his heart is start to come back alive.
And that, if nowhere else, is a good place to start again.
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occidentaltourist · 1 month
Can’t decide between S2 & S3 as the best season of Buffy. Season 2 was so delicious with the drama, Spike before the later seasons did what they did with him, Drusilla, Angelus, that heartbreaking finale…but Season 3 had Faith 🤷🏻‍♀️
Oh my goodness, what a difficult choice! Impossible, even. :)
Not to be hyperbolic on main, but I'm honestly not sure a US TV show has had a better two season run than S2-S3 of BtVS, especially a network one running 22-23 episodes a year. The characters, the stories (motw as well as the big season arcs), the relationships, the layers! the metaphors and the symbolism that worked so perfectly with the everyday high school drama and the challenges involved in coming of age ... relatable, yet also so epically drawn ... ugh, the writing! Just so good. Hard to believe it now, that the actors and writers never won a major award for such a seminal series.
I might give a slight edge to S2, because of the aspects you mention: Angel/Angelus with Dru, Darla, and Spike; Innocence and then that devastating two-part finale Becoming. I still can't hear 'Full of Grace' without my tear ducts starting up and bringing me instantly back to the ending:
Then again, S3 was also SO GOOD with my girl Faith mixing it up and the finale?? High school was literally hell and then it burned down entirely ... Graduation Day, you will always be famous.
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becauseimanicequeen · 2 months
RANDOM THOUGHTS: Old Fashion Cupcake ep. 5
After the confession in the previous episode, I can’t wait to see Nozue’s reaction.
It starts where it left off in the previous episode.
Togawa is so sure Nozue will reject him that he’s basically begging to keep his job after his confession. That breaks my heart.
I understand that Nozue might need some space after that, but watching him leave and then see Togawa cry even more broke my heart. (But I love the heartbreak and the pain (in fiction, btw), so this is heaven for me.)
Is Nozue back to smoking again?
Oh, the emotional vibes at the office. Delicious.
The way they’re avoiding each other and each other’s gazes. Delicious.
Maybe this offer of a promotion (or relocation) is his way of getting out of being Togawa’s boss (so he can be something more).
The way Nozue was staring at Togawa and spacing out… I mean, who can blame him?
The look on Togawa’s face when he heard that Nozue might be leaving almost made me cry (and I’m not a crier).
And, of course, that put Togawa into action mode and took Nozue out of that restaurant just to find out the truth from the source.
Yes! Nozue finally realizes his feelings.
He said he’s not athletic. Yet, he’s running faster than the flash. That’s what the motivation of love can do to you.
That shot in the alley with the light behind them is so pretty.
That confession from Nozue was real and beautiful.
Oh, too bad we didn’t get to see what happened when they got home that night.
Those pancakes look soooooo goooood.
The fact that Nozue ends the series in a three-piece suit! He wants his man to think he looks good.
What a short and sweet series this was. I loved the chemistry between the characters, there were some great scenes (especially the one take of Togawa’s confession in ep. 4), and great acting. Loved it.
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17mujipens · 10 months
the dragon prince season 5 live thoughts:
the way Rayla constantly has the weight of the world and her parents and her personal relationship and then the world again on her shoulders is insane
Terry is bf goals, he really saw his girl having a meltdown and was like here are some nice textures. autism wins again
Callum really was like ‘my girl can commit any crime she wants :)’
that little bug elf person is so scary for no reason
loooove the dragon designs. like every time we see a dragon i’m fascinated
im so glad that in-universe people understand that Ezran is just a kid. like its heartbreaking but i’m glad it is discussed
side note but Corvus and Soren are def fucking and Corvus is not proud of it
i love how everyone is experiencing trauma and Rayla and Callum are in some second chance romance fluffy story
VIREN mindscape
that scene between King Harrow and Viren genuinely has me hyperventilating
oh Harrow is that bird for sure for sure
oh to have a partner as dedicated to your success as Terry….
baby Soren is such a sweetie!!!!! im gonna cry
oh even more beautiful dragons
i totally forgot that Aarovos whispered something to the previous queen and now that intrigue is back
i feel like i gotta stop saying something every time Terry does/says something incredibly sweet because we’ll be here for so long
they keep reiterating how important family is to Viren and i mean it’s not a necessarily new characteristic but it’s more intense now. like the way morality doesn’t exist when it concerns them. before it was all for power and now its all for them and it doesn’t matter that Soren is on the ‘enemy’ side so it has me thinking that something is going to happen to one of his children that will. result in either Viren’s self sacrifice or his betrayal of Aarovos
Amaya and Janai are so so real
OMG baby Claudia!
Callum and Rayla’s frustration over being forbidden from going to Lux Area is hilarious, especially how Callum gave a freaking illustration shdjjdbdb
Aunt Amaya is a real one
oh i just knooow Karim’s storyline is going to be so so messy
also this made me think. like what the fuck do you even do after you get banished. like where do you go
Claudia and Viren sinking and saving each other is mirrored is just muah delicious
Soren running away terrified Viren but Claudia turning out just like him is scaring him even more
Claudia is my wet cat pathetic but also op character
some eye of sauron shit in Lux Aurea
the nerd elf is so cute and way too innocent for all this bullshit
Aunt Amaya is a real one pt. 2
omg. didn’t i say Karim’s story is going to be insane
i feel like Amaya’s monologue about love is going to be so heartbreaking in a few episodes
i’m usually a throwback montage hater but this one is so cute and sweet and it really highlights just how much they’ve grown and how far these two have come
Stella is a little kleptomaniac. sweetie.
Karim is constantly misunderstanding things because of his own biases. like how he thought the Janai wouldn’t fight because he came to the conclusion that the throne doesn’t matter to her because she didn’t lead like he wanted her to. and now he thinks that what Sol Regem needs is sight when what he actually needs is hope
the ‘i would do anything for you’ is sounding scary in the context of we just heard that that’s what started Viren’s descend into darkness
the library fight sequence is great, always fun to see their different fighting styles and how the cooperate
but it also gave me so much anxiety because Amaya is exactly the character that’s important and beloved enough that the writers might decide to make her infected so we all suffer
Dragon Queen to the rescue!!! oh how powerful dragons are…
why are u always leaving Bait behind :( he’s just a baby :(
AND CORVUS TOO??????? agony and pain in Xadia
oh and i totally forgot about the Queen herself!!!!
oh Viren’s brain is doing a full reset
i’m obsessed with Tina already. her design and her grumpy old woman attitude
oh Terry and Claudia you will always be famous to me
Akiyu and Lujanne would be besties
‘ when your mind is telling you to speak, instead you must listen’ LMAO
i know this Bloodhuntress is evil, they even say this out loud but… she’s kinda hot, yeah?
im really hoping that they find some way to cure the dragon queen. we don’t need to preteen kings
that boat set up is terrifying. and way too similar to Charon to be comfortable
bright hope cove…or scumport
this made me realise how much i just need at least a short story or something on Rayla years alone
this is such a fun setting. i have a soft spot for these types of towns in stories
i NEED the reaction pic someone already should have made of Ezran and Bait after Finnegran announced the ship’s price
omg pirate return!!
Claudia my girl who is worse <3
baby glow toads are 80% eye and 20% body lol
oh another return appearance!! i hope Nyx’ll bring some interpersonal drama
yeah, and she’s already pushing Callum’s buttons lol
damn, Soren is strong as hell, swimming in armour
oof i think she shouldn’t trust Miyana, wasn’t she Karim’s lover?
now that i see the Bloodhuntress in daylight, i have to say im not a fan of her colour scheme BUT powers are so cool visually, this whole fight sequence is amazing
Callum is just so powerful… i feel like we forget it sometimes but he is the first human mage to use any primal magic and the scale of the spells he’s using here is just insane
oh god seeing Anaya in pain and despair is somehow worse than anyone else. and seeing her grief turn into anger muah chefs kiss
why is this y-7 show giving me anxiety. i literally started watching this to relax and think about interesting fantasy concepts what’s all this!!
oh shit this intro has Callum in it. shits about to hit the fan
i feel like that sea shanty has to have some deeper meaning. i hope it’s not that they’re going to drown our heroes
don’t get me wrong i’m a tragedy enjoyer, i should know that by now but holy shit i just wasn’t emotionally prepared for all this
Soren, himbo of all time
Finnergrin is a great character to contrast our heroes actually and push them over
oh Callum :( i love those moments where his anger boils over but i also love how they show how that scares him
Finnegrin is putting Rayla in mortal danger…i HOPE Callum goes feral
oh yeah this is some serious levelling up!!! Go Callum!!!
Soren, sweetheart :( he really saw this wood man get treated like trash, recognised it and at great personal cost helped him free himself :) using his daddy issues for the greater good
oh wow that greater good is apparently killing! slay
i feel like i gotta say something about Callum using dark magic to free himself but god that’s just plain heavy
oh Zubeia is still grieving and she’s just going on for her kid :(((
it’s day 30, damon what a way to up the already high stakes
Ezran was so sure that the prison being underwater would stump them but they figured it out so quick
my one thing is, this is open sea, if they’re even approximately at the same place, shouldn’t they have seen each other?
Aaravos really says every single sentence like it’s some dirty talk. like bro is saying something about borrowing consciousness or whatever with the same voice u usually hear say some shit like ‘oh you like that?’
finally Claudia and Callum and Ezran meeting! the way she truly believes that the ends justify the means and that all that dark magic hasn’t had its affect on her… wow
OUR CHILD? this whole monologue has me in hysterics
also because like…if he didn’t say anything, and was just like ‘kill this homunculus and your life will be restored’ Viren probably would have done it
i fear that ultimately, Viren will be too little too late for Claudia. because while he turned into who he is while an adult, Claudia was raised to be like this. so if he tries to change her, it’d be a betrayal to her
yeah, see Claudia is even more extreme than her father. because she has nothing else besides him, there is not status or prestige, or brother, or anyone else. it’s just her and him
fucking hell, i KNEW Miyana wasn’t to be trusted!
i think Karim will have a devastating win in s6, but it’ll be short lived, because like i said before he lacks critical thinking
what the hell is this mushroom mage and how soon can he help us retake Lux Aurea
what the fuck did he mean by ‘swallow’
Claudia is literally destroying herself in her quest. like we know that dark magic is detrimental to not only your physical but also your mental health, like we saw with Viren, and Claudia’s hair, but now literally her leg is gone. how far will she go?
side note: i think that because Viren reset, that’s why all his mentality and soul came back and that’s why his morals are so much stronger than we ever saw them?
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