#this doesn't even include all my rewrites lol
im-just-a-dumb-gay · 9 months
Bayverse timeline: Earth edition Part 1
Basically I summarize the wiki with some additions
4.54 billion years: Earth forms around Unicron
65 million years ago: Quintessa sent her people to activate a Seed leading to the extinction of dinosaurs
17,000 BC: The 7 Primes land on Earth. 6 of the 7 sacrifice themselves to protect Earth from The Fallen.
10,000 BC: Allspark crashes on Earth
2560 BC: Great Pyramid of Giza is built around the Star Harvester
1200 BC: El Deir in Petra built to hide Tomb of the Primes
After 1200 BC: Seekers sent to find the Tomb of Primes. Only a riddle is discovered. 
Before 1000 BC: Sentinel’s ship is shot down and is floatingly endlessly in space. Optimus becomes the new leader of the Autobots
1000 BC: Megatron crash lands on Earth when searching for the Allspark. As he didn’t inform anyone where he went, no one knew where to search for him. Starscream led with his absence. Megatron had left as he believed the war was won and thought it was time to search for the Allspark to help fix their planet. The war, however, continued as the Autobots were not going down. Some Decepticons became disillusioned with the Decepticons and became Autobots. This included Drift, Trench, and Crosshairs. This helped the Autobots get an advantage and this made the war last even longer. 
Before 484 AD: The war killed Cybertron. Near the end of the war, Bumblebee lost his voice to Shockwave.The Knights discovered that Quintessa did not care for them or Cybertron. They took her staff and decided to hide on Earth. They assumed Quintessa would believe they went as far away from Unicron to keep the staff away. They assumed right and Quintessa did not immediately find them. Quintessa sent Lockdown to find the Lower Knights. The Dinobots, who also left Cybertron after being convinced from the Knights, went to other planets. Merlin discovers The Knights. They tell him of their destroyed planet and tell him to keep them a secret.
484 AD: Merlin asks The Knights of assistance against the Saxon hordes. Merlin is given The Staff.
After 484 AD: Merlin dies and most of the Knights protect his tomb. One decides to search for other Cybertronians to give refuge. The Cybertronians brought to Earth get in contact with the Order of the Witwiccans. Some of these Cybertronians include Bulldog, Hound, and Drift. Optimus and his main team, however, did not go to Earth due to them splitting up to try to find the Allspark. Bumblebee was the one who volunteered to go to Earth and search for the Allspark. After losing his voice, Bumblebee became withdrawn and way more violent, barely interacting with the humans on Earth and deciding not to interact with the Order of the Witwiccans unlike Hot Rod. (Hound came to earth around the 1700s. Bulldog and Drift came around the 1800s maybe? Hot Rod and Bumblebee came around the 1900s. Crosshairs might have come around the 1800s too?) 
1897: Captain Archibald Witwicky discovers Megatron
1910s: Bulldog takes part in World War 1
1913: First Seven discover Allspark. The Allspark was dormant at that time so the signature couldn’t be reached to Bumblebee. 
1927: Section Seven formed
1931: Hoover Dam bult around Allspark
After 1931: Megatron was brought over to Hoover Dam. Project Black Knife at some point is dismissed.
1940s: Bumblebee and Hot Rod fight with the Allies in the Devil’s Brigade. Bumblebee is still extremely violent at this time. He barely interacted with humans before this point in time. 
1945: Watch that Killed Hitler…well killed Hitler. 
After 1945: Hot Rod stays in Britain. Bumblebee continues his search for the Allspark. At some point Soundwave makes his way to earth as he learns that some Autobots were there and thought there might be something important there.
1960s: The Ark (Sentinel’s ship) lands on the moon. While this was no Allspark, Soundwave saw an opportunity with this discovery and sent some Decepticons there as well as informing Starscream of the situation. USSR finds Pillars being taken by Decepticons. The US has their astronauts investigate the ship. Starscream and some Decepticons start to make their way to Earth so see if the Pillars can be used to save Cybertron. They realize, however, that Sentinel is needed to make them work and that he was in stasis. They stay on earth to see if there is a way to use the Pillars without him and to make earth a somewhat base as well as kill any Autobots hiding on earth.
1970s: Soundwave and Laserbeak manipulate humans to stop further moon missions. 
1980s: Chernobyl disaster caused by fuel cell extracted from the Ark
2003: Beagle 2 Rover reveals alien activity on Mars. This was most likely a Decepticon.
Before 2007: Soundwave gets some information about Sector Seven(perhaps one of his human companions learned about Sector Seven and it’s potential knowledge)
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slxsherr · 1 year
Softer Than Shadow
pairing: charlie walker x fem!reader
summary: you make a better victim, so charlie rewrites his movie. jill doesn't have to know.
wc: 2239
warnings: fem!reader, cursing/swearing, underage drinking, descriptions of violence, mentions of blood, mentions of drugs, hospital description, thigh riding, public sex, unprotected sex (p in v), creampie
a/n: yo this one kinda actually has a plot?? forgot i could do that lol
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When Kirby had invited everyone over to her house after Gale Weathers was attacked at Stab-A-Thon, you didn’t expect for the deadly night to continue. Robbie’s incessant worrying over possibly being arrested for simply hosting the event where the sheriff’s wife was attacked was only made worse after Trevor showed up uninvited. 
You’re the only one drunk enough to follow Robbie outside, not wanting to witness Charlie and Kirby flirt after Jill and Trevor separated themselves from the group, looking for evidence to find out who invited Trevor. Distracting yourself from what’s going on inside is easy, laughing at Robbie’s drunken attempts to get his stream going. You ignore the aching feeling in your chest when he tells his audience about Charlie and Kirby, downing the rest of your drink. 
Switching to a new school senior year is hard, but Kirby and her friends were nice enough to include you in their group. It just sucked that the only guy you were interested in was madly in love with someone else. You’re brought back to the moment when Robbie runs face first into a hanging plant, laughing cruelly at his pain. It’s not until you feel a knife stabbing through your left shoulder that you stop laughing. 
The cry you let out when Ghostface pulls the knife out is pathetic, and you quickly fall to your knees in pain, holding a hand over the bleeding wound. When you realize the killer left you to run after Robbie, you quickly rise to your feet and make your way around the house. You can hear footsteps following you, and you speed up, turning the corner to see Sidney, Jill, and Kirby all at the entryway.
“Run!” You yell, drawing their attention to you and the killer following behind you. 
Jill and Sidney run upstairs, but you follow Kirby further into her house, not trusting yourself and steps. Kirby tries calling 911 on the landline, but it’s dead and the line goes dead every time you try on her cell, having lost your own either in her couch or backyard. The two of you run into Sidney, who tells you she got through on her cell and that Jill should be safe. Kirby leads all three of you to a safe room in her house, locking the door behind her. 
“Kirby, let me in!” Charlie says, pounding on the glass of the door, smearing blood across the window panes. “No, no, no. I just found Robbie, this is his blood. Please!” He begs when Kirby hesitates to open the door. 
“If you can’t trust him, don’t open the door,” Sidney says, knowing exactly how Kirby feels.
“There is someone else out here, let me in! Oh, my God, let me in! Please!” He says, pounding harder on the glass, looking between Kirby and whoever else is outside. 
“I’m sorry, Charlie,” Kirby says, backing away from the door, and you wish you could let him in, but before you can consider the option for too long Ghostface appears behind him. 
The three of you can only watch as Charlie is bound to a patio chair, Kirby’s ringtone blaring through the air as the killer calls from Charlie’s phone. Sidney leaves to find Jill, leaving you and Kirby to keep Ghostface on the phone while she’s gone. You can hear your own heart pounding in your ears as Kirby answers the horror movie trivia asked over the phone. Both of you panic when she answers a question wrong, but calm down when she’s offered another question. 
Kirby lists off answers before Ghostface can even finish the question, knowing she’d answered correctly when she’s met with silence. The two of you rush outside to undo Charlie’s bindings, ripping off the duct tape and spewing apologies. Quickly, you all make your way back inside the house, but stop abruptly when Kirby is stabbed in the stomach by a familiar figure in the darkness. Ghostface twists the knife, and all you can do is watch Kirby fall to the ground and follow Charlie as he leads you away. 
You don’t realize you’re back in the house until you run into Charlie’s back, eyes widening when you see blood seeping through his shirt. Sidney comes downstairs, and as the killer focuses on her you drag Charlie with you further into the house. You make it into the kitchen and open the pantry door so that the two of you could hide inside, but jump back when a bound Trevor falls onto the floor in front of you. Before you can even think to help him, you feel something hit your head, and everything goes black as you fall unconscious to the floor. 
The sound of sirens is what wakes you, but you’re barely able to register anything else as you’re lifted onto a stretcher. You’re in and out of consciousness the whole ride to the hospital, but only fully awake later that night. The hospital room is half-lit, machines tracking your vitals beeping, IV needle stuck in your hand, and a curtain dividing the room in two. Your heart rate spikes, alerting the other patient in the room that you’ve woken up. 
The curtain barely moves as Charlie approaches you, his own IV and machines following behind him, cooing at you as you begin to cry in an attempt to soothe you. You sit up fully, wrapping your arms around his waist and hiding your face in his chest as you cry, unable to see the out of place smile stretching across his face. He holds you in his one-armed embrace, his left arm in a sling to relieve his wounded shoulder, happy that you seek comfort in him without question. 
“Shh, it’s gonna be okay, you’re okay,” he says as you begin to calm down. “You’re safe,” he reassures you when you pull away from him. “Can I sit with you?” He asks, and you quickly nod and lift your blanket as you scoot over in your bed for him to join you. 
“What happened? I don’t remember anything after you were stabbed and I think I passed out from blood loss,” you ask, fiddling with the scratchy hospital blanket that covers both of your lower bodies nervously as you wait to find out who was behind the mask. 
“Well, it turns out Jill and Trevor were the ones killing everyone. Pulled a real Bonnie and Clyde on us,” he chuckles, trying to relieve some of the tension, earning only a weak smile from you. “Jill shot me, but Sidney stopped her, and I was able to stop Trevor from finishing you off too,” he lies, knowing he’d be the only one to know what really happened.
“You saved my life,” you say, staring at him in awe.
“I only did what anyone else would’ve done,” he says, feigning modesty.
“No, you saved me. Someone else would’ve just watched or saved themselves,” you say, guilt gnawing at you as you think of how you and Kirby could only watch as Charlie was tied up by Ghostface.
“Maybe, hey, why the long face?” He asks, seeing the remorse in your teary eyes. 
“I’m so sorry,” you begin to cry again, hiding your face in his uninjured side. “I’m so sorry me and Kirby didn’t let you in, I’m sorry you got hurt protecting me,” you sob, your tears soaking through the thin hospital gown. 
“Shh, it’s okay. That doesn’t matter, we’re both alive and that’s all that matters, okay?” Charlie reassures you, his arm snaking around your waist as your sobs turn to sniffles. “Kirby’s with Sidney in the ICU. The doctors think they’ll both be waking up soon,” he says once you’ve calmed down again.
“Really?” You ask, surprised by the news. 
“Yeah, Dewey told me when he came by earlier,” he answers, unbothered by the news since neither of them knew the true extent of his involvement in the night’s events. 
“That’s good,” you say, beginning to separate yourself from Charlie’s side, now knowing the girl he’s in love with is still alive.”I’m sorry, did I hurt you? Are you okay?” You ask, seeing his face scrunch up in pain as you move away. 
“No, I’m fine. Painkillers are probably just wearing off,” he answers, shifting into a more comfortable position, moving closer to you in the small hospital bed. 
“I can call the nurse,” you offer, looking around for the remote.
“No, it’s fine. They should be coming by soon anyways,” he lies, knowing they won’t be checking in for another hour at least. 
Neither of you say anything for a moment, simply sit together in the silent room, beeping from the machines fading into the background. You’re not sure if it’s the medications, or the fact that you almost died, or if it’s because of how close you are to Charlie, but your mind is going haywire. Torn between wanting to scream, cry, and confess your feelings for him, feelings that have only intensified after finding out that he saved you, you unconsciously choose the latter, words already tumbling past your lips before you can stop them. 
“Charlie, I think I’m in love with you,” you say, blinking slowly at him. “Love is a bit much, actually. But I like you, a lot,” you say when his eyes widen in shock, lips parted as he tries to think of something to say. “I know you and Kirby have like, a thing, but I just wanted to tell you in case we almost die again.”
“Can I tell you something?” Charlie asks, finally saying something and you answer with a nod. “Me and Kirby really don’t have anything on, it’s just a running joke. I’ve actually been asking her for advice to ask you out,” he explains, looking away to feign embarrassment. 
“Oh,” is all you say, taking in the information. 
“Oh?” He prompts you, but you don’t say anything else. 
Instead, your gaze flickers from his lips to his eyes, and before you can overthink, you lean in to kiss him. His lips are chapped, and you’re sure yours are too, both of you dehydrated from running around all night. It’s fervent, stealing your breath away as he deepens the kiss, holding you close to him with his right arm. You feel dizzy, parting your lips to let him lick into your mouth, trying to match his energy. 
There’s only so much room on the small hospital bed, and you end up straddling Charlie’s thigh. The whimper you let out is barely muffled by his mouth when he forces you to sit, only the thin hospital gown separating your bare cunt from his leg. He’s moving you along his thigh, the friction stimulating your clit and soon you’re moving on your own, hip seeking pleasure as your hole begins to leak. He breaks the kiss, instead sucking and biting at the sensitive skin of your neck, marking you, focusing on your stifled moans that only he can hear.
“Charlie, the nurses–” you whisper, breathing heavily when Charlie interrupts you.
“Don’t worry about them, we’ll be quick,” he reassures you. 
Before you can reply, he’s reaching behind you to untie your gown, clumsily undoing the snap buttons on the sleeves to pull the offending fabric off, throwing it aside. He grabs your hand, spitting in your palm and wrapping your fingers around his length, guiding your hand’s movements as he fully hardens from your touch. It makes your stomach twist in want, watching the purple head leak pre and listening to his dulcet moans. 
Growing impatient, you straddle his hips, lining him up with your entrance and slowly sinking down until your ass meets his thighs. Thick cock stretching you out, you can only hold onto the hem of his hospital gown, not wanting to reopen any of his wounds. You move slowly, doing your best to hold back your noises, but Charlie lets his out without care, hand gripping your ass and moving you faster. 
“Wait– Charlie!” You squeal, his hips meeting yours, and you swear you can feel him in your guts. 
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” he groans, loving how you bite your lip and furrow your brow in an attempt to silence yourself. 
“Hah! Please, please,” you beg, but you’re not sure what for, feeling his thumb press roughly on your clit.
Your rhythm falters as he rubs circles on the sensitive nub, your orgasm building quickly. You screw your eyes shut tightly as you reach your peak, stars dancing behind your eyelids as you clench around him. Only whimpers fall past your lips, still holding back your noises in fear of the nurses, but Charlie’s cursing is barely hushed, rutting his hips up as finishes inside you, your walls milking him too tightly for him to pull out. 
He lets you slump against him, your head resting on his uninjured shoulder as your breathing slows, falling asleep on top of him. He’s not surprised you tired out so quickly, he hit your head pretty hard earlier. A content smile stretches across his face as he watches you doze in his arms peacefully, ignoring your injured shoulder, caused by his knife earlier in the night. He hated hurting you, and he hated to see you hurt, but if it meant he could have you like this, he could handle a few cuts and bruises. You are his perfect victim after all.
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gattnk · 6 months
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Rector Cassidy and Rector Kubral will do what they must. They'll soldier on to the end.
I'm currently working on the redesigns for the Golden School staff; normally I would've started with Arkan and Temptel, but believe it or not Cassidy and Kubral were my first redesigns for this project! Yes, they precede even Raf and Sulfus in my sketchbook. I like to start with villains first when designing casts, since they tend to give me more wiggle room to be creative: this way I get to set the bar for the rest of the project, and I can make my heroes just as visually interesting. Here's my usual notes on the process:
The first step was understanding the characters and their motivations. Once I had their personalities and roles established, I could work on their appearance. I decided Kubral would embody brutality, and Cassidy, fear.
The themes stem from their origins: war is forever linked to brutality and fear as both causes and effects, so it makes sense that two generals personify them, since they too are both products and promulgators of war.
Kubral was easy enough to figure out. Heavy-looking square shapes, towering height accentuated by even taller horns, meaty claws that could snap you like a twig... As a whole, Kubral was based on gothic grotesques. I was also particularly inspired by Goliath from Disney's Gargoyles (his wings folding behind him like a cape is peak character design I tell you). All in all I simplified his original design to his most iconic features, with the addition of a forked beard as a symbol of power and authority.
Cassidy's design had to be much more subtle: fear is a thing that creeps on you, it catches you off-guard and overpowers you. My use of lean curves with sudden sharp angles is meant to represent just that. I included an eye motif to evoke an ever-present state of vigilance and paranoia; the eyes are also a callback to prophetic descriptions of angels, since I was very inspired by medieval stained glass at the time. This is the closest thing to a religious reference you'll get from me here!
I established early on in my creative process that, as angels and devils age, they gain new physical traits. Cassidy's carved halo and double pair of wings are a sign of her age and power. In Kubral's case, there's his tail and enlarged horns, wings and claws.
Cassidy's colors are derived from Raf's: blue, gold and white, sans the touch of red. The only "red" in Cassidy's color scheme is her faded ginger hair (no matter how much time passes, the enemy is still in her head). Her gloves and dark blue shirt underneath her white jacket symbolize her veiled intentions, and her shoes, the same shade as her shirt, represent the dark path she threads.
Kubral's hues are all shades of red (except for his hair, same principle as Cassidy's). This includes his eyes; you could say he "sees red" all the time. He's a straightforward character, so he doesn't conceal his old medals, his general rank proudly displayed on his chest. Still, Kubral is not just brawns, his cruelty motivates his more scheming side. He keeps an ace on his sleeve, or more accurately, his pocket: the tip of his tail is always hidden on his right side, so he may strike his enemies on their left with it.
Phew! If you think I overthink my character designs sometimes, you should see my scene notes regarding architecture lol. Still, I'm proud of my process with these two! For now they've only briefly appeared in my rewrite fic, but they'll get their moment to shine soon enough. Their plans will be certainly different from Season 2, so there's that to look forward to!
I'll Fly With You (rewrite fic) Art masterpost
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gothicprep · 7 months
so, apparently marvel is in disarray. ahead of the marvels coming out this weekend, variety dropped a bomb on the studio's somewhat dire state of affairs, as the franchise has hit its first real rough patch since the release of iron man 15 years ago. among the issues: jonathan majors, whose domestic violence arrest continues to hang over marvel's plans to make his character the thanos-like heavy for the next sequence of movies, the weak box office projections for the marvels (which some have said is tracking lower than recent bombs like the flash), the unending flood of hashtag content on disney plus which is overwhelming audiences who are finding it harder to keep up with the interlocking stories that have served marvel so well over the years, shoddy visual effects, spiraling budgets such as the reported $25mil an episode for she-hulk, a show that looked terrible because of the shoddy effects work aforementioned, behind the scenes chaos as kevin feige works to slash budgets and kill projects that aren't coming together. one movie at risk is the forthcoming blade reboot with mahershala ali, which has gone through rewrite after rewrite including reportedly one draft in which blade was the fourth lead in, quote, "a narrative led by women and filled with life lessons".
that last line has provided a lot of laughs for people like jay gothicprep, and critics who insist that marvel's efforts to diversify the lineup have led to much of this disaster, indicative of disney's overall failure with things like indiana jones and the dial of destiny or animated projects like strange world or lightyear. while this is potentially true (i guess, it's possible) it doesn't seem true because this certainly wasn't the case when black panther and captain marvel were both cracking the billion dollar mark a few years ago. rather it just seems, more simply, that marvel has run its course. marvel was hit by a double-whammy of endings. the thanos storyline that'd dominated the first ten or so years of the project came to an end. at the same time, the pandemic began and disney plus started flooding the zone with content, creating a natural break point for audiences that had no desire to watch hours of tv to understand 1.5 plot points in whatever the next movie that's coming out is.
this preamble is getting kind of long, and i have a lot more to say, so i'm going to continue to thought dump about this under a cut.
first of all, i'm still laughing like a week later at the women led life lessons description. no one has disputed that it happened. that description is the funniest thing i've ever read in a trade industry report possibly ever. what in the hell, my friends. did a writer even talk to a producer about what blade was? it's a movie about a guy with a sword who kills vampires! it's pretty straighforward! that sounds like something i want to see! there were three of them already, and two of them were pretty good!
anyway, i think you can take that incredibly ridiculous description of a draft that maybe wasn't the main draft – this movie has been through tons of writers and directors – and see some of the real problems with marvel's creative direction, which is that they've stopped making movies that highlight the core concepts of their characters. there are other problems as well, but when's the last time they put out a movie that was like, "iron man. he's a guy in a metal suit and he fights a bad guy." or "spider man. it's a guy in a spider suit with spider powers. he's got girlfriend problems and he fights crime around manhattan and maybe there's dr octopus." they don't do that. their recent stretch of movies have all been these impenetrable multiverse stuff with ties to tv series that you haven't seen and maybe won't ever see. there was a whole 25 minute section in black panther 2 that was setting up armor wars and ironheart. and like. who needs that sequence, which was boring and looked like total garbage? and now armor wars is being redeveloped lol. they've just departed from a lot of the core concepts that powered their earlier films.
they have some other problems. they've leaned into a slate of characters that is not all that well-known or inherently super popular, even for marvel being able to deliver on making billion dollar films out of guardians of the galaxy and such. maybe with the exception of spider man, which they don't get a full cut from because sony owns the actual movie rights. then there's the fact that the streaming series, by all accounts, aren't great but you *feel* like you need to have seen them. they're all real big problems. marvel needs to go back to making movies that are named after a character who's a superhero with a clear concept. guy with spider powers fights crime in his neighborhood. even though those movies got kind of repetitive, they did well enough because they didn't stray too far from the character concept.
i think, too, as a viewer, when you have a studio churning out so much stuff that's not good, you get the impression that the superhero industry feels entitled to your time and entitled to your money while not delivering.
this summer also represents an interesting counterpoint to what's happened with marvel and dc. the sheer amount of stuff that you devote every waking minute to keeping track of the damn things got exhausting and made movies stop feeling like events. this summer we've had barbenheimer and the eras tour, and those have been both big events and felt exciting. barbie was a chance to be campy, oppenheimer was a chance to see something serious and cinematic, the eras tour was exciting for fans of taylor swift who couldn't afford to spend $3k on taylor swift. and they felt this way because they were all unlike anything you'd seen at the movies in recent years. they had a high standard of quality, and going, it genuinely felt like people were there because they wanted to be, not because they were being force marched by a cultural behemoth to be there. you can't summon that same kind of energy for a marvel movie when it both feels obligatory and you expect it to be bad.
it also feels like there's a certain contempt for the audience where it concerns quality problems. i mean, i don't think that this is the intention. marvel isn't saying "we can deliver this stuff that's garbage and people will see it anyway". but one of the things i thought was the most damning about that variety story was the fact that, on some of the marvel tv shows, the final effects were inserted after the shows were released. so if you watched the show on opening night, you probably didn't see the final effects work. the arrogance involved in that is insane. it speaks to a total vanished pride in putting out a good product.
even some of marvel's better regarded films were heavily edited and heavily worked on right until the end, in part because kevin feige would come in and fix things, so stuff would have to get reworked. that's why effects deadlines were super tight and people were always crunching at the very end of this. there was that incredible quote from sam raimi from a couple months before the second doctor strange came out where he was like, "i think it's done but i'm not sure. marvel, they work on their movies until the very end." the director didn't even know if his own movie was locked or not because he clearly wasn't the one making the decisions about what the final print would look like.
that can work if you're making two movies a year and have a supervisor that comes in during the process and says, "i need you to redo this, in this way". but when you stretch that out to three movies a year, plus god knows how many episodes of television, there's no way to do that and make it a high quality product.
an instructive lesson comes from the book "disneywar", which chronicles michael eisner's time at disney. and one of the things in this book was the development and deployment of "who wants to be a millionaire" in america. bob iger is head of abc at this time. the guys making this show do it for a week. audiences love it. it's putting up huge numbers. everybody is excited. it's crushing it in the ratings. and the people who made it wanted to keep doing special week or two week long engagements that people would show up for. and iger was like, "no. i want this every week, three times a week, forever." and audiences got burnt out on it quickly, because it was something that only really worked as a special that ran for a week and disappeared for a few months. that's what the disney plus strategy feels like with marvel.
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Double standards
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I went fishing for evidence to shut up haters and found this. I haven't read everything there is to know about DS9 on Memory Alpha - yet. So this had me like 👀
We notice - I mean 'we without bias, using more than 2 braincells' - some double standards in the show itself (that's part of what I was fishing for in here): Kira commits murder, outright says the Resistance was killing their own people (reasons aside), but is excused. Sisko commits genocide, is excused. Garak has done gods-know-what during his glory days and enjoyed it, is excused.
But when it's a Cardie Rick and Ira don't like, thEy'Re eViL.
Feels like:
✔️ We like these guys, so they get away with everything and we understand all their shady reasons. They are complex characters, they make mistakes, but we still love them. ❌ We hate these guys, so they deserve to be punished for every bit of wrong they've ever committed, and we don't care about where they're coming from, even if its valid.
I should include this bit of unused canon story in my sequel. And rewrite the bit in TC where I briefly mention Damar's parents getting killed by the Dominion, bc this is wayyy better (read: worse).
This stopped me in my tracks, I had to share it. We've never even learned what happened to Damar's family before the very end of the show, and that was only part of it, bc as we know they live in multigenerational households.
The poor man didn't even get a first name until bestie Andy gave him one.
Also: the grandpa was just out gardening 😭 Of course this doesn't say whether he was a good man during his productive years - which I'd like to know how they handled in this unused story (if at all) - but since I made Damar a self-made man, I'm deciding it anyway: grandpa got blown up by mistake, but certainly earned The Resistance some rage from Damar jr.
This is turning into a rant, lol, so let's wrap up.
Let me know if you have any thoughts on this, or if you're willing to share some evidence to my point so I don't have to sift through the whole Memory Alpha for it 😂. I'd like some ammo I could readily shove down haters' internet connection cables whenever I encounter "bUt DamAr waS a bAd GuY".
Getting that about Dukat pisses me off, because people don't even hate him properly, they just dismiss him, and such a complex, memorable character doesn't deserve that - but when they say that about Damar, it's sending me into a bloody rage 💀
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reikunrei · 3 months
I didn't talk about this at all in my last doctor who post because there was so much else going on that I wanted to touch on, but after @mikesbasementbeets mentioned one of the closing lines of the episode in the tags, I kinda wanted to just talk about it a bit.
So, this is one of the rare episodes of dw where everyone lives at the end, including all of the victims who outright or technically died. Throughout basically the whole show, but especially the early seasons, and especially s1 with the 9th Doctor, there's an incredible emphasis on "we cannot interfere or else everything will fall apart." The episode right before these ("Father's Day") actually tackles this very idea, which I hope to explore sometime in another post. In short, the Doctor doesn't save people. Doing so often results in more harm than good (unless it wasn't meant to happen, but we don't have time to get into that here lol).
However, at the end of this episode, he does something completely different.
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He says everybody lives. He sends out a mass of nanogenes, now reprogrammed, toward the gas mask soldiers surrounding the bomb site and they rewrite and "fix" their DNA, making them all normal humans again without the injuries of dead little Jamie. As I showed in the initial post, even Jamie winds up coming back to life, despite the fact that he was already dead when the nanogenes found his body and used him as a blueprint. Realistically, Jamie should still be dead because he wasn't technically "changed" by the nanogenes, simply brought back to life, which the Doctor earlier says is easy.
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It's an extremely profound ending to a dw episode, and it's one that sticks with a lot of people.
Now bear with me because I'm sick with a cold as I write this so it might not be very coherent, but in conjunction with all of the other connections/similarities/parallels between these episodes and Stranger Things, this feels startlingly fitting for (at least part of) the conclusion to st.
Throughout all of st, we've seen time and again that knocking things down with violence doesn't really work. It's especially evident in st4 when Nancy, Steve, and Robin flambée Vecna, blast away a few chunks of flesh, and knock him out of the third story of a house. You'd think that would turn him into a pile of smoldering mulch, but it doesn't! Frankly, he gets up and walks away very quickly. We're shown and told time and again that killing outright does not work.
In these dw episodes, they could have tried killing any of the victims to keep them at bay (at one point the Doctor even pick-pockets Jack's sonic blaster so he won't use it on the victims). However, with the nanogenes present, they simply would have been "fixed" again and brought back to life. Much like Vecna, they would've just kept coming back.
And what winds up saving the day in dw? Love and understanding. When Nancy finally admits to Jamie that she's his mother, not his sister, and apologizes for everything that's happened and comes into contact with the nanogenes, it makes them fix their misunderstanding.
A lot of people talk about how Will said "we have to kill him" irt Vecna/One at the end of 4.09. However, again, we've seen that it literally does not work. And along with everything else surrounding the weirdness with identities in st, specifically with the distinctions between Henry/Edward, Vecna, and One (and Brenner) (check out the original post I linked at the top for links to other folk's posts about this), it's not far-fetched at all to assume that untangling the uncertainty left here will be what brings them closer to "saving the day," much closer than anymore fighting ever would.
We spend a lot of these dw episodes being scared of Jamie. Even Nancy is constantly visibly fearful of him and won't go near him, but in the end, she takes him into her arms despite the risk of her becoming infected. They don't brute force the nanogenes into understanding, they don't try to reprogram them, and they don't physically fight them off. They constantly run away, use words, or even sing them to sleep. There is very little violence in these dw episodes, and most of it comes from the victims themselves and is very tame.
Stranger Things, at its core, is about love, and that extends to the (supposed) villains. The way things have been presented thus far are very unreliable, but we have enough information from the show itself (aided by things like TFS and even bits of the VR game) to prove that there's something else going on, and maybe, just like with little Jamie, someone just needs a little bit of helpful truth.
As Joyce Maldonado once said, "Can love defeat fear?"
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boyfridged · 8 months
Could I ask what makes you dislike zdarsky so much? Not disagreeing in the least lol, just curious for ur opinion
i was going to link my posts criticizing his work but tumblr is not cooperating, so let me just write up a couple of bullet points:
constant retcons of characters and their stories for much worse, including jason and talia. his retcon of jason's robin days in cheer is the most shameless and heartless interpretation of the character to date, and jason had already been a victim of plenty poor-taste flashbacks. his retcon of talia in the knight makes her a mindless seductress without her own will nor motivations. their respective relationships with bruce lose all depth, love and unique qualities. zdarsky managed to even retcon khoa within a year since he was first introduced as a character. and even when he does not rewrite the backstory per se, he just makes the characters act in ways that make no sense for what we already know of them (like with selina in gotham knights.) most of the time his ideas completely upset and discredit the already existing storylines and contradict what lies at their core. the audacity it's unbelievable.
classism & misogyny: this is a simple one. the previously mentioned retcons turned the characters into stereotypes of their background and gender, the most malicious ones even.
his personal biases and favouritism: here's a thing. zdarsky has perhaps three favourite characters: bruce, tim, and khoa. and you will know about it, because everyone else will be thrown under the bus to make them look good. bruce is a perfect man and all of his mistakes come only from his good intentions apparently. he is so perfect that he knows better about classism than jason. and tim is his favourite robin because (checks notes) jason hated being robin and dick just didn't care about cooperating enough apparently. this is a claim that literally appears in-text.
since i already mentioned classism twice: his politics are plainly atrocious. he sometimes loosely uses phrases and tropes that make some readers think that he is progressive, but somehow all of his storylines always get a "plot twist" that reverts them into something ugly and cynical. and somehow a lot of fans just don't notice. i think the fact that he loves a war on drugs moment should perhaps give people a hint but what do i know.
his writing it's just bad? he can't write dialogue. his plotlines are all over the place. what even was failsafe. the concept of zur as the backup personality is so incredibly tacky and useless it doesn't belong even in the genre as camp as superhero comics. and on top of that, there is so much meaningless melodrama that doesn't say anything about the characters, their values nor their relationships at all- there's just a couple of panels that batfam fans will go crazy for because bruce hands kid a lollipop as batman or because tim calls bruce "dad." but neither of them convey anything of significance, especially not within their original context.
there are more reasons and i could talk of particular creative decisions that i just think are offensive to both the legacy and the intelligence of the readers, but it would take forever given zdarsky's prevalence in dc as of late.
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sie-rui · 5 months
it has been... (checks posts) three years
uhh happy new year?
it's 2024 and tokyo revengers ended like over a year ago already. i wasn't there, unfortunately. i don't know what happened. i think i died lol but I'm back again for some reason.
the pandemic is done and over with, i haven't read or watched any anime for the past two years, and i'm less than two years away from graduating high school. which is amazing because when i started this blog, i was a second year in junior high.
i was cleaning out my gmail today and saw one saying that joukhr posted chapter 9 of second hand. didn't remember most of the story so i decided to read it and it wasn't until chapter 35 did i realize that it was already completed and i had 5 chapters left. finishing it had me sitting in silence, feeling hollow, feeling this growing desire trying to lurch out of me. i have come to a realization that that desire was to write, that desire was to go back to what younger me believed i was best in, that desire was to do something - to write something - that would also light a desire in others.
i definitely wasn't healthy during my tumblr writer era, i wasn't sleeping nor eating well, i didn't socialize and i ignored all of my friends and family in favor of the one i created in this site. i didn't feel like my truest self, like i created a persona that people would like. i wasn't the healthiest, but i definitely was happy.
i want to try again. i want to try writing again. this time, in a way that doesn't include me giving out everything that i have, everything that i am.
for the people who waited on me all this time, know that i have my pot of tea beside me, a glass of milk to add, and a plate of cookies. i thank you for your patience and your interest over the years, and i am back to making myself and other people happy with my writing once more. not just with tokyo revengers, i'll also show you all of the fandoms that once made me happy and is now pulling me back in like a teenager's favorite song on the bus ride home.
good day. see you soon.
(ps: aside from joukhr's fic, another reason why i came back is definitely because i accidentally deleted the first part of sister, sister while rereading my old works. it definitely pushed me to start writing again, even if it's just a rewrite.)
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harkonnen-darkness · 17 days
Maybe some changes…
Covers & Story - Chapter I & II
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My doubts remain, but I have a feeling it's better if I say this...
Besides the never uploaded prologue, I also have a sort of introduction, which strictly speaking could have been the first chapter, if I rewrite it a bit. Means 'Sinners' would be Chapter II or maybe even III then.
It includes your first reunion / meeting after many years with Feyd, on Giedi Prime. The last time you saw each other was probably as children, but the memories are hazy and story-wise it's insignificant. As I said, your people and parents (of course lol) are former followers of the Harkonnens. They are fucking cruel and ruthless, we know that, but I like the idea that they don't forget and remain loyal in a way... at least as long as the followers are equally loyal.
You don't know why you're on Giedi Prime (for probably two or three days). All you know is that your parents want to discuss 'business' with the Baron. They deliberately don't let you in on it. You, but also Feyd, only find out about a year later what it was all about - the marriage. Which would also mean your death. (Explained here)
It's not that Feyd doesn't think anything very bad of you at first, but he only finds you *damn interesting* after some hours. *cough* day night two *cough*
He has plans with you as person, but you can't fulfill them. And he knows why, but doesn't want to accept it for the time being. I also think about whether he might even want to talk to his uncle.
But he's surprised and shocked when he finds out, months later, that you're to become his Baroness and wife. He'll be suspicious...
As briefly mentioned, he ignores you at the beginning because he knows he will be the death of you. But he doesn't know how to feel about it. He won't tell you the truth until much later anyway. (Also explained in the OneShot.)
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museforblooms · 2 months
wait so what's happening to this account??
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★⠀⠀ ⁄ ⠀⠀ kasey says ⠀ — ⠀ ... ⠀i've been playing around in my drafts for a while with other fic groups but none of them get very far into the plot line phase of drafting. they have names, lineups, and even full discographies but nothing story wise. sadly, due to how impulsively i posted belladonna, they fall into the same trap. rather than being upset about this and just deleting the blog, i thought the best course of action would be turning it into something for the greater kcverse and superbloom media lore since there hasn't been much.
some things i have planned:
rewriting the confirmed list of favorite artists under superbloom — gives an insight into the lore, why some artists are treated better than others, etc.
belladonna's run on superband — similar to the post i made for oliver on the plastic flowers account featuring a video with all the songs they performed and analysis.
introduction to shin yeonghui — entertainment lawyer turned ceo. was on the side of sm in the tao and luhan lawsuit :/
how 405 entertainment became superbloom media — what really happened to the founders of the company? former artists such as kim yuchan and eden jeong.
introducing celatum, blue cheer, ji dawon, and choi minkyo — first generation of superbloom artists, alongside plastic flowers, they got sbm on the map. 2015 — 2020.
introduction to timefighter, destroya, and gemini — second generation of sbm artists. 2020 — 2023.
introducing velvetine, belladonna, re:genesis— third generation of sbm artists. 2023 — now.
( names in 2nd and 3rd gen subject to change but that's where we're going for now. also new account username coming soon, i kinda hate superbloomz lol )
tldr: anything that's superbloom media related but doesn't directly relate to plastic flowers will be posted here and will probably be expanded to include other parts of my universe, like salem's future company + others.
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mimbotomy · 2 months
Thank you @lazuliquetzal for the tag! 🩷
How many works do you have on AO3? 10! Which feels small because I have more than three times as many WIPs rattling around in my google docs rip
What’s your total AO3 word count? 561,190
What fandoms do you write for? AC Odyssey! Except I write so many crossovers so I have a couple other fandoms on my AO3 as well. I also have WIPs for AC Valhalla, House of the Dragon, and ATLA. Fun fact, I also have Odyssey crossovers planned for two of those fandoms, and I'll let you guess which two 😜
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Rebirth - My beloved, my baby, I swear I am still writing this My Miraculous Ladybug fic - I wrote this seven years ago and like to pretend it doesn't exist Assassins, Atlantis, and Avengers - Unfortunately on indefinite hiatus, but I've gotten so many nice comments on it recently that I've been thinking a lot about it! The Children of Kephallonia - MY FAVORITE FIC OF MINE EVERYONE SHOULD READ THIS I'M SO PROUD OF THIS ONE Not a Malákes Ravenclaw - Absolutely ridiculous I can't believe people actually like this (it's so fun to write tho 😂)
Do you respond to comments? I do my best but I'm not actually the best lol
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Of my published fics, The Lioness, but only if you read the first chapter and ignore my ramblings in the second chapter about how SPOILERS deaths would change canon.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? There is No Escape...! It technically has the same ending as my other Kassandra drags Phoibe out of the Underworld fic, but this fic has a planned sequel called the Electric Boogaloo, so I think it's obvious which one I had more fun writing 😂
Do you get hate on fics? One or two negative comments but for the most part people have been really nice to me! Which I appreciate, because I am a smol anxious bean who just wants friends 🥰
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I have a few bordering on spicy scenes, but no real smut.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? BOY DO I HAVE CROSSOVERS I have so many crossovers, like too many crossovers, all putting the queen of my heart Kassandra the Eagle Bearer in another universe and making her the main character she is clearly supposed to be. My craziest one is probably my AC Odyssey x Harry Potter crossover, but I am now hesitant to call it crazy because it now seems to make sense to me??? So maybe I'm going crazy???
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Nope!
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope again!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Once again, nope! But I honestly think co writing a fic would be so fun to try, at least once.
What’s your all time favorite ship? Kassidas. I always liked it but it has legitmately taken over my brain the last year. I blame @aeide's amazing Kassidas' fics
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Assassins, Atlantis, and Avengers. It's on indefinite hiatus right now because while I have an outline and even a few scattered scenes written, actually writing it seems impossible right now. But I hold out hope that I will come back to it one day!
What are your writing strengths? Character relationships! (At least in my opinion lol)
What are your writing weaknesses? Does constantly going back and rewriting chapters because I slightly changed my idea and want to foreshadow things better count? If not, I could be better at setting the scene and not just imagining it in my head.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Definitely not opposed to doing so, albiet through google translate because I am truly terrible with languages, but I always try to keep it short and I include translations in the endnotes.
First fandom you wrote for? Miraculous Ladybug. I sometimes like to pretend that fic doesn't exist because I feel bad that I forgot what I had planned/never finished it.
Favorite fic you’ve written? THE CHILDREN OF KEPHALLONIA I feel like I really came into my own as a writer when I started plotting out this fic and I'm really happy with my worldbuilding, character relationships, misc narrative choices, and just how my writing style has improved from my first fics. If you want to read any of my fics, I recommend this one.
I vaguely remember doing this exact tag game at some point, but time is an illusion and I have no idea when this was! So if I tag you and you did this recently, do not feel any pressure to do it again!
Tagging @aeide, @uhhhyaenbyjade, @zephyrwolf5, @ithinkthiswasabadidea, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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gattnk · 10 months
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It's hard to forget Ang-Lì and Mefisto, for the oddest reasons.
These two were unlucky enough to become cut content in the cartoon, and I can see why: the cast was huge, the new plot had a stronger focus on the protagonists, and sadly Ang-Lì and Mefisto were sort of... tertiary in the comics. While it seems like the comic was just about to pick up the pace with them, it got discontinued right before they got their moment to shine. I did my best to take all of this into account, and here's my resulting notes on the redesign process:
I dug up all I could about these two to make sure I understood their characters as much as possible, since the comics themselves shared very little. Finding the extra content that came with the comics was crucial (the original printed issues included all sorts of cool stuff you'd expect from kid magazines at the time).
I noticed how Ang-Lì is usually very enthusiastic in the comic, often cracking a joke or two mid conversation, and he also has a passion for earthly comic books. I gave him pretty plain clothes to contrast with his joking nature, represented by the yellow-orange. This way the color and his personality really pop up!
According to the extra content, Mefisto's super laidback about most things, with the exception of music: he's a metalhead who may or may not pirate his favorite Earth bands, who's also the vocalist of the devils, and can't make it through the day without his headphones. So I just went with the classic metalhead look: dark shirt, washed jeans, wallet chain and thick wristbands. The duller colors go really well with all the green hair, it doesn't feel like too much.
I tried to emphasize their interests with their accessories since their clothes are quite plain compared to the other redesigns. Since Mefisto's headphones are so important to him, they also had to pop out, hence the orange, white and toxic green. In the meantime, Ang-Lì's kicks are a pun of sorts: he keeps the jokes running. lol.
Turns out Ang-Lì's mascot is a stick bug, who knew? He keeps it in his shirt pocket like a pencil, as a bit of a joke. Meanwhile Mefisto places his gecko mascot on his wallet chain, like those lizard keychain bottle openers that used to be popular in the 2000s. I thought it represented their respective natures well.
I actively chose to swap Mefisto's skin color. The devils could use a bit more variety, honestly, and it still holds homage to his old color palette. Besides, you don't see many black metalheads in media and that's a shame! Rock on my metal siblings!
Ang-Lì had a pretty solid design from the start that still holds up well, so the biggest personal change was the haircut. everything else (clothes aside) I kept pretty much the same.
That would be it for these two! Honestly, keeping their character essence was particularly easy, compared to my other redesigns (yes, even easier than Raf/Sulfus). Even with the little content we have, all in all they're pretty solid characters! So yeah, they deserved to be brought back. I did my best to give them the spotlight more often in my script, let's see if I do them justice!
I'll Fly With You (rewrite fic) Art masterpost
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bilesproblems · 7 months
genuine question. not taking into account people with differing attraction orientations yk. how does the mpsec lesbianing work. bc as far as i know lesbian is just homosexual nonman? pls don't just be like "erm well that's not what lesbian means dumbfuck little radexclus bitch" i need an actual explanation that isn't just "because you're wrong lmao"
i hope this doesn't come off as rude im trying to learn i like knowing both sides of arguments and every time i try to get someone to explain i get attacked (not anon because i will forget that i put this in pls pretend im anon)
In the nicest way possible, do you think nonman is a single gender and not inherently inclusive of an mspec experience?
Mspec lesbians come in many forms, and as you've already accounted for SAM users, I don't need to go over that. But for others, the meaning varies. For me, I am not attracted to men, not sexually (well, not anybody sexually lol), not romantically. Platonic and aesthetic, totally. But as a romantic orientation (and sexual para-orientation) I am a lesbian, exclusively. I only feel attraction to women and various nonbinary genders, and I'm unsure of how I'd feel dating a bigender man but I think it would be alright as long as they were also a woman. But see here, the thing is, "various nonbinary genders" includes people who are separate from being women. This means that, while being fully and exclusively lesbian, it is inherently mspec and to imply otherwise is horribly enbyphobic and misgenders us all
For others that I know, it is an uncertainty. One feels attraction to women, men, and potentially elsegender people, but the attraction to men/attraction to people who are not women (depends on the person) is a lot more infrequent and/or weak, to the point where it's hard to even be sure if it's real attraction. In this sense, a bi lesbian would be somebody who feels like they're on the line between the two, or in a blurry area right between, and they aren't sure which they belong to.
For many... It's reclamation! Lesbian was fully nonexclusive for a long time. The movement that changed that was led by TERFs. It was not the natural progression of language, but a disgusting movement that aimed to remove bi women, trans women, butches, nonbinary people, and transmascs from being lesbians despite them all being historical parts of the community. I get why exclusive lesbians would want their own space and label, but we should have made a new one instead of taking over an existing one and kicking people out. A very small amount of bi people today are retaking their place as lesbians, because they never should have been kicked out in the first place
Also, many people don't like the nonman definition because "nonman" excludes bigender enby people and women from being lesbians just because they're also men. And it has racist origins as a term... It's not inherently wrong to use but many people do dislike it being imposed onto the definition of lesbian as such a large label because of that. I don't hate it, but I think it's kinda a bad definition... I need to rewrite my definition but lesbian is a word that deserves a definition that would make your English teachers proud, because it's such a loaded and beautiful word with so much history and variety in experience.
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ranler · 6 months
Ooc: quick update!
I'll be closing asks for a moment
I've been thinking lately to change the direction of this askblog..
I really want to focus more on lore, writing, making comics etc rather than answering asks.
I don't really like doing this, not anynore, and I feel pretty pressured about it... I never liked answering stuff, especially when all the asks are pretty much the same, most of them aren't even worth my time, and I'm getting bored of replying for the 50th time to "cool horns".
I don't enjoy making stupid doodles because I know my art is better than this, and feeling pressure of coming up with several of these a day when I want to be consistent, this is what made me have so many burn outs during summer.
Plus, I've been changing a lot of Ranler's lore. As you may know, I left the onceler fandom. And to be honest, I never left like Ran ever was a -ler... When I made him, I got several comments on how "people won't like him cuz he doesn't look like a onceler enough". And I don't care, because I never really saw him as one anyway, and I've been trying to force myself too much to include "lorax" parts in his backstory, trying to stretch everything so it fits, but it was never enough, people weren't satisfied and I also never was satisfied, I've always wanted to get rid of the "onceler mold", because I feel so restricted by trying to fit my characters in it, and it just doesnt fit with who ranler is.
I'm current spending a lot of time on rewriting his whole backstory, to finally make it feel right. Getting rid of the "lorax" elements is so freeing, I can't explain how much I'm enjoying writing his character now that I have 0 restrictions anymore.
So yea, I'll be closing asks for a moment. I'll maybe answer to the most interesting ones I still have in my inbox, don't be upset if I don't reply to all of them, I just want to do what feels right and what I actually like. When I'm done rewriting his lore, I may start making more serious posts on this blog, lore related, roleplays, fanfiction maybe, comics, etc... Asks will still be open then, but I will only reply to things that seems important, and the blog won't be an ask-only-blog but more like a general oc blog. Same thing for @ask-swordtail , if I'm not too overwhelmed, but at least he isn't as popular as Ranler's blog so the asks actually make sense, and I don't need to rewrite anything because he never was in the onceler fandom in the first place. I don't really know what I'll do with the other AU blogs, I'll see in the future.
Anyway thank you for listening to whatever this is, lol, I hope you understand<3 when I'm done I'll probably post the new toyhouse links and make another announcement, as well as cleaning up the old posts... Don't worry, if you want to keep an archive or something, I always reblogged anything I did on here on my main, so you'll still be able to find them if you dig deep enough.
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kohakhearts · 7 months
hey that pokemon 2000 gifset + your jn dub analysis made me think about the pokemon 2000 dub - I've only seen it subbed once (compared to the hundred times I watched it dubbed as a child) so I could be misremembering, but didn't the dub completely change the themes of the movie with the chosen one ash thing?
i actually haven’t watched the sub nearly as many as times as the dub either :p but i have read extensively about this topic bc it’s personally my favourite pokemon movie and yes! the first and second pokemon movies are both victim to this (like mewtwo’s epic speech we all love so much at the end of the first movie…being a complete fabrication by the dub team :p you gotta give those writers credit - they were VERY good at what they did), largely i’m guessing due to cultural values and expectations. since they were trying to sell the anime to an american audience, not a japanese one.
tangentially, i will say i also think that’s the root of this like…subtle distinction some people have between the characters “ash” and “satoshi.” i don’t differentiate them in any big way myself because fundamentally they still are very much the same, but it is true that in japanese, ash has somewhat different mannerisms and responds differently to events at times, especially in the early anime when it was so much easier to get away with making big changes for…a big assortment of reasons haha.
in THIS movie in particular, some of those things are like…well. the prophecy is probably the most obvious change. the dub team rewrote it to include the chosen one reference, which works great because of the word play on ash’s name. in japanese, it just says “an exceptional trainer will appear to help calm the wrath of the gods.” ash’s response to this is more mild trepidation than outright fear. he doesn’t hesitate like he does in the dub. and tbh? both reactions make perfect sense for his character in my opinion.
in japanese, his concern is more "do you really think i can fit that role?" this...tracks pretty well with his character development by this point. like yeah he said he could win the indigo league, but he's also thinking about dropping out after gary loses; it's that little grain of insecurity he has, which he's normally good at covering up with arrogance (a lot of which is also very genuine, don't get me wrong). but he sees the opportunity to help and he takes it. that's just...what ash does.
in english, though, the prophecy is pretty clearly about him. there's no one else it could be. it has to be him. and he...doesn't like that? that scares him. which, fair. anyone would be terrified by being singled out like that. it's also so much...not ash's thing, even at this point in the series. his character development is about embracing having to work hard to do well. to keep trying until you get it right, no matter how many times you get it wrong. the idea of being a "chosen one" completely robs him of his ability to be so single-minded about what he wants his destiny to be that it manifests as pre-determined; it just...pre-determines it for him, if that makes sense. lol.
the thesis of the japanese version of the film is that no one person or pokemon can stand on their own. everyone needs help. it's about harmonizing with each other and with nature. about letting others help you, and helping them in turn. the english version rewrites that into a story about power and destiny. the title alone says it all, right? it's called "the power of one" - no reference to lugia, no reference to the birds. in japan, the title is about the revelation (or "birth") of lugia.
westerners love a good chosen one story, so this was a really good choice by the dub team in that respect. i mean, it's a narrative that's stuck really well. fandom loves chosen one ash! in general, western fanbases are really into this narrative. it's everywhere. and there's a lot that goes into that, culturally, and especially religiously, historically, etc. so at the end of the day, i don't think the change is so much about conflicting ideas about collectivism and individualism. it's more about goals and ideals, on a personal level.
let me say again for the 273456784th time, i love that they resolved ash's story by having him realize that the goal he's really been striving for all this time is to meet and befriend pokemon. to learn from them. to earn their trust. it's like...he did the thing that everyone else thought represented his goal, maybe even himself included, only to realize that his dream was never about the end of it anyway. it was about everything he learnt and everyone he met along the way. (i also suspect nobody writing in 1997 knew that that would be the ultimate resolution, either. but it makes sense in the entire context. it's kind of a nice irony, even. to only figure it out after writing the story :p)
and i think this little distinction is important to that goal! it's his whole character! which is why even though i too love chosen one characters, i don't necessarily think of ash as one. because even if he is, his whole Thing is that he wants to try. a lot of the chosen one narrative is about characters being reluctant to be used for a "greater good," or about them collapsing under that pressure. ash doesn't really have that. he does what he thinks is right because he...thinks it's right. sometimes, sure, others have to push him into it a bit, but usually they're actually pushing the other way - it's too dangerous, you're going to get hurt, etc. and to me, i don't know - thinking of times he's died, or nearly died, and some legendary or mythical pokemon has saved him at the last minute...i don't think that has to mean he's special in a cosmic sort of way. i think it just means he's special to them. that he did something for them, or for someone else they had come to care for (thinking manaphy responding to may's emotions, not just to the fact that ash was drowning, or in mpm ash convincing latios to trust him because of their mutual desire to save latias, etc.), and so they want to help him. which is completely opposite to the typical chosen one narrative, i think? because he doesn't do those things out of obligation...he does them because he thinks he can become a better trainer by doing them, and he wants to do that. and well. he did do that.
anyway my tl;dr here is YES they changed the theme a lot haha, but i find it fun that they also changed the characters’ responses to that theme. funnily that’s…kind of also what fanfiction writers do all the time, lmao, but that’s a whole other conversation.
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thedeal-if · 11 months
Not gonna lie here, but something kinda died inside of me, when i saw that Nathan is pretty much allergic to children(cause i adore them irl), but it made me wonder about two things.
Oh and i can completely understand why certain ROs are just not made to have childeren.
1: I was wondering why can't angels get children, considering that irl there are beeings like nephilim/cambions described in Myths, Tales, Books etc.. Does that mean that in this universe there are no halfbreeds(not meant in a derogatory way), between different species?
2: Following up with the ask about kids, how would the ROs react(those who actually can get children in a biological way), to accidently becoming a parent? Answer only if comfortable
I have to say that maybe I worded it wrong but Nathan isn't allergic to children, dw anon!! He has always had very important things on his plate and it has never left him any time to think about anything else. It's kinda sad but Nathan only began to truly live his life the moment he started to Fall.
When it comes to children, if his partner asked he'd be like "Oh, that's right, those exist" and just *shrug*. Nathan has never given having kids any thought but he could be convinced ^^
He is very much allergic to being responsible tho... But who knows? People evolve, they can change. They can meet good influences, bad influences. Really, who knows?
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1. Okay, td lore! I'm trying not to mention much and I'm crossing my fingers not to get asked about my worldbuilding because I cave to pressure too easily and will definitely gush lol. Tbh I thought it'd be much more fun for people to realize this as they play, finding out things alongside MC and all that. But maybe some explanations are in order 🕴️
To clarify: Christian/Catholic/Judaism/etc lore is, of course, the foundation of my own, but don't expect me to follow the Bible to a t 🫂 I always meant for The Deal to be a reimagining of religion as we know it, but I've included many more layers in terms of... everything (ex. Lovecraftian lore)! I think it's pretty interesting to take the core of a topic and rewrite some of it to make it more exciting.
Needless to say, I don't mean any disrespect towards religion in any way shape or form but sticking to it blindly has always rubbed me the wrong way as a person who isn't and has never been religious.
Now, the answer to your question (sorry for the rant 😭💕) ik about Nephilim and cambions (as someone who's read superstition a billion times), and Nephilim aren't a thing here. Cambions are tho!
When it comes to Angels... Think of them as one of those automated machines in factories. They fulfill their function and are scraped or thrown away when broke beyond repair. That's kind of how the Gods see Angels.
I've promised myself to say nothing about Genies until MC at least meets Aliyah. But let's just say she can't procreate either.
2. As for the accidental parent scenario I'll leave it below the cut (dw btw I'd say it's pretty hard to make me uncomfortable lol I'll answer anything)
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Dante, Lilith, Josh, Victor, and Eden can have biological children! Villanelle is technically on that list but she's very much sex repulsed and won't ever be in this situation🫂
Though Dante isn't stoked at the thought of children this kind of changes when he thinks of that kid as his. He's not that taken aback by surprises—even if they're major ones like having a child—Dante likes taking challenges with a smile. If he feels like it's his choice and his partner isn't forcing the idea of parenthood on him, Dante would accept his role with a very positive outlook ^^
Doesn't mean he'll be a good dad tho lol
Lilith feels deeply troubled by her nature and thinks that it'd be best not to create any more beings of hell. She has ingrained a very cataclysmic point of view about any potential children she might have. To Lilith, motherhood is a dream. But not like that.
She'd be such a good mom tho💕
Josh feels like he's been punched in the gut lol he can't handle unexpected turns of events. If it's something his partner is excited about Josh would try not to bring the mood down, he'd want to see it as a positive thing. Definitely would read parenthood blogs for hours during the entire pregnancy.
Victor would be so excited I think he'd forget about any complicated situations and all his problems as soon as his partner told him. It's always been one of Victor's deepest and most profound dreams, and to have his partner fulfill it— he would never dare to even consider it an accident. Much like Josh he'd be the World's most prepared Upcoming Dad™ lol
Eden doesn't typically panic but he would lose his mind lol. I said he kind of leaned towards preferring not to have children but for the entire situation to be forced on him like that would be overwhelming. If the situations are right, if Eden feels like he has the specific kind of support he would need to parent a child... He might change his mind and not be so negative about it ^^
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