#thg animated series when?
thesweetnessofspring · 9 months
The more that time goes by, the more I'm certain that if The Hunger Games ever gets remade, it MUST be animation.
There are a lot of practical reasons for an animated series. The characters can be animated to match book descriptions, flashbacks will be easier (especially 11 year-old Katniss and Peeta), and it will make it distinct from the movie series.
But also, for me, a big part of it is that animation can retain important themes of the books while minimizing the negative impact of those involved in the production (which is also a theme of the series).
It's no secret that Hollywood is brutal, especially for children and young actors. Alyson Stoner has put out her Dear Hollywood series on what it is like growing up as a child performer. In her most recent video, she shares that she auditioned for Katniss and in preparation, threw herself into her eating disorder to try and fit the description of Katniss. From her story, it seems she took this on herself, not that she was asked to do this. And obviously, they picked someone who is the opposite of Katniss's physical description in the book in just about every way.
I'm very, very glad that (as far as I know) no one in the production of THG pressured Jen to lose weight to play Katniss (fans and media, unfortunately, were a different story). A performer's health is always more important than a look. However, Katniss and nearly every other character has spent their lives hungry and malnourished. And that is a huge part of the themes of the story! Alyson also voiced she was glad an actress "with meat on her bones" was cast as Katniss, and at first I kinda disagreed, due to how it did affect the themes that Jen was always so healthy-looking (not just weight, but everything--hair, skin, hygiene, injuries). Then I wondered if someone starving-thin had been cast as Katniss, how that would have impacted young people watching the movies. If the glorification would have still come through and perpetuated the idea that thinness is the goal no matter how it is obtained, rather than been a critique of the Capitol wasting food while children starve in the Districts. The movies were never able to commit to making Jen look bad in any way, shape, or form even in parts of the book where Katniss is honestly grotesque. So if that had been a skinny actress, would her appearance have been lauded as admirable and been included in the endless media with only skinny female leads?
The thing is, there is some great fanart of Katniss in her less-than-attractive appearance--she's skinny and starving and injured and has a hardened, unfriendly stare to her. Her appearance is a reflection of her oppression, and it is in no way glamorized. This is where I think animation/art is able to exaggerate this and tailor it right without damaging the actor behind the character physically or mentally. Plus, looks change for Katniss and other characters frequently and these changes are important for the themes/plot as well. Weight loss and gain, muscle loss and gain, losing limbs, injuries, the physical effects of major depression and PTSD. Some of this could be accomplished with makeup/CGI and good acting, however, the physicality of the body would be difficult to do with an actor's actual body. Jen and Josh especially were critically viewed for their appearances during the heyday of the franchise. In Alyson's series, she describes that so much of the young actor's damaged self-perception comes from how they look and fitting a part, which throws young performers into eating disorders, plastic surgery, and mental health crises. I have to wonder, for a book that is a great metaphor for child performers, would we want to subject more young actors into this kind of pressure?
I'm not huge into animation fan culture, so maybe there is rampant abuse of voice actors, but it seems to me like voice actors don't have the same issues as live action actors. Certainly the VAs' appearances wouldn't matter--Katniss could be tall and fat, Peeta could be lanky, Gale could be short. Their voices would matter first. Hiring people of color for the appropriate roles would be the only possible "appearance" under consideration. Additionally, in comparison to the frenzy of invasion of privacy that the movie cast had to go through, VAs would likely be bothered less, unless perhaps they were famous for live action roles.
As someone who has a couple animator friends, I will acknowledge that animators have a pretty terrible work culture in that they are overworked and underpaid, so it's not as if no one working on an animated THG would suffer in its creation. But it seems like overall, damage to those in the process of its creation and consumption would be lessened and preserve important themes to the story as well.
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mclennie · 6 months
In the prequel, Suzanne Collins continues exploring one of the central themes of the THG trilogy: how the adults and government in the series use children, the most innocent in society, for their own aims.
This is primarily seen in the original trilogy with the cruelty of the games, where the government has deemed it legal and proper to take custody of children, throw them in harm's way, and make them kill each other to pay for the sins of their forefathers.
In TBOSAS, we get to see how Lucy Gray and the other tributes were dehumanized and thrown in cages to be gawked at by Capitol citizens who viewed them as little more than animals. They were kept in chains and survived on handouts, with some tributes having to entertain Capitol citizens for food (tbosas, pg 96).
But it's also clear Capitol children aren't as protected in Capitol society as expected. Dr. Volumnia Gaul makes Clemensia Dovecote retrieve the proposal she claims she worked on with Snow from the tank of rainbow snakes, knowing she could be seriously injured. She even hides the truth of Clemensia's injury from her parents, saying she has the flu.
This makes Snow, who witnessed Clemensia's injury and the death of his classmate Arachne earlier by another tribute, reel at the implication that the Capitol puts little value on children's lives, whether Capitol or district.
"He buried his head in his hands, confused, angry, and most of all afraid. Afraid of Dr. Gaul. Afraid of the Capitol. Afraid of everything. If the people who were supposed to protect you played so fast and loose with your life... then how did you survive? Not by trusting them, that was for sure. And if you couldn't trust them, who could you trust? All bets were off" (tbosas pg 116).
Even Snow gets put into harm's way when Dr. Gaul asks him to retrieve Sejanus from the arena, with the peacekeepers guarding the arena lying to him that they "have his back" (pg 231). But when the pack of tributes goes after Snow and Sejanus, the peacekeepers don't do anything to save them, forcing Snow to kill Bobbin in self-defense. When an angry Snow complains to the peacekeepers, they all say they were following Dr. Gaul's orders (pg 239).
And it goes back to something Sejanus says when confronting Gaul in front of all his classmates. Shouldn't the government protect everyone, district and Capitol alike? (tbosas 92). Not in Panem's society, where children are seen as complicit in their parents and grandparents' crimes, where their innocence is stolen from them, where they are asked to kill or be killed.
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Hi I was scrolling through you blog and I saw the post about Rwby and the Racism issue and I was wondering how did Rwby failed in all 3 categories?
I have seen other POCs express their distain regarding fantasy racism and fantasy oppression because you are taking a real life minority experience and using it for your white race (Hunger Games and Bright are examples). Then we have some that says as long as that race is an allegory or being race coded is fine such as Zootopia. Did Rwby followed or try to followed these examples?
That moment when your blog is just chocked full of posts about this topic that you can't find the specific one-
So, I want to preface that this post is my perspective, and it will not always align with other POCs' opinions on similar matters. We're not a monolith, and I speak from my own experiences.
Long Post Ahead
I don't think I can answer the 3 categories you mentioned because I literally cannot remember which post has that. So I'm very sorry.
So I'll start with the next part. In matters regarding the Hunger Games and its usage of societal discrimination, I personally would not say that it's a bad example, and race plays a more subtle part in the totalitarian world of Panem. THG as a series is a commentary on what will happen when we let the government exploit and divide the people, keeping us under their thumb with a cruel system disguised as a form of social order rather than what it truly is. Hell, even the main villain of the series President Snow (spoiler ahead) in the prequel claimed that the Games are a method of showing order in a world thrust into chaos, that the tributes are part of a larger game of reminding everyone in Panem that they are only parts of a bigger machine in order to keep peace. Which the series clearly stated that what he's saying is propaganda, and the world isn't just full of woes. It is capable of love, kindness, and unity even in an environment where the people kill each other.
Sorry for the long rant, but I would highly recommend you read the series. Panem as a world setting isn't a fantasy perse, more like a hypothetical America or any similar nation where the discrimination based on race, class, and everything not considered "norm" is something inspired by real-life without making it a direct example, it's a series encompassing the struggles of being free and allowed to love without being oppressed, which can be seen by any race. I encourage you to get into a deeper analysis of this wonderful series, it's worth it.
And for Zootopia? I would not consider it allegorical. At all. It obviously takes inspiration from real-life racism, particularly that in the States, but just...
If you equate the predators in Zootopia, who are discriminated against because of their instincts to hunt prey and are faced with constant fear that they will kill their prey peers based on instinct or via drug, on any non-white groups in America, while the prey animals are white people? You... you see the issue, right?
You see the issue of making a fictional race that instinctually behaves very differently from humans via eating others an allegory to real-life races, especially black people, right???
That's why I wanted RWBY and the Faunus to be their own thing because the premise itself is fantastical. Don't Write Real Life Racism with Fantastical Allegories. PLEASE. RWBY shot itself in the fucking foot when they equate the Faunus to Black Civil Rights Issues when they aren't educated enough on the topic to even discuss it. If that was what they wanted, just write black people. There are other ways where you can write a fantasy racism plot without allegorizing it to real-life racism. Just write the fucking latter.
RWBY failed, and it failed badly. Even if you don't have the whole Faunus be about Black Civil Rights, the writers still INTENTIONALLY write a disabled child slave fighting for his rights after being abused by a corporation to be the VILLAIN. Not just any kind of villain, but the kind to abuse his loved ones, kill his own kind, aim for mass murder, and never actually gave a shit about his rights. That alone should tell you enough about whether or not RWBY failed or not.
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I watched TBOSAS today (Sunday) and I’m sadly not very well (bad cold or flu), but I wanted to try and make a little post to appreciate the film/give my thoughts.
I saw the first three Hunger Games movies on opening weekend during my teens - the only one I didn’t watch at the cinema was Mockingjay Part 2, because it coincided with my GCSE mocks and some other stuff I had going on. I saw the first one twice at the cinema, once on opening weekend with one friend and then a second time with my then-best friend a few weeks later; I saw CF and MJP1 with my younger sister on opening weekend because it’s one of the few series we both love and so it’s one of the few things we can both enjoy together. My point is that I’m a huge THG fan, have been since I read the first book in late 2011 when I was 13 - I even still have my Mockingjay pin that I bought in March 2012 from Waterstones that I still wear!
Anyway, I read TBOSAS during lockdown, my sister bought the book and let me read it after she did, so this has been one of my most anticipated movies of the year!
!Spoilers below!
I was ill when I watched it and I’m even iller now but I’ll try to remember as much as I can
I’m glad they made Coriolanus Snow hot because I felt so conflicted watching him and that’s EXACTLY what was needed for the character, he’s got this beautiful exterior but he is POISON inside
Rachel Zegler was AMAZING by the way, I’m not her biggest fan by any means but I say fuck the haters
Hunter Schafer as Tigris was AMAZING casting, she really needs to shine away from Euphoria because damn she was so good in this film
Just in general casting ATE in this movie; Viola Davis, Peter Dinklage, Jason Schwartzman etc
Tigris was spot on: “I wouldn’t sing a note for you” and pointing out that Coryo needed to get Lucy Gray’s trust in order to help her win
Arachne Crane deserved death, idc 🤷‍♀️
The fact that the tributes were just dumped in a zoo and put on display like animals?!? Compared to six and a half decades later where the tributes are glammed up and treated like royalty, even allowed to train before entering the arena??? I love how starkly different it is
I won’t lie, Lucky Flickerman stole the film whenever he was in the scene 😭😅 absolute scene stealer?!?
Lucky trying to cancel his dinner reservations on night 1 of the games because “this is taking longer than I expected” 💀
Also telling one of the mentors not to puke on the floor after their tribute was killed?!?! Iconic really
“Those drones really are not very good” - PLEASE 😭
You can definitely tell Lucky is an ancestor of Caesar lol
The bow and arrow when Coryo enters the arena?!?! 👀🏹
Coryo killing Bobbin was BRUTAL. He could have stopped after the first hit, that was self defence - but he carried on and kept hitting him. It was definitely a huge moment
I obviously knew Wovey wasn’t going to survive, but god DAMN it 😭 DID THEY HAVE TO MAKE HER SO SWEET AND LIKEABLE?!? She just wanted to go home, and those were her last words before she was killed by the snakes 😭
Coryo really cheated just so Lucy Gray could survive, and it still has me questioning whether he cares for her or if it is just to do with the Plinth prize? 🤔
“What are the Hunger Games for, Mister Snow?” And all I can think about was him explaining in the original HG movie why there’s a Victor, why they don’t just kill 24 kids at random:
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The Games felt so much more primal and sad, like you could tell all of them were just trying to survive, even Coral who seemed to target Lucy Gray ruthlessly but then before her death made the comment that it can’t have all been for nothing…
The fact that Gaul didn’t want to call an end to the games even though Lucy Gray was the final survivor, and it was only when the other mentors were chanting to let her out, to call it, that she finally did it…
I nearly lost my shit during the first hanging scene because I suddenly remembered that THIS was what the Hanging Tree song was based on; “they strung up a man they say who murdered three” “dead man called out for his love to flee” etc. And that is EXACTLY what happened, right to a tee: the man protesting his innocence, calling for his love to go…
Listen I may be REALLY off, but the meadow where Coryo and Lucy Gray met up again… is it the same meadow from the final scene in Mockingjay P2 with Everlark and their kids?!?
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It probably isn’t but it reminded me of it idk
THE KATNISS PLANT - FORESHADOWING 😭 “it’s not ready yet” “things change fast” ASDFGHJKL
SEJANUS PLINTH YOU HAVE ALWAYS DESERVED BETTER 😭 knew it was coming but I was so sad
The scene where they hang Sejanus was so chilling, because the birds (i think they were Jabberjays and not Mockingjays but I could be wrong?) repeated his blood curdling calls for help as he was hung, like I was so haunted by it afterwards
No wonder Coriolanus Snow hates the fucking birds, Jesus Christ
The absolute tonal shift when he finds the guns, when Lucy Gray remarks that she’s the only loose end as if it’s a taunt, a challenge etc.
Coriolanus running through the woods, screaming “AFTER EVERYTHING I HAVE DONE FOR YOU?!?” - it just SCREAMS toxic relationship quite frankly, like whether you believe there was any genuine love at all or not, it just screams how toxic the relationship was between them. It was doomed from the start frankly
I was so concerned that the film would make it clear whether or not he killed Lucy Gray, but thankfully they left it ambiguous just like the book. Did one of his bullets hit her? Did she fly free?
It’s so interesting that Lucy Gray and her games were completely and utterly wiped, there was no trace of them - but her songs, her art, survived even after she disappeared. Songs like the Meadow song and the Hanging Tree survived and were passed on through District 12, becoming part of their culture - Snow couldn’t destroy that, no matter how hard he might have tried
Someone on Twitter made this comment and I agree:
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Also YES, I noticed that Tigris called him “Coryo” until their last scene together, and then it was “Coriolanus” 😭 and also the fact that she warned him not to turn into his father, his father had hate in his eyes… and then at the end, she sadly tells him “you look like your father, Coriolanus” 😭
The small little hints of the man Coriolanus Snow is in the original series though??? The roses, the Katniss plant Easter egg, etc. And then there’s the fact we see glimpses of what later became his preferred method of killing his enemies - poison. He put poison in the compact and gave it to Lucy Gray, and then he poisoned Casca Highbottom… it’s just so fascinating to think of who this young 18 year old becomes later on, the way he changed over the course of the next 64 years and how those changes came directly from what happened in this story.
Ending the film with Donald Sutherland’s delivery of “It’s the things we love the most that destroy us” from the original movies?!?! FUCK YEAH I WAS THIS CLOSE TO SCREAMING
Honestly it’s got to be VERY hard to play a younger version of a Donald Sutherland character, but especially this one because that man KILLED the part in the films, but I think Tom Blyth did a really good job and I could definitely see hints of the older Snow being included in his performance, like I could genuinely believe it was the same character?
The fact that 64 years later a dark haired girl from District 12 wearing a mockingjay pin and singing songs once sung by a girl he thought dead absolutely fucked his life up?!? We love to see it. It’s like Lucy Gray gave him a middle finger lol
I’ll be honest, as soon as we left the cinema I said to my sister “the only thing is now I want to watch the original four Hunger Games movies” 😭
That’s all I can think of right now because I’m very feverish, I’ve got work in the morning and it was also a long film so there was a LOT going on, but I absolutely LOVED IT. The Hunger Games has truly been the only franchise that has a prequel that has been nearly universally loved and accepted by the fans, Suzanne Collins is truly amazing.
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diamantdog · 9 months
tbosas thoughts that no one asked #1
i've been blogging about my reading the ballad of songbirds and snakes and now that i've finished it, you will hear me talking about it online, lol!
first of all, let me just say that i think it's amazing that the "love triangle" theme in the og series continues here, but it's between a boy, a girl, and an authoritarian government lol.
secondly, i came across these tags under one of my posts about the book:
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and i want to say that i disagree. the president snow we know in thg has always been in the 18-year-old coryo. you know how the catholic church says pride is the biggest sin because it leads to the other 6? well, i think coryo's pride as a snow is also his biggest sin, which leads him to his obsession with control. controlling his facial expressions, emotions, reactions, clothes, etc is the only thing that keeps the people of capitol from figuring out how poor he actually is. i also think his pride leads him to paranoia, because he thinks people are out to get him. he believes that if he makes just one wrong move, he will be exposed.
HOWEVER, i also disagree with takes saying that he's always been bad.
to say this is to admit that dr. gaul is right, and that humans are inherently evil. i think suzanne collins' decision to make coryo 18 is brilliant, because he's somewhere between innocence and adulthood, and the time has come for him to make a decision about his path. and coryo is wrong, he tells himself that he doesn't have a choice, but he always does. he is surrounded by people like sejanus and lucy gray, and even in capitol there's lysistrata and tigris and perhaps even clemensia who have shown empathy toward the tributes. he can always choose to side with them, and we can see there are moments when he’s, like, huh maybe the games is bad? but in the end, he chooses dr. gaul and capitol then tries to convince himself that he has no choice.
in conclusion, i think coryo is the snake in this story. like what lucy gray says about the animal, he can’t be trusted but there’s always a chance that he’ll be harmless like the one that bites him in the end. which is why she loves him, because imo she chooses to see the good in him and believes there’s a chance for him. alas.
anyways, this is getting long lol and i will probably continue my thoughts on another post.
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cutpaperbleedswater · 3 months
Random thg thoughts #2
This one is real hard to articulate so sorry if it don’t make sense
In TBOSAS, the tributes are taken directly from their District and remain in the same clothes all the way until their death, likely still buried in their clothes, or their victory. Unlike in the original series where it’s almost like if they blink, it’s a new outfit. Obviously it’s down to the order and the efficiency of the system that only time could develop. And employment rates, funding and viewing all obviously increase over the years. But for the opening ceremony, the first people wore their district clothes, directly representing of the culture from there, like 11’s flat caps to protect their heads from burning in the sunny fields and such. Not the trade, not its contribution to Panem but the people. Where we stand in the original series, the only thing you have is the clothes you were reaped in and a district token, which is optional and not advertised/shown off in the build up. When it comes to prep, they are made to look as healthy as possible, even including full meals and training, which is very different to TBOSAS. But when it comes to the ceremonies, the individuality stemming from small groups of people a suite, disappears as all of a sudden, the tributes are their trade. Katniss thinking about how all she can remember is her district tributes in skimpy miners wear and her fear about being naked with only coal dust for her modesty, shows it’s all about what she represents as a general group of people, not what she represents as herself. Like how Johanna complains about her tree costume in Catching Fire and her trade being lumber. Personality wise, she’s much more suit the flames than Peeta. In this system, they become objects/animals in the eyes of the privileged, working to supply the top, a world above their own. Also the Hob becoming illegal, the ‘hob’ in Ballad is a fun, fast pace environment that the District citizens and Peacekeepers and trainees alike enjoy and frequent but in the main series, it’s illegal and less focussed on fun than selling what people can to survive which is very animal like thinking, with many living things adaptations like cactus spikes. What I’m trying to say is that the districts are smudged. Not together like in the epilogue but in their own sectors, there is minimal individuality apparent. They all are slaves for a system set against them instead of living people and their clothes shoe that by representation of what they represent, not who. They lose themselves before they find themselves.
What a waffle
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ultfreakme · 6 months
Hi....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Oh this is tough, like oh wow I' gonna have such a hard time this might take a while to be answered.
Avatar The Last Airbender Watched this since I was a kid over multiple years so this is always going to have a special place in my heart. It introduced me to a lot of difficult concepts and struggles.
Legend of Korra Also watched this as a kid from middle school to high school. I loved watching Korra grow and overcome her struggles, it was a lot more personal to me. I related to Korra especially in S3 & 4. She's also how I started my queer realization.
Superman: Son of Kal El This one's newer. It's a comfort comic. When this came out I was pretty comfortable in my queer identity, but it just made me feel more empowered to see a queer superman asking the questions we often ask; why not do more? I this answers very clearly the role of superman and people with privilege in aiding those who need a voice. The Superman, Jon, does a lot of heroics but his true heroism comes through in the way he waits and listens to others and uses his symbol to allow platform for those that are suppressed to speak, in this case it's his ally and boyfriend Jay Nakamura.
Book Thief: I think I read this in middle school and up until then we knew about the Holocaust through history books, it seemed distant but this book brought everything into a focused reality. The devastation of war, the cruelty of the Nazi regime, it really made me see how devastating and unfair and wrong Nazi Germany was on a visceral level. The narrator of the story is Death itself. There's one quote that made me see the horror of war starkly: "I’ve seen so many young men over the years who think they’re running at other young men. They are not. They’re running at me(Death)."
The Hunger Games This series's impact is well-known. It's a tale of revolution and exploitation. It's about Katniss's bravery but also about her vulnerabilities. Everything feels so hopeless in this world but this story shows that if you dare to stand up, others will follow. I loved how raw Katniss was, how human she is and how personal her struggles are. A lot of THG copycats forget that the reason why Katniss works is because although she hates the capitol and wants better for all the districts, she's also just a young girl who wants to keep her family safe and live without worrying for once. The latter is always forgotten. She doesn't actually orchestrate the revolution, that's a team effort led by Coin. I just, love how well done it is in humanizing everyone and showing the worst of humanity but also the best when faced with tough times.
Scum Villain Self-Saving System: This is famously MXTX's first and frankly the least good novel in the three she's released but I have imprinted on this. It's a parody and comedy but it also gets way too gritty and real in a lot of places. The story is essentially about creators selling out to fans and company demands so that they can get money, while stifling their creativity. It's very meta and makes fun of a lot of the typical danmei novel and harem novel tropes. It's not perfect and has a lot of issues but I love how funny it is. I feel like you won't get it unless you get it. It's very hit or miss for lots of people.
Kuroko No Basket: I think I've rewatched this about 5 times. I have nothing deep to say about it. It's a fun basketball anime about people being buddies and middle school drama and ridiculous basketball. I love it because it's pure fun and I love seeing the charecters interact.
Unknown Novel I read when I was like twelve: Okay so when I was possibly 12(or younger) I read a novel about this girl, it read like a personal account and I think it was, of this girl who was about to suffer some horrible fate around the early 1900s and narrowly escaped, and is trying to find her footing and make her way home. It follows her growing up from a teenager to an adult. I don't know it's name, when it was released, character names. NOTHING. BUT. That book left a mark on me and I've been hunting for it ever since. I didn't know it was about a Jewish girl in WW2 but now I think I can confirm that's what it was. That book rocked my worldview. There's this ONE CHAPTER I remember vividly: Our narrator is recently married and pregnant. She and her husband have no housing so they're staying in this group home with multiple people. The narrator starts having cravings for applesauce/jam and her husband procured it for her. She didn't know that he made it for her every time she craved it. Her husband had a set of numbers stamped on his arm. I know this excerpt is very little and can't be found anywhere properly but while reading this I just, realized how lovely humans can be. These two were not living in good conditions they were barely getting food and were cramped in small spaces to sleep. But her husband, who suffered greatly only recently, somehow found a way to get her applesauce/jam because she craved it. That's love. That's genuine love and idk it stuck to me. No idea how I accidentally got my hands on two books on the Holocaust and WW2 so young. If you know this anon, or if ANYONE knows what book I'm talking about please let me know. It's been a decade long hunt(I think more).
Narnia: The Witch, The Wizard and The Wardrobe: Rewatched this about 20 times. I once borrowed my mom's shawl and stole the kitchen knife to stand over my sleeping father with the knife in my hand pretending to stab him(I was....6? y father reported to me years late that he was awake and TERRIFIED and considered just hiding the movie CD because I was...instead of acting like the MC who I did love, I started acting like the main villain).
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I was pretending to be the White Witch/Jadis, my dad was Aslan. Almost locked myself up in our closet. Anyways this was a formative movie where I learned "dress hot, carry a knife, violence, manipulation <3". This is so fun and it's so charming. All the characters are so flawed and sweet and I want the best for all of them. Idk I think it still holds up and is just SO GOOD. A wonderful fantasy film.
10. Pooh's Heffalump Movie: Please don't laugh. I know this list is a wild ride that makes no goddamn sense but this movie was so good. I was obsessed as a child. It has a very nice lesson on accepting people's differences and not judging people based on appearances. Everyone was afraid of Lumpy but Roo braved those fears, made a wonderful friend and showed that it's important to conquer our fears. This was my family's favorite movie and still is like I'll be singing "lumpy lumpity lee, lumpy bumpity dee! Heffa-lumpy like me!".
Never too old to learn the importance of finding courage, being open-minded and not letting our fears rule us. The final scene where Lumpy is stuck under a lot of fallen trees, and Roo goes through the small cracks in the trees to support his friend despite knowing he might get crushed is just so ;_; It's so good.
Thanks for the question anon and giving me a chance to rant!! XDXD
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koravelliumavast · 2 months
the best part of any adaptation isn’t the voice acting or the animation but rather the soundtrack and sound design. a kinda messy ramble.
first off i have no skin in the game. i’m not like a music major or anything so we’re not getting technical here. i did do band for 8 years however so there’s that.
now it doesn’t matter what the media is- movies and shows sound empty without their soundtracks. it adds an element to them that invokes emotions even if we don’t recognize it at first.
this is mainly because music is something universal that transcends language barriers. music is a universal experience. since before recorded history people have been using music to tell and enhance stories no matter the culture music is inherent in our lives.
and when you’re watching a show it’s no different. music plays a big role in our subconscious understanding and processing of the media. scenes without any music in them sound empty. as if they’re missing something. (because they are) and when there are scenes without music they are usually used for effect or emphasis to show the depth of a situation further.
one of my favorite recent examples of this is how after sukuna defeats mahoraga there’s not any music played again (until specialz) but the rest of the episode was full of the OST. just emphasizing how much that fucked up yuji which is another thing music does well with invoking emotionality. most any time i hear malevolent shrines theme- I literally get chills just from the whole way it’s orchestrated. (if you haven’t listened to it by itself i highly recommend it)
but it’s not just the soundtracks that do that. pairing it with the animation add just another sense of dread and urgency to the whole thing. like we know this is a bad scenario already. but the music layers onto that sensation even more. soundtracks change the way we see shows. watch a scene without the sound on and then watch it again with the sound on and there’s a big difference. or read the same scene. the soundtracks add depth.
often times as well, soundtracks tell their own story. sometimes characters have a very specific motif that is tied to them and it can be found repeatedly across the songs. sometimes they’re even respondent to the characters themselves.
my favorite example here is in trigun stampedes ost. knives’s piano will always overtake a song while vash’s themes tend to be more subtle and let the other themes shine above his own. and the twins are like that too. vash wants to coexist with humans- knives believed it’s impossible. the stampede ost also has its own story to it. as it progresses it gets further away from that “westerny” sound and starts to get more orchestral and cinematic
and that’s because music tells a story. this isn’t just evident in anime either. the hunger games soundtrack is very brass and drum heavy- sounds that are typically associated best with military strength and revolution and in thg they overthrow the government. despite it not having the same composers throughout the series- harry potters soundtrack gets darker throughout to reflect the tone of the series as a whole as it gets darker and more deadly. jurassic parks classic theme is very awestriking and instills a sense of wonder in a person- they cloned dinosaurs. that is a very awe inspiring thing to see. there are more examples but you get it.
of course. soundtracks aren’t the only thing that add depth to media- that’s what sound design is for. a gunslinging show wouldn’t be the same if there wasn’t a rumbling sound whenever there was a gunshot. the eagle screech is actually from a red-tailed hawk. these elements are often overlooked as well, since they stimulate our subconscious enjoyment of media without us really processing them because that’s what they’re there to do. enhance the experience of the show itself and make it feel more realistic
if someone’s wearing heels and walking on a tile floor and it’s clearly shown- you’ll hear a clacking sound because that’s what heels SOUND like on tile irl. it wouldn’t be silent. these are things our brains have learned to just process but not call big attention to, which leads people to often times just pass up the enhancements sound design adds to a series. but without those it would be empty and feel wrong. like something was missing. because it is.
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thequeenofsarcaasm · 6 months
- Who are your top favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)?
[Feel free if you want to write the reasons or not of why you love those couples....]
- Is there a fictional couple who you dislike but you just know that they are right for each other?
- Which fandom that first introduce you to ffn or ao3?
Thanks if you want to answer, hope you have a wonderful day....
Thank you for asking ❤️
1-Let me just name 10 of them
Naru Sasu (IYKYK. I’ll leave it at that)
SatoSugu (I don’t need to explain)
MadoHomu ( I love dramatic sapphics and pure insanity. That’s what they represent to me)
Katniss and Peeta ( I love THG cause the “love triangle” is an allegory really. Katniss chose peace when she decided to be with Peeta. You can’t top that)
KilluGon (It’s the devotion for me. Also the parallels with Komugi and Meruem? The “lover’s suicide” line? The fact Killua’s birthday is on Tanabata??? I’m sold)
Okabe and Kurisu (I think they’re just made for each other. When things started going downhill, Okabe was so lost that the plot stopped progressing for an episode or two but the moment Kurisu asked him what had happened it felt like she was pulling on an entangled string. I love them so much)
Ed and Winry (She gave that boy a leg to keep moving forward. He saved her by reminding her who she was and what she stood for 🤷🏾‍♀️ )
SuzaLulu cause they’re toxic as fuck and I love toxic (not the real reason but it would be too long to explain. They’re just so GHHGFDD)
AshEiji (*sobs*)
BokuAka (“We’re the protagonists of the world” 🙄 I hate them anime queers)
2-I am sorry but I hated Helena and Damon. That’s your little bros gf!! Are you dumb? GET AWAY FROM HER!!!!!!
3- I started reading ff after Shugo Chara but it was Saint Seiya : The last canvas that introduced me to mlm ships (it’s also the first manga I ever read since we never got a second season ). In SS you have two guys who’ve been friends since forever cause one of them uses a technique that literally causes his heart to burn so he was appointed as partner the only guy who has a cooling technique. Do you see the potential???? Do you see the vision????
Also, the guy who’s possessed by Hades is the bff of the hero and he clearly loves him.
Honestly, all the ships are 12/10
I started STRONG cause the first SS fic I read was violent…( I won’t get into the details but I aspire to that level of toxicity)
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sc-the-doodle-bugs · 2 years
Facts About Me (If You're Wondering):
(you can find most of this stuff on one of my posts)
Name: Soul_Catcher
Nickname(s): S.C.
Gender: Demigirl
Sexuality: Straight, Asexual
Pronouns: she/they
B-day: Sep. 13th
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
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Fandoms or things I'm into:
Book Series/Novels:
Keeper of the Lost Cities (book series) [Kotlc]
Harry Potter (book series) [HP]
The Unwanteds (book series) [TUW]
The Candymakers (book series) [TC]
The Hunger Games (book series) [THG]
The Inquisitor's Tale (book) [TIT]
The Glass Secret (book series) [TGS]
Maybe a Mermaid (novel)
The Secret Zoo (book series) [TSZ]
The Land of Stories (book series) [TLoS]
The Story Thieves (book series) [TST]
The Prince Warriors (book series) [TPW]
The Someday Birds (novel)
Prisoner B-3087 (novel)
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (novel)
Dark Roads (novel)
Assassination Classroom (animation) [AssClass]
My Hero Academia (animation) [MHA]
Drifting Home (anime/movie) [Drift. H.]
Hitorijime My Hero (anime) [H.MH]
Sasaki and Miyano (anime) [S&M]
Given (anime) [Given]
Love Stage! (anime) [LS?]
Number 24 (anime) [n24]
Black Butler (anime) [bb?]
Animations (because it's different):
Alphabet Lore (animation) [AL]
Who I Choose (Minecraft Animation) [WIC]
Otomes (I love otomes...)/Visual Novels:
Dangerous Fellows (Otome, visual novel) [DF]
Underworld Office (visual novel) [UWO]
Charlie in Underworld (visual novel) [CIU]
Tokyo Debunker (otome/live 2d) [TD?]
Video Games:
Genshin Impact (game) [Genshin]
Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 1, 2, & 3 (game) [MHP]
Poppy Playtime (game) [PP]
Doors (Roblox game) [Doors]
Piggy (Roblox game) [Piggy]
Rainbow Friends (game) [RF]
Cookie Run Kingdom (game) [CRK]
Hastune Miku: Colorful Stage Project SEKAI (game) [Pjsekai]
Ensemble Stars Music! (game) [Enstars]
Bang Dream Girls Band Party! (game) [Bandori]
Twisted Wonderland (game) [Twst]
Danganronpa (game) [Dng]
OMORI (game) [Omori]
The Schoolbus Graveyard (Webtoon) [Sbg]
High Class Homos (Webtoon) [HCH]
K-pop Groups (because I started listening to them, if you have any recommendations, just comment on this post or send it in my inbox):
Girls Generation
Five Night's At Freddy's (game, book series, animation) [FNAF]
HOLOSTARS (vtuber) [Holo]
The list above will expand as I continue to keep reading or watching videos about lore.
Favorite Characters (or I simp these people):
Dexter Dizznee (Kotlc)
Venti (Genshin Impact)
Aira (Enstars)
Favorite Ships:
FeDex/Detz (Fitz x Dex, Kotlc)
XiaoVen (Xiao x Venti, Gen Imp)
Drarry (Harry x Draco, HP)
Marellinh (Marella x Linh, Kotlc)
Alexheed/Samex (Alex x Samheed, TUW)
Ruikasa (Rui x Tsukasa, Pjsekai)
Hiiai (Hiiro x Aira, Enstars)
Sasayano? Misaki? (Sasaki x Miyano, S&M)
Main Doodle Bugs Account:
Main Blog:
Other Blogs:
YouTube Channel:
Other Accounts on Other Websites:
Archive of Our Own-SC_soulcatcher
soulcatcher #9126
10 followers (completed)
20 followers (completed)
30 followers (completed)
100 followers-goal by the end of this year (hopefully)
200 followers -goal by the end of next year, hopefully
Ask anything you'd like, but please be respectful about my opinions when I answer them.
I accept any religion, any gender, any race/ethnicity, LGBTQ+, and whoever you are! I don't accept pedos, bots, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and abuse. It doesn't matter who you are, as long as you're not mean towards me or my mutuals, thanks!
Just so you guys know, I check Tumblr every once in awhile... So it might be some time before you get an answer.
You can also ask my Gacha OC's anything. And you can ask for drawings by me. (I'm still trying to get used to virtual drawing, so most of them will be on paper.)
-Soul_Catcher 💞💞💤💤
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thesweetnessofspring · 10 months
In your opinion, please rate thg movie series with 1-5 scale.
(1 = I hate it, 3=neutral, 5 = I love it.)
1.The Hunger Games :
Things that you like :
Things that you don't like :
2.Cathing Fire :
Things that you like :
Things that you don't like :
3.Mockingjay part 1 :
Things that you like :
Things that you don't like :
4.Mockingjay part 2 :
Things that you like :
Things that you don't like :
Thank you 😊
So honestly I think I've seen each of the movies like...twice for Mockingjay 1 and 2 and three times for THG and CF. The movies are basically an opportunity to have gifs displaying events in the book more than movies for me. But here we go:
The Hunger Games: 2.5. I like the opening with the interview with Seneca Crane and then transitioning to Prim's screams. I overall like the casting--they should have gone for POC Seam characters, but Woody and Jen are at least good in their parts and Gale could have been played by a cardboard cutout for all I care about him (which is basically what Liam Hemsworth was). I do like the Crane and Snow peeks. Dislike: Shaky cam. Terrible, nonsensical bread scene. Cutting out Madge. The gruesomeness of their injuries being sanitized. Cutting down Everlark. Peeta lost his cheekiness and endearing qualities (not Josh's fault, it's the script/direction). The cave scene is disappointing. Get Gale out of my face during the Everlark kiss please. Taking out how desperate Katniss was to save Peeta and reducing her to rebelling and him to being an idiot in love was AGH. The ending is also super rushed. And cutting out Peeta being an amputee!!!
Catching Fire: 3.75. I love this movie from the Reaping onward. There are little things I'd change, like Peeta giving Katniss the pearl after the beach kiss so he'd recognize she was still planning on dying for him. But again, good casting for new parts, good expansion with Plutarch/Snow, they kept up the tension and shot the action really well. Dislike: Too much Everthorne (SHE SHOULD NOT HAVE KISSED HIM BEFORE GOING TO THE QUELL AGHHHH). Softening Gale too much (having him save a woman from a whipping instead of being caught poaching, reducing the fight he had with Katniss and his pettiness about Peeta and Haymitch to him just wanting to fight against the Capitol). Not even referencing Haymitch's games was a bummer. And a repeat of Peeta not being an amputee in the Games. This is definitely the strongest out of all of them.
Mockingjay Part 1: 3.25. I like for the movie that they replaced Fulvia with Effie. Jen and Josh are at their acting peak in this movie. Snow taunting Katniss during the rescue and the quote "It's the things we love most that destroy us." Dislike: Once again things are too sanitized. Cutting out the prep team being abused by 13. Also too much Everthorne. They needed to add more rifts between them as it was in the book.
Mockingjay Part 2: 2.5. It's shot well. Um. Idk, it follows the plot of the book so for me that's always an automatic 2 points at least. Donald Sutherland shined in this one as Snow. Dislike: This is when things being sanitized bothers me the most. Katniss should be absolutely DESTROYED at the end of the war, as should Peeta. They screwed up Everlark post-war. Katniss returning from hunting when she first sees Peeta instead of emerging from the worst of her depression and PTSD and grief was a misstep, as well as Everlark not sharing even a kiss post-war. The filmmakers were just cowards when it came to Everlark.
Personally I'm still advocating for a THG animated series. The movies had a lot they were trying to cram in for a movie runtime and were limited in terms of timeline. Maybe if TBOSAS does well Hollywood will come to return to an established property.
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agentem · 5 months
Percy Jackson
I reread The Lightening Thief a few weeks ago because I knew the show was coming out.
I've very interested in book-to-film adaptations, as you might have noticed from my fandoms all being books or comic books that were adapted to TV or film.
What I noticed about the book is that it felt a little bit dated already. I had read them--not right when they came out--but maybe around the time The Last Olympian came out. In Percy's voice, maybe. Not just the techology already being outdated. He has that millenial-era snarky vibe.
And though voice-over narration is something I consider to be a bit of a cop out in terms of adapting a film to a movie, I think it works here. He seems more contemporary. The gods seem cooler.
The show is fun and captures the spirit of the series without everything being "exact." Percy Jackson is about that feeling you have that adults are lying to you about something (it's not just Santa Claus. It's a lot about history and religion). That's why Greek gods and superheroes and stories about girls who start revolutions and the men who incite them (recent THG microobsession) are exciting. That you could be a Hero with a capital H.
I recommend.
tl;dr under the cut
I decided not to get it for my nephew for Christmas. He is 8 but reads at a middle school level, which I am told is a great problem to have since many kids are behind in reading thanks to the pandemic. But he likes reading books with lots of pictures still so I mostly give him comics and graphic novels. But his Mom got him Harry Potter and I'm against giving You-Know-Who more money. I gave her enough when I was in that fandom and I can't unbuy the books or the merch I still have.
And he likes them. He is on book four and I am worried about that, not just because of my personal issues with JKR, but because it's getting to the point where people die and I don't think he's ready for it. Also because I didn't want my sister giving more money to You-Know-Who but it was her decision about her kid.
Anyway, I got my nephew the illustrated edition of One and Only Ivan (ironically, another Disney+ adaptation) instead of Percy Jackson because I wasn't sure if he knew Greek gods yet.
But it turns out he already read it. I thought I was so smart because he likes animals and zoology a lot. He cried at the zoo when the Red Panda wasn't available and for about a week after we were asked to not mention pandas arount him because it made him sad. But One and Only Ivan was the school-wide read-along.
So I did get him Percy Jackson when I had to return Ivan.
I'm interested to see what he knows about Greek gods. I would be thrilled if this new edition of the books is able to turn him into a Percy Jackson-kid instead of an HP kid. Because when I was a kid, I read Edith Hamilton's edition of Mythology over and over like there was going to be a quiz. (Never has been. Very upset.)
But if Nephew likes them then we could bond and I could be the "cool" aunt. Like my aunt who read "Lord of the Rings" was.
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darthnell · 11 months
If you get this, answer w three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! Anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog :)
Oh seven thats a lot huh ..
Okay. Im a lot of things !
im an astrophysicist (bachelors and masters, though im not doing either rn and i dont feel like doing phd).
Im a writer (points to this blog), i write thg fanfiction, but pretty au and mostly with either my ocs or my friends ocs. According to ao3 (i trust its wc way more than ffn lmao) ive written well over 400k for this series i have now, and i dont rly plan on stopping c: my current fic is 60 chapters rn and theres a few more left, but aside from that ive got a bunch of ideas in my head for more but thats not rly fun fact territory LMAO. I rly do love writing tho ♥️
Im an artist (points to blog again), lately ive only felt like drawing my protag character (lately as in the past few years lol). Im casually interested in animation too; ive got a handful of animations and gifs (v short) that im pretty proud of
Im somewhat proficient in french but please dont test me its been a while . I did do my masters over there tho.
I have a weenie dog, he is oldman and i love him c:
I live in the us rn. Thats not a fun fact thats a boring fact. Uhh it rained rly hard today though which was fun
Uhh.. i go thru phases with social media, kinda similar to how i do with fandoms (before thg it was star wars, etc). So im not super talkative on here aside from reblogging and writing in tags, posting my fics/art, or the rare ask/tag game (side note, if youve tagged me in one and iirc there are a few i did see and i am getting around to it.. someday). But i know i can get really sucked into social media activity very quickly so i try to limit myself when it comes to that bc generally i get more reward out of writing than.. scrolling.
Ohhh i misread this. Seven blogs three facts. Oh. Okay. Secret eights fun fact: i cant read /hj also im not deleting all that LMAO
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broken-everlark · 2 years
WIP/Fic update
Okay so three new WIPs
The Official name for the Fic/Wip based off of the newest video game "The Quarry" ~~~ Another Way Out. (Based off a Hollywood Undead song) First chapter is done but I'm going to re-read it and then post it when I have free time.
The Official name for the Httyd x Thg is either - Dear Fellow Traveler or To the ends of the Earth. This also has a first chapter
Third and mystery Wip fic is officially called - Find My Way Back or Dandelions. The first chapter is in the works for this fic😊
If you don't know what Httyd or The Quarry is here's a picture of both.
Left is Httyd & Right is The Quarry. Also! For the Httyd fic I'm only using dragons from Httyd 1 through 2 so that counts the TV series and race to the edge & the second movie dragons. But it's going to be gory and more monstrous dragons not animated and sweet 🤣
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Update on CttD
New chapter is coming *hopefully* next week if I am free! I got back from vacation and now I'm working 4 days in a row so hopefully when I'm off I can post a new chapter of CttD and hopefully the first chapters of those three WIPs up top⤴️ 😊 just give me time lmao
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snowberrykaworu · 2 months
guys im stuck on mobile and was editing it at 3 am when tumblr decided to do a silly and post a draft instead of saving it pls ignore it for now 😭😭😭 Tumblr is not letting me copy paste it all into a new draft kill me
stac media highlights of 2023
uhh dont ask why im posting this in march but i just like keeping track of this kinda stuff lol
Here is a list tm of the best media for me in 2023
no this listing is not in any order i just like talking abt things when i think abt them
One Piece Eiichiro Oda, 1997 - Present
What? I got into one piece this year??? who would have known???
i read all of op in 3 months and i loved every second of it
One Piece: Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island, Mamoru Hosoda, 2005
why did no one tell me mamoru hosodas first feature film was a fucking one piece movie
Chainsaw Man, Fujimoto, 2018- Present
i fucking love love csm its literally the only manga that i talk abt with ppl on twit bc i think the majority of anitwit/mangatwit are annoying (pls shut up abt power scaling and ships for one minute PLEASE)
csms pt 2 run currently is much smoother and better than pt 1, i feel a lot closer to asa as a character over denji, and it makes the world feel more real as a result
Dungeon Meshi
Pls do not spoil this for me i am slow at reading and forgor to finish it but this series is an interesting look at
How Do You Live (The Boy and the Heron) Hayao Miyazaki, 2023
I'm not like super big into miyazaki films, I was more of an anno and mamoru hosoda person when i was growing up in the anime sphere, but i really wanted to see this film bc of the dark fantasy elements i heard abt when it first released in japan
Beau is Afraid, Ari Aster, 2023
yeah no its impossible to talk abt this film normally u have to see it its the most fucked up thing i watched in theaters this year and its the movie i wanted to walk out of like 3 times pls watch it
Twilight movies 2008-2012
These were really fun to watch with friends lol its weird to think abt how ya movies and books have changed so much
The Hunger Games books + movies
I've been listening to the Shrieking Shack (the only podcast i listen to lol) read through these books and Im like super enjoying it, theres a lot of interesting stuff they dig up that points out at the hypocrisy of the early 2010s and weird race stuff that happens in thg
i had fun with the movies, watched them with a friend who didnt remember much abt them and we had a great time not a big fan of how it kinda pioneered the gray cement aesthetic of big budget movies tho
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glittertrail · 2 years
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I posted 12.953 times in 2021
112 posts created (1%)
12841 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 114.7 posts.
I added 251 tags in 2021
#replies - 68 posts
#personal - 46 posts
#never ending playlist - 42 posts
#attachment - 22 posts
#about both of them - 18 posts
#thanks for the ask🥰💖 - 12 posts
#prev tags - 11 posts
#about leon - 11 posts
#psoh feels - 11 posts
#aquarius - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#also i grew up on arepas and they are okay but ppl in my home country can't fathom how can i survive not having one for breakfast every day
My Top Posts in 2021
que el mcu en español se traduzca a ucm nunca me dejara de hacer gracia
11 notes • Posted 2021-11-10 19:40:17 GMT
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
thanks for the tag @gardenarcana (i'm sorry i hadn't seen this before)
favorite color: pink and aquamarine
currently reading: her body and other parties by carmen maria machado and all of the drabbles @junosjukebox has written in the last idk month or so?
last song you listened to: crush by seventeen
last series: rewatching the nanny for the 5th thousandth time because comfort show
last movie: french dispatch
savory, sweet or spicy: sweet
cravings: chocolate and pad thai
currently working on: the december's social calendar from hell and recovery related things
No pressure Tags: @sapphicfolch @violet-amore @stephanieschildren @msaudreyanne @woodswit (or anyone else that wants to do this ofc)
12 notes • Posted 2021-11-12 23:50:24 GMT
this probably matters zero bc i always have a 300 post queue but if we're mutuals and you wonder why I'm ignoring your posts and have suddenly not been annoying, i just refuse to waste my data plan on tumblr till the wifi at home gets fixed
13 notes • Posted 2021-11-29 18:19:34 GMT
I was tagged by @aquafinha to do this (thank you Katie🥰💖)
1. Why did you choose your url?:
for a long time my personal brand was the friend that loved glitter vfx and makeup in general, ofc i would go all out and leave trails of glitter everywhere lmao also i like having a url that is recognizable but not fandom affiliated
2. Any side blogs?:
yes lmao so many but the active ones are only @ellavaday for rpdr stuff, @ccantaloup for cute animal videos food and reminders to be kind to yourself (it is where a lot of... not particularly good stuff used to be documented and instead of deleting it i decided to rebrand it and keep it as a reminder to myself) and @ateneawrites for fic writing (this one's a baby and it's brand new bc i haven't written for fun in a good 6 years, i'm rusty but definitely having fun at least)
3. How long have you been on tumblr?:
4. Do you have a queue tag?:
nope, y'all gotta figure out if i'm online or not by yourselves lmao (it's not hard i usually blog a lot of things in a row when i'm online vs one post every half an hour when i'm not)
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?:
i had just moved to a new continent and didn't have many friends and was bored
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?:
because i lost my old one😭 i put a cute pic of a ghost for halloween and lost the one i had before of a bottle shaped like a heart that said poison 😔 the one i currently have just looked okay with the no header look i like on mobile
7. Why did you choose your header?:
i don't like the look of headers 😬
8. What���s your post with the most notes?:
in this blog? It's buried bc this blog is old as sin but it's either a post about leon orcot from psoh or effie trinket from thg, rn it's a screenshot of choriza may's last look on the rpdr runway because this might not be the drag race blog but the stickers of a peach with "chocho" written on it definitely belongs to this blog lmao
9. How many mutuals do you have?:
probably about a hundred-ish but i am not sure since the rpdr blog is quite more popular than my main
10. How many followers do you have?:
this blog has about 1.1k and the drag race blog has about 4.8k followers (which is absolutely insane but most of those have to be inactive by now tbh.. that sideblog exploded when i first made it bc of t&k), fully have no clue about the other ones but those are the ones i frequent the most
11. How many people do you follow?:
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?:
have i made anything but shitposts?
13. How often do you use tumblr each day?:
i started to check it daily again just recently, kind of left it abandoned in 2017 but i'm here probably more often than i should currently
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once?:
never, the unfollow button is right there and blocking is not hard should that not suffice
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?:
same as katie, i get annoyed, it usually just ensures i ignore it, specially, no offense, if it's got to do with the us
16. Do you like tag games?:
love them
17. Do you like ask games?:
love those too!
my favorite thing is the mutuals that will send you things to your ask box unprompted too btw or play things like "assign me a time period in history" or a dessert (@msaudreyanne @woodswit @jackredfieldwasmyjacob are probably some of my favorite people to follow bc of those things)
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?:
depends on what we consider famous, i think some of them have got def more engagement than most, if that counts as famous then @woodswit @msaudreyanne and @legallybrunette1997 qualify
if we go by "people that represent their fandom" i think I'd be remiss not to add @goldenliartrash and @sapphicfolch to the list (hello ministericos how are we doing) and then @ellanainthetardis (or hayffie fanfiction god) and @junosjukebox and @veronicasanders (for rpdr fanfiction specifically)
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?:
a couple that i'm v good friends irl with now since i firmly believe in being a tiny bit in love with your friends 🥰
(no pressure) tags: @kindlichekaiserins @sapphicsupremacist @dykegoblins @amillcitygirl @gardenarcana @poliearbear @lissette @timelordsensate @katya-zamos @doumekiss @1-800-heller @papitati @stephanieschildren , any of the people i tagged before while answering this and anyone else who wishes to do this
18 notes • Posted 2021-11-25 17:00:54 GMT
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Obsessed with these stickers, i too would like a giant peach sticker that says chocho
33 notes • Posted 2021-11-01 09:48:01 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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