#they're like two birds on a wire. one tries to fly away and the other—
jorisjurgen · 7 months
reasons crepinlore studies are fascinating, with citations
>"I, kerubim crepin, am the only crepin remaining alive to this day! and that is funny. please laugh, yechti. my brother is dead to me." (aux tresors series)
>"MR PRIEST WHEN I GROW UP, I WANT TO BECOME A SUPPER HUPPERMAGE TO RESSURECT MY MOMMY DADDY SISTERS AND BROTHERS! and if nobody likes me and leaves me alone again i will kill myself for real. anyway orphans (me) are the most specialest most important people and i will help them forever. my heart goes out to all the orphans out there. amen." (dofus heroes comic)
>"atcham crepin aren't you tired of this shit. arent you tired of your piece of shit older brother. don't you want a dofus. don't you want to use my dofus for evil haha." (julith movie)
>the oropo game implies that crepins have been selling shit for generations i can't do this anymore. kerubim started a store because he grew up in a store and then everyone died and he fucking returned home metaphorically and he taught his ORPHAN son how to be a salesman. while being an orphaned old man. is ankama trying to fucking kill me. (one more gate)
>"kerubim i will be real with you, as your god i may be manipulating you into hating your ugly ass brother. like he looks like a fucking rat right? and you understand that if you don't love me everyone will hate you as much as they hate his uggo 10yo mentally ill psychotic ass, right? with that out of the way, omgggg i love you so muchhhh sonny can you give me a hug." (wheel of destiny)
>"ngl you had it better than me becasssse at leasssst ecaflip cared enough to manipulate you. while he jussst kinda thought it was funny when i got beat up or fell down the stairs or whatever. and brother, for the sssin of him liking you enough to ruin your life, i am going to beat you to death forever and ever." (aux tresors)
>atcham meets an orphan and learns intersectionality by gaining the desire to kill the orphan's family for throwing him out for being too hairy (dessous de dofus)
>atcham draws a crayon doodle of himself beheading kerubim (in a costume) with hearts around and shit. he doesn't know it's kerubim because of the costume. he just hates people that much on average. (dessous de dofus)
>atcham chased katar through fields and countries and continents to kill him for sending the crepin family sword to the fucking moon.
>trying to kill kerubim is like a habitual hobby and something he returns to once in a while
>"bur yeah i do underssstand this is kind of deranged and will bring absssolutely no peace to my life. i just kind of want to kill you for the fun of it. i don't know man. i do know you didn't actually hate me and i know you're a decent perssson, at least i know that enough to lisssten to your weird kid you didn't make fun of like you did with me when we were kids. but like. i do wisssh i could beat you to death... or do i??" (julith movie)
>"my brother is a bald mentally ill twisted psychopath. i hope he dies. he definitely doesn't live in my head rent free. he's the ugliest motherfucker ever. he wants to kill me. but if he dies i will cry instantly and scream in despair." (dessous de dofus + julith movie)
>atcham's habitual nightmares of being bullied and belittled as a child by kerubim and ecaflip (dessous de dofus)
>"papycha would NEVER do something bad to you, i know that, he's not that kind of person :(" [Dessous de Dofus and Wheel of Destiny flash behind Atcham's eyes] "even though you're wrong you're actually completely right. he'sss too sstupid to be a real hater." (julith movie)
>ecaflip demigods retain their memories after death?!? (dofus mmo's explicit canon + remington comics and ovas implications)
>"...kerubim can you lend me your fur" is the second funniest crepin-jurgen family injoke about traumatic events after calling joris their dad.
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kisskisskys · 3 months
Hey friend! I totally understand what you’re going through, I was an avid P!ATD fan during possibly the worst year of my life, and when I learned about some of the things Brendon Urie had done I didn’t know how to face it cause his music had accept my bisexuality and literally served as my armour at a time I was sleeping on relatives couches & such.
I just wanted to tell you what you’re going through is totally normal, I understand why you feel conflicted but you aren’t a bad person for still feeling some level of attachment to a person that got you through a tough time.
You don’t have to force yourself across that bridge yet, you will get there eventually.
Engaging with a creator and their work involves an element of trust and it’s natural to feel betrayed in this situation.
Just take it easy, I swear it’ll pass.
thank you. And you’re right about the trust part, I will admit, I was wee-bit obsessed with him, as he was my main artist and comfort streamer, all of this is so much and what I’m doing now is just kinda trying to distract myself. If I’m distracted, I don’t have to think about how he’s an abuser. My irl friend has been helping me keep busy and distracted. I’m basically just trying to keep myself so busy that I don’t have to think. I don’t know if that’s good or bad, but it’s working. I think the best thing I can compare it to is a song I like, called two birds, I feel like the bird who wants to let go who wants to leave the wire, but is still holding on tight.
“Two birds of a feather Say that they're always gonna stay together But one's never going to let go of that wire He says that he will But he's just a liar
Two birds on a wire One tries to fly away and the other Watches him close from that wire He says he wants to as well, but he is a liar
Two birds on a wire One tries to fly away and the other…”
I hope that makes sense…
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yr-obedt-cicero · 2 years
I feel like "Two Birds on a Wire" fits Laurens and Hamilton perfectly well. Like Alex is the bird who tries to fly away and Laurens is the other. Especially where it says:
"-Say that they're always gonna stay together,
But one's(Laurens) never going to let go of that wire,
He says that he will-
But he's just a liar."
Okay Anon, stop fucking figuring out my animatic ideas before I can draw them /j
In all seriousness though- YES I COMPLETELY AGREE This song is actually in my Lams playlist too for this exact reason (Tread carefully ahead for suicide mentions)
The song really matches the symbolism of Hamilton wishing to leave the war and start his new life and legacy, or even a family. (In the same way the bird wants to fly away from the wire, or in their case; the war) But Laurens doesn't, he can't visualize a further life or legacy with Martha dead — his role to play is no longer there, and Hamilton married — his main source of happiness given off to another. And so, like the lying bird; he indulges Hamilton in the dream they'll build America on the ideals and virtues they fought for. Whilst hiding the urge he feels to die in war and leave his legacy behind as such, especially now that he's ill with little chances of living.
“Two birds of a feather
Say that they're always gonna stay together
But one's never going to let go of that wire
He says that he will
But he's just a liar”
Especially when it matches really well with Hamilton's last letter to Laurens, encouraging him to push on from the war and join him in Congress to help him in their strife to build up America;
Peace made, My Dear friend, a new scene opens. The object then will be to make our independence a blessing. To do this we must secure our union on solid foundations; an herculean task and to effect which mountains of prejudice must be levelled!
It requires all the virtue and all the abilities of the Country. Quit your sword my friend, put on the toga, come to Congress. We know each others sentiments, our views are the same: we have fought side by side to make America free, let us hand in hand struggle to make her happy.
“Two birds on a wire
One says c'mon and the other says "I'm tired"”
And so Laurens runs recklessly into battle knowing that he'll be better remembered this way and he doesn't see the future necessary for him;
Two birds on a wire
One tries to fly away and the other
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piers-wifey · 2 years
This song lyric gave me huge Rachel/Jackson feels.
Two birds on a wire,
One tries to fly away
And the other watches him close from that wire
He says he wants to as well
But he is a liar
The way I interpret this part is, that bird #1 wants to let go of old things and start something new, while bird #2 just can't - maybe because they're afraid of what's ahead - and would rather stay behind than face the unknown. This part makes it even clearer.
Two birds on a wire
One says “C'mon” and the other says “I'm tired”
The sky is overcast and I'm sorry
One more or one less
Nobody's worried
I think they represent both their personalities. While Jackson (bird #1) is the optimistic sibling who wants to enjoy life and see the world and appreciate it in all its beauty, Rachel is the pessimistic one, who only sees the world in black and white and feels like she doesn't have the right to enjoy life, not with everything that's going on. She feels like she's trapped and like bird #2, looks for excuses to not leave her "comfort zone". Jackson and Rachel really stand in contrast to each other. Yes, both went through hell and have trauma, and while Jackson tries to heal from that, Rachel just drags the pain of her past with her, not realising how much this actually destroys her.
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ichaoticvin · 1 year
Angst // crossover
| 0:00 - 2:16 [tt audio down below]
Two birds on a wire
As xavier and wil sat on a balcony together as they stare to the citizens walking and talking as they were happily, but xavier and wil were the happiest.
One tries to fly away and the other
As time past wil has his dream fulfilled as a guard to the royal palace, and now has been properly trained as a fit guard.
Watches him close from that wire
Xavier watched Wil as he was happy and has the audacity to ask his bestfriend to come along with him "xavier, this has got to be the best! Hey, can you come with me? to the palace and become a guard with me?"
He says he wants to as well but...
He then chuckled nervously "Ah wil, I'm sorry but my mother doesn't like that idea you know?" as he awkwardly sat still on the balcony feeling guilt as Wil said it was alright.
He is a liar
"Hey xavier?" Wil said as he walked towards the balcony as he held xavier's hand, he felt flustered by the knowing his hand was connected to wil.
"I'll believe, it all, there's nothing I won't understand."
As xavier looked at him with slight blush on his face and acted as nothing was about to happen between them as wil looked at xavier with a soft smile.
"I'll believe, it all~ I won't let go of your hand"
Two birds on a wire
Jack and Ace were walking around heartslabyul, which gave them more time to spend and mess around with each other like creating last memories.
One says...
"C'mon on!" Jack said as he held his hand out for his brother to hold like when they were younger back then, they'd played and look out for each other but especially himself looked after Ace.
And the other says
"I'm tired" Ace replied but still his big brother pulled him as he was annoyed but gone with it, since his big brother was the one he ever looked up too ever since he was young.
The sky is overcast
As rain drops fell when alice was about to show mulan something but rain came by, which upset him and would waste mulan's time.
And I'm sorry...
"Alice, you might catch a cold standing out here." mulan said as he held an umbrella standing with alice.
"Ah, thanks mulan but the rain ruined the surprise." He said as he continued "but sorry for wasting your time-"
One more or one less, nobody's worried
Mulan then held Alice tight "I'll believe, it all~ there's nothing I won't understand.." He then let go of alice.
Alice was indeed shocked "I'll believe, it all~ I won't let go of your hand..." as mulan mumbled the last part which then alice hugged him.
Two birds of a feather.
The day of xavier's execution was tomorrow when it was already announced today, the king and queen were inpatient and announced the execution will start today.
Say that they're always,
As ace was declared as heartslabyul's now housewarden, and deuce his vice head. Jack was watching from a tree as he watched his little brother being the new housewarden of the dorm.
Gonna stay together.
Alice was being transferred to Night Raven College, as he's been bringing to be a transferred student.
And since the mage of rsa finally accepted so did the mage of nrc, they've been tired of him being a program transferred student.
But ones never going to go of that wire
The day of xavier's execution began shortly as everybody was already gathered as he noticed wil was there next to him, his forever crush was about to behead him.
He says the he will,
Ace has received his signature spell but things went to a wrong direction what he didn't expected to be after becoming a housewarden of his dorm.
But he's just a liar...
After mulan watched alice leave rsa, he couldn't hold but remember the simple promise they've made together but after all he was all he had left.
That's the thing about friends, isn't it?
The more you love them, the more it hurts when they go.
Allow me to demonstrate
Two birds on a wire
Cheers were heard and justice was served to the village, but wil felt was all regret he hidden as after the execution was over.
He screamed loud through the midnight sky.
Xavier's words was all he ever thought about "I still love you til now..."
One says...
"C'mon!" Jack joked about as he tightly held his little brother towards him as he coughed out his signature spell, hanaki.
And the other says...
"I'm tired..." Ace said as he hugged his big brother, he cried and felt his own brothers body tremble down.
The sky is over cast...
Alice received memories flashing before him as he stabbed Mulan through the stomach and then through his heart.
"Alice, it's okay..." mulan said as he hugged him.
He then cried as he pulled the sword away from mulan and cried as he held his cold body.
"I'm sorry...I love you..." alice silently said as held him.
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oldmen-enjoyer · 3 years
[[Sweet horror]] and many more!
(Please click image for HD!!)
My headcanon is just shoving body horror onto it ghghgh
also warning: it may disturbing to some of you!!!
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Spamton have eye-mouths! The two eyeballs he have in his pocket (or carry around) is just collection. He have collection of all kind of eyes. He never have his own eyes so he think they're really neat!
He still can "see" just fine. Don't worry!
Pipis are egg-like larvae that will pupae into a mimic of their current caretaker. To identify the caretaker. It need long physical contract with the caretaker. If it left alone for too long, it will not pupae into anything.
Parasites is a creature both exist in lightner and darkner world. They're, well, not hostile. But they're in need of host to move around properly. And to live ( normally they can't speak and function most of the time beside trying to find a nearby host ). They're barely noticeable in normal surrounding (like the town and first dark world) but they're more visible in Cyber City. But they managed to camouflage into wire / robot-like.
There's currently two type of parasites (so far): the orb and the beak.
The orb is more docile parasite, when they choose their host at least. They rather choose dead host like corpse or inanimate object. Current known orb parasites is: Seam and Jevil
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(Host for Seam is patched up taxidermy cat. The tendrils mimic wool strings and the orb *tried* to mimic button)
(Host for Jevil is a ceramic doll. The texture on the orb is similar to ceramic even on the clothes. )
The beak is similar to orb beside the fact that they look like beak. They perfer living host. They're still docile but they're extremely harmful to their host. Imagine having your will strip away and only time you can do anything on your on (via screaming) is when they decided to open their mouth little too wide. If the parasite ever leave the host, the host will fall in permanent paralysis until the parasite return. You basically become puppet.
Current known beak parasites is: Swatch, Swatchlings and Tarques Manager.
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(Host for Swatch and Swatchlings are partly mutated since the feathers and bird-like features isn't in original unmutate humanoid host)
(Host for Tarques Manager is decapitated humanoid host with robot body part. The tendrils mimic a wired and horns is mimic an ear)
The Queen is aware that Swatch and Swatchlings is parasite but choose to tolerate them since their service is pretty dandy. That goes for Tarques Manager too.
Spamton, who isn't parasite, is also tolerate by The Queen though she would bad-mouth him on occasional because he's not robot and she's also one of people that got weirded out by him.
Swatch and Spamton got along okay though. But Spamton doesn't dig in any deeper terms and just stay as platonic homie who would hear Spamton talking about nonsense. Imagine someone suddenly talking about ancient aliens after one shot of whiskey. That's how Swatch feel about him.
Now changed timeline because I have a bit more clear picture. Spamton decided to turn into garbage man / pre-JHC Spamton because he caught sneaking into mansion + stealing important stuff and Queen basically order Swatchling to take him out and dip him in acid lake like Oreo. Now he's partly unhinged but nothing too bad. Just sorta isolated himself for awhile before he found Jekyll and you know the gick. Become big shot and stay in mansion. And also alienated by almost everyone. All of that happened in span of several years ( the JHC Spamton exist for few months. The reason he can't use his wings because he don't really know how to fly and barely use it).
Gordon is given name by Jekyll after he show Spamton how Jekyll got his name from so I'll pretend these two father n son play Half-Life series and Spamton liked how Gordon sound.
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After the ending of Deltarune chapter 2, Spamton actually don't change like other characters since he's full fleshy 250 cm tall dude. So now Spamton either lurk in Dark World own by Ralsei or occasionally roaming the town and become cryptic figure. And he still gonna sell weird shits to those people at 3 am yeah.
Oh and he occasionally hop into realities and visit The Crew. Though he perfer to work from the world he's familiar with :)
Manage to make few friends too! Though tjat s just Spamton from other reality:
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robin-the-enby · 2 years
Two birds on a wire
Pairing: Tokoyami Fumikage x reader
Summary: You've been struggling for a long time. And every time the nasty thoughts return, it's as bad as before, if not worse. Luckilly, Tokoyami is your grounding rock, but...How long would he continue to be there?
Warnings: depression, suicidal thoughts, abadonment issues, intrusive thoughts (I think, let me know if there's anything else)
A/N: This is based on the song "Two birds" by Regina Spektor. I've tried like 4 times to write this and every time it has left me emotionally drained, but it still wasn't what I wanted. So here I go again. Hopefully for the last time...
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Two birds on a wire One tries to fly away And the other Watches him close from that wire He says he wants to as well But he is a liar
You couldn't imagine that this would be the rest of your life. You suspected you were depressed since you were, how old, twelve? The unbearable waves of sadness that left you on the floor like a miserable heap of meat were a good enough piece of evidence. But you had to wait nearly four years for your parents to admit that there was something wrong. Four miserable years before you got a diagnose.
It wasn't anything spectacular, you told yourself. Just depression and anxiety. You were sure that more than half of the population had experienced it at this point. You thought that after convincing your parents to let you get treatement everything would get better. That you would get rid of the monster that loomed over your head, tantalizing you and striking when you least expected it.
But it had only gotten worse.
I'll believe it all There's nothing I won't understand I'll believe it all I won't let go of your hand
You felt like you couldn't complain too much tho. Sure, your parents showed clear signs of emotional neglect towards you, but hey, it could've been worse right? They weren't perfect, but they tried. And they loved you. Maybe not in a way you might have needed, but it was something.
Your friends were caring too. They asked you how you were and always let you know that they're there for you. Even those who didn't talk to you that much. And in return, they showed you their trust by confiding in you.
So why did you still want to leave them all so badly?
Two birds on a wire One says c'mon And the other says I'm tired
When it came to you and Tokoyami, you didn't know who approached who first. Maybe it was Dark shadow that brought you together for all you knew. But you were grateful for him. You felt like you could truly be yourself around him. Your relationship was that of a kind, where you didn't need to hide anything from each other or be scared of what the other might think. He was the kind of guy who appreciated everything strange and well, you had many of strange traits and thoughts to supply him with.
Whatever strange idea for a date you had, he went along with it. You wanted to dance in the rain? Count him in. You wanted to go yell at the full moon? Sure. Go to the deepest, darkest part of the forest to look for faeries? Sign him up. He loved your dreamy nature, the way you were so aligned with nature and so in awe of the same things that he was.
The sky is overcast And I'm sorry One more or one less Nobody's worried
Of course, you both had your fair share of pain to shoulder. But together, your burdens felt just a tad lighter. His pro hero work left him scarred, because not every time he could save everyone and he always beat himself up over every lost innocent person. You suspected every hero did that. But still, he only became better and better with time. He worked on himself every day, trying to be better than the day before and you admired him for that.
But you? Well, you were kind of lost. Sometimes life was good and sometimes it was shit. But Tokoyami always stayed with you, devoted as much time to you as he could. His patience was something you admired as well. And yet, you felt stuck. You didn't feel like you were moving anywhere. Sure, you were doing what you loved for a living, but you weren't...growing. Truth to be told, you still felt trapped by your emotions as if you were still twelve.
And now, when you were an adult, you still didn't have anything figured out. And you couldn't figure anything out. Because you didn't have the time to focus on yourself, to truly think about your life. For a while you convinced yourself that it was good that you didn't have any time to think, because whenever you did, it always ended up bad for you.
I'll believe it all There's nothing I won't understand I'll believe it all I won't let go of your hand
You tried your damn best to stay functioning. But whenever there wan't anything to do, you could feel the heavy thoughts and feelings creeping up on you and suddenly you felt as if you were walking on thin ice. One bad move and the ground beneath you would collapse and you'd be thrown into the cold water with no bottom.
You felt helpless. First it affected your sleep schedule. You lay beside unaware Tokoyami, who was out cold basically as soon as his head hit the pillow, while you contemplated your importance in this world. It baffled you, really. After all the years you've dealt with depression you would think that it wouldn't phase you so much and yet anytime you would have an episode, it seemed worse than the one before.
It wasn't long before Tokoyami started noticing the dark bags under your eyes. He knew of your struggles, nearly as much as you yourself. So there was no point in hiding it from him. You told him you're very probably entering another episode and he was understanding as always. Oh how you admired him. After all the times you've fallen down, he pulled you back up. Tokoyami assured you that you could talk to him whenever you wanted to, that he was there for you.
My light, he called you. You weren't so sure about that. More like his burden. Did you really deserve such an amazing guy like Tokoyami? The always composed and serious, but caring and understanding guy that never treated a soul wrong? You were seriously starting to doubt it.
Two birds of a feather Say that they're always gonna stay together But one's never going to let go of that wire He says that he will But he's just a liar
"Can I talk to you?" you asked your boyfriend. Ashamed. That's how you felt and you knew he saw it on your face as well. Still, he faced you with a smile and you felt a sudden wave of irritation course through you.
"Of course my light." Tokoyami said, patting the spot beside him on the couch. You slowly walked over, still trying to figure out why did you feel so annoyed all of a sudden. Sensing your hesitation, Tokoyami started "Is it bad?" You could only nod. He sighed "I've noticed it. You can always talk to me about these things, but you know that, don't you?" You nodded again and finally spoke up "I know. And I appreciate everything you do for me, it's just..." Tokoyami perked up at that, his attention on you and you only. "I guess I feel guilty. You do so much for me Fumi. And I feel like I'm...not doing...anything, really. I try to be there for you as much as I can, but no matter what I do, it doesn't outweigh the times you had to be there for me. It feels like I need someone's help constantly, like a small kid. It just feels so wrong that I can't take care of myself." you stopped. Tokoyami frowned "Darling...Just because I don't need as much help as you do does not make you any less of a good partner to me." he said, trying to reassure you.
Two birds on a wire One tries to fly away And the other Watches him close from that wire He says he wants to as well But he is a liar
"I know! I know all that! But I don't feel like that! I'm so scared Fumi..." you mewled. He looked at you with worry, his eyes holding a question he didn't even need to ask you, before your mouth opened again "You are so incredible, you do so much for so many and I...I feel like a leech. I feel so selfish and helpless. And the worst part is I don't know what to do about it! And I'm terrified that one day you and everyone around me will one day realize just how much I hold you back and you all will just...leave."
Tokoyami frowned, deep in thought. He understood your fear, it wasn't irrational at all. And that was scary. Because he didn't know how to comfort you. "That won't happen (Y/N). Even if everyone else left, I would stay by your side. Because you know what? This all will pass and you'll be fine again." he raised his hand to shush you when he saw you wanted to protest "Because any time I see your beautiful smile, plus if it's directed at me, I...I realize it's worth it. Every second I spend worrying about you is worth it. Just keep smiling at me, for me, hell keep smiling for no reason at nothing in particular and it'll be worth it the same amount. Because I love you my light."
Two birds on a wire One tries to fly away And the other...
Such a confession was rare for this broody man, but you appreciated it. Even if you couldn't show it right now. Even if you weren't entirely convinced and probably would never be. But he was here right now, you realized as he lovingly pressed his forehead to the side of your head. And so you decided to enjoy it while it lasted.
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antonivs · 3 years
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i can't believe i never thought about this before but 'two birds' by regina spektor fits the way i hc lucifer and michael's relationship before the rebellion to perfection (and now i'm sad).
"two birds on a wire"
michael and lucifer loved each other more than anything, they swore that they would always be each other's everything. since the beginning, it was just the two of them, creating planets and stars together. they completed each other and they were happy.
"one tries to fly away"
but lucifer burned brighter, it was in his nature. everyone could see that and everyone was drawn to him. he was god and goddess' pride and his siblings adored him. however, he soon started feeling uncomfortable in the confinements of the silver city and his father's rules. his light couldn't be restrained and he craved for freedom.
"and the other watches him close from that wire"
michael, on the other hand, was everything lucifer wasn't. he had tried to be more like his twin, desperate for the same love and attention lucifer always received from everyone, but he just couldn't. it wasn't in his nature, he was simply different. not as charming, not as outgoing, and no one (except for gabriel, but his insecurities made him blind to her affection) loved him for who he was. they looked at him and they didn't see him, they only saw a defective copy of the lightbringer. so he retreated into himself and could only watch from the shadows as his twin shone brighter and brighter.
"he says he wants to as well, but he is a liar"
despite everything, michael still felt love for lucifer. when his twin started talking about free will, about the possibility of standing up to god, michael encouraged him, told him he was right to be angry, that he'd be by his side through it all.
"two birds on a wire. one says 'come on' and the other says 'i'm tired'
the sky is overcast and i'm sorry. one more or one less, nobody's worried"
and michael meant it at first. however as time passed and lucifer grew more and more impatient, the only things that grew in the darker twin were his feelings of inferiority, his jealousy, his resentment both towards the siblings who mocked him and shunned him and his twin who didn't even notice how much he was suffering - all pressing down on his shoulders and weighing him down, twisting his body along with his soul.
so when the time finally came and lucifer asked him to join his rebellion, michael was only able to mutter a weak 'i can't. besides...you don't need me.' before turning his hunched back on his beloved brother and retreating into his dark corner.
"two birds of a feather. say that they're always gonna stay together. but one's never going to let go of that wire. he says that he will, but he's just a liar."
when lucifer had asked him to fight by his side, michael had only felt fear. fear of going against his father's will, fear of being defeated, of losing his place in the silver city and thus his place as one of god's soldiers. that was the one thing he still had left, the only thing that still gave him a purpose and value, that made him feel like he still mattered somehow, despite not having his family's love. while he couldn't risk all that, especially for a brother who he felt didn't care about him, he still had a chance to prove his value to his father and, with lucifer becoming a rebel, perhaps become the favourite twin, finally worthy of his father's attention.
"two birds on a wire. one tries to fly away and the other..."
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liaviii9 · 3 years
Ok so I didn't know about the song Two Birds so I listened to it by curiosity and I am now filled with angst! ;~;
This reminds me so much of the Celestial War, how Lucifer probably thought Simeon would be on his side – on Lilith's side – until the end, but when came the moment to choose... even after showing signs of defiance, Simeon gave up on Lucifer.
"Two birds of a feather / Say that they're always gonna stay together / But one's never going to let go of that wire"
And that's probably why Lucifer is so refractory to any attempt at mending their relationship, because for what is probably HUNDREDS OF YEARS, the last memory of Simeon in Lucifer's mind was of a betrayal, of Simeon refusing to take that final jump with him at the very last moment.
I have this image in mind of the end of the War, of Lucifer beaten up on the ground, waiting to be sentenced. And when Michael and Raphael approach, Simeon puts himself in-between to try and reason with them. But Simeon is terrified, and when God orders him to choose between being judged with the brothers or to step aside, Simeon does just that, reluctantly. And he turns around towards Lucifer, who looks so betrayed – and that's Simeon's last memory of Lucifer until the events of the game.
And only Michael really gets why Simeon is devastated, but it's not enough so Simeon starts writing a story about a boy who makes friends with 7 Demon Lords and forms unbreakable bonds with them. But Simeon can't predict the future, he can't predict MC will ever exist. Therefore, Henry is Simeon's ideal self, the courageous man he wished he had been back then.
"Two birds on a wire / One tries to fly away and the other / Watches him close from that wire / He says he wants to as well, but he is a liar"
And then comes the end of S3, with Simeon finding some peace in the Human World after confronting his deepest fear... until Raphael comes back and Simeon just... gives up once again. Except this time MC is going to bring him back if I have any say in the matter.
(spoilers for lesson 52+!)
whenever i think about simeon and lucifer i get so emo(tional) aaa ;; and i always think back to that one scene in lesson 52-12 where mc spies on the two of them: simeon gazes upon lucifer's beautiful angelic form for the last time ever so despondently, the words that come out of his mouth are so bittersweet on his tongue, and lucifer is left so utterly confused when simeon opens his mouth and speaks of how happy he is to see his dearest friend when they see each other every day?
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"I'll believe it all / There's nothing I won't understand / I'll believe it all / I won't let go of your hand"
oh, how they both treasured each other, wanted to keep each other so close, and how simeon knew that his idealistic future was not the fate lucifer was bound to, the pain simeon must've felt when he knew how much betrayal lucifer would feel once he chose the side of the celestial realm and lucifer tried to desperately reassure him that things will be okay. then again, the betrayal simeon must've felt when lucifer left him behind, all alone.
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"Two birds on a wire / One says c'mon and the other says "I'm tired" / The sky is overcast and I'm sorry / One more or one less / Nobody's worried"
i've always thought of how simeon must view the mc for that very reason! simeon obviously began to write (thanks to levi's persistence in persuading simeon to write down all his stories) for himself, as a way to understand himself. if he had just taken different steps, as you said; if he had just been the one to help heal lucifer and his brothers...
and then the mc steps in, taking the place he wished he were in. gaining the love and respect of his once dearest friend, the same love and respect that no longer belongs to him,
i wonder how he processes it all?
the end of season 3 didn't need to hit that hard, but it did o(;△;)o as you said, he finally confronted his fear with the help of lucifer (which must've been a HUGE but very welcomed surprise for simeon), he confides in mc for comfort (as opposed to his usual nurturing nature, being the one to comfort others), and then raphael DARES to moonwalk his pretty little angel butt into simeon's humble café like
"miss me?" no sir please leave i beg of you don't strip the last sliver of hope simeon has for healing ple-
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Two birds by regina spektor got me thinking of the Choi Twins and I just wanna cry 😭
Two birds on a wire One tries to fly away And the other watches him close from that wire He says he wants to as well But he is a liar
Listen. You're always going to find a use for this song in every fandom that you're in. But, in this case, this is a song all about what happens to Saeyoung and Saeran... they're two twins that were forced apart by fate and made to think a lie about the other one.
It hurts, it hurts so much, it hurts a lot, and there's no stopping that hurt until something comes to one final breaking point. Whether that means Unknown with a bomb switch or Saeyoung kidnapped. There is nothing but pain ahead. Pain and misunderstanding that is going to take years to sort out... and even then... it's going to feel like their bond will never be the same.
Saeran wanted to follow... but he couldn't, and the price of that is his safety. Saeyoung wanted to save his brother, but he couldn't stay with him to do it, and the price of that is his security.
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Something I feel fits chip and Lizzie in almost any au is "two birds on a wire" but with yours I think it fits almost as well as Canon :]
Also I hope you're doing well!!! Thank you for talking with me about the Au, It is a very good au and it's probably one of my favorites !!
OOOOOOOH YEAH! I’m sad now! Regina Spektor character songs let’s go!!
Two birds on a wire One tries to fly away And the other watches him close from that wire He says he wants to as well But he is a liar
I'll believe it all There's nothing I won't understand
I'll believe it all I won't let go of your hand
Two birds on a wire One says c'mon and the other says "I'm tired" The sky is overcast and I'm sorry ^Insert scene of the storm and monsters that sunk the Midnight Rose
One more or one less Nobody's worried
I'll believe it all There's nothing I won't understand
I'll believe it all I won't let go of your hand
Two birds of a feather Say that they're always gonna stay together But one's never going to let go of that wire He says that he will But he's just a liar
^this verse especially fits I think in both canon and especially AU. Lizzie’s moved on, she’s evolved and looks forward, possibly even past piracy in general. Chip is still clinging desperately to the world he saw as a child, striving to live his fantasy.
This makes me think of so much stuff. Older and Taller is another very good one for the two of them.
I remembered you older and taller But you're younger and smaller So who's gonna call her and say That you're back again?
^Chip to Lizzie. He did idolize her in the way all younger kids think of older ones as just capable of anything. And suddenly Elizabeth back and she’s just... Lizzie. Just a human like him. Far more scared than he ever thought his brazen playmate could be. 
And all the lies, they were wiser And wise were the lies And the lies were on fire And the fires were put out Just to be lit again
^Lizzie to Chip. He’s spent a long time being more of a thing than a person. A persona, layers and layers--all partially true--but layers of a persona still. It doesn’t matter if it’s not a lie, it’s what other people will see it as. A thing. A tool. A legend. A plot point. And he enjoys is! But Lizzie doesn’t indulge it. She sees right through it because she’s willing to look because she already knows. And it just so happens she’s still right. She’s not looking at what he’s changed into, she’s looking at how much of little Chip he still is. 
You're alone 'til you're not alone And that's all you need to know Every time you decide to stay Then the world will make you go And that's all you need to know
alkhjdflasdfa they thought they were the only survivors an suddenly they weren’t
All the debts, they got settled And the settlers got cattle But the cattle was rattled by the snakes That were guarding the garden gates And you retired just in time You were about to be fired For being so tired from hiring the ones Who will take your place
All the lies on your resume have become The truth by now And the things that you never did Have become your youth, somehow You know everything by now
Enjoy your youth Sounds like a threat Lizzie 
Enjoy your youth Sounds like a threat But I will anyway
I remembered you older and taller But you're younger and smaller So who's gonna call her and say That you're here at last? And all the days, they were longer And the drinks, they were stronger The words, we sang wrong But the songs were remembered And time just passed
You're around 'til you're not around And that's all I need to know Every time you decide to stay Then the world will make you go And that's all you need to know
Remembering the rest of the crew, especially Arlin and Captain
Enjoy your youth Sounds like a threat Enjoy your youth Sounds like a threat But I will anyway ---
And thank you! I am. I love talking about it with you so much as well! I’m probably going to cut this chapter in half and post it today so a little more suspense but less waiting.
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babieyangyang10 · 4 years
violent ends (chapter 8)
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(chapter 8)
series masterlist
genre: hunger games!au
pairings: huang renjun x oc, na jaemin x oc
warnings: language, mentions of blood, fighting, deaths, mentions of sex
A/N: I’m curious, tell me if you’re team Renjun or team Jaemin!
previous | next
Athena's POV
That's how many seconds I have before I have to step off this metal circle. It's all the time they give us to survey our surroundings. I look around to see the other tributes scattered randomly, all facing towards the cornucopia. Heart thumping, I spot Jaemin on the complete opposite end.
There are supplies almost an arm-length away from me, however everyone knows that the most useful supplies is placed in the mouth of the Cornucopia. Almost beckoning for me to take one, knifes are displayed on the walls.
Thirty Seconds.
I'm counting down in my head. Should I grab the book bag in front of me in case there's a weapon in it? But then, by the time I get to the Cornucopia, others will already be waiting for me with their fresh pick. However, if I'm quick enough I could get them while their backs are turned.
Twenty seconds.
Breathe. I look around to see no other than Haechan placed exactly to my right. That's a huge problem. No matter what I choose, he's going to be right on my trail. But the bag is so close!
Bag or Cornucopia?
Fifteen seconds.
My eyes dart, back and forth trying to come up with a decision. Then, suddenly I question how I will even be able to find Jaemin during the chaos, if he decides to ditch me and run away to the lake. He wouldn't, right?
I look him in the eyes and discreetly nod towards the Cornucopia, praying he gets the message. Or that he even saw it, considering he's about 20 tributes away from me.
Now back to the bag situation.
10 seconds. Big, yellow letters appear on a screen in the Cornucopia, counting down. 
Back and forth, I struggle to come up with a quick decision on which I should do first. However, when I look over to my left, over two tributes away is Renjun. Noticing my visible distress, he shakes his head at me.
"Don't." He mouths.
I get into running position and keep my eyes on the knifes. Guess I'll give up on the backpack. Although, since Renjun is officially my competition now, should I trust his input?
Is this a secret plan between the three of them to collectively slash me to bits?
5 seconds.
Fine, I've made up my mind. Okay, Huang Renjun, I'll forget the dumb fucking bag.
3 seconds.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Breathe you fucking moron, before you pass out.
2 seconds.
Then, I hear it, the gong. My body takes over and I'm sprinting as fast as I can. I'm so close now, I can practically already feel the blades in my hands. My lungs are burning, but I don't care.
I reach out and grab several, random knifes from the wall. However, once I turn around, my whole body collides with the sharp wall behind me. A boy from District 5 has his bare hands around my throat, making me drop the knifes.
Pivoting my body to the right, I strike his arm with my left palm. Once he falls forward, I use the same arm to lock around his neck. Squeezing as hard as I can, I grab whatever I can from the wall with my free hand and thrust it into the side of his neck.
Blood violently seeps in squirts from the wound onto me, as I release him from my hold. I grab my dropped weapons and a backpack by my ankle. When I look up, I am greeted by absolute madness.
Lee Jeno is standing over a young girl from District 3 with an axe stuck in the middle of her head. Meanwhile,  Renjun has just slashed open the District 8 boy's neck. Too occupied, they don't even notice me running past them. However, I feel someone leap on my back, causing me to crash face-first into the ground. I use all my strength to roll the large boy off of me, before stunning him with a sharp and painful punch to the nose. Wasting no time, I jab a knife into his throat, before pulling it out to keep.
I desperately try to look for the blond boy, but he's nowhere to be found. There's beginning to be less people, meaning the Careers will spot me if I stick around much longer. While they're occupied with hacking away at the poor tributes, I decided to immediately follow Taeyong's advice of collecting water. It's important that I get there before Renjun does the same. I sprint through trees, trying to achieve a safe distance.
Once I've gotten away far enough to no longer hear the deafening screams of the dying children, I could softly hear the sound of moving water masked under the chirping birds.  At this moment, I can't help but feel jealous of them. They have no idea what's truly happening beneath them.  Stuck in their own little world, safe from harm's way in the trees. Even if something where to happen to them, they have wings to fly away with. I guess, they remind me of the people from the Capitol.
As the sound of water gets louder, I make sure to tread quietly. The Careers can't be far, and right now I'm alone and vulnerable. God, I wish Jaemin was here right now.
Noticing the dirt become muddier as I walk near the sound, I know I should be extremely close by now.
Alerted, I quietly crouch behind a tree. Knife ready, I wait until the crunching of leaves get close enough, before I jump out and tackle the noisy perpetrator to the floor.
They put up a good fight too, attempting to push me off their back. During our wrestling, I notice them looking around frantically, probably looking for their weapon since they dropped it during the tackle.
Suddenly, the head becomes locked in one direction. Following his gaze, I see a trident laying on the forest floor.
A trident?
They notice me pause, throwing me backwards into the ground. My head smacks backwards against it, my eyes shutting in pain.
Once they open, I am face-to-face with the sharp prongs of the trident.
Cowering backwards, I frantically say, "Jaemin! It's me."
Once he realizes, the alerted look on his face fades away into one of concern, "Athena, are you okay?"
Jaemin chucks his weapon to the side and thoroughly looks over my face and body for injuries.
"It's not my blood," I assure him, "Ran into some people at the Cornucopia." 
"It's literally everywhere. Here, follow me to the lake, so you can wash it off." He gently pulled me up off the ground.
Grabbing his trident in one hand and my own hand in his other, he leads me to the lake. We crouch down by the waterside. My hands scooping up some water to cure the dryness in my throat. Then, I began scrubbing off the blood from my face and body.
"What happened out there? I couldn't find you at the Cornucopia." He asked, curious.
I watch the blood fading away into nothing in the river, as I speak, "I made it to the center. The guy from District 5 tried to choke me out right away. Then, after I started looking for you, I got tackled by a guy I couldn't see."
Frowning at the now clear water, "Honestly, for a second, I thought you left without me, when I couldn't find you there."
"I wouldn't leave you. We're in this till the end, okay?" Jaemin promises.
"Til the end, then," I agree, "What happened to you?"
"I only got to this," He held up his trident, "before Haechan is launching at me with bow and arrows. He kept chasing me, and before I know it I ended up far behind the back of the Cornucopia.That's where I spotted this lake from. He kept calling out for me, but eventually I guess he just gave up. That's when I decided to leave and set out to find you."
Taking in his words, I point out, "It sounds a lot like they were trying to purposely separate us, so they could kill us easier. Don't you think?"
"It makes sense, " He suddenly laughed, "it's funny though, we almost killed each other for them."
"I'm sorry for tackling you like that." I apologized.
"It's fine. Is your head okay?" Jaemin softly patted the back off my head.
"It is now." I bat my eyelashes, playing it up for the cameras. Looking around, I notice some  flowers sticking up through the water, surrounded by Lilly pads.
"What are these?" He curiously picked one from the water.
"They're pond lilies. They're good for infections and burns. Plus anti-inflammatory too." I remember what Taeyong taught me.
"Hm, so smart," He smiles down at me, before tucking the flower behind my ear, "and pretty too."
I don't hide the way my cheeks flush. Just like they did last night, when I was with Renjun.
Distracting myself from the thought, I decide to look throw the bright orange back pack I picked up after killing the District 5 guy. While rummaging through it, I found a pack of crackers, a pack of dried beef strips, a bottle of iodine, a box of wooden matches, a bit of coiled wire, glasses, and an empty black water bottle.
Grabbing the bottle, I began to fill it up with water for later. Then, I place it back in the backpack along with some of the knifes I've been holding onto. While doing so, Jaemin proceeds to try on the glasses.
"Wow, these really do suck. I can still see the sun." He murmurs, looking around.
"Then, they're probably supposed to be used during night. That'll be useful for hunting. Speaking of hunting, you hungry?" I ask, feeling my stomach rumble at the first mention of food.
"Yeah, let's go."
Renjun's POV
Jeno, Haechan, and I had decided to turn the Cornucopia into our own little camp. We had  all the supplies we could ever need. I mean, sure, there's about ten bodies just laying around, but home sweet home, right?
However, right now it wasn't feeling too sweet.
"What the fuck happened out there, Haechan? The plan was whoever was closest to her would kill her as soon as she stepped off the platform. You were the closest." complained an irritated Jeno.
I don't feel guilty that Haechan is unknowingly taking the hit for me. In fact, I was the one who stopped her from getting that bag and immediately dying by the bare hands of Haechan. I'm not sure what made me do it. I keep telling myself that maybe I was thinking about her being defenseless and unable to put up a fair fight would be unfair.
Or maybe I'm just pussy-whipped after last night, I don't know. My hand subconsciously goes to the hidden mark she left near my collarbone. Although I can't see it, I can feel the slight pain as my fingers pass over it. A reminder of last night.
Ripping my hand away, I try to tune back into the argument to avoid popping up a boner, while on live national-fucking-television.
"She was just too fast. I was sure that huge dude from District 5 was going to finish her off for me," Haechan suddenly remembered something, "Besides I was the one who made sure they were separated like our Plan B said to do."
I guess he's right. If we were able to kill them, we were going to do our best to separate them. Without Athena, Jaemin probably couldn’t survive, since District 4 is entirely a beach district. That fish boy probably has no idea how to survive for a week in the woods.
On the other hand, Athena, for some reason, needs him just as much. The three of us had debated on the reason why. Maybe she’s using him for his fame and sponsors? Although, she had received a lot of positive attention based on her own charms. She didn’t need him for that.
That’s what led us to the conclusion that she had a little girl crush on him. The thought makes me sick. I thought the Lee Athena I grew up with, would never waste her time on a guy like him.
As the sky becomes dark, I wondering what they’re doing now. Are they dead? Or still all alone? I can imagine Athena, hiding in a tree all by herself, frightened and scared. A little part of me wonders what would happened if she joined the Careers. Would she be here right now sitting next to me? Listening to these annoying boys bicker with each other.
Where are you, Lee Athena?
Maybe they found each-other. Maybe they’re looking up at the same sky right now.
I can see it. Them huddling close together, blaming it on their need to keep warm for the night. His arms wrapped around her, tightly. Her head resting against his check, watching the stars.
God, it makes me sick.
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