#they’re both idiots and I love them
ineffableoutpost · 11 months
Eddie waking up in the middle of the night, covered in sweat and panting.
“Oh my god, I actually bagged Steve Harrington.”
Steve is lying next to him and just wraps his arm around Eddie’s stomach and pulls him back to bed. “Shut the fuck up and come here.”
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towards-toramunda · 7 months
I miss them I love them bring them back to me
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sensitiveheartless · 2 years
skfiost it's the get help anon, ITS SO GOOD UR ART IS SO AMAZING,, we really need more of their dumb moments when they were working together, idk the present timeline just wondering how exactly they were able to work together and they just get a glimpse and go, "ah, no, they're both idiots, no wonder they worked so well." dazai literally blew up chuuya's car, can you just imagine chuuya being so fed up one time and yeeted dazai off a building and having to begrudgingly save him SKKDKDKSSC
Alsksjdjfj thank you!! oh man yeah, skk’s time actually working together is so rife with opportunity for comedy 😂 I couldn’t think up a way that Chuuya could save Dazai after yeeting him off a building —maybe by swinging down on a rope or something?— but I got this mental image instead and couldn’t resist lololol
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…And then Chuuya hauled Dazai out and took him home to dry off, because Dazai is ten times as annoying when he’s sick lol
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whitesunlars · 5 months
two weeks without these my demon idiots was too long idk how I’ll last without them when the show is over
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drawerbread · 3 months
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the funniest thing about tlt is that harrow canonically has more bitches than gideon
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ohitslen · 1 year
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Sharing a blanket
Request by @volaenii ✨
Accidentally incorporated this to my uni au oopsieeees
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asherashedwings · 3 months
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He panicked
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And also this, cuz one of my friends made a joke about that one Mater “I want you” meme
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pyjamacryptid · 9 months
I’m thinking about Gwen and Elyan tonight folks….. they were siblings, finally reunited after years, reconciled, and obviously cared for one another very much and there were hardly any on-screen interactions between them save for episodes where either one of them was in danger of some kind. Sigh.
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I also know for a fact their exchanges would’ve been hilarious because it seemed that Elyan was the one person that knew how to annoy Gwen at light-speed LOL
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lesbianballofgender · 6 months
So Azi and Crowley have been going on dates for thousands of years but do you think they’d both freak tf out if they went on an officially labelled date
Crowley, leaning against something:
Fancy a spot of lunch, Angel?
Azira, blushing: Oh, you do tempt me
Muriel, having watched this exchange: OoH! I read about this in a human book! You’re going on a date right? It’s a human thing.
Crowley: *panicked snake noise*
Aziraphale: *discorporates*
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moonahsrobin · 30 days
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Look at them <3
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silvyslayer42 · 3 months
kuusuke as a character is 1 billion times better if you view his words here as genuine (like how i do) . the way you see these scenes is very important to how his character will read to you in my professional opinion
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like 😕😕😕 he literally cares about kusuo so much. that’s his cute brother he couldn’t hate him even if he tried (and he knows because he DID try and that’s-) . he literally just wants to play around with his brother and have bonding time but he doesn’t know how to do that normally so he does it in his weird unintentionally destructive way but underlying everything is that familial love.
this post is so gibberish but yeah saiki kuusuke im your biggest fan in the whole wide universe….
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cursedvida · 25 days
i sent this to another blog but it’s still on my mind so i need to vent everywhere ig
Mae showing Noa human music !!! and her kind of showing him how to dance !! and they’re both all shy and hesitant but they just need an escape from their screwed up world for a bit !!
i’m delusional
They have been able to preserve human technology and furthermore: the movie's lore has decided to disregard planned obsolescence making us see that 300 years later an abandoned vault can have electricity as if nothing, so we can assume that intelligent humans probably preserved part of the existing human culture before 2011, and that includes music. So why not, Mae could probably teach Noa some catchy tunes, even if she herself doesn't dance very well, just because they make her forget her crappy life for a few moments. And obviously, Noa would be blown away because he has never heard anything like it in his life, but it's rhythmic and catchy and makes you want to move. And everything is going well and akward but funny until suddenly something like "Iris" by Goo Goo Dolls starts playing in the playlist (or better, the fucking “Don’t you (forget about me) by Simply Minds wich is sooo Nomae coded) and they both look at each other very uncomfortably because neither was prepared for such a sudden emotional whirlwind that for some reason they see as a personal attack.
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itsamenickname · 1 year
I don’t know about you guys, but I absolutely love the idea of Bowser being the most fearsome creature in the entire galaxy to the point where he can very easily scare anyone into giving him what he wants because he is just so scary and terrifying.
And yet, when it comes to Luigi, a shy and cowardly little plumber, it is actually Bowser who is the more nervous one.
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littlebabywille · 2 years
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this is your man? yea. that’s mine
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starboysbrainrot · 1 year
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“You’re—what you’re doing right now is…it’s mean.”
(“paper rings” is a breagan fic written by eeriebarbie and published ao3)
(go read it it’s such a well written story <3)
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looking-for-wisdom · 9 months
i can’t wait for petrigrof to work out their toxic yuri next episode like I’m rooting for them but I need them to rip each other apart first. i need betty to call simon out for nearly throwing away his sanity again after all she sacrificed for him. i need simon to finally insist that he never asked her to.
they’re both always so ready to throw themselves away, because it’s an act of love, because it’s all they know. but it’s always a selfish decision too. no one wants to be the person who has to figure out what they are without the other.
They love each other. They’ll do anything for each to the point of causing them pain. And neither of them stop to wonder if maybe that’s the problem. That maybe, if they could find a way to choose themselves first, that would make a path for them to be together. But all they do is sacrifice: expeditions, sanity, whatever it takes. And they’re never gonna be happy until they make the choice to value their life for its own sake, rather than as a bargaining chip.
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