#they typically control the color to some extent though
sincerely-sofie · 3 months
Hey Twig, what was the hardest part of charmander anatomy (or being a pokemon in general) to get used to when you first turned into one? Do you have any funny stories about it??
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She’s got a lot to say on the subject.
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cherepizza · 3 months
Sorry for being inactive I barely have spare time. It's been nearly two months, woah!! It still feels like march started yesterday
There's a variety of different religious beliefs in beacons' world. One of the world's largest and most widespread religion has 8 major deities who are shown with quite similar appearances. The easiest way to identify a god in their standard form is to to look at their body color. A deity may be accompanied by symbolic plants/animals and objects, especially if the image is colorless. Text also might be present. Some gods have alternative forms which can be more popular in iconography than their standard ones.
It's disrespectful to show gods from the back side of the body, except for one.
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1. Goddess of knowledge, medicine (especially the part dealing with childbirth) and law. All 8 sides of her body are "front" sides with two hands and two antennae. Always depicted with light-blue skin.
2. God of creativity and passion, whose all sides are backs. Has bright red skin. In the past this god used to have darker spots all over his body, but gave them away to a mortal who ended up having too many offspring, passing the spots to all of his male descendants. Antennae are not shown (you don't draw dicks on sacred images).
3. Goddess of plants and harvest. Besides her plant-growing abilities she's also known for creating and spreading diseases. Has light-coloured skin with a yellow or ochre tint.
4. Goddess of beasts. Created all living organisms and is able to control them. Beacons are resistant to the full mind control but susceptible to her power of inflicting dread and anxiety. Associated with willpower. Her standard form is a brown-coloured beacon but more often she's shown as a spiky snake-like creature. In this form she can change size and grow so large she'd shadow the sun or become smaller than any bug to crawl under the clothes of those who she deemes unworthy of her presence and sting them. Stings are excruciatingly painful.
5. Goddess of rain, rivers and the sea. Shares ruling over the last domain with her brothers. Though her powers are inextricably tied with sustaining life, she has no direct control over living beings. Typically shown with dark blue skin.
6. God of wind. Controls wind (..who would have thought) and serves as a protector of travellers. Talkative and upbeat, he cheers them up, gives advice and tells entertaining stories, helping them continue their journeys. Has orange-coloured skin.
7. God of deep water. Hides below the surface and rarely shows himself, though in his early years used to live among mortals and taught them sailing along with his sister and brother. His long antennae can easily wrap around victim's legs and drag the unlucky one to the bottom to either kill or imprison and force to work on him. Can control underwater beasts but only to a small extent. Associated with quiet death.
8. God of change. The all-present spirit is inert and cannot change on its own. This god makes sure night would change into day, hunger would come after nourishment, and every living thing would eventually meet their death. He's quite a lonesome god and under normal circumstances rarely interacts with mortals or other entities. Has exceptional persuasion skills. Several myths support the idea of him creating the moon and stars which partly explains why he's described having white skin. The other part comes from that no mortal has ever seen his true form, so no other colour can represent his ever-changing appearance except pure white.
Important to note that for beacons relationships between siblings play a much greater role than those between parents. So instead of being paired up with a husband/wife higher gods belong to their own sibling groups which go as follows:
Goddess of knowledge – god of passion
Goddess of plants – goddess of beasts
Goddess of rain – god of wind – god of deep water
God of change (only child oh)
In older times gods were treated as separate entities connected only by blood but in recent decades there's been a shift to a more monotheistic view of world. Since gods come from the same source (force/spirit/power) it was believed that they sort of popped up in the world that already existed before them and were left to fool around and figure out what to do by themselves. They weren't a part of the spirit anymore and the only connection remaining was the ninth eye in the middle of the head that could actually see (for mortals it's basically blind, so they were believed not to be bound with the source at all). Some followers suggest that deities and, in fact, the whole world were never separated from it. When the force splitted itself into "sides", giving gods physical bodies, it manifested into other living beings as well, allowing itself to have as many perspectives of the existing world as possible. When a living thing dies, their side turns away to a new life. Gods' powers are not separate, but a spectrum, manifestations of the same thing. The number of turns is considered to be unimaginably big, but finite. It's up for debate what will happen when the force will be out of turns.
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imustbenuts · 4 months
Seadall, localization, food, EABS culture, and discussion of Eating Disorder. Trigger Warning.
tl;dr: Seadall is pandering to an East Asian Beauty Standard, technically does not have eating disorder, but is bordering on Disordered Eating, and both the writers and localizers know it.
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Our first official male dancer of FE has a bit of a obsession over controlling his diet to a concerning degree. But is it actually an Eating Disorder? No, I don't think so. From my pov, this has everything to do with his job, a Dancer and the dreaded East Asian Beauty Standard (EABS).
EABS idealizes the fair skinned (asian colorism rAAAAGH), the lean and thin. Any level of fats or flaps are no good and is considered undesirable, or worse, a sign of one's gluttonous and even slothful character. IRL, that sentiment has become less pervasive, less judgemental and less awful than 10 years ago, but it's still around. Hell, it's in our Fire Emblems! Average out the body shapes of all dancers or even characters in FE and you'll see what I mean.
(are you in hell yet.)
This EABS is especially prevalent in 1 genre of media that comes pouring out of Japan and Korea... The Pop Idol scene. In Japan, the idol industry can be traced back to the 1960s, and though it has propped up the EABS, this standard's roots goes FURTHER back to even pre-colonialism era, to China and the Tang Dynasty where willowy female bodies were ideal. (That's 618-907AD.)
And when I say EABS, I will include the surrounding countries outside of Japan too. Similarities in culture and all that. Hence East Asian. (Don't be mistaken though. South East and South Asia also has to deal with this shit.)
But hey. I'm still talking about female EABS, right? Where does Seadall fall into this?
Uhhhh. Jumpscare. Surprise K-pop.
(ps i dont know k-pop as well so idk who these ppl are im sorry waaaaug)
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Dancers and the Idol Industry
It's easier to see on the female side, but uh, that specific body shape is often achieved through extreme dieting. The body fat % is so low that the dancer's lower ribcage can be seen. Before shooting the dance or a performance, these idol's agencies will notify them to slim down to a certain goal, like say drop 2kg (4.4 lbs) or 4kg (8.8 lbs) in x time, and this is typical. Guys here are no exception.
Weight is manufactured. Looks to some extent (plastic... surgery....). The clothes too, are intentionally picked. Exposing the belly is common since it's the quickest indicator of skinniness.
But hey, I actually lied about the dieting part. It's not really dieting as it's actually straight up starvation, tbh. To lose that weight, the dancers/idols will often eat as little as some protein shake, a few fruits and maybe potato for fiber. Yes, it's as hellish as it sounds, and no, these people are unable to fully function with a calorie intake like this. Source for this claim will be in a video at the bottom of the post by youtuber chaebin n out, titled "How K-POP Destroys Your Body". So.
W̵͓͍̏͝e̴͉̾ḽ̷͈͐ĉ̶̠̝͋ö̶̤́m̷̲̒ê̶̬ ̶̧̅ṭ̷̘͑͑ö̵͇́ ̸̛͖̑h̵̳̿͝ė̶͕͉l̵̜͖̇͗ḻ̶̑!̴̪͊̉
Ok, but that's K-pop. What about J-pop?
Japan, where FE rolls out from, have J-pop, which is slightly different. J-pop idols also suffer from EABS but afaik it's not as extreme. Many contemporary J-pop idol groups like Atarashii Gakko!(left) and Babymetal(right) also Do Not make thinness a major selling point with their costuming. This is usually done through hiding the midriff, where belly fat most easily forms. (EABS is still in effect though, don't be mistaken! There could be just as extreme cases out there I'm not aware of ;_;)
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So it seems like people kind of agree that obsessing about weight and developing body image issue is messed up.
Hopefully now I've established what is going on irl for Seadall's influences, and what is considered normal or extreme. Relatively anyway. (I hate EABS so much hhggr)
Let's detour to...
Food! Staples! What's normal?
An average meal in Japan consists of a variety of veggies, tofu and a serving of protein, which results in lower fat intake. Also, RICE is a major staple in these meals, so assuming the writers are approaching it with the best intentions, and how Engage's normal might appear to native Japanese audiences, JP Seadall's worry only seems to be on oily food intake and is not overly concerning to me.
In fact, here is an example of a staple set meal (teishoku) I ate over there last December. Yum yum:
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Overall a very lean meal. So it's likely Seadall eats something similar-ish and not just greens.
Another important point is that in (East) Asia/Japan, oily food is seen as unhealthy and contributes greatly to cholesterol. This aversion to oily food is driven somewhat by EABS and... Health. I also promise most people are actually chill about this. ...Most people! Meat is yummy! Gyukaku and Ikinari Steak is popular and popping! That's why Seadall likes it after all.
So this is where Seadall's writing starts to contrast. For the most part in the EN version, he only worries about meat. In JP, it's technically oily food, which meat falls under, and he's worried about putting on weight.
Why the extreme worry tho...?
The logic for why all these matters so much to him is this: if a dancer is surrounded by other dancers who are reinforcing this EABS (mirroring the standards of the real world), then their only choice to stay relevant and keep their job is to commit to the same dietary choice and uphold the same EABS, or even have a EABS outperforming the standard.
Because a Dancer's job, or rather, Seadall's job is to pander to people's ideals of beauty. Hence his supports where hair and skin and food becomes a topic.
If he fails the standard, according to the J-pop and K-pop industry, he kind of fails at his job. Is it fair? Fuck no, but no matter what opinion we may think of the standard as outsiders, it remains that there is a LOT of social conditioning and manufacturing going on leading to... all of that. I scream too. I scream a lot, internally.
So what does Seadall look like to someone in this East Asian sphere...?
To the writers credit, they do push for Seadall to indulge more food that makes him happy for at least his mental well-being through the other characters.
This also happens to fall in line with Engage's low key theme of cherishing the moment.
With all I've explained, Seadall might come across as warning to those who over-worry about oily food consumption and trying to pander to an EABS to... chill the fuck out. That it's ok to just go eat some delicious yakiniku if you want to! Go off! If a female character who is concerned with this comes across as too vain, then let's have a guy do it and hope the point lands for the (potentially female) players.
And with all these missing context, it's very easy for one who isn't clued into this sphere assume that Seadall has some eating disorder or that the writers are advocating it. I don't think that's happening here at all. The localizers likely are aware of this missing context and have toned it down several levels for EN release. Wise move, tbh.
(progressiveness can be relative btw. something to keep in mind @_@)
So, is Seadall coming close to some kind of Disordered Eating? Possible. From what I see I think the writers are trying to push Seadall away from it, and trying to stop it from becoming a full blown Eating Disorder. Personally, again, I don't think he has an Eating Disorder.
However! Your Mileage May Vary. I only hope for my opinion and understanding to help inform others, not override it. What's normal for me isn't for everyone, and vice versa, but it's important to remember where Fire Emblem originates from.
And here's the last thing I promised: the video essay if you really want to dive into it:
And that's about it.
Hope this was interesting! Thanks for reading. 😄
EDIT: the Chinese net sphere is the exception to all of this, EABS is especially bad there
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catacombbee · 17 days
some danganronpa v3 characters if they lived in the world of @arcaneafterhours's magic system
because ho boy i love their magic system and ho boy i love danganronpa
got inspired by Arcane making the school bus graveyard (webtoon) cast in their magic system. if any of this is out of character for how your magic system works im so sorry bbg pls forgivnn mneee
warning: minor spoilers for v3, particularly Rantaro's talent being mentioned. he's the last of 5 here though so!! you can skip looking at his if you wanna avoid that.
so quick basic tl;dr for how the magic system works, pls see Arcane's account for the actual funzies. someone's eye color determines what powers they have! each color is called a "concept" and can result in powers under that concept
because of that, and so that i can give them powers that i think suit them, some of these characters will have different eye colors.
lastly. i cannot draw. so enjoy having their sprites instead
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Kokichi Ouma
Concepts of Perception & Light
(purple & yellow. taken from his beta design having purple and yellow eyes / common headcanon drawing him with heterochromia)
Perception: Kokichi can manipulate how he is perceived by others, but only in a physical sense. He can make someone perceive that he has blue hair instead of purple, or he could make someone perceive that he looks hideous, but he could not outright make them think they fear him. The more drastic the difference from his actual appearance, the less time he can maintain the image.
Light: Kokichi can manipulate electricity to some extent. He cannot create electricity from himself, but he can control it around him. the further it is from him, the harder it is to control. everything about within a typical room size of his location is easy.
He often uses his powers for pranks, such as not bothering finding a scary mask to scare someone with and just making them perceive him as a grotesque monster. Or hiding in a room and making lights flicker or explode. One time he made an electric car stop in the middle of the road, just to see if he could. Luckily the rest of the road was clear.
Using the concept of perception expends more energy because of how often he uses it to such drastic degrees for pranks, but it's gotten a lot easier after years of practice. The biggest thing that built endurance and strength was using this concept simply to make everyone think he had two yellow eyes. He spent an entire year in middle school having somehow convinced everyone he only had the concept of light.
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Shuichi Saihara
Concepts of Movement and Pursuance
(blue & brown. given to him simply because of what power i want him to have. his eyes are yellow and not brown right? either way i. don't care. this power is swell.)
Power: Shuichi can track "movements" of people that have already happened. Essentially, he has an x-ray vision for footprints, fingerprints, bloodsplatter, etc. He can only directly recognize/identify these “movements” if they are from someone he knows well; otherwise he can just tell that something is there.
So he can look at a mug with a stranger's fingerprints and say "oh there are fingerprints on that mug." but if he looked at Kaede's mug he would sense that they were her fingerprints because he knows her pretty well
Shuichi, of course, uses his power in his detective work. Though he's unable to look at a set of fingerprints left on a weapon and immediately connect them to an individual, he is able to locate them simply by looking at whatever object they're on, eliminating the need to dust things thoroughly and speeding up the process.
Once movements have been located, he can identify matching ones. For instance, if at a crimescene he could see that someone walked through the house and left through the back door, he can later recognize the same footsteps in another seemingly unrelated crime scene, allowing him to connect the cases.
it really doesn't have anything to do with how they look per say, it's just that he can see them there and gets a gut feeling about it? like he looks at it and it just immediately connects in his mind. I have been picturing everything showing up like a glowing blue when he uses his power
It also comes in very handy when dealing with his mischievous friends. When he's asking who broke something, the culprit (coughs. Kokichi) knows there's not much use in denying it because Shuichi recognizes their fingerprints already.
One time Kokichi duped him by making him perceive that he had an entirely different set of fingerprints. Shuichi had a crisis over a broken mug for 2 hours before Kokichi finally gave in.
i hope i explained this as well as i wanted to? im not sure if the wording is clear but oh well
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Kaede Akamatsu
Concept of Connection to the Living
(pink. i cannot tell if her eyes are pink or purple sometimes. they're pink. her eyes are pink. pink makes more sense they're pink for this)
Connection: Kaede can sense other people's emotions. She experiences it sort of like synesthesia, in that when sensing someone's emotion, she can hear a certain melody in her mind that correlates to how they feel.
There are times that Kaede doesn't hear a melody she recognizes. Sometimes when she does recognize a song, the emotion causing it isn't necessarily the emotion intended for the piece, but rather some other association or even sentimental value.
One of her favorite places to take a nap is near Himiko, who almost always sounds like a lullaby.
One time she watched Kirumi rushing around working and could hear nothing but Flight of the Bumblebee for 30 minutes. She figured it was because of how often Kirumi is called a “busy bee”
If someone played Wap or CPR on a piano, well that's what Miu sounds like sometimes
Gonta also has sounded like Flight of the Bumblebee before! it was when he couldn't find some of his bug friends, he was so frantic. Kaede gave him a big hug to comfort him.
Kokichi often avoids her around the others when he's feeling sad, because he can't stand the knowing looks she gives him. But sometimes she finds him alone and just sits there with him, quietly listening to his melancholy piano. It slowly brightens the longer she sits with him; she knows that it makes him feel better to know she gets what he's feeling. He doesn't like being alone.
The only time Kaede ever hears Clair de Lune is late at night, with Shuichi at her side. Every now and then they find each other beneath the stars. They exchange no words, barely glances. They just sit together, thinking about their time in the killing game. She always knows when he's thinking about it; she can hear Clair de Lune long before she can see him. Many a night has she been roused from her bed, following the sound of the piano oozing off of her best friend.
(i don't really ship shuichi and kaede myself but if you wanna see this as romantic ofc ofc idc)
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Himiko Yumeno
Concept of Creation
(red. her eyes are like reddish brown so im going with red)
Creation: Himiko can create objects, within reason. Depending on how close she's creating the object and how small it is, it could range from being easy to really straining.
Himiko uses her power in her magic tricks. “I will pull a rabbit out of my hat!” [shows empty hat] [creates stuffed rabbit in hat] “tada!”
She also likes making snacks for herself and Tenko when they're hanging out. “Hey Himiko do you have any candy” “check your pocket” “[pulls candy out of pocket] Himikooooo 🥺🥺🥺”
Every now and then Kokichi can talk her into helping him with more tame pranks. Like the time she created a whoopee cushion under Miu as she was sitting down.
idk her power isn't really that complicated, the concept of creation is a very simple power as arcane herself will say but it works well for a mage doing magic yk? “is this your card [creates a copy of the card so it's right]”
she probably has a room full of random junk that is extra copies of things. at some point she'll have an entire new deck of cards gradually made from creating a copy of one card at a time just to make a trick work.
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Rantaro Amami
Concepts of Growth and Pursuance
(green & brown. his normal eyes but with sectoral heterochromia, his right eye will have brown in the bottom half)
Power: Rantaro can track the growth rate of any living thing. It creates sort of like a timer in his mind? For instance he can look at a plant and know that it will be exactly two days three hours fourty seven minutes and twenty one seconds until it blooms. This also works for things like injuries: he can know how long it'll be until it heals, or if it will heal at all (as in, will lead to death.)
If he expends extra energy he can speed up this growth process to cause something to grow/heal faster.
His power came in handy having so many sisters; any little scratch or booboo was quickly mended by a magic kis it better by big brother Rantaro. It was also useful when adventuring; if he was hurt, he knew how severe the wound was and by extension how much attention it needed just by looking at it.
If he decides to stop adventuring, he'd go into healthcare. He cares about others a lot and it makes him happy to help people, plus it's handy having a power that lets him give people a near-exact estimate for how long the healing process may take. Sure, he could only help in physical injuries, but thats better than nothing. If not healthcare, maybe a florist. Imagine Rantaro having a flower shop. swoons.
also yes he can grow avocados /j
anyway that's all
thank you for reading this far i suppose. Arcane i know you're gonna read this cus i told you i was doing it so um hi. hope you liked it. im sorry if i horrifically defaced your powers or smth. ily <333
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icestarphoenix · 2 years
What would happen if multiple states got angry in one room in the team spirit au? Would their team spirits start to overlap as they get bigger?would the states who can see team spirit start to get nervous or have a hard to seeing?
If their emotions become more intense, the only thing that would be visible to typical people is a glow in their eyes along with other small effects in them for the stronger states. To most of them, this is about the extent of Spirit that they see when arguments get big.
As for the states that can actually see all that, they’d probably get a little nervous regardless. I mean, a bunch of people are getting pretty angry at each other and are probably about to come to blows, people would be concerned. Though, a benefit to seeing Spirit is being able to see tensions rising more quickly so that they can get out of dodge before getting caught in the crossfire. For example, if Georgia is just calmly sitting in a chair drinking coffee while the man’s looking almost like a tree from how many branches are growing out of him, it would be best not to bother him with anything and just leave him be for now.
Spirit can get pretty uncanny and almost eldritch when it’s becoming very strong though, so it can be pretty frightening anyway. It’s a pretty big spectacle when some of the top ten most populated states start fighting. And yes, it can get hard to see if the State Spirit becomes big and bright enough to obscure vision. Louisiana often borrows Florida’s sunglasses when a situation like this comes up, especially when California is really getting heated.
The main scenario I see where the Spirit from two personifications are clearly trying to overlap is when two of them share a body and are trying to take control at the same time. So, Texas and Austin. I don’t know what form Austin would have for now, but I’m thinking his color would be blue to contrast Texas’s red. When Austin or Texas are fighting to get in front, their Spirit would intertwine and overlap blue and red as one tries to oust the other.
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spiritus-sonne · 1 year
Blutpir: Vampire Concept (Part 4)
[Reading time 5-10 minutes]
*Typical vampire myths/lore that they DON’T fit:
notable aversion or harm from crosses & religious symbols, holy water, and areas of sacred ground
sleeping in coffins/caskets/crypts
pale complexion and rather cold skin (exceptions for complexion are related to ethnicity or overall health, not specifically the vampiric condition)
shapeshifting into bats, wolves, or anything else
allergy to, harmed from, or repelled by garlic
can’t be seen in mirrors/reflective-materials/cameras
being “undead”; have no heartbeat
killed (or especially burst into flames or turn to ashes) by [direct] sunlight
’soul-less’, demons, or otherwise malicious, emotionless ‘savages’/killers (killers, yes, but not necessarily and aren’t the typical mindless monsters of lore/media)
must sleep all day (particularly not in a nearly comatose-like or paralytic way, i.e., torpor)
must be invited into an active human residence in order to enter
allergic (especially fatally such) to silver and silver bullets
live within packs/covens/groups
are usually or often part of societal nobility or live an upperclass type of lifestyle (some do, most don’t)
all or most dress in a gothic style—classic or modern gothic included; or Victorian style clothes
turn to ash or otherwise disintegrate when killed
experience euphoria or ecstasy from drinking blood
only able to drink blood, can't eat food
vampire politics
Short summary of that last section is basically that I’ve not had much fondness in thinking of vampires as having a lot of the usual traits and such (and of course the not so usual Twilight ones that I won’t even bother mentioning as specifics).  Granted, I do like to see the variety of takes on vampires in modern media and the ways that a particular concept of vampires keeps, alters, or excludes certain ‘typical vampire traits’, and most of the time I still manage to identify to some extent with the vampires conveyed.
If anything, though, vampires have been to me for a long time a conceptual creature that holds and portrays a strong essence of the blending between ‘humanity’ and ‘non-human animality’ without even needing to physically shapeshift into a very nonhuman form—at the most I prefer them with only a few minor physical changes (mainly eye color, fangs, and claw-like nails).  Maybe my mind sees them kind of like therians that are ‘amplified’, so to speak, in physical appearance changes, abilities, and some other attributes that set them apart from Homo sapiens humans.  Whether or not that’s the case, I can say that I identify quite significantly *with* vampires and *as* a vamprie, and most notably this concept of them above that I’ve rendered myself.  I see aspects of myself, my animality, and mainly my felinity in them because they resonate in ways with my animal-human identity—to be actually physically and mentally human, and yet parts of oneself are not quite human and those aspects can rarely be shown to the world and others around the person (in my case, because of social mores or other social consequences and that many aspects of my cat therianthropy and other animality I literally can’t show to others).
As I’ve written in a separate essay, I identify strongly with shapeshifters, too, but I think more so if the shifters are the type that live and express their animality (even if just in subtle ways) outside of being shifted into a nonhuman form.  Basically, that they are a constant blend of human and nonhuman animal and it filters through into their lives, actions, thoughts, etc. on a regular or daily basis, rather than only being the animal when in a different physical form.  And vampires capture that kind of balance and essence in my view that I’m so drawn toward identity-wise and personally.  They live with a type of ‘amplified animality’ on a daily basis, whether they choose to embrace it, over-control it, or push it away (though I have a special fondness for some vampire characters that embrace it without flaunting it or being overbearing about it).  I live with my animality every day, to whatever extent, and it’s usually rather balanced with little conflict between human and non-human, although I do have some times (primarily sexually related) when my animality (felinity, to be specific) becomes greatly increased and it’s highly enticing to delve into and more freely explore and experience that aspect deeply.  However, I’ve never managed to go very far into that experience and exploration due to any of a few reasons I’ve explained more in that separate essay.
I guess I also anymore relate to the connections often made between vampires and sexual experiences, with vampires typically portrayed as being at one of their most animalistic states when feeding or biting, especially during actual sex or what can be viewed as a sexually-associated experience (for the vampire and/or victim/partner/donor).  My felinity is heightened the most in relation to sexual experiences and sexual triggers, even though I’m not much for liking the cliché of cats in association with sex, and my animality is thus at its highest state during such times.
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imjustanauthor · 2 years
New Character
Charles Lazarus
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Detective OC. Once a rising star at Scotland Yard, after getting caught up in a tragic accident he was relegated to working on only old, unsolved cases.
Character Info
Charles Lazarus, Detective Inspector working unsolved crimes. Based on various detective tropes and ideas borrowed from numerous detective shows (notably Touching Evil)
Full Name: Charles (Charlie) James Lazarus Title: Mr Age: 35 Birthday: 4th March, 1987 Species: Human Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Religion: Lapsed Catholic Nationality: British (English) Accent: Yorkshire Location: London, UK Occupation: Detective Inspector, Scotland Yard Faceclaim: Dan Stevens
Parents: Richard and Lucy Lazarus Siblings: Daisy Lazarus (38) Significant Other(s): Amy Hawking (divorced, 2018), Julia Lawson (deceased, 2021) Children: Matilda (Tilly) Lazarus (born 2016) Pets: None
Physical Traits
Eye Color(s): Blue Hair Color(s): Blond Height: 6'0" Notable Physical Traits: A scar on his left forehead
Fears(s): Someone harming those he cares about, especially his daughter Mental Disorder(s): None Physical Disorder(s): Brain damage
There was a point when Charlie was one of Scotland Yard’s most promising young detectives. He had it all: charm, talent, a great conviction rate. Sure, his wife had divorced him a few years ago having grown fed up with his constant long nights at work, but he maintained a good relationship with her and, more importantly, his daughter. He even had a new relationship - a secret one with his superior officer, DCI Julia Lawson. Charlie was going places - or, at least, he was until the incident.
While attempting to apprehend a suspect, he and DCI Lawson were ambushed. Somewhere along the line, some intelligence had been missed and nobody had been informed that the suspect was potentially armed. Charlie doesn’t remember anything of the events that occurred, but the doctors later inform him that he had been shot in the head. He had survived. Julia, however, hadn’t been so lucky - the bullet travelling through her before it reached him.
The road to recovery was a long one. A bullet to the brain was a serious matter and, unsurprisingly, Charlie hadn’t managed to escape without any lasting damage. Eventually, though, he got to the point where he could work again. Scotland Yard were hesitant about letting him back in - they could see the effects of the incident on him, everybody could - but they did relent in the end. Charlie returned to the office but, in order to keep him out of the way and, more importantly, out of trouble, he was only to be given old, unsolved crimes to investigate.
Due to the damage to the brain, Charlie experiences the following effects:
+ Poor planning/organisation + Impaired judgment + Low attention span, easily distracted + Impulsive or risky behaviour + Lack of inhibition + Difficulty controlling emotions + Persistence with one behaviour, way of thinking, or set of rules +Working memory issues
He has been offered therapy for these problems but, as is typical of so many in his field, he refuses to engage with it properly. Instead, he insists that he can manage on his own - and, to some extent, he can. While he certainly isn’t getting any better, he’s slowly finding ways to work around his problems. For example, he writes down everything that he may need to remember later - not just at work, but in his personal life too.
Luckily, his personality didn’t change too much after the incident. Most of the time, he’s still charming and he’s still easy to get on with. However, he is prone to mood swings from time to time. It’s something he tries his best to control, but it does get the better of him sometimes. Another issue he’s noticed that he’s developed is apathy, specifically in regard to his own self-preservation. He’s become dangerously quick to jump into fights or risk his life in the line of duty.
Charlie still has a good relationship with his ex-wife. She has moved on and remarried, but they remain friendly. Naturally, Amy is concerned about him. She worries about his safety, and she worries about her daughter’s safety when she is with him. For a long time, she refused to let him see Tilly without her, or her husband, there to supervise. Charlie did understand why this was but that didn’t start him from arguing with her about it multiple times. Eventually, Amy agreed to let him have some unsupervised contact providing that he tell her exactly where they’re going and what they plan on doing.
Tilly loves her dad, and Charlie loves her too. She’s the best thing in his life and he wants to do the best he can for her. However, he does worry that she might get hurt. Since the incident, he’s become more concerned about the possibility of those around him being harmed. That just motivates him to do better at his job, though. He wants to make the world safer for his daughter, and anybody getting in the way of that better be ready for a fight.
For now, he plans on staying on as a detective. Charlie knows that things will never be the same as they were before the incident, but he hopes that, with time, they can maybe become similar again.
Post Incident (Main): Anything after Charlie is shot  Pre-Incident: Anything before Charlie is shot Bodyguard AU: Scotland Yard refuses to allow Charlie to return. Instead, he finds work in private security
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obeymeluv · 3 years
Demon Baby Headcanons: A Reference for “The Baby Assignment” Project
It made more sense to post my headcanons as a single thing since I’ll be working on “The Baby Assignment” headcanons in between the “Quick! Kiss Me!” miniseries.
These will be hinted at throughout “The Baby Assignment” pieces and I just wanted to put them all together. Keep in mind these are demon baby headcanons. I don’t really have any idea about angel baby headcanons since I’m card locked in chapter 21 :/
I think I got them all. I can’t really think right now.
Warning for one headcanon about human eating (obviously discouraged in the Devildom). I wanted to put in a section about how the Devildom handles bad parents (hint: logic first, then with justice) but I wasn’t vibing with it. Didn’t do it. No worries.
Demon children are usually born small but develop quickly until they stagnate around “teenage” years. Most babies (ironically) weight at least 6 pounds. It’s VERY rare to get a smaller baby and they must be taken care of EXTREMELY well
Their eyes will open within an hour or two of delivery and will be their lifelong color
Because they’re typically raised in the darkness of the Devildom and learn to flourish in the shadows, demon babies really struggle with exposure to light. It hurts their eyes and makes them cry. They should be shielded from light until they’re about a year old or show increased tolerance. Unless they need glasses or have a birth defect, most children appear to tolerate light with no problem between 4-6 years old.
Hybrid children are an exception (and hard to record for the census given how many subspecies of demon there are and all the magical co-mingling), but full-born demon children typically nest and seek out sources of heat to stay warm until they’re able to walk, talk, and do more for themselves. They tend to attach to the warmer parent.
Devildom childcare advocates recommend swaddling the child in parents’ clothes or clothes of relatives because it keeps them warm and orients their brain to who the main family members are. Pyjamas are a suitable exception but parents and close family should make an effort to show the child their scent
Demon children latch, and not just on their milk-producing parent. Within the first month of life the tiniest baby talons come out and allows the child to latch onto the clothes/skin of their caretakers. Full demon children latch and can maintain their grip/fully support themself in moments of stress, aggravation, fear, and in moments of cuddling. It is still recommended to support the child with an arm because they will get tired. Half-demon children should be supplemented with an arm or carrying device until the full extent of their latching ability is determined
Latching is also critical to scent development. It is an instinct of the child to tuck itself into or around those that will protect them. Unless absolutely sure of their safety, they tend to latch onto the stronger parent. When they feel safe, they usually latch to the other parent or try to make a nest with both
For babies who latch or show interest in latching, being semi-naked or completely naked is recommended. Their parents’ scent is stronger and seems to be preferred this way.
Devildom children don’t really crawl. The best way it can be described is “skitter”. You’ll hear their little claws go. Most parent describe their children moving in a lupine manner, on all fours. they like to stay low to the ground and move faster than human children.
There have been reports of children climbing up cabinets, walls, and onto structures like chandeliers and fans. This is part of their hunting instinct and preps their claws for the different things they will encounter/handle as an adult.
Most demon children develop their “Devildom” vocal chords first and will define parents/family by individual growls/shrieks. If other languages are not encouraged in the household, it is not unusual for a child to stay in this stage until two or three. They typically gain muscle control/development to speak real words by they end of their first year
Devildom babies aren’t as tactile as human babies but will definitely show preferences. It’s a lot easier to figure out what a Devildom baby hates. They’ll be quick to show you. 
Devildom babies purr to show contentment and can start purring within 1-2 months of birth. This is one of the first signs of affection.
Other signs of affection include petting the parent or trying to get them in a state of skin-to-skin contact (see latching, above), snuggling, headbutting, showing nesting behaviors, and gently teething on them.
Full-blooded demon children can expect to cut fangs starting at the end of the first year. They will get their first full set of fangs near age two. For children who can only inherit one set of teeth, these fangs will be with them for life. They will naturally harden and lengthen to a full adult set as the body grows. 
Mixed demon children are special cases where fangs are concerned because some species have extra sets of fangs, defense mechanisms where they lose and regrow teeth, and other things of that nature. For most species, teeth are seen in the first year of life.
Fangs typically look pointy and shark-like until they get a little older (somewhere between 3-6, it varies amongst children) and the teeth start to differentiate themselves in a “human-like” smile.
Children with fangs should have a greater variety in their diet for the sake of tooth shaping and development. Fangs need to be kept sharp. They can have slightly tougher food or snacks, and may display the “kill shake” when eating. This is normal. Supplement with teething toys as needed, but keep a close eye on them. It’s best to engage them a little like a tug of war to help develop the biting instinct and lengthening of the teeth.
Tails, like fangs, do not have set rules for growth or appearance. Some children of purer lineages get them as early as 3, and some get them as they move into the teenage years. There is no set age for tail development. If the child itches their back/bottom a lot, tends to streak, and shows general aggravation or discomfort, it’s best to take them to a health specialist to see if they’re developing a tail.
It is a similar scenario for wings. The child may cry or scratch a lot. Be prepared for biting and wrestling your children into shirts. Back rubs, cold creams, and soft textures are recommended. Though VERY RARE, some children can develop their wings within the first year of life. It is more normal to see them sprout between the ages of 3-5
Should the child develop wings young, they will take on a life of their own. They will twitch and flap at random times and this is normal. This is the child’s brain working wing movement into the subconscious, just as it would breathing. Devildom children who have wings go on to move them reflexively and this is how that starts. 
Keep an eye on your child. They will try to hover and may be able to pull their body weight and travel short distances (about 30 seconds) within the first year of having them. Within two or three years they will have better altitude and some sense of guiding with a bit of a struggle. Prepare to be dive-bombed “accidentally” and for things to be broken in bad landings
There have been reports of full-blooded and half-blooded Devildom children gaining night vision. You can determine if your child has this by whether their eyes grow in the dark. Remember the rule of thumb: the older the demon lineage, the brighter their eyes. If obtained, this stays with them for life. The degree of clarity varies amongst children.
Children may develop horns. All horns start out as tiny velvet nubs once they break the surface of the scalp. Prior to breaking the surface, the child may scratch at their scalp excessively, rub their heads on things, or headbutt tougher surfaces to counteract the pressure and itchiness they feel. Scratching their head or brushing their hair may help but nothing can be done until the horns breach. If the horns do not breach, take them to a healthcare facility. They may need help.
Horns should be watched closely as they start to take shape. Some shapes need to be regularly broken or shaved to prevent the child from harming themselves
Children are driven to develop their horns and may try to shave off the velvet lining by rubbing against family members or hard surfaces. This is normal.
It is not uncommon for children to try to “lock horns” with each other when younger. This is another way to shave off the lining. Some studies indicate that this type of play may make them develop faster. If one of the parents have horns, it is encouraged to do this with great care
Although not scientifically proven, the vast majority of Devildom parents swear by rubbing horns to soothe tantrums and put children to sleep. Seems to work. Interestingly, this trait carries on to later stages of life but brings a greater variety of reactions.
It is not uncommon to see growth spurts and great deals of change between the first 7-13 years of life (7-13 by human standards). After this, the demon will stagnate. Their rate of development can vary but demons live for thousands of years so it takes a very long time for signs of aging to occur
Old records suggest that feasting on human souls or the blood of other magical creatures may accelerate this process but these records cannot be confirmed.
Certain activities, such as participating in a pact, are prohibited until the child is 1,800 or older. Their magical capacity is not there and they cannot legally be bound in a pact. If a sorcerer or sorceress is pushing for a pact or you believe a pact has been made in bad faith, a grievance can be filed with the magical review board. If the other party is found guilty, a piece of them may be taken for consumption for the sake of “fairness”. Repeat offenders will be handled by Lord Diavolo (and are usually eaten. This has been “tentatively” amended due to the effort to unite the three realms)
Children who come from very powerful lineages (for example: one of the Seven Lords) may exhibit that key sin trait from a very early age. Some children will be hungrier than others, some will want more attention than others, some will be far stronger and may accidentally break things. Be prepared and parent accordingly.
Those born to succubus/incubi/naga lineages may show signs of charming or hypnotism from the age of two or when they can form sentences. If a member of your family has a natural susceptibility to this, brush up on negating spells and personal reinforcement charms.       
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Words: 4,565 Daryl Dixon x Reader Reader pronouns: she/her Era: Alexandria Warnings: Language, typical TWD stuff A/N: This is Part 5 of a series! Find the previous parts on the Masterlist! Summary: A violent encounter outside the walls only increases Daryl's questions and concerns about Y/N.
Your name: submit What is this?
You immediately and instinctively grappled for your knife at your hip and unsheathed it, staring up in horror at the two men now standing over you. A lot happened very quickly. It must have only been matter of seconds, but it felt immensely long.
“Ohhhh, sweetheart. You’re in trouble,” one of them said, laughing as he glanced over at the man beside him.
You tightened your grip on your knife but the next moment there was a swift kick to your wrist and then a boot came down on it, crushing it into the floor, eliciting another yell from you. Your knife clattered away and you followed it with your eyes desperately.
You struggled to get away but the man was suddenly grabbing you by the ankles and dragging you closer.
“Get the fuck off me!” you growled. You lashed out with your boot and caught him in the face with the toe.
“Agh! You fuckin’ bitch!” he roared, spitting out blood onto the floor. He let out an animalistic growl and stood over you. “You’re coming—with us!” His words were punctuated with strong kicks into your ribs, which left you unable to cry out or even to breathe. You curled into yourself on the floor, willing your diaphragm to unclench and draw breath.
Daryl. The only desperate thought in your mind.
The man who was standing over you suddenly dropped down so he was straddling over your writhing form. “I said, you’re coming with us. Back where you belong.”
You finally were able to wheeze in a breath and glared up at him. “Fuck. You,” you spat, disdain contorting your face. Where the hell was Daryl? you thought desperately.
“This will go a lot easier if you don’t fight it!” his partner shouted down at you, rifling through his bag for something. “We don’t want to hurt ya!”
You shot a knee up as hard as you could and caught the man over you in the tailbone. When he doubled over forward, swearing with his face growing more and more red, you did the only thing you could think of and headbutted him in the face. Hard. As hard as you could.
His nose crunched sickeningly and started to bleed profusely. He let out an anguished scream while you were seeing stars. Fat, crimson drops fell down onto you as you struggled, still beneath him. You were trying to extract your body from beneath his but his weight was too much. He was now completely enraged and the next thing you felt was his hands around your neck, squeezing, compressing. You couldn’t breathe. You tried to break out of it but his hands were so large they wrapped completely around your neck, compressing blood vessels and your airway. Your scratched and clawed at his hands, trying desperately to pull them away. You started to see spots and darkening around the edges of your vision. You clawed at his arms with your fingernails and tried to break his grip at the elbows. You were vaguely aware of some commotion in the background as your struggling grew weaker by the second. You were going to black out.
But suddenly, you could breathe and the weight of him on top of you was gone.
You curled over on the floor, coughing and sputtering, gasping in rasping breaths desperately.
“Y/N! Y/N!?” Daryl’s voice nearby, completely frantic.
You couldn’t stop coughing. Your throat was on fire. Your neck felt raw.
“Jesus—can ya breathe?!” Daryl’s urgent voice again. You felt his hand on your shoulder.
You finally managed to gain control of your gasping breaths again and rasped out. “I’m okay,” nodding but unable to look over at him. You submitted to another coughing attack. Your gasps were wheezes like a kid with asthma.
Daryl was kneeling beside you with his crossbow in his hand. “Are ya sure?!”
You finally glanced over at him, certain your face was bright red and your expression desperate. His features were overwhelmed with panic and concern, blue eyes piercing through the curtain of dark hair around his face. You nodded. “Uhh… I think so. Mostly.” You winced, feeling pain suddenly shooting through your wrist and ribs and a pounding in your forehead as the wave of adrenaline had crested and now started to diminish. “Fuck… What the fuck?” you said, glancing around. There were the bodies of the two men, both with a crossbow bolt through their head.
Daryl clenched his teeth and gently grasped your arm. “C’mon.” He pulled you gingerly to your feet. You stayed hunched over, an arm wrapped around your ribs. You squeezed your eyes shut and tried to steel yourself for a moment.
“Fuck…” you muttered again, not even meaning to speak it out loud.
Daryl froze, looking at you with his brow furrowed. His stomach was rolling with regret. “I—'M’ sorry. I should have been faster. I—but this goddamn ankle and I had to get my bow loaded and—”
You raised a hand to quiet him and shook your head. “S’not your fault. At all,” you said, pressing a few fingers to a particularly raw feeling spot on your neck.
But Daryl was blaming himself. He should have been there faster. The angry red marks around your throat were burning into his memory. He bit back his anger at himself and re-secured the front door as best he could. He glared down at the two corpses and retrieved his bolts. He nudged his head in the direction of the other room.
You followed him in, still hunched over. He pointed at the couch and you sank down onto it slowly, hissing through your teeth with each movement.
Daryl set his crossbow down and immediately grabbed his pack. As he was digging around inside it, he spoke with some anxiousness. “Ya know them?” he asked, not looking up from his bag.
You gulped. “What?”
All his movement stalled, his hands still inside his pack, clutching medical supplies. “They sounded like they recognized ya. Said you’re ‘comin’ back where ya belong.’ Did ya—d’ya know them?” When he finished the question, this time his eyes flickered up to your face, watching your reaction carefully.
You were gingerly holding your wrist in the other hand and Daryl thought your eyes looked a bit frantic. You didn’t answer. You seemed—frozen.
Daryl nodded and shrugged, turning back to the pack. “S’alright. Ya ain’t gotta say.” He felt like he pretty much had his answer. “What hurts?” he asked you gently.
You didn’t answer for a moment and Daryl thought he saw waves of panic rising and falling in your eyes.
“Y/N—” he said again.
You seemed to come back to reality, grounded by the sound of his voice saying your name. “Umm… right. I—my wrist. I think that’s the only thing we can do something for. Nothing to do about my ribs,” you said with a wince, your breath hitching every time you tried to inhale too deeply.
Daryl pulled out some gauze and materials to splint your wrist, which he suspected was broken, based on the swelling and how it was already changing colors. “We need to get ya back to an actual doctor,” he mused. “Tomorrow I’ll see if I can find a car close. We can take it back to our truck. Can’t let that wrist go too long without gettin’ set.” His eyes continually found the ring of angry red around your neck and he watched as you pressed a hand to your head, which was pounding.
“You can’t go out there by yourself. You’ve got a fucked-up ankle,” you argued.
Daryl shot you a look and heaved a sigh, leaning his arm on his bent knee where he was crouched. “Well, now out of the two of us I’m in the best shape. So, we’re gonna do what I say and you’re gonna sit here and rest. Ya got a broken wrist and probably some cracked ribs. Not to mention that fucker nearly choked the life out of ya.” His tone told you arguing was pointless. “Now gimme your damn arm.”
You avoided his eyes and held out your hurt wrist. His rough hands on your skin was grounding and you were again reminded of how he had insisted on stitching your arm up that night when you came back after your last bad run-in outside the walls. He was amazingly gentle. You marveled at how small your arm looked in his hands—like something fragile. Daryl was trying to minimize the skin-to-skin contact—almost fearful of what was happening inside him every time his skin brushed yours, but it was a little difficult to do while he was tending to you. He splinted and wrapped your wrist, frowning at the way your thumb was already bruising purple. “Ya scared the shit outta me,” he murmured softly, not even meaning for it to actually fall from his lips.
You raised your eyes to his face in surprise but he was still fixated on bandaging you up. “I’ll, uhh, try not to do it again,” you said, and Daryl was relieved to hear that your voice had relaxed some, though the rasp was still in it.
“Better not,” he growled. He grabbed a small gauze pad and poured a little alcohol on it. “Here. Ya got a pretty good scratch on your jaw there.” He scooted closer to you and watched as you swiped a few fingers over it.
“Oh,” you said, looking at the rusty color that came away on your fingers. “Probably did that to myself trying to pry him off of me…”
Daryl’s expression darkened. “Mhm.” He hesitated a moment before dabbing at the scratch with the pad. “Really. Ya scared me.”
_ _ _ _ _ _
“Jesus fucking Christ!” Rosita exclaimed as she heaved the gate open to let you and Daryl into Alexandria. “Thank God!” she exclaimed next, looking both of you up and down. “Rick was about to send out a search party. We’ve all been worried sick. Aaron has been driving me insane, coming up to the gate every ten seconds to ask if I’ve seen anything.” Her eyes finally seemed to register the full extent of your injuries and she froze. “Y/N—your neck… Oh my God. What the hell happened?” she pressed, shutting and latching the gate behind you both.
“Uhh…” you walked unevenly, your uninjured arm wrapped around your ribs, though it did nothing to lessen the shooting hot knives of pain with every breath. “Walkers. And then more walkers. And then a corpse and rotten floor boards. And then—” you hesitated., suddenly feeling sick.
“And then people,” Daryl finished gruffly, sparing a glance over at you, his face darkening with worry.
“Shit,” Rosita said, her eyes going round. “A corpse? As in, not a walker? And did you say something about rotten floor boards?”
You nodded. “Yeah...”
Daryl shot her a look that clearly said ‘later.’
“Sorry—just… I need to get to the doctor to fix my wrist before it heals this way,” you said, avoiding her eyes.
“Right! Right, of course. I’ll grab someone else for guard duty and go tell everyone you’re alright. Here, I’ll take your guns.” You and Daryl handed over your weapons and Rosita hurried off.
You limped your way to the clinic and he insisted on holding the door open for you and letting you go in first. Surprisingly, Pete was still there. You always assumed he just was drunk after 4:30 pm.
“Whoa! Looks like we’re running a little ragged, huh? Come on in and sit down and let’s have a look at you,” he said jovially. You eyed him with distaste.
“Where’s Denise?” you asked.
Pete looked around the room dramatically, hands outstretched. “Not here. So, shall we—”
“I would prefer to see Denise.” Your tone was cold.
Pete let out a laugh which he only managed to make sound half-genuine. “She isn’t here so—”
“I’ll wait,” you snapped. You limped over to an exam table and sat down, your countenance stormy.
Pete glanced at Daryl and he shook his head. “Nah. Just her. I’m good. Sprained ankle is all.”
Pete let out an exhale that was mostly a growl. “I guess I went to med school to be an errand boy,” he muttered under his breath, but nonetheless, he left to find Denise.
Daryl sank down on a rolling stool and scooted over to sit near you. “Hey,” he said suddenly.
You snapped out of some deep reverie you were having and looked at him.
“Ya alright?” he asked. “Really. I mean, that was some serious shit that happened out there…”
You nodded. “Fine.” You uninjured hand went to absently touch the bruises on your neck, which were now dark and mottled. “Thanks to you.”
Daryl shrugged. “S’nothin’. Wish I had been faster.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “No. No, it was definitely something…” Despite your assurance that you were okay, Daryl had the sense that it wasn’t entirely true. You were alive, sure, but since those men had busted into the house you had been uneasy. It wasn’t lost on him that you turned to glance behind the truck the whole drive back to Alexandria, and even now, safe inside the walls, you were rigid and on edge. You should have known better than to try and bullshit Daryl. The archer was annoyingly good at reading you. But, to be fair, you were also annoyingly good at reading him.
Your eyes shot up as the clinic door burst open loudly. Aaron ran in with his mouth dropped partially open and wide eyes. “Oh, thank God,” he said, rushing over to you and Daryl and immediately grabbing you into a tight hug.
“Ow! Ow ow ow! Aaron!”
Aaron drew back suddenly at your exclamations. “Oh—God, I’m sorry.” His eyes found the bruising on your neck and his face blanched. “Oh my God. What the hell happened? Are you alright?” he asked desperately.
“Define alright,” Daryl murmured.
You shot him a scolding look. “Yes, that’s what I need. Worry him more. Thanks, Daryl,” you said.
“What happened?” Aaron asked desperately again. It wasn’t lost on him how you avoided his eyes as you answered.
“Just—people. Bad people,” you said.
He stared at the dark purple bruising on your thumb and the splint before glancing over at Daryl.
“If Daryl hadn’t been there—” you broke off, giving Aaron a somewhat fearful look.
Aaron looked back at the archer again and heaved a heavy sigh. “I won’t hug you,” he said, cracking a smile, “but thank you. Thank you.”
Daryl nodded.
“Okay, I promised Eric I would come right back with an update so, umm—I’m gonna go, but thank God you’re back and you’re at least mostly whole,” he said, backing toward the door again. “Thank you,” he said again, looking at Daryl.
You let out a small laugh as the door shut behind him, shaking your head, smiling fondly.
“You’re close,” Daryl said. “With him and Eric.”
You nodded. “Yeah. When they first brought me in, I used to joke that I was like a stray cat they found and adopted. I felt so out of place, you know? And they just—they didn’t care. They just accepted me right away. Made it feel a little more like a home. They’re good like that. They understand what it’s like to be an outsider.”
Daryl nodded. He knew exactly what you meant.
Denise came in with Pete trailing after her. She looked a bit harried and you apologized for having her come in, to which she just gave you a small smile and a meaningful glance. She was well aware of your feelings toward Pete and she shared them… He stood lurking around in case Denise had questions.
“Okaaaay,” she said, gingerly unwrapping your wrist, wincing at the sight of the swelling and bruising. “Yup. This needs to be set…” she said gently, glancing over at Daryl who was still sitting nearby, his blue eyes taking in everything like he was standing guard. “Okay, Y/N, just lay back.” You obeyed, letting out a wry laugh and a forced exhale at the pain shooting through your ribs. Denise muttered an apology as she palpated your arm with her fingers. “Um. Okay. Daryl, I’m going to need you to hold her arm down while I—”
“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” you teased Denise, a smirk on your face. She pulled a face at you, drawing a laugh which made you clutch at your ribs again and mutter a pitiful “ow.”
“Do you know you’re my least favorite patient?” she retorted jokingly. “Daryl. Come on.” Pete stepped forward, clearly annoyed.
“Are you sure you don’t want an actual--”
You cut him off. “Last I checked, Denise went to fucking med school. And for the last time you aren’t touching me.” Pete muttered something and backed off but he remained nearby watching.
“Ya ready?” Daryl rumbled, his strong hands firmly pressing your arm down against the table.
You nodded and focused on his blue eyes. “Sure…” you said, your voice coming out a little high with nerves and apprehension at the anticipated pain.
Denise didn’t give you a countdown or anything. She just forced the bone back into place. “MOTHERFUCKER!” you yelled, shooting upright on the exam table as soon as Daryl’s hands lifted off your arm. It felt like someone had rammed a red-hot poker into your arm. “Mmmm,” you groaned, squeezing your eyes shut and forcing breaths in and out.
“Done! Done!” Denise said. “See! Not so bad!”
You let out another sardonic laugh. “Easy for you to say.” She immediately fitted you with a stiff brace and instructions to limit use of your wrist and hand for four to six weeks.
“Six weeks,” you repeated. “Are you frickin’ kidding me?” You stared at her, incredulous.
“It’s a broken bone, Y/N, not a bumped elbow,” Denise said as she adjusted the brace.
You looked at the archer beside you for assistance but found none. “Six weeks?” you repeated again. You scoffed. “I’m going to lose my freakin’ mind in here. I can’t—I can’t shoot. I can’t go outside the walls… I can’t even write. It’s my dominant hand.” You let out a frustrated growl. “I might as well be a frickin’ baby,” you growled.
“Kinda are bein’ one right now,” Daryl rumbled. Your eyes snapped over to him and you managed to catch the quick twitch of the corner of his mouth in a rare smirk.
You shot him an unamused look. “I don’t know why you’re so entertained, chuckles. You’re benched too.”
Daryl rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Ya heard her, though. Four to six weeks.” You read genuine concern on his face and sighed.
“Yeah, yeah… I heard her,” you mumbled.
Denise laughed. “Alright. I see your neck… Nothing we can do about that,” she said with a wince. “God. That looks painful.”
You pressed your uninjured hand to it, reflexively covering it up as you felt Daryl’s eyes hitch on the bruises and stay there. “It’s not too bad.”
“Okay, anything else?” Denise asked.
You hesitated for a moment. Daryl didn’t know just how bad your side was and you weren’t real keen on him seeing the extent of the injury from the man kicking you. “Umm… Yeah. Uhh—I think I have some broken ribs maybe and—” you gulped, but you grabbed the hem of your shirt and lifted it so Denise could see your side.
Daryl immediately stiffened in anger as he saw the extent of the black and purple bruising all up your side. He actually let out what sounded like a low growl before averting his eyes. You noticed his hands clenching and unclenching into fists and he was suddenly restless.
“Oh my God… I’m so sorry this happened to you,” Denise said, her eyes flickering up to yours. She gently palpated your side. “I don’t feel anything concerning beyond the bruising and normal swelling—how did this happen?” she asked you quietly.
You were about to answer when there was suddenly a commotion as Daryl strode over to Pete and pushed him hard in the chest, making him stagger backwards. “Hey!” Daryl roared, posturing toward the surgeon. “What the hell are ya lookin’ at?” You and Denise stared at the two men in confusion and surprise. “We don’ need ya, so why don’ ya just get the hell outta here,” Daryl rumbled, flicking a hand in the direction of the door.
For a moment, Pete looked like he was considering hitting Daryl but he finally just clenched his jaw and left the clinic, slamming the door unnecessarily hard behind him.
Daryl turned to see you and Denise staring at him in confusion. He paced a little uncomfortably. “He was—I didn’t like how he was lookin’ at ya,” Daryl finally spat out.
You felt your cheeks color and averted your eyes from the archer. Apparently when you had lifted your shirt, revealing the bare skin from your waistband to the strap of your bra Pete’s eyes had been a little too hungry, a little too searching, and had lingered a little too long for Daryl’s taste.
You didn’t know what to say. The air in the room was thick and heavy with tension. Denise finally cleared her throat a little awkwardly and broke it. “Okay, I’m serious about the wrist. I’m going to give you some heavy-duty painkillers and anti-inflammatory meds to take for the next five days. If you feel any changes in your side or abdomen you come get me, okay? I’m serious.”
You nodded and Daryl rushed over to help you climb down on the table, hardly noticing the ache in his ankle anymore. You felt another flush in your cheeks as he gently gripped your elbow. “Thanks, Denise.”
She nodded. “Daryl, you’re sure you don’t need me to look at that ankle?”
He shook his head. “Nah. ‘M good. Just gonna get Y/N home so she can rest.”
“You too,” Denise said, pointing vehemently at him.
You walked, or hobbled more like, the distance back to your house with Daryl in silence. It still felt a little heavy, a little uneasy, like the air was holding things unsaid, but finally you climbed the steps and to the front door. You gave him a small smile, but there was something like apprehension in your eyes as you thanked him for all his help. “You know, I’ve known you only a short while and I think you have now officially saved my ass and patched me up more than anyone,” you muttered.
“Yeah, well…” he shrugged. “I think it’s about the same in reverse.” Daryl left with a hollow feeling in his chest as the heavy clunk of the deadbolt secured your door behind you.
Carol was waiting on the front porch and immediately grabbed him into a tight hug. “You scared us,” she said, holding him back to take him in, her eyes searching for injury. “Rosita told us you were back but nothing else. Are you okay?”
“’M Fine. Better than, Y/N,” he said, nudging his head toward your house across the street.
Carol’s brow furrowed. “What happened? Is she alright?”
“Mmm,” Daryl hummed, a noise meaning he didn’t want to talk about it. He dug in his pocket for a cigarette and allowed Carol to gently push his hair out of his face and clasp his shoulder, before he stiffened and moved away to sit on the steps. She knew that meant he wanted to be alone, wanted time to think.
“I’m glad you’re both back and at least mostly in one piece. We’ll be inside if you need anything.”
“Thanks,” the archer murmured. Daryl sat there most of the night, smoking the cigarettes he had left and staring at your dark house, wondering if you were awake like he was.
You were.
The next day, Daryl found Rick in the kitchen in the afternoon. He’d already explained what had transpired outside the walls, why you had both been so delayed. Rick had listened carefully and firmly grasped his shoulder, telling him how relieved he was that Daryl was back safe and that you were too. His words seemed a little pointed, but Daryl shied away from it. But now, after being unable to think of anything else all day, he had a question to ask Rick.
“Hey,” Daryl said, finding Rick in the kitchen, trying to convince Judith to eat something as she squirmed in his arms.
“Hey, Daryl. What is it?” Rick perceived something in the archer’s expression as soon as he glanced up at him.
Daryl scruffed a hand awkwardly through his hair. “Y/N’s interview. With Deanna, when Aaron first brought her in. Did ya watch it?”
Rick nodded, his face falling. “Yeah… I did. I think I watched just about everybody’s.”
Daryl shifted his body weight anxiously from one foot to the other and crossed his arms over his chest, trying to hide the vulnerability he felt while showing such obvious interest in you and your story. “Well… what—what was on it?”
Rick sighed, finally giving up on coaxing Judith to eat, and set her down on the floor on a blanket. He stood and hung his thumbs in his pockets, staring down at his boots for a moment. “You want to watch it?” he asked the archer, glancing up to take in his expression.
Daryl shrugged and let out a non-committal hum.
Rick studied his friend’s expression. “Whatever you’re lookin’ for… Whatever answer… It isn’t on there. But you can watch it if you want,” Rick offered. “Ya saw somethin’ out there that has you worried. I can see that. You can tell me if you want to, but I also understand if you don’t. Y/N is… private… about whatever happened to her before this, before here.”
Daryl swallowed at the tightness in his throat and considered Rick’s words. He chewed his bottom lip thoughtfully, his face dark. “I ain’t worried about us,” he clarified. “I ain’t worried about Alexandria.”
Rick nodded. “Just about her.”
Daryl shrugged and avoided the look in Rick’s eyes, which was something surprised but knowing. “We’ll do our best to keep her safe,” Rick said.
Daryl nodded and this time when he glanced up at his friend there was a fire in his blue eyes, a fierceness. “Ya. We will.”
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flecks-of-stardust · 3 years
Everyone’s Favorite Moth God: Dreamless AU
radi post!!!!!! because i couldnt write today but i still wanted to make Something
- the radiance is about average when it comes to age among dream beings. she’s nowhere near the age of the oldest dream beings, but she’s much older than unn. she watched unn establish her domain while her moths had long since settled in, and didn’t really say anything about unn putting her domain this close to hers.
- she chills in the dream realm most of the time, and visits the mortal realm through the dreams of mortal bugs, both her followers and non-followers alike. she Can manifest herself a physical form to move about in the physical world if she really wants to, but it takes a fair bit of sustained focus and effort for her to do it, and it’s a hassle she’s not really interested in.
- more often, she will channel her presence through one of her moths. they allow her to see through their eyes, so she can directly view the mortal world through them, and she can temporarily take control of their body. this is taxing for both god and mortal, though, so she doesn’t do it often, and only uses it in case of emergencies or when she needs her presence to be there, physically, in the mortal realm.
- the few moths that are able to channel their god through them are called the Seers, and it is more innate connection than training. it is possible for one to train to become a Seer, but it is a long process of grasping at the purest threads of godly essence and attuning to the radiance. a few notable moths have achieved this feat regardless.
- the radiance’s domain is over light and to some extent heat. she influences daylight and cycle lengths, and is often described by non-followers when she appears in their dreams as ‘a massive, radiant orb of light and warmth.’ while in the dream realm, she is able to see and touch the dreams of mortals (where their minds brush briefly against the dream realm, spinning and spiraling senselessly due to the mortal mind’s inability to grasp at the dream realm), and can use her light to gently guide them away from the nightmare realm (a subset of the dream realm where nightmares are rife). she isn’t able to stop nightmares completely, and doing so would render the nightmare gods weak, but she can guide certain minds away from the nightmare realm.
- due to the radiance being more connected to the dream realm, it is possible to use light magic to access the minds of creatures, sentient or not. even then it is a difficult feat, and must be carefully used, lest the wielder be stranded in the veil between the dreams of mortals and the lucid world. few moths ever attempted such a feat, and those that did often spoke of feeling a loss of identity after exploring the mind of another.
- as an individual, the radiance generally stays out of mortal matters, watching distantly from the dream realm and receiving information from her moths as they commune with her. however, she is quick to anger about injustice among her moths and followers, but also among other populations if her moths report the information to her. she has a tendency to be brash in her actions, though it is perhaps apt in that she is the embodiment of light and warmth and as such is passionate about what she does.
- the radiance harbors a slight protectiveness over unn, however minor. she is of the opinion that gods should not mingle too much, and is well aware of the results of godly warfare, but she does in part view unn as a sort of younger sister, due to her immensely young age for a god. she keeps her interactions with unn cordial, but is and always will be the first to speak out for her in the event that anything happens to harm her or her people.
- the radiance and her moths have a weak neural linking of sorts, enabling them to somewhat share thoughts and emotions through those links; this neural link does not extend to non-moth followers. it fades with physical distance, and even at close proximity is limited in what information can be shared. in the height of their rule, the moths would utilize the link to send out scouting parties into the lands, and have them send information back through the links, however fractured and garbled, to the moths back at their homeland; the information would later be consolidated through speech.
- the radiance is able to speak, especially if she has a physical presence in the mortal realm, but her voice always has an echo effect to it. it multiplies and layers over itself, and is disconcerting for mortals to listen to. if not careful, the echoing of her voice can cause immense pain to mortals; godly beings are typically spared from this, though the echoing may still be unnerving.
- in her natural state, the radiance emanates a soft, yellow glow, bright but not searing to look at. she also naturally produces warmth, always a comfortable temperature for whoever is basking in it. when in pain, angry, or fearful, her light intensifies and becomes nearly blinding, and the color darkens from yellow to orange. the heat she produces will also get uncomfortably warm, sometimes even burning anyone too close to her. when Seeing through the eyes of one of her moths, she has to be careful with how much of herself she is channeling through them, or she may severely wound them.
- she was irate when she heard of the pale wyrm’s arrival next to her lands, and even more so when she learned that he had set up a kingdom there. she monitored him and his activity with great disgust and wariness, dipping into the dreams of his citizens to check on what was actually going on behind the guise of glamor. when news of unn dying reached her, she forced her way into the mind of the pale wyrm and demanded that he leave. the two sparred briefly in his dreams, but the battle ultimately ended with no winners. after that, the radiance began trying to break his spell on his people by entering their dreams and showing them the truth.
- she was distraught and enraged when the wyrm began killing her moths, and aided them where she could, but her general lack of presence in the mortal realm ultimately limited what she could help with. when they fled deeper into their caverns, she assisted them with her magic in collapsing the tunnels they used.
- a physical form of the radiance was sealed into the mind of the Pure Vessel. few know about this fact. as per the events of dreamless, she is slowly, but surely, dying. even in her death throes, she is still reaching out for the minds she can feel, and inadvertently presses her pain and fear into them. her communication with her moths has been severed due to how close to death she is, though she tries to scream for them anyway.
and as a closing remark, dreamless is solidly radi-sympathetic. that was the whole original basis for this au, actually, so if youre looking to bash on radi, maybe pick a different au to do it sfkjghks
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anasticep · 3 years
Why Julie and the Phantoms is a masterpiece of a show. Part 2. Heroes and Villains or Let that foil shine
NOTE: Thanks again for your kind response to Part 1. I never expected that. It being my first tumblr post and a first meta in quite a long time I was blown away. I read all the tags, some were really hilarious. About having more than one brain cell xDDD I laughed so hard. It means a lot.
NOTE2: Please remember that the gifs are made by me, so don't crop, edit or give as yours.
Part 1.
Before diving into meta, I have to mention that the Villain of the story is actually one of the best in the decade. He’s cool, evil from the start, we understand his motives and we certainly are not supposed to love and make excuses for him. The writers made sure of that. So back to the main topic.
A foil is a character who contrasts with another character; typically, a character who contrasts with the protagonist, in order to better highlight or differentiate certain qualities of the protagonist
Foils in literature are not necessarily antagonists. A friend can be a foil or sometimes even a thing, a song. Whatever can make a good and real contrast to the protagonist. But it’s not very simple to use this author’s device and not fall down a deep hole. Because you have to make sure you did just the right amount of work to make it understandable for a reader, the things you want to contrast are definitely there and still you don't waste a character. On TV it can be even harder given limited air time. And, well, I don’t come across this device being used in full very often nowadays. It’s usually good and evil fighting for the plot. That’s why I personally appreciate JaTP so much.
Caleb is clearly a foil to Luke. As much as I’d love to say that Julie also has one, that’s not entirely true, at least not this season. Carrie is not her foil though it may seem so, and I really think that’s cool as Julie’s journey is being presented through her own demons and I'm going to cover that next. That being said, of course Caleb doubles as an antagonist plotwise, but I personally consider him being written more as a contract to Luke so we could see and appreciate his character and journey better.
1. Origins
Caleb and Luke have extremely similar backgrounds. They are both natural performers. They know how to deliver, because c’mon, “Now or Never” is something and so is “The other side of Hollywood”. Stage is their natural habitat, their element, power. Although they channel this power from completely different places.
Let’s start with our little ball of energy. It’s emphasized TWICE that he doesn’t care about the money aka the physical side of art.
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All Luke wants is to make music. Connect with people. He is so happy just to be heard despite him loving to perform. Making music is what makes him feel alive and basically that’s enough. I think if there was no “hologram” magic at all, Luke would have still been extremely happy to make music with and for Julie. Because that’s the way he is.
But Caleb doesn’t know that. He knows, and I’m standing by that, right away that Luke is the one to aim at. Because we always feel the similarity in people. If Luke said yes, Reggie and Alex would have followed. So Caleb recognizes the passion and shoots at them what he thinks is appealing. And, oh boy, he delivers.
“The Other Side of Hollywood” is a perfect song to emphasize Luke and Caleb being foils for each other. Follow me here:
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But these lines come from very different places. For Caleb the only thing that matters is himself. He owns the show, he IS the show. It’s about being famous, drowning in applause, admiration. Look at how he performs. Confident, yes, but still very much in control. He must keep his perfect face. No flaws, no real emotions, no real connection (Did you miss ME? I did too // This band is back). Whereas Luke is simply living the best time of his life each time he performs. Is it just jamming? Bring it on. Doing fun riffs? He’s all for it. He doesn’t care how he looks (though who could deny gorgeous sweaty Luke), he owns the show just because he is a natural.
So back to the business. Caleb immediately puts the boys in his own shoes:
On the other side we live like kings // Your soulprint on the walk of fame on the boulevard of your wildest dreams // I got your glamour, got your gold, got all you’ll ever need
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And, I mean, he is not that wrong. You can see the appeal on the boys’ faces. They are young, passionate, handsome, talented musicians. Of course they wouldn’t deny fame. Of course they would want all that to some extent. And Caleb is very sure he pulled the right strings.
Watch me make a move, I’m your number one choice
Also I have to mention, as we are talking about TOSOH (IKEA name again) and it being a foil for Luke, thy lyrics still don’t forget about what is important for Reggie and Alex (we’ll talk about that just a bit later):
Welcome to the brotherhood -> Reggie
Where you won’t be misunderstood -> Alex
Then again, lots of foreshadowing in the song, if you listen carefully the lyrics are stressing the true colors of the offer:
A tomb with a view
Man, what a metaphor. I would have run out of there the minute I heard this line. But our boys share one brain cell (I can’t get over how funny this is) and it’s currently taken by Julie, so I don’t blame them.
Disappointment is huge. Caleb read it all wrong. So we are moving to the next point in our Heroes and Villains essay.
2. Recruitment
It’s very cool that Caleb offers the boys to join his band right after Luke offers Julie to join Sunset Curve. They both are going out of their ways to get that (although have different budgets apparently. But look, they live in a garage). Luke made a hit with a bunch of Julie’s not very well structured lines (I love Flying Solo with all my heart as a song, but as a poem it just looks weird to me) to impress her, and we all saw the show Caleb had thrown to impress the boys. Plus food. And fancy dancing. But here is where contrast comes again.
Caleb offers to join the band, yes, but only as backup singers. It’s his show, remember? It’s only about him. He doesn’t care if they are even good. He wants their magic under control.
Share the spotlight with ME / How do you like MY new band?!
Luke offering Julie a spot in the band is a completely different story. He saw what she is capable of. He instantly knows she must be the key to a new sound, a new level. And he, a natural performer, frontman, lead guitarist, steps back and gives the spotlight to Julie. To think about it, he could have just got her magic under control by giving her simple lines, incorporating piano in the songs and that’s all. They would be visible, he would still be a center of attention, and Julie herself wouldn't mind that much. But that’s not who Luke is. Yes, there is a funny scene of “Hey, I’m your lead singer” and “you don’t have to be mean”, but it’s just messing around. Because right after that he finishes Flying Solo, writes several other songs with Julie, seeks her approval of Sunset Curve songs and basically follows her around like an adorable excited puppy.
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Moving on and back to the rejection. Again the writers are mirroring them. Julie quits the band & the boys decline the offer. What does Luke do? Well, he tries the way he knows: books a gig, makes Reggie and Alex sing in perfect harmonies and does his puppy eyes thing. And it doesn’t work. And Luke goes to reflect and then probably try to come up with a plan. But something tells me he would not have haunted Julie until she joined them.
What does Caleb do after the initial rejection? Puts a cursed stamp that leaves them no choice but to join HGC. You don’t need to say more.
But in fact the more I think about it, the more I suspect Caleb also not possessing enough mental capacity for a human being. Like, if it wasn’t for Willie, how would they even know? Has Caleb planned to simply show up one day and casually explain? Look, foils in everything.
“You’re in a tough spot… So, you wanna join the band?” | “Looked like it hurt… you know where to find me”
But we sidestepped a bit.
3. Pulling the strings
After the song Caleb comes out to consolidate his success. What he does is clever and, btw, that’s the only time he becomes Julie’s foil. They are stating basically the same thing.
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Again, Julie is concerned about the band and the boys, while Caleb is only concerned about having them under control. But they both are pulling basically the right strings.
What is interesting, Caleb actually impressed the wrong person (and that person is our sweet Reggie). Luke follows the string Julie pulled. Although the offer is tempting, he insists twice that they are in a band already directly to Caleb and then in Eats&Beats he says "It's like Julie said, we have a new band, a new sound». No matter what Caleb promised, Luke is not affected at all although Caleb’s offer is a very-very safe choice.
Speaking about using friends as foils, Alex and Reggie also serve as contrast characters for Luke at some points. Luke’s indifference to money is first stressed through Alex who is clearly the chief accountant for the band. His lines about not getting tips, living in a garage and «it’s a little bit about the money» are waved aside by Luke. Reggie is clearly the most affected by the whole Bobbie thing. His lines «I don’t care what Julie said, I’m glad we scared Bobbie», «So we’re gonna forget about getting back at Trevor?» are getting a clear contrast by Luke’s «It’s what Julie said, we have a new band, a new sound» and «He has to live with that guilt».
While editing the article I realised a very cool thing I haven't noticed before. How badly Luke wants to go on tour. And again that's another thing Caleb offers as if reading his mind. That's actually brilliant, to think about it.
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Caleb is a VERY good reader. He tests the waters with a speech about disappearing from stage and going around the world and all dreams coming true. Still he doesn’t know the boys and especially Luke, so his phrase “no real connection” doesn’t register that much.
But he learns. Remember the lines I’ve marked before?
Reggie is afraid they will not be together after they cross over. He is in desperate need of a family. So wouldn’t it be nice to spend the rest of your afterlife with your brothers? (Reggie's main insecurity is loneliness, feel of a broken family. That's why he is the most concerned about crossing over. Will his family stay intact?)
Alex is insecure, and not being understood by the people closest to him will always hit hard. So welcome to a place where you won’t be misunderstood. And actually we know there is a guy you like and find comfort in. (Alex's insecurity is growing up in times when he could not truly be himself even with his family and for sure not believing he would ever be able to find someone meant just for him)
That mirrors the whole Luke’s beach speech perfectly. Only comparing them we can truly appreciate why Luke is the leader. He shuts down his own demons to make Alex and Reggie remember that they are not alone (“and I believe in you”. sorry. Olicity fan).
Caleb makes them suffer to get what he wants. But this time he is careful with the words aimed at Luke. Yes, he repeats his words about vanishing and applauses BUT he makes sure that his words about CONNECTION are the key words for Luke. Intense look, calming voice, touching - these are all elements of hypnosis. And Luke is in a daze. (Continuing the parents' thing, for Luke the main insecurity is not managing to connect with his mom. Maybe that's such a big thing for him: through all these people he wanted to find that connection with her)
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4. The Hero’s journey
That’s the best part actually but I won’t be saying anything new or that you don’t know. Luke is made of lyrics and music. That’s his soul, heart, that’s the feeling running through his veins. He doesn’t need anything other than that in his life. Playing for eternity is “a gift no musician would ever turn down”. But he actually does turn it down. As well as his dream to go see the world with his band (is there covid in jatp universe?). He is the one who resists the hardest to the pull. Luke, who always has a guitar in his hands, doesn't want to play. Because it’s not only about the music now. He has this amazing girl in his afterlife who was willing to accept them for who they were, helped Luke battle his own demons, eased his pain and made him open up. And it doesn’t make sense any longer without her anymore. “And you’re a part of me now till eternity”.
Caleb, being Luke’s foil, completely misses the whole point of connection. It’s not in his nature. His house band are just recruits (Just so happens you’re in luck we’ve got a vacancy). For Luke his band is his family (We are the only family we ever gonna need). The Connection theme is one of the main in the show. And it’s so cool to show it focused through Luke whose best way of interaction is a touch. But not being able to touch Julie Luke has to find other ways, although it’s not that simple for him. And Julie backs that up: We connect in so many other ways. They literally touched each other's souls. Without knowing she put a stamp of her own on Luke, Alex and Reggie. They’ve never felt loved enough, appreciated enough, supported enough. They’ve only had each other. And Julie’s stamp is love. And for Luke (as well as Reggie and Alex) from now on this girl is worth dying for all over again.
So yeah. I hope you enjoyed it, as I for sure enjoyed writing. There is gonna be a part 3 about Julie and a few honorable mentions of parallels of the Pilot and the Finale (I hope at least to do all that). I’ve also figured very very cool connections in the songs and I can’t wait to share.
Also as I was heavily speaking about The Other side of Hollywood, @catty-words has a wonderful meta on rain metaphors here (sorry for tagging, if you don't want to be tagged), check it out if you somehow missed it. It's super clever.
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familiaanteomnia · 2 years
somebody about xav to nate: that unhinged creature seems the sort to do at home body modifications nathan knowing his twin just like: ..... i’m not going to tell you how incorrect that is but that’s one of the things he takes very seriously ironically -which like, some senior trying to peer pressure nate into getting a stick&poke at a party when he’s a freshman and him being like- as much this could earn me some belonging i’ll accept coming off as a stuck up rich kid because i value my health -those sort of antics are disallowed at vortex parties once he becomes fairly in charge (of course nate is like i really have no say in it- if they are going to nothing’s changing that but i will actively kick them to the curb because no thanks) not for like preservation of the club or risk control but him just really not wishing to remotely be in proximity to those choices -you would think xav given his being reckless,etc has been in those situations but it’s one of his no go’s which can be a struggle for him because of how much a people pleaser he is/his mental health issues so when it’s 3am and he really wants a new tattoo sometimes he’ll be like I could do it, properly sanitize and not be stupid about it to which he usually counteracts by texting his go to tattoo artist/or doing a mockup, doodling the design etc till he falls asleep -nathan finds tattoos cool but isn’t hit with the actual motivation to get any personally/does have his health issues,etc (certainly wouldn’t mind getting a horror tattoo of some nature, actually has quite a few he’s seen that were like “cutesy” horror that he was like wow that’s fucking cool style- naturally would consider getting a whale related one too maybeee as cliche or nerdy a camera) piercings are even more unlikely for him- meaningful would be the drive for a tattoo *as funny it’d be for him to get like comedy/tragedy for the lols* -xav is just a connoisseur of tattoos, piercings to the extent of hardcore passion naturally especially regarding piercing jewelry/theming stuff,etc (though his body tends to not allow piercings very easily, will heal things up too well/like if he forgets to wear a piercing for x amount of time it’s like that spot never got pierced so that tends to be a complicated matter) -like with many things xav has also managed to get ink when he was underage (due to the crowd he hung out with plus the ability to seem older than he is+a really good fake id etc) which he’ll admit was probably not the smartest or like morally right but as if it’d been like ‘ah yes i will take my 16 year old to the tattoo shop, pay for me to get one of my concepts like ~arson is romantic~’ *tbh in his adopted verse he likely did go to his parents like take me plz cuz that’s one difference* -regarding the style of xav’s tattoos/wanted one’s its a lot of he is down to genuinely mean “have fun with it” because really respects the persons art style, wants them to have fun *does also communicate very well in general plus sometimes back forth art nerding* some have meaning, others not so much (he finds colored ink really cool+uv ink as well but also a typical sucker for black outlined designs etc) plus sometimes he just wants “dumb” tattoos like he won’t take shit for getting like a vampire c.are bear if that’s what he feels like getting -related, xav is actually pretty picky sometimes about certain things like carefully painting water on a envelope seal to activate it because “my tongue can only get destroyed by salt&vinegar chips, sour candy, and dry cereal” which is pretty amusing -both genuinely kinda shiver when like passing by c.laires or whatever especially if somebody they are with goes ‘i should go get pierced lol’ depending might be met with ‘no no no plz if you’re serious i will pay for you to professionally get what you want’
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Two things are clear about House Democrats’ new plan to undo a conservative Supreme Court’s efforts to restrict the right to vote: One is that Democrats are starting to recognize the existential threat that a 6-3 conservative Court could present to American democracy. The other is that, unless a handful of key Senate Democrats stop propping up the filibuster, the Court will win this engagement.
On Tuesday, Rep. Terri Sewell (D-AL) introduced the plan, known as the “John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021,” with a strong endorsement from House leadership. The bill is expected to receive a House floor vote as soon as next week — but will likely die in the Senate, like other Democratic priorities sabotaged by a handful of Democratic senators who remain loyal to the filibuster.
Congressional Democrats have backed some version of the John Lewis Act for quite some time. Not long after Democrats regained control of the House of Representatives in 2019, they rallied behind an earlier version of the bill. That earlier version sought to restore “preclearance,” a practice from the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that required states with a history of racist election practices to submit their election rules to federal approval before those rules take effect.
The Supreme Court effectively struck down preclearance in Shelby County v. Holder (2013) — in a party-line vote with all of the Court’s Republican appointees in the majority and all of its Democrats in dissent.
The latest version of the John Lewis Act is far more ambitious than the one Democrats supported in 2019. Among other things, the new bill would undo the Supreme Court’s very recent decision in Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee (2021), which imposed new, seemingly made-up limits on the Voting Rights Act’s safeguards against racism in elections.
The new bill would also roll back the Court’s decision in Purcell v. Gonzales (2006), which drastically limits courts’ ability to protect voting rights as an election draws close. The bill creates a new process to block certain voting restrictions in all 50 states, and, it prevents the Court from changing the rules governing who may cast a ballot while an election is underway — and then retroactively disenfranchising voters who did not comply with the new rules.
The Supreme Court’s disregard for voting rights enabled a raft of legislation attacking the franchise in Republican-controlled states. Some of these bills erect hurdles between voters and the polls that might be overcome by Democratic political organizing, but others make structural changes to elections that could lock Democrats out of power. In Georgia, for example, the state Republican Party can take over local election boards that could potentially disenfranchise thousands of voters in Democratic strongholds like Atlanta.
If enacted, the new John Lewis Act would be one of the most ambitious voting rights laws ever enacted by Congress — though, again, its success depends on Senate Democrats unanimously concluding that protecting democracy is more important than preserving the filibuster. In either event, however, the bill is a giant middle finger to the Roberts Court, which has been extraordinarily hostile toward voting rights.
If nothing else, in other words, the latest version of the John Lewis Act recognizes that one of the greatest threats to American democracy is the Supreme Court of the United States — and that Congress needs to confront the Court’s recent decisions directly if it hopes to protect democracy in the United States.
The new John Lewis Act provides for preclearance on steroids
Under the original Voting Rights Act, states with a history of racist election practices had to “preclear” any new voting rules with a federal court in DC or with the US Department of Justice. The idea was to stop those laws from ever taking effect until federal officials reviewed them to ensure that they would not target minority voters.
In Shelby County, however, the Court’s Republican majority struck down preclearance. Notably, though, Shelby County did not hold that Congress could never pass new legislation imposing preclearance. Instead, Shelby County held that, if Congress wants to impose preclearance on some states but not others, it “must identify those jurisdictions to be singled out on a basis that makes sense in light of current conditions.”
The John Lewis Act seeks to meet this challenge by imposing preclearance — typically for at least 10 years — on states where “15 or more voting rights violations” occurred in the previous 25 years, or that committed 10 such violations if “at least one of which was committed by the State itself.” Local jurisdictions, such as counties or townships, can also be subjected to preclearance if they committed three or more violations during the previous 25 years.
Additionally, the latest draft of the John Lewis Act imposes preclearance on any state with only three violations, if they occur in a local jurisdiction where elections are administered by the state itself. This is likely a response to a new Georgia law, which allows the GOP-controlled State Elections Board to take over local election administration and potentially disenfranchise voters en masse.
The new version of the John Lewis Act also requires all 50 states — regardless of whether they have a racist history — to submit certain kinds of election rules to preclearance.
The list of election practices that must be submitted to federal review by all 50 states includes most laws that reduce “the proportion of the jurisdiction’s voting-age population” that belongs to a particular racial or language minority group by 3 percent or more. It includes all redistricting laws in areas with significant minority population growth. It includes certain voter ID laws, and it includes many attempts to close or reduce the hours of polling places.
Again, the mere fact that a state engages in one of these disfavored practices does not mean that the state’s new rule will be invalidated. But the election rule may not take effect until federal officials screen it to ensure that it “neither has the purpose nor will have the effect of denying or abridging the right to vote on account of race, color, or membership in a language minority group.”
The new bill would light Brnovich on fire
The Voting Rights Act prohibits states from enacting an election law that “results in a denial or abridgement of the right ... to vote on account of race or color.” Violations of this provision, which is often referred to as the “results test,” are typically enforced through litigation.
In Brnovich, however, the Supreme Court invented several new restrictions on the results test which appear nowhere in the text of the law. Among other things, Justice Samuel Alito’s majority opinion in Brnovich creates a strong presumption that voting restrictions that were commonplace in 1982 remain lawful. It fabricates a similar presumption favoring state laws purporting to fight voter fraud. And Brnovich suggests that a state law restricting one method of voting (such as, say, early voting) should be upheld if there are “other available means” to cast a ballot.
Much of the new version of the John Lewis Act appears to have been drafted by lawyers who went line by line through Alito’s opinion in Brnovich in order to cancel every new limit on voting rights made up by Alito and his colleagues.
Among other things, the bill would forbid courts from considering certain factors in Voting Rights Act cases, such as whether a particular voting restriction “has a long pedigree or was in widespread use at some earlier date,” whether the law is defended as an effort to fight “fraud,” and, in most cases, whether the state makes other methods of voting available.
Additionally, the bill contains a list of factors that courts should consider when hearing Voting Rights Act cases, including “the history of official voting-related discrimination in the State or political subdivision,” the degree to which voting is “racially polarized” in a jurisdiction (such as if white voters overwhelmingly prefer Republicans and Black voters vote overwhelmingly for Democrats), and “the extent to which minority group members bear the effects of discrimination in areas such as education, employment, and health.”
Many of these later factors are derived from the Court’s pre-Brnovich decisions.
The bill would also cut off other, more subtle tricks that the justices used to restrict voting rights
Many of the Roberts Court’s voting rights cases involve subtle procedural attacks on the right to vote — the sort of attacks that nominally leave the right in place but that prevent courts from handing down orders protecting it.
Consider, for example, Purcell. That case held that courts should be reluctant to hand down orders impacting a state’s election practices as an election draws close. “Court orders affecting elections,” the Court warned in Purcell, “can themselves result in voter confusion and consequent incentive to remain away from the polls. As an election draws closer, that risk will increase.”
There is some wisdom in Purcell’s warning that late-breaking election law decisions might create more problems than they are worth. But the Supreme Court’s more recent cases have treated Purcell less as a warning that judges should be careful when hearing voting rights cases, and more as a ban on election-related orders close to an election.
In Republican National Committee v. Democratic National Committee (2020), for example, the Supreme Court forbade lower courts from altering Wisconsin’s election practices in the midst of a pandemic, even as some localities were shutting down the overwhelming majority of their polling places because they did not have adequate poll workers to conduct a normal spring election.
The new version of the John Lewis Act provides that, except in extraordinary cases, “proximity of the action to an election shall not be a valid reason” to deny relief to a voting rights plaintiff.
Other provisions of the bill prevent appeals courts from disenfranchising voters who relied on a lower court’s order when they cast their ballot. In Andino v. Middleton, for example, a lower court suspended a South Carolina law requiring absentee voters to have another person sign their ballot as a witness. The Supreme Court eventually blocked that lower court’s decision, but not before thousands of voters had already cast a ballot.
Nevertheless, three justices would have disenfranchised any voter who did not have their ballot signed by a witness, even if those voters cast that ballot while the lower court’s order was in effect. The John Lewis Act prevents appeals courts from disenfranchising voters in this way by providing that “a reviewing court shall not order relief that has the effect of denying or abridging the right to vote of any citizen who has acted in reliance on” a lower court’s order.
It should be noted that these are only some of the provisions in House Democrats’ new, very detailed bill. The bill also includes safeguards against “retrogression,” where states enact laws that make voters of color worse off than they were before that law took effect. It imposes new disclosure requirements on states and localities. And it provides grants to smaller jurisdictions to help them comply with the new obligations imposed by this bill.
But the primary purpose of the bill appears to be rolling back the Roberts Court’s efforts to restrict voting rights. It’s a worthy effort — assuming that the Court does not invent some reason to strike down the bill.
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k7l4d4 · 3 years
Luz the Seeker (Owl House/Huntik: Secrets & Seekers Crossover Idea)
I want to ask, has anyone thought of a Crossover fic between the Owl House and Huntik: Secrets & Seekers? If not, I will discuss my own!! Everybody clap your hands!!!
To help with people who don't know it, I shall now info-dump some of the lore!! And by some I mean a lot. In the World of Huntik, spirits of incredible power, known as Titans, are native to a separate Dimension, also known as Huntik. For generations, the Titans have been summoned to Earth to aid humanity, with the most famous being the Legendary Titans of Casterwill, an ancient sorcerer who saved the world from the Nullifiers, another species native to Huntik, but are instead pure evil, consumed with nothing less than the desire to see all of reality destroyed and subsumed into them. After their defeat, Titans have been scattered throughout human history, lending their immense power and potential to those people who can bond with the Talismans that act as their method of summoning and anchor in our world; these individuals are known as Seekers. Titans are principally divided into Eight core categories: Draco-Titans, Gaia-Titans, Hecto-Titans, Krono-Titans, Litho-Titans, Meso-Titans, Swara-Titans, and Yama-Titans. Each corresponds to a region of the world in terms of design, though some can seem off theme to some extent, and each has some form of connection to historical myth, legend, and even historical facts. Draco-Titans are a type of Titans featured prominently in European legends, particularly those of Medieval England. The fighting style and noble, chivalrous nature that most of them possess, inspired people to act the same and developed into the code of chivalry followed by knights. Draco-Titans' amulets are usually steel-blue with a grayish-pink gem in the center. Gaia-Titans are a type of Titan which tend to be protective and helpful. Gaia-Titans are strongly tied to nature, particularly wood or plants. Because of these ties, most of them are green or greenish-brown. Some may be covered in bark or leaves, with some even looking like walking trees, such as Dark Dryad. Gaia means Earth in Greek, so these Titans are essentially Earth-Titans or Nature-Titans. Gaia-Titan amulets tend to be a pale silver white with a light green gem. A notable exception is the Amulet of Will for Overlos. Many Gaia Titans are found mainly in Ireland. Hecto-Titans are Titans based upon Egyptian legends. Many Hecto-Titans appear like mummies with a monstrous appearance, earning them a place as the monsters residing in Egyptian tombs. Their terrible nature and taking enjoyment from chaos and destruction means that bonding Seekers need to possess a similar attitude. Their amulets tend to be yellow with blue and green highlights and a pale silver gem in the center. Krono-Titans are Titans that are based off of Greek or Roman mythology. These Titans tend to be warriors, a fitting position considering the war-like nature of the Greeks during ancient history. The word 'Krono-Titan' may be based on Kronos of mythology, the imprisoned Greek Titan and father of Zeus. Krono-Titan Amulets tend to be orange and yellow with an aqua gem. Litho-Titans are a very durable type of Titan because most of them are composed of rocks or ice. Litho-Titans usually carve themselves a place in history, even among humans who know nothing about Seekers or magic. Metagolem became the famous Golem of Prague. Gar-Ghoul inspired the gargoyle statues on the rooftops across Europe. Fenris and Ymir are famous among Norse mythology, being responsible for the birth and death of the world. Litho-Titans act almost as if they want to be known for their power. Lithosphere is the ground part of Earth. Litho-Titan Amulets tend to be stone grey, with occasional light blue highlights for ice-based Titans, and have a purple gem in the center with yellow outline around the gem. Meso-Titans are powerful Titans that are difficult to control. They tend to be aggressive and may cause collateral damage if not watched carefully. Some Meso-Titans control powerful natural forces, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Others use combat attacks based on stomping, jumping, and spinning. Meso-Titans often resemble creatures of Native American and Central American stories, such as fierce warriors and totem like monsters. Mesosphere is the middle part of the Earth's atmosphere. Only a Seeker with a very strong will can bond with, let alone control, a Meso-Titan. Meso-Titan Amulets are typically grey with black or yellow highlights and a blue gem. Swara-Titans are a type of Titan, most often used by villains, and are based upon African legends and insects. Like Araknos, a large number of Swara-Titans tend to lean toward arthropods such as arachnids and insects. Swara-Titan Amulets tend to be brown with a darker brown or gold trim and a red gem. Yama-Titans are clever and often overly independent. They often think that their way of doing something is better than their bonded Seeker; because of this, successfully controlling a Yama-Titan can require concentrating exactly on what one wants them to do. Human-like Yama-Titans often have features common to Asian myths, such as clothing or weaponry. Yama-Titans were appropriately common in ancient Asia. People told stories about them, and these stories eventually became myths. Yama-Titan amulets tend to be black with silver highlights with a pale green gem. A notable exception is the ring of Tao since the amulets of Legendary Titans are gold with a gem that matches the Titan. The Legendary Titans are an incredibly rare, powerful type of Titan which were originally controlled by Lord Casterwill and his family and whose Rings and Amulets were later hidden with greater safeguards than the Amulets of any other Titans. The Legendary Titans find their places in the legends of many ancient civilizations and were sometimes considered gods. If a Seeker attempts to use a Legendary Titan without the Amulet of Will or without passing the proper Casterwill test, they may be put under a powerful curse. Three Legendary Titans, Tao, Behemoth, and Araknos, are involved in a ritual to summon Overlos from the Amulet of Will. Because they could technically be considered a sibling species to Titans, I'll include some info on Nullifiers, especially as they can be summoned like Titans. Their isn't a whole lot to say about them, but Nullifiers are often ludicrously powerful, with a bevy of mind-bending abilities as a whole, they largely draw inspiration from the Cthulhu Mythos when it comes to appearance. Nullifiers do not have the standard Classes. In addition to their type, Titans can also be identified by their Class, that is to say, if they are Blasters, Enchanters, Explorers, Scouts, Sentinels, Sharpshooters, Sorcerers, or Warriors. Blasters are those whose specialty lies in high-power blasts as their combat method of choice, and are surprisingly rare. Enchanters are, like Sorcerers, those with principally mystical powers, but are usually geared more towards indirect combat or support, or are associated with more "good" legends as a whole. Explorer Titans are those that excel in espionage, information retrieval, and stealth, distinguishing themselves from Scouts by being larger, more humanoid, and often having more direct combat options. Scouts are often small, with a higher emphasis on information retrieval, spying, and so on, than combat. Sentinels are those which are typically used to guard or watch over something or someone, with a bigger emphasis on durability and defense than the other martial Classes, and are as rare as true Blasters. Sharpshooters are high flying ranged-attackers, with a big emphasis on movement and speed, and while pretty rare in terms of variety, are not as rare as those of Sentinels or Blasters. Sorcerer Class Titans are associated with magical abilities, but often of a darker bent than Enchanters, they are often more likely to be direct attackers as well. Warriors, the absolute MOST common Class, are straight up melee fighters, with the occasional esoteric power thrown in, often wielding swords and shields, or more odd weaponry on occasion. All Seekers, by virtue of the connection they have gained to the Titans, can wield magic. The forms of magical spells Seekers can wield are rather varied, and rather than being marked by specific schools, are instead based on how they are used. It's not something I'd go to much into right now. The nature of the connection that the Titans and their Seekers have is known as the Bond; Titans fresh from Huntik are essentially blank slates when it comes to bonding, and while certain personality types might bond easier, the first bond they gain will always color them when it comes to bonding later. Titans lack true personality when they are first summoned and bonded in our world, communicating mentally with their Seeker through Intuition, feelings, etcetera as opposed to words, and finding the language based thoughts of humans, and Witches, unnatural, not that it will prevent them from obeying. The mentality, thought process, and beliefs of their initial bonded will permanently influence who that Titan can later bond with, as they will invariably bond easiest with those that have a similar personality and attitude to their initial bonded, though the bond can sever if the Seeker's personality changes too much from the mindset that allowed them to bond in the first place. Seekers who've established a particularly strong bond with their Titans are capable of Powerbond, initiating an incredibly powerful transformation that greatly augments the powers and fighting abilities of their Titans and themselves. Anyway, now that the info dump is out of the way, my basis for this crossover is for Luz to be a young Seeker with a reputation for causing havoc. She basically enters the Boiling Isles the same way, but that is when the divergences start. In this AU, I would like to think that the Titan that composes the Isles is a Titan in the Huntik sense, that transported to the Demon Realm and died. As it perished, its essence merged with that of the Demon Realm, and gave rise to the Witches, who are analogous to a hybrid between Titan and Human, though not quite all the way. Titans summoned on the Isles often display heightened intellect and learning ability, and are capable of staying summoned functionally indefinitely so long as they are there, though sufficient injury can dispel them and send them back. Due to her background as a Seeker, however young and inexperienced she may be, Luz is even more used to insanity and danger than her canon self is, and is extremely curious as to the nature of the Isles and its magic (Eda: Can't you cast your own spells already, kid? Luz: Yeah, but not THIS KIND!!!). My biggest issue is finding a way to expand the idea beyond just having Luz use Seeker powers and Titans in the Owl House, with the appropriate butterflies and shenanigans as a result of course, so I've composed a couple of possibilities. My first idea is that Belos is unknowingly connected to the Nullifiers, partially to explain his incredible strength and extremely bizarre abilities compared to the already strange nature of the Isles, and that all his efforts have been unknowingly orchestrated by the Nullifiers to grant them a foothold in the Isles to destroy it and the rest of the Demon Realm, and then move on to Earth. My second idea is a new faction of Seekers, not so much evil as morally grey and with a mixed roster of good and bad, has stationed themselves on the Isles, and are conducting experiments on Titans there; the nature of the experiments is to find new ways of modifying Titans to possess new and interesting abilities for their goals, as well as the creation of genuinely artificial Titans entirely, dubbed Neo-Titans, which, if I got that far, would differ from the rest of their kind in having themes closer to Science Fiction and Alien-life than the mythological basis of their peers, being sleek and technological and possessing powerful abilities beyond the standard. Anyway, this is mostly me ranting, sorry, but if anyone is interested in this or wants to talk or has questions about it, let me, okay? Thank you.
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cabbxges-and-kings · 2 years
Tumblr media
1. What is your character’s favourite physical activity?: Affairs. It’s not farming but he doesn’t exactly hate farming, more so having to deal with his poor farming skills. He actually likes a mixture of a physical challenge & a mental challenge. But if you asked him he would cheekily reply with drinking.
2. What is your character’s favourite weather?: Sunny or partly cloudy.
3. What is your character’s favourite season?: Spring, just enough chill and warmth in the air that isn’t overwhelmingly hot, but he’s not picky. It also the start of growing season when he finally learns how to plant properly.
4. What is your character’s least favourite season?: Winter, just due to the cold and there isn’t much to do physically with farming and has to be stuck at home a lot more than he wants to.
5. Is your character a morning person, night owl, or something else entirely?: Usually a morning person, but with spying and his time at college: he’s more used to a weird sporadic schedule. I would say he’s grown to be more of a night owl when he gets deep into his spy work.
6. A stranger makes a crude comment to your character. How do they react?: He’s not going to let it slide but it also depends who it is. He won’t be as harsh if he’s trying to keep a low profile, but he will retaliate. He isn’t going to just let someone talk shit about him.
7. What is your character’s favourite beverage?: Either cider or whiskey.
8. Does your character know how to swim?: Yes.
9. It’s the first day of truly good weather that your character has seen this year. What do they do?: Most of the time he’ll farm, go into town and take care of his usual responsibilities, but if he has free time, he’ll play with Sprout or take some time to catch on a book he never finished.
10. What was your character’s last pleasant dream?: A time back in his childhood, his brother was still alive, he was playing a game with Caleb and Ben.
11. What is your character’s worst fear?: Death to an extent, not being good enough, loss of control. 
12. What is your character’s favourite colour to wear?: Tbh I don’t think Abe really has a favorite color. He doesn’t really care about that stuff, but I often associate blue with him. He wouldn’t wear blue, he tends to go towards darker/earthy colors, so I would say brown.
13. From your point of view, what is your character’s worst flaw?: I would be here all day but his blind stubbornness/pride.
14. From your point of view, what is your character’s greatest strength?: His determination. His stubbornness and pride would also sorta collide with this, but Abe is a fighter at heart. He isn’t going to give up easily. I also think his want to be his own person is also a strength of his but also a downfall.
15. Is your character an introvert or an extrovert?: Mildly extroverted. He likes being around people, but he does need time alone to get his energy back.
16. What method of transportation does your character use?: Carriage/wagon, walking, but usually a horse.
17. How does your character feel about sex?: He finds it enjoyable and uses it to deal with his trauma after his time in prison, but idk I would say he is pretty neutral. Still on the fence if he has a sex addiction though. It’s the easiest way for him to express his affection sometimes.
18. Has your character ever deliberately set out to emotionally hurt someone?: Typically no, but if he is angry enough or deems someone an enemy, he doesn’t care if he hurts them emotionally. He can be really cruel with his words if he really wants to.
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sage-nebula · 3 years
So, the good news: Ghetsis was not redeemed, he isn’t going to have a relationship with N moving forward, and although N was shown to wish things could be different between them, ultimately the whole situation was treated with the seriousness and gravitas that it deserved and N never once forgot the abuse that Ghetsis put him through, nor was he at any point willing to just brush it aside. In that regard, I’m very glad for how Masters handled the situation. 
With that said, though, the writing in Masters made me realize something else about how child abuse stories are handled in Pokémon, and that something else is . . . not good. Namely, I’ve realized there is a significant difference between how child abuse stories in Pokémon are handled depending on whether the abusive parent is blood related to the child or not.
First and foremost, let’s get this out of the way: There is a social stigma in Japan against adoption. This isn’t to say that children never get adopted, but that culturally adoption is looked down upon in comparison to having biological children, and as a result there are only a few hundred adoptions each year in comparison to the thousands of kids living in orphanages. (Although this isn’t purely stigma, since in Japan the biological parents can still retain legal guardianship over their children in the orphanages and can therefore prevent them from being adopted by families as well. They don’t do this maliciously, but instead might think, “I will be able to care for my child later” even if that never comes to pass.) Additionally, I’ve read before that the stigma is why adopted children often don’t refer to their adopted parents as “mother” or “father” but I can’t find that source now, so take that with a grain of salt.
Anyway, the point of me saying all of that is: Japan has a stigma against adoption and Pokémon is a video game series created by Japanese people. Therefore, it stands to reason that Japanese cultural beliefs (such as the importance of blood family over adopted family) can make its way into the series, even if the series itself is a worldwide phenomenon that they know will absolutely stretch beyond Japan’s borders . . . and I think that’s what has happened here, intentionally or otherwise. Basically, whether an abusive parent in Pokémon is redeemed or not seems to have very little to do with the severity of the abuse (including that which is shown to the audience), but instead everything to do with whether their children are biologically related to them or not.
First, let’s take a look at the abusive parent that was redeemed, Lusamine. In Sun & Moon specifically Lusamine is not once shown being anything but abusive to her children. Lillie tells a story of how Lusamine was kind to her a couple times in the past (dancing in the rain, co-sleeping when Lillie was sick), but that falls in line for abusive parents. Abusive parents generally aren’t abusive 24/7; there’s a well-known cycle of abuse which contains a “honeymoon period” stage in which, typically after an apology and a promise to do better, the abuser treats the victim kindly, which usually results in the victim believing that the abuser really does love them and that whatever abuse comes later (and it always does come later) is in fact the victim’s fault on some level, for failing to keep things stable. Regardless, we know that not only did Lusamine abuse both Gladion and Lillie terribly in the past (to the point where Lillie has trauma surrounding even the clothes she wears and has trouble getting new ones), but we also see her verbally and emotionally abuse them on-screen, and then we see her attempt to murder Lillie during the climax. While Lusamine was retooled into being a well-intentioned extremist in Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, we again see her verbally abuse her children on-screen, to the point where when Hau says that Lusamine really isn’t a bad person after all, we see Gladion grimacing in the background. All told, we see Lusamine emotionally, verbally, and (with her attempted murder in SM) physically abuse her children on-screen, and yet she is still forgiven by them pretty much immediately, redeemed, and treated as if they’re a happy family with just a few unfortunate bumps in their history. I’ll note here, for anyone who isn’t already aware, that Lusamine is Gladion and Lillie’s biological mother, and this is obvious by how similar they all look even if you weren’t told repeatedly.
Now let’s look at the abusive parent that is not redeemed, Ghetsis. In the first set of Unova games, Black & White, most of Ghetsis’ abuse of N happens off-screen and isn’t revealed until the climax. Ghetsis had N raised in a castle underground where he was cut off from society. He was brought pokémon that had been abused so that he could be manipulated into thinking that all humans abused pokémon and that pokémon needed to be liberated therefore. Because Ghetsis needed N to act as King of Team Plasma and control the legendary dragon, Ghetsis didn’t directly abuse N during this time. Instead, he neglected him (N was primarily raised by his sisters, Concordia and Anthea), and psychologically abused him via manipulative lies about what the rest of the world was like. It isn’t until the climax when N has decided to disband Team Plasma and listen to what the player has to say that Ghetsis brings out the verbal abuse, calling N “a freak without a human heart” and revealing that he was only ever using N all along. In the sequel games, Ghetsis is similarly openly hostile to N again, showing that he has no intentions whatsoever of being a good father to him. He’s pretty terrible to him, even if we didn’t see very much of it (particularly in comparison to what we saw with the Aether family, whose abuse was also much more realistic than N’s situation), and pretty much no one would want him to be redeemed. But also it’s important to note that N and Ghetsis, despite having the same hair color, are for whatever reason NOT biologically related. 
And this is hammered home time . . . and time . . . and time again, particularly in this Masters event.
Now, I think most of us would agree that it would be hard to find a woman who would want to procreate with Ghetsis. Granted, Ghetsis isn’t the type of person who would care about consent, but I do think it’s reasonable to assume that Game Freak probably wanted to avoid those thoughts, even though it could have been very easily solved by having a female Sage who was also Ghetsis’ baby mama / wife (similar to how Ariana, one of Giovanni’s executives, is very obviously Silver’s mother). So I mean, from a taste standpoint, I can see why they wanted to go the adoption route with Ghetsis, even though they still made him and N have green hair despite not being biologically related for some reason.
I still think it’s noticeable that they have the irredeemable abusive parent be the one who both had the least amount of on-screen abuse (and also the least realistic abuse) and also be the adopted parent, versus the one they bent themselves into pretzel shapes to redeem be the one with the most on-screen abuse (and most realistic abuse) who also happened to be the biological parent. The message that sends, to me, is that it doesn’t matter how badly you abuse your children in this world so long as you are their biological parent. In the end, you will be forgiven and they are beholden to you as family. Versus if you’re an adoptive parent . . . well, you were never as important anyway, so. I mean, why else would Lillie leave her loving adoptive parents of Kukui and Burnet to go back to her abusive mother in Sun & Moon? Clearly the blood ties were just that much more important. (Granted, Kukui and Burnet hadn’t officially adopted her, but they as good as. I’ll never stop being infuriated by that ending.)
 This is, to a lesser extent, even shown with Giovanni and Silver’s situation. Giovanni was, to our knowledge, never actually abusive toward Silver; in the one conversation we see them have in HeartGold & SoulSilver, Silver’s main issue is that he doesn’t understand why Giovanni is disbanding Team Rocket after losing to Red, and also he doesn’t get why Giovanni needs so many underlings to begin with. He thinks Giovanni is weak, and Giovanni just tells him that he’s wrong without really bothering to explain things. At most, Giovanni is aloof and distant with Silver, which makes Silver angry, but Silver’s bigger issue is with Team Rocket as a whole. Giovanni’s definitely not a good father, but he’s not an abusive parent on par with Lusamine or Ghetsis from what we’ve been shown, and the implication is there that they could potentially repair their relationship in the future. Even in this event, the tension between them wasn’t bad, just complicated.
But . . . they’re also biologically related. Silver is Giovanni’s son, we’ve been told this a million times, and it’s very obvious that Ariana is his mother. They’re biologically related. And so, even though Giovanni is routinely touted as one of Pokémon’s most fearsome villains, Silver will never actually cut him off completely / be able to do that because Giovanni is his biological father. The fact that Team Rocket is based on yakuza probably complicates things even further there, but all the same. If Silver had been adopted by Giovanni, I’m pretty positive that Giovanni wouldn’t care / Silver would cut him off entirely. It wouldn’t be seen as a “real” family.
And this all bothers me, because not only was my biological mother abusive, but my stepmother was the only one who treated me as a mother should treat her child. Similarly, my biological sister was complicit and even participated in the abuse I suffered as a child, but my stepbrother whom I’ve known practically my whole life is the sibling I’d ride or die with. To me, biological ties mean jack shit. Family doesn’t begin or end with blood; to treat non-blood relations as lesser is something that will never fail to raise my hackles. So to see it handled this way in one of my favorite franchises of all time . . . yeah, it’s more than a little upsetting. I understand why it’s happening, I’m fully aware of the cultural context that this series is being written in, but that doesn’t mean that I have to like it, because I don’t.
And before anyone gets it twisted:
Both Lusamine and Ghetsis can rot in hell, NEITHER should have been redeemed. This is NOT me complaining about Ghetsis being treated as the piece of shit he is, but rather my anger at the fact that Lusamine got a pass because she birthed the children she abused, and Masters making that abundantly clear by having N and Ghetsis state in every single chapter of this event that they weren’t blood related. 
But anyway, it’s nearly 4am, and I need sleep. I can continue being angry about Pokémon’s handling of abusive parents at a later date.
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