#they remind me of the catbus
15000bugs · 11 months
link is so precious waaah
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I’m embarrassed to say how long it took me to realize that the sniffer has six legs but that makes me love it even more
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cookies-over-yonder · 10 months
they hate my disabled demonic swag
CO-WRITTEN BY @silverlistenstothings
Being a cane user in high school, Taylor's gotten some... interesting comments, but it hasn't come up in a while, so when it does, well... It pisses him off.
Part 18 of The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Roommates
There are many things that are different about attending Teen High now that everything is over, but to Taylor's misfortune, some things remain the same.
Taylor is standing against the wall at the cafeteria waiting for Normal, Link, and Scary to meet up with him for lunch. He's always the first there, since his class ends a little earlier than theirs.
The Path of the Wind is playing in his headphones while he waits. It's calming, and reminds him of the catbus. Ah, he misses it… hopefully it's doing well.
Someone taps his shoulder, and he flinches, then slides his headphones off to see who's there.
It's not a friend, it's a teacher—no, an educational assistant. They usually help disabled kids in their classes.
"Taylor?" they ask, and their voice sounds familiar. There's a chance they worked at Taylor's elementary school before, because why else would they recognize him? Taylor's blanking on the name though, not that it really matters—why are they talking to him anyway?
"Um. In the flesh," he says, not with his usual boldness, because he still isn't sure why he's being spoken to.
"Why do you have a cane?"
"Uh, 'cause I have chronic pain," Taylor answers, and the words are dry on his tongue. It's not the first time, but it's been a while.
"Oh, what kind of pain? Where is it?" they ask, leaning in too close, and looking at him in such an invasive way as if trying to formulate a diagnosis right then and there.
"My limbs and my back?"
It's not a question, but it comes out like one anyway because why are they asking him this —
"You know, I know someone else who…"
The rest of their words all blend together to Taylor. Something about 'oh I wonder if it's this' and 'you should try exercising more' and oh, his nails are definitely digging into his palms now, and where the fuck is the escape from this conversation—
"Ah, well, I'm sorry, you poor thing," they say, rubbing his arm, and a split-second later, when Taylor pulls away, a frown forms on their face. It's not unlike the expression he's gotten from teachers in the past, but this one makes him feel violent.
And then they walk away. And Taylor lets out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding.
Jesus fucking christ.
"Taylor!" Normal calls, he's with Link and Scary, and soon they're all right by him discussing whether to buy food from the caf or share Link's packed lunch like yesterday.
"Hey, you okay?" Link asks, putting a hand on his shoulder. The touch feels like whatever the opposite of icky is. Nice, probably. Calming.
"I'm good, just…" Taylor glances around. The interrogator is still there, wandering around tables. Probably not within earshot, but still. "I'll tell you later, okay?"
"Okay," Link says, moving his arm to wrap around Taylor's shoulders while they walk to find a vacant table.
Taylor's breathing is heavy with frustration, but he makes an effort to steady it lest it progress into something worse.
When Taylor gets home, Hermie isn't on the first floor. They're probably in their room?
Taylor needs to tell them about today. He didn't get a chance to relay the whole story to Link earlier and he feels he might explode, or start biting things—probably start biting things, actually—if he doesn't get the chance to complain.
Taylor runs up the stairs and knocks on the door. "Hermie!"
" Whaaat. "
Taylor opens the door. Hermie is half-sitting half-lying on their bed with their arms crossed over their chest, looking up at him with half lidded eyes.
"Thank you for being normal," Taylor says, closing the door.
"I'm Hermie," they say, closing their eyes.
"No—no, I mean—thank you for being normal about me having a cane ."
"Uh oh."
"What happened?" Hermie asks, crossing their legs and sitting up at attention.
"Okay, I was waiting for Normal, Link, and Scary in the caf and then some random person approached me," Taylor starts, pacing back and forth beside Hermie's bed.
"Student?" Hermie asks, narrowing their eyes. They tilt their head as they continue to watch Taylor, as if weighing some options Taylor isn’t privy to.  
They sound a bit disappointed, but Taylor decides not to question it, caught up as he is in his own frustration.
"It was an educational assistant that I think I recognized from elementary school? I'm not sure. I don't fucking know��just—they came up to me out of nowhere and asked me why I have a cane, and I was like 'cause I have chronic pain, but then they kept asking fucking questions!" Taylor throws his free hand in the air and sucks in a breath before continuing.
"Like—like they asked where the pain is, and what do I even say to that? 'Oh, yeah, it's fucking everywhere'!? And, oh my god, Hermie, they started trying to fucking—fucking figure out what it is. Last I checked that wasn't anyone else's fucking business? And I—I just stood there being inspected , I'm fucking— ugh! "
Taylor can feel his nails dig into his palm again, but god, his head is on fire right now.
"And you know what happened next? You know what they said? 'You poor thing.' "
Hermie scoffs, but Taylor can tell the anger isn’t directed at him. They do seem angry though, and Taylor feels a little vindicated by that reaction. Not enough to do much about his own anger, though.
"They said they're sorry . Sorry? I was just minding my own business, vibing , mind you, to my music while waiting for my friends and they think they can just randomly approach me like that? What the actual fuck!?"
“That’s fucked,” Hermie says helpfully, patting the bed beside them.
Taylor doesn’t really want to sit down, still vibrating with frustration, but it’s probably best if he does. He falls backwards onto their bed, grabbing a pillow and putting it over his face to muffle a frustrated yell. Hermie pats his leg comfortingly.
“Get that pillow off your face before you suffocate. Deep breaths, Taylor.”
There’s a brief flash of instinctual anger, don’t tell me to calm down, I’m angry and I have the right to be, but he knows Hermie is right. He throws the pillow to the side, and takes a sharp breath in—drawing the heels of his hands to dig into his shut eyes and clawing at his hair with his nails—and lets it out as another frustrated groan.
Hermie waits for him to calm down some before continuing.
“I know I don’t have to tell you that your anger is justified, so let’s just skip over that part,” Hermie starts, and their own tone is a bit tense as well, their tail tapping a frustrated rhythm against the mattress between them. “I think next time someone asks, you should tell them to fuck off. Or, I suppose, if it’s an EA that could get you in trouble, you can just tell them you need it, no explanation necessary. If they continue to press it, I think you could hardly be blamed for resorting to violence.”
Taylor brings his hands down from his face, and something about the frustration in Hermie's tone in Taylor's honour paired with the advice makes him, despite the heat of anger still coursing through him, crack a small smile. "Are you saying I should attack them?"
“I would never say that,” Hermie says, faux-offended with a hand dramatically placed over their chest. “I’m just saying, you have a weapon,” they gesture at his cane, “and if you did, you could hardly be blamed… and I’m sure the others would cover for you.”
The adrenaline rush has mostly dissipated, which means Taylor is left to feel the aches all over his body. It always worsens when he gets riled up. Attacking people being intrusive does seem like it'd be rather satisfying. "You really think I could get away with… nah, I can't do that." Taylor chuckles. "Sounds fun though. Oh, but I will definitely be telling people to fuck off," he says, stretching his arms out and flipping off the ceiling, and then he shouts: " Fuck you! "
“That’s the spirit,” Hermie says with a small, satisfied smile. “And if anyone really gives you trouble for it, I’m sure Chaparral wouldn’t miss me if I skipped a day to join you at Teen High instead. You might be above resorting to violence, but I am not.”
Taylor bites his lip, but he's grinning even harder. There's something about Hermie threatening violence for Taylor that makes him giddy.
And grateful.
He brings his arms back down—they're aching even more from being thrown up like that but whatever, it was worth it—and he rests one hand on his chest. He extends the other out toward Hermie and wiggles his fingers a little.
Hermie eyes his hand suspiciously for a moment, glancing from it to his face and back, before cautiously placing their hand in Taylor’s as if expecting a trap. They don’t seem too genuinely worried though, eyes still amused even if they’re not smiling anymore.
Taylor tightens his grip on Hermie's hand. It's warm and sweaty and reassuring. Then his eyes fall shut.
It’s quiet for a while, before Hermie lets out a long sigh and squeezes Taylor’s hand.
“Alright, come on, you don’t want to fall asleep like that,” Hermie says, tugging at his hand gently as they return their pillows to their rightful places and gesture for Taylor to lay down beside them.
Taylor does so, and he curls up against Hermie with their hands still interlocked. His head is on their chest, and Hermie is warm, and so is Taylor; they both tend to run hot, which doesn't seem like it'd be great on paper, but in actuality, it's quite comforting.
The rise and fall of Hermie’s chest is slow and even, and Taylor’s eyes quickly fall shut again. The last thing he feels before drifting off to sleep is Hermie’s tail curling protectively around him. 
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So! Just saw a post about the spell Invisible Servant and was reminded of Goth, our favourite Incel Iguana 😂 Which has gotten me thinking about what animal invisible servants the other teens would have with that spell… Linc would have a big orange cat of course, but it wouldn’t be revealed til later that it’s a Garfield reference. I’m thinking flying fox for Normal - they do death-defying stunts by flying between trees, and I love the idea of it opening its arms and you look up and see a big T for Teen High on its chest. I have a really weird one for Taylor: Samurai Tom Nook. I’m imagining one of the first anime he watched was Animal Crossing: the Anime: the Tom Nook Saga, about Tom Nook as a ronin, and Taylor freaking loved it (maybe Cassandra voiced Isabelle lol). Now I cannot for the life of me think of anything for Hermie 😭
Hi Dora!!! WOW I FORGOT ALL ABOUT GOTH HAHA. Oh these are such fun ideas!!! YES HAHA GARFIELD-LOOKING CAT FOR LINCOLN man between the family cat that he was jealous of and Garfield and the Catbus- Lincoln really does have a funny relationship with cats huh?
I had to look up what a flying fox is! Cute!!! Love that Norm gets an animal that does cheerleader shit just like him haha very cute <333
SAMURAI TOM NOOK LOL could not have guessed that in a million years but fuck yeah I can vibe with that also I've played very little Animal Crossing (unlike some of my sisters, who have played concerning amounts of it) but I would actually for sure watch an Animal Crossing anime lol.
:3 Thanks for these fun ideas Dora! And thanks for the ask!!!
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catsafarithewriter · 1 year
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@champion-masquerade we thank you for your vote! You requested Baron making a fool of himself, and so I did provide!
(Unfortunately it looks like the final results are in amd despite a very close run, the Catbus has won this round! Thank you everyone who voted, and if anyone still wants a ficlet snippet for their vote, the offer remains! However, now I sleep, so please enjoy Baron and his antics!)
All Creations were made with a purpose. For Baron it was to help ‐ something he achieved through the Bureau and, before that, through just generally being a nosy busybody.
Toto had been created to protect, and unfortunately he appeared to have latched on to Baron Humbert von Useless Dramatics.
It hadn't been intentional. At first, he'd just joined the Bureau as a favour to an old friend, a temporary thing which gave him a proverbial roof over his head and a perch to call home. It should have been simple. Easy. After all, the Baron was a Creation, immune to age and disease, and hardier than any mortal. He shouldn't have needed protection.
And then the Baron had leapt through a cathedral rose window and only Toto's quick reflexes had saved the cat Creation from being dashed to splinters.
"But I knew you'd catch me," the Baron had lightly remarked when Toto had later aired his grievances. "You always do."
"And if I hadn't?" Toto had pressed. "What was your grand scheme then?"
The Baron had paused in straightening his bowtie, as frustratingly unflappable as ever, and merely looked to his friend with that trusting surety which left him leaping beyond his reach. "But you always do," he had said once more.
And Toto does. He catches the Baron again and again and again, from one sure death to the next, until Toto's begin to ebb. Even so, there are limits.
He perches on his column and watches his old friend with all the raised eyebrow a crow can muster. "I know this won't change anything," he says, "but I have to say it anyway, in hopes that one day it will sink in: this is madness."
Baron stands atop the rooftop of the Bureau and grins one of his smiles which reassure the clients, usually in the absence of anything ekse to do the job. "I would have thought you'd approve, Toto. After all, usually my leaps are in the spur of the moment, unrehearsed things. For once, we shall actually practice this before putting it to use."
"That's all well and good, but jumping for your life is one thing, whereas this simply feels... frivolous."
"It's a practical skill."
"You want to leap off a roof backwards and land on a moving object," Toto reminds him.
"Possibly with a spin, once I get it figured," Baron adds, somehow missing how not-reassuring his addition is. "Or possibly a backflip."
"Well, that makes all the difference," Toto deadpans.
"It's a matter of maintaining an element of surprise," Baron persists. "Say I'm cornered against a drop, nowhere to go but back. If I turn to leap, I'll broadcast my actions too early and probably end up skewered. However, if I learn to leap backwards, they'll never see it coming."
"Right. Because only an idiot would jump back blindly over a sheer drop."
"And the spin and/or backflip helps how?" Toto asks.
A long pause passes. Toto supposes that Baron's willingness to practice a leap before he puts it to the test is a sign of... well, perhaps not common sense, but an improvement. Toto sighs. "Alright. But this move better only be used in last-resort measures only, understood? This isn't to be another client-impressing trick like your light show."
"Rest assured: I shall employ it in only the most dire of circumstances."
To his credit, Baron keeps to his word – or almost. Right up until he rescues a schoolgirl from an unwanted marriage, and in their final departing, he makes that backward spin.
Toto catches him – because of course he does.
"Most dire of circumstances?" Toto reminds his friend.
Baron groans and drops his head against the crow's feathers. "Love confession."
Held from Toto's talons, Muta guffaws. "Again?'
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frogsandfries · 15 days
I've bought sixty grams, about a quarter of a cup, of this color, Miyuki 15-152FR, for what it's worth. I've spent just over twenty-five dollars on this color alone. Also, I think that might be too much of this color, but I haven't even done the second outer piece, never mind the face or the tail.
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In other news, I've also started designing a carousel. I'd like it to be functional with the horses going up and down, and two rows of horses. I don't know if that's ambitious or crazy or what. I just hope I can stick with this for a while. My mental health/neuro issues seem to be more powerful than my actual brain when it comes to my projects, but at the same time--
So there was this post on Reddit asking how people got into beading.
When I was extremely little, before I even started preschool, I lived with the woman who gave birth to me, and my first sister. I remember one day, seeing a bead loom in that woman's stuff and just.......I don't know how to describe it, but that may have been the first thing that I remember being...... entranced, fascinated, intrigued, curious, obsessed with. Obviously, I was not allowed or encouraged to interact with the bead loom. Beads slipped into the recesses of my brain for a while, until middle school. I don't know what it was, but I rediscovered beads and I was obsessed, but I was also stymied, frustrated. I couldn't figure out how to do much more than basic peyote stitch and tubes, and my parents were....... actually, now that I think back on it, I think they were actively getting in my way of figuring it out.
Then in college, I caught a whiff that there were people out there who made their own plushies, and I was so intrigued, but I had absolutely no time to figure it out at that time. Later, when I might have had time, I had to remind myself that I absolutely cannot have all the hobbies.
And now, here we are. I'm mashing two hobbies together, and squeezing in some other minor obsessions, like carousels.
Also, it is taking every last drop of willpower not to just bust out and buy this order of beads that has more Catbus brown, just so I can have my dumpster green.
Off on a slight tangent, I can't find the pins I was using to shorten my curtain. I was thinking about just sewing it into place. Either way, I'd really like to get some sound baffling going on in my office. It's far too echo-y for my taste. I think I know where my sewing needles are, but the dog was being crazy earlier.
Oh, speaking of the dog, so I don't know if I've mentioned:
My sister who is married with kids, her husband bought this blue heeler (?) from a backyard "breeder". The dog was for her. I guess he was threatening to kill him, so she gave the dog to our younger sister. Our parents watched the dog for a while, in the most maximally hands-off way possible 🙄
Anyway, he's apparently about a year and a half old. He's completely untrained. His fucking toenails are completely unkempt, so when he jumps on me, personally, I'd rather be climbed by a cat.
He's a fucking working dog.
I would never choose a dog to live in my home. My sister, who's supposed to be caring for the dog, was only even trying for our sister, and she's fucking busy. She has an insane commute, insane work hours, not to mention, a whole house, with utilities, a mortgage, four cats, four guinea pigs, a hedgehogs, an unknown number of rabbits that I guess our parents have also been "watching", and she wants to start a garden this late (?) in the season.
Anyway, she's going to take him to the shelter. I'm sure she feels even more guilty than I do, but it truly is for the best. He needs a family who is as high energy as he is, with either the space, the time or both, to train him and get him moving.
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anndezann · 7 months
MOVIE RECAP Speculative Design Edition
Because I like science fiction, anime, and documentaries, I've summarised some of the stuff I've watched before and tried to relate it to what I've learned in class.
The Social Dilemma" is a thought-provoking documentary that explores the impact of social media and technology on society.
 The documentary  delves into the  ways in which algorithms and artificial intelligence influence human behavior, shaping opinions, preferences, and even political choices. As we peer into the future through the lens of "The Social Dilemma," shows  the potential consequences of unchecked technological influence. It mentions and shows the understanding of the term dark patterns that’s practically seen.. (mentioned in Psychology in Design module) Within speculative design it uses Predictive Algorithms:, to modify behavior. (AI based) talks about Data Exploitation and Manipulation, result of data collection. That we freely give.
The movie underscores the urgent need for a collective understanding of the ethical, social, and psychological implications embedded in our digitally connected world. It pushes people to examine their relationship with technology, raising crucial questions about privacy, misinformation, and the true cost of “free” online experiences. 
MATRIX-  Trilogy plus + resurrection (seen it a long time back.. Rewatched a timeline explained video)
The Matrix could be an exaggerated  example of a plausible future.
When it comes to speculative design-application of emergent technologies is seen. Such as Human-Machine Interface: The direct neural interface used in the Matrix, where humans can connect their minds to a computer-simulated world, is a speculative design of advanced human-machine interaction.
The world building of the Matrix is crazy in looks and equally confusing. Because of the constant switch in realities.or the one reality. ie. simulated reality is so convincing that individuals within it are unable to distinguish it from the real world. This raises questions about the future of virtual reality and its impact on human perception. (looking at the progress of MR-AR-VR in today’s time) The dark, gritty, and technologically dominated urban landscapes world building with cyber punk aesthetics could be a reflection of the future.
The typical  dystopian tale of  AI development, where machines dominate and exploit humanity is one of the concepts the movie is built on.
Futuristic gizmos mentions- Sentinel Drones:Hovercraft Ships,Plug Interfaces
Though not a gizmo but Who knows the Red Pill and Blue Pill: could actually be a concept for living in different realities. 
My Neighbour Totoro-Hayao Miyazaki
My Neighbor Totoro isn’t quite futuristic technology,but more of elements of fantasy and imagination which equally works equally well in speculative design.
Forest Spirits:Totoro and other forest spirits can be seen as speculative elements. They represent a fantastical aspect of the environment.
Cat Bus: The Cat Bus is a whimsical creation that combines the features of a cat with a bus, providing transportation for characters in the film.  Here is real life adaptations of the Cat bus- https://www.designboom.com/design/studio-ghibli-whimsical-character-catbus-toyota-electric-vehicle-09-14-2023/
Magical Seeds: The magical seeds Mei and Satsuke discover are speculative in nature. When planted, they grow into enormous trees that serve as a connection between the human and spirit worlds. Reminds me a bit of Avatar.
Spiritual Bathhouse: In one scene, the two sisters encounter a spiritual bathhouse where the forest spirits are shown cleaning themselves. This could be a concept for self-cleaning environments for the future.
Here are some similarities between My friend Totoro and Avatar (Since they had a bit in common)
"My Neighbor Totoro" is a gentle and heartwarming family film rooted in Japanese culture, while "Avatar" is an epic science fiction adventure with a focus on action and environmental themes.
Both have a good Connection with Nature. Both films emphasize a deep connection with nature. In "My Neighbor Totoro," the characters interact with forest spirits and celebrate the natural world, while in "Avatar," the Na'vi have a profound connection with the Pandora ecosystem.
Fantasy Elements: Both movies incorporate fantasy elements. "My Neighbor Totoro" introduces magical creatures like Totoro and the Cat Bus, while "Avatar" features a lush alien world with unique flora and fauna, as well as the Na'vi's connection with the spiritual realm.
Spiritual and Mystical Elements:are used in both and are unique to the worlds.
Exploration of Indigenous Cultures: Avatar" explores the clash between human industrialization and the indigenous Na'vi people. While in Totoro," there is a respect for traditional rural life and folklore, with the forest spirits.
Both films have distinct beautiful art styles-  and showcase the creative imagination. "Avatar" is known for its groundbreaking use of 3D technology and visual effects, while "My Neighbor Totoro" captivates audiences with its charming hand-drawn animation and vibrant colors.
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jimmyaquino · 2 years
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The Royal Shakespeare Company's staged version of MY NEIGHBOUR TOTORO is one of the most incredible pieces of theater I've seen in years. The cast, puppetry, music, direction, tone, staging...just outstanding. Totoro is one of the most popular of the Studio Ghibli films and fans will not be disappointed. Of course, adapter Tom Morton-Smith had to make changes and adjustments to make it work on the stage and boy does it work. This production is going to stick with me for a long time.
As someone of half-Asian descent, I was excited to see the cast (and much of the creatives) is predominantly if not completely Asian. They were all supremely talented and led by the 2 actresses playing the young sisters. Of course, they aren't the real age of the characters Satsuki (10) and Mei (4). Ami Okumura Jones (Satsuki) is probably in her early 20's and I found an article saying Mei Mac (Mei) just turned 30. These 2 impressive actresses really come across as the ages they portray. My friend Siobhan attended with me and has daughters around the same ages and at one point leaned over and said "This reminds me of home so much". They show the playfulness of children, frustrations, fights, camaraderie, love and more. And the moments where they have to deal with adult problems are outstanding. Both of them give their all in some heart wrenching scenes that will make even the most hardened audience member drop a tear or 12.
Each actor certainly gave nods to their animated counterparts but they certainly made them their own. Dai Tabuchi (Tatsuo, the girl's father) captures the playful father, overworked professor and devoted husband wonderfully. Nino Furuhata (Kanta) nails the awkward but caring neighbor boy with some great comical moments. Jacqueline Tate (Granny) is much younger than the very aged looking granny from the film, but perfectly plays the wise/loving neighborhood elder.
Another standout was Haruka Abe (Yasuko, the girl's mother). I remember her from her kick ass role in the SNAKE EYES film. In the story, the mother is very sick and in the hospital. In the film, I definitely was moved by her story. But on stage, Abe's performanced moved me TO TEARS. Multiple times. Abe added so much to that character. I almost felt at one point that I might burst out crying. Maybe it conjured up memories of my mother's passing a few years back as well. Abe is absolutely mesmerizing in her subtle moments. Creating more layers in the character.
The puppetry is jaw-dropping as created by the legendary Jim Henson Creature Shop. All the questions you had going in...How will they replicate Totoro? Will Totoro fly? Is there a Catbus? What about the Soot Sprites? and more...are answered resoundly. The puppets are beyond extraordinary! My audience audibly gasped a few times and loudly applauded the puppets themselves. The incredible team of puppeteers deftly glide across the stage bringing to life the creatures and often the stage itself. And the way they incorporate the puppeteers into the show...they aren't just there to be handlers. They are also part of the cast in both comical and touching ways.
Music is a huge part of Studio Ghibli films and it is in the play as well. Original composer of the film, Joe Hisaishi, is an exec producer. That familiar score is delightful. And while not a musical, there are some numbers sang beautifully by the Japanese singer/actress Ai Ninomiya. The orchestra is fantastic and helps establish the mood of the play.
Phelim McDermott's direction ties it all together in such a fantastical bow. Weaving the moving set pieces, actors, puppeteers and puppets so smoothly. I know I'm not mentioned everyone but they have all come together to create this remarkable dream of a show. Most, if not all, of the limited run is sold out so I feel very lucky to have seen it. (And from my awesome seats in the 3rd row!) I heard they will be selling "return tickets" soon so be on the lookout for that. I hope this show has a longer life either at the Barbican or elsewhere. Maybe a tour and/or Broadway. Let's hope so.
Thanks to all involved. You have created something very special here that I will not forget for a long time to come.
#MyNeighbourTotoro #MyNeighborTotoro #RSC
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eusocials · 5 years
schrodingers-catbus replied to your photo “the mcdonalds poogle plushes are so fucking cute it kills me, bought...”
Oh no the virus is spreading :( sorry there’s no cure
:( its an affliction
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tarotnoob · 3 years
PAC: What are your strengths?
Please choose a pile with your intuition. And then scroll :)
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Pile 1: EVE from Wall-e
Pile 2: Miyazaki characters from Totoro, Howl, Spirited, Kiki’s
Pile 3: Catbus from My Neighbor Totoro
[FYI: The piles do contain some weaknesses, as well, potential shadow work or shadow self issues since I ended up feeling drawn to some of the dark attributes attached to the Archetype Oracle deck. **Only take what resonates**]
Pile 1
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You know, my boundary with the cards is if I pick a theme, I want to talk about the theme and not feel obligated to reveal all messages I see. Part of me is like, just ignore it. And then the annoyingly righteous part is like - BUT WHAT IF SOMEONE DIES? Of what, me not pointing out all 10,000 potential meanings that might divert from the theme? Murr.
Fine, I will give ONE message. This Aylis card (notice the star), is about wish, desires, hope, but really the longer meaning is about making sure you know what you’re asking for. It reminds me about manifestation and how specific you can be asked to get in terms of what you want. I was concerned about the 5 of cups as it’s the only negative card (well, and Caution), so I clarified and got 2 of swords and 8 of pentacles. On this 8 of p (you can’t see it), but they are holding a pentacle like it’s a sand dollar to their chest (a sand dollar looks like a starfish design on a shell, so it’s a pentacle). So, there IS - for someone in this group - a block in your manifestation due to the clarity (or lack thereof) of the wish. Not just a lack of clarity but also... focusing on the negative or how something didn’t work out in the past and so you’re overlooking future potentials. I also get the feeling that perhaps your wish and the thing the universe wants to give you might be out of alignment... like as in perhaps your standards are too high? Or what you want might not actually be exactly good for you. And I think that’s why the ace of pentacles sits here, too. It’s that shell in 8 of p’s hand... so there’s something coming for you that’s material: job, money, relationship - but it’s being blocked by something related to the above... I lied, I clarified ace of p. And got 8 of cups and 10 of cups, weird bc back of deck is 8 of swords and 10 of pentacles. 8 and 10 could be significant, such as 8/10, 10/8, whatevs.
I mean you’re welcome to interpret this how you want... bc it could be walking away from a thing you thought made you happy (in the past), but you’ve outgrown it (job/relationship). Actually, that’s the only way to interpret it given all the other cards... it FEELS like having an ideal in your mind and not allowing enough flexibility for the universe to bring you the thing you deserve.
Okay, message out of system >.> that fits with caution too in the sense that you could proceed with more flexibility... but however you want to read that. The good news is when you’re ready to let go of that thing that you’ve grown out of, lovely stuff will come in for you that was much better than what you’re still clinging to!
I mean it’s a bit like EVE in a way...  she/they was working for the government and did everything by the book with rules and then she met WallE and that turned her whole expectation around on what is “happiness.” Rules were EVE’s thing and then she outgrow it and found a new “happiness” in companionship?
In terms of STRENGTHS, though I do think you have a good heart and a desire to help others. Perhaps you even put other people’s wishes or desires ahead of yours or you have some ability to grant people’s wishes through healing, which doesn’t have to be a spiritual craft - it can be through being a good person who listens to friends, loved ones, strangers, etc... It would suggest someone who’s sensitive or empathic, and perhaps the caution is also to make sure you don’t take on too much of other people’s energy. Yeah I definitely see you as someone - however loose we can interpret this - as a person who’s able to encourage or assist people in getting things they want...  and this might be your healing ability and your healing ability is fueled by your intentions, which seem to be pure. I feel like this is a talent that can be utilized in 1. relationships 2. a career or hobby. It doesn’t have to be a spiritual career, it just means that this pure hearted sensitivity energy can be put into a job. It can be an art form, it can be a service job, it can be in the medical field... it can really be anything but it’s so strong that it’s a general everyday part of you which is why it makes you good for those kinds of jobs or in a relationship, you’re that person who provides healing energy, is probably too kind and sweet and giving for their own good...  it could be that your desires or wishes are often selfless, too... but that can be a double-edged sword. It’s okay to wish for things for yourself because that’s a form of self love and if you don’t actually love and appreciate yourself enough to want things for YOURself, then.... you’re not going to get what you truuuly want deep down. So we could read caution that way too... maybe you’re being TOO soft and you need to scream at the universe what you want... but either way the tarot still indicate you are missing out on some type of tangible opportunity because your focus seems to be elsewhere because of distraction or negative thoughts, previous failures, or something else that has your attention pulling you away from what YOU want or need. I’m also drawn to the heart area because at least three cards show an emphasis on a pink heart = EVE, virgin and aylis... we can argue Healer also shows weird things coming out of their hearts so - this could tie into the shadow virgin attributes maybe,,, i don’t know why it’s a “shadow” attribute to not be interested in sex or find it repellant. Lots of reasons to think that way so it’s not a big deal... the other option is a reluctance to lose any type of innocence. for some then there may be a blockage around... a change or development that would result in you feeling like you’d lose who you are or a piece of who you are and you like things the way they are and you worry about (something) changing for the worse. this can be a lot of things from choosing to lose your virginity or...  getting a tattoo? it can be going to college. kissing someone of the same sex for the first time? but all in all it feels more like this is your PERCEPTION in your head about something changing when... i won’t say that it won’t change anything bc your feelings are valid and stuff... does change. but it’s still pointing to this being about a “perception’ you have of something that you’re holding onto and don’t want to let go of bc it might change something in an “impure” way when really that’s more like... a fear of change or transformation at its root... probably. but your feelings are always valid!!! i see this as you protecting yourself but... i mean you’ree also maybe getting in your own way a bit being too hung up on this one thing (still your feelings are valid!!!)
and maybe protecting yourself or your energy is a way for you to keep doing this thing you’re doing that helps others and you feel like if you mess with it you won’t be able to do it the same anymore. like... when freddie mercury talked to some dentist or something about removing or messing with his teeth he said no bc he was afraid it would change his voice. now it might not be that his teeth had anything to do with his voice (he had extra teeth i think...)... and like even if it’s not scientifically true he had this perception of his voice being this pure instrument and changing anything about it wouldn’t make him as good of a singer... does that make sense??
I do see you as someone, also, with good ideaes... I see you hatching them but I’m not sure how far they always go but I feel like you could have an endless amount of them whenever you want them... it’s just there may be some rigidity somewhere in you and it’s tied to self preservation of something inside of you that’s not like really real... it’s more symbolic and personal to you.
Pile 2
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I wonder if strengths is an objective term... because being able to use any “power” to have influence is... a strength. If we’re talking about morality... that’s another thing... things we “value” for their “morality” as opposed to... what do you call someone who’s easily able to manipulate another with their words? Is that a strength? It would have to be, right. Especially if you can influence masses to do things... now you may use this power for bad things, but it’s still a strength, so I’ll bring it up. Priest is someone with an ability to channel spiritual energy... this can be a spiritualist of any craft or it could even be someone with divine talents in the arts or... war and strategy... the shadow side of priest is using those abilities to... do questionable, shady shit: “Violates the trust of your spiritual community. Seduced by your own spiritual role.” And I’ve been around long enough to know that just because a person calls themselves a spiritualist or claims to practice any of those things doesn’t mean they’re a good person, doesn’t mean they always use their power for good things. (it’s the same with religion). obviously it can happen in lots of situations but especially in spiritual or religious communities there’s this hope that people actually act on those better principles - but we’d be naive to think that’s the reality.
I’m not saying that’s EVERYONE in this pile as that would... be upsetting. I’m saying that this is a potential within this pile to have spiritual abilities and to not use them for great things. It’s a strength - it’s just not a great one.
I do feel in particular it’s related to words so you use your influence/power to influence others through words of some sort... it reminds me of people with popular platforms who when someone disagrees with them or just doesn’t like them, they send their followers over to bully and start twitter/blog wars. Even if a person deserves a public mobbing... if you fan the flames for the mobbing... it’s still questionable morally but... is it a strength? PARTICULARLY if your interests in the mobbing aren’t exactly pure intentioned... for example... say Coke finds out some dirt on Pepsi... Pepsi did a shitty thing, Coke’s done shitty things, too, but Coke lets Coke drinkers know Pepsi did a bad thing and gets on its Coke soapbox... but Pepsi is also Coke’s arch nemesis, not to mention it’s a great chance for the attention to be on Pepsi because Coke actually has a dead body in the trunk of their car right now.
For those of you who have no intention of joining the dark side though you have a power you could wield that darth and the emperor would love to have...
You are some very curious about the world, intelligent, insightful about the way the world works... you’re also very passionate and adventurous, willing to take risks, enjoy attention, personable... with the Empress, I again get that sense you would have a reallllllly easy time convincing other people to believe and follow you because there’s something naturally charming about your manner or you’re really quite physically attractive. You have the ability to nurture and create, there’s something sensual about you, as well... You’re strong of mind and will and very cunning. I think you have great ideas, I think you even have ambitious ideas or ambitious goals...  You have the ability to start things and take those ideas and put them into reality, make them practical  - but at the same time (I’m giving all messages not just strengths), there’s a lack of confidence somewhere... you might sometimes have these great ideas but then you second guess yourself or whether it will work out or if people will like it or like you...  I think the page of swords shows that you WANT TO AND YOUR’E READY AND YOU HAVE IDEAS but you might sometimes overthink stuff and it delays the launch of whatever you have planned... maybe that’s what i picked up on with this choosing the darkside imagery because... even though you have this (again this isn’t everyone lol, this is just a warning message) confidence and immense creative talent and ability to influence and charm... it’s possible this lack of confidence or self doubt or insecurity - on occasion - leads you astray here and there to take shortcuts or wield your power... in a not great way. I feel like the sticker too is like “here are all the people you CAN be”... and there’s a bit of a choice here in how you use what look to be some amazingly raw talents...
and for those of you who are very jedi through and through... the same (positive) strengths apply with the caveat that occasionally you seem to doubt yourself before you go through with your idea even though you do have the passion and ambition for it...  you have the charisma... the creative abilities... but there’s some overthinking and then it affects your confidence or self worth...
But I think when you have an idea you believe in... a start up business, a hobby, an invention... a project... it’s okay to think about some practical stuff... but if you believe in it... and you have a plan for launching in and getting it off the ground... you should feel good that you are able to do all of that... realistically not everything works out... but you have all the potential here to make it happen... it seems to me you have a “divine” gift in the form of natural talents and leadership... hopefully you use it for... good things. bc some people have these abilities and use them for not great things or they let it go to their heads... so when you see success... remember to stay humble, okay? cool.
pile 3
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I am thankful to you for being a straightforward pile. That should be your first strength.
It’s great that the catbus pile has a lot of hints of escapism, retreating, fantasy. I know it’s obvious but this screams the writer pile... I mean a ascribe can also be anyone who preserves knowledge and information... someone who stores wisdom or knowledge like the Hermit... but with the escape/dreams stuff here... there’s a sense of someone who either has a very inventive imagination or can apply that ability in any type of art form like writing or painting... someone who can even take some type of knowledge and world build, so perhaps you like world building video games, whether it’s sims or... those other games...  knight of wands and six of swords also give this sense of... retreating or escaping on some type of adventure.  five of wands is the only negative card... so I’m going to clarify but my guess would be that perhaps when there’s conflict in life, whether it’s external or internal, you may retreat into some inner space. I suppose it’s also possible you physically retreat or run away when you don’t want to confront something but the five of wands for some reason also gives me world building vibes...  that’s a bit of an intuitive stretch but i keep seeing it as representing this space where you retreat to... maybe bc it can represent inner conflict it’s like... maybe it’s been built because of a desire for escape from conflict, but anyway i’ll just clarify.  well... knight of swords which is... moderately helpful. it does indicate knowledge and mental space... words... learning... it means five of wands probs ties into the scribe card... but what’s cool is all these cards (once you look at the knight of swords), face forward... so you seem to be able to create these ideas or fantasy worlds regarding the future.
i mean we already talked about if you’re a creative person or world builder and maybe that’s your escapism hobby... it gives me lots of pisces or 12th house or neptune vibes...  but there’s also just a lot of air and fire. oh right i was saying so the facing the future could mean some different things to different people. someone who is a writer who focuses on stories related to space, fantasy, the future... it can be someone who does a lot of fantasizing about what their future will be like, lots of daydreaming... it can be someone who is learning knowledge about something that is progressive or advanced technology or aids the future.... like cool tech projects in medicine or medicinal cures... research that can benefit such and such people, environmental breakthroughs that can eliminate carbon footprints... you get the idea... you have a very laaaaaaaaaaaaaaarge capacity to imagine SOMETHING, whatever medium that may apply to... you have a large capacity for knowledge, retaining it and possibly sharing it... some of you might be really into staying up so late you see the sun rise or waking up early and getting started on your day... or maybe sunrises and sunsets just feel especially magical for you... it could be as simple as some of you are imagining... a fantasy vacation or trip right now... or planning one or planning a move and you have all these grand, wonderful expectations of what life is going to be like from now on...  like in pile 2, there may occasionally be some overthinking that leads to some internal or external debates with others and may affect confidence levels... but... with everyone looking forward, i feel pretty strongly that you’re going to do whatever you want... there’s no real attachment to the past any longer. you’re kind of like the evolved version of pile 1.
with catbus, i also feel you’re really ready for an adventure... there’s passion and some mental stimulation... dreams and fantasies and a desire to escape or be in something better in the future... and if it’s just that you lose yourself in fiction writing or video games or whatever hobby... those are still strengths. those are talents... you should keep dreaming because it seems to make you really happy.
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nad-zeta · 3 years
Mochi Madness
Pairings: Vlad x Reader
Words: 2200+
Comments: Eeeeeeeek! Once more HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEEEMOOO! ❤☺hehe I bet we have all become far better at making mochi than we were with the first attempt lol,☺😳😳😳😳 Eeeek I'm super excited to see how our cheesecakes and brownies are going to turn out! whoooop whoooop even more excited to spend the day with ya ! hehe, hope you had a wonderful day neemo filled with all the candy, all the sunshine and all the sweetness! Sending ya infinity catbus hugs! hehe love ya lots! ❤❤😳😳
.*:・’゚:。.*:゚・’゚゚:。’ .*:・’゚:。.*:゚・’゚゚:。’・゚。.*:・’゚: 。.*:・’゚:。.*:゚・’゚゚:。’ .*:・’゚:。.*:゚
The month of July was not a particularly special time of the year for you, but for Vlad, it meant the world, for it was the birth month of his dearest flower. You had insisted multiple times to the man not to make a big deal out of the day of your birth, and after a bit of back and forth, a compromise was made. A morning spent making some delightful birthday treats followed by tea in the garden was the suggestion and one that seemed like an appropriate way to spend your birthday. Not too grand, yet intimate and memorable.
It was the early afternoon of your birthday, a perfect time to make some treats for tea. You were the first to arrive in the kitchen, so you decided to prepare yourself for the mountain to climb. You tied the pink apron around your waist, washed your hands and gathered the ingredients for the battle that was about to commence. Your kitchen had become a war zone, so to say, more so because of your severe lack of cooking abilities.
Your comrade—companion in arms— arrived in due time to lend support and as such, marked the start of the great birthday battle.
Vlad strode through the kitchen doors, taking soft steps as he carried a basket of precious cargo close to him. “Ah, just in time, did you manage to get enough strawberries from the garden,” you asked curiously, shooting a happy smile over your shoulder.
He returned your smile with a gentle one of his own, coming up beside you to place the heavy basket down, pulling the cloth off to reveal a mountain of strawberries. You let go of a gasp in awe. “I think we have enough strawberries to feed an army,” you jested with a playful elbow jab to Vlad’s side.
“I have no intention of sharing these with an army, only with you, my love,” came the light chuckled response from Vlad as he reached over to grab hold of a matching pink apron. It was the cutest apron, littered with bunches of tiny bright red strawberries— a gift from his last birthday— one which he cherished very much for the feature of his favourite food. Despite the airy response, you knew he was dead serious, especially when it came to his beloved strawberries. You shook your head with a smile, memories of past castle shenanigans flashing in your mind— of Faust and Charles stealing Vlad secret stash of berries and the severe punishment that awaited them for their crimes.
Your eyes drifted down to the recipe— it was one you had come across a few weeks ago while searching the library for a book to read. Mochi, it was called; you remembered researching the dish after it had been mentioned in a favourite book of yours. You were always curious about the dish. However, after the main character described the soft, chewy texture, you knew you just had to try the treat for yourself. Hells, you were so excited about wanting to try it out, that you had immediately sought Vlad out in his garden to share the discovery and to find out if in all his years on earth if he had ever come across such a dish.
With a shake of the head and a fond smile shot your way, he suggested that the treat be included as part of your birthday picnic.
It took a bit of searching and lots of researching, but thankfully, with Vlad’s help, the two of you managed to find a small recipe book that featured the soft, chewy dessert.
“Okay, first things first, we need to mix the rice flour and water,” you stated, tapping the recipe in thought as you read a little further to gauge the next few steps to follow.
Meanwhile, Vlad reached out to pick up the two bags of powdery substances laying on the table, crimson eyes scrutinizing the labels. He then turned to you, concern painted over his face, “What’s the difference?” he asked.
Your first obstacle had just arrived; you knew it was one that would come back to haunt you as even after you had found the recipe, one of the ingredients had never been heard of before. You and Vlad hunted far and wide for the rice flour when finally, one day when Vlad was on his way home from the flower shop, he spotted the very flour you required for the baking battle. The only problem was that that shop housed two types of rice flour. So Vlad did what any reasonable person would, he bought them both. It was a problem for future Vlad to deal with.
You looked over at him in confusion, which only seemed to grow when you investigated the labels yourself. “Surely glutinous rice flour and rice flour are the exact same thing,” you stated, stroking your chin and wracking your mind for any differences between the two.
“Let’s see what the recipe says?” Vlad suggested, moving to take a closer look at the book.
“Sweet rice flour,” he read aloud with widened eyes. How was there a third type of rice flour? You tried to decipher the labels for any indication, even going as far as to look at the sugar content hoping that one of them would be higher, as surely that would dub it as sweet rice flour? More sugar equals sweet, right? RIGHT?
After a moment of pondering, and investigating you smiled over at the man with a carefree shrug, “there is only one way to decide which to use.” Vlad looked over at you curiously, raising a brow as he waited for you to reveal your master plan.
”Cover your eyes,” you said with a widening smile and a hint of mischief, carefully taking the two bags from his hands and putting them behind your back.
Once his eyes were closed, you brought the bags forward and placed them down on the counter, keeping a cautious eye on Vlad to make sure he wasn’t peeking. With a satisfied nod, you quickly started shuffling the bags around until even you were unsure which was which.
With a tender smile scattered across his face, Vlad’s eyes twitched to open ever so slightly, if only to catch a glimpse of what you were up to. Unfortunately for him, you had eyes at the back of your head and caught him in the act trying to steal a glance, “Nuh uh, I see you peeking,” you squealed out, quickly rushing behind him and bringing your small hands up to block his vision further.
He tilted his head to the side, puzzled as to just what antics you were up to. As if reading his thoughts, you finally revealed your ingenious plan. “Since neither of us knows the difference between all these flours, we shall let fate do the deciding for us!”
He chuckled, shaking his head in amusement, hands extended out in front of him to feel around the counter until finally, they hit one of the bags. After a moment of patting around for the second bag, he randomly picked one up, “this one,” he smiled, turning to lock eyes with you.
You clapped your hands together happily, letting out a gleeful hum, “perfect! Okay, let’s mix it with some water!”
Without care for quantities, you eyeballed the amount of water thrown into the bowl with a satisfied smirk— you never were in the habit of measuring ingredients out accurately, much rather opting to follow your gut.
After the two ingredients were combined in a bowl, you cooked it in a saucepan until a blob of sticky goo formed. You removed it from the heat and set it aside to read the next set of instructions. “Knead,” you stated simply.
Vlad looked at the pot of goo dubiously, giving it a little poke, “is it supposed to be this sticky,” he asked with a troubled expression. Cooking had never really been his strong suit either, despite the years spent on the earth.
“I mean, the recipe didn’t say it shouldn’t look like this, “you responded with a confident shrug and an easy smile. You tried tipping the pot out onto the counter, only for the goo-like substance to remain firmly stuck to the bottom, causing an amused snort to come from Vlad.
“Interesting,” the white-haired man mused, using the spoon to help the goo from the pot to flop onto the counter. He split the mixture in half and gestured for you to knead one half while he took care of the first.
“Here goes nothing,” you said, apprehensive, not entirely sure what kind of end product to expect— as things stood, the pile of goo was neither light nor fluffy, just a sticky mass.
After several moments of trying to knead the glob, you finally broke into laughter, “this is not working,” you looked down at the ‘dough’, most of it being stuck to your hands, the other half stuck to the board.
Your gaze shifted over to Vlad, who seemed to be having about as much luck as you with the dough, but instead of kneading, he was playing with it like goop between his hands, “I bet Johann would like this, reminds me of one of his experiments,” he said with eyes lit up in childlike wonder.
Continuing on your crusade, somehow, you and Vad managed to get the sticky mass of goo into a semi doughlike blob. Left to chill for 30 minutes beneath a heap of cornstarch, you moved onto the next feat, ganache...
Easy enough, you thought scanning the recipe— how wrong you were— how very wrong indeed, as it was anything but simple. You glanced around the kitchen and gulped; Charles was going to kill you when he got home.
The mixing of the chocolate and cream was easy enough, but the shaping of the dark chocolate substance into balls? Now that was a separate feat on its own. After letting the ganache sit in the fridge for a few moments, you were ready to make up and fill your mochi.
A strawberry centre with a chocolate ganache covering. That was the goal, and truly the recipe made it sound so simple. Just make a ball out of the ganache and press the strawberry to the centre, covering it entirely with the chocolate, it said— it will be fun it said, freakin nope! What the recipe didn’t account for was warm hands and sticky chocolate melting and making a giant mess.
Even though the once-pristine kitchen turned warzone from the hurricane that was your and Vlad’s cooking, a smile never left Vlad’s face.
You had to laugh at your pureblood lover covered in chocolate, brows furrowed together as he tried his hardest to wrap the mochi dough around the ever melting chocolate covered strawberry. At some point, to motivate himself between mochi’s, he would pop the ‘flopped strawberries’ into his mouth, you know, to taste test and make sure they were still good.
After 5 successful ish attempts, the two of you decided to call it quits! With a wide grin, you snuck a glance over at Vlad, who finally managed to seal his first chocolate delight in the mochi skin. You clapped your hands and praised him with a ‘bravo.’
After carefully putting your newly made treat into the picnic basket, you turned to Vlad with an impish glimmer in your eyes. “You have a little chocolate right here,” you gestured to the man, startings of a cunning smile falling across your lips.
With a thoughtful hum, he brought his knuckle up to wipe the spot on his cheek, but it was of little use as you simply giggled and shook your head.
“Did I get it?” he asked, crimson eyes looking down at you with nothing but pure love and affection.
Your smile widened, turning Cheshire as you reached your tiny hand covered in chocolate to his face, to leave a playful smear, “nope, it’s right here,” you said, biting back the laughter that threatened to spill from your chest.
“A cunning one, I see,” came his response, with eyes lit up. Before you could jump back, he dipped his fingers in the bowl of chocolate and swiped them across your cheek with a smear to match.
Chimelike laughter filled the kitchen as you and Vlad continued to worsen its state with the third natural disaster of the day, this time in the form of chocolate finger painting. The end of the new battle was marked when Vlad leaned down to steal a kiss from your lips mid-attack. “Sweet,” he remarked with a twinkle in his eye, hand moving from your check to delicate take hold of yours.
“Happy birthday, Draga mea,” the words befell his lips, followed by another tender kiss on the forehead. You responded in kind by giving his hand a squeeze,” shall we go out and have that picnic in the garden? I am rather excited to try these mochis.”
“Anything for you, my love,” he spoke with an affectionate squeeze of the hand, leading you to your favourite spot in the garden.
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thequietmanno1 · 3 years
Thelreads, Vigilantes 17, Replies Part 2
1) “But the panic one is necessary, you guys won’t want to be terrified while you die, it completely ruins the moment, ya know? Don’t be a buzzkill when you’re facing certain death, that’s what my great-great-grandfather used to say. Probably.”- Your G-G-Grandpa sounds like the kind of man who would have enjoyed a hard night’s drinking with Knuckleduster.
2) “But the panic one is necessary, you guys won’t want to be terrified while you die, it completely ruins the moment, ya know? Don’t be a buzzkill when you’re facing certain death, that’s what my great-great-grandfather used to say. Probably.”- Hmmm, alright, maybe Koichi also needs some reminders that heroes should act with calm professionalism in times of crisis, but on the other hand, he’s currently in a situation way outside his control without the opportunity to go vigilante to save others, thanks to Momchi and Makoto being nearby, and he wasn’t expecting the bus to suddenly turn into a living animal- quirks are wild, man- plus, with his mom nearby, he might be defaulting to ‘panicked civilian’ mode because that’s what people do in these situations, and trying to act the hero might just get her to slap him again for trying to ‘act’ heroic and just making a fool of himself.
3) “Oh god what is it now? Don’t tell me there’s something else coming towards them- you know what Koichi, maybe panicking can get into the menu, like you suggested.”- Not something-someone. In fact, exactly the someone Koichi needed on the scene if he wanted to go vigilante without facing repercussions later.
4) “JESUS FUCK TENSEI, THOSE ARE SOME MIGHTY ARMS YOU GOT THERE TO RIP OFF THE BUS DOOR SO EASILY. WELL, THEY ARE ENGINE-PROPELLED AFTER ALL.”- His bro’s body is jacked in the lower region because he needs those muscles as a secondary requirement to withstand the strain going FAST puts on his body, it’s likely Tensei also needs sufficient biceps of steel to avoid damage when pushing himself. That said, whilst I’m certain his quirk helps with him pushing objects or punching, I’m wondering if it gives him a benefit when pulling objects and the like, such as the bus door here, given where the exhaust ports are located
5) “OH MY GOD IT’S EVEN BETTER THAN I IMAGINED, I FORGOT THAT THEY AREN’T SUPPOSED TO KNOW EACH OTHER AND-“- Even better, Tensei has to pull off the ‘nonchalant whistle’ routine because he pulled his helmet off, presumably to help reassure the civilians that they weren’t being rescued by a robot or the like, and thus leaving his facial expressions to be easily read by Makoto. She’s likely to put two and two together if these coincidences keep piling up around Koichi.
6) “A really crappy cat toy, but it will suffice, Tensei just needs to grab that and run like hell and he’ll be able to lead that thing down a more safe path before they are able to stop it.”- Unfortunately, knuckle was unaware that there was a speed hero aboard fast enough to use the cat toy ahead of the cat-bus, and since he himself doesn’t have any means of immediate fast locomotion to him, using it to steer the cat towards the highway, where the long, straight, civilian-free roads avoid accidental collisions and give heroes a chance to rescue civilians. Plus, given his illegal activities as a vigilante, it behoves Knuckle to avoid interacting with official heroes as much as possible. Koichi and Pop are kids, more or less, so their actions can be somewhat overlooked, but Knuckle will be in much hot water if people figure out that he’s behind getting the pair of them involved in vigilante activity.
TENSEI BETTER SPROUT SOME FEATHERS BECAUSE WE’RE ABOUT TO WING IT”- Would be much better if the cat sprouted wings instead. Would help with the big, upcoming bus jump.
KNUCKLES JUST REDIRECTED THE CATBUS TOWARDS A LOONEY TOONS-STYLED DEATH IT SEEMS. SURE”- Maybe he didn’t have time to scout out the expressway in advance- 5 minutes at the cat’s current speed to the broken section is a fair distance- so he might not have been aware that the expressway way broken in advance. At that point, he was trying to make certain that there’d be no collisions with parked cars, civilians or buildings by directing the cat towards a relatively deserted and wide-open area free of obstacles. And in any case, pushing the cat towards such a location makes it easier for other heroes to swoop in and save the day without fear of collateral damage. For example, CC could fly in and pick the bus up without breaking a single building. Granted, that would be less than ideal for Koichi, but it’s a possibility.
9) “THE CARS AROUND COULD’VE BEEN DEALT WITH SOMEWHAT, IT WAS DANGEROUS LETTING IT AROUND THE CITY BUT IT WAS STILL MANAGEABLE, YOU GUYS JUST MADE THE SITUATION WAY MORE INTENSE THAN IN NEEDED TO BE. AND FUCKING COOL AS WELL, BUT THAT’S BESIDES THE POINT”- True, but on the other hand, Tensei and his crew are practically built for this exact kind of high-speed rescue. The time limit’s not ideal, but they couldn’t have asked for more favourable conditions to show off their strengths and teamwork- plus, they’re likely used to working under intense pressure, given the high-speed chases we’ve see Tensei and co engaging in before, so this is nothing new to them.
10) “wait a fucking minute there… Is this the climax from Speed(1994)? ARE YOU SHITTING ME?! Oh my god it is just that, moving the hostages from one vehicle to another while they keep straight ahead towards their inevitable doom
oh my god I can’t, Tensei is fucking using SPEED after all”-
Kuin: (over phone) Pop Quiz Hotshot. There’s a Cat on a Bus. Once the bus goes 50 miles an hour, The cat fuses with the bus. If it drops below 50, the Cat-bus explodes. What do you do? What do you do? Koichi: (making outgoing call)… is what that weird lady said to me over the phone master! So, how do I get out of this situation!?....Master? Hello? Knuckleduster: (on Phone, wiping tears from his eyes) Sorry Koichi, it’s just, you reminded me of a National Treasure there. Koichi: But that’s not even that great a film master… and I don’t see what this has to do with buried treasure... Knuckleduster: Oi, Koichi, none of that now!
11) “SEE KOICHI? SEE WHAT TENSEI IS SAYING? YOU 100% DON’T WANT TO TELL PEOPLE IN A CRISIS THAT THEY SHOULD BE PANICKING, YOU GODDAMN MORON”- Knuckle’s been more focused on the practical, combat-aspects of actually ‘doing’ hero work rather than teaching Koichi stuff like acting calm and confident for rescues in a crisis, so I suppose Tensei can give him a few pointers on how a hero does it by demonstrating in action. In fact, given Knuckle’s general demeanour, he’s probably not the best teacher for how to act towards others in a crisis.
12) “OH LOOK AT THAT SHIT, I WAS RIGHT AND WRONG. MAKOTO WAS THE ONE THAT STAYED BEHIND, MEANING THAT SHE’LL BE THE ONE FINDING OUT ABOUT KOICHI’S ALTER-EGO, NOT HIS MOTHER.”- Well, in some ways, there was only so long they could have danced around the issue with her before it started requiring her intelligence to be dumbed down in order not to connect Koichi to the crawler, which would have been a disservice to her character. On the other hand, Makoto is very much the lesser of two evils to find out about Koichi’s alter-ego on the bus at the moment.  
13) “NO WAIT TENSEI, WHAT ARE YOU ON ABOUT? KOICHI WILL HELP YOU WITH THAT ONE, YOU JUST KEEP RUNNING AND HE’LL CATCH UP WITH YOU”- Well, a hero doesn’t normally expect help from civilians, especially given the laws against unlicensed heroics, so if anything, Tensei would be expecting help from another hero arriving on the scene, and otherwise would be trying his best to solve or alleviate the problem himself as best he could with his skills. 
As it stands, Tensei’s only really able to accept Koichi’s aid by unofficially underscoring his contribution as being just that of a ‘concerned citizen’ with the implicit agreement that Koichi is playing backup to him in his actions of saving Makoto, and not actually rescuing her himself, which would be breaking the law-something Tensei is duty bound to punish Koichi for.
14) “ARE YOU KIDDING ME TENSEI?! FOR REAL? I KNOW THAT IDA ALSO HAD PROBLEMS WHEN HE WENT ALL-IN, HE WAS UNABLE TO KEEP RUNNING, BUT YOU’RE TALKING THIS LIKE YOU NEED TO STOP IN A GAS STATION AND FILL THE TANK”- I think Iida also has the same problem, but he has better fuel consumption. Tensei has a reason to believe his Bro is gonna be a better hero than him, so it makes sense that Iida either goes faster for longer on the same amount of fuel, or can store more juice to burn than his brother in whatever ‘tanks’ they use to store the orange juice until it’s time to go fast. Either way, yeah, both of them need to ‘refuel’ via sipping more OJ when they start pushing past their limits to keep their speed up.
15) “THERE IS THE OTHER FAST BOY! AND QUICKER THAN I EXPECTED TO BE HONEST.”- 20% of his speed is motivated by wanting to save Makoto. 80% is motivated by putting distance between him and Momchi
16) “OH MY GOD, THOSE GUYS WERE BRANDED… “TOO SLOW”… OH MY LORD I CAN’T BELIEVE EVEN TENSEI’S SIDEKICKS AREN’T THE PRIME EXAMPLE OF FAST.”- They seem to be fast at handling vehicles and such, but none of the available sidekicks there have quirks that push them forwards at the speed of a bullet train. Only Koichi has the necessary speed and handling skills to keep up with Tensei and the Catbus right now, and with lives on the line, they’re at least forward thinking enough to prioritise lives over the law, just like Tensei himself.
17) “OH MY GOD, LOOK AT THIS, HE’S EVEN INSTRUCTING HIM LIKE IF HE’S A OFFICIAL SIDEKICK, OH MY GOD WE CAN’T SEE KOICHI’S FULL FACE BUT I KNOW HE’S GRINNING UNDER THAT MASK; HIS TIME TO SHINE IS HERE, AND HE’LL FOLLOW TENSEI’S ORDERS WITH EVERYTHING HE GOT.”- Koichi finally gets a taste of what it’s like to work as a hero, after having his hopes dashed by Tensei’s earlier rejection of his future sidekick potential, as well as his lifelong struggles with landing a role as a ‘proper’ hero. Plus, it comes on the heels of him having to deal with Momchi all day, so he finally gets to put one over on her by demonstrating his true hero potential in action.
18) “Ever since I realized where that scene came from, I have nothing else on my head besides the movie Speed (1994), and I’m trying to find other references to it throughout the chapter.”- Well, there’s the bus jump, the incomplete freeway, the ‘can’t stop the bus’ plot, a crazed individual monitoring everything with cameras, the need to escape the confines of the city to avoid slowing down/collisions, the attempted escape of the passengers to a ‘safe vehicle’ as well as the issue if refuelling the bus/Tensei’s engine’s mid-chase…suffice to say, there’s a lot of them. Haven’t yet found a way to work the subway train chase in there yet, though.
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Avatar: The Last Airbender, s1 eps.01-05 (2005)
Date watched: 04/September/2020
The plot: Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could st-
How did I end up watching it?: thanks to not having cable when it was airing, I managed to reach my late 20s without having seen more than a few episodes of ATLA, but knowing pretty much everything that happened in it thanks to tumblr and Friend N. talking to me about it. Friend O. decided that something should be done about that and offered to watch it together.
The liveblog:
Uncle Iroh is Tired
Zuko, you emo
Aang is a child and my awareness of the endgame kataang makes me uncomfortable
Sokka is Trying and I feel bad for him
Zuko sure loves the Drama
Appa jumping into the air immediately reminded me of the catbus from "My Neighbor Totoro"
Sokka standing alone in front of the Fire Nation ship and Zuko thinking he can beat the Avatar (who he believed to be 100+)? Same energy
Sokka wants to sleep, eat, and keep these kids safe. I respect him so much
I've lost count of how many times I've said "Zuko pls". I'm on episode three
Nobody respects Zuko
Zhao is so unimpressed with Zuko and Iroh
Uncle Iroh said something nice about Zuko and Zuko had to reboot his brain. This kid needs therapy 
Current conclusion is that Sokka and Zuko are either same brand/different type of idiot or same type/different brand . I've yet to figure out which
[Friend A.: honestly i think as time passes it becomes more and more same type and brand]
[Friend A.: sokka just has yet to drink his "respect women juice"]
He's on it. I'm on the Kyoshi warriors ep
[Friend A.: aaaah yeah, he's on it then]
So... same type, different brand
[Friend A.: it's the "i have to prove myself and live up to the expectations" type yeah]
Yeah. Also, neither has really caught a break from the plot so far. The episodes are committed to reminding us they're idiots
This man just. decided to wear a purple outfit when all the decor in his castle is green
Bumi: "What do you think of my outfit?"
Me: "It clashes with the decor. Get changed."
[Friend E.: the parallel shots between zuko being armored up by attendants and sokka putting on war paint on his own? zuko coming off the ship and sokka standing as the only remaining warrior in defense of his village? it's a Lot.]
That whole part made me so sad. Obvious differences aside, at the core it's two boys trying to do their best according to what they were taught and believe to be right
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tallgrassstore · 4 years
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The new Merch is LIVE in my shop!!
Reminder that I have VERY LIMITED quantities of all of these new items. I only have 6 available of each Pillow design (Kirara, Catbus and Appa), and only 9 available of each Zipper Pouch design (Painted Dog, The Last Unicorn, ATLA and Possum).
The Zipper Pouches are 8in x 4.5in and made of a quality canvas material. They can be used for a myriad of purposes from pencil case, make up bag, wallet clutch, craft tools, and more. The designs for each pouch are identical on both sides.
The plush Pillows come stuffed (by me) with the same quality Polyfil I use for my Amigurumi, are circular shaped and measure 14in in diameter! All the Pillows have a 9in zipper area to remove the stuffing for cleaning the pillow case or adjusting the stuffing as desired. The designs for each pillow are different on both sides, making them more fun and unique Decor pieces!
EDIT: the Kirara pillow MUST be requested via PM on my Etsy! You will not see her listing in my shop, but she is currently AVAILABLE.
Shop: TheTallGrass.etsy.com
IG: Instagram.com/TheTallGrass
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deepdarkdelights · 3 years
Solar Eclipse was AMAZING. Like omg it blew my mind. I had many thoughts & Qs so I made a list of bullet points😂
The bus showing up after MC reminded me of the catbus in the movie My Neighbor Totoro n for a split second, I was like "Wait...is this fantasy?"😆 And once she met HS.. omg from that point, I was like Maybe fantasy but not cute fantasy at all🙃
Jihoon!! That kid was a lifesaver but he also gave MC & readers so much fear..like unintentional horror I guess? His casual response to MC being cuffed..I think that made the situation much more terrifying than just the action of HS putting the cuffs.
The title was so creative! Linking his smile with sun&moon? That's soo smart😭
So has MC never left the apartment for the past 6 yrs? Or can she go out w/ HS?
I'm curious how HS was able to dominate her so quickly. In other cases like Persephone, there was a deal btwn MC & NJ... if MC didn't follow, her family would be in danger.. But in Solar Eclipse, the MC didn't look like she had precious ppl to protect🤔
IF MC did see HS's face at the office, how would the ending change? If she immediately fired HS after coming back to reality/present moment, would the future be prevented?
I have couple more Qs but I'm gonna save them for later cause this ask is getting longer n longer😂
10 series has always been my favorite but Solar Eclipse might replace the 1st spot👀
Also I'm late but CONGRATS ON 2K😆🎉🍾 I hope you & your writing get loved & respected by more and more ppl💕💕💕💕And you are gorgeous!!!! Your eyes r pretty, smile is pretty, n I love ur eyebrows!! (hope I don't sound like a pervert😝)
- 🍫
Ahhhhh such a lovely ask!
So yes, the mc stays home almost always and is only allowed to leave with Hoseok over the course of 6 years. As for dominating the mc, her family has completely distanced themselves from her and the media hates her, maybe it wouldn’t be too difficult to take her. 
I think if she did see his face before she died the first time, she would have had him moved to a different branch before she returned to work. As for the future being prevented...I don’t know 👀
And first place?! Really?!
You’re so sweet ilysm babe, and no you’re not a pervert, thank you my dear 🍫 anon!
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gwanonbutfordave · 4 years
Pahkitew Island transformations for @doglover502 ‘s were-animals AU::
Dave: Coyote: Somewhat menacing, but kinda gross looking and pathetic, he would look like Wile Coyote; Dave started off as an ironic Twight werewolf but became this after the Wile Coyote connection was made
Jasmine: Kangaroo: I’ll give you three guesses and the first two don’t count
Beardo: Parrot: Able to mimic sounds he hears, a bit shy
Leonard: Bearded dragon: believes himself to be a terrifying fire-breathing dragon but is just a bit weak
Sugar: warthog: Big and brutish, major country connection
Rodney: bull: Also has a country connection, Rodney makes me think of the expression “bull in a China shop” for some reason
Amy and Sammy: wolves: really all I could think of, the idea of the Alpha wolf fits well with their sibling relationship
Topher: peacock: conceited show-off, if Chris was a were then he would also be a were-peacock
Scarlett: fox: Red hair, foxes are seen as intelligent, both are generally calm-looking but when you make them mad they’re vicious
Max: mouse: small and easy to foil, Max reminds me of the Brain from Pinky and the Brain
Shawn: cockroach: Cockroaches are resilient and are seen as capable of surviving the apocalypse, also fits in with his somewhat unclean appearance
Sky: mink: Sleek and graceful, but also tough and cold at times
Ella: Totoro: When Ella gets eliminated, she summons the Catbus (which is being driven by Totoro Dawn) and removes her face/mask to reveal she is also a Totoro in a very convincing human costume; she and Dawn ride off into the sunset together
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