#they really took this show and massacred it. look what they did to my boy he's unrecognizable now
theinfinitedivides · 10 months
yk you've f*cked sh*t up when the regular gifmakers for this drama are so depressed they're not even making content for the beach kiss
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cherubfae · 4 months
Hello! I'm not sure if you do single characters or not but What if the reader (who's a big fan of horror) wanted to show Alastor some classic horror movies. Their reasoning? "So you can make fun of it," If you do a collection of characters, then it can be like a movie night for the hotel.
Hiya love!! Yes, I do! In fact I'm currently working on a longer Alastor fic at the moment :)) it's like this request was made for me bc I 100% will force Alastor to watch the Scream franchise with me 😭 it's my fave. I'm a mega horror fan, haha! Maybe I'll have to write for slashers again like I used to! I'll just write Al since he deserves some love for himself!! Pls excuse me bc now I'm gonna be thinking about 1920s GhostFace Alastor 😩😩🩷💕
What's Your Favorite Scary Movie? || Alastor x reader
tags: fluff, gn!reader, Alastor critiquing horror media, plot to the Scream franchise, my horror obsession might be showing lmao
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Getting Alastor to have anything to do with post 1930s technology was a task and a half. He might've made a deal with Vaggie not to have anything to do with such frivolous technology, but you weren't Vaggie. You were his sweet, dear partner. And he'd never admit just how tightly wrapped he was around your finger.
He seemed to genuinely enjoy the first few Halloween movies as well as the first Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Alastor took a great of interest with Hannibal Lector from The Silence of Lambs. He was deeply considering watching the television series you told him of. He thinks Freddy Krueger is a piece of shit and wished he could do him in with his own hands.
The next movie, however, seemed more susceptible to being torn to pieces by his ever-watchful eye.
"So the point of this picture show is what... Billy is angry because his mother abandoned him and he doesn't know how to deal with those big feelings at his age?" Alastor gives an indignant snort, looking bemused at the old television screen currently playing a VHS of Wes Craven's 1996 slasher classic Scream. That's as new of tech as Alastor would allow, so you made do.
Snorting out a laugh, you lean against his arm. Alastor's crackling gaze flickers to you his smile softening around the edges. He did very much adore your laugh.
"That about sums it up, yes," you grin, biting down on the corner of your chocolate bar.
Alastor leans his back against the sofa, pulling the blanket wrapped around you two closer. "I don't know how that Macher boy thinks that peer pressure is a justifiable defense for murdering people." He unwraps his own piece of bitter chocolate and pops it into his mouth. "Own up to your choices, for Heaven's sake. And people find these two attractive? Are they not in love with one another? Surely anyone with two good working eyes could see this."
The sixth Scream movie damn near has Alastor foaming at the mouth, each and every movie felt as repetitive as the last with slight twists and changes. He was polite to keep most critiques to himself, eyeing how much you clearly enjoyed showing something so near and dear to your heart. While the plot was rather lackluster, he had to admit he was interested in the severe brutality of the sixth and despite his opposition to new media, felt that it was a decent enough film. With such a repetitive storyline, he didn't really expect that sort of twist.
"There's one more we can watch!" You grin, holding up your copy of Scary Movie. Alastor's eyes look ready to pop out of his skull as if to say 'Oh god, another??' "I don't think you'll guess who the GhostFace is!"
"Is it the man called Doofy?"
"What the fuck-- how."
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petersbaby · 1 year
(Can’t) Sleep - Eddie Munson x reader
Warnings: vague mentions of abuse/trouble at home, oral (f receiving), fingering, smut, cum
“Hey, eds. Can you come get me? You said to call you if I ever need you and I need you now.” You say shakily into the phone after he picks up.
“Oh, yeah. Of course. Give me a few and I’ll be right there.”
“K. Thank you.”
Eddie jumps up from the couch right away, rushing to action. He tries to put on his shoes so fast that he falls over and heads out to his van.
You felt bad, borderline awful, because it was snowing and already starting to get dark out but you had to leave and he was the first thing to come to mind when you wanted safety. The fact he didn’t even think for a second before saying “of course” sort of melted your heart, but you still felt guilty.
Either way, you go to your room, and change into some warm clothes and pack your backpack with a few things you’d need like medication and makeup and an outfit to sleep in. You were gonna sleep over, but he just had no idea yet because you hadn’t asked him. You were extremely confident, however, in the probability he’ll say yes.
You stand in your living room, looking out the window for headlights on your dim street. Soon enough you see them, not the brightest but just enough for him to see to drive.
You made him drive in the freezing cold and the dark in his piece of shit van that barely made its way around every day, but he’s not thinking about it that way. You wanted him. You needed him. And to feel that from someone was something he hadn’t felt in a long time.
You trudge outside, walking up to open the passenger side door and toss your bag in the floor next to your feet on the floorboard after you get in.
“You okay?” He asks, concerned, dark eyes still somehow shimmering.
“I’ll be okay. Thank you, again. I know this probably isn’t what you wanted to do with your Saturday night.”
“Yeah, you actually caused me to miss the red carpet event and then the fashion show I was going to. I was actually gonna star IN the fashion show. But yeah, you just had to go and crush my dreams.”
“Shut up.” You smile, and you ride the rest of the way back to his house in comfortable silence. You pull into his driveway and he turns off the car, unbuckling as you do the same.
“Here.” He takes your backpack and slings it over his shoulder to carry it in for you and you meekly follow behind him to the front door.
“So like I was saying, I’m actually quite famous. The mansion I usually live in is being cleaned so we’re gonna have to tough it out here. Deplorable living conditions, if you ask me.” He gestures his arms wide at the general area around him.
“Well even if it has to be in this sad little home, I’m honored that you took time out of your schedule to hang out with me.” You say sarcastically, matching his energy.
“You wanna smoke?” He offers, trying to make you feel at home the best way he knows how.
“I’m okay, that shit makes me paranoid.”
“Ah, gotcha. Well, what do you wanna do?”
“You got any movies?”
He looks at you as if you just asked the most stupid question anyones ever asked.
“Do I have any movies? Come on. Of course I have movies.”
He walks towards his bedroom and you assume he wants you to follow him, so you do, and you’re met with what is undoubtedly very much a teenage boy’s room.
“Sorry, just don’t look at all the shit. There’s a ton of shit in the floor but the bed is fine.”
You nod and start to go towards the bed.
“Well-wait…” he stops you, seeming to think for a minute. “Nah, yeah the bed should be fine.” He tells you as he collects a pile of tapes in his arms. He comes to you, dropping them all on the bed beside you where you sat perched on the edge.
“Wow. You really did have movies.”
“What did I say?”
The sarcasm, again. Charming, very sweet in a way.
“I’m assuming you want me to pick one…. Here.” You pick up and hand him the copy of Texas Chainsaw Massacre and he seems impressed by your choice.
“Huh. Wasn’t expecting that one. You look more like a rom-com typa girl.”
You tilt your head in confusion.
“No, not in a mean way. This is perfect.” He clarifies. He goes to put all the other tapes back onto the shitty table holding up his TV and you start to unlace your sneakers and kick them off. You slip your jacket off your shoulders, feeling so much lighter immediately.
“Yeah, get comfy. It’s okay. I won’t bite ya.” He glances back at you and you smile to yourself. You crawl over to the side of the bed that’s against the wall and sit there, legs crisscrossed.
“Alright.” He announces as the movie is in and he starts to do the same, kicking off his boots and shedding his vest and leather jacket.
“You can uh… you can get under the covers if you want to. All yours.”
There was a slight awkwardness there, you never having been in his room like this before. It was oddly comfortable, kinda like home, but also new and unfamiliar. You break the silence.
“But for real, you actually didn’t have any plans? Anything I messed up?”
“No. You wanna know my plans? They’re pretty much the same every weekend. I lay here, smoke weed, watch movies.”
“Oh. I guess that’s nice.”
“What about you, what’s going on with you? Something happen?”
“Yeah, just uh… just my dad. It’s nothing new, but tonight I just couldn’t really handle it. I had this overwhelming need to get out of there, I felt like I was suffocating on all the bitterness and anger in the air of the house.”
You giggle a little.
“No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to just say that.” He starts to ramble, desperately trying to defend himself and clarify that he didn’t mean to sound rude.
“It’s okay. What can I possibly expect you to say? It’s fine.” You shrug.
“Yeah, I just feel like that was a little insensitive on my part. I don’t have any advice, because I don’t even fuckin’ have a dad. They suck.”
“Yep. Pretty much.”
You sit together for a moment, watching the title screen play out,
“Thank you for being there, eds. Thank you for being here, I mean.” You say softly, head falling to the side to rest on his shoulder, a gesture he felt with great warmth.
“It’s no problem. I told you I would be, didn’t I? From the first time we met. It means a lot to me too, because it makes me feel like you’re starting to trust me.”
“I trust you, stupid. I already trust you.” You joke, but meaning the general message.
He places a hand to rest on your knee, the one closest to him and mindlessly runs his thumb in gentle circles. Your head stays where it’s at, finding comfort on him. You stay like this for a while, until about halfway through the movie.
“Do you wanna lay down? No, that sounds weird. I mean, just lay down and you can keep resting your head on my shoulder. Seems like you like that. And that sounded cocky. I’m digging myself into a hole right now.” He rambles.
“Yes, we can lay down.” You say calmly, trying to give off the vibe that he doesn’t need to be so nervous around you. You do, you on your side and him on his back and arm out as you slip between his arm and his body, effectively giving him the opportunity to wrap his arm around you. He does, and you snuggle into his shoulder, closing your eyes before you know it.
“Hey. Eds.” You whisper, having awaken in pitch black and silence except for the bugs outside and the hum of fluorescent lighting from the streetlights.
“Hey.” You repeat, shaking him a bit this time. He looked so sweet, so soft, fast asleep. You felt bad about waking him but you needed to.
“Hmm?” He stirs, eyes squinting as they open up slowly.
“It’s too dark in here. And too quiet. I’m scared.”
“Oh, you’re afraid of the dark. Shit, sorry.” His voice is groggy with sleep and he rolls over to flip on his lamp on the bedside table.
“And can you put in another movie? I don’t care which one.”
“Course.” He gets up out of the bed, walking over to the tv and you realize you both fell asleep in your daytime clothes and on top of the covers. You lift the blanket up just in time for him to crawl under it right next to you.
“Yes, thank you. I’m sorry, you can go back to sleep now.”
“Are you gonna go back to sleep to?”
“No, probably not right now, anyways.”
“Then I won’t either.”
“Okay.” You whisper like you’re at a slumber party and your friend’s mom told you guys to be quiet, but it’s just the two of you. He points this out and that’s when you realize.
“So sweet. Little whispers.” He muses, pretty smile on his face.
“Be quiet.” You say softly, smiling, only a bit louder than a whisper.
It was crazy, insane, almost incomprehensible how fast it happened. The moment the words finished falling from your mouth, your lips were on his or maybe his were on yours, you didn’t even really know who went for it but that didn’t matter as sparks lit up your whole body.
You swear with how intense the fireworks are that you’re glowing from the inside out. Like if he looked at you, he could see all the mini explosions going off in your heart and all around your stomach, and before you know it you’re whimpering with need. Once he hears this, he disconnects your lips.
“Hey, you know what you’re doing, right?”
“Wha-what do you mean?” You ask, confusedly.
“Like you really meant to kiss me.”
So it was you.
“Like, just making sure you’re not like half asleep and not thinking straight. Or maybe you’re just scared and that’s why, but either way we probably shouldn’t if you don’t mean it.”
“Yes, I meant to. And I really want to again. Unless you don’t-“
Your sentence cuts off when he closes the distance between you two again. It becomes fairly intense, a little bit messy as his tongue slides across your lips and you part them, allowing him into your mouth.
You make out with each other as if you’ve done it a million times before, like your lips and tongues are already very familiar with each other even though this is the first time they’ve met.
Both laying on your sides, facing each other, you bring your hand to cup his face and pull it impossibly closer to yours, hand then snaking around to the back of his neck where you reached up to run your fingers roughly through his hair at the back of his scalp.
“Fuck,” he breathes, grabbing your hips and pulling your body so much closer to his that they’re pressing against each other and you feel something hard brushing against your thigh when he does this. He starts to wander, but stops.
He tries silently to think of a nice way to say “can I touch your ass” but evidently comes up short.
“Keep going.” You assure him.
His hands move the rest of the way down to your ass where he kneads over and over, taking handfuls, squeezing, pushing. Pushing and pushing until he’s basically grinding your body against his.
“Take these off, please.” You pull away to say, reaching down to feel the way his cock was incredibly hard and straining against his jeans. You take it in your hand and squeeze his bulge gently but also firm.
“Jesus fuck. Ah- okay.” He’s taken aback for a moment but nods, taking his pants off and leaving him in his boxers and loose fitting band tee. You slip your hand underneath his shirt, running it up and down his warm abdomen as you feel the muscles freeze and twitch, you guess maybe it’s because it tickles, so you stop.
Instead, you attach your lips to his neck, licking the slightly salty skin there before sucking on it, biting down with teeth, which caused a groan from him, one you swear must’ve been brewing in there for a while because it was so loud and so lewd.
The way he moans just encourages you, continuing on to bite and suck marks into his skin and then kitten licking over them to soothe the sting.
“God, I know this might be rude, but I can’t take it anymore. I’m gonna cum in my pants if you keep doing this to me.”
“So then don’t.”
“Don’t take it. Do something about it.” You whisper.
“Jesus Christ, are you sure?” His voice is raspy.
“I am.”
“Take your pants off too, then, okay?”
You nod, pulling your pants down your legs and off your body.
“You’re right. The dark sucks. Because then I can’t see you.” He comments, eyeing you up and down, especially focusing on your bare legs and feet.
“Stop it.” You say, blushing, shutting him up with a kiss. He couldn’t help being corny, and you couldn’t help the fact that it somehow worked on you.
He gets up and climbs onto you, slotting himself between your legs, which you part open for him. You feel his erection press up against your core, which makes you gasp.
It was incredibly hard and admittedly bigger than you could’ve ever previously imagine, almost to the point you were nervous. You told yourself that you can take it, though, that you will take it. He grabs the cotton fabric of your shirt and pulls it off of you, leaving you almost completely exposed, still in your bra and underwear.
“God, you’re perfect.”
“Am not.”
“Yes. You. Are.” He punctuates each word with a kiss, trailing down your chest. He places a kiss in the very center of it, between your breasts. Next, he goes to your ribs, then your stomach, then your lower stomach.
He ends up between your thighs, biting the insides of them softly and kissing his way towards your center. Before he gets there, he takes a moment to lean back a bit to appreciate the sight in front of him. He reaches to rub your pussy through the fabric, but since it was black, it was a surprise how wet you were.
“Jesus Christ.” He marvels at the feeling, pressing gentle circles over your clit. You squirm a bit, bucking up against his hand, and he pulls the soaked undergarments from off of your body.
He places a kiss on your clit first, gentle but enough to make you twitch. Then he starts to lap at you, tongue seeming to try to consume everything that was dripping from your hole. He was like a dog who needed water.
“God, Eddie, oh god.” You moan, eyes involuntarily shut.
He comes back up to lick at your clit and dips a finger into you simultaneously.
“Ohhh, fuck.” You continue babbling.
He quickly adds a second digit and bends them inside you, and you cum right on the spot. It was so sudden and took you by surprise, and you couldn’t silence the moan that came from you while you orgasmed, his fingers still working you and eyes watching you as you fall apart.
You lay and pant, breathing heavy, body weightless like a feather. Getting ready for more, silently preparing. He concludes that his job is done, and comes back up to your level to lay beside you. You seemed pretty tired.
“Wait, are you done?” You turn to look at him.
“I- yeah, I got you off.” He says.
“Indeed you did. But don’t you want more?”
“More…” he repeats blankly, far off in thought. Clueless.
“Do you want to have sex, Eddie. I asked you to take your pants off for a reason.”
“O-oh shit, really? Are you sure?”
“I am. Are you?”
“Yeah. Of fucking course.”
“Good. Take everything else off for me?”
He pulls his shirt over his head, tossing it to the side, then shimmies out of his boxers. Once he’s done, you get on top of him. You stroke his cock a couple of times, just feeling the weight of it in your hand, and precum oozes from the tip. He needed you, now.
“Is this okay?” You want to make sure.
“Yes, fuck, yes.” He stammers, and you smile. You position his cock right below your entrance, and slowly sink down onto him. He groans, quite audibly, and you relish in the feeling.
He was stretching you, you can’t remember a time you’d felt so full in your life. The sting subsided once you sank all the way down and just sat on it for a moment, then you started to move.
With your hands on his bare chest, you ride him gently to begin with. You grind forwards and backwards, just getting a feel for how well he fits inside you, accidentally finding that special spot in the process and stimulating it.
“Oh my god, Eddie. Ohhh my god.” You whimper, continuing with your movements.
“So tight, shit, she’s fuckin’ squeezing me.” He groans beneath you.
He grabs your ass, squeezing so hard his fingernails dig into the plush fat of it. He starts to guide the way you ride him, setting a quicker pace. He must be close. You decide to lean down and let him take over. He pounds up into you from below and you choke on your moans, a new one coming out each time he hits the deepest part of you.
“Fuck, fuck me. Fuck me, eds.” You whimper into his ear and he moans, goosebumps crawling across his body. He continues even though he never stopped.
“Okay, ‘m gonna cum.” He eventually forces the words out while he thrusts into you quick, gradually becoming sloppy. You feel his cock twitch inside you and an overwhelming warmth immediately after.
He rides it out, fucking his cum back up into you for as long as he can before he’s overstimulated, and you get off of him when he stops. You immediately regret doing so, grabbing your pussy and keeping your hand over it. You didn’t want to leak cum all over the place you were about to sleep.
“Can you get a towel maybe?”
“Oh, shit, yeah one sec.” He jumps out of bed and grabs the nearest towel he could find, thankfully clean but not for long. He returned to give it to you and you placed it beneath your body and relaxed. It was a lot, evidently, it seemed to pour and pour until it finally stopped. It felt a little gross, but also nice.
Eventually, you threw the towel to the floor (his room was already messy anyways), and changed into the outfit you had brought but fell asleep before you could put it on. He did the same, getting dressed, but left his shirt off. The room was warm, even more so now after everything, so it was fine for him to do.
He lifts his arms and you crawl into them, resting your head on his chest. He fell asleep soon after, snoring slightly, which made you smile. It was just a little one, barely noticeable, but you noticed because you were right up against him. You closed your eyes and at some point you drifted away.
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1.) Charlie was a surprisingly good character considering she was a lesbian in a famously misogynistic & homophobic show (any woman from Supernatural could be a strong contender in this tournament). She was basically Dean’s bestie, made out with a fairy, had an adventure with a grown-up Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz, and saved the guys’ asses in every episode she appeared in. Even when she appeared as a corpse. Yeah, she got randomly killed off-screen for shock value and manpain, but she sent an email right before she died so at least her death wasn’t in vain, right? According to the wiki she later got replaced by an alternate reality version of herself but this was after I stopped watching Supernatural so idk how they treated her after that lmao
2.) She was a lesbian and a very beloved character and they murdered her brutally for no reason! Well, one reason, shock value. Boooooo!!!
3.) Literally she was such a strong supporting character and they just. Fucking killed her off for no goddamned reason. Like fuck you
1.) (Reusing my propaganda from a previous poll, I promise I wrote it, and I'm not typing all that again)
So what if she liked makeup, Clive. So what if she was interested in boys? Who cares if she wanted to keep her dress looking neat? You took every single protagonist to weird lion heaven, Clive, but suddenly Susan isn't good enough. Susan did nothing to deserve the sudden turn in characterization, she did nothing to deserve being the only character to be condemned. SOMEbody (lookin' at you, Clive Staples) was just a raging misogynist who wanted girls and women to be really clear on the fact the betraying your siblings nearly to death was forgivable, but being interested in feminine things and taking pride in your appearance was punishable by death. ""Lipsticks and nylons and invitations"", the fucking horror.
Because you were writing a fun fantasy story for us, right Clive? Magic and dragons and animals that talk. But you fucking weren't. You were writing an indoctrination story for us, weren't you? And you needed someone to represent those empty headed young people who turn away from the church's rules. And so you decided that Susan had become too grown up and you massacred her.
2.) Is deemed “no longer a friend” of Jesus’ fursona’s kingdom because she cares too much about “nylons, lipstick, and invitations”. Both of parents and all three of her siblings die in a train crash at the end and her feelings about this are never considered or acknowledged.
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iantimony · 6 months
tuesday yet we persevere
what a week lads
listening up to partizan 18. the exchange of jack: "is inertia when you're stopping or going?" austin, very confidently: "it's when you're going" had me shouting NO at my phone, thank god art chimed in to clarify and actually define inertia. i love you art. been listening to a lot of breaking benjamin while i marathon-focus on trying to finish my poster by. tonight. yeouch.
reading fallow
playing pokego! it's become my fun little morning activity while i lay in bed waking up. like. ok i need to be awake. i will drowsily catch the 3 pokemon that spawn around me and spin the pokestop across the street. ok time to get out of bed i guess.
watching hbomberguy new four hour video reigns supreme. i've had it on periodically while i do chores, cook, etc.
making pottery! basically everything came out of the kiln at once! some finished objects:
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the mugs (more like teacups, really, shrinkage strikes again) came out cute, despite the orange one getting a crack in the handle. i really love the way the white bowl came out with the koi, i'd put lillypads inside but they really didn't show up at all so i didn't bother photographing. that little black vase was done with a dark blue glaze that came out. black. so i probably did too many layers, plus it was on red clay, so oops. the little ramekins came out cute, i tried one of the stoneware glazes on the left one and it came out really matte which surprised me, but otherwise some standard lil bowls! and finally i hate the striped object behind the ramekins. i forgot to cover it up after making it and didn't get to trim it before it was bone dry so i just had to let it be was it was so it's really bottom-heavy. and i hate the way the glazed stripes came out. such is life. my roommate likes it so i might give it to her LOL.
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dragon mug underglaze came out interesting!!! i used two different brands of underglaze and one of them came out. shiny?? so putting clear normal glaze over that texture proved a real challenge, especially for the handle. i used another underglaze (a chocolate brown, same as the one on the handle on the right) to fill in the background/inside/some linework details, then covered the whole thing in clear, so we'll see how that turns out! the little tree teacup i just covered in clear and put back on the kiln rack, i didn't want to add anything else to it, it came out sooo cute :)
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did more underglaze stuff on two bowls, eye motif!!! one as a scratched out and one as painted on. excited to see how they go for the first firing. i had some Big bowls to trim and they were still a little wet but i was like eh i bet i can. i could not. look how i've massacred my boy (bottom left). it totally spun off the wheel but thankfully it's still soft enough that i was able to just sorta nudge it back into a circular shape. i did ragequit trimming for that day because of it though and did the eye underglaze work instead hahahah. hopefully will be able to trim them on wednesday! it's just so dang cold in the area where the pottery is stored to dry out so it takes forever in the winter.
finally, i finished the winter headband for my roommate's mom last night! image is not the finished one, i forgot to take a picture yesterday but i'll just do that after i block it later this week. i took the photo a few days ago because i actually made a mistake in the pattern and was trying to judge how obvious it was and whether or not to go back 10 rows and redo it. i don't think it's that obvious so i decided to keep going. can you spot the mistake :b
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misc oughhh aughgghghgh academic poster. my advisor was really difficult to communicate with yesterday but made up for it this morning. her husband stressed me out for no reason but it's fine. i think i can finish it before the poster session tomorrow but odds are in the air as to whether i can get it Printed before the poster session tomorrow. woof. and then i need to figure out what i'm wearing at this conference and pack by friday.
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littlemisssquiggles · 10 months
So…about the Miraculous: Ladybug and Chat Noir The Movie…
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I recently sat down and watched it this week.
This is just a compilation of notes and comments that I took while watching the film. I’ve seen other folks do something similar where they post little bullet points of their thoughts while watching something so in a sense you can consider this my own take on it.
If you wish to  jump straight to my final thoughts on the movie, you can skip my notes all the way to the end of my post.
But in a nutshell---as a former miraculer, I really, really liked this movie! If I needed an excuse to get back into Miraculous, this film gave me one.
Squiggly Notes from the Movie:
Personally I could've done away with this being a musical.
Chloe is less of a "bitch" in the movie. She's still a bully but they made her more of a drama queen which actually makes her feel more pleasant than her animated series counterpart. In the series, it just felt like the show was trying way too hard to make Chloe into an irredeemable character to the point of her behaviour being almost cartoonishly evil at times. Dare I say, it got utterly ridiculous after a point.
What! They have other classes at Marinette's school besides the main one with Ms Bustier?
What! Adrien's mom has a speaking role in this movie? She isn't a corpse for 5 whole seasons!
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Adrien's introduction is interesting. Like how he and Marinette met. It's quite cute and hearing his first impressions of her is nice but this is one moment where I have to give it to the animated series. I actually prefer the "Coup de Foudre" moment from the series with the umbrella much better and wished that moment in particular was also reenacted in the film. But that’s just me.
The series delivered better on how Adrien was chosen to become Chat Noir by having him also be selected by Fuu because he also chose to help him in a time of need as opposed to the ring just going to Adrien automatically on a whim. The movie shows why Marinette would be chosen since she helped Fuu, in keeping with the series, but skipped Adrien's choosing. Didn't like that.
Tikki RAPS now! Also...Tikki's personality in the movie is...different.
Didn't get to see Adrien's side of things but I gotta say, I LOVE Adrien as Chat Noir in the film. The film improves on CN as both as hero and partner to LB and as a fan of CN, I am here for it.  
WHAT! Fart jokes. They have fart jokes in this movie and of course, they had to give it to Plagg because of course. I'm sorry. Another point for the animated series since they never relied on toilet humour; at least to my memory.
Plagg's favourite thing to eat is camembert cheese which is a "smelly kind of cheese". Plagg NEVER ate rotten food straight from the trash! What is this?! Look how they massacred my boy!
WHAT! Natalie has her own house! I thought she practically lived at Agreste Manor 24/7 based on the series.
Even Gabriel gets a song! I stand by my earlier comment. This movie did not need to be a musical. It could've been a regular ass feature film since in my opinion, the songs mess with the pacing of the story for me. All the moments of pause for the characters to suddenly break into song feels a bit jarring at times.
"Chaos Will Reign Today" is ZAG's attempt at a "Be Prepared" from the Lion King and I'm sorry, it doesn't work since while BP made Scar appear sinister as he should as the main villian, CWRT just made Hawkmoth look goofy especially when he was skipping down the alleyway. I mean the song was fine and the singing was alright. Just wished they had made it more sinister. This adds another knotch in why I would've preferred the movie to not be a musical. Thus far none of the character songs have been BOPs. Compared to other animated musicals, the songs just aren't spectacular enough and end being more of a distraction and not so good deviation from the plot. I find myself being more invested in returning to the story than sticking with the music.
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Hawkmoth creating villains out of ACTUAL criminals he broke out of jail as opposed to innocent civilians makes perfect sense and gives him an actual army of lackeys he could always utilize as opposed to re-akumatizing the same people on repeat (e.g. Mr. Pigeon)
The moment is the film where Marinette transforms into Ladybug officially for the first time feels unearned in my opinion. This is another example where I think the series delivered better on this development. In the series, Marinette gained the courage to become LB after her new friend Alya was attacked by an akumatized Evan who was also shown to be a good friend of Marinette's. Marinette has a legit drive to want to become a hero in the moment. Not one but TWO people she cared about were in danger so it helped to drive her call to action which provided as a terrific build up. The movie doesn't have that. It's weird how the movie didn’t utilize Marinette's bond with her loved ones as a motive to become a hero. She just sees the villains attacking and just decides to look inside of herself to find the courage to become the hero in the moment. And while I do like this part, I just wished it was preluded by some kind of preliminary moment that gives Marinette a reason to become the hero. Like for example, her dad being in danger and Marinette has to save him. That could've been a good catalyst. But the movie didn't do it, disappointingly so the moment ends up feeling flat. Not even the second Marinette solo song was enough to help sell this scene for me. This is another odd decision that the movie made. The film chose to eliminate Marinette's connection to her classmates. In the series, Marinette was on good terms with her peers. While she was still the class clutz often tormented by Chloe, Marinette still got along with her other classmates like Evan for example (who she was seen giving advice when he expressed wanting to write a poem for Mylene who Evan had a crush on). In the movie, Marinette is a complete loner---known throughout the school as a magnet for disaster and all of her former classmates are just background characters who just stand and watch her without a care or concern.   Not even characters like Juleka, Rose and Max (who were actually part of Marinette's gal pal support group in the series) seem to care about her as they're just (recognizable) faces in the crowd in the movie.
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Chat Noir saying that he's just the side kick only for LB to correct him and say their "partners" got me. Nice save!
Art nitpick---didn't like how they didn't add the honeycomb texture to CN's mask and instead opted for a glittery effect. Why? The texture in on his suit which helps to give a sense of cohision between him and LB who rocks the same texture on her suit. Just wishes they added it to the mask too. LB has the texture all throughout her suit, mask included so why not CN? It's an odd choice.
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Chat Noir and LB's duet lovey dovey song scene---alright they got one. I thought this WHOLE moment and sequence was beautifully done. One of the best moments in the whole movie so far.
They did a better job finding a singer who matches the VA with CN than with LB. I have a better time believing that that's what CN would song like singing than with LB.
I like how they showed Gabriel's abuse of the Butterfly akuma affecting him physically based on how disheveled he appeared before Adrien. Also, Gabriel actually expresses how much he cares about Adrien and Adrien actually gets to pop off and chastise his father for neglecting him since his mother passed. Amazing! Point for the movie.
At 1:16:34 into the film---Not a fun touch how they treated Adrien's heartache as a joke during a very serious moment in the film while Marinette gets another solo song. This could've been another perfect opportunity for a duet between our two heroes, this time in their civilian forms but it wasn't taken, sadly.
The final fight between LB and CN vs Hawkmoth is legit the most OP CN has ever been in any given ML content and I love it.
Oh my god! Hawkmoth actually being threatening! LB being vulnerable and having to be saved by Chat Noir! LB getting to return the favour by saving CN and then being all protective of him when Hawkmoth comes for them both. CN being rebellious and badass to Hawkmoth. This whole final fight is just *chef’s kiss*
The movie delivered better than the series! Not only does Hawkmoth get to learn that Adrien is CN, not only does Adrien get to learn that his father is Hawkmoth but the icing on the cake is that there is no animosity. Gabriel doesn't double cross his son and akumatize him. Instead the day is saved by the love between father and son. Adrien encourages his father to let his mother go and Chat Noir purifies him this time. Not Ladybug. Chat Noir/Adrien gets to save his father! What's even more interesting is that the movie retconned the series. Emilee isn't some princess with a twin sister and Adrien isn't a sentimonster born through the.power of the Peacock Miraculous.
They kept the backstory simple but wholesome. The movie delivered better on the development and conclusion to the whole Agreste Family story than the series. One of the main complaints from how the last season of ML was concluded was that Adrien was completely omitted from both the final fight with Hawkmoth and the reveal that the villain was his dear ole dad all along. So it’s fantastic that the movie did a lot better job with this. Not only that but the movie also did better on portraying Gabriel as a sympathetic villain so when he finally does come to his senses in the end and is redeemed, it feels earned or at least better fleshed out than in the animated series.
Gotta love how even in the movie, Master Fu is still portrayed as a shitty ass Guardian. Where the F*** was this man for the majority of the whole movie outside of his first appearance meeting Marinette (and freaking her out with his cryptic speeches).
Also interesting, the Butterfly Miraculous was returned to Master Fu instead of being lost again and ending up in the hands of someone who would abuse it for their own selfish desires.
So they DO do the reveal between our heroes at the end and I gotta say, obviously I prefer how the film did the reveal. So basically after Gabriel was defeated, the powers of the Ladybug earrings and Black Cat ring fade away? I mean it was stated that the powers would only awaken when the world is in chaos. So it would make sense that they would go away once Hawkmoth was defeated.
Something the movie doesn’t confirm is whether or not Gabriel got arrested for his crimes as Hawkmoth. We got him being revealed as the culprit behind the attacks on Paris but no confirmation on whether or not he paid for them. My assumption is that Gabriel is currently in jail for his crimes and while he’s locked away, Natalie is going to be the one to carry on his work.
So it appears that there may be a sequel film in the works because it showed Emily. So my assumption is that we will get the whole Sentimonster plotline from the series but handled much differently based on the final scene. And y’know what? I’m all for Jeremy Zag doing his own take on the Miraculous story.
Overall Thoughts on the Movie:
While the film wasn’t perfect---it still had its fair share of flaws but I mostly will blame it on the movie format as opposed to it being a series allowed to build the story from episode to episode. Needless to say, I don’t think I’ll be the only former miraculer in saying this but I prefer the ML film over the series.
Say what you will about Jeremy Zag but he definitely did a much better job with the ML love story for the film than Thomas Astruc, it’s actual series creator, ever did with the story for the animated series. If Zag decides to do his own thing, somewhat soft-rebooting the animated series through the movies then I’m sorry but I’m more in support of the films than the series.
The movie just makes the romance between Marinette/LB and Adrien/CN so much worth the watch. One of the things that made me fall out of love with the series was just how worthless the love story between our two heroes became ESPECIALLY after S3. I found myself not wanting LB and CN to get together anymore since the series did such a disservince in making me care about their love story.
It’s difficult for me to even think that LB even liked CN in the series since we would always get these weird moments where she’s so spiteful and mean-spirited towards him.
It’s for this reason why I enjoyed the movie so much. LB and CN’s flirtatious banter and rivalry was brilliantly handled in the movie. You genuinely felt the chemistry building between them so when they finally do get together in the end, you feel happy for them.
I would give the Miraculous movie an 8.5/10:
Not perfect but definitely leagues better than the animated series in terms of making the audience care about the love story between Ladybug and Chat Noir which is the point of the narrative.
In hindsight, the film just better represented the wholesome charm that got folks like myself invested in Miraculous as a concept in the first place and that's what's so amazing about it to me.
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Not to mention that the film handled the final fight between our heroes and the main villain way better than the series did in all 5 seasons, 130 episodes and 2 specials. Let that sink in, will you.
If people are looking to get into Miraculous, I feel like I’d just tell them to watch the film and not bother with the series at all. No disrespect to Thomas Astruc since the series is his brain child but I’m sorry--- Jeremy Zag did the love story he was supposed to tell us a lot better. At least in my opinion.
~LMS (2023)
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eunchancorner · 8 months
yessss please, I would like to know more
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Have I ever told yall it feels really good when y'all are hyped for something I wanna talk about?
November 13th, 2:34 P.M.
Jack and John looked Bob over thoughtfully as they sat on the other side of the interrogation table. He seemed so… different like this. And no, it wasn’t the thin orange jumpsuit, nor the massive cuffs needed for his wrists. It wasn’t the change of scenery, the drab grays and loneliness sharply contrasting the bright, public environments he usually staged his massacres in.
It was his calm, downcast, almost sad expression. The complete opposite of his sinister smile and gaze that stares into your soul. The way he slouched in his chair. His former sadistic air had just about dissipated and he looked like little more than a pathetic old man. He was almost a different man.
“So…” John started with a sigh, sitting forward in his chair. “You’re a cannibal?”
Bob’s gaze flicked up for a moment, before settling back on the table in front of him, humming out a quiet agreement.
“And how many of your victims have you actually… eaten?” he pressed, keeping an eye on the biggest’s every movement, studying his body language.
Bob seemed to think for a moment, counting on his hand before looking up at them again.
“I believe a bit of each… so, technically, all of them…” he finally said, his gaze lowering once again as he spoke.
“And how did this whole cannibalism thing begin, Mr. Velseb?” Jack asked.
The oldest heaved a deep sigh, emotion beginning to show deep in his eyes.
“That’s an… old tale, officers. One that I’m sure would be too borin for ya…” he said carefully, his expression just barely displaying distress.
“I’m sure a tale that ends with you as a man-eating serial killer is far from boring,” John reasoned.
“Hm… I suppose you have a point, but it’s a tale I’m not too… fond of, let’s say.”
“And why is that?” Jack questioned.
“Have you… ever been betrayed, officers? Either of ya?”
“Not yet, no,” the other ravenette answered, his partner grunting in agreement.
“Hm. ‘Yet.’ Bein realistic, I see… how else can I put this, then?” he seemed deep in thought for a few minutes before he continued.
“Have you ever done somethin you regret, but knew, in that moment, that you had to?”
“Well, yeah, of course,” Jack answered again.
“As officers, we usually have to make that decision on the field,” John affirmed, silently hoping that being a bit more open with Bob would encourage the same.
“Well… my story starts with a decision like that… or, well, the crimes did…”
He took a deep breath, finally locking eyes with the two.
“My story begins with me… and a friend. My closest friend, and maybe most loyal customer, a man named Corey, twelve long years ago. He and he were inseparable. Game nights, huntin, watchin football, every cliche thing two men could do, we were doin. And we loved it.
“He’d come by Boys ‘N Grills damn near every day at lunch, and we’d chat about whatever came to mind. Somethin new that caught our eyes, different grillin techniques, an idea about what to do after work, everythin.
“In fact, one day, Corey suggested we’d go hikin. He insisted it’d be a fun little adventure, and dammit, he looked so excited, how could I say no? Heh, it was endearin, almost cute as one of y’all might put it.
“We packed our things, and, around October 15th-ish, I believe, we set out in the woods. I remember it was right smack-dab in the middle of Spooky Month, and he was so excited for our ‘Spooky hike’, as he put it. And, I’ll admit, I was excited, too. It was nice gettin to go out and do somethin new with him.
“But, despite everythin we packed, our first mistake was leavin behind our compass. When me and him realized this, Corey assured me that we didn’t need it, that if we kept track of how many turns we made, we’d be alright. But that was our second mistake, trustin either of us to remember anythin while occupied with all the sights. After a while, all the trees started to look the same, and when I finally got scared of losin our way, it was too late. Corey kept insistin that we weren’t lost and could get back home easy, but I wasn’t sure… he should’ve listened to me…”
Bob trailed off, clutching his bandaged right hand. The searing pain from the bullet wound, when his hand had been shot to disarm him, felt like a little bug bite in comparison to the pain growing in what used to be a hollow chest. He wanted to focus more on the wounds outside than inside. He didn’t want to tell this story. But he had to, he knew he did.
“Hours turned to days… days turned to weeks… weeks turned to half a damn month we were out there. We were growin desperate after runnin out of food within the first few damned days… We couldn’t tell poisonous berries apart from safe and didn’t dare run the risk. We hadn’t brought any guns or fishin rods, and no matter how hard we tried, spearfishin always ended with us empty handed. We were lucky we didn’t see any bears or wolves out there, or I don’t think I’d’ve survived, either…”
“Are you saying that Corey died in the woods?” Jack interjected.
“If you’d let me finish, you’d’ve found that out… but yes… one day, Halloween, I think it was, somethin… happened to him. He couldn’t take it anymore. And, with the only weapon we had, a single damn pocket knife, he attacked me… caught me off-guard and cut me up real bad. The whole time I tried to fight him off, tryin to get him to snap out of it, tellin him we’d be ok, that someone would find us. Tryin to have the positivity that he’d had at the beginnin, but he wasn’t havin none of it. He kept talkin about how out there, there was no friendship. There was no partnership. There was no ‘us’…” his gaze turned to the mirror at the side of the room, “Just me, him, and hunger, and that one of us had to go, so the other could go on. I just wanted to get him off of me… I just wanted to stay alive, I…” he began to choke on his words, feeling tears trying to push past his defenses. He couldn’t cry, not here, not now. Not with two officers staring him down, probably more behind the walls. But at the same time, telling his story was hard, and it made breaking down so easy, the very last things that he wanted to do, he had to do in this confession. He took a deep breath to try to compose himself and force the tears back, trying not to hear the whispers in his mind, what the police could possibly be saying about him, and press on with his story.
“When we were fightin, I… I threw him against a tree. I didn’t think it was that hard, but… I was wrong… he wasn’t movin… he wasn’t respondin… he wasn’t even breathin… I wanted him to be paralyzed, I really did, because even that was better than the truth… but… I knew what I’d done to him… I’d broken his back, and I’d killed him… I don’t remember how long I cried, just that we’d fought around noon, and when my eyes finally cleared, it was dark. I’d killed my best  friend, officers… And… I was so hungry… I know I should have just tried to look for something else, but at that moment… I… I don’t think I cared anymore…”
“Don’t say it…” Jack mumbled quietly.
“I ate him… I ate Corey… I felt like some kind of savage animal… it was the most bitter thing I’ve ever eaten… it tasted like pennies and raw pork and was every bit as bitter as straight, black coffee… And that’s not even the worst part…” he trailed off, losing his battle against his own tears despite how hard he tried to stay composed.
Seeing him in distress like this, even if he was a wanted criminal, it almost made the two officers feel bad for him.
“What was the worst part, then?” John prompted him to keep telling his story.
“The worst part… was that they found us the next day… or, I guess… they found me the next day… Corey was nothin more than a broken, dismembered corpse… and I’d buried him, so, they never found the body… My best friend, he deserved better than that… If I’d just held off one more day, if we’d held off just one more day I wouldn’t even be here right now!”
“That’s only one killing, what about the other several over the years?” Jack interjected, standing up.
“Officers… by now you must have noticed the pattern…”
“Yes, of course we have. One to three killings, every Halloween for the past eleven years, this year being the only exception besides the years you were in prison. We’d assumed it was to disguise it as a show.”
“That’s… not quite the truth. If you remember, I told you that me and Corey fought on Halloween… I ate him on Halloween night… well… somethin must have happened that night… or maybe there was somethin in his body but… Every Halloween, I get hungry… so, so uncontrollably hungry. I spend the day fightin it off, and the night… well, you can guess…”
“Hm… well, what changed this year? Like Jack said, this is the only year, besides your prison time, when you didn’t successfully kill someone. And we got to you pretty damn late, so what was keeping you from killing someone?” John asked, leaning forward in his chair as his partner sat back down. “Did it have something to do with this?”
The brunette produced a golden amulet tucked securely in an evidence bag. The amulet had a large, circular charm with a similarly round, baby-blue gem in the center, and two flowing, feather shaped decorations on the bottom. He set it down on the table and allowed the fugitive to examine it, although a single glance showed Bob knew exactly what it was.
“Where did you get that…?”
“One of our coworkers found it while we were going through your things, checking for evidence in case someone tried to plead a case for you. Interestingly enough, it looks just like the amulet worn by the assumed cultists running around, like this one,” Jack informed Bob, placing an image of a cultist on the table for proof.
“We’ll give you a moment to collect yourself, maybe some time to let it out,” John offered, noticing how the man was still having trouble from his near-breakdown earlier, “And then, maybe you can tell us what’s going on with you and the cult.”
A whisper near the door caught the attention of the two, whipping around to see the face of one of the aforementioned coworkers, none other than Shotty themself.
“Psst, guys, we got it,” they whispered, motioning to the two.
Jack nodded as he and John stood.
“Stay put and let it out, we’ll be right back. And don’t try anything,” he warned before the two headed out, meeting up with their colleagues.
“How much you get outta that guy?” Cap questioned, peering into the one-way window at Bob, who was finally crying, now that he was under the impression that he was alone.
“A lot, but it was all how he came to be a cannibal, and his urges. Did you two get what we asked?” John asked the two.
“Yep! And can I just add, this is a great thing you two are doing, especially you, Jack. I’ve never seen you give someone a second chance before,” Shotty said as they handed the stack of papers off.
“What are you talking about? I’ve given plenty of people a second chance!” Jack argued, a little offended.
“Name one.”
“Every cop in this town?”
“There’s four cops in this town, excluding you,” Cap pointed out, “And you never needed to give John a second chance because he’s basically our boss! Oh, also, not to divert or anything, but we figured the big guy would appreciate this stuff,” he handed the two a pack of tissues and a glass of water.
“Good, thanks. You two are being… really considerate towards a criminal. Something going on?” Jack asked, a bit suspicious of their behavior.
Shotty rolled their eyes a bit. “C’mon Jack, not everyone is as mean as you. I mean, yes, he has killed, like, a lot of people, but he still deserves tissues and water. Not to mention, from what we understand, he can’t actually help it, sooooo…”
“Fair. Now, we got one more job for you,” John finally spoke up again. “We need you to go talk to the mayor about our plan. He’ll listen to you more than he listens to us, for some god-forsaken reason, so if you talk to him about it, chances are he’ll listen.”
“You got it, boss,” Cap assured him.
“We’re on it! To Evermore’s houseeee!” Shotty cheered as they and Cap left.
“Hey, wait, don't go to his-! And they’re gone… oh those two are going to get fired one day…” the brunette grumbled.
Jack chuckled quietly, shifting the papers in his arms and looking into the one-way window at a now calming Bob.
“Looks like he’s stopping, should we head back in?”
“Mhm. Time to figure out what’s going on with that cult.”
The two stepped back into the interrogation room, Jack clutching the papers to his chest and holding the door as John carried over the tissues and water for Bob, sliding them over the table to the oldest. Wiping away his tears as the door slammed shut, the killer sighed heavily, having just let out twelve years of pent-up emotions in the span of a few minutes. He took a long sip of water as John continued from earlier.
“So, now that we’ve given you some time, what can you tell us about the cult?” the brunette got straight to the point.
“Nothin… I can’t tell ya nothin,” Velseb grumbled.
“And why is that?”
“I made a promise… and I always keep my promises. A good man always does, after all…”
“Barely a good man…” Jack grumbled, setting the paperwork in his lap.
“Well, I’m a man of my word, that’s for damn sure. And my word says I’ll keep quiet about that cult. All I can tell ya is they’re far more harmless than they seem.”
“Somehow, I have trouble believing that,” John argued. “But, is there anything we could do that could possibly convince you?”
“For that, officers, you’d have to do the impossible.”
“Which is?”
“Find out how to cure whatever the hell is wrong with me…”
The partners looked at each other before nodding, a knowing look in their eyes.
“Actually, Mr. Velseb, there might be a way,” Jack informed him, placing the stack of papers on the table, sliding them over to his fellow ravenette, who gave them a skeptical look.
“What’s this?”
“Paperwork. Paperwork to get you transferred from prison to a rehabilitation facility. This could be the key to your new life, Bob. With enough effort, we could help you completely get rid of your cannibalism… curse, in a sense. You’d never have to eat another person to satiate yourself again. In a few years time, you could be living a normal life, maybe even have a family,” John explained, gently pushing the papers more towards the unwilling cannibal.
“As nice as that’d be, officers… I’m afraid my reputation has been set in stone. No matter how many years of rehab I go through, I’ll always be Bob Velseb, feared and hated serial killer… no one will trust me to be in a store, no one will trust me to be alone. I’ll be monitored by everyone, no matter how many years go by. I’ll never have a normal life, nor a family. It’s too late to change that fact. However…” he began to think further about it, “your offer is temptin. Even if I can’t have a ‘normal life’, it would be nice to not have to deal with… whatever the hell happened to me. Do ya really think it’ll work…?”
“As long as you cooperate, then I think anything is possible, including helping you,” Jack reasoned, “but we need the information only you can give us.”
“You’re askin some pretty sensitive information… these people you’re investigatin, they’re not doin anythin wrong. I know they seem odd, maybe even creepy, but in all honesty, it’s more like a lil family thing. But that’s about all I can tell ya…”
“I know you can tell us a lot more, Mr. Velseb, and we can’t give you the papers until we have everything we need. It might seem a little unfair to you, but we can’t give you any sort of reward until we get what we asked for.”
Bob sighed a bit. He hated it, but understood. He’d either have to break his promise, or live out the rest of his life with an unbearable ‘curse’ in prison, most likely solitary confinement. Frankly, one option was far preferable to the other.
“Hm. Fine, I’ll tell ya what it seems like ya need to hear.”
The two cops glanced at each other before leaning forward a bit, signifying that they were listening.
“The cult isn’t quite what ya might be thinkin it is. The cult isn’t some high-and-mighty ‘our god is the only real god’, sacrificin, blood-thirsty, cliche cult from every doomsday movie. But, one thing’s for sure… that thing, whatever the hell it is… is real. I’ve looked into the depths of the hole it’s in, and I could almost feel it lookin back at me. They wanted me to meet it, but… they were kind when I refused. They seemed to understand, they let me in anyway. The leader, he told me that they didn’t like makin people uncomfortable. That they promoted comfort and happiness in the cult. As a matter of fact, they wanted me as a scout so they could help me overcome what I went through. I help them, they help me.
“They’re like a big family, the leader actin as a dad, in a way. Said somethin bout how he has a kid at home so it’s nothin new to him, I dunno. They meet every now and again, in that house on that hill. There’s a hole in the floor there that leads right to it. I’ve never seen it personally, but some of the members described it to me. Said it looks like a giant, pinkish, broccoli lookin thing, who’s head fades into darkness above, millions of baby-blue eyes formin the stars. A huge mouth that doesn’t even look like it’s connected with huge teeth that are on the outside, and long, kinda fluffy tentacles. They’ve told me what it’s like to look into it’s eyes, or, ‘the stars’, as they call it. They’ve said it makes ya almost numb, then their memories start blurrin together. I never get a straight answer of what happens after that, except that they ‘wake up’ feelin happy and calm, and that they’re already out of the hole when they come to. In fact, it can completely change someone’s attitude and everythin. I’m actually pretty close with someone who used to be bitter and spiteful, accordin to him, but after seein that thing, he was one of the calmest, kindest people I’d ever seen.
“Maybe that’s why I agreed to their deal… maybe I thought that thing could fix me. It seems like it changes people for the better. Bout everyone there either acted like that man, or was cheerful and sweet. I thought, if nothin else, it could make me happier. But, I got scared. I wussed out. I didn’t wanna see that thing, it sounded terrifyin. But, I guess in doin so, I kinda distanced myself from them, and the odd things that they liked…”
“What kind of things?” John asked, intrigued by his descriptions.
“Well, for the most part, affection. Especially ticklin. I don’t know why, but that seems like the thing everythin is centered around in that cult. I’ll run into people who can’t so much as say the word without lightin up in the face like a Christmas tree, or people who can say it so casually that they have full-blown conversations about it. I’ll walk past two or three tickle fights each meetin, ones that, half the time, end up bein very one-sided. Sometimes I’ll even let loose and join in. Though when that usually happens, I practically get dog piled and tickled until I can’t stop laughin for damn near an hour…” he chuckled a bit to himself, “It’s fun, though… I have to admit, they’ve got a damn good idea.”
“Tickling?” Jack asked in astonishment. Something so innocent from people who he’d thought just a few minutes ago were dangerous.
“Idea?” John echoed Bob’s words, more focused on the goal of this cult.
“Mhm. Spreadin happiness through a love of ticklin. It’s said that if you don’t already like it, seein the monster makes ya love it. I, personally, don’t mind it. But it’s not a strange, super-obsessive kinda love, it’s more like a sorta… what’s the word that he used…? Hyper… hyper… hyper-something-or-other… ah, hyperfixation, yeah. Basically, it’s almost always in the back of their minds, even when they don’t know it. Accordin to them, havin this shared love, bein able to confide in each other and be genuinely vulnerable with each other is actually really nice. And they wanna share this with the town. Simple as that.”
“That’s… really it? No hostile takeover bid? No ominous prophecy? No blood sacrifices?” Jack questioned, still in disbelief.
“Didn’t I tell ya at the start? No, none of that cliche doomsday shit. They just want to turn this small town into a happy family,” Bob reiterated, slightly annoyed.
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mlchaelwheeler · 2 years
Even if Mike meant everything he said to El, the whole monologue stems from a lie. The one thing (all the stuff about the painting and El etc) that encouraged him to confess his feelings wasn't even true lol. Now he thinks that El "needs" him, when she doesn't. It's funny bc Will is the only reason why he said anything to El. I'm just curious about it because I wonder if it will come back and bite them in a way. At the same time though I'm still really mad at the writing when it comes to Mike.
I totally agree. They completely failed Mike this season in every possible way. They had him ignore Will (his best friend for 10 years) for no reason, realize he "loves" El only after she gets her powers back, and not even be able to tell El his feelings until Will begs him to do so.
The whole monologue is full of lies, which is so funny because mi|even's whole relationship is also built on lies. Both Mike and El have been constantly lying to each other since they got together in S3, even with "friends don't lie" being Mike's key phrase.
The line from Mike's monologue that stuck out to me the most was "I feel like my life didn't begin until the day I met you. I knew I loved you then and there." Like???? He had the audacity to say that lie while sitting right next to Will? The same boy who went missing that day and was trapped in the upside down and hunted by monsters for a week?? Furthermore, it was certainly not love at first sight. Mike plans to send El away the morning after he finds her, basically because she's getting in the way of his plans to find Will. After she shows that she has superpowers, Mike lets her stay, but tells Lucas that they need her as a weapon to fight whatever took Will. He says, "do you really want to face the demogorgan with your wrist rocket?" How is any of this love at first sight? When El took Mike to the quarry and he saw Will's "body," he slapped El's hand away, yelled at her, and left her without a way back to his house. That certainly doesn't seem like love to me, but idk. 🤪
Everything Mike said just doesn't make sense with his character arc. He's afraid El won't need him anymore? That he's replaceable? And this is after she writes him nearly everyday, then cries and begs him to tell her that he loves her. He didn't feel needed then? Not when he had absolutely no reason to not say it back (if his monologue is true, which, we know it isnt)?
What was the "truth" Mike was afraid to tell El? That he loves her?? That's exactly what she wanted to hear. Why couldn't he say it when she needed him the most? Then he can conveniently say it when she's on death's door, has her powers back, and may not even be able to hear him??
Mike didn't show any romantic interest in El when she was without her powers. The kiss at the end of S3, his confused expression after she told him he loves her, his fake california demeanor, and being unable to say he loves her when she's sobbing and begging him to. It's only when she got her powers back that Mike could be convinced to tell her his feelings. This just makes him look like an absolute asshole for no reason.
Why was a character with such potential in S1-2 completely massacred in vol 2? Why did his whole character arc become being "El's boyfriend"? What happened to main character Mike who would do anything for his friends? This isn't the Mike who sat on El's bed while she sobbed about his lack of feelings. This isn't the Mike who ignored Will sobbing next to him in the van. And this certainly isn't the Mike who cruelly stated in front of Will that the day Will went missing is when his own life began.
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ask-joachim-armster · 2 months
Lord Armster, if you don't mind but I have three questions for you sir:
1) if a vampire decides to kidnaps a daughter of vampire hunters beacuse they came from powerful bloodline (excluding the Belmont clan and other branches of the clan) is possible that the girl is killed, used as a salve or worst, forcing to be pregnant (in case of cursed vampire)?
2) when you realised that you where manipulated by your "father" and stoped being the "obedient son"?
And lastly
3) can you say what those two bastrads (Dracula and Bernhard) have in common?
And a bonus (if you want to answer of course): why you mention your "father" by the last name and not by first name?
Joachim: Because that dead old bastard doesn’t deserve me to say his name! There are many Bernhards in this world, and he is only one of them. A worm is not worthy of a name!
Joachim growls quietly, but quickly calms down.
Joachim: Hmmm, why would a vampire who managed to kidnap the daughter of a hunter with a powerful bloodline need a half-blood son? Dhampirs often become vampire hunters themselves. Only a fool will give life to a creature that in the future is capable of killing its own father.
Such a girl will either be made a weak-willed slave and feasted on her blood every night… Or she will be turned into a vampire and forced to attack her father and mother, brothers and sisters.
If a vampire has demon servants, he will first give them this girl for entertainment, and then turn her into an undead.
I was a stupid boy and believed all his sweet speeches. I thought that my «father» took care of me and therefore limited my freedom… But time passed, I learned, became stronger, but the attitude towards me remained the same. I couldn’t even hunt alone…
Every time I felt thirst for blood, I had to go to him and ask permission to leave the Forest of Eternal Night. Sometimes the «father» agreed, but did not let me go alone, but took me on a joint hunt. But most often he himself brought me «prey» and watched me drink the blood.
One day, while hunting together, I… I simply expressed my opinion. I didn’t understand why my «father» carried out another bloody massacre…
Perhaps he was drunk with blood or my tone seemed too impudent to him… Bernhard then hit me for the first time. It was really just a slap in the face, but until that night, he never laid a hand on me.
I wasn’t in pain, but… something broke in me… Bernhard, of course, sang like a nightingale and spoke some soothing words… It was from that very night that I began to understand that I was just a cute pet, who can be kicked if he dares to show his fangs. All Bernhard’s words, all his actions, all his kindness are lies. I began to notice what I had previously closed my eyes to, and I could no longer play the role of an «obedient son.» I didn’t want to be a beautiful doll and a weak-willed slave.
What do Dracula and Bernhard have in common?
Soul, hehehe?
They are both selfish bastards who put their own desires above all else.
They both manipulate those they take under their care, turning them into weak-willed slaves and toys.
They both see people as just animals.
They are both obsessed with strength and power, ready to make any sacrifice just to rise above everyone else.
They are both lazy lords who send their servants to do all the dirty work while they sit on the throne looking bored.
They both love to kidnap and seduce innocent girls.
They are both slimy worms who have lost all traces of humanity and turned into monsters.
But... one of them turned into nothing, and the second doomed himself to an eternal circle of death and rebirth.
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When I regained consciousness I felt like I was on grass. I suddenly shot up from my lying position, I looked around to see that I’m surrounded by hilichurls, wait- Hilichurls. Oh my Sweet mama Jesus I’ve been isekai’ed. The hilichurls seemed friendly enough “Ye da?” a samachurl that saw I had awoken asked, “Mi ye” I responded albeit hesitantly.
The samachurl seemed to notice my discomfort, so it tried to warm up to me ,by offering me a sunsettia, I gratefully took it. It tasted like a peach but it was like a soft apple texture wise, a soft apple not mushy. Overall it was good. The hilichurls seemed nice, so I interacted with some of them and I helped them with their tasks, gathering wood, fruit, and vegetables.
Before I knew it it was evening and the hilichurls sat around the bonfire sharing soup. The mitachurl beside me handed me a serving, I nodded as a form of thanks. I’ve learned to communicate with them through body language opposed to trying my limited knowledge of hilichurlian. The soup was very good, it paled in comparison to my grandmother’s sweet pea soup, but it was good.
I was shown where I was going to sleep, I layed down, I was about to fall asleep when I heard a distinct asshole’s voice, “Time for Retribution,” and the shrill cries of a phoenix. I shot up and ran to the comotion to try to protect the hilichurls that have been nothing but kind to me. I saw a dropped bow which I picked up, and used my knowledge of archery, and would have shot our boy Diluc in the foot if he didnt move the second you released the arrow. He looked up, you made direct eye contact. You flip him off, with absolutely no hesitation, his eyes widened for a second.
He stopped fighting the mitachurl, ran over, grabbed me and dragged me out of the camp and to “safety”.
“Kid, what were you thinking, those are hilichurls, they're dangerous.”
“One we are about the same age a year or two give or take. Two How fucking dare you barge into the camp of hilichurls that have been nothing but kind with me and massacre them,” I snapped back. “ That is besides the point.. What are you doing?” you notice an options button beside him, you look at it and press it.
The artifact and weapon menu shows up. “Bitch really, Bloodtainted greatsword? Really? I’d expect this from newbie.” “Excuse me? What does my weapon have to do with anythi-” “THIS IS MORE OF A MESS THAN CHILDE’S MENTAL HEALTH, 2 star 4 piece travelling doctor? This is directly mocking me. I know it.” Eugh fine, This'' I make circling hand gestures `` We're redoing all of this.” I still had all my artefacts except they're all 5 stars, oh I see some extras too, good. I put him on 2 piece Gladiator’s, 2 piece Crimson witch.
“ Now, much better.” I exclaimed. “I’m leaving.” Diluc said, absolutely done with this weird woman. “No, you are testing my hard work out.” I walked over to him, “There’s a not so kind hilichurl camp very close to Mondstadt, it would be dangerous for them to be that close,” I reasoned, which worked, I led the way, lo and behold hilichurl camp. He didn’t even have to tell you to stay back, your will to not be Diluc fried chicken was pretty high. From Diluc’s point of view he felt nothing until he used his skill, his flames felt hotter, but not uncomfortable to wield.
When he was done he walked over to you. “What are you?” He interrogated “ Human dumbass.” I responded. He pressed on, “ Who else can you do this to? What’s the price?”
“Well I can only do it to vision wielders from what I’ve gathered, and no price as long as you are competent and with a good build I’m fine, so to sum it up I do this for fun.” I explained. “So you don’t expect payment?” he said, still slightly suspicious, “Nope.” I respond, popping the “p” sound. “Do you have a place to stay?” He questioned, “ Well I did,” I said irritated. “Come with me”.
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bellamer · 2 years
So it took two hours but I'm in because my brother used my mom's phone number for mine and my cousin's phone number for his, even though it got us yelled at. First things first, ima look at the new designs and say what I think
D.VA: Not digging the ponytail, her bangs are ugly
Doomfist: At least they gave him shoes. No more grippers on the field.
Orisa: I guess I like what they did with the hair
Roadhog: That mowhawk is ugly as fuck, yee yee ass haircut
Sigma: What did they do to my baby-honey-precious ? He looks so...plain now. I hate it.
Winston: What shampoo do he use ? His hair is so much fuller, but the outfit... is meh..
Wrecking Ball: Deadass forgot this hamster yo existed so I don't care.
Zarya: That ponytail. Hell fucking no. Why do they look like they tried to soften her features ?
Ashe and Bob: I don't like how they shortened Ash's hair but it ain't bad. But nothing special.
Cassidy: Got rid of his whole tan. Somehow whitewashed a white man. Blizzard probably got tired of people headcanoning him as Latino and went "Enough of that" (jokes on them, there's pale/white Latinos tho) and y'all still could've gave him a better name. I'm all for "Cassidy" but the "Cole" part is just ugly.
Echo: She didn't get a new design for some reason
Genji: Eww. Why's he wearing clothes. But ngl, the fit is drippy so he gets a pass.
Hanzo: Blizzard hates voluptuous man tiddies. Noted. Guess they only like the sort of titties their employees can steal employees breastmilk from.
Junkrat: THAT'S NOT MY BABY ! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOUUU ?!? WHO YOU IS ?!? WHO YOU BE ?!? But naw, seriously, they erased everything unique about junkrat and yassfied them. Fuck this.
Mei: So fucking cute but her OG outfit is cuter.
Pharah: Really just yeet her earrings away for no reason.
Reaper: I hate his new pants. Instead of showing off those marvelous thick thighs, they made them look clumpy.
Soldier 76: Seeing his face just feels wrong.
Sombra: An actual improvement, I just wish they gave her actual fucking shoes.
Symmetra: No more thighs, but I actually love the outfit. I do not like how one piece of hair is sticking out though.
Torbjorn: I like it but it's nothing special.
Tracer: She looks less dorky. I'm kinda sad about it.
Widowmaker: Damn, no more exposed chest but I do like the outfit. I don't care for the braid though but I love her new headpiece.
Ana: It's alright.
Baptiste: I hate his haircut and I don't care for the outfit. They massacred my boy.
Brigitte: It's alright
Lúcio: Boy looks like he got some damn pool noodles in his head, what did y'all do to him ?
Mercy: It is very meh.
Moira: So y'all just deciding to do all of my fucking mains dirty, huh ? Junkrat, Sigma, Baptiste, now Moira.
Zenyatta: It's just fucking meh.
So basically they decided to turn everyone into the equivalent of an unseasoned, raw, chicken breast. The only Main of mine that looks alright is Ashe, but not only that, most of my mains are locked.
Also, none of my skins got transferred or my voice lines. So yeah, the game is garbage. Can't wait to see the hot mess that is the gameplay, if they stop kicking me out every 15 minutes and making me wait in a que of 2000.
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peaceesells · 2 years
||Hell of a sleepover||
You and the hellfire club have a sleepover
This includes all of the hellfire members besides freak bc I don't know his actual name 💀
Warnings: reader is presumed female but no pronouns are used,cursing
I started writing this back in August and I feel like getting it out of here I know it's bad and short but omg I need to post something, I've never written an actual story just headcanons so I'm sorry ik it's bad 💀
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not my image ^^
It was a regular Friday afternoon, you got through your first few classes, and then lunch rolled around.
You sat in your usual spot beside gareth, you two were always the first to get to lunch. Jeff showed up shortly after you, then eddie, and the the 3 other boys.
"So.." you started talking catching everyone's attention. "Are you guys busy this weekend? My mom's going to be gone and I really don't want to be alone.."
Eddie laughed "you gonna tell us your scared of being home alone (y/n)?" He crossed his arms and looked at you.
"What? No I'm just gonna be bored"
"So are we hanging out or is it going to be a sleepover?" Gareth asked wich made everyone laugh besides you
You shrug "It can if you want it to be, I can go get some movies and popcorn and we can just hang out all night."
"Aren't we to old for sleepovers?" Lucas commented
"Your never to old of a sleepover Sinclair, and (y/n)'s are always fun" Eddie looked over at you "I'm not busy I'll be there"
Gareth and Jeff also agreed to come, but dustin, Mike and Lucas were stuck up on the idea that they were to old to have sleepovers. But after a few deals were made, they agreed.
You were at your house getting ready, cleaning up a bit, putting sodas in the fridge, and you also ran to FamilyVideo to pick up some horror movies
The phone started ringing so you ran to answer it. It was eddie "hey (y/n), I'm going to pick up Mike, Lucas and Dustin. So you can pick up gareth and Jeff." "Alright you can come whenever, thank you!" You hung the phone up and grabbed your car keys.
Jeff was at Gareth's house when you got there so that made it easier and you thanked them for saving you gas. When you pulled into your driveway Eddie's van was already there.
You three hoped out of your car and headed towards your door to unlock it everyone gathered behind you.
It took you a second with the lock but your door finally opened and you moved out of the way so everyone could walk inside. "I rented some horror movies and I can order pizza if you guys want" you said walking over to the couch.
"What movies did you get?" Mike asked sitting on the floor beside you
"Uhh I got The Shinning, Nightmare on Elm Street, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.. I say we watch The Shinning first because it's awesome, and the longest movie here.."
You look up to find everyone either sitting on the couch or on the floor infront of it. You put the movie on and sat down in the middle of the couch in-between eddie and gareth.
"Oh shit! I almost forgot.." you quickly got up and ran into the kitchen sliding slightly on the tile when you stop because of your socks, you open the fridge "okay who wants soda?!" You slightly yell so the boys hear you.. you hear multiple yeses so you grab enough for everyone.
You handed everyone a drink and ran to your phone "I'm just going to get pepperoni, is that okay?" Everyone agreed. You ordered the pizza and finally settled down to watch the movie that was already I few minutes in..
You guys didn't really watch the movie you most were making fun of it, and laughing at eachothers jokes about the movie until you heard the door bell ring.
You stood up to get the door but gareth stopped you telling you he would get it. He came back a few minutes later, setting the pizza box on your kitchen counter.
"Okay so my mom would actually murder me if we ate in the living room so we've gotta scoot on over to the kitchen" you say awkwardly, taking a seat at the bar.
Everyone gathered around you taking a slice, of course them being immature teenage boys they were messing around, you couldn't help but laugh and play along with them.
Even though the night had barley started you and the rest of the hellfire club knew that this was gonna be one hell of a sleepover.
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monawritesyou · 2 years
Bond   to   Me
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 “I heard that her whole family was massacred by some psychotic villain and he left her alive.”   
  “I heard something different. Instead of leaving her alive, she actually was hiding away beneath the floorboard with her baby brother.”   
  You looked down at the floor with shame. Your hand was being held in a man’s that you did not know of. He wasn’t family nor was he a friend. He was a complete stranger to you and yet, you still followed him. The people surrounding your family home gossiped among each other and news as well as rumors spread fast.    
  You could feel the swords in your other hand feeling heavy with the weight of your negative emotions. They were sheltered in a secured [f.color] bag away from prying eyes and the hands of others.  
    “She’s only six years old. I wonder if she’s going into the system.”   
  You were picked up from the floor and into the man’s arms. He carried you gently and you looked back at the people in your village. They all looked at you pitifully. You waved softly at your friends with tears in your eyes and they waved back at you with saddened expressions.  
   You heard a car door opening and you were inside a black interior car. It looked and felt brand new. You looked up at the man wearing sunglasses and he gave you an easy smile to calm your nerves. He buckled you up and said, “Don’t worry, you’ll be safe.”  
   You nodded your head along and watched him close the door. He walked to the front of the car and got into the driver’s seat. He buckled himself and reached for his phone. He dialed a number and spoke into it.    
  “I have secured the child. She seems…manageable unlike the other rowdy kids. We will head to the airport soon enough and you’ll get to meet her. I would suggest not touching her swords.”    
 You hugged your bag closer to your chest as he said that. No one was going to harm your family, you would make sure of that. You could feel the katanas in your arms vibrate sensing your fear and a pair of tears fell down your cheeks.      
     “Mama! Papa!” You shouted at your parents and showed them an iridescent blade with a maroon handle that had gold trimming swirling around it. The gold trimming looked like a vine growing small leaves on its trail of stems. “My quirk came in!”     
     Your mother and father ran to you in joy. Your father scooped you up in your arms and threw you in the air smiling up at you. You laughed as he caught you and made sure the dagger was away from the both of you as you held it in a tight grip.      
     “Darling, I knew it!” Your father exclaimed to your mother. He looked over at your mother as she gave a look of fondness at the two of you. She nodded her head and said, “I never doubted it, honey.”      
     He set you back on the floor and you kissed the blade with a giant smile on your face. Your parents shouted at you to be careful and you said to them, “Don’t worry! Kenji won’t hurt me!”      
     Your parents were visibly confused and you sat down on the floor and held the dagger in your arms as if it were a baby. Then you looked down at it, your eyes glowed [f.color] and quietly you said, “Release.” Your parents watched in awe as they witnessed the dagger levitate just a bit off your arms.
     There was a bluish-red aura surrounding the dagger and before your parents knew it their baby boy was in your arms giggling. You hugged Kenji and said to the baby, “You look so cool, Kenji!” 
    “Oh my…” Your mother looked at your father and he was standing still seeing the sight of your quirk. Then he ran to you and said, “[N.Name], my turn!”
      You laughed and nodded your head ecstatic, “Really, papa? I can do that?”     
     “Yes!” Your father shouted and picked Kenji up from your arms rushing him to your mother. Your mother took Kenji out of his arms and smiled at his excitement. Then he ran back to you and pointed at himself, “My turn! I want to see what kind of weapon I am!”
      You stood up and breathed out, gathering your focus in the center. Then you stretched your palms out to your father. He set both of his hands in yours and before he knew it, you held him in a vice grip. Your [d.hand] hand holds the handle colored green with a brown grip of vertical lines. His blade was a shining white that reflected the yellow lights in your living room.
      “Papa is a katana!” You shouted at your mother and you waved the sword around, but surprisingly the katana let out a slash that cut through the couch, but you were far from it. Your mother exclaimed in surprise and you immediately released your father.
      His body fell to the floor and he grunted out in a bit of pain. He pushed himself off the floor and looked at the couch cut in half. You stood in fear of getting yelled at, but your father looked at you and said, “My daughter just turned me into a katana!”
     He jumped up and down with his arms raised up high. “And you cut the couch in half 10 feet away! You just swung me and the couch suffered!!”
     Your mother rolled her eyes and mumbled, “He’s chaotic both in human form and weapon.”
      You arrived at some airport and the man accompanying you said that this was your chance to start a new life. A new life as a hero. But you didn’t believe him. There were no heroes on your island, just a small community going through life together. There was no crime to disgrace this island until that villain came and slaughtered your family and extended family.
      “I don’t…” you started and looked down at your bag, “I don’t believe in heroes. If they were real, my family could have lived. My baby brother…could have lived a normal life.”
     The man signed and said, “You may be right and that is our fault.”
      “Huh?” You looked up and gazed into the sunglasses that reflected in the mirror. The man explained to you that the villain who killed your family was fleeing away from the heroes in Tokyo and he sought refuge in your community. But in order to use his quirk, he had to ingest the blood of humans.
      But you still didn’t understand why your parents had to die. Why your baby brother couldn’t live normally. You shook your head and felt the dagger attached to your hip press closer to your body. Your katanas vibrated more to let you know that they are still with you.
      “As a hero,” you started, “can I protect people from that villain?”
     The man in the suit nodded his head, “You can protect a lot of people from many villains.”
      You opened the car door and looked back at the man, “Okay, I’ll do it. To save those people.”
    “[Name], take Kenji and run,” Your mother pleaded to you as she held your bleeding father in her arms. There was so much blood on your living room floor. So many tears that night and you can hear your extended family fighting off that feral monster. 
     “Papa…” You walked over to your father ignoring your mother’s pleas. Kenji squirmed in your arms and intentionally you transformed him into his dagger form. Then you kneeled down in the puddle and watched your father blink away his tiredness. 
     “Hey, my little warrior,” your father greeted you breathlessly, “listen to your mother and take your brother far away from here.” He was dying right in front of you, you weren’t just going to leave him. You were going to save him, you had to.  
   You shook your head and something in your chest pulled you to do the following actions. You dipped two fingers in his blood and drew the symbol for “bond” on his forehead. It shined faintly and your father’s wounds began to heal slowly. “Come to me, papa,” You whispered and your father transformed into a katana. He lied in his blood and your mother stared at you with weary eyes. You saw her open wound on her abdomen and you made haste to do the same thing to her. “Mama, to me.”
     She fell backwards, yet before her body hit the floor she was transformed into a katana. She clattered right next to your father and you quickly grabbed them hearing the villain shout out, “So much blood! So much to drink!”
     You ran to your parents room and wiped the blood off your feet in their bathroom. Then you hurriedly cleaned your family from their blood. Quickly you ran out the bathroom and went into their closet where a secret hiding place was made in the corner. You set them down and placed them next to you as you opened up the compartment on the floor.
      You jumped in and grabbed your family and set them up against the wall. Kenji remained in your hand throughout the entire time, you were afraid to lose him too. You holstered yourself out and closed the closet door, pulling down clothes behind the compartment door so that when you closed it, the clothes covered the entrance. 
     You jumped down into the hole and closed the door softly. You sat down and pulled your knees close to your chest and you looked at the weapons with tears in your eyes. “I-I could have saved our family. Like grandma Iri or uncle Daiki or cousin Yuuta or aunty Nana.”
      You froze when you heard the sliding door of the bedroom slam open. You pushed yourself closer to the wall and held Kenji tighter than before. Your heart raced faster as the villain got closer to the closet. You could hear his heavy breathing out there. 
     “O. M. G!” A teen girl shouted as she fangirled seeing you walking down the street with your hands in your jean pockets. You looked over at her and she ran up to you pulling out her small journal and pen from her large purse. “Can I have your autograph?!” She shouted, her eyes getting watery.
      You cleared your throat awkwardly and pointed at the man next to you, “You’re talking to him, right?” Your partner, Hawks, peeked over your shoulder and greeted the girl with a charming smile, “Yo!
”      The teen girl shook her head, “No ma’am! I just want your autograph! I think it’s so cool to see someone able to transform others into weapons! I can only imagine what weapon I can be for you!”
      You pointed your finger at me with a slack jaw. She wanted an autograph from you and not the chicken wing behind you? You nodded your head robotically and stuttered out a response, “O-of course, sorry if my sig-signature is messy. I normally don’t sign anything.” You took the book from her hands gently and opened it to a blank page.
      As you were struggling to write your signature, you remembered her words. “So,” you drawled out the word, “you said you can’t wait to see what weapon you would become for me. Are you by chance a student in the hero course?” You added a smiley face at the end of your signature and handed the journal back to her. 
     She nodded her head enthusiastically and shouted, “Yes! I am currently at U.A High in my first year! I hope that my quirk can help you as your current weapons do now.” She stared at your katanas resting on your back in the same red bag, the strap across your body.
      “Ah~” you nervously smiled, “well I will keep an eye out for you during the Sports Festival. It should be coming up soon, right?”   
   The black haired girl smiled and clutched her journal closer to her body, “Yes, it is! I won’t disappoint you, Kana!”
      Hawks nudged you and brought you back into the reality of your mission. “Well then, uh, I didn’t get your name, darling.” The teen girl fawned at your words and happily introduced herself, “My name is Erena Kokubo!” She bowed her head down and you waved at her. 
     “It was nice meeting you, Kokubo. Like I said, I’ll be watching you, do your best.” You gently said your goodbye and she waved her hand back. She exclaimed her goodbye and ran away with her bag smacking into her. You should have noticed her uniform earlier, but you were shocked that she wanted your autograph and not Hawks.  
   “Ahhh~ it seems you’re getting popular, [N.Name],” He nudged you again and you blushed looking at the floor. “I’m shocked someone knows of me, it’s only been a month since I’ve been introduced to the hero world.” You looked up at the bright blue sky, “She’s my first fan, I don’t think I’ll ever forget her. I do hope she does her best at the festival and that I can extend an internship offer to her.”      Hawks hummed and poked your side teasingly. You reacted by pulling away from him glaring daggers at him. Hawks put his hands up in surrender and said, “Oh please, you’ll have plenty of fans soon enough. It’s a good thing they’re letting you out more.”  
   You straightened your posture and replied back, “I’m more suited for undercover missions anyways. Turns out pretending is a lot easier. And I’ll be gone for an extensive time, so will you let me know how Kokubo does?”     
Hawks smirked and said, “Of course, darling~” 
     You rolled your eyes at him and continued walking to your designation, “Don’t start with that. You should wish me luck right now, I’ll be meeting the current leader of the Yakuza. I heard he’s a huge germaphobe.” 
     “Eh, you’ll do fine as long as you don’t try to turn him into a weapon. Your research on them got enough attention from the commission, so it’s your problem now.” Hawks walked alongside you with his wings stretching out.      You fixed the strap to a more comfortable position and grumbled, “I didn’t think that the group was such a big deal until they started doing these weird “experiments.” You looked around the streets watching cars drive by. “Anyways, we shouldn’t talk about this in the open,” you watched the café you visit every day coming up. 
     “I will say I’ll miss our conversations,” Hawks said, opening the door for you. You stopped in front of him and looked into his golden eyes. They sparkled with something you were vaguely familiar with. “And you still haven’t transformed me into a weapon yet.” 
     “Moment ruined,” you grumbled and walked into the café. The workers greeted the both of you happily as they started your orders. You two visited so much that they even added chicken to their menu for Hawks. 
     You two sat down in a booth and Hawks sat across from you. His eyes never left your figure and you set your katanas by the window. You felt his eyes on you and you looked up at him. He was basically begging you to stay with those eyes. You knew that he was worried for you. 
     “I’ll be fine, Keigo,” you whispered and he shook himself out of his trance.      “Right,” he curtly replied back, “I know that.”
      Little did he know, you would be gone for months with no contact after the café date. He had no way of knowing if you were alive anymore. The commission lost all contact with you, but that didn’t stop them from looking for you. Hawks was always on the lookout for months and even tried to get the commission to infiltrate the Yakuza, but he was turned away. 
     But when he heard that two students from U.A made contact with the leader of the yakuza, he got hope. Especially when they said that he was accompanied by a woman with [h.color] hair and [e.eyes].
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lilmerh · 1 year
for the choose violence ask game:
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about 
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Already answered 12, so I'll just do 8. It's been a while since I watched/read these things, so my memory is a bit rusty :/
[The Owl House]
-That Evelyn & Caleb are all that interesting lol. They practically took over the fandom (/hyperbole) when those portraits of them were showed, but I've never once found them that fun to think about. I don't know what it is that's grabbing other people and not me, but I just have zero thoughts about these people.
At least Belos is a fun character, so some fanart exploring him and Caleb's relationship is enjoyable, but other than his relation to Belos, IDC about Caleb. I care about Evelyn even less, and never cared about her being a Clawthorne either.
We got like, 2 minutes max of screentime of these guys, and 90% of it is just photos of them. We didn't even get to know them as characters. There's barely anything to talk about with them
-I don't think everyone is wrong about this (so doesn't really belong on this question?), but that Amity &/or Hunter are autistic. I don't necessarily disagree with this opinion, I just never picked up on that myself. I've seen people call them "autism coded" and I'm like "...where?" If I went looking for posts abt it, I'm sure I could get on board w/ it though
-Any romantic ship with Willow bc that girl is aromantic (Dana told me herself /j)
That Ezra Squall is in any way good or redeemable. This is a divisive opinion in the fandom itself, so not "everyone", but as it stands in the series, I am nottt on board with this yet. If that's the direction Jess wants to take the story, I trust her to do a good job with it, but from what we've been presented of Ezra so far, I don't think he is good nor will become good.
I found the split between "Ezra the boy" and "Ezra the monster" and if those lines blur pretty fun to read, and I'm curious to find out if he has any motivations for the massacre (or any of the other stuff he did) besides power hunger. If it turns out he's just been unfairly villianized, manipulated, or just misunderstood, it'd have to be really well written or I'd be disappointed lol. I simply find him more fun as a villian
[The Walking Dead]
Prolly weird to bring this up out of nowhere, since I don't think I've ever spoken about it on Tumblr, but I am indeed a TWD fan.
Shane is a bitch ass motherfucker and not remotely fun to watch. Every second he's on screen he's nothing but a pain in the ass. I love Rick, so whenever he and Rick are arguing (which is constantly), I just want him to SHUTTT UPPPPPP. He keeps wanting to control the group in ways I hated, and is a bit too content with killing people to meet the ends. (For example, when he shoots a guy he's out on a supply run with JUST so the zombies will stop and eat him and let Shane run away?? He could'a just shot them when he'd gotten back on the bus, but nah, he had to kill his companion and wasn't even honest about it to the rest of the group.)
Some people say Rick is like this too, but he doesn't truly get murderous until several seasons of being the leader of a survivor group in a zombie apocalypse. And whenever he gets content with killing people, it's not framed as a good thing, it's a consequence of the stress, hurt, and lack of trust that builds up in the apocalypse. Rick is at his best when he's extending a hand to other survivors. Shane didn't even make it past S2 before being okay with unnecessary killing.
(Do note that sometimes, Rick killing people is a good thing. For example, when a group of men attacked the fam and one man attempted to rape Rick's son, to which he proceeded to rip out one man's throat with his teeth. That was quite cool of him.)
People who like Shane tend to also be unfairly judgemental of Lori, in my experience. Either because she started a relationship with him while being married or because she later wanted to end that relationship.
She started a relationship with him because she believed her husband was dead. Shane was even the one who told her he was. In her eyes, she was single again. It's fine of her to have sex with any other man at this point, and to slowly start viewing him as family, even letting him get close to her son.
When her thought-to-be-dead husband waltzes up to the survivor group, very much alive, though, it's reasonable she would want to be in a relationship with her husband again. It is also reasonable that she doesn't want her apocalypse fling to be a father figure to her son when his actual father turned out to be alive. She isn't unreasonable for ending the relationship with Shane, nor for not wanting him to act as Carl's father anymore. Shane doesn't have any right to act as the father to her son.
There may be other reasons to criticise her (she died pretty early on and I haven't seen TWD in a while so IDK) but if anyone criticizes her for either of these reasons they r wrong <3
Conclusion: Shane was an infuriating character and I'm glad he died
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devil666lovesblog · 2 years
The story Between me and the 64-girl in F.2
This again belong to the series of my sexual fantasy of what would my life to be like if I awaken earlier in my sex life. The first ever sex I had is with a prostitute in Communist China back at 2000, and the first time I shot cum to a woman's womb is when I was living by myself in 2011. That is late by any standard when a man's sexual life begin at his 30's, however, I wasn't active sexually after that.
What may surprise you here is I have been attracted to girls since I am 11, that is the girl invited me for roller-skating when she was 12. She probably belongs to those early mature girls, and when she sees a boy she wants she would take the initiative to date him. The next thing in her mind may be sucking a clean dick which has never been into a girl's body before. In her imagination after roller-skating she would invite me to the movie theater then have her hand all over my yet to mature body, and later focus on my dick. She would bring her home and in her room she would unzip my pants and look with amazement and exclaim: What a BIG dick you have, you mature so fast. Then she would give me my first blowjob of my life, then she unbuckled her dress and pulled her leg wide open to show me her adolescent body in the bed. And ask me to taste her breasts which are just the size of bigger oranges, pull my head to her pink cunt and ask me what it looks like. She led me to put my fingers in her cunt then she started moaning, later she said I want you dick to stick in my hole. My hole is solely for the purpose of having your dick inside. 'Oh, kill me with your dick. Thrust harder and deeper, eat my nipples, squeeze my boob. Be a monster. Fuck me harder and harder. Yes, yes, yes, you are so big inside me. I want it in my womb. Cum, cum, cum all inside; I want to be your wife. Release all inside me.' Then after that date, she would be my girlfriend and she introduce me to the manhood, and let me experimenting with all sexual postures with her adolescent bodies; and ever spend my first night with a female fucking all night long. She won the lottery of taking my virginity. Too bad all of that is just fragments of my imagination, I only interested in the natural science textbook of hers at that time.
Then in F.4 I have another encounter with a F.2 girl, this F.4 is a really hard time for me since I am bullied by my classmate because of my middle class background: My parents doing business and they are rich compared to those who live in a public estate. So I did my best in studying and got the first in Math and Science, the first in Maths, the first in English; I was surrounded by some girls who begged me to tutor them in English and Maths. One innocent looking glass wearing girl stood out since she took the initiative to make me tutoring her after class. I remember vividly when I am tutoring her in Maths with my friend discussing with teacher on what to do with memorizing June 4 massacre happened in Beijing in 1989, she has a 'strange' look which is not the usual type of excitement, and she drop a plastic eraser and when I try to pick it up she remind me that the button of her dress is unbuttoned. I don't understand what is happening there(nor do I want to do anything there since that is in the same floor of the teachers room) at that time when I knew nothing about female psychology on courtship, or Psychology of Sexual attraction. What I don't understand is females are aroused by my superb intellect capacities, she is driven by her reproductive instinct to show off her yet to be fully mature body. Thereby she unconsciously led me to her bottom so as to show me she never used cunt with hymen attached but she is not courageous enough to pull up her dress for me to see her in her underwear. She instinct told her to let me have her body before another female took me, the earlier I put a dick inside her cunt and cum all inside in her still developing womb, the more likely she will be my girlfriend or even a contender for the place of my wife.
There is some background information to make it all clear, that is the year of 1992 and HongKong is soaked in pessimism about the 1997 handover. To many teenagers it felt like the endgame in HongKong. Many believe HongKong citizens would lose all their civil liberties and their private properties after 97/7/1. So there is an urge among many teenage girls to lose their virginity to someone they like or someone who likes them ASAP before it's too late. In their mind it is probably like: Either you find a boy then you will at least have a decent deflowering experience, or in future those girls maybe rounded up in concentration camp and made as a 'sex servants' for People's Liberation Army which is no different from the army servant during Japaneses Occupation in World War II: The sex salve either enjoy the sex forced by these monsters or to face painful death. They also believe that the capitalism or free market in HongKong would end and personal liberty would be crushed or heavily suppressed by the state, HongKong citizens would render a second class citizen as compared to those native born in mainland China(the REAL China). Anyhow, the HongKong as they knew it would cease to exist, thus the best way to live is to seize and enjoy everything they have at that moment.
For most part I disagree with this dim projection of HongKong's future, but I am not an optimist. I was born with the talent to think very deeply and fast, I think that project has many erroneous presumptions and faults in its logic. As a student of the knowledge of the human mind I see HongKong is in a state of hysteric and paranoid about its future. I don't see a great future of HongKong in hands of the Communist China and the clash between the cultures and political systems in HongKong and this Communist China is inevitable, but what I think at that time was since Communist China is on the rising track of opening up its economy, it would take at least ten years or more for Communist China to show its true color against the sins of being a former colony. I am amazed that my project at my 15 actually gave me a fair accurate picture of how Communist China and HongKong gradually turned against each other. The only thing I completely missed out is the rise of localism/HongKong first ideology, which is the third power in current political arena in HongKong, 
That attitude explains why I never take advantage of the girl who is sexually excited to see me tutoring her Mathematics/English. I understand instinctively that she wants to take advantage of me, she wants to have a taste of my brain before she wants to try her hand and mouth on my dick for the first time of her life. The implicit message I refuse to acknowledge at that time is she wants me to take her virginity and be her first boyfriend(and I fear what would happen later), then at least she lost virginity to someone aroused her and probably gave her orgasm and a lot of pleasure during the first intercourse. Then after ejaculating inside a girl's unpolluted womb boys would usually be loyal to their girlfriend for a while for many many more cumming opportunities inside a womb just explored by them, and the girls will have their first romance. What I also don't understand at that time is: Since she is going to show her still developing breast and the small hole to her womb to some guy eventually, why not show it to the cleverest/smartest and academically excellent guy in the same school(and let him hooked in my body)? Then she beat other girls hands down, other girls who get their first-fuck-boyfriends who doesn't have all the As in their scores nor a Math and science genius who write fluently in English and Chinese of how salt dissolve in water (That start my interest in these microscope areas of science). She also doesn't have a big breast, maybe she is with 33C at most. It is nothing bigger than a big apple. She probably can't use her breasts as a tunnel for me to titty fuck her and cum in her face. She have one advantage over all other girls is she look so young and innocent, with that look any man would want to turn a little girl to a real woman by giving her hardest fuck in her less than one finger wide hole. That contrast is how she kept me as a boyfriend( then I would be addicted to fuck her and supply all the sperms she like to taste every time I see her) if I took the bait and start touching her from outside her dress to inside at her breasts. She would 'resist' me at first but later for the fear of me leaving her at the scene and reluctantly 'accept' her fate to lose virginity to me. It is just too exciting and dangerous when I do her in the same floor of the teachers’ room.
There are two options for me if I am taking the bait and start touching her and later force my dick in her mouth then in her wet cunt. I could play a high risk game but taking her with her sit on my nap and pull her leg sideways to expose her tunnel when I am thrusting in and out with one hand on her breasts another hand to hold her steady at the same floor. She would have to suppress her cry from the pain of a huge stick pull inside her tightly tunnel then hold her voice of moaning for pleasure when the tissue of my dick is rubbing her really sensitive vagina linings until we both reach the orgasm and cum inside her womb. That is thrilling to both of us to do the most indecent/prohibited by Bible thing in a Christian school right next to all the enforcers of morality. It is an open secret girls are not just taking boyfriend but some poor girls fuck for money, a rich boy could pay may a thousand or less to fuck a girl of same age or less when all cum are shot inside her tunnel. What they usually get is a girl who had their hymen broken by someone else in their 12/3/4, messing around with boys (looking for substitute of lover's dick) then someone suggest the girls exchange sex for maybe homework assistance or other goodies. Sucking a dick and swallowing the cum is nothing new to the veteran of sex, nor it is anything new for putting a dick deep inside her developing womb and let her orgasm trigger the explosion of pleasure in and out of their womb. How good it is to have orgasm then some monetary reward afterward? Sexually active girls take contraceptive pills from over-the-counter drugstores so they can fuck, fuck and fuck without consequence; they pick the young boys since chances are less likely those boys had sex with other girls or 'professionals'. I mean when the eyeglass girl had to lure me to penetrate her which 'forcibly' made her a mature girl, I also lost my virginity to her. She got my very first cum inside her body of a healthy and clever guy with memberships in more than ten different academic clubs, my cum is free of filthy smell nor STD with little or no pollutants along with the unique really heavy smell of my sweat (it smells like alcohol). Then in the future she work as a clerk with little or anything exciting nor interesting she could proudly tell her female co-workers how she first pull out a long dick from whom she attracted to then proceed to taste it with her tongue and start sucking it, then later I force my dick inside her cunt and make her cum. She act on the feeling of her first sexual arousal and end up fucked by a future Psychologist/Mathematician/Politician/Novelist/Computer Expert/Inventor....etc
while her co-workers fully washed with awe, angry, jealous and disbelieve in their faces when this lady with little skills on putting made up nor any good working experience, nor she is neither clever or smart get to FUCK the best guy she could ever have while those co-workers are more beautiful with better looking breasts while getting Bs and Cs in school only get a second class boyfriend who is mediocre in every aspects of their life. Then all her co-workers would look up at her, stop pushing her around, treat her with respect so some would ask her on tips to get laid with the best of the best. 
Another safer choice I have is go upstairs and fuck her inside a classroom on a chair with she facing me and her legs pull out to the side by my hand, and my dick right into her wet and tiny hole, then she can cry for pain and moan for pleasure when the air-conditioning is on that cover all the love-making noise. Of course, at first I have to tell her in order for me to stay to keep tutoring her, she would have to offer me her body and let me enjoy it whatever the way I like (putting my fingers or other things in two of her holes to test their elasticity and sensitivity). If she doesn't behave exactly like what this master demands of her, I would just zip my pants and go and I will never ever look at her again. She would then look at me with tears mixed with excitement/anticipation and expectations in her eyes: Would you be gentle to me, that is my first time? I don't reply, just undress her till she is naked then fucked her from the front and the back in her seat, then her head is on the table and her back bend down while I am squeezing her small breasts with my manhood back and fro rotating clockwise in her hole full of water while I would said: See all your water in the hole, you really want my dick inside to punish your slut don't you? You want me to kill you with my HUGE stick? You want me to destroy your tunnel and explode inside your womb? You want me to cum all inside you? You want babies I will give you babies. You want a taste of cum, here it is, eat them all or I would stop fucking you, your bitch/doll/servant/salve. I will fuck you everyday from now on or otherwise I will tell your parent and bigger sister how you shamelessly seduce me, unzip my pant, touch and eating my dick, then take down your underwear to pull my dick inside you. You are all prepared for this day. You want to be my gf, then serve me like a master every single fucking day, I would cum and visit you around whatever I like, I would fuck you anywhere any time I like it, I don't fucking care if it is your period or not. Serving me well with your holes and you will have your orgasm and tasty sperm right into your throat and in your womb. If I get tired with your hole in the front I would use the hole in the back then your peehole and your mouth, whatever I like. You resist, I will go away. 
This would lower the threat of getting caught right in the middle of the act and both of us could freely follow our hearts desires but she would have lesser sense of urgency to get her into climax before someone else discovers the act that breaks all the rules in a Christian school. Imagine the feeling of satisfaction of making love right in front of your teacher and they don't notice anything (then I go to her room at her apartment nearby in Yuen Long and do it once more till I am exhausted.) I liberal her from the bondage of virginity and she is a real woman having all the sense of what ladies felt like in her future orgasm. How many more orgasms will she have with me? I imagine I would fuck her for this school year for maybe 3000 times or more then transfer to another school in the nearby district. She is too dumb to be my girlfriend but her body is good enough for me to learn the ways of conquering a girl in bed. She would have no complaints when she learned all the skills to please a man and having so many good times with me when she secretly be my lover. I would be loyal to her when she provide me with all her holes in whatever ways I like to play with her and torture anally/vaginally and her breasts to satisfy all my needs.
That is a train of thought which I could only thought of it after ten years or more, since I am the number one student in the school and the superstar, chances are very unlikely anyone believe in her tales of me forcing down on her and treat her as a sex salve. People would think: That is impossible since he can get whatever girls he like, his family is rich and he is smart, intelligent and handsome. This guy has no incentive to play around girls with little boobs and little brains. You are just a dumb ass who are envy of the girls around him, and even if he indeed fuck you it must be you are doing that willing like a slut, you open your legs and your holes mouthwatering whatever anyone smarter than you. God knew how many dicks you have sucked using your innocent looking face and how many men you sleep with, did you do your homework by making a man cum?
0 notes
0risha · 3 years
series m.list
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PAIRING : sukuna x fem!reader
SUMMARY : when an exchange student comes to jujutsu tech, Itadori is set on finding out why the King of curses is so interested in you.
TAGS : fluff, the tiniest bit of angst, jjk anime spoilers, some curse words, reader is described as a black female
NOTES : i’ve read a couple of works where sukuna meets his reincarnated lover so I wanted to try it out too, hope you enjoy. was supposed to make progress with my wips but I was in a sukuna mood. (◕ᴗ◕✿)
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Sukuna feels your presence before he sees you. It’s one of those cliché moments where time puts its hand up to signal a standstill. Yuuji can feel it too when you pass by, your long braids swishing with each step.
He’s sure that he’s never seen you before but his shared body buzzes in remembrance. All the while, his emotions are overtaken by the unbridled feeling of wanting. 
After that, Itadori never took it upon himself to ask Sukuna about the matter because the curse didn’t seem to want to.
Sukuna had become more and more suppressed, his usual pop-ups were a rare occurrence, even when Megumi was around. However, for the whole month you’d been at Jujutsu Tech, the King of curses had been intent on observing from his throne of woven carcasses, body hunched over to just watch.
You’re an exchange student, Itadori recalls Gojo’s past conversation about a new second-year that would be coming from the states. You’re strong — at first, Itadori couldn’t help but think that this revelation was the reason for Sukuna’s interest —your cursed energy being perfect sediment for close combat and dealing precise blows, all the same, Itadori could feel a grappling hook of something that seemed to be festering.
It’s dark and brooding and it stirs every time you come into contact with him. And Yuuji thinks he might go crazy because he wants to know your connection with Sukuna and it’s not like he can ask you because your aura screams — unapproachable.
His chance comes when all the first-years are assigned to a mission, you're there for extra measure. Gojo’s shaman instincts telling him that this mission was far too exceeding for him, Nobara, and Megumi.
Though just as Gojo predicted, it goes terribly wrong and Itadori keels over with an empty hollow where his heart should be.
His last thoughts are consumed with a screeching mantra of his late grandfather’s words. In the crevice of his flickering mind, they're big bold letters that drip with poisoned regret.
Before his vision goes black, the last thing he sees is a heart-broken Megumi and your face which is flooded with guilt.
When Itadori comes face to face with the King of curses, the stench of rotting death overpowering his senses, he mulls over the terms laid out by Sukuna to come back, alive.
To be reunited with his friends and become some type of savior —sukuna's words, not his— he'd give up the reigns of his body so Sukuna could talk to you whenever he chose.
For the exchange of his life, the rules weren’t bad, a part of him knows that this selfish override could cause problems for you in the future, but he still agrees.
When he wakes up to a pure white ceiling and the smell of bleach he doesn’t expect to see you towering over him. Moving up to a sitting position, his cheeks nearly bleed red because he’s naked. His eyes frantically flit over to Gojo who’s sitting in the corner of the room, watching the exchange. The white-haired sorcerer shrugs in a ridiculed manner —silently telling Itadori that it wasn’t his problem.
“You called me,” your voice filters through the bright room. His eyebrows crinkle in confusion. Sukuna must've did something.
When his eyes flit back to you, he’s met with your monotone expression, your cascade of braids framing your face. And for the third time in his life, he’s scared. 
Your cursed energy, which for your level should leave little to no residual, is flaring with onyx undertones. Its sharpened jaws nearing closer and closer to Itadori in a beckoning manner. He's not sure why it's visible in the first place.
Gojo stays silent.
Brat, let me out. Sukuna, for the first time in weeks, pops up with a wide mouth on the palm of his hand. Without a second thought, Itadori allows him. 
Whilst wading in his domain of subconsciousness, he watches the exchange. Your expression stays the same as you study Sukuna’s marked face. 
“So hostile,” Sukuna bares, his powerful aura sifting through the room. You roll your eyes and crack a smile. Seamlessly ignoring the other man in the room— who you know Sukuna has a grudge with. 
“Am I not supposed to be?” you cross your arms and ask. “Being friendly would get me in trouble.”
“You remember me?” The King of curses cuts straight to the point, the question being so unexpected that Gojo shuffles in his seat, his spine rigid with anticipation. 
You nod stiffly. "I didn’t at first, not fully at least, but after coming into contact a few times, yeah.”
“It’s a shame I don’t have control over this body,” Sukuna presses a palm to your cheek, no doubt a loving caress. His deep baritone voice causing your skin to erupt into a turnpike for goosebumps to situate. “Do you remember how we parted last?”
“A sorcerer killed me or something,” you scratch the back of your neck under his intense stare. “Right through here,” you confess, pointing to the middle of your sternum.
“And you’ve become one?” Sukuna quirks an eyebrow, shoulders stiff with anger. 
“I didn’t even know I knew you until a month ago, calm down,” you wave in dismissal. Itadori takes note in the way Sukuna visibly relaxes, your words washing him in a bucket of warmth. “Is that all? I’ve got a mission in thirty minutes.” 
“I’m coming with you.” Sukuna jumps off the steel table, his bare feet touching the cool ground. You turn your eyes away from the bottom half of his body, ears growing hot in embarrassment.
“Eh? Is that allowed?” You turn to Gojo who’s still analyzing the situation beforehand and he shrugs with complacency. “Don’t let anyone see him,” Gojo warns, his stare serious even under his blindfold. You're not exactly sure what Gojo's thinking but you grasp the opportunity.
When you leave the autopsy room with a naked Sukuna by your side, careful to avoid any areas where Sukuna’s aura might be felt, you make it to Itadori’s dorm.
“Here.” You throw him Yuuji’s formal uniform and a pair of brown boots you find in the corner of his room. “I’m not wearing this,” Sukuna interjects.
“Huh?” Your upper lip curls up in confusion. “Then you’re not coming with me.” You turn to leave but he catches your arm in a tight grip.
“Fine, since you’re so damn adamant.” He releases his grip on your arm to slip into Yuuji’s clothes, when he finishes he turns to you with a glare.
“Good boy,” you praise, patting his tattooed cheek.
Internally, Itadori’s too bewildered to tease the curse. In all of his time spent with Sukuna in his body, he’s never seen the King of curses voluntarily listen to somebody else’s demands. The murky water he stands in ripples as he sits to observe everything that’s transpiring. 
When you both reach the site you were assigned to, you sigh in annoyance. “What is it?” Sukuna asks, hands in pockets as he studies your face.
“I was hoping to have an easy day, they’re not dangerous or anything but there’s more than a dozen in there.” You point to the abandoned building, its steel beams bending with age.
“I’ll exorcise them for you.”  
This is going completely against this guy’s morals, Yuuji thinks. 
Your eyebrows fly to your forehead as you grow giddy with happiness. “Really?” You exclaim clambering up to wrap him in a hug.
“If you don’t let go, I won’t.” He grumbles, head in your neck while inhaling your sweet scent. 
“Okayyy,” you inhale, trailing off, Sukuna not too far behind. 
The exorcism is completed in fifteen seconds, tops. You stare in amazement at his lithe movements. His sharp fingers extinguishing cores with precise stabs— the same way he did his vessel. When he’s done he turns to you with an eyebrow raised, his hands wet with unspoken substance. You turn away with a humph. 
“Was it not fast enough?” He walks towards you, concern written all over his expression.
“It was too fast,” you proclaim.
“You’re a show-off,” you turn to exit the building, your braids whizzing past his face. You hear his roaring laughter behind you as you make it outside.
The smell of freshly churned earth enters your nostrils as you walk down a fenced sidewalk with bent daffodils. “Where are we going?”
“A ramen shop.” His gaze flicks over to study your face which is softened with what seems to be tranquility. His heart tides over with pride once he realizes that you feel content with him, a 1000-year-old curse.
However, he knows it’s the result of your memories that tie in with his; shared massacres and intertwined fates. Multiple restarts of what seemed to be a never-ending cycle of mingled hearts. But this time jump was different than the others. 
You being a sorcerer is not the only obstacle, at all.
“Sukuna? Hey– you’re spacing out.” You wave a hand in front of his face to grab his attention. 
“We’re here.” He looks up to see a small ramen shop, its logo old with age. As he enters the shop, he somehow finds contentment in being in a place that you like. 
“You know you’re probably attracting sorcerers and curses alike as we speak?” You inquire, grabbing your ramen bowl from the waiter who nervously glances at Sukuna. His tattooed face also attracting unwanted attention. 
“Mhm, I’ll just kill them if they interfere.” You whip your head to turn to the waiter who you’re relieved to see, had already left.
“I knew you’d say that,” you stuff your face with a handful of steaming noodles. 
“What’s gonna happen between us?” You flick your index finger back and forth. “It’s not like the other times, I’m a dedicated sorcerer.”
“You’re the King of curses, I’m a sorcerer.” You repeat, dropping your wooden chopsticks to place your head on your propped fist. 
“Already made a deal with the brat, I can talk to you whenever and wherever I want,” he pulls his face closer to yours. 
“Yeah? What happens when they execute Itadori?” You curl your hands into balled fists, an unfamiliar emotion welling up in your throat. Somehow, it doesn't fit. It crosses your veins in a parasitic manner and your eyes glaze over.
“I’ll just come back.” He states matter of factly, voice coated with arrogance.
“You promise?” You whisper, holding out your pinky finger. You nearly scoff at your own action.
Ignoring the finger you bare out, he presses his lips against yours. It’s the same as he can remember, centuries ago. His body elates with a hum of electricity. And it's as if his body's creating a second space of void in which he feels his every sense being sharpened; the smooth curve of your full lips and the salty taste of previous ramen.
But before the kiss can go any further, you're pulling back.
“That was uh…” You blink once, twice, trying desperately to collect your thoughts. When you look back to Sukuna, you instead are met with Itadori’s clear face.
“The hell are you doing, brat?” Sukuna bares his teeth on the right side of Itadori’s cheek. ”I- I’m sorry just got a little uh.. flustered.” 
“The fuck are you getting flustered for?” Sukuna growls. 
“I- uh..” 
“It’s okay Yuuji, you can switch again another time,” you sympathize with the boy. His cheeks are coated in red.
“It’s getting late, eat some ramen so we can go.” You chuckle. Itadori nods as his hand reaches towards a pair of chopsticks.
“Touch my ramen and I’ll kill you again, you damn brat.”
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