#they do some goofy shit for attention and immediately turn to look at what the other kid thought of them
librauzumaki · 5 months
oftentimes, when people talk about naruto and sasuke (and not even within the context of shipping), their main criticism of their friendship is that they spend most of their time arguing with each other and being rude to each other, but i'll say this: those people have never spent any significant amount of time with children because WITHOUT FAIL the kids that argue most are the ones that are the most obsessed with each other. kishimoto may have been goofy stupid with a lot of shit, but he was spot on with the dynamics of seven year old boys
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whiskersz · 3 months
oh I have a request what is you do a story about reader x Adam where she is seen like a swan 🦢 beautiful, elegant, and graceful while Adam is Adam and both are together and everybody is like seriously what does she see in him? And she’s like “he makes me laugh 🥰” then shows Adam stuff his face all in a messy manner and looking goofy while reader looks at him with love
This request was so cute! Thank you for dropping it in my inbox, hope I did it justice :3
Divider : benkeibear
Adam x Graceful! Fem! Reader
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Your high heels made a clacking sound as you walked across the street; your flowy dress made many heads turn, just for Angels to be stunned by your beauty once they saw you.
Saying you weren’t used to this would be a lie, as every day many individuals would comment on your beauty and grace; you were quite modest about it though, always thanking them but never bragging about all the attention that you received.
This wasn’t what your day was going to be about though; in fact, Adam was.
You were going on a date with your boyfriend, and you were thrilled about it; you two hadn’t been able to go out for a while, since he was quite busy with shows and whatnot during that time of the year.
You always tried to be there for his gigs, but usually he was busy with band outings afterwards or he was too beat – and quite sweaty, too – to go out for a romantic date with you.
And when he wasn’t busy with gigs, he was too caught up in more confidential matters with Sera. Things regarding Hell, you guessed.  So naturally you allowed him to have some chiller dates with you in the weekend, prioritizing his desires a bit.
But this time you two had planned a whole day out together, with the first stop being a restaurant to eat some lunch.
Finally reaching your destination, you stopped in your tracks and fixed your hair to look as pretty as you could for your boyfriend. Not that he would notice if you had a hair out of place, he always called you stunning even when you were in your nightwear and you had just woken up, but you still wanted to look your best for your special day.
You checked your phone, and saw a message from him that said he was going to fly there to get there faster. You were about to reply when you heard a strong flap of wings from above you.
“Hey babe!” he descended from the sky, snaking an arm around your figure and kissing the top of your head. He was wearing his mask, as always when he was in public, but you really didn’t mind.
“Hey Adam! We arrived at the same time,” you pointed out as he tucked his wings under his arms. You noticed he was wearing his usual robe, but as the wind blew it around a little you could see his spiked combat boots underneath.
“We did, wanna go in?”
You chatted about this and that as you entered the fancy restaurant, the carefully designed decor catching your eye immediately. He even had to ask you if you were listening as you got caught up staring at the luxurious furnishings.
A waiter welcomed you and lead you to your booked table near a window overlooking a beautiful garden, you could touch the bush of white roses outside if you leaned out a little, if you wanted.
You didn’t need much time to choose your orders; both of you decided to go with your favorite food as a treat, Adam’s being ribs, and as soon as the dishes arrived you dug in. You made a mental note to leave a positive review to the restaurant as even the food tasted heavenly.
“Holy shit, these ribs go hard as fuck! Want one?” Adam asked between bites, picking one up with his free hand and handing it to you. You grabbed it helping yourself with your cutlery, and chuckled at your boyfriend’s behaviour.
You were just about to take a bite out of the rib when you heard something that you probably shouldn’t have;
“...I wonder what she sees in him?”
You turned around swiftly and caught the two Angels commenting on your relationship red handed; one of them had the appearance of a sheep, fur pristine and styled into ringlets, the other resembled a cat.
They immediately averted their gaze when yours fell on them, but you still shifted so you could face them better.
“Well, he makes me happy and makes me laugh. Isn’t that enough?” you stated with a kind smile, no malice in your words, and pointed at Adam with your fork. The two girls grimaced as they looked at your boyfriend, hands dirty and mouth stuffed with ribs; he was enjoying his lunch so much that he hadn’t even noticed the food had left a stain on the sleeve of his robe.
“Suit yourself...” the sheep Angel commented once again, and it was Adam’s turn to reply.
“You’re damn lucky I’m busy eating ribs and being on a date with my girlfriend. Do you even know who the fuck you’re talking to?”
“The first man, Adam.” You finished his sentence fondly.
The Angels shivered; you’d dare say you never witnessed anyone leave a place faster than they did that restaurant.
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icallhimjoey · 11 months
“Nah,” Joe said, and when you looked at him, you grew immediately shy. The little smirk and the mischievous eyes threatened trouble. “I can break her...”
CHRIST ALMIGHTY. How dare you write this AND add that cheeky picture of Joe at the header I’m 🫠🫠🫠
I’m obsessed already. I cannot wait to see how this goes… or for the week of good head 😏
took me a second, but we're HERE, at part 2. pls enjoy! Wordcount: 3.7K
Double Or Nothing
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
The first half of those seven days passed excruciatingly slowly. But they passed, and when you remembered how you thought on that first day that you could pretend you hadn’t pinky-promised each other to get into this stupid bet together... fuck, how big of an idiot were you?
Everything was sort of different now, but also... was it? Was it really?
Had there not always been tension? Flirting that easily got passed off as platonic banter between friends?
Like that one time, months ago, when Joe had walked in on you in an oversized T-shirt, bare thighs on show, as you’d been singing along to Taylor Swift in your living room.
The “What’s going on here? The music? The mood lighting? Got the wine out, Jesus Christ, that’s it, we’re having sex on the sofa tonight!” comment Joe made upon the sight of you had made Izzy laugh until she cried. The fact that Joe only realised that Izzy was even in the room with you after she burst out laughing made the whole ordeal even funnier.
Or, you know, there were those countless other times where Joe would touch you with extremely stupid excuses. Saying shit like, “Wow, no, look at these pockets,” whilst unashamedly grabbing at your ass, or, “Oh this looks nice,” and just letting the back of his hand graze a tit in front of all of your friends.
It had always just been jokes, though. Shit he did with other people around, and you’d all laugh, and then nobody would really think anything of it.
Shit, did they think anything of it?
Surely not. Right?
On the Saturday morning, the night after the bet had been made, you kind of thought that the bet was just another one of those silly things. Something you’d laugh at next week, when people would ask, and Joe would say some goofy shit whilst wiggling his eyebrows.
Because that’s how these things went.
But then the doorbell had gone, and Izzy had let Joe in whilst you’d been scrambling eggs for breakfast. And you’d gone, “hey,” all casual, because you thought maybe he was there for Izzy. But then Izzy said she was going to go for a shower and Joe had joined you in the kitchen in complete silence. Made himself a coffee that he then dumped four sugars into.
He paused and slightly looked up at you to gain your reaction. He’d seen you look, but you attention was back with the eggs that were nearly finished.
“That piss you off?”
Joe held up four fingers, and said, “That’s too much sugar, surely,” before using a spoon to annoyingly clink against the cup loudly as he stirred. You just stared at him a second, because what the fuck was Joe even doing there with you in the kitchen? But then the clinking of the spoon went on for far too long, sugar long dissolved, and he just stared right back at you. Challengingly so. Slight smirk playing his lips, and that’s when the penny dropped. Suddenly it clicked. Joe was just there to get under your skin. He’d come over to just to be around you, to prove to you that he was very able to be a massive turn off and that he knew exactly how to give you the ick.
Joe hammered it home when he slurped his first sip, all exaggerated, dragging it for as long as he could. He barely got any coffee into his mouth in the process. And sure, it was annoying, but when you looked and saw those huge eyes stare at you over the cup, it just made you grin.
You turned off the hob and shrugged before commenting, “Four’s fine, I kind of love it sweet.”
1-0 you thought. Especially when you saw him grimace at the cup he was holding. Four was definitely too many.
When Joe sat down with you when you were about to have your breakfast, he used his fingers to steal small bits of egg from your plate.
You looked at him as you chewed.
“No? This not getting you?” Joe tried, and you simply shook your head.
“Sorry, I’m harder to crack I think,”
You took another bite, and didn’t push Joe’s hand away as he reached for a little more of your meal. “So, are you just going to be around then... follow me around like a puppy dog, breathing down my neck as I run errands today?” you challenged, and Joe scoffed before he answered, “Try all week.”
“I���ve got work all week.”
“Yea, so have I, but I’ve got to be around if I want to win this bet, don’t I?” Joe smirked, leaning back in his chair, clearly relishing the challenge. “And lucky for you, I don’t have work today, I don’t have work tomorrow, and I’ve had most of my evenings cleared so I can really test these limits,”
Of which there were none, you finished mentally. But sure, Joe was allowed to try and find them. You wouldn’t mind him succeeding actually, because if he didn’t, wasn’t Joe essentially proving to you that you found him irresistibly attractive?
Maybe that’s why Joe was even here in the first place? What an ego boost to learn that nothing about you turned someone off. That you possessed nothing to make someone go, okay ew get out of my house now.
Surely, there had to be something... Joe was just going to have to find it for you, and whilst you silently did your very best to not panic over the fact that Joe seemed to really take this whole bet seriously, you outwardly acted like you weren’t.
You huffed out some laughter and shook your head at Joe’s playful grin as you chewed. The mischievous glint in his eyes didn’t bode well.
“All right, I’ve left everything that needed doing for the weekend, so, get ready,”
“Oh,” Joe frowned and tucked his chin in, “I was born ready.”
Flirty bastard.
And it was unfair, because Joe was cheating. He was cheating left, right and centre. You see, the goal shouldn’t have been to just piss you off. To seek it out. To do shit out of the ordinary, things Joe would never do, things he knew would gross anyone out. Not just you.
You tried telling Izzy that night as you prepared dinner that Joe had stuck around for.
“We’re going to need some more rules, because Joe–” you started, keeping an eye on the potatoes, but Joe interrupted.
“You’re such a sore loser,” Joe accused whilst he washed fresh produce in the sink.
“Have you ever seen Joe wiggle earwax from his ears with his little finger before?”
“Just admit that I gave you the ick and we can start the week of favours on Monday,”
“He never does that, but did it for like five minutes straight in Waitrose,”
“Should’ve seen her squirm,”
“He’s being disgusting just to be disgusting, it’s not fair,”
Izzy tried to follow what the both of you were saying, but you didn’t make it easy, speaking over each other and trying to not let the other get a word in edgeways.
“You really want to actually win this bet?” Joe challenged, referencing the week of oral sex, and just before you were about to openly admit it and yell, “Yes!” you were interrupted by Izzy who shouted, “All right!” over the both of you. You both shut up instantly.
“She’s right,” Izzy said after a short silence. “If you want this to be fair, you’ve got to do things you’d normally do,”
“Only then!” Izzy held up a finger, shutting Joe right back up. “Only then will you get your week of favours,” she revealed her prediction of the outcome, to which you obviously took offence.
“I’m sorry, but, you’ve got a track record that’s not really helping you a tonne, is it?”
And Izzy was right.
Joe let the rest of the night pass without cheating. He did try to suggestively play footsie, and you almost called him out for trying shit he’d normally not do. But, he hid what his foot was doing under the table from Izzy, kept a straight face even when he used his leg to hike your foot onto his lap, making you smirk at him. And, so, yea, maybe he’d have done that anyway, with or without this bet in place.
You didn’t know if you’d have let him continue rubbing a hand up your calf if you weren’t actively trying to prove something to him. But, here you were, accepting the one-handed foot rub whilst Joe ate his meal with the other.
Conversation flowed, mostly between Izzy and Joe, and when you checked your phone for the eighty-fourth time, Izzy tried to reach for it. Tried to snatch it from your hands to see what kept you busy looking at a screen every couple of minutes.
“You back on the apps?”
You evaded her hands and were quick to place your phone face down onto the table, out of her or Joe’s reach.
“I’m always on the apps.” You shrugged, both feet back on the floor and safely tucked under your chair.  
“Always on the apps...” Joe repeated you, shaking his head slowly. Then he asked, “Which ones?”
“Hinge, sometimes Happn,” you picked your phone up again, “Rarely Happn, actually. Mostly just Hinge, it feels like people are sort of normal there,”
“Not normal enough to have them stick around,” Izzy quipped, reaching for your plate as she started clearing the table.
“Well,” you let a laugh escape, light and airy, “It’s not like people are going to reveal the worst thing about them on their profile, are they?”
Izzy let out a heartly laugh on her way to the kitchen. “Worst thing about them? Like the way they look when their tongue searches for the straw in their drink?”
Ouch. Yea, Jasper did that. But he did that for every sip of every drink for every date you had been on. You had tried to ignore it, had secretly wished for him to stop getting drinks that came with fucking straws in, but alas. He didn’t. And then you couldn’t stop staring at it until you were physically repulsed by the man.
“Should get you on Raya,” Joe said, collecting all the empty glasses and grouping them together by the side of the table.
“Please don’t.”
“Why not?”
“Are you being serious? Dating apps are already pretentious enough as they are without having to fucking be invited for them,”
You could only imagine how flashy and haughty everyone was on there. You knew that included Joe, but he didn’t seem to take offence. He very rarely did when you said shit like that, actually.
“Well, let me know when you change your mind.”
When Joe left after dinner, Izzy found the toilet roll had changed position from over to under and grumpily scolded you. Said to not get her involved in this stupid bet. You said she was the one that came up with it, so, “Tough.”
On Sunday you visited your dad and completely avoided Joe. On Monday, you tried to do the same, even when you got a few texts. That’s why, on Tuesday, you saw Joe walk into the office when you were in the middle of a meeting. You were quick to excuse yourself.
You rushed over as discretely as you could and hissed, “What the fuck are you doing here?”
“Hey,” was all Joe said, “Let’s go for lunch somewhere,”
“Lunch?” you exclaimed like it was the wildest shit you’d ever heard. “It’s... it’s,” you checked the time only to realise it actually was very close to lunch time. You were so prepared to tell him it was far too early for lunch, but alas. It wasn’t.
You took a deep breath, nostrils flared. “You couldn’t have texted?”
Joe just stood there, feet planted into the carpet like a tree, smiling. He wasn’t going anywhere, and you fucking knew it.
“All right, I’ve got about 15, maybe 20 minutes before I can leave,” you said, and when Joe moved towards a sitting area off to the side, you grabbed him by the arm and pointed towards the lifts.
“You’re waiting outside,”
“Would I normally wait outside?” Joe played, because sure, he’d never come over to your actual office to take you out for lunch, but plenty of friends had and you never made them wait outside, did you?
“Absolutely,” you lied, and Joe saw right through it. Grinned, raised both eyebrows and asked, “You sure?”
“Yes,” you hissed, glancing behind you to see some of your colleagues ogling. Ugh. You knew a celebrity in the office was going to be the topic of conversation for weeks. Maybe that was it. Maybe that was the ick.
“All right, all right,” Joe held up both hands and laughed, “I’ll wait downstairs,”
And just before you were to open the door to get back into your meeting, Joe called, “Hey,” halting you.
“This get you?”
You couldn’t help the small smile that revealed itself on your face as you thought a second. “Depends on where we’re going,” you answered.
“Scarlett Green.”
“Stop it.” You pointed a threatening finger. You fucking loved Scarlett Green. Your grin grew wider before you tried your best to hide it. “Go,” you waved a hand to shoo Joe, making him laugh before turning on his heel.
At lunch, Joe reminded you of the last time the two of you were at Scarlett Green. It was a group outing on a random Sunday and you’d gone for brunch. Bottomless brunch. You and Izzy had both gotten so drunk on mimosas, you had to be escorted home to make sure you’d get there in one piece.
It would’ve been embarrassing, but you didn’t remember half of that day.
“Trying to make me feel bad for having a good time?”
“Is it working?”
You started noticing how often Joe would give you this... this face. Eyes narrowed and challenging, but lips pursed into a little smile, head tilted down a little – like a sexier adult version of a naughty little schoolboy. It was flirtatious, but, you’d seen Joe flirt before. This was different. This wasn’t giggly touches and sultry soft-spoken compliments. This was teasing and mocking and poking fun until it made you want to dig your nails into your forearms.
You were kind of into it.
“Okay,” Joe clapped his hands together after you got your orders taken. “Worst red flag ever, go,”
“I can’t,” you let out a huff of air. Not quite a laugh, but slightly amused still, and continued, “This is a lot of focus on my romantic life, I can’t really... I don’t want to,”
“Well,” Joe cocked his head and straightened a fork. “Kind of have to,” he said, voice all jokingly constricted, and before he had even finished the sentence, you’d already decided to play along.
“Gold front tooth.”
“Gold front tooth?!”
“None of his pictures showed him smiling with his teeth showing, and then we had a lovely conversation, decided to go for a date,” you shuffled in your seat as Joe leant forward, resting his head on his palm, listening, really tuning in. “And then when we met, we hugged and he’d just given me that, you do this too, that polite white man smile–”
“I’m sorry, I what?”
“This British awkward tight lipped stupid smile,” you continued, completely ignoring the wild confusion displayed on Joe’s face. “And he looked nice! Really quite handsome actually, and then...”
You pressed your lips together in an expression not far off this stupid smile you’d just mentioned Joe does all the time.
“And then he said hi and one of his two front teeth was gold. Gold, Joe.” you sounded pained, like it was the most heartbreaking thing you'd ever experienced.
It got a good laugh out of Joe.
“Kept looking down my top too, so, you know...” even if he'd had normal coloured human teeth, you still probably wouldn't have gone on a second date with him.
The mention of your tits made Joe's eyes flick down for just a second. You saw, but pretended you didn't.
“Your turn. Biggest red flag you've ever experienced in someone.”
“Hmm...” you saw Joe's tongue work inside his cheek as he peered up towards he ceiling. Shuffling a little in his seat, you liked how the attention had now fully shifted onto him.
But then he said, “Wanting to meet my parents,” and he looked at you, chin tilted forward like he was trying to sell you that his answer wasn't a joke. Joe was an actor, but Jesus he was bad at trying to hide a giggle when you knew there was one waiting to escape his throat.
“Joe...” you challenged, but his facial expression didn't falter. Yet. “After dating her for how long?”
“I don't know, like maybe, four... five months?”
When you started laughing, so did he, and my God, he was being so stupid. Joe was your stupid friend! Just a stupid guy. One with commitment issues, so it seemed. One who used said issues to make you laugh.
You really had to convince yourself that whatever that feeling was that you felt deep within your lower stomach was just... cramps, or whatever.
Joe was stupid. So stupid.
He proved that to you once more when, after not hearing from him all throughout the next Wednesday, he showed up at your flat just before you were about to go to bed.
“Bit late to come annoy me,” you said through a yawn when Joe stepped into your hallway. He was carrying a backpack.
“Yea, it's 'cause I'm staying over for the night,”
You heard Izzy laugh from the bathroom where she was brushing her teeth. She appeared in the doorway in her pajamas and looked insanely amused by this prospect.
“You sharing her bed?” she said, barely audible because of the toothbrush and paste.
Joe, already toeing his shoes off, just said, “Yep.”
And you looked from Izzy to Joe, back to Izzy who smiled and nearly dribbled toothpaste all down her front and fuck off, you were too tired to deal with Joe's shit.
Half the time you didn't even fully believe either of you were taking this bet seriously.
Were you? Maybe kind of. But also, not really.
Was Joe? Well he was clearly pretending he was. Why else was he here, at your flat, at half past eleven on a week night?
“Please be a naked sleeper,” Izzy made herself laugh and this time, fully did dribble toothpaste all down her front. It made Joe laugh and made Izzy disappear back into the bathroom.
“Unfortunately,” Joe started, speaking loud enough for Izzy to hear, but then lowering his voice and saying, “Fortunately for you,” before continuing in his louder voice again, “I do not.”
Thank fuck.
Learning that Brian slept naked and refused to even wear underwear to bed had been the thing that made you break it off with him.
Joe did wear underwear to bed, however. So, that was good.
“Left side's my side of the bed,” Joe said as he walked past you, his face way too close to yours and fucking hell, he was going to mess with your sleep, wasn't he? Was going to make sure that you couldn't get enough hours in which would leave you grumpy and tired and then that was going to be it, wasn't it?
“This bet is so stupid,” you said to Izzy, all sorts of defeated, as she walked past right after, on her way to her bedroom.
“Good luck,” she just said, seemingly delighted by your pain, and patted you on the shoulder before she disappeared into her room.
When you got into bed, Joe was already in there. On your side of it. And fine. He could sleep on your side of the bed if that meant you weren't going to bicker and you could actually fall asleep within ten minutes.
But Joe saw you face, laughed to himself with his head pushed all the way back into your pillow and then moved. Held up the duvet to move himself across the bed. Gave you your spot back and then patted the spot where he'd laid before, welcoming you into your own bed.
“That nearly got you?”
You rolled your eyes in answer, because Joe was being stupid. You slapped the light switch and quickly got comfortable in your bed. Pretended this was super normal. Just another night in your bed. Alarm set. Work in the morning. Head pressed into your pillow and back turned to Joe, because that was just safest, wasn't it?
Behind you, there was a lot of movement until finally, Joe stilled. He asked for another pillow to hug.
“There's like six pillows in this bed, you're lying on three of them,” you turned and pulled at one under his head.
Joe chuckled softly, removed a pillow and tucked it into his arms. All comfortable in your bed. Not weird at all. Good thing you were exhausted and quite literally about to fall asleep any second.
“So,” Joe softly spoke into the darkness. “I move around a lot, I might end up kicking you in the shins, I snore, and sometimes I talk in my sleep. You've got to tell me in the morning which one of those did it.”
You let out a tired chuckle, confident you'd sleep through any and all of those things.
“Good night, Joe.”
Joe heard the smile. Knew exactly what your face looked like as you said that and couldn't help the smile that spread onto his own face.
The Taglisted: 
@ghostinthebackofyourhead @dirtyeddietini @jasminearondottir @cancankiki @sidthedollface2 @dylanmunson @thefemininemystiquee @alana4610 @emmamooney @thatonefan-girl @paola-carter @figmentofquinn @haylaansmi @thewondernanazombie @munsonmunster @kellyxo1 @chaoticgood-munson @sherrylyn628 @ohmeg @05secondsofsexgods @lovelyblueness @adoreyouusugar @nadixq @roosterisdaddy36 @alwayslindie @eddie-joe-munson @ali-in-w0nderland @pepperstories @phyllosilicate-s @thebellenouvelle @luvrsbian @joesquinns @choke-me-eddie @alizztor @frootvelvet @did-it-work @capricornrisingsstuff @quinnsmunson @frogers @kennedy-brooke @daleyeahson @harringtonfan4 @emma77645 @tlclick73 @eddies-puppet @electricmunson @everythinghasafacee @a-time-for-wolvess @lucifers-side @barfightzanddiscolightz
(taglist currently full, sorry!)
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ventiswampwater · 1 year
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what have I done (to deserve this)
bo sinclair x afab!reader
rating: explicit
word count: 4k
Bo POV. It’s the day before Valentine’s. Bo goes shopping at a bargain outlet. In true romcom fashion, you’re there too. 
Chance encounter meet-cute. Except it’s with the worst man this side of Baton Rouge. Sucks! But you get to make out with him! Hope that’s worth the incoming pain and misery, bestie!
Crossposted on AO3 here. 
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Very self-indulgent and GOOFY. A heaping dose of humor and general dumbassery. Big warning for Bo being Bo. We’re in his head and he is, as always, so stupid. Reader does not have a car for porn reasons. That’s it. She’s a public transportation whore for roadhead purposes. She’s also kind of annoying. And a bratty bimbo. 
The title of this fic comes from the song “What Have I Done to Deserve This” by Pet Shop Boys. It’s just a jazzy lil 80′s track that I could 100% picture playing in a bargain outlet over shitty speakers. Bo’s on his Gen X shit.
I just wanted to write about Bo encountering a chick who immediately wanted to hoover him down. Ambiguous ending with some unsettling implications.
This fic is a birthday gift for @raccoonspooky​! 🦝💝👻 MWAH!!! I LUV U!!! HAPPY BDAY!!!! HAPPY BIRF!!! DAY!!!! HERE’S STUPID!!!! 4 U!!!
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The bargain outlet stretches out in front of him, large yellow signs hanging from the warehouse ceiling. Sales down every aisle, 25% off on all kitchenware. Music blares out of loudspeakers, spitting out a song that Bo hasn’t heard since high school.
He’s thinking of his mother again.
Packed into the family car, bumping down the road to the department store. Just the two of them. Mama would tell him that it was because he couldn’t be left alone, that he wasn’t trusted like Vincent was—up at the big old house, drawing his pictures and staying out of the way.
Time seemed to drag on days like that, plodding along ungainly as Trudy slowly perused shelves. It always felt like he would be stuck there indefinitely, rotting away in front of the floral baking sets and printed potholders. When people congregated around the racks, Bo would reach up and grab her hand. Surrounded with onlookers, she’d let him hold onto it.
Sometimes they’d pass by the toy aisles, but she never gave them more than a passing glance. These trips weren’t for him, after all. Despite that, he looked forward to them with an odd giddiness.
Bo couldn’t be alone, but Vincent couldn’t get this.
Vincent didn’t get to watch himself reflected in the shining glass of the displays that their mother stopped at, tutting over bottles of perfume. He didn’t get to see the chrome and glossy mirrors, the array of beautiful women with long nails behind the counter tops. It wasn’t for him.
Bo would return home smug, carrying Mama’s bags. He always made sure to catch his brother’s eye.
Look. Pay attention. This is mine, it’s all mine. It isn’t yours.
He got in trouble one day. He couldn’t remember for what. Whatever it was, she got angry, and the trips stopped.
That department store had long since been razed. There weren’t a lot of things that stayed the same. Tradition was lost and paved over, turned into this.
Picking up a basket, he makes his way to the back of the store.
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The hardware section is pitiful. It always is.
Tools are strewn everywhere, each one emblazoned with illegible clearance stickers. They never have the shit that he needs here. He sifts through the pile of haphazardly stacked tools, pulling a wrench out. It’s a twelve-inch, decent weight. He wraps his hand around it and knocks it against his palm. It’ll do.
On his way out of the aisle, he snatches up two rolls of duct tape and a pack of braided nylon rope.
There are some things you can never have too much of.
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He cuts through the clothing department.
A store display looms overhead, announcing another sale. A woman pouts out of the ad, the heaving curve of her breasts spilling out of black lace. He feels something under his foot. Bending down, he plucks a bra off the ground. There’s a boot print across the front, dirt smeared across the polka dots.
“Good afternoon, shoppers!” A voice crackles over the intercom. “Two-for-one deals comin’ in hot this holiday season—”
Trudy would hate this place, with its messily stacked piles of clothes and the incessant beeping of the registers. That’s part of the reason he’s here.
“Um. Excuse me.”
“Huh?” He blinks, jerking his head up.
“Sorry, I just…” You look at him quizzically, your lips pursed. You’re holding a bra that looks identical to the one in his hands, sans dirt. “Need to get…uh. Behind you.”
“Yeah, of course.” He shuffles to the side. “Go on.”
He flicks through the rack, shoving the ruined bra unceremoniously to the back.
“You buying a bra?”
“Yeah.” He says absently. “For my sister.”
“…You’re buying your sister a bra?”
He turns to look at you. Wrenched away from the padded curve of the bras, he finally has a chance to assess you. Cute.
“Sister-in-law.” He amends.
Your brow scrunches in confusion and you nod slowly, fidgeting with the bra in your hands.
“I’m just messin’ with you.” He smiles.
“Okay.” You huff out a perplexed laugh.
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He’s rummaging through the detergent when he sees you again.
“We just keep running into each other.” You remark.
“Seems like it.” Gesturing at the duct tape and utility gloves in his basket, he flashes you a smile. “Gotta get some stuff for work.”  
“You a plumber?”
“Uh, no.” He’s unable to hide the flicker of indignation that twitches his lip up into a sneer. “Mechanic.”
Your lips curves into an open-mouthed O and he glances down at your left hand. Finding your ring finger conspicuously bare, he files that away for later. It’s not like he gives a shit, but less collateral is less collateral.
“I run a station not far from here.”
“That’s cool.” You pick up a lint roller. “Well, nice to meet you.”
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Bo finds you in the Valentine’s aisle. Or you find him. He can’t really tell.
“Are you followin’ me ‘round here, girl?” He shoots you a bemused smile. “You gonna tell me your name, stalkin’ me like this?”
“Maybe. What’s yours?”
“You buying that for your sister-in-law too?” You nod towards the box of conversation hearts he’s holding. “Can’t imagine your brother likes that much.”
“Now, that’s where you’re wrong. We share everythin’.”
“Oh yeah?” You grab a box of chocolates off the shelf, placing it in your cart. “Seems messy.”
“She’s a lucky girl.”
“That depends.” You quip. “What’s your brother look like?”
He angles toward you, resting his hand on the shelf.
“We’re twins.”
Your eyebrows raise.
Couple months ago, he had one downstairs that kind of looked like you. Same hair color. He has a lock of it in one of the gas station drawers. Her ID’s in there too, but he doesn’t remember her name. He couldn’t place it at first, but that’s who you remind him of. Another version of you, maybe. You’ve got the prettier mouth, though.
“Surprised this one didn’t sell.” You pluck a card off the wire rack. A goose peers off of the paper, surrounded by hot pink lettering.
You flip the card open. With a sigh, you hold it up so he can read it.
“That’s a good one.” He nods appreciatively.
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The food court is tucked into the corner of the store, a collection of neon signs and scuffed tables. The whole area smells gray, strings of cheap cheese and the lemony reek of industrial cleaner.
As he appraises the menu, he notices you at the drink fountain. When you turn, your eyes go wide.
“This isn’t what it looks like.” You exclaim.
“Huh.” He sighs. “Darlin’, you keep this up and I’ll have to call the cops.”
You open your mouth once, close it.
“You hungry?” He gestures toward the menu.
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“You’re not from ‘round here, are ya’?”
“I’m just passing through.”
“Hmm.” He murmurs out his acknowledgment. “You should stick ‘round for a bit. Nothin’ like Mardi Gras in Baton Rouge. Family vacation?”
“No, it’s just me.”
He hides his laugh around a forced cough. Pinching at the bridge of his nose, he clears his throat.
“Sorry. Cigarettes.” He smiles at you. “I’m thinkin’ ‘bout quittin’.”
You chew idly at your slice of pizza, your eyes drifting over his face. He arches a brow.
“You like what ya’ see?”
“I’m not sure.” Your lips twist into a smile. “I’m still trying to figure that out.”
You have a lot of damn nerve.
“You do this a lot?” He fixes you with a pointed look.
“What? Go shopping?” There’s something so hopelessly dumb about your expression. You’re blank and brainless, an assortment of curves and painted-on prettiness in front of him.
He imagines paddles whacking the careening Ping Pong ball of your thoughts across your brain. A thought misses the paddle, ricocheting off the side of the board. Game over. Fiddle with some buttons, start over. Another one comes to take its place, bopping uselessly in your skull.
He’s met enough of your type that it shouldn’t surprise him, but somehow it always does. Someone this stupid shouldn’t be allowed to wander too far. And yet, here you are, all by yourself. Just you and your flimsy hold on rational thinking, wandering around his state.
If he hadn’t have met you here, lord knows what trouble you would’ve gotten into. You’d probably have wandered out into the bayou. Blinking all pretty, getting stuck in the muck. Wrenching open a gator’s mouth and stepping into it just because you were curious how many teeth it had.
He’d pay good money to watch that.
“Don’tchu act all shy ‘bout this. You know what I’m askin’.” He tears the straw wrapper into tiny pieces, his gaze trailing down your neck and onto your breasts. “Ya’ make a habit of goin’ ‘round and propositionin’ men in stores?”
You choke out a laugh, your eyes going wide.
“I’m not propositioning you!”
“Whatchu doin’ eatin’ my pizza, then?”
“What am I…doing…” Your eyes twinkle with barely contained glee. You muffle a laugh around another bite of pizza. “…Eating…your pizza?”
“Yeah.” He leans back in the chair. “Ya’ seem pretty happy to be sittin’ right there. Eatin’ my pizza.”
“You’re very cute.” You wipe your mouth off with a napkin, staring pointedly at his hands.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” Grabbing a slice of pizza, he takes a bite.
It’s awful. Grimacing, he manages to swallow it down. Glancing down at it in disgust, he lets it fall limply back into the box. It takes him a moment before he remembers to readjust his face into one of tranquility, winking over at you.
“You know what.” You deliberate for a second, your eyes darting to his lips. “I think I am propositioning you.”
“There’s a theater next to my shop.” He smirks. “You wanna catch a movie?”
“I don’t wanna interrupt your work.”
“I got all the time in the world, honey.” He winks. “Truck’s outside.”
“You’re not gonna kill me, are you?” You rest your chin against your palm.
“Not yet.” He shakes his head. “Hardly know ya’ yet. That’d be jumpin’ the gun.”
“Alright. Fuck it.” You grin. “Let’s go.”
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Standing in line at the register, he reaches into your cart and snatches out the box of chocolates.
“Hey!” You put your hands on your hips. “What are you…”
“Ya’ think I’m gonna make a girl buy her own chocolate? What I look like to you?”
You move to say something, your eyes glittering.
“If ya’ say plumber—” He gives you with a sharp look, narrowing his eyes. “I’ll tan your hide.”
“Is that a promise or a threat?” You stage-whisper, loading up the belt with items.
“Goddamnit, girl. Let’s get you outta this fuckin’ store.”
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Pulling down a side road, he parks the truck.
“Hand me that, would ya’, baby?”
Rustling in the bag, he pulls out the box of chocolates. Ripping the plastic off, he tugs the lid open. He takes a bite of one. Cheap, shitty chocolate. Puts it back in its slot. Picks up another one and takes another bite. Caramel, but it’s still—
“You wanna give me my chocolate back?” You tap on his arm.
“Sorry, darlin’. I bought it. It’s mine.” He smirks at you. “Maybe if ya’ ask all pretty, I’ll give ya’ one.”
Your mouth falls open in shock and you let out a frustrated huff.
“That’s not fair!” You exclaim. “You lied.”
“Lyin’? Nah. Just omittin’ some details, sugar. It’s how we do it down here in Louisi—”
You clamor into his lap, making a grab at the chocolate. Popping one in your mouth, you bug your eyes out at him.
“Bad girl.” He tosses the box onto the dashboard. Reaching up, he grabs your chin, pulling you closer.
You taste like chocolate when he kisses you, his hand slipping down your jaw to tighten around your neck. You hum happily into his mouth, your hands on his shoulders. He can feel your breath under his fingers, the pulsing hammer of your heartbeat against his palm.
You’re always so close to death, to all that red and heat underneath, and you don’t even notice. He could press down a little more, constrict your airflow. Make it hurt. You need that, don’t you? You don’t have any fuckin’ structure. Leave you with your throat burning, your eyes swollen with tears. Make you thank him for that.
“I don’t really do this.” You murmur against his lips.
“Whatchu doin’ right now, then?”
You laugh, a breathless little noise. He reaches back and gathers your hair together at the back of your head. When he tugs your head back, you gasp.
“How bad ya’ want it?”
“I—” Discomfort flashes over your face. “Wait, um. Hold on. This is really awkward, but—”
You readjust yourself in his lap and he drops his hand, watching as you reach under your shirt. Biting down on your bottom lip, the strap of your bra slips down your shoulder. Working it through the sleeves of your shirt, you blow out a huff of relief. Stretching your arms to extricate the loops, you tug it free, tossing it onto the floor of his truck.
You turn back to him with a bashful smile.
“Movin’ fast, girl.” 
"The wire's been digging into me all day.” You shake your head, glancing over your shoulder at your discarded bra. “I needed to get a new one, but—I got kinda distracted."
"And whose fault is that?"
You look at him curiously, as if his question is strange. You lean forward and flick at the brim of his cap, smiling.
"Well, yours, technically."
“Don’t see how that tracks.” He leans back onto the headrest. 
“You distracted me.” Your voice goes high-pitched and melodic, a sing-song lilt that makes his hand tighten into a fist at his side. 
He exhales, snorting out a laugh. 
“You know what?” 
“What?” You tilt your head, raising your brows.
“I changed my mind. I’m killin’ ya’.”
You blow a raspberry at him, rolling your eyes. 
“Not yet, c’mon.” You whine, dropping kisses down the bridge of his nose. “It’s like you said. We haven’t even gotten to know each other yet!”
“You’re tryin’ my fuckin’ patience, girl.” 
You’re a bratty fuckin’ thing. Untrained, not an ounce of discipline in you. You rock your hips against him, wetting your bottom lip. Tart and wild, a stubbornness coasting under your skin.  He wonders how long you’ll be able to hold onto all that sass. What he’ll have to do to make sure you lose it. He can’t wait to see you cry—you’ll taste sweeter then, curled up inside yourself.
What kind of fuckin’ coincidence. 
“Look at’chu.” He shakes his head in disbelief.
“What’d you say? Take a picture, it’ll last longer?”
“Oh, don’tchu worry, baby. I will.” He grins. “Gotta get you all warmed up first, though.” 
Slipping his hand between your legs, he rubs at you through your jeans.
“You’re not fucking me in your truck.” With a giggle, you still his hand, tugging it back onto your hip.
“You gonna try to stop me?”
“Um, yeah.” A shriek of laughter spills out of your mouth and the movement rocks your body against his lap. “Anybody could see us!”
“Ya’ gonna tell me that’s what you’re worried about?” He squints at you, squashing down the glare that threatens to darken his features. Not yet. “After grindin’ on my lap like that?”
“Look, I’ve got a better idea.” Shimmying off his lap and onto the passenger seat, you grin at him. “When’s the movie?”
“The movie?” It takes a moment before the realization hits him. Scrubbing a hand over his mouth, he clears his throat. “Oh, uh—an hour.”
“And how far away is it?”
“Uh, twenty, thirty minutes.”
“Well. I don’t wanna miss it.” You tilt your head, raising a brow. “What if there’s a line?”
“There ain’t gonna be a line.” He says definitively, a wave of exhaustion settling over him. 
“You don’t know that.” You laugh. “Anyway. I think…you should drive us there. Now. So we have time.”
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He’s barely started the truck back up when he feels your hands at his belt, undoing the loop.
“The fuck you doin’?”
“Trust me.” You unzip his fly, pulling him out of his boxers.
You could be sweet if you wanted. All sugar. It’s easier that way, but you won’t want it easy. You’ll make him fight you for it.
You work your hand over his cock with a sigh of contentment. Your thumb teases over the slit, rubbing precum over the head of his cock. He feels a spike of irritation at you for wasting even an ounce of his spunk on your hands. As if to apologize, you bow your head, running your tongue up the underside of his cock. You’ll have to do better than that. Licking up the sensitive skin of his frenulum, you tease your mouth around him, letting him twitch against your tongue.
“Ya’ gonna suck it or not?” He snaps, keeping his eyes locked on the road. He doesn’t need to look down to know that you’re smiling.
“Don’t be grumpy.” Your voice floats up from his lap. “I’m just taking my time. You’re just so pretty.”
Pretty? Anger rushes through him. Calling him that—thinking you can, thinking that there wouldn’t be any consequences. Who raised you? For all your pathetic staring, you haven’t even seen what’s in front of you. 
The lack of respect is sickening, making his balls feel heavy and tight. He needs to be down your throat, if only to shut you up. Give you something else to focus on. Every moment you’re near him, you’re signing yourself away. Doubling back, going over the contract in bubbly cursive.
You’re entirely unaware of how many marks you’re tallying up. Every swirl of your tongue sinks you deeper in debt. He wonders if you’d laugh if you knew just how many apologies you’re setting yourself up for.
With a hum, you take him into your mouth, swallowing your lips around his cock.
“Take it deep. Don’t you stop.”
A noise erupts from your mouth, but it’s garbled around his cock. He can’t tell, but he could have sworn that was a laugh.
He stops the truck abruptly, the movement thrusting him deeper into your mouth. You gag around him, a disgustingly wet noise at the back of your throat. With a wet pop, you pull your mouth off of his cock. The sudden loss of sensation draws a frustrated growl from his lips.
“Be careful.” Your lips are back on him. Mouthing kisses down his length, your nose bumps against his skin. “Don’t crash the car.”
“I’ve been drivin’ this truck for longer than—” You wrap your lips around the head of his cock and the sentence falters in his mouth.
He pictures you standing in the theater lobby. Confusion in your eyes, a slackness to your jaw. It’s odd and you’ll know it, right away. But you won’t do anything about it. You’ll second guess yourself. You think you’re so smart, don’t you? With that sweet little twist of your lips, batting your eyelashes at him, resting your hands on his shoulders. He wonders how long it’ll take for the confusion to lift. The realization settling over you, chilling you to the core.
You’ll look back at him and you’ll know.
A lifetime of mistakes all falling into place, your scream lost under the palm of his hand.
You should be fucked there. That’s how it should go.
He can’t wait. Not for anything, ever. Mama was always saying that. And with the wet clasp of your mouth around his cock, patience isn’t manageable. How could it be? You’ve taken up all of it, trapped it in your smile. He doesn’t have any more to give.
You bob your head up and down, resting your hands on his thigh. 
“Good girl.” He mutters. You moan and he clenches his jaw, tightening his hold in your hair. “Just like that, c’mon.”
You raise your head off his cock again and murmur out his name, and his grip on the steering wheel turns his knuckles white.
You better be enjoying saying it. Let it live in that slutty mouth of yours for a while. It’ll be off limits soon.
There’ll be other things to call him. Later. He can see several of them in his head, stacked fifty feet high in neon. He probably won’t even have to tell you which one he wants, you’ll come up with it on your own. It’ll bubble up in your little head and you’ll drool it out helplessly, stuffed full with cock. Makeup smeared down your cheeks, caked under your eyes. He’d like to see you when you’re trying to fold into yourself. When you’re trying desperately to be anything but pretty for him.
He’s ready to take the shiny veneer of this personality off. It’s slipping now, he can feel it. 
“Ain’tchu glad you met me?” He grunts out, his breaths coming out shallow.
You’re going to hate him soon enough, and he’ll be able to remind you that you didn’t before. That you can’t fool him into believing you don’t love his cock down your throat, that you don’t want his hands on you—he knows better, and you do too.
You moan your agreement against his cock. Glad, you’re fuckin’ glad. You’d better be.
He bucks up into your mouth when he cums, smacking his hand down on the steering wheel. You’re choking around him, making desperate little huffs through your nose. For your credit, you keep him in your mouth, tightening your lips around the base. He eases his foot off the accelerator, wetting his lips. 
The truck slows to a crawl as he pants, leaning into the steering wheel. He shudders when he feels your lips tug off his cock, swirling your tongue around the oversensitive head.
“We there yet?” You cough a bit, carefully tucking him back into his boxers.
“Christ, girl.” He whistles through his teeth, glancing over at you. “Actin’ like I didn’t just fuck ya’ throat.”
“You didn’t fuck me. I fucked you. And no one saw.” Wiping your mouth off with the back of your hand, you giggle.
“Little cocksucker.”
“You loved it.” You chirp smugly, winking at him. It takes everything in his resolve not to grab you by your hair and slam your forehead into the dashboard. He can’t get blood in his truck again. Shit’s unprofessional. And he’s nothing if not a stickler for appearances. There’s a way to do these things, and you’ve forced him to rewrite his script halfway through the scene. He’s almost impressed with your lack of morals.
He can only imagine how wet you must be, soaking through your jeans. With the way you were moaning around his cock, your pussy must be aching for it.
He should lay a fuckin’ towel down. Protect the goddamn seats—he can’t get your blood on the upholstery, and you know that. 
Tryin’ to leave your mark some other way, ain’tcha?
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“Is this it?” You ask brightly, peering out the window.
“Yup.” He parks, turning to you. “Think you can do me a favor?”
“Just gotta check on somethin’ with the truck. You wanna run into the shop and put this on the counter?” He grabs the chocolate box off the dashboard and stuffs it into the plastic bag. “Wouldn’t want it meltin’.”
You hop out of the truck, looking at him expectantly.
“Go on, pretty thing. I’ll be right behind ya’.” 
As you push the door of his shop open, he stuffs your bra in the glove compartment. It’s cute. You won’t be needing it.
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151 notes · View notes
ciciceyina · 1 year
Touch Starved part 1
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Pairing: Idol!Mingyu × Fem Carat!reader
Genre: Soulmate AU. Soulmates can't be apart from one another for more than a day otherwise they will become deathly ill. Fluff/comfort
Short Summary: Y/n has her life completely uprooted the day her and Kim Mingyu meet for the first time. Follow along as y/n moves to South Korea in order to be with her soulmate and soon realizes that the life she once fantasized about isn't all that she thought it would be.
Notes: Plus size/fem reader, reader swears a lot, soft Mingyu, reader suffers from severe depression and anxiety, golden retriever!Mingyu × black cat!reader relationship. In this first part the italic text is Korean being spoken by the boys. Inspired by other fic tropes l've read, but with my own spin on it. Hope you enjoy! This is the first time I'm publishing a piece of my work, pls be nice lol
  “We are going to get into so much trouble if they find us out here, without security mind you. I don’t know why I let you talk me into this. Hyung is gonna ring us out if he catches us.” Chan pulls his baseball cap down further hoping that would keep the eyes of the fans away. Who was he kidding? The fans would spot them out immediately, this was a suicide mission. 
 “Chan, you’re too uptight. Listen, I have to find her.” 
  Mingyu pulls his face mask up to round the corner outside of the venue. The two had slipped into some casual attire to not attract attention before sneaking out from the rest of the boys. Chan didn’t really believe that they fit in. Not with the two of them looking especially suspicious with face masks and ball caps barely covering Mingyu’s grown out hair. Carats are smart, there was no way they wouldn’t be noticed.
  “Yes that’s all fine and well but if it’s meant to be it’ll happen without you having to sneak around.” Chan tries to keep up with him as he’s speed walking his way through the crowd.
  “She doesn’t know I’ll be here, I have to take measures into my own hands. The clairvoyant specifically said that I would need to be careful. My window of time is slim. I just had Covid, most carats don’t even know I’ll be here. This is exactly what she was getting at.” Mingyu was getting extremely excited, the younger of the two could tell from the pep in his step. Chan grabs Mingyu's arm and turns him around.
  “And how exactly do you expect to pull this off? Say we make it around the venue without getting caught. Are you just going to start touching everyone in your path?” 
  “I was going to leave that part up to fate. I knew I needed to be out here at the very least. Give my lady in waiting a chance.” Chan could imagine the absolute shit eating grin that was under Mingyu’s mask. The man pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed heavily.
  “You’re so lucky I’m a romantic at heart.” 
  “Ahh I can’t believe this is real. I’m so excited guys.” You stare in wonder at the venue hall. They had set up a merch stand and a photo op with a cardboard cut out of the members of Seventeen. You bounce up and down with excitement, you’ve been looking forward to this moment for a long time. 
  Seventeen wasn’t even on your radar until two years ago, when your two best friends had shown you the tall goofy member and claimed he was totally your type. He totally was. Ever since then you fell completely hard for the one and only Kim Mingyu. Something inside of you, something you couldn’t quite explain, drew you to him. Of course you’ve had celebrity crushes before. Nothing new to you, but he just felt different. You were enamored. You chalked it up to K-pop’s highly effective way of selling the members looks and charms to your infatuation. 
  Besides Mingyu, the music that Seventeen produced spoke to your heart. To be here, seeing them live in concert, was definitely the highlight of your career. You needed this ultra boost of serotonin. Work has been a drag, you wish you could move on from your high school job. You have been stuck there for years. Seeing your old classmates move on and up to greater things made you a bit sad. But you didn’t have a clue of what you wanted from your life. This job was comfortable, but was comfortable all you wanted? 
  Pushing your thoughts away you reached into your bag to find the freebies you had made of the members. This was your favorite part, making other fans gifts. Seeing them coo at their biases made you feel seen. These were your people. You handed your friend the bags that were clearly sorted by unit. She was fairly new to the group, but was adamant that she be your little side kick. Having her hold the freebies was a way of teaching her. Although with all the chaos there was little room for teaching. 
  “I plan on handing them out in the merch line. If we’re not too overwhelmed then I’ll start approaching some other people, is that okay?” Marie nods.
 “You got it boss. Just let me know which group you need and I gotcha.” Marie was a newer friend of yours but it felt like you had known her forever. You were only a little sad when you first made contact, hoping she was the one. Sadly not, but you gained a friend you thought you’d have for the rest of your life. At least you had hoped so. 
 “So are we planning to hit up the merch line now or later?” Your other friend, Lauren, asked as she dragged along her twin sister towards the line. Catching her hint you nod and take the lead to the line, weaving in and out of all the other fans. 
  “Now to gain the courage to actually talk to others” You look to Marie and she nods.
  “You got this bestie, I believe in you.” 
  After the (fun) chaos that was the merch line, you had about a couple hours before the doors to the concert opened. The other three had made their way to the restroom. You decided to take a peek outside. It was a little overwhelming with the constant flow of traffic inside. Your antisocial side of your personality was rearing its head. You needed some alone time. 
  As you took in the outside of the arena, you noticed the tour sign on the digital banner. You decided that you absolutely needed to take a picture for the memories. As you did so, you noticed two guys looking a little out of place. They mostly looked confused. The taller one, gosh even with the ball cap and mask you could tell he was hot, was especially bug eyed. Wiping his head around as if he was scanning looking for something…or someone.
  Something inside of you told you to approach them. Maybe they needed help? Or maybe they were fans but were confused about where the entrance was. God knows you and your friends were at first, getting slightly yelled at by the security here. The shorter one made slight eye contact with you, yikes talk about being a creep y/n. You decide to walk up to them so that 
  “Hey, are you guys here for the concert?” The taller one looks spooked by you. The other one goes frigid. Maybe he was just as anxiety riddled as you are. 
  “Um, yes.” The taller one has such pretty eyes, you note to yourself. Maybe you could warm them up to you by being friendly. 
  “Would you like me to take your picture in front of the banner real quick?” You ask sweetly hoping you weren’t disturbing them. 
  The shorter one looks a little confused but the tall one nods his head yes. You reach your hand out for one of them to give their phone to you. They both stare at you. The shorter one, you decide is the younger one, jabs the other one in the side. 
  “Give her your phone.” The tall one hisses under his breath unbeknownst to you, still with your arm outreached. Finally the taller one hands over his phone. With phone in hand you take a quick snap of the two. A weird sense of deja vu hits you, trying to shake it off you rummage into your concert bag.
  “Do you guys want a freebie? Who are your biases?” Shuffling through the little pictures of the members,  you fan the pictures out for them to see. You loved seeing male fans, and you think the members do as well. The two look a little confused at first and the shorter one mumbles something to the taller one. They lean in to look at the pictures in your hands. 
  “Mingyu.” The taller one says, you smile. Shuffling for said man in your pile. 
  “Ahh Mingyu is my bias too, I’m actually kind of bummed that he won’t be here tonight. Here’s a cute one…” you hold out the freebie for him to take. 
  When he does his fingers lightly brush over yours and that’s when you feel it. What you have only imagined before, that first contact with your soulmate. His touch sends heat shooting up your arm and you can actually hear your heart beating faster. Shit. You look up into the man’s eyes to see them blown wide. So it’s not just you feeling this overwhelming sense of comfort. Like you knew this man already. Like you had spent every past life with him wrapped in his embrace. Just like that, hot tears are steaming down your face. Gosh, why were you crying? You didn’t want to cry, but you couldn’t stop yourself. What were the odds of you finding your soulmate at a Seventeen concert, were you dreaming? 
  “Who are you?” You ask as you reach to pull down the mask from his face. You had to see his full face, but before you could an absolute bulldozer of a woman plows into your side. You’re manhandled to the ground and you really wanted to cry now. It felt like she had cracked your whole spine, maybe cracked open your skull too while she was at it. You groan in pain as you try pushing the woman off of you. Who the fuck does she think she is. 
  As soon as she was straddling on top of you, she was yanked away by that strange man. No, not strange, your soulmate. He looked scared. Oh god, what if he didn’t want a soulmate. What if this was the last thing he could have ever wanted from you. Despite your worries you couldn’t help but get lost in those chocolatey brown eyes that you noted earlier. Soulmate, my soulmate. No, don't second guess this, of course he wants you. Why would he look so concerned otherwise? You couldn’t help but think you were so lucky, you could tell this man was extremely attractive. Way out of your league. If you hadn’t just got the wind knocked out of you, you’d laugh at yourself. 
  “Are you alright?!” He touches your arm and you sigh, feeling that warmth again. He sat crouched over you looking for god knows what. Probably some sign of injury. Maybe you had knocked your head a bit too hard, things were starting to become fuzzy. His touch is heightened when he comes across your bare skin, your heart about to burst from your chest. But you felt safe at the same time. You wanted to be cocooned in that feeling for the rest of your life. 
 “I’m fine.” You assure him with a small smile. You lazily reach up to hook your finger around his ear quickly taking in how soft his skin was. You quickly slid off the mask before your chance was taken away from you again. 
  “No way.” You exclaim in surprise. There was no way that your soulmate was Kim fucking Mingyu.
  “Y/N!! Why did you just leave us like that, are you okay?” Marie strides into the secluded room that you were taken to after getting thrown to the ground. You watch as the twins pile in too. They look a bit upset. Probably with you.
  You hiss, the aid poked a sensitive spot on the back of your head. They had called on the venue to send over their medical staffing to come and check on you. The lady was deep in your hair trying to find the gash she suspected as the cause of your insane dizziness. You were chalking it up to meeting Mingyu, and finding out that he was who you were looking for your whole life. But that was probably the butterflies in your stomach. You laughed a little, this wasn’t seriously happening 
  “I’m fine guys, really. Just a little bump on the head.” You shoo your friends away from you. 
  “I wouldn’t say it’s just a little bump on the head, he told me she all but ran you down into the hard cement. You would be lucky to not have a concussion.” The lady commented. 
  “She was just doing her job. If anything it brings me comfort to know she would protect the boys in such a way.” Your friends look at you curiously. 
 “Boys?” Lauren asks, she crosses her arms and stares at you. You gulp. 
 “I’m like ninety percent sure that I’m currently in a dream. You won’t believe who my soulmate is.” You look at your friends, they all stare at you with weird looks. 
 “Who are you talking about?” Hanna asked. 
 “I think my soulmate is someone from Seventeen.” All three of them let out a little laugh. 
  “I think you hit your head too hard. Could she be having some delusions?” You pout at Lauren who only looks at the aid. Just like you said, it was unbelievable. You didn’t believe it yourself, but you’re sure it was him. 
  “I don’t like the look of this gash, you should be taken to the hospital to get looked at. That hard of a fall could lead to a concussion.” You shake your head and lean away from the woman. 
 “Absolutely not, I’m fine. I’m not going to miss this concert. I’ve been looking forward to it all year and plus I’ve spent too much money. No, there's no way I’m going to a hospital right now.” 
  “We can take her after the concert.” Marie tells the woman. She shakes her head. 
  “I don’t recommend waiting.” She retorted. 
  “That’s okay, I appreciate all of the help but I’m sure you have others to look after.” You grab your bag laying on the chair next to you. Standing up blood rushes to your head but you won’t show signs of discomfort in front of her out of stubbornness. 
  “C'mon, let’s go guys.” You pass the other three to the door which you swing open. Outside are a few men dressed in suits, one with a briefcase looking straight into your eyes. He made you nervous as he started to approach. 
  “Is she well?” He asks into the room that you just left. The aid slips past the four of you to his side. 
  “I told her that we should run some tests at the hospital and to bandage up the gash better, I don’t have all of the necessary equipment here.” The man looks disappointed at the news. 
  “I’m extremely sorry for this, Miss L/N. But please let us make it right by taking you to the hospital. We can talk there about your arrangements.” How does he know my name? 
  “I’m sorry, who are you?” Marie asks from behind your shoulder. 
  “Please forgive me, I’m Mr. Kang. I’m the head lawyer of Seventeen's legal team. We’ve been informed by Kim Mingyu that he and Miss L/N here are Soulmates. We really shouldn’t discuss more here, we will need to talk in a more private area. We can discuss Seventeen's Soulmate contract once we arrive at the hospital. I have some cars outside to take us there right now when you’re ready.” He holds his arm out to gesture to the door down the hall that you all stood in. 
  “Mingyu?!” Your friends shriek in unison.
   You cringe at the loud noise in your ears. Now you don't feel well. It feels as if your head would split in two at any given moment. You clutch at your face, fuck.
  “No fuckin way y/n, no fucking way.” Marie  shakes you and you feel like you’re going to hurl. 
  “Don’t do that. Can we sit down for a moment?” You lean into Marie  as your legs become a little wobbly and you feel slightly numb all over. She clutches at you.
  “Y/N what’s wrong?” 
  “I’m just a little sleepy..”
  You could hear someone talking over you, but you didn’t want to open your eyes. Sleeping felt so nice, though you don’t remember when you laid down to rest. It didn’t really matter because your head felt amazing. Like someone had laid your head down on a cloud. Now that you think about it, it felt as if someone had their palm resting against your forehead. It didn’t matter, sleeping was more important. 
  “What’s wrong?” You could barely make out the voice. They sounded scared, you noticed the voice was deep. The voice didn’t bring up any memories. 
  “Sir we have to go, she needs to be seen.” 
   “No.” You were curious, of course, but opening your eyes seemed so difficult at the moment. Could they be quiet while you slept? It was very rude of them. 
  “Sir I’m not asking again, let go of her.” The warmth on your forehead shifted to your cheek. Shivers went down your spine, finally you cracked open your eyes. 
 Brown soft eyes were what you noticed first, then the large hand cupping your cheek. You knew this man, you spent hours focusing on him during dance rehearsals on your tv at night. It was Mingyu. Oh Mingyu. 
  “What are you doing here?” You ask softly, a small smile forms on your lips looking at his pretty face. God he was so attractive. He smiles softly back at you but turns his attention elsewhere as you hear someone else call his name. 
  Closing your eyes you return to your sleep. This was such a nice dream. You heard that same deep voice from earlier say something above you. Though you couldn’t understand what they were trying to say. It didn’t matter, you were sleeping, they could leave you alone. You needed your rest. You felt the warmth from your check fade but then again as something was pressed into your hand. You brought your hand up to your face to curl onto your side into a more comfortable sleeping position. 
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number1mingyustan · 2 years
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire ✹ ☾
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toxic!jeonghan x fem!reader
Warnings: manipulation, swearing, intoxication, arguing/yelling, established relationship, mentions of cheating, mentions of sex, penetration (doggystyle), dirty talk, degradation, humiliation kink, dacryphilia, rough sex, drunk sex, fingering, orgasm denial
Summary: Deep down you know the truth, yet you always seem to take his word for it.
Word Count: 1.6k
(a/n: this is not proofread but i’m a sucker for writing toxic shit 🙃)
You’re scared. Like really fucking scared. There’s a gut wrenching feeling tugging at your heart. You’re biting your nails in anticipation. You’re restless.
Something’s wrong.
There’s only so many things that could be causing this feeling, and you’re almost positive of one of them.
You try calling again, but it goes straight to voice mail. You sigh out of frustration. The opening and closing of the door immediately catches your attention.
He’s home.
He fumbles with the lock of the door, lightly mumbling and cursing to himself. He turns around, eyes meeting yours like a teen who got caught sneaking home. A goofy smirk appears on his face.
“Hi baby,” he slurs.
He’s drunk.
“Don’t do that. Don’t you dare ‘Hi Baby’ me! Where the hell were you?” You raise your voice.
He scoffs, rolling his eyes. “I was out with the boys. We got a few drinks at the club. I told you that before I left.”
“Jeonghan it is two in the fucking morning! I have been calling and texting you like crazy!” You yell.
“For fuck’s sake, I’m home now aren’t I?” He walks closer to you, slightly stumbling over his own footsteps. “I told you where I was, don’t know what you’re so pissed off about.”
It’s not until he steps closer that a foreign scent fills your nostrils. Not only does he reek of alcohol but the faint scenes of perfume lingers on his clothes.
It’s dark, but his closeness and the light radiating from the tv cause you to notice it. The faint red tint on his lips, the uneven and incomplete buttoned up shirt, and the fucking smell of another woman.
Your expression is unreadable as you start to piece things together. Your lack of reaction causes Jeonghan to shrug his shoulders and begin to walk away nonchalantly.
“Where are you going?” you ask, voice shaking.
“To shower? Can you get off my back for once?” he scoffs again.
Silence fills the atmosphere for a few mere seconds, but it feels like an eternity.
“Hannie?” You ask with a clear crack in your voice.
“What happened tonight?” You face him, searching his eyes for an answer.
“What are you talking about?” He asks.
“I mean you slept with someone right? That’s why you’re home so late?” You feel the tears building up in your eyes.
Your question caught him completely off guard, yet he manages to keep his composure. “What the hell are you saying?”
“I mean you’re hardly dressed, Hannie. You smell like perfume and there’s lipstick-”
“Whatever you’re trying to do here, it’s not gonna work,” he slurs. “If you’re trying to get me to admit to some bullshit that didn’t happen then you’re really pathetic Y/n. You don’t know shit and you’re jumping to conclusions and I suggest you stop right now.”
You feel a pang in your chest. How could he look you in the eyes and say that to you with no hesitation?
“I was at the fucking club, of course I’m gonna smell like perfume. And it was hot, so yeah I unbuttoned a few buttons on my shirt. And there’s no lipstick anywhere on me! How dare you accuse me of cheating on you?” He shouts.
“Jeonghan I know-”
“No Y/n, you don’t know shit! I can’t believe you think I would ever do something like that to you! I’ve done so much for you, and this is how you repay me? By accusing me of some bullshit conclusion you jumped to in 30 seconds!”
“That’s not fair! Don’t try to flip this onto me!” You retaliate.
“No Y/n, you’re being unfair,” his voice cracks. “You know I would never do something like that to you. I-I can’t believe you would assume that about me. Especially when I’ve given you no reason to.”
“You have given me reasons!” You argue.
“Do you know how much I love you?” He begins taking steps in your direction. His movements cause you to take a step back.
He continues walking in your direction until you feel your back hit the wall. Despite feeling incredibly intimidated, you still muster up a response as hot tears stream down your face. “You don’t.”
“I can’t believe you, after everything I’ve done for you. I love you so much it hurts. It almost feels like… like you don’t love me.” His voice is laced with fake sincerity but in the moment it feels genuine.
“I do love you. I’m sorry Hannie,” you break down. He embraces you as you sob into his chest. His cold hands rub your back.
“It’s okay honey, I know you didn’t mean it. I’ll call next time I’m out so you don’t have to worry so much yeah?” He pulls back from the hug, eyes meeting yours.
You bite on your lip, looking up at him guilty. His hand caresses your cheek lightly, wiping your tears. “Aw, poor baby. You look so pretty when you cry. You know that?”
His sincere eyes have been replaced with a lustful gaze and causes your heart to tighten. He begins kissing away your tears. “So, so pretty,” he mumbles into your skin.
“Hannie,” you whine.
“Shh. ‘S okay baby, I gotchu, I gotchu,” his lips quickly find yours. His hands dig into your sides, pushing your back against the wall harder.
His cold hands are rough against your skin as he lifts up your night dress. He slips his hand into your panties as his lips leave wet kisses and love bites all along your neck.
You shouldn’t do this. You really shouldn’t be letting him do this. Your heart still feels tight, and deep down you know that he’s lying. You know exactly what he’s doing, but all your logic seems to go away when he touches you.
His thumb rubs small circles around your clit, gathering your moisture on his fingers before he slips two in. You moan at the feeling, lightly tilting your neck.
His fingers thrust into you at a fast face, hardly giving your brain time to process anything. You’re a moaning and squirming mess under his touch. You can feel him smirking along your skin. He has you right where he wants you.
His fingers continue to thrust in and out of you until you feel your legs shaking. “Feel good baby? Huh?”
You nod eagerly at his question. You let out breathy moans as you feel yourself getting closer to your high.
“Gonna cum baby?” he questions along your neck.
“Yeah.. Fuck I’m gonna-”
Before you can experience your release, Jeonghan retreats his fingers. You whine at the loss of contact, squeezing your legs together in an attempt to keep the friction going. He looks at you with a sadistic gaze. “Tsk tsk. Stupid girl really does think she knows everything. Don’t you baby?”
You frown at his question, feeling a sudden wave of embarrassment washes over you. He pulls off your dress, panties soon to follow. ���I asked you a question Y/n.”
You bite your lip guiltily. You nod your head hesitantly, knowing he’s expecting a yes answer from you. You stand in front of him, completely vulnerable and humiliated.
“Words baby, use your words,” he tells you.
“Yes,” you say quietly.
“Yes what?” He stands before you, completely clothed as he palms himself through his pants.
“Yes, I’m- I’m a stupid girl who thinks she knows everything,” you look down at your feet.
He bites his lip. “Good girl.”
He grabs your body, turning you around, pressing you firmly against the wall. You hear the sound of his belt unbuckling. You feel his body pressing against yours, the faint scent of perfume still lingering on his body. Your stomach clenches, but it doesn’t last. Soon enough, you feel him enter you from behind roughly.
You arch your back into him and he grabs both of your hands behind your back. His cock pounds into you, skin clapping against skin resounding in the open living room. His grip on your hands tightens, lightly to leave a bruise.
“Fuck,” you cry out. You’re a moaning mess to the point where it’s almost pathetic. Jeonghan loves seeing you like this, completely fucked out and submissive toward him.
“Feels good baby huh?” he pants in your ear.
“Yes! So good! Nngh-!” You respond breathlessly.
“Thought so,” he smirks. “No one fucks you like me yeah?”
“N-no one,” you echo as you feel your orgasm approaching.
“Good,” he nibbles on your earlobe as he thrusts at a faster pace. “Try that shit again and you’ll really miss me. I’ve fucking ruined you for anyone else yeah?”
He leaves a harsh slap on your ass with his words, simultaneously sending you into bliss. Your orgasm comes fast and hard, causing you to arch into him more and cry out. Lewd moans mixed in with his name resound throughout the room. Jeonghan is quick to follow, shooting his load into you. He lets out a long groan as he does so.
He pulls out of you, pulling his pants back up as he watches his cum drip down your thighs with a satisfied smirk.
“Gonna go take my shower now okay?” He leaves a kiss on your bare shoulder and a light tap on your ass. You’re left alone and naked, still trying to catch your breath as you hold onto the wall for stability.
You can hear his footsteps as he walks toward the bathroom. He doesn’t bother to look back, simply leaving you to clean up his mess.
© number1mingyustan - Do not repost without permission.
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axailslink · 2 years
Baby Take A Break
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Riri Williams x poc FEM reader
Summary: you have been studying really hard this past week for an upcoming exam and Riri tries her best to help.
The rattling of your fan is the only thing keeping you awake right now as the words on your laptop screen become jumbled scribbles. Riri who has been watching you for the past hour finally gives in and walks to your bed and closes your lap top "you're tired let's take a break maybe go get something to eat?" You roll on your side letting your pajama shorts ride up as your gaze meets hers "or we could stay in and cook some ramen you know broke college kid shit" you smile at her and pull her to you by her shirt "I really need some help on this assignment we can wait another hour to eat just help me please before my fucking brain blows up" she climbs on your bed and sits next to you opening the laptop back up as it loads back on she watches you as you stretch your arms up causing your cropped tank to rise just above the bottom of your breast.
C'mon Riri this is not the time but she really looks so good when she's all tired and stressed the way her brows furrow and her nose scrunches up it's kind of cute it's always been cute it's tempting too. You've been sitting staring at the laptop screen for who knows how long. You turn your attention towards Riri she's just staring at you all heart eyed "Riri you said you'd help me the laptops been on for two minutes" you groan patting her arm she nods and slowly takes her gaze off of you returning to the laptop but not before she takes a quick screenshot in her mind. "Okay so it looks like we've got...oh you gone fail" you look at her with all seriousness in your face not in the mood for her jokes you push her into the wall "bruh if you not gone help gone on somewhere! I'm stressing and you sitting here playing I'm not playing Ri I seriously don't know what to fucking do I'm on the verge of tears at this point this shits annoying."
Riri immediately softens her facial expression and pull you into her "no don't say that I'm sorry I was just fucking around I'll help for real but for real you shouldn't constantly stress about this it'll only make it harder to make sense of it. So let's take a break I have the perfect idea." Riri jumps from her bed and runs back to her own "dollar ice creams right now I know you might not feel like it but you'd never turn down free ice cream would you?" You smile at her but look back at the laptop contemplating your choices "ahtah stop no don't worry about that you have a week until that test comes-" she grabs your hand and gently tugs on it "so right now let's go get you that ice cream you so lovingly deserve c'mon what do you say? I'm buying" she reminds you and you nod "okay we can get ice cream but afterwards you seriously have to help me" Riri laughs "I am helping by distracting you then we gone work then afterwards we gone have some us time" you look at her and laugh taking in all of her goofiness.
"Us time?" She nods "you keep tryna speak that into existence?" You ask pulling yourself out of bed and wrapping your arms around her waist she nods "yes we deserve it just some time between me and you and no assignments for at least an hour baby that's a dream."
You nod and look down at her "other than that break want to know what else I'm craving?" Riri cocks her head "don't say it because if you do we ain't gonna go get no ice cream I'll be craving a different type of ice cream." you roll your eyes "you are so childish that is so damn childish" Riri shrugs and pull you into a kiss "you knew this already I think I'm the funniest person in the world those are your words by the way."
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leonsliga · 1 year
Hi! How could you describe leon personality with the people he knows 🤍
Aww hi anon 💜 I think, like all of us, who Leon is depends on who he’s around. So what do you say we talk about some of the Bayern teammates he interacts with the most? I’ll also try to throw in a picture that summarizes his relationship with each one, like a mini picture book of sorts :)
Joshua Kimmich: Leon’s the order to Jo’s chaos, the quiet to his noise (when he hasn’t had his magic potion coffee, anyway). He’s protective with Jo while also giving him the space he needs to feel secure in himself and his role in the team. Leon seems to steady Jo, to ground him in a way no one else can. Their relationship is more than just Leon stabilizing the defense so Jo can surge forward and fuel the attack (or vice versa) though. It’s not reserved only for the midfield; their bond transcends the football world. It’s a partnership forged as much off the pitch as on it—one based in trust, tenderness, and mutual respect. After all, they’re business partners—We Kick Corona’s founding fathers. They even appeared on the German Who Wants to be a Millionaire? as a team. We may not know everything about their relationship, but the snapshots the cameras catch tell us a vivid story—a story of twin anchors taking turns grounding each other.
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As is tradition, Leon Goretzka embraces his midfield partner, a gesture of recognition for the way in which they have helped each other thrive. In turn, Joshua Kimmich clings to him; the expectation that Leon will steady him through currents of passion remains unspoken.
Serge Gnabry: I’m almost 100% sure Leon and Serge love to annoy the shit out of each other, but at the end of the day, it’s all love, holding hands, piggyback rides, and strutting around Säbener like the royal couple they are. Serge didn’t call Leon his “kleinen Bruder” (little brother) for nothing after all ❤️ Leon has literally lifted him up before, but he isn’t afraid to knock him down a few pegs when necessary to keep him humble 😂
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Leon Goretzka accompanies his best friend and brother, Serge Gnabry, on a stroll around Säbener Straße, Serge’s arm looped through his.
Leroy Sané: I feel like Leroy brings out Leon’s goofy side. They’ve probably known each other longer than Leon’s known anyone else on the Bayern squad, since they went to school together and played for their school’s football team. In other words, he’s not in as much of a “jaha” mood when Leroy’s around 🤣 That hardened shell Leon’s developed to handle the media attention cracks a bit, in the best possible way. That practiced seriousness melts away and leaves a genuine smile behind.
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A passionate kiss on the cheek for Bayern’s number 10, the kind reserved for a relationship born in childhood and nurtured under the watchful eyes of millions.
Thomas Müller: I think Leon’s annoyed and amused by Thomas in equal measure. When I think of their interactions, the first thing that comes to mind is, of course, the classic Die Mannschaft video where Thomas says Holland instead of the Netherlands and Leon immediately snaps back with “Das ist auf gar keinen Fall richtig!” (“that is in no way right!”). I think Thomas wore Leon down in the end though, because Leon’s not afraid to tease him right back. If Thomas winds him up, he can expect that Leon won’t let that crime go unpunished!
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Thomas Müller being his usual self and Leon looking off into the distance in amused disbelief.
Manuel Neuer: describing Leon’s relationship with Manu is a little bit trickier. Like Leon though, I like a challenge! I think Leon enjoys pushing his buttons a lot and tossing little jabs at him, trying to get him to crack. However, Manu’s not just any old Bayern teammate, he’s the captain, and as the overworked team mom, he’s used to dealing with the rambunctious, meddling kids that make up the Bayern squad. Whether Leon’s ever succeeded in winding him up is anyone’s guess, but what we do know is that the two are clearly close. After all, Leon’s addressed several of his selfies to him; not even Jo or Serge can say the same 😂
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“Don’t hurt yourself, kid” Manuel Neuer writes to Leon Goretzka, one of the teammates under his charge as captain. If this exchange is any indication, it appears Leon’s attempts to grind the gears of his fearless leader have failed so far.
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witchofhimring · 10 months
NSWF Elia Martell 18+
Elia Martell x GN Reader
Aftercare: Elia's the person to have a million scented oils and candles lying around. Aftercare usually consists of bathing and lying around. She enjoys bathing her partner because it feels very intimate. She will probably give you so much attention that you need to remind her she deserves some love too. Elia likes having her hair brushed after sex. It just feels nice.
Body part:
She loves your waist. Whether it be holding it during sex or just touching it. Sometimes when she feels extra playful Elia likes to tickle you there.
Elia loves her hands. They are very delicate and look beautiful. She loves it when you press kisses or just play with them.
If you have a penis Elia likes you cumming inside of her. She doesn't like too much of a mess. If you have a vagina Elia prefers to use her mouth and vise versa.
Dirty secret: Fucking over Rhaegar's grave. And yes you did it once.
Experience: Having only slept with Rhaegar and the sex being pretty dull Elia knows the basics but little about genuine pleasure. So it's up to you to be her teacher. If both of you are inexperienced then you figure it out together. I think Elia would like this as it would increase the bond and trust you two share.
Favorite position: Regardless of sexual orientation I think Elia enjoys missionary. Not very kinky but it lets her look into your eyes. I think Elia would enjoy topping because it makes it easier for her to kiss you.
Goofy: I think Elia enjoys a bit of laughter. It makes the situation feel more lighthearted. I think she associates silence with Rhaegar and how boring their sex was.
Hair: Very. Elia had a habit of grooming her appearance from an early age. Even if no one but you sees it she likes the ritual of cleaning herself. So there would be some hair but not very much. I would say Elia's pubic hair is the same as on her head in colour, though downstairs it is curlier.
Intimacy: Very. Elia will only have sex if there is an intimate connection between you two. She is passionately intimate with you and is not afraid to show it.
Jack off: Not really. Elia doesn't really feel the need if you're not there. Though sometimes she might touch herself slightly to take the edge off.
Kink: She likes doing it on the rug by the fire. Also sometimes wearing her crown while you perform oral on her.
Location: Her room. Elia enjoys her privacy. Except for the one time on Rhaegar's grave.
Motivation: Elia first found out what really turned her on when she walked in on your bathing. Your skin was shinning and you smell of roses. Immediately Elia dried you off and took you to her bed. You were smooth, warm and smelt so nice.
No: Anything including degradation, either way. It makes her feel like shit and she really doesn't need that. Also, anything painful inflicted on you or herself.
Oral: She is into both. Elia had very little oral experience beforehand. Rhaegar sometimes performed on Elia though rarely excepted any from her.
When receiving Elia lives to do it on her bed. It's absolutely euphoric lying on her back feeling intense pleasure. Her feet come up to your back, heels resting on the waist. Elia enjoys face-sitting although not as much. Usually, Elia does not like bringing her royal status into play during sex, though when you mentioned Elia wearing her crown during oral she found a new kink.
Giving is a bit easier if you have a penis as she has had some, although limited, experience. If you have a vagina she will have had no prior experience. She likes taking her time to find out what you like. In the beginning, Elia performed while you gave her instructions. Though later on she took control.
Pace: Normally slow so as to take her time.
Quickie: Not a far of quickies. Elia likes to fully enjoy and take her time without worrying someone will walk in on you two.
Risk: Elia is game to try new things out. So long as both of you enjoy yourselves its fine.
Stamina: I would say Elia can go about two rounds before tapping out.
Toys: Doesn't own any. It doesn't give Elia the physical satisfaction you do.
Unfair: This would depend on whether you like teasing or not. If you don't then she won't do it. If yes then Elia is alright with it. Regarding receiving, Elia is not really a fan as it prevents her from relaxing.
Volume: Elia's moans are frequent but quiet. They come in little pants and gasps.
Wildcard: Elia giggles when you touch her feet during sex, its really funny.
X-Ray: Elia's breasts are on the smaller side. She also keeps herself fairly well groomed.
Yearning: I would say Elia likes to have sex four times a week. Though sometimes she is too tired at the end of the day. I would say she enjoys sex, but can abstain if need be.
Zzze: It's lights out for Elia.
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blueroses789 · 1 year
NSWF Elia Martell 18+
Elia Martell x GN Reader sfw alphabet
Aftercare: Elia's the person to have a million scented oils and candles lying around. Aftercare usually consists of bathing and lying around. She enjoys bathing her partner because it feels very intimate. She will probably give you so much attention that you need to remind her she deserves some love too. Elia likes having her hair brushed after sex. It just feels nice.
Body part:
She loves your waist. Whether it be holding it during sex or just touching it. Sometimes when she feels extra playful Elia likes to tickle you there.
Elia loves her hands. They are very delicate and look beautiful. She loves it when you press kisses or just play with them.
If you have a penis Elia likes you cumming inside of her. She doesn't like too much of a mess. If you have a vagina Elia prefers to use her mouth and vise versa.
Dirty secret: Fucking over Rhaegar's grave. And yes you did it once.
Experience: Having only slept with Rhaegar and the sex being pretty dull Elia knows the basics but little about genuine pleasure. So it's up to you to be her teacher. If both of you are inexperienced then you figure it out together. I think Elia would like this as it would increase the bond and trust you two share.
Favorite position: Regardless of sexual orientation I think Elia enjoys missionary. Not very kinky but it lets her look into your eyes. I think Elia would enjoy topping because it makes it easier for her to kiss you.
Goofy: I think Elia enjoys a bit of laughter. It makes the situation feel more lighthearted. I think she associates silence with Rhaegar and how boring their sex was.
Hair: Very. Elia had a habit of grooming her appearance from an early age. Even if no one but you sees it she likes the ritual of cleaning herself. So there would be some hair but not very much. I would say Elia's pubic hair is the same as on her head in colour, though downstairs it is curlier.
Intimacy: Very. Elia will only have sex if there is an intimate connection between you two. She is passionately intimate with you and is not afraid to show it.
Jack off: Not really. Elia doesn't really feel the need if you're not there. Though sometimes she might touch herself slightly to take the edge off.
Kink: She likes doing it on the rug by the fire. Also sometimes wearing her crown while you perform oral on her.
Location: Her room. Elia enjoys her privacy. Except for the one time on Rhaegar's grave.
Motivation: Elia first found out what really turned her on when she walked in on your bathing. Your skin was shinning and you smell of roses. Immediately Elia dried you off and took you to her bed. You were smooth, warm and smelt so nice.
No: Anything including degradation, either way. It makes her feel like shit and she really doesn't need that. Also, anything painful inflicted on you or herself.
Oral: She is into both. Elia had very little oral experience beforehand. Rhaegar sometimes performed on Elia though rarely excepted any from her.
When receiving Elia lives to do it on her bed. It's absolutely euphoric lying on her back feeling intense pleasure. Her feet come up to your back, heels resting on the waist. Elia enjoys face-sitting although not as much. Usually, Elia does not like bringing her royal status into play during sex, though when you mentioned Elia wearing her crown during oral she found a new kink.
Giving is a bit easier if you have a penis as she has had some, although limited, experience. If you have a vagina she will have had no prior experience. She likes taking her time to find out what you like. In the beginning, Elia performed while you gave her instructions. Though later on she took control.
Pace: Normally slow so as to take her time.
Quickie: Not a far of quickies. Elia likes to fully enjoy and take her time without worrying someone will walk in on you two.
Risk: Elia is game to try new things out. So long as both of you enjoy yourselves its fine.
Stamina: I would say Elia can go about two rounds before tapping out.
Toys: Doesn't own any. It doesn't give Elia the physical satisfaction you do.
Unfair: This would depend on whether you like teasing or not. If you don't then she won't do it. If yes then Elia is alright with it. Regarding receiving, Elia is not really a fan as it prevents her from relaxing.
Volume: Elia's moans are frequent but quiet. They come in little pants and gasps.
Wildcard: Elia giggles when you touch her feet during sex, its really funny.
X-Ray: Elia's breasts are on the smaller side. She also keeps herself fairly well groomed.
Yearning: I would say Elia likes to have sex four times a week. Though sometimes she is too tired at the end of the day. I would say she enjoys sex, but can abstain if need be.
Zzze: It's lights out for Elia.
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lovesatoru · 3 years
jjk guys + "pretty boy"
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characters: gojo satoru, yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro
content: gn!reader, fluff
a/n: homies it’s been so long since i’ve done something like this so i’m sorry that it’s prob rough!! i’m trying to get back to writing consistently<3
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- he’s a cheeky lil thing as always.
- satoru would definitely eat it up, he loves it.
- he’d be smirking, teasing you about it but he’d be lying to himself if he said his heart didn’t flutter at the compliment.
- even though he’s being a shithead, he still can’t hide the faint blush on his cheeks. he’s so flustered over it for some reason, and it’s killing him.
“hey there pretty boy,” you say, greeting your boyfriend after he sneaks his arms around your waist from behind before placing a quick peck to your cheek.
right after the words left your lips, you’re quickly spun around to face satoru. he was grinning ear to ear, and you wish he didn’t have that fucking blindfold on so you could see the way his eyes were undoubtedly lit up. if you were anyone else, he could’ve fooled you and made you think that your affection had no effect on him. but you were quick to notice the soft blush on his cheeks, even reaching up to his ears.
“pretty boy, huh? you’re my pretty baby,” satoru whispers, bringing his face closer to yours and a hand up to cup your face gently as he runs his thumbs across your cheek, “does that sound right, (y/n)?”
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- flustered as fuck, his face gets all hot and he scrambles to act like he’s fine but He Is Not.
- tries to act like it didn’t affect him at all, but it’s painfully obvious.
- thinks it’s so sweet, and he’ll give you a rare soft smile in return.
- megs will get it together though and proceed to compliment you as well. nobara and yuji think it’s the best thing they’ve ever seen and give him so much shit, he gets annoyed but ultimately doesn’t care.
“megs,” the raven haired boy turns his head towards you, giving you his full attention as he continues to walk. “you look so cute right now. my pretty boy.” you brought a hand up to pat his cheek as you spoke.
you noticed the way his entire demeanor changed in an instant, his face softens and he immediately turns his head back, unable to even look at you. it was almost as if he was attempting to hide the small smile you had caused, and you weren’t the only one to notice this.
“nobara look, megumi is smiling! (y/n)’s got him all flustered!” yuji practically yells out to the world, much to your boyfriend’s discontent. the two other first years bust out laughing, loving that the usually stoic, quiet boy they knew was a mess before them.
“shut up.” megumi grumbles, eyes facing forward as he just tried to keep his focus on walking. “uh, thanks. i think you look cute too,” he finally says after a few moments of silence, eyes darting between yours and the ground.
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- so happy, so glad you think he’s a pretty boy. literally beaming.
- perks up immediately, no matter what he was doing or saying, he’ll drop it as soon as the words leave your lips.
- dorky ass smile on his lips as he tells you that he thinks you’re pretty too, that you’re actually the prettiest. leads to the two of u arguing that the other is the prettiest instead.
- he’ll have a cute lil smile on his face the rest of the day, and he’s in such a good mood.
“you’re such a pretty boy, yuji,” you snuggle into him more, wrapping your arms around his torso. you were face to face with him, and engulfed in his arms. you’d much rather admire your boyfriend rather than pay attention to whatever movie he picked for the night.
he doesn’t hesitate to reply, a goofy grin plastered on his pretty little face. “well, i’m glad you think so. i think you’re pretty too!” he pulls you even closer, and presses a kiss to your forehead before adding, “i’d even say you’re the prettiest.”
you roll your eyes, unable to hold in your giggles, “No you’re the prettiest, baby.” yuji quickly presses his forehead onto yours, and attempts to keep a serious face as he stares into your eyes, “No. You.”
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shorkbrian · 3 years
Kiri’s lil sis (or step sis?) thirsting after her big brother’s cool best friend Bakugo, always trying to join them going anywhere and sit next to bakugo/on his lap with kiri being so oblivious to your advances until one day you practically throw yourself at bakugo to hang out just one and one.. You get all dolled up only to find out jealous kiri finds out about your little date and has to show you how he’s manly enough for whatever you need, that your his
oh my god
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Kiri is fine to hang out with Bakugou, fine with calling him his friend, but seeing you tripping over yourself to try and gain Bakugou's approval? It makes his blood boil.
Especially since Kiri has heard Katsuki talk about girls when it's just the boys hanging out, how bakugou likes playing with 'em and what kind of rough, degrading shit he subjects them to. Kirishima is almost taken aback, but hey, to each their own.
Imagining Bakugou doing all that to his sweet little sister sickens him.
To find out that you went behind your older brother's back, batted your eyelashes and pushed your chest out while asking Katsuki if he would take you to get coffee, or food, or what-fucking-ever makes Kirishima grit his teeth and clench his fists.
Especially since he comes downstairs to see you primping in the mirror, with the shortest skirt you own barely covering your ass, nipples poking through the tiny, thin little crop top you're wearing.
"Where ya going?" He can't help but ask, eyes raking over you, a 'lil confused. He likes the view, but you shouldn't be dressed like that, it's inappropriate.
"I'm gonna go hang out with Katsuki." You're barely paying your brother any attention, making sure your makeup looks good enough, leaning forward to dab at your lipstick. Kirishima can't help but stare as your skirt rides up more, showing off a little glimpse of pale pink panties.
"No you aren't, not dressed like that." He decides quickly, a blush rising to his cheeks. He's not some doddling virgin, panties really aren't that revolutionary of a sight to him, but to see your panties, well-
"You're not dad, you can't tell me what to do." Your answer is so cheeky, so bratty, and Kirishima knows you're acting up, already trying to act older than you are so you'll look cool in Bakugou's eyes.
He's having none of it.
Two strides and he's grabbing you by your elbow, hand completely encompassing your little arm. Kiri likes the almost-frightened gasp that spills out of your mouth as he yanks you close, staring down at you with knitted brows.
"You aren't going anywhere near Katsuki, he's bad news for pretty girls like you. I'm not letting him put his hands on my little sister."
Wide eyes stare back at him. "Let me go, I'm not a little kid anymore!" You shake yourself out of his grip (only because he lets you) before you smooth out your outfit with a huff. "I know what I'm doing."
Kirishima frowns. "Do you? Really?" He's irritated now. You don't know what you're getting yourself into. You don't know how Bakugou's going to treat you, going to rough you up and make you cry, drop you off home afterwards and leave Kirishima to clean up the mess he's made of you.
"You're not going."
"I don't have to do what you say Kiri." You point out. "Just 'cause mom and dad aren't home doesn't mean you get to control me. Dad said it was fine when I asked him earlier."
Your brother huffs, moves behind you until his bulk is blocking the front door, your exit. "Dad barely knows who Bakugou is. I said you aren't going, and that's final."
"Kirishima-" You're angry, eyes blazing as you stare him down. "Get out of my way."
Look at you, trying to be all tough and bossy. Bakugou would destroy you, and Kirishima can't, won't have that happen.
"He's not gentle, y'know." The redhead starts off nonchalantly, propelling his body towards your with a few easy steps.
"He'll grab you like this-" A hand at your throat, squeezing too tight for your comfort and immediately you're scrabbling at his arm, wheezing for Kiri to stop. "And he'll just laugh when you do that."
"He'll bend you over the most convenient surface, see?" He's shoving you into the kitchen, making you stumble backwards before your brother spins you around, slams you over the counter. Your toes are barely touching the ground, head spinning from the rough treatment. What was Kiri - your sweet, goofy brother - doing?
"Probably'll make fun of what you're wearing. I mean seriously, are you trying to look like a slut?" Kirishima slaps your ass where it's exposed by your tiny skirt, and you yelp, trying to scramble away. But Kirishima easily grabs your waist, keeps you in place and kicks your legs apart before forcing himself between them.
"I can see your panties, and your breasts in this little getup. Bakugou doesn't like easy girls, thinks they deserve to get fucked real rough. You ready for that?" Kirishima doesn't bother with your skirt, it's so short it's not even in his way as he runs his fingers over your panties, snapping the waistband against your skin. You're so warm.
Then a hand pushes up your shirt until it's over your chest, and your tits are smushed against the counter as Kirishima presses you flat against it. "Y'know, he might not even prep you. A real gentleman would make sure you're ready first, maybe make you cum a few times before even think of getting inside you, but not Katsuki. He'll shove in dry, tear you up and make you bleed all over the place."
Fingers push the crotch of your panties to the side, and you're whining, crying into the counter now. Begging Kirishima to stop only makes him chuckle darkly, and suddenly you feel the heat of his crotch as he presses against you, grinds the bulge in his jeans against your core.
"Crying is only gonna make him treat you worse. You know he doesn't like crybabies. You gonna cry for him just like this when he splits you apart? You'll make him go soft sweetie."
It's only when you hear the sound of a zipper do you truly start to thrash, truly scared and cowed. "I get it, I get it! 'M sorry Kiri, I won't go, I won't!" You cry, legs kicking as you push up against his hand, trying to get off the counter where he has you pinned.
Kirishima lets out a noncommittal hum, enjoying the way your frantic movement is stimulating his cock where it's pressed to your cute little pussy. You're even starting to get a bit wet, darkening his jeans.
"Please! Let me go, I'll listen, I swear-" You beg, cries choking your throat.
It feels like forever until Kiri steps away from you, lets you push yourself off the cold counter and pull your shirt over your chest, push your panties back into place and tug down your skirt.
When you turn to look at him, Kirishima almost feels bad about your puffy eyes and the tears running down your face. Almost.
"C'mere-" Is all he offers instead of an apology, pulling you into a bone-crushing hug. He's still hard in his jeans.
"I just don't want to see you get hurt, that's all." Your brother explains, rubbing your shoulder as you sniffle against his chest. "Bakugou isn't boyfriend material, got it? Especially not for someone who hasn't even had their first kiss."
He can feel you nodding in understanding against him.
"I'll text him that you won't be coming, okay? Go upstairs and change. Maybe we can watch a movie or something." A pat to your head as you turn away from him, little hands wiping at the tears on your face as you start to walk away.
Kiri can still see your panties with every step you take, ass bouncing.
He's going to text Katsuki, tell him that you're completely off limits. Maybe later tonight he'll send the blonde a video to really cement that fact, you on your knees, sucking his cock. Or maybe a few different pictures of your cunt as he presses inside, a few more showing him teasing your clit with the head of his dick.
That'll get the message across, not only to Bakugou, but to you.
Kirishima's the only one that gets to touch you
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tiredbuthappy · 3 years
Cowboy Like Me
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Hello, it was time for another fic. I was listening to Taylor Swift and I wanted to write an angsty Daniel USGP series. It ended up a bit more goofy than angsty, but we'll see if I do another part. Please feel free to send me messages! Thank you to @haterpenny and @ggaslyp1 for the very kind encouragement and assistance.
Warnings: NSFW Content 18+ only, minors DNI. AFAB!Reader, some light bondage and hair pulling. Light oral, male receiving. If I forgot anything let me know!
Words: 2,973
It was a hot, humid night in Austin and you were spending it at a local bar, enjoying some live music. The bar was pretty lively, and you sat nursing a beer as your eyes surveyed the crowd. You noticed a man with tanned skin, sporting a cowboy hat and a big goofy smile, his head thrown back in laughter. He didn’t seem to notice your gaze, so you lingered there, appreciating his lean form, a smile spreading to your lips as you watched him absently sip at his beer as his head nodded along to the music. After a few minutes of shamelessly staring him down, you headed up to the bar to get yourself another drink. You glanced in his direction again, and this time he was waiting for you. Your cheeks burned and you muttered a quiet ‘shit’ under your breath.
You quickly turned the other way and tried to be casual, channeling your nerves into your hips; swaying slightly to the music when you felt a tap on your shoulder. There he was, the smiley guy in the Longhorns jersey and cowboy boots. Immediately, you thought you had him figured out, you had seen others like him before. Handsome- and aware of it- a bad decision just waiting to happen. Fortunately for him, you were just tipsy enough to make a bad decision. And then he spoke, your ears pricking up at his unmistakable Australian accent. Embarrassingly, he began by tipping the edge of his hat to you. “I thought maybe I could get you a drink.” Almost as if on cue, your beer was presented to you and you raised your brows playfully.
“I’m afraid this is my last drink of the night.” You informed him, raising the bottle slightly as if it were evidence.
“I’ll settle for a dance.” He offered, reaching his hand out towards you. His brown eyes twinkled at you and you looked him over once more before accepting his hand. The band had settled into a slower song and you didn’t mind. You ran your hands up over his arms and allowed yourself to enjoy the broadness of his shoulders before finally clasping them behind his neck. His hands settled on your waist, his grasp a little bit firmer than it needed to be, but you didn’t mind.
“I like your hat.” You said, leaning up a little so he could hear you over the music. He grinned.
“Thank you kindly.” His tone was joking like he was doing a bit but you weren’t in on it. He plucked it off his head and stuck it on yours, making you laugh. Without the hat, you could see a few dark curls, and you felt a smile creep across your cheeks. “Like what you see?” He teased, sliding one of his hands down to your hip. “You could say that.” You agreed, reveling in the full smile that crossed over his features. Slowly, he pulled you closer until your chest was almost pressed against his. All too soon, the song was coming to an end. You figured the group he had been with was probably missing him by now, so you assumed you would be parting ways.
When you broke apart you applauded the musicians before turning to face him again.
“Thanks for the dance, cowboy.” You handed him his hat, and he tossed you a wink as he returned it to its rightful spot.
As you turned away, he caught your hand. “Leaving so soon?” He asked, trying to make it sound like a joke but his eyes seemed sincere. “You going to give me a reason to stay?” You chuckle, flashing him a challenging look.
“How about that drink?” You gave in to those twinkling eyes and that playful smile and decided to hang around. It was a Friday night, and this handsome stranger had captured your attention. You grabbed a table and engaged in casual, flirty conversation while sipping your drinks. Finally, after telling him what was probably too much about yourself, you decided to segue the conversation back to him.
“So cowboy, what do you do?” He pursed his lips and seemed to consider for a moment before finally responding. “I drive.” You quirked your brow. “You drive?” You asked, clearly unfulfilled with his answer.
“Racing, I race.” You assumed he meant locally, racing was a fairly normal pastime in Austin, so you didn’t think the answer was too unusual. He stayed quiet for a moment, almost as if gauging your reaction. You chose not to push the subject farther, as what he did didn’t really matter to you. You were more interested in this moment, here and now. “My name is Daniel.” He tells you, his hand coming to settle on your knee. The contact is casual, but you still feel a wave of excitement wash over you. “Daniel.” You repeat, listening to the pleasant way it rolls off of your tongue.
“I like cowboy better.” You tell him, causing him to laugh as you raise the bottle to your lips.
“I can be your cowboy, darlin’,” Daniel replied in a terrible southern accent again tipping his hat and throwing in a wink for good measure. You couldn’t help but giggle, but you weren’t sure if it was out of pity or amusement. His laugh was loud and boisterous and you were glad to be in on the joke. He told you he was visiting Texas and he’d be around for a few weeks. You liked the idea of playing with the Australian dreamboat for a little bit. You took a moment to look at his lean but cut bicep, which flexed subtly as he raised his drink for another sip.
“Do you want to get out of here?” You suddenly ask, his eyes looking like stars as he nodded his agreement. He insisted on saddling up to the bar and settling your tab for you, doing some goofy line dance step on his way up. “An idiot.” You mumble to yourself, pulling your purse up onto your elbow and waiting for his return. He offered you his arm which you gladly accepted and started to lead him back to your apartment that was only a few blocks away. As you walk you notice a few eyes lingering on the two of you, but quickly dismiss it due to Daniel’s quirky attire, and the random comings and goings of his loud and largely terrible southern impression. Something about him made you feel lighter like you had known him for a long time. The banter that flowed between you was easy and quick and you felt like you were evenly matched. Before long, he was trying to prove to you that he knew how to two-step, but you’re laughing too hard to tell him that he’s absolutely doing it wrong. “I can’t believe this is working for me.” You finally say, hiding your face in your hands for a moment, trying desperately to regain your composure.
“Cowboy Dan,” You announce, halting suddenly and grabbing his hand to stop him in his tracks. “This here is the best barbecue joint in all of Texas.” You tell him in your best southern drawl, effectively putting his earlier impressions to shame. He raised his eyebrows looking genuinely impressed, but you were unsure about whether it is at the accent or the restaurant. He glanced up at the restaurant’s sign that proudly read ‘STUBB’S’.
“I’ll have to remember that.” He replied, nodding and giving your hand a little squeeze.
Before too long, you’re standing at your front door, fumbling through your purse in an attempt to find your keys. As you look you feel Daniel press himself against your back, one hand pushing your hair aside while the other settles on your waist, pulling you closer to him. He begins to pepper kisses below your ear and down your neck and to the top of your shoulder making it infinitely more difficult for you to focus on the task at hand. Suddenly, Daniel seems a lot less funny. You let out a light sigh as you finally get them into the lock and push the door open.
Once inside you tugged him in by the front of his jersey, eager to feel his lips against yours. He returned the passion, wrapping you in a tight embrace, pulling you into him by the small of your back. You dropped your purse absently and focused all of your attention on the man in front of you.
“I saw you the minute you walked into the bar. I wanted you right then.” He said hotly before pulling you into another searing kiss. You broke apart again and gripped at the hem of your shirt, pulling it up and over your head. He looked at you ravenously and reached up to remove his hat, soon whipping the jersey off as well. You almost felt as though the wind had been knocked out of you. He was breathing hard, mostly with anticipation, you assumed. You felt tempted to pause for a moment and turn on some more lights so you could properly count each ab. You unbuttoned your pants and kicked them off, and Daniel went to follow suit. “Stop-” You told him, placing your hands over his. He knit his brow together in confusion, seeming slightly concerned like perhaps he’d overstepped. “Put the hat back on.” You ordered.
“Yeah?” He chuckled but obliged. You grabbed his hand and pulled him to your room. Immediately, you dropped to your knees and began to undo his pants and pulled them down his legs, revealing some more tattoos peeking out below his boxers, that make your breath hitch. You looked up at him through your lashes and stuck out your tongue, licking from the bottom of his flower tattoo to the edge of his boxers.
“Fuck,” Daniel groaned, and the sound went straight to your core. He grabbed your forearm and pulled you up, one hand on your neck, his lips desperately moving against yours. His hand ran over your bra strap to sort of ask for permission. You nodded against him and he made quick work of it, unclasping the back with suspicious efficiency. You slid the straps off your arms and tossed it carelessly behind you. Daniel dipped down almost immediately and took your nipple into his mouth, sucking hard enough to leave a mark for you to enjoy the next day. He gave your other breast equal attention before slowly moving to the valley between your breasts, and back to your throat. One particular spot, where your neck meets your shoulder, makes you gasp out and he takes notice. Then he bit down on it, and you full-on moaned. He soothed your skin with a gentle lick and a kiss before beginning to make his way back up your neck again, his hands busying themselves with handfuls of your ass. You bucked your hips up against him and elicited a hiss from him as you rubbed against his hard length.
“You like being tied up, Daniel?” You questioned him, your fingers skimming the elastic waistband of his boxers. He simply nodded at you, wordlessly understanding exactly what you wanted. You pulled the black boxers down his legs and let out a ‘fuck’ as his cock sprung free. “Where do you want me?” That is all he asked, holding back a groan, an eagerness to please clear in his voice. He’s so fucking game and it makes you that much more desperate for him. “Lay down, put your hands over your head.” You told him, and he did as he was told. With his arms outstretched over his head you’re taken aback by just how fucking gorgeous he is. You stole his hat once more and decided to wear it for him. You grabbed his belt from the foot of the bed and climbed over him, straddling his waist and leaning forward to secure his wrists through the rails of your headboard. You firstly moved to his lips, kissing him teasingly slowly. Then you moved to his neck, then his chest. You paused to suck on his nipple- as he did to you- before moving to suck and lick along his rib cage. Seeing him tied down, desperate and at your mercy is almost enough to get you off. You slipped off the bed to survey your work for a moment, admiring how fucked out he looked without you doing much of anything to him. “You fucking tease.” He groaned, again thrusting up and feeling no friction. You turned your backside to him and slipped your panties down your hips and your thighs, sure that Daniel was watching every step of the way. Normally, you’d feel a little silly, dressed only in a ridiculous hat, but he was looking at you like a starved man. You worked your way back up him, pausing to suck purple marks into the prominent V below both of his hips. You dipped down once more and licked from the base to the tip of his dick, pulling some whines from the back of his throat. You could hear him pulling against your makeshift restraint and that egged you on even more. You bobbed your head down, fully taking him into your mouth and sucking and licking like an absolute whore. His hips thrusted up and you could tell he’s beginning to lose his patience- but so are you. You steadied yourself with your hands on his chest and lined him up with your entrance. Slowly, you eased yourself down and allowed the two of you a moment to adjust to the sensation. He felt so good, stretching you in just the right way, making you feel deliciously full.
“Save a horse, ride a cowboy.” You whispered and began rolling your hips, quickly allowing yourself to settle into a quick but deep rhythm. “Jesus,” He groaned, throwing his head back further into the mattress, bringing a smile to your lips. You felt so powerful, getting this gorgeous man into a state of broken moans and choked sighs with each rough thrust. You could feel him doing his best to raise his hips to meet your movements and you wished you could feel his hands against you. For purely selfish reasons, you leaned forward and slipped the restraint off, unleashing the desperation that you had been trying to keep contained. Without hesitation, his hands flew to your ass and he assisted in your movements, bouncing you up and down on his cock. “I need more,” Daniel told you, his grip on your ass almost bruising.
“Then take it.” He leaned up and put an arm around your waist and smoothly flipped you over (cowboy hat lost in the mix), keeping his dick deep inside you the whole time. He set a bruising pace, fucking you into the mattress with abandon. You could feel yourself nearing your peak and the new position only heightened the sensation. He steadied himself with one arm over your head and used his free hand to move your hair out of your face before kissing you aggressively. His tongue fought yours for dominance, and you submitted to him. The tension in you was about to snap, your legs starting to quiver. You ran your fingers through his hair and wrapped your fingers in his curls and gave a sharp tug, eliciting a strangled ‘fuck’ from his lips. You pulled him back into you and he buries his face in your neck, kissing and sucking as he continues to fuck you. “You feel so fucking good.” You gasped out between each pump, wrapping your legs around his hips so he could go just a little bit deeper. “I’m gonna fuckin’ cum.” Daniel sounded truly strained, his hips faltering slightly as he tried to keep his pace up. “Let go,” His hand found yours and he intertwined your fingers as he reached his high. Feeling him moan out and swear under his breath against your neck is enough to push you over the edge.
“That’s it doll,” Dan told you breathily, kissing your neck and doing his best to keep his hips in motion to prolong your climax.
“Ah, fuck.” Daniel says, laughing slightly as you get a second to recover. You ran your hands over his smooth, muscled back as he laid on top of you, still sheathed inside of you. With one final kiss to your lips, he slowly pulled himself out and plopped down beside you.
“Damn,” You said simply, a grin falling over your features. Your eyes locked on his brown ones and you couldn’t help but reach out and run your finger across his stubbled cheek. “Damn indeed.” He agreed. You had half the mind to high-five him but somehow restrained yourself. The last thing you remember is looking at his tired smile and prominent nose before knocking out.
When you awaken, the space beside you is empty. You felt some disappointment course through you but did your best to shake it off. You knew it was a one-night kind of thing, but you couldn’t help but yearn for more of his touch or his blinding smile. Truth be told, after just one evening your attraction to him was too strong, and a clean break was likely for the best. You sat up and glanced around, your heart thumping extra hard when your eyes found his cowboy hat placed neatly at the foot of your bed. You glance downwards and see a litany of bruises over your hips and you’re worried about the state of your chest and neck. You rose and wandered to your vanity mirror and gasped as you saw yourself, deep purple marks scattered about. That would make it a bit more difficult to forget about Daniel.
Part Two: Gold Rush
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Vigilante x male reader
This is just a little something I wrote cause I was bored.
As Adrian and I were laying on the couch watching a movie after a long day, with me laying between his legs, back against his chest with his arms wrapped around my torso. I suddenly remember how Adrian absolutely hates it when i get him heated and leave him just as it looks like I was going to give him what he wanted. So I decided to be a little shit.
"Hey babe, what do you have planned for tomorrow?"
I say as I sit up a little dragging my butt so it's directly on top of his crotch, he groans a quietly but not silent enough for me to not hear, as he looks at me with arousal.
"Might get called in a meeting, but I will most likely just run around look for bad guys."
He said with a goofy smile still with arousal in his eyes, I give him him seductively 'hm' while I pretend to adjust my sitting position but just really rubbing my ass on his crotch, I heard him groan a little more and hold me tighter to stop me.
"I know what you're doing y/n, and if you are just going to leave me high and dry in the end I won't let you do it."
He said gritting his teeth lust now apparent in his words and actions, and he still slowly rubs against my clothed ass.
"Ow really now, Chase? Then why are you still moving then?"
I say with now a mischevious grin on my face.
He whispers softly, still grinding slowly.
"You really know what buttons to push and how to push them do you?"
"Of course, how else would I be an amazing boyfriend if I didn't know how to get my man riled up?"
I say now fully facing him, my arms wrapped around his neck, legs on either side of him, still grinding slowly.
He whispered softly again.
As I was going in for the kiss, I see him close his eyes and lean forward to meet me halfway. As soon as I felt his breath on my lips I immediately pulled back, got off him and start walking our bedroom, bidding him a good night.
"I will get you someday, you know that, right?"
"Of course you will, babe"
I say as I walk up the stairs.
He groans, while getting up turning off the TV, he looks down at his pants to see a huge tent.
"What the fuck am I supposed to do with my boner?"
He yelled.
"That sounds like a you problem, don't drag me in."
"You little shit."
He says under his breath.
After fixing and tidying things up, Adrian goes to their room to see his boyfriend sound asleep on the bed with white shirt and boxers on, not even bothering to put cover himself with a blanket. Adrian slowly creeps on to the bedbut not before stripping to only his boxers, putting his glasses on the nightstand on his side, pulling his boyfriend in and covering them up with a blanket.
"Goodnight , y/n, love you."
He says softly while kissing y/n's head.
Then he heard a faint 'goodnight' coming from the smaller male in his arms, putting a smile on his face.
Adrian's pov
As Murn was discussing shit about the mission I didn't really bother listening to him, I just thought about my lovely boyfriend, and how he loves teasing me. Planning on how I can take revenge for what he had been doing. I start to get a boner just thinking about the things I'd do to him.
"Dude, can you wipe that smirk of your face cause it's starting to get creepy and cover yourself, your boner is showing."
Peace maker says with a slight grin looking like he's trying to hold back a laugh.
"Ow fuck."
I say as I raise my hand with my other hand infront of my crotch covering my very apparent boner.
Murn says with a bored tone.
"Can I go do the bathroom?"
Murn says with a sigh going back to the topic in the meeting. Apparently some alien things, I didn't really pay attention.
When I got to the bathroom I immediately removed my mask and splash cold water on my face in hopes of getting my boner down, cause I really didn't want to masturbate in the bathroom.
'When I get back he's fucking getting it'
I thought to myself, trying to control the sexual desire until later.
It had been a very long and stressful day, with all the butterflies and the gorilla.
As I stepped through the door of our shared apartment, I hear y/n, singing and I smell something delicious..
"Hey there, juicy ass."
I say as I wrap my hand around him, with the other giving his ass a hard squeeze.
"Not right now, I'm cooking."
He says with a smile. As I kissed his cheek and rested my head on his shoulder looking at what he's cooking.
"That looks good." I say as I peck his cheek again.
"And of course it does, it tastes good too cause I cooked it."
"But I know something that tastes much better."
I whispered seductively while giving his ass a hard squeeze which earns me a moan. He starts blushing and I just smirk knowing I got what I wanted. As I feel him push back a little, I back up. Making my way to our room.
"So you're just going to leave me here with a boner?"
He shouts at me as I climb the stairs.
"Get a taste of your own medicine you little shit."
I shout back as I closed the door to our room.
As we eat, dinner in a comfortable silence, I notice him glance at me from time to time, and everytime I catch him he blushes. Hard.
The next time he glanced at me I gave him a smirk and a wink, which makes him immediately look away and eat his food faster. Causing my smirk to turn to a wide smile.
As we finish eating dinner and wash the plates and clean the table. I noticed how late it actually is.
"I'm going to bed now. I just realized how late it is and I've had quite an eventful day. Good night."
I say as I start my walk towards our bedroom.
Y/n's pov
As I finish up tidying everything I heard Adrian shout, that he was going to bed. Along with a door closing, and the shower turning on. And I turn my attention towards the clock.
"It's already 9:30pm?"
'How long did it take for me to cook, and how long did we eat?' I thought to myself as I start turning off everything, making my way to the bedroom, entering, I prepare myself for bed. As I was about to lay on the bed with my white shirt and boxers, I hear the shower turning off. Then out comes Adrian with nothing but a towel around his waist. I couldn't help but stare at his sculpted body. 'Must be from being vigilante'.
"Like what you see? You know I can always just fuck you, right? All you have to do is ask."
He says with that stupidly cute grin of his. I just blush as he makes his way towards me now with a devious smirk on his face.
"Don't think I'll go easy on your ass with all the teasing you've been doing lately. And I think it's about time I show you what I think with all the teasing."
I was going to give this a smut ending but I couldn't decide. I can still do the smut ending tho, if anyone wants.
I need feedbacks too if possible, if anyone will even read this.
But here goes nothing, I only proofread this once.
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axailslink · 1 year
So BITCHES can't say excuse me?
Summary: You get into a fight and Riri is tending to your bruises in the bathroom.
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College parties are nothing like high school parties and when you learned that you couldn't stop coming for the drama, you never once would be the subject of said drama. So when a woman taller than you and Riri pushes past you both and quite literally pushes Riri's 5'1 ass into the wall you're quick to jump paying her no mind "damn she can't say excuse me?" while glancing at Riri who's mumbling curses to herself to keep from going off on the woman you don't hold your tongue yelling above the crowded house and music "you can't say fucking excuse me!?" The young woman turns around and truth be told she's taller than you but like you've always told Riri the bigger they are the harder they fall.
She fell alright but that doesn't mean she didn't score a few bruises you now sport a busted lip on the outside and the inside of your mouth, a cut on your cheek from one of her rings, and a gash from when she pushed you into the brick wall face first. Riri sighs as she wets a paper towel and just stares in amazement at the shit you put yourself in. She shakes her head as you spit the blood dripping from your mouth in the sink "you're so unnecessarily violent" you smile and shake your head "she could have said excuse me and she didn't have to push you. If you don't speak you know I will." Riri wants to be upset right now but you're just cheesing down at her mouth slightly red she just can't help but smile. "We could have handled that better by not handling it some people are just rude." you're quick to shrug as she gently dabs the wet paper towel on the gash on your forehead "she could have been rude to me I wouldn't have said anything but she pushed you enough for you to say something so, in my opinion, something needed to be done." Riri nods as she applies pressure to try and stop the bleeding on your forehead causing you to wince and pull away but Riri keeps a firm grip on of your legs keeping you in place.
"Something needed to be done but at the cost of that pretty face?" you laugh and stare at Riri who's still smiling at you "this pretty face can deal with a little scarring" you lean down to kiss Riri but she dodges "you got blood all on your mouth" you immediately pout "So I basically fight this 5'8 bitch in heels and I can't get no kiss because of a little blood? you afraid of blood now?" Riri laughs at your reaction and places the wet paper towel beside you before wrapping her arms around your waist and dipping her chin into your chest "I ain't afraid of a little blood you know that" Riri pecks your lips gently causing a stinging sensation to past through your bottom lip but you pay it no mind as you wrap your legs around her and deepen the kiss. The taste of blood and iron is all that passes through the kiss but neither of you care enough to notice until you pull away "you taste like alcohol and blood." Riri laughs and pecks your lips one good time before pulling away completely and returning her attention to the bleeding on your face.
"Be still so I can try to clean you up" you smile and shake your head "oh not you telling me what to do that's new next time put a little bass in your voice I might be willing to listen." Riri groans "you can't stay serious for five seconds can you?" You chuckle to yourself "you said you like goofy girls sadly you got goofy and anger issues." Riri gently pats your thigh and nods in agreement "you wish you were fucking funny... Now those anger issues trust they show but I wouldn't want it any other way. I love your crazy ass" you scoff "I prefer quick to anger I'm not crazy" Riri nods "right quick to anger says the woman who just fought a 5'8 woman because she gently tossed me into the wall." You correct her "she pushed you gently tossed is a fucking lie I'd fight the fucking world if it looked at you wrong." Riri laughs and nods to herself "you would wouldn't you?" You say nothing because you don't need to she already knows the answer.
A/n: Did I make that word up? Yes. Is this childish? Yes. Am I still going to write whatever I want? Yes. So enjoy ☺️ poorly edited as usual expect nothing more from me.
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tobesoalive · 3 years
Josh Kiszka NSFW Alphabet (Smut Headcanons)
ok....so I've been wanting to do one of these for a while and I may have gotten a little carried away. This is by far the smuttiest thing I've ever written, please forgive me. let me know if you guys wanna see more stuff like this, maybe with the other boys? idk anyways enjoy!!
Warnings: Everything....
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Josh likes to stay inside you for a minute after he finishes, either burying his head in the crook of your neck or pressing his forehead to yours. Once you are both ready to part, he immediately goes to get you a glass of water and a warm washcloth to clean you up, making sure you’re doing okay. Sometimes one of you will suggest to clean off in the shower or soak in the bath for a little bit, and the entire time he’ll hold you close and press kisses to your temple, cooing words of praise and telling you how much he loves you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Josh loves his mouth, how it can give you passionate kisses and whisper praises, but also bring you to an orgasm so easily. He loves your hands, the feeling of them roaming the expanse of his skin, how they look wrapped around his cock, and the tingle he gets when you tug his hair and claw his back.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
There is nothing Josh loves more than being buried deep inside you when he cums. He loves the feeling of your walls clenching around him, loves to see his seed leak out of you when he’s pulled out, using his fingers to fuck it back into you. As far as your release goes, what he loves most is feeling you fall apart on his tongue, tasting your release turns him on more than anything.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Every once and a while the thought of you dominating him crosses Josh’s mind, specifically pegging. He had kept his longing a secret for the first year of your relationship but accidentally let it slip one night, but you informed him you’d try it out if he really wanted to. It became an activity you two revisit every couple of months.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
The man has some experience under his belt - I mean he is a famous musician - but nothing too crazy. He had about five or six partners before you, but most of his experience he gained with you. Both of you had vastly improved your game over the course of the relationship, and you knew each other’s bodies like they were your own.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Every position quite honestly, but he especially loves when you ride him. It allows him to gaze up at you and get the perfect view of his length going in and out of you, the sight often causing him to throw back his head and let out a throaty moan. Truly Josh loves any position, but especially the ones that allow him to see your face and the expressions you make. He still likes to have you on all fours every so often and also spoon you while lazily pumping in and out of you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It really depends on the day, but most of the time sex with Josh is light and playful. Giggling is a common occurrence from the both of you during the act, and you will catch Josh with a smile on his face quite often.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Josh prefers to keep it natural down there, only trimming every once in a while if things get really out of hand. He has a dark happy trail leading down from his belly button to a lighter patch of brown curls on his pubic bone that surrounds his length. In addition I think Joshua doesn’t really care what his partner decides to do for their grooming, actually I believe he finds it extremely hot if they keep it natural down there because he thinks you were made perfectly.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Most of the time he is extremely intimate, only being taken out of the moment if there’s a lot of other stuff on his mind, or if he is particularly stressed, but he is a very romantic and attentive partner for the most part.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Let’s be honest, Josh has a very high sex drive, and that can be a bit of a problem when he’s on tour or when you’re not around. He takes care of himself by thinking of you, porn isn’t really his thing, if he’s gonna have some sort of visual aid it is going to be photos/videos of you, his favorites being intimate polaroids he’s taken of you that he keeps hidden away.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Whooo boy, there are a lot of things this man is into. I’d love to go more into detail on each one of these, so maybe one day I’ll write a piece on these. To name a few, Josh is into hair pulling, light choking, period sex, squirting, mutual masturbation, praise, edging, domination, i really could go on forever.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Your shared bedroom is always the top choice, but you guys like to get creative, you’ve done it in the shower, bath, car, backyard, restaurant bathroom, empty field at night, secluded hiking trails, his childhood home, and when you guys are very impatient he’ll bend you over the kitchen counter or prop you up on the arm of the couch.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
It doesn’t take much to turn this man on, he’s so insanely in love with you that everything you do gets him going. Sometimes on stage he’ll spot you in the crowd, seeing you dancing and singing every word, that’s something that really gets to him, and it takes everything within him to not run off stage and fuck you right then.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Josh wouldn’t wanna do anything that puts you in pain, he hates seeing you suffer and would never want to do anything that hurt you, no matter if it would feel good for him.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
There is nothing more beautiful than the face Josh makes when you take him in your mouth. He closes his eyes and leans his head back, grinning with his perfect teeth and sticking just the tip of his tongue out. His moans and words of praise are angelic as well, and the way his soft eyes gaze at you as you swallow his release. As much as he loves your mouth, he prefers to have his on your core. God that man eats your pussy like it’s last meal. Lapping and sucking at your clit, alternating between dipping his fingers and tongue into your tight cunt. He could-and has- cum from just eating you out, it brings him just as much pleasure, and his mouth waters thinking about how good you taste.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s all of it. It depends on what mood you’re in but this man will make slow, passionate love to you in the morning, fuck you fast and rough in the evening and everything in between.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Josh doesn’t mind a good quickie every once in a while. If you have somewhere to be 10 minutes after he gets home from the studio, no problem. Man can make you cum in less than five minutes, and he does not hesitate to demonstrate.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Yassss Joshy boy loves to take risks, as long as you’re comfortable. If you propose an idea and it intrigues him, you’ll be trying it within the next five minutes. That’s part of what makes your sex life with Josh so satisfying, you two aren’t afraid to switch things up.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Usually two is where Josh taps out, but sometimes you two decide to stay up all night smoking, talking, cuddling and fucking. Times like those he can go about 4 or 5 rounds. When you two are both home he fucks you at least twice throughout the day.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
You own a few toys that you both use, together or alone. After he left for tour once Josh bought you a vibrator so you wouldn’t miss him too much. Sometimes he’d pull it out while fucking you, just to hold it on your clit. That usually ended with you making a big mess and Josh being extremely satisfied.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Josh likes to tease you a little bit, but he actually enjoys it more when you’re the one teasing him. He likes still being a little submissive.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Much like on stage, Josh is loud in the bedroom as well. Between his throaty moans and grunts, he also is constantly talking to you. He responds to your sounds by saying “Yeah, you like that?” and “tell me how good it feels” and so much other dirty talk because he’s a cocky little shit. He’s also big into praise, whether that be praising you or getting praise himself.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
If there’s one thing that makes Josh feel totally elated, it’s making you squirt. The first time he did it was totally unintentional, he was just eating you out like usual, but his fingers curved a certain way and you bursted. It was the hottest thing he’d ever seen, and he became obsessed with making you do it over, and over, and over again.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
This man has a beautiful dick. It’s about 7 ½ - 8 inches long with some nice girth to it. It leans a little to the left and has a nice curve to it, and it has some veins that rub your walls deliciously. He used to be self conscious of his dick but you assured him it was perfect and it never failed to please you.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Have you seen how hyper this man is? You briefly mention something or even say the word “sex” in a sentence and his clothes are off.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Depends on the day, but for the most part he likes staying up for a little while to talk with his arms around you, eventually quietly thinking about how lucky he is before drifting off.
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