#they both ended with 49 votes
lexosaurus · 1 year
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zvaigzdelasas · 11 months
Existing part-time workers will make a minimum of $21 an hour, if workers approve the new contract, the union said. Full-time workers will average $49 an hour. It would also end mandatory overtime on drivers' days off, according to an outline of the contract provided by the Teamsters. UPS didn't immediately confirm the potential new wages. The tentative deal still faces a ratification vote by workers.
25 Jul 23
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aussie-roadkill · 1 year
Hi guys I am going to ramble about the end scene of Generation Loss now
I fucking LOVE how Hetch taunts Ranboo in this,
“I still have a roll here to play” A nice hint of superiority, saying I’m important, you’re not, I still have a purpose, which of course is furthered with the “You’ll stay until you’ve outlived your use, that might be tomorrow, or a thousand years from now” Ranboo might be the hero, the main character, but he’s still just playing a role, he’s still a toy that will get tossed aside when Showfall gets bored of him
“Your choices, your decisions to let other people die for you” Calling Ranboo selfish, telling them they killed those people. That its their fault. Live or die this is the last time Ranboo would have free thought, and Hetch wants to make that as painful as possible, make him feel guilt, make him hate himself.
“They can’t get enough of you, and looking at the poll they want to play with you forever” the vote was 51/49 at this point, and Hetch implies the audience all want Ranboo to stay, to suffer in this twisted show. He wants to make ranboo panic he wants them to be afraid, to feel terror, to feel like they’re trapped, and it works, they start screaming, begging the audience too kill them, saying they can’t live with the things they’ve done. Hetch just lies to scare him, he just lies because he enjoys the pure raw emotion it gets out of his ‘actor’
“He’d rather quit than (...) keep entertaining you” Taunting both Ranboo and the audience, calling him a coward, a quitter, trying to make Ran seem like the bad guy, telling the audience they don’t care about them- how selfish, he’d rather die than make you happy, does he really deserve this mercy? Don’t you want him to stay and suffer, keep giving you content, keep being your puppet
Ran saying “I saw everything” and Hetch responds “And you’ll see so much more” at 55/45, the vote just ended, He won’t be seeing more, that’s a lie. He just wanted Ranboo to panic, he wanted them to think they were going to be trapped in here forever, he delighted in the sheer panic, the begging for anything else, even death
anyway, all hail Autism Jesus, he died for our stims
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mistydeyes · 1 year
pain killer fueled thoughts
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summary: Finally leaving the comfort of your base pharmacy, you're thrown into a makeshift medical tent. With the change of scenery, you went to work to make yourself useful to both the medics and the soldiers. This isn't your first deployment but it is the first time that someone under the effects of morphine and ketamine confesses their love to you. A sequel to "a panacea"
pairing: Price x pharmacist!Reader
warnings: medical/pharmacy terminology, medical inaccuracies, swearing, depiction of wounds, fluff, and flirting
a/n: it's finally here! to all my price fans who carried 49% of the votes, i hope you enjoy :)
🏷️ @fan-of-encouragement
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Assignments overseas were both exciting and painful for you. While you liked the different atmosphere, you spent most of your time making sure your makeshift pharmacy was stocked and ran around providing aid when needed. Every day was spent looking at the shelves and counting every bottle, vial, and box. When you weren’t occupied with that, you were prepping IV bags and debating with doctors regarding their treatment plans. You by no means had to face the horrors of fighting but it was frustrating, monotonous work.
However, besides the paperwork and bureaucracy, you hated seeing the friendly faces of your patients twisted in agony as the doctor reset their bones or stitched their wounds. You would spend your lunches at their bedside trying to ease their mind away from the pain and entertaining them with stories and your never-ending facts.
As you entered the temporary infirmary, you recognized the resting face of Captain Price. He was the only man there as the others had either recovered or been set home. You had heard he had become injured earlier this morning. A bullet through his neck/upper chest you would later learn. Miraculously, the bullet exited in one piece and missed his vital arteries and clavicle bone. You knew he’d heal well but you couldn’t imagine the pain he was in. He would be sent on the next flight home and was only here for the remainder of the afternoon. You worried about his condition.
As you entered, the field medic whispered that the Captain had just been wheeled onto the cot. They described his unit's quick actions in applying a Hemcon dressing to the entrance and exit wound. Once back at the base, they provided him with IV Lactated Ringer to provide him with some necessary electrolytes and nutrients. His case was a priority so within the next two hours he would be transferred to a proper hospital.
As you nodded at the standard procedure, the medic added, "The nurse and I hooked him up to an IV drip so hopefully it kicks it in soon." With that, the medic was off to either take a nap or get something to eat. If it were you, you’d be stealing some melatonin and passing out. You appreciated the medic’s information and started to walk towards Price’s cot.
“Y/N, what a surprise to see you here,” Price said, eyes still closed.
“I can see why you rose through the ranks. You have a scary sense of observation,” you joked and grabbed a stool to sit next to him.
“You’re just predictable. Plus how could I miss your recognizable perfume and soap? You have to tell me how they let you out of that mandated shit they call bar soap.” He replied, now turning to face you. He tried agonizingly to lay on his side as you rose from your seat trying to calm him.
“If you stop moving and rest, I’d let you have some,” you said adjusting his pillow and placing a hand on his stomach to lay him back down.
“Now doctor, is that a way to touch your patient?” he flirted. You knew the IV was beginning to kick in. You examined the label and noted the Captain was being infused with a cocktail of ketamine and morphine. You knew this was one of the strongest agents there was, learning it was first-line in extensive battlefield injuries.
His blabbering did come as a shock though as Price was always professional with you. Yes, the loving pet names left you wondering if there was more to him and you but you never received full confirmation.
Following Gaz’s visit to you, Price had become a close friend and you both were able to vent about your frustrations of the day. Although you both had confidential information you couldn’t share, he entertained you with requests to give Soap something that would shut him up and calm the Scot.
He was laughing on the verge of tears when you told him once that he should ask the veterinarian department for a muzzle and dog whistle.
“Oh, they really gave you the good stuff. There’s no way this is the strong, commanding officer I know,” you wanted to add ‘and love’ to the end of that statement but weren’t going to compromise yourself like that.
“I am much more than a commanding officer, Y/N.” he drowsily replied. “I can be anything, a lover, a boyfriend, even a husband”
God, they must have given him a hefty dose by the way he was speaking. You blushed profusely and soon felt too hot to be around him.
“Well, I’m sure some lucky person would cherish all of those. Although I’m no fisherman, I would say you are a catch, John” you responded with a giggle following.
“Not just any lucky person, I’m talking about the pharmacist Y/N,” he began and you couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Besides the fact he hadn’t remembered that you were sitting next to him, he was confessing his desire to marry you. What kind of £1 romance novel was this? “They’re beyond smart and I swear, their touch feels like silk. Oh, and I love the fact that florists have the red and blue striped pole in the front because of historic bloodletting practices.”
“Barbers,” you corrected, “barbershops have that.” You had told him that story on a late evening at the pharmacy. He had graciously shown up with a cup of his famous coffee as he knew you were preparing your medication list for tomorrow’s long meeting with the heads of the medical department. This was your 7th assignment overseas and you knew they wanted a comprehensive list regarding what was necessary for deployment. Worse yet, this three-month timeframe meant you needed to supply for six months, in case anything happened. Somehow, as you sipped you both sipped your coffee into the early hours of the morning, you had landed on the history of medicine and barbers.
“Anyways, Y/N would make the perfect partner. I want to wake up to them in the morning and know they're safe in my arms,” he continued, “No one would pass up on the opportunity to have someone to come home to and share moments with.”
“I’m sure Captain L/N is an amazing person. Maybe you should consider taking them out of their pharmacy and have something more than just your coffee” you replied. After that night with Price, you would constantly look for his signature hat and dashing smile everywhere you went. You always happened to visit his office when you knew he was working long nights and always were coincidentally getting some fresh air as he took an afternoon smoke.
You wondered how his calloused hands would feel intertwined in yours and if you could taste the smoke on his lips from his bad habit.
“As soon as I get overseas, I’ll be sure to march into the pharmacy and sweep them off their feet, soldier. Just wait and see,” he said followed by a large yawn.
“John, I think it’s time to rest,” you said and slowly got up off the stool.
Reacting to your movement, he lazily grabbed your arm and asked, “Do you think they’d drop that stop-smoking crap if we were married?”
This man was full of jokes and painkillers. You wished you’d be able to take a video of him in this state. “Might just have to ask them yourselves when you’re better. You should get some sleep Captain, you have a long flight ahead of you,” you whispered as his eyes fluttered closed.
When Price woke up the next day in a proper hospital, he noticed his prized hat on the table next to him along with some other belongings. Leaning over, he reached for it and saw a small note written on a doctor’s prescription pad in its inner lining.
In precise handwriting, he read “To my coffee hero, I was touched by what you said even in your drug-fueled state. If you mean what you said, then I have a proposition for you. Once we’re both on leave and you’re recovered, fancy a date with me? Maybe we can roam the streets of London and I’ll be sure to keep you entertained with my facts.
With love, Y/N”
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It wasn’t years later that you provided Price with the exact words he had said to you. He would have loved it, only if you hadn’t revealed it to him in front of friends and family during your vows. ┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊┊
a/n I’m breaking the stereotype that pharmacists and doctors have bad handwriting
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kuri-crocus · 5 months
Results: Good Omens season 3 wish polls
I collected some wishes I've seen fans have for season 3 and made polls out of it. Thanks to everyone for voting diligently! Making the (33!) polls, reading comments were a lot of fun to me! Here is my summary of the results. The bold answer is the most voted one. We will wait and see if some wishes come true ... As soon as season 3 is out I plan to come back for a check! I leave it to future me to make what actually happens in season 3 italic!
Prepare for a long post under the cut!
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1. Do you want Aziraphale to perform the apology dance (in present day)? -765 votes-
52.5% Yes
31.6% No
15.8 % Neutral
2. Do you want Aziraphale and Crowley to end up mortal? -1046 votes-
87.7% No
9.8% Neutral
2.5% Yes
3. Do you want that Aziraphale saves Crowley at some point in season 3? -598 votes-
78.4% Yes
1.1% Neutral
4.5% No
4. Do you like God to narrate season 3 again? -529 votes-
50.3% Yes
35% Neutral
14.7% No
5. Do you like the Ineffable husbands to take custody of a (human) child? -553 votes-
54.4% No
26.9% Neutral
18.6% Yes
6. Do you want Crowley's angel name to be revealed? -1729 votes-
48.7% No
26.2% Yes
25.1% Neutral
7. What do you prefer to be Crowley's initial situation at the beginning of season 3? -432 votes-
77.3% Crowley is on his own
12.7% new leader of hell
7.2% something else. (I've read him beeing on vaction or hanging out with Nina, Maggie and Muriel)
2.8% works for hell again
8. Who makes the first step for a second kiss? -877 votes-
64.4% initiated by Aziraphale
30.9% initiated by both
2.5% no more kissing
2.2% initiated by Crowley
9. More of Angel!Crowley (without fall story) -406 votes-
51.5% Yes
26.1% Neutral
22.4% No
10. Where should the final scence with Aziraphale and Crowley take place? -527 votes-
77.4% South Down Cottage
7% The Ritz
5.1 % The Bookshop
3.4% St. James Park
3.2% Alpha Centauri
3.2 % Another location (rooftop was mentioned at least twice)
0.6% The Bentley
11. Should Aziraphale's diary have a bigger part in the plot? -307 votes-
53.1% Yes
34.2% Neutral
12.7% No
12. Would you like to see a conversation between Crowley and God? -602 votes-
49.3% Yes
27.6% No
23.1% Neutral
13. Would you like to see new angel and demon characters in season 3? -260 votes-
47.3% Yes
38.1% Neutral
14.6% No
14. Would you like it if there are more Angel x Demon couples? -359 votes-
44% Yes
28.4% Neutral
27.6% No
15. Would you like to see Crowley with long hair (present day)? -910 votes-
77% Yes
12.7% Neutral
10.2% No
16. Would you like to see Aziraphale with a beard? -359 votes-
49% No
32.6% Yes
18.4% Neutral
17. Would you like to have cameos of David's and/or Michael's family members? -318 votes-
39% Yes
34% Neutral
27% No
18. Should the historical scenes have a bigger or rather small part in the plot? -275 votes-
38.2% Neutral/anything is ok
37.1% Bigger/more like season 2
24.7% Rather small/more like season 1
19. Do you want to see the story of the great war and the fall? -287 votes-
69% Yes
17.8% No
13.2% Neutral
20. Do you want Saraquel to be an ally to Aziraphale and Crowley? -408 votes -
53.9% Yes
40.2% Neutral
5.9% No
21. Are you ready for 1941 Part 3? -713 votes-
80.8% Yes! All good things come in threes!
9.7% No, I don't need this scence to continue
9.5% Neutral
22. What is your opinion on the Ineffable Wives? -595 votes-
64.7 % Give me Fem!Azi and Fem!Crowley
25% Neutral
10.3% I don't want female presenting Azi and Crowley
23. More Bildad the Shuhite? -788 votes-
45.9% Yes
28.8% Neutral
25.3% No
24. Aziraphale takes off Crowley's sun glasses? -203 votes-
80.3% Yes
11.8% Neutral
7.9% No
25. Would you like it if Aziraphale calls Crowley "my demon" -291 votes-
43.6% Yes
30.9% No
25.4% Neutral
26. Muriel should be... -135 votes-
52.6% more prominent as in s2
43.7% as prominent as in s2
3% less prominent as in s2
0.7 % not appearing at all
27. In season 3 Muriel will wear... -151 votes-
90.1% a new earth outfit
5.3% the clothes they wear in heaven
4.6% the inspector constable costume
28. Do you want Muriel to take over the bookshop permanently? -153 votes- 
51% No
30.7% Neutral
18.3% Yes
29. More wall slamming in season 3? -190 votes-
62.6% Yes AND Aziraphale also slamming Crowley against a wall
25.3% Yes! Slam that angel against the wall!
6.3% Neutral
5.8% No more wall slamming
30. Would you like to see Aziraphale with purple eyes? -547 votes-
39.7% No
34.4% Yes
26% Neutral
31. Would you like it if Crowley calls Aziraphale "my angel"? -310 votes-
83.2% Yes
10.3% Neutral
6.5% No
32. I'd like Anathema Device and Newt Pulsifer to... -182 votes-
30.8% Every option is fine by me
29.7% only have a cameo
28.6% appear again
11% not appear at all
33. Would you like it if Aziraphale calls Crowley "Anthony"? -408 votes-
38.7% No
31.1% Neutral
30.1% Yes
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poetrysmackdown · 10 months
Speculation why one of the semis is getting a significantly higher turnout?
Makes sense! Matches involving Two-Headed Calf and Wild Geese have consistently been standouts, at least as far as stats. Two-Headed Calf vs. Butter Dish had the second highest vote count in round 1, but most notably the widest margin in the whole tournament (Calf got 85.5% of the votes, so won by a margin of ~6,120—I really fucked up with that match-up lol).
Meanwhile in Round 2—the first round where Wild Geese was in the main tournament—it took widest margin (65.1% of the vote), with Two-Headed Calf coming in second (60.2%). That said, Calf's match-up against Langston Hughes in Round 2 got the highest turnout of the round by far—11,145, compared to Geese vs. Angelou's 4,391 (6th in the round). But I'd honestly argue that's as much to do with Hughes as with Calf, considering the crazy turnout for Hughes vs. Berry in Round 1. Regardless, same pattern for margins in quarterfinals (Geese first, Calf second), though for both the margins narrowed.
This is a long way of saying they're popular poems on tumblr, and people are going to bat for them! If I had arranged the bracket in a different way it probably would have been the final. shrug. Either way I'm still anticipating a competitive final!
If we're talking about turnout trends, what I'm actually more interested in is "Poem" by Langston Hughes vs. "A Meeting" by Wendell Berry. Highest vote count in the tournament so far, and I'm guessing the final won't even top it! Not to mention it's tied with two other match-ups for narrowest margin (51/49). 16,690 voted, and in the end it was decided by about 334 votes. Two great poems, so I'm glad they got that degree of engagement, but still crazy. Since "Poem" ended up going out in the following round, I think what really drove the turnout was the strength of the two as a pair in conversation with one another. If so, it's cool that that managed to trump mainstream tumblr popularity in the stats! No matter which poem ends up winning the tournament, that pair is a winner in its own right imo :)
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pokepollsters · 3 months
Best Pokémon Rival Tournament- Stats Breakdown!
This tournament has been pretty wild- easily the most popular on the blog so far, and very interesting from a stats perspective! So if you wanna know some of the nitty gritty, take a look at this post for details on how everyone did.
Otherwise, stayed tuned for more details on the Best Protagonist Tournament coming soon, and don't forget to check out some of the polls regarding the format of it.
Click the read more for the numbers!
As I said, this tournament was the most popular on the blog so far, with a much higher overall vote total- the combined number of votes was 20,353 (the previous most voted on tournament had 13,981). With a total of 28 matches, this means the average number of votes per match was 727- again, higher than any other tournament before it!
But let's now take a look at individual contestants- here's how everyone stacks up in terms of their average vote total per match.
Hop- 687 (687 votes in 1 match)
N- 669 (3344 votes across 5 matches)
Kieran- 538 (538 votes in 1 match)
Nemona- 536 (2681 votes across 5 matches)
Wally- 485 (970 votes across 2 matches)
Arven- 435 (2177 votes across 5 matches)
Marnie- 426 (1278 across 3 matches)
Blue- 355 (1774 votes across 5 matches)
Gladion- 346 (1039 across 3 matches)
Cheren- 335 (335 votes in 1 match)
Silver- 322 (967 votes across 3 matches)
Carmine- 321 (642 votes across 2 matches)
Penny- 316 (631 votes across 2 matches)
Bianca- 291 (582 votes across 2 matches)
Hugh- 270 (270 votes in 1 match)
Hau- 241 (241 votes in 1 match)
Shauna- 204 (204 votes in 1 match)
Brendan- 202 (404 votes across 2 matches)
Serena- 187 (187 votes in 1 match)
Barry- 184 (184 votes in 1 match)
Avery- 178 (355 votes across 2 matches)
May- 174 (174 votes in 1 match)
Bede- 150 (150 votes in 1 match)
Tierno- 138 (138 votes in 1 match)
Klara- 134 (134 votes in 1 match)
Trevor- 115 (115 votes in 1 match)
Calem- 110 (110 votes in 1 match)
Trace- 41 (41 votes in 1 match)
So as you can see, there's a much wider range than we're used to seeing in the average vote totals, and perhaps most surprising is how different the rankings are when you compare them to our winners, or just which contestants made it the later rounds.
Poor Trace ends up at the bottom with only 41 votes in the whole competition, but Hop has the highest average of 687- though this pales in comparison to the 3,344 total votes N got!
These rankings will be influenced by the relative popularity of the matches that each contestant got to participate in, so another way of ranking is by the average % vote share, which is as follows:
N- 68.5%
Marnie- 65.8%
Penny- 58.5%
Gladion- 58.3%
Silver- 57.5%
Arven- 56.9%
Nemona- 56.5%
Bianca- 55.8%
Carmine- 54.3%
Brendan- 49%
Blue- 48.3%
Hop- 46.9%
Avery- 45.9%
Hau- 45.8%
Kieran & Hugh- 43.8%
Wally- 41.4%
Barry- 37.3%
Shauna- 35.6%
Cheren- 33.5%
Bede- 33.3%
Serena- 32.5%
Tierno- 32.4%
Trevor- 30.3%
May- 29.5%
Klara- 25%
Calem- 18%
Trace- 6.9%
So as you can see, it's another very different set of results! N sits on top this time, but neither of our second or third place winners get into the top five! But, by looking at both lists, you can start to get an idea of the overall rankings of which rivals are more popular than others.
Less indicative of ranking, but still interesting, is the fraction of each contestant's votes out of the total across the competition. It's probably easiest to see the disparity in graph form:
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Finally, let's look at individual matches.
This time round we saw a first for the blog- matches with over 1,000 votes. Not just one, but 4 of them! The most voted on poll was the finals, another first for the blog, with 2,379 votes. Second place goes to Round 1: Match 4, Wally vs Hop. This close race had 1,465 votes.
On the other end of the spectrum, the least voted on match was Round 1: Match 11, Avery vs Trevor, with only 379 votes. Narrowly beating it was Round 2: Match 5, Bianca vs Brendan, with 383. These two matches were the only ones not to break 400 votes.
Individual contestants though? The person who earned the most votes in a single match was our champion, N, who got a huge 1,446 votes in the finals! On the other end though, Trace got only 41 votes in his only match, Round 1: Match 6.
The last thing to look at is margins! The closest matches came down to just a 2.6% margin, or 26 votes, in the case of Round 3: Match 1, or a 2.8% margin (20 votes) in the case of Round 4: Match 2. Not the closest matches we've ever had, but still a nail biter!
And finally, the award for the biggest sweep. While N won a 513 vote majority in the finals, for this? We're looking at the percentages. Who swept the competition like no one else? In this tournament, in was Gladion! He beat Trace by an astounding 86.2% margin, leaving the poor kid wondering what happened. This almost matched N's vote margin, with a 509 vote difference.
And that about wraps it up! Let me know if I missed anything, and I hope you found this interesting! Stick around for more match ups and stats as we head into the new tournament soon!
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mistergandalf · 1 year
Your winner is:
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Samwise Gamgee
Congratulations to our dear Sam! And congratulations to our runner up with 49% of the vote: Frodo Baggins! While there was a desperate effort by many (myself included) to get an even 50/50 vote, the Sam love was too strong. He is, officially, the Ultimate Tolkien Blorbo.
In the final round, 2,090 of you voted for Sam, and 2,008 of you voted for Frodo. That’s pretty dang close, to be honest!
Here’s how the brackets went down in the end:
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Congratulations to all contestants. All of these characters are the Ultimate Tolkien Blorbo to some of us, so they’re all winners in the end.
If you’re interested in analytics from the ENTIRE bracket, click that readmore below! I love spreadsheets, so I kept stats the entire time. Lots of top (or bottom) ten lists :)
Who got the most votes overall?
The top ten characters who received the most votes TOTAL (not weighted for how many polls they were in) are:
Samwise Gamgee (11,318)
Peregrin Took (9,760)
Frodo Baggins (9,502)
Éowyn (7,795)
Meriadoc Brandybuck (4,870)
Faramir (4,752)
Aragorn (4,406)
Boromir (4,269)
Legolas (3,814)
Gimli (3,302)
Who received the highest average votes?
THIS is the interesting one to me—the average per poll! My favorite bit in here is that Éowyn and Merry DID tie here…
Samwise Gamgee (1,886)
Frodo Baggins (1,357)
Peregrin Took (1,220)
Éowyn AND Meriadoc Brandybuck (974)
Faramir (950)
Gimli (826)
Bilbo Baggins (821)
Elrond Peredhel (782)
Legolas Greenleaf (763)
Aragorn (734)
Who got the least votes overall?
Our bottom ten contenders, eliminated too soon, are the following. Since this list and the average list are exactly the same, but in a slightly different order, I’ve arranged them by average votes and given you both numbers:
Dwalin (87 average AND total; eliminated and never placed on the secondary bracket)
Elladan & Elrohir (138 average, 276 total)
Celegorm (197 average, 394 total)
Morgoth/Melkor (199 average, 398 total)
Bard the Bowman (211 average, 421 total)
Kíli (314 average, 627 total)
Sauron (349 average, 1,047 total)
Galadriel (356 average, 711 total)
Glorfindel (366 average, 1,097 total)
Fingon (389 average, 778 total)
Bracket stats
Here are some numbers I personally find interesting. Maybe you will, too.
Most votes in one round: Round One, with 21,554 votes cast. Makes sense, since everyone was on the bracket still.
Highest participation per poll in one round: Round Five, with 4,278 votes cast for the primary Frodo vs. Sam vote.
Least votes in one round: Round Eight (Second Chance Bracket), which was Pippin vs. Éowyn, only got 714 votes total. It was also the least participation per poll per round.
Average total number of votes per character (entire bracket): 2,783
Average number of votes per character (average per round): 594
Anyway, that was fun! Here’s the entire bracket stats document for your viewing pleasure, if you’re a spreadsheet nerd like me.
Thank you everyone for your participation in this bracket!! It was super fun to host, and tbh I would do it again. If you’d like to see another bracket like this, let me know! Until then, enjoy my regularly scheduled blog nonsense :)
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robertreich · 2 years
This One Thing Made Alex Jones Stop Lying 
Alex Jones will have to pay millions to the parents of Sandy Hook victims.
Fox News might be on the hook for over a billion dollars after making bogus 2020 election claims.
It turns out there actually might be a way to stop the constant stream of lies coming from the right-wing media. How can we do it? Two words:
Sue. Them.
This won’t defeat the right’s media ecosystem overnight — but defamation law may prove to be one vital weapon in the battle against misinformation. Let me explain.
Alex Jones, you may recall, had used his website InfoWars to portray the Sandy Hook school shooting massacre as a hoax involving actors, aimed at increasing gun control. Parents of victim children sued Jones and his media company for $150 million — ultimately winning an initial settlement of $49 million.
Courts in Texas and Connecticut had already found Jones liable for defamation. And as a result, Jones’ parent company, Free Speech Systems, filed for bankruptcy.
Even though Jones lost this case and finally admitted that the Sandy Hook massacre was “100 percent real,” he’s probably not going to stop making harmful and deceptive videos anytime soon.
But this defamation lawsuit will serve as a warning to both Jones and others in the media who build their business models around spreading lies.
Like OAN.
One America News, a Trump-allied media organization that pushed conspiracy theories about the election, is facing so many defamation lawsuits from those harmed by the start-up network’s lies that its future is now in doubt.
Cable providers have dropped OAN like an extremist hot potato, and the network is now only available to a few hundred thousand people who subscribe to smaller cable providers.
Talk about cutting the chord.
Defamation lawsuits have also been filed against more established right-wing media organizations, like Fox News.  
Dominion Voting Systems, a maker of election information technology used widely across the country, is suing Fox for $1.6 billion over false claims they say the network knowingly made about its software following the 2020 Election.
The case could potentially be a huge financial blow to Fox, and serve as one of the most consequential First Amendment cases in a generation.
Again, to be clear, defamation litigation will not single handedly stop the rampant spread of misinformation taking over the airwaves and the internet. These lawsuits can take years and often end up being expensive, plus some of the media organizations peddling lies are bankrolled by conservatives with deep pockets and a radical agenda.  
It can also be abused, and in some cases, pose potential threats to the free press. Although, if news outlets are alerted to errors and correct them quickly, defamation shouldn’t be a problem.
But at a time when social media companies clearly can’t be trusted to moderate themselves against weaponized lies — and elected officials have done little to step-in — the courts might be the best avenue we have to take on manufactured deception and put it to rest.
Where other methods to counter half-truths and exaggerations being spewed by Fox News and their ilk have failed, defamation law might make companies think twice before they knowingly spread falsehoods — and help stop the vicious cycle of lies, clicks, and profits that further divides our country.
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hshtag · 9 months
🦢 ─────── *ೃ  ‍୨ LILING & CODY INSTAGRAM LIVE.
To celebrate the near end and final voting round ( which is still currently open ) of the ongoing survival show, SHOOTING STARS, Liling and fellow contestant, Cody, went live on Instagram at 2PM KST on September 10th. You can vote for Cody or Liling as your top pick HERE, or in the source link! Below are the most popular moments:
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☆  ׂ  ׅ* 𓂅 POPULAR MOMENTS !
( 17:15 ) - Distracted by the background of Cody’s room, Liling calls out, “Wait—is that your cat?” Cody hums and holds her up, clearly struggling as Liling covers her mouth in surprise. “Her name is Byeol, but she never sits still.” He mumbles the last few words, too focused on trying to hold the cat properly without hurting the animal.
Liling drops her hands to her lap off screen and speaks again. “She’s so cute! How old is she?” Cody immediately sighs, looking around as if he was waiting for someone to tell him the answer. “Maybe like 2, or 3? I can’t remember what the adoption people said.” Liling laughs, but moves on and continues to talk about a previous topic.
( 25:18 ) - “Okay, but the real question is, who do you think’ll make it into the group?” Cody asks, leaning backwards. “Definitely not you. Anyone but you.” Liling teases, smiling to show that she was simply joking. Cody rolls his eyes and pretends to be hurt. “First off, you’re not very funny, and secondly, I was gonna say you!” Liling shrugs quickly. “Thanks.”
Cody doesn’t seem satisfied with her answer as he continues, “If you make it, then you owe me dinner in 2 weeks.” Liling pauses for a few seconds before answering, “You’re terrible. Fine, deal.” Cody stands up and cheers loudly, his face off camera and only his torso showing. He sits back down as Liling begins to answer questions in the comments.
( 8:43 ) - “I’m not even joking, like, watching Shooting Stars episodes are so much fun. Whenever I have free time I’ll just piss off my members by nonstop replaying episodes, I love seeing the clips that actually made it in.” Liling comments, pulling on the hairbands around her wrist. “She’s so odd, I don’t even bother watching them, i’ve already seen it happen in real time, why would I want to see it again?”
Cody says, making fun of Liling’s blatant obsession with the show. “It’s funny seeing you act like you’re unbothered on camera when I know you’re really panicking.” She giggles, then stops when she notices the expression on Cody’s face. “What’s so funny?” He grumbles, waving his hand around to dismiss Liling’s sentence. “You are just no fun are you, Jun?” Liling replies and Cody quickly snaps back, “It’s Junseo to you.”
( 38:49 ) - Cody leans in closer to scan the comments for anything interesting to read aloud. “You guys fight like an old married couple?” The pair instantly look up at their screens, then at each other before bursting into laughter and gasping for air after a few minutes of constantly laughing. “Sorry,” Liling responds, “It’s just that—that’s the funniest thing i’ve ever heard, like, ever.” Cody follows, “Honestly, I can’t believe people think of us like that. I think we might have to change our public image.”
Liling reads out another comment after calming down a little. “No, I think they’re more like those two annoying people who never shut up. Well, okay then. Next time, just call us bitches and get it over with.” Cody grins. “Is Sunnie there?” Liling slowly looks around for her manager before replying, “Nope! She left me alone, which was a terrible choice. She’s probably looking after those kids she doesn’t actually care about, I don’t know.” They both sit in silence for some time before swiftly picking up the next opportunity for another conversation.
( 42:55 ) - Cody frowns at the screen before he prepares to say something, most likely something unimportant. “Why are there no Cody fans in here! All I see is Liling.” He grumbles, “Not true, I can literally see an Oliver fan right there, they just joined.” Liling retorts as Cody rolls his eyes, still mildly upset. “Okay, but the point is, my support is lacking right now!” Liling looks down at her nails and looks back up, tired of Cody’s complaining. “I’m your support so be quiet and start being more entertaining, I am carrying this live right now.”
“Well it was your idea, and it is your live, so what did you expect? You still owe me dinner.” “Voting isn’t over yet! Speaking of voting, you should go vote for me right now.” Liling says, promoting herself shamelessly. “Why vote for Liling when I exist!” Cody exclaims, trying to compete against her. She simply sighs and ignores his comment, interrupting him to talk about her most recent favorite song.
( 59:49 ) - “Alright!” Liling starts, tilting her head as she clasps her hands together. “It’s time for Cody and I to go, but don’t forget to vote today and i’d be honored if it was for either of us! Thank you so much for watching our live, we’ll see you soon.” She waves energetically at the camera as Cody holds up his cat once more, this time holding her correctly. “Byeol will bite you if you don’t watch every single Shooting Stars episode that’s currently out, and you don’t want that, right?” He uses Byeol’s arm to wave goodbye and the live ends there.
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iwanthermidnightz · 8 months
*parts of this article was written previously and then recently updated*
Taylor Swift isn't just a pop icon anymore; she's the next great American dynasty, singlehandedly steering some of the country's most vaunted brands and institutions.
Why it matters: She already fueled the nation's economy for much of the summer and drove thousands to register to vote. Now, she's a beacon of opportunity — and cash — for both the NFL and Hollywood.
The NFL: Swift was spotted cheering on the Kansas City Chiefs alongside Donna Kelce, mother of Chiefs tight end, Travis Kelce, during last Sunday's game against the Chicago Bears.
Throughout the broadcast, Fox panned over to Swift nine times throughout the game and social media was abuzz over her attendance.
The NFL flashed images of Swift in their game day graphics throughout the game, released 10 TikToks on the official NFL account — which changed its bio to read "9/24/23. Taylor was here' — and NFL on Fox even ran an ad capitalizing on her romantic link to Kelce.
Kelce is also a recipient of the halo effect. In the 24 hours following the game, he gained over 300,000 new social media followers, saw a 400% increase in merchandise sales and his podcast ranked #1 on the Apple charts.
By the numbers: Her attendance did in fact drive ratings, particularly among young, female viewers
The Chiefs vs. Bears game drew 24.3 million viewers, making it the most-viewed telecast of the week, and female viewership in the key 18-49 demo saw a 63% increase.
What they're saying: "This buzz around Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift isn't just about speculation about their relationship, it's about the Halo Effect at work - where one person's influence boosts the appeal of others around them. Suddenly, football is more than a game; it's a stage for pop culture," said communication expert Molly McPherson.
"It isn't just an academic theory; it's a savvy marketing move. When an All-Pro tight end like Travis Kelce invites Taylor Swift to a game, he's essentially inviting her entire fan base to tune in as well. Swift, Kelce, the NFL, and the Kansas City Chiefs all come out ahead. There was only one loser in Sunday's game, and it was the Chicago Bears."
Box office: With Hollywood mired in the depths of dual labor disputes, this fall's movie slate was looking pretty bare for theaters — until Swift delivered an unexpected jolt with the surprise announcement of her "Eras Tour" film, set for release this month.
Swift and her family directly negotiated a distribution deal with theater chain AMC, leaving out the traditional studio middlemen via an agreement that could upend how concert films are released in the future, per Puck's Matthew Belloni.
The concert film is tracking toward a $100 million opening weekend domestically — and likely much higher, according to Deadline, with one analyst calling it a "unicorn."
Its announcement also forced a last-minute jolt of Hollywood's release calendar, as Blumhouse head Jason Blum moved up the release of the forthcoming "Exorcist" sequel by a week, declaring "#TaylorWins."
The big picture: Swift has so much influence, clout and engagement for a reason.
She has won over the trust of her fandom — referred to as Swifties — through authentic and direct communication across social media and through fan experiences.
Her penchant for hiding clues and Easter eggs throughout her communiques is so well-known that she took over Google Search to reveal new song titles last month.
Music accolades aside, Swift gained even more respect from her fellow musicians by challenging the way artists were compensated across streaming platforms.
What's next: Swift is expected to attend this week's Chiefs vs Jets game, which could continue to bring more eyeballs, more chatter and more money to the NFL.
The bottom line: When Taylor Swift gets involved, the only blank space that matters is on the checks that'll inevitably be cashed.
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Unofficial Update Blog
Hi! This is an unofficial blog which posts updates about EWOW episodes. I might do other things, but my priority will be posting when another episode is out. You can also ask me questions, perhaps about EWOW or something related (?), and I'll try to answer to the best of my ability!
This blog is NOT run by Cary, nor someone that knows him. It is an unofficial blog, run by a contestant of EWOW. Also, it is not related to the defunct ten-words-of-wisdom tumblr blog created a long time ago, nor is meant to do what blog used to do.
I decided to create this blog after seeing EWOW 2b2, and wanted to make another way an EWOW contestant can know there's another EWOW episode, and can vote/submit a response, in case they haven't already seen on YouTube.
I am only one person, so I might be somewhat late in posting updates about episodes. I'll try my best!
Other EWOW info:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcqE0Z5Sgbw - This video explains what EWOW is all about.
But, in short: EWOW contestants submit a response of 11 words or fewer after a prompt is revealed in a "B" episode, and both contestants and viewers can vote on those responses. Each contestant has 3 lives, and if they get in the bottom 49% they lose one, but if they get in the top 5% they gain a life. Once you reach 0, you are eliminated.
A episodes: Voting, there's also like the booksona grids with confessionals
B episodes: Leaderboards
When you submit a response, your email has to be exactly the same as the one you used in your very first submission. You can check your email (it should send you an email of what you submitted, so you can check it - it sent me one, at least). You can also go to the form itself, through like... EWOW 0A or something. I don't know how to link to the EWOW forms yet...
There is a region* on the screen. Click anywhere (and not just at the beginning) on the region to vote.
*There doesn't seem to be a region anymore. However, it's replaced with the YouTube Chapter thing, so you can use that instead.
There are several voting screens (if... that's what they're called). There will be a keyword on the upper right corner, and 11 entries are lettered (like numbered but with letters) A to K.
To vote, you comment with a square bracket, the keyword, then space, and then rank the letters from best (left) to worst (right). e.g. [FRESH AKJEIHBCGDF] (this is not a real vote).
You do not need to rank all entries on the screen.
You can vote multiple times - in fact, it's encouraged to do so!
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(This is an example of voting. There also has to be a square bracket at the end, I probably didn't get a screenshot of that part specifically.)
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"Then the contestants will be sorted based on their entries' average score, from highest to lowest, following this guide!" This is a way you can vote, without ranking all of them at once.
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foreverlogical · 9 months
● AK Ballot: Alaska voters made history in 2020 when they made their state the first in the nation to adopt a top-four primary with a ranked-choice general election, but conservatives tell the Alaska Beacon's James Brooks that they're close to qualifying a measure to repeal the system that would go before voters next year.
The campaign has until the start of the January legislative session to turn in about 27,000 valid signatures, a figure that represents 10% of the total number of votes that were cast in the most recent general election, and it must also hit certain targets in three-quarters of Alaska's 40 state House districts. One leader says that organizers have already gathered 30,000 petitions so far but will analyze them later to see if more are needed.
Under the current top-four system, all the candidates run on one primary ballot, and the four contenders with the most votes—regardless of party—advance to an instant-runoff general election. This method was first used last year in the special election to succeed the late GOP Rep. Don Young as Alaska's lone House member, a contest that ultimately saw Democrat Mary Peltola defeat former Republican Gov. Sarah Palin 51-49.
Conservatives both in Alaska and across the country were furious because Palin and another Republican, Nick Begich, outpaced Peltola by a combined 59-40 in the first round of tabulations. They blamed their surprise loss on instant-runoff voting rather than Palin's many failings or the Democrat's strengths.
"60% of Alaska voters voted for a Republican," griped Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton, "but thanks to a convoluted process and ballot exhaustion—which disenfranchises voters—a Democrat 'won.'" But even without ranked-choice voting, Peltola still would have come in first, as she beat Palin 40-31. And since Begich took third with 28%, he may well still have lost a traditional primary to Palin had one been used.
Furthermore, a poll conducted right after the special by supporters of ranked-choice voting showed that Alaskans saw their new voting system as anything but "convoluted." Instead, 85% of respondents found it to be "simple," while 62% said they supported the new method.
Hard-right groups, though, soon had even more reasons to hate the new status quo. Thanks to the top-four system, Sen. Lisa Murkowski, a rare Republican who's crossed party lines on high-profile votes, would no longer face what would almost certainly have been a tough GOP primary against Donald Trump's preferred candidate, former state cabinet official Kelly Tshibaka. (Murkowski famously lost her 2010 primary to a far-right foe but won the general through a write-in effort.)
Instead, Murkowski and Tshibaka easily advanced to the general election with Democrat Pat Chesbro and a little-known third Republican. Murkowski led Tshibaka 43.4-42.6 in the first round of general election tabulations, but the 10% of voters who supported Chesbro overwhelmingly broke for the incumbent and helped lift her to a 54-46 victory. Peltola also won her rematch with Palin 55-45 after initially leading her 49-26; unsurprisingly, both Palin and Tshibaka ardently back the effort to end the top-four system.
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evilelitest2 · 9 months
Was Sander's Robbed in 2020?
Ok so lets walk to the past for a bit. Its 2020, the Democratic primary is getting heated. Biden keeps leading in all the polls, but after three primary elections, he has been coming off short. Moderates are panicking and it looks like Bernie Sanders might be able to get the nomination after all. He was counted out after the heart attack, and yet he kept on going.
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So Sanders going in 2020 had two options for how to run his campaign. About 30% of the party loved him, about 20% of the party absolutely hated him, and 55% were mixed more ambivalent about him. He could either
Try to win over the parts of the party that aren't already supporting him, in particular the black community (Sanders does this a bit with the Latino democrats, his latino outreach very impressive and very underreported in the Democratic party
Try to hold unto your 25-30% of the party and hope rest of the vote is split between all the different moderates, so he can win with a plurality of the vote. due to the weirdness of the Democratic primary rules he can still win the nomination even without the majority, the winner only needs a plurality. if the moderate votes are split between Biden, Mayor Pete, Bloomberg, and Klobuchar, then Sanders could squeak in a victory with less than a third of the party.
Biden is the frontrunner, is polling ahead of everybody else, particular among the all important African-American segment of the democratic electorate. However he isn't beloved and there are a ton of Moderates running against him, and all of them are focused on attacking Biden in the hopes that they could take his place.
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Sanders too option 2, which was risky. Winning with a plurality rather than a majority always leaves a lot of sore feelings, and had Sanders won the 2020 primary he would have to have dealt with the 70% of the electorate who didn't vote for him feeling sore, but maybe he could have handled it, we will never know. The advantage of his plan is that he just needed to hold unto his base, who already loved him. The danger is that if the moderates ever managed to rally around a single candidate, suddenly he is very outnumbered. Risky play but he did it. This is the same plan that trump use to win the Republican primary in 2016 (to be clear, that isn't a moral judgement on sanders, Trump isn't bad because he won with a plurality, he is bad because he is a fascist). There is one key difference though the Republican primary uses a winner takes all approach, so who ever wins the state gets all of the points, which allowed Trump to expand his lead. This is because Republicans don't believe in democracy.
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Those are some great mittens
So far this plan has been working well for Sanders. The moderates have split the vote, Sanders won Nevada, New Hampshire and either won Iowa or it was so close that he basically won Iowa. Biden has yet to do well in any of the first three states.
But Then, South Carolina, the first state with a large black electorate. Biden secures a key endorsement from US Representative and Civil Rights activist Jim Clyburn. The results were a pretty stunning turnaround for Biden, who won 49% of the votes and got 39 of the delegates. Sanders came in second, with 20% of the vote and 15 of the delegates. Buttigieg, Warren, Steyer, and Klobuchar didn't get a high enough percentage of the vote to get any delegates.
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Biden almost won more than the rest combined.
So lets take a moment to talk about the US primary system, because it is both illogical and needlessly complicated. Rather than have all the states vote at once like a normal fucking country, each individual state plus the territories plus DC hold there own primary, most of which are not in order. So for example, the great state of NY, fourth largest state in the country and the center of the global economy, has its primary at the literal end of the process. So yeah, I've never in my lifetime gotten to have any effect on a presidential primary, because the race is already over by the time it gets to NY. So who wins a primary is not necessarily the most popular person with the party, its who ever can stay in the race longest, its a marathon. A super popular candidate could still drop out if they aren't popular in the first few state. Maybe Elizabeth warren was super popular in New York and if she had been able to hold unto those state she would have won, but we will never know. this system sucks, and I hate it.
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So the way the primary goes down is that you have 4 elections from individual states. Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina. Then you have something called Super Tuesday, where Virginia, North Carolina, Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, California, Oklahoma, Texas, Minnesota, Colorado, Alabama, Arkansas, and Utah all go at once. So basically you go from 4 individual states to a fuck tone of state (including the two largest) all at once).
So another critical thing about the democratic party is demographics. While the republican party is a white Christianity identity party, the democratic party is a diverse coalition. The most important part of that is the African American vote, who have steadily become the deciding vote in the Democratic party since the 60s. About 90% of African American voters are democratic, and African Americans make up just over a quarter of the Democratic party. They are also by far the most organized and proactive voters, due to years of having to fight against voter suppression (especially in the South). The black electorate in the democratic party is one of the parties greatest advantages, and it also why the party has become steadily less racist every year (Obama really accelerated this process). To be clear this is a good thing, the Democratic party is better for it.
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For a series of very complicated reasons I could get into another time, Sanders had never done particularly well with African American voters and Biden has. This isn't universal, the African American community is not a monolith and has a diversity of views but that is how the demographics played out generally in the primary. Most importantly, apart from Biden was the only candidate, moderate or progressive, who seemed to excite the African American voting bloc.
The reason why this matters is that Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada don't have very large black populations, Iowa and new Hampshire are lily white, and Nevada is less than 10% African American. Despite being more than a fourth of the party, the first three states are not representative of the African American vote (maybe we should have one nation wide election eh?)
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So once biden won South Carolina, it became obvious that A) Biden's defeats in the first three states were not affecting his popularity in the larger states B) none of the other moderates had any real African American support. This is what leads to the supposed "betrayal"
The Day before Super Tuesday, Obama called up the remaining moderates, and convinced most of them to drop out and endorse Biden. They did so, and it basically shattered Sander's chance of winning. With most of the moderates unified, Biden won 10 states to Sander's 4, wracking up 726 delegates to sanders 505. Biden got 286065 votes to sanders 74,755. Not only was this a great victory for Biden, after super Tuesday all of the other moderates withdrew, allowing him to crush Sanders going forward. Biden had 2709 Delegates to Sanders 1,113, but more importantly Biden won 51% of the votes, with sanders getting 26%. Some Sanders fans have blamed Elizabeth Warren for not dropping out, but even if Warren had and every one of her votes had gone to standers (and there is a lot of evidence to suggest a third of her votes would have gone to Biden), that would only make Sanders at 33% to 51%.
To put this in raw numbers, Biden won 19 million votes. Sanders had just under 9.7 million. Biden won 10 million more votes than Sanders (Elizabeth warren got 2.8 million)
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So I see a lot of leftist types claim that this was an example of democratic treachery, that the DNC party robbed sanders of his chance of winning, this was Nixon style Ratfuckery that destroyed Sander's populist campaign to put Biden, who nobody likes anyway, in charge. And as a progressive who didn't want Biden to win, I have to say it sucked...but that wasn't a cheat.
Biden won the popular vote, love him or hate him, he did win more than half of the democratic votes, that makes him the candidate, that is how democracy works, sometimes you lose. Some have claimed that Obama calling up the other moderates and getting them to drop out was a cheat but....how? The moderates knew they couldn't win after South Carolina, and they were ideologically closer to Biden, so they dropped out and endorsed the person they agreed with more. Most Sanders fans wanted Warren to drop out, so I knew you guys understand that importance of consolidating behind a winning candidate. Thats just good politics, the fact that Sanders didn't bother to try to court other candidates to drop out is actually a major weakness of him as a candidate. If the situation had been reversed, and the moderates were trying to win with only 30%, wouldn't you guys want the other progressives to drop out behind sanders
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Because Sanders is a populist, and his rhetoric is so tied to the idea of "The people rising up against the elites" that idea that he lost demographically is sort of a trauma his more radical followers can't really deal with, so they retreat to conspiracy theories. Remember, a conspiracy theory is something people turn to to avoid facing a difficult truth. If you identify yourself as populist, and you lose demographically, you have to face some difficult questions. Maybe sanders was the wrong candidate? Maybe he made mistakes? Maybe his fanbase sabotaged his chance of winning, maybe his hardcore fans make a mistake in there understanding of the political situation. Maybe he didn't do anything wrong, it just wasn't the year for a progressive? Or maybe Sleepy Joe Biden actually was a more cunning political operator than they gave him credit for and they were duped.
Or most difficult of them all. Maybe most Americans just don't agree with Sander's position?
Those are hard questions, but you kinda of have to answer them if you want to be a progressive who accomplishes things. I might do later posts that address them if people are interested.
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There is a segment of the left who are moving into purple
However, for those who can't face difficult choices, they retreat to conspiracy, and they claim that Sanders was robbed
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Hey you know who hasn't been saying that Sanders was robbed by the DNC? Bernie Sanders, because he is an adult who understands how democracy works. He lost, he took it gracefully and then he endorsed and campaigned for the winner, cause sanders actually cares about the cause and not faux revolutionary nonsense.
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(Fun fact, Biden and Sanders are friends Irl. Like no joke, those two get along personally)
I didn't vote for Biden in the primary and I was not happy when he won the Primary. However I never thought Biden was senile, or a fool, or a hack, I think that he is a very cunning politician who has a public persona that encourages people to underestimate him And become people can't stand the idea that they could lose to Biden, they retreat into fantasy. This is why MAGA denies the election, they can't face the reality that most of the country doesn't like them, and they can't admit that they lost to a man who doesn't fit there mental image of an impression leader
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Yeah...that ends well.
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princesseevee06 · 7 months
sou 40 and/or 49 ??
anon i have GREAT NEWS because both of these things canonically happen!!! let me introduce you to the wonderful, tragic madness that is the identity reveal in the second main game.
…it’s just a small thing. ryoko is looking over the participant papers again, desperately trying to look for anything that might help win them an extension. it’s so small, she barely thinks it’s worth mentioning. but it’s something. a discrepancy.
on the paper, next to shin’s name, it lists his occupation as self-employed. but…”sou” was the one who introduced himself as self-employed. that’s weird, isn’t it?
of course, when she brings it up, shin and sou both vehemently deny its importance, saying it must be some kind of mistake, etc. etc….but their lives are on the line, and guess who knows exactly what the truth is and can’t bear to keep quiet anymore!!! that’s right, here comes kai satou with the steel chair!!!! /j
no, but seriously, kai is the one who ends up exposing sou’s identity. he figures there’s just zero point in keeping it hidden anymore, because they NEED all the information they can get right now. he also figures that he can vouch for sou (despite his obvious shadiness) since they are both Former Asunaro Kids™️
now, sou recognizes that kai is trying to garner sympathy for him in this way, and the both of them are also beginning to recognize that this vote is either gonna be between shin or sou, so sou immediately tries to shut this shit down by making himself look way worse. basically, he says that the reason he betrayed asunaro was because he was denied his rightful place in the death game, and he wanted to be able to observe everyone’s suffering up close (but also of course, he wanted to win). now this statement is like….half-true? he definitely felt robbed of his place in the death game, was interested in seeing everyone’s reactions to the death game but that was never his main goal, and he never entered the game with the intention of winning.
but of course, kai isn’t just going to let his totally-not-ex-boyfriend get himself killed, so he calls sou out for his bs, and exposes what he’s almost certain is the real reason sou’s here: to protect shin.
and i mean, yeah. he’s 100% correct about this. so now sou has to go on his dramatic monologue about him gradually becoming disillusioned by asunaro and knowing about shin’s 0% survival rate and being pushed to the brink before he could no longer take it and felt he had to escape the organization. and now shin’s sitting here like the most miserable wet cat with the biggest saddest eyes because he knew NONE of this
and this of course leads to the “self-sacrifice” aspect of the main game: the vote. sou’s objective hasn’t changed, he’s still hellbent on saving shin by any means possible, but that is also now conflicting with his own abject fear of death. he had always intended on the both of them escaping alive, and didn’t account for a situation where he’d have to pick one or the other, himself or shin.
yet, in a weird and tragic way, sou has been accepting the inevitability of his death for a while now. he realized that if he stayed with asunaro and accepted his role as floormaster he would’ve almost certainly died (the object of the floor 4-5 subgame is literally to murder the floormaster.) and he knows even if he survives this, when another main game rolls around he’s not going to have enough trust in the group to survive anyways. to him, there are really two options here: die now and save shin, or die a little later at the cost of shin’s life. and…as scary as it is, one of those options sounds a lot more appealing to him than the other.
hence…he starts prattling off all the reasons why he’s a terrible, untrustworthy, malicious person who will not contribute to the welfare of the group whatsoever. whereas sweet, kind, emotional shin (or at least that’s how sou sees him GHFHFJ) is perfect for contributing to the group’s overall trust (now that they’ve removed the barrier of his fake identity, of course). (and also, of course in tandem with this shin is arguing how weak and useless he is and how strong, knowledgeable sou is the practical choice to keep alive)
…yeah. sorry idk what else to say it’s just…a rough time all around
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mariacallous · 12 days
After symbolically holding a Republika Srpska government meeting in the town of Srebrenica on Thursday ahead of the UN General Assembly vote on the genocide resolution, Bosnian Serb political leaders announced a plan for what they called “peaceful separation”.
Milorad Dodik, president of Republika Srpska, said after the meeting that the Serb-dominated entity should separate from the Bosniak- and Croat-dominated Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina entity.
Dodik said that it was impossible for Serbs to continue living “with those who violate the Dayton agreement”, the peace deal that ended Bosnia’s 1992-95 war.
He added that the Republika Srpska government will create a “peaceful separation agreement”, which will be sent to the Federation entity.
Bosnian Serbs and their political partners, particularly in Serbia, have been strongly campaigning against the UN General Assembly resolution, claiming it would “demonise” all Serbs.
The resolution, proposed by Germany and Rwanda, intends to declare July 11 the International Day of Remembrance for the 1995 Srebrenica genocide.
It will state that the UN unreservedly condemns any denial of the genocide in Srebrenica, and call on member states to ensure that court-established facts are taught in their educational systems.
But it only accuses individuals of bearing responsibility for the Srebrenica genocide, not states or ethnic groups.
Dodik also said that the Republika Srpska government, together with local authorities, will form a commission tasked with establishing a date to be annually commemorated as “the day of the victims of Srebrenica”, taking into account both Bosniak and Serb victims.
Republika Srpska Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic incorrectly claimed the UN resolution describes Serbs as a “genocidal people” and compares the victims of Srebrenica victims to those of Auschwitz and the Jasenovac and Donja Gradina concentration camps in Croatia during World War II.
Viskovic also disputed the number of genocide victims in Srebrenica, claiming without factual backup that some of those who were “buried are alive”
“According to all that has been said in scientific and expert circles, a severe crime happened in Srebrenica, and we accept that. All those who committed crimes should be held accountable. What about the 3,500 victims of Serbian nationality in and around Srebrenica?” Viskovic asked.
In July 1995, more than 8,000 Bosniak men and boys were killed in massacres by Bosnian Serb forces. In 2007, the International Court of Justice in The Hague characterised the crimes committed against Bosniaks from Srebrenica in 1995 as genocide.
Bosnian Serb wartime political and military leaders Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic have both been sentenced to life imprisonment for genocide by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.
A total of 49 individuals have also been sentenced to more than 700 years in prison by courts in The Hague, Sarajevo and Belgrade for involvement in crimes related to the Srebrenica massacres.
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