#they are torturing him every minute he’s at that stupid place 😭
cake-by-thepound · 3 months
716 already told him that but really, this episode is just the biggest proof that “I can lose you“ is the biggest lie Rick ever told 😂 First he loses her by being a prisoner and he does anything but accept that. He insists on her not being gone, actually. Then he loses her by letting go of her and that results in him figuratively dying (also, if Michonne hadnt unmasked him before slicing him up, it would have resulted in him literally dying). Biggest clown behavior I‘ve ever seen 😂❤️‍🔥
😭 Rick wondering why the fuck he ever said he could live without Michonne:
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suckingsugu · 10 months
Oh please, can I request the first time s/o rubs her nose against tecchou’s nose?
You don’t have an idea how I love tecchou’s fluff, like, everyone agrees he’s the most affectionate guy😭how I love my baby
AAHFSHSHSVSV I LOVE TECCHOU SM THIS IS SO CUTE. i had a pretty bad mental health week recently so i’m sorry for not finishing this earlier!!
nose to nose–
tecchou suehiro x gn! reader
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a/n – this ask was too cute and i actually sobbed bc i love tecchou more than words can describe 🫶🏼
content – tecchou fluff, fem! reader, really just cute relationship type stuff, tecchou calls reader ‘sweetheart’ and ‘ my love ’ ,added backstory for absolutely no reason,i think that’s it! lmk if i missed anything!
synopsis – cute lil nose bumps with tecchou :)
when tecchou had first met you, he didn’t understand why his stomach felt so queasy. was it the soy sauce he’d put in his coffee? no. it couldn’t be that– he’d drank it many times before, so what was different about today?
you–a new addition to the hunting dogs– you were the only new thing about today. his daily rituals of working out during meetings, going on his own little adventures after getting a mission done a little too quickly; all of that would now be thrown off balance because you were here.
this feeling in his stomach would go away sooner or later
or– that’s what he’d thought.
even then; two months after you’d arrived into their little group of strangely strong super freaks, the weird queasiness never subsided within tecchous stomach.
the way you smiled at jouno made his stomach churn in a way that could only be described as anger, but why would he get upset over two of his coworkers just chatting? he wasn’t sure what was wrong with him, so he went to the one member of the hunting dogs who hadn’t been so wrapped up in their space; tachihara.
tecchou went up to the fake ginger and asked him simply about why his stomach burned every time you were around him, yet it also burned with anger when you talked to anyone that wasn’t him.
“i dunno man, sounds like you like her to me-”the other male shrugged. which led to tecchou realizing that he did, in fact, like you.
and that’s what led to now, three months after tecchou had so bravely walked up to you the same day he’d found out that he actually liked you and asked you for “the honor of being his girlfriend” and who were you to tell the (arguably) cutest hunting dog no?
the two of you were sat on your couch, watching another stupid movie that tecchou had picked out. he refused to watch any high tense hostage or action movies; insisting that he “hated people getting tortured for no reason”
you’d been staring at your boyfriend for the past two minutes, trying to telepathically tell him that you absolutely did not want to watch this movie anymore, but he obviously couldn’t get your wavelengths.
the male kept shoving his face full of his buttered popcorn mixed with mustard– something that had his breath smelling disgusting and you avoiding every kiss he’d tried giving you.
“ ‘hiroooo ” you whined out towards your boyfriend, which made him finally turn his attention towards you, popcorn crumbs and mustard stained over his mouth and somehow even on his nose. you could never understand how your boyfriend got so messy while eating; it was a true mystery.
“ yes, my love? ” he’d chirped out, titling his hair so his fluffy hair that you could play with for hours upon hours. “can we change it? this is so boring!”you sighed, leaning closer to him, trying to take the remote that was placed on his lap.
“but i like this–”the males words stopped short when you got closer to him. try as he might, tecchou suehiro was the type of man to basically malfunction whenever you got closer to him. his hands found their way to your waist, moving the remote off his lap, causing you to let out a groan. you were so close and of course your puppy of a boyfriend couldn’t realize what you were doing!
the male moved you onto his lap with a ease, looking up at you as you stared down at him,“ you’re so pretty, y/n.”he leaned up, going to kiss you. and even though you loved your boyfriend, you weren’t going to kiss his popcorn and mustard filled mouth.
you slightly turned, shaking your head before putting your forehead on his, rubbing your nose against his. and let me tell you, tecchou was gobsmacked.
he looked up at you with a small frown, still staying close to you,“my love, do you not want to kiss me?” he asked as you let out a laugh. “you’re breath stinks, ‘hiro. ”
tecchou was never the type to complain, so he’d take the smallest of nose rubs from you, even if it confused him for the first six seconds it had happened.
“ if i go brush my teeth, can i kiss you?” he asked softly
you never did end up getting that remote.
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the ending kinda sucked, i’m sorry! but i hope you enjoyed it nonetheless!
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated, thank you!!
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padfootastic · 1 year
OKAY SO THIS IS SOMETHING ME AND MY FRIEND DO THAT I SORTA NOW HC J & S TO DO IT AS WELL and i need you- queen of prongsfoot to tell me weather if they also would do this or this sleep-deprived me talking
so every year basically on our birthdays we send each other letters. and by sending I mean hand delivering it to them cause we live two mins away
but it just always has this format right? the address while following the normal format didn't contain the actual working address ala harry potter style kinda like for ex
ash/resident of everlasting patience and stupidity/ mountain of discarded coffee cups/ 16000 pictures in phone gallery street
but then the letter would be the most beautiful piece of ode to friendship to each other and just her and she shines my world and just e v e r y t h i n g.
like my description of notes is this should be so emotive that the reader is reduced to tears laughs and everything in between and those letters (more like a 5 page essay) is something that is one of my most cherished thing to get yearly.
and if you want to add angst to it, imagine sirius finding all those old james letters for each one of his birthday and one maybe for his 22nd one that he didnt get to read for lets just sya reasons
the way i saw u write this in real time and still took so long to get to it 😭😭 i should be locked up i s2g.
no okay but listen!!!! ur onto something here!!!
so. because i’m me, i’m gonna add an aspect of generational/familial history to it. so, imagine like fleamont and/or euphemia writing letters for james on his birthdays, right? and it’s filled with these heartfelt, funny messages and he cherishes them a lot. brings them to hogwarts and reads them when he’s feeling upset (only making himself more homesick in the process lol)
and then on sirius’ first bday in hogwarts (which is only a couple months in, yeah?) he sees that he gets a terrible, horrible letter from his family that doesn’t nothing except scold him/humiliate him and how it hurts sirius. SO. in a bid to restructure his perception of bday letters, james borrows from his own tradition & starts writing letters for sirius. he’s so filled w affection always that it’s absolutely not a problem for him to fill pages upon pages. (and u can even add the address thing as way for j to make it funny so sirius laughs!!)
so yeah, james starts it and slowly, hesitantly, sirius does the same. he’s never as proficient at it as james is, because he’s not as emotional in the first place, but whatever he writes is always heartfelt. (also, in a creative sirius scenario, u could hc that he draws something or composes music just for james and that’s equally sentimental but w/o being so horribly revealing?)
and like yeah, imagine then that james has got his 22nd bday letter all written and stuff bc he’s a little dork who never leaves stuff until the last minute unless he can help it, right? and despite doing this for a decade (a decade!!! they only had a decade together!!!) he’s still so fucking excited to write a fresh one bc he loves gifting and making people happy etc etc, and so he writes it, and keeps it in a nice little envelope w the potter seal embossed on it, just waiting to give it to sirius & see his expression (fav part) except.
except he can’t.
and when sirius enters the house, he sees james’ cold, dead body lying on the floor first, but once he gets up from the ground, he spots the envelope a few feet away and lets out a howl like never before. reads it so obsessively he can recite it, each word hitting like a stab in the heart.
(or, alternatively, u can imagine him somehow discovering the letter post-azkaban after he’s spends dozen years being psychologically tortured, reliving the potters’ deaths, and believing himself to be the cause of it. u pick)
(and of course, once sirius escapes, he does the same for harry. and to parallel james & sirius, the letter he writes for harry’s 16th is left in GP and harry only finds it after the war—or even during when they halt there—when he’s cleaning it up or wtv and basically breaks down all over again)
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sableseb · 3 years
bestie bestie please please hardcore angry enemies rough bucky smut with spitting slapping degradation daddy kink and all that shi PLEASSEEEE god maybe him as the soldier? or not thats your choice hskshsjs if you want i really NEEEEEEED some i'm starved 😭 i will love you forever favourite writer your smut has me in a CHOKEHOLD
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STOP IT.😭 Ugh. I’m not worthy of you.🧎🏻‍♀️I’m living for this request. I really, really hope you enjoy!💕 Ilysm.x
word count: 2.3k
warnings: smut, degradation, dirty talk, slapping, pussy slapping, spitting, thigh riding, spanking, cum eating, choking
tags: @fuckandfluff @bucky-soldat @stucky-my-ship @meetmeatyourworst @greeneyedblondie44 @sparksforkoo @bemine-bucky @thewritingdoll @harrysthiccthighss
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It was supposed to be a simple extraction mission. Get in, get the hard drive, get out. Easy enough. She’s a very efficient person. But something went wrong. So horribly wrong. Because she’s no longer in the Hydra building. She’s somewhere dark and damp chained to a stone wall. Great. She thinks. Who’s ass do I have to kick now?
Her arms are starting to ache from being suspended, ass numb from sitting on the unforgiving, cold floor. How long was she out? She couldn’t tell. The son of a bitch ambushed her.
She’s never been ambushed before. She can hear an enemy three floors down. Whoever it was they sent, they’re good. She’ll give them that. But, she’s better.
As she’s trying to move her bound wrists out of their confines, thuds catch her attention. She stops her movements to focus on the sound that’s coming from the end of the corridor. It’s black in this place they stuck her in. The only source of light is coming from the cracks in the ceiling. She can’t see a single thing from afar.
The thudding gets closer and she soon realizes it’s the sound of boots approaching her. She gets a tinge of excitement in her chest at the prospect of seeing her captor. She wants to see who she’ll ruin once she gets out of her restraints. Feel their skull crack underneath her boot.
“Ya know,” she states to the unknown figure, “You’ve made a big mistake. I don’t take too kindly to people knocking me out and chaining me up.”
She looks up to a hulking figure cast in shadows. He’s dressed in gear just as dark as this stupid low kept torture chamber. She watches carefully as he crouches down in front of her. It hits her then. This isn’t just any man. It’s the Winter Soldier. 
A smile breaks along her features as she sees him now. Hair long, mask covering his face just like the last time they met, figure all lean muscle. He’s her dirtiest wet dream and her favorite enemy. What an honor to escape him once more.
“Oh. So they sent you after me again. Haven’t they learned that even the Soldat can’t contain me?”
He always hates how mouthy she is. She’s the only one who’s ever talked down to him. Does she not realize he could kill her without a second thought? The only reason she’s breathing is because his superiors want her alive...much to his dismay.  “Last time I checked, you enjoyed being restrained,” he spits.
“Mmm. I do. I’m in the mood to be freed today though. Why don’t you let me go and show me what you can do with that metal arm?” 
God, did she want to take the brunt of that shiny arm. She wants to be strangled, slapped, groped by that appendage. He’s intimidating, she’ll give him that. Unlucky for him, the fear his presence brings turns her on. She’s curious as to what lays underneath that mask. Is he horribly burned? Scarred? 
He works the shackles off her wrist. He needs to drag her out of here and fast. She’s working on his last nerve and he’s not sure he’ll be able to keep her alive for his commanders.
He wraps a firm hand around her arm and hauls her up to her feet. “Knew you couldn’t say no to that,” she grins.
“It’s my order to retrieve you so they can beat information out of you...and I can’t wait to watch every minute of it.” He says while dragging her roughly through the corridor.
She knows his weakness. Her. She knows just which buttons to push to get him sidetracked and ultimately escape him. Hand to hand combat is always out of the question. She can hold her own, but not for a very long time with him. He’s skilled and nothing but brute force. But, she’s more cunning and unashamed than he. It’s almost too easy with him.
“Is that what they do to you? Beat you if you don’t comply? What happens every time I escape you? They must really hurt you for being such a fuck up.”
She knows it was a low blow, but she’s willing to say anything to get his full attention. And full attention she gets because suddenly, he slams her, hard, up against the rock wall. 
The air leaves her lungs and she can’t suck in more, his metal arm is enclosed around her throat, dangerously close to crushing her windpipe. He leans into her body menacingly. Even through her choking, she can comprehend his bulge brushing against her hip as her toes barely touch the ground.
She shouldn’t be turned on, she shouldn’t. But, she can’t deny she’s always wanted him to take her, mark her, fuck her then leave her to capture her another day. She craves the chase, the cat and mouse dynamic they seem to hold. It’s what drives her to make him hate her. She loves the terror, the fact that he could end her life in an instant makes her pussy drip with a sick need.
“Listen, you dumb bitch. You know nothing. You better keep that mouth shut before I kill you myself.”
Just the reaction she needed from him. “Make me, soldier.” She chokes out while grasping the cool metal.
She brings a knee to his stomach, making his grip loosen slightly before she swings a blow to his face. He drops her, but she doesn’t even make it a foot away before he drags her down against the floor. He places all his weight on top of her, pinning her arms above her head while he takes in her form beneath him.
“You really shouldn’t have done that.”
She gets a hand loose from his grasp and brings it to his mask, ripping it off his face. Big mistake. He’s gorgeous. Even with the pure rage etched along his features.
This woman doesn’t have a single ounce of self perseverance. She keeps digging herself deeper into her own grave. He wants nothing more than to end her. It’ll save everyone some time. Even if he’d be punished later, it’d be worth it to finally shut her up.
But, she’s ruts against him. And suddenly, he feels something he hasn’t felt in a long time. He feels pleasure. She’s sick for wanting him. He’s dumb for wanting her. But the way she keeps dragging her cunt over his thigh, the urge to kill her subsides for now and pure need overtakes him.
“You’re fucking insane you know that?” He tells her while she gets herself off on his leg. All she does is laugh dryly.
“Aren’t we all?”
He sees that glint in her eye, the sly smirk. He forcefully shoves his mouth against hers. She drinks him in eagerly. It’s all teeth and tongue and anger. He starts tearing at her suit, mouth never leaving hers as he rips off everything until she’s left panting in her bra and panties.
He bites her lip harshly causing her to let out a moan against the pain that shoots straight to her core. He brings his hand to her cheeks and squeezes them, parting her bruised lips before spitting into her mouth.
She rubs herself against him again, faster with her tongue hanging out. His dirty slut wants more. He spits onto her tongue once again and watches as it slowly runs down her slick muscle before she swallows. It makes his dick jump, how foul she is sends him into a frenzy.
“Always knew you were a filthy girl,” he groans.
“What gave it away?”
His hand cracks down against her face. The force sends her head whipping to the side. She can taste blood along her tongue from the hit. He grips her hair and pulls her forward so she can look into his eyes.
“You don’t get to talk to me that way. You’re gonna do nothing but lay here and take my fucking cock.”
His words mixed with that menacing snarl makes her completely compliant. She’s getting wetter by the second, the thought of him fucking her hard and fast has her mind completely fogged.
He flips her body over and has her on all fours. In a trance, he watches as she spreads her legs wide, presenting herself to him. He sees the way her ass moves with each sway of her hips. He craves to feel that soft skin under his rough palms. He reaches out and grabs two handfuls of the bouncy flesh. 
He moves it around and spreads her open, watching as her wet cunt sucks the fabric of her panties in before landing a smack against her cheek. She sucks in a breath at the impact. The sting spreads down to her thigh, she wants more.
She pushes herself up against his front and he slots his thigh between her legs from behind. To his utter amusement, she starts to grind against his leg again. Pleasure sparks inside her as she creates a sweet friction on his rough pants.
He lands hit after hit on her backside. She can already feel bruises forming from his onslaught. And her poor clit, she’s rubbing herself raw as she chases more of those little jolts.
“Look how desperate you are...you only ever think with that pussy.” He grits as he connects his palm to her ass. He relishes in the sound of her squeals, the sight of her cheeks colored an angry red as the skin ripples with each hit.
She feels a tug on her panties before she hears the rip. Cool air brushes against her swollen pussy and inflamed ass. It’s only a slight reprieve. She feels his cock rub through her folds, the tip pressing against her clit each time. 
He watches as he passes through her puffy lips, coating himself in her arousal before teasing her entrance. He repeats his motions until she visibly shakes from his constant torture. He wants to hear her beg for it.
“Who’s my stupid slut,” he grins.
“I’m your stupid slut.” Her voice starts to crack, she needs to be filled before she loses her mind.
“And what does my stupid slut need,” he continues.
“She needs your cock! Please, just fuck me.”
Without a second thought, he slams his hips against hers. Both let out ragged moans at the sudden sensations. He can’t remember the last time he was balls deep inside someone so tight. And she’s never taken anyone as thick or long as him. She can feel him so deeply that she believes he may bruise her internally.
He sets a rough pace, only chasing his pleasure. He’s not too worried about the girl underneath him, he knows she can take it. And he knows she’s enjoying it as her walls throb around his shaft after each intrusion, he can’t help the grunts and growls that he emits. 
Above her, he sounds like an animal. Which, isn’t that what he is? A caged beast? She’s never felt so full and so utterly fucked as she does now. He’s taking her apart dangerously fast. His balls kiss her bundle of nerves with each thrust. The concrete is digging into her hands, her chest, her knees. She can feel a new piece of skin tear open each time he sends her jolting forward.
The grip he has on her hips is vice-like. He’s using her like a doll, fucking himself with her body, keeping the pace fast and unforgiving as he feels a knot wind up in the base of his stomach.
Her moans continue to grow, her noises are getting on his nerves. He takes his metal hand and wraps it into her hair, pulling her up so her back is flushed with his front. He takes his flesh fingers and shoves them past that tantalizing pout, putting enough pressure on her tongue to muffle her cries.
“I need you to shut the fuck up for once.” He snarls while furiously fucking up into her. He can’t wait to watch his seed drip from her when he fills her up. He’ll make sure she takes every last drop in her pretty pussy.
All his miserable life he’s wanted to lay his claim to something. Own something rather than being owned. He finally has that something since you came along and he’s not letting you go any time soon.
She can hardly breathe with his fingers shoved down her throat. He makes her gag with them ever so often and it causes her to clench around him as she heaves. She loves how feral, how nasty he is. He’s everything she dreamed of and more.
He finds that certain spot deep inside her that makes her knees buckle. Once he hits it, he doesn't let off it. Tears stream down her face as her body quakes. Heat bursts along her back, between her legs and when she feels that cool metal spank her clit, she cums with a whine. The pain sending her over the edge.
He feels her constrict around him as she reaches her climax. He continues to over work her as he keeps smacking and rubbing her pussy. The pulses she makes with each hit has his eyes rolling into his head before his balls tighten and he cums inside her.
She’s limp in his arms as he pulls out of her. His load starts to run down her thighs. He removes his fingers from her mouth and catches the white trail before shoving it back inside her. He brings his slick covered fingers to her mouth once more and instantly, she sucks and licks until he’s clean.
“They should keep you around. I need to cum in a tight cunt once in a while.” He says while tucking himself back into his combat pants.
He doesn’t notice her standing up, he doesn’t register her swift kick to his temple until it’s too late and darkness envelops his vision. He lands on his side with a soft thud. He looks so gentle while he’s asleep. But, she knows he’s far from it. She learned that in the best way possible.
Men. So easy to use, so easy to escape from when you have a pussy. Even the master class assassins can’t resist the temptation of sinking their dicks into a tight hole. She gathers her torn clothing and makes her way down the tunnel with a limp, sparing the soldier one last glance.
She smiles, eager for when he finds her again.
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caramelpenguin · 3 years
Melizabeth Week, Day 4: Broken/Salvation
I'm around half-an-hour late, sorry!
This is a drabble a wrote ages ago when I wasn't in a great mood (and needed to vent), so I'm not exactly sure what it is😭 I've kindaa edited it since then and changed bits and bobs, but it's not the best...
It's still something, though! :)
She dies
he lives
And, he's glad he is suffering.
(because she shouldn't suffer for his sake)
So he lives, roaming across Britannia
(meeting her each time)
There's laughter and joy and love, especially in the form of a silver-haired girl with that same soft smile and the same compassion and the same empathy etched into her heart.
(she's different each time, yet so so so similar that his heart cracks upon each meeting)
he wonders why-why he's still on this cursed planet
(the planet is not cursed. It is just them. Them against the world)
Every time, he tries to ensure she lives as long as she possibly can. But she can't.
(stupid, stupid curse)
the goddess side surges, she remembers. Those loving, cerulean orbs burn as thousands of years of memories flood her mind, and they both cry for the sake of love. Because, really, should love be this heart-wrenching?
(their love, yes. Always yes. They'd defy the world for the other.)
Three days. Seventy-two hours. It rushes by in what seems like twenty minutes. They exchange promises, broken kisses and repeat three tender words over a million times, though they both know those three tender words can barely begin to describe what is between them, what entwines their souls.
Then she's gone. Her spirit continues.
(It's just him. Again)
(He wishes, painfully, that they could die together, peacefully, happily, in each other's arms.)
He roams across Britannia, wondering what his purpose is.
(His purpose is her. He needs to remind himself.)
(And to find a way to break the stupid, stupid curse)
He meets her again, and the world is blissful and happy and, oh, how he wishes life was this simple.
(Not for them. Never for them).
She is all he desires. If the world were kind, they'd be living together with children and a comfortable home. But the world is dark and cruel, and they are subjects to this vicious torment. He won't forget how he betrayed his clan in the first place, how their first meeting as children of two gods resulted in living like this.
(after all, the world loves to torture them)
How falling in love triggered his life, yet it triggered this curse, and he wonders if it was all written in the stars as if destiny was aware of their tragic fate.
He's Meliodas, and she's Elizabeth.
This. This is their story.
But it's not a story. Stories require a happy ending, one where people smile and laugh because their suffering has all been worth it, and these two have not found theirs.
They are in love. Love so deep that majestic flames devour their hearts and scorch them whole.
And they are cursed.
(They are cursed because they are in love)
His life continues endlessly, and Elizabeth won't stop dying,
but there's hope each time. His heart bursts each time.
Elizabeth is his hope.
(their promise is his motivation)
He will never not remember. He will never not be haunted by memories. He will never not get used to this pain.
He's changed. He's learnt.
Life is hard.
So very, very hard. Harder than ever before.
But he's somehow alive
(for her. Only for her.)
so he will live.
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