#they are the obi wan stans of the disney community
I love Naveen as both a character and a fictional crush, respectively, but I find his fandom to be quite... insufferable.
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padawanlost · 4 years
Can I confess something? I know that positivity is “better” than negativity, and people are allowed to have their opinions, but there is something about Pro-Jedi “they did nothing wrong, absolutely no flaws, but were ONLY destroyed by Palpatine” arguments that makes me kind of uncomfortable. Nevermind that half of it is sourced by Disney revisionist canon, it’s just… there is something in the “the intent was good, but this is harmful” “NO ITS 100% GOOD ACTUALLY” that makes my skin crawl. Sorry
I feel you, anon. I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately. It worries me how defensive some people are getting. I mean, I love my favorite fictional characters too. I think that’s absolutely normal, and loving a fictional character whether they are the heroes or the villains doesn’t say anything about who we are as people. Admitting we love Anakin or Darth Vader doesn’t immediately make us favorable to torture, war, fascism, murder and corruption. 
However, the arguments we use to explain a characters behavior do say something about who we are. And some arguments being used by the star wars fandom are downright scary. You know, there’s a difference between saying ‘I don’t like Padmé because she’s not the type of character I’m usually interested in’ and saying ‘Padmé is useless weak bitch because she died’. One is about you expressing your taste and the other is you showing the world your sexism.
It’s the same with Anakin, Vader and every one fictional character in existence, regardless of fandom. there’s nothing wrong with loving Anakin, but when you start advocating that genocide is a valid option, if you think women belong to men, that torture works and authoritarianism makes the world better, I’m not gonna lie, warning bells do go off in my head.
It’s the same with the Jedi. there’s nothing wrong with loving and supporting them because they were designed to liked by the audience. but once you start advocating that child slavery is not that bad, that war crimes are justified, that indoctrinating children is healthy, that mind controlling people against their will is a kindness, dismemberment is compassion, that child soldiers are a valid option and that the enslavement of poc characters is a necessity…MAYBE the issue here is no longer about fictional characters.
It’s ironic because if an Anakin fan says Anakin was right in slaughtering the tusken raiders, most people – anakin fans included – will be outraged by notion that genocide and mass murder should ever be considered the right solution to any problem. we love Anakin but we also know he made mistakes and what those mistakes were. it’s not about defending him, it’s about acknowledging certain things are simply wrong even if they are done by fictional characters we love.
Weirdly enough, when it comes to the Jedi nothing seems to be wrong enough to some people. everything is justifiable: war crimes, child endangerment, slavery, etc. Nothing seems to be bad enough that they can’t find a way to justify it. And that scares me. because it has become so obvious these issues only matter when the jedi are harmed by them.
The most current example of this is the The Clone Wars series finale. The episode was heavily focused on the massive loss of clones lives that happened during Order 66 and yet some fans were outraged that their white favorites weren’t the main focus of the episode because THEY SUFFERED SO MUCH MORE. It’s the same with fans rapidly turning on Ahsoka, the Martez sisters and even Filoni for so much as hinting they didn’t agree with the Order’s decisions.
You know, it’s not about them defending the Jedi is about how and why they defend them. Saying I don’t care what the jedi did because I love them is fine. Saying I love the Jedi because they never did anything wrong and then writing a long ass essay on why the lives of POC characters don’t matter is not. It sickens me to see people spend a lot of time writing fucking books desperately trying to justify why not helping Kitster, Ahsoka, Barriss or the younglings hunted for sport was the right call at the same they romanticize Obi-wan’s short enslavement as the one of the most tragic things that has ever happening the entire franchise.
Imo, that’s pretty telling. I don’t know if they are racist or just really, really insecure about their own taste but it does makes me wonder about who they are as people. it sounds harsh even to me to say this but the truth is this does goes beyond fiction. this shit has affected people in real life. I mean, every once in a while I see a jedi ‘stan’ telling someone Karen Traviss hated the Jedi and that she was the personification of everything that’s evil about people who criticize the Jedi Order. Look, I don’t know anything about who she is a person but I do know the same Jedi stans spent years sending her death and RAPE threats for being critical of the FICTIONAL CHARACTERS even after she wrote a long letter explaining she didn’t actually hate the Jedi. I don’t know where everyone moral compass is pointing at but *I* was raised to believe that wishing a woman dead and/or raped is NEVER the best answer.
But somehow people who say ‘I love the jedi even if they weren’t perfect’ are being portrayed as the villainous, irrational fans who are ruining everything and attacking everyone. I sleep well at night knowing i never tried to pass actual crimes that harm actual people as good, righteous things just to make fictional characters look better.
It’s not about hating the Jedi the same way that acknowledging Anakin’s crimes is not about hating on Anakin. It’s about recognizing that something that is legally and morally wrong in real life is also wrong in fiction, specially when the fiction world was build as a political parallel of our own. We are not saying war crimes and slavery is wrong because we hate the say, we are saying war crimes and slavery are wrong because THEY ARE WRONG. If our love and support for fictional characters can so easily blind us to real life morality then maybe we should do some soul searching before going to such lengths to justify something considered a heinous crime in both fictional and real world
A few days ago I was trying to get a coworker to start watching Breaking Bad. We were talking about Walter White and why he was such iconic character. he’s clearly not a great guy but that doesn’t mean we don’t love the character. I think that’s the difference some fans have a hard time grasping: the difference between a good character and a good person. I have seen many fans saying WW’s actions were cool, badass, ‘manly’ or whatever but I’ve never seen anyone trying to pass drug trafficking and murder as morally superior choices.
That’s what I’m trying to say. We can love (or hate) fictional characters for whatever reason we want. but how we go about justifying their actions and how we react to those who disagree with our views do say a lot about who we are. I mean, there’s a big difference between saying ‘it was so cool to watch Darth Vader is laughter all those red shirts in Rogue One’ and saying ‘and war crimes are a necessary part of life, Darth Vader was morally justified in slaughter them all and those who disagree with me are haters’.
Taste doesn’t really said anything about who we are but behavior does. Loving or hating a fictional characters doesn’t make us better or worse than anyone. But what we have to say about fictional and how we behave around other fans do say a lot about who we are.
Fandom is a community and like any community nothing and no one is perfect. Pretending ‘everything is awesome’ is choice, of couse, but one i’m not very fond of.
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dswcp · 4 years
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It’s Villain Appreciation Week! Every villain this week gets 4 panels to show off their tragic arc, dark goofs, and/or raging aesthetic! Today, bow down to...
The original Lady Sith, Ventress was first designed for Attack of the Clones by Dermot Power. Said Iain McCaig, prequels art guy and king among men:
“I felt this was a great opportunity to introduce a strong woman character, to give girl fans an icon...”
“The first drawing I did for Episode II was a female Sith. I remember George coming up and looking at it and asking what it was. ‘It’s your Sith, George,’ I said. ‘It’s got to be a woman!’”
But Movie Ventress was not to be, and we got Christopher Lee instead, whomst we stan. The character design was brought back from the brink of death by, as far as I know, Genndy Tartakovsky’s worthy Clone Wars cartoons (which are my favorite Star Wars thing besides Hayden Christensen’s forehead).
From this righteous beginning came a character with the most confusing and poorly communicated backstory in possibly the entire franchise. From her on-again-off-again relationship with causing Anakin’s sexy eye-scar, to the squicky misandry of her homeplanet Dathomir, she has never ceased to be a badass bitch who never quite fits in the story. She was a Jedi -- for a bit, long ago, far away -- and she brings out the naughty side of Obi-Wan -- and they of course, could never be!
When cuts must be made, the guys in charge have made it pretty clear that the story of Ventress -- like that of Padme -- is not their priority. You’ve got to bounce across several media to get the whole thing, and still you must fill in a lot of it yourself. She falls to her death at the end of her part in Genndy Tartakovsky’s cartoon, but she’s back on her feet at the beginning of Dave Filoni’s. The novel Dark Disciple (reading?! with no pictures?!) kills her again, and it’s kind of the biggest bummer of them all. In an appropriately confusing and touching tribute, the mysterious, witch-like Mika Grey was written into another cartoon series, Resistance, as a “what could have been” stand-in for an elderly Ventress. Gimme gimme.
Over the decades in comics, she’s been tossed around by a lot of writers and artists at cross purposes. In general, she is a bad bitch in Dark Horse, and a babelicious queen in Marvel (which is a roughly accurate microcosm of the two Star Wars comics publishers’ styles). Today, Ventress bears the noble goal of serving the most cheesecake you can get from Disney.
The story of the Lady Sith foretold, I think, the story of Rey, the Lady Jedi. We love her -- we adore her -- we don’t know quite what to do with her. It didn’t have to be such a mess, but it’s got to be a woman!
Iain McCaig quotes from “The Art of Attack of the Clones.” 2002.
“Republic 53: Blast Radius.” Dark Horse. April 30, 2003. Writer: Haden Blackman. Penciller: Brian Ching. Inker: Joe Weems. Colorist: Joe Wayne. (2 Joes!)
“The Clone Wars 9: In Service of the Republic,” Part 3. Dark Horse. September 16, 2009. Writers: Henry Gilroy and Steven Melching. Penciller: Scott Hepburn. Inker: Dan Parsons. Letterer: Michael Heisler. Colorist: Michael E. Wiggam. (2 Mikes!)
“Age of Republic Special 1: Sisters.” Marvel. January 16, 2019. Writer: Jody Houser. (A QUEEN!) Penciller: Carlos Gómez. Colorist: Dono Sanchez-Almara.
“Return to Vader’s Castle,” Issue 3. Marvel. October 16, 2019. Writer: Cavan Scott. Penciller, Inker, and Colorist: Nick Brokenshire.
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goddamnmuses-a · 4 years
Dan Watches: Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith
Alright so I did this for Episode I which you can find here and then Episode II which you can find here. So here’s my weird live reaction/note taking/whatever this is.. to Episode llI.
War! Huh Yeah! What is it good for?
There are heroes on both sides? We’ll see about that.. 
General Greivous first mention.. provided you’ve not seen the clone wars cartoon. 
So much shit goes down in these opening crawls, like Palpatine being kidnapped. 
Jedi fighters are coooooooool
Vulture droids are kinda cool too
Getting the I have a bad feeling about this out of the way early is wise because i feel like if you’re super aware of it, it might take you out of the moment. It’s used well here though. 
This gives me old StarWars Battlefront vibes. 
Ohhh nooooo My boy Savage is dead now... nooooooo.
Why does that guy sound like a surfer dude?
Oh look it’s the Captain America elevator scene but with Jedi. 
R2 is a weapon of mass destruction. 
Anakin seems mature already
Was that flip really needed Dooku?
Do it. 
Palpatine manipulating Ani is goooooood. 
He straight up tries to let Obiwan die and Ani’s not suspiscious? 
Palpatine is like “I swear to god if i die in this crash.. my plans.. all my plans.. fucked.”
“Another Happy Landind” Obiwan has Bob Ross vibes. 
Yeaaaah Organa 
Padme: Yaaay im a mom. Anakin: Well fuck... I mean yay.
“The happiest moment of my life” actually pretty sad knowing whats to come. 
Cal’s just a baby on a starfighter right now doing some training on The Albedo Brave.. poor baby.
Awwwh hun you aint having them babies.. not alive anyway. 
Love has blinded him, he’s a dark sider now. 
That dream could just be a normal child birth.. those things are intense. 
You know what, if they went to Obi-Wan he’d be like “FFs Anakin” but then he’d help because Obi is the best boy. 
Yoda as cool as he is.. could do a bit more. 
Obiwan knows Palpatines no good. 
This is just me stanning Obi now. 
I wonder if Ewan McGregor has seen the Clone Wars cartoon. 
Anakin you gotta earn your place, don’t be Episode 2 whiney bitch Ani again.
I wonder if we ever get any High Republic stuff will it go into Yoda and the Wookies. 
 Even the council are like.. Hmm.. Palpatines shady. 
“The chancellor is not a bad man” errrr... 
Yoda knows somethings up
Even Padme is like “Palpatine’s a bit of a cunt.”
Palpatines a good story teller tbf, even if he’s telling the story of killing his own master
Anakin apologising and like.. that look of Proud dad on Obi’s face.. awh hun. 
Eveyrones getting into Positions for Order 66... Wounds still fresh for me since playing Fallen Order. 
Scary alien man not so scary.. he’s alright. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover kids. 
Yaaay cool mounts. 
“Hello There.” We stan. 
The fact Obiwan doesnt managed to take a second lightsaber and use it in this fight is a missed opportunity for some duel weild coolness. 
Greivous skittering away is creepy af. 
I like both these mounts. 
“The dark side surrounds the chancellor” you know theres a sith lord somewhere... maybe like.. go get him? 
This is it, this is Ani’s decision time, they’re circling like tigers gonna fight
Ani realises he’s the Sith and still is like “Hmm.. but maybe he’s right tho”
Rip Grievous. 
Mace Windu should really tell a bunch of other people about Palpatine being a Sith like Ani just said. 
Oh he did, nevermind. 
...That long distance stare off is strange though. 
WTF is that noise when Palpatine does his spin.. gonna have fucking nightmares about that noise. 
Mace could have killed Palpatine and saved us all a lot of hassle if he was just faster. 
Those no’s are grim. 
Palpatines acting is pretty good..pathetic but good. 
You know what.. I’m with Samuel L Jackson, Mace Windu could have survived that. 
Where’d he pull the name Darth Vader out of? Is there a naming convention for Sith or is he just like... Vader is a cool sounding thing. 
You know what.. Anakin falls to servitude sooo fast. He’s such a bottom.
How come the clones don’t attack Anakin, how’d they know hes alright? 
This movie really just.. makes it seem like the Clones just betray the Jedi when we all know it’s the chip. 
Long head guy whos name i never remember NOOOOOOOO
Aayla Sekura.. i remember your name because damn ;) .. Noooooooo!
You know what would be good..  if Anakin just got beat the shit out of by the younglings and thats how he died. 
Damn that young padawans a bad ass.
and he’s dead :(
Awwh Tarfful and Chewie.
Hey fuck you Anakin you whore. 
Going back to the temple is a gooood scene. 
Anakin you dick... i mean kill these assholes but the poor babies :c
Sith eyes kick in real quick. 
I suppose killing all those kids that he rly didnt need to because they could have just become Inquisitors did help/hinder? 
So this is how liberty dies.. good line Padme, nice.
Love Obi warning other Jedi to gtfo, We stan. 
Some dodgy acting in this scene but i’ll overlook it
Obiwan just taking a shit on the way to kill his boy.
Darth Maul has a more intimidating hologram.. good thing you’re gonna get cooked and become more intimidating. 
In a way Darth Vader did kill Anakin so Obiwan isn’t exactly lying to Luke about it.
Anakin never loved Padme. Controversial Opinion but i think he just had a childhood crush on her and never got over it. He wouldn’t have force choked her so quickly otherwise. He gets jealous like instantly, basically if you’re looking for an example of a toxic relationship.. here we go. 
Nice touch with the light being behind Obi and darkness behind Vader. 
Noooo Yoda. 
Euurghhh nails on chalkboard sound. 
“There’s no sign of his body” “Then he’s not dead” I’m sorry I thought Jedi faded to nothingness? 
This fights pretty epic tho
“From my point of view the jedi are evil” alright.. ya lil bitch
I think the I have the high ground thing is just an attempt to get Anakin to stop, a last desperate attempt. 
“You underestimate my-” Cut in half. 
Obi fucks up by not finishing him off tbf. 
Luke’s first apperace chronologically!
aand Leia. .. So Luke’s older... idk why i felt the need to state that but heyo
Yo is Vader’s vision always red?
“There’s good in him, i know” dies. .. Thats not something that someone whos lost the will to live would say. 
Oooooh in the Disney+ Obi show will we get him learning to communicate with Qui Gon.. pls. 
C3P0′s mind gets wiped..  a bunch.. but not R2. 
The funeral scene is nice. 
Damn they started work on the first death star like right away. 
TBF they also started work on Starkiller base pretty quick too so.. naa fair this checks out. 
Alderaan is gorgeous. 
Yo, Luke’s aunt is hot. 
You know what, Owen and Beru don’t get enough credit. 
Well that’s that.. I think I like this the most out of the prequels followed by Ep 1 then Ep 2.
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kartiavelino · 5 years
The Mandalorian Trailer, Obi Wan Kenobi, and All the pieces We Now Know About Disney+
You might need to sit down, followers of Disney, or Marvel, or Star Wars, or something actually.  Disney’s D23 Expo simply gave us an entire bunch of recent information in regards to the streaming service that will probably be launching on November 12, and it was a lot that actually we’re a bit of overwhelmed. Together with all the Disney, Pixar, Star Wars, and Marvel content material we have already got, Disney+ will characteristic a big slate of unique programming, together with films and so, so many sequence.  Some, we had already heard about. A number of had been a shock. However on the very least, we all know extra now about what’s approaching Disney+ than we ever have earlier than. We have additionally received trailers, posters, stills, forged lists, and extra, all of which yow will discover under! First, one of the extremely anticipated trailers was for Jon Favreau’s The Mandalorian, the primary of a number of Star Wars sequence within the works, premiering November 12.  Bounty looking is an advanced occupation. @TheMandalorian, an unique Star Wars sequence, begins streaming November 12, solely on #DisneyPlus. pic.twitter.com/CTpflCJSJe — Disney+ (@disneyplus) August 24, 2019 We additionally received a brand new trailer for brand spanking new reside motion Girl and the Tramp, premiering November 12.  Each day could possibly be an journey. Watch the brand new trailer for Girl and the Tramp, a reimagining of a timeless traditional. Begin streaming November 12, solely on #DisneyPlus. pic.twitter.com/q4TYmqAFMd — Disney+ (@disneyplus) August 23, 2019 And a trailer for Noelle, a Christmas film starring Anna Kendrick as Santa’s sister and Bill Hader as the brand new Santa, additionally premiering November 12.  It isn’t Christmas with out Santa’s sister. Watch the brand new trailer for Noelle, streaming November 12 solely on #DisneyPlus. pic.twitter.com/TsxYaU1OyC — Disney+ (@disneyplus) August 24, 2019 Information on all the new titles could be discovered under! Disney Disney+, Defined All of the content material from Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars and Nationwide Geographic? It is on Disney+. The streaming platform launches November 12, 2019 with a $6.99/month price ticket. Disney+ Excessive College Musical: The Musical: The Collection With the launch of Disney+ comes Excessive College Musical: The Musical: The Collection, a very meta comedy about fictional teenagers on the non-fictional East Excessive (the place Excessive College Musical was filmed) placing on Excessive College Musical: The Musical.  Disney Channel Lizzie McGuire Hilary Duff will return as Lizzie McGuire in a sequel sequence, by which an older Lizzie continues to be navigating life with that animated Lizzie on her shoulder. She’s now the apprentice to a decorator in New York, courting a man who owns a restaurant, and he or she’s about to have fun her 30th birthday. Unique present creator Terri Minsky will government produce and function showrunner.  Article continues under Jonathan Olley/Lucasfilm Stars Wars Not solely will all Star Wars content material be discovered on Disney+, however the website will probably be house to unique sequence, together with a brand new season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars (beginning in February) and a Rogue One prequel starring Diego Luna and Alan Tudyk which will probably be out there afterward. However first… Disney+ The Mandolorian As quickly as Disney+ launches, you’ll watch The Mandalorian, a sequence by Jon Favreau that takes place a number of years after Return of the Jedi that follows a lone Mandalorian gunfighter within the outer reaches of the galaxy, removed from the authority of the New Republic.  The present will star Pedro Pascal, Gina Carano, Carl Weathers, Giancarlo Esposito, and Taika Waititi, with some type of look by Ming-Na Wen.  Lucasfilm Ltd Obi-Wan Kenobi Returns Ewan McGregor confirmed that he’ll reprise his prequel trilogy position as Obi-Wan Kenobi in a brand new untitled sequence in regards to the character. Scripts are completed, and filming will start in 2020.  Article continues under Jesse Grant/Getty Pictures for Disney) Marvel A complete slate of Marvel sequence are coming to Disney+, together with a Loki sequence starring Tom Hiddleston, a present referred to as The Falcoln and the Winter Soldier starring Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan, and an animated sequence referred to as Marvel’s What If… which can discover ideas like what if Peggy Carter had gotten the supersoldier serum as an alternative of Steve Rogers, and Hayley Atwell will return to lend her voice to the ensuing Captain Britain.  Marvel Studios Wandavision Elizabeth Olsen may even play Wanda/Scarlet Witch in Wandavision, a “half traditional sitcom, half MCU spectacular” present which may even star Paul Bettany, Kat Dennings, Randall Park, Kathryn Hahn and extra!  Marvel Ms. Marvel Ms. Marvel, also referred to as Kamala Khan and the primary Muslim superhero, will get her personal sequence on Disney+. She-Hulk and Moon Knight will observe.  Article continues under Disney+ Girl and the Tramp A live-action film is coming, and can premiere November 12. “Within the timeless retelling of the 1955 animated traditional, a pampered home canine and a troublesome however lovable stray embark on an sudden journey and, regardless of their variations, develop nearer and are available to grasp the worth of house.”  Jimmy Kimmel Dwell! The Muppets The Muppets are coming to Disney+ with Muppets Now, a brief type unscripted sequence that includes the Muppets alongside movie star visitor stars.  Disney+ Noelle Anna Kendrick performs the sister of Invoice Hader, who simply inherited the position of Santa Claus from their dad, however when he goes lacking, it is as much as her to search out him. Billy Eichner additionally stars. The film will premiere November 12.  Article continues under Kevin Estrada/The CW Diary of a Feminine President Gina Rodriguez will government produce and visitor star in Diary of a Feminine President, which stars Tess Romero as a 12 year-old Cuban-American lady going by the trials of center faculty, which set her on the trail to finally turn out to be president of the USA. The present will debut in January.  Gregory Tempo/REX/Shutterstock Stargirl Grace VanderWaal (of America’s Bought Expertise fame) stars with Graham Verchere, Giancarlo Esposito, Darby Stanchfield, Karan Brar, and Maximiliano Hernandez in a coming-of-age movie primarily based on the novel of the identical identify, by Jerry Spinelli. Stargirl will premiere early 2020.  Invision/AP/REX/Shutterstock Actuality Kristen Bell‘s musical sequence Encore! may have a brand new season out there at launch, as will Marvel’s Hero Venture, a brand new sequence about real-world change younger persons are making of their communities. Angela Kinsey will host Be Our Chef, a cooking competitors that includes households competing to create the subsequent Disney Parks dish. Article continues under DISNEY CHANNEL The DCOMs Disney+ may have 5,000 episodes of Disney Channel exhibits, in addition to 100 Disney Channel Unique Films out there at launch. Fox Outdated Favorites All 30 seasons of The Simpsons will assist Disney+ launch on November 12. The Sound of Music, The Princess Bride and Malcolm within the Center may even land on the brand new service. 20th Century Fox Massive Display Diversifications Along with a Love, Simon sequence within the works, the long-rumored The Sandlot TV sequence can also be within the works. Article continues under Disney+ Jeff Goldblum’s World The World In line with Jeff Goldblum is a documentary sequence the place the actor pulls again the curtain on a well-recognized object to disclose a world of connections, science, and large concepts. Nationwide Geographic may even deal with Magic of Animal Kingdom, a docu-series in regards to the animal-care specialists at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. Disney New Cartoons Toy Story 4 tie-ins, Forky Asks a Query and Lamp Life, are coming. Lamp Life will reply the questions on the place Bo was between Toy Story 2 and Toy Story 4. The Monsters Inc. sequence, Monsters at Work with Billy Crystal and John Goodman, will probably be out there throughout the first 12 months. Disney+ will launch on Tuesday, November 12 and can value $6.99 per thirty days.  https://www.eonline.com/information/1067589/the-mandalorian-trailer-obi-wan-kenobi-and-everything-we-now-know-about-disney?cmpid=rss-000000-rssfeed-365-topstories&utm_source=eonline&utm_medium=rssfeeds&utm_campaign=rss_topstories The post The Mandalorian Trailer, Obi Wan Kenobi, and All the pieces We Now Know About Disney+ appeared first on Kartia Velino. https://kartiavelino.com/the-mandalorian-trailer-obi-wan-kenobi-and-everything-we-now-know-about-disney/
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