#they are all single celled organisms
b1ackpaws · 1 year
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yippe traffic light trio!
I am very normal about traffic light trio I absolutely do not have a album with over 120 photos of them-
not too proud of how the colors came out but I still like how it turned out :]
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thedogeverr · 1 year
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reading american psycho
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uncanny-tranny · 5 months
Please, if you have nothing else to do, please look at what is on the Golden Records, alongside the Soundcloud uploaded by NASA of the greetings recorded on the record. There is such a quiet vulnerability to knowing that these records have been created and are at the mercy of whomever finds them. I hope they love us as much as I love them.
I hope we can send more out - we deserve to be remembered, alongside this entire world. There is truly no place more special to me than this world💛
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floorpancakes · 10 months
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larabar · 11 months
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another goober
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lowercasecolour · 4 months
i have decided (in my insanity) to draw something yume nikki related for every day of february
here is day one and two (no effect and midget respectively)
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Ive been deciding what effects to draw on a wheel. next one up is flute!
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codecan · 2 months
All I think abt is watchdogs (/hj)
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quil. quil very important question. if vampire skin is like metal, do they even need bones? like. do they need the support that they provide, or does the harder skin make them structually sound? or would they just crinkle like a soda can without the bones?
An excellent question! I can't give a concrete answer (if a concrete answer has been given it's eluding me, but it may exist), but instead just my reasoning and understanding of the biology. When I was describing it as metal, that was purely a comparison about how you wouldn't be able to tattoo/pierce it--it's actually described as marble much much more in the books, but that still comes back to your question.
I think vampires may not need bones for structure, as their skin is hard (though still malleable), but bones have many purposes beyond holding your body up. Their muscles still need something to attach to, leverage against, and move in order to produce locomotion. If they had no bones, they'd have no movement. So they do need bones, but their bodies may not need them as crucially for structural integrity.
Those are my thoughts, at least. I'm not arbitrator of vampire biology, and the official illustrated guide doesn't discuss bones. But I hope that helps!
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princessnijireiki · 1 year
anyway our CNS & brains are pretty complex, like we've barely figured out getting people with partial spinal cord damage back driving their own bodies + when we do it's still a roll of the dice & the processes are not all well understood... encephalitis can caused locked-in-ness like with sleeping sicknesses, akinetic mutism, etc where the body itself is not physically incapable of movement & action, but nothing is out there that jumps in and takes over from a driver who's paralyzed or asleep at the wheel... that's not actually a thing, it's fun speculative fiction but not representative of reality— so really, no worries lol
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Jane Prentiss’s landlord underwent pyroptosis send post
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explodingsparks · 1 year
oh my god I can see like
all the Keith’s in the Keith gang™️ talking all like animal crossing villagers
just fucking
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mymarifae · 2 years
i love when someone says something exactly one time and i'm like "awesome i am incorporating that into my vocabulary forever"
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randombubblegum · 2 years
awsten's talking shit about his OWN EPs to boost his newer, crapper, music. never thought i'd want a time machine to go back to like 2014 warped tour but man........these are dark days
its so much extra pitiful because he HAS to know his new shit is soulless viral trend-riding trash. but i KNOW he remembers how he felt writing those eps…… the honesty and the unflinching feelings and the delicate, carefully considered wordplay about topics he really cared about. nobody on earth with one single fucking braincell thinks fuck about it has 1/100th of the heart, soul, and earnestness your old songs do LOLLLL
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comfortableskin · 1 year
Has someone already complained about the new store menu because I for sure have some things to say
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
What is your favorite algea? Mine is shotgun kelp, Agarum clathratum. It just rolls off the tongue, ya know?
I'm biased toward cyanobacteria (which under the botanical definition is still considered algae despite being bacteria)
Based purely on aesthics, aphanocapsa liIacia (if im remembering the name right). It's always my favorite when I do transfers bc its purple :-]
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But hopefully starting in the fall I'll be working fischerella species. So hopefully they become my favorites (again, aesthetically Fischerella is gorgeous)
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whitefangz · 1 year
i gotta avoid all of the lgbt discourse surrounding that TSA leaker identifying as a bi lesbian because otherwise you freaks are going to drag me back into self loathing LOL i wish people would shut the fuck up abt it
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