#these two dorks <3
ama-the-weeb · 1 year
HONGICE WEEK DAY 4!! we're about halfway there! todays prompts: friends (or enemies) to lovers / first kiss!! i did both bc it just made sense. fic under cut (@hongiceweek)
Emil and Leon have been best friends for years. As tradition, they have a sleepover at one of their houses after the last day of school and spend the first day of summer break together. They’ve done this many times now, so why, Emil asks, does this time feel different?
The school year is over now, so Emil’s getting his stuff together because this year, he’s going to Leon’s house. He can feel his heart pounding in his chest – why is he so nervous? Emil thinks about telling Leon he isn’t feeling well and wants to stay home – NO! No, Emil can’t do that! Missing it only makes him feel worse. No. He had to go. 
About an hour later, Emil arrives at Leon’s house. They immediately head straight for Leon’s room to play games together. Emil leaves his stuff on the floor for now.
“So… what game are you feeling?” Leon asks, that cute smile on his face.
“Minecraft, I guess,” Emil mumbles, feeling a blush creep up his cheeks–what the hell is wrong with him?!
“Great!” Leon turns on his console and loads up Minecraft, turning on a controller for Emil. 
For most of the night, they played video games. Emil kept messing up because he found himself staring at Leon. Why did his friend have to be so… captivating?
“Again, Emil?” Leon sighs, turning to Emil. It was then that Emil realized just how close they were to each other. 
“Sorry,” Emil mumbles, his cheeks flushed with pink. “I… can’t help but look at you. You’re so–”
“Handsome? Gorgeous? Fabulous?” Leon suggests.
“Captivating,” Emil finally says. “It’s driving me crazy. It’s making my heart race–”
“Emil, are you gay?” Leon asks out of nowhere, throwing Emil off of his train of thought.
“What? No?” Then, Emil found himself second-guessing himself. “Maybe? I dunno…”
Leon starts laughing. Not a mocking laugh, but a sweet, playful one. Emil feels his cheeks flare red.
“Emil, it’s okay,” Leon reassures him. “I’m not a ruler either.”
Leon must have noticed the confused look on Emil’s face because he then says, “I’m not straight.”
“Oh.” It’s the only sound that Emil could even allow himself to say without tripping over his words. Leon coming out to him like that certainly made him feel better, but he could also feel his heart pounding. Why is his heart pounding?
“In all these years I’ve been alive, I’ve never seen someone have a gay crisis so bad before,” Leon teases. 
“Shut up,” Emil mumbles, finding his words again. 
“You can just ask to kiss me,” Leon says bluntly. 
“Uh, I, um.” Emil starts stumbling over his words again. “I wouldn’t mind if–”
With that, Leon closes the distance between them and their lips meet. 
It’s the first time Emil has ever kissed someone, and he finds himself clueless. The kiss itself feels perfectly fine to him, despite his uncertainty. He hesitantly kisses back. After a few moments of their lips together, Leon pulls back and smiles at Emil.
“Thank you,” Emil mumbles. Leon chuckles a bit.
“After a kiss, I would say ‘I love you,’ but I don’t know if you’re okay with that,” Leon comments.
“I love you too,” Emil mumbles, his cheeks pink.
“But I didn’t–”
“Technically, you did.”
“Oh, well.” Leon giggles a bit and leans in for a second kiss. 
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tojisun · 6 months
i just know and i feel it in my little heart. bimbo reader collects sonny angels. maybe she’s even made them little outfits and says one is simon and one is her. i feel like she’s the type to sew a little pocket on his tactical clothes so a little part of her is always with him 😭
HONEY OH MY GOD HONEY THIS IS ADORABLE?? THANK U FOR THE VISION BECAUSE SHE ABSOLUTELY DOES!! got a full collection and a mounted shelf for the lil cherubs n all thattt 🥹🫶🏼 god what a cutie
just imagine how excited you were when you first started collecting them and simon’s a little confused but he gives you his card anyway when you tell him you want to order more.
“they all have the same face, sweets,” he says, bending over to get a clearer view of your display case to see the little things. some have full outfits, while some are almost bare except for their hats, but even then – even with their different skin tones and eye colours and costumes – simon can’t shake off the oddity of seeing a singular expression from an intensive collection. “i don’t get it.”
then, his eyes catch onto a unique set. these two don’t have a plastic-style outfits and are, instead, decked out in little sewn clothes. one’s a wearing a pink dress, sparkly and made of laces, while the other one’s in a basic tactical gear – dark jumper, dark pants, a grey vest that’s fashioned to look like a bulletproof vest – and… a balaclava?
huh. that almost looks like-
“it’s us!” you chirp and simon, well, his heart quivers.
“yeah?” he asks, unable to look away at the little things, feeling so choked up at the affection and love that’s slamming against his ribs.
you hum in reply before your hand, slim and bejewelled, juts out to pluck the two of the dolls from the stand. simon straightens up and turns to face you at your beckoning.
“made ‘em ‘cause i missed you,” you mutter, batting your lashes up at him in a shy manner. you snagged your bottom lip between your teeth, nibbling in anxiousness, and simon simply melts.
“oh, lovie,” he croons as he cups your jaw with his palm, his lungs constricting when you instantly nuzzle into his hold. “they’re perfect. y’r perfect.”
he murmurs his thanks when you give him the doll that’s fashioned to look like you, gentle in his touch and reverent as he slides it into the chest pocket of his jacket.
“there she is,” simon murmurs, unaware of how his actions are making you tremble with love. “safe and sound by my heart.”
he chokes in surprise when you throw yourself at him, climbing him with experienced grappling, before cupping his cheeks and pulling him in for a kiss.
well. simon’s not complaining, that’s for sure.
you bring simon-sonny around when you go out with your friends, plopping it beside your cocktail drink or beside your lil cup of ice cream, before asking your friend to snag a picture of you and the cherub to send to simon (who’s currently deployed).
to: simmy <3
us!!!! 💖🩷 <
and simon responds with a picture from his end, just a little selfie, almost blurry, the angle just enough to show simon looking up at the camera and the little sonny that’s perched inside his chest pocket – the one you diy-ed yourself.
from: simmy <3
> us :)
CRYING THIS IS TOO CUTE!!! RAHHHHH nonbc im so sorry i rambled again 😭 i just. i have sm lil figurines (not specifically sonny) and i just love thinking about a s/o who cares sm they indulge u :’>
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scrawlingskribbles · 6 months
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[ *peeks ever-so-cautiously out from the rock I've been living under & wordlessly chucks This out at your feet before scuttling back into the darkness once more* ]
...man isn't it just absolutely wild when a rogue art demon suddenly possesses your body out of the blue one day and decides to necromance the ancient bones of a couple of multiple-years-old askbox requests & synthesize them into a fully actualized Something™ that they never would have even come close to being all those years before? Yeah? You know what I mean? ...........................No? x'3c well,,, anyways—
(they're secret-dating at the time of this scene so that's why they're sneaking around in the woods like this, in case anyone was wondering lol)
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shinjisdone · 6 months
My taste in men
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nastylittleghouls · 2 months
Phantom: Sooo, what's your type? Swiss: *gives Phantom a once over* Dark-haired, pretty. A little bit of a jerk sometimes. Dumb. Phantom: That sounds like me. Too bad I'm not a girl Swiss: *sighs* Did I mention dumb? Phantom: *smiling sweetly* Yeah
Based on an idea submitted by @comitzsiren
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zencaia · 1 year
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Fav scene from book 3: Felix asking for a selfie was so cute <3 
...showing the selfie to Mason was cute too xD
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imorphemi · 8 months
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In the morning when I wake And the sun is coming through Oh, you fill my lungs with sweetness And you fill my head with you
These two are just. so incredibly cute, I can't help it adkfjlafds
Bonus silly sketch under the cut hehe-
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astralpyre · 9 months
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starting my bloodweave run and i feel so sick for them
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mitamicah · 4 months
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The valentines :3
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nart-is-a-monster · 6 months
Part 3, 4, 5, 6(?
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Hate them (can't stop drawing them)
Soooooo I have had this comic done for like-
A moth(?
Forget to post it bc I was trying digital and that make me sick enough to forget completely about the hole thing and mostly bc I don't have a tablet or a thing to use to have like pressure points or settings, the only thing I have is the phone and a old laptop that is about to implode itself of internal problems and stuff.
Anyways I will post the rest idk, maybe today(?
There's another 3 pages I need to give more details.
Go and hydrate yourself pls
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transgaledekarios · 9 months
Playing as a sorcerer tav is great as a gale romancer, because of the very different perspective and approach to magic your character would have as an innate spellcaster.
You’re not necessarily better at magic, and unless you multiclass as wizard (lol why?) it’s unlikely that you’d have a better understanding of the mechanics of magic. Sorcerers cast magic innately, yeah? You don’t have to understand how muscles move to be able to move your body, but you can still train. Same kinda deal. Sorcerers can practice and learn to mold their magic in different ways. Wizards study magic, and learn a spell inside and out to be able to cast it.
It’s a different perspective, and one I think is so juicy to explore.
My tav Cordelia thinks Gale is very impressive. He understands magic in a way she doesn’t. He can cast all kinds of spells that she can’t.And on the flip side of that, Gale is fascinated by her innate grasp of magic. Fascinated by what it must feel like to feel connected to the weave constantly, it’s in your veins, a very tangible and real presence always.
They bond instantly over their love of magic
Their dynamic is very much: yes, I’m good at what I do, but what you do is also very impressive, tell me more, please
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strigital · 5 months
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Chase your dreams, and remember me, sweet bravery
'Cause after all those wings will take you, up so high
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finzphoenix · 2 years
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Playful scriddler smoochies be upon ye! :D
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grapejuicegay · 1 year
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"Can you give me some time to adjust?" | "I'm done adjusting"
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sysig · 7 months
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Didn’t know you had it in you, did you (Patreon)
#Doodles#Adventure Time#Fionna and Cake#Simon Petrikov#Winter King#Winterkov#What? Me? Enjoying a self/ ship ft. two dorks wearing glasses? Haha couldn't be me that doesn't sound like me at all#Trading one Tom Kenny brainworms for another sheesh - Tom Kenny stop voicing queer scientists challenge (impossible)#I hadn't drawn Simon before but I have known he's a massive cute for a heck while now lol#And yeah confirmed - he's Really fun to draw especially this iteration#His crows feet and hair streak ugh <3#Plus I've just missed this style of eye more than I realized haha#And Winter just flows off my pencil like water like woah#I blame Spamton at least partially for that lol although he's easier to draw than Spamton :0#Spamton is very fun! Winter's just easier for some reason :0#Maybe 'cause he's so soft-faced haha ♥ And I don't use my colours on him lol#Honestly I only count this as self-slash on a technicality - yes they're both Simon bodily but that's not really Simon in Winter anymore huh#Maybe to some extent - he's still a scientist and all but honestly there's a comment I can't stop thinking about since I saw it#About how really that's The Crown using Simon as a host just without the madness - and his skills aid in keeping him lucid#So it's like a ghost puppeting your clone's still-living corpse more so than kissing yourself :) In my opinion lol#And I don't say that to get away from self-shipping! I love that stuff!! That's just genuinely how I read Winter now haha#Not that he wouldn't play into it lol#I've seen a ''I am like this so you are also like this :) Right Simon? :) You're like this'' and I enjoy that very much#Manipulative so and so <3
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egginfroggin · 22 days
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For Dojoshipping week day 5: Silly
Because I can't look at this reference image and not think that such a move has some silliness behind it.
This was. so much fun to draw. I might come back and work on it more later, but for now, I had a ton of fun with this, and I think I should draw characters dancing more often.
Also, the reference image I used gives me so much joy, just look at them. <3
Also also, as seems to happen whenever I draw characters being shippy, I listened to "Angel of Wishes" by Sanave a lot while drawing this.
But anyway, here they are! The dorks! I love them. :>
Have a good day!
(Program: Krita; time taken: about 1 hour 45 minutes)
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