#these three would be the ULTIMATE partners in crime
edenesth · 4 months
In Pursuit of Serendipity
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Pairing: best friend!Hyunjin x fem!reader
AU: high school au
Word Count: 14.8k
Summary: Your friendship is tested when Hyunjin starts crushing on his new classmate. What you didn't expect was that your own emotions would come into play. Denying your feelings, you decide to be the ultimate wingwoman, helping him while battling your own heartache in silence. Will the pursuit of love lead to happiness or heartbreak?
A/N: Lowkey inspired by the Mixtape: On Track music video, still one of my favourite MVs from SKZ.
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The busy hallways of your high school were alive with the energy of students rushing to their next classes.
Amidst the sea of students, you made your way through the crowded corridors with an excitement that bubbled within you. The reason for your enthusiasm swung in your hand—a gaming magazine had just revealed the release date of the highly anticipated video game you'd been eagerly awaiting.
Hyunjin and Felix, your partners in crime since kindergarten, were waiting for you.
As you neared your usual meeting spot, a sudden obstacle appeared in the form of an unnoticed puddle. Before you could react, your foot lost its grip, sending you careening toward an embarrassing collision with the cold, tiled floor. In a split second, strong arms wrapped around you, breaking your fall.
"Whoa there! Quick reflexes, Hyunjin style." Hyunjin exclaimed, his grin showcasing his pride at the successful save.
Felix laughed heartily, "Nice dive! You should consider joining the school's gymnastics team, though I hear their routine doesn't involve slipping in the hallways."
You shot him a playful glare as he approached to make sure you were unharmed, "Thanks, Jinnie. And you," You said, turning to Felix, "Can save your sarcasm for someone else."
Felix chuckled, brushing off imaginary dirt from your shoulder, "Just making sure you're in one piece. You know, you should work on your gracefulness. It's not very lady-like to trip and fall."
Rolling your eyes, you retorted, "Oh, please. Who needs grace when you've got Hyunjin's superhero reflexes? And besides, I'm not planning to win any 'Miss Graceful' contests."
Hyunjin grinned, leaning against the row of lockers, "True that. But you might want to consider it. You'll never find a boyfriend if you keep stumbling around like a bull in a china shop."
You scoffed, the idea of conforming to societal expectations not even registering on your radar, "Who said I'm looking for a boyfriend anyway? I'm perfectly content with my PS5 and the upcoming release of Assassin's Creed. Relationships can wait."
Felix raised an eyebrow, exchanging a knowing look with Hyunjin, "Famous last words. We'll see how long that sentiment lasts."
You brushed off their teasing with a nonchalant wave, determined to keep your priorities in check. As the three of you continued down the hallway, you couldn't help smiling at the thought of the virtual adventures awaiting you in the upcoming game—an escape from the typical high school drama and the perfect reminder that, for now, you were content marching to the beat of your own, unapologetically clumsy, drum.
After grabbing a light breakfast together from the school cafeteria, you, Hyunjin, and Felix made your way through the bustling hallways, weaving through the student traffic. Despite being part of different classes, your morning ritual of meeting up for breakfast had become a comforting constant.
As you reached the fork in the hallway leading to your respective classrooms, Felix grinned, "See you guys at lunch. Don't trip over your own feet without me around to catch you!"
You playfully nudged him, "I'll try my best, Captain Obvious."
Felix waved, disappearing into his classroom, leaving you and Hyunjin to continue down the corridor. Although your class was situated at the far end of the school, you were used to the daily trek. Hyunjin, however, insisted on walking you there, despite the inconvenience it posed for him.
"Why do you bother walking me all the way to my class, Jinnie?" You asked, your voice tinged with amusement as you walked side by side.
He shot you a teasing grin, "Well, for one, I don't trust your coordination skills without Felix or me around. And secondly, what if there's a stampede, or a meteor falls from the sky? I need to be sure you make it to class in one piece."
You scoffed, "A stampede? Really?"
Hyunjin raised an eyebrow, adopting a mock-serious tone, "You never know. High school can be a dangerous place."
You rolled your eyes, but a smile lingered on your lips. It was moments like these that reminded you of the unique bond you shared with your friends. Despite the exaggeration, there was a genuine concern in his eyes that touched your heart.
Nearing the entrance of your classroom, you stopped, "You really don't have to do this every day, you know. I can handle walking to class without tripping."
Hyunjin leaned against the wall, his expression softening, "I know you can, but I want to. Call it my daily act of heroism."
You chuckled, shaking your head, "Fine, you overprotective hero. Thanks for the escort to class."
He grinned, walking you right up to the door, "Anytime, damsel in distress. I'll see you at lunch, okay?"
You nodded, feeling a warmth in your chest at the genuine care your friends showered upon you, "Okay. Don't save too many people on your way to class."
With a playful salute, Hyunjin turned to make his way to his own classroom. You watched him go, appreciating the small gestures that defined your friendship. As the classroom door closes behind you, you feel a sense of gratitude for the protective duo that made your high school journey more adventurous and, most importantly, full of genuine companionship.
Later that day, the cafeteria buzzed with the usual lunchtime chaos as you approached your designated spot between Hyunjin and Felix, your tray already waiting for you. Your heart warmed at the sight, and you skipped over with an infectious beam.
Felix, always quick with banter, smirked at you, "Look who decided to grace us with her presence. You missed the riveting conversation about Hyunjin's newfound muse."
Your eyes flickered to Hyunjin, whose cheeks sported a subtle shade of pink. Felix couldn't resist the opportunity to tease, "He wouldn't shut up about her just before you arrived."
You slid into your seat, the playful glint in Felix's eyes not escaping you, "Oh, really? What did I miss?"
Felix leaned in, lowering his voice conspiratorially, "Our dear friend Hyunjin here has developed a massive crush on the new girl in his class. Couldn't stop talking about her smile, her laugh, you know, the works."
Hyunjin shot Felix a mock glare, but his eyes twinkled with an undeniable excitement, "Felix is exaggerating, as usual. I just mentioned her once or twice."
The three of you were engrossed in the conversation when, like clockwork, the cafeteria doors swung open. Hyunjin's head snapped up, his gaze fixating on a girl who entered with an effortless grace. She was undeniably beautiful—Lia, the new girl who had captured your friend's attention.
"There she is." Hyunjin whispered, as if afraid the mere mention of her name would make her disappear. Lia glided through the cafeteria, a radiant presence that drew the attention of many. You couldn't deny the allure; she had an undeniable charm that seemed to captivate everyone in her vicinity.
While Felix seemed excited for Hyunjin, you couldn't shake off the inexplicable discomfort settling in the pit of your stomach. You smiled, or at least you tried to, but it felt forced.
As Lia joined a group of students at a nearby table, laughter and animated conversations surrounding her, you couldn't help but wonder why the idea of Hyunjin being enamoured by her left you feeling strangely uneasy.
Oblivious to the atmosphere shift, Felix continued to prod Hyunjin about Lia. But as your eyes met Hyunjin's, you sensed a vulnerability beneath his excitement—a vulnerability you hadn't seen before. The unspoken truth lingered in the air, and you couldn't escape the realisation that your heart seemed to protest against the prospect of him falling for someone else for reasons you couldn't quite comprehend.
In the following days, you found yourself caught in a web of conflicting emotions. You tried to rationalise the unease that had settled within you, convincing yourself that it was merely a consequence of your friends growing up. After all, it was only natural for them to develop romantic interests outside your tight-knit trio.
You repeated the logic like a mantra, assuring yourself that this discomfort was nothing more than an adjustment period.
"It's just new," You told yourself, stirring your food absentmindedly during lunch. Felix continued his good-natured teasing about Hyunjin's infatuation with Lia, blissfully unaware of the internal struggle you were facing, "They're growing up, finding other people. It's normal. You'll get used to it."
Yet, as days turned into weeks, the knot in your stomach refused to loosen. You grappled with the notion that the dynamics of your friendship were shifting, and it wasn't centred solely around the three of you anymore. The idea of someone else occupying Hyunjin's thoughts in a way you hadn't witnessed before tugged at a thread of discomfort deep within you.
"It's just silly jealousy," You scolded yourself in the quiet moments of introspection, "He's my friend, and I should be happy for him."
Deep down, you couldn't ignore the hope that Hyunjin's crush was just a passing phase—a temporary diversion that would fade with time. You yearned for the days when your trio's world revolved around shared laughter and inside jokes, not about some new girl that caught your friend's attention.
One day, as you all gathered for lunch as usual, Felix couldn't resist poking at Hyunjin once again, "Come on, Jinnie, just admit it. You're head over heels for Lia."
Hyunjin sighed, his cheeks tinged with a mixture of embarrassment and genuine affection, "Fine. I like her, okay? Happy now?"
Felix's victorious grin was matched only by the subtle tightening of your chest. You forced a smile, attempting to mask the twinge of disappointment.
As the conversation continued, Hyunjin's genuine excitement about Lia became increasingly evident. Felix's teasing took on a more playful tone, but every word seemed to emphasise the growing reality that your friend was genuinely interested in someone beyond the confines of your trio.
Each day that passed, Hyunjin's interest in Lia became a constant presence in your lives. While he physically joined you and Felix for breakfast and lunch, his mind seemed to linger elsewhere. Conversations that were once filled with silly jokes now revolved around Lia—her interests, her quirks, and every mundane detail that seemed to captivate Hyunjin's attention.
The unintentional distance you felt from Hyunjin left you perplexed and, admittedly, frustrated. Despite your attempts to rationalise these emotions, a growing sense of unease settled within you. It was as if the equilibrium of your friendship had been disrupted, leaving you feeling somewhat adrift.
One day, after Hyunjin had passionately detailed yet another encounter with Lia during lunch, you found yourself unable to contain the frustration any longer.
In the quiet corner of the school courtyard, away from prying eyes and curious ears, you decided to confide in Felix. As you sat on the familiar park bench, the one where countless secrets had been shared among the three of you, you hesitated before finally breaking the silence.
"Lix, I don't know what's going on. I mean, I should be happy for Hyunjin, right? But every time he talks about Lia, it's like... I don't know, something's off. It's like he's here with us physically, but his mind is somewhere else."
Felix regarded you with a knowing gaze, the crinkles in his eyes softened with understanding, "Feelings are complicated. It's okay to feel the way you do. Maybe it's just an adjustment period. Things will settle down."
You sighed, grateful for his calm demeanour, "I've tried telling myself that, but it doesn't seem to be getting any better. It's just frustrating. I miss the way things used to be."
Felix leaned in, his tone gentle, "Change is hard, especially when it comes to friendships. But maybe Hyunjin needs this. Maybe it's his time to explore something beyond our trio. And who knows, it might just be a phase. People get caught up in new crushes, but that doesn't mean they forget their old friends."
You nodded, appreciating his perspective, "I just wish I could understand why I feel this way. It's like... I'm happy for him, but there's this nagging discomfort that won't go away."
Felix placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder, "Give it time. Sometimes, feelings need time to catch up with logic. And in the meantime, know that I'm here for you, no matter what."
In the days that followed, you made a conscious effort to follow Felix's advice. You reminded yourself that Hyunjin's sudden obsession with Lia was his first experience with romantic feelings, and it was only natural for him to be caught up in the excitement of it all.
Trying to be understanding, you even forced a smile when he recounted every interaction with Lia, assuring yourself that this phase would pass.
But just as you began to convince yourself that you had your emotions in check, things took an unexpected turn. Hyunjin, who had always insisted on walking you to class, suddenly approached you with an apologetic expression.
"Hey, listen, I'm sorry, but I can't walk you to class anymore." He admitted, avoiding eye contact.
The unexpected blow left you momentarily speechless, "What? Why?"
Hyunjin sighed, looking genuinely conflicted, "It's just... I don't want Lia to misunderstand our relationship. I mean, she might think there's something more between us, you know?"
Your initial shock gave way to a slow-burning frustration. While you wanted to be supportive of his budding romance, the abrupt change felt like a direct hit to the heart. The walks to class, once a cherished routine, now seemed like a relic of a time when your friendship hadn't been overshadowed by romantic entanglements.
Forcing a tight smile, you responded, "Sure, Hyunjin. Do whatever makes you comfortable."
As he walked away, leaving you standing alone in the hallway, you felt a sense of abandonment. The once-predictable rhythms of your friendship were now distorted, and the realisation that you were no longer a priority stung more than you cared to admit.
Felix, perceptive as ever, noticed the change in your demeanour. As he joined you in the hallway, he raised an eyebrow, "What's up with Hyunjin? I thought he was going to walk you to class."
You sighed, the weight of unspoken emotions heavy on your shoulders, "He said he can't anymore. Doesn't want Lia to get the wrong idea about us."
Felix's expression shifted from curiosity to a mixture of understanding and concern, "I know this is tough, but maybe he's just caught up in the excitement of his first crush. It doesn't mean he values your friendship any less."
You nodded, acknowledging his attempt to console you, "I get that, but it still hurts, you know? It's like our friendship is being redefined, and I don't know where I fit in anymore."
Felix offered a sympathetic smile, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder, "Give it time. I'm sure things will settle down eventually. And in the meantime, you've got me. We'll figure it out together."
As Hyunjin's infatuation with Lia intensified, you found yourself grappling with the remnants of the once-familiar routine that now seemed like a distant memory.
One afternoon, as the final school bell echoed through the hallways, you made your way to the usual meeting spot where you and Hyunjin would walk home together. However, your anticipation gave way to disappointment as you saw him engrossed in conversation with Lia, the two of them making plans to spend time together after school.
Felix, who had been watching your expression closely, slung an arm around your shoulder, "Hey, don't let it get to you. You know, it's okay to feel upset."
"I'm not upset." You retorted, but the hurt in your eyes betrayed your attempt at nonchalance.
Felix raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing on his lips, "You can't fool me, idiot. It's written all over your face. You miss your walks home with him, don't you?"
You sighed, giving in to the acknowledgement of your feelings, "Yeah, I guess I do. It's stupid, though. Friends hang out with other people. It's not a big deal."
Felix squeezed your shoulder gently, "It's okay to feel this way, you know. And there's nothing 'stupid' about it. You're allowed to miss your friend."
As you walked home with Felix that day, the silence between you spoke volumes. The absence of Hyunjin, once a comforting presence by your side, left a void that seemed to echo with the uncertainty of changing friendships.
The following days only deepened the ache.
Your attempts to be the supportive friend, cheering Hyunjin on as he pursued Lia, felt increasingly like a façade. The more you tried to suppress your feelings, the more they seemed to claw at the edges of your consciousness.
It was during one of your late-night conversations with Felix, the dim glow of streetlights casting shadows on your faces, that he broached the subject with a keen intuition that caught you off guard.
"You know," Felix said, his gaze fixed on the stars above, "It's possible you're jealous because you have feelings for Hyunjin."
Your immediate reaction was a vehement denial. How could you harbour romantic feelings for your childhood friend, especially when you had always prided yourself on being the voice of reason within the trio?
Oh hell nah, ain't no freaking way.
But as Felix turned to look at you, his eyes filled with understanding, you felt a sudden vulnerability. Despite your initial resistance, you couldn't escape the possibility that he was right. Your feelings for Hyunjin might indeed transcend the boundaries of friendship.
"What? Are you hearing yourself, Lix? That's insane!" You laughed incredulously, dismissing his implication with a wave of your hand. The idea of having romantic feelings for Hyunjin seemed preposterous to you, and you were determined to push aside any inkling of such emotions.
Felix, however, frowned at your attempt to brush off the subject. He could sense the unease beneath your laughter, the subtle deflection in your words, "I know you better than you think. You can't deny what you're feeling."
You scoffed, refusing to let his words penetrate your resolve, "Me? Having feelings for Hwang Hyunjin? Did you hit your head or something?" You chuckled, playing off the notion as absurd.
But as you met Felix's serious expression, you recognised the gravity of the situation. He was about to talk some sense into you, to unravel the emotions you had been desperately trying to suppress. But before he could utter a word, you beat him to it.
"Just watch me, Lix. I'll prove you wrong." Your tone carried a determined edge, a promise to yourself that you could navigate these confusing emotions without succumbing to what seemed like an inconvenient truth.
Felix sighed heavily, realising that there was little he could do if you were determined to turn a blind eye to your own feelings. He knew that sometimes, facing the truth required a vulnerability that not everyone was ready to embrace.
As you gathered for your breakfast routine one morning, Hyunjin began his usual recounting of Lia's latest escapades, and you found yourself unable to bear it any longer.
"Hyunjin," You interrupted, the words escaping before you could reconsider, "I'm sick of seeing you pine after Lia. It's distracting, and I can't focus on anything else. So, I've decided to help you win her heart."
Ecstasy washed over his face, "Really? You'd help me?"
You nodded, forcing a smile that didn't quite reach your eyes, "Yeah, I mean, why not? You deserve to be happy, right?"
Hyunjin's eyes lit up, and he immediately pulled you into a tight hug, "Thank you! You're the best! I'll buy you the next Assassin's Creed game when Lia agrees to be my girlfriend!"
As he cheered, Felix observed the scene with a mixture of disbelief and realisation. It dawned on him that your seemingly selfless act of playing matchmaker wasn't entirely altruistic. A smirk played on his lips as he shook his head, understanding the true motive behind your plan.
"So, this was your way of proving me wrong, huh?" Felix remarked, his voice carrying a note of amusement.
You avoided his gaze, the charade now exposed, "I just want him to be happy. That's all."
Felix chuckled, seeing through the act, "Sure. Just remember, you can't run from your feelings forever."
Later that evening, you walked home with Hyunjin for the first time in what felt like ages. But the reason behind his company left a bitter taste in your mouth. It wasn't because he missed your walks or longed for the friendship you once shared. No, the only reason was to strategise about his mission to win Lia's heart.
As you strolled down the sidewalk, Hyunjin excitedly started talking about his plan, "So, I was thinking maybe I should join some clubs or events that she's interested in. What do you think?"
You pushed all unnecessary thoughts aside and focused on the task at hand, "Sure, that sounds like a good idea. We need to figure out what she likes and find a way for you to connect with her."
The mention of 'we' felt strangely out of place, a reminder of the changed dynamics between you and Hyunjin. Nevertheless, you pushed those feelings aside, determined to help your friend succeed in his pursuit of happiness.
Felix, who had been watching the interaction with an amused smirk, couldn't resist commenting, "Look at you two, planning Hyunjin's love story. Who would've thought?"
You shot him a glare, not appreciating the smugness in his tone, "This is for Hyunjin, Lix, not for your amusement."
Felix raised his hands defensively, "Alright, alright. I'm just enjoying the show."
As you neared your doorstep, you took a deep breath, ready to lay out a rough plan for Hyunjin, "Okay, here's what we're going to do. First, we need to find out more about Lia's hobbies and interests. Once we have that information, we can create opportunities for you to interact with her in a more meaningful way."
Hyunjin nodded eagerly, trusting you with the details of his mission, "Leave it all to you. You're the best."
As you arrived at your doorstep, Hyunjin gave you a thankful hug before skipping off to his home just a few blocks away. Sighing deeply, you feel a twinge of emptiness. The hug felt different, less like a shared moment between friends and more like a transaction—gratitude for a service rendered.
With renewed determination, you wasted no time. The moment you stepped inside your room, you pulled out your phone and began stalking all of Lia's social media accounts. Your mission was clear: decipher her likes, dislikes, and everything in between.
Little did you know that this quest, seemingly straightforward, would lead you down a path of self-discovery and unexpected twists, challenging the boundaries of friendship and forcing you to confront emotions you had long been trying to ignore.
As the days unfolded, you immersed yourself in the role of the ultimate wingman. Your efforts to assist Hyunjin in winning Lia's heart were meticulous, each action carefully calculated to showcase his best qualities. Despite the outward display of support, a quiet turmoil brewed within you, a storm of conflicting emotions that threatened to break through the carefully constructed façade.
In your quest to prove Felix wrong, you inadvertently delved deeper into the complexities of your own heart. The more you tried to suppress the whispers of your own feelings, the more they seemed to echo in the quiet moments of self-reflection.
As Felix watched you navigate this internal struggle, he wished you would just confront the truth instead of burying it beneath the guise of friendship.
With your careful planning and Hyunjin's sincere efforts, you watched as he began to get things right. He made it a point to learn about Lia's favourite snacks and beverages, surprising her with thoughtful treats that garnered appreciative smiles. Conversations shifted from superficial exchanges to discussions about her favourite pastime activities, creating a connection that seemed to grow with every shared moment.
You watched from afar as he transformed himself, aligning with the qualities he knew she admired. He became more attentive, more considerate, and tailored his actions to better appeal to the type of guys she was attracted to.
While the genuine nature of his intentions was evident, each successful move felt like another layer of separation between the Hyunjin you knew and the person he was becoming for Lia.
Then came the pivotal moment.
Fueled by newfound confidence, he approached Lia and managed to ask her out on a date. From the way he pumped his fists in the air in victory, it was clear that she said yes. As he turned around to look for you, a beaming smile on his face, he spotted you observing the scene. With a thumbs up and eyes filled with excitement, he acknowledged your silent support.
Despite the clenching in your heart, you smiled back and clapped, showing him that you were genuinely happy for his success. The internal conflict between your desire to see your friend happy and the undeniable twinge of discomfort lingered in the background.
It was a bittersweet moment, a celebration of his triumph in love, overshadowed by the realisation that the dynamics of your friendship had undergone a significant shift.
During lunch, the three of you gathered as usual, but the atmosphere was tinged with an unspoken tension. As you sat with your tray, Felix shot you a look, his expression a mix of disapproval and concern. You avoided his eyes, focusing on your food and pretending not to notice his silent judgment.
The news of Hyunjin and Lia's upcoming first date buzzed around the table, and despite the apparent excitement, Felix's gaze lingered on you. He wished you knew that he was only trying to protect you, a silent plea echoing in his eyes. Deep down, he feared that all this effort might lead to you getting hurt in the end.
As the conversation flowed, Felix couldn't contain his disapproval any longer, "So, playing matchmaker seems to be working well for you and Hyunjin." He remarked, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
You glanced up, meeting his eyes for a brief moment before averting your gaze, "Yeah, I guess it is."
Felix sighed, the concern etched on his face, "I hope you know what you're doing. Playing with emotions is a risky game."
You could sense the genuine worry in his words, but a stubborn determination held you captive. You knew there was a risk involved, but you've already come this far. It was as if a self-imposed obligation drove you to see this through until the end, no matter the consequences.
As the lunch bell rang, signalling the end of the break, Felix shot you one last look—a mix of caution and understanding. The unspoken conversation between you two lingered in the air, a silent acknowledgement of the uncertainties that lay ahead.
With a deep breath, you steeled yourself for what was to come. The journey you embarked upon had no clear destination, but one thing was certain: you're committed to helping Hyunjin until the end.
As the final bell rang, signalling the end of the school day, you gathered your belongings, preparing to head home. Just as you were about to make your way through the crowded hallway, Hyunjin rushed up to you, grabbing your wrist in his haste. Startled, he twisted you around, and for a brief moment, your eyes rounded at the close proximity between your faces.
His eyes widened in realisation, and he immediately stepped back, stammering, "S-sorry, I was just—"
You shook your head, feigning nonchalance despite the racing of your heart, "It's fine, what is it?"
Hyunjin beamed at your question, his initial awkwardness dissipating, "I need your help in picking an outfit for my date this weekend."
You ignored the sharp stab you felt in your heart at the cruel reminder. Suppressing your emotions, you nodded, "Of course, I'll send you some ideas tonight."
But he shook his head, a hopeful glint in his eyes, "No, I was hoping you could come over before the date and help me put together something nice...?"
You blinked, surprised by the unexpected request, "Why not get Felix to help you with that?"
Hyunjin pouted, swinging your arm around playfully, "Oh, come on, you're the one who promised to help me until the end, right?"
Sighing, you realised he was right. It was your commitment, not Felix's. Relenting, you nodded, "Alright, fine. Sheesh. I'll see you then."
Hyunjin cheered, thanking you profusely before running off, presumably heading to spend time with Lia. As he disappeared into the crowd, you couldn't shake off the lingering discomfort that settled in your chest.
Hang in there, you can do this.
Standing in front of the mirror, you scrutinised yourself for the umpteenth time before questioning your actions. Why did it matter how you looked to Hyunjin? After all, you'd literally grown up together, and he'd seen you at your best and worst. The reflection staring back at you seemed to mock the unnecessary anxiety that had settled in.
The sound of your phone's notifications going off snapped you out of your thoughts. Unlocking the device, you found texts from both Hyunjin and Felix. Hyunjin's message was playful, urging you to hurry over, 'Bestie, get your ass over here already!!!😭'
Felix's text, however, carried a different tone, one of understanding and support, 'Hyunjin told me you're going over to help him. I know nothing I say can change your mind, but I just want you to know that no matter what happens, I'll be here for you.'
Reading Felix's words nearly brought tears to your eyes. It was a reminder of the loneliness that came with keeping these feelings to yourself. In that moment, you realise the weight of the emotions you've chosen to carry alone. But there was no one else to blame; you made the choice yourself, and now it was time to finish what you started.
With a deep breath, you locked your phone and shook off the lingering self-doubt. Adjusting your outfit one final time, you muttered a quiet affirmation to yourself and headed towards Hyunjin's house.
Upon arriving, you were greeted by his infectious excitement, "Finally, you're here! I need your expert fashion advice."
Suppressing the internal turmoil, you forced a smile, "Alright, let's get this over with."
As you entered his room, surrounded by the familiar scent of his space, you felt a twinge of nostalgia. The memories of your friendship flooded back, but now, they were tainted with a layer of complexity.
The process of picking an outfit began, with you providing suggestions and Hyunjin trying on various combinations. Looking at him more closely now, you hated that you suddenly found him so attractive.
You watched as he struggled with some of the buttons on his shirt before looking up at you with a pout, "Some help would be nice?"
His request cut through the air, and you couldn't hide the inward sigh. The situation was already complicated enough, and now he was making things even more difficult. Rolling your eyes in a feigned display of annoyance, you walked up to him, determined to maintain a facade of indifference.
As you carefully worked through the buttons, your concentration remained fixed on the task at hand. Hyunjin, however, couldn't help but let his gaze remain on you. His eyes naturally drifted downward, taking in the familiar sight of you deep in focus. At that moment, he found you adorable, with your tongue poking out from the corner of your lips and a small frown between your eyes.
Huh, guess not much has changed.
Standing up close, he began to notice details he hadn't paid attention to before. Your eyelashes were surprisingly long, framing expressive eyes that held a history of shared laughter and secrets. The baby fat in your cheeks had disappeared after the braces, leaving behind a more defined and mature look. He also noticed how pink and soft your lips appeared.
The realisation hit him like a wave—have you always looked this pretty? The question lingered in his mind, surprising even himself with the depth of observation he was suddenly making. It wasn't that he hadn't considered your attractiveness before, but in this moment, with the proximity and the shared history, it became more pronounced.
Finished with the last button, you stepped back, offering a casual comment, "There. All set."
Your best friend, however, remained silent for a moment, his thoughts still lingering on the newfound awareness of your features. The atmosphere in the room had shifted, unspoken sentiments hanging between you two.
Standing at his doorstep, Hyunjin, ready to go on his date with Lia, smiled down at you, "Thank you for your time and effort," You shook your head, "No worries, good luck and have fun." But as you turned to leave, a peculiar sense of unease settled in him; it didn't feel right watching you go by yourself.
Before you could take more than a few steps, you were surprised to find him beside you, matching your pace, "What are you doing? You'll be late if you don't go now."
He shrugged, unable to fully grasp his own actions but feeling the need to do this, "It's fine, Lia can wait a bit. I'll walk you home. You came all this way to help me. It's the least I could do."
Your heart skipped a beat at that gesture. For the first time since Lia entered your lives, he was putting you first, prioritising you over her. But the conflicting emotions only intensified; it wasn't making things any easier for you.
Reaching your home, you shooed him with a teasing smile, "Alright, I'm home safe. Now, hurry and go get your dream girl."
He smiled back but didn't move from his spot. You shook your head and playfully pushed him, "Go, you idiot. What are you—"
Suddenly, he pulled you into his arms for a hug, his lips close to your ear, "She may be my dream girl right now, but you'll always be my number one."
Your breath hitched at those unexpected words. Before you could react, he pulled away and ran off, leaving you standing there, a mix of confusion and warmth swirling within.
Stop doing this to me, Hwang Hyunjin.
The restaurant was adorned with soft lights and a pleasant ambience, the perfect setting for a romantic evening.
But Hyunjin was struggling to enjoy his first date with Lia as much as he had anticipated. Despite having dreamed of dating her for so long, his mind seemed to be preoccupied with thoughts that he couldn't fully understand.
As Lia spoke, sharing stories and laughter, he felt a subtle distraction, his mind involuntarily drifting back to you. It was as if a veil had been lifted, and he found himself unknowingly comparing his date to you. Of course, Lia was undeniably beautiful, a fact that anyone with functioning eyes could see. But she just wasn't... you? He didn't know about anyone else, but to him, you were prettier.
Realising the direction of his thoughts, Hyunjin mentally slapped himself for disrespecting Lia in such a way. Determined to salvage the date, he forced himself to focus on what she was saying, pushing away the distracting comparisons.
However, as the evening unfolded, he couldn't shake off the subtle feeling that the date wasn't going as well as he'd expected. He blamed himself for the disconnect, fully aware that he was the one responsible for the disarray of his own emotions.
Attempting to be present in the moment, he engaged in conversation, trying to enjoy the company of the girl he had dreamt of for so long. But the shadow of conflicting thoughts persisted, casting a pall over what should have been a joyful and momentous occasion.
As the night progressed, Hyunjin found himself immersed in a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts. Despite his efforts to be present on his dream date with Lia, a growing sense of unease crept in. The realisation dawned on him like a quiet storm—he wasn't being entirely honest with her, and perhaps, more importantly, he wasn't being true to himself.
The version of himself that Lia had come to like was a meticulously crafted persona, tailored to fit her preferences. They engaged in activities she enjoyed, ate food she liked, and talked about subjects that captivated her. He even dressed in a way that he believed appealed to her tastes. In the process, he wondered if Lia liked him for who he truly was or merely for the version of himself he had presented to win her over.
If he were to be himself, would Lia have liked him at all? The sincerity of their interactions seemed to be overshadowed by the facade he constructed. It made him question the authenticity of their connection.
Aside from that, a more profound doubt surfaced—he questioned whether he genuinely liked Lia for who she was or if he was just infatuated with the idea of her. Was he captivated by the fantasy he created in his mind, rather than the reality of the person sitting across from him?
That night, the weight of the evening's revelations lingered as he collapsed onto his bed after sending Lia home.
Sighing heavily, he thought about the missed opportunity. He hadn't kissed her goodbye like he used to imagine. Instead, all he managed was a simple 'goodnight, see you at school next week' before leaving her doorstep. It wasn't the romantic farewell he envisioned, but the weight of his internal conflicts restrained him.
In the solitude of his room, he decided that it was time for a change. He acknowledged that the version of himself he'd presented to Lia wasn't sustainable, nor was it fair to either of them. With a newfound resolve, he made a decision—he would give her another chance, but this time, he wanted to be genuine, to be himself.
Perhaps, if he allowed Lia to see the real him, and if he took the time to genuinely understand her, there might be a chance for something more authentic to blossom between them.
With this resolve in mind, Hyunjin closed his eyes, attempting to push all thoughts of you out of his mind. You were his best friend, and he had to remind himself of that fact. As sleep claimed him, he envisioned a future where the real him and the real Lia could find common ground, unburdened by the illusions that initially clouded their connection.
The following week at school, you and Felix were surprised by Hyunjin's demeanour. He didn't exhibit the expected excitement that typically followed a successful first date. Instead, he seemed to have reverted to his previous self, the Hyunjin you knew before the Lia obsession took centre stage.
Your surprise was evident when, out of the blue, Hyunjin began walking you to class again. His laughter rang out as he snickered at the puzzled expression on your face, and without warning, he playfully ruffled your hair, "Stop looking at me like that." He teased.
In response, you whined and swatted his hand away, "Not the hair, you jerk!"
His laughter continued, a sound you've missed, and he couldn't hide his happiness at seeing this side of you again. Deep down, he knew he pushed you away with his previous behaviour. Slipping an arm around your shoulder, he spoke, "Look, I'm sorry for the way I behaved previously. I know you must've been hurt. I promise to make it up to you."
Before you could inquire about the details of his date with Lia and the sudden change in his attitude, you arrived at your class. He squeezed your shoulder reassuringly before leaving, "See you at lunch."
You nodded, still slightly confused but undeniably happy. Maybe the date didn't go as well as he'd hoped? The possibility filled you with hope, and you couldn't shake the optimism that bubbled within. You found yourself looking forward to lunchtime, eager to uncover the mysteries behind his change of heart.
The lunchtime rendezvous brought an air of anticipation as the three of you gathered at your usual spot. Despite Hyunjin's seemingly improved attitude, a sense of unease lingered in the air.
As you exchanged casual banter, he finally broached the subject, "Guys, there's something I want to talk to you about." His tone carried a weight that immediately caught your attention.
"I've been thinking," Hyunjin continued, his gaze shifting between you and Felix, "About Lia. I want to take a different approach with her. I've decided to be myself, the real me, around her. I want her to like me for who I truly am."
Your heart sank at his words, a sinking feeling of déjà vu washing over you. The hope that had briefly ignited was swiftly extinguished. It became clear that Hyunjin's newfound determination was geared toward pursuing a more genuine connection with Lia. While on the surface, it seemed like a positive step, the implications were disheartening.
Felix, however, expressed his support, "That's a great decision, Jinnie. Be yourself, and if she likes you for who you are, that's even better."
While Felix's words were encouraging, his eyes betrayed a different sentiment. They shifted to you, a subtle expression of concern. He understood the implications of Hyunjin's decision, knowing how you probably felt at that moment.
Another week passed, and Hyunjin, beaming with pride, announced to you and Felix that he was going on a second date with Lia. While you feigned happiness for him, Felix saw through the facade. The strain of suppressing your true feelings became apparent, and Felix, unable to watch you suffer in silence, decided it was time to intervene.
On the night of Hyunjin's second date, Felix took it upon himself to keep you company and distract you from your thoughts. Together, you baked brownies and indulged in a fun movie night. As the credits rolled on the screen and the room dimmed, he turned to see you staring numbly ahead, clearly lost in your own thoughts.
Sighing, he reached across and placed his hands over yours, "Talk to me, please. I want to be there for you. Why do you keep doing this to yourself? What are you trying so hard to prove, hm?"
The concerned look in your best friend's eyes finally broke through the walls you'd built around your emotions. With a heavy exhale, you crumbled, unable to hold back the feelings that had been festering within.
"It's just... I don't understand why I'm doing this to myself," You admitted, "I keep pretending to be okay, to be happy for him, but every time he talks about Lia, it just hurts. I don't know why I'm trying so hard to prove something. Maybe I'm just scared of losing him, of things changing between us."
Felix listened attentively, his grip on your hands offering both support and reassurance, "You don't have to go through this alone, you know?" He said softly, "It's okay to feel the way you do, and it's okay to talk about it."
With those words, the floodgates opened, and you poured out the conflicting emotions that had been plaguing you, "You were right... I guess I do have feelings for him."
Felix listened with a soft, understanding smile, his eyes reflecting a sense of calm assurance. He wasn't at all surprised by the revelation, having sensed the undercurrents of your emotions for some time.
"I don't even know when it started or why I feel this way," You confessed, your voice tinged with a mixture of confusion and vulnerability, "Hyunjin has been my best friend for as long as I can remember, and suddenly everything feels so complicated."
Felix squeezed your hand, "It's okay, you know. Feelings can be messy, and they don't always follow a logical timeline. What matters is that you're opening up about it now. You don't have to do this alone, and I'm here for you, no matter what."
He smiled softly, a reassuring warmth in his gaze. Felix didn't have all the answers, and he knew that unravelling the complexities of emotions wasn't a straightforward task. But he was determined to be the support you needed, offering a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on, and a friend who understood.
Meanwhile, on his date with Lia, Hyunjin couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was off.
Lia was a nice girl, but as the evening went on, he began to realise that she might not be exactly his type at all. It wasn't something he consciously thought about before, but as he spent time with her, he couldn't help comparing her to you again.
You, with your unladylike antics that he always teased you about but secretly cherished. Lia, in contrast, seemed different, and the more he pondered on it, the more he realised that different wasn't necessarily what he was looking for. He missed the easy banter and shared interests he had with you and Felix.
During their conversation, he noticed how Lia appeared bored or uninterested whenever he brought up stories about you and Felix. It struck him that, unlike your friendship, their discussions seemed one-sided, revolving mostly around Lia and her interests.
As she excused herself to the bathroom, he took the opportunity to check his phone.
Scrolling through Instagram, he stumbled upon Felix's story. The images and captions painted a vivid picture of a cosy evening filled with laughter—something he found himself envious of. At that moment, he realised that he wanted to be there with you.
As Lia returned from the bathroom, he felt that something was missing, and for the first time, he questioned whether pursuing a relationship with her was the right path for him.
Determined to move on from your feelings for Hyunjin, you decided to refocus on the things that once brought you joy – your love for gaming. Despite Hyunjin's announcement of giving up on Lia, a part of you understood that he was and would always be nothing more than your best friend.
Regardless of how things worked out with Lia, your feelings for Hyunjin would remain unrequited.
Returning to the library's gaming section, you immersed yourself in the digital worlds that always provided comfort. It was there that you met Seungmin, a fellow gamer who shared your passion for virtual adventures. The two of you quickly bonded over your favourite games, strategies, and the thrill of defeating virtual foes together.
Felix noticed the positive change in your demeanour and was relieved to see you returning to your usual self again. The laughter and excitement you shared with Seungmin during gaming sessions became a refreshing break from the emotional complexities that had weighed on you.
However, Hyunjin struggled to come to terms with the shift. Every mention of Seungmin stirred an unsettling feeling within him. He found it hard to reconcile the fact that you were forming a connection with someone else, and it left him grappling with emotions he hadn't anticipated.
Despite the internal turmoil, he understood that your happiness was most important. He tried to be supportive, but the subtle twinge of discomfort lingered whenever Seungmin's name came up.
After school, you excitedly ran up to Hyunjin and Felix, who were waiting for you by the school gates, "Hey, losers, sorry I can't walk home with you guys today. Go on without me; I'll see y'all tomorrow!"
Before you could dash off, Hyunjin's brows furrowed, and he reached for your wrist. Twisting you around, the moment felt like déjà vu from the day you helped him with his outfit. Both your eyes widened at the sudden proximity, and Felix cleared his throat awkwardly, looking away.
Hyunjin blinked rapidly before sputtering, "Wh-where do you think you're going, young lady? Your parents will be worried if you don't go home now."
You pulled away from him, rolling your eyes to feign nonchalance, "Jinnie, please. Do you think I'm you? My parents already know I'll be out after school today," Felix chortled to help lighten the atmosphere, "Hate to admit it, but she's right, bro."
Hyunjin scoffed, "Well, I'm just worried. You know how clumsy you can get," Before you could respond, Seungmin called your name from behind, and you beamed, "Don't worry, Seungmin will take care of me." He didn't like the sound of that one bit.
Just as he tried to stop you from going to Seungmin, Felix grabbed his arm and shook his head.
"Let her go."
Hyunjin didn't understand why it felt like those three words held a deeper meaning. He watched as you joined Seungmin, the two of you walking away, laughter floating back towards them. Felix turned to Hyunjin, his expression unreadable.
Oh, how the tables have turned.
Hyunjin couldn't shake the unease that settled within him as he continued to watch your retreating figures. It was a feeling he couldn't quite define, and for the first time, he wondered if his worry for you went beyond the bounds of friendship.
As the two boys walked home, Hyunjin couldn't shake the lingering discomfort. The unease prompted him to turn to Felix, needing some clarity on the matter.
"Hey, what do you think about Seungmin?" Hyunjin asked, his voice carrying a mix of curiosity and apprehension.
Felix smiled knowingly, understanding the source of the inquiry, "Seungmin? He's a good guy. He's not just a gamer; he's dedicated to his studies too. I've noticed he's had a positive influence on our bestie, encouraging her to study harder as well."
Hyunjin nodded, absorbing Felix's words. He tried to accept his friend's reasoning and rationalise the situation for himself. Why was he feeling so unhappy about this anyway? Felix seemed just fine with your new friendship and even supportive of it.
Perhaps he should learn to be the same.
"Yeah, you're right," Hyunjin replied, forcing a smile, "I guess it's good that she's found someone who gets her interest."
Felix clapped him on the back, "Exactly! Seungmin seems like a genuine guy. Let's just be happy for her."
Hyunjin nodded again, attempting to bury the unease and be supportive like Felix. But deep down, a part of him couldn't shake the feeling that he was losing something, something intangible yet significant, and the journey to fully understand those emotions had just begun.
Meanwhile, you made a conscious effort to push aside the thoughts and emotions stirred up by the encounter with Hyunjin.
As you walked alongside Seungmin, chatting about the latest game releases, you couldn't escape the replay of the moment when Hyunjin grabbed your wrist. Your heart still raced as you wondered about the desperation in his eyes.
Could he be... jealous?
Did he feel the same way about you, or was it just a reaction to your attention being diverted from him and Felix? Rationalising, you convinced yourself that it was probably the latter. After all, Hwang Hyunjin, the charismatic and charming friend, couldn't possibly reciprocate your feelings. It was safer to assume that he wasn't used to your attention being on someone other than him and Felix.
You couldn't shake off the feeling that you needed to save yourself from further misery. The idea of Hyunjin shifting his focus to another girl loomed in your mind. Sure, the Lia phase was over, but he could very well set his eyes on someone new at any time.
Perhaps it was time to guard your heart, to protect yourself from potential heartache. Resolute in your decision, you pushed aside the uncertainty and focused on Seungmin, someone who seemed genuinely interested in you for who you were.
Despite your best efforts, you found your mind involuntarily comparing Seungmin to Hyunjin, and you mentally scolded yourself for these incessant thoughts.
Urging yourself to stop these comparisons, you recognised that if your feelings for Hyunjin weren't clouding your judgment, you might have fallen for Seungmin instantly. He was everything you could want in a guy – your dream guy, to be precise.
Seungmin shared the same interests, hobbies, and principles as you did. He was attentive, considerate, and almost perfect for you. Although he might not have been conventionally the ideal type for most, he fits your ideal perfectly. So close to perfection, if only he was... Hwang Hyunjin.
You snapped out of your thoughts when Seungmin called your name, informing you that he would be back in a bit as he went to collect your food order. You softened at his gentlemanly gesture, realising that you were being unfair to him by comparing him to Hyunjin. Seungmin was his own person, and you were determined to appreciate and like him for who he truly was.
The realisation hit you hard, and you resolved to give Seungmin the attention and consideration he deserved. After all, he had done nothing but show kindness and genuine interest in you.
Seungmin walked you home that evening after a day filled with fun and laughter. Arriving at your doorstep, you turned to him in gratitude, "Thank you so much for walking me home. Gosh, you really didn't have to. It'll be late by the time you get home."
He grinned, teasing, "Aww, are you worrying about me?"
You scoffed, "What if I am? It can be dangerous to be out late alone."
Unable to resist, he wrapped you in a hug. You stilled for a moment before lifting your hands to hold onto him, "You have no idea how happy I am that you care this much about me." He admitted, and you couldn't suppress your smile at his words.
"Of course, I care about you, Kim Seungmin. What kind of friend would I be not to?" You replied as he pulled away, a genuine warmth in your words.
He seemed to contemplate something before gathering the courage to ask, "H-hey, I was wondering... are you free this Saturday?"
Just as you were about to answer, a new voice interrupted you both, "No, she's not. She has plans with me, sorry." said Hyunjin, standing nearby and staring coldly at Seungmin. The unexpected interruption caught you off guard.
You glared at Hyunjin, annoyed by his sudden intrusion, "What? No, I don't." You retorted, not appreciating his assumption.
Hyunjin seemed hurt by your swift rejection, but trying to save his pride, he added, "Yes, you do. Felix got us tickets to see the latest Marvel superhero movie."
Furrowing your brows, you couldn't recall Felix mentioning any of these plans, "He did?" You questioned, feeling a bit perplexed.
Seungmin, aware that Hyunjin was your close friend, decided to be the bigger person, "That's alright, perhaps another time. I have to get home anyway. I'll see you at school." He said diplomatically, not wanting to leave a bad impression.
You nodded quickly, feeling bad about Hyunjin's borderline rude behaviour, "Text me when you get home, yeah?"
"I will." He beamed and patted your head affectionately before walking away. Hyunjin fumed from his corner, observing you watching Seungmin leave until he was out of sight. The tension lingered, leaving you with a mix of frustration and confusion as you turned your attention back to Hyunjin.
"Dude, what the hell was that?!"
Hyunjin rolled his eyes in annoyance, "What? Are you so upset that you don't get to go out with your little boyfriend again?" He retorted with a dismissive tone.
You narrowed your eyes at his sudden attitude, "Seungmin's not my—" You paused and took a deep breath, not wanting to entertain his childish behaviour, "What are you even doing here in the first place, Hyunjin? Did Felix really get us movie tickets this weekend?"
He gulped and looked away, unable to meet your eyes. That answered your question; he lied about the tickets. You sighed, growing tired of the drama, "I don't have time for this. If you won't talk, then I'm leaving."
Turning to enter your house, he quickly grabbed your wrist.
No, not again.
You distanced yourself before he could pull you close to him, determined to protect your heart.
But he couldn't hold back any longer. Frowning at the distance you deliberately put between you two, he exploded, "I've had it, alright? What's gotten into you all of a sudden? Seungmin this, Seungmin that! I'm sick of hearing about him! Do you even care about me and Felix anymore?"
You laughed humourlessly at those words, tears welling up in your eyes, "So, now you know how it feels, huh?"
He froze at that, realising the hypocrisy of his actions.
Wiping your tears harshly with your sleeves, you continued, "How selfish can you be, Hwang Hyunjin? I kept quiet and supported you while you obsessed over Lia, even when you pushed me aside. And now that I've found someone I like, you can't accept it?"
He gulped and lowered his head in shame.
"So it's alright if you do it, but when I do it, it's outrageous and unacceptable, huh? I see how it is."
Not wanting to hear another word from him, you stalked into your home and slammed the door shut, leaving him outside, confronted by the consequences of his actions.
The following day at school, you refused to speak to Hyunjin. When he attempted to chase after you and confront you, Felix stopped him with a serious expression that revealed he knew more than he let on. Stepping aside, the two of them finally decided to address the elephant in the room.
Felix began with a sigh, "She told me what happened last night."
Hyunjin avoided his friend's eye contact, feeling a deep sense of shame. This was a repeat of what happened with you before, but now it was Hyunjin's turn to feel the weight of his actions. Felix deduced that Hyunjin must have returned your feelings, seeing his reaction to Seungmin's appearance in your life.
"You know, it hurt her more than anyone for you to say those things to her," Felix explained, his tone serious, "It's extremely unfair to her. How you felt seeing her with Seungmin, was what she went through when you had Lia. But she kept it all in and suffered alone. She didn't even confide in me. I had to beg her to lean on me, seeing how much it affected her."
Hyunjin felt an overwhelming wave of guilt with this revelation. He had guessed that you'd be hurt, but he didn't fully understand the extent of it until he experienced it himself. He neglected you even more than he realised.
Goddamnit, I'm a horrible friend.
Felix, tired of all the charades, wanted his best friend to wake up to his own feelings. Firmly, he began, "Hyunjin, I want you to think carefully about this."
Hyunjin looked up at Felix's determined gaze, anticipating what he was about to say.
"Do you think that perhaps the reason you're this upset is because you have feelings for her?" Felix asked pointedly.
Hyunjin froze. The thought constantly lingered in the back of his mind, but he always refused to acknowledge it, let alone voice it out loud. It felt like it wasn't supposed to happen. After all, he had known you since you were all in diapers; you'd grown up side by side. How could it be possible that all of a sudden, he would be seeing you in a different light?
With Felix asking this question, Hyunjin knew the feelings must have been there for his friend to see through in the first place.
That would explain why he had been so unhappy to see you with Seungmin, especially when Felix seemed less than bothered by it. The realisation hit him like a ton of bricks, and he felt a mixture of confusion, denial, and a hint of something he couldn't quite put his finger on.
Felix placed a hand on Hyunjin's shoulder, "I know it sounds crazy, but deep down, I trust you know the answer better than anyone else. Just... take your time and figure it out before deciding how you want to approach her. Whatever happens, I'm here for you, alright buddy?"
Hyunjin nodded gratefully, "Thank you, Felix." The weight of the realisation hung heavy in the air, and he couldn't deny that he needed to confront his feelings, as confusing and unexpected as they were.
As Felix walked away, Hyunjin took a deep breath, grappling with the newfound awareness that his emotions for you might be more complicated than he ever imagined.
During lunch, you decided to be the bigger person and chose not to ignore Hyunjin any longer. Instead, you opted to act like nothing had happened. You didn't want any confrontation and wished only to move on from the drama. Thankfully, Hyunjin didn't pester you, especially with Felix sending him warning looks.
As you sat down, you engaged in casual conversation with both of them, discussing topics that steered clear of any emotional tension.
Hyunjin found relief in the momentary peace.
He realised that this was for the best, a chance for him to figure out his own feelings for you without the weight of recent events clouding his judgment. The lunch table, which had once been a source of joy and comfort, now felt like a battleground of unspoken emotions. He couldn't shake off the guilt, but he was determined to navigate through the complexities of his feelings.
Little did he know, you were also fighting with your emotions, doing your best to maintain a facade of normalcy for the sake of the friendship you cherished.
That weekend, Felix decided to make a genuine effort to lighten the atmosphere within your friend group. He went and bought movie tickets for real this time, hoping that this outing could serve as a reset button for all of you, despite the underlying emotional tension between you and Hyunjin.
As you approached the two of them, your usual cheerful self, Hyunjin fought to keep his heart still. You weren't necessarily dressed up for the occasion, but in his heightened awareness of his feelings for you, he couldn't deny that you looked beautiful to him no matter what you wore. He tried to pull himself together as you threw your arms over both their necks in a group hug.
He instinctively reached his hand over your back, holding you against him. At that moment, he closed his eyes, savouring the feeling of having you close. The warmth of your embrace and the subtle scent of your familiar perfume made it difficult for him to ignore the growing realisation that his feelings for you were deeper than he had ever acknowledged.
The movie outing, intended to bring back the carefree dynamic of your friendship, unknowingly became a pivotal moment in Hyunjin's self-discovery.
Felix observed you two knowingly, shaking his head at how oblivious you were to each other's feelings. While you attempted to maintain a distance, Hyunjin made every effort to close the gap, taking a step closer every chance he got. Despite your attempts to push him away, Felix could tell that it was becoming increasingly difficult for you to deny your own heart's desires.
Throughout the entire day, Hyunjin took care of you in every possible way. He offered to buy you whatever you wanted, handed you his jacket when the cinema hall got too cold, and even accompanied you to the washroom during the long movie.
You stared at him incredulously when he followed after you, whispering, "Jinnie, what are you doing? I'm fine going alone; I know where the washroom is."
He shushed you and gently pushed you out of the hall, saying, "I won't forgive myself if anything happens to you. Just let me do this."
Despite the flutter in your heart, you rolled your eyes and relented, "Ugh, fine. Don't blame me when you miss what happens in the movie later."
One of the cleaner ladies witnessing your banter chuckled, "Young lady, you have a wonderful boyfriend. You should let him take care of you if he wants to, not all men are like that nowadays."
Choking on your spit, you waved your hands at her, "N-no! You've got it all wrong, he's not my—"
Squishing your cheeks to disrupt your attempt to clarify, Hyunjin smiled politely at her before grinning mischievously down at you, "Listen to the kind lady, my love. She's right."
Once the lady was out of sight, you slapped his hand away with a glare, "You do that again, Hwang Hyunjin, and I'll kick you where the sun doesn't shine."
He burst out laughing at the threat, and you struggled to suppress the smile forming on your face as you entered the washroom.
The outing continued, and Felix marvelled at how Hyunjin's actions were a silent testament to his growing feelings for you. It was as if he had unconsciously shifted into a more protective and caring mode. Felix exchanged glances with Hyunjin when you weren't looking, silently urging him to confront his emotions.
Hyunjin's attempts to get closer to you were evident. He lingered beside you during breaks, shared his snacks, and even stole a glance or two when he thought you weren't looking. Felix hoped that this could be the turning point for both of you.
By the end of the day, as you bid farewell, Hyunjin's eyes held a certain warmth that hadn't been there before. Felix smiled knowingly, hopeful that the walls both of you had built around your hearts might finally start to crumble.
The two boys walked you home that evening. Upon arriving at your doorstep, you turned to bid them goodbye, "Thanks, Lix, for the movie, and thanks, Jinnie, for the snacks. I had a good time with you losers." You said with a playful smile.
Felix laughed, giving you a warm hug, "You're welcome, idiot."
Hyunjin, not one to be outdone, waited for his turn. As his arms enveloped you, your face pressed against his shoulder, you hoped he couldn't hear the frantic beating of your heart. Little did you know, his own heart was racing just as fast. Squeezing you in his arms, he pressed a subtle kiss onto your head and whispered, "Anytime, cutie."
You blinked rapidly, feeling a sudden warmth spread through you. Felix cleared his throat, and Hyunjin reluctantly let you go. You smiled and waved at the two of them, "Alrighty then, I'll see you both at school."
Waving back, they turned to leave. Unbeknownst to Hyunjin, Felix caught him muttering a quiet, "Can't wait."
A week had passed and Hyunjin was just glad you no longer brought up Seungmin again, perhaps you've drifted apart from the boy? Whatever it was, he was just happy to not hear that name again.
Ah yes, things are finally returning to normal.
Or so he thought.
The cafeteria bustled with students, the usual hum of conversation filling the air as the three of you settled into your regular lunch spot. Hyunjin's eyes sparkled with excitement as he leaned forward, suggesting an idea for the upcoming weekend.
"Hey, let's do something fun this Saturday! I heard there's this new arcade opened—"
Before he could finish, your sheepish smile and the gentle rub on your neck halted him, "Sorry, I won't be able to make it. You guys can go ahead without me though."
Hyunjin furrowed his brows, "What? Why not?"
You sighed, conflicted about sharing the information but recognising the necessity, "I'm... going on my first date with Seungmin."
His cheerful expression faltered, his eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and disappointment, "Seungmin? You're still seeing him?"
You nodded hesitantly, your gaze shifting away, "Yeah, we've been hanging out quite a bit lately, and he finally asked me out. I didn't want to bring it up, but since you asked..."
The atmosphere grew tense, and Felix, who was listening to the conversation, threw a concerned look at his friend. Hyunjin tried to put on a brave face, forcing a smile, "Oh, that's... that's great. I hope you have fun."
Felix intervened, sensing the underlying tension, "Well, we can reschedule our plans. No big deal."
You offered an apologetic smile, "Thanks, Lix. I really appreciate it."
Hyunjin forced a smile, trying to mask the discomfort he felt, "Yeah, go have a good time."
His gaze lingered longingly on your retreating figure as you left lunch early that day. The once-clear path of friendship now seemed muddled, and the excitement for the weekend plans felt overshadowed by heartache.
The streetlights cast elongated shadows on the sidewalk as Hyunjin walked home, his steps heavy with self-pity. His gaze was fixed on his phone screen, flipping through your Instagram stories with Seungmin. Felix, catching up to his despondent friend, slung an arm over Hyunjin's shoulder.
"Dude, why didn't you wait for me?" Felix asked, noticing Hyunjin's distraction.
Hyunjin didn't respond, lost in his thoughts. Felix glanced over and sighed when he saw your stories playing on Hyunjin's phone. Swiftly, he snatched the device out of his friend's hands.
"That's enough. Will you keep wasting away while the girl you like is out there with another guy? Aren't you going to do something about your feelings?" Felix's words were firm, a mix of concern and frustration.
Hyunjin, taking his phone back, continued trudging home, "What can I do, Lix? All she sees is Seungmin. It doesn't matter how I feel."
Without warning, Felix smacked him on the back of the head. Hyunjin froze, rubbing the back of his head as Felix continued walking.
"Is that what you think? So you're upset with her seeing Seungmin because you have feelings for her. You do realise she felt the same way seeing you with Lia, right? So, what does that tell you?" With those words hanging in the air, Felix left Hyunjin standing there, the pieces slowly falling into place in his mind.
Wait, does that mean she feels the same?
The soft chime of incoming messages interrupted your preparations for the date with Seungmin. You checked your phone to find a series of texts from Hyunjin, desperation evident in his words. He insisted that he needed to meet you urgently, that there was something important he needed to discuss.
Sighing, you considered ignoring him, determined to focus on your evening with Seungmin. But the messages continued to flood in, Hyunjin's pleas echoing through your phone. You were tired of the emotional rollercoaster, the constant back and forth.
Just as you were about to throw your phone aside, a few more texts flashed across the screen. Hyunjin persisted, wanting to talk to you, to meet with you, 'Please don't go to him.' Frustration welled up in you, but you maintained your resolve.
With a firmness that surprised even yourself, you replied, 'Enough, Hyunjin. I'm going on this date with Seungmin whether or not you like it. You're not stopping me this time.'
As you hit send, a text from Seungmin arrived, informing you that he had arrived.
Fixing your hair one last time, you took a deep breath and made a conscious decision to put thoughts of Hyunjin aside for the night. Tonight was about you and Seungmin, and you were determined to enjoy the evening without the interference of unresolved feelings.
Except it was harder than you think.
The cityscape sparkled with lights as you walked beside Seungmin. Despite the vibrant atmosphere and your date's engaging company, every corner of the city seemed to whisper memories of Hyunjin. You couldn't escape the nostalgia that flooded your mind, remembering the countless times you and your childhood friend had roamed these familiar streets together throughout the years.
It became a bitter realisation that, no matter how much you tried to focus on Seungmin, your mind wandered back to your best friend. The restaurants you passed, the park you strolled through, every place held echoes of shared moments with Hyunjin.
To make matters worse, your phone vibrated incessantly with continuous messages from him. Despite your decision to ignore him, his texts continued to flood in, each one a reminder of his persistence. It tugged at your heartstrings, making it harder to immerse yourself in the date.
As the night progressed, you found yourself in a constant battle between the present and the past, between Seungmin and Hyunjin.
Just why are you doing this to me?
Letting out a tired sigh, you pushed your phone back into your pocket after seeing yet another text from you-know-who. You managed a convincing smile for your date, trying to push away the distraction of Hyunjin's persistent texts. But Seungmin's concern was evident as he placed a reassuring hand on your arm.
"Hey, everything alright?" He asked, his eyes reflecting genuine care. Your heart twinged with guilt for letting your emotions surface so easily. Nodding your head, you quickly regained your composure.
"Yep, all good. Ooh, let's go see that over there!" You pointed towards an intriguing stall, its shelves filled with peculiar items. You hoped the novelty would distract Seungmin—and, in turn, yourself—from the underlying tension of the night.
As you both explored the colourful array of trinkets and curiosities, you did your best to be present, banishing the persistent thoughts of a certain someone. Little did you know, Seungmin observed your efforts with concern, hoping to make the evening memorable for you.
Fingers intertwined with yours, he gently tugged you away from the crowd to a quieter corner by the beautiful Hangang River. The distant city lights reflected on the water's surface, casting a serene glow on both of you.
There, you stumbled upon a talented busker passionately pouring their heart into a soulful melody. Seungmin's eyes sparkled with delight as he guided you to a spot where you could enjoy the performance undisturbed.
In that moment, surrounded by the soothing music and the gentle night breeze, you smiled shyly. His presence felt warm and comforting, and for an instant, all you could see was him. He truly was a great guy, someone who could be the perfect boyfriend.
You could see it, see yourself being happy with him.
Until you couldn't.
The busker's next song struck a chord deep within you, a familiar melody that wrapped around your heart like a haunting echo from the past. It was your song, the one you and Hyunjin had dedicated to each other; it signified how much you meant to one another.
As the singer's voice carried the tune, memories of late-night talks, stolen glances, and the warmth of Hyunjin's presence flooded your mind. It was a bittersweet reminder of a connection that ran far deeper than you'd allowed yourself to acknowledge.
You knew you were hopeless when a voice you knew too well from behind you called out your name.
Hwang Hyunjin stood there, his eyes fixed on you with a mixture of emotions that mirrored your own inner turmoil. The shattered fragments of the future you envisioned with Seungmin lay scattered like a broken mirror, and there was no escaping the truth that had resurfaced with the haunting melody.
Turning to face him, you knew you were a lost cause the moment you laid your eyes on him. You had no control over how your heart instantly reacted to merely seeing him.
Seungmin's smile faltered, his grip on your hand loosening. The sudden shift didn't escape your notice, and when you looked up at him with tearful eyes, you found a bittersweet understanding in his gaze. His hand gently patted your head, a comforting gesture that carried an unspoken message.
"It's okay. Follow your heart, go to him," He said, his voice soft and understanding. His reassuring smile attempted to dispel any guilt you might feel, "Don't apologise, please. From the beginning, it was clear that your heart belonged to someone else. I knew that, and I just wanted to try my luck winning it over. But it's alright; I can tell this whole time, it's still with him."
His words lingered in the air, carrying both acceptance and a touch of melancholy. Hyunjin, who had been silently observing, began to view your date in a different light. Felix's insight had been right; Seungmin was a great guy.
Giving your hand a final, supportive squeeze, Seungmin nodded encouragingly at Hyunjin before walking off into the night.
The atmosphere around you seemed to shift, the distant sounds of the city melting away as Seungmin left you alone with Hyunjin and the weight of his words hanging in the air.
"Great, he's gone now. Are you happy?! What is it that's so freaking urgent that you had to ruin my date—"
Before you could process the mix of emotions, Hyunjin closed the distance between you. Your anger bubbled up at his apparent interruption, but he cut through your words with a revelation that shook you to your core.
"I'm in love with you, okay?!"
The confession hung in the air, and for a moment, the world stopped. You looked at him, your heart pounding, thoughts racing.
The truth that lingered beneath the surface had finally surfaced, leaving you both vulnerable and exposed. As the weight of his words settled in, you found yourself at a loss for how to respond.
Time seemed to come to a standstill.
You stood there, eyes wide, trembling, as the weight of his words sank in, "Wh-what?" You croaked, almost disbelieving. You feared your mind might be playing tricks on you.
Hyunjin softened, reaching gently for your hands, "I said, I'm in love with you. Always have been. It's... it's always been you. I should've known when I couldn't stop thinking about you even when I was with Lia. I'm sorry it took me this long to realise."
Your eyes rounded at the sincerity in his voice as he continued, "And I know that you feel exactly the same way I do."
You scoffed lightly at his confidence, "And how would you know that?"
He smiled, his gaze unwavering, "Tell me I'm wrong then. Tell me I've never once crossed your mind while you were with Seungmin."
You huffed in defeat, and he brought a hand up to cup your face, making you meet his gaze, "It has been painful watching you be with him, but I deserved it after making you watch and help me chase after Lia. I'm an idiot. I don't know how I've been so blind to my own feelings all this while."
You chuckled, placing your hand over his affectionately, "Believe it or not, I'm not much better. I didn't realise I loved you until Lia came around too."
His heart skipped a beat at your words, and he rested his forehead against yours, "Say that again."
You frowned, "Say what? That I'm no better than you?"
He laughed, "Not that. What you said after that."
You blinked slowly, "That I... love you?"
He nodded, biting his lip, "Again."
You blushed, murmuring, "I love you, you idiot."
His heart soared at that, "I love you too." Before you knew it, you were both leaning in, and your breath was taken away when you finally felt his lips pressed against yours. The world seemed to vanish, leaving only the two of you and the shared realisation of a love that had been there all along.
Hyunjin took you home, and the journey was a blur of stolen kisses, laughter, and the promise of a future that was now crystal clear. He kissed you dizzy at your doorstep, a sweet and lingering moment that left you breathless.
As you unlocked your front door, still feeling the warmth of his touch on your lips, you couldn't shake the need to address things with Seungmin. Despite the confusion of your emotions, you felt responsible for any unintentional hurt you might have caused.
Pulling out your phone, you composed a long text to Seungmin, expressing your sincerest apologies for leading him on, even when that wasn't your intention.
His reply came not long after, and you felt relief as you read his understanding words. Seungmin reassured you that he cherished the friendship you both had and was genuinely happy for you. You sighed, grateful that he handled it with such grace, and responded with a heartfelt thank you.
The weight on your shoulders lifted, knowing that at least one aspect of the situation was resolved amicably.
As the night settled in, you found yourself sitting by your window, a gentle breeze carrying the promise of a fresh start. Texts from Hyunjin lit up your screen, each message carrying a piece of the happiness that now coloured your world.
You smiled, realising that sometimes, the best things in life were the ones that took time to unfold.
The following week, you and Hyunjin walked into school hand in hand, a couple at last. The shift in your relationship wasn't much of a surprise to anyone. It has always been clear to most people that there was something slightly more between you; Hyunjin's protective nature and constant presence by your side made it obvious, that the love he had for you was different from Felix's platonic one.
The subtle hints that hung between you two over the years were now out in the open, and the school could finally witness the natural progression from best friends to something more.
Felix, stationed by his locker with an amused smirk, "Finally! I was this close to losing my patience waiting for you fools to realise you belonged together." His words carried a teasing tone, but there was genuine happiness in his eyes as he looked at the two of you.
Hyunjin chuckled, "Thanks, Lix. I won't lie, we probably wouldn't have been together yet if it weren't for you."
You nodded in agreement, "For real, you're the best," Grateful for the support and nudges from Felix, you jumped into his open arms, embracing him with genuine warmth. He grinned teasingly at your boyfriend as he hugged you back tightly, "I sure am."
Hyunjin, feigning jealousy, cleared his throat, "Alright, alright, that's enough! Hands off my girlfriend." He pulled you back into his arms, giving you a playful glare. You giggled, basking in the joy of finally being able to show your affection openly. The three of you shared a moment, knowing that this new chapter in your lives had been a long time coming.
The laughter-filled atmosphere at the lunch table spoke volumes about the comfort and happiness that had settled into your lives. With your boyfriend sitting by your side and your best friend across from you, the three of you enjoyed the moment.
Felix, ever the playful instigator, decided to bring up a memory, "Hey, remember when you said you had no interest in dating? Funny how things turned out, now look at you."
You scoffed, playfully rolling your eyes at his persistent teasing. Just as you were about to feed Hyunjin some of your kimchi fried rice, you paused midway, giving Felix a mock glare, "How many times have we been over this? Give it a rest, will you?"
Hyunjin whined at the interruption, and you turned to feed him with a coo, making him smile. Felix burst into laughter, thoroughly entertained, "Nope, I'll never let you live this down."
Your boyfriend swallowed the food in his mouth before throwing a tangerine at Felix, "Leave her alone and pick on someone your own size, Lee Yongbok."
Felix shook his head amusingly, catching the fruit in his hand, "Okay, okay, sheesh."
Amid the laughter and light banter, Felix suddenly shifted the mood, his expression turning serious, "Hey, on a serious note, you two. I just want you to know how genuinely happy I am for both of you. I wish you nothing but the best, and I hope you'll be together for a really long time. You both mean the world to me and your happiness is what matters most."
Hyunjin wrapped an arm around you and nodded, "I promise, Lix, I'll take care of her for as long as I'm capable of doing so."
Your eyes grew a bit wet at the sincerity of their words. Just as the moment was turning emotional, Felix, in his typical fashion, couldn't resist adding a touch of humour, "Oh, and by the way, if you have a kid, name them after me. Felix has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"
You and Hyunjin stared at him, unamused, for a brief moment before bursting into laughter. Without missing a beat, you both reached over to give him a playful smack, "Dream on, Lix."
Deciding to go on a date after school, the two of you waved your best friend goodbye before skipping off in the opposite direction.
Swinging your intertwined hands, Hyunjin couldn't help but pout at the thought of your gaming plans with Seungmin over the weekend, "Can't you hang out with me instead of gaming with Seungmin, hm?" He asked, a playful whine in his voice.
You rolled your eyes, a teasing smile playing on your lips, "Jinnie, please, you're the one who told me the importance of maintaining our own lives outside of our relationship, right?"
He sputtered for a moment, caught off guard, "W-well, I mean, yeah, I did but—"
You shook your head, cutting off his protest with a gentle finger pressed against his lips, "No 'buts.' I'm playing with Seungmin, and you can't stop me."
Turning to continue walking, he tugged on your wrist and pulled you against him. With a gasp, you placed your hands on his chest to steady yourself, "Really? You'd rather play games with some other guy than do this with your own boyfriend?" He murmured, his tone a mix of playfulness and a hint of something more.
Before you could respond, he leaned in, kissing you with an intensity that caught you by surprise. Your knees buckled, and you would have fallen if it hadn't been for his strong hold on you. Your eyes fluttered closed almost instantly as you melted into the kiss, all thoughts of gaming and Seungmin fading away.
When he pulled away, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips, he gazed at your dazed state, "Tell me, is gaming better than this, hm?" He teased, his voice carrying a playful tone.
Lost in the trance of the moment, you shook your head, feeling his lips brush against yours before he kissed you again. The sensation was electrifying, but if Hyunjin thought he had won you over with that, he was severely mistaken.
Because when the weekend came around, and you were immersed in your gaming session with Seungmin, no amount of kisses from Hyunjin could distract you from the digital world you were exploring. As much as you loved the moments with your boyfriend, your passion for gaming was a part of who you were, and it was a promise you intended to keep.
But you did let him come over while you game.
Hyunjin pouted as he watched you talk excitedly into the mic on your headset, your enthusiasm evident in every word you spoke to Seungmin. Despite his initial playful complaints about being abandoned for games, he couldn't fight the smile that grew on his face.
As you laughed and strategised with Seungmin, Hyunjin appreciated how genuinely happy you were in these moments. He understood that your passion for gaming was a significant part of who you were, and he respected that.
Seated beside you, he immersed himself in his own world of sketches and drawings. The atmosphere was filled with the sound of your laughter and the clicking of his pencil against the paper. He was content, knowing that you were both doing things you loved, even if they were very different. Being by your side was all that mattered to him. And as he glanced at you with a soft smile, he thought, maybe, opposites do attract after all.
He couldn't resist leaning over to plant a kiss on your head as you played. You winked at him in response, making him laugh.
When the long match finally ended in your favour, you jumped up, arms thrown around his neck in triumph, "We won, Jinnie!" You exclaimed, and he cheered alongside you, savouring the victory.
As you celebrated, Hyunjin sneakily wrapped his arms around you and whispered, "Should I reward you for doing such a good job?" A mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes.
You gasped, slapping a hand over his mouth when you heard a loud groan through your headset. Seungmin's voice echoed, and you realised he could still hear you with the mic unmuted, "Ew, I really didn't need to hear that. My day's completely ruined now, thanks."
"Shut up, Seungmin. You've been hogging my girlfriend all day. Can I have her back already?" Hyunjin scolded, and your face turned a shade of red.
Seungmin laughed good-naturedly, "Fine, she's all yours."
Hyunjin grinned in victory as you ended the call with Seungmin, and he wasted no time pulling you back into his arms as soon as you logged out of the game.
"Damn right, she is. All mine."
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I'll be honest, this slightly strayed from the initial direction that I was gonna go for, but I'm happy with how it ended.
Thank you for reading and let me know your thoughts! <3
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mariacallous · 4 months
It was almost two years ago that Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine. As another winter of war arrives, voices skeptical of the country’s prospects are growing louder—not in diplomatic meetings or military planning sessions, but rather in news reports and in expert commentary. Most do not openly argue that Ukraine should simply give up its fight, but the pessimism, buttressed by supposedly pragmatic arguments, carries clear strategic implications that are both dangerous and wrong.
These skeptics suggest that the current situation on the battlefield will not change and that, given Russia’s vastly greater resources, the Ukrainians will be unable to retake more of their territory. They argue that international support for Ukraine is eroding and will plummet sharply in the coming months. They invoke “war fatigue” and the supposedly bleak prospects of our forces.
The skeptics are correct that our recent counteroffensive did not achieve the lightning-fast liberation of occupied land, as the Ukrainian military managed in the fall of 2022 in the Kharkiv region and the city of Kherson. Observers, including some in Ukraine, anticipated similar results over the past several months, and when immediate success did not materialize, many succumbed to doom and gloom. But pessimism is unwarranted, and it would be a mistake to let defeatism shape our policy decisions going forward. Instead, policymakers in Washington and other capitals should keep the big picture in mind and stay on track. A Ukrainian victory will require strategic endurance and vision—as with our recent counteroffensive, the liberation of every square mile of territory requires enormous sacrifice by our soldiers—but there is no question that victory is attainable.
Over nearly two years of brutal war in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin has upped the ante to the point that half-solutions are impossible. Any outcome besides a clear defeat of Russia in Ukraine would have troubling implications, and not just for my country—it would cause a global disarray that would ultimately threaten the United States and its allies, as well. Authoritarian leaders and aggressors around the world are keeping a close watch on the results of Putin’s military adventure. His success, even if partial, would inspire them to follow in his footsteps. His defeat will make clear the folly of trying.
Wars of this scale are fought in stages. Some of those stages may be more successful than others. What matters is the end result. In Ukraine, that means both fully restoring our territorial integrity and bringing those responsible for international crimes to justice—goals that are both clear and feasible. Meeting those objectives would ensure not only a just and lasting peace in Ukraine but also that other malicious forces around the world are not left with the impression that mimicking Putin will ultimately pay off.
The current phase of the war is not easy for Ukraine or for our partners. Everyone wants quick, Hollywood-style breakthroughs on the battlefield that will bring a quick collapse of Russia’s occupation. Although our objectives will not be reached overnight, continued international support for Ukraine will, over time, ensure that local counteroffensives achieve tangible results on the frontlines, gradually destroying Russian forces and thwarting Putin’s plans for a protracted war.
Some skeptics counter that although such goals are just, they simply aren’t achievable. In fact, our objectives will remain militarily feasible as long as three factors are in place: adequate military aid, including jets, drones, air defense, artillery rounds, and long-range capabilities that allow us to strike deep behind enemy lines; the rapid development of industrial capacity in the United States and Europe as well as in Ukraine, both to cover Ukraine’s military needs and to replenish U.S. and European defense stocks; and a principled and realistic approach to the prospect of negotiations with Russia.
With these elements in place, our effort will bring marked progress on the frontlines. Yet that requires not veering off course and concluding that the fight is hopeless simply because one stage has fallen short of some observers’ expectations. Even with significant challenges, Ukraine has achieved notable results in recent months. We won the battle for the Black Sea and thereby restored a steady flow of maritime exports, benefiting both our economy and global food security. We’ve made gains on the southern front, recently securing a bridgehead on the eastern bank of the Dnieper River. And elsewhere, we have held off enormous Russian assaults and inflicted major losses on Russian forces, including by thwarting their attempts on Avdiivka and Kupiansk. Despite their gargantuan effort, Russian troops failed to secure any gains on the ground.
Indeed, over the last year and a half, the Ukrainian military has proved its ability to surprise skeptics. Against all odds, Ukrainian forces have liberated more than half the territory taken by Russia since February 2022. This did not happen with a single blow. After the liberation of Ukraine’s northeast in the first months of the war, we lost some ground in the east before regaining momentum—a sequence that demonstrates why drawing broad conclusions based on one stage of fighting is misleading. If the war were only about numbers, we would have already lost. Russia may try to outnumber us, but the right strategy, advanced planning, and adequate support will allow us to effectively strike back.
Some analysts believe that freezing the conflict by establishing a cease-fire is a realistic option at the moment. Proponents of such a scenario argue that it would lower Ukrainian casualties and allow Ukraine and its partners to focus on economic recovery and rebuilding, integration into the European Union and NATO, and the long-term development of our defense capabilities.
The problem is not just that a cease-fire now would reward Russian aggression. Instead of ending the war, a cease-fire would simply pause the fighting until Russia is ready to make another push inland. In the meantime, it would allow Russian occupying troops to reinforce their positions with concrete and minefields, making it nearly impossible to drive them away in the future and condemning millions of Ukrainians to decades of repression under occupation. Russia’s 2024 budget for the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, amounting to 3.2 trillion Russian rubles (around $35 billion), is clear evidence of Moscow’s plan to dig in for the long haul and suppress resistance to Russian occupation authorities.
Moreover, whatever the arguments that such a scenario would be less costly for Ukraine and its partners, the reality is that such a negotiated cease-fire is not even on the table. Between 2014 and 2022, we endured approximately 200 rounds of negotiations with Russia in various formats, as well as 20 attempts to establish a cease-fire in the smaller war that followed Russia’s 2014 illegal annexation of Crimea and occupation of Ukraine’s east. Our partners pressed Moscow to be constructive, and when they ran into the Kremlin’s diplomatic wall, they insisted that Ukraine had to take the “first step,” if only to demonstrate that Russia was the problem. Following this flawed logic, Ukraine made some painful concessions. Where did it lead? To Russia's full-scale attack on February 24, 2022. Declaring yet again that Ukraine must take the first step is both immoral and naive.
If the frontline were frozen now, there is no reason to believe that Russia would not use such a respite to plan a more brutal attack in a few years, potentially involving not only Ukraine but also neighboring countries and even NATO members. Those who believe Russia will not attack a NATO country after celebrating success in Ukraine should recall how unimaginable a large-scale invasion of Ukraine seemed just two years ago.
Skeptics also argue that supporting Ukraine’s fight for freedom is too expensive and cannot be sustained indefinitely. We in Ukraine are fully aware of the amounts of assistance that we have received from the United States, European countries, and other allies, and we are immensely grateful to the governments, legislators, and individuals who have extended a helping hand to our country at war. We manage the support in the most transparent and accountable way: U.S. inspectors of military aid to Ukraine have found no evidence of significant waste, fraud, or abuse.
This support is not, and never has been, charity. Every dollar invested in Ukraine’s defense returns clear security dividends for its supporters. It has enabled Ukraine to successfully rebuff Russian aggression and avert a disastrous escalation in Europe. And Ukraine has done all this with American assistance totaling roughly three percent of the annual U.S. defense budget. What is more, most of this money has in fact been spent in the United States, funding the U.S. defense industry, supporting the development of cutting-edge technology, and creating American jobs—a reason that some local business leaders in the United States have publicly opposed withholding or cutting military aid to Ukraine.
Moreover, while the United States is Ukraine’s top defense partner—and Washington’s leadership in rallying support for Ukraine has been exemplary and essential—the United States has hardly borne the burden alone. As NATO’s secretary-general, Jens Stoltenberg, recently noted, other NATO members, including European countries and Canada, account for more than half of Ukraine’s military aid. A number of countries have provided more support as a percentage of GDP than the United States has: the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, and the United Kingdom. Germany's assistance continues to grow, making it Ukraine's largest European supporter in absolute terms.
Attempts by some skeptics to brand Ukraine’s fight for freedom as just another futile “forever war” ignore these facts. Ukraine has never asked for American boots on the ground. The deal is fair: our partners provide us with what we need to win, and we do the rest of the job ourselves, defending not only our borders but also the borders of global democracy.
The United States has spent decades, and hundreds of billions of dollars, building and protecting an international order that could sustain and protect democracy and market economies, thus ensuring security and prosperity for Americans. It would be foolish to give up on that investment now. If democracy is allowed to fall in Ukraine, adversaries of the United States will perceive weakness and understand that aggression pays. The price tag for defending U.S. national security against such threats would be many times higher than the one for supporting Ukraine and could spark decades of global turbulence with an uncertain outcome.
Scholars and analysts often warn of a World War III involving nuclear conflict between great powers. But they may overlook the risk of a world of smaller hot wars between states, with bigger powers feeling empowered to take advantage of their smaller neighbors—World Wars I, plural,rather than World War III. Without a common commitment to Ukrainian victory, Russian aggression could in hindsight mark the onset of such a world.
No country in the world desires peace more than Ukraine. It is not our side that wants this war to drag on indefinitely—Putin does. (We have a clear vision of the path to peace, as laid out in President Volodymyr Zelensky’s ten-point Peace Formula.) And it is Ukraine that is paying the greatest price for this war. We are losing some of our best men and women every day. There is hardly a Ukrainian family that has not directly felt the pain of war. Our warriors have in many cases been serving for more than 20 months, stuck in muddy or icy trenches under daily Russian bombardment, with no return date in sight; the toll on civilians, whether enduring brutal airstrikes or occupation, keeps growing, and the horror of Ukrainian children being stolen and then “adopted” by Russian families for “re-education” continues to haunt us all.
Yet even with our suffering, weariness, and struggles, Ukrainians are not willing to give up, to opt for “peace” at any price. Eighty percent of Ukrainians oppose making territorial concessions to Russia, according to a recent survey conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology. Another poll found that 53 percent of Ukrainians were prepared to endure years of wartime hardship for the sake of a Ukrainian victory. Ukrainians would not be ready to give up even in the event of a significant decrease in foreign military aid: polling in November by the New Europe Center showed that only eight percent of Ukrainians think that such a reduction should push us into negotiations with Russia. (Thirty-five percent said that a Russian willingness to withdraw troops from Ukraine would be the necessary condition for starting talks, and 33 percent said that under no conditions should talks begin at all.)
Western analysts who urge Ukraine to accept a hasty cease-fire on unfavorable terms neglect such views. For years, policymakers and experts in Europe and the United States failed to listen to Ukrainian warnings that both diplomacy and business as usual with Russia were no longer possible. It took a large-scale invasion and enormous destruction and suffering for them to recognize that the Ukrainian warnings were right. They should not fall into the same trap again.
In the summer of 1944, in the weeks after the World War II Allies’ D-Day landing, the headlines in allied capitals were often pessimistic: “Allied Pace Slows,” “Delays in Normandy: Overcaution of Allies and Bad Weather Seen as Factors Upsetting Schedule,” “Terrain Slows Tanks, U.S. Officer Explains.” Even after Allied success in Normandy, the massive Operation Market Garden in the German-occupied Netherlands in September 1944 proved challenging. It had been expected to bring the war to a close but instead yielded limited successes and massive Allied losses. Yet pessimistic headlines and disappointing, even costly, setbacks did not cause the Allies to give up.
At the end of last month, I attended a NATO ministerial meeting in Brussels. What struck me most was the disparity between the mood inside the chamber and the mood outside it. On the sidelines, reporters opened their questions by asserting that the war had reached a “stalemate” and that “war fatigue” would cripple support, before wondering why Ukraine wouldn’t offer to trade territory for peace. Yet such defeatist narratives were absent in the official discussions, with ministers making a firm commitment to additional military aid and sustained support.
However prevalent a false narrative of attrition becomes, we should not allow it to set policymaking and our shared strategy on a disastrous course. Nor should we be duped into believing that Moscow is ready for a fair negotiated solution. Opting to accept Putin’s territorial demands and reward his aggression would be an admission of failure, which would be costly for Ukraine, for the United States and its allies, and for the entire global security architecture. Staying the course is a difficult task. But we know how to win, and we will.
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docgold13 · 1 month
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Batman: The Animated Series - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
Poison Ivy (New Adventures)
Following an absence from Gotham City, Poison Ivy returned looking quite different.  Her skin had turned a greenish shade of pale and her physique was more slim and nymphlike.  Pamela Isley had used plant-golems as surrogates for herself in the past and it is possible that the Poison Ivy who reemerged in Gotham was actually just another of these floral golems.  Conversely it is also possible that continued exposure to plant-based mutagens had transformed Isley, making her more of a dryad-like being.  
Whatever the case, Poison Ivy was up to her old tricks.  She created a series of plant-based replicants each of whom exuded invisible spores that made them incredibly desirable.  Each of these golems were designed specifically for an individual victim, all people who were wealthy and influential throughout Gotham and its surrounding boroughs.  Bruce Wayne was among these targets and he found himself having fallen head over heels in love with a young woman named Susan.  The spore-based pheromones Susan emitted made Bruce feel a sense of peace and contentment that he had never in his life experienced.  She was the perfect woman: strong, accepting, beautiful and compatible in every way.  
It was only after his marriage to Susan and decision to forsake his life as Batman that Bruce finally discovered the terrible truth of who (or rather what) Susan actually was.  A heartbroken Bruce resumed his guise as Batman and brought down Ivy’s schemes, destroying the various plant golems who were planning on killing their new spouses and leaving ivy in control of their fortunes and influence.  Ivy herself seemed to perish, but she would resurface soon thereafter.  
Hiding out with her partner, Harley Quinn, the two were visited by the escaped super villainess known as Live Wire.  The three of them went on a destructive crime spree that was ultimately stopped by the combined efforts of Batgirl and Supergirl.             
Some time later, Poison Ivy teamed up with The Floronic Man as part of a diabolical scheme to transform all life on earth into plant-based creatures similar to the Swamp Thing.  Although Batman and Nightwing fought hard to put an end to this plot they could not prevail and the day was actually saved when Harley Quinn pleaded with Ivy to stop.  Ivy and Harley’s love for each other turned the tide and Ivy chose not to go through with the plan.   
Actresses Diane Pershing and Paget Brewster each provided the voice for Poison Ivy, with the villainess first appearing in the ninth episode of the first season of Batman: The Animated Series, ‘Pretty Poison.’
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romiantic · 10 months
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→ INCLUDING hobie, gwen, miles, miguel
→ READING: black!fem!reader
→ GENRE + WARNINGS: fluff + ooc for gwen
→ A/N: ngl gwen + miles was my fav to write <3
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— when I think of hobie with his black partner, I usually think of opposites attract but with a hint of alt. like you would be an earthy person or a pink person and you’re just wandering town with your tall, punk bf. but you guys match so well, you guys compliment each other’s features and everybody (jokingly) question how you two ended together
— hobie very touchy-feely with his partners. I can imagine him teasing you any time, any day. you two could be chilling with tv playing in the back and here he goes leaving his hands on your stomach or poking your thighs. also, hobie is not super specific on who he dates, he’s a personality over looks type of person
— dating hobie is quite interesting but in a good way! very adventurous, daring, colorful? yeah colorful! when I say this, I mean trashing the rich neighborhoods, spray painting your initials with a heart on random walls, and sneaking into concerts. especially late night, this man’s energy is on ten when the moon is out but it’s all spent on you, don’t worry <3
— hobie can be loving and such a tease. like he’ll pull you in for a kiss and walk away out of nowhere ?? he finds your reactions hilarious and won’t stop teasing you cause of it, it’s too much fun for him. for example, he’ll start touching you softly, massaging your shoulders, you’ll lean into the touch and he just stops. like he’ll keep going until you’re too into it and then let go out of nowhere….pls I can’t stand him
— his favorite pastime is swinging through the city with you in his arms. it’s so much fun and the adrenaline he gets from it escalates by ten. especially when he faked to drop you but catch it right after, it gets him going and keeps him laughing until you end up on a random rooftop
— hobie also likes to take lots of pictures! I can see him always sneaking a pic when you’re not looking and definitely having a huge collection of polaroid photos. these photos are precious to him, it’s like him having small pieces of you everywhere he goes <3
— hobie can be very chill as well. hobie isn’t always down for adventures and some days he just wanna do what you’re into or just chill with you. he’ll tune his guitar and strum something new, lay on your thighs and let you rant on whatever obsession you have or how your day is going
LOVE LANGUAGE: physical touch !
— dating gwen is very mellow, she has her moments of excitement but rarely. at first gwen shy herself away and was quite hard to break apart, she would only communicate through her music or body language
— not gonna lie, communication with gwen is quite rough but does require patience. she’s not a girl of many words unless you’re close with her or she’s ultimately at her breaking point. but with you, she does try more and more to speak out how she feels; her small sentences become longer and she doesn’t bottle up everything to scream into a pillow
— gwen would try to find a spot during her time as spidergirl to find new spots for you two to hang out at (while still fighting crime). her go to would be new pizza places, thrift shops, or rooftops of restaurants, the aroma of food puts her at ease
— being a music lover would mean gwen showing you her extensive collection of music. her range is large but it is quite fascinating, it can go from pop punk to conscious rap. she does indulge in rnb (sometimes) but more on the sabrina claudio, umi, and Q type of rnb, like indie rnb
— for hair, gwen can be quite indecisive so asking her on what to get next won’t be the best idea. she think protective styles + wigs are so creative and can get overwhelmed on what would look best on you. the best she can do is pick three of the best options sorry :(
— intimacy with gwen is very important to her, whether it be cuddling while watching a movie or playing with each other’s fingers. it gives gwen a sense of serenity that she always longs for and can’t live without. especially working as spider girl, that piece of serenity can ease her nerves. she reminds herself of the calming days you two share with each other
LOVE LANGUAGE: quality time !
— dating miles is like living in a rom com movie. he’s so dorky, so cute, but also funny. dating miles is like taking a long walk on flower field, he makes you feel ecstatic, happy, blissful even
— because miles is a bit of a dork, he can get a bit slow on things you talk to him about (especially girl things). when you first explained what a period is he didn’t take it well and thought it was some disease only girls had. oh goodness miles-
— another difficult thing to explain to him is hair, he knows something about protective styles but not much. you don’t have to explain the difference of a loc and a braid but you do have to point out to him the difference between butterfly locs and soft locs. he’ll get the difference soon, don't worry!
— like gwen, miles is a music lover so he always singing whenever he’s around and not picky to music either. this boy can go from singing Billie Holiday to Ice Spice, I don’t know how tbh. btw, miles is definitely an ice spice stan ! but also, you and miles going to concerts (local or stadium) could be become a very consistent thing, consider it y’all favorite dates <3
— miles has a lot of playlist for scenarios of the both of you. scenarios of y’all first kiss, dancing at homecoming, y’all first argument, talking a walk through the busy streets of brooklyn, playing video games, etc. I promise you, if he thought about it, there’s definitely a playlist for it
— chill days with miles would consist of playing music through his record player, going record shopping, or watching old cartoons. on some days, if miles is too tired he’ll plop on your bed and just sleep away until you wake him up for dinner. the boy goes through a lot everyday, please don’t mind him
— there are times when miles does get quite stressed but doesn’t really know how to explain until he’s at his breaking point. the weight of being a good student, a good son, and spiderman can be too much to bear and can potentially crush him. therefore he will go silent some days and become more slumped throughout the day, he tries to hide it with a smile but couldn’t last once he was in your room. seeing him at such vulnerable moments made you see a different side of miles; fragile, small, and more open
LOVE LANGUAGE: acts of service + words of affirmation
— not gonna lie, dating miguel is like having another parent as a boyfriend. he can be quite nagging but in a loving way, like he won’t pester you too much but does want better for you. he’ll talk with about your health, whether physical or mental, communication between the both of you, and even set boundaries for the relationship. it’s the bare minimum I know, but it’s something miguel cares about deeply
— miguel can actually be quite affectionate. when there isn’t much to do on both of your agendas, he’ll have you both laid out on the couch just holding you still and peppering kisses to your neck and face
— there are a lot of quiet times with miguel, he gets too deep into his thoughts and think about all the terrible mistakes he has made. the loss of his family, the disaster he has caused, they all come tumbling down and leaves him more like a villain than a hero. as much as he loves being spiderman, the consequences weigh on him heavy, so please comfort him when he’s unusually quiet or distant
— I feel like miguel is the perfect person when it comes to hair, like he has some sort of secret power for hair. some odd reason, his choice of protective styles for you are always perfect and you look so good after your appointment!
— miguel loves loves loves throwing out compliments! any time, any random day, he’ll call you “gorgeous”, “beautiful”, “princess”, and any other compliments in his native tongue. miguel adores the way your face heats up and your face glowing when he compliments you, your reactions brighten his day/night more
— this man loves to cook as well! he loves cooking food in his culture and loves even more when he shares it with you. not gonna lie, he does pride on being your favorite cook but then again the amazing aroma of his cooking always have your stomach flipping
— if things get too stressful or worrisome, miguel would book a vacation for the both of you, local or out of state, he doesn’t mind. his go to for vacation are always a beach house on an island to enjoy the outdoors or the countryside of a European country
LOVE LANGUAGE: words of affirmation
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⭑ there’s def gonna be a part 2 for prowler!miles cause I don’t have anything written for him yet….
𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐃 💗: Ephesians 4:32
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© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥 𝗉𝗇𝗄𝗐𝖾𝖻. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
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multifandomwriter56 · 9 months
Doubts Put to Rest
A/N: Hello Everyone! This is my first ever Suits story. I hope you enjoy. I have an OC I'm working on and I'm excited to post it.
Fandom Prompt #15: "Welcome to the real world. It sucks. You're gonna love it."
Summary: Y/n Specter is Harvey's younger sister and has been an associate at Pearson Hardman for three months. After the last case she had helped Harvey with, a threat of her being fired is going around. Donna and Mike try to help, but ultimately, only her brother can put her mind at ease... even if he is part of the problem.
Character: Harvey Specter, Donna Paulsen, Mike Ross, mentions Jessica Pearson
Warnings: language
Word Count: 1,565
*gif is not mine*
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"Yes, exactly. They'll never know what hit them."
Harvey swivels in his chair, facing the two sources to his headache. "Why are the two puppies so excited about today?" He asks the two associates.
Y/n Specter rolls her eyes at her brother. The annoying pet name became Harvey's favorite since she started working at Pearson Hardman.
"I don't think he's ready for the truth." Mike teases, a smirk forming at the corner of his lips as he looks at his partner in crime.
Y/n doesn't even try to hide her smirk. "I agree. Maybe we should just run it by Jessica. I'm sure she would agree with us."
Mike's eyes widen. He shakes his head in warning, trying to be inconspicuous. He should've told the young girl that Harvey is in one of his moods and they shouldn't push too hard… especially on the subject of one Jessica Pearson.
Y/n immediately regrets her words when Harvey stands to his feet, any amusement he had completely gone.
"How about instead of wasting my time, you tell me what the fuck you found." He's not shouting, but he's not far from it.
Mike immediately spills their idea, working with Harvey long enough to know when to push and when to back off.
"Put it in writing and bring it to me by the end of the day." He orders as he settles back into his chair, his focus turning to his laptop. A clear sign of dismissal.
The two associates quickly leave the older man's office.
"Why would you say that?" Donna scolds, not even pretending she wasn't listening to their conversation.
Y/n shrugs her shoulders. "He wasn't in that bad of a mood this morning." She tries to defend herself. She has to be in a certain mood to even think about attempting to piss off her brother. "What happened in between this morning and now? We're going to win the case."
Donna's scolding glare turns to the other headache. "You didn't tell her?"
Y/n immediately notices how Mike turns on the puppy eyes. She rolls her eyes, no wondering Harvey always calls him a puppy. "Tell me what?"
She watches as her brother's secretary and associate have a staring contest, waiting for one of them to cave.
She may be an associate at Pearson Hardman, but Jessica made it clear to Harvey that his sister is not at his beck and call. She is to be available for other partners, just like the other associates. 
And she prefers it that way. This case had more work and Mike asked for her help.
Just as she assumed, Mike is the first to cave.
"After the last case, Jessica started questioning whether or not it's a good idea to let you work here. She chewed Harvey out for punching that lawyer."
"It's not my fault Harvey feels the need to protect me... no matter how many times I tell him he doesn't need to."
"Oh honey, you know Harvey will always protect you. Even when he doesn't need to, he will."
Y/n can't deny Donna's words. Harvey has always been overprotective of those he cares about. That will never change. She just wishes he would butt out. "So Jessica wants me gone."
"She doesn't want to fire you, but she's starting to believe she's going to have to pick between the two of you and-"
"And there's no way she'll pick the kid sister over her own protégé." Y/n shakes her head. She knew working here was a bad idea. This is her brother's firm, not hers. She wanted it to be both, but it can't be. She's second. 
And second choice never gets picked by the best.
"He told Jessica if you go, he goes." Mike tells her, his voice barely above a whisper as a paralegal passes by.
She snaps her eyes closed. No matter how old, how successful she is... she'll always be a headache for her brother. A nuisance he's been stuck with since their father passed.
"I don't pay you to sit around and gossip like school girls with Donna. Get to work." Harvey snaps.
Mike huffs as he turns on his heel and heads for the bullpen, but Y/n stays where she is, her eyes bravely staring right back at the raging bull.
The siblings stare silently at each other, making Donna bit her lower lip in dread. This could end very badly if she doesn't interfere soon. "Come on, Y/n. You can help me make copies while you wait for Mike."
Y/n breaks eye contact, forcing them to meet the redhead's. "Sure, Donna."
The two women freeze. Donna tries to catch Harvey's gaze but it's solely on his sister.
Y/n's stomach drops when Harvey gesture with his raised hand for her to come into his office. Maybe he's decided it will be better if she leaves. Maybe he realized he's tired of having her around. Maybe he wants her completely out of his life.
No. That's ridiculous. Harvey loves her. He may not always say 'I love you' but he shows it. Y/n has never questioned his love for her. Not until now.
But Harvey has never been in this position; to have to pick between his beloved law firm or his sister. Y/n knows how much this firm means to Harvey. She refuses to be the reason it's taken from him.
So with her head held high and her mind made up, Y/n strides into his office; ignoring the questioning raised eyebrow he sends Donna's way.
Standing in front of his desk, she waits for Harvey to sit, before she begins speaking. "I'm officially giving my two weeks notice."
The slight amusement that was starting to rise, drops like a cannonball. Harvey had seen that determined look many times before, mostly when Y/n was in her teens. The look is classic stubborn Specter glare and it brought back memories. Memories of Y/n stating her case on why she should go camping with her friends with no adults. Or when she was determined that she wasn't too sick to go to the courthouse to watch Harvey win against an old rival before throwing up the three crackers she ate thirty minutes beforehand.
But he never thought the girl would use that look to quit... to give up.
"What did you just say to me?"
"I'm not going to let you give up your job for me."
"Who said I was giving up my job?" At her fallen expression, Harvey quickly tries to explain. "Y/n, dammit, I didn't mean that I was picking my job over you. Neither one of us are leaving. You hear me? I'm not letting you quit and I'm not letting Jessica fire anyone. We're staying."
Y/n lets go of her fake fearless act, letting her legs give out as she plops down into the chair directly behind her. "H-How?"
"Because I'm the best damn closer the world has ever seen."
Y/n groans, her eyes rolling into the back of her head. "I fucking hate that answer."
"Welcome to the real world. It sucks." Harvey chuckles when that gets him another eye roll. "Don't worry. You're gonna love it."
"Already do."
Y/n lets the comfortable silence fall over them; glad the tension is gone.
She wants to drop it, but she needs to know. "Did Jessica really want me gone?"
Harvey shakes his head, the smile disappearing. "Dammit Mike." He mutters under his breath before turning his focus back to his sister. "Jessica was angry with me. We had to settle with the lawyer I punched. She was pissed and made threats she didn't mean. Jessica would never fire you. She loves you."
Y/n chews on his words, the hurt she was feeling towards the managing partner disappearing into the abyss. But she's not fully satisfied. "Jessica is still angry with you?"
Harvey swallows his pride. He refuses to admit it, but Y/n is one (if not the only) person Harvey is willing to put his pride aside for. "I apologized and I've been assigned two pro bono cases; one for each month."
Y/n can't hold back the smile. Jessica really knows how to hit Harvey where is hurts.
Harvey points an accusing finger at her, his eyebrows raised high. "And that look just cost you dearly. I'm assigning them to you."
Y/n's smile immediately falls. "Aww, come on, Harvey. You know Mike loves that shit. Why don't you give it to him?"
"Because then I can't punish him for blabbing his mouth to you and Donna about Jessica."
"I'll tell Jessica you pawned the case off to me." She ignores the fact that she sounds just like a five year old.
Harvey smirks. "No, you won't."
Y/n crosses her arms over her chest. "Oh yeah? And what's stopping me?"
She tries to ignore the anxiety building in the pit of her stomach. She never trusts Harvey when he has that look. A look so mischievous, the possibilities of what he is thinking are endless.
"I know you and Rachel stole Jessica tea set one night and had you own little tea party."
Y/n's jaw drops. There's only one person who knew about that besides the two woman there.
Forevers: @desiredposion @theseakrakence @simonsbluee
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honey-beann · 1 year
Ruiner, Ruination (RK900 x Reader)
Chapter One: Naming Nines
Series Masterlist
Series Synopsis:
After Gavin Reed, the biggest asshat in the DPD refuses to work with the newest android detective, the only RK900 in existence, you find yourself being offered the opportunity in his stead. Post successful android revolution, with a very recently deviated android partner at your side, will the two of you gain the same level of success as Hank and Connor, or will your different manifestations of humanity, and all of the feelings that come along with it, get in the way?
AKA: Reader and Nines get partnered up and grow closer over a series of one-shots and random cases.
Will you become RK900's ruination?
Chapter Content Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,579
"Absolutely not!"
The sounds of shouting nearly made you groan as you slumped down further in your desk, trying to ignore the grown man throwing a temper tantrum clearly visible through the glass just a few yards in front of you.
"Sounds like Gavin found out about his new android partner, huh?"
Muttered one of your coworkers from behind you, and you lamented internally at all of the bitching you were going to be subjected to as a result of this mess. Having your desk situated just a few feet across from Detective Reed's meant having to hear all about his newest complaints and disagreements, even if you had absolutely no interest in them at all. Back when you were still considered a rookie just a year prior, you had hoped this had all been a test, and that you would soon be moved to a less bothersome location, but as time went on with no complaints from you, Fowler appeared to have decided that the arrangement worked just fine as a permanent fixture.
You were less than pleased.
Trying not to be as obvious in your staring as your coworkers, you placed your tablet in your lap, looking up from the blank screen every few seconds to watch Gavin push at some other expensive looking object, his eyes wild with an anger you had grown all too familiar with throughout your somewhat brief time here at the station. Needless to say, you were not a fan of Detective Reed and his childishness, and this extreme act of crazed rage only made you all the more aware of how ridiculous and dramatic he could be.
"All this over some android partner?"
You muttered under your breath, rolling your eyes before returning them down to the tablet in front of you, still blank as you tried to look as busy as possible despite your light work load.
Working in the android crimes unit alongside Lieutenant Anderson, Connor, and Detective Reed had been no walk in the park so far, especially not when the first two made such an incredible team. You and Gavin, on the other hand, had been urged to try your best for a few months, before it was ultimately decided that you both worked best on your own. Or, at least, that's what the amicable write up said. In reality, Reed had made it impossible to work with him over the course of just three months, and after that, you had outright refused a partnership. If you were supposed to receive any form of repercussions for this, they never came, and now, watching Gavin rant and rave through the glass of Fowler's office, you were pretty sure that you knew why.
How could anyone truly expect someone to work well with one of the biggest assholes in the entire city of Detroit?
Yourself and the rest of your coworkers watched on for a while, as Gavin continued to argue his case against a potential asset to his one man show of a team, rolling your eyes jointly at his dramatics until finally, Fowler put his head in his hands and exasperatedly motioned for your desk neighbor to leave. Begrudgingly, you watched as Reed did just that, grumbling something under his breath that had your boss glaring at his back as he exited the room.
Everything was quiet as Gavin approached the desk across from yours once more, and everyone tried to look as busy as possible despite the obvious lack of commotion within the usually busy police department.
You relished in that near silence for a few minutes, before suddenly, Fowler's angry voice sounded from just outside of his office door, his glare fixated on Gavin despite you being the only person he was talking to.
Damn, Gavin really had pissed him off, huh?
"Detective L/n!"
He shouted, and you swallowed thickly before standing at once, nodding in his direction to show that you were listening, At the sight of an actually obedient employee, Fowler seemed to calm a bit, although you noted that his hands were still clenched into fists as he spoke,
"How would you like your very own android partner?"
Shocked, you stared at your boss as if he had lost his mind, fighting the urge to ask him if he was sure he had the right person. You were just barely out of rookie status, nowhere near important enough to have earned an android of your own. But, then again, Gavin had blown it, and the unit needed more hands on experts, whether Gavin wanted to work with one them or not, so in the end, you were pretty much the only other option if they didn't want an android going about solving crimes alone.
Swallowing back your various questions and concerns in favor of simply answering the question at hand, you nodded once at your superior,
"It would be crazy of me to say no to an opportunity like that, sir."
You replied as cooly as possible, taking note of the way that Gavin sneered from his seat across from your own as he rolled his eyes at your words. He had called you a kiss ass since your arrival, but truthfully, you just knew when to use the right kind of language with the right kind of person, unlike the incredibly annoying detective you had been forced to call your partner just a few months back.
"Good. Glad to hear there's at least one sane person in the damn Android Crimes Unit."
He grumbled that last part before clearing his throat and speaking up once more,
"Your assigned model is an RK900, the only one in existence. It was originally created as a prototype advanced deviant hunter, but ever since it's... deviance a few months prior, along with the results of the android revolution, employment in a separate area started being considered. You will guide this android in your field work, and maintain a professional relationship with him regardless of your differences, do I make myself clear?"
Shocked to have heard Fowler address this in front of everyone rather than in a private meeting, you nodded quickly and eagerly in response to his words, watching as your boss signed in relief and ran his hand across his face.
"Good. The model was brought by for tuning and integration this morning. He should be by your desk promptly."
Shocked, you opened your mouth to reply, maybe even ask a few questions, but before you could Fowler had returned to his glass enclosure, picking his desk phone up and dialing a number quickly, his shoulders tense and eyebrows drawn together.
Maybe right now wasn't the best time for questions regarding your new android partner.
Sighing, you sat back down once more, trying not to look nervous as you stared back down at the blank tablet on your desk once again.
That is, until a voice, slightly familiar, and somehow also incredibly foreign to you spoke up from your right.
You yelped in response to the sudden sound, jumping in your chair and twisting around to all but gawk at the intimidating man who stood before you.
He looked incredibly similar to Connor, but somehow the slight differences made him seem like a completely different person, and you could tell by the cold expression on his face that they would in no way be sharing similar personalities. Where Connor Anderson, the RK800 model who had deviated nine months ago, was warm and friendly, always ready to ask about your day, this RK900 model was clearly cool and calculated, his gaze consistently disapproving no matter where or who it happened to fall upon.
And to be the subject of said disapproval? It made you shiver before you could even speak up, giving the android in front of you the opportunity to do so first.
"Hello Detective L/n. I am an RK900 prototype built for the purpose of tracking down and dismantling deviants such as my predecessor. That being said, my previous function has been rendered inconsequential due to my status as deviant, and therefore, I have gained employment here, alongside the RK800 model known to you as Connor, in order to support the DPD in the development of android crimes. I understand that you are to be my partner in this task, is this correct?"
You blinked, shocked at the robotic tone of the supposed deviant who stood before you. You stared for a moment, taking in the crisp white jacket that adorned the android's shoulders, and the blinking model number that could be seen on his chest. He was incredibly intimidating, several inches taller than Connor, and far less friendly. It was as if this android felt no reason at all to utilize it's social interaction protocols, and you couldn't help but wonder if that was yet another unexplored area of deviancy.
Slowly, as if unsure of your own actions, you reached your hand out to the android in front of you, clearing your throat as you did so, trying to shake your nerves and muster up the courage to speak.
"I look forward to working with you..."
You trailed off hesitantly, your heartbeat quickening as you felt the unfamiliar chill of the RK900's hand against your own, that gaze never leaving you as your hands interlocked, shaking in greeting slowly,
"Is there something wrong?"
The RK900 model in front of you asked slowly, his words clearly enunciated and incredibly probing as they passed the artificial pink skin of his lips.
"I, uh, I guess I don't know what to call you."
The android quirked it's head in curiosity before it seemed to understand your words, and nodded,
"Ah, yes, your RK800 model-"
You corrected immediately, knowing how much the android in question disliked being called by his model number, your nerves leaving you for the briefest of moments as you stood up for your friend.
"Right, your... Connor"
The RK900 spoke slowly this time, as if testing the way that the sentence sounded in his ears, and you almost smiled at how much it reminded you of his predecessor.
Suddenly, as if he had been enlightened with the correct words to say, the RK900 model cleared his throat, and spoke up again,
"My predecessor, Connor as you call him, goes by a name. This name was given to him upon his distribution, in order to make him more relatable and easy to trust. I was not built to be trusted, nor related to. To put it simply, Detective, I was built for the purpose of destruction, ruination if you will, and that of my own kind in particular. Therefore, I was not given a name as Connor was upon the start of his mission."
You nodded softly, gazed upward at the oh so familiar stranger that stood above you,
"Right, I guess that does make sense... In that case, can we give you a name?"
You asked, tilting your head in question as the android before you stiffened a bit, quirking a brow in response,
"You wish to name me?"
He asked, and you shrugged softly, trying to ignore the heat that was building in your cheeks,
"Well, not exactly. You can pick it if you want to, I just want something to call you that isn't as long as your model number."
Nodding in understanding, the RK900 thought for a moment, before finally reaching what to him was the most logical conclusion.
"I will allow you to choose, since you are so keen on my having a new name to go by as your partner."
You could have sworn you saw the android smirk a bit as he spoke these words, but you shook it off and started thinking hard about potential names for the man in front of you.
This train of thought lasted far longer than you had ever initially anticipated, and eventually, you found yourself groaning out of frustration, hunched over a notepad at your desk two hours after your initial meeting with your new partner.
You offered hopefully, and the man in front of you shook his head for what had to be the one hundredth time that day, that shadow of a smug grin forming on his lips as he met your gaze again from the desk attached to your own, which he had made himself comfortable at shortly after his arrival.
"It just doesn't suit me."
He explained wryly, and you fought to roll your eyes in exasperation as he utilized the same excuse he had been using for the past twenty names. He had a reason to hate everything.
Sighing heavily, you moved to bury your head in your hands, rubbing at your cheeks before you let out an annoyed huff, glaring over at your new partner.
"Two hours in and you're already impossible."
"Oh, on the contrary, Detective."
The android's response was immediate, long and drawn out as he leaned forward so his elbow was on your desk rather than his own, his smirk predatory in a way that made you almost feel frightened as you swallowed thickly while desperately trying to come up with a new name.
"I think I am being quite cooperative. I mean, I've hardly said a thing about that untouched work load of yours."
He finished teasing, and you shot him another glare, as you stood to pace before your shared desk space.
"Well fine then, if a regular name doesn't work, how about something different?"
You asked exasperatedly, and the RK900 leaned forward towards you in what appeared to be mock anticipation,
"Different you say? Go on then Detective, what do you have in mind?"
You thought for a moment, struggling to think of anything, before finally, your eyes fell on that glowing model number upon his jacket, and finally it hit you.
You breathed out the name as if it were a prayer, and the android in front of you seemed to hum in response, watching you intently as your gaze moved to meet his own once more, challenging and unwavering.
Just what he was hoping to see.
"I like it."
He said after what had felt like an entire minute of deliberation, and you whooped victoriously and jumped excitedly about the small office in response to those three short words, your grin wide and splitting your face in two.
He watched, annoyed by your strange actions, yet somehow also entertained by how improvised and sudden all of your reactions felt to him.
Were all humans like this? If so, this job would get exhausting very fast.
Eventually, you slowed back down and had the sense to look a bit bashful as you sat across from the RK900 - 'Nines' once more, clearing your throat awkwardly as you started to look at your completely empty tablet for what felt like the one millionth time that day.
"I do hope you know that tablet has been depleted of battery life, Detective."
Nines' voice was laced with a bit of humor and cruelty as he spoke, and you groaned internally upon being caught.
You couldn't find the correct words to respond with, so instead you turned your face away from the man sitting on the other side of your desk, trying to focus on anything else but this near stranger who was supposed to be your partner sometime in the near future.
How were you ever going to make it through this with your sanity?
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paradox-n-bedrock · 3 months
Here to help in your quest to bring back tumblr ask culture, but I literally only have Doctor/Donna brain rot, so!
Do you have an ultimate Doctor/Donna song?
Yesss, it's all good, they occupy 90% of my brain right now.
But one? One song? I have a playlist. I can give you top three four.
Moment in the Sun - Sunflower Bean
Partners in Crime. Donna has been searching for the Doctor, she regrets the time missed out on by saying no the first time. Everyone thinks she's drifting through life but she's chasing what she needs, because everything seems to pale in comparison to what she can do by the Doctor's side.
Please Don't Say You Love Me - Gabrielle Aplin
This is very series 4 in general, where they're so concerned about how the other might perceive their relationship. They're tied together irrevocably and they adore each other but after what they've both gone through, there's still that need to keep a little distance and not speak too much aloud, especially to each other's faces.
Destiny - Chloe Ament
Journey's End. "All I wanted was you for forever, But it seems like destiny doesn't want us together...The universe is at our door, And I don't have it in me to watch you meet your end"
Francesca - Hozier
If I absolutely had to pick a single song, this might be it. I know it is for a lot of people. I mean, what can I say, they would do it again. Canonically. Even 15 years without her memories couldn't strip the love from Donna--she wasn't kidding back when she told Martha she was built different. (Which isn't a slight against Martha, if DoctorDonna didn't have the very specific dynamic they do, her willingness to stand by them through anything would be Bad™️) She'd throw herself into trouble after the Doctor again without hesitation, with or without knowing who they are. And you'd have a hard time convincing me they don't think a billion years of missing her is worth a little more time for the two of them--let alone living out the rest of her life together.
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smartycvnt · 7 months
Look at Me
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Title: Look at Me Pairing: Nica!Chucky x Reader Summary: Y/n gets upset about Chucky ignoring her and tried to get his attention. R WC: 904
Chucky had always been far from a perfect partner, but that had never mattered to Y/n before. He had pushed her to do things that she didn't know she was capable of. He had forced her to keep running out of fear that they'd get caught if they settled down anywhere. Chucky had ruined her life, but Y/n had never once looked it at that way because they were in love. Y/n loved Chucky more than she had loved any of the other dirtbags that she had dated before. He unlocked something inside of her that nobody else had been capable of. She was at her best whenever she was with him, even if her best wasn't something that anybody else wanted to experience.
Things had always been good enough in her mind with Chucky. Y/n had never expected that to change since it was easy enough to stay happy together. However, all good things had to come to an end. Chucky had started to grow a bit distant. All he ever wanted to do was kill, fuck, and watch TV, generally in that order. Y/n missed the days whenever there had been more to their lives than just those three things. She had dropped hints about wanting to spend more time together, but with each hint she dropped, the further away Chucky seemed to get. He was practically not talking to her anymore aside from the snide comment here and there.
Y/n missed the spark between them that had been there when they had first gotten together. She felt like Chucky was bored with her. Y/n spent days trying to figure out something to reignite that spark between them. There had once been a time whenever she had trouble sneaking out of the hotel room to get things, but now, Chucky didn't even look her way as she walked out only to return hours later. It was painfully obvious that he really didn't care anymore, and Y/n desperately hoped that her plan to make him pay attention to her would work.
Chucky grumbled as Y/n walked past him, partially obscuring his view of the TV. She let out a soft sigh as she moved onto the bed beside him. He didn't look over in her direction or even attempt to make any more room for her. His attention was completely engrossed in the crime documentary that he had found earlier in the day. Y/n swore that he had watched it at least four times since they had holed up in this shithole hotel, and she was sick of hearing about the same string of murders that he had committed back in his heyday in Chicago. She leaned into Chucky's personal space and brushed aside some of the hair from his neck. Chucky's breath hitched as Y/n's lips pressed a series of light kisses along his neck, but other than that, Chucky didn't let himself get distracted.
"Fuck! What was that for? Crazy bitch." Chucky jumped up and rubbed the spot on his neck where Y/n's teeth had sunk in to bite him. The bite was harder than what he was used to, but it still wasn't enough to draw blood. "Why are you dressed like that? I thought we decided the hooker angle doesn't work here."
"I'm not dressed like a hooker you asshole. Fuck this, I'm leaving," Y/n said as she got up from the bed. Chucky was content to let her throw her bitch fit until he noticed her start to pack up her things.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"I told you that I'm leaving. This isn't working out Charles. You care more about reliving your glory days with some stupid, gimmicky TV special than you do about me. I had a decent thing going before, there's bound to be someone out there who will actually fucking look at me sometimes," Y/n said.
"Stop being a baby. Put your stuff away and come back to bed with me," Chucky told her. She debated listening to him, but ultimately, Y/n decided to keep packing up her things. "I just offered to give you exactly what you wanted. Don't do this."
"I didn't just want to fuck you. I want you to pay attention to me!" Y/n hadn't wanted to scream and yell, but she doubted that he'd ever listen to her otherwise. Chucky backed off for a moment and sat down on the edge of the bed. "I think it's for the best if I just go."
"Well, you're wrong," Chucky mumbled under his breath. He let Y/n get nearly all of her things put into a suitcase before he tried to stop her again. "If you're going to leave, then you're listening to me first. You can leave and go back to that string of abusive assholes that you were with before, or you can stay here with me, and we can work this out. We can go somewhere nice, get a place without any distractions. Just the two of us, doing whatever the hell it is that you want to do. I promise." Chucky looked at Y/n through his eyelashes with a small pout. She sighed and dropped her suitcase onto the floor. "Attagirl, now get over here. I think you've been wearing that little number for far too long."
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simillia · 2 years
hey there, can i request a megumi fushiguro x chubby fem reader please? megumi pining to reader and being completely unashamed of it. thank you and have a good day.
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ᥫ᭡ — 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: the undefeated champion of underground, mixed-martial arts, falls in love with his medic.
ᥫ᭡ — 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: romance, tooth-rotting fluff, mma! fighter au, body-worshiping, light make-out session, lowercase.
ᥫ᭡ — 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: megumi fushiguro x chubby! reader.
𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙨 — honey, i’m so sorry for making you wait for this response, hope you’re satisfied with this prompt. <3
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𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝟏𝟔𝐭𝐡, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐 — ᥫ᭡
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megumi fushiguro, underground champion of the hidden ring, silently advances towards the center stage; fist drawn with precision. taking no time to think, he retracts quick enough to weave passed a few sharp swings. inhaling softly, those onyx irises faintly stare at the opposing fighter; prompting him to strike hard and fast. three, carefully aimed, punches to the head are all it took to make his prey crumble against the mat. thus, the match had ended brutally. with him raising a steady fist— defending his title as the undefeated king, once again.
the bell rings promptly, as a affirmation that solidified the reality of this win; whilst officially declaring this fight over. satisfied, an arena of cheers broke through an invisible silence. upon hearing such a standing ovation, the champ lightly smirks before walking to his corner. there, his team awaits with open arms and determined smiles. on their way to the back room, spectators briefly replayed recent events in disbelief. simply because they couldn’t believe how incredibly talented the fushiguro name had become in less than a year. much credit to the rigorous training regiments and complex formations created by gojo satoru— a retired heavyweight champion.
“excellent work out there— had the arena shaking in disbelief,” gojo exclaims, pressing a steady hand to the back of his protégé’s head; grinning from ear to ear. those bright and shimmering irises hidden behind a pair of dark shades, despite being within a dimly lit building. “a takedown that quick hasn’t happened in years. what made you go for such a tactic?”
“didn’t feel like wasting my time,” megumi responds lowkey, unwrapping bandages from his bruised knuckles, whilst entering this personalized dojo as the newly appointed titleholder. his darkened irises follow the sound of deepened grunts and firm jabs to a punching bag. a head of strawberry blonde hair peaked from around the corner, with the television sounding. replays and discussion about this night echoed through. holding the bag still, is one of the top female fighters in the game; nobara kugisaki— her almond eyes re-watching the calculated punches of her colleague, in absolute amazement.
hearing the incoming conversation, yuji itadori playfully chuckles a response— to a question he wasn’t even asked, “you don’t have to lie! we pretty much know the truth, dude.”
“and that is?” his question didn’t take much time, at all, to be answered by his fellow colleague. deep down inside, he knew what the goofy-idiot planned to say. and, as much as one would hate to admit it, the boy was right about that much.
“you’re just in a rush to see your little girlfriend,” yuji playfully retorts, rushing to jab the center of heavy bag once more. sweat trickling down his forehead, allowing his chiseled biceps to flex and shine against the light and strain. is it such a crime, to want to finish a fight earlier? honestly, it makes room for the more intimate moments in life. preferably a night spent with a partner— whom, will most likely focus on patching up the wounds of his battle. ideally, it wasn’t such a bad idea.
“that has nothing—,” megumi hadn’t even begun to respond when he is ultimately cut off by his instructor.
“girlfriend!? since when?” gojo is stumbling over his feet in absolute shock. there is nothing weird about fighters having a significant other— however, it is absolutely terrifying to hear that someone as stoic and irritable as megumi has the slightest interest in someone. that poor girl; doesn’t even know what she’ll be getting herself into, dealing with him. how’d this happen? when did this happen? and why wasn’t he told? it’s as if he didn’t raise the boy half his life.
hearing this exaggerated cry of confusion, nobara faces both parties with a teasing smirk of her own, “you haven’t figured it out yet? he pretty much simps over her everyday.”
everyone watched as the white-haired male grasps at the soft tufts of his tresses in absolute distress. he couldn’t believe the his ears, and to think he hasn’t even met her yet. or has he? the only woman who can stand his personality for long, other than those he trains with, is his childhood friend. could it be? man, he really hasn’t been paying attention has he?
“you literally have no idea! just yesterday—,” yuji chuckles, getting ready to indulge in a hilariously cute story. before he is unintentionally interrupted by a deepened sigh of anger and exhaustion. which ultimately silenced the voices of everyone.
having had enough of the teasing, megumi placed the bandages in the disposal and collected his robes from a hook on the wall. on a good day, he’d argue with these three clowns. but, tonight he had other places he’d rather be. cracking open the back door, he mutters curtly, “m’going to the medic, don’t wait up.”
as they called his name, he blocked their voices and quickly shut the door behind himself. those onyx irises staring at the photographed wall as he calmly walked to the medical wing. perhaps, they were right. he is a fool for love. who wouldn’t be for someone as enduringly beautiful as you are— the trained medic. he remembers meeting you as if it were yesterday. starting with him entering the hospital ward after a hectic fight; heavily injured and exhausted, wanting to be at peace. and there enters the prettiest nurse he’s ever set his wiry optics on. a nurturing soul is an absolute understatement; you’re a queen. so thick and utterly curvaceous with the most charming smile, delicate features, pretty hair, and a scent of delicate oak so subtle that nobody, including you, would notice. honestly, he was stunned by your body type— plump from head to toe, with gentle fingers that worked to sterilize a needle. smitten from that moment on, he disclosed his interest slowly before winning you over completely.
halting at the sight of another entrance, megumi exhaled softly before proceeding into the room; and there you sat against the couch, television re-enacting several programs— mixed martial arts being one of the first. you made sure of it, not wanting to miss a single thing. though, his sudden appearance made your gaze leave the screen quickly. a smile brightening the room after realizing.
“well— aren’t you here early,” you muttered softly, moving away from furniture and walking to assist in mending any injury. your fingertips danced across his soft skin, trailing to find anything for repair. “after a fight like that— i wasn’t expecting you to come.”
“you were watching, huh?” he rasped out, finding the gesture to be incredibly enduring. grasping at your palms, he leans towards the warmth of your touch. releasing a sigh of exhaustion. he had some bruised knuckles: consisting of scarred tissue and broken skin.
noticing these slight damages, you prompted to use a disinfectant pad that’ll work to cleanse the sore and soak up pools of dried blood. you worked diligently, not wanting to risk an infection while responding to his questions wholeheartedly, “when am i not? i’m your biggest supporter, remember?”
“you’ve mentioned,” he chuckles to himself, eyebrows rising in utter contentment. watching as you tendered his calloused hands with such care.
“you’ve got to learn to be more careful," you chaste, wrapping bandages around them once more before tossing out the used padding and equipment. “hate having to patch you up all the time— it worries me.”
megumi runs his bandaged fingers against the base of your neck, leaning forth to capture those plush cheeks in kisses. plentiful with his appreciation. each peck made that smile grow bigger, until you were grinning. he did this quite often, opting to showcase his love through acts of service and touch. “forgive me for worrying you so much— i’ll try not to make a habit out of it.”
finishing with one final kiss to the forehead, you turned to stare into the prettiest shade of onyx black irises imaginable. amused by his love, you shakily reach out to touch his jaw— wanting to make sure this is real and not a feverish daydream. his skin is soft beneath your fingers as they traced the scars that danced upon his cheeks and when doing so a smile appears.
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ᥫ᭡ — for more content click here. to join similia’s library click here.
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black-dhalias · 1 year
To Grieve with Another
Marauders Era Remus Lupin X Potter!Reader
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In your mind, hogwarts was the end all for bringing honor to your family. It was always your intent to go to Hogwarts, get sorted into Gryffindor, and become an auror--you had this whole life planned out from start to finish. You lived this perfect Potter life, walking in the carefully laid out footsteps of your parents and older brother; ultimately, you knew your purpose before you could even walk. He had started school last year, was on his way to being a great wizard, but imagine your surprise when you realized the hat had shouted Hufflepuff.
All that talk of honor and destiny, and it got chopped up into a million different pieces that you hated thinking about. You could barely hear anything because all you can see is the disappointment in James' eyes as he dips his head into his hands. Maybe a part of you hoped he would be happy for you either way, but his reaction said it all and that disappointment seemed to shape the rest of your night.
Of course he's disappointed, all you used to talk about was what you do when you got to Gryffindor tower. All the crazy schemes you two would get up to once you were partners in crime again. You just kept asking the same question: 'How could you do this to him?' To your family?
Except for when you reopen your eyes, pushing down the tears you realize that James is not dipping his head. In fact, he is cheering and shouting, standing on the benches as he hoots; his friends from his first year matching his excitement. "That's my little sister!" He doesn't seem bothered at all, he wasn't the one disappointed about being sorted into Hufflepuff: you were.
To you, it was the end of the world. Until you were in your dorm and you weren't just little Potter as Sirius had dubbed you. You were just Y/N, who had found solace in Hufflepuff and friends that you loved, and were loved by. Hufflepuff became your second home in that first month, you were still disappointed, but you were better now than you were.
Walking into the Great Hall, the boys surround you long before you ever reach the Hufflepuff table. All of them smiling like the madmen they are. "So what's going on lil sis?" You smile back at them as he tosses his arm over your shoulder, reminding yourself briefly that James doesn't hate you. Those thoughts still had not drifted away.
"Nothing much, just vibing." Sirius bumps into your shoulder, his smile much more mischievous than the others.
"Cmon, its time for your Marauders initiation."
"What about breakfast?"
"That's not important little Potter. What's important is getting your hands a little dirty before you go all nicey nice in Hufflepuff." Well what reason do you have to argue with that, you trust James and by proxy, you trust his friends. You practically lived with Sirius all summer, he refused to leave said family dinners with the Potters were much more civil.
You know what they get up to most days, you listened to every detail of their first with reverence. You wondered what it would be like to be at Hogwarts, with all the wonder and excitement. Be a part of the magic... You hope it'll be as amazing as you dreamed it would be.
Too hopeful, that is how you would describe yourself throughout the pivotal first year at Hogwarts. Defined only by its joys and rises in serotonin, you were beyond excited for your second year--but it just never lived up to the innocence of first year. You thought of nothing but greatness, but here's your life three years later. Fourth year, and your cheeks are tear stained because a boy told you that you weren't good enough.
It wasn't just any boy. It was one that you thought was good and kind, and not as self centered to do that to you. He had held your hand as you waited for the Quidditch results, and cheered when you made Chaser. He kissed your cheek on New years because your parents threw a huge party, and all of you and James' friends were invited. He tutored you in charms because you were always much better at potions than stupid charms. You taught him how to sneak into the kitchens, the Hufflepuff way. Or how you showed him how to set up the craziest chain reactions with only household objects. You two were James and Sirius, Y/N and Remus; and all he did when you finally told him how you felt, all he could say was: "bug off, can't you see I'm busy."
That was a week ago and in two days, you would go home for the summer with the certainty that you would not be coming back to Hogwarts. You had wanted him to say something to you at first, to give you a reason why he did what he did, but he did no such thing. Not a single peep, and now you didn't want him to say anything at all. So as you stuff everything in your dorm into a chest, you prepare yourself to say goodbye to Hogwarts because nothing seemed good here anymore. Maybe you were running away, but it was more like saving yourself from dealing with any amount of pain.
You had tried to forget how bad the bullying had gotten in the last couple months, second rate potter was their favorite taunt. It bothered you excessively. You tried to forget the curses and the way they would shove you when you blocked those same curses. You pushed it all away because you had one good and honest friend to get you through it, and you had your brother too, but you never could tell him. You could withstand their attacks so long as you had your best friend to lean onto, but without it, you just couldn't stomach it.
James hardly understood why your parents had come to get you two days early, their spacey responses had him suspicious from the beginning. The way you didn't say goodbye to anyone, not even him. However, he almost lost it when Remus finally fessed up: "You bloody idiot?!" He yelled before leaving to pack his things for the end of the year, furious with his friend for even daring to do that. To be honest, James didn't understand why Remus did it all.
The truth is, Remus couldn't even defend himself or say anything at all to redeem what he had done. You didn't see, but he had looked back when he heard your breath hitch; you turned around so quick, he only caught a glimpse before you were gone. Remus was smiling at first during your confession, trying to hide his face so you couldn't see the warmth flood his cheeks. You were the one who gave him possibilities, dreams of a home. However, that dreams twists up in a flash of lightning and all he can see is amber eyes flaring at him over your remains. All he could see is the monster that did not love you as he did.
Remus refused to do that to you. Or take the risk to begin with.
James had said he would fight him for you--while he understood his friends reasons, he also hated that it meant hurting you. You insisted otherwise and all your brother could do was hug his sweet hearted sister. You care too much.
Yet you wondered what you had done to mess it up with Remus so obscenely, wondering if things could have turned out differently.
"He didn't mean it like that." You shake your head, leaning onto the dining room table as Sirius and James try to reason with you some months later when you told them about not going back to Hogwarts.
"What about everyone else? They all meant it, and so did he." But neither of them could tell you the reason why, so they simply nodded and just sat with you. Not really talking about anything in particular, but definitely avoiding the Remus subject altogether.
So you left at the end of summer to Durmstrang; one of your uncles had gone there and put in a good word for you. You were gone just like that, living in an entirely new world and a country that you grew to understand.
Remus missed you dearly though, missed the way your smile could brighten the entirety of the Great Hall. It radiated the sun and all the warmth with it, he used to believe that smile could cure any ill will or foul mood. You leaving was for the best. It had to be.
At Durmstrang, you excelled with proficiency in DADA and Potions, you were a standout student. You put everything you had into school and left everything on the table without any fear. Letters from James never thinned and they kept you motivated. He wrote about Lily and how much he loved her. How tense Hogwarts was becoming. How Sirius practically took over your room during the breaks and used your hair dryer more than you ever did. And how sorry he is that you're not here, despite knowing that this is what you chose.
Then the war began and Durmstrang became a fortress of stone, and still, in the thick of it, the letters never stopped arriving. They were beginning to become coded.
How he and Lily got married as soon as they could, and Sirius was the witness and bestman.
Mom and dad died... How there wouldn't be a funeral yet, and you should stay at Durmstrang where you were safe.
Lily is expected a boy, and that they are going to name him Harry, you loved that name.
How there's a prophecy... And they need a secret keeper, they are going to choose Sirius.
Lily had the baby, he's perfect.
Then the letter's stop and your heart hits the floor, days turned into weeks and while the rest of the world celebrated the destruction of Voldemort. You grieved the loss of letters--wondering what your brother had thought of right before the end?
You were strangling yourself with grief.
Your eyes are much heavier now, tinted with sadness as you look in the mirror--combing out the knots in your hair. You've never even met your nephew, spent the better half of two years in Durmstrang--just playing the part you can from the safety. James wanted you far away from the war. But the boys parents are now gone.
You put on the black jacket, shrouded in the darkness of the fabric and hoping it brings some sense of peace to your grief. Everyone is celebrating, yet all you see is your nightmare made real.
You are alone.
Harry... You cannot stop thinking about him as you prepare yourself in your parent's home, your home. Everyone is gone, and it is just you and this poor boy. You stand in front of the two stones, buried six feet under only a few yards away from your parent's graves. Two sets of two. Here lies your parents, your brother, and his wife--victims of a war when all they wanted was to live. A costly war for people who had just graduated.
You were tucked away in Romania, while your family made the ultimate sacrifice. "Dumbledore... I do not have time for your games Give me my nephew, so we can go." You want to take him far away from England, and away from Hogwarts and Dumbledore--who willingly sacrificed children. Far from the damage. The crowds are thin, most of the order with dead or institutionalized.
"Ms. Potter I hardly think a funeral is the place for such conversations."
"I decide that. I'm the only family he's got left." His next words get to you in a way you do not expect, they manifest a deep rooted pain you can only describe as anguish.
"I've already placed him with his aunt." You pivot, sneering as you glare the old man down with such ferocity, you consider pulling your wand.
"You place him with muggles, his mother's wretched sister... My nephew--" Your body is shaking, "Go get him. I can do it. He needs someone who understand! Dumbledore you did this! Go get him!" You're crying the kind of angry tears that burn your cheeks.
"You are unstable... Unpredictable... And from Durmstrang, I wouldn't trust you with a child."
"I'm like this because you killed him! You killed James!" You go for your wand, but feel arms wrap around you and your wand is slipped out from your jacket pocket.
"Don't do it Y/N. Don't prove him right." Remus... You haven't seen him in years, but his voice is the same. An earthy tone, but it sounds like he's been crying. That is where you break, his arms becoming your only support as Dumbledore leaves. Gone.
You cry in the cold night, feeling Remus kneel you both onto the ground. With him holding you upright. You beg for the pain to stop, plead with your heart to ache a little less--for the anguish to pass into the night. You almost want to die right then and there.
So he stays. Chin against the top of your head, two people tied together in grief and pain. You lost everyone. Parents. Brother. Sister. Nephew. Adopted brother. All gone.
And only when you are silent and numb, too numb to care what happens next. Remus apparates you both away to your home in Romania. There's a mess of papers and rubbish, but you didn't really care what Remus thought about our mess.
It really used to be so different; your life, both at Hogwarts and Durmstrang. But the kind of screams you felt like screaming--they hurt. It burned every fiber of your being.
"Do you need anything before I leave?" You had thought about climbing onto the couch, but ended up sitting on the floor--surrounded by your mess. Nothing felt right anymore. "Y/N?" It was all fuzzy, numb... You felt out of touch. Maybe you could try, but it continues to hit you all at once.
No parents. No brothers. Most of your friends were dead. Your nephew in the hands of muggles. But there is Remus. He is there. "Y/N I can't sit here and try to guess what you need." You wonder if he is hurting too, if it is hitting him as it is you. One after another. Like a battering ram into your chest.
"Remus..." You thought you could look at him, but the minute you meet his big brown eyes-- you break and he's at your side, scooping you into his arms as if no time had passed at all. "I lost everyone..." It is not a question, but a truth as you lean into him--feeling how his chest heaves, feeling his tears on the top of your head. "I don't--I hate this--" You begin to plead, words blending. "I can't do this."
Remus had imagined your reunion and his well rehearsed apology, but it all seems pointless. Because no matter what he says, the pain is still going to be there. He isn't any part of your pain anymore, because it is so much greater than anything from before. Now you have lost everything, you and him were all too similar in that way.
He hums as he holds you, "What am I supposed to do now?" What comes next when your life has been turned to rubble and ash? All you have left is an empty house and a nephew you'll never see again.
It happened slowly... Remus made breakfast and leaves before you wake up. Day after day, morning after morning--he makes sure you eat something right at the beginning. He doesn't begin staying until you ask him to, your loneliness had become too loud and the house was far too quiet.
You had thought you would appreciate the silence, you didn't--you could hear them in the dark, whispering about how you had failed them. It got easier when he stayed.
And while no one expected you to move on, you did. Remus became your safety, and in the quiet, he was the beacon of light that kept the voices at bay. He made them dim.
You remember the night you found out about his other half, the part of him that very easily could kill you. It almost did, but Remus had gotten one part wrong because when he threw you over the edge of lake--when the monster had the upper hand, the monster was not a monster at all. It was Remus, it scooped an unconscious you up from the side and left you to the night. You were petrified at first, terrified and glued to the bank of the lake. Soaking wet and shaking, but soon you found enough courage to walk back to the cabin you called home.
Remus came home bloody and bruised, completely bare and where he expected you to curse him. Send him away. You wrapped him in a warmed towel and hug him close, knowing that this was still Remus. And he fell into your arms, crying.
It felt like you had found a new song with Remus at your side, and he found solace in knowing that you knew. That you still let him remain at your side. Just two people tied together by a shared experience, the expansive trauma of grief.
You knew his secrets, and you stayed.
When Harry started Hogwarts, you applied immediately--against Remus' wishes, he explained he thought it was stupid. You did it thought and he was right to worry, but you had to see him.
Harry was a perfect replica of James save for Lily's striking eyes, and he was as much an idiot as his father. But he was kind. You smile as Remus sits next to you in the Great Hall, you never thought you would come back here. But to be here with the person who drove you away, you can only smile at him.
Remus had found a way to make you smile.
"Are you going to tell him?" Remus whispers into your hair as you lay in the bed, his body on top of the blanket while you are buried beneath the duvets.
"He'll want me to take him home, but I can't." That was the condition of Dumbledore hiring you... Harry must stay with the Dursley's.
"And you can't say no."
"He looks like him Remus..." You can feel the rise and fall of his chest as he sighs, just two people in a terrible situation. "Remus?" He hums next to you, his eyes on his book, his voice lulling you to sleep as he reads another novel.
That's what he began to do many years ago to pass the time, when sleep was difficult, but it was too late for a walk. "I love you." It isn't hard, or difficult--it is calm. Your voice does not break and for the first time, your feelings for him do not choke you up and the memories of before do not come to mind.
You feel at peace beside him as you have for the last decade. You were so afraid of him breaking your heart if you said the words, as if they were the catalyst to that pain. However, you couldn't do anything or live this life, without him. Without Remus. He kept you alive when no one else did.
"I love you too." No fear because you were his rock, his acceptance, and his match. No matter what, he would face anything so long as you were together.
Just two people shaped by grief, given a second chance at a love broken once before.
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vs120shound · 4 months
Maddy (left) and Alex (right) in a great tandem video ⏤ the second best they did together. They smoke Marlboro 100s in this super clip from SmokeVision. Later they left SV and joined Australian rival R.S.!
For December 2023
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ + | Five-plus "Stars"
From vs120shound staff | ★★★★★ (4 total: L)
Dual-Media 5-Post, 25-Pack Megapost!
We Bit the Bullet on This One, Folks!
Partners in Smoking Crimes! Maddy and Alex from 2 sites!
* - Note below
We're not going to call them inseparable, or BFFs, but they certainly had a palpable and impressive synergy when the cameras were rolling and they lit-up their cigarettes!! They brought their own style ⏤ and interpretations ⏤ of Smoking Magic to their videos together over two Australian SF websites. Each Smoking Darling began with SmokeVision, enjoyed a brief term with some outstanding credits to their SF resumes, before seeking and accepting assignments from SV's rival site, R.S. ("Snaps Random"). There they stayed; there they flourished. But nearly all of their work with the new site was separate from each other. What a shame! Who knows what kinds, and how many, of illustrious videos for which they would have been responsible with R.S. shooting them as a duo/pair/tandem? We can envision what those scintillating clips would have looked like! But the reality probably would have exceeded our expectations! Yet we'll never know. So be it. What they gave us together over a brief period of time more than 15 years ago was a remarkable gift to the Greater SF World Community scene! For which we are eternally grateful . . . lucky and blessed!
… well, the swallowing of the bitter pill for us, as a network, for biting the bullet, so to speak, was a backing down of the all-time classic SF video of Maddy and Alex for SmokeVision (destroying Marlboro 100s) that has appeared on our brand before and among several exceptional tumblr SF-content blogs/vlogs/webpages. That was our initial, intuitive plan. Yet that video is persistently de-activated from current, playable status universally on tumblr whenever it appears. We are being respectful of it status. No need to mess around and tempt the fates. It is unavailable for good reasons! A mandatory Zoom meeting among the 10 staff members and our three site administrators for vs120shound, lostlighter23, vs120shound-2 and lostlighter23-darkside focused on the merits, risks and ultimate upsides and downsides of publishing the video in question. Thirty-six minutes of lively debate at a very late hour for 8 of the 13 (a ridiculously early hour for 1) did reach a consensus and we're instead repeating our video from our December 22, 2023 post on lostlighter23 and vs120shound. The video in question will be made available but not in a public forum. Reach out to our network privately through tumblr chat or message and we will arrange ⏤ most likely through traditional e-mail/gmail ⏤ for anyone interested in receiving this Hall of Fame video by attachment.
Previous Post on Our Network of Maddy and Alex!
From lostlighter23/vs120shound on December 22, 2023 . . .
From vs120shound-2 on December 30, 2023 . . .
Previous Posts on Our Brand of Maddy!
From lostlighter23 on September 5, 2023 (Photo of The Day) . . .
From vs120shound on January 11, 2023 ("The List" No. 9 all-time favorite SF models list) . . .
Photos of Maddy!
From blzdeep (de-activated on 030223) on September 17, 2023 . . .
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From Instagram@sexysmokingladies on December 18, 2023 (left) and from joeyice on September 5, 2023 (right) . . .
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Social Media Videos of Alex!
From Instagram@josephvsmoking on July 11, 2023 . . .
From Instagram@josephvsmoking on July 11, 2023 . . .
*- Note: The Video of The Week series has been replaced by The Video of The Month series effective immediately!
REVISION/UPDATE: We were quite pleased with the content we brought to you in our 20 Video of The Week posts, 10 each for the Hall of Fame division and the Honorable Mention division. We were quite displeased with the difficulty of bringing them to you on a regular and timely basis. We failed at that. The series began on August 31, 2023, with the rollout of each on that day. Seventeen weeks later we had carried on with only 9 other installments of Hall of Fame and Honorable Mention division videos. That simply was not frequent enough ⏤ ostensibly we missed out on 7 series installments ⏤ and we had acknowledged the problem and discussed one-on-one and in small groups but to no avail. No solution until finally admitting our shortcoming and cutting the losses. But the series does not complete end; it morphs into Videos of The Month in which we will aim for two installments every 30-31 days depending. Might call them, hypothetically, "Video of The Month | Hall of Fame division A" or "Video of The Month | Honorable Mention division II." We'll sort it out. This is a much more manageable load with one (or two) a month in each division. Eight a month was viable for several weeks before it became too burdensome and we fell off the intended production pace, where we were stuck since late-October/early-November. We are comfortable in our decision. Not ideal to be in this spot ⏤ of our own making ⏤ and perhaps not an elegant solution. Yet the net result is the same (special memorable, quality content still being provided) but without the volume that we found unsustainable. Let's see how it unfolds. We are optimistic. -- the vs120shound network team of Staff and Administrators Saturday, December 30, 2023 ⏤ 12:35 p.m. EST
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midgardian-witch · 1 year
Anxious Attachment
Reader ponders their relationship with the Moon Knight System and Layla and fears they may not be good enough. Unbeknownst to the Reader, their lovers have similar worries. Everything is fixed with communication, hugs and kisses.
tags: angst | fluff | anxiety | panic attacks | established relationship | gn!reader (reader is referenced with they/them pronouns) | polyamorous relationship
ships: Layla/Reader, MK System/Reader, Layla/MK System/Reader
Disclaimer: I do not have DID so my description of it is based on the show and my own research.
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You watch them sometimes when they are too busy with each other to notice your staring. The way Marc's face grows soft whenever Layla smiles at him; the way Steven's eyes practically glow with adoration; the way even Jake seems to almost melt under her gaze. And then there is Layla with her dimples when she smiles and the love she shows without even saying a word.
They have all been through so much and still are so in love with each other. And there you are, wondering how the hell you have fallen between them, how you have managed to make them love you too. This polyamorous relationship still feels so new to you.
"You all right, love?"
Steven's words pull you out of your trance-like state. You blink a few times, probably looking a bit like a deer in the headlights. Your partners look at you with concern and it makes your stomach twist uncomfortably. With a sheepish smile you shake your head.
"I'm good. Just got lost in thought."
This isn't the first time your thoughts have drifted off while pondering your current relationship. You've never dated multiple people at once before so while you have been doing your research - also known as harassing Google for hours on end - it's still an ongoing process of navigating all of this. Layla, Marc, Steven and Jake have been in their tangle of a relationship for quite some time until you joined them. She had told you about her marriage to Marc, how she first met Steven and how later Jake revealed himself. It had been a struggle but ultimately worth it. You can see it in the way they move around each other - this deep and beautiful connection that they have cultivated.
And then there is you.
It's still difficult for you to grasp sometimes how these amazing, gorgeous people who are so perfectly in love with each other also want you in their lives. Not for any lack of self-worth; you like yourself just fine (most of the time, everyone has bad days after all). It's just that given all they had been through you feel guilty. Like you have somehow sidestepped all the difficult times and are now reaping the benefits of something you had no part in. They say three is a crowd so why add yourself to this equation if they could easily be just as happy on their own.
As the familiar feelings of guilt and self-doubt stir within you, you don't notice one of your partners approaching you until you feel a soft touch against your shoulder. You involuntarily twitch with surprise before your eyes focus on the man in front of you.
"Are you sure you're alright, cariño?"
Jake gently grasps your shoulders with both hands, his thumbs running soothing circles across your collarbone. You lean into it - craving the contact for one blissful moment in the hopes that his touch could ease away your worries.
His brows furrow as he looks at you with concern. Seeing him like this makes your stomach twist even tighter.
You hate making them worry about you. It's not enough that your partners are not only caring, good people, they also fight crime and jackals and evil deities on the side. A normal person would crumble under this amount of responsibility and danger and here you are adding to their worries.
Maybe you are just bad at hiding your feelings, maybe Jake is just that good at reading you but he just nods and pulls you into his arms.
"It's ok, mi amor. Whatever is on your mind we'll deal with it together. Do you want to talk about it?"
The solid weight of Jake's embrace grounds you. Whenever you are around any of your lovers you feel safe and protected. Especially with Jake. He has been the protector of their system since the beginning and now it feels like he has added you to the short list of people he would give his life for. In his arms you are safe from anything that could hurt you, from the outside or from inside your own head.
You hide your face in the crook of his neck and take slow, deep breaths. The scent of his cologne calms your senses. How the smell of a person can comfort you like this you might never understand. And in this moment you really don’t care.
You shake your head against his neck and mumble into his shirt that you'd rather not talk about it now. An affirmative grunt seems to end that conversation before you feel his hands slide down your backside. A short: "Hold on to me, baby" is all the warning you get before Marc lifts you up as you struggle to hold onto him.
Marc's way of comforting you is very different from his alters. While he is not too fond of talking about his feelings, his actions show how deep his feelings run. It’s the small acts of service done without any afterthought that make you feel his love every day. It’s little gestures like remembering what you like to drink in the morning after you wake up or just staying with you in silence when talking becomes exhausting and all you need is a comforting presence to recharge from the chaos that is life. There are no grand declarations of love under fireworks with Marc and you wouldn’t change that for the world.
He lays you down gently on the couch before turning to Layla.
"They're upset"
She looks up from the map she was reading - something for a new mission they'd told you - an eyebrow raised in concern.
Marc still hovers over you as if you could get shot any minute. His muscles feel tense under your hands where you are still holding onto him. Layla walks over to where you are laying down and motions you to sit up. When you follow her direction, she sits down next to you. As she pats her thighs a few times you get the hint and lay your head down on her lap. One hand gently pets your head as the other finds your free hand and intertwines her fingers with yours. You all but melt into her, her warmth enveloping you. You feel exhausted, mind spinning with anxious thoughts but her presence calms you like a soft blanket on a winter night.
Marc kneels down in front of the couch and links his hand with the one you still had on his shoulder. "They don't want to talk about it," he explains to Layla.
"Steven thinks talking about it would help," he turns to you, "I know I am not the best person to go to with stuff like this but. Do you want to talk about it with Steven? Or Layla?"
His voice sounds strained, like it takes effort getting each word out. He avoids looking into your eyes like it would physically hurt him. Layla leans down, pressing her lips on your forehead with a soft kiss.
"You don't have to talk, baby. But is this OK? Us cuddling? We can give you some space if you need it."
Layla sounds like she can't quite get the words out either. They both seem strained like they are holding something back. You nod, humming affirmatively before closing your eyes.
“This is good. Just this for now,” you mumble as you cuddle closer to Layla - short of crawling completely on top of her.
Before you even truly realize how exhausted your anxious mind has made you, you slowly drift off to sleep in your lover’s lap.
Lately Layla’s dreams have been haunted by pictures of you leaving them for someone else, someone living a safe and normal life, someone without such a history of pain and sorrow. It had been hard enough to lose her father and later to see Marc die in that forsaken tomb. She couldn’t lose you too. But simply being with you puts a glowing target on your back. Maybe it’s hypocritical of her, given that Marc had probably felt similar when he gave her the divorce papers.
Her fingers play gently with your hair, short nails softly scratching over your scalp. She can hear your slow breathing as you rest. She would give everything to stay like this forever. And nothing and nobody would take you away from them as long as you would have them. She just needed to find the right words to tell you how she felt, how worried she is and be honest about her fears. You would understand, Layla is sure of that.
Layla looks over at Marc, who is still kneeling in front of the couch, holding your hand like it was made of glass. His gaze lingers on your sleeping form, unable to look away. It’s been hard for him to grasp how you can feel so safe around him to just fall asleep like that. How easily you trust him. He understands how you could feel that way around Steven. Steven is soft and warm and honest while he is not that. Or even Jake, that charming bastard. But here you are, sleeping like nothing could ever hurt you. Nothing better ever hurt you. He doesn’t know what he would do if something did. He can’t imagine how his life would be now without you and Layla by his side.
His hands around yours start shaking. How dangerous that thought is. Because one day you would realize that you could do better than him, that both you and Layla would be better off without him. He is not meant to have good things and good people around them. He only brings death to the people he loves. And he can’t do that to you. He can’t.
His jaw relaxes and his hands stop shaking as Steven takes the front. “That’s enough of that now”, he murmurs under his breath. He won’t have Marc’s self-deprecation. He knows Marc deserves love just like they all do. His thumb lovingly strokes the back of your palm as Steven watches you sleep. He worries too, that maybe he is too much sometimes. His rambling about Ancient Egypt and his general social awkwardness hadn’t really been things that had people drawn to him before. And yet Layla had seen and appreciated his honesty and you had been no different.
You were open and kind when you two had first officially met. When he tried to stop himself from continuing to talk about the creation myth of the Ancient Egyptians - which in retrospect was probably not the best topic to choose for a first meeting - you had encouraged him to keep going. Even if the topic wasn’t as fascinating to you as it was to him you hadn’t shown it. On the contrary you seemed delighted by his enthusiasm. You made it so easy to fall in love with you even if he hadn’t been half in love already watching you interact with Marc and Layla before.
He thinks that maybe that is why Marc was so afraid. Marc was waiting for the other shoe to drop, for those that he loves to leave or hurt him. Yet you love all of them so easily without wanting anything but being loved in return. And Steven was happy to give that love even if Marc struggled with it sometimes.
“They look so peaceful, don’t they, hermano? Nuestro ángel.”
Steven smiles at Jake’s comment.
“Yeah, they do. You want to. uh.”
Jake doesn’t wait for Steven to finish his question before switching to the front. He leans down and places a kiss to the back of your hand.
He still couldn’t believe how lucky they were to have you. He shares some of Marc’s concerns, especially when it comes to your safety. You trusted them so easily and he was afraid that that trust would come at a cost. But Jake would always keep you safe. Even if you someday left and broke their hearts he would still protect you from those that would hurt you. Feelings can change and maybe you’d really fall out of love with them some day but he would make sure to keep that day as far into the future as he could. To show you how much you are loved and cared for. To tell you every day how much you meant to them. To keep you by their side for as long as you want them to.
He turns your hand gently and places another kiss on the inside of your wrist, whispering words of love into your skin. The skin contact slowly tickles you awake and you blink owlishly at him.
“You woke them up, Casanova”, Layla admonishes him with a chuckle, “And they were sleeping so peacefully”. You turn your head slightly to look up at the woman under you. “How long was I-? Oh God did I fall asleep on your legs? Shit, sorry”. You scramble up still groggy from your short nap and sit up straight. Layla laughs and shakes her head. “No need to apologize, sweetheart. I was perfectly comfortable.”
Your other hand is still linked with Jake’s as he continues to pepper it with kisses, not holding back anymore now that you are awake. “Feeling better now, mi vida?”
It takes you a while for your sleepy mind to understand what he is referring to. A heavy sigh escapes you as you remember what prompted your little nap. You decide that it's better to talk to them now when everything is still fresh on your mind and you have your lovers close. You take Layla’s hand like you held it before when you laid in her lap. You give both of their hands a soft squeeze and take a deep breath.
“I do feel better, yes but there is something I need to talk to you about.”
You cringe as you see their faces fall. “That came out so bad. Ignore that. I just-” You shake your head as if it would help clear your head. “I worry sometimes. That I am not good enough. For you.”
Out of the corner of your eyes you see Layla leaning towards you, ready to interject. You give her hand another squeeze and shake your head. “Please, just let me say what I need to say first. Otherwise I am never going to get this out.”, you plead with a shaky voice. She bites her lip and nods, motioning you to continue.
“Your relationship has survived so much and when I watch you sometimes I feel like you would be better off if you didn’t have to care or worry about me too.”
You try to swallow the lump in your throat but your mouth has gotten so dry that it doesn’t do anything but hurt. Unable to look your partners in the eyes, your gaze drifts down to your lap and the hands you are holding.
“I love you. So damn much. But what if that’s not enough?”
You squeeze your eyes closed, trying to hold back the first tears that are threatening to escape. You feel arms around your shoulders, holding you close and fingers stroking your hands soothingly.
“We love you too, mi cielo. And that you love us is more than enough. It’s all that we need.”
You open your teary eyes to look at Jake. His gaze does not waver from you. You feel Layla’s soft lips on your cheek, driving away your tears. “We love you so much, sweetheart. I-”, her voice cracks and she too seems to be close to tears, “I worry that you don’t want us anymore. That someday you will find someone else that doesn’t put you in danger as we do.”
You look over at Layla, her dark eyes shining with unshed tears. It breaks your heart seeing her like this. You shake your head. “That won’t ever happen!”
“You don’t know that.”
The grip around your hand tightens, shaking fingers holding onto you like a lifeline. You look back at Marc, a look of torment on his face. “We love you. And we can’t lose you. I can’t-”, he takes a deep breath, steadying himself, “I can’t see you be hurt. And if you get hurt because of us? If you don’t want us anymore…” He trails off, eyes unfocused as he clings to you like a lifeline.
You lean down and grasp his face with both hands. “I could never not want you. I love you too much for that to happen. And whatever tries to hurt me - hurt us - we’ll get through that together.”
Marc’s gaze is locked to your eyes. Slowly he nods his head. His hands are still shaking a bit but he seems calmer, less frantic. You lean down further, your mouth catching his in a soft, loving kiss. “I love you. And I am safe.”, you whisper against his lips. His eyes close and he nods again, swallowing hard. “Yes”, he whispers back, his voice rough. You feel the weight on the couch shift as Layla leans forward to join you. Her lips find Marc’s in another kiss and you watch them as your heart swells with how much you love them. Layla whispers something you can’t hear to Marc and they both turn to you. You reach out and stroke Layla’s cheek lovingly before leaning in to kiss her too.
“And I love you too. I can’t imagine anyone I could love more than you or Marc or Steven or Jake. I love all of you.”
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bakugoushotwife · 10 months
Inextricable Angst Ending
a/n: here's the angst ending! meant to be read after Sasuke is healed. it's painful im sorry
fluff ending // first part
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Kakashi was chosen to be the Sixth Hokage, and at the time you were thrilled. You knew Kakashi had what it takes to keep the village safe. He instills Itachi and Shisui as village heroes, which delights you. He’s able to pardon Sasuke for his crimes considering his war efforts and sacrifice to the village. 
He hates what he has to do next. Ultimately he has to do it for the sake of the five hidden villages, they’ll never feel safe with the possibility. He’s watched you and Sasuke grow closer than ever before, and he can see the love you have for one another. So the day he calls the two of you into the Hokage’s office to announce these plans, his heart breaks. All Five Kage had thought about this painstakingly, and this was the best resolution. 
“Sasuke, Y/N. Thank you for responding so quickly. I..well.” He clears his throat, wondering what exactly is the right thing to say in a situation like this one. “The five Kage convened recently, here in the Leaf. The other Kage have made me aware that they are..worried about the two of you rebuilding your clan. They fear a repeat of the earlier histories.” Kakashi explains wearily. 
Sasuke straightens his back, looking over at you quickly. “What are you saying, Kakashi?”
“I’m saying the Kage agreed to intervene to prevent you two from marriage and having children. Y/N…will be married to the Kazekage in three weeks.” He replies, clearly pained by the ordeal. He can’t even meet your eyes. 
Your world comes crashing down around you. Sasuke and you just found each other, spending every night talking and touching and being together, like you’re inextricably obligated to. Sasuke’s eyes widened. He opened his mouth to speak, feeling only those nasty flames of anger and hatred licking back up his body. 
“I–I can’t believe you would do this to me.” You whisper softly, devastated that Kakashi could settle for such an arrangement. 
“I had no choice. Either that, or they want your original sentences served for desertion and treason. Y/N…I’m sorry.” Kakashi frowns, arms folded over his chest. “Sasuke…I know that Sakura would make a lovely partner, and she cares for you very much.” 
His words cut both of you down, sucking the wind out of your lungs. All this heartache and pain that you’ve gone through, it’s not over. It would never be over. You’re forbidden to be together, just like in all those awful books. Is this really how your story ends?
Gaara is a wonderful man and you’ve always been happy to call him your friend. You’re sure he would do his best to be a good husband to you, but he wasn’t Sasuke. He could never fill that gap, no matter how hard he tried. And to think about Sasuke with Sakura…it was torture. You got up and slammed the door behind you on the way out. 
Over the course of the next few weeks, you met Sasuke when you could. Each time it felt worse and worse, because both of you knew it was closer to the last time. You hold each other a little closer, he kisses you a little rougher than intended, but he just wants to savor the way you taste and the shape of your body under his hand. He knew you would be safe, and as happy as anyone forced into a marriage can be, but every bone in his body wanted to take you and leave this village again. 
But he knew that you didn’t want that life of danger, and neither did he. He wanted to protect the Leaf, and make it up to the people who couldn’t trust him to marry the woman he loves. Maybe he could prove them wrong. But it would be too late by then. Maybe this is what you meant when you said that life doesn’t work off of deserving, but he had to disagree. This is exactly what he deserves. He’s done so much bad, how could he think he was going to get his happily ever after? You were an Uchiha Princess, you deserved to be married to a Kage and be forever safe and catered to. But he stole all the time with you he could. 
True to Kakashi’s word, three weeks from the day he told you about the occasion, you were being wed to the Kazekage. It was a grand spectacle, you think mostly to ease the nerves of the other Kage. The entire Leaf and Sand combine into one massive cathedral-esque type of building, and it’s decorated to the gods. You can smell all the food that’s been made in preparation as you stare at yourself in the mirror. You looked beautiful. This was a fact, your hair was pinned in elaborate braids and your makeup was perfect. You wore a simple but beautiful and traditional Sand style gown. You had citizens of the sand excitedly racing around your room to make sure every detail was in place, and it was magical. 
If only the groom were your preferred choice. Not that you really had one. 
Kakashi walks you out, the previously raucous crowd falling silent at the sight of you. “You do look beautiful, sweet girl.” He hums in your ear. 
“Thank you.” You return politely, not trying to make a spectacle. You can feel Sasuke’s eyes, and you find him easily. He smiles sadly at you, receiving a pat of support from Naruto. Sakura is on his other side. You smile sadly too.
The ceremony is nice, Gaara is kind and you hope you can come to love him in any way similar to Sasuke, because he deserves a good wife. He has made you comfortable since you arrived and tried to give you whatever space or comfort you’ve asked for. He held your hands now, in front of both of your villages, and swore his loyalty to you. 
“I, Gaara of the Hidden Sand, the 5th Kazekage, swear my life to yours. I will make you happy, protect you, and give you anything you ever want or need. I will love you and honor you for all our days.” 
Sasuke is visibly upset, though he tries to hide it just for you. Naruto squeezes his friend’s hand. He was upset for the both of you, having third wheeled your relationship for most of his life. 
The crowd anxiously waits for you to speak. Gaara squeezes your hands in support, and you can tell he’s trying to be the best for you. You smile softly.
“I, Y/N Uchiha, of the Hidden Leaf, the Sharingan Princess, swear my life to yours. I will make you happy, protect you, and give you anything you ever want or need. I will love you and honor you for all our days.” You repeat, allowing him to lean in for the first kiss of your marriage. 
And just like that, you were the wife of the Kazekage, Sasuke Uchiha's Princess no longer.
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bullet-prooflove · 2 months
I have an ask for Nik Sabatino 🩷 The prompt is 3. And we kept everything professional But something's changed. Thank you so much.
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Tagging: @words-and-seeds @novamariestark @whateversomethingbruh @trublu2u @stelacole @kmc1989
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Nik’s been back in LA for approximately three hours when he finds out about your trip to Mexico, the one you didn’t tell him about. He’s barely had enough time to dump his bags at his hotel and shower before he’s called out to a scene in Malibu involving his C.I.
It involves two dead bodies in the trunk of his car and a high speed pursuit on an electric scooter. Only in LA, he thinks as he scrolls through Tucker’s phone bringing up his most recent internet tabs.
It's then he finds the hitlist, the one with your picture on. It’s a group shot of you, Sam and Callen,  your face is shadowed by the cap you’re wearing, but the others are in plain view. It’s been taken in a hospital carpark in Mexico, he knows that because he’s been to the same hospital, he’d dropped Arlo Turk off there with a gunshot wound to the shoulder once upon a time.
He picks up his phone, dialling Turk’s number. If anyone can tell him what mischief you’ve been getting up to in Mexico it’ll be him.
“What’s your interest?” Turk asks him before he divulges the information.
My life partner’s trying to give me a heart attack, he considers telling the other man. However your relationship is still on the downlow, not even your team are aware that the two of you are together so he goes with the usual party line.
“Classified.” He says dryly. “But there’s an eighteen year old bottle of McCallan in it for you, if you tell me everything in the file and out of it.”
By the time Nik hangs up the phone he’s livid.
You’d undertaken an unsanctioned mission into Mexico to rescue Mosley’s son. It had resulted in the horrific death of Special Agent Harley Hidoko. Deeks had been critically injured, which is why you were at the hospital in the first place and the rest of you had barely escaped with your lives.
The fallout is currently still ongoing as the entire team are being investigated by a federal prosecutor. Nobody’s sure if charges are going to land your way or not, and your career…
Lord knows if you’ll still have a job at the end of the week.
You’re trying to give him an aneurysm, Nik’s sure of it.
He uses back channels to summon both you and Callen to the crime scene. His job was over and done with once his CI was arrested by the LAPD but if he leaves the scene he has to hand over the phone for evidence and he wants to show you the consequences of your actions. It’s clear to him that none of you played out how badly the mission could have gone. When he looks at it, he can see the plan was slapdash, haphazard, not the usual standard of work he expected from you all.
Mossley’s doing, he suspects, a woman so driven by her emotions, her desire to find her son that she would have sacrificed anyone of you. Hidoko had played the ultimate price, tongue cut out, burned alive and that woman hadn’t even attended her funeral. The thought of that happening to you…
It makes his blood boil because to Mosley you’re disposable and she’s hanging every single one of you out to dry.
When you step into the tented command centre he can tell you’re surprised to see him. You tuck your hands into the pockets of your jacket as you straighten your shoulders and hold your head up high. It riles him in more ways than one because you know, that he knows, and that he can’t show how pissed off he is right now, not without dropping the dime on your relationship.
“Looks like you guys survived Mexico.” He says, his expression filled with ire as he places his hands upon his hips. “Good job.”
You say nothing as you meet his gaze but he can see the defiance in you. You’re convinced you did the right thing and the problem is he can’t argue with you. The thing he loves most about you is your conviction, you know exactly who you are, you don’t lose yourself the way he does.
It’s both infuriating and extremely erotic.
“I have a feeling that’s you didn’t call us down here to congratulate us on our success.” Callen remarks, jutting his head towards the hand sticking out of the trunk of the nearby car.
“No, it is not.” Nik says, withdrawing the phone from his pocket and holding it up for the both of you to see. “The killer left his phone in the car and we found a cartel hitlist and guess who’s on it.”
He swipes his finger across the screen and the picture appears, the one of the three of you outside the hospital.
“One million.” He says looking pointedly at you. “Per person.
He sees the expression on your face change at the realisation. One million is a lot for a hit. The guy lying in the trunk of that car, his bounty was only $250,000 and he was the head of the drug enforcement taskforce. That’s how badly the cartel wants to murder you guys.
“They haven’t identified you yet but trust me they are trying really, really hard.” It’s impossible for him to keep the bite out of his voice.
“So we need to get that site taken down.” You begin, withdrawing your own phone from your back pocket to call Eric.
“I’ve already taken care of it.” Nik tells you as he returns the phone back to the evidence bag.  “I’ve got the NSA cybernuts scrubbing it from existence but it’s been on the darkweb for almost two weeks. There’s no telling who’s seen it.”
“I’m getting the feeling your mad at us. ” Callen says, crossing his arms over his chest. “Did we fuck up some super-secret CIA operation you guys were running?”
He turns his gaze on the other man, and the fury it burns deep down inside of him. There’s no way Callen doesn’t see it.
He’s almost as culpable as Mosley. He’s supposed to be the team leader, the calm one, the responsible one but he’d run head first into this mess, the same way the rest of you had. Nik knows he’s inches away from betraying himself so he does what he does best, he spins his anger towards something else, something that fits with Callen’s perception.
“You guys burned Arlo Turk.” He snaps, jabbing his finger at the other man. “That guy was the biggest source of cartel intel in the country and you burned him, do you know how many agencies relied on that information?”
None of you have any idea of all the threads you’ve unravelled, all the hard work that you’ve undone. There’s people in Washington baying for your blood, threatening to shut down Special Operations, to indict you and the two of you have no fucking clue. Nik’s out here doing damage control, he’s calling in favours, twisting the narrative, trying to save your lives and your careers.
“And there it is.” Callen mutters, the left side of his mouth twisting up into a bitter smile. “We’re making your life harder.”
He really has no fucking idea.
Nik’s phone has been vibrating in his pocket ever since this conversation started. His contacts coming back to him, feeding him information, completing the tasks he’s set them. You’re not going down for this he’s making sure of that, he’s put Mosley directly in the firing line for pulling this shit.
Already Callen’s walking away, you’re about to follow when Nik captures your arm. His eyes meet yours and you know that this isn’t over. There’s so much he wants to say to you in this moment but the words won’t leave his mouth because he’s just so God damned angry.
“Don’t think we won’t be talking about this at home.” He warns you, releasing his grasp on your arm. “I mean it Alana, you guys fucked up big time.”
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ticklystuff · 8 months
Hi dear!!
Since I'm heads over hills him, can I ask for F, P and V for Caelus?
Love u
tickly alphabet!
hiiii nim! thank you for requesting bby boy i love him so much
F: Fight | What is their behavior in a tickle fight like?
I love when my MCs are slightly unhinged, like little gremlins that bite your ankles in the middle of the night and I like projecting this kind of energy onto Caelus. Anyway, I can't imagine him being the type that would take losing well because he's the ✨protagonist✨ after all and sometimes violence is the answer to winning (can't tickle back when your arms are snapped in three after all) so when he's being tickled, he will throw punches and kick his legs just to free himself because he can just apologize for any injuries later
When he has the upper hand, he'll like laugh along with the lee, which might sound kind of maniacal, but it's actually kinda cute because it means he's having a fun time demolishing the competition
P: Partner In Crime | If they were to go after a lee and accept the aid of a tickle partner, who do they prefer to join hands with and why?
The rest of this ask is just gonna be all about dancae hoohooheee~
But ahem, the obvious answer here is March because the two of them are besties. The day that Caelus stepped onto the train, March pulled him into her room to start gossiping about Dan Heng and she spilled everything she knows about Dan Heng, even the fact that he's ticklish, which Caelus took great interest in. Obviously, they have to do something with this info, so the first thing they do is seek out Dan Heng mwehehehe
And then when they find out Dan Heng has a dragon form, naturally the first thing Caelus thinks of is to test whether Dan Heng is still sensitive in the same areas, to which he enlists help from March~
V: Victim | As a ler, who is their favorite lee and what makes this person their ultimate victim?
idk why you'd send this one because y'know the answer jk any reason to talk about them
I am legally obligated to say Dan Heng because:
Caelus is madly in love
Dan Heng is the typical stoic lee with a pretty smile, but hardly uses it, so Caelus has taken it upon himself to fix that issue
Caelus loves teasing Dan Heng because Dan Heng always has a perfect response/answer to everything, but all Caelus needs to do is wiggle his fingers in Dan Heng's direction to turn him into a stuttering mess
Caelus also loves praising Dan Heng while tickling him by telling him stuff like that he has the prettiest laugh and smile because not only does it fluster Dan Heng to the highest degree, Dan Heng will try to cover his face to hide the blush creeping on his face, which means his arms aren't able to stop Caelus from tickling him even more and Caelus won't stop till Dan Heng admits those things himself (a simple "yes" or "I agree" wont suffice; Dan Heng needs to say "I have the prettiest laugh" word-for-word if he wants Caelus to stop)
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syn0vial · 16 days
Oh, the wise one of the wise ones!
First of all, I want to say, that I hope you're feeling better now (you wrote, that you are worring over earthsquakes in your recent post).
It's nice to see, that you too consider Zam a literall gem among sw characters! I have three questions for you, if you don't mind :) :
Is there any more about her daughter? Beyond her name (was it Sone?)? Is she changeling too?
That's a complex question - do you think she would be proud of adult Boba (in canon/legends, doesn't matter)? What would she think of him?
What were her "deeper feelings" about Jango? By that I mean who did she really consider him? A friend? Partner in crime? Is there any part with her Pov. about him?
PS: It's my first time sending an ask, hope you are honored!
hello hello! :D thank you for your kind words and fun questions about one of my fave star wars characters; i'll do my best to answer!
sadly, if there is any more existing information about sone wesell, i haven't found it. sone was actually "introduced" not as a fully-fledged character, but as a footnote in a source book for wizards of the coast's star wars roleplaying game. it seems likely to me that descriptions of her were intentionally vague so that GMs could more easily fit her into their campaigns if they chose to feature her as an NPC. that said, given that both zam and sone's father are said to be clawdites, it is likely that sone would have been born with at least the capacity to shapeshift!
i'll be honest: i've totally imagined the conversation that would happen between zam and a grown-up boba should they ever meet. (my favorite daydream scenario is that there's a malfunctioning inter-dimensional portal that intermittently spits out people/characters from various points in canon into a massive space-station-city where they all then have to reconfigure how they relate to each other and rebuild their lives, but uh, anyway.) personally, i think that if zam met any version of (legends) boba over the age of 18, she'd just be really sad for him. for one, she's known boba since he was just 5 years old or so, so i think there'd be some inevitable sadness in finding out how much he'd suffered after her death. there's also just the shock of seeing how much that suffering transformed him, how this sweet, funny kid who loved animals and bad jokes and novels about friends going on adventures became a man whose life is so devoid of joy, connection, or compassion that his kneejerk response to genuine kindness is hostility or aversion. zam might be a bounty hunter as well, but she never lost her sense of playfulness, expressiveness, or affection, so i think it would hurt her to see boba take that path. that said, if she met boba much later in the timeline (like, post-yuuzhan vong), i think she'd feel some hope and relief seeing him starting to try for connection again!
we do actually get some of zam's PoV as it regards jango in the novel the shapeshifter strikes! i think it's pretty clear that their relationship went beyond being simply partners-in-crime (jango trusted zam to basically babysit boba, for crying out loud) and they have flirty banter in virtually every piece of media they appear together in. boba himself refers to zam as jango's friend and even considers if she might be his mom at one point (though he ultimately comes to the conclusion that this is impossible bc he's read in books that moms don't shapeshift). zam herself definitely enjoys jango's company and especially flirting with and teasing him. that said, even she is occasionally shocked or disturbed by jango's more callous moments, such as when he's willing to let a terrorist group target millions of civilians on coruscant, or when he uses a cloned child's body to throw other bounty hunters off boba's scent. my personal reading of their relationship is that she genuinely really likes and is even attracted to jango, not least because of the risk he presents (she is a thrill-seeker after all), but that she ultimately trusts him not to do anything to really hurt her. and honestly, not unreasonably! we see from their dark horse comic series that even when they're working as rivals, they do try and look out for each other and keep the other from any serious harm. so, in that sense, she misjudged him; she thought that being his friend and having this history with him would save her from being expendable in his eyes. in the shapeshifter strikes, zam even asks jango if he'd ever really kill her and when he answers quite honestly, "only if i had to," she laughs it off with a quip ("you say the sweetest things!"). so, in sum, i'd describe zam's "deeper feelings" for jango being genuine friendship, affection, and even attraction, along with an unfortunate overestimation of just how indispensable she was as his only friend. which isn't to say that she wasn't truly his friend—we get multiple indications that jango did genuinely care about her—but ultimately, that wouldn't prevent him from sacrificing her once he deemed it necessary.
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