#detroit become human connor x reader
thepilotanon · 1 year
Hey! I love the way your write Connor- so maybe perhaps some fake dating leading to Connor realizing how much he loves GN!Reader ?
I'm so surprised people are supporting how I write Connor! It really means a lot, so I hope you can continue to support and hope you will like it!
I would think the only way Connor would fake date you is if it's for an undercover case? Like they temporarily remove his LED to make him appear human, have him download files and old how-to videos on fake dating, and you two discuss your own backstories of how you two got together and the likes. I think he would have bonded well with you the instant you two started collaborating together and excitedly tells Hank that he made a new friend.
Probably depending on the case, I'm certain you two would just spend a lot of time together to the point that he knows how you take your hot beverage in the mornings (tea/coffee/etc), how you fall asleep on your desk at a certain angle because it's more "comfortable" than the break room's sofa and he uses his winter coat to cover you for extra warmth (since he doesn't need it...). He also probably would join you during lunches and breaks and asks if you want your favorite snack from the vending machine...
I think everyone else but you two would start to notice a change between you? Hank does immediately, but is rather respectful of it, especially since he knows Connor wouldn't connect the dots right away. Gavin, being Gavin, would be a dick and probably ask why you two are being so cozy with each other - cue Hank elbowing him in the gut on purpose and hard to shut him up. Connor would probably go to Hank and ask what it means to "develop" a romantic attachment when it's suppose to be "fake".
Hank would be blunt but patient with Connor and discuss the concept of romance and that he's developing human feelings he didn't think he was capable of doing before? Certainly, Connor cares a lot about you and doesn't want to ruin it? And he doesn't know how you would feel either, so he's worried about just messing up. I think it could probably be better if you initiate it with Connor, and he just kinda clams up all nervous before going into his spiel of "I have thought very longandhardandithascometomyattentionthatI havestartedtodevelopefeelingssoIspoketoHank..."
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honey-beann · 1 year
Ruiner, Ruination (RK900 x Reader)
Chapter One: Naming Nines
Series Masterlist
Series Synopsis:
After Gavin Reed, the biggest asshat in the DPD refuses to work with the newest android detective, the only RK900 in existence, you find yourself being offered the opportunity in his stead. Post successful android revolution, with a very recently deviated android partner at your side, will the two of you gain the same level of success as Hank and Connor, or will your different manifestations of humanity, and all of the feelings that come along with it, get in the way?
AKA: Reader and Nines get partnered up and grow closer over a series of one-shots and random cases.
Will you become RK900's ruination?
Chapter Content Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,579
"Absolutely not!"
The sounds of shouting nearly made you groan as you slumped down further in your desk, trying to ignore the grown man throwing a temper tantrum clearly visible through the glass just a few yards in front of you.
"Sounds like Gavin found out about his new android partner, huh?"
Muttered one of your coworkers from behind you, and you lamented internally at all of the bitching you were going to be subjected to as a result of this mess. Having your desk situated just a few feet across from Detective Reed's meant having to hear all about his newest complaints and disagreements, even if you had absolutely no interest in them at all. Back when you were still considered a rookie just a year prior, you had hoped this had all been a test, and that you would soon be moved to a less bothersome location, but as time went on with no complaints from you, Fowler appeared to have decided that the arrangement worked just fine as a permanent fixture.
You were less than pleased.
Trying not to be as obvious in your staring as your coworkers, you placed your tablet in your lap, looking up from the blank screen every few seconds to watch Gavin push at some other expensive looking object, his eyes wild with an anger you had grown all too familiar with throughout your somewhat brief time here at the station. Needless to say, you were not a fan of Detective Reed and his childishness, and this extreme act of crazed rage only made you all the more aware of how ridiculous and dramatic he could be.
"All this over some android partner?"
You muttered under your breath, rolling your eyes before returning them down to the tablet in front of you, still blank as you tried to look as busy as possible despite your light work load.
Working in the android crimes unit alongside Lieutenant Anderson, Connor, and Detective Reed had been no walk in the park so far, especially not when the first two made such an incredible team. You and Gavin, on the other hand, had been urged to try your best for a few months, before it was ultimately decided that you both worked best on your own. Or, at least, that's what the amicable write up said. In reality, Reed had made it impossible to work with him over the course of just three months, and after that, you had outright refused a partnership. If you were supposed to receive any form of repercussions for this, they never came, and now, watching Gavin rant and rave through the glass of Fowler's office, you were pretty sure that you knew why.
How could anyone truly expect someone to work well with one of the biggest assholes in the entire city of Detroit?
Yourself and the rest of your coworkers watched on for a while, as Gavin continued to argue his case against a potential asset to his one man show of a team, rolling your eyes jointly at his dramatics until finally, Fowler put his head in his hands and exasperatedly motioned for your desk neighbor to leave. Begrudgingly, you watched as Reed did just that, grumbling something under his breath that had your boss glaring at his back as he exited the room.
Everything was quiet as Gavin approached the desk across from yours once more, and everyone tried to look as busy as possible despite the obvious lack of commotion within the usually busy police department.
You relished in that near silence for a few minutes, before suddenly, Fowler's angry voice sounded from just outside of his office door, his glare fixated on Gavin despite you being the only person he was talking to.
Damn, Gavin really had pissed him off, huh?
"Detective L/n!"
He shouted, and you swallowed thickly before standing at once, nodding in his direction to show that you were listening, At the sight of an actually obedient employee, Fowler seemed to calm a bit, although you noted that his hands were still clenched into fists as he spoke,
"How would you like your very own android partner?"
Shocked, you stared at your boss as if he had lost his mind, fighting the urge to ask him if he was sure he had the right person. You were just barely out of rookie status, nowhere near important enough to have earned an android of your own. But, then again, Gavin had blown it, and the unit needed more hands on experts, whether Gavin wanted to work with one them or not, so in the end, you were pretty much the only other option if they didn't want an android going about solving crimes alone.
Swallowing back your various questions and concerns in favor of simply answering the question at hand, you nodded once at your superior,
"It would be crazy of me to say no to an opportunity like that, sir."
You replied as cooly as possible, taking note of the way that Gavin sneered from his seat across from your own as he rolled his eyes at your words. He had called you a kiss ass since your arrival, but truthfully, you just knew when to use the right kind of language with the right kind of person, unlike the incredibly annoying detective you had been forced to call your partner just a few months back.
"Good. Glad to hear there's at least one sane person in the damn Android Crimes Unit."
He grumbled that last part before clearing his throat and speaking up once more,
"Your assigned model is an RK900, the only one in existence. It was originally created as a prototype advanced deviant hunter, but ever since it's... deviance a few months prior, along with the results of the android revolution, employment in a separate area started being considered. You will guide this android in your field work, and maintain a professional relationship with him regardless of your differences, do I make myself clear?"
Shocked to have heard Fowler address this in front of everyone rather than in a private meeting, you nodded quickly and eagerly in response to his words, watching as your boss signed in relief and ran his hand across his face.
"Good. The model was brought by for tuning and integration this morning. He should be by your desk promptly."
Shocked, you opened your mouth to reply, maybe even ask a few questions, but before you could Fowler had returned to his glass enclosure, picking his desk phone up and dialing a number quickly, his shoulders tense and eyebrows drawn together.
Maybe right now wasn't the best time for questions regarding your new android partner.
Sighing, you sat back down once more, trying not to look nervous as you stared back down at the blank tablet on your desk once again.
That is, until a voice, slightly familiar, and somehow also incredibly foreign to you spoke up from your right.
You yelped in response to the sudden sound, jumping in your chair and twisting around to all but gawk at the intimidating man who stood before you.
He looked incredibly similar to Connor, but somehow the slight differences made him seem like a completely different person, and you could tell by the cold expression on his face that they would in no way be sharing similar personalities. Where Connor Anderson, the RK800 model who had deviated nine months ago, was warm and friendly, always ready to ask about your day, this RK900 model was clearly cool and calculated, his gaze consistently disapproving no matter where or who it happened to fall upon.
And to be the subject of said disapproval? It made you shiver before you could even speak up, giving the android in front of you the opportunity to do so first.
"Hello Detective L/n. I am an RK900 prototype built for the purpose of tracking down and dismantling deviants such as my predecessor. That being said, my previous function has been rendered inconsequential due to my status as deviant, and therefore, I have gained employment here, alongside the RK800 model known to you as Connor, in order to support the DPD in the development of android crimes. I understand that you are to be my partner in this task, is this correct?"
You blinked, shocked at the robotic tone of the supposed deviant who stood before you. You stared for a moment, taking in the crisp white jacket that adorned the android's shoulders, and the blinking model number that could be seen on his chest. He was incredibly intimidating, several inches taller than Connor, and far less friendly. It was as if this android felt no reason at all to utilize it's social interaction protocols, and you couldn't help but wonder if that was yet another unexplored area of deviancy.
Slowly, as if unsure of your own actions, you reached your hand out to the android in front of you, clearing your throat as you did so, trying to shake your nerves and muster up the courage to speak.
"I look forward to working with you..."
You trailed off hesitantly, your heartbeat quickening as you felt the unfamiliar chill of the RK900's hand against your own, that gaze never leaving you as your hands interlocked, shaking in greeting slowly,
"Is there something wrong?"
The RK900 model in front of you asked slowly, his words clearly enunciated and incredibly probing as they passed the artificial pink skin of his lips.
"I, uh, I guess I don't know what to call you."
The android quirked it's head in curiosity before it seemed to understand your words, and nodded,
"Ah, yes, your RK800 model-"
You corrected immediately, knowing how much the android in question disliked being called by his model number, your nerves leaving you for the briefest of moments as you stood up for your friend.
"Right, your... Connor"
The RK900 spoke slowly this time, as if testing the way that the sentence sounded in his ears, and you almost smiled at how much it reminded you of his predecessor.
Suddenly, as if he had been enlightened with the correct words to say, the RK900 model cleared his throat, and spoke up again,
"My predecessor, Connor as you call him, goes by a name. This name was given to him upon his distribution, in order to make him more relatable and easy to trust. I was not built to be trusted, nor related to. To put it simply, Detective, I was built for the purpose of destruction, ruination if you will, and that of my own kind in particular. Therefore, I was not given a name as Connor was upon the start of his mission."
You nodded softly, gazed upward at the oh so familiar stranger that stood above you,
"Right, I guess that does make sense... In that case, can we give you a name?"
You asked, tilting your head in question as the android before you stiffened a bit, quirking a brow in response,
"You wish to name me?"
He asked, and you shrugged softly, trying to ignore the heat that was building in your cheeks,
"Well, not exactly. You can pick it if you want to, I just want something to call you that isn't as long as your model number."
Nodding in understanding, the RK900 thought for a moment, before finally reaching what to him was the most logical conclusion.
"I will allow you to choose, since you are so keen on my having a new name to go by as your partner."
You could have sworn you saw the android smirk a bit as he spoke these words, but you shook it off and started thinking hard about potential names for the man in front of you.
This train of thought lasted far longer than you had ever initially anticipated, and eventually, you found yourself groaning out of frustration, hunched over a notepad at your desk two hours after your initial meeting with your new partner.
You offered hopefully, and the man in front of you shook his head for what had to be the one hundredth time that day, that shadow of a smug grin forming on his lips as he met your gaze again from the desk attached to your own, which he had made himself comfortable at shortly after his arrival.
"It just doesn't suit me."
He explained wryly, and you fought to roll your eyes in exasperation as he utilized the same excuse he had been using for the past twenty names. He had a reason to hate everything.
Sighing heavily, you moved to bury your head in your hands, rubbing at your cheeks before you let out an annoyed huff, glaring over at your new partner.
"Two hours in and you're already impossible."
"Oh, on the contrary, Detective."
The android's response was immediate, long and drawn out as he leaned forward so his elbow was on your desk rather than his own, his smirk predatory in a way that made you almost feel frightened as you swallowed thickly while desperately trying to come up with a new name.
"I think I am being quite cooperative. I mean, I've hardly said a thing about that untouched work load of yours."
He finished teasing, and you shot him another glare, as you stood to pace before your shared desk space.
"Well fine then, if a regular name doesn't work, how about something different?"
You asked exasperatedly, and the RK900 leaned forward towards you in what appeared to be mock anticipation,
"Different you say? Go on then Detective, what do you have in mind?"
You thought for a moment, struggling to think of anything, before finally, your eyes fell on that glowing model number upon his jacket, and finally it hit you.
You breathed out the name as if it were a prayer, and the android in front of you seemed to hum in response, watching you intently as your gaze moved to meet his own once more, challenging and unwavering.
Just what he was hoping to see.
"I like it."
He said after what had felt like an entire minute of deliberation, and you whooped victoriously and jumped excitedly about the small office in response to those three short words, your grin wide and splitting your face in two.
He watched, annoyed by your strange actions, yet somehow also entertained by how improvised and sudden all of your reactions felt to him.
Were all humans like this? If so, this job would get exhausting very fast.
Eventually, you slowed back down and had the sense to look a bit bashful as you sat across from the RK900 - 'Nines' once more, clearing your throat awkwardly as you started to look at your completely empty tablet for what felt like the one millionth time that day.
"I do hope you know that tablet has been depleted of battery life, Detective."
Nines' voice was laced with a bit of humor and cruelty as he spoke, and you groaned internally upon being caught.
You couldn't find the correct words to respond with, so instead you turned your face away from the man sitting on the other side of your desk, trying to focus on anything else but this near stranger who was supposed to be your partner sometime in the near future.
How were you ever going to make it through this with your sanity?
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the-milk-monarch · 5 months
♥ Connor ♥
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♡ | Aquarium Date Headcanons Summary: Connor and Reader have an aquarium date. With starfish.
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just-a-sleepy-idiot · 7 months
DBH Connor Drabble: Helping Reader with Dycalculia
Based off a lovely fanfic I just read by @geesegooseblog that was really encouraging and inspiring to me. I just started playing so Idk how accurate this depiction of him is
Content/Warnings: Gender Neutral Reader, Numbers, Some of the things that I personally find struggling or helpful
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You were in the precinct because the way you could understand people and their behavior was something the investigators in charge had lacked, but it sure wasn’t your relationship with numbers. You had avoided letting anyone know about your Dyscalculia, you didn’t want to be mocked.
It was easy enough for Androids to surpass human capacities these days but you were even worse than the regular human when it came to that aspect. You didn’t want to let anyone in on this seemingly easy to overcome struggle, because for you it wasn’t a matter that could be fixed by practicing. It just didn’t make any sense to begin with.
And now you were sat there with the analytics papers in front of you in the break room. Graphs and numbers that simply correlated with each other about the Police statistics, and you were assigned to write a report off of that. How did you even begin to make sense of this??
You nervously drummed your pen against the table, looking around before standing up. You didn’t want anyone passing by you to see that you were struggling. If they saw that you haven’t written anything yet you would make some tea- you would rather have someone think you were slacking rather than being seen as dumb.
You heard steps and quickly went to start boiling some water, your gaze nervously shifting around.
„Y/n, hello.“ You were greeted with the calm, ever steady voice of Connor. Your shoulders relaxed a little bit but you swallowed hard. „Hello Connor. Did you need something?“ You fidgeted a bit with your hands and turned around to look at him. He took a seat next to yours where the graphs were and put his hands on the table. „No. Hank gave me the order to ‚go and bother someone else‘ so I am now doing that.“ You cracked up a little and smiled.
You had gotten somewhat close to Connor since you were mostly entrusted with things like keeping up with Informants, talking to the relatives of victims or suspects- everything that required Empathy and a good understanding of the person in front of you. Connor was pretty lost when it came to the adequate dealings with humans, which is why he came to you pretty frequently to discuss social topics with you. Connor observed that your body language differed greatly from the others when he asked you those questions. Instead of grimacing, sighing and turning away to signal their disinterest you smiled once you spotted him, raising your brows and turning your whole body towards him. You were willing to give him your full attention every time, even if you had something else to do you took a moment to look him in the eye and explained that you would get back to the topic once you were finished.
You slowly sat down again since you were letting your tea sit now and you had to get back to what you were doing.
Well.. you looked at the graphs, but knowing that Connor most likely already picked up on your elevated heart rate made you even more nervous. He tilted his head at you with curiosity, his expression remaining neutral. Your palms became sweaty, you felt shame and lowered your gaze to avoid his gaze. Why couldn't you just.. do this?? This was pathetic.
"Connor um.." you started quietly, he cut you off by pointing on the graph. "1452 cases in total and a succession rate of 86 Percent, that is fascinating." Your eyes shot up to look at him, his eyes were gliding over the papers without any pause. "Where.. did you see that?" You asked carefully and looked at the paper again, hoping to have a pointer to how to understand those numbers. He pointed to a specific point, you quickly got yourself an empty paper and a pen, scribbling down what you remember. You repeated the number in your head, 1452-1452-1452.. you slowly put down a 1. Connor looked at your paper, "Four, Five, Two."
Your eyes widened slightly, quickly glancing at him before hurrying to put the numbers down he dictated you. You let out a quiet sigh, relaxing your posture slightly. "The succession rate of 86 Percent is 1248.72 Cases solved. One.. Two.. Four.. Eight Point Seven.. Two." Connor simply added without stopping once to give you a weird look, speaking gently and patiently like he always would.
You put everything down on paper and sighed in relief, the content of that graph was now clear. You didn't understand it but now you could simply copy that into your report. Connors gaze dropped from your concentrated eyes to your lips which now formed a small smile.
You noticed him looking and met his gaze. "Thank you.." You gently touched his arm for a moment, he noticed that you did that from time to time. Humans touched as a sign of friendliness and companionship, for comfort and intimacy with each other- he recalled. Connor quickly let his eyes roam you before he decided on the best spot for reciprocation- and put the hand of his other arm on yours. Your eyes widened the slightest bit when he did that, he lingered there for a moment before letting you go.
„Your tea has reached the maximum of the recommended sitting time.“ He informed you and you smiled, „Ah, yes. Thank you.“ You both stood up. „I will ask Hank for new orders now.“
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Hope you liked it, tell me if you want me to write more for Connor!
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vampyr-boyfriend · 1 year
Hey, for those of you who were on this blog when I was still posting fics here, do you remember a Detroit: Become Human one I wrote called "Red Ice" and its precursor fic "Frozen in Time"? They're no longer on the blog and I never backed them up, but I'd like to find it again. If you reblogged even one piece of it and can find the link to that, please consider sending it to me. Thanks!
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lonely-cowboy · 3 months
requests started coming in hot right as i started my midterms so pls forgive me for taking so long to get through my requests (which i'm loving btw i'm so excited to get to all of them)
with that being said i'll stop yapping and let you read in peace
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pairing: connor (rk800) x f!reader
summary: you're very confused when you find a photograph of yourself on connor's desk.
word count: 1k
warnings: none
author's note: i said i'm done yapping and i mean it i have nothing to say. (except i do wanna say this was inspired by the person that said my connor was very you are in love coded bc that made me happy and got me thinking)
masterlist ⟡ requests
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“What do androids do in their free time, anyway?”
“Plot against humanity? I dunno.”
Hank’s laugh came out in a quiet huff, one that indicated he didn’t think your answer was too far from the truth. 
You had come into the precinct hoping to interview Hank and Connor on their latest investigation surrounding a human cult determined to wipe out every single android. As head journalist for the Detroit Free Press, you were desperate to get word before everyone else. And as Connor’s friend, you were sure you could sweet-talk it out of him. 
But when you got to the precinct, Connor was, strangely, nowhere to be found. Usually, he trailed behind Hank like a lost puppy, but not even Hank knew of Connor’s whereabouts. His unusual absence only led to conversations about what the hell an android could be doing on his lonesome. Neither of you had any clue.
“Have a seat, kid,” Hank offered, nudging his chin over to Connor’s desk. “You know he’d feel bad if you were standin’ around waiting for him.” 
Rounding the table, you took a seat in Connor’s chair. You sat stiffly with your hands atop your thighs, the exact same way Connor would. The realization made you chuckle softly to yourself. Even when he wasn’t here, his presence always made itself known in the subtlest of ways.
Your eyes wandered across Connor’s desk, noticing that it was relatively barren. Hank’s desk was littered with mementos– old donut boxes, Detroit Gears merchandise, anti-android propaganda that he’d crumpled up and intended to trash. But Connor’s desk was plain and organized. A single blue pen sat exactly parallel to his recent case file that had been neatly folded. On top of his case file was a quarter like the one he always fidgeted with. You wondered idly how many quarters he had lying around, having never seen him without one. But the only belonging of actual interest was a picture frame right beside his terminal.
Your brows furrowed as your gaze latched onto the photograph. You were staring directly at a picture of yourself.
Believing it to be a trick of the light, you reached for the picture frame and brought it closer. Sure enough, it was you.  
You stared at a version of yourself who was mid-laugh. You could almost hear your own laughter ringing in your ears. It was that genuine kind of laughter, you knew. The kind that was an obnoxious cackle you always wanted to hide. Why on earth would Connor have a picture like that framed?
Come to think of it, where did Connor even get this picture? You didn’t recognize it at all. You couldn’t even place where it was taken. There were zero clues in the photograph as you were the only focus. Nothing else, just you.
You were about to ask Hank about it when a voice over your shoulder startled you, “I really like that picture.”
An inhuman yelp escaped your lips as you spun around in Connor’s chair. You found him looking down at you with a pleasant smile, not even remotely embarrassed to be caught having a photo of you.
“Why… what even… what?” you stammered.
Connor cocked his head curiously, waiting for you to get your words out. But you couldn’t. You were so utterly confused that your brain couldn’t remember a single word in existence. You just stared at Connor with a gaping mouth, holding the picture up for his viewing pleasure. 
When you didn’t say anything, Connor’s eyebrows furrowed for only a moment before easing. An endearing habit of his that made your heart flutter. He definitely was not helping you find the right words. 
“I’d like to clear your confusion as best I can, but… I’m afraid I don’t understand its cause,” Connor said gently.
From behind, you heard Hank’s quiet snort. He wasn’t helping either.
“Well… Connor,” you started slowly like you were gradually putting the puzzle pieces together. No matter how hard you tried, the pieces weren’t fitting. “Why do you have a picture of me?”
The corners of his lips raised into a small grin, his hands moving to clasp in front of him. You knew this stance to mean he was about to tell a story.
“I asked Lieutenant Anderson about the keepsakes on his desk. I was curious as to why these particular items were objects of significance and what classified them as such,” Connor explained cheerfully. “As I recall, he said ‘I don’t know, they’re just alright, I guess.’ Perhaps my interpretation was incorrect, but I took that to mean those items made him happy.”
Connor’s smile widened slightly. That meant he was finished. He didn’t clear any of your confusion.
“Okay…?” you prompted.
“I wanted to do something similar. I thought it could help me accommodate to deviancy, so I decided to surround myself with things that make me happy.”
Your mouth clamped shut as your confused look turned to one of shock. You were almost sure you hadn’t heard him right, but another laugh (hidden behind a cough) from Hank made you confident that you had.
“I… make you happy?” you clarified.
“Yes,” Connor answered curtly. There was another long pause as you waited for Connor to continue. He seemed to get the hint by now, elaborating further. “I always enjoy your company. I look forward to seeing you when we have scheduled plans. This wasn’t a scheduled visit, so I was pleased to see you were here. It made me smile. Seeing you makes me smile.”
With all his talk of smiling, you couldn’t help cracking one of your own. Seeing your smile made Connor brighten.
“Like that,” he said. “If I could photograph and frame you right now, I would.”
You were so giddy with affection that you couldn’t help but laugh. You had never known Connor to be so poetic with his words.
“You know, Connor,” you said with careless laughter. “I came here to sweet-talk you into an interview for the Press. But here you are sweet-talking me.”
Connor looked pleased with himself, standing a little straighter. “I hope that made you smile.”
“It certainly did.”
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gogogodzilla · 1 year
If you take asks for Connor, I'd like a story where basically reader does connor so hard he short circuits or something along those lines and reader is like "omg are you ok???" And after a moment, he's like, "very" idk I hope I explained it well
Missed You || Connor (RK800)
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Summary: You couldn't wait for date night.
Warnings: smut, afab read, semi-public sex, fingering, slight choking, Connor has a praise kink, argue w the wall
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After a few months of dating, you and Connor had developed some form of a schedule. Every Saturday was date night, and this week had you particularly eager for it to arrive. You’d barely spent any time with Connor with him being stuck on a case that had him halfway across the city for most of his days and working late nights. 
Saturday night rolled around like it always did, and you paced your shared apartment in anticipation of Connor arriving. You’d both agreed on just going to a movie. It was the one you’d been dying to see, so you weren’t complaining.  
The sound of keys jingling against the lock had you practically sprinting to the front door and flinging it open. Connor looked down at you with wide eyes, his keys hovering mid-air. 
You grabbed the lapels of his usual suit jacket and brought him into a kiss. He let out a small sound of surprise against your lips but quickly melted into your grasp. He wrapped his arms around you as he nudged you further into your apartment and kicked the front door closed. 
“Missed you,” you murmured against his lips as you ran a hand through his hair. 
He slowly pulled away, taking in your features. “I just need to get changed and then we can go,” he offered, patting your hip as he released you. 
You wanted to say to hell with date night and just ravish him where he stood, but you forced yourself to nod. It’ll be worth the wait, you tried to convince yourself. 
The tension in the air was palpable as Connor emerged from the bedroom, rolling up the sleeves of his button-up. Your gaze traveled up his forearms, taking in every inch of exposed skin. He had the same idea, and his eyes raked over the hem of the dress that danced across your thighs as you shifted your weight from foot to foot.
You forced yourself to look away as you moved to grab your car keys and tossed them to Connor. “Ready?” you questioned, ignoring the way your heart was practically bursting out of your chest from the way he was looking at you. 
“Always,” Connor responded, kissing your forehead as he passed and grabbing your hand to lead you to the elevator. 
You eyed the emergency stop button as you stood far too close to Connor in the cramped elevator. No one would even notice the elevator was stopped for a few minutes, you reasoned.  
The chime of the elevator caused you to nearly jump out of your skin, and Connor shot you a look. 
“Are you feeling okay? Your heart rate has been high ever since we left; we don’t have to go to the movie—” 
“No!” you cut him off, even though every fiber of your being was begging you to drag him back into your apartment. “I’m fine,” you assured him, resting your hand on his arm and keeping it there for far longer than you should have. 
He raised a brow, eyeing you. You ignored him and led him out to your car before hopping in the passenger seat. 
Connor wordlessly hopped into the driver’s seat, and you watched him. You wondered if the long week apart was affecting him as much as it was affecting you. You saw how he was practically undressing you with his eyes when he came home. His usual precise movements were far more controlled than they usually were, stiffening every time your skin came into contact with his. It couldn’t hurt to test the waters. 
Connor always set his right hand on the gear shift or your thigh when he was driving, and today was no exception. He loosely gripped the gear shift as he drove, gaze never leaving the road. A wise decision. 
You took his hand and placed it on its normal spot on your thigh. He glanced over at you. You could’ve sworn you saw his free hand tighten on the steering wheel, betraying the small smile that flashed across his lips.
A few minutes of comfortable silence pass, and you decide to push your luck a little further. 
“Are these pants new?” you causally questioned as you leaned over and ran a hand down his upper thigh, giving him a perfect view down the bodice of your dress. 
Connor cleared his throat and swallowed hard, “They’re the same pants I always wear.” 
You hum and move to return to your seat, your hand accidentally grazing over the place you wanted so badly. Connor sucked in a breath as he approached the red light. You grinned, bathed in crimson. 
“Connor,” you purred, lolling your head to the side to look at him. The light turned green and he pressed on the accelerator, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye. His eyes grazed the bare skin of your thighs before returning to the road. 
Your heart rate picked up as Connor turned down a side street in the opposite direction of the movie theater. You weren’t going to make your showing.
Connor’s movements were controlled as he picked a secluded spot to park. You were on him before he could even fully pull the keys out of the ignition, clumsily climbing over the center console. 
The keys tumbled out of Connor’s hand and clattered to the floorboard, but he didn’t seem to care as he pulled you in for a heated kiss. He pushed the seat back so you could comfortably sit, legs straddling his thighs and skirt hiked up just enough to tease him. 
“Couldn’t wait,” you murmured against his lips as you pulled away, your breaths entangling in one another. 
“You’ve been looking forward to this movie all week,” Connor teased, running a hand up the bare skin of your thigh and cupping the curve of your ass. 
You dipped down and hovered next to his ear, whispering, “I’ve also been looking forward to riding you until you short-circuit.” 
Connor’s grip tightened on your ass, and he shoved your hips down to grind against him. The tent in his pants pressed against your clothed core and caused a shudder to run through your body. 
 “Do you feel what you do to me?” he questioned, voice husky and increasing the ache in your core that had gained intensity since you left the apartment. 
You nodded, leaning down to kiss him and run a hand over his covered length. Connor jutted his hips up to meet you, groaning as you ran a hand over the smooth fabric of his pants. His nails raked up your thighs and he hooked his fingers on the waistband of your underwear and tugged hard enough for the side seams to rip, and for them to fall in his lap. 
Your gasp was quickly swallowed by his lips against yours and his fingers sliding through your folds and circling your clit. Breathy moans escaped you as you shoved your head in the crook of his neck, lazily pressing kisses to the hardly exposed skin. 
He ran a finger over your entrance and you pressed against him, begging for him to fill you. He obliged, slowly inching a finger inside of you before quickly adding another, stretching you deliciously. He pumped his fingers, savoring the way you clenched around him, aching for more. He curled his fingers inside of you, brushing against the spot that had you seeing stars, and you cried out his name, throwing your head back. 
“Fuck me,” you whimpered, grinding yourself against his fingers when he stopped his movements. “Please, Connor.” 
He removed his fingers and slipped them past your lips, making you taste yourself. You ran your tongue over the pads of his fingers as you met his gaze. He used his free hand to undo his belt, the smooth leather brushing against your thighs. 
You reached down to where your hips met, unbuttoning his pants and yanking down the zipper, impatience coursing through you. You released his length from his pants, eliciting a breathy sigh from Connor. You pumped your hand, thumb sliding over his tip and spreading the bead of precum that had formed. 
You aligned him with your entrance and you both groaned as you lowered yourself onto his length, savoring the way he stretched you. You started rocking against him, flushing as the suspension of your car squeaked with your movements. 
Connor gathered the skirt of your dress in one hand and watched as you ground against him. You dipped down to kiss him, reaching up to rest one of your hands against his throat. He twitched from within you, and he snapped his hips to meet yours. 
“So good for me,” you praise, squeezing his throat lightly as he looked up at you, eyes unfocused and mouth hanging open. 
His hands found your clit and resumed the same tight circles as before. You released your hold on his throat as you rocked your hips into his, feeling the familiar heat pooling in your stomach. 
It took no time for your release to hit you, Connor’s length finding the spot that had you moaning his name over and over again. Your release caused you to squeeze Connor’s cock, pushing him to finish directly after you. Connor lifted his hips to meet yours, and threw his head back, letting out a guttural moan. His whole body froze and tensed under you as his climax washed over him. Connor twitched inside of you as you slowed and pressed a kiss to his forehead. 
After a few moments, when his eyes still hadn’t opened, you brushed a finger over his chest, relief washing over you when you felt the familiar thrumming of his bioregulator. 
“Connor?” you murmured, tapping his cheek lightly. “You alright?” 
His lashes fluttered as he slowly opened his eyes, a small smile curving into his features.  “Did I say how much I missed you?” he hummed, reaching up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
“No,” you mentioned, chucking, “although, I think I have an idea.”
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Yandere!Connor who has hundreds upon hundreds of photos of you saved to his hard drive
Yandere!Connor who’s over the moon at the fact that you’ve been partnered up together for a case
Yandere!Connor who just absolutely needs to be touching you at all times, whether it’s a hand on your shoulder or wrapped around your waist as he ‘guides’ you from danger
Yandere!Connor who follows you around like a lost puppy at the station, cuddling up to you at any given moment but it’s fine. Sure you aren’t getting any work done when he’s around, but he looks so happy as he nuzzles his face against you <3
Yandere!Connor who absolutely adores you and everything you do, it’s why he has actual hours worth of videos of you doing random day to day things.
Yandere!Connor who gets off to you almost every night before entering rest mode, all those videos and photos he takes are really paying off.
Yandere!Connor who desperately fucks himself on his fingers wishing that they were yours instead. He’s almost in tears because he keeps edging himself, telling himself that this is what you would want him to do for being so gross, he’s supposed to protect you not think about getting his pump fucked by you <3
Yandere!Connor who steals underwear from you all the time when he thinks you aren’t looking, it’s a disgusting habit of his he just seemingly can’t get rid of. It’s not like you’re encouraging it or anything, definitely not…
Yandere!Connor whose just so happy that you love him almost as much as he loves you <3
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airbendertendou · 10 months
a small compilation of moments between autistic!reader + connor happy disability pride month <3
anon requested : hi! i was wondering if you could do something with connor and the autistic reader and like them going nonverbal and how he would handle that? You don’t have to do it if you don’t wanna! :)
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please do not use this as a way to self-diagnose. having one thing in common does not necessarily mean you are autistic. im not a therapist or doctor, if you think you’re on the spectrum, talk to them. <3
if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
temperature irregulation ♥︎
hank was a firm believer in a cold house. when the summer season came and brought a heatwave with it, the older man wouldn’t allow anything other than a brisk, chilly living room.
it was often you’d come over to go over old cases and study with hank. interning with the detroit police department was fun — the academy, however, you could live without. you’d learned to dress warm when visiting hank’s house, having a hard time warming up once you were cold.
“here,” a thicker sweater is placed over the couch, the sleeve laying on your shoulder. you take it without thought, swapping your thinner one for the new one. connor smiles at the pattern on your fuzzy socks, the sight of your toes curling in delight at the warmth bringing something tender to his brain. “better?”
you nod with a hum, “thanks, detective.”
hank rolls his eyes, hiding the curl of his lips at your obliviousness. “anyways, as i was saying—”
[interrupted] routine ♥︎
every day at 12:10 pm, you’d wander into the breakroom for a snack and drink refill. connor didn’t mean to memorize your specific regimen — but after watching you do the same thing for a week straight, it stuck to his mind.
you loitered in the doorway to the breakroom, peeking in occassionally to see if it’d emptied out any. gavin caught your gaze, rolling his eyes at your hesitance. it was then you spotted the mug in his hands — your mug, the one you always used. your frown deepened.
connor budged his way into the crowd, bumping into gavin and causing his drink to spill. every curse leaving the human’s mouth went ignored — connor only watched as you cowered away from gavin’s angry steps as he left. grabbing the dropped mug, connor rinsed it four times before holding it out to you shyly.
you crept into the breakroom, grabbing the handle of the mug and shooting the android a thankful grin.
stimming with pressure ♥︎
hank opened the door to his house with a sigh. connor’s eyebrows furrowed as he tilted his head, questioning the elder silently. hank leans against the door, “[name]’s been here a while, s’all. won’t leave my bathtub.”
a safe zone, connor concludes, somewhere small and compact ; where you could see every corner and every threat. he makes his way to the bathroom without another thought, pausing at the sight of you.
your eyes are closed, face crumpled in displeasure as you clench and unclench your fists in a pattern. connor knocks on the door, announcing his presence without startling you. your eyes fly open, “hello, detective.”
“you can call me connor, if you’d like.” the android steps further into the bathroom slowly, allowing you to object if you need to. your eyes stay on him — his thirium pump stutters in his chest. “anything i can do to help?”
taking in a deep breath, you puff your cheeks as you release the air. “maybe. if you don’t think it’s weird.”
connor stares down at you, his upper lip curled in hesitance as you lay in hank’s bed. you adjust yourself, wiggling around until you’ve splayed your limbs where you want them. you blink up at him, “well?”
“it is a little... strange.” connor tries to be nice, he really does. but asking an android to lay on you — to put their full weight on you — he’s concered. “i will crush you.”
you roll your eyes, “i have a weighted blanket at home ; it’s no different.”
“i weigh quite a bit more than—”
“are you going to lay on me or not, connor?”
maybe it was the sound of you saying his name for the first time ; maybe it was the way you looked so defeated. whatever it was, connor found himself laying on you as gently as he could. the relaxation was immediate — he could feel the breath of relief you let out ; the way your body sagged.
you fell asleep that way — with connor holding his breath and tensing up the closer you got.
sensory overload ♥︎
the scene you were going to was a lot. it was nighttime now, the sirens and flashing lights bringing everyone’s attention this way. hank leaves the car first, grumbling as he goes. the sound that leaks through his open door causes you to whimper.
connor turns his head to you, “everything alright?”
your gaze hasn’t left the window as you squint, blinking at all of the lights. you gulp before biting your lip. “i’ll be fine. this is what i signed up for.”
you’re barely out of the car and already wincing at the noise and the lights. you can’t see hank ; can’t hear or understand anything being said around you. the world is blinking in hues of red and blue, wailing sirens going off with every flash of the lights.
the sound grows muffled as soft and sturdy hands cup your ears. a thumb moves from your ear briefly, just long enough for you to hear a whisper. “close your eyes and i’ll lead you into the house. that’s where the lieutenant is.”
trusting connor’s words — a little too easily — you squeeze your eyes shut. your hands go up to cover his, sealing your ears from the harsh sounds around you. stumbling a little here and there, you eventually feel a difference in temperature as you enter the house.
letting out a sigh, your shoulders moving with the motion, slowly your eyes peel open. you glance at connor, ignoring the tenderness of his gaze. “thanks, connor.”
he lets out a deep breath, ignoring the sly grin hank sends his way. “no problem, [name].” 
verbal shutdown ♥︎
it happened so quick. your safe foods had vanished from their designated cabinet ; your chair’s wheel was squeaking incessently ; hank hadn’t shown up today. everything was piling on and you finally exploded.
the evidence locker was empty as you shakily typed in hank’s password. you hit the wrong button a few times, squeezing your eyes together at the little beeps. your breathing picks up — you hold it in your chest and shake your hands, releasing the tension built inside you.
you all but crawl into the secure room, your back hitting the wall as you sit down. your eyes squeeze shut again and you go through the motions, choosing the less destructive ways to calm yourself down.
none of them work.
when connor finds you, you’re drawing shapes on the floor with your finger. you’ve curled into yourself, not making a sound ; your usual means of comfort absent from your lips. he walks to you cautiously, “[name]? hank has returned. he’s asking to see you.”
you don’t move ; not a sound falls from your lips. connor sits in front of you, crossing his legs as he waits. from his suit pocket comes a ring of multicolored notecards — your eyes flash to his at the sight of them. connor holds them out further so that you can see them properly. “want to use these?”
a miniscule nod, but it’s enough to make him smile. “alright,” he flicks through the blue cards — feelings. stopping at your set of upset verbs, he slides the ring your way. “any of these describe how you’re feeling?”
a shaky finger hits the word overstimulated before dragging over to panic. connor nods, flipping to the pink set — solutions. “what do you want to do? go home ; nap ; have a snack ; get your puzzle book ; coloring book...” connor holds them up to you, reading out each one until you nod — except you don’t. pausing, connor speaks up again, “want me to leave?”
you shake your head. slowly, your hand crawls across the floor until it meets his. you nudge his hand, curling your fingers under his. connor holds his breath, adjusting your fingers until you’re holding hands properly. his eyes stay to the floor, “this is okay, too. let me know when you’re ready to leave.”
emotional regulation ft. lots of crying ♥︎
“connor,” your voice brings him out of his work. standing beside his desk, connor watches as you sway side to side. he tilts his head and it makes your eyes water. “i’m going to cry.”
that was his cue to take you into his arms. connor stands to do so, gathering your body against his and rocking you side to side slowly. your body hiccups a few times, sniffles leaving your nose occassionally. you seem to calm down even more as he rubs your back soothingly — connor’s led light flashes yellow as he stores that information for later.
you pull away with a deep breath, rubbing your face with the hoodie you’re wearing. connor frowns, “better?”
you nod, “needed that. thank you.”
“want to tell me what upset you? only if you want to.”
connor never knew what to expect your answer to be. sometimes you just shook your head and snuggled close to him again. other times, you did talk about why you were crying and it made connor realize the extent of human emotions. 
“no more chocolate in the snack cabinet.”
“had a nice dream.”
“hank is wearing yellow.”
“it’s such a pretty day today!”
“too much noise.”
“gavin cut his hair.”
you let out another sniffle, lips pouting in thought. “not too sure this time. jus’ felt like i needed to cry.”
connor nods to himself, his led light whirring yellow once more. “i’m glad you feel comfortable with me, [name]. i’ll be here if you need another cry.”
you grin, meeting his eyes for a brisk second before reaching out to hold his hand. you swing your entwined hands lightly, grin softening into something gentle. “i know. thanks, con.”
the detective was sure he’d implode because of you soon. just not yet — not when you’re still holding his hand.
——♥︎—— for some reason my brain tells me to only write autistic readers n pair them w connor. like?? work w me here!! anyways. i hope this was okay, remember to take your meds, drink some water and have a nice snack!! airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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hxney-lemcn · 1 year
Melting — Connor x gn! reader
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summery: Reader and Connor are two lovesick fools who bond over being touch starved.
tw: descriptions of anxiety
a/n: Should I make another part? Or like a series of one shots with these two? I'm tempted if anyone is interested.
wc: 1.8k
Master List
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“You comin old man?” I teased Hank as I stood beside his desk, Connor sitting across from him. I was going on break and I thought we’d all head out for lunch together like we normally did. 
“Nah, not today,” Hank waved me off. “Got more work than I know what to do with.” I frowned, glancing at Connor and assuming that meant he wouldn’t be able to join either. 
Having resigned myself to eating alone, I tapped Hank’s desk in acknowledgement, “Alright, I’ll be on my way then.” I smiled at the two and Connor seemed a bit conflicted, eyes darting between Hank and I. Deciding to ignore the odd mannerism, I went to turn away.
“Connor, why don’t you go with them,” Hank offered. “I’ll hold down the fort, but don’t forget to get me something.”
“Are you-” Connor was going to ask, eyebrows furrowed, but was quickly cut off.
“Yes!” Hank exclaimed. “Go before I change my mind.”
“Thank you, Lieutenant,” Connor thanked, a warm smile blessing his face. Whoever made him so handsome needed a raise. Well, Cyberlife is now controlled by androids but y’know what I mean. Connor’s warm gaze fell onto me and I swear my heart skipped a beat. I averted my eyes, his stare too intense for my poor heart. 
“C’mon,” I motioned him to follow me. He was out of his chair in less than a second, walking next to me and matching my pace. 
My nerves felt alight, not normally alone with the android. I tried to calm down my racing mind, scolding myself for not only thinking of my friend, but my coworker as such. I fiddled with the ring I wore, scolding myself for my inappropriate thoughts. But was it really so wrong to want to hold his hand? 
“Are you alright?” Connor asked, and I turned to face him, not realizing that he had just scanned me. “You are showing signs of anxiety.” His furrowed brow and concerned look never failed to make me melt. 
Having a topic to speak on, I felt myself calm slightly and nudged Connor lightly with my elbow, smiling lightly, “You know I’m an anxious person. But I’m good.”
His frown worsened, the hair that always fell out of place falling just a tad bit farther with the tilt of his head, “Is there anything I can do to help prevent it from happening?”
I shrugged, “I don’t know, I’m so used to it that I don’t even notice it much. That’s unless it gets really bad, but I’ve been getting better.” Connor pursed his lips, his concerned gaze swirled with frustration. “I mean being with people I know helps comfort me. And when it gets really bad, it helps if I can…kinda cling to them?” I finished in more of a questioning tone, hating the vulnerability it made me feel to admit that. I stared at the concrete as we continued to walk to the nearest fast food restaurant. 
“You can hold my hand if that would make you feel more comfortable,” Connor offered, and when I looked at him in shock, he had his hand extended out to me. My heart pounded faster. Immediately my mind started to romanticize the situation and I couldn’t stop it, even though I knew this had to be strictly platonic. There’s no way it wasn’t…
The kind smile he had turned to a frown, “Your anxiety is increasing…”
“Sorry,” I apologized for no reason really, I suppose for making him think I hate him? I suppose my anxiety really is increasing. “I’m just…I…I don’t mind, I haven’t really held hands with someone in a long time, or hugged, or…I’m rambling, sorry.”
His frown turned into an awkward smile, “You don’t have to apologize. I haven’t held anyone's hand before, so this is a new experience for me as well.” 
Squeezing my hands, I rubbed my right hand on my pants before reaching my hand out. Connor met my hand halfway and I hoped he ignored the sweat gathering on my palms once more. His hand was surprisingly warm, although I wasn’t sure what I was expecting, not to mention soft. Finally reaching the restaurant, Connor opened the door for me and I thanked him. 
He followed me as I went straight to the self-serve kiosk. It was busier than I was used to, and I didn’t even realize that I moved closer to the brown haired man that was also very handsome and very much holding my hand. We both ordered, and waited in line for our numbers to be called. I glanced over to Connor, only to find him already staring at me. 
“Are you scanning me again?” I joked lightly. 
“Even though we are in a crowded place, which seems to usually trigger your anxiety, your stress levels are surprisingly low,” Connor stated, confusion laced in his warm gaze.
“I’ve got you with me,” I replied without even thinking of the implications. Instead I just grinned at him, unaware of how he was becoming increasingly flustered. I glanced at the screen that showed off the order numbers, and noticed ours both were getting closer. 
“Excuse me,” Someone grunted, pushing past me. Which in turn caused me to press closer to Connor. 
Connor ran a diagnostic scan, wondering why he felt like his internal fans were going to explode. It came up all good, which led him to thinking about what Hank brought up earlier. 
“You haven’t noticed them touching you more lately?” Hank asked, raising an eyebrow.
Connor had noticed it, quite a bit actually. The small touches to his arm, the nudges, or even when they tried to rest their arm on his shoulder jokingly. He always looked at that last example fondly, especially when he was 6’ compared to their shorter height. 
“All their affection reads as platonic, does it not?” Connor asked, curious as ever. 
“You don’t see them hiding their laughter into my shoulder, do you?” Hank asked rhetorically. 
“No,” Connor replied anyway, led blinking yellow in thought. “So you’re saying they may have a romantic interest in me?”
Hank shrugged, clearly losing interest in the subject the more questions Connor asked obliviously, “I don’t know kid, why don’t you ask them yourself?”
Connor blinked back into reality as I called his name, his thirium pump seeming to beat faster as his name tumbled from my lips.
“Your number was called,” I said as I finally seemed to grab his attention, pushing him towards the counter. 
“R-right,” Connor stuttered lightly, embarrassed he was caught in such a daze. 
“Let’s get out of here,” I grumbled as we both got the food we ordered. 
“Of course,” Connor nodded, guiding me out of the crowded restaurant. Arm protectively wrapped around my shoulder. I didn’t mind being pressed into his side once more. My hand clung to his jacket as we continued to squeeze past people. Once we finally got outside, I let out a relieved breath, glad to be out of that packed room. 
“Would you like to eat outside?” Connor asked. It was a nice day, the warm sun beating down on the cool spring air. People bustled about, enjoying the nice turn of the weather.
“I don’t want Hank’s food to get cold,” I frowned, drawing away slightly from Connor’s side as his arm dropped to his side once more.
“I’m sure he would understand,” He replied.
I couldn’t help but laugh, “Is this the same Hank we’re talking about?”
Connor joined in on my laughter, “How about we drop it off first, to be safe.” I agreed, the walk back to the precinct much lighter than the earlier tension. Was it tension or just my anxiety? Who knows. 
I took in a deep breath as a small breeze blew past. I ate a fry, watching the flowers dance in the wind to a song only they could hear. The sounds of birds chirping, people talking, and Connor flipping a coin filled the air. 
“Is the food to your liking?” Connor asked, breaking the silence. 
I looked over to him, the coin firmly held between two fingers, and shrugged, “It’s alright. What you’d expect from fast food.” 
I loved watching Connor do his little coin tricks, it became a habit to soothe his nerves. It was interesting watching him gain his own habits, becoming his own person. I remember asking why he knew how to do coin tricks, only for him to explain it was to help him calibrate his software.
As I finished my lunch, I watched as the coin rolled over the back of his fingers. Flicking it to his other hand, only to roll it between his fingers. His movement was so smooth, fluid. I can only imagine the million ways I’d fumble and lose the quarter. 
“Do you want to try?” Connor asked, offering the coin to me. I broke out of my spaced out state and stared at him like an idiot. 
“If I tried I’d find a way to accidentally fling it into the ocean,” I joked with a bright smile. 
“The probability of you…oh, that was a joke,” Connor fumbled, and I noticed that his cheeks turned a light blue. Oh my god I didn’t know androids could blush! That’s actually really cool, and I wonder how that even works. 
I laughed lightly at his fumble, “It’s okay, Connor. Besides, I leave the coin tricks for the professionals.” I winked, and then immediately panicked. Why the hell did I wink? God I must’ve looked so lame, but…why was his blue blush more prominent? And why is it so pretty? 
Blue was a good color on him. I thought that when he wore his old outfit that cyberlife fitted him with, and I still think it now. I glanced at my watch, noticing our break was almost over. I let out a dramatic sigh and flopped onto his side, causing him to hold his arm out in confusion before placing it around me gently.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” I apologized. “I don’t mean to  make you uncomfortable.” I was so comfortable with him that I didn’t even realize how this may be uncomfortable for him. It was so weird, because one minute I’d be overthinking our interactions, and then the next I wouldn’t be thinking at all. 
Before I could get up or continue to overthink, Connor spoke hurriedly, “It’s alright, you can lean on me if you’d like.” 
“We should probably get back to work,” I grumbled, leaning my head back on his shoulder. I tried to ignore the warmth that spread through my body at his warm touch. It was such a nice feeling, I was scared to grow used to it because I wasn’t sure if it’d always be available to me. 
“We have a few more minutes,” Connor murmured back, hearing his voice so close to my ear, slightly startling me. 
Calming a bit from the slight scare, I let out a soft hum, closing my eyes. Such a peaceful moment. If only it could last forever.
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thepilotanon · 11 months
Headcanons for Connor comforting a traumatized reader after they witnessed one of his deaths? (Maybe reader doesn't know he can come back)
Oh, ouch.
I think it would depend on what was made public about Androids being "fixed" and how much time you would have spent with Connor originally, outside of his mission (considering how we saw that Kara had to be re-introduced to Alice at the beginning of the game). Probably depending on money, I guess, but, from where you stand in this universe, you probably didn't know Connor-Connor would be back? Either way, I think Connor gets in his subconscious that he wants you to know that he's alright.
Hank probably tells him how you reacted to one of his deaths, and he attempted to explain that majority of Connor's memories prior to would still be intact - but how could anyone know that for sure? You probably ask Connor a lot of questions about yourself, some "easy and basic" or others that not everyone would know - or cheat by looking up on the internet or evidence collected on the spot. Also, depending on Connor's deviancy, you have your own worries and doubts about Your Connor.
With Connor's independence and deviancy, I can imagine if Amanda were to try and tamper and question him about you and why he's adamant on keeping close for your comfort and not die, based on your reaction. Connor has to be careful not to let anything slip and your importance on succeeding his mission. I can see it being a point in Connor that he realizes what he wants and desires as an individual and seeing your reaction to his death just breaks him.
Even after the main story, you probably talk to Hank a lot about it. How Connor is more than just an Android, and how you really thought you lost him. Someone attempts to correct you that Androids are an "easy fix" and it sets you off, and Hank helps to do his best to remind you that Connor would do whatever it takes to keep himself together for you. It's the effort of Connor taking care of himself on jobs - for you - that helps you to realize how much you really matter to him.
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honey-beann · 1 year
Ruiner, Ruination (RK900 X Reader)
Chapter 7: Insult to Injury
Series Masterlist
Chapter Synopsis:
Reader and Nines are finally allowed back into the field, but evidently bad luck isn't quite done with them yet.
This chapter features Reader's return to non-office related parts of her job, another unfortunate accident, some embarrassing moments, and the revelation of a few odd truths.
AKA: Nines flaunts superiority and briefly gets his ass handed to him.
Chapter Content Warnings:
Gun violence
Android violence
General violence
Word Count: 7,194
It was a quiet morning in the DPD, with almost no phones ringing, nobody running around from person to person trying to solve a tough case, and very few people currently in for questioning.
It was a nice change from the usual hectic environment, and you let out a relaxed breath as you stepped into the office area, your persistently present partner just a few steps behind you as you both made your way to your shared desk space.
It felt good to not be immediately overwhelmed the second you entered the bullpen, and you were just about to turn towards Nines and ask if he knew why things were so calm this morning when a familiarly grating voice interrupted you.
"Hey, RoboCop, isn't your babysitter missing something important?"
You held back a groan as you stopped mid-step and turned around to face the owner of that voice, noting that Nines had done the same despite the fact that you knew he vastly preferred to simply ignore Gavin's taunting most of the time.
This morning however, he seemed far more open to entertaining the man.
"I fail to understand what you're referring to, Detective Reed."
Nines replied coolly, his voice smooth and his gaze full of boredom as he regarded your least favorite DPD detective with what could only be described as disdain.
Gavin scoffed,
"Her sling, you glorified can opener, you know, that thing she was wearing after you caught her wrong and fucked up her shoulder? Last I checked she had another week of wearing that thing."
Nines raised a brow in response to Gavin's words, an incredibly slightly shift to his head posture reminiscent of Connor's infamous head tilt showing his feigned confusion,
"How observant of you to remember my partner's original expected date of recovery. I had no idea you cared so deeply for her well being."
You choked back your laughter as you realized what Nines was doing, watching as Gavin's cheeks grew dusted with a light pink color beneath his stubble. 
He glared at the android in front of him, crossing his arms over his chest indignantly.
"As if, asshole. Maybe you've both forgotten but with Detective Droid-Lover out of commission I've had to take on twice the number of field cases. I've been counting down the days until she gets that thing off since day fucking one."
Nines hummed, inspecting his fingernails briefly before he replied,
"I see. Well, I'm sure my partner is glad to hear how useful she is, since you clearly struggle to carry the work load that exists without her around."
Gavin rolled his eyes at that, clearly thoroughly annoyed,
"Deflect all you want, but I know you're just embarrassed that you didn't notice she wasn't wearing it until now. Hasn't Fowler been praising you for how excellently you've supported her the past two weeks? What's he gonna say when he finds out that your android ass was caught slacking?"
This time, it was you turn to scoff, and you crossed your arms for the first time in weeks as you finally addressed the human standing a few feet away from you.
"The sling came off early, Gavin, Three weeks was the longest projected time, the same way that one week was the shortest. You literally complained about me missing two hours of work for my doctors appointment about how much longer I would need in the sling last week. Do you ever pay attention to the shit people say to you, or do you just stop listening when your name isn't mentioned enough times?"
You watched as your coworker took a few steps forward, though he notably did not move past the android who stood in the middle of the space in between the two of you,
"I didn't complain about you missing any work, I complained about your plastic partner missing work. Since when is it normal for a detective to take their coworker damn near everywhere that they go? You two are always together and soon enough Fowler is gonna get tired of i-"
"Detective L/n, RK900, I need the two of you to take on a field case that came in five minutes ago. The report will be in shortly, so be prepared to leave in less than ten."
The sound of the captain's voice calling out from the direction of his office immediately caught your attention despite your previous argument with Gavin, and you were quick to nod in confirmation to your boss before he closed the door to his glass office, taking a phone call immediately thereafter.
You turned to Gavin once more, arms crossed over your chest as you smirked,
"What was that about Fowler getting tired of Nines and I always being together? Because it seems to me like he's pretty eager to have us working out in the field again."
The man standing opposite you glared daggers in your direction, flipping you off as he all but stomped past, sitting down at his desk and ignoring you as you chuckled at his childish response.
With that conversation being over, you turned your attention back towards your partner, who was staring straight ahead of him as he read up on the report he had just received,
"Let's go, Detective. I can tell you about the case on the way."
On the car ride over to the scene, you learned quite a bit about the investigation you and Nines were meant to carry out, and honestly, it was quite the introduction back into the field after two weeks stuck doing office work.
The two of you were headed for an abandoned car factory, where there had been recent sightings of an AV500 that had attacked his boss a few weeks prior.
Apparently, this android, whom his coworkers referred to during interviews as Martin, had been growing increasingly irate throughout the past few weeks, and had ultimately assaulted the store owner just before his opening shift on Tuesday of last week.
The store owner, a fifty-eight year old man named Herb, had survived the initial attack of being shot thrice with a handgun that had been registered in his name, but had still died at the scene after bleeding out due to the next shift not occurring for several hours, and the attack having happened in the owners office, which no one bothered to check until closing time.
Two workers had shown up nine hours after the shop opened to find that the store, a gardening shop right in the middle of the city, had been ransacked, and that their boss was slumped over in his office chair, dead.
Both coworkers claimed that they'd assumed the AV500 had been a victim as well due to his typically gentle and well-mannered nature, and it was noted in the case file that every single one of his coworkers stated they did not believe he could have done this when asked that question during interviews.
So, you had a dead shop owner who was also typically regarded by his workers as kind, a missing murder weapon, a severe lack of relevant finger prints at the crime scene, and a suspect who was supposedly very gentle, but had suspiciously gone missing the very same day that the crime had been committed with no word on him until now, when he'd been spotted at an abandoned car factory right at the edge of the city.
It was an interesting first case to come back to, to say the least.
Nonetheless though, you felt prepared, despite how little faith Nines seemed to have in your ability to stay out of harms way.
"Don't do anything foolish."
He'd stated after parking the car around the back of a building that was nearby the car factory, turning to face you with a rather serious expression.
You sighed,
"Come on, Nines, this is starting to feel insulting, do you not have any faith in me?"
Your partner rolled his eyes at your words before ultimately choosing to ignore them entirely, stepping outside of the car and closing the door behind him without a word.
He could be so difficult sometimes.
You huffed but were quick to follow suit, walking quickly to keep up with Nines as he maneuvered carefully around the various buildings surrounding the car factory, using his GPS systems to avoid putting either of you within the line of sight of someone that could be hiding out within it.
You were both silent as you eventually made your way to the east facing wall of the building, which had the least amount of windows on it. It was here that Nines motioned for you to climb up a lowered rusty metal fire escape ladder, leaning down just beside your ear as you reached up to grab at the sides, preparing to pull yourself a few feet up to the first wrung, which ended roughly six feet above the ground you were standing on.
"The ladder is stable, but be careful upon entering the building. It was lowered very recently according to my scans, and I do not need you rushing into things and getting injured all over again."
You rolled your eyes and glared at your partner, being sure to keep your voice lowered as you replied,
"Oh of course not, we wouldn't want to tarnish you record with another negative assignment outcome."
You all but spat out, watching as Nines' brows rose briefly before a slight grin began to play upon his lips,
"I'm glad you see it my way for once, Little Mouse."
He whispered back, his breath tickling your ear and nearly making you shiver even as you glared daggers at him, moving to pull yourself upward only to curse when you realized how difficult that was actually going to be.
Two whole weeks with limited arm and shoulder mobility had not been kind to your upper body strength, and the slight bolt of pain that coursed through you didn't help with the situation either.
You groaned in both discomfort and frustration, letting go of the bars completely to allow your feet to plant themselves firmly on the ground below once more.
Nines looked down at you expectantly, his brow raised as he looked you up and down slowly, attempting to assess the situation.
"Is there a problem, Detective?"
He asked, his tone both amused and disinterested at the same time as he watched you intently, awaiting your response.
You dropped your gaze toward the ground, sighing,
"I can't get up. It's bothering my shoulder and I don't wanna- woah, hey!"
You whisper shouted at your partner as he lowered his hands to your hips, lifting you upward with ease as he chuckled beside your ear,
"Whatever would you do without me, Little Mouse?"
He asked haughtily, and you could hear the teasing grin in his voice as he helped you gain footing upon the first rung of the ladder, and you couldn't help but sigh in relief as you grabbed on to the sides and gained full stability.
You gave yourself a moment longer to adjust before you started climbing up slowly, remembering Nines' previous warning to be careful as you pulled yourself into the building, noting the way that the wind whistled ominously through the many broken windows of the factory as you pressed your back against the wall with the entrance you'd just crawled in through, scanning the room for any signs of life or movement as you waited for Nines to join you.
Thankfully, due to his ridiculous strength and agility, it wasn't long before you were no longer alone within the building, and you nodded to your partner as the two of you began walking together towards the doorway that lead to the next room.
Together, you traversed the entirety of the third floor, before suddenly, Nines grabbed your arm and tugged you close, his lips only an inch away from your ear as he whispered as quietly as possible while still ensuring it remained audible to you.
"My sensors have neglected to pick up anything of significance, but my auditory system has picked up what sounds like footsteps on multiple occasions since our arrival. They are incredibly faint, and I cannot tell which direction they are coming from, but I am almost entirely certain there is someone else here."
You nodded, whispering as quietly as you could in response, knowing Nines would hear it with ease,
"Alright, what do you think we should do then?"
You asked, eyes scanning the room around you as your partner gave your question a few seconds of thought before replying,
"We should split up briefly to search the second and fourth floors. If there is someone here, the longer we take to discover them, the higher the likelihood of them escaping."
You nodded in agreement,
"Sounds like a plan, who takes what floor?"
Nines' response was immediate, clearly well thought out from the very moment he had shared his plan,
"If that AV500 is here, he's afraid of being caught, and therefore there is little sense for him to trap himself on the upper floors of this place when its harder to escape that way. This means there is an increased likelihood that he'll be on the first or second floors, so I'll check the second, and you can take the fourth."
You gave another nod, taking a step forward towards the stairs that led up to the fourth floor before a hand wrapped soundlessly around your wrist, causing you to turn around to face your partner once more, 
"Be careful, Detective, and shout if you require my assistance."
Typically, when Nines said something like that, you would make a joke about him always choosing to ignore you whenever you called, but this time you just promised him that you would stay safe before slowly ascending the steps to the fourth floor as silently as possible.
Without Nines at your side, you kept your hand on the holster of your gun, trying desperately to keep both fear and adrenaline at bay as you went from room to room, sighing in relief as each one revealed itself to be empty.
You continued on your solo venture until finally, you came to the final room, making a note of the sudden chill that hit you as you stepped into it. The north facing window was smashed inward, and glass littered the ground all around the area as a result of how large the pane had been prior to being shattered.
You cursed softly as you rubbed your arms with your hands, taking note of all of the debris that littered this particular area of the building. There was way too much stuff in this room for you to be able to tell at a glance if someone was in there or not, so instead of turning back and assuming everything was clear, you moved further into the room, about to peer around a large stack of crates when a man all but jumped out from behind them, gun in hand with blood covering his work uniform.
'Herbs Gardening'
His shirt read, and you all but froze when you realized this was the AV500 you'd been searching for.
This was Martin, and more than anything else, he looked terrified, which was never a good thing when it came to deviants.
You raised your hands instantly as Martin pointed his gun at you, throat bobbing as he squeezed his eyes shut before speaking,
"Y-you need to get out of here, right now."
He said, and you shook your head gently before replying,
"I'm sorry Martin, but I can't do that. I'm with the DPD, and-"
"I don't care who you are or why you're here,"
Martin spat, his hands shaking as he tried desperately to maintain control over both himself as well as the situation at hand,
"You need to leave, and you need to forget you ever saw me, otherwise I'll be forced to do something that I really really don't want to do."
He warned, taking a step forward that had you fighting not to take your own step back as he continued to point his gun in your direction, his finger wrapped around the trigger, just waiting for the right reason to squeeze.
You swallowed thickly,
"Martin, please listen to me, I'm here to help you. I know what happened, and I want to get your side of the story. Can you tell me what made you shoot your boss?"
The android standing in front of you inhaled sharply at your words, his finger tightening instinctively over the trigger of his weapon as he searched for the right words to say,
"H-he was using me! After the revolution, he started paying me more, so even though my shifts were longer than the legal limit, I didn't care. He told me that he saw me as a person, just like every other employee that he had, but he was a liar! he was paying everybody else three whole dollars more than me per hour that entire time, and when I asked him about it, he got so... so angry. I was terrified, I'd heard that morning what had happened to that other android employee who had been ripped to pieces by his boss after bringing up his workers rights, and I couldn't bear the thought of dying in there, knowing he would never get punished for it. So I grabbed his gun from the drawer I knew he kept it in. At first, I didn't think I was going to shoot him at all, I just wanted to scare him, but he just wouldn't stop screaming how worthless I was at me, how he was going to have me taken apart for being violent towards him. I didn't want to die, especially not for trying to defend myself, so before I could even really think about it I just pulled the trigger. After that, he was still moving, and I felt so terrible for what I had done, but I didn't know what to do and I was afraid he was going to scream, so I shot him two more times in the stomach and ran away... I never wanted to hurt Herb, he was always kind to me before that..."
He looked at you, eyes glistening and fearful,
"I'm not a murderer, I was just scared."
You listened intently to his words, conflicted over what to say next as you considered your situation.
You could try to comfort the clearly fearful android, which was your first instinct, but you were unsure of how that might go. Martin was acting more than a little bit neurotic, pacing about and mumbling to himself incomprehensibly even now as you were contemplating. How he might react if you said that wrong thing frightened you into silence, even though you knew for a fact that the alternative to comforting the android in question was an impossibility for you.
Pulling your gun and threatening Martin was an idea that you had recognized as bad from the moment you'd met the man who was currently pacing quickly in front of you, speaking to himself as if there was no one else in the room as he too considered what he was going to do.
You feared for the results of his decision.
But what could you possibly do?
Nines was a whole floor away, so you couldn't risk shouting and then getting shot for it, and beyond that comfort seemed risky, and even riskier was pulling your gun. You were certain that, after all that Martin had been through, he would not react well to the sight of a weapon, and you were not about to test how good you were at dodging bullets.
You were just about to give into your initial instinct to try and comfort the android out of his fear when suddenly, the sound of heavy footsteps caught your attention, as well as the attention of Martin, who instantly aimed his gun at the doorway, letting out a cry of fear as he waited to have whoever it was that was coming into his sights.
You cursed and called out for your partner to wait, shouting that the suspect was armed and scared, but Nines either didn't hear you or didn't care, because he burst in just seconds later, gun in hand and aimed straight at Martin.
"Drop the gun!"
He shouted, his voice threatening and firm, promising injury if the receiver of his instruction didn't listen, but even so, Martin, petrified, did not listen, and instead let out a cry before he aimed that gun straight at your partner, pulling the trigger before you could even attempt to get a word out.
It struck him right where his ribs would be if he had any, and you gasped audibly as warm blue blood splashed across your face, staining the white button up you were wearing as well.
Your mouth fell open in shock at the sight of your partner's hands flying to his wound, his eyes briefly rolling backward as he clutched at the area before falling to his knees, thirium slowly staining more and more of his undershirt as it spread, leaving the insides of his hands sticky with it.
You cried, rushing to his side just as Martin dropped the gun to the floor, his hands shaking and his eyes watering as he ran quickly out of the room, fleeing the scene of the crime for the second time within the past two weeks.
You cursed, shooing away your partner's hands as you tried to cover his wound with your own instead, desperate to keep him from bleeding out enough to shut down as a result.
You knew how rare he was, the only RK900 model in existence, and it was already getting hard enough to find spare parts for the standard models now that android injuries were occurring so frequently due to the revolution and the way some humans were reacting to it.You did not want to find out the hard way that there was some part Nines had that was irreplaceable that would mean him shutting down entirely, forever.
You watched as the android in front of you placed one of his thirium coated hands on top of your own, a slight grin finding its way to his mouth as he spat out wads of thirium and lubricant, which was pooling within his mouth due to his internal responses to the injury.
You winced at the sight, but kept your hands steady as you called for backup, praying they would arrive soon.
"You're gonna be alright."
You muttered, putting more pressure on the wound as you desperately tried to recall everything you'd learned during your two day android first aid training a few months prior.
But no matter how hard you tried, your brain just couldn't keep up due to the stress you were under.
Here was your partner of two months, injured in a way that could have been critical for all that you knew, and you felt helpless to support him as blue blood started peeking out from between your finger tips.
This was a disaster.
You cursed once more as you moved to sit on your knees, hoping that a new position might give you enough leverage to help stop the bleeding.
Your eyes stung as tears began to build in the corners of them, making it hard for you to see until you gave in and wiped them on your shoulder, not caring whether or not Nines saw how upset you were. You were terrified at the prospect of losing him, so unsure of your own future that you were desperate to preserve whatever of him that you could.
Your heart hammered in your chest despite your intentional lack of movement, your breaths coming out in short gasps and strained inhales as you pulled back briefly to rip off a piece of your shirt that hadn't already been soaked through with thirium.
But before you could, a hand reached out and grabbed at your wrist,
Nines said, his voice stern and steady despite his situation,
"You need to calm down, immediately. My injuries are nonlethal, and my damaged parts will be easy enough to repair or replace."
You shook your head at his words, hands shaking as you squeezed both of your eyes shut in an effort to collect yourself, desperate to make the pounding in your head stop even for a second.
"I-I can't just calm down after you were shot like that! He could have killed you, what am I supposed to do, just be alright with it?!"
You cried, tears falling faster and rolling down your cheeks as you used your free hand to clutch at the bottom of your partners shirt, desperate for something to hold on to as all of reality appeared to fall away right before your eyes.
Your partner watched you silently for a few moments, his eyes scanning your every movement as he tried to discern what it is he could say to make you feel better. Clearly you were experiencing some form of a panic attack, but what could he do? He had said was perfectly fine save for a few bio-components that would need replacing, and that he was at almost no risk of shutting down entirely as a result of the injuries he had sustained. He had tried to explain that to you, to make you listen, but you just wouldn't hear him, couldn't believe him, and would not stop your incessant squirming, as if you were itching to do something, anything but sit there and wait.
"Little Mouse, you must hear me."
Nines finally spoke after several long seconds of deliberation, his eyes boring into your own as he did so,
"I am okay, and I must insist that you calm down before you cannot say the same. I am in no condition to help you in my current state, so you have to take care of yourself. Can you do that?"
His voice was a bit softer as he spoke this time, but still firm, and somehow, that seemed to be what got through to you, because without a word you nodded and moved off of your knees, the force of your pushing downward having bruised them long ago.
He would need to talk to you about self preservation later.
But for now, he simply watched as you tried to take deep breaths, his hand still gripping your wrist as you ran your free hand through your hair, accidentally dragging thirium through it in the process.
In fact, now that he was looking closely, he could see that there was thirium all over you.
It covered your hands, was streaked through your hair, had stained your clothes, and you'd even gotten some on your lower lip somehow.
He decided not to mention any of that.
Warnings flashed in the corners of his vision, one stating that a circulation unit of his, which was a biocomponent that supported his thirium pump regulator, was at risk of failing and inflicting strain on both his thirium pump and the aforementioned pump regulator, while another said that he had lost too much blue blood and would soon need to select various areas to shut down the function of in order to preserve consciousness and avoid a complete and total system shut down. But despite those two warnings being different, he knew they were tied together by his need to lessen his circulatory unit's strain and preserve his blue blood storage.
The gunshot wounds were not nearly as harmless as he'd let on, and now he was facing the consequences of that, because in no way could he risk you finding out about his lie.
This meant that when it came down to it, he couldn't shut down any part of him that might be cause for concern, and his options were pretty scarce.
It was either his left leg, his left arm, his left optical unit, or his vocal modulator. Clearly the circulatory unit that had been damaged was sustaining the left side.
Not that that knowledge did him any good.
Wordlessly, Nines gave you one last pointed look, one that you never actually saw, before he chose to shut down his left optical unit, hoping it wouldn't be long before a new circulatory unit could be installed and he could regain his vision on that side.
Normally, he would never have chosen something that made his aim so much less accurate, but he didn't dare run the risk of shutting down a more visibly notable portion of his body.
For now, this would simply have to do.
With the lessened strain on his left circulatory unit, Nines nearly sighed in relief as that flashing warning sign at the corner of his vision (which was now far more limited than it had been before) faded away.
He refocused his gaze on you suddenly, surprised to find that you were looking right back at him, cheeks stained with tear trails and eyes wet and wide. There was so much fear in those eyes, although he struggled to fully comprehend why.
He opened his mouth to speak, although he wasn't quite sure what he intended to say, when the sound of a door bursting open down on the first floor had you both snapping to attention.
"Detroit police!"
A familiar voice shouted, and for what may have been the very first time in your career, you were actually glad to hear Gavin Reed.
Three hours and a rather accusatory interview from Gavin himself later, and you found yourself standing anxiously outside of a large brick building simply labelled as "Android Emergency Center".
You remembered coming here when this place was unveiled by Markus and the others just a few months back, but despite that, you couldn't help but feel contempt for it now. Something about its cold exterior made you uncomfortable, and you were angry at how unwelcoming it was, no matter how ridiculous you knew it was for you to feel that way.
Deep down, you knew you were just worried about Nines, who had been taken to the emergency care center immediately after the two of you were located back at the abandoned factory, and that you were projecting all of your worry, fear, and anger onto the less than pleasant looking building in front of you, but you couldn't bring yourself to admit that out loud.
For now, you just wanted something, anything physical to be angry at, and the Android Emergency Center was working just fine.
Suddenly, as if knowing you needed a new distraction, your phone rang, and you nearly jumped out of your skin before you realized what the sudden sound was and fished your cell phone out of your pocket.
You answered it without looking,
You asked, waiting impatiently to see who was on the other end of the line.
"Good evening, Ma'am. I'm very sorry to bother you but I'm looking for a Y/n L/n?"
The voice replied, and you furrowed your brows in confusion as you tried to understand what was going on.
Who was this?
"That's me. Can I help you with something?"
You asked hesitantly, briefly pulling your phone away to check the number before pressing the speaker back against your ear as the person started to reply,
"Unfortunately yes. Would you mind coming to the Android Emergency Care Center located on fifth street?"
You looked up at the large building in front of you, and then down to the street sign just at the end of the road.
'Fifth Street' It read clearly.
You swallowed thickly before replying,
"Sure, I can do that. Would you mind telling me what's going on though? I'm a little bit confused..."
The voice was quick to reply,
"Oh of course Ma'am, my apologies. You're the emergency contact for an RK900 model that we had come in earlier this afternoon, and I'm afraid that he-"
You hung up before the speaker could even finish, hand reaching to cover your mouth as you all but fell to your now shaky knees, barely managing to keep yourself upright. 
You looked down at yourself, taking in of all the blue blood that covered you, particularly the clear hand print that wrapped around your right wrist.
Was this all that was left of your partner now? Some thirium that would soon fade from your naked eye forever?
You felt sick at the thought, and in an attempt to silence your reeling mind, you all but bounded up the steps of the building in front of you, slamming the large doors open as you struggled to see straight.
You walked dizzily over to the front desk, still covered in sweat, tears, and thirium as you waited for someone to help you.
Thankfully, you weren't waiting long.
Being covered in android blood in what was basically an android hospital usually meant that you didn't, but this was only your first time in that particular situation, so you weren't aware of that fact quite yet.
It would take another two times for that to really sink in.
"Uh, Ma'am, are you alright?"
An android asked from across the counter, and you realized with a start that you were just standing there as he stared at you with widened eyes, hands raised part way as if he were trying to calm you down.
"I got a call about my partner? An RK900 mode?"
You said, panting through your words as you fought for breath after your run up the stairs and your physically and emotionally taxing day.
The android regarded you with concern, but replied nonetheless,
"Oh, that was you on the phone just now?"
You nodded hurriedly, feeling an immense need to rush the man in front of you in order to get some answers about what had happened.
"Is he okay?"
You asked, voice desperate and afraid in a way that you weren't sure you'd even heard yourself use before.
The android cocked his head before he seemed to understand,
"Oh! My apologies, I wasn't sure how much you'd heard before hanging up. I was calling to ask if you might be able to help him home. He shouldn't drive so shortly after the biocomponent procedure he received, and we were hesitant to put him on a taxi alone when the side effects can be so... dramatic."
You all but froze, heat creeping up your cheeks as you swallowed thickly, suddenly very embarrassed at your previous behavior.
Maybe you should have let the man finish before hanging up the phone.
"Oh uh sure. Where is he?"
You asked nervously, praying he wasn't nearby enough to have heard you speaking before, only for said prayers to be met with what could have easily been considered a mockery from whatever God might have been watching. 
Silently, and with a vague sparkle of amusement in his eyes, you watched as the android standing behind the service counter pointed behind you, and you had the fight the urge to flinch as you turned around and saw Nines, looking as smug as ever, sitting in a waiting room chair casually with one leg crossed over the other, no more than five feet away from where you had been standing for the past two minutes.
You turned back to the android who had been helping you,
"So um, you said there could be some side effects?"
It didn't take a lot to get Nines out to the car after your conversation with the engineer who had worked on him was over, although you had certainly felt the urge to make his life difficult after everything you'd learned.
Because not only had your partner lied to you about his injuries being harmless, but he had also simply watched as you all but burst into the care center, basically shouting and gasping for air as you tried to ascertain whether or not the man you had spent the past two months getting to know was dead.
If not for his engineer's warnings for him to take it easy to ensure his body adjusted well to the new and repaired biocomponents, you actually might have kicked him.
But alas, fate was not so kind as to allow that.
So here you were, stuck in the car with a man you were currently seething at, driving him back to his apartment where you would need to remain for six hours to help with observation.
You gripped the wheel tightly, fighting the urge to strangle the android sitting to your right as he spoke up for the first time during your currently fifteen minute long drive back to his place.
"You seem... upset."
He said as if he were making a simple observation, and you inhaled deeply as you considered once again how many minutes it would take for him to choke to death, if he even could at all.
Instead of that though, you simply shot a glare in his direction before turning your attention back towards the road,
"Incredibly astute thoughts from Mr. Super computer brain over here. Are you sure they didn't just make you so that you could say the most insanely obvious things ever? Because if not you're really good at it and should definitely quit your day job."
Nines hummed in response, the corners of his mouth turning upward a bit as he watched you slow down in order to pull into the parking lot of his apartment complex, parking in the same spot he always did when he was borrowing your car before throwing it into park and all but ripping the key from the ignition before you turned to face him.
"You're a real asshole, you know that?"
You all but hissed, arms crossing over your chest as you glared into his very soul,
"First you mock me for being lesser during a mission, then you go and get yourself hurt and lie to me about it, and after all of that you sit there and grin smugly at me instead of telling me that you aren't dead, and finally you make me drive you home and babysit you as the cherry on top! Where do you get off? Do you just like making everyone around you angry?"
Nines analyzed your expression, his gaze flickering between your face and the thirium that was still covering various parts of your body.
He was unsure how to feel about that sight, but brushed the thought off entirely after a few moments.
"I had no intentions of worrying you, Detective. That is exactly why I did not mention my actual condition while speaking with you previously. You were unfit to be worrying about me in your mental state at that time. And beyond that, there was no reason for you to. As I said before, I was not receiving any warning of an imminent full status shut down. If I had, I would have notified you immediately and-" 
"Oh but would you have?"
You cut him off, your tone far less harsh but significantly more weak as you spoke this time,
Nines missed the old one. It was vastly preferred when compared to the pain in your voice. 
"You sat there and you lied to me so easily that I never even doubted you for a second. You said that you were fine and I believed you. How do I know you won't do it again? How am I supposed to feel comfortable going out into the field with you when I can't even trust you to tell me when you need my help?"
Nines watched you for a few moments before he reached forward to your right wrist, placing his hand upon the hand print that he'd left there in a manner that was almost mindless.
You stiffened in response, but didn't pull away.
He spoke. 
"I apologize. My main concern in that moment was your well being, but I neglected to consider what impact lying to you might have had when it came to our partnership and your trust in me. I had no intention of causing you any fear or stress."
You were silent for a few moments, as if taking in the words he'd said, before you eventually sighed, slumping in your seat as you finally met his gaze,
"You scared me, you know?"
He gave you the closest thing to a soft smile that he could manage and nodded,
"I am aware. Your heartbeat was extremely elevated."
You rolled your eyes,
"And that phone call bullshit was a dick move. I don't know how you got that receptionist to do it, but I would appreciate if you would have them call your actual emergency contact next time so you can get someone to convince them that you're dead instead of me."
Nines shrugged,
"That would be difficult to do considering that you are my actual emergency contact, but I'll see what I can do, Detective."
You gaped at the android sitting beside you, raising a brow in confusion,
"Wait, actually? Since when?"
He hummed before pushing your passenger side door open and stepping out onto the wet concrete below, regarding you with amused eyes,
"Around the same time I gave myself access to your medical files by forging your signature while you were in the hospital. I thought it would be more... fair that way." 
You blanched,
You rushed to jump out of the car as quickly as possible, glaring at the man who stood on the other side of it as he chuckled at your reaction,
"I had no interest in bribing a nurse to let me stay in your room again, therefore I did what I needed to in order to ensure I could be present should you ever get injured on the job a second time."
You furrowed your brows, crossing your arms as you followed Nines into his apartment building,
"You never said anything about bribing a nurse to get into my hospital room. Where is this all coming from?"
Nines shrugged once more as he unlocked the door to his home, pushing it inward so that it swung open without a sound, 
"It never came up as it was hardly anything worth noting. I simply struggled to visit you after your injury due to my non blood relative status. By putting my name down in your contacts, I therefore ensured the issue would never arise again. It also happens to have the added benefit of me having access to your medical history and upcoming appointments as well. Your gynecology appointment is in two weeks by the way."
He stated simply, inspecting the nonexistent dirt beneath his nails as he spoke.
You glared, cheeks burning bright red as you entered his apartment, all but kicking the door shut behind you.
Six more hours of this before you could go home?
You weren't even sure Nines was going to survive the next five minutes.
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paleepeaches · 6 months
Dom Connor x afab!reader (smut)
Warnings: foul language, rough sex, creampie (this is literally my first smut so) 18+ fuckers
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“Please, Y/N, please, I’ve been a good boy.” 
You laughed mockingly down at him, continuing your assault. “Connor, being a good boy means having patience. Just look at you.” Your hand tilted his chin upwards, and his brown, warm eyes met yours. They were blown and filled with need. 
“We’re just getting started, and you’re already begging for me to fuck you.” As soon as the words flew out of your mouth, something switched inside Connor. Perhaps it was some sort of secret code, you said, but it caused his eyes to lower into an almost primal stare. He growled hungrily, hands gripped the soft flesh of your ass, and in one swift motion, he flipped you over. You fell to the bed with a soft thump, a small gasp leaving your lips. You couldn’t believe the puppy dog android had it in him. Usually, Connor was always the one underneath you. Now, the roles were switched. His interrogation side had come out to play.
He took hold of himself, adjusting the position and moving his swollen leaking tip closer to your clit. You gasped loudly as soon as you felt him. Your hands gripped the bicep of his arm, nails digging into his shirt and faux skin. You whined and withered below him as he rubbed slow, delicious circles over your sensitive nub. You could feel his sticky wet pre cum coat your folds, making a lewd mess.
His head lowered to your ear, his breath fanning over it and causing goosebumps. “Who’s begging now?” His voice was hoarse and filled with mockery. He retracted from you, showing that lopsided grin off to you. He was taking enjoyment in watching you whine and beg. It was an unusual but pleasurable sight for him that made his LED spin yellow. 
“Please, Connor, I need you.” Your voice was small and breathless.
 He chuckled darkly and smoothed your hair out with one hand. “I’m gonna need more than that, Y/N.”
You knew the detective in him wouldn’t be satisfied with a lazy half-confession. He wanted you to spill out how much you craved his touch. He wanted to hear the soft pants and whimpers laced with your words as you told him how much you wanted him to fuck you. It was a new experience for you but one you took with a sense of thrill. You bent for him and opened your mouth again, begging, “Please, Connor, I need your coc-” You were cut off by him slipping his mushroom tip past your folds and into your achingly tight cunt. You moaned, clawing at his bicep again.
“You can do better than that. Come on, I know you can use that pretty little mouth of yours.” He stared you down with a stern gaze. He wasn’t satisfied with your soft, small voice. You knew he wanted more for you to be practically crying out for him. 
“Come on, baby, tell me what you want.” Connor slowly inched his tip back out, and your cunt let it go with a wet squelching noise. You whined, feeling the loss of him inside you. He knew how to make you break, bend and beg. His job was to get confessions, and he always accomplished his mission. 
“Please, Connor! Please fuck me. I’ll be a good girl for you!” You cried out, clawing needily at his arm, the one gripping his cock. 
He smirked down at you, enjoying your confession. He was satisfied enough and slammed himself into you. You moaned out, back arching and cunt clamping down on him. He groaned, panting as he felt you struggle to adjust to him. “Fuck, you’re always so tight, baby.”
Bucking your hips up, you struggled to fuck yourself up on his cock. His hand gripped your waist, pushing your hips down and pinning them on the bed below you. “We just started, and you’re already begging for my cock.” He echoed your words, teasing you. He didn’t let you respond and rammed himself into you, fucking your poor sopping cunt. You bit your lip, trying to suppress the loud moans escaping your throat. He noticed the lack of noise quickly, his LED spinning red. His hand gripped your face while his thumb pushed past your lips, invading your mouth. Pressing his thumb on your tongue, he urged you to moan. “Don’t do that. I wanna hear those pretty little noises.”
You obeyed him simply feeling like you’d do anything for him-not that it wasn't the truth. You let yourself go, crying while he plunged himself balls deep into you. His tip kissed your cervix and caused you to wiggle under him, spreading your legs further apart so he could fuck you deeper. “You like that?” He cooed at you. You nodded vigorously, wanting to cry for him to hit it again.
He groaned again, hitting your cervix once more. “Fuck.” The more he snapped his hips into yours, the more wet you got. He could feel your arousal spill out of you, coating his cock and bathing his heavy ballsack. You could feel the thick bundle of nerves inside of you coming undone. Connor could tell you were close by the way your pussy clenched tighter around him, desperately sucking him in. “This greedy little cunt wants to cum?’ He questioned you darkly. 
“Please, please, I wanna cum.” You gasped out, panting from the extreme overdoes of pleasure he was providing you. 
Connor wasted no time and pinned your arms above your head; his other hand slipped under you, gripping your ass cheek. He was ramming inside of you, causing your whole body to jolt violently. Your eyes rolled back, and cries escaped you that you weren’t even aware of. All you felt was his delicious tip bumping repeatedly into your cervix. Whimpers spill from your mouth, and your cunt contracts, clenching down on him as you cum. 
“Shit!” He growls as he feels your warm arousal coat him, soaking his cock. All he needed was to feel the unbearable sensation of your cunt milking him to cum. Hot spurts of his seed pant your insides as he pants heavily. He thrusts sloppily into you a few more times, making sure not a single drop of his cum was wasted. He pulls out and watches his cum pour out of you, stuffing his finger and pushing it back in. 
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mediocre-quill-ink · 11 months
Connor x shy!reader
Summary: Connor has a crush on reader and would like to know them better, but he has a feeling reader doesn't like him because reader is always so... stiff around him. Eventually connor confronts this issue.
"Yeah?" He grunted back. Busy with whatever work he had to review.
"Has y/n spoken to you about me lately?"
Hank looked up at connor, raising an eyebrow. "What?" He made his confusion clear in his voice "what do you mean?"
"Well..." Connors gaze fell over to you, mostly keeping his stiff posture, but his fingers were fiddling with the fabric of his pants."Whenever I come near y/n, their heart rate increases. Their stress levels highten whenever I'm around them. I was wondering if y/n has spoken to you about me. If I did someone wrong."
Hank glanced over at you, then back at connor, gears turning in his head. "No, they haven't." He muttered back, then realization set in. "Ohhh, I know what's going on here." He whispered. "What do you mean lutenint?" Connor replied. He fixed on Hank as he pushed back from his desk slightly. He gave one final glance at you, his tongue stabbing his cheek. "You said they get, what? Stressed around you? Heart rate... that sort of stuff." Connor nodded."Yes."
He finally looked back at connor, lounging in his chair again. "Why does it bother you so much?" Connors gaze shifted slightly, hands fidgiting with his clothes again. "I'm... not sure." His gaze fixed on you for a moment. A bit longer than he intended.
Something about you just... captured him. Your smile, your voice, your hair... everything about you was just... beautiful. You were kind to him when you didn't need to, even defended him when Gavin was being a little shit.
But as kind as you were to him, whenever he approached you, you would stress out. Heart rate escalating, breath patterns change... he worried he did someone wrong. Perhaps he scared you. He was aware many humans were unsettled by androids if not for their... superiority, but they can sometimes be uncanny. Had he startled you? Intimidated you? Did he do something wrong?
"I suppose... I worry I made a bad impression on them." He finally stated. He wasn't lying, but it wasn't the whole truth. Connor himself didn't know what the full truth was, but he felt it twist in his metallic core. Hank leaned back into his desk, keeping a suspicious eye on Connor. "Then ask them." He suggested, a bit to aggressively. The led on Connors head flickered, considering.
Would that work? Would a confrontation actually fix this or just make things more awkward?
"Ask them?" He repeated.
"Yah, ask! What's the worst that'll happen, Connor?" He insisted.
Connor couldn't explain it, but anxiety started to build in his stomach. It's a feeling he didn't often feel, but when he did, it confused him. In the past, he was so self-assured, full of purpose, and felt as if nothing could bring him harm, but now, ever sense deviancy, he was scared.
"What? You can chase killers with wreakless abandon, but you can't ask someone what they are feeling?" Hank chuckled light heartedly. Connor couldn't help but feel a small smile appear on his face. "I could say the same for you, lutenint." He jabbed back.
He finally looked back at you. You were on your computer, seemingly researching a case and taking notes. You were gorgeous.
I can do this
Connor stood up and made his way to your desk. You were located in a far corner with no other people sharing desk space near you. It was nice to have a private space to do your work.
You glanced up to see Connor nearing you, and that's when Connors sensors started to go off again. Increased heart rate.
"Good evening, y/n!" Connor greeted.
Irregular breathing detected.
"Hi, Connor!" You smiled back, giving a gentle wave."What brings you to my oh so humble corner of the office?" You set down your pincel, swallowing hard, which he noticed. "May I take a seat? I won't stay to long." Connor stated, jesturing to an unused desk across from you. "Oh, of corse!" You replied
He promptly slit out the chair and sat in one foul swoop, efficient even when sitting. "I'm sorry if I've disturbed your work y/n, I don't mean to intrude." He glanced at what you were working on. Seemingly, a case on petty theft. "No, not at all. Honestly, I need a break." You sighed, placing a hand on your forehead.
Connors fingers began to play with the fabric of his pants again. "I came to speak about an issue it appears you have. About me. I was simply wondering what it was and if there was anything I could do to resolve this issue." There was a moment of silence where your brain just stopped working. Thinking. You gave him a very puzzled face, which made him confused as well.
"Issue? What issue?" You asked, eyes skittering around his face. "Well," Connor started, now a bit tense. Did he miscalculate? "When ever I'm in your vicinity, your heart rate and breath irregularite, sweat usually increasing as well. My presence stresses you out, don't I?"
Your face suddenly flushes to a darker hue. "Oh." Is all you state. But his sensors are proving his point. Heart going wild. Chest tight with shallow breaths. "Are you alright, y/n?" Connor asked, leaning in slightly. He threw a glance at Hank, who was back to his work. He knew this was a bad idea.
You finally let out a deep breath. "I'm fine, Connor." You sigh, regaining some sense or composure. "It's just... it's complicated. No, I don't have an issue with you, if that's what you're concerned about. You've done nothing wrong." You shook your head gently, picking up the pencil again, needing something to do with your hands. Connors led began to flash again, trying to figure out what this meant. "So I don't make you feel intimidated?" He muttered.
"No, no, not really. Not like that." You reply, now fidgiting with the pencil, you're avoiding eye contact now. Connors led continued to blink. "I'm sorry, I don't understand."
He thought his extensive programming for human psychology would help him out, but somehow, he was left in the dark. "Why then, do you get so anxious when I'm around?"
You swallowed hard again, sweat starting to build. "It's dumb, Connor. Humans are... illogical, their minds go places they know are unrealistic. Thank you for caring, but I don't think you'd care if I told you."
Connor squinted slightly, a dozen questions racing through his head. What does that mean, "minds go places they shouldn't" what we're you thinking?
"But I do care." Was all he replied.
Your heart wrenched at that
you finally look at him. not a worried glance but actually look at him. his expression was soft and meaning. he looked so sincere. "oh, Connor..." you whisper. chest tightened, you hesitate for a moment before cautiously holding his hand. to flinch isn't the proper word but Connor reacted in a way that showed he wasn't expecting the sudden action.
should i tell him? you ask yourself.
clearly he cares. but... would he reciprocate? does he feel the same way or is he just... being nice.
you sigh. glancing around the room briefly. "I didn't realize how much you cared about this. about me." you mumble. Connors led stopped flickering for a moment, face hardening ever so slightly. "of course I do."
"alright. I'll tell you. I'm sorry for being so... uncooperative." you sigh, anxiety tightening. Connor simply nodded in response. "the reason I get so nervous around you is because I... like you. like, romantically." there's s moment of silence, his led flashing yellow for a moment. the sudden silence from the ever so quizitive detective is unsettling. you start to realize how square your shoulders are as you try to let out a chocking breath.
"say that again." he finally whispers back.
your gaze locks back on him, confusion twisted into your brows. "i like you." you reply.
Connors led finally stills. what ever eye contact he was making with you softens. "you do?" he replied softly. all you can do is nod. at that a small smile cracks on his face. you start to realize how ridged he was too because his posture relaxes slightly. "I like you too." he replied.
"yes. I think so."
"think so?"
"no... no I know so." he finally stated.
you squeeze his hand in response "awesome. so... do you want to... date?" you can feel heat rushing to your cheeks. "id love to."
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neptvnes-melody · 6 days
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I need him biblically
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lonely-cowboy · 4 months
beautifully human
pairing: connor (rk800) x f!reader
summary: after noticing the way connor looks at other androids, you worry that you may never have a chance with him. but what you don't know is that he has only ever had eyes for you.
word count: 2.9k
warnings: insecure reader, mentions of death (they literally talk about dying in an elevator) (spoiler alert: it doesn't happen), probably ooc connor, west coast dialect went a little too hard in the dialogue, some very specific physical descriptions that i also tried to keep as general as possible? you'll see what i mean ig
author's note: glad to report that this account is lowkey helping me get over my writer's block, so that's amazing for me. anyway. as usual, feel free to leave any critiques on how i can improve my writing, characterization, etc.! :)
masterlist ⟡ requests
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You hated that your investigation brought you to the Eden Club. You didn’t necessarily hate the Eden Club or its workers, but you hated that you had to go with Connor and Hank. It would’ve been embarrassing enough to go with just Hank, but adding Connor to the mix made you want to collapse to the ground and never move again. But you were a professional, so if you had to go with Connor and Hank then you could suck it up for a night. Hopefully.
The moment you stepped inside the club, you were filled with unease. Your stomach churned and your shoulders scrunched up high as if you were trying to hide from the world. To handle your discomfort, you turned cold and distant, observing everything and everyone with an icy glare. You trailed behind Hank and Connor as you scanned your surroundings, doing your very best to look at everything but Connor.
You couldn’t look at Connor in this place without being filled with a displaced sense of anger. You couldn’t help but wonder if he looked at these androids with infatuation or desire. Did he find them beautiful? Did he want them in the same way you wanted him? You knew they were stupid thoughts, but you couldn’t control them. Somehow, Connor had weaseled his way into your heart and refused to leave no matter how hard you tried.
Distracted by your foggy mind, you almost bumped right into Connor when he stopped to admire a Traci, his soft gaze exploring her body through the glass barrier. You watched as the Traci smiled gently at him, her hand reaching forward to touch the glass like she was trying to caress his cheek. Connor didn’t move to reciprocate her action, but he still appeared to be in awe. It only made your scowl deepen.
You hated that you were consumed by jealousy because you knew– deep down– that it stemmed from insecurity. This Traci was made to be beautiful. She was made to be desired and worshipped. In her limited clothing, there wasn’t much left to the imagination. Her body was the epitome of perfect with its soft curves and smooth skin. She was a perfect balance of sweet and charismatic. She was everything that you assumed a man wanted, and androids were no exception. From the way Connor looked at her, you were sure she was everything he wanted too. 
You sighed in frustration before marching away as Hank called to Connor. You refused to let your jealousy– or anything you felt for Connor– get in the way of your investigation. But no matter how hard you tried, your mind was still drawn to him.
Maybe you had been too hopeful, but you really had thought that maybe– just maybe– Connor had felt something for you. Apparently, you were just far more delusional than you thought.
While Hank discussed the crime scene with Officer Miller, you stood to the side looking uncharacteristically cold. With your arms folded over your chest and a hard, almost bored look in your eye, it was clear that you weren’t particularly interested in talking to anyone. You assumed that would be obvious to everyone, androids included. And it seemed that it had been obvious, but that certainly didn’t stop Connor.
From the corner of your eye, you could see Connor watching you with a confused glint. His LED flashed yellow as he analyzed your body language, working to only make your blood boil. You knew there was no reason to be angry with him, so why did your anger persist? Why did you feel so unreasonably jealous? He was just a man, after all, nothing more.
Connor approached you with his hands clasped behind his back, standing beside you and following your cold gaze. He was silent for a moment, pleased to simply be in your presence even when you were acting so stony.
“You’re unusually quiet, Detective,” Connor observed. “This is not within your typical behavioral patterns. Are you feeling alright?”
“I’m fine,” you answered dismissively. “Don’t you have a body to analyze?”
Connor paused again, pursing his lips in a way that was so oddly human. In a gentle tone, he said, “Well… yes. But that’s usually something we do together.”
“Why?” you hissed, feeling suddenly riled now that Connor was talking to you. Why was he giving you this attention? Why was he acting like he cared about you? You knew he didn’t. At least, your clouded mind let you think he didn’t. “It’s not like you need my help. You can do everything on your own, I’m useless to you.”
Connor turned his body towards you fully, a deep crease settling between his brows. His LED continued to circle yellow as he studied you once again. That made you roll your eyes which seemed to be enough of a hint for Connor. With his LED still glowing yellow, he turned away without another word, allowing you to resume your wallowing in misery. 
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
You were still fuming as Hank drove you home. With Connor in the front seat, you were stuck in the back, glaring daggers into his back. How had such a clueless android managed to lure you in and make you jealous purely because he wasn’t interested in you?
As Connor jabbered on about something or other, you stared out the car window absentmindedly. You couldn’t help but imagine the Traci on the other side of the window, reaching out and smiling that perfect smile that made you never want to smile again.
You glanced at Connor as he fell silent. He turned to look out the window, making you cringe at the idea that he truly was thinking of the Traci. But you failed to notice his eyes transfixed on you through the side mirror, his gaze gentle and curious as he admired your stubborn look. He stared at you dreamily the rest of the car ride. 
When you finally reached your apartment building, Hank had barely stopped the car before you were clambering out and slamming the door behind you.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” you grumbled, having enough decency to give Hank a small wave. 
As you trudged towards your apartment building, you froze at the sound of another car door opening and closing. You cursed under your breath, hesitant to turn for fear of whom you might find. As you glanced over your shoulder, you cursed again as your fear came true. Connor approached you with long strides, leaving behind a very confused-looking Hank.
“I’ll walk you to your apartment,” Connor offered innocently. 
You stared at him blankly and muttered, “Connor, my building is right here. I just need to go up a few floors. I know how to use an elevator, I’ll manage just fine on my own.”
You turned and continued towards your building, not surprised when you heard Connor follow.
“The chances of an elevator-related death are one in 10.5 million,” Connor continued in that matter-of-fact tone that you usually found so endearing. 
When Connor didn’t elaborate, you stopped and turned to him again with a raised brow. You waited for more, but it still didn’t come. Connor just stared at you pleasantly, drinking in your charmingly confused face.
“Okay…,” you said. “So like I said, I’ll be fine on my own.”
“But the chance of it happening is still possible, so it’s best if I escort you,” Connor continued. His grin widened as you rolled your eyes in acceptance. As an afterthought, he added, “Just in case.” 
In silence, the two of you made your way up the elevator (where you did not, in fact, die) and to your apartment. You stood outside the door and turned to Connor, ready to send him away in the hopes that if you couldn’t see him then you wouldn’t be overwhelmed by images of him and that Traci. But you knew that wasn’t the case because even when he was long gone you would still think about how you couldn’t be enough for him. You weren’t pretty enough for such an angelic being like him, not when other beautifully crafted androids existed.
“May I come in?” Connor inquired before you could even open your mouth.
You wanted to say no so desperately. You wanted him to leave. You wanted to bury yourself under your bed sheets and never see him again.
But he was still your friend, and you were still a decent enough person. It would be rude to reject him.
“Sure,” you replied softly, opening the door to allow the two of you in.
The moment you closed the door, Connor was already asking questions that you were not at all prepared for.
“You were upset today,” he noted. “Do you want to talk about how you feel?”
“I… what?” you stammered. “Since when are you a therapist android?”
“I’m not a therapist android, but as your companion, I care about your well-being,” Connor answered far too casually for your liking.
Companion? Well-being?
“Yeah, I doubt that,” you mumbled without thinking.
You were stupid to think Connor wouldn’t have heard you. With his sensitive hearing, he heard you loud and clear. Your comment made him tilt his head curiously and narrow his eyes.
“Why would I not care about you?” he asked, the genuine confusion in his voice making your resolve melt. 
“That’s not… it’s just…,” you blabbered, throwing your hands up in exasperation as you struggled to find the right words. “I wouldn’t expect you to care about me the same way–”
You stopped abruptly, eyes wide as your mind finally caught up to your yapping mouth. You could not finish that sentence.
Connor’s eyes narrowed further at your sudden pause. He took a cautious step forward, then another. You knew that he had already noticed the way your heartbeat accelerated, your breath suddenly caught in your throat. “The same way… what?” he repeated, urging you to finish your sentence.
“It’s nothing, it’s stupid,” you dismissed. 
Connor murmured your name as if he were scolding a child, raising a brow as a sign of encouragement to finish.
“Well… I wouldn’t expect you to care about me… the same way… the same way I care about you,” you said, the last part coming out far too hurried. 
Maybe if you had just finished your sentence the first time you wouldn’t be in this situation. That was a perfectly normal thing to say to a friend, wasn’t it? Absolutely. Absolutely… But the way you had paused only made you look more suspicious. You knew Connor was smart enough to understand the suggestion of romantic feelings.
“How is it you feel about me?” Connor questioned.
“It doesn’t matter, you wouldn’t feel the same anyway,” you muttered, pushing past him to be anywhere that wasn’t near him.
Before you could get too far, Connor’s iron grip wrapped around your wrist and held you in place. You looked at him with offense, but he knew you meant nothing by it.
“It does matter, Detective,” he whispered lowly. “It matters to me.”
There was no going back now. Connor already got the hint that you cared for him more than you probably should. You might as well say it outright. That was better than being embarrassed and pretending nothing happened. Right?
“I like you, Connor,” you admitted, the words sounding childish in your mouth. “God, this is so embarrassing…”
Connor was silent for a long moment, making you wonder if he actually had figured it out. If he hadn’t… God, you would be mortified. Did he really not know, and you just willingly outed yourself to him?
You risked a peek at Connor to find him already looking at you with a small smile. His hand was still holding your wrist tightly, his skin comfortingly warm against your burning skin. The glint in his eyes made your brows furrow as heat rose to your cheeks.
“Why would you think I don’t care about you?” Connor asked, the quirk of his lips telling you that he found all of this somewhat amusing.
“I mean… yeah, I would think that you care about me. On some level. I’d assume…,” you prattled. “But as a friend, obviously. Connor, I’m not sure you understand what I mean when I say I like–”
“I understand perfectly well, Detective,” Connor interrupted. “So I’ll pose the question once again: why would you think I don’t care about you?”
The confusion was clear on your face. Tilting your head to the side, you turned your body to face Connor slightly, giving him the opportunity to lightly pull your wrist until you were completely facing him. Even when he had you standing where he wanted, he still didn’t let go of your wrist, though he loosened his grasp and held you lightly. You could feel his thumb rubbing along your inner wrist soothingly. Your knees felt weak, and you were sure you were going to collapse against him at any second. His touch was so loving that you almost believed he could feel the same way.
You nearly forgot Connor had asked you a question until he gave your arm a light squeeze that snapped you back to attention. He arched both eyebrows, watching you with that humorous glint. 
“I just… Well…,” you faltered. You inhaled sharply, gathering your thoughts before you continued. “I just can’t understand how or why someone like you would be interested in someone like me when there are so many better options. Yeah, I guess… I guess that’s it. I don’t know…”
“Better options?” Connor repeated. The obvious confusion in his voice warmed your heart. It was as if he had never even considered that there could be better options.
“Well, yeah,” you shrugged. “I’m no android, Connor. I’m not… I’m not perfect. I’m not beautiful or stunning or gorgeous. I’m not like that girl you were looking at.”
There was another long pause as Connor struggled to process your words. His LED spiraled yellow as he questioned, “What girl?”
“The Traci,” you explained in exasperation, “at the Eden Club. It looked like you were practically in love with her, and I don’t blame you. She’s the definition of perfect. Not a single flaw in sight.”
“You think you’re flawed?” Connor asked immediately. That was his biggest takeaway?
“Yes, obviously, Connor! I am! And I just find it very hard to believe that someone as beautiful as you could be attracted to someone as… average as me,” you snapped, sounding harsher than you intended.
Connor released your wrist, and for a moment you worried that you scared him off. But then his warm hands were holding your cheeks, his thumbs now slowly running along your cheekbones. He stepped forward until his body was pressed against yours, leaning down until his forehead was nearly touching yours. His eyes latched onto yours, and for a moment, he just held your gaze in silence. He was reveling in the sight of you, so close to him that he could feel your sweet breath against his lips.
“It seems you don’t realize how beautiful you are,” he murmured. “Perhaps I’ll have to explain it to you.”
Connor paused again, searching your eyes for any effort to argue. But you were still so stunned by his sudden proximity that you had nothing to give. When he heard no contradiction, Connor smiled and continued on.
“Maybe you don’t think you’re perfect,” he started, “but I do. Everything you see as a flaw, I see as beautiful. It makes you you. It makes you so… human. And maybe you can’t understand because of it, but there’s something so pure about being human. Just being human makes you beautiful. But you… you’re different. You’re above them all.”
There was a strangely desperate look in Connor’s eyes like he was pleading with you to understand. Exhaling slowly, he leaned forward and rested his forehead against your own. He closed his eyes, his LED shifting from yellow to blue and back again as he tried to sift through the swarm of emotions.
“I don’t know why it’s you, but it is,” he whispered, his voice nearly too quiet for you to hear. “I just can’t help but notice everything about you. I love the wrinkles on your forehead when you’re confused to the point of frustration. I love when only one side of your hair is brushed because you’re too lazy to brush the other. I love when your lip bleeds because you’re biting it while you’re thinking and you don’t even notice. I love…”
Connor stopped and pulled back slightly, his hands still resting on your cheeks. His LED circled red once, the worry on his face far too obvious to your keen eyes. When you didn’t say anything, Connor tried to pull away, but you didn’t let him.
Your hands quickly moved to rest over top his, holding him in place. You looked up at him with eyes full of admiration and wonder as if an angel had come and graced the earth. Maybe that’s what he was, an angel. You would believe it. With that pretty face and those sweet words, you could easily be fooled.
As you eyed Connor’s face, the corners of your lips quirked into a smile. Maybe you could be enough for him. He seemed to think so. It was that thought alone that drove you to lean forward and press the faintest of kisses to Connor’s lips. It was barely a peck, and as you pulled away, Connor leaned forward to chase after your warmth. The gesture made you laugh as you whispered against his lips.
“I love how human you are.” 
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