#these are mostly bls
Shows I’m behind on
So Our Skyy 2 and Minato's Coin Laundry 2 made me realize just how many shows I'm behind on. So pinning this here to remind myself to work through these 😬
A non-exhaustive list:
Vice Versa (ep 11/12)
Unforgotten Night (ep 8+)
Minato’s Coin Laundry (ep 11/12 and season 2)
My Only 12% (ep 1+)
Ai Long Nhai (ep 6+)
Color Rush Season 2 (ep 8)
Flower of Evil (ep 10+) DONE
War of Y (last BewGus ep)
SCOY (ep 4+)
Gap (ep 1+)
La Cuisine (ep 3ish+)
Mouse (ep 4+)
About Youth (ep 5+)
Oh! My Sunshine Night (ep. 3+) IN PROGRESS
Love in the Air (was there a special ep?)
Big Dragon (ep 7/8)
Love Mechanics (ep 9/10)
Kei x Yaku (ep 3+)
Kill and Healer (ep 3ish+)
My Beautiful Man S2 (ep 2+)
Cherry Magic (ep 11/12 and movie)
Cutie Pie (ep 12 and season 2)
My School President (ep 8+)
Never Let Me Go (ep 6+)
Bedtime Story 609 (both ep 11s)
The Eighth Sense (ep 9/10)
A League of Nobleman (ep 14+)
Desire Catcher (ep 20+)
Star In My Mind (ep 7/8) I don't even remember what happens in this one
Sky in Your Heart (ep 1+)
Hard Love Mission (ep 1+)
Love Bill (ep 1+)
To Sir with Love (ep 1+)
My Ride (ep 3+)
My Tooth Your Love (ep 8+)
Even Sun (ep 6)
Still 2Gether (ep 3+)
Theory of Love (special ep)
My Secret Love (ep 10+)
Advance Bravely (ep 5ish+)
The Luminous Solution (ep 6)
Step by Step (ep 12)
La Pluie (ep 11-12)
I Will Knock You (ep 10+)
Ghost Host Ghost House (ep 4+)
Chains of Heart (ep 10)
Naked Dinner (ep 11/12)
Buddy Y Line (ep 2+) waiting to see how this one pans out
Love Tractor (ep 2+)
Love Stage (ep 7+)
Star Struck (ep 7/8)
Our Dining Table (ep 10)
Love Mate (ep 7+)
A Boss and a Babe (ep 8+)
House of Stars (ep 2+)
Senpai This Can't Be Love (ep 5+)
Takara-kun & Amagi-kun (ep 2+)
Tasty Florida (ep 7+)
The End of the World with You (ep 5+)
The New Employee (ep 5+)
Under the Skin (ep 9+)
What Zabb Man (ep 3+)
Cherry Blossoms after Winter (ep 5+)
Kieta Hatsukoi (ep 7+)
Stay by My Side (ep 3+)
Low Frequency (ep 2+)
Stay with Me (ep 5+)
Candy Color Paradox (ep 8)
Laws of Attraction
Absolute Zero
You Are Mine (ep 8+ and special ep)
Cherry Magic TH (ep 12)
Twins (ep 1+)
For Him
City of Stars
The Sign
Pit Babe
Playboyy (ep 12)
Memory in the Mirror (ep 6) DONE
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0yorixu · 1 month
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love for their partners
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pharawee · 2 months
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"I’ll agree to be your fake boyfriend if you can land a punch on me within the next five minutes."
—WANDEE GOODDAY · วันดีวิทยา · 4 May 2024
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snarkspawn · 2 months
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some KoD/Spirealm sketches
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sherrymagic · 3 months
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Tan/New being iconic in Episode 10 DEAD FRIEND FOREVER (2023-2024)
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lurkingshan · 3 months
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Thank you for leaving these tags @pharawee! Without getting into any speculation about how Dead Friend Forever will actually end, I do want to address your question and talk about why most of us want to see severe consequences for these boys. The short answer: it's about genre expectations and the psychological catharsis of a good revenge narrative.
To get down to the really basic point: people who love revenge thrillers love them because they are a fantasy construct in which good people survive and bad people get what they deserve. In a world where bad things happen and we rarely have any control, a good revenge story can be exhilarating, giving you the feeling that justice prevailed, villains received appropriate comeuppance for their wrongs, and the protagonist seized control back and experienced much needed catharsis for their suffering. Real life is very much not like this, which is why it's such an appealing genre of fiction.
So how do we calibrate what "appropriate comeuppance" means? This is where genre expectations become really important, because the genre the revenge narrative plays out in sets the terms for where that bar sits. In The Glory, a recent world class revenge drama, we were in the psychological thriller genre, so revenge came in the form of Dong Eun playing mind games with her bullies until they destroyed their own lives. No murder necessary. Dead Friend Forever, however, is in the horror genre, and specifically began its story by planting itself in the slasher subgenre, giving us a masked killer and setting up expectations that these boys are being hunted. When you watch a slasher, you come in with the mindset that most of the characters are going to die and begin rooting for it and looking for reasons why they "deserve" it. And typically, in a slasher, it takes very little for a character to "deserve" a death--you often see people die for the tiniest infractions, like making a rude comment, telling a bad joke, or having sex. But DFF went much farther than that and gave us a multi episode flashback in which we got a detailed accounting of every wrong this group of boys committed against Non, increasing the audience's bloodlust and conviction that these boys needed to pay.
So why do so many of us want the bullies to die? Because the genre demands it, and the story set the audience up to expect it from the outset. I have seen some discussion of the way the show is blending different horror subgenres and not sticking strictly to typical slasher conventions, and that's true, and expected. Slashers are usually two hours max, and this show needed to fill 10+ hours of content, so it's doing a really interesting blend of slasher, mystery, psychological thriller, and other horror subgenres. But the bones of the story still hold, and despite the storytelling choice to give the villains some nuance and fleshed out motivations for their behavior, they are still villains who destroyed Non's life. If you're feeling overly sympathetic to any of these boys at present, I encourage you to go back and remind yourself how they behaved in the early episodes of this story, which took place after the events of the flashbacks. These are not genuinely remorseful kids who made minor mistakes and then got their acts together and became upstanding citizens; they just want to move on and avoid blame and accountability for what they did, while Non's entire family was irrevocably destroyed by their actions.
If this story ends without Por, Tee, Top, Fluke, Jin, and Phee suffering genre appropriate consequences for their choices that harmed and betrayed Non, it will be a letdown and many will feel unsatisfied. In real life, we may believe that forgiveness is the right path, and we know that Buddhism teaches unconditional forgiveness. But this is not real life. This is a fantasy genre that is specifically meant to provide an escape from the constraints of real life morality and obligations. No one wants to show up to a fantasy party only to receive a moral scolding. The most disappointing thing a revenge narrative can do is wimp out on delivering the actual revenge.
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heretherebedork · 2 months
I just keep thinking about how Yuan had already faced his own death with the avalanche, had thought he was going to die but came out the other side thinking about Qian and then how he offered himself to Le for the game first because all he wanted to do was protect Qian and how Qian tried to teach him to fight so he could protect himself but Yuan truly never learned to fight because his experience with fighting was watching Qian hurt for him, watching Qian bleed for him, and so he never did that.
Yuan faced his own death and his love for Qian and he accepted that his world is Qian but he still carries that trauma inside him, that hurt that he blames himself, the way Qian bled for him is written on his soul just as much as his love for Qian is written in every moment he keeps on living.
This is a bond written in the blood shed and in abandonment and in being found and in being seen and in holding up the world when it comes crashing down because the world will never end as long as Yuan has Qian, as long as Qian is there at their home in the end.
Qian is facing how easily his life could have been without Yuan and without him ever knowing and facing how they have shaped each other and facing that, yes, Yuan would hold the world up for him if it came crashing down because that is why Yuan went to Le and why Yuan takes care of him, because Qian is the world and Yuan will hold him up no matter what it takes.
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absolutebl · 2 months
Hi! apologies if you've answered this before, but can you recommend some bls that deal with homophobia, be it internalised or external? or more generally, bls that are not set in the bl bubble where gayness is 100% accepted?
Thank you very much <3
Ooo, sure thing!
BL's Not Set in The Bubble
BLs that deal with homophobia (internal or external) and rough coming out sequences
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Began Beginning from Myanmar is all about this. It's not a BL I would necessarily recommend but it is interesting for many reasons. Both leads are dealing with massive internalize homophobia, among other issues.
Similarly: Like in the Movies and Tie the Not from the Philippines.
And Goodbye Mother and Nation's Brother from Vietnam.
From Thailand
To Sir, With Love - witnessing his family's massive homophobia that results in major tragedy as a child is what drives our main character's whole personality and self hatred. Massive trigger warning.
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Until We Meet Again - the pair in the past, of course, it's the driving trauma of the relationship reincarnated. Massive trigger warning.
I Feel You Linger In the Air - fear of being caught is a through line in this drama.
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More modern set stuff:
City of Stars deals with having to leave the closet as a super star. So does Close Friend Season 2 a little. The OhmFluke pair also deals with coming out to parents. Love Stage!! (Thailands version) contains one couple that chooses to remain closeted for the good of a career and another that risks it.
Moonlight Chicken - mostly about self hatred and difficulty in being out, to the point where his young nephew challenges him on it and provides a foil.
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Also, ya know, TharnType and Why R U. Both have self hated and challenging coming outs because of trauma and daddy issues.
Dark Blue Kiss - Kao is terrified of being outed and it's used to blackmail him.
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Similarly although he is out of Ae, Pete is being abused and blackmailed because he is gay in Love By Chance. Also Ae doesn't manage to come out... yet.
I Told Sunset About You - of course.
My Gear and Your Gown final episodes contain homophobic (or are they?) parents.
Second Chance heavily implies that there is something going on with Paper's inability to accept Fah.
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Similarly Gene accepting Sib in Lovely Writer.
I'm pretty sure there's a ton of homophobia at the back end of My Tee, but honestly it's been years sicne I watched that mess.
Charming little pulp 21 Day Theory deals with quite a bti of this, but our main character has a lovely gay uncle to guide the way.
"Punch the homophobe" my favorite trope of all time, happens in Oxygen. But otherwise they neatly circumvent the patriarchs objection by defacto adopting a child to inherit.
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TonhonChonlatee is all about one characters inability to acept his own queerness as encouraged by his homophobic family and various other evil characters.
My Only 12% actively tackles and calls out cultural homophobia and damaging misrepresentations.
"Why does everyone think that both of them are strange? If it's not wrong, why does everyone hurt?"
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The show he's talking about is Thailand's first proto-BL, love of Siam and it is about an inability to come out.
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From Japan
Life: Love on the Line - it's parental disgust and personal self hatred and paranoia that breaks them up (they get back together but he as to get over it)
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Similarly His - is a kind of reunion romance after self-homophobia drove one half of the pair to marry someone else.
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Actually the original series with the same characters, His the series, also deals with self acceptance around gayness, and it's subtle (Japan) but it's pretty clear one of them was kicked out of/ or left his previous school because he got outed. (Light on Me references a similar situation, but it's ultra subtle.)
If It's With You also kinda falls into this category. Not sure these can be called "dealing with" it tho, more side stepping and alluding to it.
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Tokyo in April is - yeah it's kinda the whole thing from one half of this pair
What Did You Eat Yesterday also has a coming out to the parents thread throughout, and a coming out at work thing, but it's not really the point of the show.
From Korea
Most Korean BL are gonna be out. The specialize in the bubble. Although a case could be made for Love For Love's Sake and Love Class. And, see comment, Jazz for Two.
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One noted exception is Just Friends which is a short piece about coming out to mom while on leave from the military. This is one of Korea's earliest BL pieces and not strictly BL, but it's fascinating in that neither theme (military nor coming out) would reall be reused again.
From Taiwan
My Tooth Your Love - has a kinda different take and we aren't sure, as viewers whether it's because he's gay or because he's not doing what the Patriarch wishes. But trigger warning for [physical abuse.
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DNA Says Love You deals with this and other forms of queerphobia during the later half. Slow start but I do love this show.
Faded is a propaganda piece (pro marriage equality) which is all about coming out to a parent.
In H4CTY Xing Si (of the side couple) is having a hard time coming out but that's complied by the fact that he's fucking his stepbrother, it's a mess, bit I enjoy them - v problematic couple tho.
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Papa & Daddy actually has a coming out sequence (GASP!) where the parents don't take it well as does Love is Science? (sides) - but the later is mostly because disaster bi is also baby daddy.
Red Balloon, of course, and it's sibling movie Your Name Engraved Herein are kinda all about self loathing and suffering because of gayness and lack of acceptance.
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Unknown is certainly tackling some of this.
In which I talk about some of my favorite coming out sequences:
He's Coming to Me has my favorite series of coming out sequences to both friends and mother.
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A few more that I really don't like (Promise) and probably Together With Me should be here, but I willfully can't remember them.
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live-from-flaturn · 2 years
If You Thought the Special Ep Wasn’t Getting Textposts, You Were Wrong
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sunshinechay · 4 months
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Narrator voice: they did not in fact stop pestering CharlieBabe and now toddler Way
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klausbens · 10 months
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fanfictionroxs · 9 months
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Sand: I stand with my cancelled wife
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dramaism · 1 year
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Thank you for your support all the way up to today, to this point. I have nothing else to offer, except this song.
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pharawee · 6 months
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—SPARE ME YOUR MERCY · Coming Soon 2024
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snarkspawn · 1 year
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KP ANNIVERSARY week 2: Favourite Supporting Characters [5/?]
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Read a review for a new BL that was like "it's Not Very Good, And Also Full Of Tropes" and I was like... Yes, and? That's why we're here? To be confused by the plot, and enjoy the mess? That's the point of the pulpy ones?
It also says that "the erotic scene was too long". Like, calm down, pretty people kissing helps make the time travel and the bitchy, poorly characterized women harder to be mad about.
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