#there's so much MORE
Crosshair, beginning of season 1: files a report indicating that his squad let a Jedi Padawan escape
Crosshair, beginning of season 2: apparently let the Empire believe Clone Force 99 died on Kamino
And that, my friends, is growth.
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deepdwellingsteamboat · 5 months
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DANIEL BRÜHL as Laszlo Kreizler THE ALIENIST (2018 – 2020)
S1: E1 | The Boy on the Bridge
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thethirdman8 · 5 months
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@thethirdman8 Happy New Year to all of my beautiful mutuals. Here's looking at you, kid.. and here's to 2024 - let's hope it's a good one!
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nightmanatee · 1 year
"is it that obvious?" well
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+ 1 bonus back (i swear there's MORE in this ep alone)
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fgmetanoia · 1 month
One of the things I like the most in books and series is when a character comes alive and just do the shits they want to do regardless of the author's intentions.
Take Drarry for example. It's obvious JKR never intended to write them that way, and yet there is so much involuntary Drarry in the books it's honestly so funny!
The descriptions, the mutual obsession (for years!! Even in the epilogue), the fact that they read each other like no one else and can tell what the other is feeling with a quick glance, Harry "I'd rather be going out with a Dragon" Potter, the uncountable parallels between them, the fact that despite being sworn enemies they never try to actually hurt each other except for Sectumsempra during sixth year and Harry broke down so badly over that, that he quitted completely trying to discover what Draco was doing in fear of hurting him again or Harry escaping gringott on a WHITE DRAGON...!
If she didn't spoke so loudly against it, I'd think she planned it since the beginning.
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fun-k-boards · 7 months
Okay but who wants to be the Deadpool to my Spider-Man?? The Mary Jane to my Peter Parker?? The Gwen Stacy to my Peter Parker?? The Harry Osborn to my Peter Parker?? The Black Cat to my Spider-Man?? The Human Torch to my Spider-Man?? The Moon Knight to my Spider-Man??
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humanjeff · 6 months
oh my god this imdb bio
The theatre company dissolved in '94, and Andre isolated himself in the Himalayas for years. Here he practiced Buddhism and wrote the masterpiece "Reflections of a wounded teardrop" The mysterious short film was never publicly released, and its contents remains unseen. Eriksen stars and directs himself in the film that features none other than the Dalai Lama himself as the evil antagonist "Hon Eps Egel" who is trying to lure Eriksen's character to buy an overpriced 1991 Toyota Corolla and steals his sleeping bag during a 24-hour trip to Copenhagen.
As an activist Andre ran with the bulls in Pamplona. The bulls took him in as one of their own and during the event Andre rammed and injured several participants in the name of his herd.
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perceiving-misha · 2 years
Cockles panel summary
🐚 they were TWENTY-FIVE minutes late. Together. nothing to see here, folks
🐚 Jensen was ready to get down with sexy dancing straight from the start and Misha had to reel him in with a subtle shake of the head lol
🐚 lots of touching while talking, especially shoulder grabs from Misha
🐚 Unbridled CHAOS for the like 75% of the panel. They're just in their own bubble silently communicating, laughing and making "that's what she said" / dad jokes
🐚 They managed to answer about 3 questions (i use the word "answer" very loosely here 😂)
🐚 When they got more serious toward the end and Jensen started explaining how he valued Misha, the music started and everyone came on stage. Jensen was definitely pissed about it initially.
🐚 When everyone is there at the end and is saying their bit / thanking the fans etc this exchange takes place, completely unrelated to anything and with everyone on the stage: J: Misha? M: Jensen. J: Misha. M: Hey, Jensen. J: Mishaaaaaa.
Literally they sound like my last 2 braincells. 😔 Now please enjoy an image of these lovesick fools making each other cry-laugh (jensen's eyes lollll):
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TL;DR they're an entire mess and i love them
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penguicorns-are-cool · 10 months
relationship anarchy is so cool and I think it should be more popular
and I do hope that the people reading this don't misconstrue this to believe I'm just saying polyamory is cool. that's a part of it but when I say relationship anarchy I mean no rules for any relationships
only rule is consent, platonic relationships are just as important as any others, and the lines between different relationships are blurred. how your attraction works should not affect your relationships and how they're viewed beyond your internal view of yourself and each relationship can be individualized to the max.
have confusing relationships that only you and the other person/people can ever have a chance at understanding
kiss your purely platonic friends, have romantic relationships with no kissing, have sexual relationships with people you're not really attracted to but why not. do whatever the fuck you want, the only rule is consent, relationship anarchy.
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sometimes when i feel sad i'll just watch the A3! dub
it's so ridiculous. these are actual quotes from it:
"next up is the store of drugs :D"
"uhuh. love the typos."
"nEVER MIND you're still an infant."
"YOU'RE a fool."
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demonpxppy · 1 year
sneaking therian things into everyday experiences
twisting my body when i'm happy (wagging my tail
stimming by spinning in circles (happy spins!!)
when sitting on the ground putting my hands in front of me on the ground (like a sit command!(bonus points if i'm crouched))
growling or whining when i'm frustrated
making a "RAHHH" sound as a victory noise
shaking my head fast when i get sensory issues
the small things help so much :D
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laf-outloud · 4 months
I love reading your posts but please tell me - who's goob??
Glad you enjoy my blog!
As to your question, Goob is a narcissistic grifter who attached themselves to the SPN fandom because of all the gullible hellers and minions. They have a private server that people have to pay in order to get super-exclusive information that they pretend to have based on their "contacts" within the industry. And of course that information only ever confirms what their followers wanted to hear, i.e., Misha and Jensen are in love, Destiel is real and was going to be confirmed during The Wincesters, Walker is a failed show, Jared is the most unsuccessful actor to come out of SPN, etc. And of course, all of their predictions always turned out to be wrong. and when called out, they rant and rave about idiots not understanding them, they insult anyone who disagrees, and basically try to confuse and intimidate their way out of being proven wrong.
Goob has recently drifted away from the SPN fandom (thank goodness). though they still revisit from time to time. It appears their blog is now mostly rants about their ex and stuff about the Percy fandom? (So sorry, Percy fans).
Here's a recent example that's on the tamer side (though, of course, still wrong):
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Also, if you search Tumblr for goob or anti-goob hashtags, you should get a pretty decent idea of what they're about.
(FYI: Their original moniker was Ghost of Bobby, hence the nickname Goob, but they've gone by a few other names.)
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wheretherainbowsare · 9 months
school (summer) dreamcore / liminal
metal school fence
sticker box at the doctor's visit
corner and pop-up shops
to-go mini water bottles
computer lab (pre 2010)
teacher's lounge
'do not enter'
standing by the electrical box
novelty carpets
fast food catering (i.e. in n' out, subway)
sunlight and wind in your eyes
kindergarten bathroom
smell of hot rubber bracelets
3pm at the book fair
frutiger metro
burning asphalt
yard grass
metallic flair and decorations
out-of-order and box computers
cartoon murals
tagged jansport backpacks
well worn, grubby skate shoes
spiderwebs in toys
mcdonald's on wheels
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nyx-allyster · 3 months
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aweirdofangirl · 1 year
Inej Ghafa 🤝 Neil Josten
Two characters, whose bodies are extremely important to them and what they do and their sense of freedom, that were faced with the threat of losing their legs in some way which sent me into an unwell spiral of emotional distress.
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dybalassunshine · 1 year
I've got whiplash from all the things happening right now. Let's see:
Hala Madrid is trying to erase actual history and twitter warriors are on the agenda to spread misinformation. The young, brainless Hala Madristas are eating that shit up. Nothing new, just Madrid being a terror organization as always.
Chelsea bent down in front of Hala Madrid and got a huge ass whooping. Enzo is still suffering in that sad excuse of a club.
I have to pray for City to kick Madrid's ass now which means I have to actively pray for a Haaland masterclass, ruining chances of Leo's 8th Ballon d'Or...
Neymar is going to be a dad again. The only positive thing rn. Congrats to him but also this was out of nowhere and I screamed when I saw his post.
Pionel has shaved the sides of his hair again. Smh. I had faith in him but alas we have to prohibit his move to FC Dripalona now :(
Barcelona is dropping one disasterclass after another. This is eating my braincells away one by one.
Napoli had the audacity to lose...smh
My exams are in a week and I haven't even properly looked at my books yet.
Ramadan is apparently almost over and it's been the shortest one in my life. I hate everything.
I have to deal with Hala Madidonkeys AND CRY7 fangirls on the internet now. Cannoh believe I have to remind people that internet exists and they can just google the actual facts but alas.
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