#there's 3 different podcasts i have in mind but for 2 of them it's the same guy
ur-stepdad · 11 months
SOOO annoying to listen to an improv comedy or actual play dnd podcast and like 3/4 of the people on the podcast are SO funny and good at improv and then there's 1 guy who does bad improv by not respecting the world and saying every single word association they can think of no matter if it's funny or relevant
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adviceformefromme · 10 months
So your life isn’t looking and feeling how you envisioned. You see the TikTok and IG girlies living that life. You dream about luxury travel, pilates on a Saturday morning, drinking overpriced green smoothies, driving a sexy car, and living your fullest most authentic life…But in comparison, you’ve grown to mostly hate spending time with your friends, you’ve out grown them and notice how much they complain about life and generally are low vibes, you’ve spent all of this months wages already, and still have 2 weeks left until payday so your bank balance is no way supporting the life you dream of, to add, your dating life is a mess not consisting of your dream guy that provides for you. No, instead it seems too much effort for him to message back, let alone take you to that sexy spa you’re dying to visit. So in short your life is a far cry from what you want. The life you’ve created right now is absolutely not what you would want for yourself for the next year, or even five years. So in order to completely shift from where you are to where you want to be. You need a fucking RE-SET. 
The re-set is basically your metamorphosis. Think of being the caterpillar, heavy, slow sluggish (currently you right now). In order to become a beautiful butterfly you need to completely transform, undo, take time to reorganise so you can re-emerge as nature intended. 
The Re-set might look slightly different for everyone so take what you need from this: 
2-3 months stepping back from the people around you. 
Meditating daily to clear you mind so you can hear yourself, your own voice and drown out any external noise. (I recommend insight timer app, or mind app both for meditations)
A journal, to document your feelings and emotions, empty your thoughts, and a space where you can become your own best friend and create a connection with yourself. 
Movement. - you need to move your body this is KEY, you might pick up running, stretching at home, pilates, yoga, HIT, whatever it is just fucking do it. Your body needs the movement to replenish its energy and move you out of stagnation. 
Healthy diet. Less alcohol more greens. If it’s processed, if its fizzy, if its sugar, if its cake, if its chocolate, if its ice cream (you get the picture), cut that shit OUT. You need food that supports you, cleanses you, energises you in order to thrive and clear your energy. 
FAITH in something bigger than yourself. If you’re religious, great lean into your faith with prayer, scripture, faith music. If you’re not religious maybe you believe in the universe, the love all around you, faith in something unknown, something guiding you, protecting you, even if you believe this is part of your own psyche - lean into this. Your faith is your support system. Your faith is the unseen that will guide and protect you on this journey. 
The above might seem overwhelming, and it will be if you don’t already incorporate those things into your day already. The worst thing you want to do is try and do everything at once and feel disappointed when you don’t succeed. So start with one thing if that’s all you can manage and focus on doing that one thing consistently and then add from that. 
The purpose of the first 2-3 months is the cleansing. You want to start slowly removing what doesn’t serve you, and start creating space for yourself, your thoughts and visions so you have space to start planting new seeds of the life you want to live. 
What your first steps in your journey might look like: 
Saying no to going out for drinks with friends, instead you go for a long walks in nature listening to an empowering podcast, go home journal and meditate. 
Weekends might look like not seeing friends, maybe even family. Doing exercise, making healthy food, researching recipes, creating a vision board on Pinterest and doing a guiding meditation, affirmations and mirror work. 
Having a prayer practise, reading books/ passages that support you in your journey 
Deleting your social medias or even doing a detox day / weekend so you have a break 
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paisleypens · 1 month
spencer agnew flirty slow burn office romance <3
too cool pt. 1 | spencer agnew x f!reader
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new fav pic btw
thank you so much for the ask, i totally will write more parts to this i just got sudden motivation after watching spencer on miles’s podcast!!
part 2!!
In the heart of the Smosh office, where creativity never ends, Spencer Agnew sat at his cluttered desk, his attention focused on his and Alex's empty idea list. He adjusted his glasses and ran a hand through his tousled hair, deep in thought. The rhythmic tapping of his foot was interrupted by the soft steps of mary janes approaching his desk.
"Hey, Spencer, got a minute?" A cheerful voice broke through his concentration, and he looked up to find Y/N, standing in the doorway of the games pod with a warm smile.
"Of course," Spencer replied, giving her his full attention. Y/N was known for her infectious and gorgeous smiles and unwavering dedication to her projects, qualities that everyone obviously admired. Today she was wearing something only Spencer could describe as librarian chic, while still having her own edge. Everyone in the office was cool, but Y/N was cool in a way he was enamored by.
Y/N walked next to him, her smile brightening the room from her excitement. "I just wanted to run a few ideas by you for the new video. I think we can take it in a totally different direction and make it stand out."
Spencer leaned back in his chair, intrigued. "I'm all ears. What do you have in mind?"
For the next, who knows how long, they dove into brainstorming, bouncing ideas off each other with ease. Spencer found himself suddenly energized by Y/N's creativity. Slowly they dived into a conversation about common interests and nerdy gossip, and Spencer couldn't help but notice the way her eyes lit up when they landed on a particularly intriguing concept. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, blending professional insights with personal anecdotes. Spencer learned about Y/N’s love for travel and her quirky sense of humor, while she discovered his penchant for classic literature and obscure movie references.
As the clock ticked towards evening, they wrapped up their discussion, satisfied with the direction they had charted for the new video. Y/N stood up, stretching her arms with a contented sigh. "Thanks for the brainstorming session, Spence. It was exactly what I needed."
“… Oh yeah, of course," Spencer replied, a genuine smile gracing his lips at the nickname he enjoyed too much coming from you. There was a spark between them, one that went beyond professionalism. It was a spark he couldn't ignore, a silent promise of something more waiting to be explored.
As Y/N bid him goodnight and left the office, Spencer sat back in his chair, his mind buzzing with thoughts. The lines between friendship and something deeper blurred, leaving him with a sense of anticipation and uncertainty.
- - -
The days that followed their fruitful brainstorming session passed in a whirlwind of scripts, rehearsals, and endless cups of coffee. Spencer found himself looking forward to each interaction with Y/N, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. Yet, beneath the surface of their professional behavior, an unspoken tension simmered, a delicate dance of hidden glances.
It was during a particularly chaotic day, with agonizing shooting delays and creative blocks hindering progress, that Spencer found himself seeking solace in the quiet of the meeting room. He leaned back in his chair, eyes fixed on the ceiling as he tried to untangle the jumble of thoughts in his mind.
A soft knock on his door pulled him from his silence, and before he could respond, Y/N peeked her head in, a sympathetic smile on her lips. "Hey, mind if I come in?"
"Of course, please," Spencer replied, grateful for the interruption. Y/N stepped into the space, closing the door behind her with a gentle click.
"Rough day?" she asked, taking a seat two spots away.
Spencer chuckled wryly. "You could say that. Sometimes, my mind just..."
Y/N nodded in understanding, her gaze softening. "I know what you mean. It's fighting gratefulness that your job is this but… your job is this."
They shared a moment of quiet understanding, the weight of shared challenges weaving a bond between them that went beyond words. Spencer found comfort in Y/N's presence, a sense of calm amidst the chaos of their days.
"I have an idea," Y/N said suddenly, her eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "Why don't we take a break from the scripts and go grab some fresh air? A change of scenery might do wonders for our creativity."
Spencer hesitated for a moment, his mind already racing with deadlines and unfinished tasks. But the genuine warmth in her eyes told Spencer to follow her anywhere she wanted to go. "That sounds like exactly what we need," he agreed, standing up and grabbing his jacket.
They stepped out of the office into the crisp afternoon air, the sun casting a golden glow over the bustling streets. As they walked side by side, their conversation shifted from work to personal anecdotes, sharing stories and different favorites, ones even Shayne couldn’t guess.
With each step, Spencer felt the unspoken tension between them growing stronger, a magnetic pull that left him both exhilarated and apprehensive. He stole glances at Y/N when she wasn't looking, admiring the way her eyes sparkled with passion and her laughter filled the air. Unknown to him, Y/N did the same, watching his eyes crinkle at every joke, searching for that look after every one she made.
They found a quiet bench in a nearby park, surrounded by the gentle rustle of leaves and the distant sounds of city life. Spencer took a deep breath, the weight of deadlines momentarily forgotten as he savored the simpleness.
"Thanks for dragging me out of the office," Spencer said, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them.
Y/N smiled, her gaze softening. "Anytime. Sometimes, we need to step away from the chaos to find clarity."
Their eyes met, a silent understanding passing between them. In that moment, Spencer knew that their bond was something special, something worth exploring. But as the sun began to set and they returned to the studio, he couldn't shake the lingering question in his mind - what would happen if they were more?
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the-littlest-lily · 5 months
30 Days of G/t Self Care
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I'm not fully sure where this idea came from, but here we go! I do enjoy a fun little daily challenge, and like most things my mind went to “but how can I make it G/t?” And here we are! Just in time for the new year, a 30 day self care challenge but… sizey. I wanted to make an actual calendar thing, just in time for the new year (though it can be started at any time, it's not specific to January). Check the days off, spread them out over a longer time, pick out just the ones that speak to you, whatever you want to do 😊 Here's the guide to go with it.
Day 1. Set aside a few minutes to take some deep breaths and focus on the present moment. To help ground yourself, perhaps wrap yourself in a blanket and imagine you are in a large, lovingly grasping hand, or hold a small item and imagine it's a tiny friend.
Day 2. Revisit some nostalgic G/t media. What first got you into this? Let yourself reminisce and remember why you love this in the first place.
Day 3. Make G/t art. It can be anything! Drawing, writing, crochet, pottery, you name it. No need to hold yourself to a certain standard or show anyone else, just take some time to be creative. Even if you don't deem yourself an artist, give it a shot and see if you enjoy it!
Day 4. Relax with a word search puzzle. I made a G/t themed one for you right here!
Day 5. Try out this journal prompt. If you could be tiny/big at will, what types of things would you do to relax? How might you extrapolate from this and apply it to your real life?
Day 6. Stretch your body today. What imaginary setting could you give yourself to make it G/t? Are you surrounded by gigantic furniture in your mind’s eye? Perhaps the yoga video on your phone helps you pretend you have a tiny instructor?
Day 7. Listen to some G/t music. This could be anything, from sizey music videos to songs with sizey lyrics to the Arietty soundtrack.
Day 8. Practice gratitude by listing out all the little things you're thankful for. (See what I did there?) Add some big things to the list for good measure.
Day 9. Practice stepping out of your comfort zone a little bit by talking about G/t, out loud if you’re able. Whether it's discussing with a friend (you brave soul), recording yourself on your phone (you can immediately delete it), or just mumbling to yourself in the shower. Maybe you’ll realize you want to make a G/t podcast and we all win!
Day 10. Here's a little creative prompt. Arrange everyday items to make a G/t scene (use toys, miniatures, or even fashion a tiny person out of paperclips or paper). Take a picture, share it if you like!
Day 11. Create a cozier space today to enjoy your G/t content. Grab some blankets, make yourself a snack or some tea, light some candles, whatever sounds nice to you. Sometimes it's making a mundane moment special!
Day 12. Make yourself something healthy to eat. While you prepare it, imagine how different the task might be to carry out if you were very big or very small. Maybe even have some fun making your snack in miniature too.
Day 13. Try out some affirmations today and see if you can make them both sizey and relevant to your life. Ideas of mantras could be “I am allowed to take up space,” “I choose to appreciate the little things today,” “I will achieve great things through small steps.”
Day 14. Go out into nature for some fresh air. Lean in close and pay attention to the small details, perhaps imagining a shrunken version of yourself or a small friend exploring.
Day 15. Challenge yourself to learn a new skill today to bring your Gt ideas to life. Maybe it's learning how to code, or making your own VR avatar, or learning a new art tool or technique. It's finally time to watch that tutorial you've been saving! 
Day 16. Pull out your dream journal, or start up a new one! Maybe we’ll figure out the whole lucid dreaming thing and come close to experiencing Gt, wouldn't that be the dream~ If this doesn't resonate with you, maybe start a journal to jot down your Gt daydreams instead!
Day 17. Relax with a crossword puzzle. I made a G/t themed one for you right here!
Day 18. Try to cross a few to dos off your to do list someday. Make it more fun by adding in some joke tasks in there, like “leave out a snack for the fairies” or “prep for borrowing trip tonight” or “meet with giant friend for coffee.” Maybe even schedule some real life Gt tasks - such as “work on chapter 2 of (Gt story you're writing)” or “plan a VRC hangout”.
Day 19. It's time to dress the part! Is there any way you can dress up or accessorize yourself in a sizey way? Maybe you have an oversized hoodie, or a necklace of a tiny Eiffel tower, or an old shirt with Tinkerbell on it. Did you know you can actually buy Arietty’s giant hair clip thing? Or if this better scratches your creative itch, maybe your objective is to make tiny accessories for a toy or figurine.
Day 20. Take some time to rest. Just allow yourself to lay down in a quiet, cozy setting for at least a few minutes and have some dedicated G/t daydreaming. 
Day 21. Try out a new exercise routine and use your G/t imaginings to make it more fun. Watching a new workout video? You’re a giant visiting the gym and that's your human instructor on the screen. Spontaneous dance session in your room? You're a fairy frolicking in a field of enormous wildflowers. Going for a swim? You're actually crossing a vast ocean, or maybe a small glass of water.
Day 22. Check out a new G/t story. Not a big reader normally? Just give it a shot!
Day 23. Give yourself a pamper night, whatever that means for you - face masks, cucumber water, a warm drink, candles, the works. Pamper night (face masks and stuff)
Day 24. Make or buy something for your G/t interests (miniatures or toys, “max”iature like a giant flower pillow, fairy-themed stationary, make a giant paper mache strawberry, etc)
Day 25. Relax with a coloring page. You can use any of your favorite artist’s lineart (just make sure to get permission and/or proper attribution if you want to post it). Here's an example option from me.
Day 26. Make a list of all the things you love about G/t. It's always nice to remember the various ways this interest might benefit our lives.
Day 27. Motivate yourself to try out a new hobby by making it G/t. Take that pottery class you've been meaning to take and make a giant acorn-shaped mug. Get into cosplay so you can dress up as a borrower. Dabble with watercolors and you may end up becoming a G/t artist. Study a new language and enjoy new sizey media you couldn't understand before. Whatever speaks to you! 
Day 28. Do a favor for your future self and make a self care kit for when you're having a hard time. This could include a journal or affirmation cards, or perhaps some grounding items like fidget toys, stress balls and mints. Add a little something G/t in there too. Perhaps some kind of miniature with an interesting texture, or a fidget toy in the shape of a person, or a stuffed animal of a giant ladybug to hug. 
Day 29. An act of kindness can do wonders for our mental health. Send someone in the G/t community a kind comment today, whether it's a long-time friend, someone you just met in a Discord group, or a comment to your favorite G/t artist. 
Day 30. Reflect on all the activities you’ve tried during this self care challenge and journal about it. What have you learned about yourself? What might you incorporate more into your self care routines going forward? Pat yourself on the back for investing some time and attention into yourself - you deserve it!
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notabled-noodle · 2 years
studying while neurodivergent big post
this post is mainly targeted at people who are at university/college and have a disorder that makes studying challenging (e.g. you experience executive dysfunction, perfectionism, concentration issues).
however. some of these tips might be useful in general, so I'm not going to stop anyone from following my advice even if they're neurotypical
preparing for class
in general: do it. prepare for your classes. it makes it more likely that you're actually going to show up (in my experience)
you don't have to read every single word of every single reading. read the introductions, the abstracts, the sub-headings, and the conclusion. you can go back and read the rest if it feels necessary
take notes while you read. they don't have to be pretty, it's just about keeping your brain engaged with what you're learning
bring all your notebooks into uni with you if possible! this way, there's nothing stopping you from procrastinating studying for one class by studying for another class (which is a fine and good thing to do)
most textbooks are available for free or for cheap in the depths of the internet or in a secondhand bookshop :)
things to keep in mind for being in class
uni is not high school. it's unlikely that a lecturer or tutor is going to get mad at you if you bring something to stim with (as long as it isn't super disruptive)
go to class! even if you haven't done the readings! going to class will give you access to class discussions and a general flow of ideas that will help you with your assignments
skipping class to do an assignment might feel like a good idea, but it's actually a very terrible idea. don't do it. it is not worth it
be honest with your classmates about what you're finding confusing. chances are that they'll either have a cool way to explain it, or they'll be just as confused (in which case, you may have just given them the courage to ask!)
you're allowed to just walk out early if you start to get overwhelmed. people won't judge you or call you out for it. it's okay to leave early
general studying tips
association is the name of the game! pair a certain song, smell, taste, or colour with each class, and be consistent with it. our memories are deeply tied to our senses, and this kind of association will help to remind your brain what class you're doing
don't do what looks pretty or sounds cool, do what works. if you like to listen to your lectures as if they're podcasts while you're doing the dishes... great! if you like to turn facts into puns... awesome! whatever works is good!
count yourself in. if you've been sitting around thinking "I need to do maths" for the past however long, trick your brain by saying out loud "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, MATHS!" and then GO
another cool brain trick is to tell yourself that you're only going to study for 10 minutes, or you're only going to read one chapter. this lowers the barrier to getting started, and will usually help you get into the flow and get at least something done
if body-doubling works for you, then do it! organise a day each week to meet up with a friend and study together! you'll both appreciate it
keep your phone in a different room from your studying gear
get one of those content keeper extensions on your computer, and get your best friend to set the password. this will protect you from the pull of Tumblr when you're meant to be reading about politics in Botswana or whatever
read the question! read it again! highlight the important words in the question! read it out loud! and only THEN figure out how you're going to answer it
you can't edit a blank page. whack some words down. come back to them later. your first go does not have to be perfect
organise your notes by theme, not by which article gave you the idea. this will help you to turn notes into paragraphs with consistent arguments
cite as you go. take note of where you found each of your quotes. it is so much better this way, I promise
your essay plan only needs to make sense to you. lay out your plan however you like. again, it's better to have something on the page than nothing
make your essay writing timeline as if you know that disaster will strike the week of the due date. pretend that the due date is a week before it actually is. give yourself due dates for smaller parts of the assignment. whatever it takes to trick your brain into actually doing it ahead of time!!
use text to speech to catch grammar mistakes! hearing your essay read back out loud to you will make it easier to tell when something sounds wrong or bad or clunky
self-care advice
you won't do well on your exams if you're having several meltdowns a day, so you better be looking after your emotional health!!
eat three meals a day if you can. bring snacks with you everywhere. studying makes you hungry, and your brain needs the fuel. carrying around emergency muesli bars everywhere never hurt anyone
have a big water bottle and also carry it around with you everywhere. when you're studying, it can be easy to forget to keep your fluids up, but having your drink bottle on your desk can be a visual reminder to keep on drinking
STRETCH! stretch in between classes. stretch after taking lots of notes. you do not want to damage your arm muscles from typing/writing too much
don't abandon your hobbies during the semester if it is at all possible. don't sacrifice your weekend knitting or your early morning jog. those are the things that you enjoy, and they are the things that will keep you sane once the stress hits
sleep early, sleep often. all-nighters are not the way
this is kind of all I can think of at the moment! I hope at least something on this big long list is helpful for anyone who is studying at the moment. remember that your grades don't define you, and that you are more than just a student!
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nanowrimo · 11 months
5 Techniques to Help You Write Your Novel
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Every writing project is unique, and the methods that help you draft one novel may not work for another. If you’re getting started on a brand new project this Camp, NaNo Guest Vee James has some suggestions for different techniques to help you explore your story. It took a few NaNos before I realized I was developing different techniques each time I sat down to the challenge. I think we all do this naturally, but it helps to step back and observe the process. If you’re strictly a pantster, you’ve been working on the story ideas in your head. If you’re a planner, you’ve set to paper the story concepts, characters, and an outline of what you are about to produce on paper. Some people take a hybrid approach to NaNo. Granted, the basics remain the same: butt in chair, accomplish the hourly/daily goal, and allow yourself to tell your story.
I discovered that each unique novel presented particular challenges, and I had to adapt my style and writing techniques in order to explore the story and keep the production happening. Some of these came from writing instructors and wonderful podcasters. Some came from “how to write” seminars and workshops. Others grew out of a feverish search for “more words.”
Here are five techniques I’ve found that helped me advance writing projects:
1. Research
It was a surprise to me to discover the concept of researching for fiction. I initially thought, “Just make something up.” But there are so many ways to broaden your approach. Plumb your memory, take a course in something related to the story, talk to an expert, and ask lots of questions. You could even become like the character in order to feel what they feel. If you’re writing a western, go ride a horse.
2. Write Scenes Out of Order
If you have a premise, you’ve already got scenes in your mind. Don’t wait until you get to chapter 18. Write that scene now. You can always revise it when you catch up to that point and it gives you something to develop toward. To expand on this technique, when you’ve written the scene, ask yourself, “What happened just before this?” or “What does this scene lead to?”
3. Put disparate characters together and have them have a conversation
Often, we write secondary characters who take a more subdued role in the plot. But what would happen if your protagonist’s best friend had a conversation with the main antagonist? Or if the antagonist’s agent of destruction came upon the protagonist’s love interest? In my experience, these conversations frequently produce more depth in your secondary characters and almost always it’s something you weren’t expecting.
4. Play with Genre Tropes
What have you chosen to write? Urban fiction? SciFi? Fantasy? You already know what your reader expects you to write, and what the plot ahead holds for them. How can you twist it? Sometimes the simplest thing you mentioned in chapter one can be the linchpin of a great plot twist.
5. Study Film
It’s no accident that some of the most astounding stories have been told through film. Quite simply, movie companies invest heavily in every aspect of their production and hire some of the best writers around. Yes, it’s a visual medium and has some advantages over prose. But the main lesson with movies is in the structure of the stories they tell. Here’s a good example: when I was writing a fairytale novel, I wanted to stay true to the classic story structure. One afternoon I was watching the comedy, Galaxy Quest, taking careful notes on the structure. I realized the story structure mapped very closely to what I was doing in the fairytale. It was comforting to see this, and it also gave me some ideas on how to approach the ending.
Most importantly: NaNoWriMo is a thrilling if exhaustive experience, and I urge you to immerse yourself in it completely. Write with utter abandon, delve deep for concepts that will give you the next 2000 words, and try new things like you’re a Mad Scientist in a hurry. We all know that what you end up with is a messy creation. But you will find you have given yourself a great gift.
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Vee James is a cross-genre author who loves to write comedies, fairytales, and YA supernatural. He participated in NaNoWriMo for ten years in a row, writing over a half-million words, and it led to nine NaNo novels plus two more non-NaNos. Out of this work, he’s published four novels, with a fifth nearing completion. If interested, visit his site at www.veejames.com and leave a message. He loves to talk to writers of all kinds. Vee's photo by A. Roger Hammons Photo by Daniel Álvasd on Unsplash
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markantonys · 5 months
You saw the leak huh? Mat might go to Tanchico instead of the Waste in s3
i hadn't seen it until i got this ask! i looked it up and here's the source: WoTUp video. usual disclaimer that these are leaks so may not be 100% reliable, although i thiiiiink WoTUp has a pretty good track record for accurate leaks. UPDATE: they actually have a spotty track record with leaks and have reported false ones before (such as that faile would be in s2), so we should definitely be taking this one with a grain of salt!
to summarize the video, the only new piece of info is that mat, thom, and min were (allegedly) spotted filming scenes with elayne and nynaeve for the tanchico storyline. (he also says that elayne, nynaeve, liandrin, ispan, and moghedien were spotted filming for that storyline, which is of course not surprising!) HOWEVER, he says that he has no idea where in the season these scenes fall or whether it means mat is *exclusively* part of the tanchico storyline in s3, so at this point we can't say mat is 100% spending the entire season in tanchico instead of the waste - there's still a chance that he's in the waste for a portion and tanchico for another portion.
now, time to speculate! full book series spoilers below. this will be long because my mind is going a mile an hour!
fact #1: mat's hanging and missing eye were foreshadowed multiple times in season 2
fact #2: in this podcast interview, donal referred to mat's season 2 knifestick as a "makeshift ashandarei" (it could be he was just speaking with book knowledge about what a real ashandarei is, but to me it implies that show!mat will also be getting a real ashandarei. besides, the greatest general of the age inarguably needs a better permanent weapon than a knifestick!)
these facts make me still very confident that we will be getting at least 1 Mat Doorway Trip in the show. but that doesn't necessarily guarantee he'll go to the waste - it could happen anywhere. rhuidean is the book version, but falme has a "room of curiosities" per season 2, and tanchico has a museum thingy per the books, so there are several options for where mat could come across a doorway.
unless they're changing the doorway aspect of the moiraine vs. lanfear showdown (which i don't have any reason to believe they will, especially given mat's missing eye foreshadowing, which indicates moiraine will still get trapped in the finn realm and mat will rescue her), then there needs to be a doorway in whatever location the two of them find themselves in at the end of season 3 (or at least that's my best guess for when the showdown will take place). and i doubt moiraine would get over to tanchico, or that she would've carted a doorway from falme to the waste, so a rhuidean doorway for that plotline still feels the most plausible for me. however, there could be multiple doorways in the show, as there are in the books, so mat could go through a different one. so this entire point actually may be moot then, i guess haha but i will keep it in here nonetheless!
here are the overall options i can think of right now - note that i'm assuming only 1 Mat Doorway Trip for now to keep things simpler, but it's not impossible that he might still have 2 trips like he does in the books.
#1: mat goes through a doorway in falme at the beginning of the season (and gets cpr from rand, who went to the doorway to get his own answers)
-> #1A: mat is told by Falme Finn to go to the waste and does so, but partway through the season he heads over to tanchico (perhaps to fetch elayne at rand's behest because of rumors of trouble in caemlyn)
-> #1B: mat is told by Falme Finn to go to tanchico, and he never goes to the waste at all
#2: mat initially accompanies the tanchico crew of his own volition and goes through a doorway there (and gets cpr from someone who is not rand), and he never goes to the waste at all
#3: mat initially accompanies the tanchico crew of his own volition and goes through a doorway there, but he gets spit out of it in rhuidean (and gets cpr from rand, who has conveniently just emerged from his glass columns trip)
#4: mat initially accompanies the waste crew of his own volition and goes through a doorway in rhuidean, but he gets spit out of it in tanchico (and gets cpr from someone who is not rand)
i will be more crushed than you could ever comprehend if Cauthor CPR doesn't make it into the show in SOME way haha but i will start girding my loins now for the possibility (although i do still think it could happen). and no matter what happens, at least we'll always have Cauthor Homoerotic Stabbing Feat. Extended Cradling!
in all honesty, mat doesn't really Do that much in the waste plotline aside from his doorway trip. i would be incredibly sad to lose out on bonding time with rand and egwene (yet thrilled to get mat-elayne-nynaeve bonding - when god closes a door, he opens a window!), but in terms of mat's overall long-term story arc, there isn't anything for him in the waste arc that MUST take place in the waste, i don't think?
but on the other hand, if they're going to add him into the tanchico storyline, they have to have a good reason for it - it can't just be for the sake of having fun shenanigans and bonding with elayne and nynaeve. so of course, my immediate supposition is that this would be absorbing the ebou dar plotline and thus that the ultimate purpose of mat going to tanchico would be to meet tuon.
and honestly................that's a REALLY good idea! i've said a million times over that tuon and her relationship with mat need to be introduced much earlier in the show than they are in the books in order to have enough time for proper development, so combining the wondergirls' two different trips to seanchan-infiltrated west-coast cities into one trip and thereby having mat meet tuon by the end of season 3? that could be a very clever adaptational choice. we know so so little about season 3 so far that i really don't want to get myself stuck into any assumptions THIS soon haha so i'm going to try not to get to hung up on this idea, but i do feel pretty strongly that the best reason (and perhaps the ONLY good reason?) to add mat into the tanchico storyline is if they want to combine it with ebou dar and use it as tuon's introduction. and this would also work very well with mat's doorway trip, because he'd be getting his marriage prophecy in the same season as he meets tuon (though he and/or the audience may or may not not become aware of it until a future season).
but what would a season 3 mat-tuon meeting mean for future seasons? maybe they would just cross paths this season, then go their separate ways for some individual arcs and cross paths again later for the romance to begin. or maybe tuon would get caught up in mat's plotline for season 4 and potentially beyond.
(i do worry that making mat & tuon meet THIS soon could mean they believe they need to aim for the 5-season model instead of the full 8 because i'm not sure what tuon would do for 5 more seasons after this, but i'm already so far out on the limb of speculation here that i don't want to go any further until we know more! and they could certainly invent plenty of stuff for tuon to do seeing as she did not do SHIT in the books and desperately needs to lmao the seanchan heir being a channeler is something that is huuuuuuugely rife with story potential.)
going back to mat, let's think a little about HIS future storylines, in the scenario of him meeting tuon by the end of s3. i think the only other major pre-ebou-dar thing he needs to do is form the band of the red hand, which could be shuffled around to after meeting tuon instead of before. there's lots of possibilites for it - all mat needs to do is participate in a battle where a lot of other people are also fighting. maybe the seanchan try to invade tanchico, and he rallies the locals to protect the city. maybe in season 4 he carts tuon along with him back into rand's plotline, where he forms the band during one of the many City-Conquering Rand Battles the show has available to choose from (cairhien, tear, illian, caemlyn). i do feel hopeful that even IF tanchico stands in for ebou dar, it won't be the point of mat splitting off from rand & the main gang for the entire rest of the series never to return like ebou dar was in the books. especially because he barely does anything of story significance between ebou dar & moiraine rescue heist, so it wouldn't be hard to just move up the schedule of his & tuon's meeting and then return him to his TFOH/LOC storyline.
(............which again makes me worry they're aiming for 5 seasons total because what would MAT do for 4 more seasons if everything but the moiraine rescue heist is accomplished by the end of s4? but, again, don't want to go too far out on the limb of speculation. and 8 seasons has always been a very very lofty goal in today's era of television, so getting 5 would still be wonderful! and so much of books 7-13 is filler & sidequests that i think they could absolutely tell the most important parts of the story satisfyingly in only 5 seasons.)
@butterflydm and i have also speculated that elayne & nynaeve could potentially reunite with the waste crew by the end of s3 or early in s4, in order to give them some bonding time with those characters (particularly rand & aviendha and lan, respectively). so, if mat is in tanchico with them, maybe he could come along! maybe rather than getting split up in a seanchan attack, mat and the girls all kidnap tuon and flee the city together, and make their way back to the rest of the gang.
and finally, on a different note, min's presence in tanchico. intriguing! my first thought was that maybe liandrin kidnaps her from cairhien because she finds out min knows she's in cahoots with ishamael and doesn't want min to snitch, and that's how min ends up in tanchico. this would prooooobably mean she skips the tower coup plotline entirely, which i think is okay because siuan, elaida, gawyn, leane, and possibly logain would probably be enough to anchor that plotline for us. it would also give min the bonding time with elayne & nynaeve she didn't have time for in season 2, and if my tuon speculations are correct, then potentially min would enter her orbit this early as well, which would be interesting. rescuing siuan in the coup is The Only Thing min does in 14 books so it would be funny if the show cut it djkfjg but they can (and already have) invent new stuff for her to do instead, and honestly, min doesn't really fit in with the coup & salidar plotlines that well anyway since she isn't a stakeholder in anything relating to the white tower - none of that stuff truly MATTERS to her character, she just happens to be present for it. so IF she doesn't end up being in that plotline in the show, not a huge loss imo (though of course, she could still make her way to the tower later on, or maybe she starts in the tower but then siuan sends her to tanchico to investigate liandrin or something).
anyway, i think i've reached the end of my speculation for now, although i'm sure i'll think of more stuff later! in conclusion, this is my current mood:
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ax-killjoy · 1 year
☆ You’ve got me
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synopsis ! 𖦹 : No matter how much you wish to hate Lo’ak, he’s got you wrapped around his finger.
note ! 𖦹 : this is based off of the 1944 theatre podcast called Dangerously Yours. it’s a beautiful podcast. <3 based of the phrase : “I hate that man ! I hate him !! but oh Cara Mia, how i love him.”
Lo’ak Sully x Gn!Reader
PART 2 !! (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
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“You should tell him. you know.” You hear Kiri say, snapping you back to reality. You look at her with a confused gaze, but she just lets out a breathy laugh and shakes her head.
“Lo’ak, you should tell Lo’ak. You’ve been staring at him like he made the stars.” Kiri says, and you sigh. Turning back to gaze at him, watching as Tsireya and him interact. His eyes bore into hers, his eyes like leafs shining against sunlight, staring at her. He smiles brightly, and as if he knew. He looks at you and Kiri’s direction causing you to squeak in surprise.
Kiri let’s out a loud laugh, “shut up !!! Kehe !” you sputtered, slapping her arm as she continues to giggle. You turn back, Lo’ak still looking at you, and he waves. You blush slightly, waving back.
。:.゚ஐ⋆* !!
you sat outside the pod, listening to the waves crash, the soft rustling of the leaves, the snores of the ilu. You know you should be sleeping inside, like the rest of the Sully family but you couldn’t help it, thoughts ran rampant in the forest of your mind. You lost yourself in your head, daydreaming.
The nights blended together as you lived here, even though you experienced more teasing than you did in the forest. You found yourself hanging out with people you actually found comfort in. Though you were attached to Kiri by the hip, sometimes Rotxo would come by and hang out with you, and sometimes Tsireya would too.
oh Eywa. Tsireya. Daughter of Tonowari, the Olo’eyktan. She was beauty, the pure definition. When you first saw her, giggling at Lo’ak. You were sure that Eywa was picking favorites. She caught Lo’ak attention with just a simple gaze, attention you prayed to have. Some might call you jealous but it was something different. Insecurity.
You had spent all your childhood growing up with the Sully family, and yet you couldn’t even get Lo’ak to look at you the way she did.
You and Lo’ak were born around the same time. After your birth, your mother had sadly passed, and only 9 years after that, your father went MIA. Jake Sully swore to take you in, as you had already been hanging around his kids for so long. You were basically family, growing up with them in that way too. As you grew older, you started to change and your emotions for others became different. The moment you knew what a crush was, and could identify the churning in your stomach when seeing Lo’ak, you had spent more of your life hanging out with him. Being around him, trying to express your feelings. Each time he would simply tease you, and though he only joked. It simply brought a bitter taste to your mouth.
And now, you come here to the reefs to seek refuge. And within seconds Lo’ak is following around the chief’s daughter like a lost dog. Begging to be seen, to talk, to impress her. Your stomach feels like it’s clenching, your heart hurts at the sight. You hug yourself in insecurity, you look away everytime. Maybe if you looked away long enough, you could dream that the way Lo’ak looked at Tsireya, was the way he looked at you.
“Y/N ?”
You snap out of your thoughts, turning back to see Kiri and Neteyam. Neteyam seemed just as awake as you, whilst Kiri wiped her eyes tiredly. “What are you doing up so late, flower ?” Neteyam asks, crouching next to slowly moving positions to sit down. Flower, the nickname Lo’ak gave you. The nickname everyone uses, and the nickname Lo’ak stopped using as you got older.
“Yeah, you should be sleeping like the rest of us. I miss home, but the Pod is pretty comfy.” she says, making you and neteyam chuckle. She moves to sit next to you, on the other side of you. The warmth both Kiri and Neteyam radiate off their bodies make you feel warm, yet so small. your ears turn back, and you look down.
“Just needed some time to think.” You whisper, as if it was something to be ashasmed of. Maybe it was. You feel Neteyam pull you closer, you lean against him, “Is that about my baby bro ?” he asks, you perk up. Kiri and Neteyam immediately know the answer.
“I-“ you didn’t know what to say, instead you sigh and nod. It feels pathetic know that you’ve admitted to it. You let your head fall onto Neteyam’s shoulder. Seeking comfort, “He makes me feel so Weak, Nete. So insecure, so pathetic.” You say softly, Kiri’s brows furrow. “He’s so beautiful, a free spirit. He is allowed to like whoever he wants, when he want. He is son of Toruk Makto, he should be with someone that loves him unconditionally.” you sputter, catching your breath. “But it makes me hate it so much, how dare he catch my heart and trap it in his hands. I’ve fallen for a boy who does not see me, Nete. How pathetic is that ?” You release a bitter laugh, Neteyam hums. His voice rumbling his body, he soothes you more.
But you bite your lip, trying not to spill tears. “I hate that man ! I hate Lo’ak!” you say, angrily clenching your hands. You clench so hard your knuckles to a light blue almost white, you hand slightly shakes. But soon you sigh, releasing your anger. You slump back into Neteyam’s touch. Neteyam’s soothing hand and kiri’s tail wrapping around you in comfort. “But oh, Ma Yawne. How i love him.” You struggle.
“Oh Syulang. It’s going to be ok.” Neteyam coos, trying to comfort you in anyways you can. “it will ok, Syulang. If Lo’ak doesn’t see you, there is someone out there that will.” Kiri says, comforting you. “Literally, I saw Rotxo giving you stares last training.” He says, and you laugh sniffling. Leaning into the comfort of Neteyam and Kiri.
But behind you, watching from the marui. Was a young Na’vi, with sharp dark furrowed eyebrows and bright lime green eyes. His ears perked at the sound of you, his tail swishing in yearning. A boy who’s heart hurts at the sight of you laying in his brother’s arms, as you release a love confession for him. He watches you with love, a bittersweet taste in his mouth. He hates seeing you in such a state, but at least he knows that the love he shares is mutual.
♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪✧ !! translations !
Ma Yawne - My Beloved
Syulang - Flower
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sugar-omi · 5 months
could i possible request fem!cove and fem MC?? just little head canons both sfw and nsfw! i have nothing entirely specific in mind but just anything that you'd like 😊
THE SMILE ON MY FACE *KICKS FEET* HEHE OF COURSE YOU CAN eta now that im done: this is a big mindless, nonsense ramble i. im sorry. i was having the biggest gay panic of my life thinking abt her LMFAO 💀💀
tags : SFW + NSFW, fem/afab cove and reader, oral (cove receiving, reader receiving ment), menstruation ment,
synopsis : me losing my mind over fem!cove 🏌️
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she's not much different to cove already ofc
but in my head she shines so bright omfg...
i like to imagine she's buff no matter what
washboard abs, toned arms and thighs...
but then think abt studious!cove
i want her to be soft....
bitta tummy, thighs perfect to wrap around your head... just squishy
so torn between the two. pls i can't she's PERFECT
either way, strong enough to pick you up
if big n buff she princess carries you all the time
if you do the same back tho, once you put her down she can't stand on her feet
she's swooning. actually falling. she's in love....
ah. you two going shopping and you seeing a dress n getting it for her....
she wears it on your next date, all shy and cute because she doesn't wear dresses often
dies if you give her attention over it, especially if you make a risque comment- she can't handle it
definitely lets you put makeup on her, she's just not good so if you are, please help...
once you see her in lip gloss for the first time, please kiss her and make a comment like "your lips looked so delicious, i couldn't help it" or "i like that color on you, do you think it'd suit me too?"
and then make it a habit bc now she's buying many lip glosses so you can kiss her silly <333
back to the doesn't wear dresses/skirts often thing
i think she's very active
always in shorts, t-shirt, tank top...
i wanna put her in a 2 piece suit
nice black slacks and a vest
the vest accentuating her chest because of it's low cut..
but i'd most likely to put her in a pretty dress for the ORCA dinner
does her best to dress up, even gets a bit of help from randy bc she is definitely a bit lost when it comes to fashion
but when you see her she literally knocks the breath outta you
she IS the prettiest girl in the world
ohhh her in the low light of the dinner, the blue lights just making her look so magical
pls she's everything to me
if your shirt is big n baggy on her she looks so cute...
although if your clothes run smaller or she's in a crop top/tight shirt....
imma save that for NSFW...
if you like painting your nails, she'll match!!!
isn't good at keeping them from getting chipped, but she does her best
omfg so i've seen some people say that their periods sync with their girlfriends (me n my bestie are always synced istg!!!!)
that's you and cove
you two usually know that if you got it, the other got theirs or is getting theirs
even if you get on birth control or have say pcos or smth like that that causes your periods to be irregular/disappear, pls still comfort n hang out w her!!!
i think hers is quite irregular as well so sometimes she's the one comforting you
now im projecting af, but when she gets it it's heavy!!!
not projecting but she definitely cramps, sometimes worse than others
either way, she loves cuddling up together and watching movies and stress eating snacks with you
anyway moving on before i add smth else<3333
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still a professional pussy eater !!!
(i watch this podcast and i need yall to see *this clip bc i just wanna say.... cove would definitely eat pussy to the bone. he's a DAWG!!!!)
probably even better at navigating your cunt since it's familiar territory
she does her damnedest to NOT wear a bra, usually wears a sports bra
but again, she prefers no bra <3
and sometimes she gets away with it
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but i love the idea of her waking up, her shirt all wrinkled and crooked, making it more fitting than it already is.
you can't focus on your cereal because she's shuffling towards you, nipples straining against the thin fabric.
cove flopping next to you on the couch, stealing bites of your cereal. and before she knows it, you kissed her breathless and all but snatch her shirt off, enticed by the rise and fall of her chest.
cupping cove's tits in your hands, she's so soft, and cove let's out the prettiest whimper when you brush your fingers over her nipples
if you suck on her chest, you get an even better reaction, cove rewarding you with loud moans and desperate calls of your name.
her hands in your hair, legs shaking and thighs clenching around you, totally ruined when you slip your hand into her sleep shorts, your fingers running over her darling clit.
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she's cute<333
ah. i had a thought that i wanted to share earlier hehe
double sided dildo w cove....
holding hands while you both fuck back on the toy, cove hooking her legs over yours and getting as close as possible to play with your chest and kiss you..
ohh but would love if you got on top, the toy hitting both of you so deep inside, cove's body bouncing from the force of your hips
oh my fucking god.
she's a squirtter
arghh imma lose my MIND
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imagine the first patreon moment, and you have her laid out all pretty in her bed, her legs over your shoulders and a hold on her thighs to keep her from crushing your head.
her thighs trembling in your hold, feet bumping against your back and she's clawing at the sheets, whining and moaning so pretty about how your tongue feels so good, low curses slipping from her lips...
tries pushing you away, tears in her eyes.
"y/n- oh god.. wait, i'm- imma make a mess!" she whimpers, throwing her head back when you just suck on her clit more intensly, your fingers curling against her spongy walls, loud squelches coming from your ministrations.
would make such a mess, the covers under her butt getting soaked in her fluids, it's even running down your neck and chest, a sight she has to tear her eyes away from when she finally comes down from her high.
would look so pretty too, her eyes rolled back and thighs trembling, back arching up and she'd fuck back on you, milking her orgasm and whimpering from any minor touch to her sensitive body..
oh and she'd peek at you through wet, spidery lashes, her pretty blues look so brilliant and darling even with the low light of the room and once she stops covering her face with her arm/fingers, you can see the bright blush on her face.
jfc she'd be such a sight, you might have to do her again just to make sure you don't forget it.
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sweetingseva · 8 months
Everything to Know About ACFTL ☺️💕📚
Hello, everyone!
With A Curse For True Love coming out next week, I thought maybe creating a compile list of what everything we will be expecting might be helpful to those who want a refresher.
However, if you don't want to be reminded of any of the details that have been shared and want to go in blind, that's cool, too!
All of the information that I have gathered has been from all of the IG AMA's stories, comments, replies, and some from podcasts.
Slight spoilers. Quick refresher below.
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Stephanie hasn’t been nice writing this book, but let’s see if the torture is well worth it in the end.
There’s this scene that corresponds to these emoji: 🛏😮🩸🚪🩸🩸🩸😱🍎👑
There are three POVs: Evangeline, Jacks, and Apollo
The answer to why Jacks eat apples is in the book, but according to B&N site, we might get the answer to everything about him!
Q: is there a scene you’ve written that’s made you tear up? A: “So many scenes have made me cry—I don’t tear up, I sob, and writing this series has made me cry a lot more than the Caraval series 💘😭 But don’t be too scared—I’ve put a lot fun scenes in this book. Although, my defintion of fun is a little twisted. 🤭”
Q: Do you already have a favorite scene in “A Curse For True Love”? A: Usually I have favorites but with this book I love every scene. I keep telling my editor to let me know if I’ve gone too far with this story because I’ve had so much fun writing. I keep fearing I must be doing something wrong. 🖤”
There will be more LaLa and Chaos scenes, and apparently Stephanie has gotten carried away with them lol
There will be a few more scenes in the Hollow!!!! YAAYYY!
Her favorite scene has something to with these emojis: 🌳🫀🔥
Stephanie has cried the last time she had read ACFTL.
Q: what’s your favorite scene out of all the books in this series: A: “This is so tough. There’s a scene in CURSE that made me cry and it’s probaly my favorite 💔”
Q: can you tell us who the bonus content povs will be? A: “For B&N and Waterstones, the bonus content is in Eva’s POV. 🦊”
My speculation from the answer above, but this makes me think that the Owlcrate’s edition will be Jacks’s POV if not Evangeline’s.
Q: did u know how acftl would end early on? or did it change as you wrote it? A: “It changed! In January, I hit a wall with the book and after talking with my critique partner @/staceyleeauthor, I realized that I had taken the story in the wrong direction. So I went back, I rewrote, I changed the plot, and I changed a large portion of the ending. This is part of the reason why the book’s publication date was changed from Sept to Oct.”
Q: What three songs come to mind when you think of Evangeline and Jacks? A: “Ooh! It’s hard to pick just three. Here are a few that came to mind first: 1. The Archer by Taylor Swift, 2. You’re Losing Me by Taylor Swift, 3. Religiously by Bailey Zimmerman”
Q: Do you pick the audiobook narrators for your books? A: “I did! @/macmillan.audio is wonderful. They’ve always given me a choice in narrators. The amazing @/rebeccasoleri has narrated all of my audiobooks (so she’s an easy choice). Then for ACFTL I got to choose a second narrator for the Jacks and Apollo chapters and he is also fantastic ❤️”
IMPORTANT TO KNOW ‼️: Q: are there actually multiple copies of acftl with different endings? A: “The book only has one official ending. Which I think is the best ending. However, there are three editions that bonus material in the form of 3 alternate epilogues. The books with bonus epilogues are: 1. Barnes and Noble/Indigo exlusive edition 2. the Waterstones exclusive, 3. the Owlcrate edition. P.S. These 3 bonus epilogues are not canon, they are just for fun! P.P.S. if you get all three, I recommend reading in the order that I shared in this post 😉”
The third map has new locations, along with old ones we have seen like: Merrywood Manor, Merrywood Village, Merrywood Forest, Wolf Hall, Ye Olde Brick Inn: Vacancy One Bed, The Phoenix Tree, Cursed Forest, Tree of Souls, and The Hunt.
ACFTL has 49 chapters with an epilogue. It only has one part titled, IV. Happily Ever After.
The dedication that was revealed says, “For anyone who’s ever hoped for a second chance.”
The tree on the front cover is very important.
ACFTL’s logline: Two villains, one girl, and a deadly battle for happily ever after.
The three words that Stephanie used to describe the book is: Heart-stealing, emotionally-devastating, and painfully romantic.
Stephanie shared the Pinterest board, which could be found here! Some very good hints in there!
The UK editions of ACFTL will have hidden covers. There are four of them and they are: an apple, Jacks’s dagger, a fox paw print, and a wolf in a flower crown.
Fairyloot edition has a special front and back cover that says, "The Greatest Love Story Ever Told: Evangeline Fox and The Prince of Hearts" and "The Greatest Love Story Ever Told: Evangeline Fox and Apollo Acadian."
Quotes Shared:
“Remember, Little Fox.”
“If you stop fighting, you lose.” His hand moved up to her throat and she felt the cool brush of his dagger against her skin. Evangeline went very still. “ Never imagine you’re safe.” The tip of his blade drew a line over her pulse. Her breath caught. She felt him smile against her jaw.
(Possible Quote) “You have no sense of self-preservation. If someone labeled a bottle with poison you would drink it. You take warnings as invitations. You can’t seem to stay away from all the things that will hurt you … like me.”
Evangeline needed something familiar, something to hold onto that would keep her from collapsing back to the ground. Apollo looked at her as if he wanted to be that. He made her think of a hero from a fairytale.
(Page 21) “No.” “No.” “No.” (Page 100) He wanted a piece of her. (Page 213) “You can’t just tie people up and whisk them to wherever you want them.”
Apollo hated apples.
He enjoyed inflicting pain, not receiving it. And yet he couldn’t bring himself to leave the shadows of Evangeline’s bedroom.
“I’m glad you came.” “I’ll always come. Even when you don’t want me to.”
He wanted a piece of her. To keep her. To use her for later.
“What are you to me?” she asked. His eyes locked with hers. “Nothing.”
“Im the one who will never let anyone harm you again.”
“I’m your monster.”
He considered setting the room ablaze just so that he’d have a reason to pick her up and carry her out, to save her one last time, before he left her for good.
“This will hurt.”
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misscammiedawn · 8 months
"Your mind makes it real"
So I was watching the new Folding Ideas video on meme stock and how a cult formed around a number of ideologies regarding financial systems and short selling.
I like watching videos like this. Dan Olsen does a number of good videos on different online conspiracies such as Flat Earth and NFTs and then you have HBomb doing the same thing with anything from Colecovision to the war on christmas and alt right grifts.
And whenever I research these sociological trends I become uncomfortably aware of the fact that I exist within one of these little closed circles. (Well, more than one given the communities and support groups around psychology and mental health, but I'm here to talk about Kink today)
Hypnosis, especially within our community, is entirely held up by a series of beliefs with an internal language that creates a massive divide between those in the know and those out of the know and it literally only works because we believe it works.
In many ways what we do is as much sociology as it is psychology.
And I kind of that it's okay for that to be true so long as we all occasionally remind ourselves of that fact and never abuse the power we each possess as authors of that shared narrative, because much like under hypnosis our hypnotees are suggestible and need to have care in what we provide to their open mind, educators within the community have an eager and open audience that stretches further than we know and regardless of intent, our beliefs and teachings will become their facts and reality as surely as had we have programmed a hypnotee to believe them as they wake on the count of 1--2--3!
Okay. Let me break this up a little.
Does this mean I think hypnosis is fake and we're all just going along with it?
One of my partners and I have had conversations about subjectivity in both hypnosis and mental health spaces before and we hate that one of the most approachable quotes comes from an author that leaves a bad taste in our mouths.
"Of course it's all happening in your head [...] why on Earth should that mean it's not real?"
One of the big differences between the online erotic hypnosis community and the NGH (National Guild of Hypnotists) who rue our existence is that we do not require legitimacy to function when they themselves exist in a half-truth state where when receiving both of my certifications it was impressed that we needed to perform an uneasy dance of providing services without practicing medicine because hypnotherapy is not licensed psychology in the same was that chiropractors are not performing medicine.
Within *certain portions* of hypnokink we are perfectly okay with the idea of being wrong and of sharing ideas.
Wiseguy said it best in his class "The best induction is the one that works" and what works works because it is effective in that moment between that particular hypnotist and that particular hypnotee.
Likewise, the more educated a person becomes, the more effective hypnosis becomes. Understanding trance is a tool to achieve it faster. Even a cold hypnotee who is being introduced for the first time receives an education via pre-talk which we tend to believe is more important than the induction itself.
You know what I mean when I talk about pretalk, right?
"We all go in and out of hypnosis multiple times a day" "Highway hypnosis" "Flow state"
These are all real and observable things and we can view hypnosis impacting a mind on an EEG.
Hell even Oh No Ross and Carrie (a podcast where they join insular communities with intent to learn if they are cults/grifts) did an episode on hypnosis and conceded that the principals of suggestibility, hypnotic state and conditioning are all just... how the brain works... and that you can't really dive into fact/fiction when it's essentially telling a person to do something and they either do it or they don't.
It's not mind control. It's suggestion and even within our circles we all agree that mind control is a fantasy.
So I guess... it's as real as we all agree it to be.
The issue is that group agreement of all the little elements is held up by The Community as a whole and... maybe we should talk about the vulnerabilities at play there.
What do I mean when I talk about insular communities?
Recently I read a REALLY good line on a quote on Twitter that speaks to what I mean here:
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And this is what I mean when I talk about belief systems inside and outside of the community. It's a good post as I firmly agree with what it communicates.
The Online Hypnosis Community is a term with no specific borders. In my reality it's the orbit that happens to take place around those who are known, trusted and teach at the primary US erotic hypnosis convention circuit.
However I know that in reality the online hypnosis community contains multiple pools and factions that I either strictly ignore, such as ones surrounding dangerous figures like NeuralNets and Nimja or ones I am not close to, like local kink scenes for cities across the world including those where English is not a first language or mlm communities where I do not really have a place, to niche pockets such as the furry hypnosis community, dronekink and even the tiny little subniches such as Empty Spaces and HDG which have splintered off into entire little separate universes with their own language and core beliefs.
For the most part this is a beautiful thing. What I'm describing is no less a divide between interests as being a member of the "Video game horror" scene and not visiting the niches of Indie Game Horror, Japanese Horror, creepypasta mods and such.
Every community has pockets like this.
But the more specific and tight a community becomes, the more "insular" it is. Language and widely held beliefs begin to gather in tighter pressurized windows. One need only look at how brainwashing and conditioning are viewed collectively in darker corners to see the difference and this is to make nothing of things like political and social beliefs in certain corners.
In those dark corners "You can't be hypnotized to do anything you don't want to do" is an essential lie WITHIN their insular community so that they can maintain a degree of plausible deniability and power over their people.
So what's your point?
That is the question, isn't it?
I guess the answer to that is... "always question what you believe, why you believe it and don't assume everyone around you does or should think the same thing."
When discussing red flags in the community on Discord and Twitter with other educators, I've always said the biggest red flag an educator can have is teaching that there is believing they have all the answers.
ALL OF US are working in this space from a belief system. An organic and living one which is impacted by our interactions with the kink, with one another and with the world around us.
No one individual in our community holds all the answers. Not me, not the authors of the manuals that we push, not Richard Nongard, Milton Erickson.
It also means we need not be defensive about our hobby and beliefs. Many will never accept what we do as actually having any basis in reality and that's okay. We're making spaces for play and some will just see us as overactive roleplayers who are tricking ourselves into believing things and to that I always say:
"You're dang right we are. That's the point."
It's not magic. It's not hard science. It's just belief, confidence and a willing to play along.
I could bust out the EKG studies or describe the altered states of consciousness and I will ALWAYS preach how suggestible a person is in and out of hypnosis and the dangers of what we do because those dangers are real and present. But at the end of the day, I want to take a moment and evaluate "what if I'm wrong?"
And the correct answer to that is "will I or someone else be hurt by my ignorance or misaction" and act accordingly.
But that's me. That's my belief system and I am aware of the fact that what we do is entirely built upon our belief that it works and that we are being safe and sane and fun.
That doesn't make me right. That doesn't mean I didn't learn some bad lessons.
It just means I want to keep doing better and I trust that the people around me are all doing the same. With hope of growing. Learning more about individuals and the community as a whole and trying to make this place better.
Because... if I stand in front of a room and teach a class that carries some bad ideas. They'll take seed.
And let me tell you something...
This community is FULL of bad ideas
I've been here since the early days. I was there when Warp My Mind and Wendi.com were the two sites that popped up when you went searching for files. I was there during the implosion of Inraptured and the transphobic meltdown of Isabella Valentine. I have witnessed hypnocon board after hypnocon board fall apart. I've seen scandals and dramas and chaos.
I was there when Bimbopolitic was outed as a CIA plant for fucks sake. Please don't ask follow-up questions. My head is still spinning from that saga of events.
and that inevitably means I have internalized some dumb shit in my day. I've been unlearning it as much as I can over the past 5-6 years. But it's there.
Likewise a lot of the books I read and grew up on are based on the beliefs of less than wonderful human beings. Milton Erickson is no rolemodel, but damned if his theories aren't worth looking at.
This is one thing I respect about sleepingirl's NLP Book. The conceit was to study what PUA instructors taught and see what could actually be used from an objective standpoint. Actually interrogate the beliefs of NLP from a "I don't know anything" standpoint.
If I have any point in my whole ramble of a post it's that. Approach learning things with the curiosity of someone who is willing to learn and doesn't know any better but with the wariness of someone who has been burned too many times and knows that there's bad actors all over and everything needs to be turned over a few times to examine.
At the end of the day I just want a safe community full of positive ideas and if there's one thing I've learned about hypnosis it is this "positive associations stick, negative suggestions are harder to ground"
Both in the good way and the bad. Unlearning things is hard.
Let's just be aware that we're all playing in the same sandbox. Share our tools and try to build something beautiful.
and never stop asking "...am I sure about this?"
*Shrug* Or don't. It's just a suggestion <3
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confirmeddead · 11 hours
I very much enjoyed reading your theories about Devil’s Minion so if you don’t mind I’ll add some thoughts? Would love to hear what you think! I’ve found some hints online - so there might be spoilers so feel free to skip obviously if you’d prefer!
1. I agree that if Daniel is turned it’s going to be Armand who does it. Nothing else really makes sense to me, especially since the show has emphasized the maker-fledgling bound to such an extent. Armand’s possessive tendencies have also revealed themselves already. If Armand wants Daniel to be turned, I don’t think he would feel comfortable having anyone else do it.
2. I don’t believe Daniel will be turned this season. Listening to EB on a podcast recently he made a comment, following explaining how wanting to play a vampire basically lead him to the show, about how on these shows almost everyone who is around vampires gets turned in the end. Which is true, but more importantly this kind of speculation and the way EB spoke about it made it sound like this hasn’t happened to Daniel yet. That he doesn’t actually know if and when Daniel is getting turned.
3. I do think however that Daniel might be bitten. Can’t really justify it, but I feel like something will happen to Daniel in the finale. Might be bitten by a vampire, maybe by Armand - maybe this triggers some more memories. Thus far Daniel’s memories have been triggered by similar noises/actions. In episode two when Louis started recounting the facts of a “shameful” memory this triggers Armand doing the same in San Francisco. In episode four Armand leaning forward and the noises of Louis slamming the binders of photos on the floor seem to heighten his memory of Armand walking around in that room/leaning towards him etc. I’ve seen some speculation about a medical event happening, but I’m unsure. I just feel something will happen…
4. When asked in an interview with the Nerdist EB replied when asked if viewers will see anything of Daniel and Armand’s complex relationship this season: ”We’re going to have to leave that to your imagination because there is a lot coming. But I guarantee there will be some cool stuff happening by the end of the second season”. And: “But, it’s also going to be heavy. There’s going to be a lot of heaviness.” This could just be the trauma and torture of episode five but I would say it seems to hint that something will happen in the season finale between them - or something will be revealed. The romantic in me think it’s revealed that they were in love, that some of Daniel’s memories of Armand has been mixed up with Alice and that the feeling freer in Paris thing might be about Daniel’s internalized homophobia. He felt freer in Paris because either it was long away from home (so no one would know him) or because Paris was less homophobic (not sure if accurate though). And Armand might have had someone who saw him at his worst but still loved him, i.e someone who loved and accepted him fully. The heaviness could then be the separation, be it due to Daniel’s addiction, want to be immortal, Armand believing him to be better off living a full life - or something completely different. All of this does however sound a little to wholesome in a way for iwtv tbh. So to adjust expectations, the comments could very well just be about Daniel’s trauma in episode five.
What do you think? Also, if you would speculate where do you think the show is going next with the DM relationship? What would you like to see? Thank you!
Hi! Thanks so much for sending your thoughts. Let’s discuss!
1. Yes! I think the majority know this will stay the same. They haven’t changed anyone’s maker as of yet so why start now?
2. No, he won’t be turned. I’ll reference Rolin’s words from last week when answering a question at the Texas panel. It seems a lot of stuff is up in the air regarding DM and he exasperated the point that it’s three books ahead. So, in saying this, we know he wants to do TVL for season 3 meaning QotD would be season 4 (possibly). Of course they could change things but I think he wanted to really drive home the point that they have a lot to do to get to the point of Daniel being turned.
3. Going back to one of my theories, I do think Daniel’s SF memories will be a big trigger for Louis. Learning the extent of what happened might really upset him (whether it was his attack on Daniel or what Armand proceeded to do). As for the sounds triggering memories, this is a great point! And it seemed every glance at Armand triggered Daniel’s memories.
So about the medical event… I’ve seen people theorize Louis will attack Daniel. I genuinely don’t think this will happen but if Daniel were to be hurt (book falling scene in trailers), I could see either Vampire rushing to his aid. I’d say only Armand would but I think Louis cares for him enough to help him.
4. Okay, so when I hear heaviness I hear trauma, I hear broken hearts, I hear a LOT. I think a lot of Daniel’s trauma will be addressed next episode or even episode 6, so what is left for the final two episodes? Revelations. The interview is ending, Armand and Louis’ relationship is probably ending, but the rest is kind of… unknown. The trial is happening episode 7 and the secrecy of the title of episode 8 and what even happens has my brain scrambled. The “surprise character” Rolin (?) mentioned appears at the end of the season is likely Lestat or someone else entirely.
So what’s left regarding Armand and Daniel? I think a lot of people want to see Armand as controlling and straight up evil, but in the books HE left Louis. He left Louis because his (Louis) passion for anything was gone and Armand knew there was nothing he could do to fix that and it was dead in the water. Who is there to turn to? The flame whose memories you erased? I could see Daniel comforting him and so begins the chase (again).
Of course that last part is just a theory but I think this is the “end of the season” event that might happen. Daniel is a different person now. The internalized homophobia of his youth is gone. He’s an old man with all the triggers that come with it. He’s twice divorced and an empty nester. What’s there to lose? I always go back to the first scene of Daniel and how bored and over it he was with his life.
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all-pacas · 3 months
ykw the most frustrating part of that is. that's not even how halsin IS. as someone who enjoys him, even if i agree that he probably didn't need to be elevated to companion - he in no way indicates he'd be paternalistic about sex! at every point he just. rolls with it. he's not gonna be explaining consent or stuff unless asked specifically, he's gonna assume his partner knows what they want and trust that they will tell him to stop or change something etc. 1/
And you could argue that could make an INTERESTING dynamic with someone who’s still working through finding what they actually do like, and I mean in the ‘causing interesting issues’ way, if you wanted to go there, but having him just be a dildo attached to a self-help podcast isn’t that. And like it's p clear that he's CHILL about sex, not a walking sex textbook. 2/ He brings up a poly relationship and if you mention you have a partner he’s just like yeah duh I wouldn’t do this without their permission? and YOU get to say if you’re willing to ask them about it, he doesn’t tell you to or not. Doesn’t give you a primer on poly and how to approach it or anything. 3/ not to mention he has his own Extremely Fucked Up backstory about sex that he has obviously a) come to terms with and b) reacted very differently to astarion, but he’s maybe the most likely to understand the need for sexual agency without explaining it in therapy speak. he's got wisdom as his highest stat for a reason 4/ hell, if you go in with him to the drow twins with gale he doesn't even get all uwu consent about gale nervous bamfing out he's just like ‘oh damn, was hoping you'd show us what that wizard mouth do. Anyway watch me fuck your girlfriend and join in if you like :D’. anyway sorry for this essay but damn it annoys me seeing people flatten what could be interesting into 'uwu sad prettyboy gets railed by buff carebear speaking like a tumblr post' /end
railed by buff carebear speaking like a tumblr post YES THAT EXACTLY THANK YOU
i had a tangent in the post i deleted for being too tangental, but since you're allowing me the excuse: i COULD see astarion/halsin in a - they're both lowkey horny. they hook up. like play with the dynamics, you know? they hook up and it's only later halsin finds out about astarion's Trauma (because while he's generally open that cazador was a Bad Time, he doesn't actually go around advertising the specifics). let HALSIN freak out. he remembers his own backstory here, he starts worrying he Took Advantage, he gets all the tumblr takes about it. let astarion - very reluctantly, you know he doesn't wanna play therapist - be the one to lay down the rules. declare his boundaries and horniness.
like there probably IS something you could do with that premise. as little as astarion is inclined to carry anyone's emotional baggage, he does repeatedly, with durge, state he wants to be an equal partner, to protect and not be protected. i can actually easily see him warming to the role of "being needed" - when has anyone ever relied on him? expected anything from him besides a warm body? mind you, he'd probably be terrible at it, but i can see that appealing to him.
hell, you can EVEN make a case that halsin hasn't accepted his backstory as well as astarion. he kind of laughs it off. oh, yeah, it happened, it's over! astarion is actually pretty self aware that he's fucked up and disassociates and forces himself through sex. you could actually have a lot of fun with that in a fanfic. have astarion go "oh, no, you're probably a bit fucked up about that, aren't you?" and halsin be like lol no i'm fine. let astarion be the weird paternalistic one for once, i'm saying. as a Treat.
anyway tl;dr i agree with you. i wrote my little rant about astarion because i feel like i Get the character better, but honestly the dynamic is a huge disservice to halsin, too. what if he doesn't want to be a therapist??? what if he's not into it??? what if he just wanted a hook up with the local pretty boy, huh????
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Hello again. I want to discuss AFO AUs. I thought of the second one after reading some of your recent fanfics where you have AFO's mom in them. 3 AFO AUs:
Truth Hurts More Than Lies:-Early in AFO's life, he's cursed by a quirk user who had a power that can place a single restriction on someone, permanently. He's no longer able to tell lies and must correct misunderstandings if he realizes them.
His radical honesty wins him more favors than before. As he can't be a hidden manipulator, he instead has the personality of a bombastic podcast host who says whatever is on his mind and his hot takes attract followers who think like him. Given he can't deceive, he's instead honest in all dealings and doesn't plot to betray people. Mommy Knows Best:-Aoyama is one of many children gifted copies of AFO's mom's quirk. AFO provides detailed instruction and training in mastering the quirk to people who receive it. In fact, this is a vector so she can take over the bodies of these kids and become his spies and enforcers. AFO runs an organization staffed primarily with copies of his mother.
A World Of Liberation:-Destro's mother finds baby Yoichi and AFO and raises them as her own kids along with Destro. After AFO foils an attempt to murder her, the three brothers decide enough is enough.
Yoichi, Destro, and AFO all have very different ideas of what the end game will look like once they've won, but they're leaders in the revolution.
1. Oh dear, people actually might like AFO more as an honest asshole. He'd be able to retain employee loyalty. Scary thought. AFO's biggest weakness is being unable to keep people loyal to him.
2. An evil mother and son duo! Also a scary option because AFO would not fear employee betrayal since he replaced everyone with his mother. Poor Aoyama. If this is Dad for One, I imagine the Shigaraki mother as Aoyama attending U.A. and acting weirdly grandmotherly over Izuku.
3. This is a really interesting one! With a Yoichi-Destro-AFO team-up, this could go better than canon. Or it could ultimately turn out worse, as their ideals inevitably clash and civil war erupts. At least Yoichi doesn't have to worry about Destro falling in love with him in this AU.
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(also what’s aasimar’s and aunties???? :o)
HI OK THE TAPES. also tagging @hermanunworthy cause i know you asked too :3
(slightly edited because i was completely incoherent when i sent this originally it was like 2 am)
so basically hermie is doing some fuckass shit, poking fun at normal and his teeny obsession or quoting the joker or something. doing classic hermie things. maybe even flirting w scary (which is canon now??? god i need money to listen to sophomore slump)
and normal just grabs hermie by the jacket and pulls him (way) down and kisses him (bc in my mind hermie is a lot taller than short king normal and it’s adorable - my favorite oakworthy pose to draw is herm using norm as an armrest i literally eat that height difference dynamic for breakfast lunch and dinner)
and it’s like. objectively the most awkward kiss ever and god it’s not good. neither of them have done this before but i mean when the voices compel you… but anyway normal lets hermie go and hermie is just windows bluescreening and like. incapable of moving. and normals really giddy now like hehehe ive wanted to do that for so long and it finally shut you up! maybe that means im getting to you with this whole teeny thing!!
and hermies just like. “that wasn’t in the script.” (i have literally imagined him saying that in EVERY kiss scenario i dream up to fall asleep to) and his face is RED bro and normals face is RED bro and they’re both like really awkward about it, but later they’re just like yeah no that was kind of a long time coming. because they are the mutual pining trope to ME!!! but also they both completely freeze up at acts of affection and normal gets super giddy every time and hermie secretly really likes riling him about it and AAAAAHH ANTHONY WHY DK YOU HATE ME
so yeah i got possessed and sent this to my poor friend who knows like. hardly any dndads <3
edit: forgot to add my delirious artists rendition:
Tumblr media
AASIMARS AND AUNTIES!!! MY BELOVED!!!!! so basically it’s a season 3/au thing! starring aunts from the podcast (either literally or because the vibe fits) who have to fix heaven after willy fucks it up. honestly the plot is not really fleshed out yet but eh. so it’s casey wilson, mark likely, and birdie oak for the canonical aunts, and ellory and erin o’niel for the “yeah they have that vibe” aunts!! also shaderin is canon <3
anaunts is the delusional depressed mind child of me, @thedndgoblinwholivesinyourwalls, and @koymoa !! :D
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aclickbaittitle · 6 days
Live blogging of the Podcast Jam's Pilots (Part 1):
First of all, I want to say congratulations to everyone who participated. Making a podcast is hard, making one with a time limit, through the internet, improbable but somehow possible.
1° The Ichorus Rot
I was so excited for this project and it did not dissapoint but went above. I was expecting something like the first few episodes of TMA, where Theodorus would read their findings and that would be it, but the team went ahead and produced a full-on radio play with 4 (?) voiced characters. That's incredible. I felt like I got a great introduction to each characters, and if you asked me to describe the personality of each I could. The sound design is gorgeous (i have so many questions of how they made that happened) and with the incredible soundtrack it puts you right in the setting and most importantly the mood.
It reminded me a bit of Sherlock Holmes, but with the great twist of making the detective a doctor.
There's just this one bit, I do understand the distortion as Theodore is talking into the recorder but it is a bit hard to understand (especially if you don't have headphones). This is just to say, I am asking for a transcript.
2° Beyond Repair
Oh no, doctor AIs. I really like the time they take to describe the ship, the camera/monitor details. Again I am astonished at the fact that this is again like an (radio) audio play.
What used to be canada? (What happened to canada!? Did it fell along with western civilazation, but then why is Italy still kicking?).
Oh shit, the AI has turned against them. Poor AI, I bet it is over worked.
I also really like the concept of a wellness cruiseship, because it allows a nice excuse to really get inside the characters mind.
3° The Garden of Baffling Beats
The audio is a bit low.
Uuu. Recent management change? Interesting.
Hey, give the Baseliks their own article piece, love the detail that they are shy.
Carnivorous cats!? That checks out. The journalist wants to pet them, jeje.
Also, werewolves? I love werewolves!
Really liked all the work that came in building the garden.
Aww, thanks for the shoutout.
4° World Fuse
Dont remember the name of the MC, but I too, repeat my order in my mind and then messed it up.
Aarush, thats their name. Also, Harlequeen August? (That is a statement name).
Yeah Aarush, no one trust the goverment for a good reason. So funny Queen and Aarush just started fliriting (?).
Is Queen an independent detective?
Idk if I like Indigo, but I am very intrigued by her. Aaa, candy is a lawyer. That explains things.
Wow, Queen, Aarush, stop fliritng, it is too funny.
Wait, queen is the fuse? I didnt really payed attention to the first exposition lines.
Aww, this very creepy voice is very protective, that is sweet.
I really like that most of the episode took place in a coffee/flower shop.
5° The Block
I really like the music.
Not gonna light the eq/reverb effects make it a bit difficult to understand.
Also, space, aliens, Tamareans!? Podcasting. I really like how podcasting is taboo in their culture, thats so funny.
Hey princess, stop being so harsh. You are alive arent you, dont matter if it is cartoonish.
Velma, he of the four trails and well known peneaut allergy. That is such a title, love it.
Humanoid form? They have humans!?
I really like the radio/cable format, is great to be able to jump between stories of very different moods.
I like the bear. I will watch the movie.
Ahg, re-runs. Donovan, you are the mentors of mentors.
I do hope they stick around. I did not understood half of it, but I loved it. Did i mention how good is the sound desing and the music. Amazing.
6° Schrödinger's Pledge
Oh good, water desing, its so cool. The sound design is so coool.
Better question, what is a sororety and a fraternity, and do I have those at my college? (I really hope not).
Uuu, they are childhood friends (?) Acuantainces (however you spell that word).
Love that Helen will jump in a pool just because.
Jared is like a good jock ?? Idk, but I like him.
Mentaly disturbed, such a weird way to say it. Oh shit, the ableism.
Her mom was a part of this sororety, thats so interesting.
Uuuuu, its through a line-phone that you contact the dead? So cool.
Also I really like how you could feel the Sority (?) lider walking around the room.
I am curious about how Helen's mom died. Uh, she died in the river and Helen jumps into a pool.
Oh no, poor Helen.
Oh, not her mom, ohhhh. Shes not dead...yet.
Okay, props to whoever desing this. So much water, its amazing.
Ohhh, and back to the begining, really nice circle.
Oh, toxic female friendships! Toxic female friendships!
Whoever sound-design this, please tell me your secrets.
Pagan Dupount, thats such a name. *A legacy must be paid*.
Wait, isnt Dupount also the name of the evil queen in miraculous? (Sorry).
Is Helen now going to be the Queen Bee? Jared is like "I have contacts".
As someone who loves the dark side of academia, I am in love with this. (Even if I still dont understand how fraternities work, like really, does anyone?).
7° Gavin's Window: Lost and Found
Right into the *ambience*.
"Is there a gift shop in the train station?" Asking the good question.
I really like how the sound design pulls you into the rttpg, like normally I dont listen to actual play or d&d stuff, but I think that this is a good getaway for me.
So Gavin is the GM. That is interesting.
Awww, I really like this candle story.
Uuuu, I want to know what Gavin saw. Are they human?
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