confirmeddead · 4 hours
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via andreadieznin on instagram
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confirmeddead · 4 hours
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Loved by god
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confirmeddead · 4 hours
i (145M) never told my husband (514M) that when we started dating i was vividly hallucinating our shared ex (262M) to the point that i was opening doors for him and feeling the air on my skin when he moved, and seeing him during intimate moments. the guy we're holding hostage and telling my life story to (70M) thinks this means i was schizophrenic, but i think it was fine and normal. AITA?
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confirmeddead · 4 hours
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late night sillies
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confirmeddead · 7 hours
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Yes, maître.
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confirmeddead · 15 hours
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I want you. I want you more than anything in the world. You sure about that, Arun? Yes, Maitre.
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confirmeddead · 15 hours
Feel like shit cause I know we could never get FKA Twigs as Akasha but what if?
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GIF credits @25rabbits
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confirmeddead · 16 hours
The only reason this scene irritated me is I was hoping current day Louis would at least try to explain his decision to not believe her..
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Chasing it! Chasing! Gotta be chasing it! Except he just threatened me with it!
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confirmeddead · 16 hours
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confirmeddead · 17 hours
I very much enjoyed reading your theories about Devil’s Minion so if you don’t mind I’ll add some thoughts? Would love to hear what you think! I’ve found some hints online - so there might be spoilers so feel free to skip obviously if you’d prefer!
1. I agree that if Daniel is turned it’s going to be Armand who does it. Nothing else really makes sense to me, especially since the show has emphasized the maker-fledgling bound to such an extent. Armand’s possessive tendencies have also revealed themselves already. If Armand wants Daniel to be turned, I don’t think he would feel comfortable having anyone else do it.
2. I don’t believe Daniel will be turned this season. Listening to EB on a podcast recently he made a comment, following explaining how wanting to play a vampire basically lead him to the show, about how on these shows almost everyone who is around vampires gets turned in the end. Which is true, but more importantly this kind of speculation and the way EB spoke about it made it sound like this hasn’t happened to Daniel yet. That he doesn’t actually know if and when Daniel is getting turned.
3. I do think however that Daniel might be bitten. Can’t really justify it, but I feel like something will happen to Daniel in the finale. Might be bitten by a vampire, maybe by Armand - maybe this triggers some more memories. Thus far Daniel’s memories have been triggered by similar noises/actions. In episode two when Louis started recounting the facts of a “shameful” memory this triggers Armand doing the same in San Francisco. In episode four Armand leaning forward and the noises of Louis slamming the binders of photos on the floor seem to heighten his memory of Armand walking around in that room/leaning towards him etc. I’ve seen some speculation about a medical event happening, but I’m unsure. I just feel something will happen…
4. When asked in an interview with the Nerdist EB replied when asked if viewers will see anything of Daniel and Armand’s complex relationship this season: ”We’re going to have to leave that to your imagination because there is a lot coming. But I guarantee there will be some cool stuff happening by the end of the second season”. And: “But, it’s also going to be heavy. There’s going to be a lot of heaviness.” This could just be the trauma and torture of episode five but I would say it seems to hint that something will happen in the season finale between them - or something will be revealed. The romantic in me think it’s revealed that they were in love, that some of Daniel’s memories of Armand has been mixed up with Alice and that the feeling freer in Paris thing might be about Daniel’s internalized homophobia. He felt freer in Paris because either it was long away from home (so no one would know him) or because Paris was less homophobic (not sure if accurate though). And Armand might have had someone who saw him at his worst but still loved him, i.e someone who loved and accepted him fully. The heaviness could then be the separation, be it due to Daniel’s addiction, want to be immortal, Armand believing him to be better off living a full life - or something completely different. All of this does however sound a little to wholesome in a way for iwtv tbh. So to adjust expectations, the comments could very well just be about Daniel’s trauma in episode five.
What do you think? Also, if you would speculate where do you think the show is going next with the DM relationship? What would you like to see? Thank you!
Hi! Thanks so much for sending your thoughts. Let’s discuss!
1. Yes! I think the majority know this will stay the same. They haven’t changed anyone’s maker as of yet so why start now?
2. No, he won’t be turned. I’ll reference Rolin’s words from last week when answering a question at the Texas panel. It seems a lot of stuff is up in the air regarding DM and he exasperated the point that it’s three books ahead. So, in saying this, we know he wants to do TVL for season 3 meaning QotD would be season 4 (possibly). Of course they could change things but I think he wanted to really drive home the point that they have a lot to do to get to the point of Daniel being turned.
3. Going back to one of my theories, I do think Daniel’s SF memories will be a big trigger for Louis. Learning the extent of what happened might really upset him (whether it was his attack on Daniel or what Armand proceeded to do). As for the sounds triggering memories, this is a great point! And it seemed every glance at Armand triggered Daniel’s memories.
So about the medical event… I’ve seen people theorize Louis will attack Daniel. I genuinely don’t think this will happen but if Daniel were to be hurt (book falling scene in trailers), I could see either Vampire rushing to his aid. I’d say only Armand would but I think Louis cares for him enough to help him.
4. Okay, so when I hear heaviness I hear trauma, I hear broken hearts, I hear a LOT. I think a lot of Daniel’s trauma will be addressed next episode or even episode 6, so what is left for the final two episodes? Revelations. The interview is ending, Armand and Louis’ relationship is probably ending, but the rest is kind of… unknown. The trial is happening episode 7 and the secrecy of the title of episode 8 and what even happens has my brain scrambled. The “surprise character” Rolin (?) mentioned appears at the end of the season is likely Lestat or someone else entirely.
So what’s left regarding Armand and Daniel? I think a lot of people want to see Armand as controlling and straight up evil, but in the books HE left Louis. He left Louis because his (Louis) passion for anything was gone and Armand knew there was nothing he could do to fix that and it was dead in the water. Who is there to turn to? The flame whose memories you erased? I could see Daniel comforting him and so begins the chase (again).
Of course that last part is just a theory but I think this is the “end of the season” event that might happen. Daniel is a different person now. The internalized homophobia of his youth is gone. He’s an old man with all the triggers that come with it. He’s twice divorced and an empty nester. What’s there to lose? I always go back to the first scene of Daniel and how bored and over it he was with his life.
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confirmeddead · 22 hours
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confirmeddead · 24 hours
Thoughts about this scene from next week’s episode!
So it seems the interview goes on too long as Armand mentions it’s morning. We can see the outside looks like early morning.
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I’ve seen a lot of theories for who/why “leave him Armand!” is said. It’s very clearly Louis to me but I’ve seen others say it’s not ajsjsk
I think Louis got burned after being distracted with the interview and Armand arrives just in time (as it’s his bedtime, too). Shocked that “the boy” is still here and Louis has hurt him and is being burned by the sun, Armand takes him to his bedroom to heal. The shot we see above is from a dark room looking out to Armand and Daniel. In pain, Louis begs Armand not to hurt Daniel further but the door slams on him.
In the books, when a vampire is placed in their coffin or sleeping area, they immediately become drowsy if the sun is coming out. It’s impossible to fight. For Louis’ own sake, Armand closes him in to heal.
So what now? We know Armand would drain some of Louis’ “boys” he photographed and Louis seemingly did not mind. So why was Daniel different? Louis opened up to Daniel and was met with a plea to be turned just as the sun rose. Louis attacks him but something stops him. Is it his guilt? The sun damage? Or Armand walking in? Maybe all of the above.
Queue the mental torture of one Daniel Molloy.
In another Talamasca file photo, we see Armand and Louis transporting an unconscious Daniel.
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Louis clearly looks disfigured and most of his body is covered. I do think they’re transporting him at night after Armand had his “fun” with him. Some have theorized this is being done during daylight which accounts to Louis’ body being covered. I think he just wanted to disguise himself and his injuries.
I believe all of this happened in a span of 24 hours vs the days Daniel was kept in Devil’s Minion because they’re all in the same outfits save for Louis who has the hoodie, gloves, and they’ve thrown a cap on Daniel.
As always, let me know your thoughts on this. Can’t wait for the next episode!
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confirmeddead · 1 day
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confirmeddead · 1 day
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Love and Pain also known as Vampire, Munch (1895)
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confirmeddead · 1 day
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he's just a wide eyed little gremlin 👿
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confirmeddead · 1 day
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The San Francisco Trio
Photo credit: Larry Horricks/AMC
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confirmeddead · 2 days
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Armandaniel in the 2x05 Promo of IWTV AMC
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