#there are three fics under the tag
nospacesapparently · 1 year
Do people ever get just really frustrated when their fanfic is just, full of tangentially related agenda pushing???
Like sir I just wanted to read this 15k words hurt-no-comfort fic about a hermit and a prince who feel in love but could never be together because the prince's mother saw it best to kill the hermit because I require that specific shade of angst at 4AM and you are ruining it with your extremely thinly veiled opinion based essay about why in modern times the political party you support is superior based on the way they wish to handle immigrants since the only thing related to your essay is the immigrant stable boy mentioned in the second chapter once
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fluffydice · 4 months
I've mentioned it before, but I think I finally want to try and explain how I write the characters in my Saiki K fics. It's mostly for me because I love talking about writing and Saiki K, but maybe some of you will enjoy this, too.
I did Toritsuka because @akechi-gf mentioned wanting tips on writing his dialogue, but 1) I felt bad info-dumping on his post and 2) didn't quite answer the dialogue answer and jumped straight into characterization (Sorry! Hope this still helps you in some convoluted way, if you're willing to read it all LMAO)
Obviously, he's very aggressively horny. He and Aiura are probably one of the firsts to laugh over something that could be taken the wrong way. But I think it's his way of trying to connect with others. He might open a conversation with some odd, vaguely creepy comment on a girl with the intention of moving the subject to something else.
He's vulgar, though I don't consider him much of a swearer. Not when compared to Kuboyasu or maybe even Kaido.
I personally write him as someone who is very opinionated. If he thinks Saiki is being too passive, or in over his head, Toritsuka is going to tell him straight up. Even if he knows the other won't take it well.
That's a big part of their relationship, I feel: even if Toritsuka is the first to cower away from Saiki puffing out his chest, he's also the first to come bounding back. He's not a 'once burned, twice shy' kind of guy. He doesn't really hold grudges, and can't quite go through with threats. I think it's why Saiki puts up with him. Like Nendo, Toritsuka is very devoted.
If you want to portray him differently, that's alright, but I always feel that something people miss with all the Saiki K. characters is that most of them are genuine assholes. They're teenagers, and I feel Toritsuka exemplifies this best. He'll say hurtful things and fucking mean them. It doesn't make him a bad person, but he definitely doesn't have the same emotional regulation as...I was going to give an example but I don't know if any of the kids are good at that. Akechi, maybe.
And speaking of emotions, he's not the best with them. He understands them, sure, but he's not even remotely delicate. That means he'll back off easily when he thinks things are beyond him. If Saiki tells him to leave it alone, that's what he's going to do. He isn't a bad guy. Toritsuka doesn't want to actively make things worse.
And on that note, he's also really fucking whiny. I try really hard not to shy away from making characters unlikable in certain aspects. If they're annoying, make them annoying. If they're a jerk, then so be it. I don't like sacrificing personality for likability. I just make sure its balanced out by other things. Toritsuka, despite his faults, has a lot of things genuinely good about him. He has pure, unadulterated faith in people, a genuine desire to become a better person (after some nudging), has shown care toward his ghosts...there's definitely stuff there.
Toritsuka's world view is fucked up, point blank. The way he talks about women isn't right. If I wrote from his perspective, it'd probably include him objectifying them. But, depending on what period of his development he's in, he might be able to step back and acknowledge that what he's thinking isn't right. He's very capable of growing and changing. Even if he's reluctant with it, he starts being less self-centered and more willing to do things just because it's the right thing to do.
He has mommy and daddy issues up the fucking wall. I think it colors his interactions with the other psychickers (who are willing to keep him in check), especially Saiki (who mother-hens basically anything that moves). He needs guidance, even if it's a bit of bullying.
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yall are there any young royals fanfic out yet that are just the core four going on their road trip ??? i neeeeed and can’t fiiiind cause im a stupid little idiot maybe <3
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dyslexic-mess · 1 year
Suits and Stars AU part 3
(Part two)
“Are we gonna talk about it?”
“I wasnt really asking”
Jason finally lowered his book to look at Tim, mildly annoyed, and eyed his brother. “What is there to talk about?” he sighed, as if Tim where asking about the wether. The younger man made a strangled sound and crossed his arms, coming though the doorway he’d been standing in. “You send one of Gothems most infomous criminals to meet me in civi’s and you ask ‘whats there to talk about’!?” He was so exasperated, he barely caught the amused glint in Jasons eye as he shrugged, properly putting his book down to sit up. 
When Jason didn't respond past the shift in position, Tim began paceing. “I mean, send him to Red Robin, that would be one thing but- In the middle of the day!?” He turned to face him harshly, though his movement didnt stop. “What where you thinking!?” 
Jason did actually chuckle this time, leaning on his knees as he sat. “I was thinking you said you needed a job done and I said I know a guy. Thats my guy.” The way he said it made it sound obvious, which just pissed Tim off more. Sure, maybe it was if he’d asked Red Hood about it! But he hadn't asked Red Hood. he’d asked Jason. Maybe he knew someone in the company who’d do some digging or a good PI!
He just huffed, finally stopping his relentless pacing to glower daggers at his brother. The elder looked at him with vaughly more sympathy but still far to amused. “Look, Phantoms good at what he dose and I sent him because he’s trust worthy. More than most in his line of work.”
Jason seemed to be about to say something more when Tims phone bliped. He glanced at it, then double took. “Jesus.” he muttered, re-reading it again. When Jason motioned for contexed, Tim blinked at him. “He's working as my P.A for cover.” Jason made a face, something between confusion, amusement  and a little offence. Tim didn't acknowledge it. “Yesterday he got sent three different patents to proof read and file. He’s done.” 
It had taken Tims last P.A a week to read over and submit one. Not to mention, and this is what really had Tim annoyed, it had been less that a week and his schedule had never been cleaner! Taxis where where he needed them, restaurants where booked and payed, even that one time he’d messiged Phantom he needed it done two minutes before he walked into the place. The worst part was smug bastered made a point of bringing him his coffe order ever morning! Exactly right. Every time. 
Jason sat up and leaned back. “See? Now go put on your fancy suit, run your company and let Phantom do his Job. ” He picked up his book and Tim sighed. 
That was the problem being in a family of vigilanties used to police. He could grill Jason for hours and not come away with any more than he already knew, if his brother didn't feel like answering. Atleast, he sounded genuin when he said Phantom was trust worthy. 
That wasn't enough to make Tim buy in completely, but it quelled his fears that the man would cause any real trouble.
Tag list:
@undead-essence @vythika96 @hilariousseagoat @rowanaway-fromthisbs @vehan-tikkun-olam-and-stuff @theauthorandtheartist @nanapetals @bright-shade @nutcase86911 @plotwholls
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onewingedsparrow · 28 days
“Arcee, no!” Optimus shouted. She did not listen.
That's it that's the fic
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inkykeiji · 6 months
No because when Sukuna told everyone they can't move until he says so was SO DADDY OF HIM UGH.
ANONNNNNN i caught up with jjk (i was three episodes behind!) PURELY DUE TO UR ASK TODAY HEHEHE and oh my good god, you’re so fucking right!!! i swear to the lord himself like every single damn thing that leaves sukuna’s lips has me on the floor by his feet pressing my cheek further and further into his shoes/toes like he is SO hot it’s actually insane
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pleasetakethis · 6 months
Quick brag! @anisecandy inspired me to Deal with my drafts (ahahahahaha). Considering I had over 6k drafts earlier this year, I am super fucking proud:
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The oldest draft is now dated November 2021 \o/ I'M GETTING THERE!
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thewiglesswonder · 1 year
Thank you for opening my eyes to belord. I am a worse person because of this experience.
I try. Thank @edoro for their contributions to these nasty old men while you're at it.
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the-sloth-woman · 2 years
Under the Surface Chapter Three: Confession
Chapter One | Chapter Two
Special thanks to @cattestfanciest for being my beta reader and catching all my typos, as well as offering me plot suggestions and helping with story mapping~
Words:  3730
Summary: After spending the last few decades studying in England, Alrick’s father sends for him to come to America. They just so happen to book tickets on the RMS Titanic, unaware that they’re about to be part of one of the biggest events in history…
Breakfast in the dining saloon was worth the wait.  Lilly stuffed herself with baked apples, smoked salmon, and scones slathered in marmalade. It was a relief to have Alrick beside her.  The dining hall was filled with upper-class couples whispering over half-eaten bowls of oatmeal. 
Every now and then she felt a glance thrown her way.  She could hear an occasional hushed remark inquiring about her and Alrick’s absence from the day before.  No one was bold enough to confront her about it directly, but the scorn she felt from the gossipy ladies made the hairs on the back of her neck bristle. 
Alrick picked at his baked apple and sipped his tea. The silver-plated cutlery had a tendency to make his mouth itchy, so he wanted to avoid using it for as long as possible.  He occasionally checked his side to make sure his leather case was still seated next to his chair.  It was only when he saw that it had not run off or had been thrown in the nearby fireplace that he returned to picking at his food.
After breakfast, Alrick and Lilly marched down to a comfortable spot on the first-class deck. The demon prince opened his leather case to reveal a small easel and a set of oil paints.  Lilly recognized it as one of his traveling paint sets. He frequently slipped it under his father’s nose by pretending it was a case full of important documents.  Burai had a nasty habit of burning Alrick’s art supplies whenever he caught the prince drawing.
Lilly watched him set up his tools with ease.  The sea breeze whipped his pale hair around his forehead but he paid it little mind.  His focus was on the waves that stretched to the horizon.  He picked up a pencil and began sketching onto the canvas. His hand darted across the white surface, shaping the ocean out of nothing.  In minutes he had captured the view from the first-class deck perfectly.  
He started brushing over his sketch with primer when Lilly tucked herself into one of the nearby benches. She could spend all day gazing at the way Alrick breathed life into a blank page. She stared at his back as he painted, watching the way his muscles moved under his shirt.
 Her cheeks reddened when she realized just how long she’d been staring at him.
Get a grip, she mentally chastised herself.  She quickly grabbed her book and shoved her nose in it for some kind of distraction.  Sherlock Holmes was usually good for keeping her busy- Lilly loved a good mystery novel.  But she found herself peeking over the well-worn pages every now and then to see how Alrick’s painting was coming along.
“Um, excuse me, Miss?”
She blinked.  Before her stood a young man with a round face and a boyish smile.  He shifted from foot to foot, his gaze darting to the book in her hands.  “Forgive me for being rude, I couldn’t help but notice the book you’re reading.  I’m particularly fond of mystery novels myself, and I saw that The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes was missing from the ship’s library,” he gestured to her copy.  “I was hoping to ask if you’d let me borrow it after you finish it.”
She swallowed.  “I would, if this was the copy from the ship’s library.”  She closed the book and ran one finger along the spine.  “This is my copy, actually.  I’d lend it to you myself, but it’s very old, and I’d be terribly upset if it wandered off while you had it.”  The truth was it was a first edition.  Lilly had bought the book twenty years ago after falling in love with the short stories published in Strand Magazine.  It had taken her ages to find the money for the book, and when she’d bought it she never wanted to let it go.  It was one of her few prized possessions. 
“Oh!”  The young man’s eyes flew wide with surprise.  “I’m terribly sorry, I never would have asked if I had known that it was your copy.”
“It’s alright,” she gave him the tiniest of smiles.  “I know the Titanic is luxurious, but I wouldn’t expect it to have first editions in the library.”
“It’s a first edition?!  How did you get it?”
Shit.  She’d let her tongue get ahead of herself.  “It, um-” her cheeks burned as she tried thinking of an acceptable lie.  “It was a gift from someone.” 
The man let out a low whistle.  “May I see it?  Just for a moment, I promise to give it back.”
“Um, of course.”
She handed the book over with shaking fingers.  She didn’t know what she had done to pique this human’s interest but she wished she had avoided it.  Lilly wasn’t very good at lying to humans, she always managed to fumble with explaining her immortal idiosyncrasies. She looked over at Alrick, hoping that he’d notice the kind of distress she was under and swoop in to save her.  But he was too engrossed in his painting.  Nothing short of a storm would be able to tear him away from it, and even then it would have to be a typhoon.
The man turned the book over reverently.  “Wow,” he whispered.  “I feel like I’m touching a piece of literary history.  Do you think Doyle knew how popular Sherlock Holmes was going to be when he first started writing?”
“Probably not,” she smiled in spite of her nerves.  “Otherwise he wouldn't have tried so hard to kill him off.”
The man laughed and handed the book back.  “I suppose you’re right.”  He looked at the book and then back at Lilly.  “Forgive me from earlier.  I shouldn't have assumed that you had taken that from the library.  But you know what they say, ‘When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable’-”
“Must be the truth,” she chuckled softly and finished the quote.  “It’s perfectly understandable.  I would have done the same if I were you.”
He rocked back on his heels.  “Forgive me if I’m being too forward, but I’d love to talk more about books over tea.  My name’s Mr. Christman, and if you’re not particularly busy, I hope we could-”
“I-I’m not so sure,” Lilly interrupted, her heart hammering in her chest, “that my husband would be too happy with that.”
The man’s face deflated.  “Ah, your husband, of course.  He’s welcome to come too, as long as he likes mystery novels.”
“Well, he-” she glanced at Alrick.  Did he like mystery novels?  She had seen the prince reading often enough, but it was usually classical literature.  He must have read the works of Homer and Sophocles a dozen times, but did he like modern books?  He liked modern art, surely that must have translated somewhere.  But Sherlock Holmes stories weren’t great literary masterpieces, they were mystery novels.  Sometimes Lilly worried that once Doyle died his works would fade away into obscurity, like so many authors of the past.
“I’m not entirely sure,” she confessed.  “We’re newlyweds.  I haven’t had the chance to sit down and read with him yet.”
“We could always ask him.”
Before Lilly could stop him, Mr. Christman stepped back and lightly tapped Alrick on the shoulder.  “Excuse me, sir?”
Alrick ‘s head whirled around.  His eyes burned like two red-hot coals.  His mouth pulled back into an instinctive snarl, and Lilly could make out the shape of his fangs.  “What?!”
Mr. Christman flinched. “Whoa, sorry about that.  I didn’t mean to disturb you or anything.”
Alrick’s eyes darted around the ship.  Lilly knew he wanted to snap this man’s neck for interrupting him.  Luckily for Mr. Christman, there were too many witnesses.  He ran a hand through his hair, smearing a dab of blue paint onto his cheek.  He pulled his expression back into something human.  “It’s fine,” he said through clenched teeth.  “Is there something I can do for you?”
“This is Mr. Christman,” Lilly piped up.  “He wished to invite us to tea later.”
Alrick grunted.  
“My sincerest apologies,” Mr. Christman spluttered.  “I had no idea you were so focused.  Please forgive me for interrupting you, I meant no harm.” 
“You should have known better.  As you can plainly see, I’m busy,” Alrick huffed and looked at his canvas. 
“Right, of course.  I was wondering if you and your lovely wife-” he threw a smile at Lilly, “would care to join me for afternoon tea in the café.  If you’re not too busy by then, of course.”
“I’ll agree if it lets me get back to painting sooner.”
“Wonderful!”  Mr. Christman turned towards Lilly and gave her a small bow.  “I look forward to seeing you then.”
She waited until he had walked away before daring to speak with Alrick.  He stood before his canvas, muttering under his breath.  “Is everything alright…?”
“No,” he threw his paintbrush down in disgust.  “I’ve lost my concentration, dammit.”
“I’m sorry… If I had known that was going to happen I would have led him off.”
He began furiously cleaning his brushes.  “The idea of you running off with another man is worse than me taking a break from my painting.”
She flushed. “It wouldn’t be anything like that, I just didn’t want to disturb you.  I thought-” she swallowed.  “I’m sorry.  I’ll try to keep distractions away next time.”
She peeked over Alrick’s shoulder at the partially finished painting.  Swirls of ocean waves lapped at the edges of the canvas, their crests dappled in different colors of sunlight.  “It looks beautiful.”
“It’s getting there,” he motioned to a cabin steward who came and took his easel back to their stateroom.  “I’ll need another day or two to finish it.  Tomorrow you won’t even be able to recognize it.”
“It’s going to be lovely,” she smiled, trying to smooth over his earlier bad mood.  “Oh, you’ve got something there,” she pointed to his cheek. 
“Where, here?” he wiped the opposite side of his face.
“No, no, the other side.”
“Here?” Alrick wiped his cheek, smearing the dollop of paint further down his face.
“No, no!” she laughed.
“Tch, you’re going to have to be more specific about what’s on my face.”
“Here,” Lilly stepped closer.  She pressed her fingers to the curve of his cheek.  His skin was cool to the touch, colder from standing in the wind for so long.  
Her heart caught in her throat. Alrick  stood perfectly still, like a statue carved from marble.  If it weren’t for the fire in his eyes she wouldn’t have believed that he was real.  
Lilly brushed the paint from his cheek with her thumb, her fingers lingering on the corner of his mouth.  She wanted to cup his face.  She wanted to cradle the curve of his jaw, to let her hands trace the lines of his nose, his eyes, his lips…
She jerked her hand away.  “There,” her cheeks burned.  “All gone.”
Alrick blinked with deliberate slowness, like being pulled from a trance.  “Thanks, Lil.”
“A-anytime,” she said. Fire burned in her stomach.  Her fingers twitched at her side, longing to reach out and touch him. Would it be so bad if she gave in and caressed his face? Or held his hand?
“We should go,” she balled her hand into a tight fist and turned away.  She was letting this get out of hand.  She was a servant, dammit.  She knew her place.  Pretending to be Alrick’s wife for a week was allowing wild fantasies to pollute her thoughts.
She wondered if Burai had orchestrated it as punishment.  Give her a glimpse of what she truly wanted and then rip it away. 
“Mr. Christman is waiting for us,” Lilly lifted her skirts and marched towards the restaurant.  She moved so fast that she failed to notice Alrick’s outstretched hand, reaching for hers.
The À la Carte Restaurant was open only to the first class passengers aboard the Titanic.  The menu served the best French haute cuisine that money could buy.  Unlike the dining saloon, it was open all hours of the day to serve rich patrons whatever their heart desired, be it a simple pain au chocolat or quiche lorraine. Diners were often seen chatting in the reception room before being whisked away to a culinary feast.
So it was highly unusual for three passengers to share a table and look like they would rather be anywhere else in the whole world. 
Lilly looked away from the tower of tea cakes delicately stacked before her.  Her fingers still burned from the memory of Alrick’s skin. If she moved her leg just a little bit she’d be able to press her knee against him under the table.  Alrick’s legs were spread wide, perhaps he wanted her to touch him-
Stop it! she screamed internally. She was going to drive herself mad.
Alrick was deliberately staring at a spot in the far wall.  The set of his jaw indicated that he was angry.  This was a foolish idea, Lilly never should have agreed to tea with a man who interrupted Alrick while he was painting.  She was almost asking the prince to yell at her.
Mr. Christman looked between Alrick and Lilly’s stiff postures. He cleared his throat. “Have you dined in the restaurant before?”
Alrick’s response was clipped. “Not yet.”
Mr. Christman nodded and sipped his tea. “Me either. I do think their selection of finger sandwiches is unmatched. I could eat about a hundred of these roast beef ones.”
“Mhmm,” Lilly could feel Alrick’s eyes dart to her face. She pointedly fixed her gaze to her empty plate.
He tried again.  “The décor of this place is very nice too.  I like how there’s a different style of dinnerware here than in the main dining hall.  Not that I could afford to eat this for every meal,” he gave a half-hearted attempt at a chuckle.
Alrick grunted.
Mr. Christman heaved a weary sigh.  He turned in his chair.  “I can tell that something unfortunate passed between you while I was making reservations for tea.  And I have a feeling that I’m to blame for it.”
Lilly shook her head.  “No, it was nothing like that-” 
“I’m sorry regardless.  Perhaps it would be better to begin again?  For example…” He cleared his throat.  “Mr. Rosenfeld, I apologize for interrupting you earlier.  From what I could see, your painting this morning was exquisite.  How long have you been practicing art?”
Alrick blinked.  “What?”
“How long have you been painting?  You’re very good at it.”
He shifted in his seat.  “Since childhood, I suppose.”  Alrick’s childhood had effectively ended several decades ago but that was beside the point. 
“Ah, I can tell!  You have excellent control over your brushstrokes.”
“Thank you.”
“Have you studied at an art academy?”
Alrick snorted.  “Hardly.”
“No? Not even for a semester?”
“My father would sooner see me hang than see me at an art school.  He thinks painting is a waste of time.”
“I understand that,” Mr. Christman grimaced.  “He says that and yet he probably decorates his estates with paintings and fine furniture, right?”
“Yes, yes!  He’s an enormous hypocrite.�� But of course-”  Alrick lowered his voice in a perfect imitation of his father’s, “‘Art is a poor man’s hobby.  The son of a Rosenfeld shouldn’t waste his time with something so frivolous.’”
Lilly’s mouth twisted into a grim line.  “You shouldn’t listen to him,” she mumbled.
“You don’t have to tell me twice.” He pulled his cigarette case from his pants and withdrew a cigarette.  “Fancy a smoke?” he offered the case to Mr. Christman.
“Yes, thank you,” he grabbed a cigarette and studied it briefly.  “Do you roll these yourself?”
Alrick nodded.  He cupped his hand around his cigarette and struck a match.  “Every morning,” he said, his face suddenly obscured by a cloud of clove smoke.  “How do you know so much about painting?  Are you an artist?”
Mr. Christman’s grin turned sheepish.  “No, not really.  I draw every now and then, but I wouldn’t consider myself a professional.”
“A professional is just someone who’s managed to sell their art, it has no bearing on talent.  Have you heard of the Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh?  His fame is just beginning, and he only sold one painting in his lifetime.” 
“I suppose you have a point, but still-”
“But nothing.  I’m right and you know it,” Alrick smirked.  “Do you have any of your work on you?  I’d be happy to take a look at it.”
Mr. Christman’s ears reddened.  “I have a few drawings back in my cabin.  But I wouldn't want to waste your time with them.”
He scoffed.  “You say that is if my supply of time is limited.”
“Well… Alright, I’ll bring them to you tomorrow evening.  I’m stopping by the smoking room for a friendly game of poker with some of the other gentlemen on board.  Would you like to join?  I’m certain they would love an opportunity to win someone else’s money.”
Alrick’s smirk evolved into a cheshire cat grin.  “I don’t know if anyone else will win once I get there.  I have notoriously good luck when it comes to cards.”
Mr. Christman laughed.  “Then I’ll be sure to  keep my bets small around you.”
Lilly raised an eyebrow around a mouthful of cucumber sandwiches. “Tomorrow evening?”
“After dinner, of course,” Mr. Christman assured her.  “I wouldn’t dream of trading good food for gambling.” 
She nodded quietly.  She didn’t particularly like the idea of Alrick spending the night gambling with strange men.  She wasn’t afraid of him losing all their money- on the contrary, she was afraid that he’d come back to the stateroom with his pockets stuffed with other men’s life savings.  He had the devil’s luck when it came to cards, and he almost never lost.  She didn’t want to have to fight off an angry mob of aristocrats who were sore losers.
It wouldn’t be the first time she had to clean up his gambling messes.  Lilly remembered one night a few decades ago where she had to literally fight off a gang of English villagers who Alrick had swindled on a full moon.  He had ridden through town on one of the horses he’d won, laughing as the villagers followed him with torches and pitchforks.  She didn’t like fighting humans in the best circumstances, but she was especially opposed to fighting with those who had good a reason to hate Alrick. 
She twisted one of her curls around her fingers.  “As long as it’s a friendly game.”
“All games are friendly, Lil.  I’m just the friendliest of all players.”
She quickly forced a cough to cover her snort.  “Just don’t stay out too late.”
He rolled his eyes.  “You worry too much.  I’ll be fine.  Besides, I’m sure our friend Mr. Christman can put a stop to things if they get too hairy.”
She tried to imagine Mr. Christman pulling angry men off Alrick.  It was a ludicrous thought, but she was sure most people wouldn't be able to imagine her doing the same.
But it didn’t matter if Lilly disapproved of Alrick gambling.  It was not her place to dictate what the prince did with his time.  So she put on her politest smile and simply said. “Then I hope you have fun.” 
Mr. Christman beamed at the two of them.  He took a sip of his tea and glanced down at his wristwatch.  “Oh!  I didn’t realize that the afternoon was almost over.  Forgive me, but I have an appointment to get to.”  He stepped away from the table and brushed crumbs from his suit jacket.  “I’m terribly sorry to run, and sorry that we couldn’t discuss mystery novels.  But I’ll see you tomorrow evening?”
Alrick nodded and waved him off.  He waited until Mr. Christman had left the cafe before turning to Lilly.  “Mystery novels?”
She flushed.  “He, um, he saw my Sherlock Holmes copy earlier and wanted to discuss it.  We were supposed to talk about books, but things were so tense at the beginning we skipped it-”
“What copy of Sherlock Holmes?”
“Er..” Lilly trailed off.  She’d kept her book so hidden from Burai’s prying eyes that she must have kept it from Alrick as well.  “This one…” She pulled it from her skirts and set it on the table.
Alrick frowned.  He picked the book up and turned it over in his hands.  “I’ve never seen you with this before.  How long have you had it?”
Guilt colored her words.  “I- um, I bought it when it first was printed.  It’s a first edition.”  
He liberally thumbed through the pages.  “It’s in good condition for being so old.  But I wonder,” he voice tone turned sly, “where did you get the money to buy such a nice book?  I can’t imagine my father would have given it to you freely.”
She hung her head, her face in full bloom.  “He didn’t.  I’d been sneaking coins from trips to the market for a few months before it came out.  I don’t think your father even knows I have it.”
There it was.  Lilly was more than an envious hag, she was a thief too.  She kept her eyes lowered, waiting for the verbal lashing Alrick was about to give her.
He burst into a peal of laughter.  “That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard! I never imagined a goody-two-shoes like you stealing from the Demon King,” he grinned and slid the book back over to her.”
She blinked.  “Y-you’re not angry?”
“Angry?  Are you kidding?  I think I have a newfound respect for you.”
A wave of relief washed through her.  “Oh my goodness, I was afraid you’d be livid with me.  I know I’m not supposed to do things like steal-”
“Lilly, my father has more money than he could ever spend.  What do I care if he loses some here and there?  Besides, I’m more impressed that someone as pure as you managed to do it in the first place.”
She tucked her hair behind her ear.  “Sometimes when you want something, you’ll do just about anything to get it.  Even if it means breaking the rules.  You understand that, right?”
“Yeah,” he said, his red eyes meeting hers.  “I know just what you mean.”
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steeklover · 2 years
Guess who found a new ship to ship...??
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bamsara · 2 months
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Cult of the Lamb x Alice in Wonderland / Alice: Madness Returns crossover AU idea
Taking aspects and aesthetics from each and mashing them together with some tweaks to make up an AU that I may or may not write a multishot chapter fic for. Narilamb included + possible Leshycat
AU summary:
After following a one-eyed rat and falling into Wonderland, The Lamb is captured and sentenced to death by decapitation, only to be saved last second by a mysterious grinning cat.
They learn that they are a Lamb of prophecy: the one to defeat the tyranical rulers of Wonderland: King Leshy, Queen Heket, King Kallamar, and Majesty Shamura to free wonderland from their oppressive rule. The rulers keep an iron grip on this world's inhabitants by threatening with their own abilities, as well as a promise of a monster under their control. Legend says that there was also a fifth ruler long ago, and rumors say that after a argument, that the royal siblings either sealed him away, or fed him to the monster they claim to keep.
Yet no one has laid eyes on this creature in nearly a thousand years. Not that anyone wants to risk that, though.
Making friends and mad allies alike, the Lamb traverses through Wonderland with a three-eyed and constantly smiling cat as their trustworthy guide, who although helpful, shares little of his own motives as to why he's assisting the Lamb in the first place.
(Tags for this AU will be 'Wonderlamb Au')
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oh. damn that writing sure can resonate with feelings can't it
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h-i-raeth · 1 year
Shadow of dust please! I will request this fic 3 sentences at a time until it is complete 😅
From this
Not that they’d be tempted. They spend the first two weeks after Starcourt so tightly knit you’d think there was a tether between all four of them. It starts with them watching movies to distract themselves until they all pass out in a heap on Steve’s couch, and then Steve making excuses to avoid driving Robin home the next morning, and eventually they just admit that they feel safer when they can see the others, can wake up and see that they’re all fine. When Robin can move a hand and feel Steve’s deep breaths and Steve can look to the foot of the bed at Puck nestled into Lyssa’s ()* fur.
*I'm still quibbing over whether Steve's daemon is a lion or a great pyrenes or a wolf so description will be fleshed out a little more once I make a decision
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wubblehrts · 1 year
my goal is to get people on here to post on the shelby/wilbur tag on ao3 like guys that tag is EMPTY and I'm starving. idgaf what you post I just need sustinance
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Fanfic Thieves on Youtube
A collection of youtube channels have been uploading preexisting fanfictions in videos with little to no credit to the original authors. These are not podfics, these channels copy-paste the fics into text-to-speech readers then upload the unaltered audio over static or unrelated backgrounds, either art that is also stolen or mobile game footage. In addition to not naming the authors, they alter the title to make it that much harder for readers to recognize or find the original uploads. Some go so far as to pretend they themselves are creating the fics in question. Many claim that their stealing actually helps give fics "exposure" despite the intentional steps they take to conceal the origins of the fics they profit off of. However, this practice has lead many authors to discontinue fics after the frustration of having their hard work stolen. Many of these channels claim they will remove videos upon request, but will either argue with the author in order to keep it up, or simply unlist the video for a time until they think the author isn't paying attention anymore. And their solution to receiving strikes against their channels in the past has been to further obfuscate the origins of their content instead of even considering asking first.
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”I got caught stealing, so instead of not stealing anymore, I’m doubling down on stealing even more so it’s harder for people to find out and prove I’m stealing. Stealing doesn't count if the specific person I stole from didn't call me out. I am the real victim.”
That, plus the incessant tag scumming in all the videos (spamming unrelated tags in order to appear in more search results) proves to me that these are lazy attention seekers who don't want to put in creative effort when they could just leech off of the passion of others.
In order to report them, go to their channel's "About" page and click the flag icon. Said icon might be behind the three dots in the top bar on mobile. Go to "Report User" at the bottom and tick the "spam and scams" button. This will allow you to list multiple videos as offenders instead of reporting them individually. Youtube's policy states that video spam constitutes:
Massively uploading content that you scraped from other creators.
Auto-generated content that computers post without regard for quality or viewer experience.
If you recognize one of your fics among the stolen, say so in the additional comments box, and perhaps call out the channel directly in the video's comments. If you recognize someone else's fic, please let the original author know so they can report the channel as well. Many have been confronted for stealing previously and refuse to admit wrongdoing.
Most of what I've found has been My Hero Academia fics since that's my fandom and those are the ones I can recognize as stolen, but there are many other channels that steal from other fandoms, so I invite anyone and everyone to reblog this with their own findings.
The reality is that this extremely low-effort content and new youtube channels are both very easy to make, so most likely they'll start new channels once the ones on this list are run through. But hopefully, if we all work together and keep whacking these moles, perhaps we can instill that same defeatism they caused so many creators who didn't deserve it, and eventually they'll give up.
My sincerest thanks to everyone who helped bring additional channels to my attention. A special thanks to ao3 user InArduisFidelis who brought the initial attention to the issue, and @owlf45 whose work was stolen.
Links under the cut.
YurikoFanfics - Not only stole content, but acted in comments as though they were the one writing these stories.
What-IF-Anime - Has the exact same "disclaimer" about not being the original author as the one above. Either they're the same person or the thieves are stealing from each other.
quirkywhatif7 - Either an alt of the above, or all these people are talking to one another because this one made a community post identical to a comment the one above made in response to being called out (the above screenshots).
DekuFanfic - It's the same fucking guy again.
InfiniteParadoxfanfics - Nothing notable, same deal as the others.
WhatIfAnimeChannel - Admits in their community posts that other people write the fics they post but still doesn't give credit. Migrated to a new channel after issues with youtube, likely being flagged previously.
WhatIfAnimeAll - Alt of above.
FWNWorld - Makes sure to tell you that the videogame footage is theirs, but can't bother to credit anyone else.
WTFW - Claims to have "[A] team of talented writers, voice actors, and artists work together to create immersive fan fiction stories that are sure to captivate your imagination." Just the same test-to-speech stolen content over videogames. So straight up lying claiming that everything is theirs (and that anything they make is quality).
MHA2.0Fanfics - Lots of crossover theft.
Collerwhatiif - Pretty sure this one is the same guy as the previous 2, also has one for another fandom.
ko_sensei - Another that claims to have a "team" that makes the stories they steal: " passionate about creating compelling and engaging fanfiction that explores the various "what ifs" in the anime universe."
FantasticWhatIf - Multifandom stealing, uses the exact same bs disclaimer as many others.
LettuceHeadFanfics - No credit, no acknowledgement of anything. Next one is an alt.
brocollifanfics - Alt of above, once again admits to stealing with a declaration of "☆If you want to takedown any videos. You can mail us or leave a comment below the video☆"
whatifofficial786 - Focuses on MHA/Naruto crossovers. Identical format.
NotWhatIf - I've lost track of who's an alt of who but yet another identical format, descriptions, and bullshit claims of "enhancing the viewer experience" by putting a robot voice over bootleg fortnite footage.
weebxds - Same again.
ItachiFanfics - Naruto channel, we can at least confirm that this one is run by a human given the rare different descriptions and a real voice at the beginning of videos before the robot comes back.
WhatIfDN - As if mockingly, a bunch of videos have a "credit" section in their descriptions that is of course blank.
SpiceandBooks and spiceandfiction - Apparently Youtube itself has started picking up on the bullshit, because this multifandom channel is being dinged as ai spam so they started a new one.
theoriginalastra - Doesn't even bother with disclaimers, the following are multiple alts/potential alts for different fandoms.
SillySenpai12 - Highschool DXD alt.
RosieRealms - Naruto alt.
DekuWhatIfs - Potentially another astra alt but not sure, doesn't matter because all these channels do the same thing anyway.
AnimeStark688 - No credits or disclaimers.
Please take the time to report these channels, spread this post around, and reblog with any additional offending channels you find.
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highvern · 2 months
Pairing: Choi Seungcheol x fem!reader
Genre: Smut, 18+
Warnings: Cheol’s hands, fingering, spitting, minor pain kink, pussy slapping, teasing/begging, thick dick cheol, unprotected sex, creampie, minor breeding kink, mating press, soft(ish) dom Cheol, strength kink, he’s wearing a watch and his chain, praise
Length: ~2k
Note: an ode to Cheol's hands, and his c*** i needed a cigarette while looking at pictures of his hands for this fic. everyone rot with me @gyuswhore @wonustars @ourdawnishotterthanourday @seokgyuu
Remember: Tumblr runs on reblogs and I run on validation in the tags and comments :)
read more here
This blog is intended for 18+ only! Minors/blank blogs will be blocked!
The lights of the TV illuminate you and your boyfriend’s intertwined forms resting on the sofa. Seungcheol’s hands busy themselves, fingers digging into the sore cords of muscle twisted along your legs. He thinks nothing of it, focused on the drama unfolding on screen while you focus on the cool metal of his watch licking just above your knee.
He smiles when you jump, the tickle of his fingers sending bubbling laughter into the space between you.
“What?” He asks, as if he doesn't have all your weak spots committed to memory.
“Nothing.” you mumble.
“Want me to stop?”
A shake of your head is the only reply Seungcheol needs before he pins your flailing limbs and goes about his business once again. 
His hands always feel incredible. They’re always warm, always gentle despite what lurks beneath the surface. And they’re always on you, in some way or another. 
The roughness of his palm or dig of his fingers are second nature after years of them glued to your body. Whether they’re holding you close or stroking across your cheek as he wakes you with sweet kisses. Heating the small of your back while he guides you in a crowd, or tangled with your own as he whispers his deepest secrets into the dark late at night. You love every part of him but his hands show you a million different ways he feels the same.
You try not to react as he massages up your thighs, the sinew of muscles seizing before they melt under his careful ministrations. 
Every sigh through your nose is a tell Seungcheol is well accustomed to; what you like and what you love. Because he knows you like when he focuses on the curve of your quad, or the meat of your calves until they’re putty.
But you love when he pushes his hand under your oversized shirt and stretches the muscles deeper inside until you vibrate with want.
“You’re not watching the movie.” He whispers into your ear, nose following the curve of your jaw to the place he knows drives you wild.
“I'm a little distracted right now.”
And just like that the thick fingers stuffed in your cunt freeze before retreating. You can’t close your thighs to stop it due to the hand pinning your leg down to his lap with bruising force. But he can’t prevent your free leg from kicking in protest as you beg him to stay.
Seungcheol pinches the inside of your thigh until it stings, “Stop.”
You know that tone. It’s the one that warns you if you keep going, you won’t get what you want; what you need. Seungcheol isn’t a stingy lover but he likes to play and this is his newest game. If you can play along long enough he’ll make it worth your while.
“Eyes on the TV.”
With a harsh swallow you turn back to the screen. Once your boyfriend is sure you won’t look away, his hand returns, three fingers stretching you at a snail's pace. When he’s worked them all in, no longer cautious of your initial discomfort, he stops; focused on curling up against that spot he’s always found with embarrassing ease; pressing until your legs shake and you actually do start dripping into his lap. If it wasn’t for the fabric of your shirt, he could see everything.
The hand on your thigh joins in, the pad of his finger drawing rough circles of your clit. It’s fast and it's dirty but you keep pretending to watch the TV while Suengcheol does as he wants. Your mind is so numb you don’t even realize he’s pushed away the blanket and ruched your shirt up your hips to leave you bare. Not until you hear him spit and feel it land on your exposed clit framed between his fingers.
“Fuck,” you whimper, nails digging into the upholstery. “Please.”
But he’s not done yet. A swift slap to your pussy sends stars in your eyes and your body ten feet in the air if not for the man forcing you in place.
“Just relax, baby.”
You try. And Seungcheol respects your effort because every muscle he worked into submission over the past ten minutes jumps alive under your skin but you sit still in his lap and take what he gives you like he knows you can.
He kisses your cheek before whispering, “I love you.” 
Each word burns into your skin, licks through your blood. He loves you, and you love him and all he wants to do is take care of you. So you try and let him even if it means madness. 
Seungcheol watches you pretend to watch the movie once again, but your mind focuses on the sound of debauchery echoing between your thighs. If you looked down you know what you’d see. The way your pussy clings to his fingers with every stroke out, how they glisten with your arousal, every squeeze; everything. 
All the teasing is enough to make your eyes gloss. Especially when he adds a fourth finger and tells you how perfect you are, how you were made for him, and if you cum right now he’ll give you his cock but you have to earn it.
You want to feel his lips suck around your clit until you're nothing more than an empty shell but you’ll happily settle for the swipes of his fingers. It’s obscene how wet you are and how loud your ruined cunt is over the blasting speakers. 
“C’mon pretty girl,” he coos into your ear. “Come for me.”
The coil winds and winds until it snaps. All the edges ripple, the world blurs. Every breath hurts from the punch in your stomach forcing bolts of electricity through your nerves. 
And Seungcheol doesn’t stop. He keeps going until you’re crying. Only to kiss away each tear with praise and soft lips. You barely crack your eyes open, watching his fingers disappear between his lips, sucking away the mess before he gives you a taste on his mouth.
Eyes shut and boneless in his arms, you let him push and pull you just the way he wants. Your body’s only protest in the exhaustion Seungcheol’s fucked into you with his hands. But it’s not enough to keep you from taking him again.
It never is.
When the jostling stops, you find him kneeling before you. He hasn't bothered to remove his clothes, or yours. Just forces your shirt over your breasts and his pants down until he's bare. Thick thighs frame an equally thick cock you know like the back of your hand.
If your boyfriend thinks you’re beautiful then he is other worldly in the glow of the LED screen. 
Hands anchored on the back of your knees, you spread out for his eyes only. Seungcheol’s mouth waters at your wrecked pussy, soaked and swollen from his attention, begging to be split on his cock. The drooling tip of his length taps against your clit, sending you deeper into the spiral, each nudge making your muscles twitch until he uses his thumb to catch on your opening and force himself through the mind numbing clench.
Seungcheol goes slow, pressing forward only a millimeter at a time, barely giving you a taste before he pulls back and starts again. If the way you’re positioned didn’t prevent you from rushing him forward than the fist around his cock would as he teases you until you're begging and he’s puffing up with pride at how desperate you are. 
Just when you think he’s ready to give in, almost flat against one another, he pulls out.
“I sweat to fucking god if you don’t fu—ckkkkkkk,”
Sheathed to the base in your heat Seungcheol finds paradise, dick twitching with every breath. The rough skin of his palms circle your ankles, spreading them up and out of the way so he can lean forward and give you what you want; your pussy stretched to the brim on his cock while he fucks every last thought out of your head.
“Move.” You mewl, barely human, shaking under his weight.
Settling your legs over his shoulders, he folds you in half, freeing the hands you love so much to do as he pleases. One lands just above your head to keep him from completely crushing you and the other cradles your jaw, thumb brushing across your lower lip before he meets you with a kiss.
His tongue glides against your own, fucking your mouth as his hips curl in time. Every thrust forward forces the air in your lungs up your throat to be swallowed by your boyfriend. He strokes you to life, pinned in place, helpless, glowing.
Seungcheol groans as he fucks you harder. “Fuck, you take it so well.”
You're shaking, vibrating from the synapses firing through every inch of your being. Chin dipped, you watch him wreck you, creaming around the base of his length like he’s fucked you for hours rather than minutes.
You’ll come like this, without any pressure on your clit; just the delicious drag of his thick cock in your walls, crushed under his weight and entirely at his mercy. Helpless Seungcheol latches his hand you yours, intertwines your fingers, and cants against like he’s possessed.
Eyes rolled as you go limp, you reach for his face and whimper into his mouth, climbing higher and higher until you hit the ceiling. Your hands are everywhere, anywhere in reach as you fail to ground yourself against the wave of pleasure rolling through your veins. And it all shatters with a whimper of his name.
He’s perfect and he’s yours and you don’t know what you did to earn him but you know you could live a thousand lifetimes and never deserve him.
You try to break through the noise. But it just serves to make things worse because the only thing the man on top you likes to see more than you desperate for him is you coming on his cock. The arm above your head collapses, sending all of his weight on you, forcing him deeper into your guts until you can taste him on the back of your tongue. The wet clap of his balls against your ass with each rut forward rockets you into the deep end. 
“Shit, shit, shit.” Seungcheol bites into your jaw. “That’s it. That’s my girl. Fuck, you’re so good. So good.” 
It’s blinding, eyes cinched so tight fireworks float in the darkness; Seungcheol’s moans blending with the rush of blood fleeing your brain. He’s feral with the satisfaction of your orgasm, how you wail beneath him like your neighbors won’t hear and know you have a man who pleases you in every way imaginable. Like you want everyone to know his name.
“Cheol,” you whisper, all breath. So quiet he wouldn’t hear you if he wasn’t dialed into your every move. “Want…” you pant. “Want you…”
Seungcheol presses as deep as he can before letting go; stuffing you with his cum, grinding into your pussy with every jerk of his cock until it spills around where he splits you and slips down your ass. 
His eyes never leave yours, watching you take every drop of his affection like you were made to. Like he was the one made to give it to you. Even with your thrashing, you never look away.
A final pathetic noise scratches the inside of your throat when he’s done. Seungcheol won’t pull out but he will pull away, yearning to see the mess between your bodies. Cum and arousal smears your bellies, your thighs, the base of his cock still inside you. Eventually he'll pull you up to wash off and you have no doubt the cushion will be beyond repair.
When he’s had his fill, he collapses into your chest, arms twine around your back as he kisses you with every ounce of devotion he can spare. Until you can feel his love down to the tips of your toes and through every last cell in your body.
And because showing you isn’t enough, he tells you again and again while he fills you once more in the comfort of your shared bed.
Taglist: @tomodachiii @cvpidyunho @miniseokminnies @ddaengpotate @arycutie @gaebestie @primoppang @gyuguys @mine-gyu @doremifasire @missminhoe @toplinehyunjin @crvs4vldtn @prettygyuuu
© highvern. copying/reuploading/translating my work anywhere is strictly prohibited.
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