#there are still weirdos who want him to have sex with Axel because they think Axel is hot
treeshroudrelic · 1 year
The real reason why Jericho made Cyrus, the asexual main character of his VN Remember the flowers, a human and not an anthro is that he knew that the target audience, aka gay furries, would be disinterested in sexualizing a human compared to hot furry men. Genius play there.
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‘Round Here
Drabble, one shot? Who knows!
"Reader is chased down after crossing the wrong biker.” + Bucky! as requested by anonymous
"Reader walks into the wrong bar." + Bucky as requested by 👀 @navybrat817​
Warning: noncon sex, fingering, unedited.
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“Are you serious?” You asked Maddie as you looked around the smoky bar.
The cloud of cigarette smoke was your first hint that this was a dive. Actually, your second as Maddie always managed to find the scummiest places. It truly was a gift. Not an enviable, but nonetheless, a skill.
You sat at a table for two and tried to ignore the leers from the table next to you. You regretted wearing a skirt already. A particularly greasy looking man with a beard to his belly button grumbled something lewd into his beer. You were thankful you hadn’t understood his words, though his tone made his intent clear.
“What do you want?” The terse waitress chewed gum as she approached you with hand on hip. Her leather vest covered a fringed crop top and her skirt was barely longer than that.
“You got tequila?” Maddie asked.
“It’s a bar,” The waitress rolled her eyes and popped her gum.
“No tequila,” You argued with Maddie.
“We’ll have two shots of tequila alongside two rye and gins,” She ignored you and tossed back her curly hair.
“Fine,” The waitress shrugged. “We ain’t got any limes left.”
“Amazing,” Maddie said dryly and smiled at the waitress. You were left with haughty glare and huff.
“I don’t think this is the place to harass the staff, Mads,” You looked around nervously.
“Oh, bleh. You know, my dad used to hang out in places like this.” She trilled. “It was fun. My uncle was even part of the club.” She lowered her voice and leaned over the table. “They don’t like being called a gang.”
“Well, Maddie, I think as a kid you might not have seen the whole picture,” You uttered. “You told me we were going dancing.”
“We dance here,” She paused and listened to the dingy classic rock and bobbed her head. “Yeah, sing it Axel.”
“This is Van Halen, you weirdo,” You hissed.
The waitress returned and set down your drink, paying no heed to the way the spilled over the rim with her force. Maddie offered her a card and was greeted with another sigh. The waitress marched away and returned shortly with the receipt and the card. She flicked it onto the table and took off to the next.
“Alright, if none of these goons kill us, she definitely will,” You shook your head.
Maddie pushed a shot toward you and took hers with a devious smile.
“Have a little fun for once in your life,” She chimed. “Jesus.”
“Fun? Maddie your fun isn’t fun. It’s scary.”
“On three,” She raised her shot. “One, two, three.”
You knocked it back and coughed as you slammed it back down. You hated tequila, not least because of the taste. The last time you had a taste, you remember the inhumanly lean which had you using a chair to stand.
“Mmm,” She looked around for the waitress.
“No more,” You slid one of the rye drinks in front of her. “You got another drink to nurse. I mean it, take it easy. I don’t wanna carry you out of here.”
“Boo,” She took her glass and drank half in a gulp. “Look at all these strong men, they’ll help.”
“You don’t want their help,” You sputtered. “Mads, I mean it. After this drink, we’re finding somewhere else.”
You brought your glass to your lips, irritated, and peered around the bar with a scowl. As much as you worried for your safety, and especially Maddie’s given her lack of a filter, you were tempted to give her a good smack yourself. 
Why did you even trust her anymore? You recalled very clearly her squatting in an alley only a month ago, pissing on the pavement as you tried to figure out where exactly you were. Fun.
You stopped as your gaze met another’s. You blinked and averted your eyes as you lowered your glass. You glanced over your shoulder, foolishly. There was only a wall there. You look at Maddie and smiled nervously.
“Oh man,” She shifted in her seat. “Wish I hadn’t downed that vodka before.”
“What?” You huffed. “Maddie, how much have you had tonight?”
“I dunno but, whew,” She slapped the table. Her glass was empty. “It’s time to break the seal.”
“Wait, I’m almost done, we can go--”
“Nope, too late,” She stood. “I mean it, if I don’t find the bathroom, I’m gonna piss on this chair.”
“Maddie, you always were so eloquent,” You snipped. “Just hurry up.”
She winked and walked away clumsily. She flagged down the grouchy waitress and was pointed towards a doorway on the other side of the bar. You glanced around and again, found the same set of eyes watching you; deep, blue sapphires. You looked down and grabbed your purse. You slipped out your phone and unlocked it.
You pretended to be interested in it as you hugged your purse to you. You just wanted to go. Now.
“Don’t think I’ve seen you here before,” The voice had you rigid and your head snapped up as your fingers tightened around your phone. “You need a refill.”
“No, I’m not done,” You grimaced and tapped your glass. “Thank you though. My friend is just--”
“Ah, don’t worry,” He turned to the table next to you and snapped at a man in a skullcap. The man stood and spun his chair to offer to the man. The stranger sat and shuffled the chair closer. “Name’s Bucky.”
You stared at him. You glanced over at the doorway Maddie had disappeared through and swallowed. You gave your name without looking at him and instead checked the time on your phone. You chewed your lip.
“Actually, you know, me and my friend have a reservation.” You said as you rose. “I’ll just go check on her.”
“She didn’t seem in such a hurry.” He stood and blocked you. “What’s the matter? You don’t like me?”
“It’s not-- Look, I’m just… gonna…” You skirted around the table and flitted past him. “I gotta make sure she’s okay.”
You felt him watching you as you wove around the tables, barely missing one with your hip. You ducked through the doorway and found your way to the ladies’. Inside, Maddie was sloppily lathering her hands up in soap.
“Hurry up,” You sneered. “Now. We’re going.”
“Oh, don’t be such a pooper,” She moped.
You reached and shoved her hands under the faucet. You tore a length of paper towel free from the dispenser and forced it into her grasp. You dried your hands and hers, like she was a child, and you pulled her out of the restroom.
You peeked into the barroom then further down the hall. You dragged Maddie down to the fire exit and angled her through into the back alley.
“What’s going on?” She giggled. “You’re acting weird.”
“Mads, look, we couldn’t stay there,” You hurried out to the sidewalk and turned down the street. “We can go wherever you want, drink as much as you want but we’re not staying there. Okay?”
“Fine, fine,” She wrenched her arm away from you. “Jesus, you sound like my mom.”
“Let’s go to Nova.” You coaxed. “Remember when we danced on the table!”
“Oooh,” Her eyes focused. “Okay, but this time you can’t ditch me.”
“I didn’t, you pushed me off,” You elbowed her. “Come on, I think it’s ladies’ night.”
When you got to the club, it was already packed. Even so, Maddie pushed her way to the bar and forced another drink on you. You found a spot on the dance floor but it wasn’t long before she recognized someone else and you were joined by several other girls and even a few boys.
You danced and tried to forget the rocky start to the evening but still found yourself on edge. You set aside your empty cup and tried to get more into the old 90s tune. You spun, almost drunk enough to really get wild, and stopped dead, your arms falling to your sides. 
You squinted through the flashing lights. It was him. That man from the bar. Oh, fuck, he was heading right toward you. He seemed to march across the floor between the bodies, barely flinching as his shoulders were knocked by inebriated dancers. Only a few feet away as he smirked at you.
You turned and dove into the circle of Maddie’s friends. She was too tipsy to notice as she tried to twerk. You pushed past them and tripped as you barrelled into another dancer. You didn’t even apologize as you kept on and headed for the door. You kept low, unable to see if the man was following you through all the bodies.
You got to the back stairwell, marked staff only, that led from one floor to the next. The club had three levels; one for retro, one for modern hits, and the lower floor for rock. You slipped through the door and caught your breath on the other side. You didn’t stop for long as you stumbled down the steps on your chunky heels.
As you tripped and hit the wall, you heard the door open again. You pushed yourself straight and wobbled around the corner to the next flight. You peeked up as the man came into sight. So certain he barely rushed as he descended after you.
You scrambled down the next flight as he got closer. You felt your feet tangle and prepared to fly into the wall face first. He caught the back of your shirt before you could and his arm wrapped around your waist. He stepped down onto even ground behind you.
“Ah, we don’t want that pretty face gettin’ messed up,” He purred as the dull pulse of music came through the wall.
“What do you want?” You grabbed his hand as it crept lower on your stomach.
“I think you know, sweetheart,” He grabbed your hip and turned you around. He pushed you into the wall and pinned you with his other arm across your chest. “You come into my place and won’t even say hello.”
“What are you-- No, I--” 
“Shhhh,” He hushed as he leaned closer, his arm heavy against you as his other hand brushed over your skirt. “You don’t wear this,” His fingers curled under the hem along your thigh. “And not want attention.”
“Stop,” You tried to grab his hand as he ripped your skirt up. “Stop!”
“Go on and yell,” He chuckled. “You think anyone will hear you.”
“Someone will--”
“And what are they gonna do?” 
He shoved his hand against your crotch and kicked his foot between yours. He forced your legs apart and pressed his fingers to your panties. He rubbed you through the thin cotton and you felt as if your chest would collapse as his other arm kept you in place. 
He carefully drew your panties aside and ran his finger between your fold. You gasped and pushed on his shoulder.
“No,” You breathed. “Please--”
“Please,” He growled and added another finger, dragging them back and forth until he felt you slicken. “You don’t sound very convincing, sweetheart.”
He played with your clit and you bit into your lip. It felt good as your drunken wits slaked away easily. As your pleasure overwhelmed your fear. He continued to swirl his fingers around until your breath was thick and shallow.
He poked around your entrance and sank inside. You pushed your head back and moaned. He pulled his fingers in and out as your walls quivered around him. Your hand slipped down his shoulder and his own arm fell from your chest. 
He smoothly undid his fly and pushed his jeans open. He withdrew his fingers from your cunt and grabbed his swollen cock. He grabbed your leg and hiked it up against him as he leaned into you. He guided himself blindly over your fold and crushed your arms between your bodies.
He took you off your feet as he impaled you. You cried out and grasped the front of his leather jacket. Your lips formed an O as you stared into his darkened blue eyes. He thrust as he held your leg against him, rocking to the beat of the music. 
He lifted your other leg and had you propped up against the wall as he sped up. You freed your arms and stretched them across the painted concrete as he crashed into you over and over. You tried to hold in your pathetic whine as the heat of delight mixed with that of the alcohol that seared your stomach. Your eyes rolled back as you came, your purse smack against your side as this man held you at his mercy.
He hissed as his hips stuttered. His fingers pressed into your hips and he trembled. You opened your eyes as he pulled out suddenly and drew a hand back to stroke himself through his climax, his cum spurting onto the skirt bunched up around your waist.
He shuddered and grinned as he looked up at you. He slowly lowered you to your feet, your legs were like jelly. You stood straight, warily and he caught your arm. He spun you to face the concrete and pressed himself against your back as his voice gristled in your ear.
“You don’t really think we’re done here, do you?”
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cvastals · 3 years
look i kno i said i wasnt gna bring a 6th until i was caught up w replies bt i kno gunner well n therefore felt like he deserved his time to shine in the rp so i beg of u pls plot w him looks at u all like :B
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* axel auriant, cis man + he/him | you know gunner paxton, right? they’re twenty-two, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, four years? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to bizarre love triangle by new order like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole curling up for days in bed wearing a hello kitty comfort shirt, stuttering in the face of affection, and hand me downs two sizes too big thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is july 31st, so they’re a leo, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( bri, 23, est, they/them )
middle child of the paxton family, cliff being the eldest and wyatt being the youngest :D
they lived at the top of a hill in a trailer in a trailer park neighbourhood in laramie, wyoming so to say the least that fucking sucked for everyone involved
the trailer was so small that all 3 boys ended up sharing a room, gunner and wyatt sharing a bunk bed bc they cldnt fit 3 beds into one room it really was every childs nightmare bt they quickly grew used to it tbh
gunner was always more of an artsy child than invested in sports - though he does enjoy baseball and continued even to this day after their dad made him join SOMETHING in middle school - so he never rly earned their father’s respect, but he was always close with his mom since they had the same calm temperament
(depression/anxiety tw) he also gained a list of mental health issues that their mom had as well, including social anxiety and major depressive disorder
(violence/abuse tw) their father always encouraged pretty volatile behaviour and it caused a lot of physical fights and arguments between the brothers when their dad told them the best way to get over it was to start hurting until someone tapped out, it was just a chaotic and pretty abusive household but no one knew and their mom definitely wasn’t going to say anything about it to their dad
(missing child/kidnapping/anxiety/depression tw)  wyatt went missing on a weekend that their parents were gone because of a trip they won, and things just got worse from there, high school was really rough for gunner, his anxiety grew worse as time went on that no one found wyatt, their dad grew more hostile towards them, cliff left home in the middle of the night never to be seen again (merely leaving a note so that the family didn’t think they had a case of two kidnapped children), and their mom just grew sicker, it was rare that she would ever leave her room and if she did it was in fits of random energy where she would do something spontaneous and completely unnecessary to their house as a way of coping
the two years that gunner was at home after cliff left were pretty brutal and as soon as he could, he was fleeing wyoming and going to school in irving
(internalized homophobia tw)  things are far better now that he’s out of his home situation, but ofc he still has a few personal things he’s working thru; the paxton’s were raised in an incredibly religious household, and he’s got some classic Catholic Guilt going on upon realizing that he’s not jst attracted to women n he avoided talking abt it forever/stayed in the closet fr far too long bt he’s sort of come out now in his own way even tho he does still get a bit nervous talking abt it rly
he’s also ‘dealing’ rn (just pharmaceuticals) which is frankly funny to think abt bc this man is abt as threatening as a care bear bt money is tight all things considering and a librarian job doesn’t rly cover it, and with the amount of meds he’s on, plus incredibly frequent doctor’s visits, needing to pay for extra epi-pens, inhalers, etcs. bills add up so he’s cutting back his meds n selling wht he can spare which is . so unhealthy bt thts life in corporate america baybee!
is literally allergic to everything. grass, cats, most fruits, milk, most nuts, bees, latex, probably more i cnt even keep up w them its pathetic
u can catch him strutting around town w his blinged out epipen holder (aka blinged out w pins of his fav horrors movies) LKSHDGKLHSKLDG
if things cldnt get worse he also has quite intense asthma so he carries an inhaler with him at all times
n to make matters even WORSE he frequently has dizzy spells n bad memory problems bc of all the concussions he’s suffered from (about 8-9 at this point) as well as consistent migraines that can b literally debilitating sometimes
awkward n jst a bit of a Weirdo to b frank like he barely knows how to converse with ppl
didnt have any friends in high school so took the time to teach himself rly weird things, knows a fuck ton of magic tricks, can yodel, juggle, solve a rubix cube with his eyes closed in under 30 seconds, just extremely weird and specific things
can honestly b a bit mean/barbaric to ppl he’s not close w/doesn’t kno - has told ppl to their face before he doesn’t enjoy talking to them bc he has no concept of social constructs/norms
loves 2 film random things at parties, makes him feel more comfortable at them n he makes short films of them all after
going off that fact he did a film internship in nyc during the summer and is trying to find a job in that field
doesn’t realize demisexuality is a thing so he’s never been that fond of sex but has this stigma in his mind that that makes him Broken so he still Tries n it jst doesnt go well tugs my shirt collar
ppl who r more into under the counter meds than Hard Drugs n buy off him?? probs wld have to kno him some way hes too scared to sell to Random randoms
ppl he went to school w? :D
some friends………. hes awkward bt he means well…………
ppl he has a crush on/unrequited crushes either way wtvr floats ur boat he crushes quite easily but never does anything abt it fr the most part
a mans he wld Risk It All fr (aka a guy tht he actually has a crush on n is Extra Awkward probs a lil mean to bc hes still New to That)
some enemies tbh, he has a temper n he tends to blow up rarely bt it happens n when it does it actually can b quite scary JKSHDGLHSDG
a muse….. mayhaps?? someone he always wants in his film projects
awkward past hook ups/one night stands where one of them cut ties off cuz every time they got together gunner acted like he was embalming a body for a funeral
current hook ups/fwb’s w ppl he’s actually close w/is comfortable w so its nowhere near as bad SDKHSLDGHKLSDGH
Anything u Desire
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missmeltycat · 4 years
I Think My Fox Goddess Is A Bit Of A Floozy
So, I decided to make the Axel & Yuna comic crew in Sims 4.
I downloaded some pretty awesome clothes and fox tails and BAM. I made Lord Yuna, Axel and Nick. They look pretty good, even if Yuna’s hat seems to share some texture with his damn tail. Eh, small issues.
I built ‘Astana’, Yuna’s estate. Or at least, an artistic rendition. Not entirely accurate, but I work with what I got. It took me about 2 hours in total to finish.
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Anyway! First things first. They get the Welcome Wagon. Who visits? Rae (Tekken), Rae (Mortal Kombat), Raiden (Mortal Kombat) and some random NPC Sims. (Reminder: I have the free will settings up to max, have mods to also enhance that free will which allows for all kinds of real human stuff like drug dealing, sex, smoking, murder, periods, etc.)
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What happens? Well, Axel and Raiden start chatting and somehow becomes BFFs REALLY quick. Maybe it’s the god connection... Who knows. :P
Anyway, Rae (Tekken) who happens to be (Weirdly) involved with Bryan Fury (Also Tekken) sits in the front guest lounge area and starts puffing away on a cig.
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Then decides she’s going to join the conversation between MK Rae and Yuna. Two Raes in one scene is a bit weird. Haha.
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The guests all leave and Yuna suddenly starts talking to Axel. Next thing, this appears.
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So they basically go off and bone for no reason and then later Yuna has a house party and invites a bunch of folks that he’s met from the Welcome Wagon, as well as some that had passed the house before. All is well, the party is going awesome. Suddenly...
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My eyes.
The party continues. Axel goes for a small sleep then comes back down in her undies for some reason and joins in the dancing.
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And for some reason...
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Yuna is decent.
I guess the world really is ending.
Time passes andthe guests leave. Axel sits down and Yuna joins her and they start joking. Yes, joking. Joking and discussing random crap.
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That HAD to be a Dad joke.
Oh yeah, then Yuna decided to ask for more humpty-dumpty.
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Because he’s gross.
And then they slow danced in the bathroom!?
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And Nick fell asleep in the bath with a boner.
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But, then it began to get weird... er.
Yuna hosted more house parties to include people they had met elsewhere, including his job. (He got a job as a scientist, naturally.)
At these parties were characters like Bryan Fury, Subzero and Scorpion, Sam and Elvis from Fireman Sam and so on.
Axel still kept getting along very well with Raiden. Raiden in this game is apparently attached to MK Rae, strangely enough and last I checked they’d had about 5 or 6 kids. Don’t ask. Freewill in this is mental.
During this house party, Hanzo decides to ask Tekken Rae for a BJ and Nick decided to prostitute himself for some spare cash. :’D Meanwhile, I switched to look to see what Axel was up to and she was talking to Raiden. I just missed the tail end of a conversation and suddenly HEARTS POPPED UP. The hell!? I switched back to Nick, who was busy doing a weird strip tease. (No, I’m not posting screencaps of that. LOL.) After I’d done clawing out my own eyes, I switched back to Axel again. More. Fucking. Hearts. RAIDEN, GO HOME AND BE A FAMILY MAN. Oh wait, that’s Street Fighter. I guess I’ll have to make a Guile to go tell him off. Anyway, Sam decides he’s going to go outside and chat to the plants. Raiden follows him and Axel follows Raiden like a lost sheep. I thought nothing of it, so I checked on Nick again and returned a little later. Next thing I know...
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A short while after, Axel asked for ‘you know what’ and he was all “I REFUSE TO CHEAT ON MY SIGNIFICANT OTHER!” It’s like, dude... What do you think you’ve been doing? Then he starts flirting and smooching her hands. Weirdo.
So right now it’s a bit of a chaotic game. Axel seems to be completely undecided about what she wants, Yuna just wants to hump all the time, Nick clearly enjoys his ‘work’ and Raiden appears to be cheating.
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2paclegacynet · 4 years
MTV News Spends a Day with Tupac at Venice Beach [October 27, 1995}
In 1995, Tupac Shakur and MTV News correspondent Tabitha Soren as they walked down Venice Beach in California. During the 20 minute conversation, Pac gets personal: talking about his Baltimore upbringing, his relationship with his mother and father, starting a community center with Mike Tyson, and more. See also: 1995-10-27 / Tupac Interview With Tabitha Soren (MTV) 0:01 What does Tupac Amaru Shakur mean? 0:41 Moving to the West Coast and dropping out of art school 3:07 Moving out to the West Coast and being broke 3:53 Tupac on his mother, Afeni Shakur and drug addiction 5:16 Childhood and growing up 5:41 Dealing with traumatic experiences 7:42 Going from making pizza to joining Digital Underground 9:14 Tupac gets a tattoo 9:43 Getting introduced to the 'thug mentality' 10:51 Growing up without a father 13:34 Working hard and success 14:27 Justice and finding the person who shot him 16:02 How life would be different if Tupac had a father 16:32 Tupac on being a father 17:46 Being in touch with his feminine side 18:15 Starting a community center with Mike Tyson 19:11 Distancing himself from a 'thug life' mentality 19:39 Being able to live a 'normal' or 'happy' life TRANSCRIBED Tupac: They call this place weirdo beach. I don’t know it ain’t that weird to me. MTV: Alright, give me a characterization of your childhood. Tupac: was the total opposite of what I am now. I was quiet, withdrawn, I read a lot, I wrote poetry. MTV: At what point in your early life were your exposed to this quote unquote thug life mentality? Tupac: When I was out there by myself with no where to stay and no money MTV: Which city? Bits of it was in Baltimore. Pieces of it was in Marin City and then the rest came in Oakland. MTV: And what was your first introduction? Tupac: Drug dealers, pimps, prostitutes. That’s really it. Criminals. They just the only people that cared about me at that point when I had nowhere to go and I was hungry. MTV: But you said your mother always cared about you. Tupac: She did but she was lost at that particular moment. She wasn’t caring about herself at that particular moment. MTV: What was that like? Tupac: I love my mom. She the bomb to me so. MTV: I know she is now but what about then? Tupac: It was hard. It was hard because, you know, she was my hero. MTV: And what did you do when you stopped going to school? Tupac: I only had two jobs ever in my life. One was at Roundtable Pizza, I used to make the pizza but it was good, it was the perfect job, Tabitha, ’cause I was hungry and I got to like eat all the toppings of peoples pizza. That’s where I ate ’cause everything is right there. If you imagine I was making pizzas on the side, bringing pizzas home, I’m calling in my own deliveries. MTV: Hello? Tupac: I’m saying we’re on Venice Beach that’s what you’re supposed to do. I’ve been in jail for 11 months, Tabitha. You got let me get a look once or something . MTV: Do you think it’s important to tell your fans that it’s not cool for you to end up in jail? Tupac: I don’t have any problem telling people it’s not cool to go to jail ’cause I’ve been there and it’s not cool. MTV: So just tell me how you have been feeling with all the stuff that’s been going on in the last couple of weeks. Tupac: Good. Relieved. Happy to be home. It’s a trip when you know that last week you were in jail and I was in this little cell and it was real dirty and not have any hot water and dudes were telling me when to shower and when to eat and all of that and then next week I’m up “Manny’s” with champagne, filet mignon and lobster and shrimp. MTV: Did you feel like your life was ever threatened in jail? Tupac: By the guards not by the inmates. ‘Cause they did just everything they could do to try to break me because I used to talk a lot of shit, you know, coming out of jail. MTV: No, not you. Tupac: I know, I know it’s hard to believe, Tabitha, but you just got to picture it. But, uh, you know, they would say things ’cause they would call you, uh, jail was the first place where I can go and they just went as soon I got there they went, “There he goes.” He goes, “Who?.” “There is the rich ****.” I was like, “Oh shit, he said ****, he said ****!” and everybody was looking and me like, “So?.” I was like, “Oh my God, this is where I’m gonna be staying. He said ****.” MTV: Well you got s in one of your records. Tupac: Nigga. They’re talking about s. s was the ones on the rope hanging out on the field. Niggas is the ones with gold ropes hanging out at clubs. MTV: Well maybe not everyone is not aware of the differention. Tupac: They don’t have to be. Everyone if your not a nigga and you don’t use that word you don’t have to understand it. It’s not one of those things. MTV: How did you meet the girl in the alleged rape? Tupac: I met her in the club. Some guys introduced me to her. MTV: And she was very forward with you? Tupac: Extremely MTV: And what happened? Tupac: She did some things and… MTV: Sexual things? Tupac: Yeah, she did some things there at the club and we got together later that night. I saw her again another time with the guys that introduced me to her, um, everybody was having a good time. Not we didn’t do anything sexual, just having a good time. Me and her went in there, she gave me a massage, came out, went to sleep, woke up. She’s screaming, “Rape, rape.” I raped her and the next thing I know I’m going to jail. MTV: So in your opinion there was no truth to the sexual abuse charges? Tupac: Not on my part at all. MTV: If you could go back to the night when the sexual abuse occurred is there anything you would do differently? Tupac: Yeah MTV: What? Tupac: I would not have closed my eyes till she was out of the room, until everybody was out of the room. MTV: I’ve grown up with tons of wild stories from lots of legendary rock bands and things they would do with their groupies. Do you feel like there is a double standard for black artists and white artists and how they entertain their groupies? Tupac: Yes it is a double standard because America is scared of a black mans sexuality. and they only see us as groups who could only go, “Ugh, ugh,” and they just can’t imagine us being another way and that’s why it was so easy for people to believe I could do this. MTV: It seemed like there was a time though that you were definitely reveling in the image of being wild and crazy. What got you off that path? Tupac: Five hot bullets. MTV: Tell me what happened at the recording studios in Time Square. Tupac: I got shot five times. I walked in, some dudes walked in and shot me up, um, took some jewelry. MTV: Do you know who shot you? MTV: No? Is that a no or is that a maybe? Tupac: No, I don’t know who shot me. MTV: So does that mean that you also have no idea why they shot you? Tupac: No, I have no idea why they shot me. MTV: Do you think they shot you just to get your jewelry? Tupac: I don’t know. It’s like anybody’s guess. I don’t know. I don’t really like to talk about it. MTV: At any point did you think you were going to die after being shot five times. Tupac: No. No, I didn’t. Immediately I was like, “Oh Man.” I know how it’s gonna be when I die it’s gonna be no noise you know you won’t hear people screaming. I’ma fade out. MTV: You were on trial for sex abuse charges at the time of the shooting. Tupac: I was on trial for rape and sodomy and gun possession and forcible kidnapping about 18 charges that’s why I wanted to die at that point. ‘Cause I was like you know I mean I’m tired but I lived and I was like well I can’t check out. MTV: So you felt suicidal? Tupac: Oh, definitely. It wasn’t like I was one day waking up and wanted to commit suicide just all around I felt suicidal but I couldn’t kill myself I just wanted somebody to kill me for me, you know what I mean? MTV: Yet you were still happy you survived the five gunshot wounds. Tupac: Only reason I was happy was I didn’t want them to take me out. You know I want honor man. These suckers that wanna rob you, taking you out, you know what I mean? That’s cowardly. MTV: Do you feel rehabilitated? That’s what they try to do in jail. Tupac: Nah jail is not a rehabilitation thing. I feel like I’ve grown and matured I don’t think jail had anything to do with it. MTV: Tell me what you’ve been recording in the studio since you got out of jail Tupac: Euphanasia is the name of the album. It’s a double album I’ma release it for Christmas. It’s gonna have Snoop on it, me and him did a song called “Amerika’z Most Wanted.” MTV: Do you feel like rappers should be more responsible for their lyrics? Tupac: Um, yes. MTV: What would you define as irresponsible? Tupac: You talk about murder and death and you don’t talk about the pain or you talk about killing and robbing and stealing and you don’t talk about jail and death and betrayal and all things that go with it. MTV: A lot of people would characterize your music as gangsta rap. Do you? Tupac: No MTV: Why not? Tupac: Marlon Brando is not a gangsta actor. He’s an actor. Axel Rose and them are not gangsta rock ‘n’ rollers. They’ve got rock ‘n’ rollers right? So I’ma rapper. This is what I do. I’m an artist. MTV: Does anything that Bob Dole says make any sense to you as far as rap is concerned? Tupac: Nah, I have no disrespect towards Bob Dole. I know he don’t know what he’s talking about. He’s just talking. Some card that somebody gave him he’s just reading off that card. But he’s cute, you know what I mean? He’s my grandfather. MTV: One of the characterizations made of rappers often is that they’re very boastful. It seems like right now you’re taking pain to be humble and look at things from a very realistic perspective. Is that accurate? Tupac: Yes, I think being humble is sexy. That’s my new put I’m pushing humble. MTV: You’re being humble to get chicks? Tupac: I’m starting to turn you on, Tabitha. As a matter of fact, I’m hoping my humble thing is gonna get to you . MTV: So you got married in prison? Tupac: Yeah MTV: What happened with that? Tupac: It didn’t work. Not because of her or me or jail it just wasn’t the right thing to do at the time. I married her for the wrong reasons. MTV: What were the reasons? Tupac: I cared about her but I married her because I was in jail, I was alone and I didn’t want to be alone. MTV: How would you compare to fame and fortune in 1995 to how you did a couple years ago? Tupac: I believe I’m more responsible, more mature and more focused and I will be more focused and even more responsible and even more mature in time. MTV: It seems like the two sides of Tupac are constantly battling with each other. One minute your spitting at TV cameras, the next you’re talking about Shakespeare. Have you reconciled those two? Tupac: Hopefully. I’d like to think so. I think that I’m really I was a reactionary and now I don’t do that anymore. Same person, just I don’t react. Before I reacted I didn’t like the cameras, I’d spit. MTV: The last time we talked you said that you were best known for your big mouth. What do you feel you’re best known for now? Tupac: Taking five bullets. Surviving. I’m known as a survivor now. I hope so for the jail thing, bullets, and the everything. Controversies and everything. I hope so. And I wanna be in the future known as somebody, you know, I want people be talking about me like, you know, “Remember when he was real bad? Remember when Tupac was real bad?” You know what I mean? They do that about a lot of actors now. Like John Travolta I read stories and it’s like, “Remember when you were wild?” And all these other people they now are sweethearts. We all should get that chance. I just want my chance. Read the full article
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