#i desire him carnally too
treeshroudrelic · 1 year
The real reason why Jericho made Cyrus, the asexual main character of his VN Remember the flowers, a human and not an anthro is that he knew that the target audience, aka gay furries, would be disinterested in sexualizing a human compared to hot furry men. Genius play there.
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politemagic · 1 month
dabbling in writing a little bit of slasher iii👀 it's not much, but i've had this idea for months and figured it's about time i did something with it. written while listening to deadrose by unprocessed. not necessary but it's currently topping my slasher iii song list
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Time had muddled in their brain, they had no idea how long it had been since he’d disappeared from their sight, but they knew they were running out of time regardless. The rope binding their limbs had been tied with expert hands. As they struggled against their bonds, the rope’s grip only tightened, the fibers rubbing their wrists and ankles raw until it began to turn pink with their blood. Their eyes frantically searched the room for anything that might help them escape, but they found little that could be of assistance. 
The room he imprisoned them in was almost entirely bare, save for a pile of discarded, bloody clothing heaped into the corner and the black journal the masked man always carried with him. When he left the room, the journal had fallen from his pocket, haphazardly forgotten by the door.
Their curious nature overtook them as they scooted across the grimy floor, nudging the cover open with their toe. Their blood ran ice cold as a pair of vibrant blue eyes stared back at them from the first page. A photograph of a handsome man was paperclipped to the page, partially obscuring what they knew were the events of the final hours of that man’s life. They felt bile creep up their throat as their eyes scanned across the page.
17:43 He believes crying will help him, that his tears will compel me to release him. It’s pathetic, really. I thought he would be stronger. But the tears make his eyes look so pretty, maybe I’ll keep him a little longer.
The horrors of the first page had done nothing to prepare them for the next, as they found those same vibrant blue eyes staring back at them, cold and devoid of life. They tried not to stare too long at dark red blood oozing from the gaping wound in his throat. The pages that followed were all the same format: a photograph of some poor unfortunate soul accompanied by a horrifically detailed account of their final moments, followed by another photo of their corpse. On some pages, he had even smeared blood across the page in vaguely artistic patterns. 
As they flipped the final page, they bit down on their lip to stifle their scream as their own face smiled back from this book of horrors. Despite his poor attempt to crop the image before printing it, they could tell it was a screenshot from their Instagram, a photo they had posted in a moment of self-confidence. A photo that this deranged man would use to remember them by, a juxtaposition for the horrific photo they knew would occupy the next page soon enough.
The door creaked open, and they lifted their gaze from the photo to meet his darkened eyes, crinkled from the grin he hid beneath his mask.
“I see you’ve found my scrapbook,” The smile in his voice told them that he had always intended to drop the journal, that he wanted them to read it, to see what was in store for them. 
He crouched before them, plucking the journal off the floor and thumbing through the pages before returning to the image of the blue-eyed man. He stroked the image tenderly with his index finger before turning it around to once again display the image of his lifeless corpse.
“He’s still my favorite, I think. But you… I believe you’ll be a close second,” His other hand gently traced the contours of their jaw. “You’re going to be my masterpiece, darling.”
He stood then, chuckling to himself as he tucked the book underneath his arm and spun on his heels, striding back out the door as they crumpled to the ground, terrified of what other sick games he might be playing with them.
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Vincent Price and Boris Karloff - The Raven (1963)
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lesbianjackies · 11 months
*starts violently sobbing*
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hirakiyois · 2 years
yai reading mangkorn's cringe fail apology letters to him and deciding they needed to have insane and aesthetic lovemaking right then and there was so valid of him
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punkhazardlaw · 2 years
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As someone who has a hand kink, all of the Jump Festa cards were top tier art but Law?????? Jesus CHRIST I need an exorcism every time I look at him let alone his tattooed hands. I desire him carnally. So bad. Not a want but a need at this point.
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gotta-bail-my-quails · 8 months
everyone is fucking clowning on the new playable character/unit in this game and calling him covered in tapeworms and shit and im like. hes a SLUT okay? a WHORE!!! he wears pants with rips in them at his upper thigh!! his ass is OUT!! he has a smug fucking smile and its beautiful!!! he wears a gotdam corset thing with a COMPLETELY open button up!! hes got a lil purple bowtie <3 HES BALD he has a crotch guard??? and he is not wearing his fucking big goofy ass jacket, it literally just floats over his shoulders. his fucking hands arent attached to his body, theyre the floating white gloved hands some allo people find hot for some reason. HIS FUCKING HAT!!!! oh and he has a gun
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prettyblondguys · 11 months
"Baby, I'm just Ken."
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plus what my insta moots are very used to👇
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weird up too close selfie my beloved
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Honestly I think my style of writing (which I'd boil down to smut that's more about overwhelming emotions and sexual desires that stem from a yandere) just doesn't gel with how I view Johan which is why I always feel so shitty and "off" when I write smut with him. I just feel like I'm jamming a very complex and multilayered peg into a Horny Obsession Hole and I wish I could give him and his potential relationship with someone Like That the depth it deserves
Anyway if you want that depth from someone who imo has a pitch-perfect interpretation of Johan and Johan/Darling, @ddarker-dreams has written the best fics I've ever seen with him
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hecksupremechips · 2 months
Actually cry so goddamn hard when I think about Shinjiro Aragaki healing and being loved and having to learn to be okay with himself and being taken care of
#writing him has just been like. OOOOWOEOEOEOOE i piss tears i cant handle this shit this gay ass shit#i came up with an idea for just like a cute short one shot i wanna do soon and hnnnghh im so emo about it#very healing its like very hard to write some of the shit im gonna be writing cuz basically#some of it is just a little too real man and while i crave the angst and the drama i am just like#AND THEN EVERYONE HOLDS HANDS AND ITS OKAY PLEASE DONT CRY PLEASE#and ive mentioned how shinji has accidentally become nb to me now because i just kinda happened to write him that way without meaning to#and now another thing im noticing is that in my fic hes kinda bpd coded#it definitely wasnt intentional but now im accepting it as truth no one can stop me#i just really need him to be happy its more important to me than anything else man i need it for me#and he needs to be gay with aki they need to kissy and i think its funny cuz even in the parts where shinji is mad at aki and pushing him#away its like. he kinda has it bad lol and its clear he feels no actual hatred towards aki but more just self deprecation because he doesnt#feel good enough and like idk i just think about their respective roles in society like#aki is an honor student star boxer hero very attractive very kind very popular got adopted by a rich family#hes going places you know meanwhile shinji is a drop out who never had a family ever hes homeless hes sketchy hes on drugs#his reputation couldnt be any worse and he just leans into it and feels he has no future and hes worthless garbage#and aki could literally have anyone he wants you know he has an army of girls pining over him but he doesnt want them#HE WANTS SHINJI AND NO ONE ELSE HE SPENDS YEARS CHASING AFTER HIM#and shinji HATES it hes trying so hard to push him away and be the crusty delinquent and make aki see how worthless he really is#but aki just doesnt stop he loves him so much makes me sick SICK#and shinji really loves him back hes like not gonna shut up ever about aki hes like either doing it in a gay ass annoyed way#or hes like ‘haha omg aki is so cute though hes always trying so hard to be tough but hes just so sweet and gentle you know i hope he#doesnt push himself too hard if he got hurt id fall apart hes so silly i hope hes eating good i desire him carnally’#yeah sorry gamers this is just a pairing i cant be normal about they mean so much to me personally the fate of the world rests upon them
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rexcaliburechoes · 2 months
ask game - KISS
spins a comically large wheel that just consists of the name "istorros"
god. okay. i've been looking for an excuse to talk about istorros. so i'm gonna take this as my sign to talk a little about him.
the real answer is sort of funny, because in my current file, he's romancing gale, so the last person he's technically kissed is gale. but story-wise, astarion, because of a bunch of funny shenanigans that happened behind the scenes.
here he is casting speak to dead for context (the only other reference i have of him is an Actual mugshot. lmao.)
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#ask meme#istorros duskrorr#rex rambles#that behind the scenes shenaniganry is my first file i critically fumbled and romanced shart instead of gale (i had a planned routesplit)#(but that didn't happen obviously. big game. too big to justify long routesplits like that. LMAO.)#so when i created istorros i was deadset on romancing gale bc he's my pathetic wizard!! i like my pathetic wizard#whom of which uh. well. istorros sprouted a whole ass personality OUTSIDE OF MY CONTROL.#motherfucker hit the ground running when he popped into existence#he's the drow cleric i've been vaguing about in tags every so often#anyways back to the shenanigans: i was deadset on romancing gale with him but due to how his trauma ended up shaking out#he ended up bonding the most with astarion and we slowburned our way through faerun in oc lore locked away in dms#my friend described his relationship with astarion thus:#astarion: tries to seduce for protection#istorros: no. bye.#astarion: I DESIRE HIM CARNALLY#but yeah that's a little sliver of istorros. he's funny and also Very Tired.#man needs a nap and for his companions to stop trying to kill themselves literally or metaphorically#as one of two clerics in the group he's pretty sure he has some authority on this actually. please and thanks.#(man also legit looked at gale shart and lae'zel's gods and went. 'i think. those gods are being a bit extra. just a little.')#('at least tempus only wants me to assist in warfaring/warring in general and wants to treat me with some modicum of dignity.')
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jrueships · 10 months
why is Jare kinda hot lol like even in that video w kyrie i was thinking he sounded so silly but he looked good doing it!
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do you forgive him for this because i dont
#JAREN WILL BE KNOWN FOR MANY CRINGEFAIL THINGS IN MY MIND#(thats how my favs become my favs. they just plague me with their LOSERNESS)#but doing individual praise research on d*llon dinosaur head brooks marks the TOP of that VERY EXTENSIVE LIST#'LiKe A LiOn LION EMOJI' omg just say he folds you and spare us this hell jaren#OK to be not joking tho he is so handsome fr#like damson idris levels#the way he got his big nose and cheesy lil grin from his parents#his eyes are soooo pretty i love drawing him so much so much#hes gorgeous#jaren#ted asks#my jarebear dunks are only an act of love i SWEAR yall know only the stutter of my desire. my LUST#by all means it is CARNAL#but it is so carnal... i must Help him. by Not Helping Him.#i think bcs pg and him are so attractive some ppl might not look to deep into a pretty thing bcs they dont think#they have visual access to any depth that they can explore unlike a broken thing that is forced to bank on#the attraction of personality or actions first aka offer more opportunities of accessible exploration via inviting a superior confidence#it's like say two caves. one is very pretty on the outside and smooth. the other is dank and decrepit#ppl who enter either cave can want with the pretty one: a basic exploration. nothing too deep. not much trekking. here for the sights#not the frights. stand and admire rather than any hands on changes or battles#ppl who enter the dank cave expect smthing that pulls more than conventional attraction. expect having to toil and triumph#expect the unexpected. actually TRY to go deeper. unlike the pretty cave explorers who go the length the scheduled tour allows them#they dont expect anything thats not already told to them by the guide or in the brochure and dont ever plan on expecting at all#BUT I WILL DO JUSTICE FOR BOTH CAVES BY EXPLORING FHE UNEXPLORED ! VALUEING THE UNVALUED!!#i think the pretty cave IS deep (but bcs i am fucked up and unwell. i humanize better from the negatives) so i VERY LOVINGLY#treat it a little less formal. and for the dank cave? i will offer it some politeness! some respect it rarely gets in a method#that doesnt involve an exchange of some kind#ANYWAYS this is just a general explanation of WHY i like being playfully mean to my favs BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN THEYRE NOT MY FAVS#i love them. jaren is gorgeous. and he is also cringe. as is pg. i love them. i hate them. they are my favs 🥰🥰#TY for appreciating him anon I LOVE JAREN LOVE!!!!!!! he gets overshadowed by some of his other grizzlies antics sometimes
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polychives · 2 years
Cis Tim: Alright, cis boy swagger, might pat his shoulder
FtM Tim: Great, fantastic, kissing him
AMAB Genderqueer Tim: 😳
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saintborland · 1 year
Livin It Up (Intro) ft. Wes Borland as Luke's Guy Walker
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I'm starting to rate the Cyrano de Bergerac versions based on whether or not they make me desire him carnally by the end of the play
#Cyrano#Cyrano de Bergerac#I talk too much#I should probably delete this later#'desire carnally' in a broad sense#Like‚ conceptually. The vibes of 'desire carnally'#But yes#I'm joking of course but also I'm dead serious. By the end of the play ideally I have to understand why so many characters#would choose to live‚ die and be haunted for life for the main three. I have to see the charm in the three of them#Their wit‚ their sweetness‚ their passion‚ cleverness‚ cunning and kindness#The flaws that make them who they are and also what makes them loveable and unforgettable precisely for who they are#By the end of a production I want to see Christian not for the pretty face the marquises‚ Roxane‚ de Guiche or Cyrano see at first#but the man Cyrano still mourns by the end. I want to see not only the beauty of Roxane that makes everyone love her at first sight#but also her wit‚ cunning‚ cleverness and poetic mastery‚ her fiery and valiant personality‚the charm that makes the love for her constant‚#grow deeper and more intense no matter the years#By the end of a production I want to almost forget about Cyrano's nose. I want his voice and his demeanour to be what is most memorable#I want to know him and see him clearly for who he is and thus love him for his faults despite his faults#I want to be as baffled and frustrated as Le Bret‚ Christian and Roxane are by the fact that he is blind to his charm and charisma‚#and how attractive that makes him. And for bonus points I want to see clearly that the three of them are very much like each other#and value and love in each other many of the characteristics they themselves possess‚ even if they are blind to their own
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fucking hilarious to me that Hayward has now been a part of creating not one but TWO separate gods and he did not think to mention his previous experience even once to his comrades-in-arms the second time around. head empty. literally just carnival music playing in there are all times.
#based solely on vibes it's probably Nirvana#Hayward is a Nirvana fan truth 2k22#he WANTS to be a boomer but he's a sad Gen X little man#Carpenter is actually everything Hayward thinks he is and wants to be#Paige is too actually#which is why he's a little bit obsessed with both of them#(psychosexually)#(not that either of them would ever desire him carnally and also he'd probably be too afraid to ever make a move so that's a nonstarter)#(but the fact remains that I am *positive* he thinks about them driving away together in a squad car#and leaving him chained to the doors of the police station during an environmental catastrophe#and thinks 'it's weird that I liked that right? I probably shouldn't have been into that?#shouting about how I'd hunt them to the ends of the earth was probably like... tipping my hand a little? I should have played it cool.#dammit Hayward you always do this.' <-- content of Hayward's inner monologue livestreamed directly into my brain)#fuck I don't even have to write fic anymore I can just post the most deranged kink takes about TSV characters into the notes of siltposts#this is not a headcanon btw this is me seeing and perceiving the truth#there is just SO MUCH psychosexual weirdness to how both Paige and Carpenter interact with Hayward and I for one love it#Paige never explaining to her dad that Hayward is NOT her boyfriend lmfao#taking him to her farmhouse where she used to bring her exes#'i made you eggs'#people are not going to like this because no one wants shipping in this fandom and quite frankly it is great that we don't have that here#but you cannot erase the fact that Hayward's sole mode of interaction with other human beings seems to be:#'please bully me in a slightly kinky way' and nearly every character is just like 'ok can do <3'#Paige doesn't flirt-bully anybody else! Carpenter only does it to Hayward and Paige! the other people she bullies is totally platonic#Carpenter clearly bullies Faulkner with purely platonic affection and now even that is basically just for show#but I'm sure if she was in a room with Paige and Hayward she'd be flirt-bullying the absolute SHIT out of Hayward to impress Paige lol#fellas is it homoerotic to handcuff a guy and drive away together into the sunset#siltposting: after hours#siltposting#tsv spoilers#the silt verses spoilers
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