#then bucks just holding him
911-on-abc · 2 months
absolutely insane how Tommy makes Buck, an objectively brick shithouse of a man, look normal sized in comparison. Lou Ferrigno Jr the man that you are
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wenellyb · 6 days
Some people: "Bucktommy shippers are weirdos"
Me, proving their point:
Would you guys mind putting on some tinfoil hats with me for a minute?
So during the dinner scene, Buck and Tommy are coming from the kitchen with their plates, and we see a pot on the stove.
Why am I talking about this?
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Because the handle of pot it turned to the left.
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But Buck is right-handed
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Do you know who is left-handed?
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So what does it mean?
It means Tommy is probably the one who cooked dinner.
If I take the headcanon even further, Tommy knew Buck had an exhausting day and went to Buck's appartment first and had dinner ready for him when he got home.
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buckttommy · 2 months
a new (returning) character being added to 9-1-1's roster means that at some point, buck has to scream tommy's name in terror. he just has to. like. can you imagine how much differently that would hit? we saw the members of the 118 give buck the grieving spouse treatment when they all thought eddie was dead in a well. but if buck's boyfriend—as in, his actual, honest to god, officially recognized boyfriend—was in literal danger somewhere? jesus. i just got chills. i need it like oxygen.
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theladyyavilee · 2 months
after thinking about it all day now I am insane enough to make it into an actual post, sorry for just copypasting my own tags, but alas xD
this was in response to this post about how buck probably didn't even realize at first how close tommy and he were standing, because him and eddie always stand this close which SO FUCKING TRUE, I just spiralled a little frome there
#but do you also think that NOW the next time he DOES stand this close to eddie he will notice?#DO YOU THINK NOW THAT HE KNOWS HOW CLOSE CLOSE IS AND HOW EASY IT IS TO BRIDGE THAT DISTANCE#HE WILL ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS BE AWARE OF EDDIE BEING THIS CLOSE TOO AND HAVE A TINY PART OF HIMSELF WAITING FOR EDDIE TO REACH IN THE SAME#WAY TOMMY DID BECAUSE REALLY ISN'T THAT THE LOGICAL CONCLUSION TO EASY CLOSENESS LIKE THIS#and like *screams into hands some more* WE KNOW that eddie steps in super close next episode#we know he touches buck#and it isn't the chin it is his shoulder and hip#but really that only makes it more insane#and maybe eddie isn't thinking anything of it because they HAVE always done this THIS IS WHAT THEY DO#they have always stepped close and sought out each other's bodies and touched and just generally had a pull towards each other#but on god I cannot see a world where now buck isn't aware of it in a totally new way#do you think eddie steps close and reaches out to touch him and buck flashes back to tommy stepping close#do you think the feeling of fingers on his chin and fingers on his neck start to blur?#do you think he feels eddie's grip on his hip and for just a second he wonders if there is gonna be a pull that pulls him in unexpectedly#the way that tommy gently pulled his chin towards him? how it was both unexpected and something that he had secretly deep down been hoping#for and been TRYING to provoke by stepping closer himself by swaying closer by stepping in#do you think that for just a moment all of these things blur for buck?#and that has never happened before but HOW are you supposed to ever forget now that you have these new associations#and you have to realize that oh maybe they are not so different from what I have always had#how do you deal with that? with how suddenly suddenly something you have always had has this new meaning and you can't unsee it#but you also can't have it and you have to lock that down because with tommy it already felt like risking everything but in an exhilarting#way#but like this? oh like this the risk is TERRIFYING
the more I am thinking about this the more insane I am feeling? because then I remembered that in the stills from 7x5 we know Eddie has his hand on Buck's side from the way the fabric pulls and EDDIE NEVER TOUCHES BUCK LIKE THAT, he usually only does the shoulder grab! which by itself is insane enough
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we know from the 7x4 stills that even though we did not quite see it in the episode because of the use of close-ups, tommy too had his hand on Buck's side during the kiss/in the aftermath of the kiss, THE SAME HAND ON THE SAME SIDE VERY LIKELY IN THE SAME SPOT
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the fact that they have eddie touch him like this specifically after tommy touched him like this, when he normally doesn't do that? making Eddie mirror Tommy's touch? FUCKING INSANITY
OF COURSE it'll blurr in buck's mind for just a second, there really is no way it doesn't, sensory memory is SO INSANELY STRONG, oh I am going fully insane over this
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wolvesofinnistrad · 2 months
I know Tommy is technically friends with Chimney and worked with everyone except Buck and Eddie, but I'd love it if Tommy just like... retroactively takes Buck's side in every past trauma Buck has had where he didn't have anyone truly on his side.
Aka Tommy being like "Chimney PUNCHED you?! They laughed when they found out your Therapist had SEX with you during a session!!? He called YOU exhausting??!"
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watchyourbuck · 3 months
I don’t ever wanna hear anybody say that Firefighter Buckley doesn’t have leadership skills,,, that man single-handedly saved the entire 118 then went home and delivered a baby ???????
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introspectivememories · 2 months
"evan, i find you adorable". adorable as in able to be adored. as in capable of being adored. as in i find you worthy of adoration. adorable, from the latin adorare (to worship) to adorabilis (in the sense 'worthy of divine worship') to the current day adorable. as in maybe if we had made it to the movies or if eddie didn't show up, i could've showed you just how much i want to worship you. as in i look at you and there is a font of adoration in my heart for you. adorable as in i flew into a hurricane with you and yet this date is a thousand times more thrilling than that. adorable as in there is a person in your building who saw me jump up and down like a little kid in the lobby after i had kissed you for the first time. adorable as in i kissed you and immediately thought fuck i could do this forever if he lets me. adorable as in i want to press kisses to your birthmark. adorable as in i spent the entirety of the days leading up to our date wondering about you, if you liked your coffee with two sugars or one. if you liked storms or if the lightning strike had put you off on them all together. if you liked cats or dogs or if you were the kind of weirdo who liked goats instead. if you thought about the kiss as often as i did. if your stomach tangled into twisted knots as saturday drew closer. if you would be agreeable to sitting in my lap. if you would blush as prettily as you did the day i kissed you. if your world also realigned when our lips met. if our orbits had matched up now that we flew into a hurricane together. if the gravitational pull between us had finally been too strong for either of us to resist that night in your loft. or maybe, more simply, adorable as in, "evan, i find you adorable."
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whollyjoly · 14 days
manifesting may and buck talking at the hospital, in a parallel to the may and bobby conversation in 6x11:
buck, trying to keep it together: "im sorry im such a mess, you must be taking this a lot harder than i am"
may, putting a hand on his shoulder: "buck, we're both worried about our dad. it's okay"
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avnasace · 22 days
i hope next episode we get more solidarity between the original 118 trio about how much they hate gerrard sjdjsjdjs
bc that was certainly a pointed choice of a character to bring back, so theres def going to be a reason
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grahamcore · 2 years
rip will graham you would have loved animal crossing
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daisysmalia · 27 days
If Buck is Midge it’s very interesting cuz the key difference is Midge was single and Buck is taken. So when Midge walks away from Scottie at the end and moves on she walks alone down a dark corridor and isn’t seen again. Where as for once Buck actually has someone he can turn to, if we’re right in assuming he and Eddie fall out/he realises he can’t help. And I love this because Buck has never really had a partner actually be there for him and stay with him when he’s going through something or needs it. So I’m interested to see if they do show him maybe turning to Tommy in the aftermath and Tommy just being there for him.
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lover-of-mine · 5 months
Sevenish Sentence Sunday!
I was tagged by @try-set-me-on-fire @eddiebabygirldiaz @fortheloveofbuddie @wikiangela @spotsandsocks @daffi-990 @jesuisici33 @rainbow-nerdss thank you 💜
Have some more of the Buck proposes to Natalia fic because i really like this bit even if this is on Eddie's pov just because Buck refused to let me get into his head for the actual fight because i really do like my tragically pining Eddie povs prev snippet
You need to move on. I have.  Eddie doesn't know why he's thinking about that now. But he feels the same way he did in his kitchen trying to pretend he could feel like a normal human again if he just made it through a couple more days while Buck kept trying to get him to stop lying.  Buck always knows when to call bullshit on what Eddie's saying.  Buck's gonna call bullshit now.  Eddie can see it in his eyes.  And it's weird because Buck is never the one to pick a fight.  But there's a fire in his gaze that leaves Eddie scared, if he's truly honest.  Maybe he won't have to make it through the wedding because it seems like everything is about to crash and burn right now. 
No pressure tagging 🩷: @sherlockcrossing @watchyourbuck @steadfastsaturnsrings @giddyupbuck @captain-hen @wildlife4life and you if you have something to share 💜💜
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buckttommy · 21 days
started thinking about bobby getting hurt and tommy comforting buck while they're visiting him at the hospital and literally started shaking barking and throwing up ummmmmm
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warpedpuppeteer · 4 months
Watching the Lawsuit arc and you know what's the kicker? For the entire episode that leads to the Lawsuit, everyone is shown being with their family or loved ones even while going through difficult things and having each other's backs (Hen and Karen with the pregnancy attempt, Maddie and Chim + Eddie and Chris with ptsd). And both times Buck visits his family/loved ones, he feels betrayed (Bosko not Buckley. Bobby being the reason he couldn't return to work). And the "anything. Like a knife in my back" line really puts things into perspective. Buck's gone through back to back trauma and his fallback (the 118, his family) are the ones betraying him (right after he was so confident in talking about how they were a family to that sleazebag lawyer too, like OUCH). It really shows how desperate Buck was. He felt like he was losing everything; his job, his friends, his family. He's been gone awhile and there's someone already replacing him (temporarily) , so I can imagine in his head, he's just thinking about how the longer it takes for him to come back, the easier it will be for everyone to replace him and where would that leave him exactly? Alone.
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glorious-spoon · 2 months
rewatching 7x05 and it's truly incredible how much cuteness aggression buck inspires in me despite the fact that he's a 6'2 tank of a man
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cringefaildiaz · 1 year
I think my major issue with the finale (and s6 overall) is that Buck had SO much going on, 5 different thematically similar internal and external conflicts, and I don't feel like the show did nearly enough to weave them together or show the progress of them onscreen.
I have no idea why Buck was no longer scared to "pick the wrong couch again." I know why he was interested in Natalia specifically, but not the bigger emotional picture of how/why he got over this emotional hurdle.
I have no idea how he's changed since the lightning strike - they told us he has, but what's actually going on in his head? I have literally no idea.
I don’t know what kind of growth he experienced via the donor baby. I know he decided he could be donor-not-dad from the get go, stuck to that throughout the pregnancy, and then had a wistful moment gazing at his progeny. But that doesn't really feel like a big emotional moment when he's been saying it's not his kid for 8 months.
I know he started the season wanting more professional responsibility and ended it taking charge when the 118 was in danger, but I don't know what skills he acquired in the interim to allow him to do it successfully. I don't know how he feels about it. I don't even know if by the finale he still WANTED to lead. It was fine enough payoff, but it certainly wasn't an "Eddie suiting up in Mayday" kind of payoff.
I know his coma dream taught him Lessons but I don't know how they're reflected in his real life?
Compare how his arcs this season played out to Hen and med school, or Eddie and dating and I think you can see the massive deficiencies in Buck's season. And I'm totally aware that they need to leave things open so they have somewhere to go next season, but all of his (many, many) storylines having such a lack of emotional depth is a real bummer.
I think it would've been magnitudes better if he had really struggled on screen with the donation, so that moment of him handing the baby off to Kameron would've shown some real growth. A single conversation about him needing to not be scared to live because he DIED as an explanation for dating again. We sort of half-got a lot of these things - Buck telling everyone Kameron was pregnant and the onesie, Buck at the cemetery saying every day is a gift - but they didn't really commit to any of it, and they certainly didn't give themselves the time to flesh all of it out. All in all, for a very Buck heavy season, I don't feel like I know Buck any better, and I know he's made some steps forward, but only because they told us he did. I really would've liked to see the emotional journey to get there.
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