unitedsmes · 2 years
Time Management – Most Underrated but Most Important Asset for an Organization
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Time Management – Most Underrated but Most Important Asset for an Organization
What are time management skills, and why do they matter at work?
Employees that effectively manage their time are more productive, efficient, and on track to fulfill deadlines. They concentrate on the most vital and time-sensitive tasks while minimizing time spent on non-essential tasks.
Time management abilities are in high demand, just like other soft talents like organizing skills. Employers will evaluate your time management skills as well as the efficacy of your team in achieving department goals.
But how do you go about teaching time management to your team? Take in these helpful hints from United SMEs and you’ll be on your way to success.
How to organize your time?
1.   Prioritize your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks
This is one of the most effective time management techniques. When making a chore list, it’s crucial to consider the relevance and urgency of each work. Make a list of all the things you need to complete on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis, and prioritize them based on their importance and deadlines.
2- Multitasking should be avoided
Attempting to do numerous assignments at the same time degrades your performance and can diminish your productivity by 40%. Concentrating on one activity at a time will help you complete twice as much work in a week and increase the productivity of each day.
3- Avoid all Distractions
While some distractions are unavoidable, others can be avoided with some discipline and awareness. As a result, it is advisable to avoid using your smartphone while working, to stop using social media, and to keep your phone silent or turned off.
4- Break down work into smaller chunks
With several little side activities, it’s easy to get distracted, off track, and squander time when working on significant milestones. As a result, time management is required for business success. It is beneficial to break down such jobs into smaller portions based on their importance and tackle one component at a time.
5- Boost Your Energy Levels
Humans, unlike robots, operate best when they are given adequate rest and leisure. Humans require unwinding because it enhances concentration, attention, and energy while reducing errors and mistakes. This also prepares you to deal with obstacles more effectively and gives you the physical, mental, and emotional relief you require.
Manage your time with United SMEs
The time management tactics and recommendations for professionals listed above can help you make the most of your organizational time. However, it should be noted that implementing all the techniques at the same time can seem unachievable at times.
This is why United SMEs have the most result-oriented and practical Hop on Hop off Training Programs for the growth of employees. With this program, your employees can have the skills like time management, sales training, leadership skills, and operational management.
The best part about this program is that it has 28 hours of live training for employees which can be attended across the year.
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unitedsmes · 2 years
Unique Opportunity for Non-IT SMEs
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The IT world judges SMEs in non-IT businesses as IT-averse and late movers. We believe that it does not hold true, and there is a silver line. There exist savvy SMEs who derive the best from IT investment. There exist SME leaders who take information security extremely seriously. There exist IT managers who make prudent decisions to make IT contribute positively to business. We want to recognize them, felicitate them, reward them, and share their success stories with the SME fraternity. We believe that this kind of recognition was long overdue. And this fantastic idea is executed by the United SMEs.
Here is the first of its kind awards for Non-IT SME Businesses. We call them SME IT Excellence Awards for Non-IT SMEs. Their more considerable impact will help create awareness about Cybersecurity, Data Protection, IT Standardization, and Digitization. Jury members with the illustrious background will examine the entries, select the winners and give feedback to those who did not win it. Winners will get life-changing prizes.
There are three award categories. There is no nomination fee to apply for this award.
Professional Award: Outstanding IT Strategist
This award is for an IT professional working as CTO, VP (IT), GM (IT), Manager IT, or Executive IT in a small and medium enterprise has more than ten computer users and less than 500 computer users.
These awards will evaluate their professional work in terms of 
Selection     of Technology
Application     of Technology
Covid     Time Resilience
Roles     and Responsibilities
IT     Decision v/s Quantifiable Benefit
The life-changing prize details are in the next section.
Management Award: A Trend Setter in Information Security Policies
This award is for a business leader in the position of a Director, Proprietor, Partner, CEO, or CFO in a small and medium enterprise having more than ten computer users and less than 500 computer users.
These awards will evaluate their leadership in terms of 
Emphasis     on Information Security
Level     of Information Security Compliance
Change     Management by Digitization
Handling     of Resistance to Change Management by Digitization
Covid     Time Handling of Information Security
The life-changing prize details are in the next section.
Enterprise Award: Incredible RoI in IT
This award is for a business leader in the position of a Director, Proprietor, Partner, CEO, or CFO in a small and medium enterprise having more than ten computer users and less than 500 computer users.
These awards will evaluate their leadership in terms of
Scale     of IT Usage
Per-User     Hardware Cost
Per-User     Software Cost
Per-User     IT Management Cost
Uptime     and Redundancy
Failure     Management
The life-changing prize details are in the next section.
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unitedsmes · 2 years
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Digital Marketing that comprises of Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing and Paid ads broadly can do wonders to your business if done right. We strongly believe that Digital Marketing is the earning member of your business.
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unitedsmes · 2 years
Why is social proof important when someone reviews your business?
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To convince people to buy into your brand these days, you need more than just a few slices of snappy marketing content. Every day, individuals, particularly those in critical decision-making positions within large corporations, are bombarded with messaging from dozens of brands.
To stand out, you must establish a powerful, lasting impression quickly, and social proof is one of the most effective ways to do it.
Social Proof That Works
The advantages of social proof go far beyond brand recognition and trust. It can also help you rank higher in search engines, as Google likes to see examples of social proof on a company’s website.
Social proof content is also a useful asset for your social media efforts because it can be quickly shared across multiple platforms.
What is the purpose of using social proof? Take into account the following:
It’s a shortened version of your success. Rather than reading a long list of product and service     features, process summaries, and company history, a prospect may listen to     a brief testimonial or read a case study to understand how you’ve helped     real firms achieve real outcomes.
It’s a snowball effect when it comes to social proof. The greater the proportional influence, the more people     who act in the same way. Quality is important, but quantity will help you     stand out from the crowd. Consider how you may showcase service and     industry-specific case studies, as well as client testimonials, to help     anyone who is interested in what you have to offer.
Google is a big fan of social proof. Google ranks websites based on a variety of variables,     but none is more essential than other people’s recommendations and     endorsements. Google examines reviews in major aggregators (including its     database), links from and to consumer websites, and other components of     social proof that are visible and accessible on your site in addition to     links from other websites.
It’s perfect for sharing on social media. The ultimate platform for social proof is social media.     Every likes and follows you receive is a signal from a potential customer     or other interested party that what you have to provide is useful and     beneficial. It can help you drive direct traffic to your website, enhance     your search rankings, and communicate with other people and businesses.
Final thoughts
Social proof can be one of your most powerful marketing tools, but if you’re not careful, it can also backfire. Familiarize yourself with the customers you’re targeting and consider what type of social proof might be most effective for them.
When it comes to choosing the right type of social proof for your business, strive to focus on content that reflects the demographic you’re attempting to target. Make it easy for customers to see themselves utilizing your product or service. Avoid utilizing broad brush strokes and refrain from seeming unduly boastful, as both can alienate potential clients and lead to the loss of a sale.
You should see success and higher sales over time if you create parallels between your instances and the customers you’re trying to attract.
You don’t seem to have time for this, do you?
Make Contact with a major modern-day service provider, Untied SMEs whose main purpose is to help SMEs flourish.
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unitedsmes · 2 years
These mistakes may be affecting your website bounce rate.
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What is Bounce Rate?
Bounce rate refers to the percentage of visitors who leave your website after reading only one page (or “bounce” back to the search results or referring website).
This can happen if a person spends more than 30 minutes on a page.
So, what exactly is a high bounce rate, and why is it a problem?
Well, “high bounce rate” is a relative word that depends on the aims of your organization and the type of website you have.
Bounce rates that are too low can be problematic.
Here are some mistakes that can cause your website bounce rate to increase:
1- Slow Pages
Google is putting a greater emphasis on site speed as part of its Core Web Vitals program.
A slow-loading page might cause a significant increase in bounce rate.
Google uses site speed as part of its ranking algorithm.
Google aims to promote material that gives users a good experience, and they understand that a slow site can give them that.
Users want information quickly, so Google has put so much effort into highlighted snippets.
2- Content That Is Self-Sufficient
In Google Analytics, check at the Time Spent on Page and Average Session Duration indicators to see if bounce rate is something to be concerned about.
To see if the high bounce rate is a problem, you can undertake user experience testing and A/B testing.
If a person spends a few minutes or more on your page, Google interprets this as a good signal that they found your website highly relevant to their search query.
That kind of user intent is gold if you want to rank for that specific search query; United SMEs are here to help you.
3- A Few Pages Make a Disproportional Contribution
Using the preceding section as an example, you may have a few pages on your site that contribute disproportionately to the overall bounce rate.
Google is good at distinguishing between the two.
You’re probably good to go if you’re single CTA landing pages adequately satisfy user intent and cause them to bounce rapidly after taking action. Still, your longer-form content pages have a lower bounce rate.
4- A Title tag and Meta description that is deceptive
Consider this: Is your title tag and Meta description accurately summarizing the content of your page?
If you don’t, users may come to your site believing it’s about one thing only to discover it’s not and then go back to where they came from.
Fortunately, the problem is easy to remedy, whether it was an honest error or you were attempting to scam the system by optimizing for keyword clickbait.
5-Technical Error or Blank Page
If your bounce rate is unusually high and people are only staying on the page for a few seconds, it’s possible that your page is blank, producing a 404, or otherwise not loading correctly.
To mimic your audience’s experience, look at the page in their most popular browser and device settings (e.g., Safari on desktop and mobile, Chrome on mobile, etc.)
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unitedsmes · 2 years
Email Etiquettes can put you in The League of Best Talents.
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What is Email Etiquettes?
We’ve become almost entirely reliant on internet-based communication over the years, with electronic mails or emails being among the most common. Every day, many of us send and receive a large number of emails. Many of us have probably made humiliating blunders that have had negative consequences at some point in our lives. Your reputation could be harmed by unprofessional email activity.
The code of conduct that guides one’s behavior while composing and/or answering emails is known as email etiquette. These guidelines are meant to show professionalism and mutual respect among individuals who exchange emails. The principles can be tweaked to fit the target audience and goal. Emails you send to pals, for example, are likely to differ significantly from those you send to coworkers.
How can Email Etiquettes put you in the league of best talents?
Incorporate contexts, email etiquette is heavily emphasized. Professional relationships and personal reputation can both benefit from proper email etiquette.
When drafting professional emails, keep the following guidelines in mind. These pointers can assist you in making a lasting impact on your readers:
Adapt your salutations to the recipient’s relationship with you. For example, if you’re emailing a coworker, a simple ‘hi’ should be enough. Use a formal greeting if you’re emailing someone for the first time: ‘Dear Mr. Joe, I hope this email finds you well.’
Acronyms such as ‘GR8’ for ‘excellent’ are inappropriate in business emails. Use emoticons or emojis sparingly since they are easily misconstrued. Try to avoid using jargon or technical terms in your communications. Keep them brief and straightforward.
It is customary to respond to people within 24 to 48 hours, and it screams unprofessionalism when you make your clients or customers wait. If you’ve missed the deadline, apologize and explain what happened.
When sending professional emails, proper language and spelling are crucial. Make sure your emails are error-free by proofreading them. Emails that are poorly written demonstrate carelessness and can hurt your reputation.
Your recipients will be able to reach you using the information in your email signature. It’s a powerful approach to communicating who you are, what you do, the organization you’re affiliated with, and your contact information.
Have an impactful Email Campaign with United SMEs
Lastly, there are many different ways to write an email, and good etiquette varies depending on the situation.
While a poor email copy may not be detrimental to your reputation, an incorrect salutation, greeting, or other detail is not simply forgotten.
So, if you follow these rules, you’ll have no trouble composing proper emails for any purpose.
If you are still facing any difficulty in drafting a good email, reach us, and we will help you out in creating an email that speaks for your brand.
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unitedsmes · 2 years
What SMEs Must Take Care of While Hiring Talent
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Small and medium businesses (SMEs) are critical to India’s development. The SME sector employs around 106 million people, accounting for 40% of India’s workforce, 6% of manufacturing GDP, and 6000+ goods. It accounts for 40% of India’s total exports and 45 percent of manufacturing output. It’s no surprise that SMEs will be India’s growth engine in the not-too-distant future.
Talent is one essential component that will propel SMEs’ hyper-growth trajectory. People with specific expertise who can innovate, scale, and ensure company continuity. Finding talent, on the other hand, is one of the most difficult difficulties facing small and medium companies (SMBs) - a lack of time to devote to the task, the high cost of human resource management, and talent conflicts with the corporate sector result in SME entrepreneurs losing out on top talent.
 So, how can SMEs recruit, hire, and keep qualified employees?
1. High-quality job postings:
Attracting the right talent is the first step in hiring great people.
The quality of the job description determines the caliber of applicants.
Yes, a well-written and inclusive job description piques the interest of the right candidate and saves you time from sorting through applications. As a result, it’s critical to understand what resources are lacking and what skills are required to complete the task.
 2. Use social media to find talent with a positive mindset.
Now, one of the most popular platforms for hiring talent is social networking. If you don’t have an internal HR department, it’s a good idea to use social media sites to find and develop applicants. When it comes to hiring tech talent, LinkedIn is the place to go.
You can also analyze a candidate’s social conduct to see if he is the correct fit for you, in addition to the talent search. In the face of the pandemic, there is an increasing desire for on-demand or contract employment, according to current LinkedIn talent solutions trends.
 3- Encourage employee referrals: Recruit the top candidates.
It’s one of the most straightforward but effective ways to find tech talent for your organization. Because the majority of your employees are on social media and other professional networks, they can assist you in finding the best people within their network.
Surprisingly, organizations that use employee referral hiring tactics are able to attract better talent than those who use the standard hiring procedure.
 You can benefit from employee referrals in three ways.
Employee morale improves as a result.
It cuts down on vetting time, allowing you to concentrate on     revenue-generating solutions.
Employee referrals can assist you in finding the right fit for     your company’s culture.
But what if you don’t have enough resources, time, and energy to go through the hiring process?
That is United SMEs comes into play
 Outsource your staffing needs to United SMEs
To address the growing skill requirements, companies, particularly established organizations, frequently outsource their staffing needs.
United SMEs ‘ mission is to assist small businesses in any manner possible, which is why they believe in collaboration. With Innovative SME Specific HR Services, your company may have the best employees without the hassle of hiring.
United SME is here to help you shortlist the best applicant profiles for interviewing and finalizing them with training, all in one place.
 So, what do you have to lose?
With United SME, you may have the greatest talent right now!
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unitedsmes · 2 years
Why should you pay attention to your Google My Business Profile?
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Google My Business (GMB) is a Google tool that allows businesses to post essential information about their business and consumers to leave reviews and upload images. GMB’s initial benefit is enhanced legitimacy and exposure, while clients benefit from learning more about you. However, there is a slew of other advantages to setting up a Google My Business account.
Creating, authenticating, and properly optimizing your Google My Business account is a tremendous opportunity, and you should take advantage of it to the maximum.
 What else does GMB have to offer?
Here are a couple of more advantages of Google My Business:
 1. Google My Business gives you the ability to appear in Google Maps and Google Local Pack listings.
When you look for places on Google, does one notice the prominent map and list of business names that display right at the highest of the page? The Google Local Pack is what it’s called, and there are two reasons why you should care about it.
 2. Google My Business gives you High-Visibility
The Google Local Pack takes up a lot of space on Google’s first page of search results, and it’s the first thing any Google user sees after typing in their query.
It allows users to ascertain all of the knowledge they require during a single glance.
Google My Business is the most important factor in local pack rankings. So, if you want to engage with your target audience — in this case, people in your service region – using Google My Business to verify, update, and optimize your web information will assist.
 3. Google My Business allows customers to leave reviews for your company.
Customer evaluations have tons of weight, especially when it involves program results. According to another Moz study, internet reviews are considered to account for 10% of how search engines rank results.
Using GMB to form it easy for your consumers to submit good comments about your business is important if you would like to be seen within the search results. There are a couple of more reasons why users should leave reviews.
Reviews also help with local SEO.
 4. GMB Provides Insights That Are Beneficial To You
Google My Business has several useful capabilities that can help you create strategies and make decisions by providing insights into key areas. This tool gives you access to facts and insights which will assist you to find out who your audience is.
 If you’re looking for a social media management solution that allows you to publish to Google My Business, UnitedSMEs is here to help you get more done with your online presence.
Contact us and take advantage of a modern-age service provider today!
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unitedsmes · 2 years
Good Communication Skills Ensures Better Performance by Teams
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An efficient and profitable firm requires effective communication in the workplace. It helps establish strong client and employee connections and keeps staff motivated and productive by ensuring that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities. If business leaders want to ensure employee satisfaction and promote good performance, they should prioritize excellent communication in their firm. In this post, we’ll look at what successful workplace communication is, the 5 benefits of it, and some communication suggestions to think about.
 1- It increases employee engagement
Effective communication ensures more than simply that information is received correctly. It also strives to connect people and maintain open lines of communication between employees and other members of the company. Employee engagement improves as a result of this, which can lead to higher employee satisfaction and healthier business culture.
 2- Improved Productivity & Performance
Employees who are engaged in their work and have a clear grasp of their responsibilities are more likely to be productive and efficient. Employees who don’t understand their function or responsibilities in a position, or who have inadequate resources to accomplish their obligations, often feel befuddled or as if they aren’t capable of doing their job well. Employees may perform their responsibilities more properly if the information is readily available and presented in an effective manner. This can also enhance productivity throughout the firm.
 3- It Strengthens Team Building
To operate effectively together, team members must feel confident in the other members of their group. Communication is a key component of trust since it guarantees that everyone on the team is on the same page in terms of expectations and responsibilities. Clear guidelines that are properly conveyed enable team members to understand how to behave as members of the team, bringing them closer together for a more synchronized work effort.
 4- Healthy Work Culture
Maintaining a good corporate culture relies heavily on effective communication. Many workplaces employ people of many ethnicities, races, and faiths, and conflict is bound to develop when there are so many disparities. An open communication culture produces a healthy and tolerant workplace where all employees feel equal and understood.
 5- Better Client Relations
Employees aren’t the only ones who benefit from good workplace communication. Client interactions are also influenced by effective communication. Firms that prioritize client contact are more likely to create strong connections and keep clients than companies that do not. Customers admire organizations who cherish their relationships and keep them informed about developments, and they are more loyal to these companies when they feel linked to them.
 Want to develop good communication skills in your employees? Start with United SMEs
United SMEs is a modern-day service provider for SMEs, providing a one-stop solution for small and medium-sized business owners looking for dependable, rapid, and easy service. United SMEs provides services that are critical, beneficial, and necessary for your company’s growth.
With the help of the United SMEs Hop on Hop off Training Program, your staff may now learn how to communicate better and in such a way that the firm reaps all of the benefits. This is a service that has been specifically built to meet the demands of all types of businesses. Employees will now have soft skills such as email etiquette, time management, skilled communication, leadership abilities, sales training, and much more thanks to this program’s expert training.
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unitedsmes · 2 years
How to manage your brand reputation on Social Media?
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Social media reputation management may benefit brands in any business, especially these days when consumers rely extensively on the Internet for critical information. They rely their purchasing decisions on a company’s internet reputation, rather than advertising, direct sales pitches, or promotional content.
Social accounts may provide a better opportunity to establish your brand’s online narrative than company websites, which are normally optimized for traffic and conversions. Furthermore, because you control these networks, sharing excellent news about your company is a breeze.
While your website and marketing communications are the foundation of your brand’s online reputation, other online assets, such as social media, can have a significant impact on your brand’s reputation and client acquisition efforts.
 Here’s how to manage your brand reputation on Social Media:
1- Choose your name with consideration
When it comes to branding your social properties, experts recommend being as consistent as possible, but that doesn’t mean they all have to look the same. Contrary to popular belief, this is not the case. Diversify your profiles to reflect the user base of each platform while maintaining consistency in your brand’s voice, name, and logos.
 2- Fill out your profile
Your social media profile is more than just a picture and a handle. Use all fields, including description, location, and contact information, to their best potential. Using these characteristics will increase your credibility with users and help Google understand the relationship between your brand and your website.
 3- Make sure your accounts are correct
If branded accounts are an option, it’s well worth the effort to check them out. Verification assures potential followers that an account is legitimate, and also avoids confusion if other accounts with similar names post abusive or negative content. Regrettably, not all social media platforms provide this feature, and some only do so under particular circumstances.
 4- Your Team Should Be Trained
It’s easy to ignore, but continuing training is critical for social media reputation management success. Rather than being addressed, complaints frequently stagnate in a brand’s feed. This typical blunder may be avoided with social media engagement training, which can also assist your staff in converting irate clients into devoted brand champions. And, if you don’t have the time to train them, United SMEs has a Hop-on-Hop-off Training for your employees wherein they will get trained for all your needs with experts.
 5- Tell us about yourself
Don’t only use your social networks to market your products and services; instead, use them to communicate your brand’s positive story. Instead, use social media to promote the positive work that your company is doing.
 6- Respond in a professional manner
The disadvantage of brand monitoring is that it can reveal unfavorable information about your company. While it may be instinctive to protect your firm, this could be a mistake. Empathy and understanding are required to properly handle consumer complaints.
 Build your brand’s voice with United SMEs
In this digital age, having a brand’s voice that speaks for itself is critical. United SMEs is here to help you expand your business on social media while maintaining a positive reputation with its Digital Marketing service. With proper optimization, keyword research, and Google AdWords, you can be guaranteed to obtain results for your business without putting in a lot of time and work.
Get in touch with us if you want to build a reputable brand!
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unitedsmes · 2 years
Why is social proof important when someone reviews your business?
To convince people to buy into your brand these days, you need more than just a few slices of snappy marketing content. Every day, individuals, particularly those in critical decision-making positions within large corporations, are bombarded with messaging from dozens of brands.
To stand out, you must establish a powerful, lasting impression quickly, and social proof is one of the most effective ways to do it.
 Social Proof That Works
The advantages of social proof go far beyond brand recognition and trust. It can also help you rank higher in search engines, as Google likes to see examples of social proof on a company’s website.
Social proof content is also a useful asset for your social media efforts because it can be quickly shared across multiple platforms.
 What is the purpose of using social proof? Take into account the following:
It’s a shortened version of your success. Rather than reading a long list of product and service     features, process summaries, and company history, a prospect may listen to     a brief testimonial or read a case study to understand how you’ve helped     real firms achieve real outcomes.
It’s a snowball effect when it comes to social proof. The greater the proportional influence, the more people who act     in the same way. Quality is important, but quantity will help you stand     out from the crowd. Consider how you may showcase service and     industry-specific case studies, as well as client testimonials, to help anyone     who is interested in what you have to offer.
Google is a big fan of social proof. Google ranks websites based on a variety of variables, but none     is more essential than other people’s recommendations and endorsements.     Google examines reviews in major aggregators (including its database),     links from and to consumer websites, and other components of social proof     that are visible and accessible on your site in addition to links from     other websites.
It’s perfect for sharing on social media. The ultimate platform for social proof is social media. Every     likes and follows you receive is a signal from a potential customer or     other interested party that what you have to provide is useful and     beneficial. It can help you drive direct traffic to your website, enhance     your search rankings, and communicate with other people and businesses.
 Final thoughts
Social proof can be one of your most powerful marketing tools, but if you’re not careful, it can also backfire. Familiarize yourself with the customers you’re targeting and consider what type of social proof might be most effective for them.
When it comes to choosing the right type of social proof for your business, strive to focus on content that reflects the demographic you’re attempting to target. Make it easy for customers to see themselves utilizing your product or service. Avoid utilizing broad brush strokes and refrain from seeming unduly boastful, as both can alienate potential clients and lead to the loss of a sale.
You should see success and higher sales over time if you create parallels between your instances and the customers you’re trying to attract.
 You don’t seem to have time for this, do you?
Make contact with a major modern-day service provider, United SMEs whose main purpose is to help SMEs flourish.
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unitedsmes · 2 years
5 Tips for a great Social Media Presence
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Today’s business need is to be “Savvy” on Social Media
You may already have a social media account, but are you gaining a large number of new followers that connect with you on a monthly basis? If not, you must improve your social media skills.
Growing your social media presence, whether it’s on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn, is critical for getting your business in front of more customers and increasing sales. With a few simple methods, you may transform your solitary social media profiles into active communities.
Prepare for a surge in your popularity next year. In 2022, here are five strategies for boosting your social media profile.
 1- Make use of the appropriate tools
If you want to boost your social media presence, you need to publish frequently and at the right times. In fact, research shows that companies should tweet 15 times every day. However, as a business owner, you don’t have enough time in your day to log in to all of your social media accounts on a regular basis. That is why you must utilize the appropriate tools. You can stay active on social media and save time by using tools to schedule updates.
 2- Concentrate on providing excellent customer service
The new platform for customer service is social media. Instead of calling a company or waiting hours (or even days) for a response to an email, many customers who are encountering problems increasingly turn to social media for assistance. In fact, 54 percent of customers prefer social messaging channels to phone and email for customer service.
 3- Make your social networking accounts more visible
You can’t expect your clients to be aware of all of your social media sites and go looking for them on their own; you have to tell them about them. Customers will be more likely to follow or like your social media profiles if you make it simple for them to do so.
 4- Keep an eye on what’s trendy
Taking advantage of popular social media trends is one of the best methods to boost your company’s social media presence. This will expose your profile to a large number of users who have never heard of your company before, and it may even help your postings become viral.
 5- Engage your audience in a conversation
Would you continue to communicate with someone who does not respond to your messages? Most likely not. If you don’t give users something in return, they won’t want to follow you on social media or communicate with you. That’s why it’s crucial to interact with your followers on social media.
 Make United SMEs your powerhouse for Digital Marketing Solution
United SMEs believes in growth, and to that end, it has come up with one of the most promising growth chances in the form of Digital Marketing Service for all SMEs. Being a business owner is difficult, and there are times when you can’t focus on your social media. That’s when United SMEs stepped in to aid business owners with its result-oriented services. You may be confident that your website will skyrocket with outstanding impressions and optimization thanks to its extensive knowledge and talents.
What are you waiting for?
Get in touch to have a top-notch Social Media Presence now!
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unitedsmes · 2 years
Top 10 reasons why you should invest in SEO
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Approximately 63 percent of marketers are actively involved in SEO (search engine optimization) initiatives. This means that if you do not invest in SEO, your website may not rank well on a search engine results page (SERP) (Search Engine Results Page).
 Many companies have no idea how to optimize their websites for search engine optimization. And if you are someone who is looking for growth, this is the time you should outsource to the top digital marketing services company in Ahmedabad, United SMEs by Synersoft Technologies Private Limited.
 We’ve put together a list of 10 Reasons Why SEO is Crucial for a Website? (That will also help you understand it more deeply).
 Let’s get started without further ado.
1- It boosts your Visibility
You will lose the lead or the prospect if your website does not appear on the search engine results page. However, investing in SEO will help you gain the visibility you require to stay competitive.
 2- It is the fastest way to reach your Target Audience
Using any offline media or print media services to promote your products or services will cost you a fortune. Aside from that, your reach is rather limited. However, if you spend half as much on SEO, you may reach the proper audience for half the price.
 3- Your Website looks Credible with SEO
People are more likely to trust websites that appear on the first page of results. They don’t read any further than the first two pages.
 4- Helps in getting Customer Insights
When you invest in SEO, you will rapidly obtain access to all of the important information, such as what clients enjoy and what products they are looking for on the market.
 5- Leads to increase in Future Revenue
When you’re working on a website’s SEO, you’re concentrating on the target audience. Your sales volume will double by a hundredfold if your target audience grows dramatically.
 6- It promotes your Product/Service – 24*7
Your prospects and reach are still limited when you use ground-level marketing. However, if you have a website, you will not miss any opportunities, even after office hours. Even during off-hours, if you have an Ecommerce website, you will have sales.
 7- Doubles up the Conversion Rate
You will boost the number of individuals who visit your site if you use the proper keywords. You will enhance purchases by structuring the website in such a way that people become convinced.
 8- Increase in Business Value and Reputation
If you choose the top digital marketing company in Ahmedabad, United SMEs will not only assist you in optimizing your site’s SEO but will also help you rank higher in search results.
 9- Fewer Efforts and More Benefits
You may relax while your website continues to rank in search engine results if you’ve worked on content connected to the proper keywords.
 10- SEO is Cost-Effective
Many marketers are willing to spend money on approaches that do not produce good outcomes. However, the best thing you can do is spend on improving your website’s SEO.
 Grow your Business with United SMEs
The bottom line, and the most important reason to care about SEO, is that it works. Trust a team of specialists with United SMEs for your content and optimization needs if you want to realize the true worth of a solid SEO.
 With SEO & Digital Marketing Consultant Agency, United SMEs helps businesses be noticed online and create top-of-mind growth strategies and services that support and assist you in your growth.
Are you ready to expand your business and increase website traffic?
Get in touch with our staff right away!
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unitedsmes · 2 years
Top 5 reasons why skill training is the most important training for employees
Why Is Employee Skill Training So Important?
Candidates were once hired solely based on their educational background and professional experience. Today’s rapid technological advancements have considerably reduced the usefulness of formal education and altered employment requirements. Even tech behemoths such as IBM, Google, and Apple no longer demand a college diploma to hire.
Employers are now searching for employees with strong technical abilities that must be fine-tuned regularly to keep up with technological advancements. Soft talents such as creativity, adaptability, problem-solving, and critical thinking are also becoming more desirable, if not necessary.
Most industries are being infiltrated by new technology, which is changing labor procedures and consumer expectations. The time is running out to seize this opportunity. Companies must begin upskilling their employees now for them to be relevant tomorrow.
Do you want to learn more?
Let’s take a closer look at why employee skill training is the most critical training in the present and future.
1- Improvement in Job Satisfaction
Millennials think that workplace training options influence their decision to stay or quit a company.
Employees must be willing to participate in and learn from your training programs. It’s the only way to get the most out of skill development. We at Unitedsmes make this a reality by investing in effective, enjoyable, and easy-to-understand employee training solutions. Create tailored learning experiences with us!
2- Greater output standards
Employees who have been properly taught are more likely to provide higher-quality output the first time, reducing errors. As a result, there is less time wasted in rework, and customers are pleased with the high-quality, dependable goods and services.
 3- Your consumer base will be retained and grown
You’ll lose recurring revenue from that customer, and it’s doubtful that they’ll refer potential new clients to you if you lose a customer.
Likewise, the inverse is true. A happy consumer might help you win twice! They are more likely to not only become recurring clients but also to refer new consumers to you.
As a result, having well-trained employees who produce delighted consumers can help you save money, increase income, and expand your customer base.
4- Employees gets prepared for higher responsibilities
Employees who are advancing into higher roles and taking on greater responsibility in a business can benefit from training programs. These programs will assist students in learning the skills they will need to succeed in their new roles.
5- Evaluate a new performance management system’s effectiveness
Employee training programs allow a company to evaluate the efficiency and efficacy of a new performance management system, allowing HR to set more specific performance goals. When you use our SME-specific HR service to train your staff, you’ll highlight the importance of fulfilling goals and assisting them to understand what’s expected of them.
Make your SME successful with us
The modern workplace, the economy, and nearly every area of our lives are being transformed by new technologies. A well-thought-out and skill-building approach can help you stay on the cutting edge of innovation and creativity with us.
Are you prepared to begin upskilling your team right away?
If yes, get in touch with Unitedsmes now!
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unitedsmes · 3 years
Digital Marketing – The earning member of your business
Digital Marketing that comprises of Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing and Paid ads broadly can do wonders to your business if done right. We strongly believe that Digital Marketing is the earning member of your business. Whether it is new customer, better engagement with your brand, wider reach or brand visibility – it earns you reputation, visibility and customers.
 The role of a Digital Marketing agency is very crucial in your organization’s growth story. Before you go forward and read this article in detail, it is important to decide for yourself that why digital marketing is important for your business? Digital Marketing can bring a lot of opportunities and growth to your business. It can lead to visibility & sales. After all, all business wants to make sure that their target audience can reach them easily and convert into customers eventually.
 We at United SMEs have understood the gap. Your customers are online and active doing various activities. This is the time when you grab their attention. They are searching something that you are selling, exploring various websites for information, spending time on social media, spending time on YouTube for entertainment to name few of the activities they do online. The gap is, when they are online, you are not easily available to them. How do you make sure that they reach you, or you are doing enough to create visibility?
 Search Engine Optimization:
SEO can help your website with quality and quantity of traffic. There are hundreds of algorithms and factors on which search engines assess a website and once they are in place the chances of your website ranking well on search engine improves. SEO is an on going process as your competitors too are working hard to get prospective customers’ attention. One of the most important functions of SEO is increasing visibility, which means making it easier for prospects to find you when they search for something you have to offer. Visibility is directly related to your ranking. Increased web traffic is one of the main goals of SEO, and you increase traffic when you increase visibility and rankings. Consider this for a moment: nearly 33% of clicks go to the first ranking page, and the first five listings get over 75% of all clicks. If you want more prospects to find your website through a search engine, then you need SEO practices that will help you rank better.
 Social Media Marketing:
Social Media Marketing provides your business an opportunity to engage your prospects with your brand. There are various content strategies and using them to achieve your goals can be a task in itself. One of the best reasons for your business to be marketing through social media is that your customers are already spending time on these platforms. It is a good way to engage and interact with customers on a personal level. By performing simple market research can help you determine which social networks your target audience uses the most. Additionally, by communicating and engaging with your customers, you can win their attention and convey your brand message. That way you can reach more audience in real time and establish yourself in the market.
 Paid Ads:
There are those prospects whom you can’t reach through your organic methods of digital marketing. For them you need paid ads on social media or on google network based on your budget and goals. This helps deliver your message to the buyer persona you define and by leveraging the tools and features social media platforms and Google ads provides, we can reach the right person at the right time.
Having an expert do their job will enhance your brand visibility, reach and conversions. Always depend on an expert for your digital marketing needs as they know how to turn your digital marketing into an earning member of your business.
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unitedsmes · 3 years
United SMEs is one of the best B2B Lead Generation Agency, specializing in B2B Collaboration Services and Business Management Training Providers India.
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