jakeperalta · 1 year
🦈 (shark)
send me an emoji and I’ll tell you a song it reminds me of
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scabopolis · 8 months
fic stats meme
Tagged by @strideofpride ages ago, but here I am! eventually! I've collaborated on a couple multi-chapter fics or fic collections with other writers, but I'm not going to include those.
most hits: I Know That Face (logan x veronica; 13,933 hits)
Veronica and Wallace are roommates in Chicago and heading back to Neptune for the holidays. On her first day back she encounters an old friend and she knows he's keeping a few secrets from her. That's cool because she will figure out what he's hiding. The bigger issue, though, is the mystery she's brought back with her to Neptune to try and solve. Now that will take some fine maneuvering.
second most kudos: Wrapped in Ribbons (dan x blair; 771 kudos)
Dan leaves. Blair gets everything she thought she wanted. And they don't ever think about one another.
third most comments: To Know You, To Adore You (kate x anthony; 158 comments)
Mid-s2e1 AU: Not only does the young lady Anthony raced in the park wholly misunderstand both his words and his character, she refuses to listen to his (perfectly rational) explanation, or even allow him the opportunity to offer a defense.
And that simply will not do. Which is why he must follow her inside the ballroom. And then ask her to dance. And then continue to seek her out as the days and weeks of the season progress.
fourth most bookmarks: In Lovers Meeting (logan x veronica; 92 bookmarks)
A collection of ficlets originally written as part of the Veronica Mars Movie Anniversary week, March 2015 on tumblr.
Logan and Veronica meet in seven different ways: college best-friends, best-friend's stepsister, co-workers at the same law firm, childhood next door neighbors, guests at a wedding, cast members in the same play, coffee shop acquaintances.
fifth most words: Wrapped in Ribbons (dan x blair; 20,615 words)
least words: Get Up, Get Out, Get Away (logan x veronica; 1,423 words)
Logan returns from deployment in August but two months later leaves again. He's back in time to celebrate the last moments of Halloween.
tagging: @theawkwardterrier, @thelillykane, @lavellenchanted, @cubbiegirl
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cariebishop · 10 months
tagged by: @frenchiefacciano
last song: i’m just ken from barbie! lmao.
currently reading: I just started the stand by stephen king. 
currently watching: I’m in the middle of a twin peaks rewatch. I’m taking a class on david lynch next semester and am getting a headstart. hot twin peaks summer!
tagging: @broadcastnews1987 @steveharingtn @thelillykane @nightlocktime
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pynkhues · 1 year
#@thelillykane i know you were prompting shiv headcanons#but your ask has made me write fic set days after the finale where kendal od's and then shiv makes him take her to get an abortion#so i'm sorry but also what i'm writing is fixing me
THIS MADE ME CHOKE LAUGHING i support you i'm ready
THANK YOU, look it's already like, 8k words of Shiv and Kendall Going Through It, and I'm only halfway through, but anyway, have the opening scene:
The night after she slits her brother’s throat, feels her inheritance wrenched from her grip, watches her husband get crowned king through clear, unpolished glass, Shiv dreams of DC.
Dreams of it that first night in flickering fantasy, the end of a film reel, catching the thinnest part of the spool. Dreams of blue sky, the edge of a dripping chandelier, her hair longer than she’s ever kept it to block the chill of the air conditioning against the back of her neck. Feels the weight of a binder in her arms, hears the sound her heels make against marble floors, the wooden gavel hitting the block in the House of Representatives, dreams of eyes on her, hard but focused, attentive in meeting rooms, her own shoulders firm, her own words clear, certain, real, leaving her clear, certain, real mouth.
A hundred fractured pictures, memories, re-imaginings, that show up somewhere strange in her. A movie projected on the inside of her ribcage, broken up by the bones of her, and she fumbles, wants to close the gaps for a clearer image or wrench the reel from its place, she doesn’t know. Just something that makes a whole or nothing at all, something she can’t know, because she turns and there’s the light of Tom’s cell, blearing through the dark of their bedroom, the tap-tap-tap of his fingers on the keys like a creature trying to scratch its way into the theatre of her.
She swallows, awake now, but mouth still mothy with sleep, throat scratchy as she pushes awkwardly up onto her elbows.
“Matsson?” she asks, her voice thick, and Tom glances over his shoulder at her, an apologetic look on his face. He looks like shit, like he hasn’t slept in a week, which she knows he hasn’t. Right now, it helps.
“Yeah, he’s… European hours, I guess. Sorry, I can take this to another room.”
Shiv watches him watch her, keeps her expression carefully schooled, giving him nothing, and a million looks cross Tom’s face before he just nods, throwing the blankets back to pad out of the room, and she doesn’t watch. Doesn’t follow, not even as he opens their bedroom door and leaves it ajar in invitation, the hall light slicing across their bed, cutting her in two.
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taissaturner · 3 years
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international women’s day celebration week
↳ day one ‣ favourite celebrity — amanda seyfried
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nightlocktime · 3 years
1, 7, 10, 26, & 59!
From this post.
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
In short yes. Answered here.
07: What did you last eat?
Lentils, mashed pumpkin, salad, and beef.
10: When was your last physical fight?
alsdkjf I don't remember! But it was most likely with my brother lmao I don't think I've ever fought anyone else besides him. There was one in 2006, it was during the Germany world cup, not sure if it was the last but I remember it vividly. WAIT!!! I did punch my uncle around 2017 lmao. He's just THE WORST and I just went for it asdfjh. I don't even know how I did it. He's way taller than me and I'm not one to get into a confrontation. I just remember he was being a piece of shit to my Nona and making a lot of noise while my Nono who was sick in the next room finally fell asleep. Thankfully he didn't punch me back or anything but it affected me greatly. I kind of had a breakdown after that lmao. How do people get into fights? It was emotionally draining.
26: What are you craving right now?
Does this apply to something that's not food? Not sure how English works but if yes, then I really want to swim. This virus took it away from me and I'm SO MAD.
59: Do you like the snow?
YES! I have only seen it once and I cried lmao. It was a 3 day trip and not for a second I stopped being awed by it.
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fatherjerusalem · 4 years
ghost, mummy, and tomb!
Ghost: have you had a supernatural encounter?
I remember visiting a friend up in bumfuck Washington and we were going out to visit someone else who lived in bumfuckier Washington in the dead of night, and they had a gate that we had to open to drive up the road. I got out of the car to open the gate and there was this feeling of.... something. Not necessarily scary or supernatural, but just... something. That’s probably the closest I’ve come to a supernatural encounter.
Mummy: do you believe in curses?
I’m a sports fan. Of course I do. But, like, real curses? No.
Tomb: have you ever been in a graveyard late at night?
Tbh, I haven’t even been in that many graveyards during the daytime. It’s just not something that I have a real urge to do is go hang out among dead people. If that’s someone’s thing, cool, go for it and have fun and be respectful, but I’m all good without it.
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quicklikelight · 4 years
hi! this is about the oracle card reading!! thank you for doing this!!! i would like a reading about hearth and it can be public!! (i was also wondering if could request a reading for a friend who is going Through It. their name is joey & if it could be a reading about life path that would be wonderful but if you can only do the one reading i understand thank you again!!!)
For the hearth reading for Jennie, I pulled this: 
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This set of cards together speaks of something new coming into your life, via the Messenger. Earth also speaks to new beginnings, of planting seeds in the soil, and helping them take root. Balance is the key to this reading: note that its image is a tree with prominent roots and branches. For any of the new changes that are coming to flourish and change your hearth-space, you need to be sure the roots are tended, with adequate rest and watering. 
For a life path reading for Joey, I pulled this: 
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When you said they were Going Through It, you weren’t kidding. Here’s the thing: A choice has to be made. On the other side of that choice is both a period of rest and spiritual awakening, but first is the choice. If Joey is struggling to come to a decision, I would offer this mantra for meditation: “I have power, and I can choose it.” 
I hope these help! 
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vmficrecs · 5 years
the mods, they are a changin’
Change has a way of just walking up and punching me in the face. - Veronica Mars
In December 2013, @imkait began a project called LoVeCember wherein she recommended Logan and Veronica centric fics every day for 31 days. Due to very popular fandom response, and a request to expand beyond L/V centric fics, she asked @nevertothethird to join forces and the two of them created @vmficrecs.
We intended the blog to continue posting one daily fic recommendation and couldn't have anticipated the number of requests we received. At one point, before closing the inbox, we had 75 distinct requests all requesting very specific lists of fanfiction. Our blog grew to include fic request lists, find my fic requests, interviews with fic authors, episode inspired videos (I think we only manged three of these...yeesh), and sponsoring of fic challenges and prompts. We created a masterlist. We scoured for the most obscure fic we could find. When we weren't able to keep up, we added an 'advisory team.' As is common in fandom, though, interest among the team would ebb and flow, and maintaining an active advisory team was something both Kait and Suzanne couldn't do.
So...the blog went into hiatus. A
We closed the inbox about 2 years ago, but occasionally the odd request will find its way to our submission box. Those smattering of requests, as well as Kait and Suzanne's lack of enthusiasm for fandom post s4, have shown us that while there is still interest in @vmficrecs, we are no longer the right people to be at the helm.
When discussing with one of our fandom friends the possibility of putting the blog up for adoption, she readily expressed her desire to adopt @vmficrecs. 
Which leads us to the main point of this post
Kait and I are happy to announce that effective immediately, the biggest Lilly Kane stan we know (@thelillykane) will be the sole mod of @vmficrecs. Expect an announcement from Jennie (your new mod!) in the coming days about features of vmficrecs, her plan, and potential requests for partnerships and submissions.
To start with a clean slate for Jennie, we will be clearing vmficrecs' inbox, however, so if  3-years ago you asked for a specific list of fic and you're still waiting for a response, please submit it to us again.
It's been so fun to celebrate vm fandom and vm fic with you for the past 6-years. Here's to another 6 of being in the most creative and lovely fandom.
Sincerely, Kait and Suzanne
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absolutelyiris · 5 years
so the mood is feral unhinged screaming from now until the end of time yes
Um, yeah.
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scabopolis · 1 year
fic recs: l/v market based fics
In anticipation of the upcoming 2023 Logan x Veronica "New Year, New Fic" fest, I bring you a small selection of fics inspired by Logan and Veronica making their way downtown and going to a market and/or a mall and/or a drugstore.
Day 1 of the challenge is February 1, 2023 so be sure to check out the #2023 LV New Year here on tumblr or the AO3 collection for more fic and art.
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Fic: A Strange New Story Every Time by gyzym Rating: M, for some swearing and some smuttage Tropes and Themes: Future fic post s3, friends to lovers, reunited after many years, Logan owns a purse dog Read if: The fic that inspired this whole prompt! This is also the most popular VM fic on AO3 so I'd be shocked if you hadn't read it, but I would like to repeat: "Logan owns a purse dog." There's also a podfic available.
Fic: In a Cardboard Castle by casket4mytears Rating: M, for swearing, imbibing of some less than legal substances, and violence Tropes and Themes: Zombie apocalypse but in a fun way, grade-a battle couples, and your general "Veronica and Logan are obsessed with one another and like putting their mouths on one another's mouths." Read if: You watched Home Alone and thought "this could be sexier." But...not in a weird way. In a thoroughly entertaining and "I want to see my favorite couple outwit corrupt government agencies" way.
Fic: Veronica's New Normal by @cheshirecatstrut Rating: T, for teenage like shenanigans, and some swearing, and much makeoutage Tropes and Themes: Logan Echolls is a pest because he cares Read if: You want to see Logan and Veronica (not) flirt at a coffee shop, and at a grocery store, and at a furniture store, and at a ... you get the idea. They're definitely not flirting.
Fic: Ghost of Christmas Past by @marshmellowbobcat Rating: Not rated, but I'd put it at a solid PG-13 Tropes and Themes: Lilly Kane is a gosh-darn-delight (and also a ghost and also a matchmaker), locked up together (in a store) and then locking lips, it's a Christmas and/or New Year's miracle! Read if: You want to laugh, and also swoon, and you love devious little Lilly working her ghostly magic in service of those she loves the most.
Fic: The Washing Machine Story by @best-laid-plaids Rating: M for sexy times, and shenanigans, and your regular adult swears Tropes and Themes: This is domesticity in the sexiest way possible, discussions of marriage in a non-traumatizing way Read if: You want to be delighted. And yes, technically, the part of this story that takes place in a market is about 400 words long. BUT! Its inclusion is educational, because it goes to show how open to interpretation these prompts are. Good, right??!!
Honorable mention to The Rotten Ones by @ghostcat3000. While not an l/v fic, it is one of the fics within her masterful collection bridging Logan and Veronica-centric stories all the way from pre-series through book canon. My fic partner in crime @thelillykane demanded that I "give it an honorable mention from me bc they do mention logan and it's such a good fic."
Until next time! Happy fic reading!
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cariebishop · 1 year
@thelillykane tagged me to share 10 movies that I love. Here we go! 
- Roman Holiday (1953) dir. William Wyler 
- The Worst Person in the World (2019) dir. Joachim Trier
- The Royal Tenenbaums (2001) dir. Wes Anderson 
- The 400 Blows (1959) dir. François Truffaut 
- Chungking Express (1994) dir. Wong Kar-Wai 
- Broadcast News (1987) dir. James L. Brooks 
- The Silence of the Lambs (1991) dir. Jonathan Demme 
- After Hours (1985) dir. Martin Scorsese 
- The Banshees of Inisherin (2021) dir. Martin McDonagh 
- Spirited Away (2001) dir. Hayao Miyazaki 
tagging @absolutelyiris @steveharingtn  @thelovelessmotel @broadcastnews1987  @rcmanholiday @pierangelis  and anyone else that wants to share movies! 
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lavellenchanted · 6 years
logan/veronica + there's only one bed oh no
It had been the smirk on his face and that slow lifting of one eyebrow as he said in a deliberate drawl, “Oh, come on. We’re both adults. But if you really think you can’t keep your hands off me ... or is just that you’re embarrassed about me seeing your Sleeping Beauty pyjamas?”
It was an unmistakable challenge. And well, Veronica had never been one to back down from a challenge. So with a stiff spine she had just parked herself on the bedside him, saying archly, “They’re Little Mermaid pyjamas and I would never be ashamed of that.”
But when she woke in the morning and found herself cradled against Logan’s chest, one of her legs swung over his, and felt a drowsy sent of warm contentment wash over her - the sensation that she would like to lie here for hours with the sunlight pouring over them, listening to the echo of his heartbeat beneath her cheeks and feeling his arms holding her safe - she had to wonder if she actually lost her little gamble after all.
send me a pairing and an au/trope and I’ll write you a mini-fic
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taissaturner · 3 years
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international women’s day celebration week
↳ day three ‣ favourite friendship — veronica mars & lilly kane (veronica mars)
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defenselesswriter · 5 years
5, 15, 28, 29, 40, 49, 62, 74, & 98
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?glass cups!! 
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?the things they carried!! 
28. five songs to describe you?breathin by ariana grandecodes by ellie gouldinghappier by bastille & marshmellodelicate by taylor swifthymn by keshai think idk okay like as soon as i read this question i was like i’ve never listened to a song in my entire goddamn life
29. best way to bond with you?ummm laugh at my dumb jokes and eat food with me that’s like it
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?you and i becoming friends
49. what saying or quote do you live by?as long as someone isn’t hurting themselves or other ppl, leave em alone
62. seven characters you relate to?that’s so many characters wtf1. derek hale (TW)2. stiles stilinski (TW)3. jess mariano (GG)4. alex karev (GA)5. april kepner (GA)6. shiro (VLD)7. lexie grey (GA)
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?what a super relevant question rn lol. i do not like taking painkillers ever so umm honestly? an 8 or 9
98. favorite historical era?okay idk if this is a historical era, but i absolutely love learning anything about Ancient Egypt especially if it’s like ya know not whitewashed
send me a question and i’ll answer!
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melindagordon · 4 years
*warm hug* You are loved. Please pass this hug onto others to spread the love 💜💜💜
aw thank you bb! *hugs back*
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