#the thirteen kingdoms
rainingriversofyou · 3 months
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“Like a roaring star, he thundered down the long shoot, and Manon moved with him, meeting each gallop of his powerful body, each step in time with the beat of the wyverns locked in the belly of the mountain. Abraxos flapped his wings open, pounding them once, twice, gathering speed, fearless, unrelenting, ready…
Fast as lightning arcing across the sky, he plummeted toward the Gap floor…
Down into hell, into eternity, into that world where, for a moment, she could have sworn that something tightened in her chest. She did not shut her eyes, not as the moon-illuminated stones of the Gap became closer, clearer. She did not need to. Like the sails of a mighty ship, Abraxos’s wings unfurled, snapping tight. He tilted them upward, pulling against the death trying to drag them down. And it was those wings, covered in glimmering patches of Spidersilk, that stayed strong and sturdy, sending them soaring clean up the side of the Omega and into the starry sky beyond.”
—Heir Of Fire
“First Flight” Artist: @madschofield
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shadowhandss60 · 3 months
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“Manon began screaming then.
Screaming, endless and wordless, as that thing in her chest, as her heart, shattered.”
Art by @s.seidel.art, commissioned by me
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firestorm09890 · 7 months
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Here’s every single instance of someone in Kingdom Hearts saying the phrase “Kingdom Hearts” on its own without using it in a bigger sentence
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highladyofterrasen7 · 7 months
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idfendyr · 2 months
You're prbly gonna hate me for this
But I was rereading EOS and on the part where Manon goes against her grandmother, before that, Asterin says what she thinks were her last words
"Bring our people home, Manon."
And then Manon snaps and goes to kill her grandmother, fights her long enough and, in her narrative, stay alive long enough for her thirteen to escape. To get a shot at surviving.
She was ready to die if they got to live.
Then in KOA, Asterins last words to Manon are,
"Bring our people home, Manon."
Now, several things.
Firstly, in EOS she may have said these as more of a plea, but in KOA she says it was a kind of, like, determination and confidence, because she truly believed in Manon to do it. Had fate that the witch she had turned into could and would do it.
Second, her last words to Manon were always meant to be a promise Manon was supposed to make to her. So even if she was dead, there was something of Asterin with her.
Now, lastly, her saying this in KOA was all this. But I can't help but think it was also like she wanted Manon to remember when she first said those words to her. How Manon was ready and willing to die for them to live.
So in a way it was for Asterin and the thirteen to indirectly say, You were willing to die for us, we're willing to die for you.
They were willing to die for her to live just as she was for them.
Suffer with me.
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“Live Manon”
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jmoonjones · 1 year
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Manon mourning. I'm being vague because I don't want to spoil anything (even tho the book has been out for years by now).
Flowers grow there in abundance but Abraxos knows not to nibble on these ones.
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shadybirdwombat · 11 months
Elide had Lorcan wrapped around her pinky toe from the start. The grumpiest demi fae. Who was in love with Rowan. Hated Aelin for stealing his best buddy. He falls in love with a little meekish,sly , vixen, strong, and resilient woman. She knows how to play the game. He was concerned about her menstrual cycle. Whenever Vaughn comes back. He may die of fright. Fenrys loves bothering Lorcan about his obedience to such a tiny woman. I believe her witch blood is crochan. She helped Manon see love too. Gavriel loved her like a daughter. Rowan, Aelin, Aedion , Fenrys , Lysandra, Yrene, the thirteen like a sister. Abraxos a new best friend.
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foxylady13 · 2 months
"Live, Manon. Live"
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Art is by @sovanaart & Commissioned by ena.xo
If you know this scene from the Throne Of Glass series, you know how utterly heartbreaking this moment was. I still bawl my eyes out everytime I read this scene 😭😭😭😭😭
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tree-fighter · 6 months
Being the Daughter
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Black Swan 2010 / The Guardian news article / Moonlight Kingdom 2012 / Lady Bird & I, Tonya 2017 / Summer Island, Kristin Hannah / Thirteen 2003 / The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan / Pearl 2022 / Wikipedia page on Sibling Estrangement / 1x9 Shameless
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kimchiagustd · 1 month
one week post KOA reading and not surprisingly, i am still mourning... spoilers ahead but i need to let go of all these feelings.
i miss this new family i discovered, the excitement of the next chapter or the next book, the anguish, the tears, the cliffhangers, the surprises, the couples and friendships dynamics. i miss everything about tog!
my brain is still processing aaaallllll the events of 7000 pages and a lot of things are settling when i could not process everything while still reading the books…
but to me, this saga is a masterpiece for so many reasons. as a woman, there are so many things validating in these books, i don’t even know where to begin with.
the sorority in tog is still mind blowing to me, probably my favorite part of the whole saga, that we clearly don’t talk about enough. the ending with aelin walking to meet her people with her girlfriends, marching with them as equals still gives me goosebumps. aelin and lysandra friendship (bestfriends and soulmates), aelin and ansel friendship (free young spirits), aelin and manon friendship (rivals then equal queens), aelin and yrene friendship (sisters), aelin and nesryn friendship (admiration and role models), aelin and elide friendship (bonded by fate and a love for the same kingdom) are so precious to me... i could write entire essays about them. i adore how all the female characters just fell in love with aelin, saw her vision of a better world and just followed her to the end. and then, the thirteen, do i even need te explain myself? i think a part of me will forever mourn them. the heartbreak i felt after their death is unspeakable. i never read a book with such flawed and beautiful characters. asterin (her hunter and her whichling), sorrel, vesta, imogen, ghislaine, faline, fallon, edda, briar, thea, kaya and linnea have my whole heart.
marion and josefin are branded in my very soul. their characters had so few pages but gods, how their sacrifice still resonate in me...
then the different journeys of all the characters… chaol has a special place in my heart, despite everything, despite all these things being said about him. he had so many flaws, did so many mistakes, but what a journey, what a fight against depression and disability, what an end… he was so lost and tormented throughout thousands of pages, even while being passionately in love with celeana (not aelin!), and is so appeased at the end, married and soon to be a dad… i rarely felt so proud of someone, fictional character or not. i am convinced chaol is one of the best written characters of the saga.
i read a lot of mean things about aedion too and that just broke my heart because the man redefined loyalty all by himself. he lost everything he was taught to believe in, whored himself with the enemy for his people while believing he lost his entire family and kingdom, lost every men and women in koa as a general (his very essence as a person!) and still held the line for hundreds of pages like rowan told him to do so. I. JUST. DON'T. GET. WHY. he is so hated for some fights with lysandra (that i don't excused!) in a horrific context, in the middle a many battles and thousands of casualties. just reread aedion's arc during koa : the only thing he experienced for hundreds of pages is failure, death, grief, terror and guilt, believing he failed terrasen again. LEAVE. MY. MAN. ALONE. plus, aedion is a bisexual icon, and he slayed the whole books, period.
same thing with lorcan. oh my lorcan… i won’t even begin with him but gods, what awful things i read about him… i don't know why but i fell really hard for this character, despite knowing very few things about him. he was far from being perfect, we agree on that. but what a redemption arc. him being finally at peace at the end, after 500 years of wars, (self-)hatred and being used and fooled by a valg bitch queen, made me tear up as mush as sam's death (shocking, i know but i don't make the rules).
i think, surprisingly regarding our society, people were harsher with the male characters than the female ones. aelin, manon, lysandr and elide lied and did mistakes too, yet somehow, people forgave them immediately. i think we should reflect on that.
a few words about baby dorian too... i think his end was my biggest and bitter disappointment at the end of the whole saga. i can't even tell how his ending wreaked me. he is the one character not at peace at the end of this whole journey. his city is utterly ruined, he is alone in his big castle (the very place where he lost the first woman he sincerely loved and the very place where he was enslaved) with the thought he killed the man he hated his whole life but somehow wasn't the bad guy, his friends are all married or happily in love, even manon won back the witches and her lost kingdom... but dorian is lonelier than ever and that does not sit right with me. he was such a hopeful and loving young man at the beginning of the saga but is broken at the end... i NEED a sequel, he deserves one, more than anyone.
and rowan, oh rowan... i think "love" is not strong enough to define aelin and rowan relationship. the way they overcame depression together long before falling in love with each other is one of the most beautiful thing of this saga. they just saw each other. i love how rowan accepted aelin 1000000%, flaws, scars, fire and all. i love how he never overstepped. like many people, i read acotar before tog and thought no one could surpassed rhysand but how wrong i was... to me, rowan is the best for so many reasons. he never took decisions for aelin, always respected her every moves, respected her pace, never lied to her. i am emotional writing this because him saying "aelin is my heart... my fireheart"... *sob* aelin loves rowan with every bones and cells in her body but rowan's love for aelin? i don't know, there's something about it, i can't find the right words... i don't think i'll ever find an other rowan in an other book. rowan was intensity, hatred, heartbreak, depression, longing, guilt, pain, redemption, learning, harshness, softness, falling in love, crossing an ocean for the woman he loved, giving her an armada when he had nothing, tattooing wyrdkeys in her back to bring her back to him, waiting, loving, loving, loving again and again and again. rowan is suddenly the sweetest and most beautiful name i've ever heard. rowan is love and so much more. rowan is aelin's heart and soul and the key to this new world because aelin without rowan is fear and too far gone. rowan is everything. and what i am about to write seems crazy but i think because there's so much things happening in tog, so much characters loving each other, so many couples we rooted for, we took for granted rowan's love and actions and he somehow became a secondary character - crazy, right? i think we loved passionately his character (especially in hof and qos) but somehow forgot on the way how utterly incredible and unique he is. him saying in qos aelin must build a theater in terrasen after the war and then him offering it to her as a mate / wedding gift at the end of koa? i mean, our boy is a man of his word and i love him so much for it. WE TOOK ROWAN FOR GRANTED AND DID NOT GIVE HIM ENOUGH CREDIT.
anyway, i could write so many more things about so many characters and scenes that broke me in these books (my same is sam cortland and i am not afraid) but you got the idea.
tog is the best saga i've ever read and i am not the same person anymore after reading it. i'll take time to heal. but how grateful i am i have a good run with all these characters...
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rainingriversofyou · 3 months
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The Last Crochan Queen - Throne Of Glass - Artist: tatiartty
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shadowhandss60 · 8 months
Manon: You are both at our mercy.
Dorian: Am I?
Dorian: If you want a man that cowers at your every word and obeys your every command, look elsewhere.
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i-only-see-daylight · 3 months
Manon: All of your existences are confusing. 
The Thirteen: How so? 
Manon: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you upsets me.
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highladyofterrasen7 · 8 months
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It was just as heartbreaking, he deserved so much better.
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thelivesofcaptainjack · 2 months
thinking about that one person that was like 'companions in classic doctor who could leave without being the most important person in the universe' which is like. fair. but also. bad things happened to classic who companions all the time ? like susan got left behind against her will, katarina & sara kingdom died, liz & dodo both got offscreen departures that didn't do their characters justice whatsoever, & jamie & zoe got their memories wiped. victoria left on her own accord but she also left because she couldn't take the anxiety that came with being a companion. also martha & all of thirteens companions left on their own ? so like ? it's a mix of both i think for both shows ?
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