#the terfs are not alright
janersm · 2 years
Unfortunately tonight I’ve been exposed to a lot of TERF bs, and I just saw something that referred to “women in heterosexual relationships”—so you’d expect it would be heterosexual women. Nope, this includes other members of the LGBTQ+ community who happen to be in a relationship with someone of a different gender.
So, I think we need to unpack something:
People who are LGBTQ are never in heterosexual relationships, even when they’re in relationships with heterosexuals. The relationships are always queer because LGBTQ people are always queer. Stop erasing our fucking identities for whatever reason you do it. It’s fucked up and needs to stop.
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fallingstarsau · 5 months
Congrats on starting T, Leafpool!
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(a follow up to this post!)
Struggling with some gender dysphoria rn, so I drew fat Leafpool to make me feel better :).
Personally, I think that Leafpool can be any flavor of transgender that you want, but I drew him as TransMasc today.
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bilandi-shmandi · 1 year
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ghostlysoupcan · 1 year
im not even quote unquote a queer elder but remembering 2010 and seeing the sheer leap from queer people being like "yeah we support our queer siblings" and being decently supportive of lesser known identities and then having people 8 years later having dnis for anybody who respects mspec lesbians or gays is....something.
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illogicalghost · 5 months
crazy that there are normal seeming blogs out there run by normal seeming people only to find out in the notes of their popular post that they're a raging terf... like it costs $0 to not be a cunt online and you can't even clear the bar... okay...
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menderash · 1 year
Sometimes I think how often I see a terf go into my selfie tag (thanks, tracker app thing!) and then receive anon hate from terves telling me how "obviously a man" and I'll "never be a woman" and how I "even talk like a moid." (Moid is, as mentioned in another post, an extremely racist term altered and coopted by terfs, sooo.) Frequently they also list all my physical attributes that "give me away."
When this happens, I like to try and see it from their perspectives. Despite their anonymous missives, by terf standards, I am, and always will be, a woman. This is because I was born with a vagina and grew boobs during my naturally occurring puberty. They do not care about a) my intersex condition, or b) my people's own gender traditions stretching back pre-contact.
BUT- terfs have not and will not ever see my vagina. No one ever will, if I get any say in it. Even if they could, I got a big bush and a big clit and it's hard to tell what's goin on exactly. My vagina is irrelevant, socially. So with my vagina out of the picture, what's left? My selfie tag, and how people perceive me with my clothes on.
I am tall. My shoulders are the broadest part of me, I've been told they're linebacker shoulders. My hands are huge and broad, I've been told I have 'man hands.' My neck is thick. I have a chin beard and sideburns and thick eyebrows and a heavy brow. I wear US men's size 12 shoes. I've never been on testosterone therapy. When I shaved my head, I got questioned, aggressively, about whether I "belonged" in the women's restroom. She didn't see my vagina because, as I said, my vagina is completely socially irrelevant.
One more step. All of these traits I share with the women in my family. We are indigenous women of color, with traditional third gender systems. If I was thinner, like my mom, you'd see the adams apple I inherited from her.
So, a terf, someone who is allegedly a radical progressive feminist, is looking at the way I look and the way I talk and deciding that I don't have a vagina. Let me reiterate: we are dealing with a schrodinger's vagina here. I have one I was born with, but terfs don't know that. There is no vagina in play. They look at me, either in real life or my selfies and decide that I am not a woman because of a) my racial traits, b) my, what terfs believe to be, medical condition, or c) how I behave. Revoking my womanhood on basis that have NOTHING to do with my vagina, which may or may not exist. Revoking my womanhood based instead on racism, medical discrimination/ableism, or misogynistic ideas of how someone with a vagina should act. Ya know. None of those seem super progressive or radical to me.
You can whine and scream all you want about "biological reality", but at the end of the day no one's talking to vaginas or cocks, we're talking to each other. Acknowledge the nuance of social reality or shut the fuck up. Also, terf ideology is inherently racist.
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stealthrockdamage · 1 year
Im a recently out transfem-identify more with non-binary then outright girl- and I recently borrowed a dress from a friend to go to a party in. Party has come and gone it was great but I've found myself wanting to wear the dress again every day. When I do put it on however I get super hard for like 10 minutes at first. It's like kind of weird like it feels like potentially invalidating?? If that makes sense?? Like what if this is like a fetish for me and I'm not fully trans in some way. Idk I experience dysphoria and etc that's why I started doing this in the first place but it's like idk idk.. just
im not the person to ask about this because i dress like power from chainsaw man but i have heard of this and it seems normal and harmless. i mean. dicks love to get hard. its like their favourite thing. im sure a dick owner knows how irritating it can be. what you shouldn't be asking yourself is "does this make this whole thing a fetish just bc i got hard when i put on a dress." what u should be asking yourself is if you feel comfortable existing the way you do. it sounds like the party was nice and chill. isn't that really all you need? i get that terfs are out here saying a lot of bullshit about us like 24/7 but you gotta ignore em. they dont know shit lol! people who say that an erection is always a sign of arousal are just not putting in the effort to understand what theyre talking about. also also: so fucking what if it IS an arousal thing? transfems are allowed to possess libido. i've waved my magic wand that creates axiomatic universal laws to add that to the list. go live your life. im not a cop. yknow like it's not a crime to put on a nice outfit and be like hey im hot. nice. cis people do that shit too! it's nice to feel desirable! go figure. it doesn't make you agp. that shits not real. buffalo bill is not real. you get me?
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mcgonagalls-hat · 8 months
I'm sorry but the HP discourse is so funny to me because you can really tell who functions in the real world and who doesn't. Like...if you don't like something, you don't have to look at it! It's ok sweetie! The worst is those who are like "Wahh I really miss liking Harry Potter!" Girl. If you're going to let one shit scum ruin an ENTIRE thing for you THAT EASILY, you need to just lock your doors and windows and never leave. Like idk what to tell you. Also where was this energy towards South Park? BNHA? One Piece? Pretty much every chain restaurant? Disney? PETA? Motherfucking Walmart? All those shitty YouTubers and celebrities? Apple? Amazon?
If you do enough digging I promise you you're going to find something to hate about everything. If you let that ruin everything for you, you're never going to be happy in life. You cannot force yourself into a box and convince people that you're happy.
If you see issues with something you like, (which believe me, you will. You always will.) Aknowledge the issues and move on. Obviously if it's something outright problematic like a real historical event or a real issue, go ahead and call it out. But if it's one bad thing amongst so much good, you need to take a step back and reflect on whether it's really worth it.
And stop with the "HP is literally a reflection of JK's views!!" Just stop. If you actually knew anything about the media then you would know that the main storyline is literally about the fight FOR acceptance.
If you let one little thing ruin an entire experience for you so much so that you have to ruin it for everyone else, you are a privileged, closed minded child who has absolutely no concept of what the real world is. There will be people who hate you. There will be people you don't like. Get over it. JK Rowling's shitty opinions don't directly affect you. The real genocidal laws being passed in multiple countries do. You can either hide behind your keyboard in your bomb shelter, focusing on your pretend problems, or you can go out and take real action against real issues.
Now can we focus on REAL problems now PLEASE
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janersm · 1 year
If your feminism embraces ableism, it’s not feminism.
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radfemfreya · 1 year
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This man gives me the ick I hate him so much.
Are these trends that women are partaking in a reflection of them or rather our society??? But also what the fuck is he talking about
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volixia669 · 2 years
Seven minutes in, we've established this AU's Newcastle event, that Johanna swings both ways, and that she has anti-royal sentiments which I'll take given "anti-thatcher" would probably confuse most American viewers, and keeps execs from vetoing "anti-Boris Johnson" for being tooooooooo political.
In other words? 10/10, perfect introduction of a Constantine.
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dykeredhood · 1 year
It’s possible for y’all to discuss the virulent antisemitism in that new video game while also putting examples of antisemetic nazi propaganda under a cut
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loveofastarvingdog · 2 years
epic highs and lows man
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tariah23 · 2 years
why are you reblogging from a terf on that japanese politics post? look at the username and who they directly reblog from (frankiefosterf or wtvr)
Literally just logged back in and noticed their url after I scrolled on my blog to check a tag so I deleted it.
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I'm searching the internet for the Depp Trial on both sides and when it comes to Amber it's almost impossible to avoid TERFs meanwhile on Johhny it's a cesspool of misogyny almost all the time.
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This is a twitter user talking about JKr or she-most-not-be-named.
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The thing is... does the first person know people are different, some people may act accordingly or in a hypocritical way, but me personally I drop everything I may consume after knowing a person is problematic, regardless wether their bigotry is included or not in their work (most times it is, you just gotta be critical fo the media you consume and you usually easily realize the hurtful bias it contains most of the time). You can also consume it without giving it free publicity and consume it in a pirate web or similar, you know the internet.
When I say problematic I mean racism,lgbt+phobia,sexism,misogyny,xenophobia,antisemitism,Islamophobia,etc. So I mean a person with views full of bigotry,a hateful person who spreads unfair hate and hurts innocent victims.
The men mentioned in the first person's tweet are BAD but JKr is bad too, she's no angel with a simply controversial opinion, like idk pineapple pizza or whatever minimal stuff, that's an opinion.
JKr has discriminatory views towards trans ppl, that's not an opinion, that's bigotry, discrimination. She's transphobic, point blank.
I'm tired of people (especially/usually TERFs) who think women can't do no bad, that they're all the purest angels.
I'm also veeerryy tired of people who think hating on a harmless minority is justified and or a opinion.
No, you're just furthering the oppression (towards trans people mostly lately , but she also has racist, antisemitic,sexist and misogynistic bias in her works)* they suffer,congrats!
If these people had a couple brain cells ,dare I say a single one (it may suffice) they would get to grasp the concept of hating on hatmless oppressed minorities is bad and
*the hateful/ prejudiced bias may seem subtle to some people in some cases or instances where they appear but it's not to say hers works weren't influenced by them and that her works don't influence people (her readers) to get infected with these same hateful views, regardless of the grade (a lot-slightly) it may affect them.
It really isn't the first time women sadly have internalized misogyny, especially TERFs since they feel like they are the authority on what a woman is supposed to be and how is she supposed to be one[y'know if she passes the cissexism(transmisogyny/mysandry +sexism)test ;) ]. (yuck! 🤮)
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hellafa · 2 years
always funny when people are accidentally supportive. saw a trans man saying that trans ppl deserbe to be in cricket and my family, clearly following my sisters thinking in that all trans people are are men pretending to be women, are like "thats not a woman is it? nooo, look at those shoulders! thats a man!" and its like. ueah you are correct but not in the shitty bigoted way you thought you were.
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