#and i say to you: babes your idealogy ends up at government overreach and fascism no matter how much disbelief you suspend.
menderash · 1 year
Sometimes I think how often I see a terf go into my selfie tag (thanks, tracker app thing!) and then receive anon hate from terves telling me how "obviously a man" and I'll "never be a woman" and how I "even talk like a moid." (Moid is, as mentioned in another post, an extremely racist term altered and coopted by terfs, sooo.) Frequently they also list all my physical attributes that "give me away."
When this happens, I like to try and see it from their perspectives. Despite their anonymous missives, by terf standards, I am, and always will be, a woman. This is because I was born with a vagina and grew boobs during my naturally occurring puberty. They do not care about a) my intersex condition, or b) my people's own gender traditions stretching back pre-contact.
BUT- terfs have not and will not ever see my vagina. No one ever will, if I get any say in it. Even if they could, I got a big bush and a big clit and it's hard to tell what's goin on exactly. My vagina is irrelevant, socially. So with my vagina out of the picture, what's left? My selfie tag, and how people perceive me with my clothes on.
I am tall. My shoulders are the broadest part of me, I've been told they're linebacker shoulders. My hands are huge and broad, I've been told I have 'man hands.' My neck is thick. I have a chin beard and sideburns and thick eyebrows and a heavy brow. I wear US men's size 12 shoes. I've never been on testosterone therapy. When I shaved my head, I got questioned, aggressively, about whether I "belonged" in the women's restroom. She didn't see my vagina because, as I said, my vagina is completely socially irrelevant.
One more step. All of these traits I share with the women in my family. We are indigenous women of color, with traditional third gender systems. If I was thinner, like my mom, you'd see the adams apple I inherited from her.
So, a terf, someone who is allegedly a radical progressive feminist, is looking at the way I look and the way I talk and deciding that I don't have a vagina. Let me reiterate: we are dealing with a schrodinger's vagina here. I have one I was born with, but terfs don't know that. There is no vagina in play. They look at me, either in real life or my selfies and decide that I am not a woman because of a) my racial traits, b) my, what terfs believe to be, medical condition, or c) how I behave. Revoking my womanhood on basis that have NOTHING to do with my vagina, which may or may not exist. Revoking my womanhood based instead on racism, medical discrimination/ableism, or misogynistic ideas of how someone with a vagina should act. Ya know. None of those seem super progressive or radical to me.
You can whine and scream all you want about "biological reality", but at the end of the day no one's talking to vaginas or cocks, we're talking to each other. Acknowledge the nuance of social reality or shut the fuck up. Also, terf ideology is inherently racist.
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