#the tag in on fire rn
mossytrashcan · 9 days
“Dany!” he said horsely
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fjordstan · 2 months
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lykos-attic · 3 months
Coming out of my cave to post art on here again
I'm trying ( heavy emphasis on trying 😭 ) to make designs for every arc 1 WoF character, and since mudwings are the easiest tribe for me to draw I started with clay and his siblings
Their shapes and stuff make sense in my head and have reasonings but I can't put them into words rghHHgdgGGRRRghhgfh
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For Clay I wanted to make him simple, going along with him not thinking that he's anything special and not fit for the prophecy. He's still brighter than his sibs though, and has the brightest colored scales before his underbelly. (Do those have a name?? )
For Sora I wanted her kinda deer-like, with softer/less bold edges than the others. She has a scar in the same place Crane's death wound was.
For Umber I just stuck pretty closely to the canon design, adding some splotches and giving him a different shape than the others.
Finally, for Reed I just made him clay but duller, and more red. He nearly looks just like clay shape-wise, but is more inward. (I have no idea how to describe this 😭)
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I had the most fun with these guys can u tell
For Marsh I made him more sharp and edgy than the others to go with his anxious personality. His colors are very similar to Clay's, but he has splotches and light colored horns. (I love Marsh, he's underappreciated)
For Pheasant I wanted to base her off of a pheasant. Her markings are similar to those of a ring-necked pheasant, with her reds being the same as Umber's. She originally had green-ish yellow on her to go with her eyes (and also because pheasants have green on them) but I couldn't get it to work. (crying spongebob image) Her shape is more 'elegant' than her sibs. I think her design is my favorite out of all of these.
For Crane I based her lightly off of a crane. (🤯🤯🤯) She shares colors with sora and umber. (Sora because obviously, Umber because I needed his reds 😁) since really all we know about her is that she was protective of her sibs (as literally all of them are) I made her fierce and determined looking. Version without her death wound below
I got more confident in not following the canon designs super closely the more designs I made and it shows 😭😭 I never realized how much variety you can make in mudwings despite them being the 'boring' ones
adding image ID/alt texts tomorrow I needed to post this before I forgor but it's almost 12 and im tired goodnight jasper fans
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novembermorgon · 23 days
Do you have any ocs that get to hold that sweet «consort»-title? Alt. Question how does Myrielle get along with her father-in-law or Aerion’s uncles?
funny you mention that .
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since aerion doesnt technically die before maekar kicks the bucket in this universe .. well ... ... ........... <_< ... the succession is a little more clear . which isnt actually a very good thing in this case ... but how funny is king aerion if you don't think about it too hard (the answer is very) ! myrielle gets the consort title for a little while at least but it shifts into queen dowager slash regent eventually .
as for maekar ..
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in my mind they're not really At Odds necessarily - she respects him and wants to be on his good side as her father in law . finds him a respectable man and doesn't intentionally try to piss him off or anything but i feel like she finds ways to do so regardless. she's a bit too similar to aerion in the sense that she somehow always ends up on the scene of the crime and i imagine it causes a lot of additional stress for him to have the aerion myrielle pipeline of bickering as kids > twisted marriage > kids named after horrible monarchs in the background alongside everything else that's already going on for him LOL
i do think they have some care for each other in the sense of familial loyalty by means of marriage . maekar wants to make sure she doesnt get in trouble and ruin his son's reputation further and myrielle finds comfort in him as a distant father figure when her own family isnt really at court anymore
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baelor is a fun one i think because it's a double whammy of Both myrielle and tybolt show up at court and theyre amazed by him . i like to think tybolt even before they get to king's landing looks up to baelor in the sense of being a kid who wants to be a knight and a great lord looking up to a knight and a great lord . and myrielle ends up tagging along even if she doesn't care much for knighthood or his feats ... her cool uncle in law that she idealizes and crushes on in a childish sense the same way she does a lot of the male figures in her life .
digging way too deep for a little tumblr post i think she looks at him from a distance as an ideal shining example of what a Man Should Be and envies him . somewhere maybe she wishes she could be like him the same way tybolt does despite knowing that will never ever happen
THE OTHER TWO ... 90523590r239 well. theyre kind of nothingsauce to me sorry (not true aerys served nerd loser and died so i respect him) and i don't think she's very attached to them either. rhaegel she would gossip about in a really unnecessarily mean way and with aerys its kind of like
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honeydots · 3 months
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flirty waiter
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thehappiestgolucky · 1 year
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Someone in the tags of my last Xero post (you know who you are) talked about the similarities between a doodle and Hollow so naturally I couldn’t stop thinking about Xero and Hollow.
I love the idea that Xero was a loved and respected knight. The idea he saw Hollow as a child and knew, knew, this was a child. And Hollow so, so young, feeling guilt about even letting this knight show kindness and love to them - when they were meant to be hollow (oh but they couldn’t be)
Do you think they felt guilty? When they overheard Xero raise his voice at the King, quickly hushed, because he dared suggest Hollow was a child? When they started seeing this knight less and less, scared that their father was furious at him? When suddenly this knight was executed, for betraying the king? Was it their fault? Should they have never allowed him to be himself, ran to avoid indulging in the tiny moments of someone looking at them as a person? Did they even know Xero was falling to the infection? Would that make it feel worse?
They were both victims of an infection, bound by gods with their own desires. No one wins in a gods game.
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onyx-got-clowned · 2 months
‘ ‘a shot in the dark’ ‘ blood TW
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sokkagatekeeper · 8 months
one of the reasons the ending to atla is so good is that theoretically taking away ozai's powers wouldn't actually do anything—i'm sure he'd still be able to perform the functions of a fire lord without bending, except for the fact that of course he can't because the institution of fire nation monarchy relies on this notion of (fire)bending supremacy to uphold their whole system. ultimately ozai loses his position because of his own fragile and baseless ideology. play stupid games win stupid prizes
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krikidilly · 6 months
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Shitty scribbles of a RenGiyu focused Kamisama Kiss au i made for the sake of my poor health
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steel-nageyari · 1 year
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retainer swap comp post
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Letti for everyone's enjoyment! progression of melting! she likes the fire... perhaps a little Too Much...
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s1x-foot-deep · 6 months
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imgonna throw up
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i don't really love this but it's fine. might as well share it here
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idk why i did this honestly. i was gonna make it my bg but i don't like it enough to do that for long so here. tumblr can look at this i guess
i was gonna add mephone but. drawing mephone is a struggle for me for some reason. so. only these guys
just the individual hosts under the cut cause i like the drawings :/ and the whole thing. including the mediocre bg
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i'm not the beast at screenshotting things. but. uh. it's fine.
yeag. i'm. kinda tired. been a little unmotivated lately but this was kinda fun (till i got to the background. anyway.)
oh yeah. here's the full thing. i just don't like the rest of it as much
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dvrtrblhr · 4 months
I think I have cleared my list of possible ships? For now at least!
I should still post a Shez poll (or 2, one for boy another for girl), but i'm still unsure of the ships so feel free to tell me your faves (lords and byleths will be there!)
It should go without saying but please don’t be rude just because you don’t like a ship. If you want to debate or discuss a ship, do it in the tags/comments in a polite manner. This is supposed to be fun. Let’s all be mature adults!
If your favorite ship is not here, it’s probably featured in another poll. You can see all the polls by going to my blog and choosing the tag “valentines polls”. You can also just tell me in the tags or comments.
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fireboos99 · 1 month
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I literally do not have anything smart to say here, this drawing literally only happened because my siblings were telling me I should post my brainrot doodles on here, and my anxiety-ridden ass couldn't do it, and decided the only solution was to spend days (read: the entire latter end of April) working on a proper drawing because "if I'm going to post anything on tumblr, it better be a full-ass drawing"
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lunarharp · 4 months
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the flash and the flood
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