#the sleeves are shown as just one sleeve with a pattern and not a long sleeve under a short sleeve like the pic
nashishishi · 1 year
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going on a wild adventure trying to find more images of real people wearing this hoodie
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Some assembly required
Ok so. I made a sewing pattern that involves a lot of maths on the end users part - this is the only way I, a complete pattern making novice, can make this 100% size inclusive. Luckily it’s super simple and it just a whole bunch of rectangles.
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Yes it’s written in cm. Bite me.
So to elaborate a bit:
It’s pretty straight forward. You plug in your own measurements in the places it’s needed.
Body x2: should be twice your either shoulder width or your widest point (if you’re more pear shaped you might want to use your hip width) by the length from your shoulder to about mid thigh* (you can make it as long or short as you want. This could probably also work as a shift pattern in a pinch). In one of the pieces, you should cut a slit in the middle, which as shown above should be about from your neck to your sternum.
Sleeves x2: these should be 2-3 times your bicep measure (this will determine the poofiness of the sleeves), by your arm length. Adding a few cm to the length can be a good idea here. I usually just round up to what seems most logical.
Cuffs x4: your wrist measure + 3-4cm of ease, by how ever long you want them - 5-10cm is a good place to start.
Collar x2: your collar measure** by however tall you want your collar. Keep in mind that it will be folded over.
Oh glorious gussets. The whole reason this pattern works! But also where it gets a bit mathy
Sleeve gussets: these are square. The diagonal should be about 1/6 of your total armscye (all the way around). Rather a bit too small than too big - it can fuck up the fit (it did for me)
Shoulder gussets: these will depend wholely on how buff your trapezius muscles are. If your neck/shoulder is at a right angle, they’re not strictly necessary, but if you’re super buff, they’re very necessary. I’d say an average shoulder gusset is about 5-7cm, but it’s up to you.
Again, these aren’t strictly necessary, but if you want your shirt to last it’s a good idea to put them in. You can choose to use between 5 and 10 total. These don’t need to be very big, they just go at any split in the fabric. About 2,5cm is good.
I used these videos for assembly instructions
This is going to be hard without pictures…
*you can also keep the body as one piece, which should then be twice the length you want it. The slit at the neck will also have to be cut in the middle of the piece.
**your collar measure is the measurement at your neck going over your collarbone rather than tight to the neck.
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spirit-lanterns · 3 months
A semi-detailed post about the Boss’ character information and personality. Certain pieces of information are REDACTED, but will be unlocked in the future.
All information available for the Boss, is under the cut:
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GENDER: Female 
PRONOUNS: She/her 
AGE: 38 years old 
MODEL TYPE: Tall female 
TYPE: Playable character
FACTION(S): The Rabbit’s Foot
WORLD: Penacony
RARITY: 5 Star 
PATH: Harmony 
COMBAT TYPE: Imaginary 
The Boss is a woman of mysterious origin. No one in Penacony recalls just how she set foot upon the elusive planet of festivities, yet The Rabbit’s Foot, her most prized casino, is quite popular amongst the people of Penacony for all the riches and Bunnies she has to offer…
A mature woman of high status and a slacker to boot, the Boss is quite a mixed bag as no one really knows what to expect when conversing with her for the first time. People expect her to be a lavish, elegant, and proper woman, yet if you ask the Bunnies of the casino, they’d all say their Boss is a well-known “lazy bones.” 
Besides sleeping at her office and lounging with her Bunnies, the Boss enjoys collecting intricate tea sets and watching Broadway shows. 
The Boss is a tall woman with long, blonde hair, always pulled up in an intricate updo with multiple hairpins and clips, light blue eyes, fair skin, as well as a darkly colored kimono with floral patterns. On her “lazy days” however, the Boss likes to leave her hair down, her clothes often not worn properly as she has a habit of wearing her clothes in a way where it exposes her shoulders and other assets.
She has a detailed sleeve of tattoos on her right arm (your left) that depict a branch of colorfully pink sakura flowers. It can sometimes be shown when the Boss doesn’t wear her clothes properly. 
The Boss is a lazy, yet mature woman that has a habit of napping in her office whenever she’s left alone. She’s a slacker through and through, and she never really does her paperwork unless her Bunnies force her to. 
She’s also quite into adult indulgences, such as alcohol, smoking, gambling and sex. Not afraid to show off her wants and desires, the Boss can also be quite straightforward whenever she wants something of her affection. Besides coming off as a lazy bum however, the Boss cares deeply for her Bunnies, as she’s always looking for ways to keep them satisfied. 
Sometimes when she’s left alone, the Boss can be seen frowning and immediately lighting her pipe for a smoke, before quickly changing her downcast expression to an aloof one.
FIRST MEETING: “Ah…a pleasantry to meet you. My name? Hah…just call me Boss, sweetheart.”
GREETING: “You’re back! That was fast…did you want to rent out a Bunny? Or perhaps…you came back for me?”
PARTING: “Come back soon, the Bunnies always miss you, I know I do…”
ABOUT SELF: REAL NAME: “My real name is not of importance, people know me as Boss and I stick to it. The Bunnies never really asked, but you are the first person to push on this topic. Heh, what? Don’t look at me like that, I like being called Boss.”
ABOUT SELF: SMOKING: “Sorry, I know the smell of smoke isn’t pleasant, but I can’t help it whenever I’m stressed. I know, I know, it’s a bad habit, but…gambling is a bad habit too, right?”
CHAT: BUNNIES: “Ahhhh I just love my Bunnies so much! They’re so cute and bouncy, but goodness are they hyper. I had to build an indoor gym just for them in the casino, just so they could get their zoomies out.”
CHAT: NAPS: “I love napping. I hope it doesn’t show my age, but napping just replenishes my energy so much that sometimes I coax the Bunnies into napping with me in my office. They make the perfect cuddle buddies.”
HOBBIES: “I don’t drink tea, but I love collecting tea sets. I have an entire cabinet at home just filled with different sets from all over the galaxy. I even have one that has little bunny teacups!”
ANNOYANCES: “I hate drunk people. Why would you drink so much if you know your alcohol tolerance is low? (Sigh) At the very least, my Bouncer Bunnies are able to take care of it.”
SOMETHING TO SHARE: “If you scratch a Bunny’s ear at the base of their scalp, their foot will begin to tap rapidly against the floor. Hm? How do I know this? Aha…I like exploring with my hands.”
KNOWLEDGE: “When you drink alcohol, you have to do it fast. Slow, leisurely sips make the alcohol burn your throat longer, yet if you drink it in one go, you are able to enjoy the taste.”
ABOUT: (BUNNY READER): “Ah…(Bunny Reader)...why won’t she stay with me? Oh! How long have you been standing there?”
ABOUT: KAFKA: “She’s not a criminal under the casino, she’s a customer. However, I won’t lie and say that I am completely thrilled that a Stellaron Hunter is renting out one of my Golden Bunnies every week. I can’t imagine what she’s doing to my poor Bunny…”
ABOUT: HIMEKO: “I like Himeko, she’s a very sweet woman and her coffee recipe is divine. I’ll have to visit her on The Express one day and see her tea set collection myself.”
ABOUT: BLACK SWAN: “I never really know what’s going on with that woman, but she’s a very efficient dealer. She puts some of my Dealer Bunnies to shame with how quick her hands are, hehe.”
ABOUT: ACHERON: “The Galaxy Ranger, right? She’s not the best gambler, but her ambition is admirable.”
ABOUT: FIREFLY: “Ohhh, that poor girl. She’s been tackled in the casino sixteen times now by my Golden Bunny.”
ABOUT: ROBIN: “She’s probably the worst gambler I have ever seen, yet she seems to be a favorite of my Golden Bunny.”
ABOUT: TOPAZ: “She’s cheated in a gamble before, but thanks to Black Swan she was caught and punished accordingly. I would’ve kicked her out of the casino for this, but (Bunny Reader) loves to keep her around for some reason.”
ABOUT: SERVAL: “I hire her sometimes to play live music in my casino. The patrons and Bunnies love her very much, so she gets discounts sometimes if she wishes to rent out Golden Bunny.” 
ABOUT: CONSTANCE: “Logically she’s much more dangerous than Kafka, but I can’t help but trust her more. Maybe it’s just because I’m a little biased and we have wine together sometimes.” 
The Boss’ real name translates directly to “Spring Princess.”
The Boss uses her smoking pipe as a weapon when in combat. The smoke from it can increase the stats of party members. 
Her alcohol tolerance is extremely high.
The Boss has talents in dancing and embroidery. 
She is bisexual. 
The Boss claims she is an ass woman because “everyone has an ass, therefore ass is the best part.”
The Boss is a criminal. For what exactly is a secret and will be revealed in her backstory.
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Left Art: @e-hibiscus on Tumblr
Right Art: @deadflyartlogs on Instagram
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accio-victuuri · 2 months
i’m someone who can’t get enough of (fake) stories from the time of cql shoot. so when i see a “story” that i haven’t before ( or maybe i did but forgot about it ), i get excited. lol. even if it’s not a juicy kind of information— i’m cool with it. 🤍 i like this one cause OP seems closer to wyb, it’s more of a short analysis of him & his relationship with XZ during that time.
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the usual disclaimer: these are all fake and treat it as fanfiction. obviously, this content is for cpfs. if you don’t like it then scroll along. if you are somehow offended by stuff like this, it’s your problem. feel free to unfollow or block me.
i got the screenshots over here. enjoy!^^
W often catches up on sleep as soon as he gets on the car because he has a lot of engagements. He doesn’t talk much. Last year, he was not in good health. He had a cough and fever and went to get an IV drip at night. Many fans knew about it, so he talked even less in private. Later, I found that he talked a lot on the set. This is a matter of opinion. He needs to refresh himself when he is so tired.
But he does have a good relationship with X. He is not very outgoing, so he should not have many friends, but he is not the kind of person who really looks down on others and does not talk. Many times he does not know what to say (personal feeling hahaha), so he does not start a conversation. Some people are like this, thinking that it may not be meaningful to say it, so they do not say it. He has changed a lot in recent years, and this drama he has successfully made friends with X.
W didn’t communicate much with me. After all, we had never met before, so I could understand the distance. Once, I was discussing tomorrow’s arrangements with the coordinator. He had just finished shooting a scene and passed by me and suddenly asked me if I had a hemostatic patch (this is a consumable item in the crew, and I had just used it up and didn’t bring a new one). I was shocked. I said no, and he didn’t say anything and seemed to go to the bathroom. Later, I don’t know where he asked, but it was a very girly pattern. I feel that he may have asked around, but I didn’t see him use it. That day, I saw a new hemostatic patch on X’s leg, but it wasn’t the one that was used by the transporter?! When I was chatting with the coordinator, I found out that someone had given it to X first, and W saw it and quietly put away the one with the girly pattern. At that time, he had just joined the crew not long ago. Because we were really not familiar with each other, he might have felt that it was too obvious and a bit embarrassing.
W and X have a lot of scenes together. As the main characters, they interact a lot, much more than what is shown. X is not as talkative as the footage shows. On the contrary, he is a person who cares about other people's feelings. In the footage, we can only say that he was: 1. He fainted from the heat (he almost had a heat stroke), 2. He was too tired, and 3. He didn't expect that everyone would exaggerate it. W was the same. He was just joking and making faces, just like everyone would have some such pranks when they were in school. When he felt something was wrong, he quickly changed the subject.
The main reason was that it was really tiring and hot at that time. Every time I went to the scene, I felt that I could get a heat stroke at any time. They also wore long robes with wide sleeves, which was very hard (W didn't dare to eat too much to maintain the fairy feeling of the character) In short, although this matter fermented a lot, it did not have any substantial impact on the relationship between the two. At that time, the crew also knew that this was their childish behavior and was used to it. After all, they were like this all the time. The two are ordinary people who are more casual in private. If they have a good relationship, they will definitely play around, but they will not be fussy about such trivial matters. W's personality is very interesting. He will suddenly act weird and then return to being calm. When he acts weird, he acts seriously. When he is silent, he is serious. I later thought that this kind of personality may have something to do with his love of street dance, motorcycles, and skateboards. Whether it is physical, emotional, endurance, psychological quality or anything else, he wants to try to touch or even challenge the upper limit in all aspects. He is a true adventurer. Most of these people are quite opinionated. He also said that he is a male chauvinist and has a strong desire to control himself and the outside world.
A double-edged sword, not a weakness. Being serious is good, but it is always difficult for people to grasp the precise degree. If you exceed the limit, you will develop a conditioned reflex of vigilance, which will prevent you from revealing too much of yourself, and on the other hand, you will be wary of outsiders' attempts.
This kind of self-defense is actually related to his experience. One is that he left home very early to work hard, and the other is that he went to Korea for training. You must have heard about the trainee system there, which is fiercely competitive and full of intrigues, and it is easy to fail. Many young trainees don’t have much life experience. No matter how cautious they are at the beginning, they may not be able to play better than the older or Korean people. The habit of not offending others for many years has become one of his personality. I am not so familiar with W, so it is difficult to remind him, but I found that he has improved in his relationship with X. It is very subtle. It is generally a good thing. Hahaha. Maybe it is also due to experience. X’s past is relatively simple. He entered the circle a few years after graduating from college. Before entering the circle, it was relatively smooth. It’s not that he has never experienced setbacks and lows, but it is definitely not as shaky and cautious as W faced during adolescence. It directly changed a person. I believe that W is still a positive and enthusiastic person in his heart, but he doesn’t show it easily. He needs someone to guide him.
What I really found strange was one time when the two of them were standing on a downhill slope. The scene was built in a studio and was a bit high. X walked in front of W and slipped. There was a few steps between the two of them. W rushed forward in two steps and quickly grabbed X's waist. They both almost slipped. He intended to grab his arm with his fingers spread out, but he miscalculated and poked X's lower back. We shot that scene in two or three takes and it was passed. After that, W's hand was a little swollen. I found some ice cubes to apply to him and it stopped swelling, but it looked painful. There were still a few scenes that day, but he didn't tell me because he didn't want to delay the progress. He applied ice when he left the camera. Because he had to go to the hospital for an IV drip after work, I thought I would deal with it together.
The strangest thing about this incident was not his behavior, but that X did not see W come down to apply ice, and came over to ask if his hand was okay. W directly stretched out his hand to show him, twisting it vigorously, shaking his fingers flexibly, trying to prove that he was fine, but X grabbed his wrist and looked at it clearly. X said that it was swollen, and W said it was caused by the intravenous drip. X muttered a few words of doubt, and saw that there were indeed many needle holes on the back of W's hand. He believed it a little. I was about four or five meters away at the time.
The director often asked them to be more ambiguous. At the beginning, it was quite awkward because they were not familiar with each other, but it was fine after they got used to it. X made a lot of small moves, and W would shout his name when he couldn't stand it anymore. W was very smart and could find the door. He didn't lose to X at the beginning. It was forbidden to move. It was common for them to insult and fight each other.
Many people are talking about the drinking scene, so I'll share another one. After the day's shooting, W took off his makeup and walked unsteadily. After walking out of the studio, he was looking for something. I said the car was over there (the exit was narrow and the car was a little further away). He said he knew, and then he turned around and pounced behind me, which scared me. I subconsciously turned around and hid, and found that X also came out, but he hadn't taken off his makeup yet. W stuck to him like an octopus. X was also scared, and his wig was pulled by W, and X screamed in pain. His assistant came out the next second and quickly pulled W away. I reacted and supported W. X was not angry, and told me that W had secretly drunk some more later and might be really drunk, so he asked me to make some honey water for him to sober up. I said okay, thinking where would I find honey water in the middle of the night. W is very thin, but very strong. X's assistant couldn't pull him away completely.
I am a little anxious, but I can’t say anything, I can only worry.
X was in a good mood, and cheerfully patted him and said, "Isn't W laoshi known for not getting drunk even if he drinks a lot?"
W didn't refute, and hugged him so tightly that I felt X was about to suffocate, and then X said: "It's late, see you tomorrow." W let go as if he had suddenly lost his temper, reluctant to let go, wanting to look at X but not daring to. I don't know why, but I felt that he was a little sad.
X joked with him: "Go back after you graduate from kindergarten.
W said sullenly: "I will definitely beat you next time."
X changed his tone of voice and complained: "W wants laoshi to win everything. save me from losing a few times, okay?"
I went back to the hotel and asked X's assistant who the winner was. She said that the two of them competed to see who could talk in the other's ear without blushing, and the loser would drink a small sip. I was speechless. No wonder he rarely played mobile games last night, and went to sleep after chatting on WeChat (he got off work earlier yesterday). It turned out that he was saving his energy to play this today (wrong). I asked again, "No one took the photo (mainly referring to the fans who were waiting there.)" She said that it should not be possible, because the place where the two people were standing was difficult to take a photo.
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pxrxcxa · 2 years
Bated Breath Pt 2 
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✶ One shot
Pairing | Eddie x Female reader 18+.
Post summary | After Cheerleader y/n was deflowered softy by Eddie Munson before leaving for college, she begs him to show her why they called him the 'freak'. With time running out, Eddie doesn't waste a second before teaching her everything she needs to know.
What to expect | 18 + so minors DNI, praising, pet names, unprotected p in v sex, m & f oral, spanking, handcuffed, edging.
Post Warnings | Smut, handcuffs & spanking.
Word count | 5 K Word Count.
Part 1
As always, any & all comments/reblogs are most appreciated - Love, P. x 🌿
Authors Note | Those that were waiting for Pt 2, thank you for your patience, I wanted to do the story justice, so I hope you have enjoyed it. Let me know if you want me to continue with the One Shots - I have a few ideas. Love, P. x 🌻
True to his word, Eddie had shown me what he used the handcuffs for. 
When I had woken up to the sunlight pouring through his open bedroom window, the light burning red patterns into my eyelids, I found myself locked in his embrace. The events of last night washed over me, embarrassment filling my cheeks. It had been perfect. Eddie had been soft and gentle and kind, losing my virginity had been everything I could have wished for, I just felt a little awkward knowing that Eddie had seen parts of my body that I hadn’t. His soft snores were vibrating against my neck when I noticed the time on his wristwatch.
“Shit.” I sat up suddenly, the covers falling from my body to expose my breasts, I tried to twist myself free, leaning over the side of his bed to grab my clothes tossed casually across the floor. My loud movements woke Eddie up. 
“Where’s the fire.” He mumbled tiredly as his sat up hastily, rubbing sleep from his eyes. 
“I have to go; my parents are going to be wondering where I am.” I had told my mother that I was studying at Chrissy’s house last night, and I would call if I decided to stay. Judging by eddies watch – if the time was correct – I had thirty minutes before my mother went to wake me for breakfast and realised that I wasn’t asleep in my own bed. I clasped my bra on frantically, pulling my cheer skirt up my thighs. 
“Eddie, have you seen my shirt?” I whipped my head around wildly at his messy room, looking for the green and white colour of my cheer top. 
“Mm-mm.” He groaned, laying back down and rolling over on his side to face me, tracing his fingertips up and down my bare back. “I wasn’t too focused on your clothes once they were off your body y/n.” Smiling slightly, I swatted his hand away. 
“Eddie, I don’t have time for this, my parents are going to kill me if they wake and I’m not home.” I stood up from the bed and turned to face him, pleading with my eyes for help. 
“Okay.” He sat up, the sheets pooling around his waist, pressing a hand to his face. “Take one of my shirts and I’ll find yours for you later.” He gestured to a dresser with clothes pooling out from the draws, I grabbed a long-sleeved shirt that was hanging over his desk chair, not realising until I pulled it over my head and looked down, that it was his Hellfire shirt, his sweet cologne enclosing me. 
“Suits you.” He smirked, toying with the hem of it to pull me closer. 
“I gotta go.” I laughed, prying myself from his grip and whirling towards his bedroom door. 
“Wait.” He cried, untangling himself from his bed and throwing himself in front of my path, blocking my exit. “I know your leaving soon for that family holiday, I thought, maybe… would you want to come over again before you go?” He pressed his palm to the back of his neck nervously, biting his lip and watching my face carefully as he waited for my response. 
“I’m free after school today.” I grinned, watching his face light up excitedly. He laughed cockily, letting his confident expression slide back into place easily. 
“Yeah, well after all, I do have something to show you.” His nodded his chin to my left, at the wall behind me where the handcuffs dangled. Looking more intimidating and menacing in the blatant day light. My breathing sped up and tension curled in my stomach as I turned back to face him, Eddie smiled softly at my expression, smoothing out the stress lines between my brows with his thumb. 
“I’ll see you at school y/n.” His bent down quickly and pressed a warm kiss to my cheek before stepping back and waving me through the door. 
I had barely hoisted myself through my unlocked bedroom window, listening to the clatter of pots and pans ring from the kitchen, borrowing down under my cold bedspread before my mother burst through the door - telling me to wake up for ‘another glorious day.’ My heart hammered loudly in my chest the entire time I got ready for school. 
The day passed agonisingly slowly, the image of Eddie’s burning eyes scorched into my mind, the feeling of his kisses lingering on my skin had me blushing at random moments in class, making me quickly pull my hair over my shoulders to hide the evidence. Chrissy had caught up to me at lunch as I examined my face in the small makeup mirror I carried, scrutinizing my face to see if I looked any different after last night.
“Where were you yesterday?” She questioned, slamming her tray down next to me as Jason, Andy and the rest of the usual crew filled the empty seats around us. 
Uh – my mother needed my help with something.” I murmured, avoiding Andy’s probing stare as they all looked at me strangely, surprised that I had missed Cheer practise last night. My gaze flittered across the cafeteria and fell on Eddie’s curly hair, watching as he clamped his fingers together and vigorously spoke to his friends, his curls flapping around his as he lashed out in jerky movements. He must have felt my eyes on his face as he looked up suddenly to meet mine, a mischievous grin playing on his face as he ran his tongue over his bottom lip, he turned his head back slowly to his group before dropping his gaze from mine. The look in his eyes sent a stab of nervous longing through me, I fiddled with my hands in my lap as I tried to tune into the inane conversation of basketball that dominated my table, trying and failing to push Eddie Munson from my mind for the rest of the day. 
By the time late evening rolled around I was practically a bundle of vibrating nerves and excitement, Eddie seemed to be waiting for me as I drove to his home after school - not before going home to shower and change first of course - slowly pulling in behind his van. He wrenched the front door open and jumped down the wooden steps, I had barely switched off the engine before he pulled me from my car into a bear hug against him, crushing my ribs in the process. 
“Can’t - breathe –“ I spluttered; my face pressed against his rough jean jacket. 
“Sorry.” He laughed, letting me go but pushing me back against the door of my car, pinning his body alongside mine as he traced my jaw with a rough and calloused hand. “Watching you all day and not being able to touch you was driving me crazy.” His hands rested on my hips as he pulled me forward against his pelvis. Heat blossomed from my abdomen at his touch as he massaged soft circles in my skin, waiting for my response. 
“Me neither.” I replied lamely as breathing became more difficult. His eyes flashed up to meet mine, he cocked his head and smiled impishly. 
“Come on, I have a promise to keep.” He grabbed my hand as he turned to go inside his trailer, but when I didn’t move from the nerves rooting me to the spot, he turned back and looked me up and down. Something dangerous glinting in his eyes. In a flash, Eddie swept me up in a cross-the-threshhold like move, I squealed and beat my hands against his chest, earning a deep laugh as my weak punches did nothing. 
“Relax M’lady, we have no time to waste.” His wild hair tickled my cheek as he tilted his head down to offer me a sweet grin, I went slack in his arms as his expression melted me, jostling lightly as he jogged up the front stairs. 
Making sure not to knock my head against any walls, he pushed the front door open with his foot and walked down the hallway to his room, setting me down at his bedroom door facing away from him, as he planted intense kisses on the side of my neck. I looked around to take in the drastic change from this morning, his bed was made but messily, the clothes from his floor picked up and shoved into the dresser, the slight smell of vanilla spray lingering in the air and my Cheer shirt was folded neatly and carefully on his desk. 
“Eddie Munson.” I grinned as he came up behind, pushing his leather clad body against me as he ran his hands along the tip of my waist band. “Are you trying to impress me?” He laughed into the crook of my neck, sending goosebumps up my spine. 
“Mmm maybe, but with the renovation of Munson Manor, the rules are – No shoes, no shirts and definitely… no skirts.” I gasped as he pulled my skirt up my thighs to my middle, exposing my ass in my pale pink panties. He groaned softly and grabbed my shoulders to spin me around to look at him, walking me back to his bed as my knees hit the side of the fame, sending me sprawling across the covers. His hard cock strained against his jeans, almost eye level with me as I laid back against his bed. 
I looked up at him through my lashes, putting on the most convincing seductive look I could muster. “ I want you to teach me Eddie.” Now that he had shown me what sex felt like, I wanted to know how to be good at it, how to please him. I wanted to be well equipped before I left for college.  
“Teach you what y/n?” He smirked at me teasingly, palming himself through his jeans as his gaze devoured my exposed thighs. 
“Everything.” I moaned; my words barely audible. My demand sent Eddie into a frenzied stir, he mounted my frame, bearing down on me as he separated my legs and crushed his lips to mine. I gasped as he rolled his hips into me, his tongue forced its way into my mouth and danced with mine. I groaned as the taste of him saturated my mind. Heaving with desire he pulled his face from me, a reverent burning alight in his eyes. 
“Do you want me to be gentle again y/n?” He asked sweetly, intertwining both of his hands in mine above my head. 
‘No.” I shook my head and licked my lips, my gaze flitting down to the bulge in his pants. “I don’t want you to hold back Eddie.” He grinned and jumped up from the bed, pulling me along with him, placing his hands back on my shoulders he guided me to sit on the edge of the bed frame, positioning himself in front of me. 
“Okay, if I’m going to last long enough to show you everything, we’re gonna have to take this slow.” He ran his finger over my bruised lips from his passionate kiss, loosing track of his thoughts for a moment. 
“Before I start y/n, I want you to know that if you get uncomfortable at any point or want to stop. Just say the word, ‘kay?” His eyes locked onto mine, the heaviness from the serious of his tone damping the air. Knowing that I was fully prepared to let this boy do whatever he pleased, I nodded, just to appease him. 
“Okay.” He grinned, excitement and nervousness seeping into his voice. He took a deep breath to steady himself, gripping the side of my head with both hands as he lowered his face to mine. I lost focus as I got distracted by the pretty colour of his dark eyes. “Y’know when I was kissing your thighs yesterday, and what I did after that?” My eyes widened with the memory, embarrassment filling me as the sounds his wicked tongue had drawn from me, sounded in my ears again. His gaze probed my face as he waited for my answer, I could only nod. 
“Well, guys like it when girls do that to them as well.” A breathy ‘oh’ tumbled from my lips at his words, confusion clouding my face. 
“I’m supposed to lick there?” I muttered, Eddie shot me a puzzled look and laughed, throwing his head back. 
“Wha- no, no. Well, yes, kind of, it’s more sucking. It’s called a blow job, but with no blowing.” He laughed again as he shook his head, his light curls bouncing with the movement. Sweat pooled in my hands at the cruel sound. 
“Are you laughing at me?” I asked hurtfully, Eddie’s smile dropped from his face instantly, crouching down to my level to caress my cheek. 
“No my dear y/n, you are beautiful and endearing and flawless, this is just a little awkward for me and I’m just trying to make this as perfect as you deserve.” I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to bring his hot lips to mine. He groaned and removed my hands from him. 
“If you keep attacking me like that y/n, I’m not going to be able to stop myself from taking you here and now.” I sat back and crossed my legs, clapping my hands in my lap as an innocent smile played on my lips. I raised my eyebrows at him to continue. 
He smiled at my antics. “Okay, so a blow job. Do you wanna try it?” He raised his own brows at me now, not pressuring me but allowing for it to be my choice. 
“Yes,” I murmured, my stare falling back to his jeans. “But I don’t know what to do.” He pulled me to my feet, trailing his hands up and down my arms. 
“It’s okay, I’ll talk you through it, it’ll probably come naturally to you anyway, just definitely no teeth and uh usually it’s easier when you’re on your knees.” I looked at him as I slowly lowered myself to his soft carpeted floor, glancing up at him through my thick lashes to see if I was doing the right thing. His hands tightened in my hair as I fumbled with his belt, he reached down slowly and helped unbuckle it, leaving it up to me to free his cock when I was ready. 
“You’re so pretty y/n.” With his endearing words urging me on, a confidence took over me and I unzipped his jeans, pulling him out from his boxers. The size of him sprung forth, smacking me lightly on my cheek. Eddie was watching me as he wrapped his hand around his dick, pausing to let gather my thoughts. 
“You can start by rubbing your hand up and down it y/n, you can spit on it to make it easier to.” His breathing sped up as I wrapped my hand around him.
“Spit on it?” I questioned carefully, to make sure I heard him right. He nodded as his eyes fluttered closed, my hand rubbing back and forth. “Is that okay Eddie?” I moaned, trapping my bottom lip between my teeth. 
“Ye-yeah that’s perfect y/n.” He shuddered a little beneath my touch, a drop of liquid trickled from the tip of his dick, I caught it with my finger and brought to my lips curiously, I let it drop onto the tip of my tongue, the salty taste surprising me. I giggled and looked up to find Eddies eyes trained on my face, watching me warily. A sudden urge came over me, I sat up higher on my knees, needing to touch more of him, I pressed soft kisses to his v-line, next to his dick, nibbling lightly at the skin as he gasped and jolted in my grip. Looking up at him I let the wetness from my mouth dribble onto his crotch, the liquid flowing down my arm as I stroked him back and forth, never leaving his gaze I slowly brought my lips to his tip. Listening to his uneven breath I let it slide back and forth across my bottom lip, remembering what he said about teeth I opened my mouth wider, sticking my tongue out as I let him rest against it. 
The gasp Eddie let out was criminal as I slid the length of him deeper into my throat, taking it slow as I gagged on the size of him. 
“Fuck y/n.” He tilted my head back, gripping my chin so I had no choice but to look at him. “You okay?” he asked kindly as I pulled back, letting his cock fall from my lips with a slight popping sound. He smirked and wiped saliva from the corner of my mouth. 
“You’re doing such a good job y/n.” His words sent a blazing heat through me, filling me with the surety that I could do this. Splaying my free hand across his abdomen, trailing my sharp fingers across his skin softly, I began stroking him at a constant pace, quickly wrapping my lips around his dick once more and matching the strokes, gagging every once in a while, when I shoved my head down until I reached the base where a light brown tuft of pubic hair tickled my forehead, with each bob of my head I swirled my tongue around him, feeling the ridges of the pulsing veins of his cock. His hands knotted themselves in my hair, sending throbs of pleasure throughout my frame, a pooling wetness gathering in my panties. He started to thrust himself forward down my throat, matching my rhythm. 
Erotic sounds that made me blush fell from my mouth as his pace picked up and faltered, Eddie let out a deep groan before ripping himself from me. He gasped and leaned on the part of the bed frame next to me, ignoring me when I asked him what was wrong. 
“S’all good y/n, we just need to stop before I cum.” He answered after his breathing slowed, I sat back on my heels as he reached forward to wipe my lips roughly, biting his own as he held my gaze.
“You are you fucking good at that princess.” Eddie growled as his chest relaxed, setting a satisfied smile to spread on my face. 
“Come ‘ere.” He sat back properly on the side of the bed, his knees pressed against the side of it as he reached down to grab my arms, pulling me up roughly to stand in front of him. I still had my skirt hitched around my waist; a crumpled sweater messily tucked into it. He freed my jumper and delicately raised it over my head, tossing it into the abyss as his eyes consumed my bare breasts. He scoffed disbelievingly and lifted his head back to look at me. 
“No bra y/n?” He simpered, absentmindedly reaching up to cup them both, rolling my nipples between his strong fingers to harden them. 
I gasped and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling myself closer between his legs. “I wanted to be ready.” I shrugged. His carefree laughed boomed around the room, he moved his hand from my chest and reached up behind my head, pulling my ponytail free from its holder so it flowed over my shoulders. 
“So fucking pretty.” Eddie mumbled, so quiet I almost missed it. I shot him a sweet smile. “You wanna learn something else guys like y/n?” I nodded eagerly, crushing my lips to his fervently as the throbbing returned between my legs. His hand shot beneath my skirt to slide my panties down my thighs until they crumpled to the floor, Eddie wrapped his big hands around each side of my waist and lifted me onto the bed with him, placing me on his lap so I was straddling him. 
The sensitive feeling of our bare skin rubbing against each other tore my breath away, Eddie gently guided my hips back and forth so that I was grinding against him. I moaned as his dick slipped between my folds, rubbing against my clit. 
“Oh fuck Eddie.” I sighed as his mouth encircled my nipple, biting lightly at it. I gasped pushed his jacket off of his shoulders, reaching down to his stomach, feeling for the hem of his shirt to tear it over his head, wanting to feel and see as much of him as I could. 
“I’m gonna teach you how to ride princess.” The friction between our bodies was starting to hurtle me towards the familiar desired edge of ecstasy, Eddie must have recognised the sounds tumbling from my lips because his hands on my hips stilled me in place. I pouted at him disappointingly as my body shivered from the loss of pleasure. 
He laughed at my expression “Soon enough baby, be patient.” He tapped my ass and guided me upwards to allow room between our bodies, his free hand snaked down under my skirt to grab his cock, I watched him as he pointed it up in the direction of my entrance. 
“Now sit back down, carefully y/n.” Eddie still had my ass in his hand, I clasped my hands around his neck nervously and focused on his eyes as I lowered myself, anticipation curling in my stomach. I gasped as I felt the tip of his dick hit between the folds of my pussy, Eddie adjusted himself quickly and moaned as he felt himself slip into me a few inches. Gripping my ass he brought his mouth to mine, biting my lips with a moan as I settled down further into his lap. It was easier to take him this time, but he still filled me up completely, hovering on the thin point between pain and pleasure, each feeling as strong as the other. 
“What now?” I breathed, causing us both to laugh and sending satisfying vibrations through both of our bodies. Eddie slapped my ass hard as he nibbled at my neck, definitely leaving love bites behind. I was too wrapped up in the feeling of him to care. 
“Now bounce up and down baby.” He helped me at first, lifting my hips as I raised myself up the length of him before dipping back down, he let go of me and lent back on his elbows as I got into a rhythm, he watched me admiringly as my tits bounced with my movement, at the same time moans escaped our lips as his cock hit a spot deep inside of me, sending an electrical shock through me. 
Without needing him to tell me, I pushed on his chest so he laid back down completely, changing my moves from bouncing to grinding my hips back and forth. I leant forward on my toes to get better purchase beneath me. Eddie’s eyes fluttered closed as delicate whimpers fell from his lips, getting louder and louder the faster I rode him, I changed paces and I focused on what brought pleasurable sounds from him. Closing my own eyes, I lost myself in the feelings his dick was throbbing into my body. 
“You’re doing an incredible job y/n, fucking good baby” Eddie’s raspy voice broke through my moans, I couldn’t respond as my breathing laboured and the budding feeling of an orgasm tittered on the edge of spilling over. Eddie sat up swiftly, wrapping his strong arms around my middle and sprung from the bed, spurring across the room and slamming me against a wall. He pressed his lips against mine to steal the little breath I had left in me, he managed to keep himself inside of me through the position change. My eyes flew open to meet his questioningly, but he just shot me a devilish smile and he raised both my hands above my head, the pressure of his body against mine kept me propped upright along the wall. My breathing stopped as cold metal surrounded my wrists and a light snapping sound filled the room. 
“Handcuffs.” I gasped as he pulled himself from me, crouching down on his knees and letting my whole-body weight bare down on the cuffs dangling from the nail in the wall. A layer of sweat glistened on my body in the setting sun as Eddie trailed kisses down my sternum, keeping eye contact as made his way to my hips. So quickly that I would have missed it if I blinked, he grabbed both of my thighs and threw them over his shoulder so that his face was pressed deeply into my pussy. My head shot back in shock, my back arching instantly as Eddie buried his tongue inside of me, flicking it up and down my slit as I screamed his name, his lips trapped my clit between them as he sucked on it, I wrapped my legs around his head as I shook violently. Eddie smacked my ass hard enough to make me see stars before squeezing it, burying his face further into me like I was his last meal. 
Right as I was on the edge of collapsing into pure bliss, Eddie let my clit slip through his teeth lightly one more time, looking up at me through his wet eyelashes as I grinded back and forth on his chin, trying to find my cruelly denied release. 
“Fuck Eddie please.” I screamed, banging my head back into the wall in frustration, probably leaving a bruise there. But right now, the orgasm Eddie kept stealing from me was causing me more pain. 
“You’re so fucking sexy y/n, I want you to ride my face.” I glanced back down at him surprisingly, having never heard of it before but having a pretty good idea what it meant, the thought of staring into his pretty eyes as I gripped his hair and grinded down onto his mouth consumed me. “But later,” he promised “right now I need to feel you. Here – taste how delicious you are.” He slid my legs off of his shoulders, standing straight to tower over me, I could see his entire face was covered in my essence as he brought his lips to mine, slipping his tongue into my mouth and coating it with the flavour of me. I groaned against him and twisted, the cuffs above me clinking slightly. 
His hands fell to my hips to spin me around against the wall, pulling my ass against him to slip his dick in, I arched further as I begged him to go deeper, the chains in the handcuffs tightened painfully as he pounded me into the wall, my moans muted as I turned my head to bite into my own arm as Eddie pumped away behind me, the sounds of our bodies becoming one echoed around the room and surely throughout the trailer park. I was too high on the feeling of Eddie to give a shit about whatever the neighbours might hear. He buried his face in the crook of my shoulder, as our gasps and sighs became one together. Eddie slammed into me faster as my light screams sprang from my lips quicker. Somehow managing to keep our bodies entwined, he spun me back to face him, pulling my legs up to wrap around his waist. 
“You’re too pretty to not watch cum y/n.” He snarled, pulling my hair back so he could deepen our kiss. After wavering on the brink of pure ecstasy all night, Eddie pounded into me, sending me to quickly spiral over the edge. 
“I want you to cum in me.” I begged, in our frenzied state he only looked me fleetingly to confirm I meant it, before slamming his lips against mine, increasing his pace as we both reached our ends together. 
“Hold it, hold it baby I’m almost there.” He groaned against my mouth as my body convulsed. He thrusted forward aggressively as I spilled over, gripping him to me as we both flew over the edge together, I felt him explode inside of me as he faltered beneath me, pinning me harder against his wall as his breathing slowed. We stayed locked in each other’s arms; our bodies still connected until we stopped shaking. 
Eddie reached up to release my hands, allowing me to collapse against his body, my legs still shaking. His sturdy arms wrapped around me to catch me as I fell, softly dragging me to his bed and helping me crawl in under the covers. He pulled on a pair of pyjama pants quickly, lit up a cigarette and sat back down on top of the sheets next to me, stroking sweaty strands of hair away from my face. 
“I think you’re ready for college y/n.” He laughed happily, moving his hand to trace the outline of my aching lips. 
“I know why they call you a freak, freak.” Eddie laughed again at me as I patted the empty space in his bed beside me, laughing myself as he somersaulted himself over me. The bed frame swayed dangerously as he shuffled up next to me. Spinning around before he could stop me, I shoved him onto to his back, digging my nails into his shoulders as I mounted and straddled him. I stole the cigarette from his lips and took a curious puff, I coughed and extinguished it on the ashtray on his windowsill, Eddie laughed at me and rested his large hands on the backs of my thighs, pushing into them so I stumbled forward against him a little. 
“You okay?” He asked cockily, turning his head to the left as if it to get a better look at me, I brought my lips to his jaw, kissing at the heated soft skin unable to look him in his dark penetrating eyes. 
“Eddie.” I whimpered, nerves racking my body as I pictured his reaction. 
“Yes y/n?” he crooned, trailing his light fingertips up and down my naked spine. 
“Is it later yet?” I was sure he would be able to see the blush flooding my face even though I had my head buried in his neck. My breathing stopped with his as a beat of silence surrounded us. 
In a flash his hands on my thighs propelled me up his chest, grinning at me as his brown eyes twinkled between my legs. 
Also Readers - if anyone is looking for a slow burn Eddie x y/n, check out my Opposite Ends series.
Copyright © 2022 by P.McCann.
All Rights Reserved.
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kani-miso · 2 months
short analysis on es' 4th anniversary art
i do not play around when talking about es milgram
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es' kimono
es is using a black kimono. before analyzing the colors, let's talk about the history of kimonos color combination first.
short history of kimonos color combination
the first form of kimono worn in the court society was called junihitoe, which refers to a set of clothes that consist of numerous layers of robes and coats. the color combination of layers shown around the sleeves determine the level of sophistication and rank of the person wearing it.
now, let's talk about the colors
black : the black color is often used in japanese kimono to represent power and elegance. the black fabric of a kimono is often used to represent femininity and beauty in japan. the color's deep shade was originally created as an alternative for cherry blossom flowers, which were not available during winter months (source). despite es having a more masculine outlook most of the times(assertive behavior and social dominance) ,there's alot of stereotypical feminine mannerisms that balance it out, such as : crossing their legs and putting their hand inwards (from undercover), politeness (their pose in the 4th anni art), and their long sleeves on their kimono (does this even count as a mannerism, i just wanted to point it because women usually wear longer sleeves when using a kimono). es is so gender
gold : the gold color is often used in japanese kimono to make a rich symphony of colors. gold represents wealth, luxury and prosperity and evokes feelings of grandeur and sophistication . gold can also represent love.
kimono length
their kimono is a standard one. their kimono is considered very formal kimono, a black silk kimono worn over a white under-kimono and hakama (although es is not using a hakama). their sleeves can be considered long. long sleeves on a kimono are usually used to ward off evil.
their sash (previously from their robe) is placed on their left shoulder and elbow. its color is gold, the gold is a pale and muted gold .the sash on the shoulder seems to have one of those restraints on the prisoner outfits
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man that obi is pretty long.
the kimono sash, an obi, is a traditional japanese belt that holds great significance in japanese culture. beyond securing a kimono, the obi represents a beautiful fusion of art, craftsmanship, and history.
es' obi is a black obi with additional gold(?) patterns. es' obi is probably the men's obi belt because their obi belt is using a dark color which is black with a plain pattern. although, their obi belts size does not correspond with the men's obi belt. men's obi belt (kaku obi) are usually narrow, es' obi is wide. wide obi's are usually worn by women.
also, the obi pattern kind of looks like kotoko's warden hat in deepcover!
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es' overall color scheme
i'm pretty sure es' color scheme is colder than the others
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it can mean 2 things: personality-wise or physical status
personality-wise : a cold person, often characterized by specific cold personality traits, is someone perceived as emotionally distant and unexpressive. they usually come across as detached, exhibiting an indifference to social interactions and the emotions of others, a hallmark of what some might label a cold-hearted person. es isn't exactly a cold person, it's just to make them seem professional.
physical status : when your body grows cold and becomes pale-ish, that means you're in the process of dying, not sure if this is important at all (maybe to the 'victim amalgamation' theory or the 'everyone's dead' theory).
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werewolfnightwalker · 8 months
Good morning, I'm thinking about highschool sweethearts toukei and Touya wearing a mask to hide his burn scars and long sleeves no matter the weather. He gets asked what he's hiding a thousand times a day by nosy kids, but the one person who never pried was Keigo, the kid who transferred to his school recently.
Naturally, that makes Touya like him a little more than everyone else, and they start hanging out. They eat lunch, study, and walk home from school together. They wait for each other after their individual club meetings. (Touya is on the soccer team, Keigo is in archery.)
Eventually, Touya develops a crush. He starts thinking about holding Keigo's hand on their walks home, and... and kissing him. But Touya's never shown anyone his face before, the burn scars that mar his skin too deep and, in his opinion, ugly, to be seen. But he can't stop thinking about it.
It's only after gym one day, when he comes out of the locked bathroom stall he was changing in, that he sees Keigo's own scars. The blonde is changing in the unused shower stalls, only visible from Touya's exact angle. The old wounds are reddish, angry, and scored down his back in a pattern that almost resembles wings. They're not burns, but they're... something.
It makes Touya feel better, in a twisted way. It makes him feel braver, too, brave enough to start holding Keigo's hand on their walks home.
It's a few weeks later that Keigo makes the next move. Tactfully, he blurts it out at the celebration after Touya's soccer match, where his team won by a landslide. The whole team went to get pizza, and Touya dragged Keigo along with them. They'd moved across the restaurant to get away from the rowdy noise, and ended up in the small side room some would generously call an arcade.
"I want to kiss you." Keigo whispered as he sat on the seat of the motorcycle racing game, clutching Touya's hands.
"Do you?"
"If you're okay with it."
He is. He is, but he's fucking terrified to show him what's under the mask. The colorful lights of the arcade games and claw machines, the music and pinging and distant chatter are all muted as he hesitates. In the end, Keigo cups his cheeks and kisses him, brief and soft, over the mask.
The first time they kiss for real, without barriers, is at a school dance. Tucked in the furthest corner, behind the gym's bleachers, Touya turns to Keigo.
"Close your eyes."
He does, and feels Touya's lips- mismatched, misshapen, waxy and cracked and taut- press against his.
They have to duck out of their hiding spot before they get caught by a teacher, but Keigo doesn't open his eyes until Touya says so. Even if he didn't see him, it doesn't stop his stomach from filling with butterflies.
Even then, Keigo never presses to see, although he does ask for plenty more kisses, which he's more than willing to shut his eyes for. He never peeks once, not even when he asks for one while they're walking home and he trips over the crack in the sidewalk, where he would've face planted if Touya hadn't caught him.
Finally, finally, one day, Touya feels brave enough to show him. He was waiting for Keigo to finish his archery meet when some other kids approached him and asked him the dreaded question.
"What's under the mask, Todoroki?"
When he tried to walk away, they stopped him, demanding he show them his "big secret."
Just as Touya thinks things are going to get violent, an arrow strikes, punctures the locker between him and the other kids, making them leap apart.
"Leave him alone!" Keigo snarls from the doorway, his bow up and another arrow aiming at the others, "It's none of your business what's under his mask! It's just his fucking face!"
The other kids promptly make themselves scarce, and Keigo stomps over to Touya, practically vibrating with indignation, while Touya is stunned, having what is very much an italicized "oh" moment.
He can't help it, then, but to grab Keigo and pin him to the locker. He yanks down his mask, and Keigo drops his bow immediately to cover his eyes, but Touya stops him.
"I want you to see." He whispers, and Keigo only gets a second to do so before Touya's lips are on his.
There, against the lockers outside the gym, on a perfectly normal afternoon, with the slanted sunlight turning the hall to gold and illuminating his scars, they kiss. Keigo's fingers feel across the wounds on Touya's face, bold and yet gentle, and Touya just lets him, trembling but but unafraid as his mask dangles from his ear. When they finally pull apart, when Keigo finally gets a good look, what fills his eyes is not disgust, as Touya had feared, but awe.
"Beautiful. You're beautiful, Touya." He whispers, and doesn't give Touya a chance to refute such a claim, before he's kissing him again.
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mariekanker · 4 months
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sai file cleaning day
[IMAGE ID, IMAGE 1: Digitally drawn doodle page of various One Piece characters in a more cartoony art style where everyone has big heads and noodley limbs. Drawing 1: The first drawing is of Sanji and Bartolomeo. They're drawn waist up and Bartolomeo is grabbing Sanji by the torso and biting his arm with a wall eyed expression. Sanji appears to be only mildly surprised by this. Drawing 2: Waist up drawing of Carrot arc welding with her right arm. She's wearing a standard welding mask, a fire proof jacket, and a leather gauntlet glove on her left hand that she's using to hold her right arm steady as she makes a tee weld in the flat position with small metal plates. Drawing 3: Full body doodle of Luffy wearing a creeper t shirt, a jacket, basketball shorts, a bracelet mostly obscured by the long sleeves, and a chew necklace. He still has the straw hat and flip flops as well. He's looking off to the right with a blank neutral expression. Drawing 4: Franky doing surgery on himself, drawn from the thighs up. He is in the earlier stages of the cyborgification. He's laying on his back, holding himself open with his left hand that's a simple metal clamp, and his arms are bare metal pipes. His right hand is some kind of soldering iron that he's using to install a metal cylinder with a pipe coming out from the bottom in a zigzag pattern, replacing his stomach and intestines. His rib cage is visible as well, though there are no blood or organs shown. He has wheels installed on the sides of his hips. His head is still entirely organic and unchanged, and is looking down at himself, he looks very tense and stressed out. The only color in the drawing is Franky's blue hair and the line art on his torso is a gradient of blue to yellow to magenta. Also there's a little drawing of Sanji in the corner that looks like in was drawn in 20 seconds, he's dumbed down to a lanky black shape with long legs and huge feet, one big eye on a square head, and a long cigarette.
IMAGE 2: Unfinished sketch of Sanji and Luffy from One Piece, drawn digitally. The drawing is a spoof of the scene in the Whole Cake Island arc where Luffy tries to get Sanji to come back with him (the second time) and Sanji refuses. Sanji is turning away from Luffy and towards the viewer dramatically, arms crossed and hands holding his own shoulders, cape flapping in the wind, and a single sparkling tear rolls down his cheek. He is saying: "Get out of here and leave me alone, Luffy! You'll never understand me and my tragic past. Just leave me to die here!" in a cursive font where each capital letter has a little illustration of Cinderella over it like a fairy tale book. Luffy is staring at Sanji, in a much more simplistic style, contrasting against the relatively realistically proportioned Sanji. Luffy's staring at him with big eyes and giant pupils, with a completely blank expression. A couple of swords can be seen in the background, halfway driven into the ground. END ID]
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not a hc but can you rank lucy's stardresses?
A fit rank huh? Sure I can do that. Just gonna preface n say that obviously this is my opinion and whatevs and that I won't be includin any of the ones introduced in 100yr because I don't care about the sequel :]
Alrightie lets get into it! This gonna get long tho, so imma put it under read more so I don't murder ppl who are scrolling.
Aquarius Stardress
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This one honestly might be on the lower tiers for me. Like for the first stardress shown its rather, boring. The colour choice of green and yellow is weird, and visually disconnects it from Aquarius (like seriously? No blue anywhere?). The wrap skirt is cute and I do love how she has Aquarius' collarbone tattoo. That's fire. But the basic bikini top is meh. Overall its serviceable, 6/10 on the Phoenix scale.
Leo Stardress
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Honestly can't go wrong with a nice black dress. I really would've preferred a pants suit for this one but the dress regardless is fun. I has a nice shape with the asymmetrical skirt and I like the ruffles all over. I also like how the anime gave her stockings
If I had nitpicks i'd say to get rid of the center line down the middle of the chest, the two under the bust are enough and get rid of the purple hair clip, it feels tacked on and just tosses in a random colour to the palette. I'd also maybe change the yellow to something more orange so it pops more (maybe even make the interior of the dress something eyecatching to add some extra oomph visually when she's kicking.)
But good fit, 8/10
Virgo Stardress
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Well, it's about what you'd expect tbh. It's a maid outfit lol. There ain't much here to say cept that its cute. 6/10
Tauros Stardress
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Oh hell fuckin yea. HELL YEAH
Unabashedly this one is one of my favourites solely because of the uneven pants. It's so fun and stupid. I also like how she and Tauros have matching belt buckles.
The basic ass bikini top does bring it down though (sorry i'm a bikini top hater. If you're gonna put a character in a bikini top at least make it a different style! There's different types of tops that can be both sexy and interesting!!!!). It also looks wack at certain angles.
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My chest hurts lookin at this.
Apart from that I don't think the double buns works best with this dress, I think it'd work better if swapped with the double braids of the capricorn dress. Also I just think it'd be cool if this dress gave her an axe, like how the cancer dress gave her weapons.
but because of how much joy the stupid pants give me, 9/10.
Sagittarius Stardress
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Another banger stardress despite a glaringly obvious issue.
This shit's great to me. Good colours, fun patterns, i fuckin love that its backless and the high ponytail is great here. The issue?
That deep ass coochie cut.
On god it just looks so uncomfortable. The anime tried to even it out by giving her tights but that just tossed in another colour to the palette and just unbalances it. A simple fix would've been just to make it white leggings under there. Skin tight, sexy and still practical. Apart from the coochie cut the only nitpick I have is that I think the boob window should've been star shaped and i wish her sleeves also doubled as archery gloves.
Apart from that and how much the coochie cut haunts me, its a 9/10
Aires Stardress
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Now I have no idea why, but I was never exactly big on this one. Like it's not awful, all the stardresses have a baseline cuteness to them. The alternating pink and white tiers on the dress is nice, but the cut under the bust kinda kills the uniform pattern it had goin on. Likewise the leggings don't feel coherent to the rest of the fit. Like still cute, but the stripes and the introduction of black makes the whole thing feel busy and plain all at once. Though ironically when it's in the manga and purely black and white i think it looks better.
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But I dunno, i think this one actually might be my least favourite. 4/10
Gemini Stardress
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Ok. I like the alternating blue and white all over. That's cool. But, that headdress on top of the already busy outfit feels like its a lil too much on top. Also the random gold baubles on the outfit itself feels sorta thrown on. The belt can stay I suppose but nix the tassels near the collar and trade in the boob window for a deeper neckline.
We can just get rid of the headdress altogether and change her hairstyle to like, crown braid with a hanging blue and white ribbon on either side to keep with the alternating colours and we golden. 5/10
Scorpio Stardress
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Gonna start this off to say, not a big fan of the bottom (the leather panty thing with the chain on it? Dawg idk i don't like it lol). and the chain on it looks so silly and not in a fun way. If anything I think she should have a bigger tail, not as big as scorpio's but defs something bigger that what she has currently. And as much as I like backless fits I don't think it works here, the deep cut boob window can stay though. I do like the headband and how her hair frames her face but overall its another 5/10.
Also here's a scorpio stardress redesign that I like. Doesn't fix all my issues with the og but it's still pretty dope.
Cancer Stardress
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I like this because it looks cool and gives Lucy weapons. I don't like it because it doesn't connect well with Cancer the spirit visually. But Cancer's design sucks and I like this better than Cancer himself. Truly a design with conundrums for me. 6/10
Capricorn Stardress
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I don't like this dress! Not one bit! Why is it a bdsm tit dress! The hair is cute and I like the shades and the horn clips with the bows but the dress!!!!!!!! Why is it so visually disconnected from Capricorn the spirit! Why isn't it a skirt suit with sexy fishnet leggings like in the concept art!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Why isn't this the canon design!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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thelemonsnek · 1 month
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guys help me budget my time in hisui:
surveying: 9%
quelling nobles/saving the world: 1%
embroidery: 90%
ive been here for years now and im getting worried about anyone i might have left behind :/ im just really stuck idk how to speed things up
[image id: a couple drawings of a pokemon oc, Day, shown from the front and the back with the purpose of showing off their jacket. In both drawings, they stand neutrally, and the front-facing drawing is a fullbody while the back-facing drawing is a halfbody. They are a white person with grey-streaked brown hair shaved on one side and purple eyes. They're wearing a faded purple tshirt with a similarly faded black jacket with yellow stripes on the sleeves. The jacket is long enough that it hangs past their knees. They have on puffy black pants with purple flame patterns at the bottom, and black boots. On the jacket, at the very bottom, are embroidered symbols representing both of their two teams. The left side is for their first team, while the right side is for their second. On their back are rays of light. The Galaxy Team logo is stitched onto their sleeves. End id]
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lookismaddict · 1 year
lookism characters as mythological gods 👀 who would be who
OH SHEEEEEESH, I LOVE MYTHOLOGICAL GODS. ESP GREEK & ROMAN GODS ✨ AYO, YOU A REAL ONE FOR ASKING THIS QUESTION, TY JANN! 💜 I hope you don’t mind this analysis… 😅 (Took a long time to write because there was a lot of research LMAO, I'M SORRY THIS TOOK ME FOREVER TO ANSWER. 🙏🏽) BUT NOW, I CAN PROUDLY POST THIS. 🫡 💖
While matching each god to a Lookism character, I found this very fun because there are so many mythological gods and goddesses that can be associated with any of them. Especially when it comes to their appearances, symbols, and folklore. The depictions of these gods all tie to each of these selected Lookism characters:
Gun and Goo || Fujin & Raijin (Shintoism)
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First, let’s start off with Gun. There are many reasons why I see Gun as the Shinto god, Fujin, and here’s why:
Fujin [風神] is known to be the Shinto kami (god) of the wind. A deity that controls the winds of the Earth through his bag of air.
Due to his control of strong wind currents, he is connected to storms, especially powerful typhoons, that would cause the destruction of many trees and and homes. However, Fujin leaves most of the job to Raijin.
According to a Japanese legend from the 13th century, he managed to save Japan by sending storms to Mongol invaders who were trying to conquer Japan. Fujin’s winds were so ruthless, that the Mongol’s fleets were all destroyed in one storm.
Fujin and Gun are both forces to be reckoned with. Fujin’s destructive actions are similar to Gun’s, in which they both initiate both ruin and devastation. Since Fujin had wiped out over a thousand people for centuries, then it wouldn’t be a surprise if Gun’s future would eventually lead to the downfall of many more lives. This man had dealt with so many enemies (100+) all the way up to his current lifetime of about 20 years, that it wouldn’t even be a surprise if he so happens to murder even more people later on.
Also, since Fujin is associated with the use of harsh winds intermingled with water due to typhoons and storms, they are involved in a shared element. The nature element, water, represents them both in some way. Both Fujin and Gun are present whenever it rains. On days when there’s rain, Fujin’s winds are harsh during storms. Whereas, in Gun’s case, he is always present on days when the weather is rainy and gloomy. However, for Gun, he just appears when there’s rain to pass along the message of “the end” for people, especially when it comes to a person not being able to hold their position as Gun’s future successor. You could say, that the both of them also symbolize the presence of melancholy, since they both bring nothing but misfortune upon people during unpleasant weather. They play as the instigators of the end to peacefulness.
Fujin has an appearance of a true Oni, due to his mother Izanami giving birth to him when she reached the underworld. According to Gun’s background when he was still in Japan, many knew him as “Shiro Oni”. In the webtoon, the translation for his name was “White Ghost”. However, the word “Oni” actually meant ogre or demon in Japanese folklore. Of course, it wouldn’t be a surprise that many native Japanese residents would call him a demon due to his infamous yet terrifying background of nothing but merciless violence.
Not only was Fujin’s face alike from Gun’s, but also their attire. Apparently, Fujin usually wears leopard skin. And who else wore something leopard related? Gun Park. That leopard patterned long sleeved shirt really does say something about his fashion. He definitely must be Fujin, but in human form. Both of them really do share the same fashion sense. 💀
In addition to his face and attire, but Fujin only has four fingers on each hand. These four fingers represent the North, South, East, and West. In a way, this association of Gun as Fujin can be symbolic as well. Gun’s affiliation with the Four Major Crews can be shown through Fujin’s fingers since Gun, who had contributed to the establishment of these Four Major Crews, identified the strongest crews in South Korea. Each crew either coming from the North, South, East, and West of the Han River, which splits their territories into four different parts of South Korea.
Gun has the same personality trait as Fujin as well. Fujin is described to be the brother who is less spontaneous in personality, compared to Raijin. He is also unenthusiastic whenever he is met with some sort of issue that he has to deal with and he is more “laidback”, not taking things too seriously against enemies. This is probably due to how aware he is of his own powerful strength. The same goes with Gun. His personality when dealing with those who are against him is also like this as well, with a hint of arrogance, knowing that he can defeat anybody on his own.
Now, let’s talk about Goo as Raijin:
Raijin [雷神] is the Shinto kami of thunder, lightning, and storms. Often times, he’s seen alongside his brother, Fujin. They both mostly appear together as a pair, like Gun and Goo whenever they show up in certain scenes. (However, the only difference compared to Fujin and Raijin is that Gun and Goo aren’t brothers.)
To clarify, Raijin is responsible for the creations of storms, not Fujin. Fujin is only responsible for strong wind currents, so he leaves the work of thunder clouds and lightning to his brother, Raijin.
Raijin’s personality is one of the distinctive factors that many people use to distinguish between Raijin and Fujin. Similarly, with Gun and Goo too. The difference in personalities in each pair are quite the same indeed. Just like Raijin’s personality, Goo’s is very chaotic and he can be mischievous with trickery. Even though Raijin is known as a trickster, he either does good or bad. He produces good in the form of rainfall for crops or he creates storms that destroys both the living and non-living.
Just like Goo, he’s a character that brings good and bad in his own way. In a unique way, he gives people opportunities to help fulfill their own ambitions, by becoming one of his “secret friends”. For example, Goo used to beat up bullies to earn money. In a way, he somehow benefited others, such as that one event when Goo saved his cousin, Vasco, and Jace from school bullies. His encounter with Vasco had led Vasco to become stronger than he was before. In addition to these “good” occurrences, Goo offered Samuel Seo a new chance of power after being rejected by Gun, in which Samuel took him on his offer then became one of Goo’s so called “secret friends”. Another instance of this is when Goo recruited Logan Lee as another one of his “secret friends” too. Logan wanted to get stronger since his goal is to get back at the original Daniel Park, so this event was like Goo opening up a new beneficial start for Logan.
Although this was the case for some people, Goo also managed to cause distruction wherever he goes. Returning to the subject of the bullies, he did beat them up pretty badly. He even found it amusing to see them suffer. With almost every person that he had fought against, he had this maniacal enjoyment that he found in defeating others. It was as if he had fun beating up others just for the sake of his own amusement. Along with his chaotic mind, he took his destructiveness with him, just like Raijin. According to that one chapter when Sinu got a phone call from one of his old friends, his friend mentioned through the phone that he should be careful of someone named “Joon Goo” who had completely wiped out their whole entire crew. Which quickly indicated and foreshadowed, that Goo would eventually cause trouble for Big Deal.
Sinu Han || Heracles/Hercules (Greco-Roman Mythology)
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There are some reasons why I believe that Sinu Han should be Heracles:
Even though Heracles was known as a demi-god (only a mortal), he became the god of heroes and the divine protector of mankind when he died. (This is completely unrelated to Sinu in comparison, but just wanted to address that Heracles isn’t a god when he completed his heroic deeds.)
As a defender for all, Heracles acts like a public servant. Throughout most of his lifetime, he protects civilians who are in dire need of help. Just like Heracles, Sinu Han’s mindset is similar. For about 10 years, he protected a street in Gangseo, in which he had dedicated himself to serve as the defender for the women who loved that street. It was his home. Even Heracles loved Greece and had thrown himself into dangerous situations just to defend his home.
Heracles rescued so many beings in need. A special being that he rescued was Prometheus. No matter how bad he may be as a titan to the gods, he was willing to set Prometheus free due to how he had helped humanity for giving them fire. Sinu Han's character is similar to Heracles since he is the type of person to set someone free, regardless if they have done something bad in the past. What matters is how good of a person's character is, and how they contribute to serving others. I can see Sinu letting someone go if they changed for the better, and by giving them another chance to redeem themself. For instance, even though this hasn't been directly approved by Sinu (but by Jake), Lineman used to be a character who caused trouble and lied to others, thinking that he was a big-shot. However, he changed by being accepted by Jake Kim into Big Deal and if Jake approves of these people who he have gained as his friends (or followers), then Sinu approved of them for being good people and they eventually became members of Big Deal. (Hence, believing in Jake's jurisdiction in finding good in others.)
Although he may be a well-known mythological hero, many do not know how much he had suffered. There was a time when Heracles was enslaved, and he was bought by the Lydian Queen Omphale. She made him do many things as a slave, such as forcing him to wear women's clothing (to humiliate him) and spun wool to help her and her maidens. Omphale did fall in love with Heracles, but eventually she set him free (and they got married). Alike from Sinu Han's situation, Mitsuki Soma was head over heels for Sinu, that she wanted him for herself. Treated like a slave, Sinu had to endure hardships of being her "lover". Manipulated and controlled by Mitsuki due to a mystery drug that made him forget his memories, Mitsuki made him stick by her side, in which she made him shower together. Sinu's identity and memories were twisted by her, which gave Mitsuki the power to successfully manipulate him for a long time (until Jake Kim had to rescue Sinu from The Workers).
Jake Kim || Balder (Norse Mythology)
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This is why Jake Kim can be seen as Balder:
Balder is known to be not just the Norse god of light, joy, and summer. Jake Kim usually brought light and joy to people's lives, especially during his middle school days when he'd start getting himself involved with Big Deal. He had made a lot of friends and allies along the way, which would influence (I'll ignore Balder's death, and will be focusing more on his personal aspects, features, and his background that are similar to Jake's.)
Like Balder, Jake Kim shares handsome features and is a very attractive man. He has a bright smile just like Balder, and he has fair hair. In Norse mythology, it was said that Balder was so noble and handsome, that light shines down on his body in which flowers would bow down before him as he passes by.
Also he is the representation for the themes of justice, beauty, hope, and sacrifice. During the Jake Kim Arc, he sacrificed himself, especially for Big Deal who sought for the rescue of Big Deal's Former No. 1, Sinu Han.
(Side Note: I didn't want to associate Jake Kim with Eros because even though he's good-looking and is strongly related to the idea of "love" and "Romanticism", Eros is usually described as mischievous and unsympathetic due to him shooting arrows at people regardless of how they think/feel. It is the complete opposite to Jake's personality, in which he is considerate and kind towards others.)
Samuel Seo || Mercury (Roman Mythology)
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Let me explain why I see Samuel as Hermes:
Mercury is well-known for being the messenger god AND the god of commerce. Alike from Samuel, Samuel specializes in business-related work and he manages finances really well. At one point, he was very close with Eugene and Samuel acted like a messenger to Eugene, since he reports to him about what goes on in the affiliates when Samuel used to be president for some of the affiliates.
Mercury had a dependent role in managing the gods. Just like Mercury, Samuel as well. He was close with the higher-ups of the Workers (especially Eugene) in which he was positioned by him to manage the 3rd and 4th affiliate of Workers. Both of their roles is to keep the gods or Workers
Even though Mercury’s role might seem “helpful” at first, do not be fooled by Hermes’s appearance, because he isn’t who he seems to be. Just like Samuel when he was first introduced in the Lookism series, we didn’t quite expect him to turn out the way that we know him now.
Mercury favors the ambitious, so he supports those who are willing to reach their goals, no matter how wicked they are. Going off by his “work smarter, not harder" ideology, Samuel is quite the ambitious man. He’s willing to reach higher things, in order to accomplish his dream as someone who’s powerful. Or, as he likes to refer to himself someday as a “King”. (As mentioned to Jake.)
As a god who defends tricksters and thieves, Hermes likes toying with others. He even favors cleverness and amusement. During the Workers (3 Affiliates) Arc, Samuel's behavior is shown as one who likes toying with others, initiating the start to Johan's rage when he found out that the Workers' Third Affiliate used to sell drugs to Pungsan, which was the God Dog cult that was ran by the former church pastor.
James Lee || Shiva “The Destroyer” (Hindu Mythology)
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Here is why I believe James Lee should be Shiva:
Shiva is mainly known as "The Destroyer" and "The Creator" of worlds, in Hindu mythology. He even represents time as well. James Lee was known to be the man who ended the First Generation by defeating all of the First Generation Kings, which fits his character of being "The Destroyer". Consequently, causing the spark of a new generation, which is the emergence of the Second Generation. In this case, being "The Creator" does suit him because he is literally the catalyst to a new generation of fighters. You can also say, that he manipulates time if he were to be Shiva in this context.
Shiva also represents goodness, benevolence, and is said to be "The Protector". In a way, James Lee shows signs of "good" nature and benevolence, in which he acts as a guide to Daniel Park, in finding the secret to his two bodies. And even though James Lee isn't known as "The Protector", he did protect Charles Choi in the past. By aiding him as the company's head for an entertainment agency, he protected Charles' business by supporting him through this method.
This Hindu god is also named the "Lord of the Dance" or Nataraja, according to a Hindu artwork called, "Shiva Nataraja". From the statue, it depicts Shiva dancing in a halo of fire (which represents time), and Shiva stepping on a dwarf with one foot (which is a creature that represents illusion, who leads men astray from the actual truth). Metaphorically, this relates to James Lee because James Lee had the urge to find out the truth about the secret of the two bodies, and is willing to do anything to achieve his goal. Even if it meant betraying Charles Choi, by allying himself with The Workers, specifically Eugene.
Canonically confirming from the Webtoon, it is known that James Lee has a huge penis. Well, so does Shiva. In Hinduism, Shiva is associated with lingas, or phallic symbols, which represents fertility. 🍆
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mauesartetc · 8 months
Hello again! Thank you for the response on the ask, here are my redesigns that I was referring to! I’ve only done three thus far and only one actually has color 😅 color schemes are difficult for me, I must say. I’ll add a few notes on the side, they’re not necessarily the only things I’m looking for criticism on but just a few things I particularly am worried about with them/a bit of thought process.
Alastor (worried a lil about his color values not contrasting enough- I wanted his regular form to seem somewhat approachable from far away but then up close you feel a little more uneasy around him)
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Angel (HEAVY W.I.P.- I’m especially iffy on the heart pattern for the outfit fluff and I wanna figure out how to make his general outfit more interesting. For his outfit it’s more supposed to be something that Val or Velvet would’ve put him in rather than something he’d pick out)
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Charlie (she’s not much different in terms of sketch, she has some subtle design elements that go with my lore for the Angels in a Hazbin+Helluva rewrite I’m currently working on because I wanted to give something special for the royal heirs of the OG fallen Angels, but without color she’s mostly the same 😅)
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Thank ya again for letting me send these! I’ve only rly shown them to friends and wanted to see if I could get some outside feedback as well 😅
(Thank you for your patience on this, dear god)
For starters, if you want Alastor to seem approachable from a distance, you might try some lighter, less-sinister colors for his outfit. Personally, if I saw this guy from across a room, the dark gloves alone would set off alarm bells. Major OJ Simpson vibes. Maybe a yellow, tan, or cream color (white would probably be too formal) would appear friendlier as well as accurate to his time period.
As for the rest of his outfit, I looked up "1930s men's fashion catalog" on good ol' Google Images and found a hefty amount of brown and light grey suits. Maybe something in this wheelhouse would work for Alastor-?
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(I also darkened his face a tad for more value contrast with the new colors, and pushed the red on his staff for a more "infernal" look as well as standing out from the gloves.)
Angel Dust is trickier, since we don't know him, Val, or Velvet that well as characters yet. Since the series hasn't been released, we don't know much about what their taste in clothing actually is. (And no, I don't care about the character Instagrams or whatever. Social media doesn't count as canon.)
But I do know Val would probably want to put Angel in something that "sells"; something that makes him more attractive to clients. Something intriguing but not too revealing, that makes them want to see more. I figure a long-sleeved mesh top would fit the bill.
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I also found a sexier version with harness rings. Research is your friend, especially when you're looking for something outside the realm of what you normally draw. And you could always make a moodboard with Pinterest or PureRef for a lot of different inspiration sources. Not sure what specifically you meant by "more interesting" as that's a hugely subjective term, but hopefully this is a decent enough starting point.
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Okay. Charlie.
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Just some notes and tweaks here and there. Not sure what specifically you wanted feedback on with her, but again, it's a starting point.
Hope that helps!
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r4yang · 1 year
Layer 3 深衣 (#1)
Shen QingQiu's third layer (and second of shown layers) is some kind of white shenyi. Main color is white with blue(ish) decorated collar. I had a hard time deciding the pattern design I was gonna use, since I needed it to have a collar that's cut streight thought the chest and which ends up in the waist and not the arm pit, like my previous pattern. I also want there To be no seam in the weist line, meaning that I will Need a LOT of fabric...
Two weeks back, when I'm editing this, I got a change to go to bigger city and ended up buying the fabric and some other stuff. I took 5 meter of fabric, just to be on the safe side. Somehow it still ended up not being enought. Thankfully they had same fabric in the store where I live.
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It took me way too long to make a pattern design that i was happy with. At first I had tought that I would want to make shenyi that that had those Nice big sleeves and streight rectangular pieces that optimize fabric use, as shown down in that very bad image...
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Problem was that, becouse I also will be having beizi that has curved sleeves, i Need To háve undergarment with same sleeve design but smaller. Also, I have read the first book. The original SQQ would not have given up a change to stealthily show off how much money he has by having a garment that will use more fabric than needed. spoilers, I think I succesed... but at what cost... Well actually under 30€, since i used the cheapest one i could find :) Then there's about a weekend of criminal about of orange Juice and me suffering in between, but here's the final plan as Bad of an image as before.
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Just realised that these are probably not very comprehensive to anyone else. I might do a post later about pattern drawing process, but basicly i just use few basic principles of hanfu making and rest is just improvisation with springle of inspiration from historical garments and c-drama costume designs.
Drawing the patterns here. My mom helped me To keep my sanity and hold the measure tape becouse those pieces are so long.
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Here are all the pattern pieces cut out. Since most of the side seams are streight lines, I didn't want to waste my paper to them, instead I'm just going to use the fabric sides To my advantage and measure the neened lenght on the fabric.
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Next, I will sleep a little.
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micah-drew · 26 days
Redr Introduction - RoR OC
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Personal Information
Species: Demigod
Age: 1800+
Gender: Female
Pantheon: Norse Pantheon
Origin: Asgard (Valhalla)
Status: Alive
Affiliation: Gods (Formerly)
Humanity (Currently)
Mitsuhide Akechi
Relatives: Brunhilde (1st) to ??? (12th) (Older sisters) 13th Valkyrie to Göll (14th) (Younger sister)
First Appearance
Manga Debut: Chapter 87
Anime Debut: N/A
Voice Actor: N/A
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I understand… but out of all the Einherjar why must it be him?
Redr to Brunhilde in The Masked Fool
Redr is the thirteenth of the fourteen Valkyrie sisters. She hesitantly performed the Völundr with Mitsuhide Akechi in the tenth round of Ragnarok.
Redr takes the appearance of a girl with a youthful face with freckles and large green eyes, slightly protruding incisors and thin eyebrows and eyelashes. Her red hair is shoulder length, and her bangs are fashioned into a feathery like fringe but soon devolves into a curly mess of red hair.
Her head is adorned with a kokoshnik with a triangular pattern. She wears a stylized black and white low cut dress with a crimson bell at the base of her neck and with short separated sleeves and collar. Her navel is exposed in a diamond cut, and her skirt is exceedingly frilly. She wears black leather gloves on her hands, and on her feet she wears crimson shoes with high heels.
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(Art by axilkai on Discord!)
Unlike her sisters Hlökk and Alvitr, Redr is rather quiet and shy. She be anxious as well, which was shown with her hesitation to perform the Völundr with Mitsuhi Akechi in the tenth round of Ragnarok.
She prefers to be around her sisters, or alone if she can help it. Though when she’s around her sisters, she opens up a bit more around them and becomes talkative, and sometimes ends up rambling about her passions and interests.
Over the course of the tenth round, Redr slowly becomes more understanding toward Mitsuhide. At the end of their fight, she is seen helping the fighter out of the arena before collapsing alongside him outside of the medical ward. In the eleventh round, Redr and Mitsuhide are seen recovering inside of the medical ward while they watch the fight.
Divine Physiology: As a demigod, it can be assumed that Redr possesses physical abilities far greater than any ordinary human. Her body cannot be harmed by mortal weapons, however she can still be by unarmed attacks from individuals superhuman strength and by Divine Weapons.
Semi-Immortality: As a demigod, Redr has a limitless lifespan and will not die of old age.
Common Destiny: The power of "Common Destiny" allows a person to bring out their full potential by entrusting their fate to another. Before Ragnarok, Brunhilde sought Buddha in order to learn more about this power. The Valkyries give their wielders the power to harm gods by entrusting them with their lives.
• Völundr: The ability to turn into any weapon based on her partner's preference. Redr’s Völundr has a unique property reflected in the translation of her name, which means "The Red Haired One" (赤毛の人 , Akage no hito), which allows her to create an illusion/disguise of someone to lure someone into a false sense. She can only hold up her illusions as long as the main body is not hit.
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And here she is, one of my many RoR ocs. I’ve had Redr for a bit now, and now just started writing for her because I just… couldn’t write anything for a bit. So I decided to do this, and introduce her to you all!
This is of course an AU with fourteen Valkyries so that also means fourteen fighters on each side. This intro… also introduces another person, Mitsuhide Akechi! Will he get an intro like this one? Maybe, I just gotta… rework him a lot.
But I hope you all like Redr! This took a while to type out on my phone… lol.
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littlecritterz · 1 year
Urusei Yatsura Art Book Review!
Before I get into the review, I want to gush about how much I adore this book, the series as a whole, and its characters! I started watching the 2022 anime, after seeing a clip of it. The art style is so cute and very colorful!
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Prepare for a long read!
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I've been keeping up with this series a lot lately, I recommend it if you like slice-of-life mixed with some silliness (and great animation)! Recently, I started watching the original series, which is just as amazing as this one- there's also things that weren't shown (yet?) in the 2022 version of the series. I would like to read the original manga soon, too!
Time for the book review! Please note that I'm not showing things in any particular order, and that I'm mainly going to be talking about how cool stuff is lol. I got the book from Ebay (that's what I use the most), and it arrived safe and sound a few weeks later.
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The cover art is really cute, especially with the two chibis on the bottom left! I really love how they went about shading Lum's hair in this iteration of the character. I don't have any translations for anything in this book, unfortunately, but we can still appreciate the art!
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Upon opening the book, there is a poster that unfolds- above is the front:
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And here is the back! The art on both sides is really charming, and the backgrounds are absolutely stunning, especially in that front image. There's just something about it that I really like, from Ataru and Lum's interaction, and the lighting: it works together so well!
On the flipside, all of the characters running is really fun to look at- each character is running (or flying) in a different way, it's subtle, but it shows a small piece of their personality, in a sense.
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This is the page before the character design section of the book, which is absolutely stunning: The artists use a lot of patterns and shapes, and I'm all here for it!
Here are some snippets from the character design portion:
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One thing I really enjoy about character design is the expressions, and the various outfits the characters are drawn in. Each character has their own unique sense of fashion! I like Ataru's clothing choice, it's stuff that I could see myself wearing- comfy long sleeved tops and simple, cute button downs!
The expressions are so cutesy and cartoonish, I can't get enough of it! As a character artist myself, these pages are great references on how to go about fleshing out my own characters.
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Here is Lum's character sheet, as well as the expression part of Mendo's- his expressions are extra silly so I added them!
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This art for the Highlight and Staff Interviews are super cute! Lum's outfit with the suspenders is adorable- and the fact Ataru's outfit is coordinated makes it all the more cute!
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The visuals for the opening and endings are stunning- I have to sit and watch them each time, plus the music that accompanies it makes it even better! I need to go back and watch it frame by frame, its a masterpiece~ I can't get over the use of color in this series, it's amazing!!! Take a closer look at the visuals here, it's worth it!
You know what, watch the first Opening/Ending here
And the second Opening/Ending here
And check out the channel I got these from (UruYatsu Sensei), they've got full episodes of another series by the same creator, Maison Ikkoku, and a few Urusei Yatsura episodes as well. I appreciate them uploading these, because all the other ones were those interpolated 60 FPS nonsense (ugh).
That's all I got for this review, I hope you enjoyed reading/looking at all the art here, If you're an art book enjoyer like me, I recommend getting this book! And check out the series (OG and 2022 ver.) if you're interested!
Thanks for reading! (Back of book illustration below)
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sgt-scottymoreau · 20 days
Behind the nickname
Summary: Scotty as mamy nicknames from the people around her. But it seems like a pattern or an unspoken rule revolves around some of them. One particular. Ghost is about to find out the meaning of it.
Warning: None
Words: 1.3k // Masterlist
A/N: This was supposed to be a very small fic, turning into an above the 1k one. Welp. Also, although it is in my plan to visit Keukenhof (I tried this year but schedule didn't work out BUT next year for sure!) I haven't gone yet and so I was very vague on the description of it. Not helped that timeline wise they would have visited in 1997, what did the park even looked like back then?! Anyway, just a little fluff fic! Oh, Scotty's kid/baby pictures are inspired by my own.
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“Auntie, what was the thing I was supposed to say if grandma was about to embarass you?” Nicolas asked as soon as his head popped in the door frame of the kitchen.
Camille lifted her head from the drawing she was making with Mathéo, rather confused. “I don’t remember, why?”
“Grandma is about to show an album to Uncle Ghost.”
“What! SHI- Mom!” Camille dropped her pen, jumped off the chair as if it was on fire, the said chair creaking loudly on the floor. The woman passed her nephew, almost shoved him out of the way in the wall. “Sorry Nic!” The two brothers looked at each other confused. 
Scotty arrived in the living room out of breath, hands crisped on the doorframe and sadly too late. Suzanne was seated with Ghost next to her, him half bent to check on the album she had placed on her and his laps. He lifted his head, a grin behind his mask. Despite being considered family, he wasn’t too comfortable yet to show more of his face. Yet she could still see the glimpse of amusement in his eyes when their gaze crossed. “A little hippie? That’s adorable.” 
“Shut it, Riley. That was for the carnaval, my mom did a great job on the costume.” Scotty rolled her eyes and joined them. She saw the picture he was commenting on. She was maybe five or six, all smiling with baggy pants and white long sleeve shirt, a too big headband on her forehead decorated with a peace sign, and a necklace with an even bigger one. In retrospective, she found herself ridiculous in this, however Ghost wasn’t so wrong, it was also adorable.
“Oh wait, this one is my favorite!” Suzanne said pointing at a picture on the next page. On this one Scotty was around the age of two, a cup of chocolate mousse in her hand and a nice little chocolate mustache on her face. “Her first time trying mousse. It was a mess to clean.”
“Mom, please!”
“Don’t be so embarrassed, tulip.” Henri chimed in from behind his newspaper. “She hasn’t shown him you naked in your first bath at least. Well, not like the young man hasn't seen you naked already.”
“Papa!” Scotty almost shrieked, face turning red.
“Henri! Pour l’amour de Dieu!” For the love of God. Her mother agreed on the boldness her husband just showed. The glare she gave him meant a thousand words. He cleared his throat and adjusted his newspaper, making himself as small as he could in the seat. Ghost was sitting there with a smile spread on his face. It was funny to see them like this. However, a little something caught his attention and the question burned his tongue. It wasn’t the first time he heard them calling her that way. Actually it seemed they were the only ones to do it. He never heard her sister or nephews use it.
“Why do you call her tulip?” He simply asked. There was a small silence. Not the awkward kind. The look Camille gave to her mom silently begged her to not tell the whole story. But the woman had none of it. She waved at her daughter to take a seat because if this man wanted to know the story behind the nickname he would have the whole story.
“It was her first word.”
It has been a long road trip from their town to the Netherlands. Especially with two young kids. Luckily one of them slept almost the entire three hour ride. Gabrielle was getting restless near the end and as soon as the car stopped in the parking lot she was ready to jump out and stretch her legs. She was already working on the seatbelt keeping her restrained. Her mother was quick to tell her to wait till her dad would do it. Suzanne stretched her back, went on the other side of the car and took care of the baby who was slowly waking up from her slumber. 
Anyone would have wondered why a florist who would see flowers on the daily, work with them, arrange bouquets for all occasions five days a week would want to travel such a long distance to see flowers. Simply because Keukenhof had a reputation to have one of the best gardens of many species of plants. Although mainly known for its field of tulips, her favorite. 
It had been awhile since the whole family had been able to do something together, for once that Henri was home, Suzanne appreciated having all her loved ones together. To make it a better day, the sun was shining bright, not a single cloud in the sky. She couldn’t ask for anything better. Little Camille started to wiggle in her seat, smiling as her mother lifted her up and placed her in the scarf. The woman wrapped the rest around and secured the cloth in her back. Her daughter was facing away from her so she could see the world around them. Once everyone was ready, the family headed to the entrance eager to start their walk in the park and see what beauty it had to offer. Gabrielle held both her parents' hands, skipping happily as they walked down the path, already seeing some beautiful composition and arrangement here and there. The mix of different colors was pretty making up for very nice pictures. Henry took a few of them hoping they would turn out good once developed. He was never the best photographer in the family. 
“Mom, when do baby speak? Because all Camille does is…” She imitated the babbling her sister always did. Camille wiggled in the scarf with a small laughter. 
“It depends, but probably soon.” Her mother replied. Suzanne was stroking the baby’s cheek and Camille was more than eager to bite on her finger. Her mother’s reaction made both girls giggle. The family kept walking around till they found themselves in front of a small field of tulips. Suzanne’s favorite. 
Gabrielle went ahead to check on the small pond followed by her father who better keep an eye on her. The wind gently blew in the field, allowing some sensation of cool as the day was getting hotter. For a spring day, it was warmer than expected. Carefully, Suzanne crouched at the flowers level. Gently her fingers brushed on the soft petals. Camille whined a little from the change of position before extending her arms, trying to grab at the flowers. The woman moved her out of the scarf to be more comfortable sitting on her laps. “Carefully sweetie. They are pretty, aren’t they? These are tulips.”
“What?” Suzanne looked at her daughter surprised. Camille repeated the word, hand reaching for the flower. It suddenly hit her that she just spoke her first word! A wide smile grew on her lips and called up her husband, happy to share the news! 
“It’s Henry who then started to call her Tulip afterwards. It became our nickname for her.” Suzanne’s fingers lingered on a picture of a baby Camille sitting with a background of tulip. “Surprisingly, Camille grew to also love these flowers. Alright I think I embarrassed her enough for today.” She closed the album, put it back where it belonged, just in time when her grandkids came to ask if they could go buy some ice cream to the store. Scotty proposed herself and Ghost to take them. It would be nice to take a breath of fresh air, they could easily walk there.
As the two boys walked four steps ahead of them, Ghost leaned closer to her, his hand taking hers. 
“Too-pip uh? That's a good call sign, I like it.” He teased. 
“Don’t you even dare mention this to anyone. This is between you and me, you take this to your grave!”
“As you wish, Too-pip.” Scotty elbowed him hard in the side, but it was worth the laugh.
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