#the scars i live with if
forgottennamesgame · 1 year
Do you have any IFs/Upcoming IFs that you are excited for/recommend?
I really wish i had more time to play, but I managed to play one new wip i stumbled upon and i really recommend it, Vendetta, by @vendetta-if
And i'm curious about another one (the demo is not out yet), The scars I live with by @thescarsilivewith-if (I guess writing my thesis gave me an ich for revenge)
Can u recommend some? I've been away for so long, I lost touch.
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vividescapist · 2 years
Might as well throw myself further into The Scars I Live With @thescarsilivewith-if​ and toss my MC Information into a single, contained post.
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Here is my main simp Monarch, Zaire. (picrew)
General information:
He is 1.68m/5′5ft tall on more on the slender side after his captivity. He used to have more muscle mass but that mostly disappeared due to neglect and malnutrition. Struggles with large portions these days so he’s found it difficult to gain weight and muscle mass again.
Aged 28 at the beginning of the game/after his captivity, he used to be a genuinely good and kind person who was more on the shy and cautious side. He used to have grand ambitions of peace and tranquility for the nation he ruled over and in that way, he was naive and didn’t see any betrayal coming at all.
Treated Naja with much care upon their engagement and eventual marriage and tried to accomodate their needs to the best of his abilities, squeezing in lessons so he could at least do some basic communication via sign language.
Initially, upon being rescued by Naja, he is all but mute and extremely cautious, often wondering if his rescue is a dream. Very jumpy and needs coaxing to let people into his defenses (though Naja has a much easier time than anyone else.) As he gets more and more settled into his role once more, he grows less cautious and silent and far more blunt. Listening to honeyed words and trying to accomodate everyone and their nonsensical wishes didn’t work last time and the nobels would often argue their case to a point where Zaire promised to consider it just to get some peace. These days, they will get shut down by a blunt ‘No.’
Despite the hurt inflicted upon him in the last four years, Zaire hasn’t lost his compassion, however, especially in regards to the harem and his spouses. He will always find time to listen to his siblings and his mother’s consorts, trying to make them feel secure and comfortable in the home which has always been shared between them. Sahyra especially will be able to knock on Zaire’s door at all hours of the day as they’ve both shared the burdens and pressures of the crown.
As for the ROs... Poly route go. Zaire was perfectly happy to just have Naja as his spouse (his dumb heart did funny flip flops when they arrived for the wedding and he cherished every moment between them) but then Valaahr shows up, assured and confident and smooth. Their words make Zaire relax, get rid of the lingering trembling and aches and ghosts living in his heart that not even Naja’s sweet touches could banish fully. Val’s simple faith is a soothing balm upon his hurting soul. Though his favorite activity is probably watching Naja and Valaahr grow closer. They’re playing chess? Zaire is going to watch from a distance as to not disturb them. Reading books together? Don’t mind Zaire, he’ll make sure a servant will drop by with some tea. He catches wind of his spouses looking for a particular item? It’s going to be on their desks asap. His cute spouses are relaxing together in the gardens, holding hands? Zaire is gonna lean against the doorframe with the most smitten look upon his face and let that image give him the strength to carry on with his duties.
And when Kaela joins the harem and he gets to witness the love grow between all of his spouses? Even better. He now has three people to make soulful eyes at and spoil the hell out of. That’s an absolute win.
(He is going to flounder so hard when they notice his presence and draw him into their circle because he feels like he is intruding. You don’t enter a museum and just touch the artwork, right? Genuinely struggles with the concept of being loved after all the betrayal he’s lived through and half expects his spouses to leave him at the drop of a hat. Wouldn’t even blame them if they did. Kind of views himself as an outsider to his own marriages early on, which causes some friction, I imagine, as he tries to drown his spouses in adoration and spoiling them with gifts while also keeping them at arm’s length.
Once he’s comfortable to share his spouses’ beds, he finds it easier when someone tells him what to do, sexually and sensually, whether that is by taking someone or being taken aka he prefers to sub but it’s not a must. If he’s not looking for sex at the time, kissing the thoughts out of his head followed by a long cuddle session will also make him a happy camper.)
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thrill-seeker-if · 2 years
Hi! First of all, I want to say that I enjoyed the demo very much, the scene was so vivid and so deliciously crude. Very well written <3
I am also curious about MC's personality, what kind of variations are you planning? And I am also interested in how they are going to shape the story (and maybe the behavour of other characters as well)
Thank you in advance!
Omg... the italiscm of crude...
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In terms of variation for MC's personality, I want to flesh out the before vs. after! Basically, I want Thrill Seeker to sort of highlight the way our experiences change us.
Hannie, a person who wasn't allowed to be a child and who's life was scheduled for them, doesn't allow themself to be childish and has a very hard time enjoying themselves, as they've been taught they're immature if they act that way.
N, a person who's been dealt a very unlucky hand with bad health problems, who's biological parents were bad influences and gave them up easily, who's past relationships have been terrible, who has had people try to take away their personality from them moment after moment, clings harder and closer to that personality and masks all their feelings with a smile.
Oli, who compared to the others has not truly had a bad past, but feels this deep sense of loneliness in the departure of their closest friend, and now cannot communicate the changes they've experienced even to the person they trust the most- every character has to tackle their own traumas and deal with their own mental battles, having their own ways to tackle it.
There is not one 'correct' way. There is no 'perfect' way. Proper communication, proper coping mechanisms, are things that'll show up in the story.
In this manner, I want MCs to be able to flesh out their before, and to flesh out their after. You can be peppy, stoic, quiet, loud, whatever you like. You can be emotional, numb, difficult to be around. You can be insane. Literally a whole route about slowly going mad (there will be a VERY harsh betrayal scene, which I've been trying to keep tight-lipped ab, but I really can't wait till you guys see it, LOL)
Basically, I want the MC to build if before, they might have been more stoic, but with the loss are trying to grasp at the straws of the other relationships they have now and keep things together, keep every moment treasured. Or maybe, you used to be happy-go-lucky, but now you can't find the motivation to be happy as of late. Maybe you had lots of dreams, and like Oli, are too scared to pursue them now, having your first taste of loss. In terms of character building, Thrill Seeker will be very personality-heavy!
I hope this answered well! Please feel free to ask more if you would like elaborations!!!
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It’s been a minute, (both post wise and design wise) so decided to update the fam + a couple additions compared to last time
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wis-art · 2 months
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I was busy doing commissions and dealing with chronic pain, but it's still lesbian visibility week so i hope you all feel seen :)
Both characters are trans women (she/her)
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blog-of-frontiers · 3 months
The thing about Wyll is that he Gets It. He knows the story. He knows the kind of man his father is and the kind of man he was supposed to be. He knew what Mizora was when he made the pact. He knew what it meant. And he was just a kid, and his city needed saving, so he did it, and he paid that price, and even knowing all of that he still tried to appeal to his father for understanding and forgiveness.
He sold his soul to do the right thing. And he was cast out. And he knew what character that should have made him.
He knows the story he's in, and every day he chooses who he wants to be instead.
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grendel-menz · 1 year
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kind of a vent
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peanuttoffee · 1 month
The Bad Batch finale missing scene
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Yeah I needed that…
May the 4th be with you!🙌
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wasyago · 8 months
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old men
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ref sheet that shows the extent of his injuries (he's in his pajamas)
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cldhead · 1 year
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roommates <3
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isjasz · 1 month
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[Day 303]
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alienssstufff · 10 months
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teansouprmyjam · 1 year
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i've been having this wizard on the brain lately
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ciderjacks · 15 days
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petitelappin · 6 days
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Still trying to nail down exactly how to draw my large video game wife.
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