#the reason for the aid withdrawal is either not taking the required in-person classes (i opted for online classes during the pandemic)
guideaus · 6 months
okay, hi it's my birthday today and I also found out that the government recently withdrew an amount of aid I used in school in 2020 and 2021. this new bill is preventing me from starting my next semester. I'd really like to go back to school, buy a car, and eventually work on moving out which would improve my mental health. I'm also selling things online including manga and I can make gifs or icons if that interests anyone, just message me :) any support at all including reblogs would be appreciated, thank you for reading <3
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charmedhypno · 10 months
The ABCs of Attending Charmed! - N through Z
Will Charmed!2024 be your first kink event? Or your first event full stop? Here is part two of our short primer guiding you through the experience.
N - Negotiation
Negotiation is the foundation upon which safe play is built, and Charmed!2024 requires all play at the convention to be fully negotiated.  Before a scene takes place, the participants are expected to negotiate the parameters of the scene. The exact form taken by the negotiation is entirely at the discretion of the participants, and will normally vary depending on factors such as environment, time, or existing relationships. Charmed! provides a Negotiation Worksheet that can be used to document negotiated parameters of a scene; use of this worksheet is generally optional unless one or more of the people involved in the scene is required to use it as a condition of being allowed to play.
Negotiation should be conducted with all participants on an equal power footing unless relationship dynamics dictate otherwise. Participants should be in a state of mind in which they can make their own judgments and give informed, affirmative consent; do not enter negotiations with someone who appears to be unable to do that. Do not attempt to influence, persuade, or coerce people by deliberately employing techniques such as covert hypnosis, waking suggestion, or neurolinguistic programming methods during negotiations.
Once a scene has begun, any participant may still choose to withdraw agreement or consent for a previously agreed-on activity for any reason or for no stated reason. Do not attempt to re-negotiate during a scene to add previously rejected activities or overrule previously negotiated limits.
Remember, a negotiation that ends with people deciding not to play together is a successful negotiation, and “No.” is a complete sentence.
O - Online
Since Charmed!2024 is a hybrid convention many of our classes and some of our evening events will be available online as well as in-person. At this time, we plan to stream in real time via Zoom, as well as offering a select number of recorded classes via our “replay room” later in the weekend. In-person attendees will not be shown or heard on camera without their consent and classrooms will be clearly marked as either “streaming” or “non-streaming”.
P - Presentations
At Charmed! our Classes are Presentations, and here’s the lowdown on what you can look forward to on our schedule:
On Thursday we have Charmed! School! 
Seminars - 4 hour+ presentations that are only on our Thursday schedule. These longer offerings are usually taught by people who specialize in their particular topic. Past examples of topics taught in this format include: Hypnosis 101, Types of Inductions, and Music & Hypnosis. 
Friday through Sunday we have our more traditional presentations!
Lectures - Primarily information-driven classes, sometimes utilizing visual aids and/or minimal demonstrations. 60 to 120 minutes long.
Demonstrations - Classes driven be practical examples of the class topic, usually featuring minimal lecture content. Demonstration bottoms (demo bottoms) may be either pre-selected from the presenter’s acquaintances, or volunteers drawn from class attendees. 60 to 120 minutes long. 
Group Trance Experiences - Hypnotist-led classes that provide attendees either the opportunity to participate in some sort of group trance, or to observe that group trance. 60 to 120 minutes long. 
Round Table Discussions - Attendee-driven, presenter/moderator led discussions, usually about topics of interest to the hypnosis community. 60 to 120 minutes long. 
Evening Events - Attendee-driven social gatherings that may or may not have hypnotic content. Some examples: D&D Game Night, Zombie Tag, Speed Trance, Pet Play Menagerie. 60 to 120 minutes long. 
Q - Qualifications
If you’re new to hypnosis or have never attended a convention before, you might be asking yourself if you’re qualified to be there (I know I did before my first convention!) And the answer is always a resounding YES!  You don’t have to be an expert at hypnosis; you don’t have to have any experience at all! There will be plenty of people around who, just like you, are still learning the basics, or have never had an in-person trance experience, or are still figuring out what they enjoy.
Charmed! is proud to provide an environment that is welcoming to new attendees and veterans alike, and we feel that our class schedule will reflect that. Over the course of the four day weekend (Thursday through Sunday) attendees will have their choice of classes that address all experience levels, from the basics of “how to” all the way to “you can do that with hypnosis?”
But what if you have an itch to present one of those classes? Even if you’ve never taught a class, we want to see your ideas! The qualification to present at Charmed! is “I have an idea that I want to present at Charmed!” and we treat all submitted proposals with the same level of respect, regardless of the experience level of the submitter. (That means that you have an equal chance of having your class accepted as someone who’s been presenting for years, as well as the opposite. Submitting a class never guarantees automatic acceptance, no matter who you are.)  Presenters of 2 or more classes also receive complimentary admission to  Charmed!.
If you are interested in presenting something, you can apply HERE.
If (again, like me, and a dozen other people I can name off the top of my head) you tend to develop imposter syndrome in new spaces (or just… spaces…) and being productive in service to the con will help with that, you might want to consider volunteering! This is a great way to meet new people and become a part of the convention community with relatively low pressure and the only qualification you need is that you’re going to be at Charmed!. There are a variety of volunteer roles, including (but not limited to) Door Dragon (a person who checks for badges at entrances to conspace), Tech Support (people who help facilitate the online aspects of Charmed!), and Dungeon Monitors (people who observe play in the dungeon in order to maintain safety standards.) Volunteers who donate a certain number of hours receive complimentary admission to Charmed!.
If you are interested in volunteering, you can apply HERE.
R - Register
You’ve decided you want to attend!
You register HERE, and here’s some information about pricing:
Hybrid Convention (In-person attendance with access to online content) Early Bird Registration: July 12 through October 31 Cost: $95 Regular Registration: November 1 through December 21 Cost: $105 Late Registration: December 22 through January 14 Cost: $115 Online Only Convention (Virtual attendance only) Early Bird Registration: July 12 through December 21 Cost: $30 Regular Registration: December 22 through January 14 Cost: $35
What happens if after you register for the convention,your class proposals get accepted or you get accepted to volunteer? Contact Katiebee (@curiouskatie - registration on Discord) and she will process your refund!
To make the process more streamlined, we do ask that anyone who wants to volunteer wait to register until after they’ve been accepted as a volunteer (if possible) but it’s also perfectly fine to do it the other way around.
S - Self-Care
Does this sound familiar? “I’ve just gotten back from a wonderful vacation but now I feel sad and rundown, almost like I’m more stressed out than I was when I left.” What about “I always had fun at summer camp, but the last day was terrible! It was so sad leaving all my friends and I spent weeks afterwards feeling sad and rundown.” Or even “I had the time of my life at that convention, but now I have con crud which is even worse because I feel so sad and rundown.”
If any (or all!) of those statements resonate for you, then you might need to practice better self-care when you attend events that take you away from your normal routine. Even though it is perfectly normal to experience what we call “con drop” (feeling depressed, lost, apathetic, etc after a con) your depth of suffering can definitely be lessened by focusing on self-care practices while attending. 
Experienced con-goers recommend following the 5321 rule, which is a self-care guideline for best practices when attending a convention: for every day you attend, get 5 hours of real sleep, drink 3 liters of water, eat 2 meals of real food, and have 1 shower. 
5 Hours of Real Sleep - even though the word “sleep” is heavily associated with hypnosis, the reality is that hypnotic trance is not actual sleep, and does not provide the same benefits as actual sleep. And 5 hours is really the bare minimum – if you’re used to getting 8 hours of sleep when you’re at home, you should really try to do the same while attending Charmed!, even if that means having to prioritize sleep over fun.
Drink 3 Liters of Water - that’s about five 20 ounce bottles of water a day. And yes, that sounds like a lot of water! But a person on the go needs that hydration – the most effective “cure” for feeling rundown while at the con (assuming you’re not ill) is to drink some water. (And while there’s a whole debate possible over the benefits of plain water vs things like tea and coffee, generally speaking drinking something water based is better than drinking nothing at all.)
Eat 2 Real Meals - What qualifies as a “real meal”? Not a snack eaten on the fly. Not a handful of cookies (even if they are really delicious!) Not a stray granola bar you found in your purse or a packet of pretzels from the con suite. Only you know what kind of meals you eat when you’re at home, but in order to provide your body with the energy to make it through a long weekend of fun, you’re going to want to replicate those meals while you’re at the convention.
Have 1 Shower - For some people, the thought of taking a shower is terrible (neurospicy brains are awesome, ask me how I know), but when it comes to refreshing your body and resetting your mind for a new day or a new experience (or a good night’s sleep) taking a shower is a very useful tool. And at a convention with 200+ other people, it’s just respectful to shower daily, as well.
While helpful, the 5321 Rule can only do so much. So here are some other things that also qualify as self-care while you’re at Charmed!2024 –
Quiet Time Alone!
Parallel Play/Existing!
Playing Board Games!
Commiserating With Other Attendees!
Communicating Clearly!
Pre-Planning Your Time!
Knowing When To Change Your Plans!
Retreating To Your Hotel Room To Have a Good Cry Because You’re Feeling Overwhelmed And You Just Need To Let It All Out!
(That last one looks like a joke, but is not a joke. Letting yourself feel things is definitely self-care.)
T - Travel
Once you’ve decided to attend Charmed!2024 you’ll want to plan your travel to Annapolis. Here are some options: 
Driving! - People who live within driving distance of Annapolis often carpool (and “within driving distance of Annapolis” can mean anything from 5 miles away to 500 miles away, depending on the people.) Some ways in previous years that people have connected with people willing to carpool are: through the “ride share” channel which will be available in the Charmed! Discord server closer to the event, via posting in our Fetlife group, and by posting (and tagging CharmedHypno) on tumblr.
Public Transportation! - Going by bus or train is a great choice for people within one or two states of the convention who don’t want to drive or fly.  Check out Amtrak, Greyhound, and FlixBus to compare services. 
Air Travel! - For people coming from farther away, air travel is the best (or only) choice. The three best airport options for people flying in for Charmed!2024 are:  BWI (Baltimore-Washington International Airport), DCA (Reagan Washington Airport), and AID (Washington Dulles Airport.) Of the three, we recommend BWI, which is the closest to Annapolis at 17-ish miles away, and is also the easiest to navigate.
 Everyone has a favorite airline; personally I tend to fly via Southwest, because I live in a hub city and two checked suitcases are included in the ticket price. Whichever airline you choose, keep in mind that the closer to the convention weekend we get the more expensive your plane tickets will be. 
Getting from the airport (or bus station or train station) to the hotel is a matter of teamwork and cooperation. There is no shuttle available to the hotel, and taking public transport, while affordable, is a lengthy process that requires 2 to 3 transfers. Charmed! recommends that attendees carpool with someone else, either with a rental car or using a service like uber or lyft. 
U - Unconference
The very first national hypnosis convention was organized around an “unconference” model, which meant that class schedules were developed in the moment during the con itself rather than from classes submitted ahead of time. While this model has been abandoned as it proved inadequate to fulfill the needs of a larger convention attending community, most of the existing hypnosis conventions celebrate it by having a time for uncon classes on their schedules. At Charmed!, we run our uncon on Sunday morning.  Uncon classes are attendee-driven/suggested classes that are chosen in a real-time environment. If there’s something you’ve always wanted to present but aren’t sure how it will work, Uncon is a great time to workshop! Class slots are usually fairly short and are chosen on the spot via attendee vote. Many a class that got formally submitted at a later con was workshopped first at an Uncon! These classes do not need to be submitted using the online class proposal form.
V - Vending
Charmed!2024 is happy to say that once again we will be offering a Vendor’s Room one night of the convention. We feature both outside vendors who will be on-site for just that night as well as attendee vendors who can choose to take advantage of that space or vend out of their personal hotel rooms, or both! Products on offer in previous years have included books (both fiction and non-fiction) written by members of the community, sex toys, and traditional hypnotic implements like pocket watches and crystals. If you are interested in vending at Charmed!2024 email us at [email protected] with a description of your wares and our Vending Coordinator will get back to you as soon as possible.
W - What, Where, When, Why
Let’s review:
Charmed!2024, currently the largest national erotic hypnosis conference, happening in
Annapolis, Maryland on the weekend of
January 11th through 14th, 2024 in order to
provide an inclusive, welcoming environment in which attendees can pursue education, indulge in play with other, like-minded folx, and forge connections within the larger recreational erotic hypnosis community.
Have you ever used this handy mnemonic to quietly let someone know that their fly was unzipped? (eXamine Your Zipper Pretty Damn Quick) For the purposes of Charmed!2024, let’s consider it a metaphor for “make sure that you’re dressed appropriately for the venue” when in public spaces. At this time, we aren’t able to take over the entire hotel, and that means that attendees need to dress in vanilla-appropriate streetwear when outside of our dedicated conspace. The easiest way to accommodate this requirement is to cover your outfit with a coat or equivalent when traveling through public spaces. 
Y - Young
At a certain point, age becomes meaningless. We find ourselves a part of a unique and extraordinary community and the things we do and the games we play are not dependent on age, but rather experience and education.
With that said, Charmed!2024 is very much an adult event! All attendees need to be 18 or older, whether or not they are attending in-person or online only. Your age will be verified and anyone who is under 18 at the time of the conference will not be permitted to attend.
Sleep is your friend. Embrace naps. We believe this so much that we’re telling you twice (and not just because there aren’t that many useful words that start with “Z”.)
Part One - The ABCs of Attending Charmed! - A through M can be found HERE.
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magicui · 5 years
CAP2047 – User Interface Design
Professor Simpson/M W 2:30-4:10PM
Instructor:  Mark Simpson
Class Location: Room #8115
Office Hours: online only
This course is for students majoring in game development. It covers designing and developing interfaces for
games. Students will learn how to use different input/output hardware devices, how to create and use
existing interfaces for different types of hardware, and the development process for different types of gaming
systems. (3 hr. lecture 2 hr. lab)
Prerequisite: COP2335
Jan. 14 (Monday) : Last day to drop with refund
Jan. 19-21 : Martin Luther King day (holiday)
Feb. 16-18 : President’s Day (holiday)
Mar. 7 (Thursday) : Employee retreat (no classes, campus open)
Mar. 20 (Wednesday) : Last day to Withdraw with a W
Mar. 25 (Monday) : Last day to register for graduation so name appears in commencement program
Apr. 19 – 21 : Spring Recess
Apr. 27 - May 3 : Final Exams
May 4 (Saturday) : Commencement Ceremony (graduation)
·       One (1) 2 GB or larger USB Flash Drive
·       Google Drive access (included with MDC student email)
Our facilities enable students to study collaboratively as well as individually and access our specialized collections of digital programs. M.A.G.I.C.’s open lab is here to help you achieve academic success.
Grading Scale and Percentages:
A 100  - 90
B 80  - 89
C 70 – 79
D (failing) 60  – 69
F (failing) 0  -  59
Mid-Term  20%
Final  Assignment 20%
Homework  Assignments 50%
Attendance 10%
Attendance Policy: https://www.mdc.edu/main/sas/about/attendance.aspx
Only 3 unexcused absences are allowed, if you miss 4 classes you can be dropped from the class and receive an F.
Attendance will be taken at the beginning of the class.
If applicable; students must sign the attendance sheet in class.
If  absent, it is your responsibility to keep fully informed about the notes,     class material, additional reading assignments, changes in examination     material and dates, etc.
If you will be absent from class for any reason, please notify me in advance by way of email.
Lectures are given at the beginning of the class, therefore, if a student is absent during the lecture portion of the class, it is his/her responsibility to  cover/study the material that is missed.
Late homework is subject to a late penalty for each day it is late.
No homework may be submitted more than 1 week late.
Withdrawal Policy:  If a student withdraws from two classes, s/he will not be allowed to re-enroll. Only in special circumstances, approved by the program director, will an exception be considered.
Academic Dishonesty Procedure:
In the event that students are suspected of classroom cheating, plagiarism, or otherwise misrepresenting their work, they will be subject to procedural due process. The specific steps involved are outlined in
College Procedure 4035 Addressing Academic Dishonesty: http://www.mdc.edu/procedures/Chapter4/4035.pdf
Academic Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to the following:
·       A. Cheating on examination including unauthorized sharing of information.
·       B. Collaborating with others in work to be submitted, if contrary to the stated rules of the course.
·       C. Plagiarizing, taking and claiming, as one’s own the ideas, writings, or work of another, without citing the sources.
·       D. Submitting work from another course unless permitted by the instructor.
Course Withdrawal: http://www.mdc.edu/financialaid/receive-aid/terms-conditions.aspx
If you withdraw, drop out of school     (officially or unofficially) or drop below half-time enrollment, federal     regulations mandate that you repay a portion or all of the aid paid to     you, even if you have an approved petition for a 100 percent refund. The "Return     to Title IV Funds Policy" includes the following financial aid     programs: Pell Grant, Supplemental Education OpportunityGrant (SEOG),     Teach Grant, Federal Direct Stafford Loan and Federal Direct PLUS     Loan.                                                                                                       The amount of aid to be returned is     based on a formula provided by the U. S. Department of Education.     Failure to repay funds due to a federal program may affect future     eligibility for aid at MDC or any other College/University you may attend     after leaving MDC. NOTE: An approved "Request for Petitions Committee     Action-100 percent refund" may not result in a refund to your     account.
Incomplete Grade: https://www.mdc.edu/procedures/Chapter8/8381.pdf
To set forth the process by which students may receive an Incomplete grade at the conclusion of a term and have an opportunity to complete the academic work in a subsequent term.
1.       Electronic devices are to be either turned off or in silent mode.
2.       No electronic devices or games allowed during class time.
3.       No eating, gum chewing, eating, drinking, or smoking in the classroom.
4.       All items such as soda cans, gum, food wrappings…etc. should be disposed of prior to entering the classroom.
5.       Behavior in the electronic classroom is expected that will allow for conditions that foster learning and a free exchange of ideas. A positive learning atmosphere is one that shows respect and courtesy for the instructor and fellow students. For example, such things as whispering, sleeping, working on other subject matters, or interrupting students or instructor, will not be tolerated.
6.       Students will be punctual. Being late to a class is disruptive and rude to both the instructor and to the rest of the class.
7.       Personal matters will be discussed with the instructor outside of class. Either right outside the electronic classroom or in the instructor’s office.
Access Department:
The mission of ACCESS (Disability Services) is to meet the commitment of the College to ensure all College programs and activities are accessible to all students, including students with a wide range of disabilities. ACCESS offers a broad array of services, including but not limited to, academic and career advisement, class registration, auxiliary aids and services (i.e., accommodations), program modifications, and assistive technology to eligible students with a documented disability. Documentation should be provided by a licensed or certified professional, such as a physician, a psychologist, an audiologist, a learning disabilities specialist, etc., who has evaluated the individual within the past three years. Documentation can also be provided by an educational institution where services have been provided previously, such as copies of a high school Individual Educational Plan (IEP).
In addition to its role in the classroom, the department works to promote awareness of disability issues, federal and state regulations, and College procedures that encourage accessibility and inclusion. Faculty members with an eligible student enrolled in their course(s) receive a written notice from the ACCESS Department (hand-delivered by the student for face-to-face courses) identifying the auxiliary aids and services the student is receiving for the designated semester. Students must self-identify with ACCESS every semester at the campus where the course is taking place to receive auxiliary aids and services. While students are encouraged to self-identify with their respective faculty as early as possible to help increase success in a course, students may self-identify at any point in a given semester.
For more information, please visit www.mdc.edu/access for contact information, hours, and locations.
  Who do I talk to? (Issues & Concerns, please follow chart below):
*Please address all concerns first with your course professor, who is best poised to help guide you through this course.
Instructional Assist/Advisor
Dept. Chairperson
·      All issues and concerns must be submitted in writing with student Name, current contact information and I.D. number.
Student's Rights and Responsibilities (please visit link below):
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
Competency 1: The student will demonstrate understanding of designing interfaces for games by:
1.      Analyzing existing games and applications for interface usability and intuitiveness.
2.      Comparing the requirements and limitations of games and application interfaces.
3.      Comparing the requirements and limitations of PC games and console games interfaces.
Competency 2:   The student will demonstrate mastery of interface development by:
1.       Using existing libraries to create new interfaces.
2.      Creating reusable libraries for new interfaces.
3.      Creating new interfaces for existing applications.
4.      Creating new interfaces for PC and console games.
Competency 3:  The student will demonstrate knowledge of input interface hardware programming by:
1.      Analyzing existing input devices with respect to usability for different game genres.
2.      Analyzing the restriction created by using different hardware for input such as, but not limited to: mice, trackballs, joysticks, and game pads.
3.      Writing small games that use different input interfaces such as: mice, trackballs, joysticks, and game pads.
Competency 4:  The student will demonstrate knowledge of output interface hardware programming by:
1.      Analyzing existing output devices with respect to usability for different game genres.
2.      Analyzing the restrictions created by using different hardware for output such as, but not limited to: touch screens, 3D glasses, sound, and motion simulation devices.
3.      Writing small games that use different output interfaces such as: touch screens, 3D glasses, sound, and motion simulation devices.
Competency 5: The student will demonstrate knowledge of game console programming and development by:
1.      Analyzing the programming and interface limitations of the console.
2.      Analyzing different libraries and development tools for different game consoles.
3.      Writing code that takes advantage of the console hardware for improving performance.
Competency 6: The student will demonstrate knowledge of hardware programming libraries by:
1.      Using existing programming libraries to communicate with hardware.
2.      Creating new reusable programming libraries and classes for handling hardware input and output
Competency 7:              The student will demonstrate understanding of the future of interfaces by:
1.      Researching past interface hardware.
2.      Researching the failures of past computer input/output hardware.
Competency 8: The student will demonstrate knowledge of the history of computer interfaces by:
1.      Researching current developments in interface hardware.
2.      Researching the future of interfaces.
3.      Researching the future of game consoles.
Topics and  Assignments
Week 1
Class overview
User Interface definitions
Week 2
UX User  Experience
Homework Due:  Presentation on Front End, Gameplay Menu, and Control Mechanisms.
Week 3
Four  Elements of User Experience
Web &  Mobile UI/UX, Storefronts and purchasing
Homework: UI  design without words, buttons
Week 4
Personas, Scenarios, User Stories
Homework:  User Profiles, hardcore gamer, cool gamer, casual gamer
Week 5
Mapping  & Navigation Design
Homework:  Wireframes and flow
Week 6
Style Guide  – Unification
Color theory  – using complimentary colors
Week 7
Pixel art  and Vector art
Week 8
Midterm: UI Wireframes and Mockup
Week 9
Unity Canvas
Sound design
Week 10
Lootboxes  storefronts & purchasing in-game
Week 11
Homework:  Themed buttons – scifi, fantasy, modern
Week 12
Unity Camera  and Materials
Week 13
Scripting in  Unity
Week 14
Unity Optimization
Week 15
Final Due
Week 16
Final: UI in  Unity
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omgstudying · 6 years
How I Deal with Mental Illness in College
Hello, I’m Missouri. I struggle with severe depression, GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder), Insomnia, and very slight paranoia.
Disability Services
Thankfully, my college had a club and department day very early in my first semester and I found out about disability services. Disability services at my school is a way to make sure any students with proven disabilities are accommodated in class and by professors. I first had to prove I did have mental health issues by getting information sent over from my therapist to the school. You can have your doctor/therapist do this for you.
Once the DS coordinator got this information, letters were created for each of my professors letting them know certain accommodations would have to be provided for me. In my case, they were: extended test time, private test time, and high contrast color (I’m also colorblind).
I’ve never actually used the private or extended test time, but they are there for me if I need to.
At most schools, once the system has been set up, you just go to the DS coordinator at the beginning of every semester and they give you the letters to have your teachers sign. The letters do not explain the reason for accommodations and they are not allowed to ask. They are required to provide them if you ask for them.
Being Open About My Issues
I am an extremely open person. I don’t care if everyone knows I have a mental illness. It is a part of me and I don’t feel the need to hide it. If I know I am in the middle of a depressive episode I will straight up explain it to the professors and apologize for any behavioral changes it causes me to have or any absences I have because of it. In my experience, it is always really well received and understood. If I have bad days, as long as I do the work, I don’t get penalized for missing a class. It doesn’t happen every semester, but sometimes I have to take a mental health day. Knowing that I have the support of my professors allows me to recover faster and get back to work. Instead of adding to my issues, it helps relieve it.
Therapy and Medication
I actually had a pretty spectacular breakdown my second year of college and it was through the support of my psychology professor and the DS coordinator that I was able to receive the help I needed. They contacted the Behavioral Health department in town and I was allowed to start services there, even though I didn’t live there. Before I was receiving services from a facility that I could barely ever go to because they were in another town and conflicted with my school schedule. I now go to therapy at least once a month, sometimes more depending on how I am and I have access to affordable medication. I do miss appointments sometimes and miss doses as well, but having that service available has saved my life. It doesn’t always need to be medication. I recommended the place to a friend from school and they go there for therapy only, to help cope with ADHD and depression. I think that it is an option that anyone experiencing any issues needs to look into.
Taking A Break
It is not ideal to have to step away from getting an education, but sometimes you might need to. I know I did. Either completely take a semester or longer off or find an alternative. The semester I had my breakdown, I ended up taking an incomplete for all of the classes and then finishing them over the summer, when I wasn’t in school. Know your options. There is Hardship Withdrawal which allows you to withdraw from the whole semester, after the midterm point without it affecting financial aid or your GPA. Take an incomplete for courses is also another option, it allows you to either do the coursework at a slower pace and submit it during another semester or you can actually complete the coursework in another semester. In the case of Incomplete, you get a stand-in of “I” for your grades until all coursework is submitted. These options aren’t guaranteed but are mostly attainable. There is no shame in taking a step back and taking care of yourself.
Focus Small
School will always require a lot of effort and planning, but I found that if I broke things down into small goals, I could achieve them. I take each assignment one at a time. I try and not worry about anything else until my one assignment is done. I have learned to focus on what is in front of me at the moment, instead of what is coming. I can’t worry about next week, I have to worry about this week. I know the school year combines all of your grades into a final one, but I don’t focus on the end. If I do well this week, then I do well. I move on to the next week and try to do the same. Some weeks might be bad, but those end and then I am on to the next one. Some assignments take multiple weeks of planning and I’m not saying that can’t be done, but if I focus on doing a good job now, then I am setting myself up for success in the future. All of my good weeks will build on one another and in the end, should lead me to a good semester. I might stumble along the way, but I just have to get back up and focus.
This is how I have survived so far in college. I have had my failures along the way, but I’m still here and I am still working at it.
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vatsal1804 · 4 years
How Science is Revolutionizing the World of Dog Training
Tumblr media
It was about a month into raising a new border collie puppy, Alsea, when I came to an embarrassing realization: my dog had yet to meet a person who doesn’t look like me.
I’d read several books on raising a dog, and they all agree on at least one thing: proper socialization of a puppy, especially during the critical period from eight to 20 weeks, means introducing her to as many people as I possibly could. Not just people, but diverse people: people with beards and sunglasses; people wearing fedoras and sombreros; people jogging; people in Halloween costumes. And, critically, people of different ethnicities. Fail to do this, and your dog may inexplicably bark at people wearing straw hats or big sunglasses.
This emphasis on socialization is an important element of a new approach to raising the modern dog. It eschews the old, dominating, Cesar Millan–style methods that were based on flawed studies of presumed hierarchies in wolf packs. Those methods made sense when I raised my last dog, Chica, in the early aughts. I read classic dominance-oriented books by the renowned upstate New York trainers The Monks of New Skete, among others, to teach her I was the leader of her pack, even when that meant stern corrections, like shaking her by the scruff of the neck. Chica was a well-behaved dog, but she was easily discouraged when I tried teaching her something new.
I don’t mean to suggest I had no better option; there was then a growing movement to teach dog owners all about early socialization and the value of rewards-based training, and plenty of trainers who employed only positive reinforcement. But in those days, the approach was the subject of debate and derision: treat-trained mongers might do what you want if they know a biscuit is hidden in your palm, but they’d ignore you otherwise. I proudly taught my dog tough love.
This time, with the assistance of a new class of trainers and scientists, I’ve changed my methods entirely, and I have been shocked to discover booming product lines of puzzles, entertaining toys, workshops and “canine enrichment” resources available to the modern dog “parent,” which has helped boost the U.S. pet industry to $86 billion in annual sales. Choke collars, shock collars, even the word no are all-but-verboten. It’s a new day in dog training.
The science upon which these new techniques are based is not exactly new: it’s rooted in learning theory and operant conditioning, which involves positive (the addition of) or negative (the withdrawal of) reinforcement. It also includes the flipside: positive or negative punishment. A brief primer: Petting a dog on the head for fetching the newspaper is positive reinforcement, because you’re taking an action (positive) to encourage (reinforce) a behavior. Scolding a dog to stop an unwanted behavior is positive punishment, because it’s an action to discourage a behavior. A choke collar whose tension is released when the dog stops pulling on it is negative reinforcement, because the dog’s desirable behavior (backing off) results in the removal of an undesirable consequence. Taking away a dog’s frisbee because he’s barking at it is negative punishment, because you’ve withdrawn a stimulus to decrease an unwanted behavior.
Much has changed about the way that science is applied today. As canine training has shifted from the old obedience-driven model directed at show dogs to a more relationship-based approach aimed at companion dogs, trainers have discovered that the use of negative reinforcement and positive punishment actually slow a dog’s progress, because they damage its confidence and, more importantly, its relationship with a handler. Dogs that receive too much correction—especially the harsh physical correction and mean-spirited “Bad dog!” scoldings—begin to retreat from trying new things.
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These new methods are backed by a growing body of science—and a rejection of the old thinking, of wolves (and their descendants, dogs) as dominance-oriented creatures. The origin of so-called “alpha theory” comes from a scientist named Rudolph Schenkel, who conducted a study of wolves in 1947 in which animals from different packs were forced into a small enclosure with no prior interaction. They fought, naturally, which Schenkel wrongly interpreted as a battle for dominance. The reality, Schenkel was later forced to admit, was that the wolves were stressed, not striving for alpha status.
A study from Portugal published last fall in the pre-print digital database BioRxiv (meaning it is not yet peer-reviewed) evaluated dozens of dogs selected from schools that either employed the use of shock collars, leash corrections and other aversive techniques or didn’t—sticking entirely or almost entirely to the use of positive reinforcement (treats) to get the behavior they wanted. Dogs from the positive schools universally performed better at tasks the researchers put in front of them, and the dogs from aversive schools displayed considerably more stress, both in observable ways—licking, yawning, pacing, whining—and in cortisol levels measured in saliva swabs.
These new findings are especially relevant this year. Dog adoption in the COVID-19 era has ballooned, arguably because isolated Americans are newly in search of companionship and because working from home makes at least the idea of raising a puppy feasible. Before the pandemic, it was young city dwellers driving the boom in demand for and supply of dog trainers who employ positive methods, and an explosion in the proliferation of professional trainers across the globe. Often because they’ve delayed or decided against having children, millennials and Generation Z are spending lavish amounts of money on pets: toys, food, puzzles, fancy harnesses, rain jackets, life jackets and training. And those professional trainers, from the Guide Dogs for the Blind organization to renowned handler Denise Fenzi, have formed a legion of experimenters. They universally report that the less negativity they use in training, the more quickly their dogs learn.
Over the past 15 years, handlers with Guide Dogs for the Blind, which trains dogs to be aides for sight-impaired people, have extinguished nearly all negative training techniques and with dramatic results. A new dog can now be ready to guide its owner in half the time it once took, and they can remain with an owner for an extra year or two, because they’re so much less stressed out by the job, says Susan Armstrong, the organization’s vice president of client, training and veterinary operations. Even bomb-sniffing and military dogs are seeing more positive reinforcement, which is why you might have noticed that working dogs in even the most serious environments (like airports) seem to be enjoying their jobs more than in the past. “I don’t think you’re imagining that,” Armstrong says. “These dogs love working. They love getting rewards for good behavior. It’s serious, but it can be fun.”
Susan Friedman, a psychology professor at Utah State University, entered the dog-training world after a 20-year career in special education, a field in which she has a doctorate. In the late 1990s, she adopted a parrot, and was shocked to discover that most of the available advice she could find about raising a well-mannered bird involved only harsh corrections: If it bites, abruptly drop the bird on the floor. If it makes too much noise, shroud the cage in complete darkness. If it tries to escape, clip the bird’s flight feathers. Friedman applied her own research and experience to her parrot training, and discovered it all comes down to behavior. “No species on the planet behaves for no reason,” she says. “What’s the function of a parrot biting your hand? Why might a child throw down at the toy aisle? What’s the purpose of the behavior, and how does it open the environment to rewards and also to aversive stimuli?”
Friedman’s early articles about positive-reinforcement animal training met a skeptical audience back in the early aughts. Now, thanks to what she calls a “groundswell from animal trainers” newly concerned about the ethics of animal raising, Friedman is summoned to consult at zoos and aquariums around the world. She emphasizes understanding how a better analysis of an animal’s needs might help trainers punish them less. Last year, she produced a poster called the “hierarchy roadmap” designed to help owners identify underlying causes and conditions of behavior, and address the most likely influencers—illness, for example—before moving on to other assumptions. That’s not to suggest old-school dog trainers might ignore an illness, but they might be too quick to move to punishment before considering causes of unwanted behavior that could be addressed with less-invasive techniques.
The field is changing rapidly, Friedman says. Even in the last year, trainers have discovered new ways to replace an aversive technique with a win: if a dog scratches (instead of politely sitting) at the door to be let out, many trainers would have in recent years advised owners to ignore the scratching so as not to reward the behavior. They would hope for “extinction,” for the dog to eventually stop doing the bad thing that results in no reward. But that’s an inherently negative approach. What if it could be replaced with something positive? Now, most trainers would now recommend redirecting the scratching dog to a better behavior, a come or a sit, rewarded with a treat. The bad behavior not only goes extinct, but the dog learns a better behavior at the same time.
The debate is not entirely quashed. Mark Hines, a trainer with the pet products company Kong who works with dogs across the country, says that while positive reinforcement certainly helps dogs acquire knowledge at the fastest rate, there’s still a feeling among trainers of military and police dogs that some correction is required to get an animal ready for service. “Leash corrections and pinch collars are science-based, as well,” Hines says. “Positive punishment is a part of science.”
The key, Hines says, is to avoid harsh and unnecessary kinds of positive punishment, so as not to damage the relationship between handler and dog. Dogs too often rebuked will steadily narrow the range of things they try, because they figure naturally that might reduce the chance they get yelled at.
The Cesar Millans of the world are not disappearing. But the all- or mostly positive camp is growing faster. Hundreds of trainers attend “Clicker Expos,” an annual event put on in various cities by one of the most prominent positivity-based dog-training institutions in the world, the Karen Pryor Academy in Waltham, Mass. And Fenzi, another of the world’s most successful trainers, teaches her positive-reinforcement techniques online to no less than 10,000 students each term.
While there is some lingering argument about how much positivity vs. negativity to introduce into a training regimen, there’s next to zero debate about what may be the most important component of raising a new dog: socialization. Most trainers now teach dog owners about the period between eight and 20 weeks in which it is vital to introduce a dog to all kinds of sights and sounds they may encounter in later life. Most “bad” behavior is really the product of poor early socialization. For two months, I took Alsea to weekly “puppy socials” at Portland’s Doggy Business, where experienced handlers monitor puppies as they interact and play with one another in a romper room filled with ladders and hula hoops and children’s playhouses, strange surfaces that they might otherwise develop fear about encountering. Such classes didn’t exist until a few years ago.
A vizsla puppy at a dog training class at Doggy Business in Portland, Oregon, on Jun. 4. Holly Andres for TIME
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I also took Alsea to dog-training classes, at a different company, Wonder Puppy. At the first session, trainer Kira Moyer reminded her human students that the most important thing we need to do for our dogs is advocate, which is also based in a renewed appreciation of science. Instead of correcting your dog for whining, for example, stop for a moment and think about why that’s happening? What do they want? Can you give that to them, or give them an opportunity to earn the thing they want, and learn good behavior at the same time?
Enrichment is another booming area of the dog-training world. I didn’t feed Alsea out of a regular dog bowl for the first six months she’s been with me, because it was so much more mentally stimulating for her to eat from a food puzzle, a device that makes it just a little bit challenging for an animal to acquire breakfast. These can be as simple as a round plastic plate with kibble dispersed between a set of ridges that have to be navigated, or as complex as the suite of puzzles developed by Swedish entrepreneur Nina Ottosson. At the highest level, a dog might have to move a block, flip the lid up, remove a barrier or spin a wheel to earn food. Another common source of what we consider “bad” behavior in dogs is really just an expression of boredom, of a dog that needs a job and has decided to give himself one: digging through the garbage, barking at the mail carrier. Food puzzles make dinnertime a job. When Ottosson first started, “they called me ‘the crazy dog lady.’ Nobody believed dogs would eat food out of a puzzle,” she says. “Today, nobody calls me that.”
When Alsea was 4 months old (she’s 12 months now), I traveled south of Portland to Oregon’s Willamette Valley to introduce her to Ian Caldicott, a farmer who teaches dogs and handlers how to herd sheep. First we watched one of his students working her own dog. As the border collie made mistakes, the tension in her owner’s voice escalated and her corrections grew increasingly harsh. “Just turn your back and listen,” Caldicott said to me. “You can hear the panic in her voice creeping in.”
Dogs are smart and can read that insecurity. It makes them question their faith in the handler and, in some cases, decide they know better. Raising a good sheepdog is about building trust between the dog and the handler, Caldicott says. That does require some correction—a “Hey!” when the dog goes left instead of right, at times—but what’s most important is confidence, both in the dog and the handler. In the old days, sheepdogs were taught left and right with physical coercion. Now, they’re given just enough guidance to figure out the right track by themselves. “We’re trying to get an animal that thinks for itself. A good herding dog thinks he knows better than you. Your job is to teach him you’re worth listening to,” Caldicott says. “The ones born thinking they’re the king of the universe, all you have to do is not take that away.”
Learn More Here: https://bit.ly/3jEFySe
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thehouseofjohndeaf · 5 years
Vocational Rehabilitation During an Opioid Epidemic Under a Trump Administration
In 2017 I began taking classes with UMASS Boston’s ACEP (Addictions Counseling Education Program). It was suggested I enroll in this program by my counselor Matt, who I was meeting with bimonthly after my graduation from NEAM (New England Aftercare Ministries) The Bridge House. It’s a Christian program, I’m an Atheist and Matt’s Jewish, but we made it work and I learned a lot about myself and addiction. A year after graduation I started working at Spectrum Health Systems Charles J. Faris Recovery Center. It was then I started exploring the idea of mental health and addictions recovery as a profession.
I originally went to school for Film at Massachusetts College of Art and Design. I had taken out close to $100,000 worth of loans that wound up going to waste. It was there, in my early 20s, that alcohol and drugs became my main focus. I became completely enveloped by my addiction, dropped out, lost my apartment, friends, and girlfriend. After several attempts at sobriety and substance abuse programs I wound up back at my parents’ house without any optimism for the future. I eventually got an OUI after I was blackout drunk at work, trying to tiptoe that line between staving off withdrawals and completely obliterated. I was able to put together a few months of sobriety, and decided I wanted to go back to school. I took out another loan for $60,000 for an online Creative Writing for Entertainment program with Full Sail University. Then I relapsed again, tripped up by probation, and was required to either stay in treatment or serve time in prison.
It was this time in treatment that I wound up getting and staying sober. However, I still didn’t have a college degree and was now in $160,000 worth of debt. When Matt suggested I start the UMASS Boston ACEP he suggested I apply with MRC (Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission).
MRC does not only serve addicts, but any and all disabled adults. This type of service is called Vocational Rehabilitation, or VR. When it comes to addicts, many find themselves in positions such as my own; wandering out of the haze of their youth, looking back on years of destruction and debt, wanting to turn a new leaf, but unable to afford the education needed to find work that pays a living wage. That’s where VR like MRC becomes necessary. There’s the initial application process, an IQ test to determine the level of education where one would be able to realistically succeed, and meeting with a case manager. For my personal situation, MRC would offer to pay $3,500 of any new education I would like to start. Luckily, UMASS Boston ACEP adjusts their prices to match the needs of their MRC students. In October of 2017 I was awarded educational finance to begin a new career path in addictions counseling and work towards acquiring my LADC I (Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor). “I” indicative of a bachelor’s degree or equivalent of 6,000 hours in the field, “II” would indicate a master’s level degree.
Shortly after I began classes, as the new year of 2018 began, MRC students learned that all federal funding for vocational training for disabled adults had been striped nationwide by the Trump Administration. The $3,500 that was awarded to me would now drop to the state funding of $1,000 per student. UMASS Boston would not be able to lower their rates to accommodate new students who would need to find further financial aid by other means if they wanted to further their careers beyond minimum wage.
It became a sudden rush for MRC to pay the full amount to UMASS for all their caseloads before the funding was cut. Personally, this led to discrepancies between the two financial departments, an outstanding bill, and my account becoming locked, halting my education without any news of whether it would ever be fixed now that the funds were no longer accessible.
Meanwhile, over 70,000 people died of an overdose in 2017, over 28,000 were fentanyl alone. That same year, the Trump Administration declares the Opioid Epidemic as a National Public Health Emergency. However, this move only freed up about $57,000. And follows up this declaration by removing funds from programs across the nation that allow recovering addicts to find some meaning in life, make a living, learn a trade (not to mention the millions of physically disabled Americans cast by the wayside).
Just over a year later the President of the United States declared a National Emergency for a border wall based on that fact that some fraction of the 19,000 homicides that occur each year were perpetrated from “illegal” immigrants. The roughest estimate is 600 homicides.
In case it’s unclear, 600 is a much smaller number than 70,000. It feels unjust to be comparing numbers of human beings who have died for one reason or another. But an opioid overdose is a preventable death and we have hundreds of thousands of people employed who understand how to help and solve this problem. But it’s an impossible battle when our own government, those allocating where our tax money goes, does not understand health care, addiction, or immigration. In essence, those in power do not understand human nature. They have been elected to lead humans towards progress and a future worth living, but they’re primarily elitists who do not comprehend human interaction or reaction.
This is the world we live in. This is the America we live in. Our tax dollars go far more often to instigation rather than prevention. The leaders of the free world would much rather watch us perish in battle defending their honor, than preventing our deaths and misery. We are their pawns. Nothing more.
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dimensituro-blog · 7 years
deleting it later
I feel like i wasted my  life and meaning. im  20 and  recently stop going to my college class  cause i was scared to come back. i'm pathetic to leave a class that i paid and never come back when today is the last day. i avoided so many sessions that i decided to not go on the final exam. im regretting my choice of not going to class. if i just went and did my work i wouldnt be in this mess. Staying at home avoiding it feels nice at first but everthing sets in to regrets. Why am i too scared on what bad things can happen if i came back. my mind tells me that i would be slap in the face but in the spotlight be humiliated but thats just my thoughts. I shouldnt have lisiten to those teachers and people around me about not doing a year gap. I knew i wasnt ready and not my path is crumbling within my eyes. Nothing seems possible anymore. Life doesnt have a meaning for me anymore if i just cant put myself to go forawrd. I'm a failure to everyone and i dont need help. I feel like im bottling up so much emotion i just cant hold on. I dont know how life is going to treat me in the futrue all i see if bleak emptyness in the future. I'm so stupid i never finish what i started with. I avoid help yet i dont know what happens if i do. im consider an adult now so i should be doing everything myself and only myself. Why do i feel broken inside like im just mentally ready yet i threw myself inn this situation. I keep deciding to avoid classes after i screw up like forgetting to do something or homework. I would consider myself lazy since ii dont do my homework on time. I'm scared to go back to the college and confronting everything again and come across someone who was in that class like the person of a group project . I knew what was the consequence. its too late for me to improve nothing going to change. it was doom from the start. why do i think i was going to make it. i withdraw 4 classes from these 3 years for the same reason. i was scared to confront my listakes. Everyone was right i wasnt meant to succeed, i knew i was a mistake. What am i going to do with myself. Am i just going to hold my tears and look at the ceiling wonder what if . who am i kidding. i cant socially interact with people . i always mumble. i cant make a perfect small conversation. i cant even ask for help. I see everyone from hs in their third year in college while i messed up and now in sap alert, no financial aid, no reason to make an appeak since i have no evidence for my disgusting choses ive done for being scared . i wanted things to be perfect, my work being given on time, to improve  everything i was in highschool. Who knew i was that pathetic. to even think i was going to make it in life. I'm a useless being in this world. why should i even consider trying again. Funny how i distract myself everyday with music and videos trying to avoid dealing with my thought until now. i want to leave this mess but my other side is so persistent with staying for future episodes and stuff from my favorite shows and artists.  would getting another class help yet the last class was paid by my parents...............i should nt have let them paid. It as a mistake. im not mature enough. i panick too much. I was never academically ready for this . i should have went for tutoring all these years, take all their help to improve but i was the quiet type always mute everyday just staring at people only listening avoiding the teacher to pick me. I was never confident, i always saw other people potential and would be better than me. I was better for them to grow since they have more potential. I dont know what happen with me. One minute im ready to do this and the next is my breaking down, either poking  myself  on my arm and hands  or ripping paper to not cry as its a weakness  but im already weak.  Teachers have given up on me in the past so why would college be any different. Im already punishing myself for what i done to myself with this class. I only had one class to do one class and look what happened. i thouht i was ready but i guess it was a mistake to take english class. I knew i had trouble writing english papers i should have avoid that class to the very end but someclasses i need to take require english101 to be finished with so i thought maybe im ready maybe i can do it. I should have went with  my guts. funny how much writing i just wrote yet i cant seem to focuss on writing an english paper. i suck at writing essays. never gave any essays in my 3rd year in highschool yet that teacher passed me... feel it was a mistake. im pathetic disgrace. Maybe im like this but i shouldnt be like this. Why do i always want to cry when put in the spot. maybe those therapy sessions i had years ago didnt work. maybe i just didnt do it right. im thinking too much on its too cludder   but i have to work alone. Its always what teachers said all these years thhat you would have to do everything yourself when you become an adult. Im on the edge on giving up my dreams. i cant even get a job. you have to be social interactive not a room stuck antisocial person with no confidence, starts panicking too much for small things and mumble to much as i dont know what to say. Things have to change but what am i going to do now. take another class that is not english but accidentally meeting someone from a group project you were suppose to present todsy or just stay in my room  the whole summer thinking whats wrong with me ad this meaning with life and how theres no really a reason to life you just exist. i could just try to distract my self again with music and stuff but with this class i stopped goiing and going to end tomorrow im going to be thinking about this for a while. I could try fixing fasa but with this recent class and my lack of evidence to support my apeal and with no job and no experience what am i going t do. i am a failure, loser yet what can i do. i dont think thoses college ad visors will be any help so whats the use. I never went to my high school consuleors because their for academic purpose not for my problem. why did i broke at the highschool graduation. never had friends always alone going back and forth to school creating characters to fill the need for friends for my idea stories. im realizing they were also a distraction from loneliness some of the time drawing them when im alone. i can see now i was a loner. well what got to me to this state now. Parent expects all or nothing and noting that my siblings are acheiving greater things im just ithe way of their future. i to think of a plan to get myself out of this so now ill just think now that that class is finish. Me and my stupid feeling . Im not sic i can do it myself my family think im doing ok but im just stuck. cant look at them in the eye. i not going to therapy. i dont think it would work for me to go every week again. i just want advise.  that is  all
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itsfinancethings · 4 years
(LIMA, Peru) — Javier Pérez de Cuellar, the two-term United Nations secretary-general who brokered a historic cease-fire between Iran and Iraq in 1988 and who in later life came out of retirement to help re-establish democracy in his Peruvian homeland, died Wednesday, Peru’s foreign ministry said. He was 100.
His son, Francisco Pérez de Cuellar, said his father died at home of natural causes. Javier Pérez de Cuellar was “an outstanding Peruvian, a full-bodied democrat, who dedicated his life and work to making our country great,” tweeted Peruvian President Martín Vizcarra.
Perez de Cuellar’s death ends a long diplomatic career that brought him full-circle from his first posting as secretary at the Peruvian embassy in Paris in 1944 to his later job as Peru’s ambassador to France.
When he began his tenure as U.N. secretary-general on Jan. 1, 1982, he was a little-known Peruvian who was a compromise candidate at a time when the United Nations was held in low esteem.
Serving as U.N. undersecretary-general for special political affairs, he emerged as the dark horse candidate in December 1981 after a six-week election deadlock between U.N. chief Kurt Waldheim and Tanzanian Foreign Minister Salim Ahmed Salim.
Once elected, he quickly made his mark.
Disturbed by the United Nations’ dwindling effectiveness, he sought to revitalize the world body’s faulty peacekeeping machinery.
His first step was to “shake the house” with a highly critical report in which he warned: “We are perilously near to a new international anarchy.”
With the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon, and with conflicts raging in Afghanistan and Cambodia and between Iran and Iraq, he complained to the General Assembly that U.N. resolutions “are increasingly defied or ignored by those that feel themselves strong enough to do so.”
“The problem with the United Nations is that either it’s not used or misused by member countries,” he said in an interview at the end of his first year as U.N. secretary general.
During his decade as U.N. chief, Perez de Cuellar would earn a reputation more for diligent, quiet diplomacy than charisma.
“Le ton fait la chanson,” he was fond of saying, meaning that melody is what makes the song and not the loudness of the singer.
“He has an amiable look about him that people mistake for through and through softness,” said an aide, who described him as tough and courageous.
Faced early in his first term with a threatened U.S. cutoff of funds in the event of Israel’s ouster, he worked behind the scenes to stop Arab efforts to deprive the Jewish state of its General Assembly seat. There was muted criticism from the Arab camp that he had given the Americans the right of way in the Middle East.
In dealing with human rights issues, he chose the path of “discreet diplomacy.” He refrained from publicly rebuking Poland for refusing to allow his special representative into the country to investigate allegations of human rights violations during the Warsaw regime’s 1982 crackdown on the Solidarity trade union movement.
In July 1986, Perez de Cuellar underwent a quadruple coronary bypass operation, putting in question his availability for a second term. From the outset, Perez de Cuellar had insisted that he would be a one-term secretary-general.
Upset with what he viewed as member states’ reluctance to pitch in to help the world body out of a financial crisis, he told the New York Times in September 1986, “I don’t see any reason why I should preside over the collapse of the organization.”
But he did come back for a second term after a groundswell of support for his candidacy, including a conversation with President Ronald Reagan, who — in the words of the U.N. Chief’s spokesman — expressed “his personal support for the secretary-general.”
“Just about all the Western countries have told him they’d like to see him stay on,” a Western diplomatic source said at the time. “There is no visible alternative.”
Unlike his predecessor, Kurt Waldheim who was regarded as a “workaholic” and who spent long hours in his office, Perez de Cuellar liked to get away from it all. “He is very jealous of his own privacy,” a close aide said.
“When I can, I read everything but United Nations documents,” Perez de Cuellar confided to a reporter. Once on a flight to Moscow, an aide observed that “in the midst of it all, the secretary-general had time for splendid literature.”
Trilingual, Perez de Cuellar read French, English and Spanish literature.
Perez de Cuellar spent much of his second term working behind the scenes on the hostage issue, resulting in the release of Westerners held in Lebanon, including the last and longest held American hostage, journalist Terry Anderson, who was freed Dec. 4, 1991.
All told, Perez de Cuellar’s diplomacy helped bring an end to fighting in Cambodia and the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war, and the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.
Shortly after midnight on Jan. 1, 1992, he walked out of U.N. headquarters to his waiting limousine, no longer the secretary-general, but having attained his final goal after hours of tough negotiations: a peace pact between the Salvadoran government and leftist rebels.
Javier Perez de Cuellar was born in Lima on Jan. 19, 1920. His father a “modest businessman,” was an accomplished amateur pianist, according to the former secretary-general. The family traced its roots to the Spanish town of Cuellar, north of Segovia.
In Peru, the family belonged to the educated rather than the landowning class. “He went to the right schools,” a countryman at the United Nations once said of Perez de Cuellar.
He received a law degree from Lima’s Catholic University in 1943 and joined the Peruvian diplomatic service a year later. He would go on to postings in France, Britain, Bolivia and Brazil before returning to Lima in 1961, where he served in a number of high-level ministry posts.
He was ambassador to Switzerland and then became Peru’s first ambassador to the Soviet Union while concurrently accredited to Poland. Other assignments included the post of secretary-general of the Peruvian Foreign Ministry and chief delegate to the United Nations.
After leaving the U.N. Perez de Cuellar made an unsuccessful bid for Peru’s presidency in 1995 against the authoritarian leader Alberto Fujimori, whose 10-year autocratic regime crumbled in November 2000 amid corruption scandals.
At the age of 80, Perez de Cuellar emerged from retirement in Paris and returned to Peru to take on the mantle of foreign minister and cabinet chief for provisional President Valentin Paniagua.
Perez de Cuellar’s impeccable democratic credentials lent credibility to an interim government whose mandate was to deliver free and fair elections. Eight months later, newly elected President Alejandro Toledo asked him to serve as Ambassador to France.
Between foreign assignments, he was professor of diplomatic law at the Academia Diplomatica del Peru and of international relations at the Peruvian Academy for Air Warfare.
Transferring to the United Nations in 1975, he was appointed by Waldheim as the secretary-general’s special representative in Cyprus. During his two years on the divided island he helped to promote intercommunal peace talks between Greek and Turkish Cypriots.
After a brief stint as Peru’s ambassador to Venezuela, he returned to the United Nations in 1979 as undersecretary-general for special political affairs. In that capacity, he undertook delicate diplomatic missions to Indochina and Afghanistan.
Perez de Cuellar resigned his U.N. post in May 1981 — just before the election campaign for U.N. secretary-general heated up — and returned to the Peruvian diplomatic service.
However, he encountered political problems at home when he was nominated by President Fernando Belaunde Terry to be ambassador to Brazil.
The nomination failed to win Senate approval. There was no public debate, but congressional sources in Lima said opposition came from Javier Alva Orlandini, Peruvian vice president and leader of the ruling Popular Action Party. The sources said Orlandini resented Perez de Cuellar’s participation in the swearing in of the military junta that overthrew Belaunde Terry in 1968.
Perez de Cuellar maintained that, as secretary-general of the Peruvian Foreign Ministry at the time, he was required by protocol to take part in the ceremony even though he had no pro-junta leanings.
Belaunde Terry, restored to power in 1980, reaffirmed his confidence in Perez de Cuellar by recommending him for nomination as U.N. secretary-general.
Perez de Cuellar married the former Marcela Temple. He had a son, Francisco, and a daughter, Cristina, by a previous marriage.
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dig1710fall · 6 years
DIG1710 Introduction to Game Design  Fall 2018
Meeting Time: Tuesdays & Thursdays 8:25-10:05am
Instructor:  Mark Simpson
Class Location: Room #8115
Office Hours: online only Email:
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Textbook (Required):
·       Book Title The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses (2nd Edition) by Jesse Schell http://a.co/jhfIXCe
·       Book Publisher A K Peters/CRC Press
·       Publication Year 2014
·       One (1) 2 GB or larger USB Flash Drive
·       Google Drive access (included with MDC student email)
·       Flash cards & construction paper (for midterm)
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Week 15: Final Game Design Document due
Week 16: Final exam (online)
Our facilities enable students to study collaboratively as well as individually and access our specialized collections of digital programs. M.A.G.I.C.’s open lab is here to help you achieve academic success.
Grading Scale and Percentages:
A 100  - 90
B 80  - 89
C 70 – 79
D 60  – 69
F 0  -  59
1 -  Mid-Term
1 – Final  Assignment
8 - Homework  Assignments
Attendance Policy: https://www.mdc.edu/main/sas/about/attendance.aspx
Attendance     will be taken at the beginning of the class.
If     applicable; students must sign the attendance “sheet” distributed in class.
If     absent, it is your responsibility to keep fully informed about the notes,     class material, additional reading assignments, changes in examination     material and dates, etc.
If     you will be absent from class for any reason, please notify me in advance     by way of email.
Lectures     are given at the beginning of the class, therefore, if a student is absent     during the lecture portion of the class, it is his/her responsibility to     cover/study the material that is missed.
Late     homework is subject to a late penalty for each day it is late.
No     homework may be submitted more than three days late.
Withdrawal Policy:  If a student     withdraws from two classes, s/he will not be allowed to re-enroll.      Only in special circumstances, approved by the program director, will an     exception be considered.
Academic Dishonesty Procedure:
In the event that students are suspected of classroom cheating, plagiarism, or otherwise misrepresenting their work, they will be subject to procedural due process. The specific steps involved are outlined in
College Procedure 4035 Addressing Academic Dishonesty: http://www.mdc.edu/procedures/Chapter4/4035.pdf
Academic Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to the following:
·       A. Cheating on examination including unauthorized sharing of information.
·       B. Collaborating with others in work to be submitted, if contrary to the stated rules of the course.
·       C. Plagiarizing, taking and claiming, as one’s own the ideas, writings, or work of another, without citing the sources.
·       D. Submitting work from another course unless permitted by the instructor.
Course Withdrawal: http://www.mdc.edu/financialaid/receive-aid/terms-conditions.aspx
If you withdraw, drop out of school     (officially or unofficially) or drop below half-time enrollment, federal regulations     mandate that you repay a portion or all of the aid paid to you, even if     you have an approved petition for a 100 percent refund. The "Return     to Title IV Funds Policy" includes the following financial aid     programs: Pell Grant, Supplemental Education OpportunityGrant (SEOG),     Teach Grant, Federal Direct Stafford Loan and Federal Direct PLUS     Loan.                                                                                                       The     amount of aid to be returned is based on a formula provided by the U. S. Department of     Education. Failure to repay funds due to a federal program may affect     future eligibility for aid at MDC or any other College/University you may     attend after leaving MDC. NOTE: An approved "Request for Petitions     Committee Action-100 percent refund" may not result in a refund to     your account.
Last     day to drop this class with “100% Refund” is 00/00/0000.
Last day to drop this class with a grade of “W” is 00/00/0000.
Incomplete Grade: https://www.mdc.edu/procedures/Chapter8/8381.pdf
To set forth the process by which students may receive an Incomplete grade at the conclusion of a term and have an opportunity to complete the academic work in a subsequent term.
1.       Electronic (cellphones, iPods…etc.) devices are to be either turned off or in silent mode.
2.       NO electronic (cellphones, mp3, etc.) devices are allowed during lecture.
3.       Eating, gum chewing, eating, drinking, or smoking is strictly prohibited in the electronic classroom.
4.       All items such as soda cans, gum, food wrappings…etc. should be disposed of prior to entering the electronic classroom.
5.       Behavior in the electronic classroom is expected that will allow for conditions that foster learning and a free exchange of ideas. A positive learning atmosphere is one that shows respect and courtesy for the instructor and fellow students. For example, such things as whispering, sleeping, working on other subject matters, or interrupting students or instructor, will not be tolerated.
6.       Students will be punctual. Being late to a class is disruptive and rude to both the instructor and to the rest of the class.
7.       Personal matters will be discussed with the instructor outside of class. Either right outside the electronic classroom or in the instructor’s office.
Access Department:
The mission of ACCESS (Disability Services) is to meet the commitment of the College to ensure all College programs and activities are accessible to all students, including students with a wide range of disabilities. ACCESS offers a broad array of services, including but not limited to, academic and career advisement, class registration, auxiliary aids and services (i.e., accommodations), program modifications, and assistive technology to eligible students with a documented disability. Documentation should be provided by a licensed or certified professional, such as a physician, a psychologist, an audiologist, a learning disabilities specialist, etc., who has evaluated the individual within the past three years. Documentation can also be provided by an educational institution where services have been provided previously, such as copies of a high school Individual Educational Plan (IEP).
In addition to its role in the classroom, the department works to promote awareness of disability issues, federal and state regulations, and College procedures that encourage accessibility and inclusion. Faculty members with an eligible student enrolled in their course(s) receive a written notice from the ACCESS Department (hand-delivered by the student for face-to-face courses) identifying the auxiliary aids and services the student is receiving for the designated semester. Students must self-identify with ACCESS every semester at the campus where the course is taking place to receive auxiliary aids and services. While students are encouraged to self-identify with their respective faculty as early as possible to help increase success in a course, students may self-identify at any point in a given semester.
For more information, please visit www.mdc.edu/access for contact information, hours, and locations.
  Who do I talk to? (Issues & Concerns, please follow chart below):
*Please address all concerns first with your course professor, who is best poised to help guide you through this course.
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·      All issues and concerns must be submitted in writing with student Name, current contact information and I.D. number.
Student's Rights and Responsibilities (please visit link below):
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
Competency  1: The  student will demonstrate how to  evaluate game concepts by:
1.   Comparing different game concepts. 2. Composing a game concept document. 3. Presenting and justifying  the game concept. 4. Identifying and comparing the different genres of games.
Competency  2: The  student will demonstrate an  understanding of various tools that are used in game  development by:
1. Identifying different computer programming  languages used for game  development. 2. Reviewing different development environments for game development. 3. Studying automation software for game and software development.
Competency 3: The student  will demonstrate  an understanding  of the game  development process by:
1. Distinguishing the different  stages of the game  development process. 2. Creating a generic plan for  developing a game.
Competency  4: The  student will demonstrate an  understanding of 3D computer environments  by:
1. Reproducing simple objects  in different coordinate systems. 2. Manipulating screen coordinates to create new game  levels. 3. Converting and exporting  objects and levels  between different 3D environments.
Competency 5: The student  will demonstrate  an understanding  of game development tools
1. Creating simple shapes  and structures that can be exported to games or game editors. 2. Modifying an existing level in  a game using editing  tools. 3. Creating a level that can be ported to  an existing game engine  or editor.
Competency  6: The  student will demonstrate an  understanding of how to analyze the different uses of textures  by:
9. Aesthetic / Creative Activities
1. Creating texture maps for object in games.  2. Modifying existing texture maps to work with new  designs. 3. Applying new textures for changing the look and feel of existing game levels.
4. Distinguishing between the different types of texture mappings.
Competency  7: The  student will demonstrate an  understanding of level design, creation tools, and  editors by:
1. Distinguishing the different  level building tools. 2. Examining the game  development process and application  to help design new tools for building levels.
Competency 8: The student  will demonstrate  an understanding  how to design game levels by:
1. Distinguishing  the different types of levels in terms fun factor. 2. Discussing how to decrease  and increase the difficulty for player each type of game level. 3. Creating a new level for  an existing game, that  is going to address all the issues of difficulty.
Competency 9: The student  will demonstrate  an understanding  of how to export created levels to  existing game engines by:
1. Creating building blocks for game level  editors and existing  engines. 2.Creating programs that will be  able to convert and export levels  into game engines  and level editors. 3. Modifying existing items to  make them exportable in to game engines  and level editors.
Competency 10: The student  will demonstrate  an understanding  of game development by:
1. Creating conditional statements and loops for  games. 2. Modifying sprites to  add simple motion to  games. 3. Developing a simple 2D side scrolling game using a game development  software kit.
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lindafrancois · 6 years
What Is Difference Between Being Obese And Being Overweight?
Being overweight is less harmful than obesity
Table of contents
Definition of obese and overweight
Difference between overweight and obesity
Overweight  vs obese BMI chart
Risks of being overweight vs obese
BMI has always been an overarching factor in the overweight vs. obese debate. BMI is an individual’s weight (kg) divided by his/her height squared (metres). A higher BMI indicates higher levels of body fat. So, what does being overweight and obese mean, how are they related to BMI, and how do they indicate body fitness levels? So, 
What is the definition of obese and overweight?
‘Overweight’ and ‘obesity’ describe a person’s weight which is greater than what is the usually healthy weight for the same height. ‘Obesity’ is the state of being overweight and ‘overweight’ is how much above the normal weight someone weighs.
‘Overweight’ and ‘obesity’ also identify the weight ranges which could be possible for the occurrence of some diseases and other health problems.
Difference between overweight and obesity
So, how are being overweight and being obese differentiated? The difference between overweight and obese essentially is the BMI.
BMI = Weight in kilograms            (Height in metres)2
If a person has a BMI of 25-29.9, he or she is defined as overweight, and a BMI of 30 or higher is what defines a person as obese. So, the difference between obese vs. overweight is, literally, a BMI difference of 0.1. Calculate your BMI immediately.
So, what is the weight to be considered obese? The range of weight that is considered ‘healthy’ or ‘normal’, again, is dependent on the height of the individual, or the BMI, comes into play again. Find your ideal weight using your BMI.
Overweight vs obese BMI chart
Did you know that there’s also a difference between overweight vs. obese vs. morbidly obese? This chart below will help you.
Risk of disease w.r.t. normal waist and weight circumferenceState of healthBMI (kg/m2)Obesity Class Men 40” (102cm) or less,  Women 35” (88cm) or less Men >40” (102cm)  Women >35” (88cm)Morbidly obese40.0 +IIIExtremely HighExtremely HighObesity
 35.0-39.9IIVery HighVery High30.0-34.9IHighVery HighOverweight25.0-29.9IncreasedHighNormal18.5-24.9––UnderweightLess than 18.5––
Health note: Individuals should note that BMI calculations aren’t set in stone when it comes to categorizing your health and these calculations can be relative.
Did you know?
According to health organizations, being morbidly obese (a BMI of 40 or more) indicates excess body fat which will adversely affect health and cause problems in movement. These problems were observed in people who were in their mere 20s and 30s.
They were observed to either suffer from chronic health issues due to obesity, or used motorized chairs and canes, or used health aids usually used by the elderly, or have handicapped stickers on their cars for the mere reason of not being able to carry their own weight around.
The fact is that an individual in these age groups should not have to use these unless they are injured or are ill, and they end up paying a high price for their obesity.
Risks of being overweight vs obese
What are the risks of being overweight vs obese? Being overweight, if unchecked, leads to obesity. Although an overweight person faces the same risks, he or she is less susceptible to them and can even avoid them if they understand these health risks in time and take corrective action. 
Obesity could cause serious health problems including hypertension, diabetes, high blood pressure, shortened lifespan, calorific imbalance, and coronary heart disease, among others.
They are also at high risk of social problems such as depression, bullying, troubled relationships, isolation, and even withdrawal from regular life.
Did you know?
The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases’ (NIDDK) ‘Look AHEAD: Action for Health in Diabetes Trial’ has shown that weight loss has immense health benefits including better quality of life and better physical mobilityand quality of life.
While extreme cases of obesity might require surgery, managing obesity is also possible via losing weight, which can be done by increasing physical activity and by eating a balanced diet.
1.  What is the weight for being obese?
The BMI decides the range of weight that is considered normal or healthy, which is the weight divided by the height squared. A BMI of 30 or more indicates obesity.
2.  What is a good percentage of body fat?
According to widely-accepted research, essential fat percentage in men and women is 2-5% and 10-13% respectively, athlete level fat in men and women is 6-13% and 14-20% respectively, fitness level fat in men and women is 14-17% and 21-24% respectively, average fat levels in men and women is 18-24% and 25-31% respectively, and obesity is indicated by a fat percentage of 25%+ (men) and 32%+ (women).
3.  How much overweight is obese?
Overweight vs. obese is calculated using the BMI. A BMI range of 25-29.9 is overweight, and anything above 30 is obese. When it comes to the difference in weight, it is calculated on the basis of the BMI.
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The post What Is Difference Between Being Obese And Being Overweight? appeared first on Truweight Blog.
What Is Difference Between Being Obese And Being Overweight? published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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aretia · 6 years
Variable Annuity Investment Lawyers
Variable annuities are a hybrid investment with features of securities and insurance.
Although they can help provide a fixed income later in life, variable annuities have restrictive, complex, and confusing features that make them inappropriate for many investors. They are also a high-commission investment product, which can lead to aggressive broker sales tactics.
Variable annuities are a leading cause of FINRA investor complaints. If you suffered investment losses from variable annuities and feel that their risks were not properly explained to you, your losses may be recoverable.
Typical features of variable annuities include:
Tax-deferred growth
A death benefit
Periodic payment options that can provide guaranteed lifetime income
When an investor buys a variable annuity, they make either a lump sum payment or a series of payments that are invested into sub-accounts (usually mutual funds). In return, the investor is promised a future benefit. The benefit payments can either begin right away (immediate annuity) or be delayed to the future (deferred annuity).
However, as the name “variable annuity” implies, the investment’s rate of return is not fixed. Rather, it varies depending on the performance of the sub-accounts.
Potential drawbacks of variable annuities are:
The investor will not achieve any gains—and may even lose money—since the rate of return is performance-based.
A lack of liquidity.
Fees and expenses such as surrender charges, sales charges, early withdrawal tax penalties, mortality and expense risk charges, and charges for special features such as guaranteed minimum income and principal protection.
While variable annuities have features similar to an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), IRAs offer more tax benefits. Investors are often better off maxing out their IRA contributions before they consider a variable annuity.
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) has specific rules governing the sales of variable annuities.
When recommending a variable annuity to an investor, a broker must inform the customer of the investment’s risks and features, including things like potential tax penalties, market risk, and fees and costs.
Brokers must also understand the customer’s investment profile and have reason to believe that a variable annuity is suitable for a particular investor. As a secondary precaution against unsuitability, a principal broker with the firm must review and approve the customer’s variable annuity application before sending it to the issuing insurance company.
If these steps are not followed—and the client ends up losing money on the investment—the brokerage firm may ultimately be held responsible for the client’s losses under FINRA’s failure to supervise provisions.
Ponzi schemes—investment schemes that use money from new investors to pay off earlier investors, with little or no real earnings—have been around for nearly a century, and are still going strong.
While major Ponzi schemes such as the Bernie Madoff scam make headlines, many smaller, less-publicized Ponzi schemes result in investor losses every year.
Ponzi scheme masterminds may face civil and even criminal charges for investment fraud, but this rarely results in investors getting their money back. A more practical recovery strategy for defrauded investors is to bring a claim against the broker and brokerage firm that sold them shares in the Ponzi scheme.
Ponzi schemes are named after Charles Ponzi, who scammed thousands of New Englanders in a postage stamp scheme in the 1920s.
The investment vehicles have changed over time, but the basics of a Ponzi scheme remain the same: the scammer offers returns to investors, but rather than reinvesting the money and earning profit-based returns, the scammer simply finds new investors and uses their money to pay off existing investors. In short, the Ponzi schemer robs Peter to pay Paul.
As long as there are fresh investors, the scheme keeps going. At some point, however, new recruits dry up, the mastermind takes the money and runs, or numerous investors request to cash out (often during an economic downturn). When any of these occur, the Ponzi scheme collapses—taking investors down with it.
Bernie Madoff became a household name as the perpetrator of the largest Ponzi scheme in history. Madoff’s $65 billion fraud hurt large and small investors alike. Only a few fully recouped their losses.
Madoff’s fraud made investors more aware of Ponzi schemes. It also put more pressure on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) to crack down on Ponzi Schemes, since Madoff flew under regulators’ radar for decades.
But Ponzi schemes are still a major investor threat. In 2016, 59 Ponzi schemes were uncovered in the U.S. with a total of $2.4 billion in losses. Since 2012, about 65 Ponzi schemes per year have been discovered. The mean scheme is worth $6 million.
Recent schemes show that scammers are finding new ways to defraud investors. For example, the SEC has warned about Ponzi schemes using virtual currencies (such as Bitcoin), while FINRA has warned about social media-linked Ponzis.
In 2017, the SEC charged two men with running a Ponzi scheme involving tickets to popular shows like the Broadway musical Hamilton and Adele concerts. Also in 2017, a former NFL player was charged for his role in a Ponzi scheme that targeted professional athletes.
The SEC offers a list of Ponzi scheme red flags that includes:
An offer of high returns with little or no risks
Returns that do not go up and down over time
Investments in unregistered securities
Account statement errors
Promoters offering investors even high returns for not cashing out
When a Ponzi scheme comes crashing down and the schemer is caught, there may be criminal proceedings that result in assets being returned to defrauded investors. But investors are unlikely to recover more than pennies on the dollar through such an action.
It is often more efficacious for Ponzi scheme victims to pursue securities litigation or arbitration against the broker and/or the brokerage firm that promoted investment in the scheme. A defrauded investor may also have viable claims against parties that aided and abetted the scheme, such as banks, attorneys, or accountants.
Free Initial Consultation with an Investment Lawyer
When you need legal help with securities, investments or other business matters, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/variable-annuity-investment-lawyers/
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loreneweiner · 6 years
Variable Annuity Investment Lawyers
Variable annuities are a hybrid investment with features of securities and insurance.
Although they can help provide a fixed income later in life, variable annuities have restrictive, complex, and confusing features that make them inappropriate for many investors. They are also a high-commission investment product, which can lead to aggressive broker sales tactics.
Variable annuities are a leading cause of FINRA investor complaints. If you suffered investment losses from variable annuities and feel that their risks were not properly explained to you, your losses may be recoverable.
Typical features of variable annuities include:
Tax-deferred growth
A death benefit
Periodic payment options that can provide guaranteed lifetime income
When an investor buys a variable annuity, they make either a lump sum payment or a series of payments that are invested into sub-accounts (usually mutual funds). In return, the investor is promised a future benefit. The benefit payments can either begin right away (immediate annuity) or be delayed to the future (deferred annuity).
However, as the name “variable annuity” implies, the investment’s rate of return is not fixed. Rather, it varies depending on the performance of the sub-accounts.
Potential drawbacks of variable annuities are:
The investor will not achieve any gains—and may even lose money—since the rate of return is performance-based.
A lack of liquidity.
Fees and expenses such as surrender charges, sales charges, early withdrawal tax penalties, mortality and expense risk charges, and charges for special features such as guaranteed minimum income and principal protection.
While variable annuities have features similar to an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), IRAs offer more tax benefits. Investors are often better off maxing out their IRA contributions before they consider a variable annuity.
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) has specific rules governing the sales of variable annuities.
When recommending a variable annuity to an investor, a broker must inform the customer of the investment’s risks and features, including things like potential tax penalties, market risk, and fees and costs.
Brokers must also understand the customer’s investment profile and have reason to believe that a variable annuity is suitable for a particular investor. As a secondary precaution against unsuitability, a principal broker with the firm must review and approve the customer’s variable annuity application before sending it to the issuing insurance company.
If these steps are not followed—and the client ends up losing money on the investment—the brokerage firm may ultimately be held responsible for the client’s losses under FINRA’s failure to supervise provisions.
Ponzi schemes—investment schemes that use money from new investors to pay off earlier investors, with little or no real earnings—have been around for nearly a century, and are still going strong.
While major Ponzi schemes such as the Bernie Madoff scam make headlines, many smaller, less-publicized Ponzi schemes result in investor losses every year.
Ponzi scheme masterminds may face civil and even criminal charges for investment fraud, but this rarely results in investors getting their money back. A more practical recovery strategy for defrauded investors is to bring a claim against the broker and brokerage firm that sold them shares in the Ponzi scheme.
Ponzi schemes are named after Charles Ponzi, who scammed thousands of New Englanders in a postage stamp scheme in the 1920s.
The investment vehicles have changed over time, but the basics of a Ponzi scheme remain the same: the scammer offers returns to investors, but rather than reinvesting the money and earning profit-based returns, the scammer simply finds new investors and uses their money to pay off existing investors. In short, the Ponzi schemer robs Peter to pay Paul.
As long as there are fresh investors, the scheme keeps going. At some point, however, new recruits dry up, the mastermind takes the money and runs, or numerous investors request to cash out (often during an economic downturn). When any of these occur, the Ponzi scheme collapses—taking investors down with it.
Bernie Madoff became a household name as the perpetrator of the largest Ponzi scheme in history. Madoff’s $65 billion fraud hurt large and small investors alike. Only a few fully recouped their losses.
Madoff’s fraud made investors more aware of Ponzi schemes. It also put more pressure on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) to crack down on Ponzi Schemes, since Madoff flew under regulators’ radar for decades.
But Ponzi schemes are still a major investor threat. In 2016, 59 Ponzi schemes were uncovered in the U.S. with a total of $2.4 billion in losses. Since 2012, about 65 Ponzi schemes per year have been discovered. The mean scheme is worth $6 million.
Recent schemes show that scammers are finding new ways to defraud investors. For example, the SEC has warned about Ponzi schemes using virtual currencies (such as Bitcoin), while FINRA has warned about social media-linked Ponzis.
In 2017, the SEC charged two men with running a Ponzi scheme involving tickets to popular shows like the Broadway musical Hamilton and Adele concerts. Also in 2017, a former NFL player was charged for his role in a Ponzi scheme that targeted professional athletes.
The SEC offers a list of Ponzi scheme red flags that includes:
An offer of high returns with little or no risks
Returns that do not go up and down over time
Investments in unregistered securities
Account statement errors
Promoters offering investors even high returns for not cashing out
When a Ponzi scheme comes crashing down and the schemer is caught, there may be criminal proceedings that result in assets being returned to defrauded investors. But investors are unlikely to recover more than pennies on the dollar through such an action.
It is often more efficacious for Ponzi scheme victims to pursue securities litigation or arbitration against the broker and/or the brokerage firm that promoted investment in the scheme. A defrauded investor may also have viable claims against parties that aided and abetted the scheme, such as banks, attorneys, or accountants.
Free Initial Consultation with an Investment Lawyer
When you need legal help with securities, investments or other business matters, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/variable-annuity-investment-lawyers/
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winniegist · 6 years
Variable Annuity Investment Lawyers
Variable annuities are a hybrid investment with features of securities and insurance.
Although they can help provide a fixed income later in life, variable annuities have restrictive, complex, and confusing features that make them inappropriate for many investors. They are also a high-commission investment product, which can lead to aggressive broker sales tactics.
Variable annuities are a leading cause of FINRA investor complaints. If you suffered investment losses from variable annuities and feel that their risks were not properly explained to you, your losses may be recoverable.
Typical features of variable annuities include:
Tax-deferred growth
A death benefit
Periodic payment options that can provide guaranteed lifetime income
When an investor buys a variable annuity, they make either a lump sum payment or a series of payments that are invested into sub-accounts (usually mutual funds). In return, the investor is promised a future benefit. The benefit payments can either begin right away (immediate annuity) or be delayed to the future (deferred annuity).
However, as the name “variable annuity” implies, the investment’s rate of return is not fixed. Rather, it varies depending on the performance of the sub-accounts.
Potential drawbacks of variable annuities are:
The investor will not achieve any gains—and may even lose money—since the rate of return is performance-based.
A lack of liquidity.
Fees and expenses such as surrender charges, sales charges, early withdrawal tax penalties, mortality and expense risk charges, and charges for special features such as guaranteed minimum income and principal protection.
While variable annuities have features similar to an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), IRAs offer more tax benefits. Investors are often better off maxing out their IRA contributions before they consider a variable annuity.
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) has specific rules governing the sales of variable annuities.
When recommending a variable annuity to an investor, a broker must inform the customer of the investment’s risks and features, including things like potential tax penalties, market risk, and fees and costs.
Brokers must also understand the customer’s investment profile and have reason to believe that a variable annuity is suitable for a particular investor. As a secondary precaution against unsuitability, a principal broker with the firm must review and approve the customer’s variable annuity application before sending it to the issuing insurance company.
If these steps are not followed—and the client ends up losing money on the investment—the brokerage firm may ultimately be held responsible for the client’s losses under FINRA’s failure to supervise provisions.
Ponzi schemes—investment schemes that use money from new investors to pay off earlier investors, with little or no real earnings—have been around for nearly a century, and are still going strong.
While major Ponzi schemes such as the Bernie Madoff scam make headlines, many smaller, less-publicized Ponzi schemes result in investor losses every year.
Ponzi scheme masterminds may face civil and even criminal charges for investment fraud, but this rarely results in investors getting their money back. A more practical recovery strategy for defrauded investors is to bring a claim against the broker and brokerage firm that sold them shares in the Ponzi scheme.
Ponzi schemes are named after Charles Ponzi, who scammed thousands of New Englanders in a postage stamp scheme in the 1920s.
The investment vehicles have changed over time, but the basics of a Ponzi scheme remain the same: the scammer offers returns to investors, but rather than reinvesting the money and earning profit-based returns, the scammer simply finds new investors and uses their money to pay off existing investors. In short, the Ponzi schemer robs Peter to pay Paul.
As long as there are fresh investors, the scheme keeps going. At some point, however, new recruits dry up, the mastermind takes the money and runs, or numerous investors request to cash out (often during an economic downturn). When any of these occur, the Ponzi scheme collapses—taking investors down with it.
Bernie Madoff became a household name as the perpetrator of the largest Ponzi scheme in history. Madoff’s $65 billion fraud hurt large and small investors alike. Only a few fully recouped their losses.
Madoff’s fraud made investors more aware of Ponzi schemes. It also put more pressure on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) to crack down on Ponzi Schemes, since Madoff flew under regulators’ radar for decades.
But Ponzi schemes are still a major investor threat. In 2016, 59 Ponzi schemes were uncovered in the U.S. with a total of $2.4 billion in losses. Since 2012, about 65 Ponzi schemes per year have been discovered. The mean scheme is worth $6 million.
Recent schemes show that scammers are finding new ways to defraud investors. For example, the SEC has warned about Ponzi schemes using virtual currencies (such as Bitcoin), while FINRA has warned about social media-linked Ponzis.
In 2017, the SEC charged two men with running a Ponzi scheme involving tickets to popular shows like the Broadway musical Hamilton and Adele concerts. Also in 2017, a former NFL player was charged for his role in a Ponzi scheme that targeted professional athletes.
The SEC offers a list of Ponzi scheme red flags that includes:
An offer of high returns with little or no risks
Returns that do not go up and down over time
Investments in unregistered securities
Account statement errors
Promoters offering investors even high returns for not cashing out
When a Ponzi scheme comes crashing down and the schemer is caught, there may be criminal proceedings that result in assets being returned to defrauded investors. But investors are unlikely to recover more than pennies on the dollar through such an action.
It is often more efficacious for Ponzi scheme victims to pursue securities litigation or arbitration against the broker and/or the brokerage firm that promoted investment in the scheme. A defrauded investor may also have viable claims against parties that aided and abetted the scheme, such as banks, attorneys, or accountants.
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The previous area defined packages, tags and also targets, as well as the construct reliance graph abstractly. Lagos has Millions of land waiting on someone to buy not by force to get that particular Agents own. By providing a certain atmosphere, motif, or amusement, your shop could stand out despite reasonably conventional products. Collaborating with BUILD aids me proceed this positive cycle against instructional inequities. Commonly, car dealerships use absolutely no percent financing, which indicates you do not have to pay rate of interest on your lending. . Store concentrated on marketing car parts, nowy targ info auto accessories, electric motor oil, vehicle chemicals, etc A tiny shop on the sidewalk that sells magazines, tobacco, newspapers, stamps and also sweets. Difficult de louper Fabien, le barman qui a élaboré une carte de mixed drinks maison spécialement put le Timber et aux noms peu communs: Clint East, Holly, Sher, Bolly, Rachel et le Wood Made" vos envies, nos idées ". Autre point fort, on aime les alcôves bien pensées pour passer une soirée plus intime ou, au contraire, les grandes tables et canapés mœlleux put passer la nuit avec tous ses potes. You and also nine of your closest close friends calmly drive your purchasing carts around in a long, mysterious conga line without ever before really acquiring anything. To start with, single household residences have a lot more admiration in worth and are more resistant to down markets compared to multifamily houses. When you're buying a home there are two types of down payment (though the same money's generally utilized for both). If you buy incomplete, Asian Walnut wood flooring it will have to have the safety finish used after installation in your house. Sans oublier de savourer un mixed drink (jusqu' à 12 EUR) élaboré par Julien le barman: à la carte le Clint East, le Holly, le Sher, le Bolly, le Rachel et le Wood Made bien sûr! The very best choice is to find an Acacia wood flooring with either a light weight aluminum oxide or mix of light weight aluminum oxide as well as polyurethane finish. You don't need to acquire all the above separately, numerous firms are supplying blends of these and other libido boosters, all in one convenient formula. You could build a tiny checklist of about a thousand subscribers rather fast provided that you take the time to set up every little thing properly with a well design strategy. However no one else appears to desire this timber except to melt it. When they recover or when they have grown too much alone and also resisted winds and also sun, Closet makers fear those odd grains and spins that trees make. 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You must setup an additional email account that is utilized especially nowy targ info for your enigma buying emails. The build manuscript does not have accessibility to the reliances detailed in the dependencies or dev-dependencies section (they're not built yet!). This might create the output's reverse dependences to be gotten rid of from the checklist of pending develop activities. As you can see, this area benefits Best Buy advertising codes, present cards, and also discount cards. Therefore, assuming you're eligible, even if you have financial savings elsewhere, if you http://nowy-targ.info/podhale/ will not be finishing within the following month, it's worth moving what you could right into the Help to Buy ISA to get the bonus offer. Plus, with a LISA, you have to wait a year before utilizing it to get a house, as well as there's a penalty for very early withdrawal. Present shop websites could be leased as a temporary occupant (month to month) or leased for a year or more. I really imply it when I state constructing it yourself is reduced price. You typically aren't mosting likely to conserve just a little either. Every regulation has a collection of qualities; the appropriate characteristics for a given policy, as well as the importance as well as semiotics of each quality are a function of the guideline's class; see the Build Encyclopedia for the complete list of supported regulations and also their matching attributes. You are much more likely to drop target to the trap of reproductions if you purchase a high-end watch without doing correct study concerning the shop. Si vous comptez vous connecter seulement matin et soir, optez put ce guide ayant put base le farming.
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Store to discover the very best tech at the best rates and recieve information on our most current innovation as well as exclusive deals. Usually you can just pay new money in to one money ISA each tax obligation year (Aid to Acquire counts as a money ISA), however a little-known exception to the rule is that you're enabled to pay into a second (however no more), if you have actually completely closed the initial, not just emptied it. Variables give you a convenient way to get essential littles information into various parts of your construct process. Buy both Camtasia Variation 9 (Windows) and Version 3 (Mac) on one permit, with no annual charges or subscriptions. Unlimited life time withdrawals and deposits to the bitcoin debit card for verified cardholders. During a build of target X, the construct device inspects the entire transitive closure of dependences of X to make certain that any kind of changes in those targets are shown in the final result, restoring intermediates as needed. Sophisticated build utilities and linkers attempt to refrain from recompiling code that does not require it, to reduce the moment needed nowy targ info to finish the build. If you determined to custom-made build your personal computer system you might have placed that money into a faster cpu, a much better graphics card, even more memory. Failure to observe this principle triggers undefined actions: the build could fail, however even worse, the develop may rely on some previous procedures, or upon which transitive proclaimed dependencies the target takes place to have. A gift store is a considerable individual and economic commitment- as well as the amount energy and time you put into your store nowy targ info will be a large determining factor in your success. Freight does not aim to change other devices that are well-optimized for these tasks, yet it does integrate with them with the develop setup choice. Watch our notorious North American Piggy" anti-advertisement for Buy Nothing Day - banned from MTV as well as various other networks worldwide. To alter either one, size or shape, can lead to boards breaking or your house boat sinking. Envoyez-les par groupe de 2 ou 3 et gardez à l'esprit qu'ils sont rapides et peuvent rapidement aller vider les frigo. Buy both Camtasia Version 9 (Windows) and Variation 3 (Mac) on one certificate, without any yearly fees or memberships. As mentioned over in the output format, each construct script can generate an arbitrary set of metadata in the form of key-value pairs. This must complete our example of constructing some C code from a Freight plan using the build manuscript itself. Microsoft is building its very own take on Apple's global clipboard, however this functions throughout more platforms. The store comes from outside the Abbey and you do not call for a ticket to patronize us. We are situated at the visitor exit at the West Towers, in Broad Sanctuary. DEVELOP file writers are encouraged to make use of remarks freely to document the duty of each build target, whether it is meant for public use, and also anything else that would aid individuals as well as future maintainers, including a # Summary: remark on top, explaining the duty of the package. Certainly any type of timber floor could be scratched, however the existing factory surfaces are better than Two Decade ago. L'invocateur, pour lancer des soins, se base sur une ressource nommé les gouttes des sang. 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Soccer, Poland: NKP Podhale Nowy Targ live scores, results, components. Cottage with amazing views of the Tatra Mountains and Nowy Targ. If you desire to market your location to eat on Nowy Targ Traveling as well as Tourist Guide allow us understand. Equifax introduced recently it experienced an information violation that could possibly affect 143 million consumers in the United States. The business said it initially saw questionable web traffic on July 29. Please note that email distribution can take up to 10 minutes. Betway are Guaranteeing all Customers the most effective Odds on all UK and also Irish Horse Race Victor Wagers today positioned after 9:00 am! From the mid-nineteenth century the location was wistfully glamorized by painters as well as poets, and many Poles maintain a soft-spot for the region. Marine Fighter Assault Squadron 121 held participants of Japan Air Self-Defense Force's Third Air Wing for an academic scenic tour and class centered around the F-35A Lightning II at Marine Corps Air base Iwakuni, Japan, Sept Our simple-to-use reservation engine makes looking for great bargains convenient and also very easy; just enter your traveling days and also departure city, and also let do the rest! Pressure: 1007 hpa Timezone: CEST Domain name: NEMS4 Last version run: 2017-09-14 09:36. The apartment lies in a prime area of the city: In the prompt location there are stores, a bakery, restaurants, discos, reasonable Tatra. Warto pamiętać, że na południu Polski wojna i okupacja miała niemieckie i słowackie oblicze. All Windows computers because Windows Vista are impacted by the Bluetooth Pineapple" vulnerability which permits an attacker to do a Man-in-The-Middle assault (CVE-2017-8628). Inspect out Safari's assistance page You can likewise look near a area, address, or city instead if you're still having difficulty. Built in 1932 and also totally renovated in 2014 home is the ideal mix of highland custom with modern remedies. Orange had as numerous as 18 sanctuaries open at the height of the storm Sunday night into Monday, and as of Monday night 300 individuals were still in 3 shelters. In the discussion with host Rodney B. Murray, Chalex reviews the firm's plans for Blackboard Learn and its discovering platform, amid other subjects. The declared offenses came to light during an examination of sexual assaults on nowy targ three females. It becomes part of the 150th session of the Pittsburgh-West Virginia yearly seminar. After the withdrawal of SSA Wojas-Podhale Nowy Targ, team won promotion playoffs and also obtained authorization to play in Extraliga in season 2010/11, continuing the tradition of hockey Podhale Nowy Targ in the greatest league. This procedure does not quit the firm from loading a setting if it has greater than one placement to fill up from the same certificate, and also holds open a position that could be loaded by the person versus which a demand has actually been submitted. A family farm in the South Poland near the Tatras, in the Witów town in Podhale, located regarding 100 km south from Kraków and also 12 kilometres from Zakopane. The accident occurred around 1:15 p.m. at West 26th and also Chestnut in Erie. The Federal Profession Commission will certainly allow Amazon to proceed its $13.7 billion deal to get Whole Foods. To get the cost-free app, enter your cellphone number. Connection details consist of not only set up, but likewise carried out as well as projected in regard to the moment of search times of arrivals and departures from provided terminals. Doorperson, a Harvard Regulation grad, has thought a pivotal behind the curtain function in the administration, working even prior to Kelly's arrival to create type from disorder as well as to serve as an honest broker in between the competing intrigues that occupy the Trump White Residence. Kanapa jest dwuosobowa szerokości po rozłożeniu 140cm natomiast łóżko jest pełnowymiarowe jednoosobowe (90x200cm). It additionally offers the students tools as well as tasks to assist them find out how you can compose cohesive essays. Rosemont police on Friday launched video clips that depict Kenneka Jenkins startling alone through a deserted kitchen area of the Crowne Plaza 'Hare Hotel, but they do not show her entering the walk-in fridge freezer in which her body was found. There's simply no replacement for wonderful prices fit to your travel needs and backed by superb consumer assistance. Emmanuel Macron doit dévoiler boy program complet le 2 mars prochain. With two significant tornados countering to back, causing several of the most awful flooding our region has ever before seen, the American Red Cross has seen a major spike in volunteer initiatives both across the country as well as locally. In policy conferences on profession, as an example, Concierge has been left to moderate conflicts in between National Economic Council director Gary Cohn, who prefers open market, as well as protectionist Peter Navarro, the head of the White Home's National Profession Council. This information is drawn from notes and experience of a nationally understand vet who is deep right into treatment as well as research of canine disease's, and my own experience for over 3 years utilizing this medication. In the middle of the 18th century a number of Jewish households gained their living trading vodka and also renting a neighborhood brewery. Enjoy Second County Sheriff's investigators detain two wanted offenders outside the Auburn Safeway. The cottages are equipped in a simple however modern method as well as the names of specific objects reflect the interior decoration of each of them. Preference eligibles with a 10 percent or more disability are positioned in the finest classification (in advance of the non-preference eligibles). Dlatego warto przypomnieć te momenty i cieszyć się z dzisiejszych dobrosąsiedzkich klimatów w przygranicznym pasie. An Intern appointed without a NTE day might be advertised when a company has an excepted solution policy for promos of staff members in excepted service positions, and the Intern meets the certification requirements for the higher-graded placement. Ladbrokes will refund your money back as a Free Wager if one choice allows you down on your International Football 5+ Collector! Mauldin was primary security officer at the firm, among the country's three biggest credit history reporting firms, from 2013 up until Friday. Somewhere else in Poland the term usually refers to a choir. Specific place information is given after a reservation is confirmed. Agencies give OPM with information concerning their teaching fellowship opportunities and also blog post information publicly on USAJOBS concerning ways to request certain positions. Ryan Bizzarro (D - Erie Area) claimed this strategy would certainly get rid of long-term funding for the Erie schools and also jeopardizes this year's financing unless it is consisted of in a code expense. Shopping by voice is obtaining a little bit easier on the Google House connected speaker with a collaboration with Walmart. Wikipedia has loads of pages devoted to Robert Lees and also Bob Lees, including musician Robert Lee, who additionally occurs to be Bruce's bro. The Krakow Royal Stroll is a sensible means of discovering the city as well as a few of the cultural and architectural elegance Krakow possesses. Simply put your order for chili con carne on AHA, as well as quickly one of Flytrex's flying drones will certainly drop it off at your home or workplace. Anna and also her husband got on hand in order to help with any one of our queries, they are wonderful hosts. Blighted buildings are afflicting the city of Erie, in addition to Erie region. Nowy Targ with around 30000 citizens, exists north of the High Tatras, regarding 65km south of Krakow. But there is no problem to the long lack of the guests, the host included timber to the fire. Or to register for free identity burglary protection and credit score documents tracking. REDDIT and also the ALIEN Logo are registered hallmarks of reddit inc Lots of Poles allow themselves a charitable quantity of time to offer and enjoy their joyful dishes, particularly Xmas eve dinner (Wigilia) or Easter morning meal which might take a number of days to prepare in their totality. They appreciated the memorable minute at New Era Area prior to the Buffalo Costs played the New York Jets. Nowy Targ has actually had a very stormy newer history as well, during the dividing, Nowy Targ came from the Austrian government. Podhale is the level area in between the Tatra Mountains as well as the Gorce mountains, and its main community is Nowy Targ, an old settlement that currently acts as an active commercial centre with few old houses to have actually endured the disturbance of history. An automobile, called a silver or grey Chevrolet Impala with front end damage, showed up around 7 a.m. at the Bates Collision building website in the 5100 block of Buffalo Roadway, detectives said. From the top of capital, the Podhale landscape fans out to the north with its gentle fluctuates, whilst behind, the Tatra mountains dominate the horizon, Poland's all-natural boundary to the south. Celebrity Taylor Trensch will certainly step into the title role after Ben Platt's separation. The new mobile labs enable instructors as well as students connect to the internet as well as accessibility their coursework from anywhere on school. Kids under 2 have to either being in laps or in seats. San Antonio Spurs Aide Train Becky Hammon remained in community Wednesday evening to talk with trainees at Penn State Behrend. Nowy Targ 1 - 3 Day Weather Forecast Summary: Moderate rain (overall 10mm), heaviest on Sunlight morning. . Cassini studied Saturn and also its numerous moons for 13 amazing as well as effective years prior to finally plunging right into the ringed earth intentionally on Sept The upstairs has a large bedroom with 2 large beds as well as different living room area with sectional sofa which youngsters liked to hang around in. There is one more couch downstairs. The musical retrospective of the life and job of visionary director-producer Harold Royal prince, encapsulating over six years of Broadway background, makes its long-awaited New York debut. The steps come greater than a week because the credit-reporting company revealed an information breach possibly affecting 143 million individuals in the U.S. Digital innovations are providing our activities, public and also exclusive, into data sets that governments as well as companies can track, control, as well as typically own outright. The idea, it appears, would be for programs to earn added content that would run just on Break as a method to raise involvement. Could get a percentage of sales for items bought from these web links. This material is offered tailored for our worldwide target market. In this age of geographical information systems, the Web, as well as homeland protection, geographical names information are even more crucial and extra difficult. As he scuttled in between the shining funding cities of Europe-- from London as well as Munich to Vienna and also Prague-- Lenin discovered assistance among fellow émigrés as well as revolutionaries in the underground motion. In the large bulk of states, a freeze remains in place up until you ask the debt reporting business to momentarily raise it or eliminate it completely. You can obtain these offers absolutely free by subscribing to our e-newsletters. Organized labor from Erie and Crawford Region have partnered with the United Method for more than 75 years. Join the regular e-newsletter and also never miss out on new tips, tutorials, and much more. Cozy house for a family or group of friendsIn near the lifts Lengthy Glade and work. Rookie defensive take on Nazair Jones is off to a great start in his initial NFL training camp. It remains in Nowy Targ Region, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Malopolska. Après avoir témoigné à charge contre le géant du lait dans un reporting diffusé en octobre dans "Envoyé Spécial" sur France 2, les cinq éleveurs de vaches avaient vu leur contrat de fourniture de lait remis en cause. Federal bucks are set to run out in simply a few months, and lawmakers are clambering for a remedy. The ASME Journal of Confirmation, Recognition and Uncertainty Quantification (JVVUQ) is currently approving documents for magazine later on this year and also in future issues of the journal. Marine Week Detroit began with an opening event at School Martius Park, Sept Choose the ones you intend to include in your faves so you can obtain the news that rate of interests you-- like company, technology, style, sporting activities, and also much more. Nicole Kidman aurait pu devenir Madame Nicole Kravitz. In the close area of Nowy Targ, there are additionally four national parks: Gorce, Pieniny (concerning 30km), Babia Góra and the Tatra (regarding 20km) National Park.
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