#the mummy au
lulalulens · 4 months
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Steddie Mummy AU anyone?? Steddie Mummy AU???
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mayskalih · 6 months
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the mummy but make it shisaku (and his gun)
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chiliger · 1 year
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What if Cody-Wan in “The Mummy” AU?
Part 1
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spacemonolith · 2 years
The Mummy DBH AU
Connor: Look, I... I may not be an explorer, or an adventurer, or a treasure-seeker, or a gunfighter, Mr. Anderson, but I am proud of what I am.
Hank: And what is that?
Connor: I... am a librarian.
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mamabearcatfanfics · 20 days
Cairo Prison - InuKag
Sometimes, I write things just for myself, as a little treat. I might write my other favourite scenes here and there. Who knows, eventually I might have enough to string together a whole plot line. But lookie here @elkonigin and @coquinespike - have a little InuKag scene from The Mummy on me. If I ever find where I've put my laptop pen, there may even be some art to go with this.
Kagome swept across the courtyard, her anger making her simmer even hotter under the midday sun. She wasn’t sure who she was more annoyed at – the squat prison Warden for the obviously lecherous looks he was giving her, or Miroku, for lying about where he got the puzzle box. She shivered a little as they passed the gallows, not wanting to think too much about what usually took place here. When the Warden paused for a moment to speak to one of the guards, she rounded on Miroku, her voice a hissing whisper.
“I can’t believe you Miroku! You said that you found that box at a dig in Thebes! And now I find out you stole it from a drunk at the local Casbah! You told me a barefaced lie!”
Miroku looked a little chastened, but then fought back with a winning smile, hooking his arm into hers as they continued across the courtyard.
“That’s a bit harsh, Kagome dear”, he said, patting her hand affectionately. “We were playing cards, a gentleman’s game. I would have won it fair and square if he hadn’t got himself into an altercation. He left it unattended in his pocket. What was I going to do, leave it behind? He probably didn’t even know what it was.”
“You. Lied. To. Me.” Kagome hissed.
“What’s a little white lie between family members, ey?” He tried a winsome smile, which faltered quickly under Kagome’s withering gaze. “I mean, you’re not the only one I lie to old mum. But at least the lies I tell you are pretty ones.”
“That makes it worse! I’m your sister Miroku! Whatever happened to us against the world, together through thick and thin!”
Miroku looked taken aback, even slightly hurt.
“I’m deeply offended. Didn’t I come straight to you with the box? I could have just sold it, but I knew it was something special. And I knew you would be smart enough to recognise that. We both know you’re the one with the brains in this family Kagome dear.” Glancing nervously around, he tugged on her arm, trying to turn her back towards the way they’d just come. “And anyway, I don’t think this is the best place for a lady, so how about we just pop back to-”
Kagome glared at him furiously as he tried to make a run for the door, wrapping her hand around his bicep tightly so he couldn’t get away.
“Stop trying to get out of this Miroku. You can’t sweet talk your way out of this one. Oh, I am absolutely livid! Not only have we lost the most important part of the map, but we have to come here, to this place. You are going to stay here with me and see this through!”
She shuddered a little self-consciously. There were quite a few leering eyes directed towards her, and not all of them were owned by prisoners safely behind bars. Miroku patted her hand again, obviously trying to soothe her, and Kagome straightened her spine.
They’d been through plenty of scrapes together, her and Miroku. They only had each other since their parents died, social outcasts amongst the English elite due to their mother’s Egyptian heritage. She’d barely got Miroku back in one piece after the war, one of his hands shattered by a bullet directly through his palm. She knew it still hurt him, even though he never complained. He’d always been devil may care, even before he was conscripted, but since his return it was like he invited trouble. She was constantly worried about him. This was a chance to find the legendary Hamunaptra together, and there was no way she was going to back down, even if she was more than a little out of her comfort zone here.
Warden Mukotsu came back, his eyes running over her lasciviously, and Kagome lifted her chin in defiance, staring back at him with spirit. She pulled her elbow away from his grasping stubby fingers as he ushered both her and Miroku over to the rusted iron bars surrounding a holding pen. The locked metal door behind it probably led to somewhere unspeakable.
She took a deep breath to steady her nerves. Wasn’t this what she had always wanted? A chance to show that she was not only a scholar, but able to go toe to toe with all the pompous, overstuffed Egyptologists? A chance to put all her knowledge to good use? She could do this.  
Clearing her throat in an attempt to make her voice as unaffected as she needed it to be, she turned her attention away from the locked metal door to Warden Mukotsu.
“So, what is this man in prison for?” she asked, attempting an imperious tone. She hoped it wasn’t something horrible, like rape or murder.
The warden preened under her gaze, and she turned her eyes forward again, not wanting to encourage him one iota. He was giving her the creeps. Besides, there was some kind of ruckus going on behind the closed door, yelling, swearing, chains rattling. What on earth was going on back there? Miroku was looking more and more like he was going to bolt, and she pinched his arm viciously to keep him beside her, gratified when he yelped like a little girl.
The warden chuckled, his dark eyes squinting in the hot, midday sun.
“I don’t know what you’re expecting lady, but he’s not human.” He spat derisively on the ground, and Kagome grimaced, tucking the toes of her boots safely back under her long skirt. “He’s a dirty half djinn, with the ears of a jackal. His words cannot be trusted. But I did ask him.”
“And what did he say?” Kagome asked, unsure if she actually wanted the answer to that question. What on earth had Miroku gotten them into this time?
The warden leered at her, before leaving momentarily to handle a disturbance on the other side of the courtyard.
“He said, he was just looking for a good time.”
The metal door burst open with a clang. Four guards dragged a prisoner forwards, their arms and legs wrapped in chains. Despite the handicap, he seemed to be fighting them every step of the way.
His shirt and pants were ragged, his grey, hip length hair matted and oily, hanging in clumped tendrils around his face. Both her and Miroku took a step backwards at the absolute stench that surrounded him. One of the guards walloped him on the head with a truncheon, hard enough for them to hear a solid thump as it connected. Kagome winced in sympathy as it smacked one of his canine ears, blood trickling onto his scalp, and he snarled loudly, baring some very obvious fangs. Another guard beat him again, and the other two kicked him in the back of the knees, forcing him to kneel in front Miroku and Kagome. He grasped the bars in front of him as best he could with his shackled wrists, teeth still bared in anger, amber eyes full of rage.
“This is the person you took the box from?!” Kagome squeaked in surprise, shuffling backwards a tiny step. She’d never seen anyone like him before, and the scholar in her was already wanting to know more. Why did he have dogs ears and fangs? He had slitted pupils like a cat – could he see things human eyes couldn’t? Where had he come from? Did he speak English or Arabic? Or some other language she had no knowledge of?
“Shush, not so loud,” muttered Miroku from the corner of his mouth, turning his face away from the prisoner kneeling in front of them.
“Who are you?” the prisoner demanded, looking Miroku up and down, then turning his eyes almost immediately towards Kagome, as if he’d judged Miroku’s worth and found him lacking. “Who’s the wench?”
“Wench!?” Kagome sputtered, mouth opening and closing like a goldfish. The sudden smirk on the prisoners face, and the accompanying glint in his inhuman amber eyes, made her want to slap him. She’d been feeling a little sorry for him after witnessing his treatment at the hands of the guards a moment before, but now she was seething.
“Ah, hello my good man,” smiled Miroku, pushing Kagome a little behind himself. “I’m just a humble local missionary, visiting the prison to save the souls of unfortunates such as yourself…” He faltered a little as he watched the prisoner ignore him, picking at his teeth with the very pointed, and probably very sharp, claw on his little finger. He dragged a reluctant Kagome forward. “And this here is my younger sister, Kagome.”
“How do you do?” said Kagome, attempting a cordial tone, then stiffening as the prisoner looked her up and down.
“Tch. Well, I guess she’s not a total loss.” He turned his head away.
“Excuse me!” said Kagome, tapping her foot at a rapid pace on the dirt, in an attempt to mitigate the burst of anger that was beginning to rise at this man’s attitude. “Excuse me, Mr…”
“Inuyasha. Just Inuyasha.”
Kagome nodded, and tried her best to smile winningly at him. “Inuyasha then.” She made the tone of her voice as warm as possible, speaking slowly and carefully, her expression coy. “You see, my brother and I found a puzzle box that we believe you might be able to help us with.”
“I beg your pardon!?” she exclaimed. Both Miroku and Inuyasha winced at her loud and high pitched tone of indignation.
“I smell bullshit,” Inuyasha repeated gruffly. “We both know you didn’t come here to dirty your pretty little shoes in this hellhole to ask me about some box, lady. You and this stuffed shirt came here to ask me about Hamunaptra, am I right?”
Both Kagome and Miroku’s eyes widened in surprise. They both looked around nervously, hoping the guards hadn’t heard anything, and moved a little closer to the bars.
“How do you know the box has anything to do with Hamunaptra?” asked Kagome, barely able to keep the excitement out of her voice. Now they were getting somewhere!
“Because that’s where I found it.”
Miroku leaned forward, his voice a little suspicious.
“How can we believe anything someone like you would say?”
“Wait, do I know you?”
Miroku gave a nervous chuckle.
“Oh no, I don’t believe- “
Inuyasha’s nose twitched slightly, and then his eyes widened in recognition. He glowered at Miroku.
Before Miroku could even think about taking a step backwards, Inuyasha’s fist shot forwards, catching Miroku on the chin. Even hampered as Inuyasha was by the chains, as soon as the blow connected, Miroku was laid out cold. One of the guards whacked his already bleeding ear again, hard, forcing his forehead to bounce off the metal bars in front of him.
“Hey, watch it, fucker!”
Kagome looked down at Miroku, laying prone at her feet, then delicately raised her skirt a little as she stepped over him to get closer to the bars, her eyes full of excitement.
“You were actually at Hamunaptra?” she asked, her voice full of wonder. Inuyasha stared at her in amazement.
“Don’t you care that I just decked your brother?”
She waved a placating hand at him.
“Oh, he’s had worse, I’m sure he’ll be fine in a moment. But Hamunaptra! You were actually there?!”
She watched as Inuyasha’s amazement changed into a lazy grin.
“Yeah wench, I was there.”
She was so excited that she hardly noticed what he called her.
“You were there? Oh my goodness, I can’t believe it!” Her eyes narrowed a little in suspicion, and she moved even closer. “Do you swear?”
The lazy grin grew wider, a pointed fang lowering over his cracked lower lip.
“Every damn day.”
Kagome scoffed.
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”
The grin was still there, then it dropped away from his face.
“I know what you meant. But I was there alright. Seti's place. The City of The Dead.”
Kagome could hardly contain her excitement.
“What did you see there?”
“A lot of sand.” He almost shuddered. “And a lot of death.”
But Kagome would not be put off now. Not when she was so close. She could see the warden coming back, and she just had to get this information. She leaned closer to him, taking off her hat to guard their conversation.
“Inuyasha,” she whispered, her tone determined. “Could you tell me how to get there?”
He looked at her, and blinked slowly, his expression nonplussed.
“The exact location,” she wheedled, eyes shining with excitement, “pretty please?”
“You really wanna know?” he asked.
“You really, really wanna know?”
“Yes, yes, more than anything!” she said, almost bursting with nervous excitement.
He beckoned her closer, gesturing with one pointed finger.
“C’mere then.”
She was now almost nose to nose with him, ears straining, eyes wide, ready to commit anything he might say to memory so she could write it down as soon as a pen and paper were handy. If only she’d bought one of her notebooks with her! But before she knew it, one of Inuyasha’s hands shot out, not to punch her as he had Miroku, but grab her chin firmly. And then his chapped lips were planted firmly against hers.
Before she had a chance to register anything more than shocked astonishment at receiving her very first kiss in such a manner, the lips were dragged away.
“You wanna know so bad? Then get me the fuck outta here lady!”
She watched as all four guards rained blows down on his head, dragging him backwards. She heard the warden laughing maliciously behind her.
“Wait, wait, I’m not done talking to him yet! Where are they taking him?”
“To be hanged.”
“Why?” Kagome gasped, her shock at this sudden turn of events evident. She grimaced at the wide grin Warden Mukotsu gave her.
“Apparently, he had a very good time.”
Kagome hurried after Mukotsu, almost tripping over Miroku as she strove to keep with the warden.
They climbed a set of stairs to a balcony overlooking the whole courtyard, Mukotsu sitting down to watch the show, while Kagome hovered anxiously, fingers tapping nervously on the balcony railing. She watched as Inuyasha was dragged up the stairs to the gallows. Other prisoners hollered and jeered as the noose was roughly forced over his head, then cinched tightly around his throat. He made direct eye contact with her, his expression stoic. What could she do? Suddenly she had a brain wave, turning to address the warden.
“What if I offered you one hundred pounds to secure his release?”
The warden shrugged, noisily snacking on a plate of dates on a small table at his side. Juice and spittle ran down his chin as he answered.
“I would pay one hundred to see him hang,” he replied, his eyes fixed on the gallows below.
“Two hundred pounds, then,” she bargained, eyes darting back and forth between Inuyasha and the warden, who ignored her totally. He stood for a moment, bellowing down to the guards below.
“Three hundred pounds!” Kagome said desperately. She could tell Inuyasha could hear their conversation even over the dreadful noise of the screaming prisoners, his ears twitched in their direction. She looked back towards him and saw him nod at her, as if to say, keep it going. The yelling suddenly grew quiet as the hangman addressed Inuyasha.
“Any last requests, dog?” he sneered, spitting on the trapdoor near Inuyasha’s feet.
Inuyasha pretended to look thoughtful for a moment, then spat his reply.
“Yeah, I'd like ya to let me go.”
The Hangman grabbed the lever to the trapdoor with a leering grin.
“FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS!” yelled Kagome, sitting down on the seat next to the Warden, her eyes pleading, then recoiled as he set his greasy, lecherous hand high on her thigh, fingers grabbing hard enough to bruise.
“Anything additional to offer?”
Before she could think, Kagome slapped his hand in revulsion, then gasped as Warden Mukotsu angrily turned and gestured to the Hangman. The trapdoor dropped away with loud bang.
“Oh no!”
She watched, horrified as Inuyasha dropped through the hole, his body jerking as the rope pulled taut. She wanted to look away, but couldn’t. His legs kicked wildly, then stopped, and for a moment, she thought all was lost. The rope spun him lazily around to face her again, and she realised he was still alive.
“Ha! His neck did not break! Good! Now we watch him strangle to death,” jeered the Mukotsu, stuffing another date into his mouth.
Angry chanting began amongst the prisoners, and the guards shouldered their guns nervously. Kagome could see Miroku climbing the steps, staggering a little, but she didn’t have time to help him right now. Not when a man’s life and finding Hamunaptra was at stake. She leaned towards the Warden.
“He knows the location to Hamunaptra”, she whispered urgently.
Warden Mukotsu’s head jerked toward her, his expression incredulous.
“You lie.”
“I would never!”
She glanced back towards the gallows. At the end of the rope, Inuyasha was making horrible choking and gagging sounds, his face a grotesquely mottled shade of red. She had to hurry!
The Warden eyed her suspiciously, wiping date juice off the corner of his mouth with a dirty sleeve.
“Are you saying this filthy godless son of a dog knows where to find The City of The Dead? Truly?”
“Yes, and if you cut him down, we will give you ten percent,” she said quickly, hoping that this would work. Inuyasha didn’t look like he had much time left.
“Fifty percent.”
She hesitated a moment, glancing back to Inuyasha, and watched his eyes widen at her incredulously at her bargaining. She quickly turned her eyes back to the Warden.
Kagome hesitated again, biting her lip. Inuyasha’s eyes were looking up at her, almost bulging out of his head, like he couldn’t believe her.
“Give .... give him .... give him,” he coughed.
Under pressure, Kagome shrieked, “Twenty-five percent, and not one single farthing more!”
The Warden leered at her, then yelled down to the hangman. The sunlight bounced off the scimitar in his hands as he swung, cutting the rope, sending Inuyasha plummeting to the ground. His bound hands scrabbled in the dirt as he fought to get himself onto his knees, coughing and wheezing, taking deep breaths. His bloodshot eyes looked up towards the balcony.
Miroku finally made it up the stairs, leaning against the railing with a groan.
“So, how’d we do old mum? Did we win?” he asked, looking with some distaste at the leering grin of the Warden, then down into the courtyard at Inuyasha, who was still on his knees.
Kagome smiled broadly, and waved down at Inuyasha, who glowered at her.
“Yes Miroku, I do believe this visit was a success,” she said, excitement bubbling up. They were going to Hamunaptra!
“Jolly good show,” replied Miroku, gently fingering the darkening bruise on his chin.  
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dreamlandcreations · 1 year
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The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor-ish AU
"Mummy"!Darkling x reincarnated Shu princess!Reader
The Ravkan General was an outsider in the Shu court but as the princesses manifested their powers, the late Emperor made a plan to use the Grisha to conquer the world.
Unfortunately, he couldn't live long enough to see his plan through but as his heir, you took over his work with your eternal lover by your side. Your Emperor.
Alina, your sister, detested what she was and loathed all Grisha, so she conspired against you to stop you and the Darkling.
Aleksander was looking for true immortality, only Alina didn't know it was for you. She accidentally killed you and then cursed the Darkling and his Grisha, capturing them in clay for all eternity.
Your sister thought she had done the world a favour and took her punishment of eternal life alone in solitude. She wasn't expecting anyone to be able to "resurrect" the Darkling and his followers.
As you were growing up, memories started to return from your previous life from centuries ago. By your early twenties, you remembered everything and started to look for your long-lost lover while the news of a woman who knew things no living being should know reached the ears of the recluse immortals who would join or stand against your followers in this new war.
• moodboards masterlist •
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lexa-griffins · 1 month
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Some food for thought if Lexa is gonna be Evie
I mean, do I even need to say anything else other than this gif right here^ to prove my point for Evelyn!Lexa? 😌
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tippenfunkaport · 2 months
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"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you."
"The only thing that scares me, Ms. O'Connell, are your manners.”
With the SPOP Flex Monster Mash event going on, I realized I could do some screenshot redraws of Glimmer and Bow as Rick and Evie from my SPOP AU of The Mummy. (Eventually I will also do Catradora when I figure out Catra's outfit.)
Then I wanted to draw the meet cute where O'Connell is feral and about be executed in the prison but I'm not sure about how it came out so I am putting it under the jump with a quick little rewrite of the scene.
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"You really wanna know?"
She beckoned him closer then grabbed his face and pulled him in for a harsh kiss. "Then get me the hell out of here!"
(I wrote this scene here if you want the rest)
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florallylly · 3 months
at the request of absolutely nobody, i present my vaguely fleshed out steddie mummy au 
sources: i still own the mummy on vhs 
there’s a possibility that the whole story of hamunaptra could be tweaked a bit to fit the story of henry creel/vecna/one into imhotep’s story, but the actual nitty gritty doesn’t matter as much as the actual dynamics and relationships between stobin and eddie. the important part is that a man is cursed to be buried alive, immortal but destined to awaken only to take vengeance. 
fast forward and eddie munson ends up drafted into the military. (rick is apart of the french foreign legion stationed in egypt, and i’m not entirely sure how he manages it but eddie munson is apparently a colonel). things happen and eddie finds himself running away from the battlefield, only to stumble upon the ruins of hamunaptra. except they aren’t really ruins and hamunaptra is a myth. so he runs, but when he gets back to the city, alone and half dead, eddie finds that in his rush to leave, he’s grabbed some sort of puzzle box. 
at the same time, one robin buckley has dedicated her life to learning more about ancient egypt. her passion for languages led her down a rabbit hole, and she drags her brother steve to egypt with her for further study. 
robin is set up with a job at a small museum, working as an archivist. unfortunately, it’s a lot more tedious than she anticipated. it would be a lot better if she could work with steve, but forgetting his glasses at home nearly everyday isn’t super helpful when it comes to trying to sort books. 
so what is steve doing in egypt, you may ask? evie’s brother jonathan in the movie literally schlepped around egypt fucking around with his sister and figuring out his next get rich scheme. steve isn’t really the type to open up his own nightclub in shanghai (a la the mummy: tomb of the dragon emperor), but just like jonathan, steve happens to stumble across a cryptex containing a map of the lost city of hamunaptra. 
as an aside: i see steve doing the same minimum wage jobs he did in hawkins, just in egypt. i think it would be funny and makes so much more sense to me than him kind of skulking around for news of possible treasure. (bonus: the party in egypt, and dustin coming up to steve with a “brand new discovery” and it’s eddie’s puzzle box that he’s swiped. (THOUGH NOTE: evie and jonathan’s family is Rich. Rich Loaded. Rich Loaded British. So honestly, he doesn’t even have to work)
either way, when robin opens the cryptex and finds the map, she’s astonished. this is what she’s dreamed of her whole life—being an explorer and discovering lost civilizations. so she gets steve to find out where the puzzle box came from. his search leads them to the prison, where eddie munson is destined for execution. 
the two of them talk to eddie, and eddie tells robin he’s seen hamunaptra in person. he’s been there. he’s walked the same sand that pharaohs had and seen the ruins that no other have laid their hands on. but eddie refuses to tell them the location, but steve convinces (bribes) the warden to let him go. 
so the three of them set off to the city of the dead. 
the details of the trip would make this post way too long, but i’m thinking about dynamics rn… 
eddie is a little standoffish at first, sure that these rich kids won’t be able to handle themselves, and he’ll be stuck carting around two spoiled brats. and robin and steve don’t necessarily trust him. robin is wide eyed and blinded by eddie’s knowledge of hamunaptra, but steve keeps trying to keep her in check. 
at first, eddie thinks steve is cold to him because of some upstairs/downstairs prejudice or big brother protectiveness. and eddie flirts even harder with robin, delighted every time he sees a scowl on steve’s face. even if robin keeps rolling her eyes and ignoring him, he isn’t looking at her anyways. he’s too busy searching steve’s eyes for some spark of disapproval. he doesn’t see that though. he sees worry and concern and fear. and that’s when eddie starts warming up to them. 
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queerastronautbr · 1 year
The Mummy (1999) Au
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hood-ex · 11 months
Watched The Mummy for the first time yesterday and The Mummy Returns tonight. Now I can't stop imagining young Dick as Alex, Bruce as Rick, and Talia as Evelyn because I think it would be funny if Dick was exasperated about the fact that he had to use the Book of the Dead to bring Talia back to life.
"Do I really want to bring her back?" Dick muses while scanning the hieroglyphics in the book. "I know Bruce loves her and all but is that a good enough of a reason?" He glances at the crimson stains surrounding Talia's stab wound. The wound she wouldn't have gotten if she hadn't come all this way to help Bruce save Dick's life. The realization makes a shiver roll down Dick's spine and a feeling of resolve settle in his heart. "Come on, Grayson, it's the right thing to do."
Dick puts all of his focus into pronouncing the spell correctly. He starts off slow at first, but as his confidence swells, he finishes the rest of it quickly.
One second Talia is rigid as a board, and in the next, her limbs are loose and wild as she propels herself upright with a gasp. Dick backs away from her to give her some space. The movement draws Talia's gaze to him.
"Where's my beloved?" she asks.
Dick immediately rolls his eyes but still offers his hand to her. "Gee, you'd think the guy who saved your life would at least get a "thank you" or something."
Talia grips his hand and pulls herself to her feet. "The art of revival isn't new to me. You do remember when you watched my father put me in the pit don't you?"
"I don't see what that has to do with you not being able to say "thank you" but whatever," Dick says. "We've got more important things to worry about like helping Bruce."
Talia nods. "Let's go."
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onesingularartbean · 1 year
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Rebelcaptain + The Mummy
Let me know which AU/mashup you’d like to see for March 😘
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nilesdaughter · 7 months
Invisible to the Eye, Found by the Heart
Fandom: Critical Role Characters: Percy De Rolo, Vex'ahlia Pairing: Perc'ahlia Word Count: 1,165 Note: Gods, this AU is finally out of my head and out in the open. I admittedly don't have enough figured out to tackle a multific quite yet, but it seemed appropriate for today's prompt(s) for @percahliaweek!
[Also found on AO3.]
"You don't talk much, do you?"
Percival looked up from his book, blinking once. Twice.
"Pardon?" he finally asked when he pushed past his surprise.
Vex'ahlia's lips—soft, he recalled, though the memory was admittedly unbidden—curled up into a smile, amusement glittering in her dark eyes as she crossed her arms. "You heard me, darling."
"A-are you always this, ah… familiar with individuals you've only just met?" he asked rather than answer her question.
"I'd argue that we haven't just met," she countered, finally pulling out the chair opposite him. She turned it so the back was facing towards the table, straddled the seat, and propped her arms up on its back. She seemed to study him for a few moments before he noticed her amusement giving way to worry, her brow furrowing slightly. She then let out a little sigh and held her hands up in a placating gesture.
"I can keep this professional if you'd prefer, Mr. De Rolo. You are, after all, the one funding this expedition."
"I… appreciate that," he said slowly. "But I also did not mean to offend you by seeming so…"
"Distant?" she supplied.
Percy laughed once and he was startled that she had pulled such a sound out of him. "Yes, I suppose that is an apt description."
She smiled faintly, though he noted that the gesture didn't quite meet her eyes. Before he could linger on it, she continued in a teasing tone, "I suppose you do need to keep up that mysterious air of yours."
He did the same one-two blink of surprise and asked, "Mysterious?"
Vex tilted her head, something bordering on incredulity in her features. "This little group of mine has certainly had its fair share of expeditions and treasure hunts, Mr. De Rolo, but you are the first to have reached out to us, rather than the other way around.”
“Ah,” he said simply.
Her features softened once more into a smile and then she leaned forward, now hugging the back of the chair she was sitting in. “So, what exactly is it that you’re hoping to find out in the Shattered Teeth, darling? There are very few people who even dare to venture into that region.”
“You’re daring to do so,” he pointed out, evading her questioning once more.
“Yes, well… You’ll find that our little band has a penchant for running towards danger. My brother, in particular.” She let out a faint laugh before she continued. “I suspect that we might be one of the only mercenary companies that would have accepted your job, what with the rumors of moving islands and spirits and all that nonsense.”
“I take it you are not one for superstitions, Miss Vex’ahlia?”
“Not particularly,” she replied with a shake of her head. “And you’ve yet to answer my question, Mr. De Rolo. What is the purpose of this expedition? What do you hope to find?”
“...An artifact.”
She tilted her head slightly, a small quirk of her brow substituting her words as she silently asked him to elaborate.
Percy let out a soft sigh and, after being sure to mark his place on the page, closed his book and set it neatly in his lap. “I assume you know of the Age of Arcanum?”
“I’d be surprised if I didn’t, darling.”
“Yes, well, I have found that there are some individuals to whom it is not an interest, and they know little more than the very basic story that it was a technologically advanced era that then ended because of the hubris of humanity.”
She nodded and, to his surprise, she seemed genuinely interested in what he had to say, without any semblance of impatience or weariness in her expression.
“...Scholars believe that the Shattered Teeth are the remains of the first city that fell at the beginning of the Calamity,” he started, encouraged by her silent fascination, “Avalir, the City of Crowns. As it was one of the few floating cities that consistently interacted with the known world at the time, it often seems to be the one we know the most about. Yet, at the same time, we know next to nothing about it. I suspect that is due to the location of its ruins, to be honest with you, but I also suspect—as do many others that study the floating cities—that with the loss of Avalir specifically, we lost an incredible library of knowledge from that time period. However, there is also a common theory amongst academic circles that those records were actually preserved in an arcane artifact. The Por’co Sphere. I’m hopeful that we’ll be able to find it in the Teeth.”
“And you’re truly only interested in the promise of knowledge? The fact that the Sphere is supposedly made of pure gold is none of your concern?”
Percy paused, again blinking twice, before he felt warmth spread across his cheeks. “You know your history,” he said with a faint laugh, hoping to hide his embarrassment about lecturing someone who already knew the lore.
“I know my treasure,” she corrected with an amused smile and an odd fondness creeping into her tone.
“Fair enough,” he said with a slight nod before he looked away in an attempt to save himself from further embarrassment.
“If nothing else, that explains what you needed us for,” Vex said. “A lot of people are interested in the Sphere, scholar or otherwise.”
“Oh, yes,” he agreed, grateful that the conversation had shifted. “I am not helpless by any means, but I believe I stand a better chance of dealing with what may or may not impede my progress if I have a team with me.”
“We’ll be sure to protect you, darling,” she assured him before she winked.
The same damnable wink that stole his breath on the day they’d been introduced to each other.
He cleared his throat and, gripping his book tightly, he stood up. “I… I do appreciate that, Miss Vex’ahlia. Your confidence is certainly a comfort. But if you’ll excuse me, I believe now would be a good time to retire for the evening.” He gave her a bit of a stiff nod and stepped past her towards the staterooms.
“‘Vex,’ darling,” she called over her shoulder.
He paused and turned to look back in her direction with a questioning look.
“You can just call me ‘Vex.’ If you’d like.”
“I… I will keep that in mind.” A beat. “And… you may simply call me ‘Percy.’” Another beat before he echoed, “If you’d like.”
“Of course, darling. I hope you rest well tonight.”
He nodded and continued along his way. At the end of the promenade, he paused once more and glanced back in Vex’s direction, watching as she stood and righted the chair she’d been occupying. He couldn’t help but smile, knowing that he would be treasuring her kindness and her willingness to listen to his ramblings. How lucky he was, then, to have hired Vox Machina.
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chiliger · 1 year
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Cody-Wan in the “The Mummy”
Part 2
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More fanfics by me! This time only Doctor Who edition.
This life's too good to last (12th Doctor and 13th Doctor talk)
Time is tearing itself apart and the Doctor finds out it's because her past self is trying to hold on to the time he has with his wife.
You had me at "archeology" (The Mummy AU)
"I need an archeologist.”
“I know where you can find one.”
“Yes, just go into town and ask for the Master. If he’s so inclined he’ll hook you up with an amazing archaeologist. But hurry up or you might end up without one.”
“Why is that?” Yaz asked, placing the money on the table as they all got up from their seats. “Another crew might hire her?”
“No.” Jack says with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “She might be executed.”
Coitus Interruptus (Rated E)
The Fam accidently walks in on the Doctor having sex.
Loud and Proud
The Doctor, Ryan, Graham and Yaz ends up in the middle of the San Francisco Pride Parade.
Please keep me sane!
The Doctor is afraid of turning into the "oncoming storm".
The TARDIS brings back the only person who can keep her in check.
Honestly, River just wants to get laid!
River keeps getting cockblocked and honestly she just wants to make love to her wife, is that too much to ask?
Of Potions and Spells (Hogwarts AU series) Fuck JK Rowling btw
Everybody on Hogwarts has a crush on the Slytherin Headmistress, River Song and the equally amazing Hufflepuff Headmistress, the Doctor.
Since they know they don't have a chance, they decide to bring them together by a series of elaborate plans.
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taikoturtle · 2 years
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Bering and Wells Appreciation Week 2022 - Day 4: AU The Mummy ft. Bering and Wells
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